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考试说明:2018 年秋期电大把《人文英语3》网络核心课纳入到“国开平台”进行考核,它共有五次形考任务。针对该门课程,本人汇总了该科所有的题,形成一个完整的标准题库,并且以后会不断更新,对考生的复习、作业和考试起着非常重要的作用,会给您节省大量的时间。做考题时,利用本文档中的查找工具,把考题中的关键字输到查找工具的查找内容框内,就可迅速查找到该题答案。本文库还有其他网核及教学考一体化答案,敬请查看。

本课程考核采用形成性考核与终结性考试相结合的方式。形成性考核占课程综合成绩的50%,终结性考试占课程综合成绩的50%。课程考核成绩统一采用百分制,即形成性考核、终结性考试、课程综合成绩均采用百分制。课程综合成绩达到60 分及以上(及格),可获得本课程相应学分。


一、选择填空,从A、B、 C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。(每题10 分)


—Do you have much experience with caring for babies?


A. Yes, I do. I often take care of kids in my free time.


—It's raining so heavily outside. I'm terribly anxious about

my son's safety. ______

C. Don't worry about him. He will come back safe and sound.


Young people ______ 62% of University teaching staff.

A. comprise


We often compare children ______ flowers.


We consider it necessary ______ Tom should improve his behavior.

B. that


—How do you feel about your family life? ______

B. Not bad. I think it is a good choice to be a full-time mother.


—Ken did badly in his math test. I'm terribly worried about the result. ______

C. Come on. It isn't the end of the world.


It is said that ______ 2000 factories were closed down during the economic crisis.

B. approximately


He asked me ___________ Zhang Hua came to school or not.

B. whether


Lily is a good student except ________ she is a little bit careless.

C. that


—Our son has picked up some bad habits recently, and I am really worried about it. _____

B. Cheer up. I believe he will overcome it.


—Ken did badly in his math test. I'm terribly worried about the result. _____

C. Come on. It isn't the end of the world.

The birth rate of the country decreases ______ with years.


C. progressively


This movie is ________ that one.

B. as interesting as


I want to know________ .

C. what his name is


—How do you feel about your family life?

B. Not bad. I think it is a good choice to be a full-time mother.


—It's raining so heavily outside. I'm terribly anxious about my son's safety.

C. Don't worry about him. He will come back safe and sound.


Tom won the first prize of oral English contest, which is beyond his ______.

C. expectation


This movie is ________ that one.

B. as interesting as


Young people ______ 62% of University teaching staff.

A. comprise

二、阅读理解:选择题(每题10 分)

Most couples who get married or decide to live together generally plan to have children. Several years ago, people thought that having big families was common and this was seen as an advantage. That was mainly because children began working at an early age to help provide for the family. But

with the changing times and with the cost of living getting higher every single year, having a big family is no longer considered to be a practical option. In fact, more couples consider that they have only one child and some do not have any desire to become parents at all.

According to the Australian Institute of Family Studies, by 1986, women aged 40 to 44 years, were considerably more likely to have given birth to two children than three children (36% vs. 27%) or four or more children (19%). However, taken together, women were still more likely to have had three or more children than to have had two children (46% vs. 36%).

In recent years, women were more likely to have had two children than three or more children – a trend that was most marked in the most recent period (38% vs. 25% in 1996; 38% vs. 22% in 2006). These days, most families in Australia have two children. But the number of women who had given birth to a single child increased progressively from only 8% in 1981 to 13% in 2006.

The U.S. Census Bureau states that there are approximately 14 million only children in America today. This comprises 20% of the children's population compared to only 10% around fifty years ago.


1. Several years ago, people thought that having big families was C

A. uncommon and this was seen as an advantage

B. common and this was seen as a disadvantage

C. common and this was seen as an advantage

2. By 1986, taken together, women were still more likely to have had B children.

A. less

B. more

C. no

3. In recent years, women were more likely to have had C

A. three or four children

B. more children

C. fewer children

4. According to the passage, we can predict that the number of family with

a single child will B(将会增长).

A. decreased dramatically

B. increased dramatically

C. remained steady

5. Which of the following may be the best title for the passage? A

A. Families Having Fewer Children Nowadays.

B. Couples Having More Children Nowadays.

C. Women Being Likely to Have More Children.

阅读理解:正误判断(每题10 分)

Stopping Yelling At Your Kids

Parenting is hard. If you're a parent, I'm sure that I don't need to tell you that our job is a tough one. When you're managing children, it can be difficult to remember that they are still learning. If you find you are yelling at your kids more often than you want to, here are some ways that can help you reduce the yelling. I've been working on this for the past few months and I have to say, it's been amazing for both the kids and me.

If you are having an argument with your child, you need to make sure you both take the time to really listen. It gives both of you time to think and really listen to each other, which is important. Kids are more likely to listen to you if you listen to them!

One of your biggest struggles is to remind yourself of appropriate

expectations. You can't expect that your youngest acts as responsibly as your oldest. You should lower what you expect – taking into consideration things like their age – it can make a big difference.

You should do your best to take a moment before yelling and take in a deep breath. It makes a world of difference for you. Instead of yelling, you'd better whisper. It can also help diffuse any situation by making things quieter, not louder.Besides, the more time you spend with your kids, the better you'll get at communicating with them. You're both more likely to understand each other.

If your children aren't listening or it seems they only don't listen to you, you don't take it personally. You should remind yourself that your kids are still learning and they're not going to be perfect.


1. As a parent, you may know that parenting is an easy job. F

2. Listening to each other is a good way to stop argument between parents and their kids. T

3. Usually younger kids behave less responsibly than elder children. T

4. Parents should lower their expectations for their kids. T

5. Both yelling and whispering can help make things quieter.F


一、选择填空,从A、B、 C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。(每题10 分)


—Looking after a baby is not an easy job, is it?

C. No, it isn't.


—Is your grandmother getting well now?

A. Yes, she is much better now.


—Do you mind if I record your lecture?

B. No,not at all.


—I'm sorry to hear that your grandmother is ill in hospital.

B. It's very kind of you.


—Linda, what's wrong with your grandmother?

B. She hurt her leg.


—I'm sorry to hear that your grandmother is ill in hospital.

B. It's very kind of you.


—Looking after a baby is not an easy job, is it?

C. No, it isn't.


—Do you mind if I record your lecture?

B. No,not at all.


—Linda, what's wrong with your grandmother?

B. She hurt her leg.


—Is your grandmother getting well now?

A. Yes, she is much better now.


—Linda, what's wrong with your grandmother?

B. She hurt her leg.


—I'm sorry to hear that your grandmother is ill in hospital.

B. It's very kind of you.


—Is your grandmother getting well now?

A. Yes, she is much better now.


—Do you mind if I record your lecture?

B. No,not at all.


—Looking after a baby is not an easy job, is it?

C. No, it isn't

二、阅读短文,从A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个正确答案。(每题10 分)

Demand for Elderly Care Services in China Rising Rapidly The number of elderly people aged above 60 increased.Demand for elderly care services in China will continue to rise due to the increasing aging population. The number of elderly people aged above 60 was over 200 million in 2012, and will be 300 million in 2025 and 400 million in 2034, according to experts.

It will be a tough challenge for China to deal with, due to the increasing rates of urbanization and a decreasing birth rate.The Chinese people will be facing a big challenge if we do not have enough money when we get older.

The United Nations defines an aging society as one that has 10 percent of its population at or above the age of 60.

When most developed countries were classed as an aging society, their gross domestic product (GDP) per capita stood at between 5,000 to 10,000 U.S. dollars or above. However,China became an aging society in 2001, and its GDP per capita was only 1,000 U.S. dollars. It was 6,000 U.S. dollars in

2012. China’s economic foundatio n for an elderly society is fragile.

On Sept. 13.2013, the State Council issued a guideline to speed up the development of China’s elderly care services,hoping to complete a social care network for its elderly by 2025.


1. What d oes the word “ decreasing” in Paragraph 2 mean?A

A. It means ―falling‖.

B. It means ―rising‖.

C. It means ―peaking‖.

2. What does GDP stands for?

A. Government Document Publishing Service.B

B. Gross domestic product.

C. General domestic product.

3. What wa s China’ s GDP per capita in 2012? B

A. It was 1,000 U.S. dollars.

B. It was 6,000 U.S. dollars.

C. It was 10,000 U.S. dollars.

4. Why is China’ s economic foundation for an elderly society fragile?A

A. Because of its increasing aging population and its low GDP per capita.

B. Because when China was classed as an aging society, our gross domestic product (GDP) per capita is high.

C. Because of its decreasing aging population and its high GDP per capita.

5. The passage implies that C

A. Chinese government can do nothing to deal with the challenge of the increasing aging population

B. Chinese people don’t need enough money when they get older

C. The Chinese social care network is expected to be completed in the near future


一、选择填空,从A、B、 C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。(每题10 分)


We must keep our classroom _______

A. clean


There is only one thing that people can't ________you, and

that is your wisdom.

B. take away from


He asked John ______ he could swim.

B. if


You'd better ________ to hospital at once.

A. go


She said she __________ lost a pen.

C. had


We found him ___________ in the laboratory.

B. working


John asked me _______ to visit his uncle's farm with him.

C. whether I would like


He is worth ____________.

C. trusting


She _________ the children not to make any noise.

B. told


She is a ___________ woman.

A. confident young


We must keep our classroom _____________.

A. clean


There is only one thing that people can't _____________you,

and that is your wisdom.

B. take away from


He asked John ______ he could swim.

B. if


He is worth ____________.

C. trusting


She is a ___________ woman.

A. confident young

二、阅读理解:正误判断(每题10 分)

The Wichita Falls Police Department is trying to help curb crime in neighboring communities throughout the city. On Saturday Wichita Falls Police gave a free two-hour presentation to help locals keep their community crime free. More than 20 people showed up at the Martin Luther King Center in east Wichita Falls to be part of the presentation. Wichita Falls Police Officer Jeff Hughes said that they wanted to make sure the folks out there were aware they were doing everything to take away the opportunity from a bad guy.

Hughes reminded those in attendance that their homes outside presentation could be an open invitation to criminals.One of the biggest ways to prevent crime, according to Hughes is to use CPTED. Also known as Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design.

“The biggest site, that we are dealing with now, that we are endorsing fully, is Nextdoor and it's simply just https://www.doczj.com/doc/be792500.html,,‖

The site is free and helps locals set up a Virtual Community that they can interact with from the comfort of their own home.

"With https://www.doczj.com/doc/be792500.html, it all happens in a web based program where if you send something out it gets to that group or that person instantly, they will get an alert on their phone or an email," said Hughes.

According to Hughes, he has already seen a positive impact locally from the site and hopes it can continue to expand in Wichita Falls.


1. The Wichita Falls Police Department is planning sterner measures to combat crime. F

2. According to Hughes, one of the biggest ways of crime prevention is through environmental design. T

3. The biggest site that police are approving fully is https://www.doczj.com/doc/be792500.html,. T

4. The purpose of https://www.doczj.com/doc/be792500.html, is to help locals set up a real community. F

5. If you use the https://www.doczj.com/doc/be792500.html, site, you have to pay for it. F

阅读理解:选择题(每题10 分)

Among the more colorful characters of Leadville's golden age were H.A.W. Tabor and his second wife, Elizabeth McCourt, better known as “Baby Doe”. Their history is fast becoming one of the legends of the Old West. Horace Austin Warner Tabor was a school teacher in Vermont. With

his first wife and two children he left Vermont by covered wagon in 1855 to homestead in Kansas. Perhaps he did not find farming to his liking, or perhaps he was lured by rumors of fortunes to be made in Colorado mines. At any rate, a few years later he moved west to the small Colorado mining camp known as California Gulch, which he later renamed Leadville when he became its leading citizen. “Great deposits of lead are sure to be found here.”he said.

As it turned out, it was silver, not lead, that was to make Leadville's fortune and wealth. Tabor knew little about mining himself, so he opened a general store, which sold everything from boots to salt, flour, and tobacco.『It was his custom to “grubstake” prospective miners, in other words, to supply them with food and supplies, or “grub”, while they looked for ore, in return for which he would get a share in the mine if one was discovered. He did this for a number of years, but no one that he aided ever found anything of value.

Finally one day in the year 1878, so the story goes, two miners came in and asked for “grub” . Tabor had decided to quit supplying it because he had lost too much money that way. These were persistent, however, and Tabor was too busy to argue with them. “Oh help yourself. One more time won't make any difference,” He said and went on selling shoes and hats to other customers. The two miners took $17 worth of supplies, in return for which they gave Tabor a one-third interest in their findings. They picked a barren place on the mountain side and began to dig. After nine days they struck a rich vein of silver. Tabor bought the shares of the other two men, and so the mine belonged to him alone. This mine,known as the “Pittsburgh Mine,”made 1 300 000 for Tabor in return for his $17 investment.

Later Tabor bought the Matchless Mine on another barren hillside just outside the town for $117 000. This turned out to be even more fabulous than the Pittsburgh, yielding $35 000 worth of silver per day at one time. Leadville grew. Tabor became its first mayor, and later became lieutenant governor of the state.


1. Leadville got its name for the following reasons EXCEPT C.

A. because Tabor became its leading citizen

B. because great deposits of lead is expected to be found there

C. because it could bring good fortune to Tabor

2. The word “grubstake” in paragraph 2 means C.

A. to supply miners with food and supplies

B. to open a general store

C. to supply miners with food and supplies and in return get a share in the mine, if one was discovered

3. Tabor made his first fortune A.

A. by supplying two prospective miners and getting in return a one-third interest in the findings

B. because he was persuaded by the two miners to quit supplying

C. by buying the shares of the other

4. The underlying reason for Tabor's life career is B

A. purely accidental

B. based on the analysis of miner's being very poor and their possibility of discovering profitable mining site

C. through the help from his second wife

5. If this passage is the first part of an article, who might be introduced in the following part? B

A. Tabor's life.

B. Tabor's second wife, Elizabeth McCourt.

C. Other colorful characters.


一、选择填空,从A、B、 C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。(每题10 分)


– Susan, will you please go and empty that drawer?

A. What for?


– Ok, I'll fix your computer right now.

– Oh, take your time. __________

B. I'm in no hurry.


He asked his neighbor to ________ his house.

A. keep an eye on


This plant can't be exposed ____________strong sunshine.

B. to


A dictionary may define genetics _________ simply “the science of the study of heredity”.

C. as


– May I open the window to let in some fresh air?____

C. Go ahead!


– Brand was Jane's brother!

________he reminded me so much of Jane!

C. No wonder


I have trouble in ________ my homework.

C. doing


People __________ foxes __________ clever but sly animals.

B. consider…as


He asked his neighbor to ________ his house.

A. keep an eye on


– How about going to the cinema?____

C. Sounds like a good idea!


– Susan, will you please go and empty that drawer? ___

A. What for?


I have trouble in ________ my homework.

C. doing


A dictionary may define genetics _________ simply “the science of the study of heredity”.

C. as


People _________ foxes______ clever but sly animals.

B. consider…as

二、阅读理解:正误判断(每题10 分)

The law defines youthful offenders (age 18 or under) as “delinquent” if they commit offenses. As for the same offenses, the court would consider an adult as a “criminal”.“Status offenders” are juveniles who commit offenses appropriate only to juveniles, such as truancy from school.Here are a few ideas to help prevent your children from being a delinquent.

Keep your children in school to help prevent delinquency. Minor offenses, such as truancy, can lead to more serious offenses. Make clear to your children your expectations about their school attendance. Meet with school officials if necessary.

Exercise adequate supervision. Juveniles rarely commit serious offenses while under the supervision of an adult. Seek the assistance of your local service agencies if you feel you cannot control your children. Attend parenting classes,or join a local support group if you are having trouble understanding how to exercise discipline.

Educate your children about the dangers of drugs. Drug offenses and addiction can have serious consequences for your children. Let your children know you will not tolerate drug use. Stay informed about drug use trends in children.

Get your children involved in after-school recreational activities, sports, community service or other positive activities. Young people with positive outlets for their energy are more likely to do well in school and avoid the problems of delinquency.

Know who your children's friends are. Show an interest in your children's social life and peer groups. Peer pressure may have a bad effect on teenagers and young people. Do not allow your children to associate with juvenile delinquents.


1.The court would consider youthful offenders as “criminals” if they commit offenses. F

2.You must meet with school officials to prevent your children from delinquency. F

3.If you cannot control your children, ask for help from the local service

agencies. T

https://www.doczj.com/doc/be792500.html,rm your children that you will not tolerate drug use and drug offenses can have serious results for your children. T

5.Children always involving in positive activities are more likely to do well in school and avoid the problems of delinquency. T

英译汉(每题10 分)


1. Parents are too busy to spend time teaching their kids right from wrong. B


B. 父母都太忙,没有时间教导孩子明辨是非。

C. 父母很忙,但是也抽时间教导孩子明辨是非。

2. Attend parenting classes, or join a local support group if you are having trouble understanding how to exercise discipline. A




3. As millions of people have access to the Internet, criminals look for potential victims online. C


B. 由于成千上网的人们具备了上网条件,犯罪分子就会悄悄地物色受害者。

C. 由于成百上千万的人们具备了上网条件,犯罪分子会在线物色潜在的受害者。

4. Use software that blocks out certain inappropriate websites in case you can't keep an eye anytime. B


B. 利用软件阻挡一些不良网站,以免有时你无暇照看。

C. 利用软件剔除不良网站避免不时浏览到。

5. When you are suspicious of the website, check it out before you pay any money. B


B. 当你觉得网站可疑,支付之前要严加核实。

C. 当你怀疑支付的金额时,要留意相关网站。


一、选择填空,从A、B、 C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。(每题10 分)


-I've been using the computer for a long time and my neck doesn't feel well. _______

A. You'd better stop the work and take a rest.


-Must I finish the report today?

__________. You can finish it tomorrow.

C. No, you don't have to


My suggestion is that Tom _____ to see a doctor at once.

A. go


People wear _____ suits on formal occasions.

B. formal


Parents transmit some of their _____ to their children.

A. characteristics


-It's rather cold in here. Do you mind if I close the window?


B. No, go ahead


- I'm sorry for breaking the cup.

- Oh, ____ . I've got plenty.

A. forget it


Does the design _____ the needs of our users?

C. meet


He left the company by mutual ______ last September.

C. consent


I have no idea _____ to make my speech interesting.

A. how


-We've worked for a long time, what about stopping a while to have a rest?___________.

C. That's a good idea.


-I've been using the computer for a long time and my neck doesn't feel well.____________

A. You'd better stop the work and take a rest.


The news came _____ we won the first prize in the competition.

A. that


The company is trying every _____ to improve the quality of products.

B. means


Nowadays people spend more time exercising to keep _____.


最新国家开放大学电大《国际公法》期末题库及答案 考试说明:本人针对该科精心汇总了历年题库及答案,形成一个完整的题库,并且每年都在更新。该题库对考生的复习、作业和考试起着非常重要的作用,会给您节省大量的时间。做考题时,利用本文档中的查找工具,把考题中的关键字输到查找工具的查找内容框内,就可迅速查找到该题答案。本文库还有其他网核及教学考一体化答案,敬请查看。 《国际公法》题库及答案一 一、单项选择题(每小题1分,共10分。每题只有一项答案正确,请将正确的答案序号填在答 题纸上) 1. 18世纪末首次将调整国家之间关系的法律称为国际法的学者是( )。 A.格老秀斯 B.边沁 C.奥本海 D.卢梭 2.国家作为国际不当行为的主体,不仅包括国家本身的行为,也包括可归因于国家的行为,下列行为中,不应视为国家行为的是( )。 A.国家机关的行为 B.军队的行为 C.叛乱运动的机关的行为 D.成为一国新政府或导致组成一个新国家的叛乱活动的行为 3.最早把大陆架作为法律概念提出的是( )。 A.《大陆架公约》 B.马耳他外长帕多 C.美国总统杜鲁门 D.《海洋法公约》 4.根据《外层空间条约》和《月球协定》等文件的规定,下列选项中,属于各国所享受的权利的是( )。 A.将月球据为己有 B.在月球进行战争 C.自由探索和利用外空和天体 D.先占天体 5.根据《中华人民共和国宪法》的规定,对于因为( )原因要求避难的外国人,经中国政府主管机关批准,准许在中国居留。 A.经济 B.战争 C.政治 D.宗教 6.一个有效的条约由于出现了法定的原因而结束其法律效力被称为( )。 A.条约的中止 B.条约的终止


(2018更新)最新电大国家开放大学《心理学》教学考一体化网考形考作业试题及答案 100% 通过 2016年秋期河南电大把《心理学》纳入到“教学考一体化”平台进行网考,针对这个平台,本人汇总了该科所有的题,形成一个完整的题库,内容包含了单选题、多选题、判断题,并且以后会不断更新,对考生的复习、作业和考试起着非常重要的作用,会给您节省大量的时间。做考题时,利用本文档中的查找工具(Ctrl+F),把考题中的关键字输到查找工具的查找内容框内,就可迅速查找到该题答案。本文库还有其他网核及教学考一体化答案,敬请查看。 一单选题 1. 外部的物理刺激作用于人的感觉器官,人的头脑接受和加工了这些刺激的属性,进而认识了这些属性的过程是() (2.00分) A. 思维 B. 知觉 C. 记忆 D. 感觉 2. 家长的教育素质包括教育理念、教育能力、()、教养方式。 (2.00分) A. 教育水平 B. 心理素质 C. 教育观念 D. 教育理论 3. 家庭是由具有婚姻关系、血缘关系或()的人们所组成的社会生活的基本单位。 (2.00分) A. 亲情关系 B. 收养关系 C. 宗族关系 D. 父子关系 4.()家庭关系是群婚发展的最典型阶段。 (2.00分) A. 血缘家庭 B. 对偶家庭 C. 普那路亚家庭 D. 一夫一妻制 5. 刚刚能引起感觉的最小刺激量叫() (2.00分) A. 绝对感受性 B. 差别阈限 C. 差别感觉阈限 D. 绝对感觉阈限 6. ()心理学研究方法很难重复,对结果也很难进行检验和证实,对所得结果很难进行精确的分析。 (2.00分) A. 实验法 B. 心理测量法 C. 个案法 D. 观察法 7. 国民教育由家庭教育、学校教育、()三个支柱组成。 (2.00分) A. 正规教育 B. 环境教育 C. 人文教育 D. 社会教育 8. 父母的教养方式大致可分为民主权威型、严厉专制型、()、冷漠忽略型四种类型。 (2.00分) A. 绝对权威型 B. 宽松民主型 C. 放任忽视型 D. 娇惯纵容型 9. 在判断时间的精确性方面,最好的感觉通道是() (2.00分) A. 触觉 B. 视觉 C. 听觉 D. 嗅觉 10. 下列选项中不属于注意品质的一项是( ) (2.00分) A. 注意的广度 B. 注意的选择性 C. 注意的转移 D. 注意的稳定性 11. 上课时,学生被窗外的声音吸引,这种心理现象是() (2.00分) A. 随意前注意 B. 随意注意


一、交际英语 1、May I move your bag a little and take this seat?_______________. A:I don't mind B:It doesn't matter C:You do it please D:Go ahead 答案: D 2、- ________________- You too! A:Merry Christmas! B:What a beautiful day! C:Help yourself! D:It's very kind of you! 答案: A 3、- Who's speaking?- This is Tom . A:speaks B:spoken C:speaking D:saying 答案: C 4、- Excuse me, could you show me the way to the nearest post office?- __________ Oh yes! Two blocks away from here at the Green Avenue. You can't miss it. A:I beg your pardon? B:What do you mean? C:You're welcome. D:Mm, let me think. 答案: D 5、- Could I speak to Don Watkins, please?- _______________ A:Speaking, please. B:Oh, how are you? C:I'm listening. D:I'm Don. 答案: A 一、交际英语 1、May I move your bag a little and take this seat?_______________. A:I don't mind


国家开放大学介绍 国家开放大学是在中央广播电视大学和地方广播电视大学的基础上组建,以现代信息技术为支撑,办学网络立体覆盖全国城乡,学历与非学历教育并重,面向全体社会成员,没有围墙的新型大学。目前,注册在学生359万人,其中本科学生105万人,专科学生254万人,包括近20万农民学生,10万士官学生,6000多残疾学生。国家开放大学的组建成立,标志着广播电视大学系统在新的历史起点上踏上了新的征途。 历史使命 国家开放大学强调“开放、责任、质量、多样化、国际化”的办学理念,大力发展非学历继续教育,稳步发展学历继续教育,推进现代科技与教育的深度融合,搭建终身学习“立交桥”,适应国家经济社会发展和人的全面发展需要,促进终身教育体系建设,促进全民学习、终身学习的学习型社会形成。经过10年努力,把国家开放大学建设成为我国高等教育体系中一所新型大学;世界开放大学体系中富有中国特色的开放大学;我国学习型社会的重要支柱。 支持联盟 为实现国家开放大学的历史使命和社会价值,促进学习型社会形成,充分利用社会优质资源,国家开放大学成立四大支持联盟。与国内若干所大学合作,成立大学支持联盟,依托其师资、专业、课程资源优势,全面促进国家开放大学建设。与若干行业协会、大型企业、中心城市合作,成立行业支持联盟、企业支持联盟和城市支持联盟,利用各自资源和优势,大力开展各类职业技能培训、社区教育、公民素质教育,推进学习型行业、学习型企业和学习型城市建设。 技术架构 现代信息技术发展及其广泛应用,深刻影响着人类的生产方式、生活方式和思维方式,对教育发展产生革命性影响。国家开放大学致力于探索科技与教育的深度融合,推进教育创新,提升办学能力、教育质量和管理水平,促进优质教育资源社会成员共享和教育公平。国家开放大学将依托高水平IT企业,建造远程教育云平台。依托高水平网络运营机构,借助虚拟专网、互联网、教育科研网、移动通信网和卫星网等,实现总部与分部安全、高速互联。依托高水平终端生产企业,研发国家开放大学移动互联学习终端,促进社会成员的泛在学习。通过“造云、借路、建端”,搭建强大的远程教育信息化支撑平台,为亿级用户提供学习支持与服务。


形考任务1 正确的答案是“对”。 1.同学们,在学习了“任务一”的相关内容后,请将你认9入学后第一个学期可以转学()。 为适合描述为国家开放大学特色的选项选择出来? 正确的答案是“错”。 正确答案是:国家开放大学是一所在教与学的方式上有别 10申请转专业的同时不可以申请转学()。 与普通高校的新型大学正确的答案是“错”。 国家开放大学是基于信息技术的特殊的大学 国家开放大学是为没有条件参与全日制校园学习的人群 形考作业3 提供学习资源的大学 1国家开放大学门户网站网址是()。 国家开放大学可以为学习者提供多终端数字化的学习资 正确答案是:https://www.doczj.com/doc/be792500.html, 源 2进入课程页面后,学生只能按顺序一章一章的进行系统2.请将下列适用于国家开放大学学习的方式选择出来? 学习()。 正确答案是:在网络上阅读和学习学习资源正确答案是:错 在课程平台上进行与老师与同学们的交流讨论 3课程实践环节一般根据老师的安排如期完成即可,通常在集中面授课堂上向老师请教问题不作为形成性考核成绩记录()。 利用pad、手机等设备随时随地学习 正确答案是:错 3制定时间计划,评估计划的执行情况,并根据需要实时4下面哪些作业类型不属于形成性考核()。 地调整计划,是管理学习时间的有效策略。(对) 正确答案是:程序题 4在国家开放大学的学习中,有课程知识内容请教老师,5国家开放大学考试通常采用()相结合的方式进行。 可以通过发email、QQ群、课程论坛等方式来与老师联络。正确答案是:形成性考核,终结性考核 (对)6国家开放大学专科起点本科专业的学生必须参加网络统 5远程学习的方法和技能比传统的课堂学习简单,学习方 考。网络统考的科目包括()。 法并不重要。(错)正确答案是:《大学英语》,《计算机应用基础》,《大 6纸质教材、音像教材、课堂讲授的学习策略都是一样的。学语文》,《高等数学》 (错)7按是否开卷进行分类,一般又可分为()。 7在网络环境下,同学之间、师生之间无法协作完成课程正确答案是:开卷,半开卷,闭卷 讨论。(错)8参加考试时必须要携带的证件有()。 正确答案是:身份证,学生证,准考证 形考任务29已具有国民教育系列本科以上学历(含本科)的学生, 1开放大学学制特色是注册后()年内取得的学分均 可免考全部统考科目。 有效。正确的答案是“对”。 正确答案是:810在入学注册时年龄满40周岁的非英语专业学生可免考 2请问以下是专业学习后期需要完成的环节? “大学英语”。 正确答案是:专业综合实践正确的答案是“对”。 3请问以下不是专业学位授予的必备条件?11论坛不需要登录。 正确答案是:被评为优秀毕业生正确的答案是“错”。 4学生本人要在学期开学后()内向学籍所在教学点12任何人博客内容浏览者都可以看到并可以进行评价。 提出申请,并填写《国家开放大学学生转专业审批表》,正确的答案是“错”。 经国开分部审核批准后,即可办理转专业手续。 13QQ群可以随意加入,不需审核。 正确答案是:3周 正确的答案是“错”。

15年大学英语B统考 电大 网院网考模拟试题

大学英语B统考电大网院网考模拟试题5 大学英语B5 一、交际英语 1、--- Happy New Year to you and your parents!-- ________________. A:No,thank you B:You are happy, too C:Yes, we are happy D:The same to you 答案:D 2、- I have passed the English exam. - _______. Congratulations! A:Sorry B:Good luck C:Come on D:Well done 答案:D 3、-- Please help yourself to the seafood.-- ________ A:No, I can't. B:Sorry, I can't help. C:Well, seafood don't suit. D:Thanks, but I don't like seafood. 答案:D 4、- This box is too heavy for me to carry it upstairs.- _______ A:You may ask for help. B:I'll give you a hand. C:Please do me a favor. D:I'd come to help. 答案:B 5、- Wow! This is a marvelous room! I've never known you're so artistic.- ______ A:Great, I am very art-conscious.


最新国家开放大学电大《人力资源管理》期末试题标准精品题库及答案试卷号2195 【1】 企业管理者与企业内有组织的群体就工资、福利及工作条件等问题进行谈判,是为了协调()。 · A、员工之间的关系 · B、领导和下属的关系 · C、劳企关系 · D、不知道 答案:C 【2】

为保障员工的健康、减少污染、减少事故的发生所必须采取的措施,属于()的内容。 · A、劳企关系 · B、培训与开发 · C、安全与保障 · D、编制人力资源计划 答案:C 【3】 国外人力资源管理发展大致经历了()个阶段。 · A、4

· B、5 · C、3 · D、2 答案:C 【4】 在人力资源管理的诸多职能中,()是整个人力资源管理活动的前提基础。 · A、规划 · B、考评 · C、调整

· D、保持 答案:A 【5】 “组织职责阶段”指的是()。· A、20世纪60年代中期· B、20世纪50年代前后· C、20世纪80年代 · D、20世纪70年代前后 答案:C 【6】

人力资源是指能够推动经济和()发展的全体劳动者的劳动能力。 · A、科技 · B、社会 · C、技术 · D、文明 答案:B 【7】 同样数量的人用不同的组织网络连接起来,会形成不同的协作关系,产生不同的效应,取得不同的结果。这指的是人力资源管理的()原理。 · A、能位匹配原理

· B、同素异构原理 · C、公平竞争原理 · D、激励强化原理 答案:B 【8】 现代人力资源管理不再是简单地对员工进行进、管、出的管理,而是有预见性地管理各类人员的配置、使用、劳动报酬、资格鉴定、业务培训、工作条件,时刻考虑如何满足人力资源开发的需要与要求。这体现了其与传统劳动人事管理在()方面的区别。 · A、管理思想 · B、管理内容 · C、管理方式


《开放教育学习指南》作业 一、单项选择题 1. 《开放教育学习指南》是开放教育学生的(A) A. 公共基础课 B. 实践课 C. 专业基础课 2. 1978年,邓小平批准创立中央广播电视大学,中央广播电视大学和全国28个省、自治区、直辖市广播电视大学首次开学的时间是(B) A. 1978年2月6日 B. 1979年2月6日 C. 1980年2月6日 3. IP课件播放时,通常会将计算机屏幕分成三个区域,这三个区域不包括(C) A. 老师授课的录像画面 B. 课程内容提要 C. 学生信息 4. SQ3R阅读技巧指的是(A) A. 概览、提问、阅读、复述、复习 B. 概览、提问、阅读3遍 C. 概览、提问、阅读、作业、练习 5. 按现行开放教育免修免考管理规定,下列各教育类型可替代开放教育课程总学分比例正确的是(B) A. 电大课程(含注册生)可替代必修总学分的比例90% B. 国家自学考试课程可替代必修总学分比例的40%

C. 普通高等学校课程可替代必修总学分的比例100% 6. 采用图像、声音、图表、视频资料等为主要教学手段的是(A) A. 录像教材 B. 录音教材 C. 文字教材 7. 倡导并批准创办广播电视大学的是(B) A. 毛泽东 B. 邓小平 C. 江泽民 8. 电大在线远程教学平台课程论坛的主要功能是(B) A. 资源存储 B. 学习交流 C. 上传、下载 9. 关于电大在线远程教学平台的登录方法,下列说法正确的是(A) A. 使用学号(或用户名)及密码进行登录 B. 使用邮箱及密码进行登录 C. 使用手机号码及密码进行登录 10. 关于个人学习空间,下列说法不妥当的是(C) A.要尽量创造一个相对独立的、舒心的、安静的学习空间 B. 如果你的住所离教学点比较近,可以选择去教学点上自习 C. 上班时间在单位学习 11. 关于开放教育学生的毕业及毕业证书,正确的说法是(B) A. 学生只要累积的学分达到最低毕业学分数要求就可以毕业 B. 毕业证书由中央广播电视大学颁发并报教育部进行电子注册


论述题 1.论述行政指导的概念与特征。 答:行政指导是指行政机关在其所管辖的事务范围内,根据国家的法律、法规和政策,针对特定的公民、法人和其他组织,采取非强制的手段,取得行政相对方的同意和协助,有效地实现一定的行政目的主动的管理行为。(3分) 行政指导的特征: (1)行政指导是非权力行政活动;(2分)(2)行政指导是一种事实行为;(2分)(3)行政指导是行政机关单方面的意思表示,属于单方行为;(2分)(4)行政指导一般适用于有较大幅度弹性的管理领域;(2分)(5)行政指导适用法律优先的原则;(2分)(6)行政指导是一种外部行为。(2分) 2.论述行政诉讼的第三人。 答:行政诉讼的第三人,是指与被诉具体行政行为有利害关系,经申请或法院通知,参加到业已开始的诉讼进程中来的公民、法人或其他组织。(3分) 第三人制度的法律基础是《行政诉讼法》第27条的规定;“同提起行政诉讼的具体行政行为有利害关系的其他公民、法人或者其他组织,可以作为第三人申请参加诉讼,或者由人民法院通知参加诉讼。”(3分) 行政诉讼第三人的基本特征是:(1)第三人是原告、被告以外的当事人;(2)第三人是与被诉具体行政行为有法律上利害关系的当事人;(3)第三人参加诉讼以本诉讼为法院受理为前提;(4)第三人既可能是行政行为的相对方,也可能是与具体行政行为有利害关系的其他人,还可能是其他行政主体。(4分)第三人参加诉讼的形式主要有以下两种:申请参加诉讼和由法院通知参加诉讼。(3分)第三人不参加诉讼的,不影响法院对案件的判决,法院可以缺席判决。第三人不服判决的,有权上诉。 (2分) 3.论述行政许可的作用。

答:(1)行政许可是国家对社会经济、政治、文化活动进行宏观调控的有力手段,有助于从直接命令式的行政手段过渡到间接许可的法律手段。(3分) (2)行政许可有利于维护社会经济秩序,保障广大消费者及公民的权益。(3分) (3)行政许可有利于保障社会公共利益,维护公共安全和社会秩序。(3分) (4)行政许可有利于控制进出口贸易,保护和发展民族经济。(3分) (5)行政许可有利于资源的合理配置和环境保护,促进人与环境的和谐、健康、协调发展。(3分) 4.论述行政监督与监督行政行为的区别。 答:(1)行政监督的主体是行政机关,而且仅仅是行政机关,主体单一,而监督行政行为的主体是行(2)监督行政行为的监督对象只是国家行政机关及其公务员,而行政监督的监督对象不仅是行政机关及其公务员,而且还包括部分非国家机关。(3分) (3)行政监督与监督行政行为的监督程序不同。前者是立案、调查,结论、处分等,后者则是听取汇报、评议、视察、质询、批评、审判等。(3分) (4)行政监督与监督行政行为的权力依据不同。前者是行政权,后者则是立法权、监督权、审判权,检察权、公民的申诉控告权等。(3分) (5)行政监督与监督行政行为的属性不同。前者纯系——种行政行为,后者是行政行为之外的行为.正是由于这种区别,使二者产生了上面主体、对象、程序、依据等方面的差别.(3分) 5.论述行政责任的概念及构成要件。 答:行政责任是指行政主体及其执行公务的人员因违法或者行政不当,违反其法定职责和义务而应依法承担的否定性的法律后果。(3分) 其构成要件包括:


一、交际英语 1.-I'mlookingforashirtformyfather. -_________ A.Whatsizedoyouwear? B.WhatcanIdoforyou? C.Howaboutthisone? D.Whatsizedoesyourfatherwear? 答案:D 2.-Pleasehelpyourselftotheseafood. -________ A.No,Ican't. B.Sorry,Ican'thelp. C.Well,seafooddon'tsuit. D.Well,I'mafraidIdon'tlikeseafood. 答案:D 3.-________ -Heteachesphysicsinaschool. A.Whatdoesyourfatherdo? B.Whoisyourfather? C.Whatisyourfatherdoing? D.Whereisyourfathernow? 答案:A 4.-Hey,Tom,what'sup? -__________ A.Yes,definitely! B.Oh,notmuch. C.Whatishappeninginyourlife? D.Youarelucky. 答案:B 5.-Who'sspeaking? -ThisisTom________. A.speaks B.spoken C.speaking D.saying

答案:C 电大、各类远程网络教育统考大学英语B、计算机应用基础统考辅导全套题库,精心整理并归类完毕,全中文翻译,视频教程讲解,零基础一次性通过,索取请加QQ: 二、阅读理解 HighintheSwissAlpsmanyyearsago,therelivedalonelyshepherd(牧羊人) boywholongedforafriendtosharehisevenings.(很多年以前,在瑞士阿尔卑斯山上住着一个牧羊人,他 期望能找到一个朋友在夜晚与他为伴。)Onenighthesawthreeoldmen,eachholdingaglass. Thefirstoldmansaid:“Drinkthisliquidandyoushallbevictoriousinbattle.” Thesecondoldmansaid:“Drinkthisliquidandyoushallhavecountlessriches.” Thelastoldmansaid:“Iofferyouthehappinessofmusic-----thehorn(号角).” Theboychosethethirdglass,Thenextday,hecameuponagreathorn,tenfeetinlength,Whenheputhislipstoit,ab eautifulmelody(旋律)floatedacrossthevalley.Hehadfoundafriend. Sogoesthelegend(传说) ofthehorn.acrossthemountainsides.Eventoday,onaquietsummerevening,itsmusiccanbeheardfloatingamongth epeaks. 6.Thepassagetellsushislonelyjobabouttheshepherdboy. A.T B.F 答案:A 7.Theboychoosetodrinktheglassofferedbythelastoldmanbecausetheboywasthirsty. A.T B.F 答案:B 8.Aftertheshepherdboyfoundthehorn,hediscovereditwaslikeanew-foundfriend. A.T B.F 答案:A 9.TodaythehornisheardintheSwissAlpswhenitrains. A.T B.F 答案:B 10.TheLegendoftheHornwouldbethebesttitleforthepassage. A.T B.F 答案:A IntheUnitedStates,itisnotcustomarytotelephonesomeoneveryearlyinthemorning.(在美国通常不会在清


四、完型填空 Everyone has hobbies. A hobby can be almost anything a person likes to do in his spare time. People who take up hobbies are hobbyists. They paint pictures, sing pop songs, ___1___ music instruments and collect stamps or other things. They grow flowers, ___2___ fishing and hunting. They climb mountains, swim, skate and play games. People today have ___3___ time than ever for hobbies. In early times, people were ___4___ busy making a living to have hobbies. Nowadays machines have taken the place of many workers. More people retire at an earlier age. They have hobbies ___5___ these activities offer them enjoyment, friendship, knowledge, and relaxation. (1)、 A:because B:more C:play D:go E:too 答案:C (2)、 A:because B:more C:play D:go E:too 答案:D (3)、 A:because B:more C:play D:go E:too 答案:B (4)、 A:because B:more C:play D:go E:too 答案:E (5)、


考试说明:2020年秋期电大把该网络课纳入到“国开平台”进行考核,该课程共有5个形考任务,针对该门课程,本人汇总了该科所有的题,形成一个完整的标准题库,并且以后会不断更新,对考生的复习、作业和考试起着非常重要的作用,会给您节省大量的时间。做考题时,利用本文档中的查找工具,把考题中的关键字输到查找工具的查找内容框内,就可迅速查找到该题答案。本文库还有其他网核及教学考一体化答案,敬请查看。 课程总成绩=形成性考核×50% +终结性考试×50% 形考任务1 最早提出心理护理的护理科学的先驱是()。 选择一项: B.xx 题目2 提出构造主义心理学的理论家是()。 选择一项: E.xx 题目3 对外界环境的刺激,心、身常常是作为一个整体来反应的观点称为()。 选择一项: A.心身统一的观点 题目4 德国心理学家冯特(WundtW.)建立世界上第一个心理学实验室的年代为(

选择一项: A. 1879年 题目5 护理心理学研究的任务不包括()。 选择一项: E.运用心理学加强医院管理 题目6 奥地利的精神病学家弗洛伊德创立的心理学流派是()。 选择一项: E.精神分析 题目7 提出行为主义学派的学者是()。。 ) 题目8 在知觉过程中,人们总是根据已有的知识、经验来解释当前知觉的对象,并用语言来描述它,使它具有一定的意义,这是知觉的 选择一项: A.理解性 题目9 患者坚信周围某人或某些团伙对他进行跟踪监视、打击、陷害,甚至在其食物和饮水中放毒等称为选择一项:

E.被害妄想 题目10 入芝兰之室,久而不闻其香指的是一种现象为 选择一项: E.适应 题目11 人的外部感觉不包括 选择一项: A.机体觉 题目12 人脑对当时直接作用于感受器的客观事物整体属性的反映称为选择一项: A.知觉 题目13 人脑对客观现实的概括的、间接的反映称为 选择一项: E.思维 题目14 解决问题的思维过程一般不包括 选择一项: B.整理问题


写作B 9、写作 Instructions:建议你在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目和提纲用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。 1.你最喜欢哪本书; 2.你喜欢的理由。 The Book I Like Best 10、写作 Instructions:建议你在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目和提纲用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。 1.你特别喜欢的食物; 2.你喜欢的理由。 My Favourite Food 11、写作 Instructions:建议你在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目和提纲用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。 1.你在英语学习中遇到什么困难; 2.你如何克服这些困难。 How to Overcome Difficulties in My English Studies 12、写作 Instructions:建议你在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目和提纲用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。 1.介绍家庭主要成员; 2.描述令你难忘的家庭活动。 My Family 13、写作 Instructions:建议你在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目和提纲用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。 1.自学的优点; 2.自学中遇到的主要困难。 Self-study 14、写作 Instructions:建议你在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目和提纲用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。 1.介绍你的一位好朋友; 2.描述你们的友谊。 My Best Friend 15、写作 Instructions:建议你在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目和提纲用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。 Which is more important, Health or Wealth? 1.介绍你对健康与财富之间关系的看法; 2.简述你持有以上看法的理由。


(2020更新版)最新国家开放大学电大《机电一体化系统》 教学考一体化网考答案 100%通过 2020年春期电大把该课程纳入到“教学考一体化”平台进行网考,针对这个平台,本人汇总了该科所有的题,形成一个完整的题库,内容包含了单选题、判断题,并且以后会不断更新,对考生的复习、作业和考试起着非常重要的作用,会给您节省大量的时间。做考题时,利用本文档中的查找工具(Ctrl+F),把考题中的关键字输到查找工具的查找内容框内,就可迅速查找到该题答案。本文库还有其他网核、机考及教学考一体化答案,敬请查看。 单选题 1.不完全微分PID调节器是一般PID调节器加上什么环节而构成的 ( ) 。(3.00分) A. 窜入一个二阶惯性环节 B. 并入一个二阶惯性环节 C. 并入一个一阶惯性环节 D. 窜入一个一阶惯性环节 2.对同一种步进电机,三相单三拍的步距角是三相六拍的()倍。( 3.00分) A. 1 B. 3 C. 0.5 D. 2 3.在机电一体化传动系统中,不属于级数和各级传动比的分配原则的是()。(3.00分) A. 等效转动惯量最小原则 B. 质量最小原则 C. 各级传动比前大后小原则 D. 输出轴转角误差最小原则 4.对于要求质量尽可能小的传动链,可按什么原则进行设计 ( ) 。(3.00分) A. 输出轴转角误差最小 B. 质量最大 C. 质量最小 D. 等效转动惯量最小 5. 机电一体化技术是微电子技术向机械工业渗透过程中逐渐形成的一种综合技术。是一门集机械技术、电子技术、信息技术、计算机及软件技术、自动控制技术及其他技术互相融合而成的多学科交叉的综合技术。机电一体化的概念是哪国学者提出的?( ) A. 美国


一、交际英语 1、--Do you dance?--Yes,I do.--_________?--Every weekend. C:How often do you go dancing 2、--I went to the beach and got plenty of rest.--_________.You looked tired last time I saw you.C:I'm glad you did 3、--Wow!This is a marvelous room!I've never known you're so artistic.--_____________ C:Thanks for your compliments. 4、--Madam,do all the buses go downtown?--_______D:Sorry,I'm new here. 5、--Who's speaking?--This is Tom_______.C:speaking 1.- I'm looking for a shirt for my father. - __ D.What size does your father wear? 2.- Please help yourself to the seafood. - ___ D.Well, I'm afraid I don't like seafood. 3.- ___ - He teaches physics in a school. A.What does your father do? 4.- Hey, Tom, what's up? - __________ B.Oh, not much. 5.- Who's speaking? - This is Tom ________. C.speaking 1.—How was your trip to London,Jane?简,你在伦敦的旅行如何啊?— A.Oh,wonderful indeed.哦,真的好极了 2.—Hey,Tom,what’s up?嗨,汤姆,你在忙什么?— B.Oh,not much. 3.—Do you mind my smoking here?你介意我在这吸烟吗? B.Yes,I do.是的,我介意 4.—David injured his leg playing football yesterday.大卫昨天踢球时腿受伤了。 Really?______真的吗?那怎么发生的啊? C.How did that happen? 5.—This box is too heavy for me to carry upstairs.这个盒子对我来说太重了,搬不到楼上去。—_______ B.Let me give you a hand.让我帮你吧 1. — How was your trip to London, Jane? 简,你在伦敦的旅行如何啊?— _______ A. Oh, wonderful indeed. 哦,真的好极了 2. — Hey, Tom, what’s up? 嗨,汤姆,你在忙什么?— ___B. Oh, not much. 3. — Do you mind my smoking here? 你介意我在这吸烟吗?— _____B. Yes, I do. 是的,我介意 4. — David injured his leg playing football yesterday. 大卫昨天踢球时腿受伤了。 — Really? ______ 真的吗?那怎么发生的啊? C. How did that happen? 5. — This box is too heavy for me to carry upstairs. 这个盒子对我来说太重了,搬不到楼上去。— _____B. Let me give you a hand. 让我帮你吧


2020年大学英语B统考题网考真题两份合集附全答案 试题一 一、交际英语 1.- I'm sorry I broke your mirror. - _________ A.It's OK with me. B.It doesn't matter. C.You are welcome. D.I don't care. 答案:B 2.- Excuse me, how much is the jacket? - It's 499 Yuan. ________ A.Oh, no. That's OK! B.How do you like it? C.Which do you prefer? D.Would you like to try it on? 答案:D 3.- Unbelievable! I have failed the driving test again! - _______ This is not the end of the world. A.Good luck. B.Cheer up. C.Go ahead.

D.No problem. 答案:B 4.-Congratulations! You won the first prize in today's speech contest. - ________ A.Yes, I beat the others. B.No, no, I didn't do it well. C.Thank you. D.It's a pleasure. 答案:C 5.- Paul, _______? - Oh, that's my father!And beside him, my mother. A.what is the person over there B.who's talking over there C.what are they doing D.which is that 答案:B 二、阅读理解 High in the Swiss Alps many years ago, there lived a lonely shepherd (牧羊人)boy who longed for a friend to share his evenings.(很多年以前,在瑞士阿尔卑斯山上住着一个牧羊人,他期望能找到一个朋友


2019年电大远程网络教育《大学英语B》统考试 题真题附答案两份合集 试题一 一、交际英语 1、- Thank you for inviting me.- _______ A:I really had a happy time. B:Oh, it's too late. C:Thank you for coming. D:Oh, so slowly? 答案:C 2、- Hello, may I talk to the director now?- _________ A:Sorry, he is busy at the moment. B:No, you can't. C:Sorry, you can't. D:I don't know. 答案:A 3、-- Must I take a taxi?-- No, you ________ . You can take my car. A:had better to B:don't C:must not D:don't have to 答案:D

4、-Could you help me put up the signs on the wall? -_______. A:No problem B:I hope so C:That's all right D:That's a good idea 答案:A 5、- Mr. Jones, this is Sean, an English teacher from the United States.- ________ A:What can I do for you? B:Nice to meet you. C:Please keep in touch. D:Haven't seen you for ages. 答案:B 二、阅读理解 1、、There are many kinds of ants in the world that always live in companies. 世界上总以群居生活的蚂蚁有很多种。They are the most hard-working creatures and most of them make their nests under ground. The small black ants that we see running back and forth in the grass are the same ants that bother us by coming to our picnics uninvited. They are not trying to be harmful, but are only doing


最新国家开放大学电大《中国当代文学专题》期末题库及答案 考试说明:本人针对该科精心汇总了历年题库及答案,形成一个完整的题库,并且每年都在更新。该题库对考生的复习、作业和考试起着非常重要的作用,会给您节省大量的时间。做考题时,利用本文档中的查找工具,把考题中的关键字输到查找工具的查找内容框内,就可迅速查找到该题答案。本文库还有其他网核及教学考一体化答案,敬请查看。 《中国当代文学专题》题库及答案一 一、填空题(每空1分,共20分) 要求:书写规范,不得有错别字。 1.冰心在小说、诗歌和--------三个方面都有突出的成绩。 2.现代派诗人的代表是出版有《我的记忆》、《望舒草》和《灾难的岁月》三部诗集的 --------------- 3.巴金的“____三部曲”指《雾》、《雨》、《电》。 4.----------_的成名作是在狱中创作的《大堰河——我的保姆》。 5.鲁迅最后一篇以现实生活为题材的小说是以爱姑为主人公的《____》。 6.《女神》第一辑中的三部诗剧是《一》、《湘累》和《棠棣之花》。 7.茅盾的“农村三部曲”是指《一》、《秋收》和《残冬》。 8.“沙子龙的镖局已改成客栈。”这是小说《》的开头。 9.《日出》共分四幕,其时间分别是黎明、黄昏、午夜和____。 10.小说《边城》中描写到的那个城叫----------。 11.曹七巧嫁到姜家做二奶奶之前,曾在乡下帮助家里开____店。 12.“九叶诗派”的诗人曾创办过两个诗刊,一是《诗创造》,一是《____》,所 以,这个诗派又被称为“中国新诗派”。 13.-------在《中国新文学大系·散文二集导言》中对周作人散文大加赞赏。 14“____》是巴金的最后一部长篇小说,也是他的后期代表作。‘ 15.茅盾的《____》是现代文学史上第一部反映“皖南事变”的长篇小说。. 16.从1926年到1929年,____在英国伦敦大学讲授中文时,连续创作了三部长篇小 说:《老张的哲学》、<赵子日》和《二马》。 17.沈从文的作品展示了“两个文学世界”,一是都市世界,一是____世界。 18. 1934年是沈从文一生中最为辉煌的一年,他写出了小说代表作《边城》和散文代表作

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