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EFL Teaching method

EFL Teaching method
EFL Teaching method

EFL/ESL Teaching Methodologies

Most influential EFL teaching methodologies:

1.The grammar- translation method

2.The audio-lingual method

3.The Direct method

4.Cognitive code-learning

5.The Natural approach

6.Behavioristic approach to language teaching

7.The functional-notional approach

8.Task- based approaches

9.The communicative approach

Some fringe methodologies

1.The silent way


New tendencies in language teaching

1.Cognitive-constructivist approach to language learning

2.Content and language Integrated Learning


4.Cooperative learning

5.Integration of culture in language learning

https://www.doczj.com/doc/bc17855197.html,nguage teaching online

The Introduction to EFL/ESL Teaching Methodologies

The Grammar- Translation Approach

The grammar-translation method of foreign language teaching is one of the most traditional methods, dating back to the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It was originally used to teach 'dead' languages (and literatures) such as Latin and Greek.

The major characteristic of the grammar-translation method is, precisely as its name suggests, a focus on learning the rules of grammar and their application in translation passages from one language into the other. V ocabulary in the target language is learned through direct translation from the native language, e.g. with vocabulary tests such as:

1.school = 学校

teacher = 老师

Very little teaching is done in the target language. Instead, readings in the target language are translated directly and then discussed in the native language, often precipitating in-depth comparisons of the two languages themselves. Grammar is taught with extensive explanations in the native language, and only later applied in the production of sentences through translation from one language to the other, e.g.

How many kites are there in the sky? = 天空中有多少只风筝?

天空中有三只风筝。= There are three kites in the sky.

A class working with the Grammar translation method would like that:

2.Classes are taught in the mother tongue, with little active use of the target language.

3.Much vocabulary is taught in the form of lists of isolated words.

4.Long elaborate explanations of the intricacies of grammar are given.

5.Grammar provides the rule for putting words together, and instruction often focuses on the

form and inflection of word.

6.Reading of difficult classical texts is begun early

7.Little attention is paid to the content of texts, which are treated as exercises in grammatical


以上内容可以参考:Grammar-Translation Method

There are certain types of positive responses to Grammar Translation as grammatical syllabus gives leaner a set of clear objectives and a clear sense of achievement. Moreover, some learners need the security of the mother tongue and the opportunity to relate grammatical structures to mother tongue equivalents. Above all, this approach can give learners a basic foundation upon which they can build their communicative skills.

It all sounds rather dull but it can be argued that the Grammar Translation method has over the years had a remarkable success. Millions of people have successfully leant foreign language to a high degree of proficiency and, in numerous cases, without any contact whatsoever with native speakers of the language (as was the case in the former Soviet Union for example)

The Audiolingual Method (1950s)

The Audiolingual Method is also referred to as "The Army Method," because it was developed through a U.S. Army program called ASTP, standing for "Army Specialized Training Program." In this method, oral interaction was emphasized in pattern drills, and conversation practices.

The Audiolingual Method:

1. New material is presented in dialogue form.

2. There is dependence on mimicry, memorization of set phrases, and overlearning.

3. Structures are sequenced by means of contrastive analysis taught one at a time.

4. Structural patterns are taught using repetitive drills.

5. There is little or no grammatical explanation. Grammar is taught by inductive

analogy rather than deductive explanation.

6. Vocabulary is strictly limited to pronunciation.

7. There is much use of tapes, language labs, and visual aids.

8. Great importance is attached to pronunciation.

9. Success responses are immediately reinforced.

10. Very little use of the mother tongue by teacher is permitted

11. There is great effort to get the students to produce error free utterances.

12. There is a tendency to manipulate language and disregard content.

Hints for using audio-lingual drills in L2 teaching

1.The teacher must be careful to insure that all of the utterances which students will make

are actually within the practiced pattern. For example, the use of the AUX verb have should not suddenly switch to have as a main verb.

2.Drills should be conducted as rapidly as possible so as to insure automaticity and to

establish a system.

3.Ignore all but gross errors of pronunciation when drilling for grammar practice.

https://www.doczj.com/doc/bc17855197.html,e of shortcuts to keep the pace of drills at a maximum. Use hand motions, signal cards,

notes, etc. to cue response.

https://www.doczj.com/doc/bc17855197.html,e normal English stress, intonation, and juncture patterns conscientiously.

6.Drill material should always be meaningful. If the content words are not known, teach

their meanings.

7.Intersperse short periods of drill (about 10 mins) with very brief alternative activities to

avoid fatigue and boredom.

8.Introduce the drill in this way:

a.Focus (by writing on the board, for example)

b.Exemplify (by speaking model sentences)

c.Explain (if a simple grammatical explanation is needed)

d. Drill

9.Don?t stand in one place; move about the room standing next to as many different

students as possible to spot check their production. Thus you will know who to give more practice to during individual drilling.

https://www.doczj.com/doc/bc17855197.html,e the “backward buildup” technique for long and/or difficult patterns.


-in the cafeteria tomorrow

-will be eating in the cafeteria tomorrow

-Those boys will be eating in the cafeteria tomorrow.

11.Arrange to present drills in the order of increasing complexity of student responses. The

question is: How much internal organization or decision making must the student do in order to make a response in the drill. Thus, imitation first, single-slot substitution next, then free response last.

Although this approach in its purest form has many weaknesses, (notably the difficulty of transferring learnt patterns to real communication), most teachers will at some point require learners to repeat examples of grammatical structures in context with a number of aims in mind: stress, rhythm, intonation, consolidating the structure, enabling learners to use the structure accurately through repetition.

Communicative Approach

The approach emerged in the 1970s and 1980s as the emphasis switched from the mechanical practice of language patterns, associated with the audio-lingual method to activities that engaged the learner in more meaningful and authentic language use.

CLT suggests communicative language and language acquisition, and the approach way for learners to internalize a second language, and to experiment in a classroom context. Therefore, the classroom context is used to create activities to teach students how to react in a real world situation, not to fake real-world situation.

It?s basic features are:

1.An emphasis on learning to communicate through interaction in the target language.

2.The introduction of authentic texts into the learning situation ( authentic material is a must,

because students cannot extrapolate to the real world from their learning on made-up material) 3.The provision of opportunities for learners to focus not only on language, but also on the

learning process itself.

4.An enhancement of the learner?s own personal experience as important contributing elements

to classroom learning.

5.An attempt to link classroom language learning with language activation outside the


This type of approach tended to give the impression of a syllabus without direction and a sense of commun ication for communication?s sake, “groups, groups, groups, why do we have to talk all the time to my fellow students. I can do this in the coffee-bar!”The criticism is obsession about reducing teacher talking time to a minimum and maximizing the opportunities for communication.

However, the most valuable feature of this approach will be that it has allowed teachers to incorporate motivating and purposeful communicative activities and principles into their teaching while simultaneously retaining the best elements of other methods and approaches rather than rejecting them wholesale.

Example: presenting tense of the verb …to be? will have been replaced by a more communicative focus, with basic introductions, requests and questions enabling learners to begin communicating

in English from the very first lesson.

The Silent Way ( one of the fringe teaching methodologies)

Tell me and I forget

Teach me and I remember

Involve me and I learn

(Benjamin Flanklin)

This quotation is about teaching and learning, which is actually the heart of silent way. Silent Way originated in the early 1970s. The three elements of the approach are that learning is facilitated if the learner discovers rather than remembers or repeats, that learning is aided by physical objects, and that problem-solving is central to learning. The use of the word “silent”

is also significant. Because it suggests that teacher should be as silent as possible in the classroom in order to encourage the learner to produce as much language as possible.

This method begins by using a set of colored rods and verbal commands. And it adopts a highly structural approach. This is perhaps best illustrated by an example.

The teacher has introduced the idea of pronouns as in “Give me a green rod.” The class will then use this structure until it is clearly assimilated, using, in addition, all the other colors.

One member of the class would now like to ask another to pass a rod to a third student but she does not know the word “her”, only that it cannot be “me”. At this point the teacher would intervene and supply the new item is needed (probably “him”).

The apparent lack of real communication in the approach has been criticized with some arguing that it is difficult to take the approach beyond the very basic of the language, with only highly motivated learners being able to generate real communication from the rigid structures illustrated by the rods. It is limited to relatively small groups of learners is also seen as a weakness.

However, in the 1980s and early 90s, it became fashionable in some quarters to argue that excessive “ teacher talking time” was something to be discouraged, but rods are popular with some teachers and can be used extremely creatively for various purposes from teaching.

Additionally, the problem-solving feature of Silent Way may well proved to be its most useful in language classroom.

Total Physical Response ( one of the new tendencies in language teaching)

James J. Asher, Learning Another Language Through Actions. San Jose, California: AccuPrint, 1979.

James J. Asher defines the Total Physical Response (TPR) method as one of that combines

information and skills through the use of the kinesthetic sensory system. This combination of skills allows the student to assimilate information and skills at a rapid rate. As a result, this success leads to a high degree of motivation. The basic tenets are:

Understanding the spoken language before developing the skills of speaking. Imperatives are the main structures to transfer or communicate information. The student is not forced to speak, but is allowed an individual readiness period and allowed to spontaneously begin to speak when the student feels comfortable and confident in understanding and producing the utterances.

This can be illustrated in a unique “conversation” between the parent and infant. For example, the first conversation is a parent saying, “Look at daddy. Look at daddy.” The infant?s face turns in the direction of the voice and daddy exclaims, “She?s looking at me! She is looking at me!” Dr. Asher calls this “a language-body conversation” because the parent speaks and the infant answers with a physical response such as looking, smiling, laughing, turning, walking, reaching, and so forth. Although the infant is not yet speaking, the child is imprinting the linguistic map of how the language works. Silently, the child is internalizing the patterns and sounds of the target language. When the child has decode enough of the target language, speaking appears spontaneously.

TPR has its three strong features:

1. High-speed understanding of any target language

2. Long-term retention, and

3. Zero stress

Moreover, it is successful with both children and adults learning any language. And it is enjoyable for teachers as well as students.


Step 1: The teacher says the commands as he himself performs the action.

Step 2: The teacher says the command as both the teacher and the students then perform the action.

Step 3: The teacher says the command but only students perform the action.

Step 4: The teacher tells one student at a time to do commands.

Step 5: The roles of teacher and student are reversed. Students give commands to teacher and to other students.

Step 6: The teacher and student allow for command expansion or produces new sentences.

Example: teaching single commands of stand, sit, walk, turn and so forth.

Instructor (I) will invite a student to sit on either side and listen carefully to what the instructor will utter in target language without translation and do exactly what they see the I.

Doing. ( students are to be silent and not attempt to pronounce any of the utterance they will be hearing.)

The I. Are, “relax, be comfortable. Listen and watch what I do and do exactly the same thing.

I will not ask you to pronounce any of the utterances you will be hearing.”

The I. Says in the target lang. “stand”. And stands up motioning for the students sitting on either side to rise. Then, “sit” and the I. With the students sits down…. Several times…

The I. Invites individual students to perform alone in response to the commands. In a purpose to demonstrate to each of the students that they have indeed internalized the utterances and understand them perfectly.

The general historical view of Grammar-translation approach

This approach was historically used in learning Greek and Latin. The approach was generalized to teaching modern languages.

At the height of the Communicative Approach to language learning in the 1980s and early 1990s it became fashionable. There were numerous reasons for this but principally it was felt that translation itself was an academic exercise rather than one which would actually help learners to use language, and an overt focus on grammar was to learn about the target language rather than to learn it.

- A brief introduction of Grammar-translation approach

Classes are taught in the students? mother tongue, with little active use of the target language.

V ocabulary is taught in the form of isolated word lists. Elaborate explanations of grammar are always provided.

Grammar instruction provides the rules for putting words together; instruction often focuses on the form and inflection of words. Reading of difficult texts is begun early in the course of study. Little attention is paid to the content of texts, which are treated as experiences in grammatical analysis. Often the only drills are exercises in translating disconnected sentences

from the target language into the mother tongue, and vice versa. Little or no attention is given to pronunciation.

As with mangy other methods and approaches, Grammar Translation tended to be referred to in the past tense as if it no longer existed and had died out to be replaced world-wide by the fun and motivation of the communicative classroom. If we examine the principle features of Grammar Translation, however, we will see that not only has it not disappeared but that many of its characteristics have been central to language teaching throughout the age and still valid today.

The Grammar Translation method embraces a wide range of approaches but, broadly speaking, foreign language study is seen as a mental discipline, the goal of which may be to read literature in its original form or simply to be a form of intellectual development. The basic approach is to analyze and study the grammatical rules of the language, usually in an order roughly matching the traditional order of the grammar of Latin, and then to practice manipulating grammatical structures through the means of translation both into and from the mother tongue.

The method is very much based on the written word and text are widely in evidence. A typical approach would be to present the rules of a particular item of grammar, illustrate its use by including the item several times in a text, and practice using the item throughout writing sentences and translating it into the mother tongue. The text is often accompanied by a vocabulary list of consisting of new lexical items used in the text together with the mother tongue translation. Accurate use of language items is central to this approach.

Generally speaking, the medium of instruction is the mother tongue, which is used to explain conceptual problems and to discuss the use of a particular grammatical structure. It all sounds rather dull but it can be argued that the Grammar Translation method has over the years had a remarkable success. Millions of people have successfully leant foreign language to a high degree of proficiency and, in numerous cases, without any contact whatsoever with native speakers of the language (as was the case in the former Soviet Union for example)

There are certain types of positive responses to Grammar Translation as grammatical syllabus gives leaner a set of clear objectives and a clear sense of achievement. Moreover, some learners need the security of the mother tongue and the opportunity to relate grammatical structures to mother tongue equivalents. Above all, this approach can give learners a basic foundation upon which they can build their communicative skills.

However, a quick look at foreign language course books from the 1950s and 1960s revealed that If we apply wholesome of Grammar Translation teaching method, it can be boring. Using the more enlightened principles of the Communicative Approach and combining these with the systematic approach of Grammar Translation may be the perfect combination for many learners.

The Direct Approach

-The general historical view of Direct Approach

This approach was developed initially as a reaction to the grammar-translation approach in an attempt to integrate more of the target language in instruction.

Direct Approach was held that second language learning should model first language learning in that it should be learned …directly?, grammar is taught inductively with no explanations, the learner?s first language is not used in the class, and new vocabulary is introduced by demonstration. This method came about as a much needed replacement for the grammar- translation method in the late 1800s. It faded in the early 1900s as it was not practical in classroom settings, and then saw a comeback under the name of the audio-lingual method after World War II.

-Audio-lingual method is based on the principle of behaviour psychology. It adapted many of the principles and procedures of the Direct Method.

Audiolingualism was in vogue in the 1960s but died out in the 70s after Chomsky?s famous attack on behaviourism in language learning.

This approach has its roots in the USA during World War II, when there was a pressing need to train key personnel quickly and effectively in foreign language skills. The results of the Army Specialized Training Program are generally regarded to have been very successful, with the caveat that the learners were in small groups and were highly motivated, which undoubtedly contributed to the success of the approach.

In the typical language learning classroom, we often ask students to repeat phrases or whole sentences, drill the pronunciation and intonation consciously or unconsciously. In fact, we are using techniques that are features of the audiolingual approach.

New material is presented in the form of a dialogue. Based on the principle that language leaning is habit formation, the method fosters dependence on mimicry, memorization of set phrases and over-learning. Structures are sequenced and taught one at a time. Structural patterns are taught using repetitive drills. Little or no grammatical explanations are provided;

grammar is taught inductively. Skills are sequenced: Listening, speaking, reading and writing are developed in order. V ocabulary is strictly limited and learned in context. Teaching points are determined by contrastive analysis between L1 and L2. There is abundant use of language laboratories, tapes and visual aids. There is an extended pre-reading period at the beginning of the course. Great importance is given to precise native-like pronunciation. Use of the mother tongue by the teacher is permitted, but discouraged among and by the students. Successful

responses are reinforced; great care is taken to prevent leaner errors. There is a tendency to focus on manipulation of the target language and to disregard content and meaning.

The approach was theoretically underpinned by structural linguistics, a movement in linguistics that focused on the phonemic, morphological and syntactic systems underlying the grammar of a given language, rather than according to traditional categories of Latin grammar. As such, it was held that learning a language involved mastering the building blocks of the language and of sound to the level of sentence. The audiolingual approach was also based on the behaviourist theory of learning, which held that language, like other aspects of human activity, is a form of behaviour.

In the behaviourist view, language is elicited by a stimulus and that stimulus then triggers a response. The response in turn then produces some kind of reinforement, which, if positive, encourages the repetition of the response in the future or, if negative, its suppression. When transposed to the classroom, this gives us the classic pattern drill-Model: She went to the cinema yesterday. Stimulus; Theatre. Response: She went to the theatre yesterday. Reinforcement: Good! In its purest form audiolingualism aims to promote mechanical habit-formation through repetition of basic patterns. Accurate manipulation of structure leads to eventual fluency. Spoken language comes before written language. Dialogues and drills are central to the approach. Accurate pronunciation and control of structure are paramount.

In the behaviourist view, language is elicited by a stimulus and that stimulus then triggers a response. The response in turn then produces some kind of reinforcement, which, if positive, encourage the repetition of the response in the future or, if negative, its suppression. For instance, …She went to the cinema yesterday. Stimulus, theatre, she went to the theatre yesterday. Reinforcement: good!, In its purest form audio-lingualism aims to promote mechanical habit- formation through repetition of basic patterns. Accurate manipulation of structure leads to eventual fluency. Spoken language comes before written language. Dialogue and drill are central to the approach. Accurate pronunciation and control of structure are paramount.


语用能力是儿童语言发展的核心 妈妈问两岁半的依依:“你最喜欢谁啊?”依依说:“我最喜欢我们班的张老师。我也最喜欢妈妈。”依依把“也”字说得很重。当她看到站在身边的爷爷奶奶时,又接着说:“我‘也’最喜欢爷爷和奶奶。” 很长一段时间内,人们认为语义是儿童语言发展中最重要的内容。但随着研究的深入,人们渐渐发现,其实儿童在掌握语义之前,就已经能够运用其他方式与人交流了。如,成人会用眼神、姿势与婴儿交流,并常用手,指向一个物体来吸引婴儿的注意。不久后,你会发现,婴儿也学会运用这种方式来说明物体的存在,甚至表达自己想要得到某物的愿望。研究发现:两岁左右的孩子,就已经能够根据交往者的不同身份以及当时的交流情况,来调整自己的交往技巧了。而这些都不是语音、语义和语法所能说明的,它是一种语用能力,是根据交往双方的语言意图和交流的情景而使用的一系列的语言技巧,包括说者和听者两方面的技巧。语用能力强的孩子不仅会在不同的情景下灵活地选择合适的语言“说话”,还会根据不同的情景“听话”,即听别人的话外音。 语用能力发展小贴士:语用能力是每个正常孩子先天就有的,但是它存在着较大的个体差异。因为语用能力除了与孩子的年龄、认知、生理成长等因素有关外,还与周围环境、父母言行以及教育方法等因素有关。提高孩子的语用能力,应从其出生后开始。父母要尽量多与孩子交流,常与他们进行眼神上的接触,因为如果孩子不懂得眼神的交流,是无法具备较高的语用能力的。儿童语言发展呈现较明显的阶段性 bɑ-bɑ-bɑ-bɑ-bɑ-bɑ-bɑ; 狗狗; 去——门(出门),走走——下(下楼梯),外外——去(去外面); 我们去看小狗吧; 我们去看小狗追小猫了; 我们不仅要听爸爸妈妈的话,还要听老师的话。 儿童在语言上基本遵循了牙牙语阶段—单词句阶段—电报句阶段—简单句阶段—复杂句阶段—复合句阶段的发展规律。五个月左右的孩子,进入了牙牙语阶段,他们经常重复发出类似成人语言中的某些音节。其实,这些音节对他们毫无意义,他们只是在以发声作为游戏,来“玩弄”自己的发声器官。九个月左右的孩子,牙牙语的使用频率达到高峰。约一岁左右,孩子开始说出第一个有实际意义的词,他们会反复使用同一个词来描述相关的事情,如“狗狗”一词,在他们看来可能表达的是“小狗来了”“我要小狗”或者“小狗在吃骨头”等多个意思。一岁半到两岁,孩子会说出由两个或者三个甚至多个词组合在一起的类似成人电报式文件的电报句。两岁时,孩子说出的大部分是简单的完整单句,偶尔也会出现较复杂的单句。三岁孩子,说出的基本上都是完整的句子,此时,他们开始说出更多的较复杂的单句。待孩子四至五岁时,复句会大量出现。 语言发展小贴士:儿童在语言发展过程中,都会出现里程碑式的“标志”。但每个孩子的“标志”以及“标志”出现的时间都不相同。儿童的语言发展有循序渐进型的,也有突飞猛进、日新月异型的,还有起初默默无闻而后一鸣惊人型的。不论哪种类型,只要孩子没有异常的表现,都属于正常范围。但如果孩子两岁后还对成人的话或者指令没有任何反应,就应该带他去医院进行检查了。


大动作训练游戏 游戏名称:上肢游戏 适合年龄:0-6个月 游戏时间:累了就停 每天次数:3-4次 训练方法: 1.俯卧抬头训练:用镜子、玩具、画报等逗 引婴儿抬头,指导婴儿用两臂撑起上半 身。出生15天即可训练,满月后每天3-4 次。 2.单臂支撑训练:婴儿学会上述动作后,可 在其俯卧时用玩具在一侧手臂上方逗引 他抓玩具,在抓够的瞬间练习单臂支撑体 重的动作,两臂可轮流训练。 3.双手交叉训练:让婴儿俯卧在床边,成人 两手掌向上,与婴儿手掌合在一起,在前 面挂一个醒目的玩具,然后交叉移动手 掌,带动婴儿两臂前后运动。 注意事项:1.每次练习的时间要短,练习的次数逐渐增加。 2.做好安全保护。3.用表情和语言和婴儿沟通。 游戏名称:翻身游戏 适合年龄:4~6个月 每次时间:1~2分钟 每天次数:越多越好 训练方法: 1.拉手翻身:婴儿仰卧时,拉起一只 手,带动起身躯翻转过来变成俯卧, 也可以由俯卧再拉手变成仰卧。 2.被单翻身:将婴儿放在被单上,由 家长抓住被单的两个角,轮流拉高 或放低,让婴儿在被单里滚来滚去, 体验翻身的要领。 3.翻身过物:让婴儿能够随心所欲地 翻动身体时,在床上摆放一些障碍 物,如枕头、棉被等,让婴儿翻过 去。 注意事项: 1.喝完奶半小时以后再开始训练。 动作训练做到时间短、次数多。 游戏名称:爬行游戏 适合年龄:7-12个月 游戏时间:3-5分钟/次 每天次数:每天次数不限 训练方法: 1.两脚交叉训练:在婴儿腹下垫个枕头,呈俯卧位,成人用双手抓住婴儿的踝部,做前后弯曲动作,交叉进行训练。 2.双侧交互爬行:爬行时,右手前进,左脚跟进,然后左手前进,右脚跟进,如同四足动物行进的姿势。 3.上下斜坡爬行:在有上下斜坡的地方爬行,可使前庭平衡系统得到充分训练。 4 .跨越障碍:在婴儿前面放一枕头或考点等障碍物,设计一些简单的情节,在前方放一些色彩鲜艳、能够发出声音的玩具,来增加婴儿爬行的兴趣,鼓励婴儿爬过障碍。 注意事项:布置一个安全的爬行环境,可铺放具有弹性的软垫。注意宝宝的衣着,不要穿得过多过紧或过长。方法灵活,不要强迫,多鼓励婴儿,使婴儿感受成功的乐趣。 游戏名称:有趣的球 适合年龄:1-3岁 游戏时间:1-3分钟 每天次数:随时可做 训练方法: 1.滚球:成人与婴儿面对面坐下,把脚分开, 轮流将球滚给对方,在抓接球的过程中, 训练婴儿的手眼协调能力。 2.抛球:让婴儿抓着球用力往外扔。可以在 墙上、地上画一些明显的标志来增加兴 趣,这是训练婴儿放松肌肉和关节的有效 办法。 3.踢球:把球放在地上,让婴儿踢着走。 注意事项: 1.随时用表情和儿语与婴儿沟通。 2.循序渐进,不可操之过急。 3. 布置一个安全的游戏环境,可铺放具有弹性的软垫。 4. 注意宝宝的衣着,不要穿得过多过紧或过 长。 5. 方法灵活,不要强迫,多鼓励婴儿,使婴儿 感受成功的乐趣。 精细动作技能训练 游戏名称:取物训练。 适合年龄:1~6个月。 每次时间:1~2分钟。 每天次数:有机会就训练。 训练方法: 1.抓握游戏:在家里或托幼机构中摆一些小巧 玲珑的东西来吸引幼儿的注意,如小块积木、 塑料球、小瓶子盖、铃铛、海绵条、绒毛动物、 橡皮娃娃、吹气玩具等,最好形状、颜色、质 地各不相同,抓握的距离也经常变化。通过接 触不同质地、形状的东西,可以丰富婴儿的触 觉经验,锻炼手的抓握本领。 2.敲击练习:准备一些可以互相敲打的玩具, 让婴儿随时拿过来互相敲打。 3.碰触悬挂物:在健身架、婴儿床等上悬吊一 些色彩鲜艳的球或者会翻跟头的小熊,让婴儿 练习抓这些移动而不易抓住的玩具。 注意事项 1.婴儿身体控制能力不强时,不要提早训练精 细动作。 2.动作训练要生活化、游戏化。 3.注意手的卫生。 游戏名称:双手协调训练 适合年龄:3个月~3岁。 每次时间:1-3分钟 每天次数:随时随地。 训练方法: 1.双手抱物:喝牛奶时,让婴儿自己两手握住 奶瓶,自己送到嘴里,喝完后自己拿开。 2.捏取练习:在给婴儿添加固体食物时,可以 把饼干或烤馒头片掰成小块,放在干净的盘子 里,让他自己捏着吃,练习拇指、食指对捏。 3.生活练习:让婴儿做自己力所能及的事情。 如:打球、拍手、吃饭、喝水、拿水果、穿脱 衣服、搬椅子、搬桌子等。 注意事项 1.婴儿身体控制能力不强时,不要提早训练精 细动作。 2.动作训练要生活化、游戏化。 3.注意手的卫生。 游戏名称:手眼协调训练 适合年龄:6个月~3岁。 每次时间:1~3分钟。 每天次数:不限。 1.造型组合:让婴儿用长、方、圆等不同形状 的积木或插塑玩具,按照各种造型进行组装。 2.穿珠子:让婴儿把中间有洞的珠子,用一条 线穿起来练习手眼协调。 3.涂涂画画:准备纸和笔,1岁以内的婴儿可 在纸上随意乱画;1岁半左右可以模仿画出直 线、方框等形状,2岁以前的婴儿,可以用蜡 笔、油画棒、彩色水笔、磁性画板笔、铅笔、 圆珠笔模仿画“口”型,在未完成的图画如小 房子上添一个“窗户”,甚至“创作”一个气球、 一块带芝麻的烧饼、一条小鱼、一个人脸等等。 还可以让婴儿用手指蘸上水,在带有热气的玻 璃上、茶几上画;用小棍在沙土地上信笔涂鸦。 注意事项 1.婴儿身体控制能力不强时,不要提早训练精 细动作。 2.动作训练要生活化、游戏化。 3.注意手的卫生。 游戏名称:搭垒积木 适合年龄:1—3岁 游戏时间:1—3分钟 每天次数:精神好,可随时进行。 注意事项: 1.准备安全的积木 2.游戏时不过分追求技能的结果。 训练方法: 1.分堆:让婴儿把大的和小的积木分 别摆放在不同的地方。 2.搭梯:先把一块的的积木摆平,再 拿一块小的积木放到上面,反复训 练,让婴儿体会积木的摆放方法。 3.放手:让婴儿按照自己的想象力去 搭建图形。用二块、三块,很多块 搭起来,推倒重搭。婴儿在积木 倒塌的声音中会获得愉快。 语言能力训练游戏 游戏名称:语言准备训练 适合年龄:0~12个月 游戏时间:随时进行 训练方法: 1.聊天:将婴儿抱在怀里,用目光和声音多与 婴儿聊天,如“宝宝饿了,我们现在吃饭好不 好”等,也可经常呼唤婴儿的名字,让婴儿作 出反应。 2.模仿训练:家长与婴儿面对面交流,做一些 夸张的口型和动作,让婴儿反复进3.行模仿训 练,如“爸爸、妈妈”等。 4.说做练习:有成人边说边表演动作,让婴儿 进行模仿,然后由成人说,婴儿自己来表演, 如“笑一个、拍拍手”等。反复练习,可以使 婴儿自然而然地把动作和名词联系起来。 注意事项: 1.对婴儿的语言训练经常性地进行。 2.成人要注意语言发音的规范。 3.要在温和的情境中训练。 ☆游戏名称:说话训练 适合年龄:12~36个月 游戏时间:1~3分钟 练习次数:随时进行 训练方法: 1.看图说话:与婴儿看一些有关科学、自然、 生活方面的图画书,边看边讲,让婴儿模仿成 人的语言练习说话。 2.练习表达:在日常生活中,选择婴儿比较 熟悉的东西,边看边提问,让婴儿用语言回答 问题,如“这是什么?”“这个动物在干什么?”。 3.完整表达:在日常生活中,根据婴儿的活 动,随时启发婴儿用基本完整的语言回答问题。 如“我要喝水。”“妈妈上班去了。” 注意事项: 1.婴儿的说话训练要循序渐进。 2.说话训练要考虑到婴儿之间存在个体差 异。 3.传递给婴儿的语言信息要言简意赅、丰富 多样。 游戏名称:模仿声音 适合年龄:8个月—1岁 游戏时间:1—3分钟 每天次数:精神好,可随时进行。 注意事项: 1.多与婴儿进行面对面交流。 2.用“儿语”声调与婴儿交流。 训练方法: 1.选择一些动物叫声、喇叭声等定时 播放,鼓励婴儿模仿。 2.在满足婴儿吃、喝、睡等基本需求 后,与多与婴儿进行面对面交流, 做一些夸张的口型和动作,让婴儿 反复进行模仿训练,如爸爸、妈妈 等。 3.从生活中取材,开始由成人一边说 一边表演动作,让婴儿模仿。然后 由成人说,婴儿自己表演,如笑一 个,再见。 1


佳能镜头介绍范文 导语:当你有了一款性能相对来说还算是不错的相机的时候, 可依然还是拍不出自己理想的照片,也许是你的镜头不合适,那么,我在这里为你推荐几款佳能镜头以及一些简单佳能镜头维修知识。 佳能镜头一 佳能镜头EF-S18-200mmf/3.5-5.6IS广角镜头的尽头结构为12组16片,最近对焦距离为0.45m,放大倍率为0.24m,最近对焦距为0.45m。涵盖广角到长焦的11倍超大变焦比镜头,带IS防抖功功能,效果相当于提高约4档快门速度,采用两片UD超低色散镜片和两片 非球面镜片,带来出色画质,优化的镜头镀膜及镜片位置,能够有效抑制鬼影和眩光。 采用圆形光圈,具有出色背景虚化效果,高速CPU和优化的对 焦算法,为我们带来高速自动对焦,而且还配备镜头变焦环佳能镜头报价在4050元。 佳能镜头二 佳能镜头EF-S17-85mmf/4-5.6ISUSM广角镜头的性价比要比 EF-S18-55mmf/3.5-5.6IS高出很多,镜头结构为12组17片,最大 光圈为F4.0,镜头的最近对焦距离是0.35米,图像放大率是0.2倍。 佳能EF-S17-85mmf/4-5.6ISUSM广角镜头相当于27-136mm视角。内置影像稳定器,相当于提高3档快门速度。使用玻璃铸模双面非球面镜片和优化的镜头镀膜,成像素质优异。采用圆形光圈,可全时手动对焦。这款佳能镜头在中关村产品报价中的价格为3700。

佳能镜头三 佳能镜头EF70-200mmF2.8LISIIUSM镜头的光学结构是19组23枚镜片,全画幅、长焦镜头类型,镜头可用于标准镜头,中长焦镜头,远摄镜头;最大光圈F2.8,最小光圈F32,最近对焦距离在120cm;光圈叶片数8片,支持4重防抖。 还配备了IS光学影像稳定器,效果相当于提高最多4档快门速度。同时能自动判断拍摄场景所需的防抖模式,可以在普通防抖和追随防抖两种模式中切换。这个型号的佳能镜头的价位大概在11600元左右。 佳能镜头维修 1、佳能镜头简单维修需要准备专用维修镜头螺丝刀、开镜器、吹气泵、镜头清洁剂、抹镜纸; 2、先拆开镜头检查所有零件、镜片、控制器电路板与电线是否有损坏; 3、按照型号镜头图纸的零件编号来订购更换损害的零部件。


大学英语的语用能力是什么,怎么培养语言教学的目的是使学习者能够利用所学的语言进行必要的交流,因此在大学英语教学过程中,除了进行语音、语调、词汇和句法的教学,给学生打下扎实的语言基础外。还要注重培养学生在具体的环境下准确、得体、流利地使用语言的能力,即语用能力。而我们目前的教学效果却与教学目的相分离——英语学习者很少有人能够用英语流利地进行交际。其原因主要在于我国英语教学界仍然只重视英语教学中静态的语言知识传输,而严重忽略动态的语言运用。因此,要培养和提高大学生的英语综合应用能力就必须要注重培养学生的语用能力。这里我推荐一个在线真人外教一对一的网站给大家——阿卡索外教网来辅助学习,它一节课15元,外教很不错,有欧美和菲律宾的,可以随意选择,上课体验很好,时间地点都可以自己安排,比较灵活方便,感兴趣的,可以去体验下他们的英语免费试听课。 1什么是语用能力 对语用能力的含义。不同的学者有不同的解释 Leech(1983)把语用能力区分为“语用语言能力”和“社交语用能力”。语用语言能力以语法能力为基础,涉及语言的使用规则,不仅包括正确使用语法规则遣词造句的能力,而且还包括在一定的语境中正确使用语言形式以实施某一交际功能的能力。社交语用能力则指遵循语言使用的社会规则进行得体交际的能力,是更高层次上的语用能力。Hymes(1972)主要从社会语言学角度来看待交际能力,他认为交际能力由四个部分构成:形式上的可能性、实施手段上的可行性、语境中的适宜性、现实中的实施情况。其中。形式上的可能性相当于Chomsky(1977)说的语法能力,其余三部分相当于他说的语用能力。前者体现为语言形式的准确性(accuracy).后者则体现为具体情景中语言运用的合适性(appropriateness)。 Bachman(1990)认为,交际中的语言能力(1anguage competence)包括语言组织能力(organizational competence)和语用能力(pragmatic competence)。前者可细分为语法能力(gram.matical competence)和语篇能力(textual competence),后者包括以言行事能力(illocutionary competence)和社会语言能力(sociolinguistic competence) “以言行事能力”指“知道交际行为及如


佳能镜头扫盲 买单反相机不是买机身,而是买镜头,至少是买机身和镜头的组合。 这里先介绍几套APS幅面的DSLR常见的镜头配置 P:优点 C:缺点 一、单镜头的选择 1.成本最低,性价比最高 EF-S 18-55/3.5-5.6 只有二手的看成色¥400上下 P:广角长焦都沾上,关键是便宜好用 C:就花了这么点钱来说,没什么可说的 我常说看得起套头的人,会使用套头的人,常常让拿着数nW器材的人大吃一惊。 也可以选择低EF-S 18-55/3.5-5.6II、EF-S 18-55/3.5-5.6 USM版。 2. 成本最低,性价比最高II EF50/1.8II ¥750 P:成像相当不错 C:焦段严重不足,做工很差,只适合入门 不少人对50/1.8II的做工严重不屑,但使用50/1.8II 的人很多对其性能价格很满意。不要以貌取镜,也不要想凭它争面子,要么它拍出的片子说话。

3.一镜足矣 EF-S 17-85/4-5.6 IS USM ¥4800 P:焦段太合适了,IS用了都说好, C:性价比略低 FSLR上,EF28-135/3.5-5.6 IS USM是非常经典的头头,价格不错、成像不错,I、U俱全。17-85作为对应的EF-S 版本,虽然价格高了不少,光圈略小,但无法阻止它成为单镜头配置的好选择。 4.失去长焦,得到红圈 EF17-40/4L USM ¥6000 P:非常好的广角头,不论价格、成像还是做工。 C:缺乏长焦,遮光罩太难看。 有评测指出,17-40L在广角段成像优于昂贵的16-35L。它外形很象16-35L足够你亮骚、机械性能很好、使用和成像都让人满意。 5. 拥有F2.8=拥抱高端 EF-S 17-55mm f/2.8 IS USM ¥8000 P:不画红圈的L头,IS、USM、恒定F2.8一样都不少 C:你真的不考虑全副了吗? Canon为了APS尺寸打造的主力镜头,性能成像没啥说的。不标L有两种可能:Canon认为L头应该是全副的;这个头毕竟是塑料的,与24-70之流还是有差距的。唯一的问


龙源期刊网 https://www.doczj.com/doc/bc17855197.html, 论“语用能力”的内涵 作者:陈文 来源:《知识力量·教育理论与教学研究》2012年第20期 [摘要]语际语语用学在中国的研究已经开展了30余年,可是大量研究结果表明,中国学生的语用能力仍然偏弱。为了更好地反思并发展学生的语用能力,首先必须对语用能力的理论内涵进行梳理。然后通过文献梳理发现,交际能力与语用能力之间有着不少联系也有一定的区别,即交际能力包括了语用能力,其内涵更广;而语用能力侧重更加清晰,内涵更未具体。最后,对语用能力的工作定义做了阐述,即以“言语行为”的概念为核心,强调语用意识,并包括语用策略。 [关键词]语用能力交际能力 一、对“语用能力”的内涵理解对语际语用学研究的重要性 关于中国学生语际语语用能力的研究最早始于1985年。当时,何自然(1985)对79位大专院校的英语教师进行了一次汉英语用差异辨识测试。结果发现尽管受测试者具有很强的语言基本功,却仍然在测试中出现了很多语用失误。他对这些语用失误做了分析,并认为应该将语用知识纳入英语教学之中。此外,何自然还对如何培养中国学生的语用能力也做了国内最早的探讨。随后,洪岗(1991)也做了相关的研究。他采用了“答卷法”对某师大外语系本科英语专业两个年级4个班的94位学生进行了调查。最后得出以下结论:(1)语言能力强的人,语用能力不一定强,即语言能力与语用能力并非完全成正比;(2)调查结果否定了“只要教语言系统知识,语言运用变自然而然地会了”这一观点;(3)学生在语言语用问题中失误最多的是一些惯用法。综合了以上3点结论,洪岗对如何提高中国学生的语用能力提出了一些建议。之后,中国语言学界及外语教学界对语际语用能力的研究进入了一个繁荣期。2006年,刘建达 发表论文Assessing EFL learners interlanguage pragmatics knowledge: Implications for testers and teachers.通过他的研究和分析,刘建达认为“语法能力强的学生不一定语用能力强。”并且“中国学生的语用能力仍然薄弱。”由此不仅让人反思:从1985年到2006年20余年的时间中,为何中国学生的语用能力仍然薄弱?中国学生如今的语用能力究竟如何?作为英语教师,应该如何发展学生的语用能力?为了解决的这些问题,首先且必须要做的便是搞清楚什么是语用能力,即语用能力的内涵。 二、语用能力的内涵 尽管“语用能力”这一概念已被广泛使用,目前还没有对“语用能力”有一个权威而被广泛接受的定义。有不少语言学家将语用能力等同于“交际能力”,如Candlin(1976),Schmidt 和Richards(1980)。而英国语言学家Thomas(1983)对此提出异议,她将研究的重点放在了交际能力的其中一个方面,即“social competence(1983)”上。由此可以发现,语用能力与交际 能力之间有着很亲密的关系。若要理性语用能力的内涵,需要首先了解交际能力的内涵。


在青岛举行的2013年全国小学语文特级教师高端论坛聚焦如何把准学习语言文字运用的学段目标、着力提高学生语言文字运用能力的问题,经过观摩教学、分组研讨,初步达成共识。全国小语会理事长陈先云同志代表论坛传达“共识”并就学习语言文字运用谈了“自己的认识与体会”。本文摭论坛之要,以飨读者。 一、把准学习语言文字运用的学段目标,到位而不越位 在分组研讨中,大家对学段目标初步达成以下共识:各学段目标是“阶段”自然发展的“连续”,又是“连续”中的各个“阶段”,是你中有我、我中有你的整体。教学要顾全局而有所侧重——到位(不降标也不越位),融会贯通、一气呵成。 第一学段: 1.重在激发兴趣,培养习惯,保护儿童天性; 2.重点做到“四好”:认好字,写好字,学好词,读好文; 3.识字写字学词学句重在方法的学习与指导; 4.字词句训练要抓住关键点,即对阅读理解有帮助、有启发、可以迁移运用的点; 5.字词句式的理解与运用要联系学生生活经验,打开学生的思路; 6.低年级的阅读教学要突出“四要素”:读(多种形式的朗读),说(敢说想说),背(背诵积累的内容要有价值、终身受用),演(在游戏、活动中学习运用)。 第二学段: 1.重视围绕听(倾听与提问)、说(说具体连贯)、读(表达感情的朗读方式)、写(围绕一个意思写完整、写具体)开展语文教学活动; 2.确立教学目标以段为主,逐步向篇章过渡,渗透学法指导与运用; 3.逐步树立训练意识,重视从文本中发现、挖掘语言文字训练点。训练点宜小不宜大、宜具体不宜空泛; 4.增强学生的主体意识,要提供一定的时空主动学,提高自主学习的能力,既要保证学习的趣,又不断提升学习的质; 5.了解学生的已知(经验、能力、水平),取舍学生的未知,激发学生的想知,引导学生的需知; 6.加强语言的积累,逐步将文本语言内化为学生的语言; 7.教师要提升自身的课堂语言质量,为学生提供示范。 第三学段: 1.挖掘文本蕴含的核心价值,找到、找准语言文字运用的切入点,要学会取舍,力争一课一得; 2.加强体会、揣摩文章表达方法的学习,重视读写结合; 3.增强文体的意识,注重整体性,明确教学的重点是什么、难点是什么; 4.语文学习要言意兼得,通过语文实践活动得意得言; 5.注重语言学习的开放性,在生活中、大自然中学语文、用语文,不断扩大学习运用的领域; 6.注意综合运用小学阶段掌握的阅读和习作的方法,形成综合运用能力。 二、从“理解·表达·交流·分享”四个维度理解学习语言文字运用的内涵 陈先云理事长就“学习语言文字”的内涵发表“自己的看法”: (一)语文课程的根本特点是语言文字的理解与运用。对语言文字运用的狭隘处理表现为——仅只每节课动动笔写一写就算“运用”了,或多在阅读教学中讨论、在口语和书面语运用中讨论——这是误解、窄化。学习语言文字运用还要在生活中、在大自然中学习、运用。 (二)厘清概念,少走弯路。(1)什么是“语言文字运用”?学习语言文字运用就是利用语言文字的特点和规律,满足学习、生活和工作中的需要。(2)其要素有哪些?包括字词句段篇的综合运用,听说读写的综合运用或其他方面的运用。(3)“语言文字运用”与“学习语言文字运用”的区别与联系是什么?运用是目标,学习是过程。要区分语文课堂运用与生活运用。(4)学校开设语文课的主要目的是什么?是引导学生正确理解与运用祖国的语言文字。(5)“学习语言文字运用”与“语言文字的训练”联系在一起,是不是又回到“以训练为主”的道路上去?这种担心是有必要的,忌矫枉过正。训练要在学生已经会用的情况下思考、讨论,不要忽视“过程”——只重视结果而忽视过程——是不完整的。“学习”与“学会”


跨文化交际与语用能力 [摘要]英语教学应加强跨文化意识、跨文化差异敏感性和交际模式的培养,引入文化教学,使语言知识与语用规则有机结合,以培养学生的跨文化语用能力。文化教学中要培养识别不同文化特有的言语和非言语行为能力,熟悉生活习惯和言语形成方式以及常用词汇的文化内涵,同时还要注意语用能力的培养。 [关键词]跨文化交际;敏感性;文化教学;语用能力 学习外语的目的是为了交际,交际不可避免地要受到社会文化的制约。目前于科技飞速发展,交通和通信技术日新月异,越来越多的人生活、学习、工作在不同的人群中,不同文化背景的人们彼此间的交往日益频繁。在诺大的世界将成为“地球村”的过程中,各种文化在接触和碰撞中相互影响、相互渗透、

相互吸收、相互融合,必定会影响跨文化交际。用英语成功地进行跨文化交际不仅仅需要单纯的语言能力,还需要了解英语国家的文化,否则,在实际的交际过程中,就会出现于文化差异而造成的场景不合适或者不得体的语言失误,引起误会。语言是文化的载体,文化的任何内容都可通过语言来反映;而文化又制约、影响着语言的形式和使用规则,两者之间是相互联系又相互影响的。语言又是交际的工具,功能学派的代表人物哈里代认为语言是一种社会现象,交际、交流思想是语言的基本功能,语言教学的主要目的就是为了提高学习者的交际能力。因此,我们有必要研究语言中的文化因素,以消除跨文化交际中因文化差异而导致的语用障碍。 一、文化的定义与内涵 文化的定义涉及人类学、社会学、心理学、语言学等理论,涵盖历史、民族、行为、物质、精神等层面。1871年英国学者Tylor所著的《原始文化》写道:

“文化或文明就其广泛的人种学意义而论,是一个复合的整体,包括知识、信仰、艺术、道德、法律、风格,以及作为社会成员的人们获得的任何才能和习惯。”[1]这是西方最早的文化定义。社会学家Bain声称文化就是通过各种信号反映出来的所有社会行为,Brown则将文化界定为占据特定地理区域的人们共有的信念、习惯、行为和生活模式的集合。美国人类学家Kroeber和Kluchhohn 在《文化》一书中,综合诸家之长,对文化的界定为:包括各种外显与内隐的行为模式,它通过符号的运用使人们习得及传授,并构成人们群体的显著成就;文化的基本核心包括历史衍生及选择而成的传统观念,尤其是价值观念。在我国,“文化”一词最早出现在西汉的《说苑?指武》:“圣人之治天下也,先文德而后武力。凡武之兴,为不服也,文化不改,然后加诛。”[2]在这段论述中,“文化”指统治者通过“文德”来“教化”、“感化”的意思。在此之后,“文


语言与交往能力 训练 语言是思维的手段,是与人交往的工具,对于一个生活在社会中的小孩来说极为重要,弱智儿童绝大多数都有语言障碍,因此康复训练中,语言训练占极其重要的位置。 咿呀学语的阶段 这时期的婴儿语言发育处于说话萌芽阶段,开始咿呀学语。明显地增加了不同音节的连续发音,发出的音调也常变换,听起来更接近正式说话,只是这种发音还没有意义。这阶段发出的音近似词增多,而且开始能模仿发音,如“灯”、“帽”等。会正确地叫出“爸爸、妈妈”,看见图画上的人物会叫“妹妹”和“姨”等,大约能说出4—6个字。还会用一定的声音来表示一定的意思,如要成人捡掉在地上的玩具时,会发“哎哎”和“嗯嗯”的音。这时期婴儿理解的字远比说出的多,大约能听懂20个字左右,在成人语言的指导下,他会表演拍手、摇头、再见、欢迎等的婴儿游戏,能把词音和具体的事物联系起来,如果问“灯呢?”,婴儿就会去看灯,但这反应往往同某一盏具体的灯联系起来,其

他的灯都不能引起婴儿的反应。还会根据成人的要求指出鞋、眼、鼻等l—2个部位。 这时期的婴儿虽能模仿发音,而且所发的音开始与一定的具体意义相联系,但这种联系是极为有限的,这时婴儿的发音也还不确切,不清楚,要靠成人去猜才能懂。这时婴儿所能听懂的词是很少,如没有物体或动作的伴随,词的指示往往无效。在这阶段,如认为儿童不懂话,不会说话而不和他说话,则常会造成儿童言语发展的迟缓。反之,如能注意多和婴儿说话,使儿童每次感知某物体或某动作时都听到成人说出关于这个事物(或动作)的词,在他们大脑里就会逐步建立起关于这个事物(或动作)的形象和词之间的暂时联系,从而促进婴儿言语的发展。 言语能力训练(2个月) ○模仿面部动作在宝宝情绪很好、很稳定的时候搂抱他,并在他面前经常张口、吐舌或做多种表情,使宝宝逐渐会模仿面部动作或微笑。 ○引逗发音发笑用亲切温柔的声音,面对着宝宝,使他能看得见口型,试着对他发单个韵母a(啊) 、 o(喔)、u( 呜)、e(鹅)的音,逗着孩子笑一笑,玩一会


佳能数码相机镜头标识详解 AFD:Arc-Form Drive 弧形马达 为早期EF镜头的AF驱动而开发的弧形直流马达。与USM马达不同,AFD 马达对焦是有声的。 DO:Multi- Layer Diffractive Optical Element 多层衍射光学元件 Canon于2000年9月4日宣布研制成功世界上第一片用于照相机摄影镜头中的“多层衍射光学元件”。多层衍射光学镜片同时具有萤石和非球面镜片的特性,所以该镜片的推出,是光学工业的一个里程碑。衍射光学元件最重要的特性是波长合成结像的位置与折射光学元件的位置是反向的。在同一个光学系统中,将一片MLDOE与一片折射光学元件组合在一起,就能比萤石元件更有效地校正色散(色彩扩散)。而且,通过调整衍射光栅的节距(间隙),衍射光学元件可以具有与研磨及抛光的非球面镜片同样的光学特性,有效地校正球面以及其他像差。 代表镜头:EF 400/4 DO IS USM EF: Electronic Focus 电子对焦 佳能EOS相机的卡口名称,也是EOS原厂镜头的系列名称。 EMD:Electronic-Magnetic Diaphragm电磁光圈 EF镜头的电磁驱动光圈控制元件,是变形步进马达和光圈叶片的一体化组件,用数字信号控制,灵敏度和精确度都很高。 FL:Fluorite 莹石 一种氟化钙晶体,具有极低的色散,其控制色差的能力比UD镜片还要好。从严格的意义上来说,莹石不是玻璃,而是一种晶体。它的折射率很低(1.4)而且不受潮湿影响。莹石镜片一般不会暴露在外,所以你不大会直接接触到。莹石镜片不如普通玻璃耐冲击,但也不像想象中的那么易碎,所以在使用中并不需要特殊的照顾。

营造语用课堂 培养语用能力

营造语用课堂培养语用能力 驻马店第二实验小学闫艳《九年义务教育语文课程标准》2011年版和实验版比较,有一个重大变化,那就是对语文课程目标和语文课程性质进行了重新定位,这个定位中非常鲜明地突出了“语言文字运用”,强调语文课程的首要而核心的目标是“致力于培养学生的语言文字运用能力.”正是基于对这一思想的理解,我在准备讲授《乌鸦喝水》这篇课文之时就将这节课的整体目标确定为:简单的教学环节,扎实的语用训练。在低段阅读教学中,怎样营造语用课堂?如何培养语用能力?是我在准备这节课的过程中一直思考的问题,经过反复的思考,我做出了以下尝试: 一、教学目标、教学内容聚焦语用。《乌鸦喝水》这篇课文通俗易懂,理解故事不是问题,因此我将这节课的教学目标定为: 1、认识“乌鸦”等9个生字,借助课文,随文了解生词的意思。 2、正确书写“石、办、法”三个字,在理解“渐渐”意思的基础上会用“渐渐”说一句话。 3、在正确、通顺、流利地朗读课文的基础上,感悟“乌鸦急着找水喝——喝不着水——想办法喝水——喝着水了”这一系列变化过程。 4、明白遇到困难应仔细观察、认真思考的道理。这样的教学目标定位准确,直指语用,教学内容大胆取舍,重点突出,直奔语用能力增长点——当堂掌握九个生字,并学会用熟字识记生字、形近字比较识记等识字方法;重点词“渐渐”的涵泳和运用;写字前对生字观察方法的指导和

运用,目标与内容的聚焦和整合,提高课堂效率,让孩子们在轻松愉悦的识字学文过程中,得意、得言、得法、得能。 二、把学习过程还给学生,切实提高语用能力。阅读是学生个性化的行为,语用能力的提升必须是在自主的语用活动中实现。因此,我将本节课的主要教学策略确定为“教学做合一”。以学生的“做”为核心,在“做”中生生相互学习,在“做”中老师点拨引导。如:在识字教学中,让学生多观察、多发现、找规律去识记;在指导朗读时让学生多体会、多感悟、找感觉去品味;在书写训练中,老师让出较充裕的时间,让学生去观察、去发现、去书写、去评价……精心为学生营造充分的的语用空间,激励全体学生在语用实践活动中主动、互动、真动、全动,切切实实提升语用能力。 三、凭借文本“语例”,拓展语用空间。叶圣陶先生说过:“语文教材无非是例子,凭这个例子要使学生能够举一反三,练成阅读和作文的熟练技能。”因此,在设计本课时,我根据文本语言文字特点和学情需要,采取多种途径和方法去落实语言文字的运用:或先联系图画和生活实际观察理解,再在具体的语境中去运用,如:“渴”和“喝”的教学;或先阅读理解,再联系生活实际去运用,如:对“到处”一词的理解和“渐渐”的理解、运用等;或先发现生字的结构规律,再去练习和运用,如“办法”两字的书写等。总之,从语例出发,恰当运用语境化、生活化、


选择并有效设计低段的语用训练 我们小学语文老师到底应当如何教语文? 提到这个话题,心情不免有些沉重。看看当下的小学语文:王崧舟提出“诗意语文”,孙双金倡导“情智语文”、薛法根提出“智慧语文”、窦桂梅高举“主题教学”、盛新凤提出“和美语文”····· 还有什么“单元整合式教学”“群文阅读教学”……真可谓各门各派、五花八门。 虽然有这么多各具特色的语文教学模式,但是当前,很多教育专家、学者却对小学语文教学给予了这样的评价:“缺少语文味”。那么,如何进行小学的语文教学才能有语文味呢?笔者个人认为语文是一门工具性学科,语文学科的任务就是让学生能够读得懂、听得懂、能够说、能够写,也就是能够运用这种工具进行交际,这就是语言文字运用能力,语文教学抓住了“语言文字运用”这六个字,自然就有了语文味。新课程标准也指出“语文是最重要的交际工具,指导学生正确地理解和运用祖国语言,丰富语言的积累,使他们具有初步的听说读写能力”。这就需要我们教师用一双语文的眼,去发现,去挖掘文本的训练点,培养学生运用语言文字的能力。 其实,教材中的很多生成的资源都是我们教学的训练点,一个标点,一个好词,一个好句等都是我们语文教学的训练点。挖掘好文本中的训练点,要培养学生的语言文字运用能力,那么教

师首先自己要在课前充分备好课,仔细研读教材,重点放在挖掘课文中学生语言文字运用能力的激发点,从此处着手培养学生的语言文字运用能力。只有找好关键点和激发点,才能让学生的语言文字运用能力的培养有所依托和附藉。但是拥有一双发现文中关键点和激发点的能力并非一蹴而就,这和一个语文教师的语文素养和教学经验分不开。能够拥有一双发现文本中关键点、激发点的能力是语文教师不懈努力分不开。课堂教学是培养学生语言文字运用能力的一个重要途径。下面我就从低段语文教学如何选用并有效设计语用训练谈谈自己的看法: 一、识字教学抓住基础性和实践性,落实语用训练点 识字教学在低年级语文教学中具有相当重的份量,要让识字教学很好地为阅读服务,就必须在它的基础与实践上下工夫。一字一字地识记固然重要,但如果在有限的时间里不仅能够识记住生字,同时学会在语境中运用,而且实实在在地落实到语用能力的培养,岂不更佳?不久前,看了一节低段的《小松鼠找花生》识字教学课视频,笔者感触颇深。老师在教学生字时,有两个非常精彩的设计: 一是“种”的生字教学。 师:同学们,“种”这个字大家都认识了吗?齐读一遍。 (生齐读“种”字) 师:如果把它放在句子里你们还能读准它吗? (师出示句子:大树旁边的地里种了许多花生)


佳能单反600D详细说明 外观性能第1段 Canon600D的机身采用塑料材质,在保持小巧便携优点的同时,增加了表面蒙皮的面积,防滑性能有所提升,并且有效的提升了视觉感受,显得更有档次。本次与机身一同送测的是Canon新款18-55mm IS II 镜头,该镜头在外观方面也有一定的改变。下面,我们先来看看Canon600D的整体外观设计。 图为:Canon600D正面 Canon600D采用一块1800万像素CMOS传感器,传感器尺寸为22.3×14.9mm,是目前入门高端单反中像素最高的机型之一,最大支持拍摄5184×3456像素的照片。与1800万像素传感器搭配的是Canon 引以为豪的DIGIC 4高性能处理器,从Canon550D及60D可以看出,这个经典组合能够获得非常不错的画质。不过,Canon600D的核心硬件没有明显升级依然令许多人感到遗憾。 图为:Canon600D两侧,蒙皮面积大增 图为:Canon600D顶部

图为:Canon600D底面 整体来说,Canon600D的外观与550D没有太大的差别,亮点就是那块从60D上下放的可旋转液晶屏。不过,Canon600D的光学取景器与上代机型相比却有所缩水,放大倍率从0.87倍降至0.85倍,笔者仔细对比了两款机型的取景器大小,这0.02倍的差距虽然很微小,但心里难免有些不爽快。整体外观先说到这里,下面我们再来看看Canon600D的细节设计有什么不同。 Canon600D搭载了全新的18-55mm IS II套机镜头,与上代套头相比,该镜头在外观上有所变化,全黑的镜筒显得更加专业,4级防抖也能保证用户在暗光环境下手持不抖。从稍后的镜头分辨率测试成绩来看,新套头的光学结构虽无太大变化,不过中央分辨率依然非常惊人。 Canon600D搭载了新18-55mm IS II套机镜头 右肩区域增加了一个DISP.按钮,用于开关液晶屏


2012年9月第33卷第5期 外语教学 Foreign Language Education Sept.2012 Vol.33No.5学习者语用能力评估研究 姜占好1,2,周保国2 (1.西安外国语大学英文学院陕西西安710128;2.武汉大学外国语言文学博士后流动站湖北武汉430072) 摘要:本文在回顾近30年来相关文献的基础上,从历史回顾、评估内容、研究局限和未来发展的层面探究了国内外对学习者语用能力评估后发现:大部分语用评估缺乏对问卷构念效度的理论阐释及统计学意义上的说明,对学习者语用能力评估内容单一。由此,文章提出未来语用能力评估研究的方向:扩大语用评估问卷的涵盖面,提高语用评估的构念效度,增强语用评估的可操作性。 关键词:语用能力;语用评估;数据收集方法 中图分类号:H030文献标识码:A文章编号:1000-5544(2012)05-0045-04 Abstract:On the basis of literature review,this article has made a probe into the assessment of learners’pragmatic compe-tence both at home and abroad in terms of research focus,research limitation and research orientation in the future.It con-cludes that few researchers mentioned validity and validation(whether theoretic explanation or statistic analyses)before con-ducting various questionnaire surveys while most researchers focus on one aspect of learners’pragmatic competence in their survey.Accordingly,some suggestions are advanced to enrich the content of pragmatic assessment,to enhance construct valid-ity and to improve assessment practicality in the future. Key words:pragmatic competence;pragmatic competence assessment;data elicitation approaches 1.引言 语言学习的理想目标是提高交际能力,正确得体地表达自己,明白无误地理解对方。语用能力作为交际能力的一部分(Bachman1990;张辉1994;董晓红1994;Celce-Murcia et al.1995;Bachman&Palmer1996;殷银芳、苗新伟2008),是学习者在特定文化中根据社交语言规则适用的得体性来理解和表达话语的能力。它可分为语用语言能力和社会语用能力。前者体现于学习者运用语言本身知识和语言功能知识的能力,后者则体现在学习者运用语言使用范围方面知识的能力。近年来如何就上述语用能力进行评估的研究日益增多(详见Rose&Kasper2001;Kasper&Rose2002;刘建达2006b)。本文在回顾近30年来语用能力评估研究的基础上,拟从历史回顾、评估内容、研究局限和未来发展的层面探讨这一话题。 2.历史回顾 2.1国外学习者语用能力评估回顾 早在1979年,Oller提出语用水平测试(pragmatic pro-ficiency test)的概念,强调测试中语言的自然性,即把具体的语言使用环境融入语言测试之中,使构成测试的语言源于生活,富有意义。但是这种观点没有充分考虑到测试环境和测试本身就是不自然的事实(刘建达2006a)。1980年,Farhady设计出多项选择的题型测试来自不同国家学生对具体情景里言语行为(如请求、建议、争执等)的表达能力。每个情景的四个选择项分别为:语用适当和语言准确的选项(答案)、语用适当但语言不准确的选项、语用不适当但语言准确的选项、以及语用不适当和语言不准确的选项。虽然结果显示他设计的试卷有较高的信度和效度,不同性别、专业、国籍、以及母语的学生在这种考试中有明显的差异,但测试的语境仅限于学术环境,言语行为的变量因素只涉及到了交际双方的社会关系和各自社会地位。遵循Farhady的模式,Shimazu(1989)以“请求”言语行为能力为测试目标,设计出“美国英语语用能力”测试模式,发现试卷的整合效度为中等水平。 20世纪90年代以来,国外对语用能力评估方法研究逐渐增多(Hudson et al.199219952001;Yamashita1996;Yoshitake-Strain1997),其中以Hudson等人的研究较为系统。他们的语用能力评估方法概括起来有三大类(详见Kasper&Rose2002:132;Kasper&Roever2005:325-330;姜占好2009):口语语篇数据收集法[spoken discourse](包括真实语篇[authentic discourse]、话语引出[elicited conversation]和角色扮演[role plays])、自我报告问卷数据收集法[self-reported questionnaire](包括篇章完型法[dis-course completion test]、等级量表法[scaled-response]和多项选择法[multiple choice])以及自我汇报法[self report](包括叙事型自我报告[narrative self-report]、口头话语原型[verbal protocol,日记[diary])。

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