当前位置:文档之家› 欧洲文化入门总复习题





1:Hebrew---Israelite---Jew Jew---Jewish---Judaism



3:The fall of man: Adam and Eve、the Garden of Eden

4: Noah’s Ark

5:Moses(a famous Hebrew leader) 、Exodus、40 years、the mountainous Sinai、Ten Commandments

6:While in Babylon in the 6th century B.C., the Hebrews, now known as Jews, formed synagogues(大会堂) to practise their religion.

7:如今有多少犹太人?15 million

8:Jesus 出生地:那瑟勒死亡地:耶路撒冷郊外髑髅地·各各地

Baptism: 30 years、John baptist

9:Diocletian destroyed、Constantine and the Edict of Milan in 133、Theodosius official

10: the new testament(新约):the birth、 teaching、 death(The Crucifixion 耶稣被钉十字架)、resurrection of Jesus

11:现代英语两大宝库:the English Bible and Shakespeare

12:228 years

13:the Code of Chivalry:to protect the week, to fight for church, to be loyal to his lord, to respect women of noble birth.

14:half civilized Germanic tribes: Visigoths, the Franks, the Angle and Saxons, the Vandals

15:Feudalism(封建主义) the Manor(庄园) serfs(农奴) Charles Martel in 732.

16:After 1054, the Roman Catholic church and Eastern Orthodox church 17:three groups in feudalism: clergy(牧师最高) lords peasants(农民最低)

18:the crusades(十字军) 8 times 200 years

By 1291, the moslems had taken over the last Christain stronghold. 19:Emperor of the Romans(神圣罗马皇帝): Charlemagne(查理曼大帝)

20:Alfred the Great(Anglo-Saxdon) contributed to medieval European culture

21:real scientific progress began in the 12th and 13th centuries. Roger bacon(a monk) is an advocate of scientific research.Opus maius, and encyclopedia(自然哲学总则)

22:National Epics: Beowulf(Anglo-saxon/英国) Song of Roland(French/法国)


Geoffrey Chaucer(杰弗里乔叟) and the Canterbury tales(坎特伯雷故事) 23:Romanesque(罗马建筑) Gothic(哥特式建筑):stained glass windows are the Holy Scriptures



1:Two Major Elements in European Culture

European culture is made up of many elements, which have gone through changes over the centuries. Two of these elements are considered to be more enduring and they are: the Greco-Roman element, and the

Judeo-Christian element.

However, there has been a complex interplay between the two, which adds to the richness of the culture.

2:Why should Chinese students of English bother about European culture? Well, English culture is a part of European culture and language cannot be learned without some knowledge of the culture Behind it.

Further, European culture itself is a part of world culture. Some knowledge of it is necessary to us as citizens of the world, particularly when our country is going ahead with modernization and taking an active part in world affairs.

3:Ten Commandments(摩西十诫)

1)You shall have no other gods before me.


2)You shall not make for yourself an idol.不可为自己雕刻偶像。

4)Observe the sabbath day and keep it holy. 守安息日为圣日。

5)Honor your father and mother. 孝敬父母。

6)You shall not murder. 不可杀人。

7)Neither shall you commit adultery. 不可奸淫。

8)Neither shall you steal. 不可偷盗。

9.)Neither shall you bear false witness against your neighbor.



Among all the religions by which people seek to worship, Christianity is by far the most influential in the West. Every phase of man’s life is touched by this religion, so much so that it has become part and parcel of Western culture.

5: Why are Judaism and Christianity closely related?

In fact, it was the Jewish tradition which gave birth to Christianity. Both originated in Palestine--the hub of migration and trade routes, which led to exchange of ideas over wide areas.

6: 为什么叫中世纪?

7:为什么叫dark ages?

8:为什么叫the age of faith?

9:why could the “Christian Church” become the only central of power.

10:the Code of Chivalry(骑士公约):

to protect the week, to fight for church, to be loyal to his lord, to respect women of noble birth.


1: What was the Hebrew’s major contribution to world civilization ?

About 1300 B.C., the Hebrews came to settle in Palestine, known as Canaan at that time, and formed small kingdoms. Their history was handed down orally from one generation to another in the form of folktales and stories,

which were recorded later in the Old Testament, which still late became the first part of the christian Bible. Though a minor tribe in ancient Middle East with a small population, the Hebrews made one of the greatest contribution to the word civilization.

2:Why do we say the Bible has shaped Western culture more decisively than anything else ever written ?

The Bible is the most popular book in the culture of mankind. It is the essential of western civilization, having shaped the western civilization more decisively than anything else ever written.

3:What happened in Western Europe after the decline of the Roman Empire ?

(1) In 476 A.D. a Germanic general killed the last Roman emperor and took control of the government. A great many Germanic kingdoms began to grow into the nations known as England, France, Spain, Italy, and Germany. (2) Between the 5th to 11th centuries, Western Europe was the scene of frequent wars and invasions. The political unity had given way to widespread destruction and confusion. Hunger and disease killed many lives; towns and villages fell into ruin and great areas of land lay waste. (3) During the medieval times there was no central government to keep the order. The only organization that seemed to unite Europe was the Christian church. In the late Middle Ages, Christianity took the lead in politics, law, art, and learning for hundreds of year.

4: What made Italy the birthplace of the Renaissance ?

(1)Renaissance started in Florence and Venice with the flowering of paintings, sculpture and architecture. Form Italy the movement went to embrace the rest of Europe. (2) Because of its geographical position, foreign trade developed early in Italy into contact with other cultures and gave rise to urban economy and helped Italy to accumulate wealth which was an essential factor for the flowering of art and literature. (3) For two centuries beginning from the late 15th century, Florence was the golden city which gave birth to a whole generation of poet, scholars, artists and sculptors. There was in Florence a revival of interest in classical learning and rising of humanist ideas.

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欧洲文化入门Exercise3 1.第1题 Mary's pregnancy to Joseph, her husband, was ___. A.a scandal B.a luck C.incredible D.unfortunate 您的答案:A 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 2.第2题 It was ____who unified England for the first time. A.King Edward and his successors B.King Arthur and his successors C. King William and his successors D.King Alfred and his successors 您的答案:D 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 3.第3题 According to the New Testament, the central message of Jesus was__. A.the kingdom of God B.the human persons C.the Holy Spirit D.God 您的答案:A 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0

4.第4题 The religious ministry of Jesus was followed by his 12 apostles for ___. A.12 is a lucky number B.they were the only apostles Jesus had C.they were the only apostles Jesus could select D.Israel was made up of 12 tribes 您的答案:D 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 5.第5题 Greek mythology relates the development of the order of the universe to_____ . A.Pandora B.Zeus C.Chaos D.Cronus 您的答案:C 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 6.第6题 Which is not true about the heroes in Greek mythology? A.They represented a kind of bridge between gods and mortals B.They never die C.They got gods' favor D.They had some defect to balance out their power 您的答案:B 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 7.第7题


2014年10月北京自考欧洲文化入门模拟试题和答案100017 一、Read the following unfinished statements or questions carefully. For each unfinished statement or question,four suggested answers marked A,B,C and D are given. Choose the one which best completes the statement or answers the question by blackening the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET.(40 points,2 points each) 第1题 In the second half of the 4th century B.C., all Greece was brought under the rule of___________ ,King of Macedon. A. Homer B. Sophocles C. Alexander D. Alfred 【正确答案】 C 【你的答案】 本题分数2分 第2题 In ancient Greece,plays were performed in_____________. A. theatres B. open-air sports ground C. private houses D. open-air theatres 【正确答案】 D 【你的答案】 本题分数2分 第3题 The first emperor of the Roman Empire was________________. A. Constantine B. Julius Caesar C. Octavius D. Augustus 【正确答案】 D 【你的答案】 本题分数2分 第4题 The ancestors of the Jews are called Hebrews which mean______________. A. wanderers B. travelers


欧洲文化入门各章练习及答案 第一章 填空题: 1. The richness of European Culture was created by ________element and _________element. Greco-Roman Judeo-Christian 2. The Homer’s epics consisted of_________. Iliad and Odyssey 3. ________ is the first writer of “problem plays”. Euripides 4. __________ is called “Father of History”. Herodotus 5. ________is the greatest historian that ever lived. Thucydides 6. The dividing range in the Roman history refers to ________. 27 B.C. 7. “I came, I saw, I conquered.” is a famous saying by _______. Julius Caesar 8. The representation form of Greek Democracy is __________. citizen-assembly. 判断题 1. Euclid says “Give me a place to stand, and I will move the world”. (×) Archimedes 2. Herodotus’s historical writing is on the war between Anthens and Sparta. (×) Greeks and Persians 名词解释: 1. Pax Romana 答:In the Roman history ,there came two hundred years of peaceful time, which was guaranteed by the Roman legions, it was known as Pax Romana 2. “Democracy” in ancient Greece 答: 1)Democracy means “exercise of power by the whole people”, but in Greece by “the whole people” the Greeks mea nt only the adult male citizens. 2) Women, children, foreigners and slaves were excluded from Democracy. 论述题: 1. How did the Greek Culture originate and develop? 1) Probably around 1200 B.C., a war was fought between Greece and troy. This is the war that Homer refers to in his epics. 2) Greek culture reached a high point of development in the 5th century B.C. A. The successful repulse of the Persian invasion early in the 5th century. B. The establishment of democracy. C. The flourishing of science, philosophy, literature, art and historical writing in Athens. 3)The 5th century closed with civil war between Athens and Sparta.


欧洲文化入门参考资料 这是一本中国大学生了解欧洲文化的英语教科书,为了教学需要而编写的。学习英语的中国大学生在阅读英文书刊和同英语国家人士的交往中,往往感到由于缺乏欧洲文化知识而增加了许多困难。英语中有数不清的典故、名言、成语、人名、地名等等来自古希腊罗马的哲学、文学、历史著作,希伯莱的圣经,文艺复兴时期的艺术创作或者牵涉到各时期思想、科技、政治、社会方面的重要事件和人物。如果对这些所知无多,读书未必全懂,对谈也难顺利。而一旦对这些有了较多知识,则不仅了解程度会提高,而且由于通过文化来学习语言,语言也会学得更好。 《欧洲文化入门》教学大纲 一、课程基本信息 1、课程英文名称:European Culture: An Introduction 2、课程类别:专业限选课程 3、课程学时:32学时 4、学分:2 5、先修课程:《高级英语》、《英国文学选读》、《美国文学选读》 6、适用专业:英语 7、大纲执笔:英语专业教研室 8、大纲审批:外语系学术委员会 9、制定(修订)时间:2005 二、课程的目的与任务: 本课程为专业选修课程,旨在通过该课程的学习,学生比较系统地学习有关欧洲文化的基本知识,以提高学生的文化知识和文化修养,并为以后开专业课提供大量重要的背景文化知识,从而更好地了解和学习英语,提高文学欣赏水平。 三、课程的基本要求: 本教学大纲对象是高等院校英语专业高年级学生,全部用英语授课。 了解欧洲文化对英语发展的影响和欧洲文化发展的脉络; 了解来自古希腊罗马的哲学、文学、历史著作,希伯莱的圣经,文艺复兴时期的艺术创作的典故、名言、成语、人名、地名等; 了解欧洲各时期思想、科技、政治、社会方面的重要事件和人物; 将欧洲文化与同时期的中国文化进行比较; 学生应准备一些工具书、参考书、选本、译本。 四、教学内容、要求及学时分配: 希腊、罗马文化 基督教及其《圣经》 中世纪 文艺复兴与宗教改革 十七世纪 启蒙运动 浪漫主义 马克思主义与达尔文学说 现实主义 现代主义及其它 五、考试考核办法:笔试 六、教材及参考书:


课程《欧洲文化入门》考试时间 120 分钟日期年月日 姓名学号学院班级 Ⅰ.Read the following unfinished statements or questionas carefully. For each unfinished statement or question, four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D are given. Choose the one that you think best completes the statement or answers the question. Write the letter of the answer you have choosen in the corresponding spcae on the answer sheet. (40 points, 2 point for each) ———— was the founder of scientific mathematics. A. Pythagoras B. Democritus C. Aristotle D. Diogenes 2. Which of the following figures was regarded as “the master of those who know”by Dante? A. Plato B. Socrates C. Aristotle D. Cicero 3. ________ was called “the greatest historian that ever lived”by Macaulay. A. Thucydides B. Herodotus C. Socrates D. Aristotle 4. The first king to unite the Hebrews was a warrior-famer name________ . A. Moses B. Joshua C. Saul D. David 5. Who issued the Edict of Milan in 313,whick granted religious freedom to all and made Christianity legal? A. Domitian B. Valerian C. Constantine D. Theodosius 6. The ancestors of the Jews are called Hebrews which mean ________ . A. wanderers B. travelers C. traders D. merchants 7. In the latter part of the fourth century the ________ swept into Europe from central Asia. A. Turkish B. Huns C. Athens D. Roman 8. Apart from being a place of worship, the ________ was a place for recreation and the center of trade and community activity. A. bridge B. church building C. village D. subway 9. For two centuries beginning from the late fifteenth century,________ was the golden city which gave birth to a whole generation of poets, scholars,artists and sculptors. A. Milan B. Florence C. Venice D. the papal states 10. which of the following figures knows “how to make beauty yield meaning and


欧洲文化入门复习题(2、3章) 一:选择(51’) 1:Hebrew---Israelite---Jew Jew---Jewish---Judaism Judaism---Christianity 2:Pentateuch(摩西五经):Genesis(创世纪)、Exodus(出埃及记)、Leviticus(利未记)、Numbers(民数计)、Deuteronomy(申命记) 3:The fall of man: Adam and Eve、the Garden of Eden 4: Noah’s Ark 5:Moses(a famous Hebrew leader) 、Exodus、40 years、the mountainous Sinai、Ten Commandments 6:While in Babylon in the 6th century B.C., the Hebrews, now known as Jews, formed synagogues(大会堂) to practise their religion. 7:如今有多少犹太人?15 million 8:Jesus 出生地:那瑟勒死亡地:耶路撒冷郊外髑髅地·各各地 Baptism: 30 years、John baptist 9:Diocletian destroyed、Constantine and the Edict of Milan in 133、Theodosius official 10: the new testament(新约):the birth、teaching、death(The Crucifixion耶稣被钉十字架)、resurrection of Jesus 11:现代英语两大宝库:the English Bible and Shakespeare 12:228 years 13:the Code of Chivalry:to protect the week, to fight for church, to be loyal to his lord, to respect women of noble birth. 14:half civilized Germanic tribes: Visigoths, the Franks, the Angle and Saxons, the Vandals 15:Feudalism(封建主义) the Manor(庄园) serfs(农奴) Charles Martel in 732. 16:After 1054, the Roman Catholic church and Eastern Orthodox church 17:three groups in feudalism: clergy(牧师最高) lords peasants(农民最低) 18:the crusades(十字军) 8 times 200 years By 1291, the moslems had taken over the last Christain stronghold. 19:Emperor of the Romans(神圣罗马皇帝): Charlemagne(查理曼大帝) 20:Alfred the Great(Anglo-Saxdon) contributed to medieval European culture 21:real scientific progress began in the 12th and 13th centuries. Roger bacon(a monk) is an advocate of scientific research.Opus maius, and encyclopedia(自然哲学总则) 22:National Epics: Beowulf(Anglo-saxon/英国) Song of Roland(French/法国) 荷马史诗代表作Iliad(伊利亚特)和Odysse(奥德赛) Geoffrey Chaucer(杰弗里乔叟) and the Canterbury tales(坎特伯雷故事) 23:Romanesque(罗马建筑) Gothic(哥特式建筑):stained glass windows are the Holy Scriptures 24:哲学三杰(苏格拉底,柏拉图,亚里士多德)顺序不能打乱 二:简答(6道) 1:Two Major Elements in European Culture


二OO一年下半年北京市高等教育自学考试 欧洲文化入门试卷 I. Multiple Choice (40%) 1. __believed that the highest good in life was pleasure, freedom from pain and emotional upheaval. A. Sophists B. Cynics C. Skeptics D. Epicureans 2. ___ is said to have told the king of Syrac use: “give me a place to stand,and I will move the world”. A. Archimedes B. Aristotle C. Plato D. Euclid 3. Increasingly troubled by the inroads of northern tribes such as Goths, the West Roman Empire finally collapsed in___. A. 395 B. 27 C. 1453 D. 476 4. The city of god was written by___, the most important of all the leaders of Christian thought. A. Jesus B. Augustine C. Thomas Aquinas D. Martin Luther 5. ____ was a painter, a sculptor, an architect, a musician, an engineer, and a scientist - a Renaissance man in the true sense of the word. A. Michelangelo B. Raphael C. Shakespeare D. da Vinci 6. In ____, Cervantes satirized a very popular type of literature at the time, the romance of chivalry. A. Don Quixote B. Hamlet C. Leviathan D. The Life and Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe 7. The best - known book written by Thomas More is ____, which describes an ideal non - Christian state where everybody lives a simple life and shares the goods in common, possesses a good knowledge of Latin, fights no war and enjoys full freedom in religious belief. A. The Praise of the Folly B. As You Like It C. Divine Comedy D. Utopia 8. ______, author of Prince, is regarded as “father of political science” in the West . A. Machiavelli B. Dante C. Bacon D. Locke 9. In The Revolution of Heavenly Orbs, ____ put forward his theory that the sun, not the earth, is the center of the universe. A. Kepler B. Galileo C. Newton D. Copernicus 10. During the ____century, the modern scientific method began to take shape, which emphasized observation and experimentation before formulating a final explanation or generalization. A. 18th B. 15th C. 16th D. 17th 11. _____said, “knowledge is power.” A. Isaac Newton B. Francis Bacon C. John Locke D. Marx 12. In past, ____drew on an immense variety of cultural material-theological, mythological, philosophical, political, economic, scientific, aesthetic, musical, and literary. A. Goethe B. Defoe C. Rousseau D. Byron 13. Which of the following is not regarded as a romantic writer? A. Wordsworth B. Shelley C. Pushkin D. Balzac 14. The most frequent themes of Romanticism include all of the following except ______. A. the power of reason B. individual freedom C. spontaneity D. love of nature 15. “If winter comes, can spring be far be hind?” is the ending l ine of “Ode to the West W ind” by______. A. Wordsworth B. Keats C. Pushkin D. Shelley 16. The composer of Swan Lake was_____, a genius in symphonic music. A. Tchaikovsky B. Chopin C. Beethoven D. Mozart 17. The naturalist school founded by Zola in late 19th century intended ____. A. to attack the industrial injustice and urban evils B. to give full play to the imagination of individuals C. to uphold the classical values such as harmony, balance, proportion and retraint D. to demonstrate the law of human conduct by a scientific s tudy of “a slice of life”


第一章希腊罗马文化 希腊罗马文化可以说是欧洲文明的起源,所以这一章节应该是比较重要的章节。我们先看希腊的发展。 希腊文明分为几个时期,她形成于公元前800-500年,经历了古典时代(也就是公元前500到公元前336年)和希腊化时代(也就是公元前336年到公元前31年)。希腊文明达到顶峰是公元前5世纪。公元前146年,希腊被罗马攻克。希腊文明也就被罗马文明所取代。 这段历史的重要大事有: 1、公元前12世纪,随着特洛伊人的入侵,希腊堕入“黑暗时代”。荷马史诗描述的正是希腊人与特洛伊人之间的战争(《以利亚特》和《奥得赛》)。这里要注意的是,荷马史诗描述的时代并非荷马生活的时代。荷马生活在公元前700年。 2、公元前6世纪,希腊世界开始有了全面改变,为后来的古典时代打开了通途。其中两个重要的城邦国家是雅典和斯巴达。雅典发展起一个完全不同类型的社会,公元前594年,梭伦成为雅典的首席执行官,他的贡献在于,在组织上为以后建立著名的雅典民主奠定了基础。雅典之所以在当时拥有卓越的地位,是因为它在打败庞大的波斯帝国这场重大战争中起了最主要的作用。历史之父希罗多德在他的历史书中进行了详尽的描述。 3、由于雅典的不断扩张引起了斯巴达的恐慌,因而在公元前431

年爆发了伯罗奔尼撒战争。战争最终以雅典的失败而告终。修昔底得这位历史上最伟大的历史学家在其作品中,详尽描写了这一战争。 4、伯罗奔尼撒战争后,斯巴达专横跋扈,底比斯和雅典为求相互保护而结成新的联盟。公元前371年,马其顿国王腓力二世打败了底比斯和雅典联军,他的闻名世界的儿子亚历山大大帝统治了希腊。至此,古典时代结束,希腊化时代即将开始。 古典时代的希腊造就了一批哲学家和剧作家。哲学家主要以苏格拉底、柏拉图和亚里士多德为代表。苏格拉底提出自由辩论的重要性。柏拉图的目标是要实现一个既能维持贵族特权,又可为贫苦阶级接受的社会,并构件了唯心主义的根基。亚力士多德寻求自然界和人类社会各个方面的秩序。剧作家有埃斯库罗斯、阿里斯托芬、索福克勒斯。这一时期希腊也造就了像阿基米德和欧几里得这样的数学家,以及像希罗多德和修昔底得这样伟大的历史学家。 希腊的艺术和建筑在神庙上得到最高体现。著名的雅典卫城的圣地帕台侬神庙就是卫雅典娜女神建造的。 接下来我们从希腊文明走向罗马文明。 希腊化时代与罗马时代前期相互交融,最终过渡到罗马时代。罗马时代经历了早期共和国(公元前509-公元前264年)、后期共和国(公元前265-公元前27年)、早期帝国(公元前27年-公元284年)和后期帝国(284-476年)。公元前500年,


2002年下半年北京市高等教育自学考试 欧洲文化入门试题 注意:本试题共六题。请将全部答案写在试题所附的答卷上,否则不记分. PART ONE I. Read the following unfinished statements or questions carefully. For each unfinished statement or question, four suggested answers marked [ A ], [ B ], [ C ] and [ D are given. Choose the one which best completes the statement or answers the question by blackening the corresponding letter on the answer sheet. (40 points, 2 points each) 1. Greek culture reached a high point of development in _________. A. 1,200 B. C. B. 5th century B. C. C. 4th century B.C. D. 146 B. C. 2. The masterpiece .of engineering in Roman architecture is _________. A. the Pathenon B. the Colossseum C. She - wolf D. the Ionic style of temple 3. The Old Testament of the Bible is about _________. A. God B. the doctrine of Jesus Christ C. the Laws of God D. A and C 4. Which of the following statements is true? A. Jesus was born in Galilee. B. Jesus was born in a synagogue. C. Jesus was born into a poor carpenter’s family. D. Jesus was born into a merchant’s family. 5. Feudalism in Europe was mainly a system of _________. A. military service B. land holding C. government D. B and C 6. Which of the following statements is true about the Gothic style in architecture? A. The Gothic style flourished in the 18th century. B. The Gothic style started in France. C. Sculpture of Gothic style churches were based on the natural forces. D. Gothic style churches were solid but small. 7. Renaissance means the revival of interest in _________. A. ancient Greek culture B. ancient Roman culture C. the Bible D. A and B 8. The reasons for the decline of renaissance in Italy are _________. A. wars and class conflicts B. loss of supremacy in world trade as a result of the discovery of the new world and routes to India C. the tightening of control of the Roman Catholic Church over thought, speech and publication D. all of the above 9. Which of the following died a prisoner? A. Copernicus B. Newton C. Kepler D. Galileo 10. The theory of the social contract was expounded by _________. A. Thomas Hobbes B. Francis Bacon C. John Locke D. A and C 11. In economic thought, the enlightenment thinkers favored _________. A. government intervention B. balanced development C. the policy of laissezfaire D. strict regulation 12. The author of "The Sorrows of Young Werther" is _________.


2016下半年华师在线欧洲文化入门100分作业 Which one of the following statements was NOT a factor that brought about the agricultural growth during the Central Middle Ages? A.The climate improved and the temperature was higher. B.More lands were under cultivated. C.Farming technology improved greatly. D.The food price dropped drastically. 您的答案:D 题目分数:4.0 此题得分:4.0 23.第30题 Magna Carta in 1215 in England was significant in that it __. A.really weakened the power of the church B.spoke for the common people C.really weakened the power of the king D.spoke for the nobles 您的答案:C 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 24.第31题 What were the three forms of vernacular literature for town dwellers? A.epic poetry, romance poetry and dramas B.fabliaux, fables and romance poetry C.lyric poetry, epic poetry and romance poetry D.fabliaux, fables and dramas 您的答案:D 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 25.第38题 Epicureanism and Stoicism are similar in the following ways except for____. A.Both were concerned with the good of the


作业 1.第1题 Which is not true about the heroes in Greek mythology? A.They represented a kind of bridge between gods and mortals B.They never die C.They got gods' favor D.They had some defect to balance out their power 您的答案:B 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 2.第2题 Many works of painting and sculpture have taken myths as their ___. A.origin B.source C.subject D.example 您的答案:C 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 3.第3题 Which of the following is not true about the Greek culture? A.A city-state devoted itself to a particular god B.A god's characteristics may vary from one city to another C.The Greeks honored the city's gods every day D.Temples were built in honor of gods 您的答案:C 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 4.第4题 Which of the following is not true about the Greeks' belief in heroes? A.They were immortal B.They retain power after death to influence the lives of the living


自考过来人谈经验:我是这样轻松过英语本科XX年4月23日下午3点30分,当我从北京外国语大学逸夫楼走出来时,无限感慨。 我和众多考生一起参加了历时六个半小时的自考英语本科论文答辩。 回想起漫长的五年自考路,虽然有辛酸有痛苦,但与大多数的自考生相比,我觉得自己学得还算轻松。 我认为参加自考努力是必须的,但仅凭努力未必能通过,更重要的是学习方法。 在此,我把多年的学习经验与方法写出来与大家分享,希望能给已经报考或将要报考自学考试英语专业的考生一点启发。 给一个学习的理由既然选择了英语本科,就要给自己一个学习英语专业的理由。 因为喜欢?为了将来能找个好工作?无论理由是什么,只要能给自己找到一个支撑下去的理由就可以。 否则在漫长而又充满荆棘的自考路上,很容易因为痛苦而中途放弃。 不同科目区别对待我把英语本科的所有考试科目分成三大类:第一类,需要从头至尾认真看书的科目。 《日语》对于大多数考生而言基本都是没有任何基础,所以必须认真学习,同时最好再上一个辅导班;而《欧洲文化入门》、《英美文

学选读》、《英语词汇学》三门考查的基本是书本内容,所以只要把书读熟就一定能过。 第二类,没时间看书,可以靠基础直接进考场的科目。 《英语水平考试(一)》、《英语水平考试(二)》、《英语翻译》以及《英语写作》4门课程因为考查的是大家平时的积累,而不是书本知识,所以,如果你的英语基础好,完全可以不看教材直接进考场,及格还是比较容易的。 除了上面的科目,剩下的就是第三类了,我将其称为临时抱佛脚型课程。 这些科目在平时翻看的基础上,临近考试时再突击一下,通过的概率是很大的。 考试之前,买一套模拟试题,将所有的题目都搞懂,对考试有很大帮助。 当然,这些方法多少有点投机取巧,但确实可以帮助大家顺利通过考试。 但要想真正提高英语水平,还要靠平时的积累。 考场答题讲究技巧考场应急答题法。 在拿到考卷的第一时间里,一定要先把姓名和准考证号填好,然后逐一作题。 当遇到答案模棱两可的题目时,第一印象是非常重要的。 第一感觉是哪个就要选哪个,切忌改来改去。

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