当前位置:文档之家› 高三英语总复习练习题6







1.Weholdameetingeveryyearinhonourofthosepeoplewholosttheirliv esin________ourmotherland.

A.defending B.lighting

C.preventing D.struggling

2.Tobehonest,theroleJ ohnplaysinthisfilmdoesn’tcomeuptomy________,thoughheisoneofmyfavoriteactors.

A.excuses B.explanations

C.experiences D.expectations

3.Unfortunately,atleast20minerswerekilled,22________and13________inthecoalminegase xplosion.

A.injuring;trapping B.injured;trapped

C.injured;trapping D.injuring;trapped

4.Arecentsurvey________thatthemajorityofpeopleareworriedabout thepresenthighpriceofapartmentsincities.

A.indicates B.includes

C.imagines D.improves


A.belongingto B.bebelongedto

C.belongto D.bebelongingto


A.Majorityof B.Themost

C.Themajorityof D.Themajority


—D on’tyouthinktheiceistoothinto________yourweight?

A.stand B.bear

C.catch D.take

8.—Howcanwegettothecampingsitenearlyonehundredmilesaway?If onlywehadacar!



A.hiring B.firing

C.stealing D.picking

9.I________adebtofgratitudetohisfamilysoI’lldomybesttohelpthem whenevertheyareintrouble.

A.borrow B.lend

C.owe D.give

10.Themanagerrequestedthatthetask________byfiveo’clockwithou tdelay.

A.mustbefinished B.wouldbefinished

C.wasfinished D.befinished

11.IwillwritedownwhatIhaveseenandheard________memoriesarest illfresh.

A.before B.while

C.though D.unless



A.with;with B.to;to

C.with;to D.to;with


A.However B.Anyway

C.Therefore D.Though


A.ways B.means

C.manners D.habits



A.Sorry,I’mafraid B.Yes,helpyourself

C.Sorry,youdon’t D.No,goahead



Stopwastingyourtimethinkingofreasonsforyourfailuresandshortcomin gs.Instead,

realizethattheseedsofsuccesswereplantedwithinyouwhenyouwereborn.Onl yyouhavethepowertomakethoseseedsgrow.

Theseeds,andthepowertogrowthem,arecontainedinthehumanmind.Successisachoiceandnotachance.Youcanbea successonlyifyoumaketherightchoice.

Youcannotbesuccessfulwithoutfirstdevelopingyourself-esteem(自尊).Yourlevelofself-esteemisalwaysbasedonthedegreeofcontrolthatyoua reabletoexerciseoveryourself,andthusoveryourlife.Peoplewithlowself-esteemdonotbelievethattheyhavea nypower,orresponsibilityfortheirlives.Theyareleavestossed(摇摆)bythewindsofchanceblownaboutwithanysuddenchangeintheweather.

Youcanexercisecontroloveryourlifeonlytothedegreethatyoubelievetha tyouareresponsibleforwhateverhappensinyourlife.Failuresthinkthateveryth inghappensbyaccidentwhilesuccessfulpeoplerealizethattheyareresponsible .

Everythinghappensasaresultofsomething.Ifwecanidentifythecause,wecancontroltheeffect.Weareresponsibleforwhatweconsciouslychoosetoac ceptandbelieve.

Thoughtsandbeliefscauseeverything.Ourattitudesandactionsarearesul tofhabitsexistinginusoveraperiodoftime.Onegenerallyrisestothelevelthaton eexpects.Weareresponsibleforsettingourexpectations.Oursuccessdependsu ponourlevelofconfidence.Weareresponsibleforeitherforminggoodhabitsor kickingbadhabits.



1.Peoplewithlowself-esteemarecomparedtoleavesbecausethey____ ____.



C.don’thavethepowertofacetheirf ate













A.SuccessisaChoice B.TheSecretsofSuccess

C.DevelopOurConfidence D.HowtoAchieveSuccess

Peoplehavebeenfondofrosessincethebeginningoftime.Infact,itissaidthatthewiseandknowingConfuciushada600-booklibraryspecifically onhowtocareforroses.

Theroseisalegendonitsown.ThestorygoesthatduringtheRomanEmpire ,therewasabeautifulgirlnamedRhodanthe.Herbeautydrewmanysuitors(求婚者).Exhaustedbytheirpursuit(追求),RhodanthewasforcedtohideinthetempleofherfriendDianatostayawayfromh ersuitors.Unfortunately,Dianabecamejealous(嫉妒的).Andwhenthesuitorsbrokedownhertemplegatestogetneartheirbeloved Rhodanthe,shebecameangry,turningRhodantheintoaroseandhersuitorsintothorns(刺).

InGreeklegend,therosewascreatedbyChloris,theGreekgoddessofflowers.ItwasjustalifelessseedthatChlorisfoundonedayi naclearinginthewoods.SheaskedAphrodite,thegoddessoflove,togiveherbeauty,Dionysus,thegodofwine,togiveherasweetscent(气味),andthethreeGracestogivehercharm,brightnessandjoy.ThenZephyr,theWestWind,blewawaythecloudssothatApollo,thesungod,couldshineandmakethisflowerblossom.Andsotherosewasbornandwasimm ediatelycalledtheQueenofFlowers.

ThefirsttrueprimaryredroseseeninEuropewasintroducedin1792fromC hina,whereithadbeengrowingwildinthemountains.Immediately,rosebreedersbeganusingittomakeahybrid.Absoluteperfectionstillhasn’tbee ngained,andofcourseneverwill!

Thereisaspecialroselanguageinventedasasecretmeansofcommunicatio nbetweenloverswhowerenotallowedtoexpresstheirloveforoneanotheropenl y.Inthemid18thcenturythewifeoftheBritishambassadorinConstantinoplede scribedthisinherletters,whichwerepublishedafterherdeath.Theselettersinspiredmanybooksonthela



A.roses’mysteries B.Confucius’broadknowledge

C.roses’impactonhumanbeings D.people’sloveforroses



B.Rhodanth edidn’texpectDiana’sjealousy














A.Idon’tloveyouanymore B.I’dliketoexpress myloveopenly C.I’mlongingforyourlove D.Ihavenohopesforlove




答案: A


答案: D


答案: B


答案: A


答案: C

6.解析:themajorityof大多数,大部分。此处也可用mostofthe 的形式,但不可用themost。

答案: C


答案: B


答案: A


答案: C

10.解析:request后跟that从句时,应用should+dosth.,should 可省略。句意为:经理要求这项任务毫无耽搁,五点之前应该完成。

答案: D


答案: B


答案: C


答案: B


答案: C

15.解析:考查情景对话。此处根据语意可知应是不介意,用No,goahead(不介意,做/干吧)。A、B和C项都表示介意,所以选D 项。

答案: D




答案: D


答案: A



答案: B


答案: A



答案: D


答案: B


答案: B


答案: C


答案: C


二、长方体和正方体 1.填空: (1)正方体棱长之和为36 厘米,它的体积是( )立方厘米,表面积是 ( )平方厘米。 (2)一个长方体的棱长之和为36 厘米,已知它的长为4 厘米,宽为3 厘米, 高为 ( ) 厘米。 (3)一个长方体的表面积是148平方厘米,已知这个长方体底面长6 厘米,宽 5 厘米,这个长方体的高是( ) 厘米。 (4)一个长方体的表面积是320平方厘米,上、下两个面是周长32厘米的正方 形,长方体的体积是( )立方厘米。 (5)一个长方体的侧面积为72平方分米,高是4分米,底面长是宽的2倍。这个 长方体的体积是( )立方分米。 (6)一段方钢长 2 米, 横截面是周长为 12 厘米的正方形,这块方钢的体积 是( )立方厘米。 (7)一只木箱高5 分米,底面周长3 米,下底面积是54 平方分米,它的表面积 是 ( )平方分米。 (8)一个正方体的棱长缩小到原来的 2 1 ,体积缩小到原来的( ),表面积缩小到原来的( )。 (9)两个长方体的高相等,且甲长方体的体积是乙长方体体积的4倍,如果两 个长方体的底面都是正方形,那么,当甲长方体底面边长是4厘米时, 乙 长方体底面边长是( ) 厘米。 (10)一张边长20厘米的正方形商标纸正好贴满底面为正方形的食品盒的侧面, 这个食品盒的容积是( )毫升。 (11)棱长为a 的正方体,表面积是( ),把它切成两个长方体后, 表面积的和是( )。

(12) 3个棱长为a 的正方体拼成一个长方体,这个长方体的表面积是 ( )。 (13) 有两个相同的正方体拼成一个长方体,这个长方体棱长的总和是48厘米, 这个长方体的体积是( )立方厘米。 (14) 把一个正方体分成相等的64个小正方体,表面积增加了( )倍。 (15) 要拼成棱长8 厘米的正方体,需要( )个棱长2 厘米的正方体。 (16) 一个正方体的表面积是54平方分米,如果棱长增加2 分米,体积增加 ( )立方分米,表面积增加( )平方分米。 (17) 一个长方体,如果高增加2厘米,就变成了一个正方体。表面积就增加48 平方厘米,原长方体的表面积是( )平方厘米。 (18)一根长2.5 米的长方体木料,把它锯成2 段,表面积增加1.26平方分米, 这根木料的体积是( )立方分米。 (19)把一个长方体的小木块截成两段后,就变成两个完全相等的正方体,于 是这两个正方体的棱长之和比原来长方体的棱长之和增加40 厘米,原来 长方体的长是( )厘米。 (20) b 2 是b 的( )倍。b 3 是b 的( )倍。 (21)用3个长3 厘米,宽2 厘米,高1 厘米的同样的长方体,拼成一个表面积 最小的长方体,这个长方体的表面积是( )平方厘米。 (22)用3个长4 厘米,宽3 厘米,高2 厘米的同样的长方体,拼成一个表面积 最大的长方体,这个大长方体的表面积是( )平方厘米。 (23)有36 块棱长都为1 厘米的正方体,当放成长( ) 厘米,宽a (24)把6个棱长2 厘米的正方体拼成一个长方体,它的表面积最大是 ( )平方厘米。


语法填空专项训练---时态语态 一、单句填空:用所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. The house belongs to my aunt but she ____________ (not live) here any more. (全国I) 2. This machine _______________ (not work). It hasn’t worked for years. (浙江) 3. If their marketing plans succeed, they________________ (increase) their sales by 20 percent. (全国Ⅱ) 4. Population experts predict that most people ___________(live) in cities in the near future. (上海春) 5. He __________(play) football regularly for many years when he was young. (天津) 6. -- Have you known Dr. Jackson for a long time? -- Yes, since she _________(join) the Chinese Society. (宁夏) 7. Teenagers ____________(damage) their health because they play computer games too much. (重庆) 8. I called Hnnah many times yesterday evening, but I couldn’t get through. Her brother __________ (talk) on the phone all the time! (湖南) 9. John promised his doctor he _____________ (not smoke), and he has smoked ever since. (北京) 10. By this time tomorrow, I_____________ (lie) on the beach 11. So far this year we _________ (see) a fall in house prices by between 5 and 10 percent. (福建) 12. The hotel wasn’t particularly good. But I ____________(stay) in many worse hotels. (北京) 13. We first met on a train in 2000. We both felt immediately that we ____________ (know) each other for years. (辽宁) 14. -- I’m sure Andrew will win the first prize in the final. -- I think so. He _____________________ (prepare) for it for months. (江苏) 15. The telephone ________________ (ring), but by the time I got indoors, it stopped. (四川) 16. --Did you go to the show last night?


2017年无锡市普通高中期末考试试卷高三英语 2017.01 第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分) 第一节单项填空(共巧小题:每小题1分,满分15分) 请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 21. - Have you heard that Jack has been promoted to be sales manager recently? - It's nothing to be surprised at. The reason why he has won the trust of customers is that he has a/an attitude. A. changeable B. flexible C. movable D. alternate 22. - Peter, this is Hanna, a famous model from Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. in New York. - How do you do? I'm very delighted to make your . A. identification B. acquaintance C. familiarity D. identity 23. With the prices of houses rising, they became extremely anxious they wouldn't have enough money to afford one. A. in doubt B. in case C. for fear D. for example 24. As is expected, it will still be some years before all the metro lines in our city into operation. A. will be put B. are put C. will have been put D. have been put 25. Finding recipes in America is , for most good cooks have a shelf full of cookbooks ranging from locally published recipe collections to national bestsellers like the Betty Crocker Cookbook. A. as easy as pie B. as clear as mud C. as large as life D. as light as feather 26. While the house prices in Wuxi keep rising, a lot of houses have been sold out, most were sold to buyers from Shanghai and Suzhou. A. in which B. among them C. of which D. of them 27. This powerful music style addresses issues like love, sex, drugs, politics and death. Often it the accepted values. A. argues against B. rebels against C. fights with D. deals with 28. -You could hardly imagine what great trouble John had reserving a hotel room during the G20 summit. - He in my apartment. It was vacant as I was abroad then. A.must have stayed B. should have stayed C. could have stayed D. would have stayed 29. China has successfully launched Tiangong-2, the way to the construction of a large space station in the early 2020s. A. to pave B. having paved C. paved D. paving 30. Digital teaching, as you know, since introduced, has our way of learning, enabling us to focus more in class. A. trade B. transformed C. translated D. transported 31. - Why didn't you go with us to the movie Star Trek 3? - I would love to have, but I was engaged. A. else B. otherwise C. somehow D. anyhow 32. The woman was a lady of strong mind and not once her hope of surviving the earthquake in the darkness. A. she has lost B. she lost C. did she lose D. lost she 33. According to the school rule, no child be allowed out of the school, unless accompanied by his own parents. A. should B. must C. shall D. can 34. I want to thank everyone who took part in the campaign on my side of the argument, including all those who put aside party differences to speak in they believe was the national interest. A. that B. what C. where D. Which 35. - Do you know if the new CEO is willing to meet the director this afternoon? - ,does it? A. It takes no time B. It counts for nothing C. It doesn't hurt to ask D . It doesn't make sense 第二节完形填空(共20小题:每小题1分,满分20分) When I was in middle school, a poisonous spider bit my right hand. I ran to my mom for 36 but instead of taking me to a doctor, my mom set my hand 37 . After wrapping my hand with several layers of cotton, then soaking it in wine, she put a chopstick into my mouth, and lit the cotton. Heat quickly went through the cotton and began to roast my 38 . The sharp pain made me want to scream, but the chopstick 39 it. All I could do was watch my hand burn - one minute, then two minutes - 40 mom put out the fire. At that time there was no doctor available my mother could bring me to see about my spider bite. For those who study biology, you may have grasped the science 41 my mom's cure: heat deactivates (使不


六年级第二学期应用题思考题 班别: 姓名: 学号: 1 1、甲、乙两堆煤,原来甲堆中煤的吨数相当于乙的 32,现从乙堆中取出它的81多2吨放到甲堆,2 则两堆数量相等,原来两堆煤各多少吨?(6分) 3 4 2、甲、乙两个粮仓,原来乙仓中存粮是甲仓的75,现在从乙仓中运出51到甲仓,则甲仓中存粮5 比乙仓多42吨。原来甲、乙两仓各存粮多少吨?(7分) 6 7 8 3、甲、乙、丙三个生产小组原来的人数比是1:2:4,若分别从甲、乙两小组各调16人到丙小9 组,则这时丙小组人数恰好等于甲、乙两小组人数之和的2倍,三个小组原来各有多少人?(7分) 10 11 12 4、甲乙两桶油,若从乙桶倒出48千克到甲桶,则乙桶油是甲桶的 41,若从甲桶倒出15千克油到13 乙桶,则两桶油和重量相等。甲桶原来有油多少千克?(6分) 14 15 16 5、快车和慢车的速度比是5:4,两车同时从同一地点出发,快车向南而行,慢车向北而行,快车 17 行了2小时,慢车行了3小时,这时两车相距330千米,求快车每小时行多少千米?(7分) 18 19 6、小光和小红分别从甲乙两地同时相向出发,途中第一次相遇时,小光走了全程的8 5,相遇后,20

两人继续向前行,小光到达乙地,小红到达甲地后两人立即又转头往回走,当小红离开甲地200米处 21 与小光第二次相遇,求甲乙两地距离多少米?(7分) 22 23 24 7、加工车间把一个棱长是10厘米的正方体原料,车成一个体积最大的圆柱体零件。车去部分的体 25 积是多少?(6分) 26 27 8、某单位原来有职工64人,其中女职工占总人数的83。后来新招入几个女职工,使男职工与女28 职工的人数比是4:3。这个单位现在有职工多少人?(6分) 29 30 31 9、一项工程,甲单独做要20天完成,乙单独做需要的时间比甲少25%,丙每天完成全工程的101,32 三人合做3天后,剩下这项工程的几分之几?(8分) 33 34 35 10、甲乙两车同时从A 地开往B 地。甲车到达B 地后立即返回,在离B 地45千米处与乙车相遇。36 已知甲乙两车速度的比是3:2,相遇时甲车行了多少千米? 37 (10分) 38 39 11、某水果店有苹果和桃子一批。如果苹果增加3箱,则桃子的箱数是苹果的 43,如果苹果减少40 4箱,则桃子的箱数是苹果的5 4。求这批苹果和桃子各是几箱?(10分) 41


2019年高考英语语法填空实战模拟 (名师精剖析解题技巧与方法+实战练习,值得下载练习) 篇一:语法填空答题技巧 {} 语法填空解题流程 {} 语法填空答题技巧 形式一有提示词类 (一)提供动词类 当设空处提供动词原形,设空处一般考查动词的时态、语态、非谓语动词或 词类转化。其解题步骤为: 全国Ⅰ]But for tourists like me,pandas are its top __61__(attract).[典例1][2016· [剖析]考查名词。句意:对于像我一样的游客,大熊猫是最大的吸引。形容词 top“头等的;最重要的”后面跟名词形式。故填attraction。 [典例2][2016· 全国Ⅰ]My ambassadorial duties will include __67__(introduce) British visitors to the 120-plus pandas at Chengdu and others at a research centre in the misty mountains of Bifengxia.

[剖析]include为及物动词,后面应用动名词形式作宾语。故填introducing。 全国Ⅱ]Leaving the less important things until tomorrow __63__ [典例3][2016· (be) often acceptable. [剖析]分析句子结构可知,动名词短语Leaving the less...until tomorrow作主语,故63处应为谓语动词且应用单数形式。故填is。 (二)词性转换类 词性转换多以派生词变化为主,如:形容词与副词间的相互转化形容词与名 词间的相互转化;形容词与动词间的相互转化;动词与名词间的相互转化等。其 解题步骤为: 全国Ⅰ]The title will be __63__(official)given to me at a ceremony [典例1][2016· in London. [剖析]考查副词。修饰动词应用副词形式。应填officially。 全国Ⅱ]Then,handle the most important tasks first so you'll feel a [典例2][2016· real sense of __62__ (achieve). [剖析]考查名词。介词of后应用名词作宾语。故填achievement。 特别提醒:1.括号中所给词为形容词或副词时,也有可能是考查其比较等级。 [典例1]The__68__(hard) you try to beat him,the more likely you will get hit.He controls you! [剖析]分析句子结构以及根据句意可知,此处为“the+比较级...,the+比较级...”结构,表示“越……,就越……”,故答案为harder。 2.括号中所给词为名词时,有可能不是考查词性转换,而是考查单复数。 [典例2]...for most of us the __69__(change) are gradual and require a lot of effort and work,like cleaning up a polluted river. [剖析]由定冠词the可知,此处应填名词,由谓语动词are和require可知此处 应用复数形式changes。 3.有个别空可能是词义转换题,词性不一定要变,主要是考查与词根意义相 反的派生词,需根据句子意思及前后逻辑关系,在词根前加un-,im-等,在词根


高三英语上学期期末复习试题及答案 高三英语上学期期末复习试题 第一部分:听力共两节,满分30分 第一节共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.Where does this conversation most probably take place? A.In the hospital. B.At a nursery. C.In a library. 2.When are Jenny’ s parents coming? A.In April. B.In June. C.In July. 3.What will the woman probably do? A.Go visit the writer. B.Buy the writer’s new book. C.Write book review. 4.What does the man mean? A.The lady’s room is a long way from here. B.She has to sign up for using the lady’s room. C.She is not able to use the lady’s room right now. 5.Why won’t the woman eat any more? A.She is losing weight. B.She isn’t feeling well. C.She has had enough. 第二节共15小题;每题1.5分,满分22.5分 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。


1.一瓶盐水,盐和水的质量比是1:24,如果再放入75克水,那么盐和水的质量比是1:27,原来瓶内的盐水有多少克? 2.学了2、3、5的倍数的特征后,王老师和同学们一起做了个游戏。他让学号是2的倍数的同学举左手,让学生是5的倍数的同学举右手,让学生是3的倍数的同学站立起来,结果有12名(包括学号排在最后的那名学生)同学什么动作也没有做。全班人数有多少人? 3.有20千克的盐水,盐和水的比是3:20,加上多少千克水后,盐和盐水的比是1:10? 4.合唱队原来女生人数占 31,后来又有3名女生加入,这样女生就占合唱队的9 4。现在合唱队多少人? 5.奶奶今年65岁,妈妈的年龄是奶奶的 53,小红的年龄是妈妈的3 1。小红今年多少岁? 6.馨馨家园去年有96户家庭中拥有电脑,今年比去年增加了41。今年有多少户家庭拥有电脑? 7.小明看一本书,第一天看了全书的61,第二天看了全书的5 1正好是60页。第一天看了多少页? 8. 六(2)班有72名学生,男女生人数的比为5:4,六(2)班男、女生各有多少人? 9.操场上有408名学生,老师的人数是学生人数的 8 1。操场上师生一共有多少人? 10. 一份稿件31小时打完,1小时打完这样的稿件3份。如果31小时打完这份稿件的2 1,1小时打完这样的稿件( )份。 11.一件工作,甲先单独完成32用了5 1小时,如果全完成,要用( )小时。 12.甲数是乙数的5 4,甲数是乙数的( )%;乙数是甲数的( )%。 13.学校买来300盆花美化环境,其中150盆布置校园花坛,其余的按3:2分给五、六年级。五、六年级各分到多少盆? 14.用来消毒的碘酒是把碘和酒精按1:50的比混合配制的,现在有35克碘,能配制这种碘酒多少克? 15.减数相当于被减数的 7 4,差和减数的比是( ) 16.A 是B 的2倍,B 是C 的32,A :B :C=( ) 17.一件工作,甲单独做要15小时完成,乙单独做要12小时完成。两人合作3小时后,由甲继续做几小时才能完成这件工作的5 4? 18.打一份稿件,甲单独打18小时完成,乙单独打30小时完成,甲先打3小时后,剩下的任务由两人合打,还需要多少时间完成? 19.一个书架上层放的书是下层的3倍。如果从上层搬40本到下层,那么两层书架上的书相等。原来上下层各有多少本?


一、百分数的应用 1.填空: ①一个数增加它的25%后,应减少所得数的( 20 )%才能重新得到原数。 ② 一个数减少它的37.5%后,应增加所得数的( 60 )%才能重新得到原数。 ③ 甲数比乙数少 11 1,乙数比甲数多( 10 )%。 ④ 甲数是乙数的131,乙数比甲数少( 25 )%。 ⑤ 5.7∶6=( 19 )∶20=(2.85)÷3=) 20()19(=( 0.95 )=( 95 )% ⑥ 有一杯糖水,糖和水的比是2∶9。再放入4克糖,所得糖水重92克,这时 糖水中水和糖的比是( 18∶5 )。 提示:原来糖水重 92-4=88(克),糖重 88× 2 92+=16(克), 水重 88-16=72(克) 再放入4克糖后水和糖的比是 72∶(16+4)=18∶5。 ⑦一个圆的周长增加20%,则它的面积就增加( 44 )%。 ⑧用两个相等的半圆拼成一个圆,那么圆周长比两个半圆周长之和少 (38.9)%。 提示:两半圆周长之和比圆周长多两条直径, 2d ÷(πd +2d)=2÷5.14≈38.9%。 ⑨一个正方形和一个圆的周长相等,这个正方形的面积是圆面积的 ( 78.5 )%。 提示:设半径为1,则正方形和圆的周长都是 1×2×3.14=6.28 正方形面积是圆面积的 20015714.357.157.114.311)428.6(2=?=??÷=78.5%。 ⑩在正方形内作一个最大的扇形,扇形面积占正方形面积的( 78.5 )%。 提示:设扇形半径为1 ,(1×1×3.14÷4)÷(1×1)=0.785÷1=78.5%。

2.判断: (×)① 最小的百分数是1%。 (×)② 4 3米也就是75%米。 (√)③ 甲数比乙数少20%,则乙数比甲数多25%。 (×)④ 把10克盐溶解在500克水中,那么盐是盐水的2%。 (×)⑤ 10吨煤用去10%后又增加10%,这时的煤与原有煤相等。 (×)⑥ 某车间今天上班的有100人,请假2人,出勤率是98%。 3.选择: ①甲数(不为0)乘以21的积等于乙数除以2 1的商,甲数与乙数相比( C )。 A 甲 = 乙 B 甲< 乙 C 甲 >乙 D 无法比较 ②一批货物,第一次降价20%,第二次又降价20%,第二次降价后的价格比 原价降低了( A )。 A 36% B 38% C 40% D 64% ③一个三角形,如果底边增加10%,高缩短10%时,新三角形的面积与原三 角形的面积比较,( B )。 A 增加了1% B 减少了1% C 增加了0.5% D 减少了0.5% E 面积相等 F 无法比较 ④选择“< ”、“ >”、“ =”号,分别填入各题的括号里。 9 2( = )0.2. ( > )314% 0.82( < )1.6 ⑤比X 多2 1的数与比X 少20%的数的差是53,求X 的正确方程是( B )。 A X ×(1+2 1)-X ×(1-20%)=53 B X +21-X ×(1-20%)=53 C X +2 1-(X -20%)=53


高三英语专项训练----语法填空 (1)(Topic: ) Once there lived a rich man who wanted to do something for the people of his town. But first he wanted to find out 16 _______ they deserved his help. In the centre of the main road into the town,he placed 17 ___ very large stone. Then he 18____ (hide) behind a tree and waited. Soon an old man came along with his cow.“Who put this stone in the centre of the road?” said the old man, 19____ he did not try to remove the stone. Instead, with some difficulty he passed around the stone and continued on his way.20 ______ man came along and did the same thing; then another came,and another. All of them complained about the stone but did not tried to remove 21______. Late in the afternoon a young man came along. He saw the stone, 22 _______ (say) to himself: “The night will be very dark. Some neighbors will come along later 23 _____ the dark and will fall against the stone.” Then he began to move the stone. He pushed and pulled with all his 24 ________ (strong) to move it. How great was his surprise at last! 25 ________ the stone,he found a bag of money. (2)(Topic: ) The best gift I ever received is the parents that were given to me. I could not have picked out 16 _______ (good) parents myself. My mom is smart,funny,and very artistic. She loves painting and encouraging other people to paint as well. She owns 17______ own book and art store. And at night she teaches adult 18 ________ (educate). She helps kids 19 _________ have dropped out of high school 20 _________ (get) their diploma. She always has time for me and my brothers. She hardly ever gets mad 21 ______ us and loves doing new things with us,22 _____ going to a new museum or going out onto the beach in the middle of the winter and taking pictures at the beach in the snow. My dad knows 23 _____ to fix anything and loves to play musical instruments. He helps me with my science projects and other school projects. He works hard to make money for our family and hardly ever complains. He loves skating with me and 24______ (build) us a half pipe and other cool things. So I have to say that 25 _______ gift I’m most grateful for is the one the God gave me—my parents. (3)(Topic: ) Sometimes Chinese English teachers are puzzled by such questions,“Have you got any skills in reading comprehension?” Actually,many of the teachers can’t give students 16 ___ efficient way to deal with reading. Anyway,17 _____ often simply say,“Read more and practise more,and you 18 ______ (get) more experience in reading comprehension.” Frankly, these teachers’ good 19_________ (suggest) are only helpful to arouse students’ interest in reading 20 ____ not helpful to deal wit h the questions in the examinations of reading comprehension. Personally,I think the skill for reading comprehension should be based 21 ______ the knowledge of English writing. Since the English passages are written under some rules or principles,the science of reading 22 ______understanding may have a close relationship with writing.


辽宁省五校2018届高三英语上学期期末考试试题 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节:(共5小题;每小题1.5分^满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A. £19.15. B. £9.15. C. £9.18. 答案是B。 1. What does the man like about the play? A. The story. B. The ending. C. The actor. 2. Which place are the speakers trying to find? A. A hotel. B. A bank. C. A restaurant. 3. At what time will the two speakers meet? A. 5:20. B. 5:10. C. 4:40. 4. What will the man do? A. Change the plan. B. Wait for a phone call. C. Sort things out. 5. What does the woman want to do? A. See a film with the man. B. Offer the man some help. C. Listen to some great music. 第二节:(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题。从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟:听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间,每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答6、7题。 6. Where is Ben?


苏教版小学数学六年级下册思考题 1.填空: ①一个数增加它的25%后,应减少所得数的( )%才能重新得到原数。 ②一个数减少它的37.5%后,应增加所得数的( )%才能重新得到原数。 ③甲数比乙数少 11 1 ,乙数比甲数多( )%。 ④甲数是乙数的13 1 ,乙数比甲数少( )%。 ⑤5.7∶6=( )∶20=( )÷3= ()() =( )=( )% ⑥有一杯糖水,糖和水的比是2∶9。再放入4克糖,所得糖水重92克,这时糖水中水和糖的 比是( )。 ⑦一个圆的周长增加20%,则它的面积就增加( )%。 ⑧用两个相等的半圆拼成一个圆,那么圆周长比两个半圆周长之和约少 ( )%。 (⑧⑨⑩π取3.14) ⑨一个正方形和一个圆的周长相等,这个正方形的面积是圆面积的( )%。 ⑩在正方形内作一个最大的扇形,扇形面积占正方形面积的( )%。 2.判断: ( )①最小的百分数是1%。 ( )② 4 3 米就是75%米。 ( )③甲数比乙数少20%,则乙数比甲数多25%。 ( )④把10克盐溶解在500克水中,那么盐是盐水的2%。 ( )⑤10吨煤用去10%后又增加10%,这时的煤与原有煤相等。 ( )⑥某车间今天上班的有100人,请假2人,出勤率是98%。 3.选择: ①甲数(不为0)乘 21的积等于乙数除以2 1 的商,甲数与乙数相比( )。 A.甲=乙 B.甲<乙 C.甲>乙 D.无法比较 ②一批货物,第一次降价20%,第二次又降价20%,第二次降价后的价格比原价降低了( )。

A.36% B.38% C.40% D.64% ③一个三角形,如果底边增加10%,高缩短10%时,新三角形的面积与原三角形的面积比较,( )。 A.增加了1% B.减少了1% C.增加了0.5% D.减少了0.5% E.面积相等 F.无法比较 ④选择“<”、“>”、“=”号,分别填入各题的括号里。 92 ( )0.2. ( )314% 0.82 ( )1.6 ⑤比X 多 2 1的数与比X 少20%的数的差是53 ,求X 的正确方程是 A.X ×(1+ 21)-X ×(1-20%)=53 B.X +2 1-X ×(1-20%)=53 C.X +2 1-(X -20%)=53 求百分之几 4.机械厂原计划8月份生产1200个零件,结果提前6天完成任务。照这样计算,8月份能超额百分之几? 5.某校去年有女生200人,男生比女生多80人。今年女生比去年增加20%,那么男生减少百分之几时,女生比男生可多30人? ※6.一个班中78%的学生喜欢游泳,80%的学生喜欢玩游戏机,84%的学生喜欢下棋,88%的学生 喜欢看小说,问该班学生中同时有这四种爱好的学生所占最小百分比是多少? 7.某厂经过技术考核后,对全体工人的技术水平考核情况如下:80%的工人会做A 种工作,87%的工人会做B 种工作,92%的工人会做C 种工作,75%的工人会做D 种工作,那么至少有百分之几的人A 、B 、C 、D 四种工作都会做?


高三英语上学期期末工作总结 高三这一年,对老师和学生来说都是一次磨砺。作为一名高三的英语老师,我会感到肩上的担子更重,压力也更大。但同时自己心中也暗自下定决心,一定要很好的完成这一任务,不辜负学校领导对我的信任,不辜负学生家长对我的期待,更不能辜负学生对我的期望。这样就促使我们用更多的时间去学习、研究近几年的高考题型,以便能够更好地教授学生。 本学期,我担任了高三三和高三四两个普通班的英语教学工作。即将过去的这一学期,我扎扎实实,勤勤恳恳、尽职尽责,较好地完成了学校交给的教学工作任务。现简单总结如下: 在业务上,顺应我国教育改革的形势及高考的要求,不断学习,大胆创新,积极进取,从教育教学的各个环节努力提高自身素质,我做到下面几点: 一扎实开展常规教学,切实提高教学质量。 1、认真备好每一节课。高三第一学期我们学校启用了优化探究的基础知识的复习。我深入钻研教材,多方查阅参考资料,把手头的教材当成宝,吃透,并认真消化,同时把以前学过的相关的知识点和新的知识点串联起来,而且不时地与老教师进行相关的探讨,一方面以弥补自己教学经验不足的缺陷;另一方面让学生感受到教材的教授既能让他们学到新知识也能让他们对某些学过的知识得以巩固。我深知立足教材,夯实基础知识才是我们这样的学生的唯一途径。教学和复习都因该注重实效,实实在在地为学生服务。 2、努力上好每一堂课。我深知学生学习重在课堂,努力向40分钟要效益,根据实际情况,充分调动学生的积极性。在教学过程中我本着“培养主体意识,强化课堂训练”的原则,积极做好学生的思想工作,提高学习的自觉性、积极性和主动性;帮学生树立信心。 3、认真批改作业,并及时给学生反馈作业情况,对作业中出现的错误进行课堂集体订正并举一反三,效果不错,大大降低了以后犯同类错误的机率。课后及时与学生进行交流,了解学生的学习状况,时刻关注学生思想动态。根据高三学生思想状况复杂、压力大等状况,我努力创造机会,多和学生一起交流,帮他们排忧解难,使他们时刻都能保持较好的学习状态。 4、在高三进行的各次月考、周考中,我都给学生进行详细的分析,分析错误,分析成绩,分析考试策略,分析解题技巧,使得她们都能越战越勇。 5、注重课后复习检测。复习、检测工作在教学中很重要,复习可“温故而知新”,检测则可及时了解学生对所学知识的掌握情况。本学期教学中,我除了要求学生在课后对前面所学知识进行经常性的复习外,在课堂教学中,也充分地利用一切可能的机会,尽量将前面所学知识结合起来对学生进行提问,帮助他们掌握前面所学知识。通过周检测、月考检测,对学生所学知识进行查漏补缺工作。 二、制定计划,加强复习的目标性。 1、夯实基础,发展能力。

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