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The father of modern English poetry

2.The Gawain-Poet(romance传奇故事)

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight《高文爵士与绿衣骑士》

Beowulf(an English epic)《贝奥武夫》

more romantic “Fierce wars and faithful loves”.

The poets’ poet.The first to be buried in the Poet’s corner of Westerminster Abbey.

4.William Shakespeare威廉·莎士比亚【poetry/drama】

The greatest of all Elizabethan dramatists, he is the author of 37 plays.

Four Tragedies:Hamlet《哈姆莱特》Othello《奥赛罗》King Lear《李尔王》Macbeth《麦克白》

Four Comedies: As You Like It《皆大欢喜》; Twelfth Night《第十二夜》;

A Midsummer Night’S Dr eam《仲夏夜之梦》; Merchant Of Venice《威尼斯商人》

Shakespeare Sonnet :154

Three quatrain and one couplet, ababcdcdefefgg

A sonnet is a lyric consisting of 14 lines, usually in iambic pentameter restricted to a definition rhyme scheme.


Epics:Paradise Lost《失乐园》、Paradise Regained《复乐园》


The neoclassicist新古典主义者,也是戏剧家

Dryden displayed his talents in different fields of literature. He is the master of satirical(讽刺的)verse, but he also created brilliant odes.

English drama】Marlowe is one of the first playwrights to use blank verse(无韵诗)in English drama.

9.John Bunyan约翰·班扬

The Pilgrim's Progress《天路历程》:It is a prose allegory depicting the pilgrimage of a human soul in search of salvation. 宗教寓言Puritan poet(清教徒派诗人)

Virtue Rewarded has been accepted as the first English novel.

Clarissa, or the History of A Young Lady is his best novel.

A Dictionary of English Language

13.Henry Fielding亨利·菲尔丁

The History of Tom Jones, a Founding《弃婴汤姆·琼斯》

He is called “Father of English novel”. He was the first to write a “Comic epic in prose”(散文体史诗), and the first to give the modern novel its structure and style.

Songs of Innocence《天真之歌》

Scottish poet in the late 18th

/ Poems Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect

The Romantic period: William Wordsworth、Samuel Taylor Coleridge

In 1798,Lyrical Ballads《抒情歌谣集》(with Coleridge). Its publication marked the break with the conventional poetical tradition of the 18th

origin, against tyrannical rules or moral principles.

Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage《恰尔德?哈罗德尔游记》(poem)恰尔德·哈罗德是拜伦诗歌中第一个“拜伦式英雄”。

Lyrics:Ode to the West Wind《西风颂》symbolizes rebirth , creative power and freedom.

Ode to Autumn《秋颂》

Ode on a Grecian Urn《希腊古瓮颂》

Sense and Sensibility《理智与感情》

Pride and Prejudice《傲慢与偏见》

Mansfield Park《曼斯菲尔德山庄》

Emma 《爱玛》

The Victorian Period:Tennyson、Robert Browning、Elizabeth Barrett

Charlotte Bront?夏洛蒂勃朗特:Jane Eyre《简爱》

勃朗特:Wuthering Heights《呼啸山庄》Middlemarch《米德尔马契》

23.Charles Dickens查尔斯·狄更斯

critical realist writer批判现实主义小说家

Pickwick papers《匹克威克外传》

Oliver Twist《雾都孤儿》

David Copperfield《大卫·科波菲尔》

Bleak House《荒凉山庄》

Great Expectations《远大前程》

Hard Times《艰难时世》

24.William Makepeace Thackeray威廉?麦克匹斯?萨克雷

Vanity Fair《名利场》:the name is an excerpt f rom "The Pilgrim’s Progress" by John Bunyan.

25.Thomas Hardy托马斯·哈代:pessimism消极

The Mayor of Casterbridge《卡斯特桥市长》

Tess of the D'Urbervilles《德伯家的苔丝》

Jude the Obscure《无名的裘德》

Most of Hardy's works have the gloomy, sullen landscape of Wessex in the background.

26.Alfred, Lord Tennyson阿尔弗莱德·丁尼生


Poet Laureate (桂冠诗人)

27.Robert Browning罗伯特·白朗宁

My Last Duchess《我已故的公爵夫人》:one of the most famous dramatic monologue s in the English language.(戏剧手法)

The Ring and the Book《环与书》



Plays unpleasant:Widowers' Houses《鳏夫的房产》、Mrs. Warren 's Profession《华伦夫人的职业》

Of Conrad’s short stories,”Heart of Darkness”is best-known.

The stream of consciousness novels意识流小说:Virginia Woolf、James Mrs. Dalloway《达洛维夫人》

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man《年轻艺术家的肖像画》Ulysses《尤利西斯》

The New Poetry in the 20th Century:William Butler Yeats威廉·勃特勒·叶茨(Ireland,Irish)、T.S.Eliot

32.David Herbert Lawrence戴维·赫伯特·劳伦斯

Son and Lovers《儿子与情人》


1.romance:It became a popurlar form of literature. They are tales of adventure in which knights,or distressed ladies,experienced various tests and had their wishes eventually fulfilled. The reasons for their adventures could be love,religious faith, or the mere desire for excitement.

2.The Renaissance:The world renaissance means “rebirth.” It meant the reintroduction into Western Europe of the full cultural heritage of Greece and Rome. The movement changed the medieval Western Europe into a modern one. It first started in Italy during the 14th century when there developed an interest in the manuscripts surviving from ancient Greece and Rome. Classical learning and philosophy were enthusiastically studied. The intellectual wisdom of ancient Greece and Rome encouraged a rebirth of human spirit, a realization of human potential for development and creation. Never before in human history were men and women so eager to create and discover something new. In Italy a group of artists、writers etc. created the most brilliant page of culture and science in Renaissance

Europe. The passionate Petrarch produced sonnets that influenced Shakespeare and many others.

3.University Wits:At the beginning of the Elizabethan Age, a group of Oxford and Cambridge graduates came to London with the ambition to become professional writers. They were eager to put what they had learned at universities before the public. They worked as poets, prose-writers and playwrights. This grough,later known as the “University Wits”,consists of a group of talented young writers. John Lyly is the author of the prose comedy Alexander and Campaspe.Thomas Kyd composed one of the early masterpieces of English tragedy,The Spanish Tragedy. Christopher Marlowe is the

most outstanding dramatist among the group. Their dramatic works, though uneven in quality, are important contributions to English drama. They helped to free English tragedy from artificial restrictions imposed by classical authority and they developed a comedy tradition that is more close to life. Their plays paved the way for the creation of many of Shakespeare’s masterpieces.

4.Heroic Drama:The heroic drama helped to boost the morale of the English people,who needed heroism badly after the chaotic Civil War. Moral behaviors were once again emphasized and praised. The heroic plays,often characterized by rich costumes and exotic scenes,dealt with strong emotional conflicts. The hero was often torn between his passion and his honor or duty to his country. The heroic drama was commonly written in rhymed heroic couples. However ,there are exceptions. Dryden’s All for Love ,though written in blank verse,have all the typical characteristics of the heroic drama.

https://www.doczj.com/doc/c111593226.html,edy of Manners:The comedy of manners refers to the more realistic and satirical comedy of the Restoration period,as practiced by William Wycherley and William Congreve. It is named so because these plays are concerned with the manners and conventions of an artificial society. The comedy of the time reflected the fashions, manners, and outlook on life of a typical social group. The characters in the comedy of manners often have a single trait;they can be heartless or clever. They are presented as typical examples of a class of people rather than real life individuals. Satire is its main attraction. The comedy of manners often mocks people’s “unnatural behavior”


1.Hamlet:Hamlet is certainly the most wellknown. The play is characterized by its uncertainties.Hamlet has been described as melancholic and neurotic, as having an Odipus complex, as being a failure and indecisive, as well as being a hero, a perfect Renaissance

prince. To be or not to be is the center of Hamlet’s q uestioning,and also has become a universal question puzzling every intellectual mind. Reasons not to go on living outnumber reasons for living. But he goes on living until he completes his revenge. His progress is a “struggle of becoming”—of coming to terms with life, and learning to accept it, with all its drawbacks and challenges.”Monologues” in the play are comprehensive and complete picture of the tragedy of the mentality of the main character, at that time reflected the people’s social life,good and evil ,justice and corruption. It is these monologues that Hamlet has the deep spirit of humanism and deep thinking. Hamlet projected Shakespeare’s vision of political chaos in 17th-century England. Moral corruption is a serious concern and it is repetitively announced in the play. The loss of fidelity and true love is another sign of moral decline.

2.Othello:A tight-knit tragedy,portrays the fall of Othello, a great Moor serving as a general in the Venetian army. The object of his jealously is his innocent wife. The tragedy of Othello demonstrates how easily a noble heart can be destroyed. The same quality that makes a man great may also make him more vulnerable to human malignance. Othello’s nobility and honesty are outbalanced by passion and credulity. He allows his sense of honor and virtue to develop beyond a reasonable limit. He fails to distinguish truth from falsehood. This leads to his final fall into barbarism. Iago, the evil deceiver, knows his master’s weakness, draws him into mistaken jealousy and ruins the lives of the newly-wed couple. Iago is Shakespeare’s outright villain, the most debased human creature. His hostile actions do not need motivation. The tragedy is the most realistic tragedy of his time in many ways,as it is the true reflection of his time and his society. In addition, the story has nothing to do with the ancient Greek and Roman mythology,and it also has nothing to do with the medieval ages. The story took place in Venice of Italy which was the most advanced country at that time.

3.King Lear:The tragedy is caused by the same human folly:the loss of one’s ability to make sound judgments. The play is, in the opinion of many, his greatest tragedy, beyond the others in its cosmic themes and depth of tragic feeling. It explores questions: is there any meaning or order or justice in the cosmos? Is nature beneficent or malevolent or simply indifferent to human kind? Is human suffering meaningless or can it lead to insight and wisdom? His plays do not present any solutions. In this play, the king was taken from the height of power to the limits of endurance, reduced to nothing but a ‘poor bare foked animal’. Shakespeare is exploring and redefining the geography of human soul, taking his characters and his audience further than any other writer into the depths of human behaviour.

The play has two plots:one involves the king and three daughters, the other Gloucester, Lear’s councilor, and his two sons. The two plots intermingle and reinforce each other. Lear suffers from his misjudgment and irresponsibility. But Lear gains new knowledge of human nature through these sufferings. Love is another force that alleviates Lear’s suffering. Cordelia’s love has its soothing power. Her sacrifice brings into the tragedy a convincing note:goodness and virtue will eventually triumph over debasement and evil.

4.Macbeth:This drama is one of the great tragedy themed plays by William Shakespeare. The themes illustrated in the play include ambition, fate, deception and treachery. Three witches decide to confront the great Scottish general Macbeth on his victorious return from a war between Scotland and Norway. They predict that he will one day become king. Macbeth decides that he will murder Duncan. Macbeth's wife agrees to his plan. He then murders Duncan assisted by his wife.At last,Lady Macbeth commits suicide. Macduff kills Macbeth and becomes king.The tragedy is caused by another sort of human defect——amibition. To gain the Scottish throne, Macbeth dulls his humanity,and tramples upon the principles of human behavior. The lust for power is the grave sin that leads to his degeneration. It is the story of a brave warrior turning into a tyrannical usurper who is capable of any amoral act in achieving his ambition. It is a story of a brave warrior turning into a tyrannical usurper who is capable of any amoral act in achieving his ambition. Lady Macbeth is often seen as a strong, scheming woman behind an indecisive husband—and sometimes as the fourth witch, in a play where witches represent demonic power.

英国文学史复习资料(三年级专业生期末考试必备)[1] (1)

英国文学史资料British Writers and Works I. Old English Literature & The Late Medieval Ages 贝奥武夫:the national epic of the Anglo-Saxons Epic:long narrative poems that record the adventures or heroic deeds of a hero enacted in vast landscapes. The style of epic is grand and elevated. e.g. Homer?s Iliad and Odyssey Artistic features: https://www.doczj.com/doc/c111593226.html,ing alliteration Definition of alliteration: a rhetorical device, meaning some words in a sentence begin with the same consonant sound(头韵) Some examples on P5 https://www.doczj.com/doc/c111593226.html,ing metaphor and understatement Definition of understatement: expressing something in a controlled way Understatement is a typical way for Englishmen to express their ideas Geoffery Chaucer 杰弗里?乔叟1340(?)~1400 (首创“双韵体”,英国文学史上首先用伦敦方言写作。约翰·德莱顿(John Dryden)称其为“英国诗歌之父”。代表作《坎特伯雷故事集》。) The father of English poetry. It is ____alone who, for the first time in English literature, presented to us a comprehensive (综合的,广泛的)realistic picture of the English society of his time and created a whole gallery of vivid characters from all walks of life. ( A ) A. Geoffrey Chaucer B. Matin Luther C. William Langland D. John Gower writing style: wisdom, humor, humanity. ① 坎特伯雷故事集: first time to use …heroic couplet?(双韵体) by middle English ②特罗伊拉斯和克莱希德 ③ 声誉之宫 Medieval Ages’ popular Literary form: Romance(传奇故事) Famous three:King Arthur Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Beowulf II The Renaissance Period A period of drama and poetry. The Elizabethan drama is the real mainstream of the English Renaissance. Renaissance: the activity, spirit, or time of the great revival of art, literature, and learning in Europe beginning in the 14th century and extending to the 17th century, marking the transition from the medieval to the modern world. Three historical events of the Renaissance – rebirth or revival: 1.new discoveries in geography and astrology


1. Analyse the themes and artistic features of Beowulf. themes : The main theme of Beowulf is heroism. This involves far more than physical courage. It also means that the warrior must fulfill his obligations to the group of which he is a key member. artistic features : The most noticeable artistic feature is alliteration. Alliteration is the repetition of initial sounds, usually consonants, or consonant clusters. Alliteration is used off and on in modern poetry but it is an important device in Anglo-Saxon poetry. Another peculiar feature characteristic is the frequent use of kennings, to poetically present the meaning of one single word through a compound simile of two elements. Finally, the general mood and spirit of Anglo-Saxon epic poetry is both solemn and animated. 2. Comment on Chaucer’s achievements and contributions with examples from his works. Chaucer learned from both French and Latin poetry and then worked out a unique style for the English poetry. The realism and humanistic concerns demonstrated in his works looked forward to the coming English Renaissance. Because he uses the English of the London dialect to compose poetry, it becomes a literary language, which is a language rich and expressive enough to use for literary purposes. We call the English used and developed by Chaucer and his

英国文学史及选读 复习要点总结概要

《英国文学史及选读》第一册复习要点 1. Beowulf: national epic of the English people; Denmark story; alliteration, metaphors and understatements (此处可能会有填空,选择等小题 2. Romance (名词解释 3. “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”: a famous roman about King Arthur’ s story 4. Ballad(名词解释 5. Character of Robin Hood 6. Geoffrey Chaucer: founder of English poetry; The Canterbury Tales (main contents; 124 stories planned, only 24 finished; written in Middle English; significance; form: heroic couplet 7. Heroic couplet (名词解释 8. Renaissance(名词解释 9.Thomas More—— Utopia 10. Sonnet(名词解释 11. Blank verse(名词解释12. Edmund Spenser “The Faerie Queene” 13. Francis Bacon “essays” esp. “Of Studies” (推荐阅读,学习写正式语体的英文文章的好参照,本文用词正式优雅,多排比句和长句,语言造诣非常高,里面很多话都可以引用做格言警句,非常值得一读 14. William Shakespeare四大悲剧比较重要,此外就是罗密欧与朱立叶了,这些剧的主题,背景,情节,人物形象都要熟悉,当然他最重要的是 Hamlet 这是肯定的。他的sonnet 也很重要,最重要属 sonnet18。 (其戏剧中著名对白和几首有名的十四行诗可能会出选读 15. John Milton 三大史诗非常重要,特别是 Paradise Lost 和 Samson Agonistes。对于 Paradise Lost 需要知道它是 blank verse写成的,故事情节来自 Old Testament,另外要知道此书 theme 和 Satan 的形象。


英国文学史 Part one: Early and Medieval English Literature Chapter 1 The Making of England 1. The early inhabitants in the island now we call England were Britons, a tribe of Gelts. 2. In 55 B.C., Britain was invaded by Julius Caesar. The Roman occupation lasted for about 400 years. It was also during the Roman role that Christianity was introduced to Britain. And in 410 A.D., all the Roman troops went back to the continent and never returned. 3. The English Conquest At the same time Britain was invaded by swarms of pirates(海盗). They were three tribes from Northern Europe: the Angles, Saxons and Jutes. And by the 7th century these small kingdoms were combined into a United Kingdom called England, or, the land of Angles. And the three dialects spoken by them naturally grew into a single language called Anglo -Saxon, or Old English. 4. The Social Condition of the Anglo -Saxon Therefore, the Anglo -Saxon period witnessed a transition from tribal society to feudalism. 5. Anglo -Saxon Religious Belief and Its Influence The Anglo -Saxons were Christianized in the seventh century. Chapter 2 Beowulf 1. Anglo -Saxon Poetry But there is one long poem of over 3,000 lines. It is Beowulf, the national epic of the English people. Grendel is a monster described in Beowulf. 3. Analysis of Its Content Beowulf is a folk lengend brought to England by Anglo -Saxons from their continental homes. It had been passed from mouth to mouth for hundreds of years before it was written down in the tenth century. 4. Features of Beowulf The most striking feature in its poetical form is the use of alliteration, metaphors and understatements. Chapter 3 Feudal England 1)T he Norman Conquest 2. The Norman Conquest The French -speaking Normans under Duke William came in 1066. After defeating the English at Hastings, William was crowned as King of England. The Norman Conquest marks the establishment of feudalism in England.


考试课程:英国文学史及选读考核类型:A 卷 考试方式:闭卷出卷教师: XXX 考试专业:英语考试班级:英语xx班 I.Multiple choice (30 points, 1 point for each) select from the four choices of each item the one that best answers the question or completes the statement. 1._____,a typical example of old English poetry ,is regarded today as the national epic of the Anglo-Saxons. A.The Canterbury Tales B.The Ballad of Robin Hood C.The Song of Beowulf D.Sir Gawain and the Green Kinght 2._____is the most common foot in English poetry. A.The anapest B.The trochee C.The iamb D.The dactyl 3.The Renaissance is actually a movement stimulated by a series of historical events, which one of the following is NOT such an event? A.The rediscovery of ancient Roman and Greek culture. B.England’s domestic rest C.New discovery in geography and astrology D.The religious reformation and the economic expansion 4._____is the most successful religious allegory in the English language. A.The Pilgrims Progress B.Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners C.The Life and Death of Mr.Badman D.The Holy War 5.Generally, the Renaissance refers to the period between the 14th and mid-17th centuries, its essence is _____. A.science B.philosophy C.arts D.humanism 6.“So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,/So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.”(Shakespeare, Sonnets18)What does“this”refer to ? A.Lover. B.Time. C.Summer. D.Poetry. 7.“O prince, O chief of my throned powers, /That led th’ embattled seraphim to war/Under thy conduct, and in dreadful deeds/Fearless, endangered Heaven’s perpetual king”In the third line of the above passage quoted from Milton’s Paradise Los t, the phrase“thy conduct”refers to _____conduct. A.God’s B.Satan’s C.Adam’s D.Eve’s


Beowulf English literature began with the Anglo-Saxon settlement in England.Beowulf is the national epic of the English people. Beowulf is a folk legend brought to England by Anglo-Saxons from their continental homes.Its main stories are evidently folk legends of primative Northern tribes.The most striking feature of Beowulf is the use of alliteration(头韵).In alliterative verse,certain accented word in a line begin with the same consonant sound,there are generally 4 accents in a line,three of which show alliteration.Other features are the use of metaphors and of understatements(掩饰). ―Ring-giver‖ is used for king, ―sea-wood‖for ship.Ironical humour is often regarded as a permanentcharacteristic of English. Chaucer (About 1340-1400.) His literature career can be divided into three periods:French Period (The Romaunt of the Rose) ,Italian Period,England period.Troilus and Criseyde is his longest complete poem(8000 lines) and his greatest artistic achievement.The Canterbury Tales is Chaucer’s masterpiece and one of the monumental works in English literature.Taking the stand of the rising bourgeoisie,he affi rms men and women’s right to pursue their happiness on earth and opposes the dogma of asceticism(禁欲主义) preached by the church.As a forerunner of humanism,he praises man’s energy,intellect,quick wit and love of life.Chaucer’s language,called Middle English,is vivid and exact.Contribution to English poetry lies chiefly in the fact that he introduced from France the rhymed stanza of various types,especially the rhymed couplet(双韵诗体)of 5 accents in iambic(抑扬格) meter(the heroic couplet)to English poetry,instead of the old Anglo-Saxon alliterative verse. Marlowe(1564-1593) 1.these plays show the spirit of the rising bourgeoisie. 2.the theme of the plays is the praise of individuality freed from the restraintsof medieval dogmas and law,and the conviction of the boundless possiblity of human efforts in conquering the universe. 3.the heroes in his plays are merely individualists. He was the greatest of the pioneers of English drama.He is the father of drama and tragedy. Shakespeare(1564-1616) The first period(1590-1594) the apprenticeship part The second period(1595-1600)the historical part. His sonnets written in this period. The sonnet is a poem in 14lines with one or the other rhyme scheme,a form much in vogue in Renaissance Europe,especially in Italy,France and England.In 1609 appeared. The third period(1601-1607)the tragedy part The forth peorid(1608-1612)the comedt and tragedy part narrative 1593 his first published poem. Feature:1.he is one of the founders of realism in world literature.2.his dramatic creation often used the method of adoptation.3.His long experience with the stage and his intimate knowledge of dramatic art thus acquired make him a master hand for playwriting.4.he is skilled in many poetic forms.5.he was a great master of the English language. Milton(1608-1674) Early poems: and . His work as the spokesman of the revolution.is Milton’s masterpiece.12 books,written in blank verse. https://www.doczj.com/doc/c111593226.html,ton was political in both life and his art. 2.He wrote the greatest epic in English literature. 3.he is a master of blank verse.He first used blank verse in non-dramatic works. 4.he is a great stylist. 5.he has always been admired for his sublimity of thought and majesty of expression. The Enlightenment and classicism in English Literature Enlightenment The eighteenth-century England is also known as the Age of Enlightenment or the Age of Reason. The Enlightenment Movement was a progressive movement which flourished in France and swept through the whole Western Europe at the time.The Enlightenment was an expression of struggle of the then progressive class of bourgeoisie against feudalism. The movement was a furtherance of the Renaissance of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. Its purpose was to enlighten the whole world with the light of modern philosophical and artistic ideas.The enlighteners fought against class inequality, stagnation, prejudices and other survivals of feudalism. The enlighteners celebrated reason or rationality, equality and science. They held


华南农业大学xx文学史期末考试题 (下)注:本文档主要用作题型参考,非100%原题。 考试范围:启蒙运动时期,浪漫主义时期。 一选择题。(共50题,每题1分) 类型1:作品来源。(约10-15道题) 1.” Some village-Hampden, that with dauntless breast. The littletyrant of hisfields withstood, Some mute inglorious Milton here mayrest. SomeCromwell,guiltless of his country's blood.” is from ( )A.I Wandered Lonely As A Cloud B. The Cloud C. Bright Star D. Elegy 2. “But now your brow is beld, John. Your locks are lik e the snaw;But bless ingson your frosty pow…” is from ( ) A. John Anderson, My Jo B.A Red, Red Rose C. Tintern Abbey D. When We two parted 3.” I am assured by our merchants, that a boy or a girl beforetwelve years old isno saleable commodity, and even when they come tothis age, they will not yieldabove three pounds, or three pounds andhalf a crown at most, on the exchange.” isfrom ( ) A. Gulliver’s Travel B. Robinson Crusoe


一.作家作品连线 1.GeoffreyChaucer乔叟——TheCanterburyTales(坎特伯雷故事),TheBookofTheDuchess(公爵夫人之书)、TheParliamentofFowls(百鸟会议)TheHouseofFame(声誉之堂)、TroilusandCriseyde(特罗勒斯与克丽西德) 2.WilliamShakespeare莎士比亚——Hamlet,RomeoandJuliet,Sonnet TheMerchantofVenice,HenryIV,TwelfthNight,KingLear,Macbeth Othello,Winter’sTale,TheTempest 3.FrancisBacon培根——OfMarriageandSingleLife(论婚姻和单身),OfStudies,AdvancementofLearning,NewAtlantis,Essays 4.JohnDonne邓恩(Metaphysicalpoems玄学派诗人)——SongandSonnets(歌与十四行诗)TheGood-Morrow,BreakofDay,HolySonnets(圣十四行诗),AttheRou ndEarth’sImaginedCorners,Below,Death,BenotProud,Eleg ies,OnHisMistress,ToHisMistressGoingtoBed 5.JohnMilton弥尔顿——ParadiseLost(失乐园)、ParadiseRegained(复乐园)SamsonAgonistes(力士参孙),Lycidas(利西达斯),Areopagitica, 6.DanielDefoe笛福——TheLifeandstrangeSurprisingAdventuresofRobinsonCrusoe(鲁滨孙漂流记)、CaptainSingleton(辛格顿船长)、MollFlanders(摩尔·弗兰德斯)AJournalofthePlagueYear(大疫年日记)、Roxana(罗克萨娜) 7.JonathanSwift斯威夫特——Gulliver’sTravels(格列佛游记)ATaleofaTub(一只桶的故事),AModestProposal(一个温和的建议),TheBattleoftheBooks,TheDrapier’sLetter,JournaltoStella


第15章维多利亚时期小说家 1. Choose to discuss one of Dicken s’ novels. Key: A Tale of Two Cities is a novel telling about individual destinies in a gigantic and turbulent social change like the French Revolution. The two cities referred in the title are Paris and London and the main characters shuttle between the two cities with the former as the center of all conflicts and dangers whereas the latter as the stronghold of safety and the final retreat of the victims of revolution. Unlike his other novels, this one adopts the basic tone of a romantic tale. This novel has always been well received mostly for its thrilling story and the dramatic depiction of characters. It is also good material for films and TV shows. In it we see clearly Dickens’ profound sympathy for the exploited and oppressed French peasant class and the persecuted Doctor Manette. Besides the horrible rape and killing and the kidnapping of the innocent doctor to bury his whole life in prison, Dickens’ strong accusation of the dissipated and cruel French aristocratic class is also shown in the famous e pisode of the marquis’ carriage dashing through the small town and running over a poor child. Without even stopping, he throws a handful of coins out of the carriage and then orders the carriage to dash ahead, leaving the poor father howling with the dead boy in his arms.


英国文学史及作品选读 (模拟试题二) Ⅰ. Multiple Choice(1′×20=20分) 1.______can be justly termed England’s national epic. A. The Canterbury Tales B. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight C. The Song of Beowulf D. The Romance of the Rose 2. Among of the following dramas, which is one of Shakespeare’s four tragedies? A.Macbeth B.As You Like it C. Twelfth Night D. The Merchant of Venice 3. _______ is called as “ father of English novels” A. William Shakespeare B. Christopher Marlowe C. Daniel Defoe D.John Donne 4. It was ____who made blank verse the principal vehicle of expression in drama. A. Thomas Wyatt B. William Shakespeare C. Edmund Spenser D. Christopher Marlowe 5. Absoulute monarchy in England reached its summit during the reign of ____, especially Britain’s sea power was established. A.James I B. Henry VIII C. Queen Elizabeth D. Charles I 6. Hamlet, the most popular of Shakespeare's plays for readers and theater audiences, tells about the story of Hamlet, Prince of _______, and son of the dead king, who seeks revenge for his father’s death. A. England B. Norway C. Scotland D. Denmark 7. Which comment on John Donne is wrong? A. He is the leading figure of metaphysical poetry. B. His poetry is characterized by mysticism and peculiar conceit. C. John Donne’s poetry is characterized regularity among irregularity D. He never shows positive attitude towards love. 8. Robinson Crosue can be termed as____. A. a self-dependent person B. a person with colonial mind C. an adventuous person D. all of the above 9. Robert Burns is the representative of _____. A. Sentimentalism B. Pre-Romanticism C. Romanticism D. English Renaissance 10. William Blake’s ____ paint a world of misery, poverty, disease, war and repression with a melancholy tone. A.Poetical Sketches B. The Book of Thel C. Songs of Experience D. Songs of Innocence 11. The notorious “Peterloo Massacre” happened in _____. A. English Romantic period B. English Renaissance C. period of Restoration D. Neo-classical period 12. Lyrical Ballads are made by ____. A. Wordsworth and Shelley B. Wordsworth and Southey C. Wordsworth and Coleridge D. Shelley and Byron 13. According to____, poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings which originates in emotion and recollected in tranquillity.


V The Romantic Period The romantic period began in 1798 the publication of Wordsworth and Coleridge’s , and end in 1832 with Sir Walter Scott’s death. Romanticism:It emphasize the specialqualitie of each individual’s mind.(人应该是独立自由的个体) In it, emotion over reason, spontaneous emotion, a change from the outer world of social civilization to the inner world of the human spirit, poetry should be free from all rules, imagination, nature, commonplace. Two major novelists of the Romantic period are Jane Austen (realistic) and Walter Scott (romantic). “The Lake Poets”湖畔诗人,who lived in the lake district. William Wordsworth; Samuel Taylor Coleridge; Robert Southey 1. William Wordsworth威廉?华兹华斯1770~1850 柯尔律治、骚塞同被称为“湖畔派诗人。 The Lake Poets) circumstance. It is nature that give him “strength and knowledge fullof peace” 2.It is bliss to recolled the beauty of nature in poet mind while he is in solitude. Comment:The poet is very cheerful with recalling the beautiful sights. In the poem on the beauty of nature, the reader is presented a vivid picture of lively and lovely daffodils(水仙) and poet’s philosophical ideas and mystical thoughts. ③ Lines Composed A Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey ④ The Solitary Reaper孤独的割麦女 ② 序曲 2. Samuel Taylor Coleridge塞缪尔?泰勒?科尔律治1772~1834 The Lake Poets ① 古舟子颂

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