当前位置:文档之家› 《连乘连除解决问题》专项练习题

















1. 学校买来10捆扫帚,每捆30把,每把2元,学校买扫帚一共用了多少元?

2. 小红坚持锻炼身体,每天跑4圈。跑道每圈500米,她一个星期(7天)跑多少米?

3. 妈妈买了240个苹果,每层装8个,每箱装3层,一共可以装多少箱?

4. 一瓶药共150片,每日3次,每次2片,这瓶药可以多少天?

5. 3只山雀2天可以吃掉害虫780条,一只山雀每天可以吃掉害虫是多少条?

6. 一只山雀池每天可以吃掉害虫是150条,5只山雀6天可以吃掉害虫多少条?

7. 游泳长25米,小东游了4个来回,他一共游了多少米?

8. 小东在游泳池里游泳,4个来回游了400米,游泳池有多长?


全国2016年中考英语试题专题练习 反义疑问句

反义疑问句 一、选择题 1、My mother has to stay at home to look after my grandma, _______? A. hasn’t she B. hasn’t my mother C. doesn’t she D.doesn’t my mother 2、He has many friends at school, _____? A. has he B. does he C. doesn’t he D. isn’t he 3、They have never been to America, _______? A. have they B. haven’t they C. don’t they D. do they 4、There is little milk in the glass, _______? A. isn’t it B. isn’t there C. is there D. is it 5、I don’t think he must be sleepy, _______? A. mustn’t he B. do I C. must he D. is he 6、It rained hard last night,______? A. does it B. did it C. doesn’ t it D. didn’ t it 7、They haven’t found the MH 370, ______________? A. have they B. haven’t they C. do they D. don’t they 8、He’s given an important report on the work of the government,________? A.isn’t he B.is he C.hasn’t he D.has he 9、Let’s go to the cinema, ____? A. will you B. shall we C. don’t we D. do we 10、Lucy didn’t come to school yesterday, ____? A. did she B. didn’t she C. dos she D. doesn’t she 11、There are a few people in the room, ____? A. are there B. aren’t there C. are they D. aren’t they 12、He’s never been to a foreign country, ________? A. isn’t he B. is he C. has he D. hasn’t he 13、Come here a moment, ____? A. will you B. shall you C. shall we D. don’t you 14、They have never been to America, _______? A. have they B. haven’t they C. don’t they D. do they


小卷好题积累: 1. Which shops will we go ________?A.to B.for C.from D./ 2. 在浦东和浦西之间旅行是方便的。 3. 充满笑声 4. 一座天文台 5. 旅游胜地 6. 进展 7. I don’t like action films. = I _________ action films. 8. My sister comes from Beijing. = My sister _________ ________ Beijing. 9. 喜欢历险片 10. His aunt knows little about Physics, ___________? A.doesn’t he B.does he C.doesn’t she D.does she 11. 画大楼的设计图 12. They are talking about which film they are going to see. = They are talking about _________ film _________ see. 13. My uncle __________(catch) a thief at the railway station yesterday. 14. __________ are you getting on with your project? A.What B.How C.Which D.Why 15. They saw the seven thirty show in the evening. 对划线部分提问 __________ _________ did they see in the evening? 16. What about seeing “Harry Potter”tonight? = _________ _________ see “Harry Potter”tonight? 17. 刚刚到达上海 18. 在运动方面训练某人 19. 一部有关小丑的电影 20. The time has come for __________.(act) 21. We enjoy the film very much.(否定句)We _________ enjoy the film ________ ________. 22. 东平森林国家公园 23. 浦东新区 24. 上海科技馆 25. Sun Li is one of the best _________ in China. (act) 26. Look, two _________ are walking in the street. (police) 27. Space wars is an adventure film about how astronauts travel in _______ space. A.the B.a C./ D.an 28. Hong Kong is known as the “Shopping Paradise”. The word “known” means __________. A.popular B.more any C.any more D.understood 29. Who often ________ you with your English?(help) 30. 相当多(quite) 31. He gave the book back to me just now. = He ________ the book ________ me just now. 32. 去观光 33. They have stayed here for two days. = They have stayed ________ two days ________. 34. She bought the book a week ago. = She ________ _________ the book ________ a week ago. 35. He was ________ about his ________ son.(worry)


【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】 77-46= 65+26= 79+19= 56-26= 58+27= 84-27= 4+27= 63+23= 69-39= 77-76= 61-38= 79-16= 36+27= 87-27= 30-19= 73-23= 99-46= 65-39= 94-56= 56+26= 59+29= 94-29= 30-23= 93-23= 96+32 = 69-39= 75-96= 96-26=

23+23= 63-39= 54+46= 55-46= 28+26= 58+18= 36+54= 26+25= 84-25= 4+25= 82+22= 68-28= 48+25= 56+22= 61-28= 58+18= 16+55= 38-26= 82-25= 22+28= 52-22= 82-28= 51-28= 46+22= 65-28= 88+12= 56-26= 58-26= 84-28= 82-22= 88-25= 68+22=

68-28= 22+22= 82-28= 80-28= 77-46= 63-38= 79+19= 36+74= 36+27= 84-27= 5+57= 43+23= 69-39= 59+23= 77-56= 61-38= 79+19= 16+77= 19+36= 86-27= 73-23= 93-39= 71-23= 46+32= 63-39= 94-36= 3+84= 39+29=

54-29= 93-23= 33-29= 90-24= 96+32= 61-39= 59-47= 99-26= 36+24= 29+76 = 23+54= 93-27= 56-27= 63-28= 88+18= 36+34= 38-26= 84+16= 23-16= 22+64= 68-28= 18+56= 87-29= 36+22=


八年级英语期末总复习专题三(反义疑问句) 授课教师:刘老师 授课时间: 一、什么是反意疑问句 英语中,反意疑问句是由陈述句和附在其后的附加疑问句组成。其中附加疑问句是对陈述句所说的事实或观点提出疑问,起证实作用,一般用于证实说话者所说的事实或观点。翻译为“是吗” 注意:反意疑问句的回答,回答时,如果情况属实,用Yes加上反问句的倒装肯定句;若果情况不属实,则用No加上反问句的倒装否定句。 You were moved by your students, weren’t you? 情况属实:Yes, I were. 情况不属实:No, I weren’t. 二、反意疑问句中问句部分的动词与陈述部分的动词在语气上成相反的对应关系,即:前肯后否,前否后肯。当陈述句中含有be动词,助动词,或是情态动词时,反问句部分由这些词加上主语人称代词构成, Be动词包括:am, is, are, was, were 助动词有:do, does, did, have(用在完成时), has(用在完成时)等 情态动词有:can, could, may, might, must, will, would, shall, should Eg: She is a lovely girl, isn’t she? 她是一个可爱的女孩,是吗? He will go home, won’t he? 他要回家了,是吗? She doesn’t like to eat popcorn, does she? 她不喜欢吃爆米花,是吗? The baby won’t sleep early, will it? 注意:若反意疑问句的陈述部分带有little, few, never, hardly, seldom,nobody, nothing, barely, scarcely等否定意义的词时,问句部分用肯定式 Eg: She never tells a lie, does she?(不用doesn’t she?) 她从不说谎,是吗? He was seldom late, was he?(不用wasn’t he?) 他几乎不迟到,是吗? 练习题: 1.It’s very hot today, _______________ ? 2. He can speak Chinese, _______________ ? 4. He never gets up late , _______________ ?26.Nothing is impossible, _______________ ? 三.当陈述句中只含有行为动词时,若动词加了s,就用does, 若动词为原形,就用do,动词为过去式,则用did,例如: You cleaned your house last week, didn’t you? 你上周打扫了你的房间,是吗? Your father plays the computer very well, doesn’t he? 你父亲电脑技术很好,是吗? 一些特殊情况 1、反意疑问句的陈述部分为I am……时,问句部分习惯上用aren’t I?表示。 如: I am a very honest man, aren’t I? 我是个很诚实的人,是吗? 2.陈述部分的主语为不定代词something, anything, nothing, everything时,问句部分的主语用it。如: ①Something is wrong with the computer, isn’t it? 电脑有问题了,是吗? 当陈述句部分somebody (someone) anybody (anyone), nobody (no one), everybody (everyone)


期末试卷分析报告 分析试卷就是一个发现问题、解决问题的过程,以下是整理的期末试卷分析,欢迎参考阅读! 期末试卷分析报告1 一、基本情况分析 此次语文考试卷的命题内容为“二大块”:一是字词句乐园;二是看读写天地;其题型较新颖,能贴进学生生活,覆盖面较广,既考查了学生对字、词、句的积累、理解、运用的情况,又检测了学生阅读的能力,符合年段要求,体现了《语文课程标准》的精神和要求。 二、考试结果及分析 1、情况分析 样本分析:本次抽测共抽取一年级1班,名学生,占全校一年级人数的1/2。基本数据分析:语文学科优秀人,及格人,不及格人。 从以上数据看出整体不是很理想。分析对象一(1)班名学生。根据统计与计算,此 班平均分,优秀率为%,及格率为%。 2、板块分析 (1)字词句乐园答题分析

第二题:认真看图,相信你能把音节补充完整。这一题比较难,错的最多。其主要原因:一是前后鼻音不分;二是忘记标声调。 第三题:认真读每组拼音,你一定能写出词语来。比较会做错的词的是:“用力东方”,其主要原因平时对拼音的运用不够扎实,所以做错。 第四题:读一读,上下哪两个字能变成好朋友,请你连一连。正确率为92%,基本上能正确连线。错题原因是因为学生不看清题目,其次就是同一个字构成了两个词,而把另一个没有连线。 第五题:请你先仔细看,然后组词。这道题较简单,基本都能够准确组词。 第六题:请你给正确的字打上“√”。学生主要对量词“坐座”“颗棵”不能够准确区分。 第七题:一笔一画写写下面的字吧。错得最多的是“水”。 第八题:你一定能正确地连起来的。正确率99%。 第九题:读一读例句,你就能把句子补充完整。有一部分同学能够看懂例句,而没做上的原因是不能正确书写部分字词。 (2)看读写天地答题分析 第十题:你一定能按要求填空。第2小题错得最多,主要原因是“有、又”不分。 第十一题:看图填空。错误原因有:1、不认真看图,认不清楚小动物;2、会写的字还太少。 3、问题剖析


77-46=65+26=79+19=56-26= 58+27= 84-27= 4+27= 63+23= 69-39= 77-76= 61-38= 79-16= 36+27= 87-27= 30-19= 73-23= 99-46= 65-39= 94-56= 56+26= 59+29= 94-29= 30-23= 93-23= 96+32 = 69-39= 75-96= 96-26= 23+23= 63-39= 54+46= 55-46=

84-25= 4+25= 82+22= 68-28= 48+25= 56+22= 61-28= 58+18= 16+55= 38-26= 82-25= 22+28= 52-22= 82-28= 51-28= 46+22= 65-28= 88+12= 56-26= 58-26= 84-28= 82-22= 88-25= 68+22= 68-28= 22+22= 82-28= 80-28=

77-46= 63-38= 79+19= 36+74= 36+27= 84-27= 5+57= 43+23= 69-39= 59+23= 77-56= 61-38= 79+19= 16+77= 19+36= 86-27= 73-23= 93-39= 71-23= 46+32= 63-39= 94-36= 3+84= 39+29= 54-29= 93-23= 33-29= 90-24=

96+32= 61-39= 59-47= 99-26= 36+24= 29+76 = 23+54= 93-27= 56-27= 63-28= 88+18= 36+34= 38-26= 84+16= 23-16= 22+64= 68-28= 18+56= 87-29= 36+22= 61-39= 34+18= 16+33= 9+67= 26+27= 83-25= 78+15= 8+79=


特殊疑问句练习题 一、选择正确的单词填空 (who, where, when) 1._____ is that pretty girl? She is my sister. 2._____ are Jack and Tom? They are behind you. 3._____ do you go to school? I go to school from Monday to Friday. 4._____ has a beautiful flower? John has a beautiful flower. 5._____ are they? They are my parents. 6._____ is my mother? She is in the living room. 7._____ are you going? We are going to the bakery(面包坊). 8._____ do Jim and Wendy play ball? They play ball in the afternoon. 9._____ does he jog? He jogs in the park. 10._____ are you from? I'm from Changchun city. 二、就画线部分提问 1.He is my father. 2.They are under the tree. 3.I often watch TV after dinner.(晚饭后) 提示:饭后强调的是时间问题。 4.Lily swims in the swimming pool.(游泳池) 5.Superman flies in the sky. 6.I often brush my teeth in the evening. 7.Alan likes to play with Bill. 8.Joe's father plays badminton(羽毛球) every weekend. 9.The supermarket is near the school. 10.The laptop(笔记本电脑) is on the table. 11.Jennifer has a pair of earrings(耳环). 12.The flowers are in the flower pot(花盆).13.My grandpa took us to the zoo. 14.I put the gold fish(金鱼) into the fish tank(鱼缸).15.The monkey sleeps at night. 一.用what time, what color, what day, what填空。 1. A: ______ _______ is it? B: It is nine o’clock. 2. A: ______ _______ does your mother get up? B: My mother gets up at 6:30. 3. A: ______ _______ do you go to bed? B: I go to bed at 10:00. 4. A: ______ _______ do Diana and Fiona have supper? B: Diana and Fiona have supper at 18:00. 5. A: ______ _______is it? B: It is purple. 6. A: ______ _______ is the sky? B: The sky is blue.

中考反义疑问句 特殊句式-反义疑问句

中考反义疑问句特殊句式-反义疑问句 专题复习-反义疑问句 反义疑问句 结构:前否后肯,或前肯后否 1.当陈述句部分的主语是不定代词no one,none,nobody,everyone,someone,everybody,somebody 等时,其附加疑问句的主语强调全部时可用they,强调个体时用he. No one phoned me while I was out,did they? Everyone is having a good time, aren`t they? Someone is waiting for you,isn`t he? 2.陈述句的主语是复合不定代词everything,anything,something,nothing,附加疑问句部分主语用it. Everything goes well with you,doesn`t it? Nothing has been considered about this meeting,has it? 3.不定代词one作主语,附加疑问句的主语在正式场合用one,非正式场合用you. One can`t be too careful,can one/you? 4.当陈述句的主语是指示代词,附加疑问句主语要用相应的人称代词,即this/that用it,these/those用they. That was a hundred years ago,wasn`t it? Those are yours,aren`t they? 5.陈述句部分为there be句型时,其后附加疑问句部分仍用there. There will be a special meeting tomorrow,won`t there? There used to be a lake here,usedn`t/didn`t there? 6.情态动词must在反义疑问句中的用法,应由陈述部分的意义来决定。 必须,禁止 You must send for a doctor immediately,mustn`t you? You mustn`t walk on the grass,must you? 有必要 We must have a discussion this evening,need`t we? 一定,想必 对现在情况推测:You must be very tired, aren`t you? 对过去情况推测:It must have rained last night,didn`t it? 对已完成情况的推测:He must have studied English for many years,hasn`t he? 7.当陈述部分有情态动词used to时,附加疑问句部分的谓语动词可用used to也可用did. She used to study in Russia,usedn`t/didn`t she? 8.当陈述句中含有had better时,附加疑问句用hadn`t或shouldn`t. You`d better remain calm when in danger,hadn`t/shouldn`t you?


(xx年)三年级下册语文期末试卷分析 经过了紧张的期末复习工作,学生在老师的带领下,全面的复习了所学的知识,经过考核,师生共同分享收获的喜悦,但是也存在一些不足,下面把本次考试出现的一些问题进行一下分析: 一、总体情况 全班人数36人,参加考试的学生36人,试卷最高分96分,年级平均分73分,及格率86%。 纵观整个试卷,内容有一定的覆盖面,重点突出,代表性强,试卷难易适度,有一定的层次性,既注重对基础知识的考察,又注重对学生能力的培养。 这次考试,我认为孩子们考的还不错。基础知识扎实,卷面整洁,从一开学,我就扎扎实实的抓基础,抓阅读。复习时,每单元词语、语文园地一个单元一个单元过关,错题更正落实到位。手把手的教大家把握重点,字词句段篇层层深入,使他们的复习更有效。 二、试卷具体分析 整套试卷分为十三个题型:拼音写汉字、查字典、填量词、词语接龙、补充词语和句子写句子、整理句子成段、

读课文回答问题、判断是非题、课外阅读、习作。 二、典型错误分析 一至六题,都是检测学生对字词及查字典的掌握。其错误主要原因:一是读不懂拼音;三是能拼准拼音,但是由于平时练得不够扎实,所以写错字。其次是词语积累较少,词接不上。 第七题的写句练习,学生会做,失分的主要原因是关联词不会用。 第八题把词语和句子补充完成。丢分原因是写错字。 第九、十题做的不错。 第十一题是非题,丢分原因是词语掌握不牢。 第十二题是阅读题。填上合适的语句,错的比较多。我想原因是试卷的错误怎么是“小乌鸦想,又来小乌鸦想:——”把孩子给弄糊涂了。 第十三题习作“一件让我——的事”。应平时一些过,写的还可以。 三、改进措施 1、教师要进一步学习小学语文课程标准,转变教学观念,改进教学方法,落实三维目标。 2.教学中加强语文基础知识的训练,要让学生准确掌握


姓名: 班级: 1、竖式计算练习 2、以下竖式题对的打(“),错的打(X)并订正 (1)商店有36把扇,卖去5把,现在有多少把 (2)马场上有25匹马,又来了 33匹,现在马场上有多少匹 姓名: 2 3 5 7 8 + 4 + 4 1 - 6 6 3 9 1 7 2 ( ) ( ) ( ) 6 5 -2 3 3^ 2 班级: 3、以下应用题列竖式计算

1、竖式计算练习 65+4= 39-12= 5+32= 95-50= 62+33= 58-28= 5+42= 78-6= 2、以下竖式题对的打(“),错的打(X )并订正 3、以下应用题列竖式计算 (1)小华做了 20个信封,小亮比小华多做6个,小亮做了多少个 (2)学校买回白色、彩色粉笔共 28盒,其中彩色粉笔6盒,买回白 粉笔多少盒 姓名: 班级: 51+27= 32+40= 85-32= 76-40= 4 3 + 4 4~^ ( ) 2 1 + 5 3 7 4 ( ) 7 5 -4 ―3~^ ( ) 5 -4 3 9~^ ( )

64+3= 99-96= 50+19= 48-3= 55+2= 65-60= 4+25= 76-20= 2、以下竖式题对的打(“),错的打(X)并订正 3、以下应用题列竖式计算 (1)小朋友做剪纸,用了 8张红纸,又用了同样多的黄纸,他们用 了多少张纸 (2)动物园里有大猴20只,有小猴30只,小猴比大猴多多少只 姓名: 班级: 1、竖式计算练习 75-3= 6+33= 85-4= 29-26= 4 7 + 5 9~^ ( ) 2 + 2 3 4 3 ( ) 4 1 -3 1 ~~1 ( ) 5 1 -2 0 3~^ ( )


反意疑问句练习 1.Tom was happy, _________________? 2.Tom was unhappy, _________________? 3.Tom wasn’t happy, _________________? 4.Tome likes watching TV, _________________? 5.Tom dislikes watching TV, _________________? 6.Tome doesn’t like watching TV, _________________? 7.There are some birds singing in the tree, _________________? 8.It seldom rains in Shenzhen, _________________? 9.Cathy has little money, _________________? 10.Christine hardly gets up early, _________________? 11.Open the door, _________________? 12.Don’t close the door, _________________? 13.Let’s go to the supermarket, _________________? 14.Let us go to the supermarket, _________________? 15.They had lunch together, _________________? 16.Jim is ill. Let’s go and see him after school, _________________? 17.His father hardly knows English, _________________? 18.He thinks his aunt is right, _________________? 19.Linda has just come back from America, _________________? 20.You will watch TV this evening, _________________? 21.You like apples, _________________? 22.Let’s go to Hong Kong, _________________? 23.Something wrong has happed, _________________? 24.They study a lot, _________________? 25.Her daughter cleaned the carpets and curtains, _________________? 26.The teacher had a talk with you, _________________? 27.That’s the sort of the book you want, _________________? 28.All these dictionaries are a great help to you, _________________? 29.The movie was quite interesting, _________________? 30.You will take a trip to America, _________________? 31.There are some girls in the classroom, _________________? 32.You had some trouble finding where I live, _________________? 33.He has his hair cut every month, _________________? 34.Your friend comes earlier, _________________? 35.The little boy can not go to church, _________________? 36.Susan would work abroad if she had the chance, _________________? 37.Tell me how to operate the electronic computer, _________________? 38.Mary comes to visit you on Christmas Day, _________________? 39.Let’s listen to the radio program that the teacher mentioned, _______________? 40.You’re funny, _________________? 41.Janet took part in labor in that village, _________________? 42.What beautiful weather, _________________? 43.He will go to Kwangchow by plane, _________________? 44.We never ask him a question, _________________? 45.Let us do the exercises by ourselves, _________________?


一、反义疑问句的基本结构与形式 反义疑问句(The DisjunctiveQuestion) 即附加疑问句,是英语四大问句之一。它表示提 问人的看法,没有把握,需要对方证实。句尾升调表示疑问,降调表示反问。 反意疑问句,由一个陈述句加上一个短问句而构成,基本构成形式是:陈述句+动词(肯 定或否定)+主语?如: ①She often has lunch at school, doesn’t she? ②You don’t like sports, do you? 反意疑问句通常对应规则: 一)、反意疑问句中问句部分的动词与陈述部分的动词在语气上成相反的对应关系,即:)肯定+否定?否定+肯定?如: ①You can’t do it, can you? ②They are very late for the meeting, aren’t they? 二)、反意疑问句中问句部分的动词与陈述部分的动词种类要对应一致。如: ①He has supper at home every day, doesn’t he? (不能用hasn’t he?) ②They have known the matter, haven’t they? (不能用don’t they?) 三)、反意疑问句中问句部分的动词在时态上应和陈述部分的时态一致。如: ①They will go to town soon, won’t they?(不能用don’t they?或aren’t they?) ②He works very hard, doesn’t he?(不能用didn’t he?或won’t he?)


《小学生心理学》试题( A 卷) 考试类型: 考试课程类型: 专业课 专业: 年级: 一、判断题(每小题1分,共10分) 1、生长和发育总是一致的。 2、小学生神经系统的可塑性差,难以形成动力定型。 3、注意是人类认识活动的开端,是一切心理活动的基础。 4、童年期差别感受性和绝对感受性的发展都比幼儿期缓慢。 5、儿童知觉立体几何图形要比平面图形困难。 6、画出段落中的主题句是复述策略。 7、有的小学生在课堂上交头接耳、左顾右盼,这是注意的转移。 8、独白言语比对话言语的难度大,对于促进儿童言语发展的意义更为重大。 9、创造性想象和创造性思维是人们从事创造活动的两大认识支柱。 10、小学生创造性思维的发展呈直线上升趋势。 二、名词解释(每题5分,共25分) 1、动力定型 2、组织策略 3、元记忆 4、学业自我概念 5、“小池大鱼”效应 三、简答题(每题6分,共36分) 1、小学生生长发育的一般特点 2、小学生观察力的发展阶段有哪些? 3、如何组织和发展小学生的有意注意?

4、如何进行小学生有意识记能力的培养? 5、小学生情感发展的基本特点是什么? 6、如何增强小学生的自我概念? 四、论述题(15分) 小学生的思维品质的发展特点是什么?怎样培养小学生良好的思维品质? 五、案例分析(14分) 小李是某校五年三班一名异常特殊的学生。学习基础及学习态度都极差,平时又好惹是生非,总好“表现”自己,经常做一些与课堂纪律、校纪校规格格不入的事。 如果你是小李的老师,你该怎么做?依据是什么? 《小学生心理学》试题( A 卷)参考答案 一、判断题 1-5:××××√ 6-10:√×√√× 二、名词解释 1、动力定型:当身体内、外部的条件刺激按照一定的顺序多次重复不变以后,大脑皮层的兴奋和抑制过程在时间、空间上的关系就固定下来,人们把这种反应现象称为动力定型,即通常说的习惯。 2、组织策略:是将分散、孤立的知识集合成一个整体并表示出它们之间的关系。 3、元记忆:是主体对自身记忆过程的理解和认识,是元认知的组成部分,包括:元记忆知识、元记忆体验和元记忆监控。 4、学业自我概念:是个体对自己的学业能力的一种自我知觉,是个体对自身学习能力的比较稳定的看法,是学生对于自己完成某些任务的能力的自我评价式判断。 5、“小池大鱼”效应:对于能力相同的学生,如果处在能力高的学生中间则会形成较低的学业自我概念;如果处于低能力的学生中间则会形成较高的学业自我概念,即“小池大鱼”效应。 三、简答题


反意疑问句专项练习 一、完成下列反意疑问句 1.Tom didn’t watch TV last night, ___________ _______________? 2.There’re twenty girl students in your class, ____________ ________? 3.Everything is ready for the party, ___________ ______________? 4.They usually play football after school, _________ ______________? 5.Mary made few mistakes in the exam, _________ _____________? 6.Lucy had a party last Sunday, ___________ ____________? 7.Jack hardly goes to the cinema, _________ __________? 8.Let’s sing a song together, ___________ ___________? 9.She’s never been to Tokyo, ___________ _____________? 10.Y ou bought a new computer last week, ________ ________? 11.J ohn, clean your room, _________ _____________? 12.D on’t forget to put the book back on the self,______ ____________? 13.E-mail is very popular today. People seldom write letters now, ______ _______? 14.O ur hometown is more beautiful than before, __________ __________? 15.S he thinks she can get there on time, ____________? 16.She was unhappy when she heard the news,_______ _______? 17.M ary has to go home now, ________ ___________? 18.T hat’s your twin brother, ___________ ___________? 19.T here’s nothing wrong, __________ ____________? 20.J im had a talk with his father, ________ ____________? 21.L et’s go shopping, ________ ___________? 22.T hey won’t be ready till next year, ___________ ____________? 23.G ive me a hand, __________ ____________? 24.N othing can stop us now, ________ ____________? 25.K ate’s never late for school, ________ ____________? 26.I am having an English lesson, _________ ___________?. 27.L et’s have a cup of tea, __________ __________? 28.L et her play the piano, _________ _____________? 29.L et us sing a song for you, ________ __________? 30.V ery few people understand what he said,________ __________?


反义疑问句 1.Mr. Smith is a teacher, _________ ? 2.You are going to the bus stop,_______? 3.Allen wasn’t in trouble, _________? 4.Bob has lunch at home,_________ ? 5.He ate two bananas, _________ ? 6.They have many friends, ___________ ? 7.Lucy can’t swim, _____________? 8.Lucy and Lily must stay at home, ___________ ? 9.Lily was unhappy, ___________ ? 10.There will be a shower this afternoon, ________ ? 11.You did nothing, __________ ? 12.Mary will have classes, ___________ ? 13.There is little milk left in the bottle, _____________? 14.Let us take a break, _______ ? 15.Open the door, ___________ ? 16.It always snows in winter, ___________ ? 17.You love badminton, ___________ ? 18.There is little bread in the fridge, __________ ? 19.They hardly ever take subways to school,_____________? 20.He won't be back in ten minutes, _____________? 21.Everyone is here, ___________ ? 22.Mr. Zhao is listening to music, ___________ ? 23.That's impossible, __________ ? 24.You've just finished your listening exam, ______________ ? 25.Please get yourself ready for the next part, ___________ ? 26.Don't make so much noise, Lily,__________________ ? 27.Those were their books, __________ ?

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