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GMF_ writing转基因食品的利与弊_英文课件1

GMF_ writing转基因食品的利与弊_英文课件1



Useful words and expressions

●满足人们的需求meet people's need

●提高…产量increase the production of...

●营养含量nutrition content



●化肥chemical fertilizers

●粮食问题the food problem

●影响其他植物affect other plants

●改变基因change the gene

●转基因技术transgene technology

●好好利用make good use of




(1)Some people think … Besides, they consider that… What's more,…

(2) Some of them approve of it because …



●Some people think the GM food can meet their need.


●Besides, they consider that increasing the production of food can solve the

food problem of a large population.


What's more, the GM crops use less pesticide. It is safer than normal crops. 幻灯片17


转基因食物 英语作文(优.选)

Genetically Modified food With the science and technology expanding day by day,we can get and experience more and more things which have never existed before,such as plane,car and genetically modified food.The planes and cars can let us be more convenient in our daily life.However,so far we still do not clearly know all the aspects of genetically modified food.Do they damage to our healthy? So what is the genetically modified food?It is a kind of food that people apply modern molecular biotechnology,transfer some biological gene to other species, transform the genetic material of living things,change the shape, nutritional quality, consumer quality to the target of people's needs.So from the definition of GMF,we can know it happened for people's needs.We can have more options to cook and eat,and it also can save our money because this kind of food is usually cheaper and easier to plant than others.Originally, it is good for our life. While,almost 50 percent of the whole people in China believe that the genetically modified food is not safe to our healthy,but what is the fun thing is most of them don't know how the genetically modified food damage their healthy.They just are deeply misunderstanding and even have repellent psychology because of the long-time negative public opinion.


529 ※专题论述食品科学 2007, Vol. 28, No. 08[32]ISODA H, KITAMOTO D, SHINMOTO H, et al. Microbial extracellu-lar glycolipid induction of differentiation and inhibition of protein kinase C activity of human promyelocytic leukemia cell line HL60[J]. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem, 1997, 61: 609-614. [33] SCHOLZ C, MEHTA S, BISHK K, et al. Bioactivity of extracellularglycolipids-investigation of potentional anticancer activity ofsophorolipids and sophorolipid-derivatives[J]. Polymer Preprints, 1998, 39: 168-169.[34] GROSS R A, GUILMANOV V, SCHOLZ C. Glycolipids from Toru-lopsis bombicola: Biosynthesis, lipase-selective modification and anti-cancer activity. 217th National Meeting of the American ChemicalSociety[J]. Abstracts of Papers American Chemical Society, 1999, 217:1-2.[35] CHEN Jing, SONG Xin, ZHANG Hui, et al. Production, structureelucidation and anticancer properties of sophorolipid from Wickerhamielladomercqiae[J]. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 2006, 39: 501-506. [36] CHEN Jing, SONG Xin, ZHANG Hui, et al. Sophorolipid, producedfrom a new yeast strain Wickerhamiella domercqiae, induces apoptosis in H7402 human liver cancer cells[J]. Applied Microbiology andBiotechnology, 2006, 72: 52-59. [37] KIM K J, YOO D, KIM Y B, et al. Characteristics of sophorolipid as anantimicrobial agent[J]. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology,2002(12): 235-241.[38] YOO D S, LEE B S, KIM E K. Characteristics of microbial biosurfactantas an antifungal agent against plant pathogenic fungus[J]. J MicrobiolBiotechnol, 2005, 15: 1164-1169.[39]陈静, 宋欣, 曲音波, 等. 酵母胞外槐糖脂产生条件优化及其抑菌作用[J]. 山东大学学报: 理学版, 2005, 40: 116-120.[40] NAPOLITANO L M. Sophorolipids in sepsis: antiinflammatory orantibacterial[J]. Critical Care Medicine, 2006, 34: 258-259.[41] SHAH V, DONCEL G F, SEYOUM T, et al. Sophorolipids, microbialglycolipids with anti-human immunodeficiency virus and sperm-immo-bilizing activities[J]. Antimicrob Agents Chemother, 2005, 49: 4093-40100.[42] LUC D V, BART D. Hetetopolysaccharides from lactic acid bacteria[J].FEMS Microbiology Reviews, 1999, 23:153-177. 收稿日期:2007-05-10 基金项目:辽宁省教育厅攻关计划项目(2005047)作者简介:何余堂(1967-),男,副教授,博士,研究方向为食品生物技术。 转基因食品安全与环境分析 何余堂,解玉梅,吕艳芳 (渤海大学生物与食品科学学院,辽宁省食品质量安全与功能食品研究重点实验室,辽宁 锦州 121000)摘 要:转基因食品可为人类的发展提供食品安全保障,它对人体健康基本是安全的。尽管转基因食品的生产与加工对生物多样性、土壤生态可能有一些影响,杀虫剂、除草剂等的使用会带来一些环境污染,但其拥有的优点也很明显。可通过完善转基因技术,降低转基因食品的不良效应,加强转基因食品的安全检测,健全转基因食品安全评价体系等措施来解决这些问题。关键词:转基因食品;安全性;环境影响 Analysis of Environment and Safety of GM Food HE Yu-tang,XIE Yu-mei,LU Yan-fang (College of Biotechnology and Food Science, Bohai University, Liaoning Provincial Key Laboratory of Food Quality Safety and Functional Food, Jinzhou 121000, China)Abstract :GM food can provide food safety guarantee for human development. It is safe to human health. Although theproduction and processing of GM food might have negative effects on biodiversity and soil ecology, and the use of pesticides andherbicides might pollute environment, its advantages are significant. These problems could be solved through improving GMtechnology to reduce the negative effects of GM food, enhancing the safety detection and perfecting the safety evaluationsystem of GM food. Key words:GM food;safety;environment effects 中图分类号:TS201.6 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1002-6630(2007)08-0529-04..


班级:A17班姓名:学号:Should Genetically-modified Food be Stopped? Nowadays, the number of genetically-modified food is steadily increasing. There is an argument that whether this kind of food should be stopped . As far as I am concerned , genetically-modified food should not be stopped. Firstly, there is necessity for genetically-modified food to exist. Genetically-modified food belongs to food. The world is lack of resources. Every day, millions of people around the world eat only the bare minimum of food to keep themselves alive. They will be very grateful for having this kind of food to survive. Secondly, it is easier for us to plant genetically-modified food. At the same time, the production cost is also greatly reduced. As a result ,food prices will increasingly low. There is no doubt that it is good news for consumers. Thirdly, It will reduce the use of pesticides and then avoid the pollution of the environment. In addition, genetically-modified food can bring us many other benefits, for example, increasing food nutrition, increasing the types of food and so on. However,although genetically-modified food have so many advantages, some people still insist that they should never eat genetically-modified food. They are afraid of potential threat


对转基因食品安全性的认识 姓名:范丽娟 班级:食质101班 学号:2010037107

摘要:人们对转基因食品的安全性一直存有争执。有人支持有人反对,各有理由相持不下。从科技哲学的角度看,我们既不能过分夸大转基因技术和转基因食品的风险而忽视了它的潜在利益,也不能鼓吹它所带来的利益而视风险于不顾。对转基因技术、转基因食品的现在和未来需要人类做出理性的反思和审慎的决策。 关键词:转基因食品;安全性 一、转基因技术与转基因食品概述 所谓转基因技术就是应用人工方法把某种生物的遗传物质分离出来,在体外进行切割、拼接和重组,将重组了的DNA通过各种途径导入并整合到某种宿主细胞或者个体的细胞核中,有日的的改变它们的遗传性状。 转基因食品是利用现代分子生物技术,将某些生物的基因转移到其他物种中去,从而改造生物的遗传物质,使其在形状、营养品质、消费品质等方面向着人们所需要的目标转变。我国《转基因食品卫生管理办法》将转基因食品定义为:利用基因工程技术改变基因组构成的动物、植物、和微生物生产的食品和食品添加剂。 二、转基因食品的发展现状 随着现代生物技术的发展,其在农业中显现出越来越重要的地位,带来了巨大的经济效益和社会效益。转基因作物有着不可替代的优势,如解决粮食短缺问题,节省生产成本,降低食物售价等。 种植转基因的国家由最初的几个至现在的20多个,各国试种的转基因植物已经超过4 500种,其中大豆、玉米、棉花、油菜是主要的转基植物,这四类植物占全部转基因植物的86%。近年来,世界上转基因生物研发工作进展非常迅速。转基因动物层出不穷,转基因作物种植面积也以每年超过10%的速度增长。在中国,由于国家的重视,转基因的基础研究和应用为世界所关注,目前,已有近20种转基因植物进入了田间实验或环境释放阶段,6种转基因植物被批准进行商业化生产,转基因动物方面,转基因牛、转基因羊也纷纷出现。由于转基因作物产量高、价格低、耐贮运等特点,动物性转基因食品品质好、成本低、附加值高等原因,使得转基因食品的市场份额连年上升。 随着转基因动植物商品化步伐的加快,大量的转基因农产品已经直接或间接被制作成人类的消费品。目前, 世界各地的食品超市中均有转基因食品的销售。随着转基因食品的辐射范围扩大,关于转基因食品安全性问题的争执声音一直没有停止。


安全管理编号:YTO-FS-PD597 转基因技术与食品安全通用版 In The Production, The Safety And Health Of Workers, The Production And Labor Process And The Various Measures T aken And All Activities Engaged In The Management, So That The Normal Production Activities. 标准/ 权威/ 规范/ 实用 Authoritative And Practical Standards

转基因技术与食品安全通用版 使用提示:本安全管理文件可用于在生产中,对保障劳动者的安全健康和生产、劳动过程的正常进行而采取的各种措施和从事的一切活动实施管理,包含对生产、财物、环境的保护,最终使生产活动正常进行。文件下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用。 经济全球化的今天,世界的贫富差异越发明显,而社会的下层有还在挨饿,因此,转基因食品的出现对于人们来说确实是个福音,转基因的研究对于社会的发展和稳定有着很大的意义。 一、转基因食品与转基因生物安全的定义 中国科学技术信息研究所于20xx年2月9日对转基因食品做了定义,“转基因作物就是指利用分子生物学手段,将某些生物的基因转移到其它生物物种上,使其出现原物种不具有的性状或产物,以转基因生物为原料加工生产的食品就是转基因食品。转基因生物安全的概念界定是转基因生物安全法律问题研究的逻辑起点和工作基础,根据转基因生物安全问题的科技背景、渊源和演变,结合已有的国际立法经验,指出“转基因生物安全是指为使转基因生物及其产品在研究、开发、生产、运输、销售、消费等过程中受到安全控制,防范其对生态和人类健康产生危害,以及救济转基因生物所造成的危害、损害而采取的一系列措施的总和”,并由此明确转基因生物安全法的调控


论转基因食品 提到转基因食品,大家感觉可能都很熟悉,但何为转基因食品又为何生产转基因食品的呢?可能很多人对这个问题不太了解,首先,让我们先对这两个问题做一下了解。 在了解转基因食品之前,让我们先说一下转基因生物,转基因生物可界定为遗传物质(脱氧核糖核酸)已以非自然发生的方式改变的生物。该技术通常被称为“现代生物技术”或“基因技术”,有时候也称为“重组脱氧核糖核酸技术”或“遗传工程”。它可使选定的个体基因从一种生物转移到另一种生物,并且还可在不相关的物种之间转移。 这些方法用以产生转基因植物——然后将它们用于培植转基因粮食作物。通俗的说转基因食品就是将某一物种的特性基因转接到另一物种上面,人工创造出一种新物种. 例如,西红柿是一种营养丰富、经济价值很高的果蔬,但它不耐贮藏。科学家认为北极鱼体内某个基因有防冻作用,于是将它抽出,再植入蕃茄之内,制造新品种的耐寒蕃茄, 这种西红柿抗衰老,抗软化,耐贮藏,能长途运输,可减少加工生产及运输中的浪费。类似于这种方法生产的在、食品即为转基因食品。 那又为什么要生产转基因食品呢? 转基因食品得以开发和销售是因为对这些食品的生产者或消费者存在着某些感知的好处。这是指将其转变为一种价格较低、利益更大或二者兼具的产品。最初,转基因种子开发者希望他们的产品获得生产者的接受,因此集中于农民所重视的革新上。 以转基因生物为基础开发植物的最初目标是改进作物保护。目前市场上的转基因作物主要目的在于通过增强对由昆虫或病毒引起的植物病的抗性或通过增强对除草剂的耐受性提高作物保护水平。 通过将从苏云金芽孢杆菌(BT)这种细菌中生产毒素的基因转入粮食作物,从而实现抗虫害抗性。这种毒素目前在农业中作为常规杀虫剂使用,并且供人食用是安全的。持续产生这种毒素的转基因作物已显示在特定情况下,如在虫害压力大的地方,需要较少量的杀虫剂。 通过从引起植物病的某些病毒中引入一种基因,从而实现抗病毒抗性。抗病毒抗性使植物较不易受这些病毒引起的疾病的影响,使作物产量更高。 通过从传送抗某些除草剂抗性的一种细菌中引入一种基因,从而实现抗除草剂耐受性。在杂草压力大的情况下,利用这些作物已造成减少使用除草剂数量。基于以上原因,生产转基因食品就显得比较受欢迎了。 虽然说转基因食品有很多好处,但是在技术不是很成熟之前,它的危险也是很大的。 据了解转基因食品的危害主要有一下几个方面: 1.基因技术采用耐抗菌素基因来标识转基因化的农作物,在基因食物进入人体后可能会影响抗生素对人体的药效,作物中的突变基因可能会导致新的疾病; 2.转基因技术中的蛋白质转移可能会引起人体对原本不过敏的食物产生过敏,分割重组后的新的蛋白质性状是否完全符合我们设想的需求有待考证;


转基因生物与食品安全 正方: 另一方的观点一部分公众认为不必担心转基因食物的安全性。转基因食物潜在的安全隐患,在技术上是可以克服的。他们的理由如下。所谓“实质性等同”概念是对转基因农作物安全性评价的起点,而不是终点。(书) 多环节、严谨的安全性评估,可以保证转基因食物的安全。例如,在我国,转基因农作物在研究、农田试种、大面积种植和商品化等各阶段,都要进行严格的安全性评估,在分阶段核发批准证书后才允许进入下一个阶段。(书) 在研究转基因农作物过程中,确实在极少数品种中出现了能导致人体过敏的蛋白。科学家的负责态度,可以防止此类事件的发生。例如,科学家研究出了一种牲畜食用的转基因玉米,但后来发现某些过敏体质的人误食后,会发生严重的过敏反应。科学家抱着对社会负责的态度马上销毁了这些转基因玉米,并且不再种植。(书) 世界上有数以亿计的人口食用转基因农作物及其加工食品,并且已经有若干年,但是至今尚未发现一例因食用转基因食物而影响人体健康的实例。(书) 有人认为在是否可以放心食用转基因食物问题上,应采取举证排除法,即没有足够的证据证明它有问题,就应该判断它没有问题。否则就可能因无休止的.没有结果的争论,而贻误生物技术发展的大好时机。(书) 转基因生物与生物安全 另一方的观点也有不少人认为转基因生物尤其是转基因农作物,不大可能对生物多样性构成成胁。他们的理由如下。 转基因农作物虽然具有某些新性状,但是人们已经观察到,当它们扩散到种植区以外时,会很快死亡它们的生命力远不如人们想像的那么强。 转基因农作物要表现出人们所赋予的新性状,必须具有一定的水、肥等条件,以及配套的种植技术。例如,印度就曾出现过,因没有按要种植转基因农作物而造成减产的事情。 由于存在生殖隔离,它们很难与其他植物杂交。例如玉米,原产地在美洲,它本来就很难与中国的杂草发生杂交。 许多农作物花粉传播的距离有限,像玉米在种植区50 m以外就很难找到它的花粉粒。更何况有不少农作物是自花授粉,如大豆,它们不可能将花粉传播给其他植物。 植物花粉存活时间有限。例如,一些重要的农作物是禾本科植物,它们的花粉在适宜的环境下也只能存活1一2 h。而花粉具有受精能力的时间,比花粉存活的时间还要短。 转基因生物与环境安全 另一方的观点全的问题要提高警惕,但是他们认为公众不必对此做出过度反应。也有证据表明,转基因生物是有利于环境保护的。他们的理由如下。 转基因生物所转移入的只是一两种自然界中已经存在不会改变生物原有的分类地位,充其量只能说是具有某种新特征的同一物种,不会破坏生态系统的稳定性。 种植具有抗虫等功能的转基因农作物,可以大大减少农药的使用量,这显然是转基因农作物对保护环境和人畜安全做出的重要贡献。由于少用了农药,农田中有益昆虫的数量也会大增。 在种植抗除草剂农作物的农田里,由于农民不必再进行除草等田间操作,可以使农田管理变得容易,而且也保护了农田土壤环境。 由于新闻报道不实,增加了公众对转基因农作物的恐惧感。例如,据报道,一种斑蝶幼虫食用了转Bt基因玉米的花粉后,有44%的个体死亡。但是,也有科学家指出该实验结果是不确切的。因为在斑蝶幼虫食用的叶片上,只有每平方厘米出现1 000个转Bt 基因玉米花粉时,才会危及它们的生命,但这种情况的概率还不到1%。


Genetically engineered food has always been a controversial topic. But on this issue, I hold the belief that large-scale cultivation of genetically engineered food is an irresistible trend. First and foremost, genetically engineered food is safe to be consumed. Since the introduction of genetically engineered food, people attach great importance to the safety of genetically modified foods. In 2016, the National Academy of Sciences,United States, after two years of research , released a report entitled "Genetically Engineered Crops: Experiences and Prospects". The report indicates that there is no evidence that genetically engineered foods will affect people's health negatively. On the contrary, genetically modified insect resistant crops are beneficial to human health because of reducing pesticide poisoning. The survey points out that, from 1996 to 2008, the United States reduced the use of pesticides by 64 million pounds due to planting insect-resistant transgenic crops. Genetically engineered foods can alleviate the shortage of food in the world and provide healthy and high-quality food for people. A report released by the United Nations indicates that 805 million of the world's population is suffering from famine. Meanwhile, the world's population is currently over 7 billion and is expected to double in the next 50 years. Ensuring adequate food supply is a great challenge. Genetically engineered foods can greatly increase grain production and according to the survey conducted by PG Economics, from 1996 to 2014, transgenic technology has made global grain increase by 5.14 million tons. Finally, Genetically engineered foods will greatly increase farmers' income and promote


Should Genetically Modified Food be Stopped? Along with the increased commercialization and planting of a range of genetically modified (GM) crops globally, the safety of genetically modified crops and genetically modified food (GMF) has become a hot topic and major public concern. In recent years, the issue of GMF has become one of the hottest debating topics around the society. So, should GMF be stopped? Some think that GMF should not be stopped. GM food is new with both good prospects for growth and potential threats. Likewise, GM technology can allow crops to become resistant to drought and pests as well as produce a higher yield, whereas a vast majority of people hold that GMF can cause diseases which are immune to antibiotics. Moreover, some experts declare that people who consume to such food stand high chances of getting cancer. As the long-term effects on health are unknown, many people prefer to stay away from GM food. As a scientific researcher, I think GMF should not be stopped. GM technology is one of cores of the knowledge economy in the 21th century. GMF is the inevitable product as the result of human productivity and GM technology progress. We pin on GM technology heavy hopes that it will better our life quality and get rid of poverty and hunger. And we cherish the hopes that scientists can do more researches about its health effects, and producers can mark GM food to ensure food safety and consumers' benefits.


What is GM food? Talk about the benefits and risks of GM food. GM foods,so called genetically modified foods,are the foods that are derived from genetically modified organisms. Genetically modified organisms have had specific changes introduced into their DNA by genetic engineering techniques. GM technology is the separation and decorated artificial genes into the genome of organisms, and to gene expression, access to new traits of biological technology. Since this technology was practiced,genetically modified food has developed a lot.In 1983,world’s first case of successful cultivation is tobacco.In 1994,the U.S. first case of GM food is tomatoes.In 1996,large-scale production has come into use.Since that,the amount of GM foods increased by 52 times each year.People have shared a lot of advantages as time went by.GM crops are more productive and have a larger yield. They can offer more nutritional value and better flavor. What is more,a possibility that they could eliminate allergy-causing properties in some foods and inbuilt resistance to pests, weeds and disease. They are also more capable of thriving in regions with poor soil or adverse climates and remaining fresh longer.Still,at the same time,much danger has been put up all the way. For example,in August 1998,a British research institute reported that rats ate GM potatoes, which was insect-resistant transgenic potatoes produced by snowdrop lectin .And there was damage to internal organs and immune systems and this impeded the growth of mice.Apart from what we have mentioned above,genetically modified foods has also exerted influence on the possible impact of human consumption and may affect the ecological environment,such as super weed


转基因食品及其安全 摘要:转基因食品自从出现以来就一直备受争议,近日转基因水稻、玉米等作物获得农业部农业转基因生物安全管理办公室颁发的安全证书,这一事件更是加剧了群众对于转基因食品的质疑,转基因食品的安全性的疑问又被重新摆上台面。本文对转基因食品的来源、分类以及其安全性做了初步探讨,对于帮助了解转基因食品及转基因食品的安全性都具有一定的理论意义和现实意义。 关键词:转基因食品安全性 一、转基因食品的定义 所谓转基因食品,就是通过基因工程技术将一种或几种外源性基因转移到某种特定的生物体中,并使其有效地表达出相应的产物(多肽或蛋白质),此过程叫转基因。以转基因生物为原料加工生产的食品就是转基因食品。根据转基因食品来源的不同可分为植物性转基因食品,动物性转基因食品和微生物性转基因食品。 转基因食品是具有一定的优点的,例如转基因食品可增加作物产量、降低生产成本;可增强作物抗虫害、抗病毒等的能力;提高农产品耐贮性;缩短作物开发的时间、摆脱四季供应、打破物种界限,不断培植新物种,生产出有利于人类健康的食品。 但是,即便转基因食品的优点非常多,其具有的一些缺点也是不容忽视的:所谓的增产是不受环境影响的情况下得出的,如果遇到雨雪的自然灾害,也有可能减

产更厉害。许多转基因食品本身就能产生一定量的有毒物质和某些营养因子以抵抗细菌和害虫的入侵。现有转基因食品中的毒素含量并不一定会引起毒反应,当然如若处理不当,某些食品(如木薯)能引起严重的问题甚至可能引发死亡。 根据《农业转基因生物标识管理办法》规定,我国目前已有5类17种在售转基因生物被列入转基因标识目录并在市场上销售,这17类转基因生物包括:大豆种子、大豆、大豆粉、大豆油、豆粕、玉米种子、玉米、玉米油、玉米粉、油菜种子、油菜籽、油菜籽油、油菜籽粕、棉花种子、番茄种子、鲜番茄、番茄酱。卫生部的《转基因食品卫生管理办法》则规定,食品产品中(包括原料及其加工的食品)含有基因修饰有机体的,要标注“转基因××食品”或“以转基因××食品为原料”。卫生部对转基因食品的生产经营组织定期或者不定期监督抽查,并向社会公布监督抽查结果。 二、转基因食品的分类 转基因食品包括以下几类: 第一类,植物性转基因食品。植物性转基因食品很多。例如,面包生产需要高蛋白质含量的小麦,而目前的小麦品种含蛋白质较低,将高效表达的蛋白基因转入小麦,将会使做成的面包具有更好的焙烤性能。番茄是一种营养丰富、经济价值很高的果蔬,但它不耐贮藏。为了解决番茄这类果实的贮藏问题,研究者发现,控制植物衰老激素乙烯合成的酶基因,是导致植物衰老的重要基因,如果能够利用基因工程的方法抑制这个基因的表达,那么衰老激素乙烯的生物合成就会得到控制,番茄也就不会容易变软和腐烂了。美国、中国等国家的多位科学家经过努力,已培育


转基因食品安全性分析阅读答案 转基因食品就是指利用现代分子生物技术,把动植物的基因加以改变,再制造出具备新特征的食品种类。转基因食品安全吗?以下是我为你整理的,希望能帮到你。 《转基因食品安全性分析》阅读材料 转基因食品就是指利用现代分子生物技术,把动植物的基因加以改变,再制造出具备新特征的食品种类。其优点显著,但转基因食品存在很多不容忽视的存在的或潜在的危害性。 新基因的转入,打破了原来生物基因的"管理体制",使一些产生毒素的沉默基因开启,产生有毒物质。有资料证实,转基因食品可能导致生物体系统失调、诱发癌症并传递给下一代,此过程可能需要30年或更长的时间。人为转入外源基因极有可能使原有的基因发生缺失和错码等突变。美国生产的一种耐除草剂转基因大豆的抗癌成分异黄酮就比一般大豆低12%~14%。 全世界约有2%的人群对某些食品产生过敏性反应。1996年美国先锋种子公司将巴西坚果某基因转入大豆中,结果对巴西坚果过敏的人群也对该大豆过敏,该大豆种子最终没有被批准商业化生产。人们在食用了这种改良食物后,食物会在人体内将抗药性基因传给致病细菌,使人体产生抗药性。在英国,做过切除大肠组织手术的志愿者,食用过用转基因大豆做成的汉堡包之后,在其小肠肠道的细菌中检测到了转基因DNA的残留物。而转基因食品对人体健康的严重影响,可能需要经过较长时间才能逐渐表现

和检测出来。 很多转基因生物具有较强的生存能力或抗逆性,这样的生物一旦进入环境中,将会取代原来的作物,造成物种灭绝,但这种问题可能要经过许多年后才能显现出来。如一些盐碱、沼泽、雨林及有寄生虫的地区,以前原本不适合农业种植,这些地区都被用来种植农作物,从而使原本生活在这里的生物的栖息地遭到破坏,造成生态系统失衡,最终导致物种退化、减少甚至灭绝。 转基因生物将增强目标害虫的抗性。专家警告,如果这种具有转基因抗性的害虫变成具有抵抗性的超级害虫,就需要喷洒更多的农药,而这将会对农田和自然生态环境造成更大的危害。由于转基因作物特性优良,很多人选择种植转基因作物,使某些作物的多样性大大降低。保持生物多样性是减少生物遭受疫病侵袭的重要方式。1864年的爱尔兰马铃薯枯死病,造成100多万人死亡,数百人流离失所,原因就是当地人只种植两个土豆品种。 转基因作物可能将其抗性基因杂交传递给其野生亲缘种,从而使本是杂草的野生亲缘种变为无敌杂草。基因漂移的过程很难人为控制,其后果也难以预测。在加拿大,被用于试验的油菜,只具有抗草甘膦、抗草胺膦和抗咪唑啉酮功能中的一种功能,后来发现了同时具备这三种功能的油菜,说明这三种油菜之间产生了杂交,这种油菜对周围植物造成了很大影响。《转基因食品安全性分析》阅读题目 9. 下列不能说明"转基因食品对人体的危害"这一观点的一项是() A.转基因食品可能在30年或者更长的时间,诱发癌症并传递给下一代。


G e n e t i c a l l y M o d i f i e d f o o d With the science and technology expanding day by day,we can get and experience more and more things which have never existed before,such as plane,car and genetically modified planes and cars can let us be more convenient in our daily ,so far we still do not clearly know all the aspects of genetically modified they damage to our healthy? So what is the genetically modified food?It is a kind of food that people apply modern molecular biotechnology,transfer some biological gene to other species, transform the genetic material of living things,change the shape, nutritional quality, consumer quality to the target of people's from the definition of GMF,we can know it happened for people's can have more options to cook and eat,and it also can save our money because this kind of food is usually cheaper and easier to plant than , it is good for our life. While,almost 50 percent of the whole people in China believe that the genetically modified food is not safe to our healthy,but what is the fun thing is most of them don't know how the genetically modified food damage their just are deeply misunderstanding and even have repellent psychology because of the long-time negative public opinion.

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