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读故事20天搞定英语考研单词(全 Z 14.6.18)

读故事20天搞定英语考研单词(全 Z 14.6.18)
读故事20天搞定英语考研单词(全 Z 14.6.18)



abandon v.放弃,抛弃

abide v.(by)坚持,遵守

ability n.能力,智能;才能,才干

able to 能,会

abnormal a.反常的,不正常的

aboard ad.在船(飞机、车)上,上船(飞机、车)


abolish v.废除,取消

be about to 即将

above all 首要,尤其

abroad ad.到国外,在国外;到处

abrupt a.突然的,意外的;(举止言谈等)唐突的,鲁莽的

absence n.缺席,不在场;缺乏,没有

absent a.(from)缺席,不在场;漫不经心的

absolute a.绝对的,完全的

absorb v.吸收,吸引,使专心

be absorbed in 专心于

absorption n.吸收

abstract a.抽象的 n.摘要,提要 v.抽取,提取

absurd a.荒唐的

abundance n.丰富,充裕

abundant a.(in)丰富的,充分的,充裕的

abuse v./n.滥用;虐待;谩骂

academic a.学院的,学术的

academy n.学院

accelerate v.加速,促进

acceleration n.加速度

a cruel man abandoned his wife and son.above all, everyone must abide by the law . so he was arrested. but the trial came to an abrupt end because of the man's absence. it was said he was mentally abnormal and was set free according to one law!what an absurd judgment!that's absolute nonsense!the

angry people thought this bad law ought to be abolished to keep the judge from abusing his power. fortunately, the boy's mother was able to afford enough money for the boy to go abroad to study. the moment the son was about to go aboard the ship, they kissed good-bye with tears. the boy went to an academy of technology successfully. no one could doubt his ability to learn abstract knowledge.he was absorbed in knowledge so much, just like dry sand absorbed water. his teacher really appreciated his complete absorption in his studies.so he supplied the boy abundant books for study,which accelerated the boy working harder.



accent n.腔调,口音;重音

acceptable a.可接受的

acceptance n.接受,验收;承认,认可

access n.接近,进入;入口,通路;接近(或进入)的方法

have/gain access to 可以获得

accessory n.附件,配件 a.附属的

by accident 偶然

accidental a.偶然的,意外的

accommodate v.留宿,收容;供应,供给

accommodation(s) n.住宿,留宿;膳宿供应

accompany v.陪同,伴随;为....伴奏

accomplish v.完成

accordance n.一致

in accordence with 与.......一致

according to 按照,根据

accordingly ad.因此,从而;相应地,照着(办)

account n v

account for 说明(原因)等

on account of 因为,由于

take ...into account 考虑

accumulate v.积累,积蓄,堆积

accuracy n.准确,精确度

accurate a.精确的,准确的

accuse v.(of)控告,谴责

accustom v.(to)使习惯

accustomed a.惯常的,习惯的

be/become accustomed to 习惯于

Miss Austin was a strong woman. By investing wisely, she accumulated a fortune. One day, Miss Austin met a young man by accident. Their meeting was quite accidental.It was time of the Olympic Games,so hotel accommodations were scarce. The young man saved his room for Miss Austin politely. If she sang, he would accompany her on the piano. Because of his politeness, his strange accent was https://www.doczj.com/doc/c71168036.html,ter, Miss Austin employed him as her assistant. He became accustomed to his job quickly. If she asked him to buy some accessories for a car, he would accomplish the work soon in accordance with her orders.So Miss Austin trusted him more and more and even one day the man had access to her bank account number.Miss Austin'detective showed her an accurate report to warn her of the man's cheating. He advised,“You must act accordingly.” Miss Austin took his suggestion into account. The young man was asked to account for his cheating. He explained he made a mistake on account of his illness.According to his behavior, he was accused of incompetence..



acid n.酸 a.酸的

acknowledge v.承认;致谢

acquaint v.(sb.with)使认识,使了解

acquaintance n.熟人,相识

acquisition n.获得,获得物

acre n.英亩

activate v.使活动,起动

activity v.活动,活性,活力

acute a.敏锐的,尖锐的;(疾病)急性的

ad (=advertisement) n.广告

adapt v.(to)(使)适应,适合;改编;改写

adaptation n.改编;适应

add up to 合计,总计

addition n.(增)加,加法,附加(物)

in addition 另外

in addition to 除…..之外

additional a.附加的,另外的

adequate a.足够的,充分的,恰当的

adhere v.(to)粘附,胶着;坚持

adjacent a.(to)邻近的,毗连的

adjective n./a.形容词(的)

adjoin v.毗连,靠近

adjust v.调节,调整,校正

administrate/administer v.掌管,料理…….的事务;实施,执行;给予,投药administration n.管理,经营;行政(部门);政府

It's the age of advertisement. The ad companies have acute senses to activate the public to like the products the sports players recommend. If a woman has been acknowledged as the best tennis-player in the world, she can acquire a lot of money from advertisements.Of course, she must pay some additional charges as taxes to the Tax https://www.doczj.com/doc/c71168036.html,ually,the woman will adjust herself to the change of her life and soon she will adapt herself to it.As a sports player, her earnings isn't always adequate to meet her needs. In addition to a beautiful house, she also wants to buy luxury cars. It's normal that a famous sports player s cars add up to five In addition some

rich sports players liked to buy acres of land as their properties, thus they can have their outdoor activities conveniently.Sometimes some acquaintances of the sports players are popular too because their house are adjacent to the players.Their houses adjoin the players', which make them proud and happy. An adjective for this phenomenon is,“snobbish”.



Admiration n.钦佩,赞美

Admission n.允许进入,接纳,收容,承认

Adolescent n.青少年 a.青春期的,青少年的

Adopt v.采用,采纳,通过;收养

Adoption n.采用,采纳,通过,收养

Adult n.成(年)人 a.成年人的,已成熟的

In advance 提前,预先

Advanced a.高级的,先进的,前进的

Advantage n.优点,长处,有利条件;利益,好处

Gain/have/give an advantage over 胜于,优于

Take advantage 利用

Advantageous a.有利的

Adventure n.冒险,惊险活动;奇遇

Adverb n.副词

Adverse a.不利的,有害的

Advertise v.做广告

Advisable a.可取的,适当的

Advocate n.提倡者,鼓吹者 v.提倡,鼓吹

Aerial a.空中的,航空的 n.天线

Aerospace n

Aesthetic/esthetic a.美学的,艺术的;审美的

Affair n.事,事情,事件

Affect v.影响,感动

Affection n.爱,慈爱,感情;影响

Affiliate v.使隶属(或附属)于 n.附属机构,分公司

It was advisable for an old couple to adopt an orphan, as they had no children of their own. Everything had been fixed in advance. Their kindness was an advantageous condition, which gave them an advantage over other applicants for the adoption of a little boy. The boy grew up quickly under affection, but his behavior was not particularly adult. That was a common mistake among adolescents.Soon, the boy gained admission into the Aesthetic College. The college was affiliated with a famous university. The affair affected all who knew the boy.He won the admiration of people.In the college,the professor he met first was an advocate of truth. He ignored all kinds of adverse comments about him.In the class, the professor taught the students how to use an adverb in the sentence. After class, he told them about his adventures in aerospace, and he showed them some aerial photographs.He also took advantage of some advanced instruments to make experiments. His new product was so promising, that his students decided to advertise it for him. The boy enjoyed his study very much.



Affirm v.断言,肯定

Affirmative a.肯定的

Africa n.非洲

African a n

Afterward(s) ad.后来,以后

Agency n.代理(处),代办处

Agenda n.议事日程

Agent n.代理商(人),代表

Aggravate v.恶化,加重,加剧

Aggressive a.侵略的,好斗的;敢做敢为的,有进取心的

Agitate v.鼓动,煽动;搅拌

Agony n.苦恼,痛苦

Agreeable a.惬意的,令人愉快的;易相处的;同意的

Agricultural a.农业的

Ahead of 在……的前面,先于

Aid v.救援,帮助 n.援助,救护;助手,辅助物,辅助设备

In the air 在流行中,在传播中

Aircraft n.航空器,飞行器

Airline n.航线;航空公司

Airmail n.航空邮件,航空邮政

Alarm n.警报,惊恐,惊慌 v.使惊恐,惊动,惊吓;向…….报警Alcohol n.酒精,乙醇

Alert a.警惕的,机灵的

Alien n.外侨,外星人 a.外国的;(from)相异的;(on)不相容的Alike a.相同的,相像的

Mr.Bacon used to be a music CD agent.He got the job through an employment agency. By accident, he heard some African music. The music was agreeable to the ear.From then on, he was in an agony of longing.Africa was a mysterious land attracting him.His heart agitated for adventure.Mr.bacon had a friend name Jack. Jack was an alert alien. They were much alike in character. Both of them never touched alcohol. Both of them were aggressive, but Jack was stronger. In the 400-meter match , he got ahead of Mr. Bacon every time One day, Mr. Bacon received airmail from Jack. In the airmail, Jack described the beauty of Africa. Mr. Bacon affirmed that what he said was true. Three days afterward they met at the airport.According to the agenda, they arrived in Africa the next day.They found that the lack of rain aggravated the serious shortage of food.The agricultural commodities were deficient that year.There were rumors in the air that it was punishment from God. Next, on the way to hotel they were shocked to see a dead man on the road They alarmed the police

at once and waited for the aid from the police. It's really a bad journey!



After all 终于,毕竟

All but 几乎,差一点;除…….之外都

All over 遍及,到处

All out 竭尽全力

All right 行,可以;顺利,良好

At all 完全,根本

In all 总共,总计

Not at all 一点也不

Allege v.断言,宣称

alleviate v.减轻,缓解,缓和

alliance n.结盟,联盟;联姻

in alliance with 与……联盟

allied a.联合的,同盟的

allocate v.分配,分派,把…….拨给

allow for 考虑到

allowance n.津贴,补助(费)

make allowance for 考虑到,顺及;体谅,原谅

alloy n.合金

ally n.同盟国,同盟者;支持者v.(with)使结盟

leave/let….alone 听其自然,不要去管

let alone 更不用说

along with 与……一起

alongside prep ad

alphabet n.字母表

not only……but also 不但……而且

The college admitted Steve when he was 15.The news was all over the small village.Not only he himself,but also his parent felt happy for this. They always fought alongside him.There was a bill along with the college notice,which upset them. The family was not rich at all; they had no radio, let alone a television.But they went all out to afford the higher education for him. After all,they had only one son.Fortunately,the college made allowances for Steve's situation and awarded him an allowance of five thousand dollars.When everything was all right, Steve went to college.In all, there were 30 students in his class. Steve learned a lot at class. He knew brass is an alloy of copper and zinc.Besides this, he knew sometimes hemp was used to alleviate pain. Also, he could read the Latin alphabet correctly. Steve liked all the subjects but history.He had heard enough such as “Britain in alliance with France once defeated a number of smaller countries.”,“Britain was an ally of America in both World Wars.They were allied countries.”, and so on.But allowing for the graduation, he still got A in every subject.The teacher allocated duties to all the students evry Monday, and Steve always finished his part first. So the teacher alleged that Steve was the most promising student in the class.



Alter v.改变,变更

Alteration n

Alternate a.交替的,轮流的 v.交替,轮流

Alternative a.两者挑一的 n.可供选择的事物,替换物,选择对象

Altitude n.高度,海拔

Aluminum/aluminium n.铝

Amateur a.业余的 n.业余活动(爱好)者

Amaze v.使惊奇,使惊愕,使惊叹

Ambassador n.大使

Ambiguous a.模棱两可的

Ambition n.雄心,野心

Ambitious a.有雄心的,野心勃勃的

Ambulance n.救护车

Amend v.修改,修正

Amount n.数量,总额 v.(to)合计,总共达,等于

Ampere n.安培

Ample a.充分的,富裕的;宽敞的,宽大的

Amplifier n.放大器,扩音器

Amplify v.放大,增强

Amuse v.逗……笑,给…….以娱乐(消遣)

Amusement n.娱乐,消遣,娱乐活动

Analog /analogue n.类似物,模拟

Analogy n.比拟,类比

By analogy 用类比的方法

In Paul's youth, he had the ambition of being a famous basketball player. As an amateur, he found great amusement in playing basketball.An ambitious boy usually worked hard until one day he broke his leg. The ambulance drove along with noisy whirling whistles toward the hospital.His parents alternated in looking after him. Once he recovered, Paul amended his life goal. He began to have interest in political affairs. At the age of 40, he was appointed ambassador to Britain. He told the news to his girlfriend at once and he proposed to her. He said to her,“My dear, my savings amount to 300 thousand dollars. We have ample money to decorate our wedding room.

I just bought an amplifier yesterday. And I prefer to an ampere meter being made of aluminum even though it has analog to another one.” But he was amazed to hear her ambiguous answer,“Maybe….”. Paul had no alternative but to wait There were a few alterations to the timetable and the next month he

flew to Britain. The airplane flew at an altitude of 20000 ft. Paul felt something wrong and soon lost his mind. When he woke up, he was told that the airplane had crashed and he broke his leg, once again! By analogy, we could guess that Paul would amend his life goal once again!



Analysis n.分析,分解

Analytic(al) a.分析的,分解的

Analyze/analyse v.分析,分解

Ancestor n.祖宗,祖先

Anchor n.锚,v.抛锚,停泊

Ancient a.古代的,古老的

Angel n.天使

Angle n.角;角度,方面,观点

Ankle n.踝

Anniversary n.周年(纪念日)

Announce v.宣布,发表,通;报告……的来到

Announcer n.播音员,报幕员

Annoy v.使烦恼,使生气,打搅

Annual a.每年的,年度的 n.年刊,年鉴

Anonymous a.匿名的;无名的;无特色的

One after another 一个接一个

One with another 互相

Antarctic a.南极(区)的 n.南极洲,南极(圈)

Antenna n

Anticipate v.预期,预料,预感,期望

Anxiety n.挂念,焦虑,忧虑;渴望,热望

Anyhow ad.不管怎样,无论如何;不论用何种方法

Anything but 除….以外任何事(物),根本不

Anyway ad.无论如何

Apart from 除去

Apartment n.[英]房间,套间;[美]公寓

The Smiths lived in the apartment above ours. It was said that one of Mr. Smiths' ancestors was a great chess player. A chess player must have an analytical mind. Mr. Smiths lived on his annual pension . Apart from that,he had no private income. His wife, Mrs. Smiths was an announcer on TV broadcast.And she once helped us to fix the television antenna.Their daughter, June, was as lovely as an angel.Once she hurt her left ankle when her parents were not at home. My wife sent her to the hospital in a hurry. All of us often sat side-by-side and chatted one with another. Sometimes we would discuss some ancient history. Sometimes we would play games one after another. On their 10th anniversary of marriage, the Smiths received an anonymous letter and then made a decision. That is, they would start on Antarctic expedition.Since they anticipated that they might meet many difficulties, they would leave June with us. June was annoyed at their decision. So her father comforted her,“View it at a difficult angle. You needn't have anxiety about that. I was anything but a hero. Anyhow we just want to realize our dreams since childhood.” Finally, June accepted that.



apology n.道歉,歉意,认错

apparatus n.机械,设备,仪器,装置

apparent a.(to)明显的,显而易见的;表面的,貌似的

appeal v.(to) n.呼吁,要求;对.....有吸引力;申诉,上诉appearance n.出现,出场,露面;外表,外貌,外观

appendix n.附录,附属物

appetite n.食欲,胃口,欲望,爱好,要求

applaud v.喝彩,欢呼,鼓掌,称赞

applause n.鼓掌欢迎,欢呼

appliance n.用具,器具

applicable a.(to)能应用的,适用的

application n.请求,申请(书,表);应用,运用;施用,敷用

apply v.(for)申请,请求;(to)适用,应用,运用

appoint v.任命,委任;约定,指定

appointment n.约会,预约;任命,选派

appraisal n.估计,估量,评价

appreciable a.可以觉察的,可估计的

appreciate v.感谢,感激;正确评价,欣赏,赏识

apprehension n.忧虑,担心,疑惧;理解,领悟

approach v.靠近,接近,临近

appropriate a.(to)适当的,恰如其分的

approval n.赞成,同意;认可,批准

approve v.(of)赞成,满意,同意;批准,审定,通过approximately ad.近似地,大约

apt a.恰当的,适宜的;(习性)易于......的,有......的倾向的

The show would approximately begin in five minutes.It's apt to rain that afternoon. The television men had set up their apparatuses. Some appliances were made of stainless steel. Last week, Grace's first appearance failed. There was no apology needed. People's disappointment was already apparent. She was so sorry that she had no appetite to eat.Grace appealed to her friends for help. Thus she got an appointment with the appointed director. The way was applicable.The director was not easily approached.But Grace's appropriate attitude and clean appearance impressed him. Although he had received twenty applications, he agreed to give her another change. Grace appreciated his help very much And now Grace s second performance won the

applause of the audiences.She was loudly applauded.There was an appreciable difference between her two performances. The final list together with an appendix would be sent to the manager for his approval. Grace waited for his appraisal with agreat deal of apprehension.



Arabian n.阿拉伯人 a.阿拉伯(人)的

Arbitrary a.任意的,专断的

Arch n.拱门,弓形结构,桥拱洞 v.拱起,(使)…..变成弓形Architect n.建筑师

Architecture n.建筑(式样,风格);建筑学

Arctic a.北极(区)的 n.[the A-]北极,北极圈

Argument n.争论,辩论;论据,论点

Arise v.出现,发生;(from)由…..引起,由…..产生

Arithmetic n.算术

Arouse v.唤醒,唤起;激起,引起

Arrange v.整理,排列,布置;安排,筹备

Array n.一系列,大量;排列 v.排列

Arrest v.逮捕,拘留

Arrive at 达成,得出

Arrow n.箭,箭头(符号),箭状物

Articulate a.善于表达的,口齿清晰的 v.明确有力地表达

Artificial a.人工的,人造的;人为的,矫揉造作的

Artistic a.艺术(家)的,美术(家)的

As….as 像……一样

As for 至于,就……方面说

As if

As though 好像,仿佛

As to 至于,关于

As well as (除…….之外)也,既….又

Not as/so……as 不如…..那样

The Arabian Nights' Entertainment is very interesting. One of them was a story about an outstanding architect named Ralph.He was good at arithmetic since childhood. And at the age of 20, his opportunity had arisen. The king asked him to design a palace roofed with an arch. On top of the arch, there would be an artificial arctic bear.It's architecture of great artistic value. The king and the architect arrived at the agreement without argument.Before Ralph finished his work, he saw the princess. Even a flower was not as beautiful as she. Once he saw her, he felt as if he were drunk. As to that,he hadn't thought of his social rank. Love was important for Ralph as well as for the princess. As for her, she felt as though Ralph were a member of her family. One evening, Ralph articulated his love to the princess. She arranged with him to meet at her bedroom.The next day, the princess aroused him just before dawn.But the arbitrary king had arrayed troops and he ordered the soldiers to arrest him.Luckily, the princess shot an arrow to stop them in time.



ascend v.攀登,上升

ascertain v.查明,弄清,确定

ash n.灰(烬)

ashore ad.在岸上,上岸

Asia n

Asian a.亚洲(人)的 n.亚洲人

aside ad.在旁边,到旁边

aside from 除...以外

ask after 询问,问候

ask for 请求,要求

aspect n.样子,外表,面貌;(问题等的)方面

assault v./n.袭击,攻击

assemble v.集合,集会;装配,组装

assembly n.集合,集会,会议;装配

assert v.断言,宣称

assess v.估价,评价

assign v.分配,委派;指定(时间,地点等)

assignment n.分配,委派;任务,(课外)作业

assimilate v.(被)吸收,(被)消化;(使或被)同化

assist v.帮助,援助,协助

assistance n.帮助,援助

associate v.(with)使联系,使联合,交往,结合

n.合作人,伙伴,同事,同行 a.副的

association n.协会,团体;联合,联系,交往;联想

assume v.假装,假定,设想,采取,承担,呈现

assumption n.假定,设想,采取,承担

Sandy was an Asian. The local theare associated with other business establishments to discriminate against Asians. Every one aside from Asians could get into the theatre. Sandy was stopped too. But his angry aspect frightened the entrance guard.That evening, several Asian students including Sandy assembled in the campus. Each student had been assigned to a job. As for Sandy, he was to make an assault on the theatre. In the middle of the night with a loud"bang", the theare was burned to ashes.Sandy assisted other students to swim ashore. A helicoper was waiting for them. But Sandy stayed alone.He watched the helicopter ascend higher and higher until it disappeared. The police was going to ascertain the truth and they arrested Sandy. On the court, Sandy made a speech to assert his innocence. He assumed his action would arouse attention to race discrimination. But his assumption proved to be wrong. No one assessed his speech at its true worth. The court simply put him into prison Sandy asked for a meeting with his parents They came with

tears.They had brought some easily assimilated food for him.Sandy asked them to ask after his grandmother.



Assurance n.确信,断言;保证,担保

Assure v.使确信,使放心;保证,担保

Astonish v.使惊讶,使吃惊

Astronaut n.宇航员

Astronomy n.天文学

Athlete n.运动员

Atlantic a.大西洋的,n.[the~]大西洋

Atmosphere n.大气(层);空气;气氛,环境;大气压(压力单位)

Atom n.原子,微粒,微量

Attach v.(to)缚上,系上,贴上;使依附,使隶属,使依恋Attached to 附属于,隶属于

Attain v.达到,获得

Attendance n.到场,出席

Attendant n.服务员,值班员;护理人员

Pay attention to 注意

Attentive a.注意的,留神的

Attitude n.(to.towards)态度,看法;姿势

Attorney n.律师

Attractive a.有吸引力的,引起兴趣的,动人的

Attribute n.属性,品质,特征 v.(to)把….归于;认为….是…所为Audience n.听众,观众,读者;会见

Augment v.扩大,增加,提高

Aural a

Australia n.澳大利亚,澳洲

Australian a.澳洲的;澳大利亚(人)的 n.澳大利亚人

An Australian, Mr. Mason, was charged with being in debt! On the day of trial, there was a great attendance at the court. Every audience was attentive to what he said.Mr.Mason used to be an athlete.But he had a dream of being an astronaut.In his mind, astronomy had atom theory were much more attractive than sports games.He paid attention to all kinds of space information.And he borrowed too much money to rent a spacecraft.But he hadn't paid off his debt yet.Mr.Mason gave assurance that his debts should be paid soon. His sincere attitude was so moving that he attained his freedom. But he attributed this to his attorney. After that, Mr. Mason worked in a store during the day. And he augmented his income by teaching in the evenings. He used tapes as aural material to teach English. By the end of that year, he paid off all his debt. So Mr. Mason decided to cross the Atlantic Ocean as a trip. He attached a label to his baggage then went aboard. It's a day of nice atmospheric pressure.He was astonished to feel the atmosphere of peace and calm on the sea. It reminded him of his dream again!



Author n.作者;创始人

Authority n.权力,威信,权威者,有权威性的典籍;[pl.]当局,官方Auto n.汽车

Automatic n.自动机械 a.自动的,无意识的,机械的

Automation n.自动(化)

Automobile n.[同auto]

Auxiliary a

Avail n.[常用于否定句或疑问句]效用,利益,帮助 v.有利(助)于Avail (oneself) of 利用

Of/to no avail 不起作用,没有用

Available a.可用的,可得到的;可以见到的,随时可来的

Avenue n.林荫道,大街;途径,手段

On (the/an) average 平均,一般说来

Avert v.防止,避免;转移(目光,注意力等)

Aviation n.航空,飞行

Avoid v.避免,回避,逃避

Await v.等候,期待

Award n.奖(品) v.授予,奖给

Aware (of)知道的,意识的

Right away 立即,马上

Awful a.极度的,极坏的,糟糕的;威严的,可怕的 ad.十分,极度地Awfully ad.非常,很

Awkward a.笨拙的,不灵活的;棘手的,尴尬的;使用不便的

Ax/axe n.斧(子)

Axis n.轴(线);构图中心线

At the beginning of the auto (automobile) industry, many people were attracted to Detroit.Nike was one of them.He worked in a factory.There was no available automatic in that factory. Some part of the work must be done by ax. And the ax was awkward to handle. So Nick availed himself of every opportunity to improve instruments.He would design two to three instruments a month on an average. By and by, he became an authority on it. As one of the best workers, he was awarded bonuses often.Recently, Nick was assigned to fix an engine to avert any possible damage. He drew an axis on it first then fixed it carefully. He also brought an auxiliary engine with him. But just after he finished repairing, he was aware of his mistake right away. An awful accident happened next. The engine exploded and a big fire ensued. The people who stood on the avenue tried to extinguish the fire, but it's of no avail. Fortunately, nobody was injured. The boss awaited Nick at the meeting room.Nick didn't want to avoid punishment.To his surprise, the boss didn't blame him. Instead, he gave a book about aviation to Nick. And the author was the boss himself!



bachelor n.学士(学位);单身男子

back and forth 来回,往返,来来往往地

back down/off 放弃,让步,退却

back of 在...后部,在...背部

back up 支持,援助;倒退,后退

background n.背景,经历

backward a.向后的,倒行的;落后的,迟钝的

(also ~s)向后,朝反方向

bacon n.咸肉,熏肉

bacterium n.([pl.]bacteria)细菌

badge n.徽章

badminton n.羽毛球

baggage n.行李

bakery n.面包房

balance v.称;(使)平衡 n.天平,称;平衡,均衡;差额,结余,余款bald a.秃的,秃头的

balloon n.气球

ban v.取缔,查禁;(from)禁止 n.禁止,禁令

band n.条,带;乐队;波段;一群,一伙v.缚,绑扎

bandage n.绷带 v.用绷带扎缚

bang n.砰砰的声音;猛击,猛撞v.砰地关上,猛撞,猛击bankrupt a.破产的

bankrupycy n.破产 v.使破产

banner n.旗(帜)

bar n




2017考研英语核心词汇汇总2017考研英语核心词汇天天背(Day1) rape n.强奸;破坏,蹂躏vt.强奸;破坏,蹂躏 rash a.轻率的,鲁莽的[反]deliberate n.皮疹 guideline n.指导方针,指导原则,准则,标准 gut n.[pl.]胆量;内脏a.本能的vt.取出内脏 habitat n.(动物的)栖息地,(植物的)产地 harassment n.骚扰,扰乱;烦恼,烦乱 recycle vt./vi.重复利用(用过的物资),循环使用 redundant a.被解雇的;多余的,过剩的 refugee n.(政治上的)避难者,难民 refund n.v. 退款;赔偿 relish n.喜好,乐趣;美味;胃口v.爱好,喜欢 remnant n.残余,剩余;残余物,残存部分 renaissance n.[the R-]文艺复兴(时期);新生,复兴 ritual a.宗教仪式的,典礼的n.仪式,典礼;惯例 robust a.强健的,茁壮的;有力的[反]feeble salvation n.(尤指基督)救世,超度;拯救,解困 sanction v.同意(某事),批准,认可n.批准,国际制裁 sane a.心智健全的,神志清醒的;明断的,理智的 sarcastic a.讽刺的,嘲笑的,挖苦的 saturate vt.使湿透,浸透;使充满,使饱和 repertoire n.全部剧目,保留剧目,全部技能 repression n.压抑,压制,镇压 retention n.保留;保持;记忆(力) retort n.v.报复;反击;反驳 boost n.促进,激励;一抬;一推vt.推动,增强 bowel n.肠;[pl.]内部,深处 retrieve vt.重新得到,取回;挽回,补救;检索 retrospect v.n.回顾,回想,追溯[反]foresee revelation n.揭示,透露,显示;被揭示的真相,新发现2017考研英语核心词汇天天背(Day2) rigorous a.严格的,严厉的,严酷的(气候条件)


小学英语导入设计案例 黑东小学刘秀丽 一、谈话导入新课 [案例一] T: Boys and girls, before you go to a city, what do you want to know about it? S1: I want to know how I can get there. S2: I want to know about the places of interests there. S3: I'd like to know about the delicious food. … T: I want to know about the weather there. … (CAI呈现“天气”图片,学习新知识) [思考]谈话导入法是我们日常教案中最常见的导入方法之一。这种方法是通过教师和学生间的问与答来实现的,其特点是直接、明确,通过师生间的互动来活跃课堂的气氛。通过轻松、自然的提问、对话形式来吸引学生的注意力,激活思维,激发兴趣,从而顺利地导入所学内容。从以上案例中,我们可以发现,学生有生活经验的积累,思维非常活跃。他们对老师提的问题有各种各样的答案。可是没有同学按照老师的预设提到“天气”,因此教师自己提出了这个话题。本人认为。这位老师还是有一定的教案机智的。她的导入设计目的没能顺利实现,但又不能无限制拖下去,否则新授的时间势必会受到影响。新课导入毕竟不是教案的主体过程,不允许占用过多的时间。即使允许多占时间,语言啰唆、冗长也易使学生不得要领,或分散学生的注意力。 二、图文结合,利用讲故事的形式导入 [案例二] T: My: hobby is drawing. Let me show you some of my pictures.(实物投影出自制图片。) T: Look at the man in picture 1. Is he happy? S1: No, he isn't. What's the matter with him? T: Good question! He can't go home by plane because it's foggy now. Ss: Oh, I see. T: Here's picture 2. Now the man is happy now. Why? Can you guess? S2: He can go home. It's not foggy now. T: Wonderful. What's the weather like now? Ss: It's sunny. …


背单词的书推荐 在日常学习英语中,背单词,应该找那些书籍。 1、新东方-胡敏读故事记单词系列。这套书是新东方教育集团总裁、北京新东方学校第二任校胡敏编著的,他主张在英语培训领域提出自己独特的教学理念改进学习方法、提高应试技巧、加强英语实,升华事业人生,这一理念在新东方的课堂上得以贯彻并为广大学员所认可。书中是一些内容各异、即兴创作的故事,且借故事帮助读者记住单词和它们的一些用法。此套从书由易到难,有初中、高中、大英四级、六级和托福等五本书,建议同学们觉得自己平时就爱看小说、故事之类书籍的选择,而且可以根据自己的英语水平选择套中的不同书本,循序渐进地学习。 2、李阳疯狂英语口语突破系列之突破单词。这本书是的目的是突破核心单词,口语更胜一筹。书中包括数十种高效的单词记忆法:方法穿插全书。建议平时背单词时喜欢边读边背,不读背不出的同学选择。 3、新经典智库的爱上背单词丛书。这套丛书特别适合刚刚开始学习英语的中小学生;曾学过英语,但由于种种原因被迫放弃者;深受传统英语教学方法束缚,学习不得法,甚至失去兴趣者。它满足了读者背单词的两个根本目的:一是“记住”,二是“会用”。丛书包括基础关键词、进阶关键词和高考关键词三本,如果同学有觉得自己需要从头开始学

英语,背单词的,又愿意找到一个好方法认真学的,可以考虑这套书。甚至跟自己的孩子们比比看谁学得快,不知道你们有没有勇气呢。 4、词根记忆书。词根记忆是英语单词记忆中非常重要的一种记忆方法,英语中的很多单词都具有相同的词根,因此记住词根,并根据词根来记忆单词,可以实现背一即背十的目标,而且掌握了词根后,即使在考试、日常的阅读中碰到不会的单词,也可以用词根法来推断它的意思。以词根记忆单词的书籍,我推荐新东方出的《大学英语考试CET-4:四级词汇词根+联想记忆法》,还有六级版的、英语词汇速记大全、TOEFL词汇等几本。还有声名很好的《星火式四六级词汇巧记速记》。建议平常就看推理的同学,喜欢举一反三的同学用。 5、口袋书系列。我看过的口袋书都还挺不错的,如吴铭方英语词汇书,一小本,装在口袋里,有空的时候就拿出来看看,或者每天给自己一个任务,背完10页,一小本书很快就过了。而且书里也有各种单词的记忆法提示,和提醒你循环背诵的时间表。 其实“背单词”从来就是学英语不可或缺的一部分,只是母语孩子不像我们几十年前(写下这个数字的时候真是辛酸,青春还没享受呢怎么就没了)学英语那样,刻苦就是抱着“红宝书”啃下单词列表。现在大家耳熟能详的Phonics(见


胡敏读故事背雅思单词1(abandon-accomplish) An honorable entry The acclaimed academic, Dr. Sir Walter T.J. Fitzbody, accompanied the equally accessible expert of aboriginal history, Dr. Mugambe H. C. Carriky, slowly to the platform to accept his National Science Foundation Award. Both were noted for their absenteeism, rarely seen in public and still marveled at for their abnormal usage of double abbreviations in their names. That it was Dr. Carriky, the former pupil of Dr. Fitzbody who was receiving this life-time award before his mentor was only minor. Dr. Fitzbody knew that academia was not always fair and, having always been rather accommodating for his favorite student anyhow, was taking the event as an honor to his work as well. When Dr. Carriky accidentally tripped over the toe of a person with his leg extended too far into the aisle, the gasps of the crowd conveniently covered the abusive words that came out of Dr. Carriky's mouth. The man did not take the abuse kindly, however, and abandoning all respect, began to rise to respond to the guest of honor. Dr. Fitzbody, sensing trouble, quickly accelerated towards the stage. It did not matter that an accessory of his robe was lost to the floor as they escaped. The rest of the audience, sensing a need for accommodation, politely gave clear access so that no further mishaps would occur. Having accomplished their entry, Dr. Fitzbody began his introduction of Dr. Carriky. He gently smiled and said a joke that related the fall to a historical abstraction. The crowd laughed in relief and breathed easily as they knew that honor and dignity had been restored. 体面的入场 广受赞誉的学者沃尔特.T.J.费茨博迪博士陪同同样平易近人的土著历史研究专家穆甘贝.H.C.克里奇博士缓缓走向领奖台领取国家科学基金奖。这俩人都以离群索居、很少在公共场合抛头露面出名,他俩姓名当中非常规地使用了两个缩写更使人感到不可思议。克里奇博士是费茨博迪博士的前学生,他在导师之前获得这项终生奖项并没有什么不妥,因为费茨博迪博士知道学术界并不总是公平,加上他平时总爱在得意门生面前行个方便,他把这件事也看成了对他的工作的肯定。


一、近义词汇: 1.完全:absolute, unconditional, unlimited, complete, unrestricted, unmixed, perfect, entire 2.好:extraordinary, amazing, miraculous, marvelous, stupendous, excellent, good, well, wonderful, fine, nice, of high quality, pleasing, surprising, agreeable 3.小:small, diminutive, puny, little, pocket-sized, petit, minute, tiny 4.多:big , enormous, large, gigantic, vast, tremendous, gargantuan, huge, immense, a lot of, lots of, many, much, plenty of, a great deal of, a number of, an amount of, a great many, a good many, many a, scores of, dozens of, a great quantity of 5.高兴,快乐:delighted, delightful, pleased, pleasing, charmed, pleasant, cheerful, cheering, merry, happy, gratified, glad, gay, agreeable, friendly, content, satisfied, light-hearted, joyful 6.真的:True, truthful, veracious, faithful, accurate, loyal, staunch, genuine, honest, real, trustworthy, constant. 7.全,都:all, whole, entire, complete, perfect, total, the whole number of , unbroken , gross 二、常见的连接词 连接词根据其本身的意思和文章连接所需要的逻辑意义可分为几类: a.表示开场to begin with , in the first place , in general , generally speaking b.表示总结to summarize , to sum up , to conclude , in conclusion , finally c.表示举例a case in point , a good illustration / example of ... is ..., d.表示原因because , since , for , the cause of , the reason for , now that e.表示结果as a result , as a consequence , consequently


displacement n. dramatic adj. eventually adv. exhibit vt.展出, exploitation n. 广告fluctuations n.波动highlighted adj. implicit adj. 的, 绝对的induced vt.劝诱, inevitably adv. infrastructure n. inspection n.检查, intensity n.强烈, manipulation n. offset n.抵销, vi.偏移, paragraph n.(文章) plus prep.加上adj. practitioners n. predominantly 有影响的prospect n.景色, radical adj.根本的random n.随意, 胡乱地reinforce vt.加强, 固n.加固物restore vt.恢复, revision n.修订, schedule n.时间表tension n.紧张( 使紧张termination n.终止thereby adv.因此, uniform adj. 样, 使穿制服vehicle n. via prep.经, 通过, virtually adv. widespread adj. visual adj.看的, accommodation n.铺位, (眼睛等的) analogous adj. anticipate vt.预期 vt.显得大, 显,设备;【计】安装 ,(票据等)到期的 , 开导, 形成河能充分理解的, 包 , 支配 , 【化】实铁道车辆, 才能


小学英语课堂故事教学案例分析 一、背景介绍 如何以故事为载体,训练学生的阅读能力,培养学生创造性的思维能力,是每个小学英语教师在设计教案、组织教学中应该注意的问题。然而,不少教师在对课文进行分析时,仅就文章细节和某些事实向学生提问,即根据文章内容提出一些直接的或命令式的问题,这对于培养学生的注意力、观察力和记忆力是必要的;但仅停留在这一层次上,无益于学生创造性思维能力的提高。在英语课堂中,我们要以学生为中心,以培养交际能力为目的,以多媒体为辅助工具,发展学生的创造性思维。使课堂成为师生间和学生间进行思想和情感交流的场所。牛津英语教材的故事中蕴涵着丰富的具有创造性的思维和创造意识的素材,从中挖掘创造性思维的因素,可以有效地训练学生的思维能力。 本堂课的课题"Alittle,greenman"是一则故事,主要句型为动词过去式的结构。重点是故事的阅读理解,难点是动词过去式的变化。为了让学生掌握重点,解决难点,训练学生的独立学习和阅读能力,提高学生语言交际能力和质疑能力,增强学生的学习热情。在教学过程中,我设计了多媒体课件,以交际法为主,有目的,有计划地对学生进行语言信息的输入,运用多媒体声、色、形结合的特点,为学生创设了活动情境,交际的空间,诱导学生的好奇心和求知欲,丰富学生的想象力。 二、案例实录 1、利用话题,引入教学,培养学生创造性思维能力 教学一开始,我就问学生What'syourfavouritething?这个话题学生比较熟悉,贴近他们的生活,纷纷举手发言。 S1:Myfavouritethingisdoll. S2:Ilikefootballbest. 随后,我让学生猜猜:What'smyfavouritething?学生非常感兴趣,一方面很想知道我的最爱是什么,另一方面也想表现出自己非常了解我,于是他们的思考热情和发言欲望得以初步激发。以下是部分学生的回答: S1:Yourfavouritethingismoney.(你最喜欢钱。) (学生和听课的老师都笑了) S2:Yourfavouritethingisus.(你最喜欢我们。) (我点头说:Yes,Iloveyou.在说这句话的时候,我用真诚的眼光望着学生,与学生进行心理交流。) 这些书本上永远找不到的回答非常符合实际,表明学生的确了解我。这一话题的引出,通过教师的问,学生的答、猜,既一下子抓住了学生的注意力,启发了他们的独立思考,又为师生间创造了一个情感交流的场所,拉近了师生间的距离。充分体现了语言交际性的特征。 在引出了spaceship,本故事中一个重要因素后,我又以spaceship为话题,提出以下问题: What'stheanothernamefor'spaceship'? S1:UFO. (原本我并没有百分百的肯定会有学生回答出这个问题的,可事实证明学生的知识面真广,教师不应该小看他们,一定要给他们提供表现自我的机会。我立即翘起大拇指予以表扬,其他学生都以羡慕的眼光看着他。) 随后我又问学生:

胡敏 读故事记单词 考研英语词汇

1. The Time of Lincoln Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States of America. He is remembered for many things, including his log-cabin home, his absurd looking clothing accessory, a top-hat, but Lincoln?s absolute most important contribution to America?s history was to abolish slavery, a very hard task to accomplish at that time. In the middle of the 19th century, America was split by an abstract border. The country was cut into two parts: the North and the South. There were an abundance of differences which caused this abnormal separation. For instance, the North held all of the Universities and Military Academies whereas in the South, access to such institutions was limited. Also, Northerners spoke standard American English while Southerners spoke with a Southern accent. But the largest difference that abound between the North and the South at that time was slavery and all of the aspects that accompanied it. The North thought that the South should abandon slavery because mint most cases, slaves faced daily abuse from their owners. Most Northerners tried to abide by the rule that “All men are created equal.” These reasons largely account for the American Civil War. The Civil War was a long, brutal war with a very high casualty rate. Many young men from both the North and the South were killed on the battlefield; the death toll was also accelerated by the fact that small Army hospitals could not accommodate so many wounded soldiers. The Civil War was filled with heroes on both sides of the battlefield. Names like U.S.Grant, General Sherman, and the acclaimed Southern General Robert E. Lee. All of these men fought bravely and made harrowing decisions on their own accord. But Lincoln is probably most often associated with his leadership of the country during this difficult period. He was a firm believer that slavery was wrong and he fought hard to stop it. In 1863, Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation which legally granted freedom to all slaves living in America. But in 1865, Lincoln?s life came to an abrupt ended while he was watching a play at Ford?s Theater in Washington D.C. His death was not an accident; he was assassinated by a man named John Wilkes Booth. Not long after Lincoln?s death, the North defeated the South and the Civil War was ended. The South was no longer thought of as another country, but part of America. And all of the slaves living and working in the South were freed and absorbed into society. 2. Mike — a Story of Personal Change Mike could hardly be described as your typical adolescent. He would casually acknowledge to his few friends that he liked to watch DVDs, although perhaps a more accurate description was that he was a DVD addict. Over the last six months, Mike had accumulated thousands of DVDs. When he was not at school, he had become accustomed to spending his time wandering the streets of the city, acquiring more and more films. Indeed, it became a joke that if asked for his address, he would give the address of the DVD shop adjacent to our school since he spent so much time there. Mike hated attending school. In his eyes, its only advantage was its location. During lessons, he adopted a rather cool demeanor towards most of his classmates and was often accused of being aloof. All he seemed concerned about was adding to his DVD collection. In truth, Mike had not adapted to life at the school very well. Perhaps he felt that he still needed adequate time to adjust to a new environment although no one could work out why he harbored such an acute feeling of self-pity.


我十天把考研单词背7遍的心得,附详细操作过程 十二天前我回复了一个帖子,受这个帖子启发,然后搜到了一篇《17天搞定GRE单词》(好像是叫这个名字吧),看完后我决心10天把考研单词全部背完https://www.doczj.com/doc/c71168036.html,/viewthread ... &page=1#pid32113049,而且不是背一遍,是按照背单词的那个循环大表循环着背,前期一些单词都背了7遍了。我做到了!筹划考研比较久了,但还没有考过,本人的基础是:前年单词翻到C放弃,去年单词看完一遍,现在也早就不记得了,掌握了一点基本的词根词缀知识,仅限于此。曾经的我也为单词苦恼过,但现在完成这10天的魔鬼式训练,感觉单词不过如此。谈谈我的方法和心得吧。 首先,这10天我是拿出每天10-12个小时不看别的书专门背单词,(在职的、忙于学业的、每天只能学习4、5个小时的朋友,可以相应延长这个时间到20天,而且我不相信一个考研的人每天4,5个小时都拿不出来,这样的话你最好别考了),偶尔的闲暇我还拿出时间来论坛水 水。 另外,大纲里DOG,DESK,APPLE等中学词汇起码有2000多个不用背。真正需要背的单词大概也就3000-3500(基础好的过了四级六级的,要背的远远少于这个数)。每天平均新单词400不到,耗时6小时。其他4-6小时全部是复习,按照艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线复习。要谨记:复习永远 比学新单词重要。

具体操作是: 第一步:读单词音----简单拼写一下(这个时候不要强迫自己记得每个单词的拼写)---读单词汉语意思----回忆复述一下----PASS,到下一个单词。不要追求拼写,不要追求用法,甚至很多词组都不要去管他, 先记单词再说。 整个过程耗时半分钟不到,个别意思多的要一分钟。因此,1个小时60 分钟能背掉100个单词 第二步:5-10分钟左右(根据自己记忆力)无论背到哪了,都重复前面那个5-10分钟的单词,操作如第一步。如果你10分钟背完之前的那个小段单词,那么复习的时间最多只要3-5分钟甚至更短。 第三步:1小时复习前面1小时背诵的,操作同上 第四步:“12小时后复习当天背诵的”,我一般是上午7点到下午2点完成当天新单词,14点--20点复习前面学习内容(至于复习哪些,大家搜一下艾宾浩斯单词记忆大表,应该都听说过吧),20点-23、24点复习当天内容(这个按照大表上也有规定的),我前面就说了,白天 背诵5,6个小时,复习最多3小时 我大概算了下,每天新单词加复习的旧单词加一起,大概有2000个。 这里补充一些朋友们长期的疑惑 1怎么一天背那么多单词?我一个小时只能背1页纸----------我的单词基础前面就说过了,并不比大家强,甚至比很多人弱。我能做到,你


displacement n. 移置 , 转移 , 取代 , 置换 , 位移 , 排水量dramatic adj. 戏剧性的 , 生动的 eventually adv. 最后 , 终 于 exhibit vt. 展出 , 陈列 n.展览品 , 陈列品 , 展品 v.展示exploitation n.开发 , 开采 , 剥削 , 自私的利用 , 宣传 , 广告 fluctuations n. 波动 , 起伏 highlighted adj. 突出的 implicit adj.暗示的 , 盲从的 , 含蓄的 , 固有的 , 不怀疑的, 绝对的 induced vt. 劝诱 , 促使 , 导致 , 引起 , 感应 inevitably adv. 不可避免 infrastructure n. 下部构造 , 基础下部组织 inspection n. 检查 , 视察 intensity n. 强烈 , 剧烈 , 强度 ,亮度 manipulation n. 处理 , 操作 , 操纵 offset n.抵销 , 弥补 , 分支 , vt.弥补 , 抵销 , 用平版印刷 vi.偏移 , 形成分支 paragraph n.(文章 )段 , 节 , 段落 plus prep.加上 adj.正的 , 加的 practitioners n. 从业者 , 开业者 predominantly adv.卓越的 , 支配的 , 主要的 , 突出的 , 有影响的 prospect n.景色 , 前景 , 前途 , 期望 vi. 寻找 , 勘探 radical adj. 根本的 , 基本的 , 激进的 n.激进分子 random n.随意 , 任意 adj.任意的 , 随便的 , 胡乱的adv.胡乱地 reinforce vt. 加强 , 增援 , 补充 , 增加 ...的数量 , 修补 , 加固n.加固物 restore vt.恢复 , 使回复 , 归还 , 交还 , 修复 , 重建 revision n. 修订 , 修改 , 修正 , 修订本 schedule n.时 间表 , 进度表 v.确定时间 tension n. 紧张 (状态 ), 不安 , 拉紧 , 压力 , 张力 , vt. 拉紧 , 使紧张 termination n. 终止 thereby adv.因此 , 从而 , 在那方面 , 在那附近 uniform adj. 统一的 , 相同的 , 一致的 ,;n.制服 vt.使成一 样 , 使穿制服 vehicle n. 交通工具 , 车辆 , 媒介物 , 传达手段 via prep.经 , 通过 , 经由 virtually adv. 事实上 , 实质上 widespread adj. 分布广泛的 , 普遍的 visual adj. 看的 , 视觉的 , 形象的 , 栩栩如生的accommodation n.住处 , 膳宿 , (车 , 船 , 飞机等的 )预定铺位 , (眼睛等的 )适应性调节 analogous adj.类似的 , 相似的 , 可比拟的 anticipate vt. 预期 , 期望 , 过早使用 , 先人一着 , 占先 v. 预订 , 预见 , 可以预料 assurance n.确信 , 断言 , 保证 , 担保attain vt. 达到 , 获得 v.达到 behalf n.为 , 利益 bulk n.大小 , 体积 , 大批 , 大多数 , 散装 vt.显得大 , 显得重 要 ceases v停.止 , 终了 ,n.停止 coherence n.一致 coincide vi. 一致 , 符合 commence v.开始,着手 concurrent n 同时发生的事件 adj.并发的,协作的,一致 的 confined adj. 被限制的,狭窄的,分娩 的 controversy n. 论战 ,争论 ,辩论 conversely adv.倒的 ,逆的 device n. 装置 ,设计 ,图案 ,策略 ,发明物 ,设备;【计】安 装设备驱动程序 devote v.投身于 ,献身于 diminish v.( 使 )减少 ,( 使)变小 distorted adj. 扭曲的 ,受到曲解 的 duration n. 持续时间 ,为期 erosion n. 腐蚀 ,浸蚀 ethical adj. 与伦理有关的 ,民族的 ,民族特有的 founded v.建立 ,创立 inherent adj.固有的 ,内在的 ,与生俱来的 insight n. 洞察力 ,见识 integral adj. 完整的 ,整体的 ,【数学】积分的 mature adj. 成熟的 ,到期的 ,充分考虑的 ,(票据等 )到期的 vt.使成熟vi. 成熟 ,到期 mediation n.仲裁 ,调解 ,调停 advocate n.提倡者 , 鼓吹者 vt.提倡 , 鼓吹 channel n.海峡 , 水道 , 沟 , 路线 vt.引导 , 开导 , 形成河道;信道 ,频道 classical adj.古典的 , 正统派的 , 古典文学的 comprehensive adj. 全面的 , 广泛的 , 能充分理解的 , 包容 的 comprise v.包含 , 由 ...组成 confirmed adj. 证实的 , 惯常的 , 慢性的 contrary adj.相反的 , 逆的 , decades n十.年 , 十 definite adj. 明确的 , 一定的 deny v.否认 , 拒绝 differentiation n. 区别 disposal n.处理 , 处置 , 布置 , 安排 , 配置 , 支配 empirical adj. 完全根据经验的 , 经验主义的 , 【化】实验式 equipment n.装备 , 设备 , 器材 , 装置 , 铁道车辆 , 才能extract n.精 , 汁 , 榨出物 , 摘录 , 选粹 vt.拔出 , 榨取 , 开方, 求根, 摘录, 析取, 吸取 foundation n.基础 , 根本 , 建立 , 创立 , 地基 , 基金 , 基金会


教学案例的写法 一、案例的结构要素 (1)背景 教学案例应该把背景交代清楚,即说明故事发生的环境和条件,以便案例的使用者更好地理解。如介绍一堂课,就有必要说明这堂课是在什么背景下进行的,是普通班还是实验班,是经过准备的“公开课”还是平时的“家常课”,等等。这样就能让读者既能设身处地思考案例中的问题,也能摆脱情境的束缚,去探讨更深层的问题。 (2)主题 案例应有一个主题,常常用一个醒目的标题来衬托。主题对于一个案例来说是不可缺少的,它通常应关系到课堂教学的核心理念、常见问题、困扰事件,例如:你是想说明怎样转变差生,还是强调怎样启发思维,或者是介绍如何组织小组讨论等等。写作时应该从最有收获、最有启发的角度切入,选择并确立主题。(3)细节 有了主题,写作时就不会有闻必录,而是要对原始材料进行筛选,突出重点,有针对性地向读者交代特定的内容。特别是要把关键性的细节写清楚。对于教学案例故事中真实事件的细节选取,常常要考虑这样几个要素: *选择充满内部矛盾、存在相互冲突、看似无法解决的事件。 *案例故事所选取的事件必须是以大量细致的研究为基础。 *案例故事必须倾向于对资料进行归纳分析,是能促进个人自省的。 (4)结果 一般来说,教案和教学设计只有课前的预案、设想而没有实施的结果,教学实录通常也只记录教学的过程而不介绍教学效果;而案例则不仅要说明教学的思路、描述教学的过程,还要交代教学的结果,即这种教学措施的即时效果,包括学生的反映和教师的感受等。读者知道了结果,将有助于加深对整个过程内涵的了解。 (5)评析 对于案例反映的主题和内容,包括教育教学的指导思想、过程、结果,对其利弊得失,作者要有一定的看法和分析。评析是在记叙基础上议论,可以进一步揭示事件的意义和价值。比如同样一个“后进生”转化事例,我们可以从教育学、心理学、社会学等不同的理论角度切入,揭示成功的原因和科学的规律。评析不一定是理论阐述,可以是就事论事、有感而发,引起人的共鸣,给人启发。 最实在,最适用的教学案例,应该是发生在自己身边的“一个个生动、真实的故事再加上发自内心的一些感悟”。 二、写好案例的关键 写文章要考虑方法,但有了完整的故事结构,并不等于有了好的案例。写好一个教学案例,有三个关键问题需要注意: (1)选择复杂的情境


胡敏读故事记单词第13篇 WORD plead vi.1.恳求,请求 2.申诉,答辩,辩护 vt.1.为……辩护 2.提出……为理由(或借口) plight n.困境,苦境 pluck vt.1.拔,摘,采 2.拔除……的毛 3.弹,拨,弹奏 vi.(at)拉,拽,拉扯 ?n.勇气,胆量,决心 plum n.李子,梅子 a.待遇好的 plumber n.管子工,水暖工 plume n.1.(升上空中的)一缕(烟、尘土等) 2.羽毛,羽饰 plump a.丰满的,胖乎乎的 vi.1.(down)扑通倒(或坐)下,蓦地摔下 2.(for)选定 vt.1.使扑通倒(或坐)下,蓦地摔下 2.(up)轻轻拍打使(枕头等)变得鼓起来 plunder vt.劫掠……的财物,掠夺 n.1.劫掠物,赃物 2.劫掠,抢夺pneumonia n.肺炎 poignant a.令人痛苦的,辛酸的,惨痛的 poise n.1.稳重,镇定 2.(优美)姿势,姿态 3.平衡,平稳 vt.使平衡,使平稳,平稳地拿 poke vt.1.戳,捅 2.用……戳(或捅),把……戳向 3.伸出,突出 vi.伸出,突出? n.戳,捅 poke about/around 搜索,探问 poke fun at 拿……开玩笑,取笑 poke one's nose into 探问,干预 polar a.1.地极的,近地极的 2.磁极的 3.正好相反的,截然对立的 polyester n.聚脂(纤维),涤纶

ponder v.思索,考虑,沉思 pony n.矮种马,小马 popcorn n.爆玉米花,炒苞米 pope n.[常the P_](天主教)教皇,罗马主教 porcelain n.瓷,瓷器 porch n.门廊 pore n.毛孔,细孔 vi.(over)仔细阅读,审视 The Lucky Plumber The plumber had always been lucky at games. But the day he went to the carnival with the polar bear it all came to a poignant end. It started when he was poking about looking for a game to play. He had already done the pony ride, eaten popcorn, and plucked a plum from a tall tree using a feather to won a porcelain doll of the Pope. But now he was pondering if he could win a guessing game to win the polyester jacket that the game host was wearing as he sat on his porch. When he decided to try the host began to poke fun at him that he would lose his poise and not be able to guess his weight. And he was right. The plumber was wrong with his guess. He pleaded for a second chance and even paid to guess again. When he guessed wrong again a plump woman with a bright orange plume on her hat stepped in to try as well. The plumberpoked her in the side and told her not to poke her nose into other peoples business. He was still playing and she wasn't going to plunder the prize that he thought was his! But the plumber just could not win the guessing game. When he finally acknowledged his plight, the pores on his skin were all worn out from sweating so much! I hear he was never the same again and that he died of the pneumonia he caught that night a few weeks later. Some people just

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