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SAT写作例子之Harriet Tubman

SAT写作例子之Harriet Tubman
SAT写作例子之Harriet Tubman

SAT写作例子之Harriet Tubman

下面为大家整理的是关于Harriet Tubman的SAT写作例子,文中介绍的人哈里特·塔布曼不仅解放了自己还在解放剩下的百万奴隶中起到了关键性的作用。大家多了解一些文学知识是对SAT写作很有帮助的。

Harriet Tubman

Harriet Tubman's life was a monument to courage and determination that continues to stand out in American history. Born into slavery in Maryland, Harriet Tubman freed herself, and played a major role in freeing the remaining millions.

Harriet Ross was born into slavery in 1819 or 1820, in Dorchester County, Maryland. Given the names of her two parents, both held in slavery, she was of purely African ancestry.

She was raised under harsh conditions, and subjected to whippings even as a small child.

At the age of 12 she was seriously injured by a blow to the head, inflicted by a white overseer for refusing to assist in tying up a man who had attempted escape.

At the age of 25, she married John Tubman, a free African American.

Five years later, fearing she would be sold south, she made her escape.

One of her tags was that “my people must be free.” This extraordinary determination was rare in most of the radical effort.

She went back to south at least 19 times and freed her family and other slaves.

With her inherent wisdom and courage, she managed to escape from the huntsmen for money and gradually her money reward had risen to forty thousand dollars. She never lost one refugee or allowed one to turn back.

She relied on two things to live on: her gun and belief in God. Gentle slaves seemed to find courage from her. Nobody ever betrayed her and she confirmed her belief in God.

She always said “I always tell God that I will keep the belief in you and you should bless me to live through this.”










以上就是关于SAT写作例子中Harriet Tubman的相关介绍,大家在遇到成功类、选择类、了解自身类等话题的时候,可以适当的更加详细的了解详细内容并选择合适的角度切入使用。


托福新手备考攻略 内部学员冬冬整理,教师Chloe指导 像我这种学习不走心,却面临考托福的懒人来说,在准备考试之前,能有个严谨的备考攻略,那真是再好不过了!鉴于我自己的经历,在考前接受了大家众多的帮助,除了感谢大家的慷慨分享之外,我决定将这一优良传统延续下去。所以这一篇既是整合大家经验也是结合个人经验的攻略,希望它能惠及更多的和我一样的“烤鸭们”。BTW ,还要感谢“西雅图教育”在我备考一路走来为我提供的支持和鼓励。 这篇攻略以我自己备考的准备顺序分了三阶段,每一阶段都有侧重点,由易入难。第一阶段主要是背单词,研究OG,听力、作文入门;第二阶段主攻阅读和听力,兼顾作文和口语(入门),加强单词复习;第三阶段主攻口语和写作,兼顾复习阅读。最后是模考“受虐”阶段收尾。其中单词词汇的背诵是贯穿始终的,至死方休...各阶段具体安排参考如下: 第一阶段:背单词 准备材料:词汇书、OG 、longman综合教程、 词汇书: 前期“小红宝书”打底(45天突破版,词根+联想,涵盖8000单词) 后期“词以类记”巩固(适于有词汇基础的“烤鸭”,利于脑中浆糊分区巩固) 安排时间:3--4周,平均每天4小时 具体安排: 备考初期,词汇量要足够,循环背诵。词汇就是硬道理。缺乏词汇量有三大危害:第一,阅读考试中的词汇题会大量丢分。第二,听力无法有效记笔记,不但影响


对于fresh“烤鸭”来说,每天词汇量控制在2个list(200个左右)是比较合适的。最重要的还是不断重复复习学过的单词,杨鹏的循环记忆法比较值得借鉴。每天闲暇、坐车途中推荐“百词斩”软件,一遍一遍不厌其烦的给你重复不会的单词,直到你忍无可忍将它拖出去斩了。在单词积累过程中,复习比初背更重要。即使某天没有时间背多少新单词,也要确保复习任务的时间,尤其是在单词的第二、三次刺激加固复习的重要阶段。一般来说,初背200个单词每天就要花大致2小时。复习时间上,复习新背过不久的单词每个list(100个左右)大致花费20-30分钟不等。复习已经看过3、4遍的 list,大致花费5-10分钟不等。所以单词上每天花费的时间其实并不少,是这一阶段需投入最多精力的部分。 其次就是OG(OFFICAL GUIDE): OG就是ETS考试中心官方给出的应试指南,和托福实战考试的难度非常接近。OG是非常标准的向你介绍TOEFL的题型.所以OG 应该是大家在考试复习时候的必备的材料。开始主要是看OG上解释说明的部分,尤其是对于各个单项的介绍。通过看OG了解TOEFL考试的概况。利用里面ETS 提供的较为丰富的作文样本、口语录音样本,配合主观题的评分标准,自己研究具体评分细则,从样本里找出扣分的原因。这种分析能对主观题的解答能奠定良好的基础。 首先在做题的时候,把所有做着别扭、不能确定的题都画上记号,之后重点分析错题和这些画上记号的题,回忆做的时候自己的思路,再仔细理解正确答案中体现出来的思路。基本上,除了单词题没有太多诀窍可言外(单词题必须要靠基本功做),其他内容大多可以感悟到ETS的出题思路。OG里很重要的一点是有官方的题目类型分析,而一般来讲我们错的题都会集中落在其中的某几类上(例如代词指代、句子作用、归纳总结题等),这个时候仔细揣摩正确答案的思路就很重要。 再次是初级听力、写作范文“冰冻三尺,非一日之寒”,说的就是听力和写作能力方面的提升。初级阶段就听比较简单的材料,“TED公开课”是我比较推荐的APP,全球名校课堂或名人限时18分钟演讲,涉及各个领域,对自己不管是知识还是听力的提升都是非常有效的。教材可以选择


SAT考试真题-新老SAT写作对比写作单项发生巨变 4月16日新SAT官方样题发布,新东方上海学校VIP学习中心的老师们在第一时间窥视其具体改革的真实面貌,准确把握住了备考的方向。新东方VIP学习中心建议广大考生及家长不要过分担忧新SAT,踩准改革方向和考察重点是顺利应对新SAT的关键。 写作一直是许多考生在考试中的障碍,新SAT的改革在写作单项上也有一些变化,新东方VIP学习中心的老师对比了新老SAT考试的写作部分,总结出写作改革的重点,希望对广大考生带了帮助。 SAT Essay 还有一年半的时间我们就要迎接来新的SAT考试了,那么我们先来看一下新的SA T会有些什么改变: ·最早的一次新SAT考试会出现在2016年的春天 ·新的SAT考试会以2种形式出现:纸质版考试和电脑版考试(电脑版考试的考 点会根据的地区来确定) ·考试内容: (1) 询证式阅读和语法 (2) 数学 (3)作文 ·考试长度: (1)3个小时+50分钟的作文 (2) 具体时长会根据进一步的实验再做决定 ·考试分数:1600 (1) 询证式阅读+语法:800分 (2)数学:800分 (3) 作文:单独出分数(可选,但是大部分学校会要求作文分数) SAT写作改革重点: 重新改革的SAT将会更加贴近美国高中教育同时配合美国大学人才的需求。新的SAT作文考试会更加侧重学生能不能够完全适应美国大学里面的学术写作要求,日常的作业,和论文的完成等。所以,新的SAT作文考试要求学生首先具备一些基本的英语写作素养,比如说,遣词造句的能力,表达的能力,构建文章的能力。除此之外,新的考试会更关注于学生整体的读与写的能力,包括逻辑思维能力,辩证性思维能力,独立思考能力,论证能力,辩述能力,分析文章能力等。


教你如何去写SAT作文 在SAT写作考试中,考生想要写出一篇完美的文章是很不容易的,那我们应该在备考时怎样去屑SAT作文呢?下面三立小编为你带来教你如何去写SAT 作文,让你学到技巧,减少分数的丢失,希望对你有所帮助,更多资讯请访问三立在线教育,专业老师为你在线解答相关疑问。 DIRECTIONS The essay gives you an opportunity to show how effectively you can read and comprehend a passage and write an essay analyzing the passage. In your essay, you should demonstrate that you have read the passage carefully, present a clear and logical analysis, and use language precisely. 第一段提出了明确要求: 1. read the passage carefully 认真阅读文章; 2. present a clear and logical analysis 分析清楚有逻辑性; 3. use language precisely 言简意赅。 第一段也说明了写作立场:you …read…a passage and write an essay analyzing the passage。对别人的文章进行阅读分析,而不是表达自己的情感或者观点。 Your essay must be written on the lines provided in your answer booklet; except for the Planning Page of the answer booklet, you will receive no other paper on which to write. You will have enough space if you write on every line, avoid wide margins, and keep your handwriting


2008年10月SAT写作真题及要点解答 95.Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and assignment below:(2008.10) We are frequently told that compromise is the best way for people to work out their differences.When people compromise,with each side losing a little in order to reach a satisfactory agreement,both sides can continue to live in harmony.However,compromise can work only when the issues at stake are not that https://www.doczj.com/doc/c39271744.html,promise does not work when there is a genuine difference of opinion about strongly held principles or ideas. Assignment:Is compromise always the best way to resolve a conflict? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue.Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading,studies,experience,or observation. 96.Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and assignment below:(2008.10) People usually assume that the quality of a decision is directly related to the time and effort that went into making it.We believe that we are always better off gathering as much information as possible and then spending as much time as possible analyzing that information.But there are times when making a quick judgment is the best thing to do.Decisions made quickly can be as good as decisions made slowly and


SAT写作经典例子:Chris Gardner 下面为大家整理的是关于SAT写作经典例子:Chris Gardner,主要介绍了一位一直想要成为一名股票经纪人的父亲的故事,其实就是电影《幸福来敲门》的原型。大家在备考成功,选择之类的SAT写作题目的时候,可以选择恰当的切入点进行描述。 Chris Gardner Chris Gardner has become famous for his miraculous life journey from a vagrant to a reputed Wall Street stockbroker within dozens of years. Born in a poor fatherless family in 1950s, he tried multiple ways to strive for a living by himself. He ever wandered along streets with his toddler son, and got put into jail, but he never quit his dream of being a stockbroker. One of his words goes like this: “In the darkest moments of your life, the one who can help you is only yourself.” With an awareness of the significance of tenacity and diligence, Gardner finally got a chance to be trained in a brokerage in spite that he did not


OG6 Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below The old saying, “be careful what you wish for”, may be an appropriate warning. The drive to achieve a particular goal can dangerously narrow one’s perspective and encourage the fantasy that success in one endeavor will solve all of life’s difficulties. In fact, success can sometimes have unexpected consequences. Those who propel themselves toward the achievement of one goal often find that their lives are worse once “success” is achieved than they were before. Assignment: Can success be disastrous? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations. 题目翻译: 那句古老的谚语“当心你所期盼的东西”不失为一句恰当的警示。实现特定目标的动机能够危险地使一个人的观念变得狭隘,并且助长这样一种幻想:一次努力后的成功能够解决生活中的所有问题。事实上,成功有时候会带来无法预料的后果。那些为着实现某一目标而奋斗的人常常发现,“成功”实现后他们的生活变得比过去更糟了。 命题:成功可以是灾难性的吗? The power of success can be disastrous when placed in the wrong hands. Naturally, there are those who will always choose to manipulate conditions to succeed in their own endeavors, not taking into consideration the lives of those around them. On the other hand, there may be those who do

新 SAT 写作题型解读

新SAT写作题型解读 本文以College Board给出的官方练习题“Let There Be Dark”为例,深入了解新SAT写作(Essay)题型的写作要求以及应对方法。让同学们学会解读题干,了解写作评分标准。 接下来是新SAT写作题型解读,以“Let There Be Dark”(原文链接)官方练习题为例,给大家梳理写作需要大家注意的要点。 一.考试性质 虽然新SAT写作的官方定位为「任选」(optional)项,但事实上,这只是针对拥有选择权的大学来说。对于考生本身,就算目前所申请的学校不需要提供新SAT作文成绩,也不能保证之后申请的学校也不需要,所以早点通过可以有备无患,不必额外花钱重新参加一次考试,避免耗时耗力。事实上美国排名靠前的大学(如普林斯顿、耶鲁)都明确提出要求考生提供新SAT写作成绩,这说明新SAT写作虽然名义上是「选考」,但对于那些想进名校的考生来说,实际上是「必考」。退一步讲,而且就算考生申请的学校不要求提供新SAT写作成绩,如果附上,也算作加分项。如此锦上添花的事,何乐而不为呢? 新SAT写作共50分钟,在这段时间里,考生需要阅读一篇文章,并据此写出一篇逻辑严谨、结构清晰的分析性文章。需要注意的是,考生本身不能对文章观点做出评判,只需要立足原文客观分析其论证过程即可,这是新SAT写作和老SAT写作最大的不同之处。 二.题干解读 新SAT写作题目包括两个引导和一篇文章。需要注意的是,两个引导部分的大部分内容是固定的。引导1点明新SAT写作的三个层面,即考生需要从「论据」(evidence)、「逻辑」(reasoning)和「修辞」(stylistic or persuasive elements)三方面展开分析。「论据」是作者用来证明观点成立的依据,包括事实、数据、实验结果、个人经历等;「逻辑」是作者的论证思路,即借助论据证明观点成立的过程。「修辞」侧重作者的语言表达和情感激发对读者的说服作用。引导2一方面会给出作者的结论,提示考生选用文中最有代表性的论证手法进行分析,不必面面俱到;另一方面会提示考生,写作应该立足于分析原作者的论证过程,而不能表露自己个人对原文观点的认同或者反对。 阅读文章是一篇议论文,字数在650到750之间,来源多为已出版发行的报刊杂志,如The Economist,New York Times,Washington Post等。文章题材多元,涵盖文学、艺术、科学、政治、社会等各个层面,但专业性不强,考生即使没有专业背景也可以读懂。


SA T考试写作步骤详解 SA T写作考试对中国考生来说是比较有难度的,大家在备考的时候,掌握一定顺序的SA T 写作步骤是十分有好处的。为了让大家更好的理解SA T写作步骤,下面分成了4个部分,进行了详细的介绍,下面教你SA T写作步骤,希望大家都可以掌握。 想要掌握适合自己的SA T写作步骤,考生需要明白在自己的SA T写作中大致要做的工作有哪些: 首先,大家需要在开篇亮出自己的观点。 其次,要清楚且富有逻辑地论证自己的观点。 最后,在写完后一定要留出时间检查自己的文章,尽可能避免犯一些小的拼写或语法错误。 SA T写作步骤:头脑风暴,列提纲,写作和检查。 这四步看起来非常的普通,和我们平时的写作很像。但是,SA T写作有自己的要求和考试的特点,而且时间非常紧张,需要大家经过一定时间的练习才能达到。 下面具体来解释一下这几个SA T写作步骤: 一、头脑风暴 首先看到SA T写作的题目,根据Prompt和assignment来确定自己的写作观点,然后再寻找相关的例子来支持自己的观点。这里一定要确保自己所选择的立场能够有至少两个例子来支撑。 二、列提纲 一旦确定了自己的SA T写作观点,接下来要做的是就是迅速列出行文的提纲。用两至三个例子来支持自己的观点。要确保所有的例子都能很切题地论证自己的观点。接下来,需要给自己的例子排序,以使他们能够更好地支持自己的观点。 三、写作 在SA T写作步骤中,正式的写作过程一定要仔细地跟随自己的提纲,但是在例子的选择上可以具有一定的弹性。因为大家在写作的过程中可能会突然想到一个新的例子。如果你觉得这个例子比之前想到的例子要好,那就迅速取代它。 什么样的例子才算是好例子呢? 好的例子首先要切题,也就是能够充分地论证自己的观点,而不是为了写例子而写例子。例子最好是关于时事、文学、历史的。当然很多关于个人经验的例子也可以论证自己的观点,但是全都是关于自己的例子不具有权威性,也很难让阅卷官喜欢。 四、检查 如果可以,在最后一定要留出3分钟左右的时间从头到尾检查一下自己的文章,确保自己没有任何拼写上的错误,尽可能减少语法上的错误。 以上就是关于SA T写作步骤的全部内容,通过上面所介绍的SA T写作步骤,大家可以在备考的时候,进行适当的练习,在练习的过程中,一定要对时间问题进行更加严格的把握,以免在考试的时候发生时间不够的情况。 更多信息请查询四达教育官网:https://www.doczj.com/doc/c39271744.html,


SAT写作模板 SAT Essay作文模板 第一段determining whether something should or should not be done could be weighed in many aspects. different people have different answers due to their

respective point of view. on balance, my view is that the final judgment should depend on a case-by-case analysis of the two situations. / in my point

view, i agree with the speaker on the grounds that… / at the first glance, this opinion seems to be somewhat appealing, but further reflection tells

that i cannot agree with it for the following reasons. 第二段**同意the first and foremost reason why i support / agree with above statement is that …there

also a further 每 more subtle 每 point to consider.**反对although at first glance these arguments sound reasonable and appealing, they are not borne out by a


SAT作文历年作文真题汇总 1.OG2ed.P119-Is there always another explanation or another point of view? 2.OG2ed.P189-Is deception ever justified? 3.OG Practice Test4:Do changes that make our lives easier not necessarily make them better? 4.OG Practice Test5:Is conscience a more powerful motivator than money,fame,or power? 5.OG Practice Test6:Can success be disastrous? 6.OG Practice Test7:Do we need other people in order to understand ourselves? 7.OG Practice Test8:Is the world changing for the better?

8.OG Practice Test9:Do you think that ease does not challenge us and that we need adversity to help us discover who we are? 9.OG Practice Test10:Should heroes be defined as people who say what they think when we ourselves lack the courage to say it? 10.OC1:Is the way something seems to be not always the same as it actually is? 11.OC2:Are bad choices and good choices equally likely to have negative consequences? 12.OC3:Do people learn who they are only when they are forced into action? 13.OC4:Are people’s lives the result of the choices they make? 14.OC5:Do closed doors make us creative?


托福写作段落衔接的五种方法 段落的实现 ⑴例证法每个理由后面必须同时有例子每篇文章至少两个例子 提出论点-列举事例-分析事例-得出结论-(重述论点)我认为-因为我觉得-比如说-你看 举例之后一定要强调这样的例子不胜枚举。。。 Abraham Lincoln ⑵因果法提出论点-原因-分析条件(如果这样会有什么好处/坏处,而这正是我们所需要/担心的)-得出结果 Lead to/result in result from Because of/due to/thanks to/owing to/by reason of/on account of For 表示“因为”时不能放在句首 Because/for/since/as As a result/outcome/consequence of In consequence/in the end/consequently Therefore/thereby/hence/thus(副词) So(连词) ⑶比较对照法(整体、分项比较)

整体比较的好处:写起来容易整体印象完整缺点:两者对比不鲜明 分项比较的好处:两者对比特别鲜明缺点:零碎的印象,大量的重复 Interweave 交织 ⑷分类法/并列法 总论点 分论点一在A方面在B方面在C方面 分论点二 分论点三 ⑸定义法 衔接手段 使用连接词和短语(表示并列、转折、递进、因果、比较、对照、举例) 使用代词 使用语意粘连 举例:同意建工厂 常用词汇和结构 表示第一项 Firstly, to begin/start with, first of all, in the first place, on the one hand, the most important reason is, first and foremost 另一项secondly, in the second place, on the other hand,




2015年1月新SAT官方新样题第一时间解读:满分写作范文解析 本次官方给出了两道样题,北京新东方张卉老师针对第一篇样题(节选自Paul Bogard 于2012.12.21发表在《洛杉矶时报》的“Let There Be Dark.”)的满分作文进行了官方得分理由的第一时间解读。 满分作文(阅读部分4分,理解部分4分,写作部分4分) 阅读理解部分---4分:这篇作文通过熟练的间接引用--转述技巧(paraphrases)和直接引用技巧(direct quotations)展现出了对材料文章全面充分的理解能力。作者用简洁的语言概括了Bogard’s piece这篇文章的主旨,即(natural darkness should be preserved; we must preserve true, unaffected darkness),并从材料文章中找寻证据来说明作者如何支持主旨:如提及作者用个人轶事来开篇;提及Bogard对Paris’ reputation as “The City of Ligh t”这一历史典故的引用。考生并未直接引用大段的作者原文,而是用自己简洁精确的转述语言来全面解读Bogard 的这篇argument,考生能够清晰有条理的说明Bogard如何使用细节来支持主旨。这篇文章没有对材料文章事实的误读或曲解。总而言之,此文反映出了考生优秀的阅读理解技巧。 分析能力部分—4分:北京新东方张卉老师通过结合官方理由解读,这篇满分文章展现了考生深刻透彻的分析能力并展现出考生对分析技巧这一要求的深刻理解。考生认真全面地解释了Bogard如何通过使用个人轶事,艺术和历史引喻,修辞手段等方法来展开他的议论。例如:考生分析了Bogard为何采用个人轶事这一手段来进行开篇,并描述了作者采用这一方法对读者产生的整体效果,如(In telling this brief anecdote, Bogard challenges the audience to remember a time where they could fully amass themselves in natural darkness void of artificial light. By drawing in his readers with a personal encounter...the author means to establish the potential for beauty, glamour, and awe-inspiring mystery that genuine darkness can possess.... This ane cdote provides a baseline of sorts for readers to find credence with the author’s claims. ) 括号 中这一有说服力的逻辑链表明了考生从手段功能性和读者效果性两个方面,全面地理解了Bogard采用个人轶事这一方式开篇的作用。这种深刻的分析在通篇都展现得非常明显,此文反映出了考生优秀的分析技巧。 写作能力部分—4分:这篇文章行文连贯结构紧密,展现出考生极高的语言运用掌握能力。这篇文章有清晰明确的主旨,即:(He effectively builds his argument by using personal anecdote, allusions to art and history, and rhetorical questions),篇章的主体段紧密围绕着Bogard的原文的三个主要主体部分进行结构展开。每一段的段落内部的观点递进也清晰严谨。考生开头段和结尾段的写作技巧纯熟简明,并很好的概括了Bogard的主旨及其全篇分析结构。考生全篇用词准确和措辞得当,(the natural magnificence of stars in a dark sky is definite, our world consumed by unnatural, vapid lighting, the affecting power of an untainted night sky). 文章句式 变换多样,且使用了很多高级的复杂句(By doing this, Bogard creates a dichotomy between Paris’ traditionally alluded-to name and the reality of what Paris is becoming –no longer “the city

新SAT写作证据(Evidence)分析解读之Example(例证)— 李盛

新SAT写作证据(Evidence)分析解读之Example(例证) 新东方在线SAT教研组李盛在议论文写作中,Example(例子)是经常使用的一种论证形式。作者往往会给读者呈现具体的细节,从而证明自己观点的正确性。 请阅读下面从文章中节选的段落: The rest of the world depends on darkness as well, including nocturnal and crepuscular species of birds, insects, mammals, fish and reptiles. Some examples are well known—the 400 species of birds that migrate at night in North America, the sea turtles that come ashore to lay their eggs—and some are not, such as the bats that save American farmers billions in pest control and the moths that pollinate 80% of the world’s flora. Ecological light pollution is like the bulldozer of the night, wrecking habitat and disrupting ecosystems several billion years in the making. S imply put, without darkness, Earth’s ecology would collapse . . . . 在上面这段话中,为了说明黑暗对于动物的重要性,作者列举了若干个例子:Some examples are well known—the 400 species of birds that migrate at night in North America, the sea turtles that come ashore to lay their eggs—and some are not, such as the bats that save American farmers billions in pest control and the moths that pollinate 80% of the world’s flora.这里,作者通过几个例子说明了各种动物是如何依赖黑暗生存及在生物圈做出贡献的。所以很明显地属于example。在识别了该证据形式之后,考试需要写出证据的内容,由于选文的信息比较多,考生可以对于例子的内容进行总结(summarize):Thewriterlists examples of howsome particular species (birds,turtles,batsandmoths)relyondarknesstosurviveandcontributeto human beingsintheecologicalcycle. 最后需要去分析该例子的作用。作者列举这几个例子的目的是为了证明本段开头的观点(The rest of the world depends on darkness as well),即动物们也是需要黑暗环境的。通过给出这样的例子,能够让读者清晰地了解动物是如

sat写作经典例子:Chris Gardner

https://www.doczj.com/doc/c39271744.html, SAT写作经典例子:Chris Gardner 下面为大家整理的是关于SAT写作经典例子:Chris Gardner,主要介绍了一位一直想要成为一名股票经纪人的父亲的故事,其实就是电影《幸福来敲门》的原型。大家在备考成功,选择之类的SAT写作题目的时候,可以选择恰当的切入点进行描述。 Chris Gardner Chris Gardner has become famous for his miraculous life journey from a vagrant to a reputed Wall Street stockbroker within dozens of years. Born in a poor fatherless family in 1950s, he tried multiple ways to strive for a living by himself. He ever wandered along streets with his toddler son, and got put into jail, but he never quit his dream of being a stockbroker. One of his words goes like this: “In the darkest moments of your life, the one who can help you is only yourself.” With an awareness of the significance of tenacity and diligence, Gardner finally got a chance to be trained in a brokerage in spite that he did not have any college diploma or experience. When he passed examinations and earned a license as a stockbroker, he was exhilarated. He just knew that a promising future was awaiting him. After he embarked on the track of stockbroking, things went much more smoothly. In 1987 he launched his own brokerage firm in Chicago and soon developed into a millionaire. Recently besides managing his firm and playing the role of a good father, he is devoting to philanthropic undertakings in South Africa, hoping to help the poor to live better. 克里斯?加德纳 克里斯?加德纳因他的传奇人生而出名,在几十年间他从一个流浪汉摇身一变变为一位著名的华尔街股票经纪人。在二十世纪五十年代,他出生于一个穷苦家庭,从小没有父亲,只能靠自己试图用各种方式养活自己。他带着自己的儿子流浪街头,也曾踉跄入狱,但他始终没有放弃心中的梦——成为一名股票经纪人。 他常说这么一句话:“在你生命中最黑暗的时刻,能帮到你的唯有你自己而已。”加德纳深知坚强和勤奋的重要性,虽然他没有任何大学文凭,也没有任何和股票经纪相关的工作经验,但是他的不懈努力最终为他赢得了一次在经纪公司培训的机会。当他通过考试并拿到经纪执照的时候,他简直乐坏了。他坚信未来是充满希望的,而他正在走向未来! 自从他开始从事股票经纪,一切都顺理成章了。在1987年他在芝加哥开设了自己的股票经纪公司,并迅速一跃成为百万富翁。最近他除了管理公司和当个好爸爸之外,也竭尽所能地投入南非的慈善事业中,他希望能够帮助南非的穷人们,让他们活得更好。

SAT essay写作真题官方满分范文精选1

Essay2:Is creativity needed more than ever in the world today? Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below. an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue.Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading,studies,experience,or observations

In a world where economic prosperity and“getting ahead”in work and technology are highly valued,creativity and the arts are often shunted in favor of more“practical”pursuits.Students abandon dreams of acting or painting in order to major in medicine,computer technology,or engineering:highly profitable and scientific fields.Even with the advances in these fields,however,there is still a need for creativity in our world,because seeing things in a new way can make all the difference. Today,more and more public schools are forced to abandon their arts programs to make time for subjects like science and math:subjects in which all students must have a basic knowledge in order to succeed in higher education.However,by leaving these programs behind, children are deprived of the creative stimulation that the arts provide,and are taught to view the world in“black and white”terms:one right answer to every problem.With a view such as this, how will children perform in the future?It may be assumed that all people will see things the same way,and propose only one solution to a problem,failing to see the bigger picture. Creativity has obviously influenced earlier generations in a positive way,so there is no need to eliminate creativity from our world.What would have happened if Franklin Roosevelt had never proposed his New Deal?The Great Depression might have persisted for some time,robbing even more families of their chance at prosperity and happiness.However,by proposing a new, creative solution for the problem of the U.S.’s depression,FDR pulled the nation out of its slump. Another example of how creativity has positively influenced the world happened just recently, with the introduction of hybrid cars.These new cars do not rely on as much oil as other cars do in

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