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Word Choice

Word Choice
Word Choice

Unit 5 Word Choice

Objectives: 1) to know the levels of diction;

2) to know how to choose the right words in English writing.

Word choice is very important for the development of a mature prose style. Indeed, to communicate effectively, you need to understand the different levels of diction: formal and informal, abstract and concrete, and general and specific. You need to be able to appreciate the connotative as well as the denotative meanings of words, to prune the prose of wordiness and redundancy, and to watch out for slang, jargon, and cliché.

1. Levels of Diction

1.1 Formal and Informal

In terms of formality, English words can be categorized as formal and informal. Formal diction is used in the standard discourse suitable for academic or business writing. Rather formal diction is used in the following “thank-you”letter to the CEO of a company after a job interview:

Thank you very much for giving me an opportunity to discuss my application and credentials with you.

I enjoyed meeting you and other senior executive officers and I trust that my experience in market analysis will prove useful in helping your company expand your market share among the competitors. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Informal diction is more conversational and reflects a more casual relationship between writer and audience, as shown in the following “thank-you”note to someone the writer knows:

Thanks much for writing that big reference letter for me. It means so much to me. I believe my work in market analysis will be quite useful for ATM South. I hope they will consider my application seriously and offer the position to me.

If the same job applicant writes to a personal friend about the same topic, the diction used could be even more informal, or colloquial:

I’ve got all the right stuff for them at ATM South, Bob, and I wouldn’t be surprised if I get another call form them soon. They must be nuts if they pass me up. Oh, I need this job badly. Wish me luck!

In fact, colloquial expressions are quite popular on college campuses in the United States. For example, you may often overhear conversations between a professor and a student somewhat like the one in the following:

Student: Hi, prof, do you have a sec?

Professor: Hey, Jimmy, what’s up?

Student: Well, I was wondering if I’d flunk bio this sem.

Professor: What made you worried?

Student: I’m having a rough time, you know, with everything going on, and all the courses I’m taking, like psych, lit, stats, phys, ed, and all that stuff.

In this conversation, prof stand for professor, sec for second, bio for biology, sem for semester, psych for psychology, lit for literature, stats for statistics, and phys. ed for physical education.

Even more informal than colloquialism is slang,a vocabulary of playful but often short-lived “substandard”words and phrases which sometimes carry with them intense vividness and deliberate irreverence (see fuller discussion on the topic in the following).

Abbreviations are usually considered as less formal than full forms. Thus sec. is informal, while section is formal; vol. informal and volume formal. Informal style may rely partly on abbreviations, others being contractions and short sentences.

The formality or informality of diction or language is not absolute, but relative. Much writing you do everyday is neither exclusively formal nor completely informal. However, you should be aware of and be sensitive to the different levels of formality, choose words that are appropriate to your rhetorical context (subject, audience, and purpose), and try to maintain a consistent level of formality. Check your academic writing for any excessively informal words or phrases. Similarly, check for excessive formality in your informal writing. Strive to keep the level of formality appropriate to the context and consistent in each piece of writing. To use overly formal expressions on a very informal occasion would be no different from wearing suit and tie and shiny leather shoes at a get-together of old friends. Conversely, to use extremely informal or slang expressions on a very formal occasion would be like wearing T-shirts, baggy jeans, and dirty sneakers at a rather fancy weeding party in a five-star hotel. An essay written with a mixture of formal, informal, colloquial, and slang expressions would taste like a drink mixed with expensive French wine and cheap locally brewed beer.

The following example may give you a feel of what it would taste like if you mix different levels of diction together:

Mr. John Smith proclaims that he is concerned with ecology and the preservation of natural beauty. But he doesn’t give a flip about littering public places. Johnny purchases clothes from the most extravagant store in town yet he is a happy brown bagger when it comes to lunch. I am clueless about this dude; he is full of contradictions.

In this short paragraph, the mixture of formal and informal expressions (Mr. John Smith/Johnny/this dude; is concerned with/doesn’t give a flip) gives it a neither-fish-nor-fowl flavor.

Trying to maintain a consistent level of formality may prove particularly challenging for non-native speakers. If you are not sure of the usage of a word or expression, be sure to look it up in an English-English dictionary.

More examples:

1. 1)My beloved parent has just perished from the earth to his heavenly reward.


1a) My dear father has just expired. (先父适才气绝。)

1b) My dear father has just passed away. (我亲爱的父亲刚刚离去。)

1c) My dad has just died. (我爸爸刚死。)

1d) My old man has just kicked the bucket.(我那老子刚才蹬腿了。)

2.2)As regards the man I deem him an incredible one. (论及此人,鄙人以为难以信赖。)

2a) In my opinion he is not of the individual who we desire. (以我之见,他并非我们期望之人。)

2b) I believe that he is not the man we want. (我认为他不是我们所要的人。)

2c) I don’t think he’s the man we’re looking for. (我看他不是我们要找的人。)

2d) ’fraid he’s not our man. (恐怕他不是我们要的那号人。)


Task 1

1. Distinguish between the informal and the formal words in the following pairs:

boss, superior; brainy, intelligent; friend, pal; fail, flunk; relatives, folks; position, job; kid, child; knock off, stop working; mean, ill-natured; meagre, skimpy; sloppy, untidy; nap, snooze; bike, bicycle; laboratory, lab; exam, examination; man, guy.

2. Classify the following as formal, informal, slang, etc.

1) cash, currency, dough, legal tender, lucre, money, sugar; 2) all in, exhausted, fagged out, fatigued, tired, weary; 3) apparel, clothes, garments, rags, raiment, clothing; 4) cinema, films, flickers, motion pictures, movies, photoplays, pictures; 5) job, place, position, post, situation, station.

3. The following is a student’s essay in which the author uses a mixed style. Revise the essay, making it consistent in style.

Practice Makes Perfect

A famous saying goes that “practice makes perfect”. It means that when people are learning to do something new, they will be good at it only after having lots of practice over and over again.

I have had such experiences for many times. In learning English it’s especially true. To learn English well, we must read more, speak more, listen more and write more. At the beginning, I couldn’t speak English fluently, so I took every chance to practice, such as going to the English corner, talking to foreigners, reading English aloud in the morning, and even speaking to myself from time to time. I kept the practice for a long time and to my delight, my spoken English was much better than before. It’s also the same in English listening and writing.

Another example, when people first learn to type, they are not familiar with the keyboard and can’t type very fast. As long as they keep on practicing, they are sure to learn the skill and type fast enough.

I like the saying –practice makes perfect, which encourages me to practice more till I reach perfectness.

1.2 General/Abstract and Specific/Concrete

General words identify broad categories (people, place, and fruit) while specific words identify individual members of broad categories (John, Shanghai, and apple). Abstract words identify ideas and ideals that cannot be perceived by the senses (love, patriotism, and honesty) while concrete words identify things tangible to the senses (rose, battle wound, and returned money). Successful writers employ a broad spectrum of words, using abstract and general terms to represent ideas, explain attitudes, and explore relationships such as contingency (if something will happen), causality (why it occurs), and priority (what is first in time or importance); using concrete and specific words to clarify and illustrate general ideas and abstract concepts.

General/Abstract:Technology has impacted every aspect of life in Chinese society today.

Specific/Concrete:Millions of residents in both the country and the city have had telephone services installed in their homes.

Note that the language used in the second sentence gives specific/concrete information to illustrate the first sentence. The following sentence gives even more specific/concrete information to illustrate both the first and second sentences:

Specific/Concrete:Now a farmer in a small village in Anhui Province can simply pick up the phone to order the seeds or fertilizers from the comfort of his home instead of having to get on crowded buses

and travelling for hours if not days.

Concrete images and specific details can help make your writing clearer and more vivid. Consider the following sentence: "Mary walked into the restaurant." The diction in this sentence may at first seem specific, but it is not. Aren't there different ways to "walk"? And what restaurant did Mary enter? Because the sentences below use more specific diction, they answer both of these questions.

Mary staggered(蹒跚) into Denny's.

Mary paraded(炫耀) into Red Lobster.

Mary shuffled (慢吞吞地走) into McDonald's.

Mary sashayed(滑步走) into Oogies.

Mary strutted(大摇大摆地走) into The Red Door.

Mary limped(跛行) into Burger King

Mary waddled(蹒跚) into Oink's Gourmet Bar-B-Que.

Mary sauntered(漫步,闲逛)into Subway.

Mary crept(匍匐爬行)into Monari's 101.

Mary marched(长驱直入)into Kentucky Fried Chicken.

Mary tiptoed(用脚尖走)into Pizza Hut.

Mary strolled(散步,闲逛)into Hardee's.

Mary slinked(溜走)into Uptown Bar & Grill.

Mary swaggered(大摇大摆,趾高气扬地走)into Verucchi's Ristorante.

Mary trudged(步履艰难地走)into Wendy's.

Mary pranced(昂首阔步地走)into Taco Bell.

More examples:

General: John is a good student.

Specific: In college, John has been rewarded a scholarship over five years.

General: Your relative is nice to me.

Specific: Your aunt Betty always stops and talks to me when she meets me in the street.

General: He has a big house.

Specific: He has a two-storeyed house with four bedrooms, two living-rooms, a dining-room and a kitchen.

General: We had fun at the beach.

Specific: Last Sunday night we barbecued hamburgers at Sagamore Beach, played volleyball, and then sat around singing and telling ghost stories.

General: It was such a nice thing to do. It made me feel grand.

Specific: It was such a generous remark that it brought tears to my eyes.

Task 2

1. List enough specific, concrete details to make each of the following abstractions meaningful and tangible.

1) virtue 2) unselfish 3) beautiful 4) happiness 5) brotherly love

6) evil 7) sexy 8) reality 9) difficult 10) important

2. Decide which word in each group is more general.

1)book, publication, Huckleberry Finn, novel

2)clothing, men’s wear, jeans, trousers

3) food, apple, fruit, Winesap

4) tools, equipment, wrenches, crescent wrenches

5) music, art, Beethoven’s Fifth, piano concerto

3. Rewrite the following sentences, making general words more specific.

1) I did a lot of things during my vacation.

2) Several aspects of the room made it unattractive.

3) It’s an interesting book.

4) The injury that our best player had suffered was serious enough to keep him out of the game.

5) After eating, we had some really good entertainment.

6) One member of the group was irresponsible about some of her duties.

7) During the last part of the trip, we encountered several difficulties.

8) Many items around the place needed to be repaired before the people could move in.

4.Revise the following paragraph form a job application letter by substituting specific, concrete language for general or abstract words and phrases.

I have had several part-time jobs lately. Some of them would qualify me for the position you advertised. In my most recent job, I sold products in a store. My supervisor said I was a good worker who had a number of valuable qualities. I am used to dealing with different types of people in different settings. I feel that my qualifications would make me a good candidate for your job opening.

1.3 Denotation and Connotation

Denotation is a word’s literary or dictionary meaning while connotation is a word’s associative meanings along with its literal meaning. Denotations tend to be neutral and objective and connotations are usually subjective, personal, and frequently involving feelings and suggesting concrete images.

As a writer, it is important to know the connotations of the words you use. Although you cannot know how different readers may react to particular words, you do need to know the positive and negative connotations certain words convey. For example, although mother means “female parent”and father means “male parent”, both words have emotional implications that go beyond the objective definitions. Those emotional implications have a lot to do with the feelings, attitudes, and experiences our own mothers and fathers conjure up in our minds and hearts. In Chinese culture at least, we tend to associate tender kind-heartedness with mothers (hence the expression ci mu) and strict discipline and moral upbringing with fathers (hence the expression yan fu) even though many fathers are known to be tender kind-hearted A(hence the expression ci fu). Across all cultures, the mother and the father have a set of generally shared public connotations, the former suggesting nurturing and devotion to children while the latter suggesting strength, courage, and leadership. In English, there are a spectrum of other words which also express the same objective definitions but suggest different levels of relationship and attitude: ma, mam, mama, mammy, mom, old lady, and old woman; dad, dada, daddy, pa, papa, pappy, pop, and old man.

Some English words seem to have almost exact equivalents in Chinese as far as denotations are concerned, but they have quite different connotations. Take propaganda, for example. Propaganda (xuan chuan in Chinese) is a rather neutral if not positive term in Chinese; in fact, many Chinese are engaged in the so-called xuan chuan work. But this term has a rather pejorative connotation in English,

suggesting deliberate spreading of false information or rumors for certain purposes. To use this word to describe certain activities and jobs associated with xuan chuan can cause rather negative feelings on the part of native-speakers of English.

Since English is rich in synonyms, often times you can have a whole spectrum of words to choose from to describe a subject. These words, similar in denotations, are quite different in their shades of meaning. For example, an assignment can be either difficult, tough, or challenging. While all three express the same idea that the assignment is not easy, the word challenging suggests a more positive and upbeat attitude on part of the speaker or writer.

Different shades of meaning among synonyms can be quite challenging to non-native speakers and developing a sensitivity to them is critical to your ability to use the language clearly, accurately, and effectively.

Task 3

Please rearrange the words in the following groups according to their connotations, from the negative, the neutral, to the positive.



3.famous/notorious/well known/infamous



2. Choosing the Right Words

2.1 Avoid Wordiness and Redundancy

Wordiness results when a writer uses more words than necessary to convey a meaning. Wordy sentences often sound formal or official –even intimidating though in reality they say so little. Writers tend to resort to wordy sentences when they want to impress readers or aren’t sure what they want to say. Redundancy, on the other hand, is pointless repetition that results from saying the same thing more than once. It’s not rare that wordiness and redundancy occur at the same time. Because most readers don’t want to wade through repetitious, wordy verbiage that wastes their time, you should try to keep the sentences vigorous by pruning any “deadwood”–unneeded words.

Wordy: In the final analysis, choosing the carrier Japan Airline for my international flight has resulted in my realization that long-distance international flight doesn't have to be uncomfortable.

Revised:Choosing Japan Airline for my international flight made me realize that such long-distance flight doesn’t have to be uncomfortable.

Redundant: Sue, who is quick-tempered, usually cannot wait for others to finish and blows up before hearing the whole story.

Revised: Sue is quick-tempered and usually blows up before hearing the whole story.

To invigorate your sentences, you should keep an eye on the following types of “clutter”or “deadwood”.

a. Redundant Word Pairs

English contains many word pairs in which the second word is used to reinforce the first even though in reality it enfeebles it.

first and foremost null and void one and only pick and choose

plain and simple rules and regulations fair and equitable aid and abet

You can avoid redundancy by picking or choosing just one from the pair:

Redundant: Each and every one of us should exert ourselves in this project.

Revised: Every one of us should exert ourselves in this project.

b. Redundant Modifiers

The modifiers in the following phrases are totally redundant and absolutely unnecessary: absolutely essential actual truth of the matter awful tragedy very unique

basic fundamentals completely finished component parts desired goal

end result final outcome foreign imports free gifts

important essentials mutual cooperation past history totally exhausted true facts

Redundant: Our future hope was to have a chance to visit the Great Wall of China.

Revised: Our hope was to have a chance to visit the Great Wall of China.

c. Redundant Categories

Words designating categories, when used in phrases such as purple in color, oval in shape, and rough texture, are redundant.

Redundant: A bag brown in color was founding the conference room.

Revised: A brown bag was found in the conference room.

Redundant: These imported T-shirts are rather expensive in price.

Revised: These imported T-shirts are rather expensive.

d. Wordy Phrases/Constructs

To streamline your prose, try to replace wordy phrases and constructs with precise words where possible:

Why use…When you can just use…?

At the present moment now

At this point in time now

for the most part mostly

I am of the opinion that I think

ideas of a serious nature serious ideas

in view of the fact that since

there is a need for we need

e. Wordy Verb Phrases

Verb phrases (created by clustering verbs, nouns, and prepositions) sometimes can make sentences less vigorous, more cumbersome, and unnecessarily formal. Replace them with simple and direct verbs wherever possible.

Why say…When you could just say…?

Give permission to allow

Have an understanding of understand

Make a commendation recommend

f. Excessive Prepositional Phrases

Excessive use of prepositional phrases, though it may not affect clarity, can make the sentences


Awkward: Windows 98 designed and manufactured by Microsoft and released by the company has been rated okay by analysts in the field of computers. [4 prepositional phrases, 23 words]

Revised: Microsoft’s newly released Window 98 has been rated okay by computer analysts.

[1 prepositional phrase, 12 words]

g. Excessive Nominalization

Nominalization (changing a verb form to its noun form) tends to make writing abstract and formal yet reduces its energy and liveliness. To energize your writing, replace words that end with the suffixes -ment, -tion, and -ance with verbs wherever possible.

Weak: State-run enterprises around the country are currently engaged in an examination of their management structures as part of their plan for the reduction of costs. [25 words]

Revised: State-run enterprises around the country are currently examining their management structures as part of their plan to reduce costs. [19 words, leaner and more energetic]

Weak: It is our expectation that the parts we have ordered will be delivered on schedule. [15 words] Revised: We expect the parts we have ordered to be delivered on schedule. [12 words]

h. Adjective Clauses

Sometimes replacing an adjective clause with an adjective/adjectival phrase or trimming a clause down to an appositive can make the sentences leaner and more vigorous.

Weak: Professor Jerry Browne, who has been teaching at the same college for almost thirty years and whose house is right next to mine, has decided to retire by the end of this semester. [33 words]. Revised: Professor Jerry Browne, a thirty-year veteran of the college and my next-door neighbor, has decided to retire by the end of this semester. [23 words]

Weak: My son, who is fifteen years old and who is a burgeoning pianist, has made it to the Governors’School for the summer. [23 words with an adjective clause]

Revised: My fifteen-year-old son, a burgeoning pianist, has made it to the Governors’ School for the summer. [16 words with an adjectival phrase and an appositive]

i. More Examples

Redundant: Persons going into the military [in the U.S.] know all the benefits that they are going to get out of it: the GI Bill, free room and board, great living, free food, etc.

Revised:Persons going into the military [in the U.S.] know all the benefits that they are going to get, such as the GI Bill, and free room and board.

Redundant: I think the most qualified person has a right to the job, the most qualified person deserves the job, and finally the most qualified person is entitled to the job.

Revised: I think the most qualified person both deserves and is entitled to the job.

Wordy: It appears to me from my vantagepoint that the average new college students (most of whom are only children at home) experience some serious difficulty in making the necessary adjustment from secondary school mind-set to college mind-set. The everyday classroom behavior of the average freshman, as far as I have observed, reflects a level of maturity that is disappointing and considerably below my expectations. [65 words]

Revised:The average new college students (most of whom are only children at home) experience

serious difficulty in adjusting from secondary school to college. Their everyday classroom behavior reflects a disappointing level of maturity. [Trimmed down to 33 words and nothing is lost]

Wordy and Redundant:Although all three candidates would likely be successful in adequately fulfilling the duties required in all aspects regarding the position, join me on a quest to decide which one of the three candidates will utilize his or her knowledge, skills, and talents most effectively to ensure the students they have received the best choice in a college professor. [59 words]

Revised: Although all three candidates are qualified for the position, join me in choosing the one whose knowledge, skills and talents would benefit the students the most. [26 words]

Task 4 Rewrite the following passage and delete unnecessary words.

Perhaps the most interesting person I have ever met is an interesting Italian professor of philosophy who teaches courses at the University of Pisa in Italy. Although I last met this man eight years ago, I have not forgotten over the long years his special qualities. First of all, I was impressed from the beginning by his complete devotion to teaching his students. Because his lectures were always well-prepared and invariably clearly delivered, a great many students always swarmed into his classroom, filling the classroom to capacity. His many followers also appreciated the fact that he thoroughly believed in what he taught to students and that he was always intellectually stimulating to hear. Furthermore, he could be counted on in every class session to explain his ideas in an imaginative way, introducing such various aids to student understanding as oil paintings, phonograph records, pieces of sculpture, and guest lectures who were invited to speak to the class. Once he even sang a song in class before the students’ eyes in order to illustrate a philosophical point. Second, I admired the fact that he would confer with students at almost any time outside of the classroom or talk with them on the telephone. Drinking coffee in the snack bar after having taught a class, he would easily make friends with students with great ease. Sometimes he would issue a challenge to a student to join with him in a game of chess. At other times, he would quite readily join groups of students to discuss subjects ranging broadly from astronomy to scuba diving. Many young people visited him at one time or another in his office for academic advice; others came to his home for the purpose of social evenings. Finally, I was favorably impressed and attracted by his lively wit. He believed that no class hour is a success unless, during it, the students and the professor have a reason to join together to share several chuckles and at least one loud laugh. Through his inimitable and captivating sense of humor, he made learning much more enjoyable and much more lasting. If it is true, as it seems to be, that life makes a wise man smile and a foolish man cry, then my friend is without question truly a wise man. Probably the best example he could possibly have given to us of his wit is this interesting idea with which he once ended a lecture: “It is as dangerous for man to model himself upon his invention, the machine, as it would be for God to model Himself upon His invention”.


智能家居整体解决方案 智能系统设计范围: 本设计包含的系统为:智能门锁、安防、可视对讲、厨房室内可视分机、灯光、空调、电动窗帘(百叶窗、气窗)、背景音乐、环境监测(红外亮度、然气感应)、视频监视、集中控制和远程WEB控制等。并且,以上所有系统都不是独立的,而是和其他系统相互联系,融合为一个统一的整体,并相互响应,做到真正意义上的智能。 智能系统设计的原则: 用户需要操作方便,功能实用,外观美观大方的智能家居系统。系统要有吸引来宾的外观和功能,能体现用户高人一等的生活品位。同时要化繁为简、高度人性、注重健康、娱乐生活、保护私密。 系统功能描述: 以下,我们跟据房型结构,设计的智能家居系统:区域: 主楼一层:大门、门厅、客厅、餐厅、厨房、客卧室、主卧室及阳台、洗衣间、卫生间、楼梯、后门厅. 主楼二层: 二层休闲厅、主卧室及阳台、主卫、次卫、儿童房、书房及阳台.

1、大门 设备设置:电子锁、门口设置可视对讲门口机、夜视防水摄像机、门磁 功能描述: ①可视对讲门口机实现访客和主人的对讲,并有留言和保存图像功能。 ②大门处另外设置具有夜视功能的彩色摄像机,以方便主人可以通过电视、触摸屏、Internet 随时观察大门处的影像,并记录保存20天。 ③门磁与报警主机联接,可在第一时间防范非法闯入. 2、门厅

设备设置:二路调光模块、可视智能终端机、6键场景触控面板、彩色触摸屏。 功能描述: ①主人在入户门口,押下智能门锁的指纹辨识器,入户门打开。 ②进门后进行安防系统撤防;出门时安防系统布防。 ③安防系统报警,布防LCD屏幕上显示报警区域。 ④6键场景触控面板“在家模式”,灯光受控制,“离家模式”,关闭所有的灯光,空调,灯光电器自动设定到节能模式或关闭,离家设防,回家撤防。 ⑤可视智能终端,完成与访客对讲,开门功能。 ⑥通过彩色触摸屏,平面图,浏览别墅中的各个系统;控制各个区域的灯光;查看视频监视;调节客厅空调温度;设定背景音乐系统; 3、客厅/餐厅


金蝶客户关系管理解决方案 方案概述 客户关系管理(Customer Relationship Management,CRM),其核心思想是将企业的客户(包括最终客户、分销商和合作伙伴)作为最重要的企业资源,通过完善的客户服务和深入的客户分析来满足客户的需求,保证实现客户的终生价值。 客户关系管理旨在改善企业与客户之间关系的新型管理机制,通过向企业的销售、市场和客户服务的专业人员提供全面、个性化的客户资料,并强化跟踪服务、信息分析的能力,使他们能够协同建立和维护一系列与客户和生意伙伴之间卓有成效的“一对一关系”,为客户提供更快捷和周到的优质服务、提高客户满意度、吸引和保持更多的客户,从而增加营业额;另一方面则通过信息共享和优化商业流程来有效地降低企业经营成本。 客户关系管理的实施,要求以“客户为中心”来构架企业,完善对客户需求的快速反应的组织形式,规范以客户服务为核心的工作流程,建立客户驱动的产品/服务设计,进而培养客户的品牌忠诚度,扩大可盈利份额。 面向成长型企业的客户关系管理解决方案 金蝶 CRM整体定位于为成长型企业提供完整的客户关系管理解决方案。金蝶 CRM的产品市场定位于优先满足中小企业CRM复杂应用和大中型企业CRM的中端应用,逐步向部分行业的高端应用渗透。金蝶CRM产品应用定位于主要适合项目进程型、客户管理型的各类企业。金蝶 CRM侧重于运营型,分析型CRM,并可以和协作型CRM良好地集成运作。 产品设计思想 系统架构图

金蝶CRM支持以上两大类型的应用需求,可通过数据仓库将CRM数据进行深度分析,并可与其它业务模块的信息进行集成,支持战略制订及建模预测。 设计理念 IBM曾经对全球企业进行调查,目的是要了解:在进入21世纪的同时,企业首席执行官和高级主管究竟在思考什么问题?结果发现,目前企业的首席执行官他们在思考,在本身与竞争厂商的产品日趋相似的情况下,要如何持续吸引顾客并维持企业的成长。传统上的差异化基础,如产品功能或成本,已经愈来愈不明显,因此他们在寻找新的方法,以保持对目标市场的吸引力,他们希望更加接近顾客,并且把‘顾客’一词加到企业的愿景和使命当中,大部分主管都希望能创造出更加顾客导向的企业文化与企业愿景,但是他们也指出,无法在企业中制定这样的策略,也很难加以制度化或可操作化,大部分的人都缺乏实现使命或愿景的系统方法和实施框架。 企业绩效管理(Business Performance Management)就是管理者通过一定的方法和制度确保企业及其子系统(部门、流程、工作团队和员工个人)的绩效成果能够与企业的战略目标保持一致,并促进企业战略目标实现的过程。BPM贯穿企业短期计划、中期规划、长期战略,蕴含当今世界最先进的管理工具与方法,通过全方位的企业绩效管理循环来帮助企业实现战略管理。在客户价值创造的过程中,BPM同样是指导提升客户绩效和帮助企业顺利实


企业网站解决方案 建设一个动态的企业网站,已经成为当今社会开展电子商务最基本、最普及的信息化应用。 网站是企业经营的操作平台,面向国际化的市场,拥有自已的企业网站,是市场对企业的基本要求。有远见的企业家,早就认识到了互联网的优势,它能给企业带来广阔的发展前景。因此,拥有自己的专业网站,对于提高企业自身素质、参与市场竞争开辟了新的途径。企业通过网站可向外宣传企业的宗旨和理念,展示企业的形象和品牌,推介企业的产品和服务;客户及公众可以通过网站对相关问题进行咨询;企业可以充分地利用互联网,收集和发布商业信息,开展对外交流,进行各种电子商务、网络营销等商业行为。 世界上每一个上网的人,都可以透过网站这扇窗口,造访各类企业,了解企业的各种动态,而同时也让企业展现在全世界的面前。 一、企业网站建设意义 企业的网站建设,综合看有以下作用可以归纳为10个字,“多、快、好、省、全、特、名、利、满、易”。 1、多:信息量多,不仅可以用文字、图片、动画等方式宣传自己的产品,而且可以介绍自己的企业,发布企业新闻,介绍企业领导,公布公司业绩,提供售后服务,举办产品技术介绍等。从而,树立企业的良好形象。 2、快:信息发布的更新频率快,网站上的信息更新比任何传统媒介都快,通常几分钟之内就可以刷新很多内容,从而使企业在最短的时间内发布最新的消息。 3、好:作为企业对外公共关系的窗口,加强了与社会的联系,宣传效果好。网站除了每天24小时面向全世界开放,宣传效果很好好以外,在中国,通常网络宣传的对象是20~40岁、有较高学历、较高收入的人。这些人现在是社会的中坚,未来一、二十年仍将是社会的中坚。 4、省:建立网站的费用低廉,通常一个网站的建设和维护费用一年大约只需要几千元;建立信息管理系统,改善内部管理,提高工作效率和市场竞争能力,带来新的商机,拓展新的销售渠道,增加企业收入,从而降低了经营成本。


解 决 方 案 XXXX科技有限公司XXXX年XX月

目录 第1章关于本方案 (4) 第2章概述 (4) 2.1项目背景 (4) 2.2建设目标 (4) 2.3建设原则 (4) 第3章需求描述及分析 (4) 3.1概述 (4) 3.1.1需求分析目标和任务(可选) (4) 3.1.2需求分析组织方式 (5) 3.2需求描述 (5) 3.2.1业务需求 (5) 3.2.2接口需求 (5) 3.2.3性能需求 (5) 3.2.4安全需求 (5) 3.2.5其它需求 (5) 3.3需求分析 (6) 3.3.1系统涉众分析 (6) 3.3.2功能需求分析 (6) 3.3.3对技术架构的要求 (6) 第4章总体设计 (6) 4.1总体设计目标 (6) 4.2总体设计原则 (6) 4.3总体逻辑架构设计 (6) 4.4网络系统设计 (6) 4.5硬件系统设计 (7) 4.5.1服务器 (7) 4.5.2网络设备 (7) 4.5.3存储系统 (7) 4.6平台选择 (7) 4.7标准规范设计(可选) (7) 第5章详细设计 (8) 5.1技术架构设计 (8) 5.1.1设计思路 (8) 5.1.2设计原则 (8) 5.1.3架构决策 (8) 5.1.4技术架构 (8) 5.2功能设计 (8) 5.3安全设计 (9) 5.4用户界面设计(可选) (9) 5.4.1界面设计原则 (9) 5.4.2易用性设计 (9) 5.4.3界面原型设计 (9) 第6章项目实施方案 (9) 6.1项目实施策略与运行管理机制 (9) 6.1.1项目实施策略 (9)

6.1.2项目运行管理机制 (9) 6.2项目实施和管理 (9) 6.2.1项目组织结构 (10) 6.2.2项目管理 (10) 6.2.3项目计划 (10) 6.2.4项目组人员配置 (10) 6.2.5项目测试方案 (10) 6.2.6软件开发过程(可选) (11) 第7章技术支持和服务 (11) 第8章项目预算 (11) 第9章公司简介 (11) 第10章附录一XXX平台简介 (11) 第11章附录二XXX技术,标准及规范简介 (11)


软件开发技术方案 1.开发框架 开发的系统中所应用的技术都是基于JavaEE,技术成熟稳定又能保持先进性。采用B/S架构使系统能集中部署分布使用,有利于系统升级维护;采用MVC 的开发模式并参考SOA体系架构进行功能设计,使得能快速扩展业务功能而不会影响现有系统功能的正常使用,可根据实际业务量进行部分功能扩容,在满足系统运行要求的同时实现成本最小化。系统采用分布式部署,系统功能隔离运行,保障系统整体运行的稳定性。 图1.开发框架与体系结构图 1.1.web端技术栈 (1)前端采用elementUI/jquery/bootstrap/vue实现,前端和Controller交换数据基于json格式。 1.2业务端技术栈 (1)业务端基于springboot、springMVC、JPA、SpringData技术栈构建,对于复杂的系统则采用springCloud构建。 (2)四层分隔:controller(Facade)/service/dao/entity,其中fa?ade主要用于生成json,实现和前端的数据交换。 (2)命名:按照功能模块划分各层包名,各层一致。

2.系统安全保障 2.1 访问安全性 权限管理是系统安全的重要方式,必须是合法的用户才可以访问系统(用户认证),且必须具有该资源的访问权限才可以访问该资源(授权)。 我们系统设计权限模型,标准权限数据模型包括:用户、角色、权限(包括资源和权限)、用户角色关系、角色权限关系。权限分配:通过UI界面方便给用户分配权限,对上边权限模型进行增、删、改、查操作。 基于角色的权限控制策略根据角色判断是否有操作权限,因为角色的变化性较高,如果角色修改需要修改控制代码。 而基于资源的权限控制:根据资源权限判断是否有操作权限,因为资源较为固定,如果角色修改或角色中权限修改不需要修改控制代码,使用此方法系统可维护性很强。建议使用。 2.2 数据安全性 可以从三个层面入手:操作系统;应用系统;数据库;比较常用的是应用系统和数据库层面的安全保障措施。 在操作系统层面通过防火墙的设置。如设置成端口8080只有自己的电脑能访问。应用系统层面通过登陆拦截,拦截访问请求的方式。密码不能是明文,必须加密;加密算法必须是不可逆的,不需要知道客户的密码。密码的加密算法{ MD5--不安全,可被破解。需要把MD5的32位字符串再次加密(次数只有你自己知道),不容易破解;加密多次之后,登录时忘记密码,只能重置密码,它不会告诉你原密码,因为管理员也不知道。 3.项目计划的编制和管理 本公司项目基于敏捷过程的方式组织,项目计划基于需求和团队反复讨论的过程。在开发系统时都经过了解需求,开需求分析会议,确定开发任务,推进开发进度,测试,试点,交付等开发步骤,其中具体内容有: 1,了解需求:跟客户沟通,充分了解对方的需求,然后对需求进行过滤,最后整体成需求文档 2,需求分析会议:也就是项目启动会议之后要做的事情,对拿来的需求进行讨论,怎么做满足需求。主要对需求进行全面的梳理,让开发,产品,项目都熟悉



1引言1 引言 在写作长篇文档的时候,经常需要根据特定的格式要求对文档进行排版,使文章更加的规范、整洁、美观。Word是广为使用的文档排版软件,使用Word 能够对文章进行专业排版,并且操作简单,易于使用。在实际排版使用中,有一套较为实用的排版流程,现总结成文,同时以Word2013为基础,对Word长篇文档排版中经常遇到的问题加以说明。 Word长篇文档排版的一般步骤为: 1、设置页面布局; 2、设置文档中将要使用的样式; 3、制作各章标题; 4、设置页眉页脚; 5、正文中图片、表格和公式的自动编号及正文引用; 6、参考文献的标注及引用。

2 设置页面布局 2.1 基本设置 文档的页面页面布局是排版的第一步,利用它可以规范文档在使用哪种幅面的纸张,文档的书写范围,装订线等信息,设置文档的页面布局在Word2013的【页面布局】选项卡,如图2-1。在图中1区可以分别设置页边距等信息,需要更详细的设置单击2区的右下箭头,打开【页面设置】详细对话框,如图2-2。 图2-1 设置文档的页面布局 图2-2 页面设置常用选项 【页边距】选项卡中,可以根据需要设置上下左右边距及装订线位置,页边距各参数的含义如图2-3,【纸张】选项卡中可以设置页面纸张类型,一般选“A4”即可,【版式】选项卡可以设置有关节的相关信息及页眉页脚的布局。

图2-3 页边距各参数含义 2.2 让文字更清晰 长篇文档一般很多文字,年纪大的人阅读起来比较吃力,为使用文字更清晰,一般采用增大字号的方法,但效果并不理想,其实在页面设置中调整字与字、行与行之间的间距,即使不增大字号,也能使内容看起来更清晰,具体步骤如图图2-4。



目录 1概述 (4) 1.1设计说明与创新意义 (4) 1.2设计原则 (4) 1.3设计思想 (5) 1.3.1某某区安全性方面考虑 (5) 1.3.2从多元信息化方面考虑 (5) 1.3.3从优质服务及优化管理方面考虑 (5) 1.4标准规范 (6) 2智某某区某某区域各系统设计方案 (7) 2.1智某某区基础设施建设 (7) 2.1.1基础环境建设 (7) 2.1.2网络及传输环境建设 (7) 2.1.3应用管理环境建设 (7) 2.2智某某区统筹公共服务方面 (8) 2.2.1智某某市社会创新管理延伸体系 (8) 2.2.2便民健康服务应用建设 (9) 2.2.3智某某区养老 (9) 2.2.4智某某区安保 (10) 2.2.5智某某区区域环境保护 (10) 2.2.6智某某区便捷出行体系 (11) 2.2.7某某区网站与智某某区管理平台 (11) 2.3智某某区内部管理和服务方面 (12) 2.3.1某某区某某区域视频监控系统 (12) 2.3.2停车场管理系统 (13) 2.3.3网络型门禁管理系统 (19) 2.3.4背景音乐及紧急广播子系统 (22) 2.3.5机电设备监控系统 (24) 2.3.6周界防越系统 (28) 2.3.7在线式电子巡更系统 (29) 2.3.8信息发布及查询系统 (31) 2.3.9物业管理系统平台 (33) 2.3.10有机垃圾循环处理运行管理系统 (36) 2.3.11三表抄报系统方案设计 (37) 2.4便民健康服务应用建设 (37) 2.5智某某区养老 (38) 2.6智某某区内部管理和服务方面 (39) 2.6.1智某某区安保 (39) 2.6.2智某某区物业管理 (39) 2.6.3智某某区电子商务 (39) 2.6.4智某某区家政 (39) 2.7智某某区家居生活方面 (40) 2.7.1智慧家居 (40)


目录 1、安装过程中出现错误提示怎么办? 0 2、安装系统后,在注册的过程中提示注册信息错误怎么办? (1) 3、注册后,在登陆系统时提示“数据库连接失败”怎么办? (1) 4、注册后,登陆系统时除提示数据库连接失败,还提示未在本地计算机上注册OLEDB 等信息怎么办? (3) 5、登陆时提示“服务器地址错误”或“服务器忙”怎么办? (3) 6、若有需要代填代报的情况,如何在一台电脑上多次注册不同账号? (4) 7、如新装的系统,想要获取过期历史数据应该怎么办? (5) 8、在填报统计任务过程中,无法保存该如何处理? (5) 9、在导入数据过程中报错,应该如何处理? (5) 10、导入模板数据文件,提示“部分未成功导入”怎么办? (6) 11、无法使用“查询统计”中的“任务统计”功能该如何处理? (8) 12、“自定义查询”的结果中,部分指标出现“¥”或“$”如何处理? (8) 13、任务填报完成后,在本地已显示“已上报”,而上级部门未收到,可能是什么原因? (9) 14、任务上报后如何把填报后的数据导出来备份? (9) 15.查询统计报表为什么统计不出数据? (10)

1、安装过程中出现错误提示怎么办? 安装提示错误: 或者: 或者: 解决方法: 安装下载页面的两个系统组件 备注:这2个组件下载后需要解压出来,并双击里面的安装程序方才真正安装上两个组件。第1个组件如果提示不需要安装,可放弃安装直接安装第2个。

2、安装系统后,在注册的过程中提示注册信息错误怎么办? 用户注册失败 1.首先确认用户名和序列号是否颠倒,序列号为大写的英文字母,用户名为7位数字,其次确认是否使用半角输入法,全角状态下的录入系统无法识别。 2.新填加用户,需要下载最新安装包安装使用。 3、注册后,在登陆系统时提示“数据库连接失败”怎么办? 数据库连接失败 解决方法:不在默认安装路径下安装程序,需重新选择数据库路径。步骤如下: 1.在登陆界面点击“设置” 2.在中点击“选”按钮



目录 第一章企业网络的现状描述 (3) 1.1企业网络的现状描述 (3) 第二章企业网络的漏洞分析 (4) 2.1物理安全 (4) 2.2主机安全 (4) 2.3外部安全 (5) 2.4内部安全 (5) 2.5内部网络之间、内外网络之间的连接安全 (6) 第三章企业网络安全整体解决方案设计 (6) 3.1企业网络的设计目标 (6) 3.2企业网络的设计原则 (7) 3.3物理安全解决方案 (8) 3.4主机安全解决方案 (8) 3.5网络安全解决方案 (8) 第四章方案的验证及调试 (10) 第五章总结 (11) 参考资料 .......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

企业网络整体解决方案设计 第一章企业网络的现状描述 1.1企业网络的现状描述 网络拓扑图 以Internet发展为代表的全球性信息化浪潮日益深刻,信息网络技术的应用正日益普及和广泛,应用层次正在深入,应用领域从传统的、小型业务系统逐渐向大型、关键业务系统扩展,以往一直保持独立的大型机和中-高端开放式系统(Unix和NT)部分迅速融合成为一个异构企业部分。 以往安全系统的设计是采用被动防护模式,针对系统出现的

各种情况采取相应的防护措施,当新的应用系统被采纳以后、或者发现了新的系统漏洞,使系统在实际运行中遭受攻击,系统管理员再根据情况采取相应的补救措施。这种以应用处理为核心的安全防护方案使系统管理人员忙于处理不同系统产生的各种故障。人力资源浪费很大,而且往往是在系统破坏造成以后才进行处理,防护效果不理想,也很难对网络的整体防护做出规划和评估。 安全的漏洞往往存在于系统中最薄弱的环节,邮件系统、网关无一不直接威胁着企业网络的正常运行;中小企业需要防止网络系统遭到非法入侵、未经授权的存取或破坏可能造成的数据丢失、系统崩溃等问题,而这些都不是单一的防病毒软件外加服务器就能够解决的。因此无论是网络安全的现状,还是中小企业自身都向广大安全厂商提出了更高的要求。 第二章企业网络的漏洞分析 2.1 物理安全 网络的物理安全的风险是多种多样的。 网络的物理安全主要是指地震、水灾、火灾等环境事故;电源故障;人为操作失误或错误;设备被盗、被毁;电磁干扰;线路截获。以及高可用性的硬件、双机多冗余的设计、机房环境及报警系统、安全意识等。它是整个网络系统安全的前提,在这个企业区局域网内,由于网络的物理跨度不大,只要制定健全的安全管理制度,做好备份,并且加强网络设备和机房的管理,防止非法进入计算机控制室和各种盗窃,破坏活动的发生,这些风险是可以避免的。 2.2 主机安全 对于中国来说,恐怕没有绝对安全的操作系统可以选择,无论是Microsoft的Windows NT或者其他任何商用UNIX操作系统,其开发厂商必然有其Back-Door。我们可以这样讲:没有完全安全的操作系统。但是,我们可以对现有的操作平台进行安全配置、对操作和访问权限进行严格控制,提高系统的安全性。因此,不但要选用尽可能可靠的操作系统和硬件平台。而且,必须加强登录过程的认证,特别是在到达服务器主机之前的认证,确保用户的合法性;其次应该严格限制登录者的操作权限,将其完成的操作限制在最小的范围内。 与日常生活当中一样,企业主机也存在着各种各样的安全问

AIZword 最常见问题及解决方案(超全,收藏有用)(精选、)

「 「 1. 问WORD 里边怎样设置每页不同的页眉?如何使不同的章 节显示的页眉不同 答分节,每节可以设置不同的页眉.文件——页面设置——版式——页眉和页脚——首页不同、奇偶页不同 2. 问请问word 中怎样让每一章用不同的页眉怎么我现在只 能用一个页眉, 一改就全部改 答在插入分隔符里,选插入分节符,可以选连续的那个, 然后下一页改页眉前,按一下同前钮,再做的改动就不影响前面的了. 简言之,分节符使得它们独立了.这个工具栏上的同前按钮就显示在工具栏上,不过是图标的形式,把光标移到上面就显示出同前两个字来 3. 问如何合并两个WORD 文档,不同的页眉需要先写两个文 件,然后合并,如何做 答页眉设置中,选择奇偶页不同与前不同等选项 4. 问WORD 编辑页眉设置,如何实现奇偶页不同比如单页 浙江大学学位论文,这一个容易设;双页每章标题),这一个有什么技巧 答插入节分隔符,与前节设置相同去掉,再设置奇偶页不同

5. 问怎样使WORD 文档只有第一页没有页眉,页脚 答页面设置-页眉和页脚,选首页不同,然后选中首页页眉中的小箭头,格式-边框和底纹,选择无,这个只要在视图——页眉页脚,其中的页面设置里,不要整个文档,就可以看到一个同前的标志,不选,前后的设置情况就不同了 6. 问如何从第三页起设置页眉 答在第二页末插入分节符,在第三页的页眉格式中去掉同前节,如果第一,二页还有页眉,把它设置成正文就可以了 ●在新建文档中,菜单—视图—页脚—插入页码—页码格式—起始页码为0, 确定; ●菜单—文件—页面设置—版式—首页不同,确定; ●将光标放到第一页末,菜单—文件—页面设置—版式—首页不同—应用于插入点之后,确定.第2 步与第三步差别在于第2 步应用于整篇文档,第3 步应用于插入点之后.这样,做两次首页不同以后,页码从第三页开始从1 编号,完成. 7. 问WORD 页眉自动出现一根直线,请问怎么处理 答格式从页眉改为清除格式,就在格式快捷工具栏最左边;选 中页眉文字和箭头,格式-边框和底纹-设置选无


(五)本地化服务方案 为更好的做好XXXX询服务工作,我们经过严格的考察和筛选,充分结合各自的优势,安徽XXXXXX致力于为本项目业主提供专业、高端的造价咨询服务,除为本项目提供基准的本地化服务外,同时拥有较多方面优势。 针对本项目的本地化优势:1、公司为本地注册企业,从事工程造价咨询服务已近10年,并跻身于省内行业前列。公司拥有相应咨询、管理人才100余人,其中注册类人员占比40%以上。公司经过多年业务发展,在本项目沿线均设有分支机构(如分公司等),可以随时接受公司调遣,为本项目实现人、财、物供给。 2、项目班子组成方案及优势 针对本项目为XXXX询服务,项目战线长、专业涵盖范围广、要求高等特点,我公司精心选派13名资深专业人员服务本项目。项目组成员均为国家注册造价类或会计类人员,绝大多数为相应专业工程师及以上职称,且项目组成员均为类似造价咨询服务项目提供过技术咨询,技术力量雄厚,专业经验丰富 3、项目管理方案及优势 3.1我公司对本项目均高度重视,项目一旦中标,即成立以我公司总经理及以上级别高管担任的项目领导小组,审批本项目详尽实施方案,对巨大事项做出及时合理决策,并参与本项目严重成果的讨论。 3.2我公司针对本项目特点,对本项目制定专门管理办法,统一工作标准和管理制度,并要求双方工作人员共同遵守。 3.3我公司对项目负责人授权,赋予项目经理对人员统一办公、统一管理、统一调配、统一指挥、统一考核、统一奖惩“六个统一”权限。 3.4我公司已就本项目实施过程中使用的全部造价管理软件达成一致,已就可能存在的技术问题进行探讨并形成预案,项目成员将在项目实施过程中积极办公、工作。


金桂福开业活动策划方案 一、活动概况 1、活动策略:我们所做的不仅仅是单纯的一场活动,我们要将金桂福的品牌形象传达给每位客户,打开当地市场,努力品牌营造与情感营销。 2、活动要素:金桂福xx店开业 3、活动时间:xx年xx月xx日 4、活动地点:xx城市xx路 5、活动规模:300人 6、活动对象:同城珠宝业竞争者,公司股东、合作商户、媒体及业内人士。 7、活动目的: (1)树立良好的品牌形象,提升品牌知名度 (2)借助活动对外宣传金桂福珠宝,吸引顾客关注,增加客户兴趣,提升客户购买欲。 二、环境布局及现场氛围营造 总体原则:

三、氛围包装 1.现场指引牌 2.现场鲜花布置 3.悬浮气球加条幅 4.气球造型及气球墙 5.pop展板 6.当季主推产品宣传海报 7.冷餐 紧密结合珠宝名表主题,形成主题表现 ?突出珠宝名表文化的消费理念,形象传达及视觉效果?所有宣传物及DM单出现金达亨LOGO与广告语 四、前期宣传支持 1.sina新浪 2.qq腾讯网

3.sohu搜狐 4.当地报纸 5.灯箱、站台及车体广告 五、执行保障 1.天气预测 (1)活动前一周,密切观察天气情况,如遇雨天,准备充足的雨伞。 (2)如可能,为来宾提供“代客停车”服务。(3)提供积存雨具寄存服务或提供塑料袋,保洁随时清理地面。 2.工作守则 (1)为使本活动现场保持良好的专业形象和社会声誉,将活动管理系统化,规范化和科学化。 (2)加强员工素质,遵守劳动纪律,维护现场秩序,提高工作效率。 (3)所有参与的工作人员必须严格遵守。 3.停车位 (1)现场来宾停车由专业人员作指引和指导 4.来宾指引路线 (1)来宾秩序良好式保证活动顺利的重要条件。(2)当天从停车场到现场沿途均摆放明显导视系统(例如:停车场,主会场,卫生间,卖场分布图),礼仪小姐礼貌用语引导嘉宾 5.后勤保障工作 (1)工作安排:

【最新文档】实施解决方案-范文word版 (6页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理所得,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即予以删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑修改文字! == 实施解决方案 实施解决方案 专用目标1选择产品部件的解决方案 专用实践1.1 制定备选方案和选择准则 本实践要求制定产品部件的解决方案及其选择准则。 为此: 1)本实践对目标实现的重要程度:重要 2)过程文件实施要点 建立软件产品设计过程制定产品部件解决方案的机制(决定部分或全部产品部件应建立备选方案进行选择,以及对建立的备选方案有哪些要求);制定产品部件解决方案的选择准则(如,考虑其对成本、进度、性能等的影响)。 3)模板文件实施要点 制定描述产品部件备选解决方案的模板。 4)其他实施要点 产品部件的解决方案不应轻易建立,因为它将对软件开发过程有重大影响,所以,应尽量避免后期产品部件的解决方案的变更。 5)直接证据

制定的产品部件的备选解决方案。 专用实践1.2 选择产品部件的解决方案 本实践要求依照制定的选择准则选择产品部件的解决方案。 为此: 1)本实践对目标实现的重要程度:重要 2)过程文件实施要点 选择准则应适合产品部件的具体情况,必要时即时调整;选择产品部件的解决方案必须依照事先制定的选择准则;记录选择产品部件的解决方案的理由。 3)模板文件实施要点 无。 4)其他实施要点 无。 5)直接证据 选择产品部件解决方案的记录。 专用目标2 开发设计 专用实践2.1 设计产品或产品部件 本实践要求依据软件设计规范设计产品或产品部件。 为此: 1)本实践对目标实现的重要程度:重要 2)过程文件实施要点


某证券研究所网络安全整体解决方案 XX网络安全技术有限公司

序言 随着计算机技术和通讯技术的飞速发展,网络正逐步改变着人们的工作方式和生活方式,成为当今社会发展的一个主题。网络的开放性,互连性,共享性程度的扩大,特别是Internet的出现,使网络的重要性和对社会的影响也越来越大。随着网络上电子商务,电子现金,数字货币,网络国税等新兴业务的兴起,网络安全问题变得越来越重要。 病毒是网络安全最大的隐患,它对网络的威胁占导致经济损失的安全问题的76%。几乎所有的企业都不同程度的遭受过病毒的侵袭。目前全球已发现二万余种病毒样本,并且以每月新增300多种的速度继续破坏着网络和单机上宝贵的信息资源。病毒给每个计算机用户和企业带来了无法估量和弥补的损失。 计算机网络犯罪所造成的经济损失也令人吃惊。仅在美国每年因计算机犯罪所造成的直接经济损失就达150亿美元。在全球平均每二十秒就发生一次网上入侵事件。有近80%的公司至少每周在网络上要被大规模的入侵一次,并且一旦黑客找到系统的薄弱环节,所有用户都会遭殃。面对计算机网络的种种安全威胁,必须采取有力的措施来保证安全。 此外,随着网络规模的不断扩大,复杂性不断增加,异构性不断提高,用户对网络性能要求的不断提高,网络管理也逐步成为网络技术发展中一个极为关键的任务,对网络的发展产生很大的影响,成为现代信息网络中最重要的问题之一。如果没有一个高效的网络管理系统对网络进行管理,就很难向广大用户提供令人满意的服务。据测算,管理一台连网的PC机五年的成本就超过65,000美元。因此,找到一种使网络运作更高效,更实用,更低廉的解决方案已成为每一个企业领导人和网络管理人员的迫切要求。虽然其重要性已在各方面得到体现,并为越来越多的人所认识,可迄今为止,在网络管理领域里仍有许多漏洞和亟待完善的问题存在。 某计算机信息安全有限公司创立于2000年,是中国最大的计算机信息安全产品提供商之一。某在收购知名软件企业南京信源的基础上,组建了一支国内顶尖反病毒专家团队,尖端产品不断推出,企业规模迅速扩大,现已发展成为国内反病毒软件行业技术服务实力最雄厚的企业。某拥有单机版个人反病毒软件、企业级网络反病毒总体解决方案、基于生物指纹特征技术的加密认证等一系列的网络安全产品。某突破传统的杀毒软件侧重查杀已知病毒,但不能有效阻止未知病毒和黑客入侵的局限性,在国际上率先提出"病毒实时监测+个人互联网防火墙"的概念,并独立开发出集杀毒、防毒和反黒客于一体的反病毒软件安全之星XP,产品性能达到了国际领先水平,在中国计算机信息安全的发展历史上具有深远的意义。2000年6月,某承担了国家863项目信息安全领域专攻课题研究;2000年9月13日,负责国家信息安全示范工程XX219工程中信息安全工业技术的研究。与国家统计局、环保局、铁道部、中国科学院等众多单位进行着长期友好的合作。 通过多项大型网络工程的建设实践,我们深切的认识到任何网络工程的建设都离不开网络安全和网络管理的建设工作。正是出于对广大用户和企业切身利益的考虑,某网络安全技术有限公司与全球网络安全与管理技术领域的领先多个企业结成战略合作伙伴关系,本着“提供本行业最全面的系列网络安全与管理解决方案和安全服务



一、项目背景 二、市场环境 三、项目介绍 四、项目优势 五、管理架构 六、年度运营指标与经营成本 七、营销策划 八、分段实施 一、项目背景 中国权威咨询服务提供商易观国际发布报告称,2010年第四季度线下便利支付市场交易金额规

模为790亿元左右,环比增长12.66%。业内专家认为,线下便利支付的发展已经对国家经济发展起到了重要作用,预计2011年中国线下支付市场将呈现爆发式增长。 发展势不可挡 线下便利支付,是指单位、个人直接或授权他人使用银行卡,通过各种便利支付终端发出支付指令,进行非现场自助刷卡支付,实现货币支付与资金转移的手段。有关专家认为,随着我国金融市场银行卡业务的逐步普及,线下便利支付逐渐成为行业热点。 业内人士预计,随着支付牌照的发放,行业领军企业将开展新一轮的网点和终端的铺设,线下便利支付市场也将被注入一支强心剂。易观国际预计,在短期内,线下便利支付市场在未来1 至2个季度将会继续盘整,未来半年至一年之内,线下便利支付将会有大规模的爆发。 易观国际在报告中指出,线下便利支付行业尚处于行业发展期,然而,尽管去年12月1日央行正式公布实施的《非金融机构支付服务管理办法》对线下便利支付带来一定的影响,但由于行业自身发展潜力巨大,加之线下便利支付行业的领军企业拉卡拉等持续推出创新型的产品和服务,线下便利支付市场的发展势头仍然不可阻挡。. 需求决定增长 “2011年爆炸性增长的背后是强大的消费者需求。”业内专家向记者指出,2010年,我国银行卡累计发行24.2亿张,较2009年末增加3.5亿张,银行卡已经成为广大群众使用最频繁的非现金支付工具。银行卡数量的不断增长,也暴露出了我国银行卡受理环境的落后。2010年底,国内联网ATM机数量接近27万台,平均一台ATM需要对应近9000万张银行卡。同时,目前我国的ATM机只能提供存款、取款和余额查询等简单的金融服务业务,其中存款服务等无法实现跨行操作等问题,难以满足群众对方便、快捷支付服务的需求。 同时,易观国际认为,爆炸性增长的另一个动因是线下便利支付有巨大的发展和创新空间,二三线城市与新兴家庭支付渠道还有巨大的潜力可挖。 央行曾明确指出要拓展电子支付功能,改善支付环境,促进支付服务市场的多元化发展,以适应多种经济活动与百姓生活需要。因此,完善金融服务体系,加快金融服务创新已成为金融改革的重要课题。在此背景下,业内人士认为,新兴线下便利支付市场的爆发性增长将推动受理环境的扩充和升级,进而促进支付服务市场的多元化发展,用以满足消费者的不同需求 二、市场环境 随着线下市场发展至今,POS机终端也已经普及并得到民众的认可,但是传统的POS机功能项目单一,只用于银行刷卡、连锁结算、信用还款等等,不能拓展终端本身功能及深层次的商业效益。 项目介绍三、. 陕西秦恺文化传播有限公司所经营的卓商通是一款通过智能POS终端设备将消费者、商户及经营者有效的结合起来的管理平台,通过平台控制与资源整合达到降低消费者支付、提高商户及经营者营业额的目的; 如图示:


Word 导出下载功能解决方案 实现思路图: 本项目需要Word 导出下载的功能来实现:申报书下载、项目概况下载和专家意见下载。并且导出的Word 样式与客户需要的模板样式统一。 由于需求原因,此功能的实现方案的解决思路是: 1. 根据客户需要的Word 模板样式,复制Word 的内容; 2. 在VisualStudio2010中ASPX 页面的“设计”样式中进行粘贴操作,这时会在页面中呈现Word 模板样式,然后在“源”中对HTML 代码进行简化; 3. 将需要呈现的数据使用服务器控件进行替代,在ASPX 页面的CS 代码中进行控件数据填充; 4. 在CS 页面中,重写ASP .Net 页面周期中的Render 方法,添加”项目打印类”—“ApplyPrintClass ”类,调用相应生成Word 的方法: 创建下载项目概况(CreateAndDownloadWordForBook), 创建下载项目信息(CreateAndDownloadWordForApplyInfo),创建下载专家评审意见( CreateAndDownloadWordForExpertOpinion),传入的参数主要是Render 方法下生成的HTML 页面代码,在服务器保存的根路径。 5. 以上三种方法解决思路都是一样的,但是服务器存放文件路径等参数各有不同。主要思路是:将传入的HTML 页面代码输出到服务器磁盘的HTML 页面中,然后通过Word 打开HTML 页面,复制Word 内容,创建新的Word 程序,将复制的内容进行粘贴保存,最后调用下载方法。 6. 创建Word 时,根据不同的需求,对Word 进行保护措施,直接调用类库中的方法即可(ProtectWord ),此方法可以禁止用户对Word 进行编辑和复制等操作。并且包含添加页码(InsertPageNum )和插入条形码(InsertBarcode )的方法,可以在不同的需求方法中进行添加。 Word 操作类介绍: 类库名:EGOV.ProjectApply.ApplyPrintClass 私有字段:myWordApp ,使用开启的Word 应用程序。 公开方法: 1. CreateAndDownloadWordForBook(System.Web.UI.Page



智慧工厂解决方案模板 一、概念:什么叫智慧工厂 美国ARC总结:以制造为中心的数字制造、以设计为中心的数字制造、以管理为中心的数字制造,并考虑了原材料、能源供应、产品销售的销售供应,提出用工程技术、生产制造、供应链这三个维度来描述工程师的全部活动。 通过建立描述这三个维度的信息模型,利用适当的软件,能够完整表达围绕产品设计、技术支持、生产制造已经原材料供应、销售和市场相关的所有环节的活动。 实时数据的支持,实时下达指令制导这些活动,全面的优化,在三个维度之间交互,我们叫数字化工厂或智慧工厂。

ARC提出:用工程、生产制造、供应链三个维度描述数字化工厂的模型。 CPS在生产过程的实现构成了智慧工厂 信息物理系统(CPS) 计算和物理过程的整合集成:计算机和网络对物理过程进行监测和控制。CPS是工程系统,由一个嵌入在物体中的计算和通讯的内核,以及物理环境中的结构所监测和控制。 二、智慧工厂的基本架构 物联网和服务网是智慧工厂的信息技术基础。 与生产计划、物流、能源和经营相关的ERP、SCR、CRM等,和产品设计、技术相关的PLM处在上层,与服务网紧紧相连。 与制造生产设备和生产线控制、调度、排产等相关的PCS、MES功能通过CPS物理信息系统实现。这一层和工业物联网紧紧相连。

从制成品形成和产品生命周期服务的维度,还需要具有智慧的原材料供应、智慧的售后服务,构成实时互联互通的信息交换。 智慧的原材料供应和售后服务,需要充分利用服务网和物联网的功能。 三、智慧工厂的构成 智慧工厂由许多智能制造装备、控制和信息系统构成。 智能制造装备有许多智能部件和其他相关基本部件构成 现实,工程技术、生产制造和供应链的数字化不是十分成熟,没有广发推广应用。数字化工厂可理解为: 1、在生产制造的维度发展基于制造智能化的自动化生产线和成套装置


智慧园区解决方案 一、系统概述 1.智慧园区背景 在经济快速发展和政府政策的推动下,以产业聚焦为手段的园区经济发展迅速。各地园区经济呈现出覆盖区域不断扩大,产值越来越集中,GDP占比越来越大的趋势。 园区企业逐渐向高(高技术)、新(新领域)、专(专业性)行业发展。未来趋势,园区将是高新技术产业的集中研发地,高新企业群集的区域,高新产品孵化和生产的基地。 园区规划建设整体性越来越强,更加注重各种基础配套设施,以更好的服务促进高新产业的发展。尤其是注重产业园区的信息化建设,构建互联互通、资源共享的信息资源网络,以信息化带动产业化是加快产业园区发展的重要内容。各类产业园区发展迅猛,规模扩张也越来越明显,高新企业纷纷入驻,企业对园区信息化要求越来越高,同时对园区服务和管理水平也提出了更高的要求。 据分析,目前各类园区由于基础设施建设不完善,缺乏统一专业的园区现代化管理规划,因此园区管理方式落后,主要体现在: ●园区定位及发展方向不够明确,建设起点不高,没有形成特色。园区运营商只提供基本的水电气、交通、建筑等基础设施建设,信息化、智能化都由入驻企业自行完成。园区管理平台和入住企业平台不能交互互动; ●园区信息建设自成体系,信息化水平低,缺乏远程、集中控制方式,同时业务系统封闭运行,软硬件各个系统相对独立,数据库也相对独立,不能实现信息资源共享。 ●园区管理局限于园区安防、园区消费等几个方面,没有覆盖到园区节能管理、空间管理、建筑管理等领域。在管理方式上处于被动状态,无法针对园区各类情况调整管理策略。园区服务对象主要面向园区运营商,入驻的中小型企业缺乏企业信息资源共享、发布、招商引资平台。


MPLS BGP VPN 技术方案模板 华为技术有限公司 2003年2月

目录 前言 (1) 第1章概述 (2) 1.1 MPLS VPN简介 (2) 1.2 网络概述 (3) 第2章原有网络分析 (4) 2.1 信息采集 (4) 2.1.1 网络信息 (4) 2.1.2 用户需求 (4) 2.2 组网分析 (5) 2.3 综述 (7) 第3章 MPLS-VPN解决方案 (8) 3.1 组网 (8) 3.2 IP地址规划 (10) 3.2.1 PE的管理地址(Loopback地址) (11) 3.2.2 S3526/S3026的管理地址 (11) 3.2.3 PE-PE的互连地址 (13) 3.2.4 PE-CE的互连地址(计费) (14) 3.2.5 PE-CE的互连地址(OA) (14) 3.2.6 PE-CE的互连地址(168) (15) 3.2.7 PE-CE的互连地址(网管) (15) 3.3 路由协议 (16) 3.3.1 BGP协议规划 (16) 3.3.2 IGP协议规划 (17) 3.3.3 静态路由规划 (17) 3.4 MPLS VPN 规划 (18) 3.4.1 VRF规则 (18) 3.4.2 RD规则 (18) 3.4.3 Route-Target规则 (18) 3.5 设备命名和描述规则 (19) 3.5.1 设备命名规则 (19) 3.5.2 接口描述命名规则 (19) 3.6 网络的备份和流量分担 (19) 3.6.1网络的备份 (20)

3.6.2 流量的分担 (20) 3.7 网络的管理 (20) 3.8 网络的安全 (22) 第4章设备配置 (23) 4.1 硬件配置清单 (23) 4.2 软件配置清单 (23) 第5章测试和验收 (25)

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