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中国新版地图介绍 2012年6月21,在国家测绘地理信息局联合中宣部、外交部、教育部等12个部委进行的进学校、进社区、进媒体的“三进”调查活动中,大部分被调查者认为“我国的版图是东西更宽而不是南北更长”,但正确答案却是南北更长。 该地图比例1:6 700 000,展开张贴后,宽0.86米,长1.16米。本图上中国国界线系按照中国地图出版社1989年出版的1:400万《中华人民共和国地形图》绘制。 中国新地图出版意义

我们看到竖版中国地图贯彻了陆海统筹的方针,为全国、全党、全军、全民认识祖国是陆海兼备的大国给出了科学、完整、直观、清晰、准确的疆域版图概念,深感欣慰。我国不仅有960余万平方公里陆地国土,还有300余万平方公里的海洋国土。我国国家安全形势在海洋方面还很严峻,我国海洋开发任务还很艰巨与繁重,而世界又已进入21世纪海洋时代。我们为湖南地图出版社以及率先正式编辑出版竖版中国地图而欢呼! 新版地图为我国维护海洋权益提供重要支撑 中国政法大学国际法学院教授梁淑英接受记者采访时表示,竖版中国地图将我国的海域和陆域结合在一起,整体展现出来,能让读者对我国海疆分布有完整清晰的印象。尤其是对中小学生来说,将有力地增强他们对我国海洋疆土范围的意识,也将提高全体国民的海洋意识。“新版地图明确标识出南海诸岛的主要岛屿、礁岩以及同周边国家的海域、岛屿地理位置关系,将为我国维护领海、专属经济区、大陆架及公海的海洋权益提供重要支撑”。 上海对外经济贸易学院法学院副教授刘丹认为,竖版中国地图不仅在编辑意识上有所创新,也让读者能更加直观地了解中国海陆疆界分布。另外,竖版中国地图将我国南海诸岛的岛屿、海域、岛礁以及与周边岛国、岛屿、岛礁的地理位置关系标注出来,将为我国处理领土争端问题提供有力的证据。 你可能对如下感兴趣:web


介绍汕头的英语作文 导语:说到汕头,小编就想到汕头牛肉丸,下面是 yuwenmi 小编为大家整理 的优秀英语作文 ,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢! My hometown is a seashore city—— Shantou. Shantou lands place motherland southeast coastal have unique natural and humanity environment. It is a bridge town swim the silk feelings of son Su is fish for sea love. Shantou is also a culture city literature origin flows out length has rich content. It have fed a tide of acting another generation people its culture is immortal. Shantou is also beautiful meal Zhi it has the varied snack of delicious food tide Shan congou is more famous world. Again besides Shan the environment with graceful head since attracting countless visitor this travel. after entering the program of " 115 " Shan head is more dynasty the goal of modern seashore city disdain with great efforts. 【参考译文】 我的家乡 我的家乡是一座海滨城市--汕头。 汕头,地处祖国东南沿海,有 着独特的自然和人文环境。 它是一个桥乡,游子的丝丝情愫,是鱼儿对海的依恋。 汕头更是个文化之 都,文学渊源流长,内容丰富。它哺育了一代又一代的潮汕人民,其文化永垂不 朽。 汕头也是个美食之都, 它有多种多样的美味小吃, 潮汕工夫茶更是闻名天下。 再加之,汕头优美的环境,吸引着无数游人来这旅游。 而且, 进入“十一五”规划后, 汕头更是朝着现代化海滨城市的 目标不屑努力。 汕头,我可爱的家乡,它是个美丽的神化。我爱它!


At that day, the chil d’s mum should gathers 4, 8 or 12 kinds of things, which are including 3 kinds of meats and many kinds of fruits. After putting them on a shallow basket, the child worships(祭拜)the censer(香炉) of their In-laws god(公婆神),and after that, they d on’t need to do it any longer. The chil d who goes out of the garden should have to wear new clothes and red wooden shoes(红皮屐).As for boys, they have to eat the head of a rooster ,while girls have to eat the head of a hen or a duck. Because peopl e here thought chil dren wear such clothes and eat those food can bring lucky to them. In some areas , such as Chenhai(澄海), Chaoan(潮阳)and Raoping(饶平), according to their customs , parents ask their child to take a show with 12 types of fresh flowers. However , chil dren have to eat the intestine and the stomach of a pig in Jiedong(揭东), Puning(普宁)and Huilai(惠来),and they call it ‘the replacement of intestines and stomach'. At that noon, in some families, especially whose elder child or their son are to go out of the garden, they will invite many guests to have a big lunch. Because the protagonist(主角)can’t meet with strangers, almost the gusts are their relatives and friends. During the lunch, everyone else has to obey the rules of the seats, the protagonist(主角)have to sit at the main seat, even thought their grandparents are at present. In ad dition, the head


英汉潮汕音字典 民国时期,中国还没有统一的汉语拼音,而那个时候已经有大批外国人来到中国的沿海城市,他们就用西方字母语言的拼音习惯来拼写中文。当时以汕头为口岸的潮汕地区已经有大批的来自各个国家的老外。他们在这里长期生活,弄懂了潮汕话,并为潮汕话编出了一部英文音译字表。外国人所用的潮汕话音译表,已有百年历史,与现代潮汕话已有稍微区别,但现在却已然流行于不使用汉语拼音的华人区,如香港澳门台湾东南亚欧美等。在这里我把她整理一下,供有兴趣的朋友参考使用。 声母 p pang 房相当于普通话中的b ph phang 帆相当于普通话中的p m man 慢相当于普通话中的m t tan 等相当于普通话中的d th than 躺相当于普通话中的t n nan 人相当于普通话中的n l lan 兰相当于普通话中的l k kan 干相当于普通话中的g kh khou 裤相当于普通话中的k h han 寒相当于普通话中的h

g gou 吴普通话中没有这个音,但从例字中不难得出读音。 ch chan 赞相当于普通话中的z chh chhou 粗相当于普通话中的c s san 珊相当于普通话中的s j jan 然相当于普通话中的r b bi 米普通话中没有这个音,但从例字中不难得出读音。 ng ngi 宜普通话中没有这个音,但从例字中不难得出读音。 一般后带h的都标识清音,而不带的标识浊音,所以有 p-ph,t-th,k-kh,ch-chh(此例比较特殊,主要应该是考虑到英语习惯)。而m,n,l,h,s,j(r)是与普通话或世界音标一致的。g,b,ng是潮汕话中特有的音,可以说分别是k,p,n(对应上表的)的鼻音话。在这里,相比现代汉语拼音,无非就少了d,f,q,x,而这几个除了d(其实在这里就是t),q与x其实在国际音标中也是不作声母的,在实际应用中它们也被chh和s代替了,而f是潮语中唯一少了的常用声母。所以很多潮汕人在发这个音时会觉得很困难。在下面的韵母表中带h清化同样有效,但一般是在实际情况中才会结合情况与个人爱好用到。如,李亚鹏,可以写成Li A-phong,Lih A-phong,Li Ah-phong,Lih Ah-phong。甚至你还可以灵活变换,如,汕头,实际上准确拼法应该是Suantau或Swantau,但实际应用上都写成Swatou。我们拼出来就变成沙头了,但也有学者研究得,汕头的原名是沙头。


Chaoshan From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Cháoshàn(潮汕) refers to the linguistic and cultural region in the east of Guangdong, a southeastern province of China. This region is the origin of the Min Nan dialect Teochew. The area is known as Teochew (spelt Chiuchow in Hong Kong) for most[who?] people overseas, although it also consists of the cities of Shantou (sometimes spelt Swatow) and Jieyang. It differs from the rest of Guangdong province which consists of Cantonese and Hakka speakers.[1] Contents [hide] ? 1 Origin ? 2 Geography ? 3 Culture and language ? 4 Climate ? 5 Economy ? 6 Maps ?7 Related links ?8 References [edit] Origin The name "Chaoshan" (潮汕) is a contraction of the names of two of its administrative areas, the prefecture-level cities of Chaozhou(潮州), and Shantou (汕头). [edit] Geography Encompassing the cities of Chaozhou, Shantou, Jieyang and Shanwei, the Chaoshan region, with a permanent population of 13,247,400 at the end of 2007, covers an area of 10,028 km2 that stretches from Shanwei on the coast to the border of Fujian.


介绍潮州的英语作文 各位读友大家好!你有你的木棉,我有我的文章,为了你的木棉,应读我的文章!若为比翼双飞鸟,定是人间有情人!若读此篇优秀文,必成天上比翼鸟! My hometown is chaozhou.Chaozhou though is a small citybut there are many delicious snacks.Said to eatI’m a “gourmet”today introduced first of my favorite chaozhou snacks!When I was youngI’ll own baby talk in from the market”my mother bought some snacksand teach me:this is salty fruitour most famous snacks in chaozhou; This is the bamboo shoots fruitchaozhou the person is also very like to eat; This is ChunBingand is a delicious snacks; This is.I’m very fond of chaozhou snacksoften bothering my mother bought for me to eat.I am about to enter in primary schooland mom started teaching me:salty

fruityou don’t see itlike small is ordinary.Salt water embellish skin and thickthe inside of the salted turnip to salty and broken son. 各位读友大家好!你有你的木棉,我有我的文章,为了你的木棉,应读我的文章!若为比翼双飞鸟,定是人间有情人!若读此篇优秀文,必成天上比翼鸟!


At that day, the child’s mum should gathers 4, 8 or 12 kinds of things, which are including 3 kinds of meats and many kinds of fruits. After putting them on a shallow basket, the child worships(祭拜)the censer(香炉) of their In-laws god(公婆神),and after that, they d on’t need to do it any longer. The child who goes out of the garden should have to wear new clothes and red wooden shoes(红皮屐).As for boys, they have to eat the head of a rooster ,while girls have to eat the head of a hen or a duck. Because people here thought children wear such clothes and eat those food can bring lucky to them. In some areas , such as Chenhai(澄海), Chaoan(潮阳)and Raoping(饶平), according to their customs , parents ask their child to take a show with 12 types of fresh flowers. However , children have to eat the intestine and the stomach of a pig in Jiedong(揭东), Puning(普宁)and Huilai(惠来),and they call it ‘the replacement of intestines and stomach'. At that noon, in some families, especially whose elder child or their son are to go out of the garden, they will invite many guests to have a big lunch. Because the protagonist(主角)can’t meet with strangers, almost the gusts are their relatives and friends. During the lunch, everyone else has to obey the rules of the seats, the protagonist(主角)have to sit at the main seat, even thought their grandparents are at present. In addition, the head


Shantou Geographic coordinates: 116o14' - 117o19' E, 23o02' - 23o38' N Shantou (also known as Swatow or Suátao) is a city of 1.2 million in coastal eastern Guangdong Province, China, metropolitan area 4,721,117 (calculation 2006). History : Shantou was a fishing village part of Tuojiang City (鮀江都), Jieyang District (揭阳县) during the Song Dynasty. It came to be Xialing (厦岭) during the Yuan Dynasty. In 1563, Shantou was a part of Chenghai District (澄海县) in Chao Prefecture (Chaozhou). As early as 1574, Shantou had been called Shashan Ping (沙汕坪). In the seventeenth century, a cannon platform called Shashan Toupaotai (沙汕头炮台sha shan tou pao tai) was made here, and the placename later was shortened to "Shantou". It became a city in 1919, and was separated from Chenghai in 1921. In the 1930s, Shantou Port was a transport hub and merchandise distribution centre for Southeast China; its cargo throughput ranked third in the nation. As a high-level city, Shantou administered Chaozhou City and Jieyang City from 1983 to 1989. Administration : Shantou is a prefecture-level city. It has direct jurisdiction over six districts and one county. Districts Chenghai District (澄海区) Longhu District (龙湖区) Jinping District (金平区) Haojiang District (濠江区) Chaoyang District (潮阳区) Chaonan Distric (潮南区) Nan'ao County (南澳县): island-county As of 2003, the district of Haojiang was established out of Hepu and Dahao which had been merged together, and the district of Jinping Shengping and Jinyuan; Waisha and Xinxi Town, part of former Chenghai City, was merged into Longhu District; Chenghai City became Chenghai District; Chaoyang City was divided and became Chaoyao and Chaonan District respectively. Demographics : Shantou is one of the most densely-populated regions in China. Former Chaoyang City was China's most populous county-level administrative region, with 2.4 million inhabitants.


三字(口头语) 半路债变做鬼抽柴头抽死人抽纸影大白整大柴牌大炮嘴担雅话 吊渴人耳飞飞二报客浮虚火革色水猴猴仓护护叫话话叫话娶话 救星来懒过虫老亚王老在行路在嘴卖花头沫做古拍被棉拍而锣 舍衰人色仔弟食棚脚死糜粥涂脚戏无打哇无定着无路用无势头 唔知人嘻嘻筅戏布袋戏雕刀戏路览小神浮小神经咬爆齿闸话脚 嘴鼻家嘴名名嘴前话无定着 四字 扒喉抓舌白淡无味百人之细摆头摆面报凶报急鼻浏入目鼻笑嘴笑兵头将尾布田割稻财多身弱茶三酒四长衫阔裤柴头小生嘲过王莽嘲门脚口成模成样成双成对乘势请戏出出爱钱出戏过大除三去四锄头畚箕歜个开元吹筲锯弦捶腰拍噗大熬小炒大鼎大灶大开大使大吉利市大老大人大哩大拉大年大节大舌好递大声伯喉大头好脸大姓免撑大样大相大鱼大肉单方独味单脚独手担到粿冻担到粿薛担到嘴酸担死卖变担盐生虫胆大过蚊当头对面掉篱色桷兜根缚骨肚困胆大蹲宫歇庙额信未凝恶人怕胆恶嘴毒舌而杉母祠耳梭胶落珐龙珐虎珐七道八番神番鬼番仔唐味浮萍草萨浮情躁气父老仔细高冲下筛个碗双箸个心扮扮狗浪花开关门投喜官样官相龟灵圣母龟样鳖相鬼样鬼相戆过知事好看孬挟好驾好势好马就来好头好面好心好想好种好族恨到入骨猴龙鼠相猴戏无茂呼三喝六花猎百舌话言口气话中有话画龙画虎欢喜面笑皇帝生理活活气死机会一条激心激命家内爱伞家无三分假青宅笑见笑大家讲书评理脚步手角脚猛手快脚瘸手折叫感累谢叫神累救近日亲日经心设事惊大惊细静过三弦巨拉母耸看脚看手看三唵四看有爱无困过双林空脚白手空手白舌哭凄哭惨哙行哙走来代人死老虎直目擂锣拍鼓离家散宅漏屎军师龙头凤尾乱胶母格啰猪啰大掠柑堵柿掠虾走蟹麻豆菽麦买卖算分猫声猫说猫声浪说眉弯额皱门窗户扇觅话觅柄觅无身尸命仔四正沫撮无个哪到缀齿奴仔老大嫩到必盖嫩气食塘鸟嘴鸟舌尿行水邢凝星猛梦捧屎糊面平流死水铺陈被席七凶八煞起头煞尾气到粿捏气到孬耐气死闲人气头过凶强脚硬马跷到垅龙翘兴撬衰亲情朋友青筋目特擎箸遮目蛆虫狗蚁人龟人奴人群百众人心枭恶人走茶凉忍了着死软风软日软涂深掘三代清白三面六目三人四姓三祖六代上高落下上棚免喊烧脚烫手舌土涎浏伸无只脚神侯祭泼十极无路十啼五哭时年八节食肥跳高食过乌水食蛇配血食省行猛屎流尿滴是人是鬼是三是二瘦骨落肉书头戏尾水流破布死蜂活刺四季好用四乡六里抬赢落茂唐山塘塘添汤落汁听到耳塞听香鼻臭同船同命头烧额热头双尾错土直硬性吐浓吐血吐乌吐白吐无句实吐有吐无退浏小生拖三延四歪嘴裂目望酸项骨望星盼月未死先臭乌青革血乌青激血乌天地暗乌咸汁苦无参无详无肠无肚无出无入无搭无缀无大无细无道无理无灯无火无鼎无灶无定无着无魂无影无架无势无交无代无款无套无凉无热无切无要无沙无稗无神无鬼无屎无尿无世无情无水无汁无乌无白无下无落无消无息无心无事无夜无日无影无迹无油无济无遮无栅无时无歇五尽六了勿喀离谱物来物去咸水国语相请无论想富穷到枭过和尚小鬼仲戏小拉做镜小神小独小脚小手心肠火热心惊脉跳


潮汕人简介演讲稿 大家好!很高兴能在此为大家做此演讲。由于我来自外省,大家对于我的家乡都还不太了解,所以,在接下来的时间里我将为大家简单介绍下我们潮汕人的历史、潮汕地区的文化传统和潮汕人的性格特点。 首先,让我们来了解下我们潮汕人的历史。潮汕人,以前也叫潮州人,韩愈任潮州刺史时,整个潮汕地区都是归潮州管的。潮汕人跟闽南人同一祖先。都是秦始皇时候中原汉族迁来的,先迁到福建,后来就有一些迁到了潮汕。所以潮汕话跟闽南话,台湾话很像。“潮”是水的意思,“汕”是沙子堆成的脊部。从名字就可以看出,潮汕地区背山向海。汕头是脊部的头,汕尾是脊部的尾,地域上的潮汕指的就是潮汕平原上的汕头,汕尾,潮州,揭阳四个市。其中又包括潮阳(属汕头),普宁(属揭阳)这样的几个县级市。 接下来,我想为大家说说我们潮汕的文化传统。潮汕人被称为中国的第57个少数民族,因为它很好的保存了自己的地区文化。全国首批历史文化名城中,潮州赫然其中。湘子桥是中国古代四大名桥之一,潮汕民居即俗称的“四点金”和“下山虎”,被民俗专家誉为比北京四合院更具有艺术性和实用性的中国民居模式,潮州菜风靡海内外,潮汕独有的“工夫茶”,继承和发扬了中国茶文化,潮绣是中国几大重要的刺绣之一,潮州陶瓷在唐宋之际已大行其市,目前陶瓷产业仍然是潮汕的支柱产业之一,潮州更有“中国瓷都”之称。潮汕音乐保持并发展了唐宋宫廷音乐的制式,是人们研究古代音乐的不二之选;潮汕戏剧称潮剧,为中国重要的地方剧种之一。还有很多方面的内容,在此就不一一列举了,有兴趣的同学可以去详细了解一下。 最后,为大家介绍下我们潮汕人的性格特点。正所谓一方水土养育一方人,由于潮汕地区靠近大海,所以潮汕的文化是“海”的文化。潮汕人天生就对大海,对远方充满向往。喜欢漂洋过海,闯荡天下,所以潮汕人的足迹遍布世界各地。其中以珠三角,香港澳门为最集中,其次是东南亚,再有就是美国和西欧。所以广义上的潮汕人指的是一切会讲潮汕话的人。 潮汕人以做生意闻名天下,先于温州人享有“东方犹太人”之称。潮帮,和晋帮,徽帮,是中国的三大商帮。潮帮已经兴旺了五百年而不绝。“饿死不打工”是专门针对潮汕人说的。我们潮汕人出过很多有名的富豪,比如大家所熟悉的李


介绍汕头的英语作文 导语:说到汕头,小编就想到汕头牛肉丸,下面是yuwenmi小编为大家整理的优秀英语作文,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢! My hometown is a seashore city—— Shantou. Shantou lands place motherland southeast coastal have unique natural and humanity environment. It is a bridge town swim the silk feelings of son Su is fish for sea love. Shantou is also a culture city literature origin flows out length has rich content. It have fed a tide of acting another generation people its culture is immortal. Shantou is also beautiful meal Zhi it has the varied snack of delicious food tide Shan congou is more famous world. Again besides Shan the environment with graceful head since attracting countless visitor this travel. after entering the program of " 115 " Shan head is more dynasty the goal of modern seashore city disdain


East matches west ?Chao-zhou ?Zhan-jiang ?Dong-guan ?Yang-jiang ?Mao-ming

Center square ?Located in the north of the Delta of the Hanjiang River, Chaozhou city is one of the famous historic cities. It had been the location of Lu Administration, prefecture and capital of dynasties of past ages. It was named Chaozhou originally in the Sui Dynasty (591 AD).

Hanjiang River The Hanjiang River flows through the city and eight scenes distributed along its both banks. There are many valuable historic relics in Chaozhou city, totally about 600 units and among them 42 are classified as the state, provincial and city's key preservation units of cultural relics, The city's feature is known as "Classic Tourist City" which receives numerous tourists both from abroad and home.


研究性学习成果报告书 研究课题﹕潮汕名小吃的英语译名 研究性学习课题的有关人员: 高一(4)班 课题小组成员; 课题小组指寻老师(签名): 一、研究背景: 潮汕是小吃驰名的地区之一,许多小吃不仅为本地人所喜爱,在外地也是脍炙人口的。在全国优秀小吃品种评定会——“中华名小吃认定会”上,已有8个潮汕小吃获得“中华名小吃”称号。我国数不清的地方小吃或点心,其形成要么脱胎于宫廷,要么产生于民间。而潮汕小吃,几乎全都是西天巷蚝烙民间独创,并一直在民间流传。这是历史上潮汕地处“省尾国角”,远离国家政治中心,以及商业社会形成较晚,社会富裕程度不高所决定的。信手拈来几样潮汕小吃:西天巷蚝烙、贡咕鹅肉、老姐猪脚饭、老妈宫粽球,哪一个名字不是朴素直白,乡土气息扑鼻。 潮汕小吃扎根于民间,它不依附于官文化、士大夫文化,从诞生之日起就以自然天成的姿态,顺应物竞天择的自然规律,流传于民间,故此,我们现在才能品尝到这么多富有乡土气息的风味小吃。 二、研究目的: 在我国全面建设小康社会的进程中,潮汕经济的恢复性振兴和现代旅游业的迅猛发展,给潮汕美食带来十分可观的经济效益。潮汕小吃虽作为中国点心的八大菜系之一,但比起北京小吃在国际的影响力就差很多,原因就在于有关部门不太重视对潮汕小吃进行英语的翻译,从而导致外国人因看不懂中文而被拒之门外。其次,潮汕小吃没有真正的英语书面语,这让许多想尝尝潮汕美食的外国友人头疼不已。 作为潮汕地区未来的主人翁,我们有责任有义务关注潮汕地区的日新月异的变化,随着中国的国际地位日益提高,对美食界的发展影响也不小。于是,我们想通过这次活动,通过对潮汕名小吃的英语译名,让更多的外国朋友更了解潮汕名小吃,来弘扬潮汕传统文化。 三、研究内容: 1.潮汕小吃的历史、来源、品种及其功用。 2.关于潮汕小吃英语译名的各种方法。 3.潮汕小吃英译存在的问题及发展 四、研究方法: 上网查找资料翻阅有关书籍 五、研究成果: 1.潮汕小吃简介: 潮汕小吃崇尚自然,注重养生,人们在满足美食瘾的同时,大可不必为摄入过多的脂肪、热量等担心。潮汕小吃的用料以素为主,鲜见鱼肉,有的小吃还添加了中草药材,成为药膳。如鼠曲粿、朴籽粿等,就是添加了草药做成的小吃,这是非常符合当今的饮食时尚的。不仅如此,潮汕小吃的烹饪方法也非常科学,多清淡而少辛辣,多蒸煮而少煎炸。潮人还发明了一种油煮的方式,这


介绍汕头的英语作文 My hometown is a seashore city—— Shantou. Shantou lands place motherland southeast coastal have unique natural and humanity environment. It is a bridge town swim the silk feelings of son Su is fish for sea love. Shantou is also a culture city literature origin flows out length has rich content. It have fed a tide of acting another generation people its culture is immortal. Shantou is also beautiful meal Zhi it has the varied snack of delicious food tide Shan congou is more famous world. Again besides Shan the environment with graceful head since attracting countless visitor this travel. after entering the program of " 115 " Shan head is more dynasty the goal of modern seashore city disdain with great efforts. 【参考译文】 我的家乡我的家乡是一座海滨城市--汕头。汕头,地处祖国东南沿海,有着独特的自然和人文环境。 它是一个桥乡,游子的丝丝情愫,是鱼儿对海的依恋。汕头更

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