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Twentieth-Century Literature Introduction

Part V. Twentieth-Century Literature


Historical Introduction

Literary trends of the 20th century

Historical Background

The 20th century began with a strong sense of social breakdown. A series of wars fought on the international scene affected the life of Americans and their literary writings. With all these wars, the whole world had undergone a dramatic social change, a transformation from order to disorder.

(1) The First World War (1914-1918)

Two results of the war to US: economic boom (it became the most powerful industrialized nation in the world, the technological revolution had brought about great changes in the life of American people)

A. Along with the changes in the material landscape, came the changes in beliefs and behavior. Losing faith

(Nietzsche‘s ―death of God‖) (purposeless, futile and chaotic life)

People went into it feeling very optimistic, but quickly became disillusioned. People began to distrust propaganda. Many people died, this made everyone else feel very sad, but also angry and frustrated.

Idealism gave way to disillusionment. A decline in moral standard, more cynical about the accepted standard of honesty and morality

The first decade of the 20th century was best described as a spiritual wasteland. Individual powerlessness and hopelessness became part of the American experience. With the feelings of fear, loss, disorientation and disillusionment.

B. Despite its booming industry and material prosperity, there was a sense of restlessness underneath.

(strikes in big cities—industrial depression, uneven distribution of wealth, the rate of unemployment went up— accumulated in the collapse of the stock market in 1929— the Great Economic Depression – made the already disordered world more turbulent)

C. Social changes. ―Jazz Age‖ (1920s); broken old moral rules; women‘s liberation; social reforms; racial

discrimination (Ku Klux Klan)

―Jazz Age‖ : After WWI, people found that the war which cost millions of lives failed to provide an abiding solutions to the world‘s problems, that the war was just the traps of political leaders. Such a disillusionment about the value of war, accompanied by the booming of American economy drove people to cynical hedonism. People experiment with new amusements. They restlessly pursued stimulus and pleasures, wallow in heavy drinking, fast driving and casual sex. By these, they hoped to seek relief from serious problems.

The reasons for the coming of Jazz Age

Economically,because of the war, American industry developed fast.The nation is full of bouncing ebullience, fearful of nothing, confident smug isolationism.

Socially, decline of idealism. Patriotism became cynical disillusionment. Unity of family weakened. There appeared the revolt of the Younger Generation. They escaped responsibility and assumed immorality.

D. Science development (radio, automobile, movie) Science became increasingly important, and made

people doubt their very belief systems. People found themselves living in a spiritual wasteland- they could not look to the old ideas for certainties any more. Man is not so important in the world, he is alone, and when he dies, that is it—we must face this with ―despairing courage‖.

(All in all, the beginning of the 20th century is a chaotic age. It was also a transitional age. After 1920s, US society stepped into its modern times.)

(2). 欧州现代艺术、马克思主义、弗洛伊德学说的意义及对美国现代文学产生的影响。

Between the mid-19th and the first decade of the 20th century, there had been a big flush of new theories and new ideas in both social and natural science as well as in the field of art in Europe which exerted

influence on the development of American Literature in the Modern Period.

1, Darwinism, which suggests that man was dominated by the irresistible forces;

2, Marxist theory, which holds that the root cause of all behavior was economic and that the leading feature of the economic life was the division of society into antagonistic classes based on a relation to the means of production.

3, Freud‘s psychoanalysis which emphasizes on the unconscious and the irrational side of human psyche.

4, modern European arts such as Impressionism, Expressionism, and Cubism also had great impact on the American Literature.

Literary trends of the 20th century

1. Before World War I, Realism and Naturalism remained the vital forces. P151, Para2

2. Since the 1920s, US literature stepped into the modern age. And the beginning part of the 20th century

was called the second renaissance in American literature (First Nobel Prize, several great writers, Southern Renaissance, Harlem Renaissance). A large group of writers began to make all kinds of literary experiments because they felt old literary form can‘t express the new spirits.

Literary trends of the 20th century


Lost Generation

New Drama

Harlem Renaissance: (P. 154)

The Great Depression of 1930s

“Beat Generation” in 1950s

Literature of 1960s

Literature of 1970s


Modernism was an international movement in literature and arts, especially in literary criticism, which began in the late 19th century and the theory of psycho-analysis as its theoretical base.

A. it began in the late 19th century and lasted until the end of World War II. It is a Wide range of

experimental and avant-garde trends in literature (and other arts), including Symbolism, Futurism,

Expressionism, Imagism, Dadaism, Cubism, Imagism and Surrealism.

B. Modernist literature is characterized by a rejection of the 19th century traditions and of their consensus

between author and reader. Modernist writers tend to see themselves as an avant-garde, disengaged from the bourgeois values and disturbed their readers by adopting complex and difficult new forms and styles.

In fiction, the accepted continuity of chronological development was abandoned, and they attempted new ways of tracing the flow of character‘s thoughts in their stream-of consciousness styles.

Stream of consciousness: It is a narrative device with which the author makes an attempt to describe the exact process of mental workings of the character, with all its illogical darts and dashes and sudden turns and free associations. Both Faulkner and Joyce employed this literary device in some of their works.

In poetry, Ezra Pound and T. S. Eliot replaced the logical expression of thoughts with collages of fragmentary images and complex allusions. (P.153)

In theatre, new forms of abstraction took place of realist and naturalist representation. (P.153)

C. Theme: Modernist writings are more concerned with alienation from society, loss of self-identity,

loneliness of man, inability to feel or express love, meaninglessness of life, absurdity of the world,

dehumanization of the modern society, subjectivity and spontaneity. The major themes of the modernist literature are the distorted, alienated and ill relationships between man and nature, man and society, man and man, and man and himself.

D. Modernist writings are predominantly cosmopolitan, and often express a sense of urban cultural

dislocation, along with an awareness of new anthropological and psychological theories.

E. The modernist writers concentrate more on the private and subjective than on the public and objective,

mainly concerned with the inner being of an individual. They pay more attention to the psychic time than the chronological one. It‘s favored techniques of juxtaposition and multiple point of view challenge to reader to reestablish a coherence of meaning from fragmentary forms.

Lost Generation

Also termed the Sad Young Men, which was created by F.S. Fitzgerald in his book ―All the Sad Young Men‖, the term in general refers to the post-World War I generation, but especially a group of writers who came of age during the war and established their literary reputation in the 1920s.

It stems from a remark made by Gertrude Stein to Ernest Hemingway, ―You are all a lost generation.‖ Hemingway used it as an epigraph to ―The Sun Also Rises‖ (1926), a novel tha t captures the attitude of a hard-drinking, fast-living set of disillusioned young expatriates in postwar Paris.

Lost Generation

Refers to those writers who were devoid of faith, values and ideals and who were alienated from the civilization the capitalist society advocated. They rebelled against former values and ideas, but replaced them only by despair or a cynical hedonism.

They were totally frustrated by the WWI and returned from that ―Great War‖ to their own country only to find the grim reality that the social values and civilization were hollow and affected if compared to the cruel realities of the battleground. They felt alienated from American civilization, which was conveyed in their lives of exile and expatriation.

They had cut themselves off from their past and old values in America and yet unable to come to terms with the new era when civilization had gone mad. They wandered pointlessly and restlessly, enjoying things like fishing, swimming, bullfight and beauties of nature, but they were aware all the while that the world is crazy and meaningless and futile. Their whole life was undercut and defeated. They cast away all past concepts and values in order to create new types of writing, which was characterized by disillusionment with ideals and further with civilization the capitalist society advocated. They painted the post-war western world as a waste land, lifeless and hopeless due to ethical degradation and disillusionment with dreams.

The term embraces Hemingway, Fitzgerald, John Dos Passons, e.e. cummings, Hart, Crane and many other writers who made Paris the center of their literary activities in the 20s. They were never a literary school. In the 2930s, as these writers turned in different directions, their works lost the distinctive stamp of the post war period. (P. 152-3)

Harlem Renaissance

"From 1920 until about 1930 an unprecedented outburst of creative activity among African-Americans occurred in all fields of art. Beginning as a series of literary discussions in the lower Manhattan (Greenwich Village) and upper Manhattan (Harlem) sections of New York City, this African-American cultural movement became known as "The New Negro Movement" and later as the Harlem Renaissance.

◆The first time Mainstream publishers and critic took African American literature seriously and Black

American literature and arts attracted significant attention from the nation at large.

◆It is more than a literary movement and more than a social revolt against racism, the Harlem Renaissance

exalted the unique culture of African-Americans and redefined African-American expression.

African-Americans were encouraged to celebrate their heritage and to become "The New Negro".

One of the factors contributing to the rise of the Harlem Renaissance was the great migration of African-Americans to northern cities (such as New York City, Chicago, and Washington, D.C.) between 1919 and 1926. In his influential book The New Negro (1925), Locke described the northward migration of blacks as "something like a spiritual emancipation."

Black urban migration, combined with trends in American society as a whole toward experimentation during the 1920s, and the rise of radical black intellectuals — including Locke, Marcus Garvey, founder of the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA), and W. E. B. Du Bois, editor of The Crisis magazine —all contributed to the particular styles and unprecedented success of black artists during the Harlem

Renaissance period."

1930s, Great Depression

I. Historical Background: under the attack of the grave world economic crisis, all contradictions inherent in

the capitalist system intensified.slow recovery, social upheavals, the world drifted toward another great war.

the populace terrified. They lost confidence in everything.

II. Literature of political and social criticism.The novels mirrored the threats to democratic thought and a strong ideological countercurrent which caused great ideological confusion into Americans.

Novels: John Steinbeck: The Grapes of Wrath 1939.



Literature of 1950s

I. Historical Background:

After the WWII, the nuclear time had unmistakably claimed itself and Americans were suddenly brought to face a completely new world in which old rules and guidelines turned out to be helpless. America got even more involved in the international affairs.

50s, America‘s rival with the Soviet Union, resulted in the initial of the Cold War. A series of major incidents occurred to the attention of the world. as Truman‘s containment to East Asia faltered, Korean War broke out in June 1950. This was the first war that American had ever fought without victory. This unbalance and lost war tarred the prestige of Americans as heroes of the second World War and shed a dark shadow on the mind of Americans.

Literature in the 50s

A new generation of American authors appeared writing in the skeptical, ironic tradition of the earlier realists

and naturalists. In the 1950s, the ―Beat‖ writers, in expression of disaffection with ―official‖ American life, were brutally and directly dominant. The so-called ―Beat Generation,‖ though not expatriate like the Lost Generation, were alienated—feeling like foreigners in their own country.

Beat Generation

Identifies a loose-kit group of poets and novelists, writing in the second half of the 1950s and early 1960s, who shared a set of social attitudes—anti-establishment, anti-political, anti-intellectual, opposed to the prevailing cultural, and moral values, and in favor of unfettered self-realization and self-expression.

The Beat writers often performed in coffee-houses and other public places, to the accompaniment of drums or jazz music.

The group included such diverse figures as Allen Ginsberg, Gregory Corso, and Lawrence Ferlinghetti and the novelists William Burroughs and Jack Kerouac.

Main Works

Jack Kerouac, On the Road,

poet Allen Ginsberg, Howl,

Jewish Writer Saul Bellow, Seize the Day, 1956,

Black Writer Ralph Ellison, Invisible Man 1956,

Norman Mailer, The Naked and The Dead, 1948,

J. D. Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye, 1951.


















Literature in the1960s

Historical Background:

The Cuban missile crisis took place in Oct, 1962. Vietnam War (1965-73) was another stage of the Cold War.

The U. S. continuous slaughter proved little military efficiency. The War in Vietnam seemed to Americans a life-swallow machine without end and victory in sight. Disillusionment spread throughout the United States.

Anti-war movement grew in size and militancy. More than 500,000 soldiers were deserted during the Vietnam years. This unjust war ended in Americans‘ humiliating withdrawal of their exhausted troops from ―a

small unimportant country‖ in 1973. The war left a permanent scar in the memory of Americans.

Literature in the 60s

It was a decade when literature began to diverse in style and form. Various themes and different ways of exploration of the meaning of life were experienced.

1. Psychological realistic novels:

John Updike, Rabbit Run, 1960,

Wright Morris, Ceremony in Lone Tree, 1960,

John Cheever, The Wapshot Scandal, 1984,

Truman Capote, In Cold Blood, 1966,

Joyce Carol Oates, A Garden of Earthly Delights 1967,

Saul Bellow, Herzog 1964,

Issac Bashevis Singer, The Manor, 1967.

Literature in the 60s

2. Southern novels:

William Faulkner, The Receivers 1962,

Flannery O‘Conner, The Violent Bear it Away, 1960,

3. Poetry: Robert Lowell, Allen Ginsberg.

4. Drama: Arthur Miller, Edward Albee, Tennessee Williams.

Literature in the 1960s

5. The writes turned to experimental techniques, to absurd humor, to mocking examination of the irrational

and the disordered. The black humor featured the 1960s.

Joseph Heller, Catch-22, 1961,

John Barth, The Sot-Weed Factor, 1961, Ken Kesey,

One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, 1962,

Thomas Pynchon, Gravity’s Rainbow 1973.

Black humor

The use of the morbid and the absurd for darkly comic purpose in modern fiction and Drama. The term refers as much to the tone of anger and bitterness as it does to the grotesque and morbid situations, which often deal with suffering,anxiety and death. It is a substantial element in the Anti-novel and the theater of the absurd. Joseph Heller‘s catch-22 is an archetypal example.












Literature of the 1970s

The 1970s was a stage on which all kinds of literary art were performed. The Southern fiction, Jewish fiction, Psychological fiction, African-American Fiction, Science fiction, feminist fiction, etc., completed

inter-relatedly to present themselves, which displayed a prosperous panorama of literature.

Jewish novelists Saul Bellow and Issac Singer were separately awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1976 and in 1978. Bellow was ranked as one of the most important novelists of the 20th century American literature after the WWII.

Black Literature: Richard Wright, Native Son, 1940, Ellison, Invisible Man, 1952, Alex Haley, Malcolm X, Alice Walker, Toni Morrison.

Poetry: poets urged by upheavals of the post-war period participated actively all kinds of political or literary movement with their pens, to express their views, to utter their uneasiness about the uses of social power and industrial power, in poems.

Theodore Roethke, Robert Lowell, Richard Wilbur, Richard Eberhart, Allen Ginsberg, Gary Snyder, Sylvia Plath, Delmore Schwarts.

Plays after WWII

Plays after WWII survived under the squeeze of movies and especially television. Old playwrights like Eugene O‘Neill continued to produce sensational plays-----his combination of naturalism, expressionism and Greek tragedy.

New and young playwrights were struggling to broaden the ways and forms of theatrical language in the narrowing art space.

The influence of Europe‘s ―Theater of the Absurd‖, and Broadway‘s commercialization all pushed modern drama to emerge in new faces: ―Middle Drama‖, ―Off-Broadway‖非百老汇戏剧界, ―Off-Off-Broadway‖, Black Theater and other experimental forms.

Tennessee Williams, Arthur Miller, Edward Albee.




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