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祝酒词 英文

祝酒词 英文

Ladies and Gentlemen, On behalf of all the members of our mission, I would like to express our sincere thanks to you for inviting us to such an marvelous Christmas party. We really enjoyed the delicious food and excellent wine. Also, the music was perfect. I enjoyed meeting and talking to you, and sharing the time together. As we say, well begin is half done. I hope we will be able to maintain this good relationship and make next year another great one together. Thank you again for the wonderful part, we had a great time. In closing, I would like to invite you to join me in a toast. To the health of Mr. Vice President, To the health of our American friends, To the health of My colleagues, and To all the ladies and gentlemen present here Cheers!


年会祝酒词 都说“酒不醉人人自醉”,那是因为高兴; 都说“酒逢知己千杯少”,那是一种幸运; 都说“今朝有酒今朝醉”,那是机遇难得; 还说“酒到浓时方恨少”,但是今天,面对远道而来的宾朋佳友,正是把酒尽欢之时。我谨代表马承英语总部全体员工,对大家的到来表示诚挚的感谢和热烈的欢迎! 一年欢笑一年风雨,这一年无论是阳光普照还是暴风骤雨,就让这杯酒,释放那些感慨;这一年无论是得意东山还是失意荆州,就让这杯酒,化解那些情怀;这一年无论是掌声雷动还是踽踽独行,就让这杯酒,盛满对未来的祝福与希望,让我们干杯! “有朋自远方来,不亦说乎!”而我们,都是马承英语人,是一个温暖的大家庭。我们是兄弟姐妹,我们是良师益友,我们也是一路同行的结伴人!回想这一年,有多少感动,就有多少收获;有多少汗水,就有多少笑脸映在我们心中。今天,就让我们把酒言欢,不醉不归! 我衷心地祝愿:在座的每一位朋友,吃的好,喝的好,玩的好,都有自己的收获!我再次代表马承英语全体人员,预祝第六届校长年会圆满成功!谢谢,谢谢大家! - 1 -篇二:2015公司年会祝酒词 深圳公司2015年会祝酒词 尊敬的来宾、公司的全体同仁,大家晚上好! 今晚是公司,深圳公司共同宴请公司全体员工。今晚我们相约在深圳酒店,尽情欢愉。在此,向大家拜个早年,祝圣诞节快乐,身体健康,工作开心。 新年伊始,万象更新,深圳公司人将惜别奋进中的2014年,满怀信心迎来充满憧憬的2015年,辞旧迎新之际,深圳公司人感恩社会各界的支持;感恩合作伙伴同舟共济,共赴前程;感恩消费者的厚爱和忠诚。 2014年生产和销售蒸蒸日上,企业健康蓬勃地向上发展着。当然,在发展前行中,深圳公司人始终不忘总结过去,发现企业的不足,找到企业前进中的短板,未雨绸缪规划2015年新的发展目标,实现企业新愿景。在充满希望的2015年中,让深圳人更具凝聚力和向心力,齐肩并进。 回首过去峥嵘岁月,展望未来锦绣前程,我们送走了勃勃生机的马年,迎来了充满朝气与希望的羊年。我很有信心地说,2015年xx完全有能力与大家同步发展,我真诚的希望每位员工都能在这个发展过程中,勤奋扎实的工作,不断提升完善自我。我也相信,在与大家一路同行中,有你们一如既往的参与和支持,深圳公司将会做得更好,飞得更高。篇三:2015年公司企业年会祝酒词模板范文 羊年公司晚宴祝酒词范文 各位员工、各位兄弟姐妹,大家晚上好! 2015年的春节就要到了,我们即将送走硕果累累的马年,我们也即将迎来充满希望与梦想的虎年,在时光流转、春夏交替、新的一年又即将开始的美好时刻,我代表×××公司领导班子并以我个人的名义,向在座的各位,向辛勤工作在我们×××公司的全体员工致以新春的祝贺,祝大家新春愉快、合家幸福、万事如意! 新的一年,是国家宏观经济战胜金融危机,走出低谷的关键一年,也是各行各业充满机遇与挑战的一年,在千帆竟发、百舸争流的市场大潮中,我们×××公司也同样面临着诸多机遇与挑战,希望大家能够一如既往、再接再厉、团结一致,共同创造我们×××公司的更大的辉煌。

【优质】英文祝酒词-word范文模板 (1页)

【优质】英文祝酒词-word范文模板 本文部分内容来自网络,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议请及时联系,本司将予以删除 == 本文为word格式,简单修改即可使用,推荐下载! == 英文祝酒词 ladies and gentlemen: good evening! xx china international exhibition opened today. tonight, we have an opportunity to gather with friends from all walks of life, very happy. on behalf of the china council for the promotion of international trade city branch of the xx on our friends to our conference, extended a warm welcome! china international exhibition xx since the opening of the morning, and the city has attracted a field of great interest in scientific and technical personnel. the exhibition was held in shanghai, from all over the country's scientific and technical personnel to provide the economic and technological exchanges a good opportunity. i believe that this exhibition to promote technological progress in the field of trade and economic development will play a positive role. this evening, friends gathered together, i would like to make friends and foreign counterparts to seek co-operation through a happy night. finally, we drank, china international exhibition xx, a complete success, for the health of friends, cheers!


商务接待中英文祝酒词 本文从网络收集而来,上传到平台为了帮到更多的人,如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载本文档(有偿下载),另外祝您生活愉快,工作顺利,万事如意! 范文1 祝词在商务宴会中较为普遍,一般属于礼节性的讲话,但好的祝词对商务交谈的顺利进行和衬托整个现场气氛都是非常重要的。请看下面的这个例子: Mr. Vice President, Our American friends, My colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen, On behalf of all the members of our mission, I would like to express our sincere thanks to you for inviting us to such an marvelous Christmas party. We really enjoyed the delicious food and excellent wine. Also, the music was perfect. I enjoyed meeting and talking to you, and sharing the time together. As we say, well begin is half done. I hope we will be able to maintain this good relationship and make next year another great one together. Thank you again for the wonderful part, we had a great time.


英语祝酒词 Ladies and gentlemen: Good evening! XX China International Exhibition opened today. Tonight, we have an opportunity to gather with friends from all walks of life, very happy. On behalf of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade City Branch of the XX on our friends to our conference, extended a warm welcome! China International Exhibition XX Since the opening of the morning, and the city has attracted a field of great interest in scientific and technical personnel. The exhibition was held in Shanghai, from all over the country's scientific and technical personnel to provide the economic and technological exchanges a good opportunity. I believe that this exhibition to promote technological progress in the field of trade and economic development will play a positive role. This evening, friends gathered together, I would like to make friends and foreign counterparts to seek co-operation through a happy night.


优质祝福范文在您身边/双击可除商务英文祝酒词 ladies and gentlemen: good evening! xx china international exhibition opened today. tonight, we have an opportunity to gather with friends from all walks of life, very happy. on behalf of the china council for the promotion of international trade city branch of the xx on our friends to our conference, extended a warm welcome! china international exhibition xx since the opening of the morning, and the city has attracted a field of great interest in scientific and technical personnel. the exhibition was held in shanghai, from all over the country’s scientific and technical personnel to provide the economic and technological exchanges a good opportunity. i believe that this exhibition to promote technological progrein the field of


英语情景对话:聚会祝酒 A:Now everybody, please be seated. First of all, I'd ask you to raise your glass and join me in a toast to the health of all our friends here as well as our everlasting friendship. Cheers! A:现在,大家请坐。首先,我想请你们和我一起举杯祝酒,祝朋友们健康,祝我们的友谊长存,干杯! B:Mr. Tom, let me top up your glass.B:汤姆先生,我来给你满酒。 A:Thank you. Gentleman, dig in. Don't stand on ceremony. Help yourself to anything you like. The food is very good. Please eat more. A:谢谢你。先生们,开始吃吧,不要拘泥于礼节,喜欢什么就吃什么,饭菜味道不错.多吃点。B:Thank you.B:谢谢。 口译基本句型:礼仪性讲话(欢迎词,感谢词,祝酒词) 一、礼仪性讲话(欢迎词,感谢词,祝酒词) (1)欢迎词典型句型: 1.我很荣幸地代表某某向来自某某地方的某某表示热烈的欢迎。 On behalf of sb, I have the honor/ I feel great honored to express/extend this warm welcome to sb from sp. 2.请允许我向远道而来的贵宾表示热烈的欢迎和亲切的问候。 Permit me/ please allow me to express/extend these warm welcome and gracious greetings to our distinguished guests coming from afar. 3.我很愉快地以我个人的名义,向某某表示热烈的欢迎。 I am very delighted to extend/ express this personal warm welcome to---- 例1: 我怀着愉快的心情,以我个人的名义,向光临悉尼农业技术展览会的中国来宾,表示热烈的欢迎。 I am delighted to extend this personal welcome to Chinese visitors to the Sydney Agricultural Technology Exhibition. 我们在这里向中国朋友全面展示我国的农业成就,并介绍我们所能提供的先进的农业技术。Here we present to our Chinese friends a comprehensive display of Australian agricultural achievements and advanced technology in farming that we have to offer. 我非常珍视澳中两国在贸易合作中发展起来的友谊和建立起来的信心。 I greatly value the friendship and confidence that we enjoy as your trading partner. 我确信,这次展览会将进一步加强我们的经济合作,并直接对扩大我们之间的贸易往来作出贡献。 I am certain that this exhibition will strengthen our economic cooperation and contribution directly to our further trade expansion. (2)感谢词典型句型: 1.On behalf of sb, I’d like to take this opportunity to express/extend our sincere thanks to sb for their earnest invitation and gracious/incomparable hospitality we have received since we set foot on sp. 我愿意借此机会,我谨代表……,对……的诚挚邀请和我们一踏上……便受到的友好款待,向……表示真诚的感谢。


2018新年贺词 comrades , friends , ladies and gentleman greetings to you all time flies and we will soon welcome 2018 here, i would like to extend my new year greetings to the people of all ethnic groups in china to our compatriots in the hongkong sar and the macao sar . to our compatriots , in taiwan and to overseas chinese. i would also like to wish our friends in other countries and regions all the very best fortune favors the diligent and times are changing fast . in 2017, we held the 19th national congress of the communist party of china. and embarked on a new journey to fully build a modern socialist china. our GDP rose to the level of 80 trillion yuan over 13million urban and rural jobs were created . our old-age insurance system now covers more than 900million people. and 1.35 billion people are covered by basic medical insurance. more than 10 million rural residents were lifted out of poverty . how i wish i could have ten thousand houses , to provide shelter for all who need it . 3.4 million people were relocated from poverty -stricken areas and now live in new warm housing . the construction of 6 million apartments in shanty areas has begun ahead of schedule. various initiatives to improve people's livelihoods have been accelerated and the environment has steadily improved . people have enjoyed a stronger sense of gain, of happiness and of security . we have marched one significant step closer to completing the process of building a moderately well-off society in all aspects. there has been a steady flow of technological innovation and major engineering feats in china . the x -ray satellite insight is probing deep space. the c919 large airliner took off into the blue sky . a quantum computer was built and became operational. a trial was conducted for rice production in saline soil . we launched the 1st chinese-built aircraft carrier. the sea wings underwater glider completed its first deep sea exploration. the first extraction of combustible ice was a success. phase iv of the shanghai yangshan automated deep water port began operations . the main structure of the cross sea bridge linking hongkong , zhuhai , and macao was finished .


外交常用英语词汇: Ministry of Foreign Affairs外交部 Protocol Department礼宾司 Information Department新闻司 diplomatic mission外交代表机构 emba ssy 大使馆 legation公使馆 consulate-general总领事馆 consulate领事馆 office of the chargé d''affaires,代办处 military attaché‘ 's office,武官处 commercial counsellor''s office商务处 press section, in formation service新闻处 liaison office联络处 diplomat外交家,外交官 diplomatic rank外交官衔 diplomatic representative外交代表 members of the administrative and technical staff行政技术人员amba ssador大使 amba ssador extraordinary and plenipotentiary特命全权大使 nuncio教廷大使 internuncio教廷公使

counsellor withthe rank of minister, minister-counsellor公使衔参赞 charg é d''affaires,代办 charg é d''affasiread interim,临时代办 counsellor参赞 first secretary一等秘书 second secretary二等秘书 third secretary三等秘书 attach é,随员 commercial secretary商务参赞 cultural secretary文化参赞 commercial attaché,商务专员 cultural attach,é 文化专员 military attach,é 武官 naval attaché,海军武官 air attach,é 空军武官 consul-general总领事 consul领事 doyen of the diplomatic corps, dean of the diplomatic corps外交使团团长roving ambassador巡回大使 ambassador-at-large无任所大使 special envoy特使 accredited to?向?派遣的


祝酒词 尊敬的各位来宾、女士们、先生们: 大家晚上好 Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, Good Evening ! 中国先贤孔子说:“有朋自远方来,不亦乐呼”,诚挚欢迎大家来到中国北方设计之都天津,希望这座美丽的海滨城市给大家留下美好的回忆。 A remark in The Analects of Confucius goes that “It is such a delight that we have friends visiting from afar.”With my best regards, I w elcome you to visit Tianjin, a beautiful coastal city and the host city of the 13th National Games. I hope it will leave you an impressive memory. 我公司是水利部直属、在国内外享有盛誉的设计咨询单位,六十多年发展历史凝聚了“以人为本创造价值合作共赢”的核心价值观,积累了丰富的国际工程经验。先后承担了四十多个国家和地区的近百项国际工程,在巴基斯坦先后承担了高摩赞、尼拉姆吉拉姆、科哈拉、达苏等十余项水电站工程的设计咨询工作。 Ours is a well-known engineering consultancy affiliated to the Ministry of Water Resources. In its over 60 years of history, it formed its core value, that is “human or ientation, value creation, and win-win through cooperation”. In the same course, we also gained a share in the international market, having completed over 100 projects in more than 40 countries and regions. By now we have participated in a dozen projects in


英文祝酒词范文 【篇一:中英文对照祝酒词】 在国际禁化武视察员及国家代表 招待宴会上的祝酒词 toast at the reception of opcw inspectors and the country representative 尊敬的国际禁化武视察组凯里.基兰组长及各位视察员,尊敬的国家代表,女士们、先生们: 中午好! respected mr. kerry kilan, leader of the opcw inspection team, members of the team, respected country representative, ladies and gentlemen: good noon! 今天,苏州市人民政府和张家港市人民政府在此设宴,感谢国际禁化武视察组全体成员四天来的辛勤工作,感谢国家代表以及国家、省禁化武办领导对我们工作的支持、帮助和认可,本次核查工作的圆满完成,离不开你们的努力和各有关方面的高度配合。 today, suzhou municipal government and zhangjiagang municipal government are holding reception here to convey our thanks to the members of opcw inspection team for your hard work in the recent 4 days, and also to the country representative and the leaders of national and provincial organizations of the prohibition of chemical weapons for your support, help and affirmation towards our work. the successful conclusion of the inspection is not possible


简短英语版祝酒词 1. 短语式祝酒词 to your health!(good health!) bottoms up! cheers!(cheerio!) (heres)yo our victory! to mr. li! all the best! 2. 习语性单句式祝酒词 down the hatch! heres mud in your eye! heres skin off your nose! heres looking at you!. 3. 用drink 和toast组成的单句式祝酒词 ill drink to your good health. ill drink to very good health for you. lets drink to his success. lets drink a toast to our friendly co-operation. ill give toast to all the here. i propose a toast to the friendship between our two countries. ill toast the bride..

lets toast ever-lasting peace. christmas!圣诞快乐! new year!新年快乐! christmas to you all!祝大家圣诞快乐! thanksgiving!感恩节快乐! all thank you for your kind invitation tonight.我们全都感谢你今晚好意的邀请。 you for your kind invitation to join with you in this wonderful thanksgiving celebration.谢谢你们一番盛情邀请我和你们一起过这美好的感恩节庆典。 is a great honor for me to speak to you all here tonight at this new year party.今晚在这新年聚会上我很荣幸能对大家讲讲话。 me, at first express a few words of gratitude to our host, mr. smith.首先让我对我们的主人史密斯先生说几句话,以表示感激之意。 is my great pleasure to wish you all a very merry christmas!很荣幸能够在此祝福你们大家有个非常愉快的圣诞节! ’d like to say a word of hearty thanks to my host and hostess, mr. and mrs. smith, for inviting me to this christmas party.男主人和女主人史密斯先生和夫人邀请我

【优质】商务晚宴祝酒词英文-推荐word版 (3页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理所得,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即予以删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑修改文字! == 商务晚宴祝酒词英文 商务晚宴祝酒词英文【1】 Mr. Vice President, Our American friends, My colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen, On behalf of all the members of our mission, I would like to express our sincere thanks to you for inviting us to such an marvelous Christmas party. We really enjoyed the delicious food and excellent wine. Also, the music was perfect. I enjoyed meeting and talking to you, and sharing the time together. As we say, well begin is half done. I hope we will be able to maintain this good relationship and make next year another great one together. Thank you again for the wonderful part, we had a great time. In closing, I would like to invite you to join me in a toast. To the health of Mr. Vice President, To the health of our American friends,


英语祝酒词 1. 短语式祝酒词 to your health!(good health!) bottoms up! cheers!(cheerio!) (heres)yo our victory! to mr. li! all the best! 2. 习语性单句式祝酒词 down the hatch! heres mud in your eye! heres skin off your nose! heres looking at you!. 3. 用drink 和toast组成的单句式祝酒词 ill drink to your good health. ill drink to very good health for you. lets drink to his success. lets drink a toast to our friendly co-operation. ill give toast to all the here. i propose a toast to the friendship between our two countries. ill toast the bride.. lets toast ever-lasting peace. 1.merry christmas!圣诞快乐! 2.happy new year!新年快乐! 3.merry christmas to you all!祝大家圣诞快乐! 4.happy thanksgiving!感恩节快乐! 6.we all thank you for your kind invitation tonight.我们全都感谢你今晚好意的邀请。 7.thank you for your kind invitation to join with you in this wonderful thanksgiving celebration.谢谢你们一番盛情邀请我和你们一起过这美好的感恩节庆典。 8.it is a great honor for me to speak to you all here tonight at this new year party.今晚在这新年聚会上我很荣幸能对大家讲讲话。 9.let me, at first express a few words of gratitude to our host, mr. smith.首先让我对我们的主人史密斯先生说几句话,以表示感激之意。 10.it is my great pleasure to wish you all a very merry christmas!很荣幸能够在此祝福你们大家有个非常愉快的圣诞节! 11.i’d like to say a word of hearty thanks to my host and hostess, mr. and mrs. smith, for inviting me to this christmas party.男主人和女主人史密斯先生和夫人邀请我参加那诞聚会,我想说句话以表示我衷心的感谢。 12.we are meeting here tonight in the house of mr. smith, along with other american friends of his, to observe easter.今晚我们聚集在这儿,史密斯先生的家,还有他的美国朋友,一起来庆祝复活节。 13.i wish, first of all, to thank my host and hostess for inviting me to this christmas dinner.首先我要感谢主人和女主人邀请我参加这耶诞晚餐会。


有关酒的英语演讲稿 篇一:中英文对照祝酒词 在国际禁化武视察员及国家代表 招待宴会上的祝酒词 Toast at the Reception of OPCW Inspectors and the Country Representative 尊敬的国际禁化武视察组凯里.基兰组长及各位视察员,尊敬的国家代表,女士们、先生们: 中午好! Respected Mr. Kerry Kilan, leader of the OPCW Inspection Team, members of the team, respected country representative, ladies and gentlemen: Good noon! 今天,苏州市人民政府和张家港市人民政府在此设宴,感谢国际禁化武视察组全体成员四天来的辛勤工作,感谢国家代表以及国家、省禁化武办领导对我们工作的支持、帮助和认可,本次核查工作的圆满完成,离不开你们的努力和各有关方面的高度配合。 Today, Suzhou Municipal Government and Zhangjiagang Municipal Government are holding reception here to convey our thanks to the members of OPCW Inspection Team for your hard work in the recent

4 days, and also to the country representative and the leaders of national and provincial organizations of the prohibition of chemical weapons for your support, help and affirmation towards our work. The successful conclusion of the inspection is not possible without your efforts and the coordination from all relevant parties. 在刚刚结束的签字仪式上,张家港市政府代表地方政府明确表示要切实履行《公约》规定的各项义务,积极接受和配合国际禁化武组织开展的各项视察活动。今后,我们将在国家和江苏省人民政府的领导下,继续做好各项履约工作。 At the signing ceremony a moment ago, Zhangjiagang Municipal Government, on behalf of local governments, made it clear that we would earnestly fulfill the obligations prescribed in the CWC and happily receive and cooperate with all inspections made by OPCW. In the future, we will, under the leadership of central and provincial governments, continue our fulfilment. 现在,我提议: 为此次禁化武核查工作的圆满结束; 为我们的友谊; 为在座各位的事业顺利、身体健康、阖家幸福;干杯!


英语新年贺词大全 best wishes for the year to xxe! 恭贺新禧! good luck in the year ahead! 祝吉星高照! may you xxe into a good fortune! 恭喜发财! live long and proper! 多福多寿! may many fortunes find their way to you! 祝财运亨通! i want to wish you longevity and health! 愿你健康长寿! take good care of yourself in the year ahead. 请多保重! wishing you many future successes. 祝你今后获得更大成就。 on this special day i send you new years greetings and hope that some day soon we shall be together. 在这特殊的日子,向你致以新年的祝福,希望不久我们能相聚在一起。

i would like to wish you a joyous new year and express my hope for your happiness and good future. 祝新年快乐,并愿你幸福吉祥,前程似锦。 may the new year bring many good things and rich blessings to you and all those you love! 愿新年带给你和你所爱的人许多美好的事物和无尽的祝福! rich blessings for health and longevity is my special wish for you in the xxing year. 祝你在新的一年里身体健康,多福多寿。 good luck, good health, hood cheer. i wish you a happy new year. 祝好运、健康、佳肴伴你度过一个快乐新年。 with best wishes for a happy new year! 祝新年快乐,并致以良好的祝福。 i hope you have a most happy and prosperous new year. 谨祝新年快乐幸福,大吉大利。 with the xxpliments of the season. 祝贺佳节。 best wishes for the year to xxe! 恭贺新禧! good luck in the year ahead!

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