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Sovereignty of law剑桥大学法律法学Cambridge University Press 2-精选.doc

Sovereignty of law剑桥大学法律法学Cambridge University Press 2-精选.doc


. Sovereignty of law 剑桥大学法律法学

Cambridge University Press 2

pluralism. Or can the State give special recognition to a

singlereligion? Is even the existence and recognition of an estab-lished church consistent with that ideal? Some Strasbourgcases provide food for thought on these issues. Consider thecase of Serif v. Greece. 5The applicant was elected Mufti, or religious leader, ofthe Muslim community in Thrace, although another Muftihad already been appointed by the State. The applicant wasconvicted of having usurped the functions of a minister of reli-gion, and of having worn the robes of such a minister,

withouthaving the right to do so. Before the Court of Human Rightsthe Greek Government contended that it was necessary for theauthorities to

intervene to avoid creating tension betweendif f erent religious groups in the area.The Court observed that tension between competingreligious groups was an unavoidable consequence of pluralism.The role of the authorities, however, was not to seek to removethe cause of the tension, thereby eliminating pluralism; rather,it was to ensure tolerance between the rival factions. In ademocratic society, according to the Court, there was no needfor the State to intervene to ensure that religious

communitiesremained or were brought under a unif i ed leadership.The Court accordingly found that the reaction of theauthorities constituted a violation of the Convention.Another issue under the head of religious freedom iscurrently causing much concern. How far should the lawprotect, and how far may it prohibit, the manifestation of reli-gious beliefs, for

example, by way of dress or religious symbols?

15[] ECHR .

The issue has arisen in several countries in Europe with thequestion of the wearing of garments prescribed by religion,such as the Islamic headscarf. It came before the StrasbourgCourt in a Turkish case, Leyla Sahin. 6 The University ofIstanbul decided that students wearing the Islamic headscarfwould be refused admission to lectures, courses and tutorials.The Court (Grand Chamber) held in 2006, by sixteen votes toone, that there ...


剑桥法律英语国际证书模拟试题(6) 二、阅读理题型 Direction:There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions. For each question there are four suggested answers marked a. ,b.,c. and d. You should choose one best answer and taken the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET with a pen. (1)There are many different legal systems in the world. In fact,every nation’s legal system has its own characteristics. However,the degree of difference varies,with some systems bearing more resemblance to others. As a result,the world can be divided into several legal families. Without doubt,the Common Law Legal Family and the Roman Law legal family are the most important legal families in the world. The former is also called the English Law Legal Family or the English-American Law Legal family,while the later is also called the Civil Law Legal Family or the Continental law legal family. 1. There aren’t many different legal systems in the world,are there? a. Yes,there are. b. No,there aren’t. c. Yes,there is. d. No,there isn’t 2. Which of the following express is true? a. The degree of difference among the legal systems in the world varies. b. There is not any degree of difference among the legal systems in the world. c. The world can be divided into two legal families. d. The English Law Legal Family and Chinese Law Legal Family are the most important legal families in the world.


目前国内三大法律英语考试证书的简介与区分 严重声明:本站所有文章由上海优尔法律信息咨询有限公司拥有完整著作权,禁止非经授权的任何个人或组织基于经营性目的,对文章进行任意更改或转载;另外,用于非经营性目的个人或组织进行转载请注明文章出处,否则本公司保留对上述侵犯网络传播权的行为追究法律责任的权利。 一、三大法律英语考试的简介 ◆TOLES: TOLES(律思),全称“TestofLegalEnglishSkills”,也就是TOLES法律英语水平考试。TOLES考试是世界上第一个国际法律英语水平考试,是由世界知名的英语培训专家(TheLondonschoolofEnglish&Communicaid)和法律领域资深的专家(CambridgeLawStudio)共同合作开发的,并与多家律师事务所和法律机构定期进行磋商,对TOLES考试进行修订,使其适应当前法律行业的变化。该考试的目的是以法律英语这门技术语言为媒介,来核查考生对英美法民商事部门法知识的掌握,从而满足律师事务所、公司、法律机构、律师和法律系学生测评个人法律英语水平的需要。TOLES作为国际权威的法律英语水平考试,自2001年起至今,以其法律英语语言运用能力测试的精准度多年来赢得众多顶级世界知名律所的信赖和认可。2008年TOLES被首次引入中国,从而受到众多法律英语爱好者和法律工作求职者的关注。TOLES考试包括三个等级:TOLESAdvanced(固定日期费用2000RMB/人,任意日期费用2800RMB/人);TOLESHigher(费用1700RMB/人);TOLESFoundation(费用1400RMB/人)。考生应该根据自身的英语水平和法律知识水平选择相应的考试,而不一定要三个等级考试全都参加。TOLES考试每年3月、6月、和11月举行3次,其中,报考TOLESAdvanced的考生可以在增加费用的前提下指定任意日期考试。TOLES考试指定教材5本,推荐参考教材12本,不指定培训机构和教材购买地点。 ◆ILEC: ILEC全称InternationalLegalEnglishCertificate,也就是剑桥法律英语国际证书。于2006年5月作为又一项崭新的法律英语证书考试正式向全球推广。2008年5月ILEC也在中国进行了首场考试。ILEC是由剑桥大学考试委员会ESOL (EnglishforSpeakersofOtherLanguages)考试部与欧洲主要的律师语言学家协会(Translegal)共同研发的一种职业英语证书。据最新消息,ILEC自2010年1月起,每月组织一次考试,这也意味着ILEC的考生每月都有机会参加考试。目前,在中国境内,ESOL仅委托北外网院作为报名代理机构。ILEC作为ESOL于2008年推出的又一项崭新的职业认证证书目前已被欧洲公司律师公会、欧洲法律专业学生协会、国际青年律师公会及欧洲青年律师公会认可。ILEC考察证书申请人在法律领域运用英语的能力,分为听力(40分钟)、阅读(75分钟)、写作(75分钟)和口语(16分钟)四个部分。语言等级相当于雅思(IELTS)5.0-7.0分。成绩分为三个及格等级和两个不及格等级。考试报名费用为1200RMB/每人。ILEC考试指定教材2本,推荐参考教材5本,不指定培训机构和教材购买地点。 ◆LEC: LEC全称LegalEnglishCertificate,也就是法律英语证书。于2008年5月作为国内相关领域的全国统一考试正式推出。LEC 又可被称之为中国的法律英语证书考试。LEC是由全国统一考试委员会依托中国政法大学和北京外国语大学具体组织考试工作,旨在为从事涉外业务的企业、律师事务所提供招募国际性人才的客观标准,同时督促国内法律从业人员提高专业英语水平。法律英语证书考试每年举行两次,分别在5月份和12月份的最后一个周六举行,目前已在北京、上海、广州等城市设主考点,法律英语证书(LEC)由全国统一考试委员会全面负责组考工作。考试不受年龄、性别、职业、地区、学历等限制,持本人有效身份证件即可报名参加考试。考试费用为880元/每人。LEC考试指定教材6本,不指定培训机构和教材购买地点。 二、三大法律英语考试的区分 ◆历经时间:TOLES(2001年---至今) ILEC(2006年---至今)


1.v. + doing / v. + to do Complete the sentences. Use the gerund (doing) or infinitive (to do) form of the verbs in the box. e.g. My brother wants to go to university. 1)Please stop _______ and listen. 2)I hope _______ you again soon. 3)Don’t you remember _______ Jack about the party? 4)Paul offered _______ the old lady. 5)I don’t mind _______ at home if you don’t feel like going out. 2.n. suffixes Make nouns from the v. and adj. e.g. imagine imagination 1)agree _______ 2)different _______ 3)kind _______ 4)possible _______ 5)react _______ 6)entertain _______ 7)protect _______ 8)prepare _______

9)popular _______ 10)relax _______ 3.Iwish / If only… + past simple Rewrite the sentences. e.g. I don’t like sports. →I wish I liked sports. 1)Ican’t speak German. →If only ______________. 2)We have so much homework every day. →Iwish ______________. 3)I don’t have enough money to buy Mum a birthday present. →If only ______________. 4)Tom is so good-looking! →I wish ______________! 5)We have an exam tomorrow. →If only ______________. 4.Crime Complete the sentences with the words in box. You won’t need to use all of them. e.g. If you commit a crime, you’ll be punished. 1)When you’re in a crowded place, you have to be careful of _______. 2)If the crime isn’t serious, you may just _______ a fine.


( civil law a legal system which is the foundation of the legal systems of most of the English-speaking countries of the world, based on customs, usage and court decisions ( common law b usually the most important source of law which serves as a general statement of the rights and liberties of the citizens (Constitution? c the rules and decisions formulated by administrative agencies (statute? d legal system developed from Roman codified law, established by a state for its regulation ( administrative law e laws made by Congress or the states, which must comply with either the Constitution or the state’s The topic I’d like to deal with today is the sources of law. As we know, in the countries of continental Europe and those are as influenced by them, the governing law dates back to Roman law and is known as the civil law system. However, the law with which Americans are more familiar is known as the common law, which developed in English speaking countries. Let’s begin by talking about the common law system. Under such a sys tem, the law develops more through the decisions of judges applying prior decisions of courts to the new facts at hand. As a result, a very substantial part of law is not to be found in statutes enacted by legislatures but rather in cases. A case once decided establishes a binding precedent to a certain extent, and will be followed by the courts when similar issues arise later. Although judges tend to focus more upon statutes or administrative rules these days, the fact that they still review past cases before making a decision shows that adherence to decided cases is still kept as a tradition in American courts. Because of the common law tradition, American law comes from four basic sources: the federal and state constitutions, statutes made by the US Congress and the legislatures of the various states, case law or judge-made law, and administrative law. The last source of law is usually the rules and decisions formulated by administrative agencies. However, the judicial system has established a general priority among the various sources of law. Constitution prevails over statutes, and statutes prevail over common law principles established in court decisions. Courts will not turn to case decisions for law if a statute is directly in point. The (1) (two words) system has developed on the European continent and been adopted by those countries, while the (2)(two words) has developed in the English speaking countries. In the United States, common law has been the predominant influence. Besides the (3) (three words or one word) serving as the major source of law, there are also a large number of (4)(one word) made by the Congress and the various states. (5)


小学英语之《剑桥少儿英语》和 《新概念英语青少版》之间的选择在中国,一般学校在小学三年级开始学习英语了。经常看到有家长问,小学生应该学剑桥好还是学新概念好、应该给孩子买什么教材学英语等等的问题,通过下面的介绍希望给大家带来帮助。 1.《剑桥少儿英语》的特点? 《剑桥少儿英语》是英国剑桥大学考试委员会于1996年正式推出,针对非英语母语国家6至12岁少年儿童的英语能力培养和提高设计的考试。分为剑桥少儿英语一级、剑桥少儿英语二级、剑桥少儿英语三级,考试包括听、说、读写三部分。从培养少年儿童的英语基础语言能力和语感入手,培养学生的英语语言思维能力,建立起英语学习的自信心与荣誉感的学习系统。 参加培训考试者均可获得由教育部考试中心中英中心和剑桥大学考试委员会联合签发的写实性证书。以需要为前提、以适应为特色、以第二课堂为基地、以培训为核心,,以考试促学习、以质量为根本、以素质教育为宗旨。《剑桥少儿英语》根据中国少年儿童生活实际情况,设计了贴近生活的易学、易懂、易掌握的对话、练习、歌曲、游戏,通过"玩中学、学中玩"的教学活动,使孩子们容易理解、轻松掌握。 剑桥英语把大部分学校所教内容通过少儿喜闻乐见的形式贯穿在教学内容之中,能有效巩固、补充和促进学校的教育。国内唯一可获少儿英语等级证书的学习系统,证书国际认可培训后,可通过国家

和剑桥大学于每年3月和9月统一举行的考试来评估学生的英语水平,并获得由剑桥大学考试委员会(UCELS)和教育部考试中心中英中心联合签发的写实性国际证书。 2.《新概念英语青少版》的特点? 《新概念英语青少版》是“新概念英语”教学体系的新成员,由世界著名英语教学专家路易·亚历山大、朱莉娅·亚历山大和罗伊·金斯伯里专为中国9-15岁的青少年以及英语初学者编写。 《新概念英语青少版》(JNCE)整套教材分为5个级别,每个级别含A、B两个分册。五年完成整个教学计划。教材内容涵盖了最新《英语课程标准》对中、小学生的知识和能力要求,既满足了我国学生升学考试的需要,又兼顾了在实际交际中运用的需要。 《JNCE1A-3B》共涉及2000个单词和短语,有效地补充了现有校内教材的不足,衔接了小学至初中的英语落差,是三到五年级学生强化听、说、读、写英语全面能力的首选教材。 《JNCE4A-5B》以《新概念英语2》为蓝本,根据青少年的心理和认知特点进行改版,更适合初中阶段的学生使用。 在秉承《新概念英语》先进教学理念的基础上,语法大纲更加强调渐进性,凡涉及新的语法结构,都会循环不断地复习前面所学过的语法知识。此外,教材针对中国青少年的身心特点,采用了和他们生活、学习密切相关的语言教材,课本以一个英语家庭以及他们的朋友为故事情节,结合精炼幽默的语言,通过精心设计的口语听力、阅读和写作练习,帮助青少年扎实地掌握各项英语的知识和能力,进而实


1.Reported statements & questions Write the direct statements and questions in reported speech. e.g. “I didn’t enjoy the movie.” Matt said he hadn’t enjoyed the movie. 1)“We can’t come to the party.” They said ____________________________. 2)“What time does the exam start?” Sarah asked ____________________________. 3)“Have you seen my MP3 player anywhere?” Louise asked John _____________________. 4)“I’ll help Tom later.” Mary said ____________________________. 5)“Why didn’t you say something?” Rose asked Jack ________________________. 2.Appearance Put the words in the box in the correct columns.

3.Personality Complete the sentences with the words in the box. You won’t need to use all of them. e.g. Janet is so bossy. She just loves telling people what to do. 1)Mum always thinks of other people first. She’s so _______. 2)It’s impossible to help Ben. He’s so _______ and always wants to do everything by himself. 3)I’m sure Claire will get to the top as she’s very _______. 4)Now, if you were _______, you’d go to bed early as you have an important exam tomorrow. 5)Sally is one of the most _______ people I know. She always creates such fantastic things. 4.I wish / If only + past perfect Rewrite the sentences.


1.Present simple vs. present continuous Complete the sentences. Use the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in the box. e.g. Do you like surfing the Internet? 1)I ______ what you mean. Could you explain once again please? 2)More and more people ______ English these days. 3)Simon ______ at least 2 hours a day on the phone. 4)I ______ professional footballers get too much money. It’s ridiculous. 5)______ you ______ a good time? You look a bit sad. 2.Making new friends Complete the sentences with the expressions in the box. e.g. Jack always stands out because he wears very brightly colored clothes. 1)Mary often ______ at home because she has 5 brothers. 2)A way of ______ is to listen to the same music as everyone else. 3)I usually ______ quickly because I’ve changed schools so


1.Present simple vs.pr esent continuous Complete the https://www.doczj.com/doc/cb337942.html,e the present simple or pr esent continuous form of the verbs in the box. like spend have learn think n o t understand e.g.Do you like surfing the Internet? 1)I______what you mean.Could you explain once again please? 2)More and m or e people______English these days. 3)Simon______at least2hours a day on the phone. 4)I______professional footballers get too much money.It’s ridiculous. 5)______you______a good time?Y ou look a bit sad. 2.Making new friends Complete the sentences with the expressions in the box. fit in bond with join in feel left o u t settle in stand ou t e.g.Jack always stands o u t because he wears very brightly colored clothes. 1)Mary often______at home because she has5brothers. 2)A way of______is t o listen t o the sam e music as everyone else. 3)I usually______quickly because I’ve changed schools so


北京外国语大学网络教育学院暨剑桥大学考试部曹文教授 少儿英语学习应该重视的三方面: (1)拼读拼写(即见字发音法) (2)语音语调 (3)阅读 学英语几个问题的思考: (1)为什么学英语? 用语言交流感情,知识只有在与人分享时才有力量。英语在地球村年代是交流必需技能,英语是认知世界的窗口,英语是自我的别样表达 (2)学不学? 要学就和合格的老师学,否则宁肯不学 (3)早学比晚学好吗? 英语早学比晚学的好处:孩子的肌肉比大人灵活、听觉比大人灵敏,脸皮比大人厚、习得比大人快、更容易激发孩子的学习兴趣。建议4岁以后开始系统化学习英语,4-12岁是英语学习的黄金年龄。 (4)怎么学? 4.1.终结单词情结(不学单词学句子) 4.2.终结音标情结(不学音标学拼读)

4.3.不学语法练语感 4.4.不学中英互译 教材+阅读=英语学习,阅读胜过教材,阅读是金 (5)英语学习难在哪儿? 英语只有一难,就是坚持。有过程才有结果,过程是指时间上的连续性,从周日到周一,从1月到12月,从小学到高中。过程还是学习内容的渐进、衔接和一致性。 (6)在哪儿学? 品牌:要学术品牌,不是资本品牌 要有合格资质,否则会遭遇张悟本 课程对接标准,具备目标、教材、教学、考核四大要素 老师的高度决定孩子的高度 有入学测试,平时测评和终结评估的完整测评体系 有管理者,老师,家长,教务和孩子的沟通机制 有安全的环境 各个因素构建在一起的一个完整的学习体系是品质的保证,有学习体系才能保证学习品质 英语读物推荐: 布奇乐乐园:年龄1-6岁,出版:外研社 组成:每月一包,中英文各类读物 购买:网上订阅,送货上门 https://www.doczj.com/doc/cb337942.html,


“法律英语证书”成为法律高端就业的基础 据Legal Union法律英语培训中心介绍,为了应对日益激烈的就业竞争,随着?中国第一难考?司法考试和?中国第一热考?国家公务员考试的尘埃落定,越来越多的法律学子选择差异化竞争策略,主动避开已经泛滥的BEC、高级口译等考试,选择更具应用性、国际化、职业化的法律英语证书考试,为法律高端就业打下基础。 被称为?中国第一难考?的司法考试的考试范围和题量着实令普通人望而却步,但每年的考试通过率逐年上升,2009年通过率更是高达30%左右,司法考试的含金量受到了越来越多的怀疑。与此同时,2009年国家公务员考试,甚至爆出了4000比1的竞考难度,100万人竞争1万个职位,其难度可想而知,难怪有人形容参加公务员考试不如摸彩票。 面对如此激烈的竞争,法学学生如何是从?套用某个领导人的话说,?任何困难都难不倒奋进的法律人!?面对现在惨淡的就业市场,一部分同学选择了出国深造或继续读研,而另外一部分同学则选择了继续充电,作为涉外法律职业必备技能的法律英语就成为了法律人继续学习的最佳选择。 ?上海、北京、广州越来越开放,再加上部分国际公司为了削减成本和重视中国市场,越来越多的外资企业进入中国,这就需要更多的‘法律+英语’复合型人才。?Legal Union法律英语培训中心资深老师、某外资律师事务所上海办公室顾问Chatwin介绍。?但是,真

正能够熟练使用英文为客户提供法律服务的中国律师确实非常有限,有时我们甚至为招聘一个合适的助理头疼不已,三四个月都浪费在寻找合适的涉外法律人才方面。? 显然,越来越多的法学院学生洞察到了这一点,尽快提升法律英语应用能力成为他们最紧迫的任务。?最近我们明显感觉到学生的紧迫感,他们迫切需要学习法律英语,尤其是那些能够将法律英语证书和涉外法律英语应用相结合的课程。?Legal Union法律英语培训中心课程主管Wendy介绍,?我们Legal Union一直致力于为学员提供更加实用和国际化的法律英语课程,值得高兴的是,目前我们的学员非常满意我们的课程,结业后寻找到了更加满意的工作。?目前律师事务所越来越重视应聘者的法律英语能力,部分国际知名律师事务所甚至直接认可并采纳了包括剑桥国际法律英语ILEC、法律英语全国统一考试LEC及TOLES等证书,这也正是推动越来越多学生参加法律英语证书考试的动力。


国内法律行业五大高含金量的证书 张青介绍,法律行业是指从事国民经济中法律服务、法律研究、法律实践的经营单位或者个体的组织结构体系。一般来说,法律行业的法律职业包括:公安、检查院、法院工作人员;律师、法律工作者;企业法律顾问;法律翻译;法律教育培训人员等。上述职业存在很大的差异性,因此各个职业所需要的证书也是不尽相同的,下面几类证书是法律行业内较受认可的。 ■国家司法考试证书 国家司法考试是国家统一组织的从事特定法律职业的资格考试。初任法官、初任检察官、担任公证员和取得律师资格都必须通过国家司法考试。国家司法考试每年举行一次,一般在9月进行。前身为律师资格考试,自2002年后,吸收检察官考试和法官考试两类系统内部职业资格考试考核,改为国家统一司法考试。 ■专利代理人资格证书 全国专利代理人资格考试是国家知识产权局办的从事专利代理行业的职业资格考试,开始于1992年。 全国专利代理人资格考试每年举行一次,一般在11月全国十几个考点城市同时进行。应试人员在收到总成绩合格通知单后向考核委员会提出申请,经审查符合《专利代理条例》有关规定的,由专利代理人考核委员会颁发“专利代理人资格证书”。从

事专利方面法律服务的律师一般都具备专利代理人资格证书。 ■企业法律顾问执业资格证书。 企业法律顾问执业资格证书是面向企业法律顾问,经统一考试合格后发放的《企业法律顾问执业资格证书》,并需经注册登记。企业法律顾问由企业聘用,专职从事企业法律事务工作。该证书与国家司法考试证书不同,律师未获得国家司法考试证书是不能以律师身份执业的,而企业法律顾问证书并非企业法律顾问必需的证书。 ■法律英语证书 法律英语证书考试是全国统一考试委员会依托中国政法大学和北京外国语大学具体组织考试工作,旨在为从事涉外业务的企业、律师事务所提供招募国际性人才的客观标准,同时督促国内法律从业人员提高专业英语水平。考试每年举行两次,分别在5月份和12月份的最后一个周六举行,目前已在北京、上海、广州等城市设主考点。 ■ILEC证书 ILEC即剑桥国际法律英语证书(InternationalLegalEnglishCertificate)由剑桥大学考试委员会ESOL(EnglishforSpeakersofOtherLanguages)考试部与欧洲主要的律师语言学家协会(Translegal)共同研发的一种职业英语证书。于2006年5月全球推出。 剑桥ESOL是世界知名的考试机构,“雅思”(IELTS)和剑


法律行业最具含金量的5大证书逐个数 [业内必备] 国内法律行业五大高含金量的证书 张青介绍,法律行业是指从事国民经济中法律服务、法律研究、法律实践的经营单位或者个体的组织结构体系。一般来说,法律行业的法律职业包括:公安、检查院、法院工作人员;律师、法律工作者;企业法律顾问;法律翻译;法律教育培训人员等。上述职业存在很大的差异性,因此各个职业所需要的证书也是不尽相同的,下面几类证书是法律行业内较受认可的。 ■国家司法考试证书 国家司法考试是国家统一组织的从事特定法律职业的资格考试。初任法官、初任检察官、担任公证员和取得律师资格都必须通过国家司法考试。国家司法考试每年举行一次,一般在9月进行。前身为律师资格考试,自2002年后,吸收检察官考试和法官考试两类系统内部职业资格考试考核,改为国家统一司法考试。 ■专利代理人资格证书 全国专利代理人资格考试是国家知识产权局办的从事专利代理行业的职业资格考试,开始于1992年。 全国专利代理人资格考试每年举行一次,一般在11月全国十几个考点城市同时进行。应试人员在收到总成绩合格通知单后向考核委员会提出申请,经审查符合《专利代理条例》有关规定的,由专利代理人考核委员会颁发“专利代理人资格证书”。从事专利方面法律服务的律师一般都具备专利代理人资格证书。 ■企业法律顾问执业资格证书。 企业法律顾问执业资格证书是面向企业法律顾问,经统一考试合格后发放的《企业法律顾问执业资格证书》,并需经注册登记。企业法律顾问由企业聘用,专职从事企业法律事务工作。该证书与国家司法考试证书不同,律师未获得国家司法考试证书是不能以律师身份执业的,而企业法律顾问证书并非企业法律顾问必需的证书。 法律英语证书 法律英语证书考试是全国统一考试委员会依托中国政法大学和北京外国语大学具体组织考试工作,旨在为从事涉外业务的企业、律师事务所提供招募国际性人才的客观标准,同


《剑桥少儿英语》与《新概念英语青少版》的区别 一、特点 《剑桥少儿英语》针对非英语母语国家6至12岁少年儿童的英语能力培养和提高设计的考试。分为剑桥少儿英语一级、剑桥少儿英语二级、剑桥少儿英语三级,考试包括听、说、读写三部分。从培养少年儿童的英语基础语言能力和语感入手,培养学生的英语语言思维能力。通过贴近生活的易学、易懂、易掌握的对话、练习、歌曲、游戏进行英语教学。 《新概念英语青少版》属于“新概念英语”教学体系,为中国9-15岁的青少年以及英语初学者编写。《新概念英语青少版》(JNCE)整套教材分为5个级别,每个级别含A、B两个分册。五年完成整个教学计划。教材内容涵盖了最新《英语课程标准》对中、小学生的知识和能力要求,既满足了我国学生升学考试的需要,又兼顾了在实际交际中运用的需要。 另:《剑桥少儿英语》和《新概念英语青少版》都有入门级教材,针对学龄低5-8岁,没有英语学习经历的儿童。 二、适合年龄 《剑桥少儿英语》是以“剑桥少儿英语考试大纲”为依据编写的一套少儿英语教材,重视通过游戏性的教学活动,培养学生的英语学习兴趣。适合培养儿童英语兴趣,发展语言能力。更多是作为一门兴趣课来学习。

《剑桥少儿英语》有其测试系统。剑桥少儿英语考试(CYLE)是剑桥大岁少儿的英语水平而设计的一4-12)特别为测试UCLES学考试委员会(. 套测试系统。该考试分为三个级别,引进中国后,增加了预备级,分别为预备级(Pre-Starters),一级(Starters),二级(Movers)和三级(Flyers),(喻示着孩子们从刚刚起步starters到渐渐前进movers直至最终起飞flyers来学习掌握和使用英语)。一级到三级的教材的新增单词量分别在682、1150和666。(一级到三级的单词量为累加过程,即学完剑桥少儿英语三级所掌握的词汇量为2500左右。) 《新概念英语青少版》也提倡寓教于乐,强调练习方式的多样性与灵性,但更以坚实的系统性学习为宗旨,对学生进行系统的知识和技能培养,循序渐进、扎扎实实地掌握语言。 《新概念英语青少版》适合9岁-15岁青少年以及英语初学者,具体参照如下表:量适用年级英语水平参照:


KET/PET完全手册 北京外国语大学网络教育学院青少部 曹文/陈晓秋 北京外国语大学网络教育学院是中国唯一一个被授权运作六项共12种剑桥考试的考点,因此,它在剑桥考试服务和培训方面具有丰富的经验。这些考试包括: ●剑桥商务英语证书标准级、中高级和高级(BEC)Business English Certificate (Preliminary, Vantage, Higher); ●剑桥财经英语国际证书(ICFE)International Certificate in Financial English; ●剑桥国际法律英语英语(ILEC)International Legal English Certificate; ●剑桥英语教学能力三个证书(TKT)Teaching Knowledge Test; ●“博思”职业外语水平测试(BULATS)Business Language Testing Service ●剑桥五级中的KET、PET和FCE。 ?关于剑桥大学ESOL考试部 KET/PET是剑桥大学ESOL(English Speakers of Other Languages英语为非母语人士)考试部开发的英语五级水平考试(简称剑桥五级)中的前两个级别。这一考试部在全球提供种类最全的外语考试,首次外语考试在1913年举行。现在,全球每年超过150万人参加它的各类考试,它在160多个国家设有3000多个考点。我们所熟悉的“雅思”(IELTS)和剑桥商务英语(BEC)都是它研发和运作的。剑桥考试被各国政府、教育机构和企业广泛认可。 ?关于剑桥五级 剑桥五级是迄今为止全球唯一一套具有高度国际认可度的、专门针对英语为非母语人士开发的系列英语等级证书,它被广泛应用于英语水平等级认证、赴英语国家留学和工作等的英语能力证明,含金量非常高。北京和其他地区的很多中

剑桥英语青少版第一版第四 级入门测试1

1. Present simple vs. present continuous Complete the sentences. Use the present simple or present continuous e.g. Do you like 1) I ______ what you mean. Could you explain once again please? 2) More and more people ______ English these days. 3) Simon ______ at least 2 hours a day on the phone. 4) I ______ professional footballers get too much money. It’s ridiculous. 5) ______ you ______ a good time? You look a bit sad. 2. Making new friends e.g. Jack always stands out 1) Mary often ______ at home because she has 5 brothers. 2) A way of ______ is to listen to the same music as everyone else. 3) I usually ______ quickly because I’ve changed schools so many times so I make friends easily. 4) Claudia ______ her baby sister as soon as she was born. 5) Why are you standing on your own? Come and ______. We need a good player on our team. 3. say and tell Complete the expressions with say or tell. e.g. say a prayer 1) ______ goodbye 2) ______ the time 3) ______ the difference 4) ______ thank you 5) ______ someone off 6) ______ a secret 7) ______ (it) again 8) ______ sorry 9) ______ the truth


1.1.is going to rain 2. are meeting 3. will go 4. am going to save / am saving 5. won’t be 2. 1. boarding card 2. departure lounge 3. cruise 4. journey 5. check-in desk 3. 1. about 2. about 3. for 4. into 5. for 4. 1. have been built 2. wasinterviewed 3. willbe destroyed 4. aresent 5. has been spent 5. 1. make 2. do 3. make 4. do 5. make 6. make 7. make 8. make 9. make 10. make 6. 1. am having my hair cut on Saturday 2. have just had the kitchen decorated 3. will have / am having the car fixed at the weekend 4. have my eyes tested every year 5. are having a big party organized (for us) 7. 1. made 2. let 3. let 4. isn’t allowed to 5. will be / are allowed to 8. 1. sitcoms 2. presenter 3. contestant 4. episode5. audience 9. 1. really 2. absolutely 3. really 4. very 5. really 10. 1. obligation 2. permission 3. obligation 4. prohibition 5. permission

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