当前位置:文档之家› 研究生科技英语阅读答案


Unit 1

Genetically Modified Foods—Feed the World?


1. alternative

2. modification

3. devastating

4. rigorous

5. collaborate

6. recoup

7. incentive

8. restriction

9. subjected to10. array of 11.attribute … to12.being exposed…to13.incorporate… into14.fortified with15. suffers from


(1) vocal green lobbies 主张环保的游说集团

arable land 耕地面积

vitamin A deficiency 缺乏维生素A

nutritionally improved crops 增进营养成分的农作物

restore the balance 避免这一损失

staple crops主要粮食作物

neutralize aluminum toxicity中和铝的毒性

overall crop productivity农业总产量

transport infrastructures运输基础设施

target rich markets把富裕国家的市场作为目标

(2) 转基因食品来源于转基因生物体。转基因生物体自身发生了特定变化,基因工程技术使得其DNA发生这种变化成为可能。这些技术比突变(突变育种)精确的多,因为突变只使某个生物体暴露于辐射或化学物质从而创造一种非特异性而稳定的变化。人类改变食物机体的其他技术还包括选择性育种(植物育种和养殖动物),和体细胞无性系变异。

转基因食品于90年代初首次推出市场。通常情况下,转基因食品为转基因植物产品:大豆,玉米,油菜,棉花子油。但动物产品也已得到开发。2006年研究人员通过一种名为线虫的基因,在一头猪身上有争议的研发出ω- 3脂肪酸。研究人员还开发了一种转基因品种的猪,它能够更高效地吸收植物磷,因此其粪便的磷含量也减少高达60%。


2.Translate the following Chinese into English.

(1) 挑起争论to spark a debate

转基因食品genetically modified foods

解决问题to resolve issues

食物链the food chain

供大于求The supply exceeds the needs

世界人均耕地the world's cultivable land per person

大幅度提高to increase significantly

罪魁祸首to play the largest role

从整体上看taken as a whole

尖端研究the leading-edge research

(2)Finding it difficult to adapt to the climate there

(3)to have no access to the health service

(4)an important role in prospering and developing

(5)a depression in yield and a reduction in quality

(6)could have made a good salary

(7)We cannot estimate the value of modern science and technology too much.

(8)The insurance company will recoup the farmers for the loss caused by the flood.

(9)During the SARS outbreak, the lack of hygiene in poor countries had devastating

consequences to all people of the world.

(10)T his University Library is one of the largest Libraries in China, with a stack of

over 2.3 million volumes. It supports the University’s research and teaching across

a full range of subjects, and provides information a

b out the Library’s collections

and services in each subject area.

(11)T he recession has hit middle-income and poor families hardest, widening the

economic gap between the richest and poorest Americans as job layoffs ravaged household budgets.

(12)C hina's government declared two strains of genetically modified rice safe to

produce and consume, taking a major step toward endorsing the use of biotechnology in the staple food crop of billions of people in Asia. China is the world's top producer and consumer of rice, so its use of modified varieties has the

potential to alter the grain's global supply patterns. China's officials have been less constrained by public pressure over the sometimes-controversial use of biotechnology in food than officials in other countries. The government has long supported research into agricultural biotechnology as part of a drive to ensure the nation remains self-sufficient in staple crops.

IV. Cloze

1. species

2. predictable

3. unrelated

4. different

5. into

6. produce

7. seeing

8. also

9. obvious 10. inserted

11. nobody 12. approved 13. apparently 14. humans 15. risks

Unit 2

The Biology of Skin Color: Black and White

II. Vocabulary

1. dismayed

2. formulated

3. dissipate

4. evaporation

5. forage for

6. dispersing

7. hampered

8. correlated with

9. defect 10. inhibits

11. overdose 12. disproved 13. block out 14. reserves 15. complement III. Translation


(1) went through the literature on the subject 查阅这一专题的文献

a recent issue of the Journal of Human Evolution 最近一期的《人类进化杂志》exposure to the sun 强烈阳光

are particularly vulnerable to overheating 特别易受过热温度的伤害

to absorb or disperse ultraviolet light 吸收或散射紫外线

children's neural-tube defects 婴儿的神经管缺陷overdosing on vitamin D 过量摄取维生素D

hard data correlating skin color to light levels 与肤色与光线水平有关联的过硬数据。ultraviolet radiation 紫外线辐射

alert people to the importance of vitamin D 使人们注意他们饮食中富含维生素D的重要性

(2)20世纪80年代以前,研究人员只能对究竟有多少紫外线辐射到达地球表面做出估计。但在1978年,美国航空航天局(NASA)发射了―臭氧总量测绘分光计‖。3年前,杰布隆斯基和卓别林得到了该分光计所测的全球紫外线测量数据。他们把这些数据与已经发表的来自50多个国家的有关当地人口肤色的数据进行了比较。令他们欣慰的是,它们之间有着明确无误的相关性:紫外线越弱,皮肤就越白皙。杰布隆斯基进而表明,生活在纬度50度以上的人缺乏维生素D的风险最高。―这曾是人类定居历史上最后的障碍之一,‖ 杰布隆斯基说。―只是在人类学会了捕鱼,因而能获得富含维生素D的食物后,他们才能够定居在这些地区。‖


(1) 中暑heatstroke

浅色的皮肤light skin

早在20世纪60年代As far back as the 1960s

阻挡紫外线block the light

明确无误的相关性an unmistakable correlation

缺乏维生素D vitamin D deficiency

富含维生素D的食物food rich in vitamin D

远离赤道的人People far from the equator

吸收阳光drink in the sun

云雾迷漫的地方cloudy climes

(2)He was not severely punished for his crime

(3)advance our knowledge of the HIV virus.

(4)when taken according to the direction/instruction

(5)to have no access to the health service

(6)He has some vague ideas about what to do

(7)After three days of dismay they submitted to him and begged his forgiveness.

(8)No sooner had the controversy within the administration been settled than another

more violent storm burst over the country

(9)The UN and its agencies protect vulnerable groups, like children, refugees,

displaced persons, minorities, indigenous people and the disabled.

(10)A recent research finds that Listening to loud music while driving can seriously

hamper reaction times and cause accidents.

(11)D uring the SARS outbreak, the lack of effective medicines and doctors had

devastating consequences to all people of the world.

(12)W hen it comes to your skin, there is an extremely important fact that you must

keep in mind: Your skin is the largest organ of your body. As an obvious result, skin health and maintenance is crucial. Your skin does everything from protecting you from the elements to assisting you with breathing. Your skin keeps your body hydrated and regulates your body's temperature. In the end, this really is only the beginning of all of the various vital functions that your skin provides to you every moment of your life.

IV. Cloze

1 hard

2 surprisingly

3 represents

4 out

5 identify

6 within

7 damaged

8 down

9 comes 10 why

Unit 3

Can Dirt Do a Little Good?

II. Vocabulary

1. enchant

2. upscale

3. evoke

4. intriguing

5. preoccupation

6.trade… for

7. eradicating

8. virtually

9. stimulating10. lurk

11. stunted12. harness13. teem with14. vigilance15. suspended

III. Translation


(1)standards of hygiene卫生状况

upscale urban infants生活在高消费城市的婴儿

makes no mention of没有提到

evoke an intriguing medical controversy激起了一场医疗争议

anti-microbial products抗菌产品

traded one problem for another problem将一种问题转化为另外一种问题

build up resistance to disease建立抵抗疾病的免疫系统

prime a child's immune system帮助婴儿建立免疫系统

decontaminated water纯净水



一年下来,还有22% 的妇女仍在坚持母乳喂哺。




(1) 免疫性疾病allergic diseases

暴露于刺激免疫系统的细菌Exposure to immune-stimulating germs

公共卫生取得了长足的进步made enormous strides in public health

从范围和后果上讲in terms of scale and impact

增强免疫harness the immune-priming effects

临床试验Clinical trials

肉眼不可见的invisible to the naked eye

数目是人体细胞的10倍outnumber human cells by about 10 to 1

在医院工作的人health-care workers

(2)To allow diverse economic sectors to coexist with state economy

(3)no place can compare with their own hometown.

(4)you are at risk of losing your driver’s license

(5)more and more intriguing.

(6)the controversy has been settled.

(7)The government is making efforts to eradicate racial discriminating.

(8)In practical appraisal, the basic premise is to determine the value of the property.

(9)The financial market system is being completed, and the distribution and

utilization efficiency of social capital have increased steadily.

(10)O nly when we give full play to man's initiative can we make full use of machines

to transform nature.

(11)T he era in which the Chinese people were regarded as uncivilized is now ended.

We shall emerge in the world as a nation with an advanced culture.

(12)N ow a Bristol University dental scientist has discovered that a common bacteria

responsible for tooth decayand gum disease can break out into the bloodstream and help blood clots to form. In turn these can cause heart attacks and strokes, which together cause more than 200,000 deaths in Britain every year. People need to be aware that as well keeping a check on their diet, blood pressure, cholesterol and fitness levels, they also need to maintain good dental hygiene to minimize their risk of heart problems.

IV. Cloze

1. to

2. significant

3. breast-fed

4. who

5. hypothesized

6. months

7. laboratory

8. rate

9.terms 10. revealed 11.overfeed

Unit 4

Is Time Travel Possible?

II. Vocabulary

1. shortcut

2. attentive

3. twisty

4. indulge in

5. emerge

6. far-fetched

7. wrinkle

8. capture

9. tricky10. paradox

11. violation12. transmitted13. amplified14. expanded15. inflation

III. Translation


(1) the fastest manned vehicle最快的人造交通工具

go more than 2,000 times faster达到该速度的2000倍

a tricky concept to wrap your head around需要你绞尽脑汁的抽象概念

fire the shot开枪

violate a fundamental rule违反了一个基本规定

the other way around倒过来

the sound system 声音系统

a twisty mountain road 崎岖不平的山路

a truly remarkable device 一个非同凡响的设备

real-life time tunnels 真实生活中的时间隧道

(2)把时间看成为第4维进一步理解了爱因斯坦狭义相对论的意义。德国数学家Theodor Kaluza甚至有着更加宏伟的计划。1919年,他在送给爱因斯坦的论文中,认为如果在4维时空的基础上加进了第5维,就有可能展示引力和电磁力是同一种力的两个方面。

若干年以后,瑞典数学家,Oskar Klein采纳了Kaluza的思想,并付之于行动。他认为第5维可能是微小的,并蜷缩在4维时空的每一点上,并由此来反驳了那些认为第5维的不能立即清晰可见的反对意见。由此开始了在超空间隐藏的各个维中寻找把各种力统一起来的研究进程,一直延续到当今的弦理论。

然而,第5维也许并不见得像Kaluza所想像的那么微小。哈佛大学的物理学家Lisa Randall和马里兰约翰霍普金斯大学的Raman Sundrum于1999年用弦理论说明了第5维可能可以用来解释一个伤脑筋的难理解事:那就是为什么引力比自然界里的其他基本力都要微弱。他们的模型是把我们熟悉的4维时空漂浮在一个无穷大的曲率为负的第5维空间上。尽管电磁力和核力依然粘附在4维时空所组成的膜片上,可是引力却泄漏进了第5维。


(1) 发现一条捷径find a shortcut

自然法则the laws of nature

四维空间the fourth dimension

太阳系the solar system


feature a vast, energy-hungry machine.

从一个不同的角度from a different angle

一个很难理解的概念 a tough concept;

一个基本的物理原则 a basic physical principle

存在于四维空间中. true of the fourth dimension

最小的缝隙the smallest of scales

(2)With the passage of time

(3)the increase in demand results in /causes the rise in prices

(4)that education is not complete with graduation

(5)make my head swim

(6)what had happened by then

(7)Science seeks the unity under the chaos of natural phenomena.

(8)So what we've done is to dedicate ourselves to saving something of what's left.

(9)Indeed a man, whose heart is pretty clean, can indulge in this pursuit with an

enjoyment that never ceases.

(10)B ut these tasks will ultimately be restructured to better match user goals in the

final design.

(11)S ubsequently, the fine particles are widely dispersed in the atmosphere and

descend to earth very slowly.

(12)A Chinese astronaut has made the historic first step in outer space for his country.

With the successful spacewalk, China has become the third country, after the United States and Russia, to do so. Cheering erupted in the control room when Chinese astronaut Zhai Zhigang opened the hatch of the Shenzhou 7 spacecraft and went outside.

IV. Cloze

1. called

2. spacecraft

3. revealed

4. feasible

5. unlikely

6. colonization

7. minerals

8. approach

9. establishing 10. added

11. available 12. as 13. solving 14. event 15. volunteer

Unit 5

The End of Email Age

II. Vocabulary

1. takes hold

2. vying… for

3. suit… to

4. prosperity

5. a host of

6. status

7. gripe about

8. crafted

9. show up 10. downside 11. fired off 12. filtered 13. deluge 14. cue 15. subscribe III. Translation


(1) 1. a host of new ways to communicate 一系列新的通信方式

2. a response to an email 电子邮件回复

3. over instant messaging 通过及时消息

4. currently in test phase 目前处于测试阶段

5. enter comments 输入评论

6. little wonder that 难怪

7. a half-hour delay in getting an email 电子邮件接收迟了半小时

8. a text message to go through 一条文字信息的传送

9. a blog comment 博客评论

10. in real time online 实时地在网上







(1) 1. 判断各种信息重要性determine the importance of various messages

2. 屈指可数的几个朋友 a handful of friends

3. 创建链接create links

4. 收件箱in-box

5. 双刃剑cut both ways

6. 发送各种各样的信息fire off all sorts of messages

7. 对全部信息都置之不理tune out messages altogether

8. 电子邮件的这些接班人email successors

9. 有利也有弊has its pluses and minuses

10. 甚至是面部表情even facial cues

(2)the reign of Gorge III.

(3)take hold of my hand

(4)Thanks to this contract

(5)but got stuck in the last one

(6)gripe about hospital services

(7)All the good stuff in the house belonged to only me, and there were no brothers or

sisters to vie with me for my parents' love.

(8)As they had been intimate from their earliest youth, the force of habit maintained

peace between them.

(9)Today let 's start all over again and figure out just how we are going to market this


(10)I f, by chance, the recipient of the message happens to be online at the time that

your message is received, a response may be back in just minutes.

(11)D on t set your goals by what other people deem important. Only you know what is

best for you.

(12)E mail can be a great tool in helping us multitask and set our own timetables for

communicating with friends, family and co-workers. In related research, email may make users feel less responsible for telling the truth. people are more willing to lie when communicating via email than with pen and paper, and feel more justified doing so. This was true regardless of whether the writers were told their falsehood would be discovered by others.

IV. Cloze

1. Watched

2. via

3. which

4. across

5. list

6. position

7. engine

8. with

9. substantially 10.on

Unit 6

Are Cell Phones Safe?

II. Vocabulary

1. pose… to

2. parse

3. strip away

4. dissipate

5. susceptible to

6. meager

7. contentious

8. bias

9. havoc we wreak 10. irrefutable 11. enforce 12. modest 13. viable 14. confounded 15. incidence

III. Translation


(1) taking steps to reduce exposure减少使用手机

cell phone safety standards手机安全标准

pose any danger to损害健康

consumer advocates消费者保护团体

regulatory agencies管理机构

frequent cell phone users常用手机的人

prenatal exposure to cell phone radiation胎儿受到手机辐射

―non-ionizing‖ radiation―非电离‖辐射

cell tissue细胞组织

the subject of Congressional hearings议会听证会的议题

(2)费雪,通过手机告诉Web MD,说他有很好的理由限制孩子使用手机,而不是出于对癌症的恐惧。


他说:“常识为准”,并指出手机会使孩子分心。”我认为孩子不应该无限制访问手机24 - 7。其使用应该是有限制的。但该限制不应出于人们偏执的想法或对于那些不成立的感知风险的恐惧。”



(1) 高频热效应radiofrequency heating effects

手机知情权Cell Phone Right-to-Know

阻止这项新法律的实行block enforcement of the new law

支持食品与药物管理局的结论stands by the FDA

患脑癌的几率the odds of developing brain cancer

世界各国的研究团队research teams from around the world

长时间大量使用手机long-term heavy use of mobile phones

选择误差selection biases

原数据The raw data

需要进一步研究worth further investigation

(2)particularly in regard to taxation

(3)the extent of corruption and abuse of power

(4)the risks posed by hazardous materials.

(5)The incidence of this disease

(6)without the problems posed by global warming

(7)Yet there were two main barriers to the enforcement of such regulations.

(8)You can narrow the odds of a terrible accident happening in your home by being

more safety-conscious.

(9)Dr. Johnson argued that there is a strong correlation between teenage crime and

low educational achievement.

(10)L ocal authorities have therefore been unable, and unwilling, to part with their own

meagre resources.

(11)M icrosoft Corp. has filed suit against a Houston computer manufacturer as part of

a nationwide crackdown on software piracy.

(12)S tudies so far suggest a weak connection between EMFs and illness–so weak that

it might not exist at all. A multinational investigation of cellphones and brain cancer, in 13 countries outside the US, has been underway for several years. It’s funded in part by the European Union, in part by a cellphone industry group. The final report should come out later this year, but data so far don’t suggest a strong link between cellphone use and cancer risk。

IV. Cloze

1. Purchased

2. from

3. worked

4. since

5. increase

6. causes

7. radiation

8. vulnerable

9. absorptive 10. found

Unit 7

II. Vocabulary

1. swell

2. remnants

3. give rise to

4. spilling over

5. cruises

6. involved in

7. coordinated

8. anecdotes

9. Refrain 10. rove 11. excursion 12. conjures 13. envision 14. humbled 15. Haunted III. Translation


(1) crash and ground against North America 与北美洲板块碰撞摩擦

the sweep of millions of years 数百万年的冲刷过程

lay insufficient foundation for skyscrapers 地基不足以支撑摩天大楼

lead regional geological field trips. 主持区域地质实际调查旅行

check the American Museum of Natural History's Web site


have easy access to a natural history or related museum


a helpful series of books. 一套有用的系列丛书

the American Federation of Mineralogical Societies 美国矿物协会联盟

site of an ancient tropical sea. 古代的热带海洋

against the backdrop of aeons 在极漫长的时代背景下



(1) 磨蚀降低wear them down

巍峨的山脉the towering ranges

堆积成为give rise to

掀起了河水swell the rivers

场外长期展览off-site permanent exhibit

化石收藏家fossil hunters

矿物学会 a mineral society

恐龙骨化石dinosaur fossils


在你的想象中in your mind's eye

(2)expose the soldiers to unnecessary risks

(3)recoup their investments soon

(4)can be attributed to the greed for money

(5)be toxic to a child's emotional well-being.

(6)to get what you want

(7)The above anecdote reminds us that translators and interpreters must be aware of

the differences between peoples and cultures.

(8)This enables Mobile Users to have access to latest enterprise data and applications

at all times.

(9)Most difficult of all is to estimate the volume of storm water likely to flow in a

drain / sewer.

(10)A dvisory committees have a role to play in holding agency administrators

accountable for the way in which they resolve these questions.

(11)T hey want to stimulate economic growth in the region by offering incentives to

foreign investors.

(12)―People are evolving more rapidly than in the distant past, with residents of

various continents becoming increasingly different from one another.‖ researchers say. Rapid population growth has been coupled with vast changes in cultures and ecology, creating new opportunities for adaptation. The past 10,000 years have

seen rapid skeletal and dental evolution in human populations, as well as the appearance of many new genetic responses to diet and disease.

IV. Cloze

1. Earthquake

2. derived

3. observed

4. unlikely

5. largest

6. opportunity

7. re-evaluate

8. showed

9. from 10. released 11. make 12.. perspective Unit 8

Why We Are Fat?

II. Vocabulary

1. spooked

2. smother

3. ravenous

4. suppress

5. mess with

6. skimp on

7. chronically

8. panned out

9. wind up with 10. is inclined to 11. thrifty 12. symptom 13. a glut of 14. trigger 15. inhale

III. Translation


(1) clichéd-but-true answer 老生常谈但又真实的答案

burn it off with enough exercise 足够的运动消耗它

overpowers our reason 战胜了我们的理智

a powerful driver of behavior 强大的推动力

governs metabolism 控制新陈代谢

messing with these hunger hormones 干扰了这些饥饿激素

survive frequent famines 渡过频繁发生的饥荒

a vaccine to prevent obesity 防止肥胖疫苗

throw up our hands and say 投降说

chronically sleep-deprived 长期缺觉





(1) 饥饿激素hunger hormones

减肥to lose weight

肥胖的人obese people

体重增加了不少gain a lot of weight

起作用come into play

易于发胖be inclined to gain weight

他们亲生父母their natural parents

一周以后 a week from now

人类干细胞human stem cells

激素不平衡 a hormone imbalance

(2)speculate on the reasons for this kind of bad thinking.

(3)characterized by the intense contrasts of dark and light.

(4)hoping that other crew would see it.

(5)the manifold pressures about to descend him.

(6)retained enough authority to manage

(7)it provides as large an evaporation area as possible

(8)His appetite became ravenous and his caloric intake doubled, yet he lost 10 kg.

(9)Why permit such a criminal to speculate on some plan of escape?

(10)O besity is one of the leading causes of accelerated aging, according to Cooper.

(11)T hey had to skimp (on everything) to send their sons to college

(12)I t is a cliché to say that money can't buy happiness, but the old saying seems to be

supported by research.

(13)T he obesity problem in the US is well documented. While the World Health

Organisation has declared obesity a global epidemic, the US is at the top of the table, with two-thirds of its adults and a fifth of its children overweight or obese.

Super-sized, super-sweet sodas are the norm from the corner store to the cinema, and Americans suck down not only those but even 32oz and 64oz servings, at mealtime and as refreshment in the day.The Centers for Disease Control, the official public health agency, is urging a reduction in sweetened drinks to reduce obesity, which has been linked to heart disease, stroke, cancer and diabetes.

IV. Cloze

1. Why

2. was

3. governing

4. at

5. kind

6. with

7. which

8. influence

9. cancer 10. upon

Unit 9

The History of UFOs

II. Vocabulary

1. encompass

2. inspire

3. sophisticated

4. compile

5. obsession

6. attribute to

7. convincing

8. inversely

9. transferred 10. prompted 11. provoked 12. abduction 13. disconcerted 14. reflects 15. infer

III. Translation


(1)1. in popular culture 通俗地说

2. UFO sightings UFO 目击事件

3. a major subject of interest 人们感兴趣的一大主题

4. a flying saucer 飞碟

5. the official inquiries into UFOs UFO 官方研究计划

6. make an identification with a known phenomenon 用已知的现象定性

7. climbed to a record high 攀升到历史最高

8. an expert panel of scientists 一支由科学家组成的专家小组

9. long period of secrecy 长时间的保密

10. release its results 发表了它的结论

(2)澳大利亚天体物理学家斯蒂芬·休斯称球状闪电和其他大气现象可以解释人们看到一些不明飞行物(UFO)现象。这位科学家在2006年仔细研究了一个非常罕见的现象,这一年在布里斯班市观测到了大量的流星。这些流星出现的同时,有人看到一个亮绿色的物体在附近的山顶上滚过。休斯博士提出了一个理论,把这个物体与火球联系在一起。他推测这个物体实际上是球状闪电。他认为这些火球中的一个可能瞬间造成了高层大气与地面之间的回路,形成了出现在山顶的球状闪电。他在皇家学会的一份杂志中对此做出了详细的解释。休斯博士说,这种不寻常的现象如果发生在晴朗的夜晚,会使人觉得看到了飞碟活动。他告诉BBC 新闻:―你会发现,把令人费解的大气现象,这些现象可能是放电的现象,与人的心理以及对看到罕见现象的愿望联系在一起考虑,可以解释许多UFO现象。‖休斯博士是昆士兰科技大学的一位高级讲师。当地电视台邀请他检查公众用摄像手机拍摄的火球照片,并对这些照片做出解释。之后他发起了这项研究。


(1) 1. 引起争论raise questions

2. 地外访问者存在the presence of extraterrestrial visitors

3. 掩盖测试的真相obscure the true nature of the tests

4. 泄漏的情报太多give away too much information

5. 不辞辛劳前来报告目击事件take the trouble to report a sighting

6. 裸眼the unaided eye

7. 点状光源point sources of light

8. 光学幻觉optical illusions

9. 睡眠性麻痹sleep paralysis

10. 美国人对UFO 现象着迷An American obsession with the UFO phenomenon

(2)If an unidentified aircraft is spotted

(3)has taken 12 years to compile.

(4)one per cent inspiration

(5)was under way

(6)are especially good. comprise the first part of the novel

(7)While intelligent people can often simplify the complex, a fool is more likely to

complicate the simple.

(8)It would be appreciated if you could give us a prompt answer to solve the


(9)Only products manufactured with sophisticated skill and high in quality can win

praise from numerous customers.

(10)A nalysts estimate sales could reach $ 300 million a year once regulatory hurdles

are cleared and full marketing gets under way.

(11)S o the company canceled its initial call for bids and issued a second one, to which

other three companies eventually responded.

(12)I t can be nice to feel needed - but two men returning home from an evening out in

Staffordshire were less than happy when a lemon-headed alien supposedly appeared beneath a hovering UFO and wanted to take them away. Dashing to their local police station, the terrified men filed a report which ended up with the Ministry of Defence. It can now be found among the many mysterious incidents featured in official UFO files released today.

IV. Cloze

1. land

2. but

3. identified

4. attributed

5. threat

6. concluded

7. program

8. accounted

9. evidence 10. however

Unit 10

Video Gamers Can Control Dreams, Study Suggests

II. Vocabulary

1. lucidly

2. are prone to

3. hone

4. hardcore

5. flip

6. detachment

7. replicate

8. explicable

9. assess 10. adjust to

11. range from 12. obesity 13. verify 14. refine 15. simulate

III. Translation


(1) 1. mind-bending Hollywood films 让令人费神才能理解的好莱坞电影

2. provide an edge 提供一点优势

3. a virtual reality 虚拟现实

4. have awareness of 认识到

5. game-related research 游戏相关的研究

6. suggestive associations 暗示性的联系

7. a featured speaker 重要演讲者

8. be less prone to motion sickness 不容易晕车

9. conduct larger surveys 通过更大的调查

10. get a sense of 知道




(1) 1. 清醒训练活动lucidity-training activities

2. 在接受基金资助上的的最高优先性the highest priority for receiving funds

3. 进行一个新的研究pursue a new study

4. 缩小不确定性narrow down the uncertainties

5. 以大学学生为研究对象with college students as subjects

6. 达到极高的程度go off the top

7. 减少做噩梦relieve the need for nightmares

8. 吸引了更多同事的兴趣和尊重attracted more interest and respect from colleagues

9. 过度肥胖的问题obesity issues

10. 了解如何参与find out how to participate

(2)experience trauma differently

(3)I concur with your assessment of the novel

(4)a symptom of political instability

(5)have the edge over its competitors.

(6)arose out of the social injustices

(7)The scene of the previous night now came back to his mind with startling


(8)A senior Asian executive asked his American buddy half jokingly whether Asians

or Americans are more prone to corruption.

(9)Some of the members have been intriguing to get the manager dismissed.

(10)T hey had announced that they would oppose any attempts of the Federal

Government to coerce the states.

(11)L istening skills allow one to make sense of and understand what another person is


(12)L ots of people have had dreams that seem to foretell the future. Some

psychologists attribute this to ―retrieval cues。‖ A retrieval cue is a coincidence in the real world that triggers a dream memory which otherwise would have gone unnoticed。maybe the real event triggered a recollection of a dream, which not seems like it must have been in your thoughts all along. Coincidences are bound to come up. And if the coincidence acts as retrieval cue, the sense that you predicted something can be pretty convincing… even if it’s just a dream。

IV. Cloze

1. access

2. activity

3. why

4. with

5. volunteer

6. was

7. psychologist 8 .data 9. possible 10. patients

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