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第一课HOW TO BE HAPPY 如何获得幸福2-5

In the past two weeks we have looked at the happiness formula defined by positive psychologist Martin Seligman, where H(happiness)=S (your biological set point for feeling happy)+c(the conditions of your life)+V(the voluntary choices you make).This week we look at the conditions in life that can improve our happiness quotient.


STEP 1: Peace and quiet

Jonathon Haidt in his excellent book, The happiness Hypothesis, notes that research shows that we can never completely adapt to new or chronic noise pollution. Loud noises trigger one of our most primitive fear responses (the other is the fear of falling) and we can never fully relax if we are surrounded by intrusive noise. It is essential to have some peace and quiet every day. If you are unfortunate enough to live somewhere noisy, persist with complaining to your local council. Additionally, try wearing wax earplugs to have some respite. If you need your TV, radio or music up loud, wearing headphones demonstrates altruism to your neighbours, which will make you and them feel good.




STEP 2: Relationships

This is the most important of all the external conditions that can improve your happiness quotient. Often our deepest sources of unhappiness are found in poor relationships with others. A cruelly conflictual relationship with a partner or lover leaves us feeling betrayed and abandoned. A relationship with our parents or children which is not based on compassionate, unconditional regard creates isolation and misery. When faced with such relationships, the most positive thing we can do is to either mend the relationship by confronting what is going wrong or learn to move on.



Step 3:Share

If you have discovered conditions or choices in life that have significantly improved your wellbeing, remember to share them with friends; Passing on what words is essential to improve the wellbeing of our own and others.





1、What is the happiness formula according to the passage?


答:The formula refers to H(happiness)=S(your biological set point for feeling happy)+C(the conditions of your life)+V(the voluntary choices you make).

2、Why can we never completely adapt to new or chronic noise pollution?


答:Loud noises trigger one of our most primitive fear responses and we can never fully relax if we are surrounded by intrusive noise.

3、How could we make both ourselves and the neighbors feel good?


答:If you need your TV, radio or music up loud, wearing headphones demonstrates our kindness and consideration to our neighbors.

4、Where does the unhappiness come from? 痛苦和不幸来自于哪里?

答:Our unhappiness often comes from poor relationships with others.

5、What is the positive way to face with the cruelly conflictual relationship?


答:What you can do is to either mend the relationship by confronting what is going wrong or learn to move on.



Noisy neighbors are one of the major causes of domestic upset.



A colleague at work who bullies or dismisses us creates untold



We can never fully adapt to hostile relationships, which inevitably damage our wellbeing.



If this bad mood stays inside our mind, it will lead us to an unresolved destructive depression.


We should not avoid these problems but face them instead.


There are many benefits to being happy. Happy people tend to be healthier, live longer and earn more. They also tend to volunteer more, be better at


relationships and smile more of what psychologists call ―Duchenne‖ or genuine smiles. What is less well understood is why happiness is contagious.


According to James Fowler and Nicholas Christakis, authors of the international bestseller Connected, people surrounded by many happy friends, family members and neighbours who are central to their social network become significantly happier in the future. More specifically , they say we will become 25 per cent happier with our life if a friend who lives within a mile of us becomes significantly happier with his or her life.


Similar effects are seen in co-resident spouses (8 per cent happier); siblings who live within a mile of each other (14 per cent); and next-door neighbours (34 per cent). What this implies is that the magnitude of happiness spread seems to depend more on frequent social contact (due to physical proximity) than on deep social connections. Alas, for some reason this doesn‘t translate to the workplace.


So, why is happiness contagious? One reason may be that happy people share their good fortune with their friends and family (for example, by being pragmatically helpful or financially generous). Another reason could be that happy people tend to change their behaviour for the better by being nicer or less hostile to those close to them. Or it could just be that positive emotions are highly contagious.


第二课City Design 城市设计6-8

When I‘m being driven through a city from our hotel to a conference center,

I couldn‘t help but note the over whelming presence of cars and parking lots. The

word‘s cities are in trouble. In hundreds of cities, the life of daily life is deteriorating. Breathing the air in some cities is equivalent to smoking two packs of cigarettes per day. The number of hours commuters spend going nowhere sitting in traffic-congested streets and highways climbs higher each year, raising frustration levels.


In response to these conditions, we are seeing the emergency of a new urbanism. In just a few years, many cities banned the parking of cars on side walks, created or renovated more parks, introduced a highly successful bus-base


rapid transit system, built hundreds of kilometers of bicycle paths and pedestrian streets, reduced rush hour traffic, planted more trees and involved local citizens directly in the improvement of their neighborhoods. The quality of urban life in these cities has been greatly enhanced with the vision of a city designed for people.


Now government planners everywhere are experimenting, seeking ways to design cities for people not cars. Cars promise mobility. But in an urbanizing world there is an inherent conflict between the automobile and the city. After a point, as their numbers multiply, automobiles provide not mobility but immobility.


Based on this perspective, some cities in industrial and developing countries alike will dramatically increase urban mobility by moving away from the car. Let me remind you once more, cities are built for people, not for cars. A city full of cars is like what the horrifying sci-fi depicted-all mechanism and no human. In order to avoid this disaster, we‘d better start designing sustainable cities.




1、What means of transportation does the author take to the conference


(He takes) a bus .

2、According to the first paragraph what is happening in cities where there

are more cars?

Cars not only do harm to people s health but also cause heavy traffic jam.

3、What does the last sentence ―the vision of a city designed for people ―in

paragraph 2 mean?

Design cities for people not (for) cars.

4、Why is there an inherent conflict between the automobile and the city in

urban areas?

Because people depend largely on cars.

5、How would a city look like if cars were everywhere?

There would be all cars (mechanism) no human.




The demand for cars is soaring as growing numbers of citizens are pushed into distant suburbs.


The eco-city will combine elements of traditional design with the latest green technologies.


One thousand fuel-cell vehicles will be estimated to put to use by 2010 and increase to 10000 by 2012.


These days, there is hardly a local government that does not talk about plans for an eco-village, town or even city.


It is fairly necessary to search for ways to reduce the environmental impact of cities because around half of the world‘s population is now city-dwellers (is now living in cities).


Once at a supermarket, I read a thought-provoking sign at the check-out counter. It said the store was using only plastic bags. The supermarket claimed

that the energy and exhaust fumes expelled to produce and transport the same number of paper bags outweighed the fact that plastic wasn‘t biodegradable.

Paper bags take up more space and require more trucks for transport, so the store believed it was lessening its carbon footprint by using plastic. It got me thinking further. Why not ask for plastic and bring your used plastic bags each time you visit the grocery store? If you use them five or six times, or until they start falling apart, you have really done a good thing. You can also use them to line your small wastebaskets, instead of purchasing plastic trash bags.


第三课Population 人口9-11

A very important world problem is the increasing number of who actually

inhabit this planet. The limited amount of land and land resources will soon be unable to support the huge population if it continues to grow at its present rate.


So why is this huge increase in population taking place? It is really due to the spread of the knowledge and practice of what is becoming known as ―Death Control‖. You have no doubt heard of the term ―Birth Control‖,―Birth Control‖―Death Control‖ is something rather different. It recognizes the work of the doctors


and scientists who now keep alive people who, not very long ago, would have died of a variety of then incurable diseases. Through a wide variety of technological innovations that ―include‖farming methods and the control of deadly diseases, we have found ways to reduce the rate at which we die. However, this success is the very cause greatest threat to mankind.


If we examine the amount of land available for this ever-increasing population, we begin to see the problem. If everyone on the planet had an equal share of land, we would each have about 5000square meters. This figure seems to be quite encouraging until we examine the amount of usable land we actually have. More than three-fifths of the world‘s land cannot produce food.


Obviously, with so little land to support us, we should be taking great care not to reduce it further. But we are not! I nstead, we are consuming its ―capital‖-its nonrenewable fossil fuels and other mineral deposits that took millions of years to form but which are now being destroyed in decades. We are also doing the same with other vital resources not usually thought of as being nonrenewable, such as

fertile soils, groundwater and the millions of other species that share the earth with us.



1、What can be learnt about the population growth at present? 我们如何获


It continues to increase / grow at its present rate.

2、According to the article, what contributes to the population increase? 什


Death Control(死亡控制)。

3、What is the doctors job according to paragraph 2 ? 第2段落中医生的工


They keep people who suffer from incurable diseases alive.

4、Why isn‘t there enough land to support human beings ?为什么没有足够


Because the world‘s land has already been taken up / occupied by the ever-increasing population.

5、In paragraph 4 the fertile soils are considered as .





Asia takes up twenty –nine per cent of the world‘s land area.


The increasing population makes it necessary for the earth to produce more grain.


We should conduct a sampling investigation before we write the report.


I admit that due to lack of experience I have made mistakes of all kinds.


The development of modern industry and commodity economy in China has promoted occupational (mobility) and population mobility.


A report, based on United Nations projections showing slow, steady growth of economies and populations , suggests that by mid-century, humanity‘s demand on mature will be twice the biosphere‘s productive capacity. At this level of ecological deficit, exhaustion of ecological assets and large-scale ecosystem collapse will become real.


Moving towards sustainability depends on significant action now.

Population size changes slowly, and human-made capital=homes, cars, roads, factories, or power plants-can last for many decades. This implies that policy and investment decisions made today will continue to determine our resource demand throughout much of the 21 century.


第四课Earthquake 地震12-14

Earthquakes may be ranked as one of the most devastating force known to men; since records began to be written down, it has been estimated that earthquake-related fatalities have numbered in millions and that earthquake-related destruction has been beyond calculation. The greater part of such damage and loss of life has been due to collapse of buildings and effects of rock slides, floods, fire, disease and other phenomena resulting from earthquakes, rather than from the quakes themselves.



The great majority of all earthquakes occur in two specific geographic areas. One such area encompasses the Pacific Ocean and its contiguous land masses. The other extends from the East Indians to the Atlas Mountains, including the Himalayas, Iran, Turkey and the Alpine regions. They may happen anywhere at any time.


This element of the unknown has for centuries added greatly to the dread and horror surrounding earthquakes, but in recent times there have been indications that earthquake prediction may be possible. By analyzing changes in anima l behavior, patterns of movements in the earth‘s crust,variations in the force of gravity and the earth‘s magnetic field and the frequency with which minor earth tremors are observed, scientists have shown increasing success in anticipating when and where earthquakes will strike. As a result, worldwide earthquake warning net work is already in operation and has helped to prepare for the vast destruction that might otherwise have been totally unexpected.


It is doubtful that man will ever be able to control earthquakes and eliminate their destructiveness altogether, but as how and why earthquakes happen

become better understood, man will become more and more able to deal with their potential devastation before it occurs.



1、What are the causes of the great part of the damage and loss of life ? 地


Collapse of buildings and the effects of rock slides, floods, fire, disease and other phenomena from earthquakes.

2、Where are the two most active earthquake belts in the world?世界上两个


The area encompasses the Pacific Ocean and its contiguous land masses, East Indians to the Atlas Mountains.

3、What fact does ― element of the unknown ― in paragraph 3 refer to ?


It refers to the fact the earthquakes can happen anywhere at any time.

4、What four ways are used to anticipate earthquake activity ? 预料地震活


a) analyzing changes in animal behavior.

b) patterns of movements in the earth s crust.


c) variations in the force of gravity and the earth s magnetic field.

d) observation of the frequency of minor earth tremors.

5、What is the author s attitude toward the possibility of earthquake predictions ?

Earthquake prediction is becoming more and more possible.



Preparations for the meeting are proceeding smoothly.


As technological advancement solves old problems, it also creates new ones.


The 1976 earthquake in Tangshan was one of the greatest natural disasters in history.


In recent years, China, Japan and the U.S have made certain progress in forecasting when and where earthquakes will occur.


Earthquakes cause severe casualties and destroy constructions like buildings, dams and bridges.


Our weather surely is getting strange. There seem to be more tornadoes than in living memory, longer droughts, bigger downpours and record floods.

Unprecedented fires are burning in some areas. Scientists tell us that for every one degree increase in temperature, lightning strikes will go up another 10%. And it is lightning, after all. That is principally responsible for igniting the conflagration in some areas today .

天气的确越来越反常。在人们记忆中,龙卷风似乎更加频繁、旱灾持续更久、暴雨更大、洪灾也创下记录、在一些地区史无前例。科学家告知我们,气温每升高一度, 闪电数量就会增加10%。毕竟,在一些地区闪电至今仍然是引起特大火灾的主要原因。

第五课THE Aftermath of Bp gulf Oil spill(英国石油公司墨西哥弯原油泄漏)15-17

In the aftermath of the BP oil spill, President Obama voiced the concerns of countless scientists, environmentalists, and Gulf Coast residents when he declared, ―we‘re dealing with a massive and potentially unprecedented environmental disaster.‖ The sheer size of the oil spill-210000 gallons a day contaminating the Gulf of Mexico-has many people worried about the short and long-term environmental harm it is causing.




The oil spill could severely damage fragile ecosystems for years, possibly decades. Beaches fouled by oil spills are very difficult to clean up. To make matters worse, the spill threatens beaches just as shorebirds are nesting and sea turtles are coming ashore to lay their eggs.


Even worse is the effect the oil spill could have on sensitive salt marshes and mangrove coastlines. Which would be practically impossible to clean and that some fear might be permanently destroyed. These wetlands are considered the nurseries for the fishing and seafood industry and are a vital habitat and breeding ground for many species of wildlife. Because they cover much more land area than beaches, the risk of their exposure to damage is greatly increased.


Fully 98 percent of the fish and shellfish harvested in the Gulf of Mexico depend on estuaries, which are coastal waters where freshwater from rivers and streams mix with sea water. Estuaries are dependant on wetlands for their water quality and to provide a basis for aquatic food chains. Many species depend on wetlands for food, shelter and breeding.


The waters of the Gulf of Mexico are homes to hundreds of species of aquatic life .The longer the oil fouls the water, the more polluted the food chain becomes which could result in large fish kills and seafood too contaminated for consumption.



1、In the first sentence ― President Obama voiced the concerns of countless

scientists …‖ what does the word ―voice‖ mean ?

Voice here means ―to express an idea of ….‖

2、How long could the damage to the ecosystem last ?

The damage to the ecosystem could last decades.

3、How important are the wetlands to the wildlife ?

The wetlands are a vital habitat and breeding ground for many species of wildlife.

4、Why are estuaries dependent on wetlands ?

Estuaries are dependant on wetlands for their water quality and to provide

a basis for aquatic food chains.


5、How will the oil spill affect the seafood in the Gulf of Mexico ?

Many fish will die and the seafood will be too contaminated for consumption.



How to urgently deal with the oil spill at the Gulf of Mexico remains the biggest concern for BP.


This accident has many environmentalists concerned about the damage it does to the ecosystem.


Oil spills do not just pollute the ocean, to make things worse, they pose great threat to many species of aquatic life as well.


All baby animals are dependent on their mothers for food and protection.


Antarctica is the natural habitat for many species penguins.


An oil spill is the accidental petroleum release into the environment. On land, oil spills are usually localized and thus their impact can be eliminated relatively easily. In contrast, marine oil spills may result in oil pollution over large areas and present serious environmental hazards. The primary source of accidental oil input into seas is associated with oil transportation by tankers and pipelines (about 70%), whereas the contribution of offshore drilling and production activities is minimal (less than 1%). Large and catastrophic spills releasing more than 30,000 tons of oil are relatively rare events and their frequency in recent decades has decreased perceptibly. Yet, such episodes have the potential to cause the most serious ecological risk (primarily for sea birds and mammals) and result in long-term environmental disturbances (mainly in coastal zones) and economic impact on coastal activities (especially on fisheries and mariculture).


Public concern over marine oil spills has been clearly augmented since 1967. More recently, the highly publicized 1989 spill of the Exxon Valdez in Prince William Sound, Alaska caused unprecedented damage to the fragile Arctic system. Since then, impressive technical, political and legal experience in


managing the problem has been gained in many countries and at the international level, mainly through a number of Conventions by the International Maritime Organization(IMO).


第六课Green Computers(―绿色‖电脑) 18-20

Computer manufacturers, chipmakers and software companies are developing ―greener‖ products for environmentally conscious consumers. While some tech companies are developing more energy-efficient product lines, others are releasing software to make existing computers consume less. And electronics manufacturers are expanding ways to make new computers out of recycled materials, as well as encourage customers to recycle old machines. Consumers may pay a slight premium for some eco-friendly electronics, but many prices will be comparable with traditional offerings.


Several factors are pushing companies to be greener. Many want to stay ahead of environmental legislation and to garner favor with green investors. And

with energy prices high, they are trying to appeal to people who are looking for ways to chip away at expenses.


The computer industry has been working on improving energy consumption for years .The newer focus has been on toxins and recycling. For example, Lenovo Group https://www.doczj.com/doc/cd562291.html,e10%to 25%recycled plastics harvested from water bottles.

Last month, Intel Corp. introduced new chips that it says will speed up computing performance without sucking up additional power. The company also developed technology, called Remote Wake, to keep computers in a low-energy mode until users need them for retrieving files over the internet. Hewlett-Packard Co. has developed a new feature called Auto-on/Auto-off that puts inactive printers into a sleep mode and can quickly power back up once they are used again .This feature has been added to HP‘s personal desktop laser printers in 2009.Attention to manufacturing materials is a priority. HP introduced an ink-jet printer that is made of 83%recycled plastics.



Experts say that keeping your old computer out of the landfill is better for the environment than buying a new one.



1、Why are computers manufacturers considering developing greener products ?

Because they want to meet the requirements of environmentally conscious consumers.

2、Compared to the old computer, the price of the greener machine is .

A little / slightly / a little bit more expensive .

3、From the three examples, Lenovo. Intel and HP. we can know that .

(或With energy prices high, they are trying to appeal to people who are looking for ways to chip away at expenses).

4、What is the function of Auto-On / Auto-Off ?

It can put inactive printers into a sleep mode and can quickly power back up once used again.

5、What does the last sentence in the last paragraph mean ?

Don‘t throw your old computer away as trash in order to keep the environment clean.



Many governmental agencies have continued to implement standards and regulations that encourage green computing.


Green design means designing energy-efficient and environmentally sound components.


The company will carry out (embark on ) its company-wide cost-cutting plan this year.


Environmentalism, philanthropy and good employee relations have been important factors (tenets) during the growth of the company.



Green use means reducing the energy consumption of computers and other information systems as well as using them in an environmentally sound (harmless) manner.



Over the last few decades, with their fast development western civilizations have busily sown the seeds of their own destruction. Our modern way of life, with its reliance on technology, has unwittingly exposed us to an extraordinary danger: plasma balls spewed from the surface of the sun could wipe out our power grids, with catastrophic consequences. The projections of just how catastrophic make chilling reading. It is hard to conceive of the sun wiping out a large amount of our hand-earned progress. Nevertheless, it is possible. The surface of the sun is a roiling mass of plasma- charged high energy particles-some of which escape the surface and travel through space as the solar wind. From time to time, that wind carries‘s billion-ton glob of plasma .If one should hit the Earth‘s magnetic shield, the result could be truly devastating.


第七课Cell Phones 手机21-23

What would life look like without cell phones? Today‘s hottest selling mobile phones are now loaded with features such as MP3 music players, TV, music and wireless photo printing. Cell phones have changed so much in the past few years that with every new product launch comes another big dilemma for the cellular manufacturers. How do you create the next big hit? How does the manufacturer separate the hits from the gimmicks, while trying to decipher what cell phone users really want or need in the near future? Industry insiders say the most

popular phones will have advanced functions that are simple to customize for individual tastes.


Manufacturers believe that the success of the cell phone lies in the building and development of high-speed networks to deliver services like video, music and high speed Internet. While these networks are now in operation, the industry insiders are considering radical redesigns to phones, displays and services to ensure the new features are simple to use. Such developments, combined with software that allows users to customize their cell phone browser for services such as sports scores or news, could replace PDAs and other gadgets. Cellular companies are also vetting consumers will soon use phones for everything from watching TV to studying and writing school exams .Developers should now concentrate on designing exciting new looks for phones, since few things have more direct influence over a consumer‘s fick le buying behavior than the emotional response that the shape, color or look of a phone evokes.





1、What are the features of today‘s mobile phones?

They are loaded with (features such as ) MP3 music players ,TV, music and wireless photo printing.

2、What will manufactures face if they produce a new product ?

They will face a big dilemma.

3、What should the most popular phones have ?

The most popular phones should have advanced functions to customize for individual tastes.

4、What will people do with cell phones in the future ?

People will use phones for every thing from watching TV to studying and writing school exams.

5、Why does the writer mention ― the emotional response ― in the last sentence ?

Because he thinks that it affects customers‘ buying behavior.



Today almost everyone, men and women, old and young has a cell phone.


The new type of Internet connection could carry much data at a very high speed.



E-mail is starting to edge out the fax, the telephone, express mail, which shrinks distance between scientific collaborators.


Mobile phones have come a long way since their invention and have advanced by leaps and bounds in regard to technology.


The high speed of data transmission can help solve the problem of how to handle the enormous growth in the Internet.


A group of scientists looked for many health threats from mobile phones.

They found that radio waves may affect biological cells but this may not necessarily lead to any particular harm to the adult mobile user. This can‘t be said for small children though. Because their skulls and cells are still growing, it is easier for radio waves from mobile phone to enter their heads and their skin tends to absorb more radiation compared to adults.




The hands-free phone has many benefits including the decrease in strength of radio wave radiation due to the increase in distance of your head to the handset. Rather than holding your mobile phone against your ear, which increases your exposure to radio waves, you can now place it on your lap and still talk to someone with an ear-piece cable.


UNIT 8 第八课touch tech 触屏技术24-26

For mobile touch technology, it‘s only the beginning. Apple inc.‘s phone revolutionized the mobile phone with easy-to-use touch-screen technology that allows users to surf the Web, tap out messages or control any number of inventive applications.


Developers are working on new applications for ?multi-touch‖ screens. Theses screens can process commands the user gives with more than one finger, which broadens the possibilities for application. Other developers are working on advances in ?haptic‖ feedback-vibrations and other physical sensations that are now used, for instance, to let a gamer know she‘s reac hed a new level, but that can also be used to communicate emotions and may soon give a touch-screen

keyboard the feel of a physical keyboard. And for those who still prefer to work with keys on their phones, even some traditional keyboards will perform certain functions in response to touch commands.


Software developers set to work on multi-touch applications. Some, for instance, allow users to play virtual musical instruments on he phone. But multi-touch developers have largely focused on games.


Haptic technology already has many non-mobile applications. In videogames, for instance ,it can give gamers the sensation if actually steering a cr they‘re controlling on the screen, In medical training, it can make procedures like endoscopy performed on a simulator feel real, so that medical personnel can develop a better sense of how to perform them. The use of haptics in mobile phones is still in its infancy, but the wider deployment of haptic enabled phones will open the door to new applications.




For now, at least many mobile users prefer the accuracy of a physical keyboard rather than a touch screen, A new technology is being designed to allow the best of both worlds: a keyboard that can also respond to touch commands.



1、why do we say appl e‘s iphone is a revolution?

Because Apple is the first to develop a new technology called easy-to-touch-screen.

2、what is the advantage of multi-touch screen?

The screens can process commands the user gives with more than one finger.

3、what is the haptic feedback technology?

It is vibrations and physical sensations.

4、what do gamers feel if they use haptic technology in videogames?

The gamers fee that they have the actual senstion when they play games.

5、why do many people like a physical keyboard nowadays?

Because they like the accuracy of a physical keyboard.


The keyboard, being developed by he researchers, responds normally when a letter or number is pressed. But a user could scroll down a web page by running a finger lightly across the key board; pressing a little harder might be the command to scroll faster or zoom in on a page. The technology is expected to start being employed in mobile phones in 2010 or 2011.




This technology revolutionized mobile communication.

2、多触摸功能是其最大的卖点之一(eye-catching feature).

The multi-touch capability is among its most eye –catching features.


Dell inc. based in Texas, is a multinational company.


Manufactures often offer a free replacement service when users purchase

a new PC.



Many products for multi-touch interfaces have already existed and are being widely applied.

第九课fossil fuels and our life 化石燃料与我们的生活27-29

Oil and natural gas are an important part of our everyday life. Not only do they give us mobility, they heat and cool our homes and provide electricity. Millions of products are made from oil and gas, including plastics, life-saving medications, clothing, cosmetics, and many other items you may use daily.


In the United States, 97% of the energy that drives the transportation sector(cars, buses, subways, railroads, airplanes, etc)comes from fuels made from oil. Auto manufacturers are developing cars to run on alternate fuels such as electricity could be oil or gas. The hydrogen needed for fuel cells could also be generated from natural gas or petroleum-based products. Even as alternative fuels are developed, oil will be crucially important to assuring that people can get where they need to be and want to go for the foreseeable future.


In areas of the world that are still developing, businesses and individuals are demanding greater mobility for themselves and their products. World vehicle ownership is projected to increase from 122 vehicles per thousand people in 1999 to 144 vehicles per thousand in 2020, with the growth occurring in developing nations. Airports are being added in these countries as well, expanding jet fuel demand. Oil is expected to remain the primary fuel source for transportation throughout the world for the foreseeable future, and transportation fuels are projected to account for almost 57%of total world oil consumption by 2020.


World population is currently around 6 billion people, but is expected to grow to approximately 7.6 billion by 2020.That will mean a huge increase in the demand for transportation fuels, electricity, and many other consumer products made from oil and natural gas.



1、According to the text, how important is oil to our life?


Oil and gas give us mobility, they heat and cool our homes and provide electricity. They can also be made into many products that we use every day .

2 、What is a disadvantage of electric batteries used in automobiles?

They must be charged and the fuel to generate the electricity could be oil or gas.

3、Can alternate energy completely replace oil and gas in the foreseeable future? Why?

No, it can‘t. Oil and gas will still be crucially important to assuring that people can get where they need to be and want to go for the foreseeable future.

4、Where in the world can we see the big increase in car ownership?

In the developing world.

5、What will the increase of world population indicate?

That will mean a huge increase in the demand for transportation fuels, electricity, and many other consumer products made from oil and natural gas.



Not only do the majority of the alternative energies give us clean air, they are renewable as well.


Many of the products we use daily are made from petroleum.



Though many countries are researching and developing and are applying different alternative energy, fossil fuels will remain crucially important for a long time in the future.


It is estimated(projected) that the car ownership in Beijing will exceed 200 per thousand people.


World population will continue to grow in the next few decades. This will mean an increasing in the demand for energy.


Energy is available in many forms. Some are renewable such as gravity, which can be converted to hydroelectricity. Another renewable, such as solar energy, can be used directly to heat water and swellings or be converted into electricity by photovoltaic methods(direct conversion) or by the production of steam using a system of mirrors. Solar energy can also be employed indirectly through the force of he wind and waves (an example is the tidal-power station on the Rance in France or by utilizing the difference in temperature between the surface and bottom of the ocea ns or between any two points on the Earth‘s crust.

The latter is known as geothermal energy.




Other forms of energy are nonrenewable. These include fossil fuels such as coal, oil, oil sands, oil shale and natural gas. These fuels can in fact be considered to the product of the work of solar energy during millions of years and represent a king of stored solar energy.


第十课Carbon emissions 碳排放30-32

The task-in which carbon emissions are pumped into underground reservoir rather than released –is challenging for any fuel source, but particularly so for coal, which produces more carbon dioxide than oil or natural gas.


Under optimal current conditions, coal produces more than twice as much carbon dioxide per unit of electricity as natural gas the second most common fuel used for electricity generation. In the developing world, where ever new coal plants use lower grade coal and less efficient machinery, the equation is ever worse.


Without carbon capture and storage, coal cannot be green. But solving that problem will take global coordination and billions of dollars in investment, which no one country or company seems inclined to spend.


There are a few dozen small demonstration projects in Europe and in the united states, most in the early stages .But progress has not been promising.


The European union had pledged to develop 12 pilot carbon-capture projects for Europe .Many have likened carbon capture‘s road from the demonstration lab to a safe, cheap, available reality as a challenge equivalent to putting a man on the moon. Norway, which is investing heavily to test the technology, calls carbon capture its ?moon landing‘.


Then there is the problem of storing the carbon dioxide, which is at some level an inherently local issue. Geologists have to determine if there is a suitable



2020年职称英语考试真题及答案(综合类C级) US Signs Global Tobacco Treaty 1 The United States has taken the first step toward approving a global tobacco treaty that promises to help control the deadly effects of tobacco use throughout the world. Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson signed the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) this week at the United Nations. (46) 2 The FCTC was developed by the World Health Organization and approved by members of the World Health Assembly,including the United States,last year. (47) 3 For instance, cigarettes sold in those countries would have to have health warnings on at least 30% of the front and back of every pack. (48)It also requires bans on tobacco advertising, though there are some exceptions for countries like the United States, where the Constitution prohibits such an outright ban. 4 (49) The World Health Organization estimates that tobacco use kills nearly 5 million people worldwide every year. In the US alone, about 440,000 people die each year from tobacco-related illnesses; about one-third of all cancers in the US are caused by tobacco use. If current trends continue, WHO estimates, by 2025 tobacco will kill 10 million people each year. 5 The treaty must be ratified by at least 40 countries before it can take effect. (50)


试卷一 I. Vocabulary Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. 1. It is possible to predict how much energy and water a building will consume, how much _______ will be needed. A. matter B. things C. material D. substance 2. They found that the positive thinkers sold 37 percent more insurance than did the_______ thinkers. A. negative B. positive C. active D. passive 3. In labs around the world, bad bugs are undergoing the ultimate rehabilitation, being _______ from life-threatening viruses and bacteria into lifesaving therapeutic agents. A. translated B. transported C. transformed D. transmitted 4. The fresh air is sometimes humid from the _______rainfall of this area. A. numerous B. abundant C. plenty D. substantive 5. We know that many animals _______ the deep seas at pressures of 15,000 pounds per square inch. A. live on B. live in C. live through D. live up to 6. Speakers and writers of the Germanic languages _______for a great deal of the world's output in everything from economics to literature to military to science and technology. A. account B. allow C. apply D. arrange 7. _______of the great state of Illinois, let me express my deepest gratitude for the privilege of addressing this convention. A. On account B. In honor C. In place D. On behalf 8. The companies that are finding ways to hang on to their older workers _______ from an intangible commodity: wisdom. A. obtain B. earn C. develop D. benefit 9. I raced to_______ Jill. A. keep on B. keep up with C. come up with D. come up to 10. Managers need to monitor inflation trends so they can make good _______. A. decisive B. decisions C. decide D. decided 11. Fluency can be _______ defined as "being able to communicate ideas without having to stop and think too much about what one is saying." A. simple B. simply C. similar D. simplify 12. The number of vehicles has been steadily increasing. _______, more than 100 cities in the United States still have levels of carbon monoxide that exceed legally established limits. A. Continuously B. Consequently C. Constantly D. Consistently 13. A(An) _______ is better than the text and may make the point clear. A. interpretation B. representation C. illustration D. draw 14. Some of the world's best mountain _______ is available within the 500-kilometer long chain of the Southern Alps. A. scene B. scenery C. scarce D. scare 15. After a through research, the police __ most of the missing jewels. A. retreated B. refreshed C. recovered D. reminded 16. A gold-rated building is estimated to have reduced its environmental impact by 50% compared with a(an) __ conventional building. A. equivalent B. alike C. uniform D. likely 17. When pessimists __ in their first attempt, they usually say, "I can't do this." A. feel B. fail C. defeat D. lost 18. Six years __ before she got another note from Teddy. A. went into B. went around C. went by D. went on 19. The company owns a large number of _______ stores. A. export B. bargain C. retail D. trade 20. The cost of self-education has fallen with the multitude of sources of knowledge and information _______ on CD-ROMs and the Internet. A. preferable B. ready C. available D. considerable II. Grammatical Structure Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. 21. Put things back _______ you found them.


四川理工学院课程设计 对中国石油化工集团公司 ——财务报表分析 学生:杨永生 专业:应用统计学 班级:一班 指导教师:古力 四川理工学院理学院 二O一六年六月

摘要: 财务报表能够全面反映企业的财务状况,经营成果和现金流量,通过进行财务分析可以了解企业的经营管理现状和存在的问题,以便采取有效的竞争策略。本文以财务理论知识为依据,通过对中国石化的2013-2015年度的企业财务报表相关数据分析,指出企业在经营中存在的问题,提出解决方案,将财务报表数据转换为有用的信息,帮助报表使用人改善决策。 关键词:财务报表分析;问题;建议 ABSTRACT Financial statements to reflect comprehensively the financial position of an enterprise, operating results and cash flow, through financial analysis can understand the operation and management of enterprises the status quo and existing problems, in order to take effective competitive strategy. In this paper, based on the financial theory knowledge, through the 2013-2015 of China's petrochemical enterprises financial statements related to data analysis, points out the problems existing in the management of enterprises, put forward the solution, the financial statements data into useful information, help to improve decision making the report user. Key words:Financial statement analysis;Problem;advice 目录


财务分析 题目中国石化2010年财务报表分析 姓名李明法 学号 所在系部商学院 所在班级 10级电子商务班 指导教师 日期2010年12月25日

一、中国石化简介 中国石油化工集团公司(英文缩写Sinopec Group)是1998年7月国家在原中国石油化工总公司基础上重组成立的特大型石油石化企业集团,是国家独资设立的国有公司、国家授权投资的机构和国家控股公司。中国石化集团公司注册资本1306亿元,总经理为法定代表人,总部设在北京。 中国石化集团公司对其全资企业、控股企业、参股企业的有关国有资产行使资产受益、重大决策和选择管理者等出资人的权力,对国有资产依法进行经营、管理和监督,并相应承担保值增值责任。中国石化集团公司控股的中国石油化工股份有限公司先后于2000年10月和2001年8月在境外境内发行H股和A股,并分别在香港、纽约、伦敦和上海上市。目前,中国石化股份公司总股本867亿股,中国石化集团公司持股占%,外资股占%,境内公众股占%。 中国石化集团公司主营业务范围包括:实业投资及投资管理;石油、天然气的勘探、开采、储运(含管道运输)、销售和综合利用;石油炼制;汽油、煤油、柴油的批发;石油化工及其他化工产品的生产、销售、储存、运输;石油石化工程的勘探设计、施工、建筑安装;石油石化设备检修维修;机电设备制造;技术及信息、替代能源产品的研究、开发、应用、咨询服务;自营和代理各类商品和技术的进出口(国家限定公司经营或禁止进出口的商品和技术除外)。 中国石化集团公司的竞争实力主要体现为:在中国成品油生产和销售中的主导地位;中国最大的石化产品生产商;在中国经济增长最快的区域拥有战略性的市场地位;拥有完善、高效、低成本的营销网络;一体化的业务结构拥有较强的抗行业周期波动的能力;品牌着名,信誉优良。 中国石化集团公司在《财富》2010年度全球500强企业中排名第7位。


宁波大学科学技术学院考核答题纸 财 务 报 告 分 析 中石化2010财务报表分析 一、资产负债表的分析 1资产负债表

(一)资产负债表总体状况的初步分析 根据上述表格,从存量规模及变动情况看,中国石化集团2010年的货币资金比2009年增长了8122000000元,增长了81.07%,变动幅度较大,营业收入也增幅比较大,达到了42.24%,说明货币资金的增长是通过营业收入获得的,说明企业营运能力增强。从比重及变动情况看,中石化2010年的期末货币资金比重为1.84%,期初比重为1.13%,比重上升了0.71%,按一般标准判断,其实际比重并不高,结合公司货币资金的需求来看,其比重比较合理。 根据上述表格可以看出,中石化2010年的应收账款43093000000元,比2009年增加了16501000000元,增加了62.05%。其变动的主要原因是因为该公司经营规模的扩大及原油等商品价格比上年末上升。 根据上述表格可以看出,中石化2010年其他应收款为9880000000元,比2009年增加了5375000000,上升了119.31%,上升幅度比较高。 (二)资产负债表各主要项目的分析

1.对存货的质量分析 存货是企业最重要的流动资产之一,其核算的准确性对资产负债表和利润表有较大的影响,因此要特别重视对存货的分析。按存货总值来计算,2010年存货资产为156546000000元,比2009年增加了14819000000元,增长率为10.46%,表明存货资产实物量绝对的增加。其变动原因是经营规模扩大及原油价格比上年末上升。存货资产结构指各种存货资产在存货总额中的比重,各种存货资产在企业再生产过程中的作业是不同的。其中产品存货是存在于流通领域的存货,它不是保证企业再生产过程不间断进行的必要条件,必须压缩到最低水平。材料存货是维持再生产活动的物质基础,然而它只是生产的潜在因素,所以应把它限制在能够保证再生产正常进行的最低水平上。在产品存货是保证生产过程连续性的存货,企业的生产规模和生产周期决定了在产品存货的存量,在企业正常经营条件下,在产品存货应保持一个相对稳定的比例。存货资产的变动,不仅对流动资产的资金占用产生极大的影响,而且对经营活动也有较大影响。 2.对固定资产质量分析 固定资产是企业最重要的手段,对企业的盈利能力有重大的影响。主要从固定资产规模与变动情况分析、固定资产结构与变动情况分析、固定资产折旧分析和固定资产减值准备分析四方面展开分析。 在处理固定资产折旧时需注意,变更固定资产折旧政策是最常见的利润操作手法。因为,固定资产价值比较大,影响因素多,容易找到变更理由,操作弹性较大,准确性估计难;固定资产清理以及待处理固定资产净损失,可以认定为企业的不良固定资产;固定资产的累计折旧并不代表企业固定资产的实际变质程度,更不能反映企业固定资产的使用效能。根据上表可以看出,中石化2010年的固定资产为540700000000元,比2009年增加了55885000000元,增加了11.53%。说明了企业的固定资产不是很稳定。 3.对短期债权质量分析 (1)关于短期借款。短期借款数量的多少,往往取决于企业生产经营和业务活动对流动资金的需要量、现有流动资产的沉淀和短缺情况等。根据上述表格可以看出,中石化2010年的短期借款为29298000000元,比2009年减少了5602000000元,减少了16.05%,下降幅度不算大。集团通过对借款等负债加强



目录 一、绪论 (2) 1.1研究目的 (2) 1.2研究意义 (2) 1.3分析方向 (2) 1.4分析方法 (2) 二、中国石化公司概况 (2) 2.1公司背景 (2) 2.2经营业绩回顾 (3) 2.3市场环境回顾 (3) 三、中国石化SWOT分析 (4) 3.1 “S”(优势)分析 (5) 3.2 “W”(弱势)分析 (6) 3.3 “O”(机会)分析 (7) 3.4 “T”(威胁)分析 (7) 3.5 SWOT分析结论 (8) 四、中石化综合财务报表分析 (8) 4.1 报表综合分析 (8) 4.2 偿债能力分析 (8) 4.3 营运能力分析 (16) 4.4 经营盈利能力分析 (20) 4.5 资产盈利能力分析 (21) 4.6 资本盈利能力分析 (21) 五、总结与建议 (23)

一、绪论 1.1研究目的 一是通过分析资产负债表,可以了解中石化公司的财务状况,对公司的偿债能力、资本结构是否合理、流动资金充足性等作出判断。 二是通过分析损益表,可以了解分析中石化公司的盈利能力、盈利状况、经营效率,对公司在行业中的竞争地位、持续发展能力作出判断。 三是通过分析现金流量表,可以了解和评价中石化公司获取现金和现金等价物的能力,并据以预测公司未来现金流量。 1.2研究意义 财务分析是对企业过去及现在的经营状况、财务状况以及风险状况进行的分析活动,它是企业生产经营管理活动的重要组成内容。通过对财务状况进行深入的分析,可以发现企业经营管理中存在的问题,并能为企业的经营决策提供依据。本文以中国石化为研究对象,以其2011——2013年的财务报表为基础,对中国石化的经营现状及其财务状况作深层分析(包括经营状况分析,以及偿债能力、营运能力、经营盈利能力、资产盈利能力)并在此基础上对其经营业绩做出评价。本文主要运用比较分析法、趋势分析法、比率分析法以及杜邦分析法等基本财务分析方法,详细分析了中国石化的财务状况,透视其存在的主要问题,并对此提出有益的建议,希望能对中国石化的进一步发展提供一点有价值的参考。 1.3分析方向 SWOT分析,偿债能力、营运能力、盈利能力 1.4分析方法 比较分析法、趋势分析法、比率分析法 二、中国石化公司概况 2.1公司背景 中国石油化工集团公司(简称"中国石化"或"中石化",英文缩写Sinopec Group)是1998年7月国家在原中国石油化工总公司基础上重组成立的特大型石油石化企业集团,是国家独资设立的国有公司、国家授权投资的机构和国家控股公司。中国石化集团公司注册资本1820亿元,总经理为法定代表人,总部设在北京。2007年底,中国石化股份公司总股本867亿股,中国石化集团公司持股占75.84%,外资股占19.35%,境内公众股占4.81%。2010年中石化净利707亿。2014年1月21日,中石化获《中国企业社会责任报告白皮书(2013)》


英语分级测试 第一篇How to be Happy 如何获得幸福 (2) 第二篇City Design 城市设计 (4) 第三篇Population 人口 (6) 第四篇Earthquake 地震 (7) 第五篇The Aftermath of BP Fulf Oil Spill----英国石油公司墨西哥湾原油泄漏 (9) 第六篇Green Computers“绿色’’电脑 (11) 第七篇Cell Phones手机 (12) 第八篇Touch Tech触屏技术 (13) 第九篇Fossil Fuels and Our Life化石燃料与我们的生活 (15) 第十篇Carbon Emissions碳排放 (16) 第十一篇Marine Pollution海洋污染 (17) 第十二篇China's Growth and the Clean Energy Tech中国的经济增长与清洁能源技术 (18) 第十三篇Market Economy市场经济 (19) 第十四篇CPI消费者物价指数 (20) 第十五篇The Internet互联网 (21) 十六篇Apple Expands its Touchy-Feely Vision苹果公司用iPad延续梦想 (22) 十七篇3G Technology技术 (23) 十八篇Carbon Capture and Storage碳捕获和储存 (24) 十九篇GlobaIWarming全球变暖 (25) 二十篇Alternate Energies替代能源 (26) 二十一篇Biofuels生物燃料 (27) 二十二篇Coal Chemicallndustry煤化学工业 (28) 二十三篇Resource Curse资源诅咒 (30) 二十四篇Company Management公司管理 (31) 二十五篇Recruitment Drives Take Talent from Wide Pool人才库 (32) 二十六篇Tips for Job Seekers找工作的秘诀 (33) 二十七篇Chinese Oil Market中国石油市场 (34) 二十八篇0il Trade石油贸易 (35) 二十九篇How I Lost My Head in the Volcanic Ash Cloud令人发疯的火山灰 (36) 三十篇Project Management项目管理 (37)


2019年中国石化公司财务分析总结性研究 报告

目录 目录 (1) 前言 (1)

前言 中国石化公司2019年营业收入为296,619,300万元,与2018年的289,117,900万元相比有较大幅度增长,增长了2.59%。2019年净利润为7,212,200万元,与2018年的8,028,900万元相比有较大幅度下降,下降了10.17%。 公司2019年营业成本为248,885,200万元,与2018年的240,101,200万元相比有较大幅度增长,增长了3.66%。2019年销售费用为6,351,600万元,与2018年的5,939,600万元相比大幅增长,增长了6.94%。2019年管理费用为6,211,200万元,与2018年的7,339,000万元相比大幅下降,下降了15.37%。2019年财务费用为996,700万元,与2018年的负100,100万元相比成倍增长,增长了10.96倍。 公司2019年总资产为175,507,100万元,与2018年的159,230,800万元相比有较大幅度增长,增长了10.22%。2019年流动资产为44,585,600万元,与2018年的50,412,000万元相比有较大幅度下降,下降了11.56%。 公司2019年负债总额为87,816,600万元,与2018年的73,464,900万元相比大幅增长,增长了19.54%。2019年所有者权益为87,690,500万元,与2018年的85,765,900万元相比有较大幅度增长,增长了2.24%。 公司2019年流动比率为0.7736,与2018年的0.8921相比有较大幅度下降,下降了0.1185。2019年速动比率为0.4397,与2018年的0.5655相比有较大幅度下降,下降了0.1258。当期速动比率有较大下降,已经低于行业低线,公司偿债


高化公司2009年初级任职资格外语考试试卷 英语 (120分钟内完成) 单位:姓名: 一、阅读理解(每题3分,共30分) 短文1(15分) A breakthrouth in the provision of energy from the sun for the European Economic Community (EEC) could be brought forward by up to two decades,if a modest increase could be provided in the EEC’s research effort in this field,according to the senior EEC scientists engaged in experiments in solar energy at EEC’s scientific laboratories at Ispra,near Milan. The senior West German scientist in charge of the Community’s solar energy program,Mr.Joachim Gretz,told journalists that at present levels of research spending,it was most unlikely that solar energy would provide as much as three per cent of the Community’s energy requirements even after the year2,000. But he said that with a modest increase in the present sums,devoted by the EEC to this work it was impossible that the breakthrough could be achieved by the end of the next decade. Mr.Gretz calculates that if solar energy only provided three per cent of the EEC’s need,this could still produce a saving of about a billion pounds in the present bill for imported energy each year.And he believes that with the possibility of utilizing more advanced technology in this field it might be


[专题]中国石化财务报表分析 中国石油化工集团 财 务 报 表 分 析 班级,会计A1025班 组长,肖清 ,16号, 郑云辉,18号, 组员,文彬彬,17号, 张杏,19号, 桂茜 ,20号, 谢家琦,21号, 一、公司简介 中国石油化工集团公司是1998年7月国家在原中国石油化工总公司基础上重组成立的特大型石油石化企业集团,是国家独资设立的国有公司、国家授权投资的机构和国家控股公司。公司对其全资企业、控股企业、参股企业的有关国有资产行使资产受益、重大决策和选择管理者等出资人的权力,对国有资产依法进行经营、管理和监督,并相应承担保值增值责任。公司控股的中国石油化工股份有限公司先后于 2000 年10 月和 2001 年 8 月在境外、境内发行 H 股和 A 股,并分别在香港、纽约、伦敦和上海上市。 公司主营业务范围包括:实业投资及投资管理;石油、天然气的勘探、开采、储运(含管道运输)、销售和综合利用;煤炭生产、销售、储存、运输;石油炼制;成品油储存、运输、批发和零售;石油化工、天然气化工、煤化工及其他化工产品的生

产、销售、储存、运输;新能源、地热等能源产品的生产、销售、储存、运输;石油石化工程的勘探、设计、咨询、施工、安装;石油石化设备检修维修;机电设备研发、制造与销售;电力、蒸汽、水务和工业气体的生产销售;技术、电子商务及信息、替代能源产品的研究、开发、应用、咨询服务;自营和代理有关商品和技术的进出口;对外工程承包、招标采购、劳务输出;国际化仓储与物流业务等。 二、财务指标分析 (一)偿债能力分析 1(短期偿债能力分析 (1)流动比率流动比率=流动资产/流动负债 2010年 2011年 2012年流动资产合计 249,450,000,000.00 327,588,000,000.00 344,751,000,000.00 流动负债合计 325,627,000,000.00 429,073,000,000.00 493,109,000,000.00 流动比率 0.77 0.76 0.7 流动比率是用来衡量企业流动资产在短期债务到期以前,可以变为现金用于偿还负债的能力。一般情况下,该指标越大,表示短期偿还能力越强,债权人的权益越有保证;指标不能过低也不能过高,国际上通常认为最合理的指标应维持在200%较为合适,它表明企业财务状况稳定可靠。从以上计算结果表明,中国石化 10 年流动比率为 77%,11 年的流动比率为 76%, 12 年的流动比率为 70%就近三年的数据来看,中国石化对债务偿还能力还有待加强提高。 (2)速动比率速动比率=速动资产/流动负债 2010年 2011年 2012年流动资产249,450,000,000.00 327,588,000,000.00 344,751,000,000.00 合计 存货 156,546,000,000.00 203,417,000,000.00 218,262,000,000.00 速动资产92,904,000,000.00 124,171,000,000.00 126,489,000,000.00 合计


中国石化2008-2010年综合财务分析与诊断 公司财务分析与诊断 学号:###### 姓名:#### 日期:2011年1月2日

中国石化2008-2010年综合财务分析与诊断 中国石化年综合分析与诊断 中国石油化工股份有限公司(以下简称“中国石化”)是一家上中下游一体化、石油石化主业突出、拥有比较完备销售网络、境内外上市的股份制企业。中国石化是中国最大的一体化能源化工公司之一,主要从事石油与天然气勘探开发、开采、管道运输、销售;石油炼制、石油化工、化纤、化肥及其它化工生产与产品销售、储运;石油、天然气、石油产品、石油化工及其它化工产品和其它商品、技术的进出口、代理进出口业务;技术、信息的研究、开发、应用。中国石化是中国最大的石油产品(包括汽油、柴油、航空煤油等)和主要石化产品(包括合成树脂、合成纤维单体及聚合物、合成纤维、合成橡胶、化肥和中间石化产品)生产商和供应商,也是中国第二大原油生产商。中国石化自IPO以来在公司治理、投资者关系方面得到了境内外资本市场的认同,曾经数次荣获由权威机构评出的中国十佳上市公司、中国最佳公司治理公司、最有投资价值上市公司、最佳投资者关系奖等荣誉称号。 2009年,我国石化产业的格局未发生大的变化,重心仍在东部沿海一带,但部分产业正由东部向中西部地区转移。山东、江苏、广东和辽宁四省的行业产值合计已达全行业总产值的46.2%;内蒙、江西、四川和湖北等中西部省区的增速已位于全国前列。2009年全年石化行业工业增加值占全国工业增加值的12.00%,全行业规模以上企业3.46万家,实现总产值6.63万亿元,销售产值6.35万亿元;全行业固定资产投资1.01万亿元,比2008年增长12.9%;全行业进出口贸易总额3270.70亿美元。 受益成品油价格改革, 公司09年净利润大幅提升,实现营业收入1.35万亿元,归属母公司股东的净利润612.9亿元,同比增长115.5%。每股收益0.707元,每股派发红利0.11元。而中石油业绩出现连续两年下滑,全年盈利1033.87亿元,同比下跌89.7%。中海油,净利也出现了33.6%的跌幅。国际三大石油巨头埃克森美孚、壳牌以及BP 2009年的业绩均出现大幅倒退,分别下滑了57%、52%、21.6%。 2010年,全国石油和化工行业产值和主要石化产品产量继续大幅增长;对外贸易增速明显加快;石油和化工市场总体平稳,产销基本顺畅,价格保持稳中上扬态势。中国石化经营收入达1.9万亿元,同比增长40.7%,归属母公司股东的净利润752亿元,同比增长22.7%。增长的背后到底是什么隐藏着什么奥秘? “十二五”时期是保持我国经济平稳增长、实现石油和化学工业由大到强的关键时期。面对国际宏观经济形势复杂多变,中国石化良好的业绩能否持续增长?


UNIT 1 How to be Happy如何获得幸福 In the past two weeks we have looked at the happiness formula defined by positive psychologist Martin Seligman, where H (happiness) = S (your biological set point for feeling happy) + C (the conditions of your life) + V (the voluntary choices you make). This week we look at the conditions in life that can improve our happiness quotient. 过去两周我们研究了一项幸福公式,这是由乐观心理学家马丁·塞利格曼定义的。在这个公式中,H(幸福)=S(个人生理幸福感受的固定指数)+C(个人生活状态)+V(个人主观选择)。本周我们将着眼于能提升幸福指数的生活状态。 Step 1: Peace and quiet Jonathon Haidt in his excellent book, The Happiness Hypothesis, notes that research shows that we can never completely adapt to new or chronic noise pollution. Loud noises trigger one of our most primitive fear responses (the other is the fear of falling) and we can never fully relax if we are surrounded by intrusive noise. It is essential to have some peace and quiet every day. If you are unfortunate enough to live somewhere noisy, persist with complaining to your local council. Additionally, try wearing wax earplugs to have some respite. If you need your TV, radio or music up loud, wearing headphones demonstrates altruism to your neighbours, which will make you and them feel good. 第一步:平和宁静乔纳森·海迪在他的优秀著作《幸福假说》当中提到,研究调查显示,我们不可能完全适应噪音污染,无论是新近的还是长期的。巨大噪声会引发我们面对恐惧的某种本能反应(另一种是对于坠落的恐惧),如果周遭噪音喧闹,我们不可能完全放松。每日保持平和与宁静事关重要。如果你不幸生活在比较嘈杂的环境中,请一定要坚持去居委会投诉。另外,尝试使用耳塞,可能会缓解噪声。如果你需要用大音量看电视、听收音机或放音乐的话,记得戴上耳机,别影响邻里,这样可以使双方都感到舒适。 Step 2: Relationships This is the most important of all the external conditions that can improve your happiness quotient. Often our deepest sources of unhappiness are found in poor relationships with others. A cruelly conflictual relationship with a partner or lover leaves us feeling betrayed and abandoned. A relationship with our parents or children which is not based on compassionate, unconditional regard creates isolation and misery. When faced with such relationships, the most positive thing we can do is to either mend the relationship by confronting what is going wrong or learn to move on. 第二步:人际关系这是增加幸福指数的一条至关重要的外部条件。我们感到不快乐的最深层原因,往往就是人际关系欠佳。与搭档或者爱人的关系陷入激烈的冲突中,会让我们产生遭到背叛和遗弃的感觉。父母和孩子之间如果缺乏同情心和无私关怀,会产生隔阂与痛苦。当我们面临这类问题时,最好的办法就是直面难题,修复关系,或者学着继续前行。 Step 3: Share If you have discovered conditions or choices in life that have significantly improved your wellbeing, remember to share them with friends. Passing on what works is essential to improve the wellbeing of our own and others. 第三步:分享如果你发觉生活状态或者做的某项决定对幸福生活有重大帮助的话,记得与你的朋友们分享。将有用的发现与更多人分享,这对增进自己的幸福和他人的幸福都有积极作用。 1.What's the happiness formula according to the passage?(The formula refers to H (happiness) = S (your biological set point for feeling happy) + C (the conditions of your life) + V (the voluntary choices you make).) 2. Why can we never completely adapt to new or chronic noise pollution?(Loud noises trigger one of our most primitive fear responses and we can never fully relax if we are surrounded by intrusive noise.) 3. How could we make both ourselves and the neighbors feel good?(If we need our TV, radio or music up loud, wearing headphones demonstrates our kindness and can do is to either mend the relationship by confronting what is going wrong or learn to move on.) 1.吵闹的邻居的确对我们家庭不和(domestic upset)有很大影响。Noisy neighbors are one of the major causes of domestic upset. 2.在职场上,如果一个同事对我们表示威吓的话,会造成难以言表的抑郁情绪(unwretchedness)。A colleague at work who bullies or dismisses us creates untold wretchedness. 3.我们不可能适应这种敌对关系,这种不良的人际关系会损害身心健康。We can never fully adapt to hostile relationships, which inevitably damage our wellbeing. 4.如果这种坏情绪长时间留在人们的心里,会让人陷入无法解决的恶性心理困境。If this bad mood stays inside our mind, it will lead us to an unresolved destructive depression. 5.我们不应当回避这些问题,而是要正确面对它们。We should not avoid these problems but face them instead. There are many benefits to being happy. Happier people tend to be healthier, live longer and eam more. They also tend to volunteer more, be better at relationships and smile more of w hat psychologists call “Duchenne" or genuine smiles. What is less well understood is why happiness is contagious. 幸福有许多好处。越幸福的人往往越健康、越长寿、挣的钱越多。他们通常也会从事更多的志愿工作、更善于处理人际关系、发出更多心理学家所说的“杜兴微笑”,即真诚的微笑。我们了解不深的是,为什么幸福可以传染。 According to James Fowler and Nicholas Christakis, authors of the international bestseller Connected, people surrounded by many happy friends, family members and neighbours who are central to their social network become significantly happier in the future. More specificallyi they say we will become 25 per cent happier with our life if a friend who lives within a mile of us becomes significantly happier with his or her life. 全球畅销书《关联》的作者詹姆斯·福勒和尼古拉斯·克里斯塔基斯发现,如果你身边那些重要的人际网络中有许多幸福的朋友、家人与邻居,那么你将也会很幸福。他们表示,更准确地说,如果居住在离你1英里内的一个朋友生活幸福感得到显著提升,你的生活幸福感就会增加25%。 Similar effects are seen in co-resident spouses (8 per cent happier); siblings who live within a mile of each other (14 per cent); and next-door neighbours (34 per cent). What this implies is that the magnitude of happiness spread seems to depend more on frequent social contact (due to physical proximity) than on deep social connections. Alas, for some reason this doesn't translate to the workplace. 具有同样效果的还有同居配偶(幸福感提升8%)、居住在1英里之内的兄弟姐妹(14%)和邻居(34%)。这意味着,幸福传播的强度似乎更取决于交往的频繁度(与地域邻近相关),1而不是社会关系的深度。可惜由于某种原因,这并不适用于工作场合。 So, why is happiness contagious? One reason may be that happy people share their good fortune with their friends and family (for example, by being pragmatically helpful or financially generous). Another reason could be that happy people tend to change their behaviour for the better by being nicer or less hostile to those close to them. Or it could just be that positive emotions are highly contagious. 那么,为什么幸福能够传染?一个原因或许是,幸福的人会与亲朋好友分享好运气(例如,提供实际的帮助,或在经济上慷慨解囊)。另一个原因可能是,幸福的人往往会改善自己的行为,会对周围的人更加友好,或减少敌意。又或许只是因为正面情绪具有高度传染性。

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