当前位置:文档之家› 英语完成句子错题



1、I can’t stand . I’ll leave if he doesn’t come in another ten minutes. (keep)


2、Honestly speaking, I have no idea the driving test at the first attempt. (pass)


3、it used to be! Now there are so many factories and so much pollution. (beautiful)


4、Because of many mistakes she had made in these letters, she them again. (make)


5、one’s home is large or small because as the saying goes, “L ove can turn a cottage into a golden palace.”(natter)


6、He was quite pleased by the teacher and determined to make greater progress. (praise)


7、The fire was reported on Oct 11,2013,causing two firefighters to lose their lives. (break)


8、Mr. song gets on well with his students. He behaves towards them . (like)


9、With many trees, flowers and grass , our newly-built school will look even more beautiful. (plant)


10、I won’t at your age. As you know, smoking is harmful to your health. (have)


11、Although we have made some progress so far, many problems remain

. (solve)


12、I am going home this Saturday. Do you have anything to your mother? (take)


13、When she heard the news that she won first prize, she was a word. (say)


14、As well as our lessons, we take part in all kinds of after-school activities. (work)


15、You can hardly imagine what great difficulty I have had smoking. (persuade)


16、As children , they become more and more interested in the things around them. (get)


17、If Henry is to the party with you tonight, take me instead. (enough)


18、Tom is as your son. We all like him very much. (clever)汤姆是跟你儿子一样聪明的男孩。我们都非常喜欢他。

19、Seeing the front door ,he had to enter the room through the back door. (paint)


20、I’m reading an arti cle about Charlie chaplin, one several years ago. (see)


21、When we arrived. Tombe’s mother in the field. (pull)当我们到达时,Tombe的母亲一直在地里拔草。

22、Before they could say anything. She ran out of the room with

. (fill)


23、Helen the other day, saying that she would try her best to help them. (donate)


24、Don’t get close to the house . (repair)


25、This is such a difficult problem . (figure)


26、The girl was really beautiful.


27、The house, 400,000 yuan last year, is now worth 800,000 yuan. (pay)


28、Tom could do nothing but that he was wrong. (admit) 汤姆别无他法只好向老师承认他错了。

29、The patient was warned oily food after the operation. (eat)


30、Tom asked for some advice from his teacher on . (adapt)


31、His book is said many different languages in the past two years. (translate)


32、I for several years. All three of my children are living

lives of their own now. (divorle)


33、,the air in the room is fresher. (open)


34、 , health issues your kid faces today is one of the many challenges of being a parent. (aware)


35、My mother was so proud of all that she rewarded me with a trip to Beijing. (do)


36、Learning strategies, to importance, have not yet drawn enough attention of students. (attach)


37、, he had been in the army for five years. (before)


38、The purpose of the scheme is not to help the employer

. (provide)


39、Afterwards we climbed up to the top of a hill, the city. (overlook)


40、He , they walked slowly across the street. (guide) 他领着那个盲人女孩,他慢慢地穿过街道。

41、The meeting is very important. (hold)


42、The meeting is very important. (hold)


43、—What made Alice so angry?

—in the rain for an hour. (keep)



44、At last they climbed up the mountain, an old temple dating back to 1,500 BC. (stand)


45、Silvanus is a god, the countryside, including the forest, farmlands and hunting. (govern)


46、Entering the room, he found that on the floor . (lie)进到房间,他发现地上有一本书。

47、There are occasions good education. (access)


48、I’m used to early in the morning and spending half an hour reading English. (get) 我习惯于早上早起读半小时的英语。

49、It is recommended that the project until all the

preparations have been made. (start)


50、We thanked Mr Smith very much, without we would not have succeeded. (support)


51、There are sixty students in our class, all very hard at their lessons. (work)


52、, the six East Asian Games were held in Tianjin in Oct, 2013. (know)


53、The summer vacation, with my grandparents in the countryside, is approaching. (stay)

54、The summer vacation, with my grand parents in the countryside, is approaching. (spend)



1.After learning for a long time,we (需要足够的时间休息)。 2.(虽然她躺下了) she couldn’t go to sleep. 3.The doctor (给他量体温) if he had a fever. 4.You can (用同样的方式来完成那项工作)。 5.This bus doesn’t go to the train station,I’m afraid you will (在图书馆下车)and take the A52. 6.(出乎我们的意料),the US warship broke into the South China Sea again on September 30th,2018. 7.Mom,I’ll (马上打扫我的房间). 8.(别怕惹麻烦),we should help the old man. 9.He (不假思索的同意和我们一起去). 10.Don’t (没有再三考虑不要冒险). 11.John (应该待在家里)and do his homework. 12.He that he doesn’t need.(他不应该买他不需要的东西). 13.Don’t worry,we are (长大了能照顾我们自己).(enou gh) 14.Junk food?(孩子们应该吃太多的垃圾食品吗?(too) 15.The tourists (现在应该在北京了). 16.Did you (量你的体温了吗) last night? 17.He (跌倒了,伤到了右膝盖). 18.(多亏了你的帮助),I passed the exam. 19.If you want to protect your eyes,you need to (远离电脑休息 一下). 20.The teacher came into the classroom and (问我们发生了什么 事情).(happen) 21.Alice looks unhappy,I wonder (她发生了什么事). 22.Frank (打中了头) by a basketball yesterday. 23.I told her (用绷带包扎他的膝盖). 24.The doctor told her to put her head down (因为他留鼻血了). 25.If you just (只用水冲洗苹果),they’re not clean enough.(run) 26.Did you (把水用完了吗)?(run) 27.(我的钱花完了) so I had to find another part-time job. 28.He (刚才从房间里出来了) just now. 29.He (掌管着) a big company(公司). 30.We won’t (放弃尽力实现我们的梦想).(try) 31.----(你怎么了)?-----I have a cold. 32.It doesn’t sound like (发烧了). 33.My brother (昨晚上胃痛). 34.You (应该休息几天). 35.Someone (撞头了) just now.(get) 36.I saw a child (正躺在路边) just now. 37.?(你们准备好冒险了吗?) 38.The man (同意切除它).(cut)


完成句子专练——新人教八下英语期末复习我们才按 时完成了工作。, 幸亏有你的帮助1. your help, we finished the work on time. 我坚信你会很快走出困境。2. the difficult situation soon. I’m sure that you can我想我以同样的姿势一动不动地坐得太久了。3. .for too long without ________ I think I sat_________ ________ ________ ________ 作为一名登山者,阿伦习惯于冒险。4. As a mountain climber, Aron ________ ________ ________ ________ risks. 我想把我在动物医院工作的计 划推迟到明年夏天。5. my plan to work in an animal hospital ________ next summer. I want to________ ________ 6. me such a cute pet dog. Thank you 谢谢你送给我一只这么可爱的宠物狗。网络使我们在家里购物成为 可能。7. The Internet for us to buy things at home. 帮助别人使 我感到愉快。8. me feel happy. 约翰常去看望养老院里的老人并使 他们高兴起来。9. John often goes . ande’s homethe old people at the old peopl 我想把这些书捐赠给贫困山区的孩子们。10. I’d like to to the children in the poor mountain areas. these books ? 这个周末我可以和朋 友们一起去远足吗11. go hiking with my friends this weekend? 我得 整理床铺。, 每天早晨起床后12. after getting up every morning. I

五年级英语 按要求完成句子

五年级英语期末复习题 二、按要求完成下列各题。 1.This is our library. (否定句) 2. He often shows me ar偶年d the park. (一般疑问句) 3. We borrow books from the library. (否定句) 4. Ni才e to meet you. (同义句) 5. our / this / lab /science / is /. (连词成句) 6. We have four English lessons in a w饿ek. (一般疑问句) 7. I like English very much. (一般疑问句) 10. We have two science lessons in a week. (对划线部分提问) 11. well / Tom / very / speaks / English / . (连词成句) 12. we / it / all /like /. (连词成句) 13. our / this / club / music / is / . (连词成句) 14. We often have English lessons in the languange lab. (一般疑问句) 15. This is our meeting room. (否定句) 16. We have two music lessons in a week. (对划线部分提问) 17. well / Kate / very / speaks / English/ .(连词成句)

18. We can have a meeting here. (一般疑问句) 19. The book is ten yuan. (对划线部分提问) 20. I want the red bike. (对划线部分提问) 21. Can I help you? (同义句) 22. The sweater is 100 yuan. (对划线部分提问) 23. I Can have a mot哦r bike. (一般疑问句) 24. please / me / show / skirt / would / a / you /? (连词成句) 25. She lik饿s he basketball game. (否定句) 三、按要求完成下列各题。 1. Play on the street. (否定句) 2. Don’他ride to school. (肯定句) 3. school / are / to / riding / they / their / . (连词成句) 4. I should clean my bedroom. (一般疑问句) 5. We mustn’t do housework now. (肯定句) 6. The little boy can take care of himself. (同义句) 7. bird / is / as / she / little / as / happy / a. (连词成句) 8. Get up at seven in the morning. (否定句)


1.停止吃快餐食品,每天吃早餐。 Stop eating ________ ________ and have breakfast every day. 2.我每天锻炼,身体状况非常好。 I take exercise every day and now I am _______ ____________ ___________. 3.我腿疼,浑身很热。 My legs hurt and I was hot ________ __________. 4.我们应该参加学校的各种活动。 We should ________ ________ _______ all kinds of school activities. 5.上周我妈妈感冒了。My mother ________ ______ _______ last week. 6.让我量一量你的体温。 Let me _________ _________ ________________. 7.快餐中缺乏维生素和矿物质。________ ________ is very poor in vitamins and minerals. 8.淋到了一场雨,他全身都湿了。 Caught in a rain, he was wet ______ ________. 9.他感觉不舒服,去看医生了。He _______ _________ and went to see the doctor. 10.玲玲昨天肚子不舒服,没去上学。 Lingling had a ___________ _______ and didn’t go to school yesterday. 11.米老鼠赢得了全世界儿童的心。 Mickey Mouse _______ _______ _________ ______ children all over the world. 12.购物时,人们有时忍不住买一些他们不需要的东西。 While shopping, people sometimes ________ ________ ________ something they don’t really need. 13.他的新书将在下个月出版。His new book will ________ _______ next month. 14.这本小说是两年前出版的。This novel _______ _______ two years ago. 15.结果,他经常生病,成绩下降。 ______ _______ _________, he often fell ill and his grades dropped. 16.我真得开始收拾这个地方了。 I really must start _________ the place ______. 17.让我看一眼。Let me ________ _____ _______. 18.请穿上暖和衣服,不然你会感冒。 Please put on your warm clothes, or you will _______ ______ ________. 19.从太空返回,宇航员的健康状况很好。 Returning from space, the astronauts were ______ _____________ ____________. 20.一些卡通片赢得了世界各地年轻人的喜爱。 Some cartoons have ______ ______ ________ _____ young people all over the world. 21.当这个小男孩找不到妈妈时,他忍不住哭了。 The little boy _________ ________ ________ when he couldn’t find his mother. 22.本月末我们将有一次考试。 _____ _______ _______ _____ this month we’ll have an exam. 23.几年来我一直和她保持着联系。


八年级下英语完成句子 1.我爷爷希望自己活到100岁。 My grandfather hopes she can __ ___ ___ 100 years old. 2.人们将不再用钱,一切均是免费的。 People ____ use money,everything will ____ ____. 3.从现在起五年内,你打算做什么?What are you going to do ___ ___ ____now? 4.一百年后人们还将会用纸吗?___ people ____ paper ____ 100 years? 5.未来的城市将会更拥挤。The cities in the future ____ ____ ____ ____. 6.学生将会在家里电脑上学习。Students will study ____ ____ at home. 7.我不喜欢一个人住。I don’t like ____ _____. 8.他的梦想会实现的。His dream will ____ ______. 9.机器人永远不会觉得乏味。Robots will ____ ____ ____. 10.当你到北京时给我打电话。____ ____ ____when you get to Beijing. 11.人们将更少地乘坐地铁。People will use the subway ___ 12.这事对你来说可能听上去没有什么意思。This ____________________you. 13.他改变了来自北京的杨蕾的生活。It____ Yang Lei’s life _____ Beijing. 14.他与他的的朋友相处很融洽。She is ___________________ her friends. 15.教育部每年派100位志愿者到中国的农村去任教。 The Ministry of Edu cation ________ in China’s rural areas every year. 16.我的表弟和我同龄。My cousin is ______________me. 17.稀薄的空气使她感觉不好受。The thin air ____________. 18.另一方面,我不知道如何使用电脑。 ___ ___ ____ ____,I don’t know how to use the computer. 19.幸运的是,她妈妈同意女儿的决定。 s decision. ____, her mother ____ her daughter’ 20.他的爸妈都是医生。___ his father ___ mother ___ doctors. 21.杨蕾说她能开阔她的学生的视野。Yang Lei said she __________________. 22.我们应尽可能多说英语。We should speak English____ _____ ____ _____. 23.他们帮忙做家务,还做最令人不愉快的工作。 They _____do the housework, and do __________ job. 24.她说她喜欢给孩子们的生活带来好的影响。 She said she likes _______________ the children’s lives. 25.如果努力学习,你就回取得好成绩。If you ___ ___, you ___ ___ good ____. 26.你认为明天会下雨吗?Do you think _____________ tomorrow. 27.在20至50年后,机器人将能够和人谈话。 Robots will __________ talk to people in 25__50 years. 28.我将和我最好的朋友住在一所公寓里 I___ live in an ___ with my _____friends. 29.他如果玩电脑游戏太久了,他的父母会不高兴。 If she ____ computer games too much, her parents ___ ____ unhappy. 30.在1929年以前,电影没有声音。____1929, ____ _____ no sound in movies. 31.我们打算用较少的钱和人来做这项工作。 We are going to do the work___ __money and ___people. 32.五年后,他们会有更多的空闲时间吗?


八年级英语上册完成句子专练 Unit 1 Topic 1 1.我们打算去打篮球。 We _______ _______ _______ to play basketball. 2.我希望你能来为我们加油。 I hope you will come to ______ ______ ______. 3.在周日我们和三班将有一场篮球赛 ______ ______ ______ ______ ________a basketball game against Class Three on 4.和游泳相比我更喜欢滑冰。I ______ skating ______ swimming. 5我将会加入学校的足球队。 I ______ ______ the school football team. 6.你长大了将干什么? What is she going to be when she _____ ______? 7.他每天花半个小时在体育馆锻炼。 She ______ half an hour _______ in the gym every day. 8.篮球全世界流行。 Basketball is popular ______ _____ the world. 9.每天跑步是一种保持健康的好方式。 Running every day is a good way _____ _____ ______. 10他昨天和他的队友抵达了北京。 He ______ _____Beijing with his teammates yesterday. 11.如果明天下雨,我们将不去博物馆。 If it rains, we _______ ________ to the museum tomorrow. Topic 2 1.请你教我,好吗?Would you mind ______ ______ ? 2.你介意我开窗吗? Would you mind ______ ______ the window? 3..请你不要乱扔瓶子,好吗? Could you please not _______bottles _______. 4.康康,向Michael 道个歉怎样? Kangkang, what about ______ ______ _______ Michael. 5.我对我说的话感到很抱歉。 I ______ ______ _______what I said. 6.你们一定会玩得很开心。 You ______ ______ ______have more fun. 7.篮球是世界上最流行的运动之一。 Basketball is ______ ______ the most popular _______ around the world. 8.糟糕的天气可能会阻碍我们打篮球。 The bad weather may _______ us ______ ______ basketball. 9.我将参加学校的跳远和跳高。(三种表达) I'll ______ ______ the long jump and the high jump. (be) I'll ______ ______ the long jump and the high jump. (join) I'll ______ ______ ______ the long jump and the high jump. (take) 10.这是我第一次去北京。It's ______ ______ ______to go to Beijing.


五年级英语期末复习题 、按要求完成下列各题。 1. This is our library. (否定句) ______________________________________________________ 2. He often shows me ar 偶年d the park.(一般疑问句)_____________________________________ 3. We borrow books from the library. (否定句)___________________________________________ 4. Ni 才e to meet you.(同义句)_________________________________________________________ 5. our / this / lab /scie nee / is /. (连词成句)_______________________________________________ 6. We have four English lessons in a w 饿ek.(一般疑问句) 7. I like En glish very much. (一般疑问句) _______________________________________________ 10. We have two. seie nee lesso ns in a week.(对划线部分提问) 11. well / Tom / very / speaks / En glish / . (连词成句)_____________________________________ 12. we / it / all /like /. (连词成句) _______________________________________________________ 13. our / this / club / music / is / . (连词成句) _____________________________________________ 14. We ofte n have En glish less ons in the Ian gua nge lab. (一般疑问句) 15. This is our meeti ng room. (否定句) __________________________________________________ 16. We have two music less ons in a week.(对划线部分提问) 17. well / Kate / very / speaks / English/.(连词成句)


1. 他几乎不给父母写信。He _________________________ writes to his parents. 2. Lily比Lucy文静。Mary比Lucy外向。 Lily is ____________________ than Lucy. And Mary is ____________________ than Lucy. 3. 你喜欢哪种电影?_________________________ movie do you like? 4. Lucy正在学习摇摆舞。Lucy is _________________________. 5. 他尽量一周只吃一次垃圾食品。He _________________________ junk food only once a week. 6. Jessica比她百分之九十的同学都学习努力。 Jessica works harder than _________________________ her classmates. 7. 昨天下午,我们班每一个人都对那个消息感到惊讶。 Everyone in our class _________________________ the news yesterday afternoon. 8. 他刚才可能在办公室。 He _________________________ in the office just now. 9. 他们又行驶了三个小时. They drove for _________________________ hours 10.这个问题的答案很有趣。The ______________________ is very interesting. 1.所有东西都在搅拌机里了,现在请把它打开。 Everything is in the blender. Now ____________________, please. 2.我们需要三勺蜂蜜去做水果沙拉。We need ____________________to make fruit salad. 3.他回复说他没有时间去参加我的乔迁聚会。 He ___________________ that he was not available to come to my housewarming party. 4.十多年后,地球上将有更多的树 There will be more trees____________________ on the earth. 5.我盼望着尽快收到你们的来信。 I am looking forward to____________________ as soon as possible. 6.昨天,他拒绝为这个比赛做准备。 He ____________________the competition yesterday. 7.你介意下周末和我去逛逛吗? Would you mind ____________________with me next weekend? 8.他们挖了一个洞种了一棵小树。 They ____________________and planted a little tree. 9.不去旅行,你就不能开阔眼界。 You can’t open up your eyes without ____________________. 10.因为这场地震,所有的建筑物都倒塌了。 1. 我在学期初的时候制定了一些计划。I made some plans __________________________the term. 2. 你知道什么是决心吗?Do you know what__________________________? 3. 我的妈妈想让我成为一名钢琴家。My mother __________________________a pianist. 4 .上个月林明的爸爸答应给他买一辆自行车,但是他爸爸忘了。 Last month Ling Ming’s father__________________________ a bike for him, but he forgot it, 5. 这位女士在她60岁的时候开始把跳舞当成了爱好,而她现在也相当擅长跳舞。 The lady __________________________as a hobby in her sixties, and she is really good at it now. 6. 我们要尽早出发,不然我们会迟到的。We’ll start__________________________, or we’ll be late. 7. 这棵树在大风经过后就倒下了。The tree __________________________when the wind passed by. 8. 现在中国在世界上扮演着越来越重要的角色。 Nowadays China __________________________in the world. 9. 你说的太快了,以致于我都跟不上你了。 You speak_______________________ I can’t follow you. 10. 明年九月她打算去外国读书。 She’s going to study aboard ___________________ . 1.尽管木兰是女子,但是她替父亲上了战场。 Although Mulan was female, she ________________place to the battlefield. A. 我爷爷70多岁了但比你预料的更健康My grandpa is over 70, but he is __________than you expected. B. 朋友应该是可以激发你潜能的人。Friends should be the persons who can____________________ you. 4. 黄河是中国第二长河。The Yellow River is _________________________in China. 19. 今天天怎么会这么蓝呢?______________________ the sky is so blue today? 20. 加拿大比亚洲任何一个国家都大。Canada is bigger than ______________________ in Asia. 21. 徐同学打破校记录,在我校他比其他同学跳的都高。 Mr. Xu broke the school record. He now jumps higher than ___________________ in our school. 22. 他是否正在计划着期中复习呢?Is he_______________________ for the Mid-exams? 23. 你介意我用你的字典吗?Would you mind my_________________________? 24.现如今电脑在我们日常生活中扮演着重要角色。Nowadays computers _______________our daily life. 1


根据汉语意思完成句子仁爱八下英语专项训练 集团文件版本号:(M928-T898-M248-WU2669-I2896-DQ586-M1988)

八年级下--根据汉语意思完成句子1.我还有点饿,请再给我两片面包。 I’m still a little hungry. Please give me_______ ________ _______ _________ bread. 2. 至于李明,他说他要成为一名飞行员。 ________ _________ LiMing, he said he _______ going to _____ a pilot. 4. 他不知道如何向他的老师们表达谢意。 He doesn’t know _____ ______ ______ his thanks to his teachers. 6.她在这场交通事故中受了重伤。 She was ________ ________ ________ ________ the traffic accident. 10.有成千上万名乘客在火车站等车。 There are________ ________ ________ waiting for the train at the station. 12.那男孩一看见他妈妈就不哭了。 The boy stopped________ as________ as he saw his mother.13.那个年轻人为了不撞到那个老人,撞到了墙上。 The young man________ ________ the wall to avoid ________ the old man. 14.这道数学题很难解: This math problem is difficult________ ________ ________ 17.19.他保持着100米短跑的记录。 He holds________ ________ for 100-meter race. 20.他看了我一眼,又继续工作。 He________ ________ after having a look at me. 21.火车又一次晚点了。 The train was late________ ________. 22.他以他的小说而出名。 He became_______ _______ his novels. 23.他爸爸经常警告他,不要在马路卜玩。 His father often________ him________ ________ ________ on the road. 24.他昨天被罚款40元。 He________ a¥40________ yesterday. 25.很多人骑自行乍是为了健康和娱乐。 Many people________ bicycles________ health and pleasure. 26.在中国你必须靠右边行驶。 You must drive ________ ________ ________ ________ of the road in China. 27.我们为什么不去多了解一些交通规则呢? Why not go to_____ _______ ________ ____________? 28.如果明天不下雨,我们就去春游。 We________ ________ a spring trip________ it doesn’t rain tomorrow. 29.横穿繁忙的街道是很危险的。 ________ very dangerous_______ ____ a busy street.31.顺便问一下,今晚谁愿和我一起去看服装表演? ______ ______ _______,who would like to watch the fashion show with me tonight? 34.他太害怕,不知道该怎么办。 He was so________ that he didn’t know what to do.35.他父亲忍不住生气地呵斥他。 His father________ ________ ________ ________ him angrily. 36..这人从背包里掏出一些食物和饮料。 The man________ some food and drink________ ________ his ________ . 38.鸽子象征着和平。 The pigeon________ ________ peace. 39.直到别人指出来,他才意识到自已的错误。 He________ ________ his mistake________ others pointed it out. 41.当我算不出数学题时,我经常向老师寻求帮助。 When I can’t work out the math problems,I often______ my teacher_____ _______. 42.发生了什么事?我发现到处都是卫兵。 What happened? I found________ _______ ________ _________. 43.我打算在北京逗留约三天时间。 l plan________ ________ in Beijing________ about three days. 44.我们昨晚到达巴黎。 We________ ________ Paris________ ________


人教版八年级英语上册完成句子专项练习 1、—你去哪里度假了?—我去青岛海滩。 —__________ __________ you go on vacation ? —I went to Qing Dao Beach . 2、詹妮喜欢看书,昨晚好看了一本英语书。 Jenny likes __________ __________. She read an English book last night . 3、不少学生正在教室忙着做作业。 __________ a __________ students are busy doing their homework in the classroom . 4、你还想去某个有趣的地方吗? Do you want to go __________ __________? 5、上周末他们没去看望姑姑。 They __________ __________ their aunt last weekend . 6、杰克今天早上看上去似乎很焦虑。 It __________ __________ Jack was worried this morning . 7、昨天晚上人人都玩得很快乐吗? Did everyone __________ a __________ time last night ? 8、为什么不为你自己买点东西呢? __________ __________ you buy anything for yourself ? 9、你家的每个人都和你一起去了吗? __________ __________ in your family go with you ? 10、去年爸爸给我买了辆新自行车。 My father __________ a new bike __________ me last year . 11、因为糟糕的天气,我们没能去公园。 __________ __________ the bad weather , we didn’t go to the zoo . 12、昨天天气凉爽,所以我们决定去长城。 Yesterday the weather was cool , so we __________ __________ go to the Great Wall . 13、他没有足够的钱乘计程车,因此他步行回了家。 He didn’t have __________ money to take a taxi , so he __________ home . 14、昨天我们没有带雨伞,因此又湿又冷。 We __________ __________ an umbrella , so we were cold and wet . 15、我感觉自己像一只小鸟。 I __________ __________ I was a bird . 第二单元 1、汤姆经常使用网络。 Tom often __________ the __________ . 2、他每周看一次电影。 He __________ __________ see movies once a week . 3、你现在学什么种类的舞蹈? __________ __________ of dance are you learning ? 4、他每月看四次电视。 He watches TV __________ __________ a month . 5、下周我(时间)安排得十分满。


小学英语按要求写句子做题技巧 姓名:班级: 按要求写句子,一般可以分为以下几种类型: 一、对划线部分提问 二、改成一般疑问句 三、作肯定或否定回答 四、改成否定句 五、连词成句 对于以上的不同分类的题型,有不同的方法。 一、对划线部分提问做题方法: 1.划线部分用一个疑问词替代 疑问词: what 什么 where 哪里 when 什么时候 who 谁 whose 谁的 why 为什么 which 哪一个 how 怎样 疑问词词组: what colour 什么颜色 what time 什么时间(具体几点)what day 几号 how old 多少岁 how tall 多高 how heavy 多重 how long 多长 how big 体积多大 how many 数量多少 how much 价格多少 2.剩下部分变为一般疑问句(改为一般疑问句参考第二条做题方法) 练习: 1. The tiger is 88kg. 2.I can see five birds in the tree.

3. He is going to the bookstore next Sunday. 4. My mother stayed at home last weekend. 5. Mike is drawing pictures. 二、改成一般疑问句 1.找be动词,把be动词放在句首,其他照抄。 2.找情态动词,把情态动词(can、should、could、must、may…)放在句首,其他照抄。 3.以上情况都没有,在主语前面加一个助动词(do、does、did),其他照抄。 (注:提问I用you回答,提问my用your回答,some改用any) 练习: 1.She wants to go to the supermarket. 2.The keys are in the door. 3. Tom did housework last night. 4. You should see a doctor this morning. 5. There are some children in the classroom. 三、作肯定或否定回答 1.用什么提问用什么回答。 2.前后一致。


模块1-5完成句子专练 1. 播音员英语要说得好,所以要不断的学习。 _______________________________________________________________________________ 2.在空闲时间帮你父母做些家务很有好处。 _______________________________________________________________________________ 3.杰克擅长画画,他从很小就对画画感兴趣。 _______________________________________________________________________________ 4.这位好心的医生最后挽救了他们的生命。 The kind-hearted doctor___________________________________________________________. 5. 没有一个中国人不为取得110米栏金牌的刘翔而感到自豪的。___________of the Chinese ______________Liu Xiang who __________a gold medal in the 110-meter hurdle race. 6.在10年内,中国将会有更少的污染。 There _______________________pollution _______________ 10 years. 7.他问我飞机什么时候起飞。 He asked me __________________ the plane __________________________. 8.她拒绝在他的电脑上玩游戏,因为她正忙于用它来工作。 _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 9. 她拾起手机,问我是否能用它给她拍张全家福。 _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 10.妈妈警告我不要花太多时间在网上查这些问题的答案。 _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 11.医生警告老人注意健康。 _______________________________________________________________________________ 12.我问Lucy她怎么啦。 _______________________________________________________________________________ 13.如果你从图书馆借书,你可以借两个星期,但你不能借给别人。 _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 14.她朝我微笑,但没说一句话。 _______________________________________________________________________________ 15.昨晚我为考试做了一个半小时的准备。 ______________________________________________________________________________ 16.如果你想了解它是怎样工作的,请阅读说明。 _______________________________________________________________________________ 17.如果你想把录音通过邮件传送,把录音机连在电脑上。 _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 18.她长大后能当一位歌手。

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