当前位置:文档之家› 广州广播电视大学东方分校--综合英语期末模拟试题




Section I V ocabulary (10 points)

1. Butcher had set a new time _____ record for the first leg of the trip.

A. limit

B. record

C. scale

D. note

2. Why people _______ these categories, however, is still a mystery.

A. fail into

B. fall into

C. classify into

D. put into

3. It is essential to know how to behave, but ______ yourself well is easier than you think.

A. describing

B. putting

C. presenting

D. posing

4. In Switzerland, it is considered ______ to take food with you to a dinner to someone’s house.

A. definite

B. fortunate

C. illegal

D. impolite\

5. Charlie cancelled his trip to London because he couldn't get a _____ in time.

A. passport

B. victim

C. friend

D. vase

6. La urie strongly _______ with other’s opinion and is becoming very angry as she listened to them.

A. maintained

B. approved

C. disagreed

D. discouraged

7. It took Jane a whole hour to figure _____ the algebra problem.

A. at

B. on

C. over

D. out

8. As trade routes to Africa and Asia began to open ____, every aristocratic wanted to have exotic animals.

A. away

B. up

C. out

D. in

9. Miss Sinclair’s agency has given her two weeks to _____ from her experience.

A. remove

B. relax

C. release

D. recover

10. As long as the problem employees have jobs that are not ______, separating them is the simplest solution.

A. difficult

B. related

C. interesting

D. relayed

Section II Structure (10 points)

11. As the plane fell toward the water, survival suits _______.

A. were distributing

B. were distributed

C. had distributed

D. distributed

12. Sometimes there is a true personality conflict _____ the manager can’t ignore.

A. this

B. what

C. that

D. it

13. Without immigrants, New York _______ a smaller, a poorer place, a lot less vital and exciting.

A. had been

B. will be

C. was

D. would have been\

14. It looks _______ you need a new machine if you don't want to wash all the clothes by hand.

A. instead of

B. due to

C. as if

D. so that

15. ______ a strange experience that must have been!

A. That

B. What

C. Which

D. How

16. They are doing construction work outside my bedroom window, and the noise ________ me crazy.

A. driven

B. was driving

C. has been driving

D. driving

17. I’ll talk to the supplier ________ right away.

A. have sent an order

B. sending an order

C. an order sends

D. have an order sent

18. ________ from the town center, I’ll try my best to get there as soon as possible.

A. No matter how remote the area is

B. No matter how the area is remote

C. No matter how remote is the area

D. However remote the area is

19. If I _____ finished, I _________ a lot of money eventually.

A. would finish, would have made

B. had finished, would have made

C. finish, make

D. finished, made

20. The people at the party ________ his sense of humor greatly last night.

A. must be enjoying

B. must have enjoyed

C. must enjoy

D. must have been enjoyed

Section III Cloze (20 points)

The most extraordinary dream I ever _21_ was one in which I fancied that, as I was going into a theater, the clock-room attendant stopped me in the lobby and insisted on my _22_my legs behind. I was not surprised, but I was considerably annoyed. I said I had never heard of such a rule at any respectable theater _23_, and that I considered it a most absurd regulation. The man replied that he was very _24_, but that those were his instructions. People complained that they could not get to and from their _25_ comfortably, because other people’s legs were always in the way, and it had, therefore, been decided that _26_ should leave their legs outside. It seemed to me that the management, in making this order, had gone _27_ their legal right; and, under ordinary circumstances, I should have disputed it. However, I didn't want to _28_ a disturbance; so I sat down and meekly prepared to comply with the demand. I had never before _29_ that the human leg could be unscrewed. I had always thought it was more securely fixed. But the man showed me how to undo them, and I found that they came off quite easily. The discovery did not surprise _30_ any more than the original request that I should take them off. Nothing does surprise one in a dream.

21. A. was B. saw C. had D. wanted

22. A. leave B. leaves C. leaving D. left

23. A. before B. after C. during D. so

24. A. angry B. sorry C. friendly D. helpful

25. A. homes B. jobs C. arms D. seats

26. A. somebody B. everybody C. anybody D. nobody

27. A. beyond B. from C. to D. around

28. A. understand B. know C. make D. learn

29. A. know B. known C. make D. learn

30. A. him B. them C. me D. us

Section IV Reading (20 points)

Questions 31~35 are based on the following passage.

One day, sixty-year-old Henry Ford went down a mine. He lay on his back in narrow tunnels and cut the coal from above his head. He came out black, wet, stiff and sore. He told his manager to make the tunnels wider and to improve and repair the miner’s houses.

When he got tired of waiting for the railways to deliver his coal, Henry Ford bought an old railway, which ran between Ohio and Detroit. People laughed. But he ran that railway and at a time when locomotive burnt coal and made everything dirty, his engines sheds and stations were painted white and kept that way.

He did not like the quality of the glass he was getting for his windscreens. So he bought a glass factory, improved it, and became—quite by accident—one of the world’s biggest glass producers. And yet all he wanted to do was build cars.

He was interested in everything, in radios, clocks and planes. He flew with Lindbergh just before the famous pilot made his first flight alone across the Atlantic. He even began to build planes.

Meanwhile, Henry and his wife Clara were as happy a couple as ever. They both loved birds, and often watched them together. Once, when a bird made its nests by the front door, everyone used the back door until the mother bird had brought up her family.

They also loved dancing, even in old age, and organized dancing classes for the school children in their town.

Running was Henry’s favorite exercise. Early one morning a gue st on the Ford private train noticed that they were going rather slowly. He looked out and saw Henry Ford running along behind the train, getting his morning exercise.

31. Henry improved the working and living conditions of the miners because ______.

A. his manager had demanded it

B. he had to work in the mines too

C. he needed to make more money

D. he learned how bad their conditions were

32. When Henry brought an old railway, __________.

A. he decorated the engine sheds and stations for an exhibition

B. people thought that he had done a foolish thing

C. he wanted his locomotive to burn coal

D. there were already enough trains carrying coal

33. Henry bought a glass factory and improved it because ______.

A. there was no factory producing glass for car windscreens

B. he wanted to become one of the biggest glass producers

C. his greatest interest was in the production of glass

D. his greatest interest was in the production of glass

34. Henry flew with Lindbergh because he _______.

A. was learning to fly a plane

B. wanted to be a famous pilot

C. was planning to fly alone across the Atlantic

D. was interested in planes

35. The Henrys used the back door because ________.

A. they had children to bring up

B. it was easier to watch the birds

C. they didn't want to disturb the mother bird nesting by the front door

D. there was a bird nest there and they wanted to watch it

Questions 36~40 are based on the following passage.

Nearly all energy comes from the sun, either in a roundabout way or straight from it, in the form of heat and light rays. The light from the moon, too, comes from the sun. the moon can be said to be like a large mirror which throws back he sun’s light to the earth.

Electrical energy comes from the sun in a roundabout way. It can come from the power of water falling down mountainside. The water fell there as rain, and we know that rain is made by the sun’s heat evaporating(使蒸发) the water on the earth’s surface. The water vapor rises, condenses(凝结) on cooling, and falls as rain.

The light and heat energy from coal also comes from the sun in a roundabout way. Coal was made by the rockets pressing on tress and plants which died millions of

years ago. Those trees and plants grew with the aid of sunlight, from which they made carbohydrates(碳水化合物), in this way hanging the sun’s energy into chemical energy. When we burn coal, some of this energy is set free.

Energy which we use to drive car engines comes from petrol, which also was made with the aid of the sun in a roundabout way. Plants and animals which ate the plants, died millions of year ago, and the parts of them that were left were pressed under the rocks in the earth. These parts left from dead animals made petroleum, from which petrol and oil are now obtained.

Thus, we can say that the sun is the place where nearly all energy comes from, and that without the sun’s heat and light, there could be no life on earth.

36. Nearly all energy is derived from the sun, _______.

A. in the form of heat

B. in the form of light reflected by the moon.

C. in the form of light rays

D. in the form of heat and light rays.

37. The power of water falling down mountainside comes from the sun because ___________.

A. the sun heats the water in the mountains

B. the water comes from the rain which is heated by the sun

C. the water comes from vapor, which is made by the sun’s heat

D. the water is heated by the sun

38. When coal is burnt, some of the chemical energy is ______.

A. condensed

B. cooled\

C. released

D. lost

39. Which of the following is Not true?

A. Petrol can be used as energy to drive car engines.

B. Coal was formed by trees and plants which died millions of years ago.

C. Plants and animals which died millions of year ago formed oil.

D. The sun’s heat and light caused dead animals and plants to become oil.

40. The main purpose of the passage is to tell us that ______.

A. the sun can be said to be the source of nearly all energy

B. rain is made by the sun’s heat evaporating the water on the earth’s surface

C. many forms of energy are derived indirectly from the sun

D. human beings cannot live without the sun

Section V Translation (15 points)

41. When men don't have a chance for adventure, the only other possibility for them is to undertake dangerous activities.

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ______________

42. The sates view lottery as a way to make money, since only about half of what they take in is given back as prize money.

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ______________

43. When a close relationship ends, or when we are afraid that it might end, production of endorphins (内腓肽) stops and we’re thrown into a panic.

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ______________

44. 可是,科学家们意识到地球内部有很多断裂带(fault),很多对于他们来说是都是陌生的。(unknown)

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ______________

45. 激光光束可以彻底毁灭癌变组织,不会留下任何可能产生新的癌变的细胞。(destroy)

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________


VI. Directions:

For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition in about 100 words according to the situation given. You need to include all the information. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet. (25 points)

1.The advantages of having a car

2.The disadvantages of owning a private car

3.Would you like to have you own car? Why?


I.第一部分:1~5 BBCDA 6~10 CDBDB

II.第二部分:11~15 BCDCB 16~20 CDABB

III.第三部分:21~25 CCABD 26~30 BACBC

IV.第四部分:31~35 DBDDC 36~40 DCCDA

V.41. 当男人们没有冒险机会的时候,唯一的可能就是从事一些危险的活动。



44.However, scientists realize that there are a large number of fault lines under the earth, many of which are unknown to them.

45. A laser beam can completely destroy a cancerous growth without leaving

behind any dangerous cells that could start a new tumor.


广州大学 2012年研究生入学考试试题(全日制专业学位硕士) 招生领域:教育硕士 科目名称:语言学基础 科目代码:928 Ⅰ.Define the following terms (4 points each, 20%) 1. functional linguistics 2. minimal pair 3. consonant 4. syntax 5. synonymy Ⅱ. Indicate whether the following statements are true or false (1 point each, 10%) 1. In modern linguistic studies, the written form of language is given more emphasis than the spoken form for a number of reasons. 2. Voicing is a phonological feature that distinguishes meaning in both Chinese and English. 3. The part of a sentence which comprises an infinite verb or a verb phrase is grammatically called predicate. 4. The smallest meaningful unit of language is allomorph. 5. Human language is arbitrary. 6. All normal children have equal ability to acquire their first language. 7. In most cases, the illocutionary force of “freeze!” is a warning. 8. Linguistics is the course of language. 9. In English, pitch and length constitute intensity which seems to determine stress. 10. Tense and reference are two terms often encountered in the study of meaning. 1


校企合作提升企业员工学历方案 说 明 书 承办单位:广东省蓝兴就业服务中心

校企合作提升企业员工学历方案 如何提高企业职工的整体素质迫在眉睫。做为一个企业,它所管理的对象无外乎人、事、物三个方面,而人的管理始终是企业管理的核心和重心,特别是员工作为企业生产力中最重要、最活跃的要素。企业职工只有具备高素质的工作能力,才能为企业的发展奠定坚实的基础,如果企业职工素质低下,就根本无从谈起企业管理的好坏和发展的后劲,即使企业拥有了现代化的设施,也拥有善于管理的领导者,然而不具备与之相匹配、相协调的高素质职工队伍,那么从生产角度来讲,企业最终不但不会产生良好的效益,反而会成为先进设备的“奴隶”,使先进的设备故障频繁,甚至会把先进的设备用成一堆“废铁”造成重大浪费。从企业的管理角度来讲,企业就会犹如“无本之木”、“无源之水”,缺乏活力和动力。 随着时代的发展经济收入已不再是企业职工的惟一追求,他们更加看重个人的成长空间发展前景,一个企业即使阶段发展再好,但随着转型升级步伐的加快,日后都难免会遇到人才危机,届时就出现业务蒸蒸日上,却因人才跟不上而放慢步伐;市场唾手可得却因人才不到而错失良机,因此,人是战略之本职工是企业的战略之本。 广州电大民政分校,制定了一套适应现代化企业发展急需的“企业内部员工学历提升培训方案”,能有效地为企业提供解决员工学历(素质)问题。让企业轻松留住优秀员工,让员工为企业尽心尽力。

成功案例 某大型企业集团,拥有员工近1万余人。面对企业的飞速发展和激烈的市场竞争,很多中低层管理者和优秀的企业员工不能长期为公司任职,致使企业在用人和留人等环节造成巨大的成本浪费,严重的制约了集团发展速度。后来,该公司找到我校,了解到我校对企业员工学历提升计划,结合自身情况,制定了新的员工福利策略,进一步留住了集团内部优秀员工!合作方案 1、企业与选拔出的优秀员工签订协议,公司为员工提升学历,员工在企业服务2-4年不等; 2、企业结合公司实际情况与员工岗位情况,承担全部或部分学费,作为员工福利的一部分; 3、企业与我校签订学历提升协议,在规定时间内员工可取得相应专、本科学历文凭。 4、企业为员工提供统一学习的场地,由校方派教授到企业授课。建议可以在企业会议室,这样可以减少员工舟车劳累,提高员工满意度。 5、企业为员工安排统一学习的时间,建议在员工休息时间,企业根据员工上课时间,尽量在学习时间段内的员工不安排加班。 6、如企业报名人数不足,员工也可到就近分校校区进行学习。 企业效益 企业对员工培训是要讲求效益的,员工参加培训也期望自己有收获,最好的结果是实现企业和员工的双赢。从统计数据可知,在职培训计划能


2010 916 Part I Multiple Choice Questions (40marks,2marks each) Directions: Read the following statements carefully and choose the best answer from the four alternatives. Put your choices on the Answer Sheet. ( ) 1. Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human . A. contact B. communication C. relation D. community ( ) 2. which brand of linguistics studies the meanings of language? A. phonetics B. syntax C. semantics D. phonology ( ) 3. which branch of phonetics concerns the production of speech sounds? A. acoustic phonetics B. articulatory phonetics C. auditory phonetics D. none of the above ( ) 4. in English ise and tion are called . A. prefixes B. suffixes C. infixes D. free morphemes ( ) 5. is a field of linguistics that studies the sentences structure of language. A. morphology B. syntax C. pragmatics D. applied linguistics ( ) 6. cold and hot are a pair of antonyms. A. gradable B. complementary C. reversal D. converseness ( ) 7. speech act theory was proposed by in 1962. A. Saussure B. Austin C. Chomsky D. Grimm ( ) 8. is defined as a conscious process of accumulating knowledge of a second language usually obtained in school settings. A. competence B. performance C. learning D. acquisition ( ) 9. which description of the meaning components of the word mother is correct? A. +human, +adult, male B. +human, adult, +male C. human, +adult, male D. +human, +adult, +male ( ) 10. most of the violations of the maxims of the cooperative principle give rise to . A.breakdown of conversation B. confusion of one s intention C.hostility between speakers and listeners D.conversational implicatures ( ) 11. according to sequential rules in English, which of the following combinations of sounds is not possible in English? A. bilk B. blik C. kilb D. lbki ( ) 12. /p/ and /b/ can occur in the same environment and distinguish meaning, therefore they are . A. in phonemic contrast B. in complementary distribution C. a minimal pair D. allophones ( ) 13. is regarded as the founder of modern linguistics. A. Searle B. Chomsky C. Austin D. Saussure ( ) 14. the fact that children acquire spoken language before they can read or write indicates that language is primarily . 1


西方经济学综合练习题参考答案(广州电大) 一.填空: 1.计划经济制度, 市场经济制度 2.资源配置问题, 资源利用问题 3.生产什么, 为谁生产, 资源配置 4.资源配置, 利用 5.一种商品需求量, 供给量 6.反, 同 7.购买欲望, 购买能力 8.替代效应, 收入效应 9.需求增加(或需求变动), 需求量变动 10.消费者剩余 11.需求量, 价格 12.边际效用, 无差异曲线 13.边际效用 14.消费者收入, 商品价格 15.消费可能线, 无差异曲线 16.产量, 生产规模 17.边际产量递减 18.收益递增 19.机会成本


21.分析成本与收益之间的经济 22.洛伦斯曲线(或劳伦斯曲线), 基尼系数 23.税收政策, 社会福利政策 24.所有最终产品 25.消费物价,生产物价,GDP平减 26.失业人数, 劳动力总数 27.技术进步, 制度与意识的相应调整 28.长期总供给 29.投资与利率 30. 预防, 交易, 投机 31. 右下方, 右上方 32. 利率 33.总需求, 物价水平 34.右上方, 同方向 35.右下方, 反方向 36.失业, 通货膨胀 37.膨胀性缺口, 紧缩性缺口 38.总需求, 短期 39.需求管理, 供给管理 40.财政政策, 货币政策 41.个人所得税, 公司所得税, 各种转移支付 42.增加, 减少

43.固定汇率制, 浮动汇率制 二.选择: 1. C 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.B 6.B 7.A 8.D 9.B 10.D 11.B 12.B 13.A 14.C 15.B 16.A 17.C 18.A 19.D 20.C 21.C 22.B 23.C 24.A 24.B 25.C 26.C 27.D 28.C 29.B 30.B 三.判断: 1.对 2.对 3.错 4.错 5.错 6.对 7.错 8.错 9.错10.错11.错12.错 13.错14. 错15. 错16.对17. 对18. 对19. 错20.错21. 错22. 对 23.错24.对25.错26.错27.错28.错29.对30.错 四.计算: 1.解: 解方程组D=350-3P S=-250+5P D=S 得P=75, D=S=125 答: 该商品的均衡价格为75, 均衡数量为125. 2.解: 已知E d=-2, P1=15, Q1=1500, Q2=3500 ??E d=( A Q/ Q i)/( A P/ P i) ??-2二[(3500-1500)/1500]/( A P/ P i) 解之得 A P/ P i=-2000/(i500*2)=-66.7% 答:该商品现在的价格下降了66.7%.


电大文凭 广播电视大学简称电大,是为广大想继续求学的学生一个重新学习的机会,主要针对在职人员在业余时间学习,还有一些想获得学历的学生也是一个很好的选择。电大学习方式有很多,你可以通过网上学习、广播学习、面授学习等,不仅不耽误您的正常工作,即使你上班或是在家,只要有台电脑都可以学习。电大是分级办学。专科一般是省电大发证(省开专业)也有中央电大发证的。本科是中央电大与相关高校合办,毕业证书是联合颁发。 广播电视大学的创立最初是给在职的或是成人想继续学习的学生一个继续学习的学校。现在只要是你还想学习都是可以学习的,虽然如此电大也有报考条件的,只要你满足: 本科报考条件是具有国民教育系列相同或相近专业高等专科(含专科)以上 学历者;护理学专业仅限于护理学专科毕业、持有护士执业资格证书的在职在岗卫生技术人员。 专科报考条件是普通高中、职业高中、技工学校和中等专业学校毕业生;护理学专业仅限于中等专业学校毕业、专业对口并持有护士执业资格证书的在职在岗卫生技术人员;药学、药品经营与管理专业仅限于在职卫生、医药行业技术人员。 一村一报考条件是具有普通高中、职业高中、技工学校和中等专业学校及以上学历的农村青年,均可报读“一村一名大学生计划”各专业。

电大的学历是国家承认的国民教育学历,毕业证书由教育部统一电子注册;不仅在国内享有国民高等教育学历的待遇,而且在欧美等国家都得到认可,被誉为“国际学历绿卡”。 中央电大开放教育本、专科毕业证书可在教育部唯一学历证书查询网站——中国高等教育学生信息网查询。 认为电大毕业证没有用,常见理由如下: 1、无门槛,太容易拿,谁都可以上; 2、招聘单位歧视,毕业证不好使; 3、不是正规学校等。 有人认为电大是无门槛学校,所得广播电视大学毕业证也是没有用途的,这种观点是不对的。进入广播电视大学您要经过入学测试、统考(统考时间为4月、9月、12月)和每学期的期末考试,每一个考试都有着重要意义,如果不经过入学测试你不可能被录取,如果你统考成绩不好也会作为你毕业成绩评价的标准,如果你不好好考期末考试你也不能顺利毕业,成绩的好坏是你自己决定的。


广东开放大学注册入学 广东开放大学(原广东广播电视大学)是广东省人民政府举办,广东省教育厅直属,充分利用现代信息技术,整合优质教育资源,主要面向成人开展远程开放教育的新型高等学校。学校代码为51315。 广东开放大学是由本部和分支机构组成的办学网络系统,是一所老百姓身边的大学。为实现把大学办在社会中的价值追求,坚持面向基层、面向社区、面向行业、面向企业的办学方向,主动适应广东经济社会发展和人的全面发展需要,充分发挥现代远程教育的办学特色和优势,联合行业、企业和其他高等院校,以现代信息技术手段开发、整合各类优质教育资源,搭建一流学习平台,在全省范围内建立覆盖城乡的完善的学习支持服务系统,为学习者提供便捷、灵活、多样化的教育服务。 一、招生专业 2017年春季开设4个本科(专升本)专业,分别是:标准化工程、法学、文化产业管理、信息安全;开设15个专科专业,分别是:电子商务、市场营销(美业营销与管理、互联网营销)、会计、法律事务(对澳教育)、公共事务管理(对澳教育)、商务英语(外贸电子商务) 、计算机应用技术(移动开发、互联网营销、大数据技术应用)、电子商务技术、建设工程管理(建筑工程管理)、公共文化服务与管理、动漫设计、表演艺术、文秘、物业管理、建筑室内设计。其中法律事务(对澳教育)、公共事务管理(对澳教育)两个专业属于定点招生,由珠海广播电视大学面向澳门特别行政区招生;表演艺术专业

由广东开放大学音乐学院组织招生和教学;建筑室内设计由惠州电大组织招收本校附属中专学校的学生和教学。(详见“专业介绍”) 二、入学方式 广东开放大学招生实行注册入学,有专业学历注册和单科课程注册两种方式。 报读者需要参加入学水平测试。报读者需要参加入学水平测试。入学水平测试按广东开放大学统一要求,由市县分部(各市县广播电视大学及合作办学点)组织实施,目的在于了解报读者的学习基础,以便学校更好地组织教学和辅导。 三、入学资格 广东开放大学招生实行注册入学,分专业学历注册和单科课程注册两种方式。 具有国民教育系列专科及以上学历者,可报读本科(专升本)专业学历学习;具有普通高中、职业高中、技工学校和中等专业学校学历者,可报读专科专业学历学习。 具有普通高中、职业高中、技工学校和中等专业学校及以上学历者,可注册本科(专升本)单科课程学习;具有普通初中及以上学历者,可注册专科单科课程学习。 四、学籍有效期 专业学历最低学习年限为2.5年,学籍终身有效。 五、课程证书及毕业


电大和成考的区别 自考、成人教育、电大、网络大学区别 【入学门槛对比】成人高等教育入学考试是全国统一招生考试,由学校根据考试结果择优录取,统考每年举行一次。自学考试没有入学考试,考生参加单科考试,合格一门,发一门的合格证书,所有科目合格后,颁发学历证书。每年有两次考试,考生根据情况选择考试科目。广播电视大学也无须考试,只要具备要求的相关学历就可以注册入学。网络大学由招生院校自主命题,组织考试国家承认学历的有67所。总的来说,自学考试和广播电视大学实行的是“宽进严出”,基本没有什么入学门槛;而成人高考和网络考试要求先考试后入学。不同的是,成人高考参加的是全国统考,网络考试则由各招生院校自主考试。从考试的难易程度来看,部分网大因知名度高,所招专业又是学校强势专业,故入学要求也相对较高,试题也有一定难度。 【学习方式对比】成人高考主要有脱产学习和业余学习、函授学习等学习方式。自学考试则以自学为主,也可以参加由其他社会培训力量或主考学校举办的自考助学班。网络教育有两种授课方式,一是通过网络进行在线授课,学员可以通过网络浏览课间,完成作业,通过BBS进行提问和沟通,二是集中面授。不少希望进入自己心仪的名校进行学习的外地学生,可以通过报考网络学院,接受远程授课以完成学业。广播电视大学有网上课堂和面授两种方式。对于居住地不稳定、可能需要长期出差在外的人来说,可以考虑选择广播电视大学进行学习,

因为其保留学籍时间较长。如果更换了工作地点或居住地,只需要所注册的电视大学出具一份推荐信,学生可以在其他城市的电视大学继续学习,且无须支付其他的额外费用。四种途径都可以利用业余时间进行学习,但是对于那些自学能力不强,自制力差的人,最好选择集中授课的方式进行学习。 【招生对象对比】成人高考、网络大学、广播电视大学的招生范围包括在职、从业人员和社会其他人员,一般要求高中起点报考专、本科的,必须是获得普通高中、中等专业学校或职业技术学校毕业证书或同等学历者。专科起点报考本科的,应具有国民教育系列的专科或专科以上毕业证书。成人高考主要以招收本地户籍生为主,外地学生也可以进行函授学习,网络大学和广播电视大学由于自身的授课方式的优势,招生范围没有地域上的限制。而参加自学考试的考生不受性别、年龄、民族、种族和已受教育程度的限制,属于完全的开放式教育,即使只具备初中文凭,也可以报名参加自学考试。 【学习年限对比】成人高考的学习时间因招生层次、攻读专业和学习方式的不同而不同,短则需要2年,长则5?6年。自学考试采取分课考试、学分累积,最后获取文凭的方式,且不受学期、学年制度的限制。广播电视大学教育实行学分制,学制二年,学籍八年有效。网络教育也一般实行弹性学制,允许学生自由选择学习期限。以同济大学为例,招收建筑工程高升本的学习年限为4-6年,高升专的学习年限为2-4年,专生本的学习年限为2.5-5年。 【学习费用对比】参加成人高考,公办学校学费一般每学年3500元左右,民办学校则要高一些。自学考试如果只是自学的话,只要缴纳考试费和教材费,考试费为20元一科,如果上辅导班,那么还有辅导费,辅导课费用每科在500



————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期: 2

2018年广东广州越秀区广州大学附属中学初三一模英语试卷 一、语法填空。 When I was young, I really wanted a new bike! As a __1__ boy, I __2__ my parents my birthday wish, and I knew there was __3__ hope because my family could hardly have that money. __4__ my birthday, my parents told me they had my gift outside in the backyard. At once, I rushed out to the yard. There was my bike, but it wasn't the bike __5__ I thought it would be. This one was pink, old and worn with age. It was so __6__! I thought I hurt my parents' feeling because I could see the disappointment on their faces and I was sure they could see it on __7__. I got on the bike and rode it, feeling bad that I had made my parents __8__ this way. So I rode as __9__ as I could and didn't look back. As time went by, I had many __10__ experiences and began to understand I __11__ something more than just a rusty(生锈的)old bike. My parents gave me a life lesson about love. When you give something out of love, it doesn't matter __12__ in fact. What matter is __13__ love that is in it. I like to remember this story __14__ giving a gift is not about money. It is about how much love you can feel from it. Do remember, a gift that costs two dollars isn't any less valuable than one that costs two __15__ dollars, or even more. ()1. A. 12 years old B. 12 year old C. 12-year-old D. 12-years-old ()2. A. tell B. to tell C. telling D. told ()3. A. a few B. a little C. few D. little ()4. A. In B. At C. On D. For ()5. A. who B. whose C. where D. which ()6. A. disappointing B. disappointed C. disappoint D. disappoints ()7. A. I B. my C. mine D. me ()8. A. feel B. to feel C. feeling D. felt ()9. A. fast B. faster C. more faster D. fastest ()10. A. another B. the other C. other D. others ()11. A. give B. am given C. was given D. was giving ()12. A. what was it B. what it was C. what is it D. what it is ()13. A. a B. an C. the D. / ()14. A. because B. though C. if D. unless ()15. A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundred of D. hundreds of 二、完形填空。 Every school day, we use schoolbags to carry all of our things to school. They are a big part of our lives. But have you ever thought about the __ 1__ of the schoolbag? In the Han Dynasty, when old-style private schools were opened, students used bamboo boxes to carry books to school. People consider the bamboo box to be the __ 2__ schoolbag. There were usually two or three layers (层)in the __3__. Kids put different things, like books, brushes, ink


广州电大可以报考的专业有哪些 目前,我国继续教育形式有网络教育、成考、自考、电大等,一些 在职人士选择了电大来提升学历。今天小编就为大家介绍一下广州电大可以 报考的专业有哪些。 ?广州电大专业介绍本科专业 ?序号专业名称1学前教育(学前教师教育方向、学前教育管理方向)2社 会工作3市场营销4物流管理5行政管理6公共事业管理(学校管理方向) 7会计学8工商管理9计算机科学与技术10广告学(设计与制作方向)11法 学12商务英语13金融学 专科专业 ?序号专业名称1计算机网络技术(网络管理方向)2职业技能培训+影视表 演大专学历教育3国际经济与贸易4传播与策划5公共事务管理(学校及社 会教育管理方向)6影视动画7室内艺术设计8人力资源管理9社会工作10 酒店管理11数控技术12物业管理13物流管理14电子商务15广告设计与制 作16英语(经济贸易方向)17学前教育18会计19金融管理20行政管理21 法律事务22计算机网络技术(楼宇智能化工程方向)23汽车运用与维修技 术24工商企业管理25市场营销(市场开发与营销方向)26会展策划与管理 广州电大简介广州市广播电视大学创办于1961年,是一所以现代信息技术为 支撑,非学历教育与学历教育并举,实施远程开放教育的新型高等学校。学 校遵循“有教无类”的办学理念,以增强自身发展和服务社会能力为宗旨,围 绕为中心城市经济社会建设培养应用型人才为目标,积极开展非学历继续教 育和学历继续教育。建校以来,共培养本专科毕业生40余万人,各类培训累 计超过800万人次,为推进广州高等教育大众化进程和培养社会亟需专门型 人才作出了重要贡献。学校被教育部授予“国家数字化学习资源中心广州中心”

2018-介绍广州大学英语作文-范文word版 (2页)

2018-介绍广州大学英语作文-范文word版 本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == 介绍广州大学英语作文 Ladies and gentlemen, 女士们先生们。 May I have your attention,please? We have a one-day tour plan for you in Guangzhou. Now let me make abrief introduction of the city. 请大家注意了。我们为你们制定了广州一日游。现在让我来做一个关于 这个城市的简单介绍。 Guangzhou is the largest city in south China. It's so big and marvelous that most visitors have not enough timeto enjoy it. Guangzhou, a lifetime is not enough is even a saying for Cantonese. 广州是中国南方最大的城市。它是如此之大和神奇以至于大部分游客都没 有足够的时间去欣赏它。广州,用一生的时间来了解都是不够的,甚至只是是 说广东话 Guangzhou is the culture centerand the political center of Guangdong Province which is an excellent place that you shouldn't miss. 广州是广东省的文化中心和政治中心,它是一个你不应错过的优秀的地方。 Guangzhou is a nice place,because the trees and flowers are planted everywhere. They can purify the wastegas and offer us the fresh air. Especially in spring days, the city is decorated with different kinds of beautiful flowers, so it can be regarded as aflower land. 广州是个好地方,因为到处都是树木和花卉。它们可以净化废气并为我们 提供新鲜的空气。特别是在春天的时候,这座城市被各种美丽的花装饰着,所 以它可以看作是一个花地。 Guangzhou is a civilized city.Most Cantonese are very kind-hearted. They are friendly and willing to help.


2) 电大的开放教育学生可以不经过入学统考但需经过入学水平测试后注册入学。 正确错误 3) 通过国家自学考试、普通高校等其它高等教育形式取得部分课程的合格成绩者,且课程的专业层次、教学内容和教学要求不低于现修专业被替换课程的,可以申请替换现修专业的同名课程的学分。 正确错误 4) 多种媒体教材就是指计算机多媒体。 正确错误 5) 电大开放教育本科某课程成绩不理想的,可以重新注册参加该课程的考核。 正确错误 6) 学生在制订个人学习计划时遇到困难,可以听取电大老师或管理人员的意见或指导。 正确错误 7) 由于工学矛盾或跟不上,电大允许开放教育学生每学期少选课程或不参加本学期的期末考试。 正确错误 8) 电大开放教育学生每门课程每学期必须完成的平时作业不少于4次。 正确错误 9) 国家自学考试课程可以100%与开放教育课程进行学分替换。 正确错误 10) 开放教育专科学生最低毕业学分为76学分,本科学生最低毕业学分为71学分。 正确错误 二、选择题(每题 3 分,共30分) 1) 广播电视大学的培养对象是各级各类()型专门人才。 1. 研究 2. 开拓 3. 专业 4. 应用 2) 中央电大统设课程的期末考试一般安排在每年的()进行,滚动开出,不设补考。 1. 2月和8月 2. 1月和7月

3. 3月和7月 4. 3月和9月 3) 下列哪一项不属于电大与其他高校的不同特点()。 1. 具有远程教育特征 2. 采用多种媒体教学 3. 以课堂教学为主 4. 开放的学习模式 4) 下列说法中,不正确的是()。 1. 开放教育的本质是人人平等享有终身接受教育的权利 2. 教育观念、教育资源、教育过程的开放更为重要 3. 远程教育更适宜实现开放教育 4. 开放教育不可以在面授教学的条件下进行 5) “宽进严出”中的宽进指的是()。 1. 放宽对入学者年龄制 2. 放宽对入学者学历的限制 3. 放宽对入学者名额的限制 4. 不需要通过统一的入学考试 6) 中央电大的统设必修课程的学分一般在毕业总学分的()左右。 1. 80% 2. 60% 3. 50% 4. 2/3 7) 每门课程的毕业时作业的次数一般为()。 1. 5次 2. 4次


广州大学学科教学(英语)考研复试经验 重点提示: 《应用语言学导论》,桂诗春编著,湖南教育出版社这一书是不会考的,所以各位就不用买了。 《应用语言学》,乐眉云。除了333,就数这本难。它薄薄的,小小的,但它的内容丰富,分支多,一本学术型书。 对应方法: 先统统看几遍,将不会的生词抄下来,记住。因为它们都是专业名词,笔试,面试你都会用到。看了3遍以后,它就不再是本天书了,所以你就要开始划重点,将重点自己整理下来。最好按章,一章章整理。这样思路会更清晰。 题型有判断题,填空题(有12个答案填10个空),简答题(30分)3题,小论文(30分)1题。 面试:3个教授,每个至少问2个问题。一开始是抽topic,根据这个topic你需要做一个5分钟的演讲(其实最多将到3分钟)。你会有5—8分钟的时间准备,这时候就要想好方向,列大纲。我抽到的是the relationship between language and culture. 其他人我问到的有: 1.cross generation and communication 大家一致认为提供消息的人过于紧张,所以…… 2. the advantages and disadvantages to develop automobiles 3. 一个关于 economy develpoment and enviornment 的问题 4. study strategies 5. 人类的本源当时那位考生吓到面都黄了,我们小伙伴都惊呆了。

三位导师分别问了: 1. langue and lingustics 2. learning strategies 3. teaching mathods 剩下的我忘了。抱歉。 本文摘自鸿知广大考研网


个人简历篇二:国家开放大学(中央广播电视大学)精美求职简历模板 姓名:贾东平专业:经济管理学 毕业院校:xxxxxxxx大学 联系方式:135************ 自荐信 尊敬的领导: 您好,首先感谢您在百忙之中审阅我的自荐信,当您翻开这一页的时候,您已经为我打开了通往机遇与成功的第一扇大门。我将努力让您在短时间内了解我。 我是****大学20xx届的应届毕业生,我所学的***********专业。经过4年的大学生活,在师友的严格教益及个人的不断努力下,我已经具备了扎实的专业基础知识,同时为了扩大知识面,我阅读了大量的课外书籍,利用课余时间充分学习计算机和摄影基础技术,已经具有了一定的计算机操作、应用能力和影片处理能力。而且,针对我所学的专业,利用试讲和实习的机会,使自己的授课能力、分析教材能力,以及把握学生的能力都有了很大的提高,也是为将来的工作打下了坚实的基础。 我最大的优点——进取,不忘脚踏实地!我最大的资本——年轻,具有很强的可塑性!我有健康的身体,成熟的心理,我有十二分的信心来胜任贵校的工作。因为我相信,我有潜力。 诚然,刚刚才毕业,缺乏工作经验是我的不足。但我拥有饱满的热情以及敬业精神。我相信我就是一匹千里马,执着地追寻着一位识才重才的伯乐!真诚地希望贵单位能提供我一个发挥才能,实现人生价值,为教育事业出力,为社会发展效力的机会。我愿意将个人价值放在与贵单位全体员工共同努力的工作中去实现。我期待着您的好消息。相信您的眼光,相信您的选择,相信您会为我开启通往机遇与成功的第二扇大门。 最后再次感谢您浏览我的自荐材料,并诚心希望能在您空暇时间前往面试,以展现我的教学风采!真心祝愿贵校教育事业蒸蒸日上!再创佳绩!此致敬礼! 自荐人:贾东平 20xx年xx月xx日 一分耕耘一分收获,愿我的加入能为贵校教育事业带来更大的活力。敬祝:蒸蒸日上。篇三:福建省广播电视大学精美求职简历模板 姓名:贾东平专业:经济管理学


广州电大物流管理专业(本科) 毕业论文指导书 广州电大管理学院 二00 八年十一月

广州市广播电视大学“人才培养模式与开放教育试点” 物流管理专业本科集中实践环节实施细则 为了培养合格的物流管理人才,一句中央电大《“人才培养模式与开放教育试 点”行政管理专业本科综合实践的讨论》和《中央广播电视大学课程实践教案 工作规范》,特制订广州电大“人才培养模式与开放教育试点”物流管理专业本科集中实践环境实施细则如下: 行政管理专业本科集中实践环节包括社会调查与毕业作业两部分。 一、关于综合实践社会实践环节 1.要求 凡已修本专业课程学分达到全部课程总学分60%以上的学生,可参加社会 实践。 社会调查为物流管理专业本科学生必修环节,时间为3周,3 学分,不得免修。 2.指导思路 将社会实践和毕业论文写作有机的结合起来,让社会实践为毕业论文写作提供切实的服务。注意在指导社会实践开始时就为学生指明一个比较明确的方向。 3.形式 (1)调查报告:到企业或行业就教师指定的问题进行调研,指出问题所在。 (2)社会实习:教师设计,主要就某一专项活动进行实习,撰写实习报 告。 (3)文献调研:教师指定专题,学生查阅文献,并就指定专题进行综合归 纳。 (4)模拟软件:选择通用性强的主流软件,根据分配的角色完成相应的操作,并就操作提出意见。 4.内容 选题范围不得超过本专业范围。 社会调查报告内容包括:实践题目、参加时间、地点、方式、内容、过 程、发现的问题、结论、效果和体会等。社会调查报告文字材料不少于3000 5.成绩评定与验收 (1)社会调查由指导教师给出初评成绩,由教案点初审,广州电大验收,中央电大抽查、终审(见附录)。 (2)成绩评定依据:学生参加社会实践活动的情况、效果、撰写文字材料综合运用专业知识的水平,在社会实践过程中的表现以及实践单位的反馈意见。


小小彬2014/6/8 22:21:28 小小彬2014/6/8 22:21:39

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22:22:43 小小彬2014/6/8 22:22:43 这个是pdf版的刘润清语言学术语和课文大题框架图,方便理清构架和知识点,这个是pdf版的刘润清语言学术语和课文大题框架图,方便理清构架和知识点,这个纯手写的术语大题框架图是30哈 小小彬2014/6/8 22:24:38 333教育者综合的大纲笔记,里面有术语和大题,针对333的复习背诵 22:24:45 小小彬2014/6/8 22:24:45

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22:27:25 小小彬2014/6/8 22:27:25

这个是333案例分析题,案例分析题是课外题,课文上面没有的知识点都会考到,范围很广,里面都是复制老师上课课件的案例分析题,还加上的之前12级一位考上的师姐总结的案例分析题答题步骤点,有专门答题的理论与术语点 小小彬2014/6/8 22:28:16 333大纲笔记是80,包括教育学基础和心理学概论,复印费已包含,总共约100页纸 小小彬2014/6/8 22:28:40 333的案例分析题是20元,复印版也是包括了 22:29:33 小小彬2014/6/8 22:29:33 刘润清语言学术语与大题框架图是30元,是电子版,因为是手写,打印出来会模糊辨别不了,只发电子版,自己看电脑在笔记本上搬出来 小小彬2014/6/8 22:30:45 333大纲笔记会写明什么是重点章节和次重点章节以及不考的章节,加粗字体为


外国语学院2016年研究生招生专业目录 广州大学外国语学院成立于2001年7月,拥有一支年龄、职称、学历、学科结构合理,教学、科研能力较强的研究生导师队伍。学院拥有英语语言文学硕士学位授权点、同时招收课程与教学论(英语教育)和专业学位教育硕士(学科教学·英语)研究生。英语语言文学和课程与教学论(英语教育)学制为全日制三年,专业学位教育硕士(学科教学·英语)学制全日制二年、在职三年。 一、英语语言文学硕士点具有良好的学术传统,教学和科研根基深厚,师资力量雄厚。本硕士点的特色主要体现在:1、注重新的研究方法与理论在语言研究中的运用;2、突出对文学、翻译及英语教学的跨学科研究;3、注重研究生科研能力及实践能力的培养。 该硕士点现有导师8人,其中教授7人、副教授1人。认知语言学学术带头人肖坤学教授担任广东外语学会翻译会长、广东省翻译协会副会长、中国认知语言学研究会常务理事;英语教学研究学术带头人汪立荣教授是中国认知语言学研究会、广东外语学会和广东省翻译协会理事;英美文学学术带头人黎志敏教授为中山大学英美语言文学研究中心兼职研究员、广东省外国文学学会副秘书长;跨文化交际学学术带头人福布莱特学者蒋晓萍教授为国际跨文化交际学会和中国跨文化交际学会会员、澳大拉西亚教育哲学协会会员,《全球教育研究》(美国)新书系列的国际编辑顾问和广东省中小学地方教材审查委员会专家委员;陆道夫教授是广东省教育厅“千百十工程”校级学术骨干第一批、第二批培养对象,广东省哲学社科办论文评审专家,广东省教育厅职称论文评审专家,华南理工大学、广东外语外贸大学等高校硕士研究生论文校外评审专家,教育部全国四级翻译证书华南中心主任,广东省翻译协会理事,广州外国语学会常务理事,全国英国文学学会会员。 近年来,该硕士点学术队伍承担国家社科基金项目1项、国家留学基金项目3项、省部级教学科研项目10项、市级教学科研项目15项,获得省、市级科研奖励5项,公开出版学术专著、译著、教材28部,公开发表学术论文100余篇。 二、课程与教学论硕士点1997年经教育部批准设立于原广州师范学院软件所,学科带头人为博士生导师张景中院士。该硕士点既有张景中、杨路、朱华伟等国内外著名的教授,也有一批研究实力雄厚、研究成果突出的中青年骨干教师。该硕士点根据学科教学研究的发展下设若干个研究方向:计算机自动推理及应用软件、教育软件的研究与应用、数学教育与数学奥林匹克、数学教育的理论与技术、英语教育、地理学教育、生物学教育、物理学教育、美术教育、环境教育、信息化课程资源开发与教学、课程与教学原理等。该学科在注重共同的基础理论的同时,注意结合各学科方向的特点,关注当前课程与教学论研究的前沿,重视学生知识应用能力和创新能力的培养,有效地保证研究生培养的质量。 三、专业学位教育硕士(学科教学·英语)现有导师36人,其中校内导师26人(教授8人,副教授18人),校外导师15人(均具有高级专业技术职称)。校内导师均为学院的科研和教学骨干,校外导师来自广东省教育厅、广州市教育局、省内相关高校外语院系以及广州、深圳、珠海、佛山等市教育局英语教研室与珠三角地区的省市重点中学。近年来,本硕士点学科方向导师承担各级教学、科研课题60余项,其中省部级课题近20项、市级课题20余项,获得省、市级科研奖励8项;公开出版学术专著、译著、教材30余部,公开发表学术论文200余篇。 本学院2016年拟计划招收硕士研究生50人,其中推免生5人(推免生人数以最后确认录取人数为准)。 招生单位名称:外国语学院联系人:季老师 招生单位咨询电话:39366710

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