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依诺肝素钠注射液 警示语: 【药品名称】通用名称:依诺肝素钠注射液 汉语拼音:Yinuo Gansuna Zhusheye 【性状】本品为无色或淡黄色澄明液体。 【适应症】 2000AxaIU和4000AxaIU注射液 ·预防静脉栓塞性疾病(防止静脉内血栓形成),特别是与骨科或普外手术有关的血栓形成。6000AxaIU,8000AxaIU,和10000AxaIU注射液 ·治疗不稳定性心绞痛及非Q波心肌梗死,与阿司匹林同用。 ·治疗已形成的深静脉栓塞,伴或不伴有肺栓塞。 ·用于血液透析体外循环中,防止血栓形成。 【规格】(1)0.4ml:4000AxaIU;(2)0.6ml:6000AxaIU 【用法与用量】为预防及治疗目的而使用低分子肝素时应采用深部皮下注射给药,用于血液透析体外循环时为血管内途径给药。 本品为成人用药。 禁止肌肉内注射。 每毫升注射液含10000 AxaIU ,相当于100mg依诺肝素钠。每毫克(0.01ml)依诺肝素钠约等于100 AxaIU。 皮下用药须知:在注射之前不需排出注射器内的气泡。 预装药液注射器可供直接使用。应于患者平躺后进行注射。应于左右腹壁的前外侧或后外侧皮下组织内交替给药。注射时针头应垂直刺入皮肤而不应成角度,在整个注射过程中,用拇指和食指将皮肤捏起,并将针头全部扎入皮肤皱折内注射。 应严格遵循推荐剂量或遵医嘱。 在外科患者中,预防静脉血栓栓塞性疾病 当患者有中度血栓形成危险时(如腹部手术),本品推荐剂量为2000AxaIU(0.2ml)或4000AxaIU(0.4ml)每日一次皮下注射。在普外手术中,应于术前2小时给予第一次皮下注射。当患者有高度血栓形成倾向时(如矫形外科手术),本品推荐剂量为术前12小时开始给药,每日一次皮下注射4000AxaIU(0.4ml)。 在蛛网膜下腔/硬膜外麻醉及经皮冠脉腔内成形术时,应特别注意给药间隔,见特殊警告。依诺肝素治疗一般应持续应用7至10天。某些患者适合更长的治疗周期,若患者有静脉栓塞倾向,应延长治疗至静脉血栓栓塞消失且患者不需要卧床为止。在矫形外科手术中,连续3周每日一次给药4000AxaIU是有益的。 在内可治疗患者中,预防静脉血栓栓塞性疾病 依诺肝素钠推荐剂量为每日一次皮下给药4000AxaIU(0.4ml)。依诺肝素钠治疗最短应为6天直至患者不需卧床为止,最长为14天。 治疗伴有或不伴有肺栓塞的深静脉血栓 依诺肝素钠可用于为皮下每日一次注射150AxaIU/kg或每日两次100AxaIU/kg。当患者合并栓塞性疾病时,推荐每日两次100AxaIU/kg。依诺肝素钠治疗一般为10天。应该在适当时开始口服抗凝剂治疗,并应持续依诺肝素钠治疗直至到抗凝治疗效果(INR:2至3)。 治疗不稳定性心绞痛及非Q波心梗 皮下注射依诺肝素钠推荐剂量为每次100AxaIU/kg,每12小时给药一次,应与阿司匹林同用(每日一次口服100至325mg)。在以上患者中推荐疗程最小为2天,至临床症状稳定。一般疗程为2至8天。


min 10121416182022 nRIU 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 min 10121416182022 mAU 1 2 3 4 1 8 . 2 1 9 1 6 . 1 3 1 9 . 9 8 UV 234 nm RI Columns: Zenix?-100 (3 m, 100 ?, 7.8x300 mm) Flow Rate: Mobile phase: 0.5 mL/min 2.84% Na2SO4, pH 5.0 Temperature: 35 o C Detection: UV 234 nm and RI Injection volume: 25 μL Samples: 10 mg/mL Dalteparin in water, pH 6.0, MW 3,000 – 8,000 Da LMW Heparin-Dalteparin and Enoxaparin Analysis on Zenix?-100 (7830)

Columns: Zenix ?-100 (3 m, 100 ?, 7.8x300 mm) Flow Rate: Mobile phase: 0.5 mL/min 2.84% Na 2SO 4, pH 5.0 Temperature: 35 o C Detection: UV 234 nm and RI Injection volume: 25 μL Samples: 10 mg/mL Enoxaparin in mobile phase, MW 3,000 – 8,000 Da Keywords: Size exclusion, Zenix, Zenix-100, low molecular weight heparin, high resolution, Enoxaparin, Dalteparin, Pharmaceuticals


商品名:克赛/Clexane 英文名:Enoxaparin 通用名:依诺肝素 【理化特性】 成分及含量: 每个注射器:20mg40mg60mg80mg100mg 依诺肝素钠:20mg40mg60mg80mg100mg 加注射用水至0.2ml0.4ml0.6ml0.8ml 1.0ml 剂型: 无菌无致热源可注射液,已预装入注射器。 药理治疗分类 抗栓剂/低分子肝素 (B:血液,造血器官) 【药理作用】 药效动力学特性: 本品为具有高活性抗Xa(100 I.U./mg)作用和低活性抗IIa 或抗凝血酶(28 I.U./mg)作用的低分子肝素. 在不同适应证所需的剂量下, 本品并不延长出血时. 在预防剂量时, 本品对APTT没有明显改变. 既不影响血小板聚集也不影响纤维蛋白原与血小板的结合. 药代动力学特性: 药代动力学参数源于对血浆中抗Xa因子活性的研究.

生物利用度:皮下注射本品可迅速并完全被吸收, 本品的生物利用度接近95%. 分布:皮下注射本品3小时后达最大血浆活性. 抗Xa活性存在于血管内. 生物转化:本品主要在肝脏代谢. 消除:使用40 mg 本品时其抗Xa 活性的半衰期约为4.4小时. 使用60mg 或 80mg 本品时约为4小时. 排泄:本品经尿排出. 在老年患者中消除半衰期略延长. 赋形剂成分:注射用水 【适应证】 -20 mg和40 mg注射液: .预防静脉栓塞性疾病 (防止静脉内血栓形成) 尤其是与某些手术有关的栓塞 .用于血液透析体外循环中,防止血栓形成 -60 mg, 80 mg和100 mg注射液: .治疗深静脉血栓形成 .治疗急性不稳定性心绞痛及非Q波心肌梗死,与阿司匹林同用 【用法及用量】 1 mg依诺肝素产生相当于100 I.U抗Xa活性 为预防及治疗目的而使用依诺肝素时应采用深部皮下注射给药,用于血


核准日期:2009年8月12日 修改日期: 依诺肝素钠注射液说明书 请仔细阅读说明书并在医师指导下使用 警示语:椎管内血肿。当实施椎管内麻醉(脊麻和硬膜外麻醉)或椎管穿刺时应注意,使用低分子肝素或肝素类物质预防血栓并发症的病人,有可能引起椎管内血肿,导致长期甚至永久性瘫痪,以上事件很少发生。放置硬膜外导管或反复硬膜外穿刺,合并使用影响止血功能的药物,如非甾体类抗炎药(NSAIDs)、血小板抑制剂或其它抗凝药物等,血肿发生率可能会更高。此种情况,应监测病人神经损害的症状和体征,如发现有可能损伤神经,应紧急处理。医生在对此类病人实施椎管内干预(麻醉或穿刺)时,应进行利弊权衡。 【药品名称】 通用名称:依诺肝素钠注射液 商品名称:克赛?Clexane 英文名称:Enoxaparin Sodium Injection 汉语拼音:Yinuogansuna Zhusheye 【成份】 化学名称:依诺肝素钠(低分子肝素钠) 化学结构式: 分子量:3500至5500道尔顿 辅料:注射用水 【性状】本品为无色或淡黄色的澄明液体。

【适应症】 2000 Axa IU 和4000 Axa IU注射液: ?预防静脉血栓栓塞性疾病(预防静脉内血栓形成) ,特别是与骨科或普外手术有关的 血栓形成。 6000 Axa IU, 8000 Axa IU 和10000 Axa IU注射液: ? 治疗已形成的深静脉栓塞,伴或不伴有肺栓塞,临床症状不严重,不包括需要外科手 术或溶栓剂治疗的肺栓塞。 ? 治疗不稳定性心绞痛及非Q波心肌梗死,与阿司匹林合用。 ? 用于血液透析体外循环中,防止血栓形成。 ? 治疗急性ST段抬高型心肌梗死,与溶栓剂联用或同时与经皮冠状动脉介入治疗(PCI)联用。 【规格】(1)0.2ml :2000 AxaIU (2)0.4ml: 4000 AxaIU (3)0.6ml: 6000 AxaIU (4)0.8ml :8000 AxaIU (5)1.0ml :10000 AxaIU 【用法用量】 预防静脉血栓栓塞性疾病,治疗深静脉栓塞,治疗不稳定性心绞痛及非Q波心肌梗死时应采用深部皮下注射给予依诺肝素;血液透析体外循环时为血管内途径给药;对于ST段抬高型急性心肌梗死,初始的治疗为静脉注射,随后改为皮下注射治疗。 本品为成人用药 禁止肌内注射 每毫升注射液含10000 AxaIU,相当于100mg依诺肝素。每毫克(0.01ml)依诺肝素约等于100 AxaIU。 皮下注射技术: 根据患者体重调整依诺肝素的注射剂量,注射前需将多余量排出,而在注射之前无需排 出注射器内的气泡。 预装药液注射器可供直接使用。应于患者平躺后进行注射。应于左、右腹壁的前外侧或 后外侧皮下组织内交替给药。 注射时针头应垂直刺入皮肤而不应成角度,在整个注射过程中,用拇指和食指将皮肤捏起,并将针头全部扎入皮肤皱折内注射。 只用于治疗ST段抬高型急性心肌梗死的静脉注射技术: 通过静脉通路给予依诺肝素,不能与其他药物混合或同时注射。为避免依诺肝素与其他 药物混合,应在给予依诺肝素的前后,使用足量的生理盐水或葡萄糖溶液冲洗静脉通路 以清除其它药物。依诺肝素和0.9%生理盐水或5%葡萄糖溶液合用是安全的。 ?初始3000AxaIU的静脉给药 对于初始3000AxaIU的静脉给药,用预填充的依诺肝素,注射器内保留3000AxaIU (0.3ml),排出多余的液体。可将3000AxaIU的剂量直接注射入静脉血管内。 ?冠脉血管成形术的额外静脉负荷剂量: 如果最后一次皮下给药在囊球扩张前8小时以上,冠脉血管成形术患者需要额外的 30AxaIU/kg静脉给药。为了确保该小注射量的准确性,推荐稀释药物至300AxaIU/ml。 为了得到300AxaIU的溶液,使用6000AxaIU的预填充依诺肝素钠注射液,推荐使用50ml 输液袋[使用例如生理盐水(0.9%)或5%葡萄糖溶液]进行如下操作:


低分子肝素预防外科术后患者的肺栓塞 夏锡仪谭玉林孙亚伟严国度戎亚雄任全海刘建跃徐学忠单国平, 金雷 [摘要] 目的 探讨低分子肝素依诺肝素用于普通外科手术后预防深静脉血栓形成( DVT)和肺栓塞 (PE)的有效性和安全性。方法 以随机双盲方法,将2006年1月至2011年6月本院收住的1 928例外科手 术患者根据术后抗凝与否分为观察组和对照组。观察组960例,给予依诺肝素干预(方案:手术前12h皮下注 射依诺肝素40 mg,术后12h再注射40 mg,以后每日注射40 mg 1次,连续7 d);对照组968例不予干预。观 察两组患者DVT、PE以及出血事件的发生情况。结果 ①两组患者性别、年龄、体质指数、危险因素(包括肥 胖、静脉血栓病史、静脉曲张、慢性阻塞性肺疾病史、慢性心功能不全病史、激素治疗史)以及手术类型比较差 异均无统计学意义。对照组36.5%为非恶性肿瘤手术,63.5%为恶性肿瘤手术,手术时间2.3h;观察组分别 为35.6%、64.4%和2.2h,两组比较差异均无统计学意义(均P>0. 05)。②在住院期间,对照组968例患者中 发生DVT 59例(6.1%)、PE 14例(1.4%),其中非致死性PE 8例(0.8%)、致死性PE 6例(0.6%),致死性 PE占该组PE的42.8%;观察组960例中发生DVT 28例(2.9%)、PE 3例(0.3%),其中非致死性PE 2例 (0.2%)、致死性PE 1例(0.1%),致死性PE占该组PE的33.3%,均较对照组下降(P<0. 05或P<0.01)。 在随访期间,对照组DVT增加了14例(1.4%),致死性PE增加了1例(0.1%);观察组DVT增加了2例 (0.2%),与对照组差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),非致死性PE增加了1例(0.1%)。③出血事件比较:住院期 间,对照组有少量出血30例(3.1%),严重出血8例(0.8%),而观察组少量出血33例(3.4%),严重出血9例 (0.9%),两组无明显差异(均P>0.05);停药后及出院随访期间两组出血事件比较差异无统计学意义。结论 依诺肝素用于外科术后患者预防性治疗可以降低DVT和PE的发生率,且安全,不会增加出血的风险。 低分子肝素;肺栓塞;深静脉血栓形成;外科手术;预防 Enoxaparin for the prevention of post-surgical pulmonary embolismXIA Xi-yi TAN Yu-linSUN Ya-weiYAN Guo-duRONG Ya-xiong REN Quan-hai LIU Jian-yue, XU Xue-zhong, SHAN Guo-ping, JIN LeiDepartment of Respiration, Wujin Hospital Affiliated to Jiangsu University, Changzhou 213002, Jiangsu, China [Abstract] Objective To evaluate the efficacy and safety of the administration of enoxaparin, a low molecular weight heparin (LMWH), in the prevention of post surgical deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE). Methods 1 928 patients hospitalized for general surgery were randomly divided into: (① test group (n= 960) to receive enoxaparin (40 mg, s.c. , 12 hours before and after surgery, then once daily for 7 consecutive days); ② control group (n= 968) without intervention. The incidence of DVT, PE and bleeding were recorded for statistical analysis during hospitalization and a 2 months follow-up after discharge. Results ① No significant difference was found between the two groups in age, sex, average body mass index, type of surgery, and DVT/PE risk factors (obesity, varicose veins, and history of: venous thrombosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic heart failure, and hormone therapy). The percentage of non-malignant/malignant tumor surgery were 36. 5%/63. 5% (average operation time 2.3 hours) in control group and 35.6%/64. 4% (2.2 hours) in test group (both P>0. 05). ② During the hospitalization period, 59 eases (incidence = 6.1 %) of DVT and 14 cases (incidence = 1.4 % ) of PE (among them 6 were fetal, 42.8% of all PE cases) were found in the control group, while 28 cases of DVT (2. 9%) and 3 cases (0.3%) of PE (1 fetal, 33. 3% of all PE cases) were found in test group. The incidence of DVT, PE (total), and PE (fetal) were significant lower in test group (P< 0. 05 or P< 0. 01). During the follow-up, 14 more cases of DVT (1.4%) and 1 more case (0. 1% ) of PE (a fetal) were found in the control group, and 2 more DVT cases (0. 2%) in test group, with the DVT incidence in test group significantly lower (P<0. 01). (③ During the enoxaparin administration, 30 cases (3.1 %) minor bleeding and 8 cases (0. 8%) major bleeding were found in the control group, while 33 cases (3.4%) minor bleeding events and 9 cases (0. 9%) major bleeding events were found in the test group. The results in the two groups were not significantly different in either type of bleeding events (both P>0.05). Also no significant difference was found in the bleeding events after the ending of enoxaparin administration and during the follow-up. Conclusion Enoxaparin may reduce the incidence of DVT and PE in patients undergoing general surgery without increased risk of bleeding. [Key words] Low molecular weight heparin; Pulmonary embolism; Deep vein thrombosis; General surgery; Prophylaxis 万方数据

依诺肝素钠标准(USP 39)

?L IMIT OF F LUORIDE ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS [N OTE —Use plasticware throughout this test.] ?P ACKAGING AND S TORAGE : Preserve in tight, light-resistant Buffer: Dissolve 110g of sodium chloride and 1g of containers, and avoid exposure to excessive heat.sodium citrate in 700mL of water in a 2000-mL volu-?USP R EFERENCE S TANDARDS ?11?metric flask. Cautiously add 150g of sodium hydroxide,USP Enflurane RS and dissolve with shaking. Cool to room temperature,and, while stirring, cautiously add 450mL of glacial acetic acid to the cooled solution. Cool, add 600mL of isopropyl alcohol, and dilute with water to volume; the pH of this solution is 5.0–5.5. Enoxaparin Sodium Standard stock solution: 1mg/mL of fluoride ion, pre-pared as follows. Transfer 221mg of sodium fluoride,previously dried at 150° for 4 h, to a 100-mL volumet-ric flask. Add 20mL of water, and mix to dissolve. Add 1.0mL of sodium hydroxide solution (1 in 2500), and dilute with water to volume. [N OTE —Store in a tightly closed plastic container.] Standard solution A: 100mL of a solution containing 1μg/mL of fluoride ion in Buffer , from Standard stock solution Standard solution B: 100mL of a solution containing 3μg/mL of fluoride ion in Buffer , from Standard stock solution Standard solution C: 100mL of a solution containing 5μg/mL of fluoride ion in Buffer , from Standard stock solution Standard solution D: 100mL of a solution containing 10μg/mL of fluoride ion in Buffer , from Standard stock solution [9041-08-1]. Sample stock solution: Enflurane and water (1:1).Shake the Sample stock solution for 5 min, allow the DEFINITION liquids to separate completely, and use the water layer.Enoxaparin Sodium is the sodium salt of a depolymerized Sample solution: Sample stock solution and Buffer heparin. It is obtained by alkaline depolymerization of (1:1). Use volumetric glassware. heparin benzyl ester. The starting material, heparin, is ob-Electrode system: Use a pH meter capable of a mini-tained exclusively from porcine intestinal mucosa. Heparin mum reproducibility of ±0.2 mV, equipped with a glass-source material used in the manufacture of Enoxaparin sleeved, calomel-fluoride, specific-ion electrode system Sodium complies with the compendial requirements (see pH ?791?).stated in the Heparin Sodium monograph. Enoxaparin So-Analysis dium consists of a complex set of oligosaccharides that Samples: Standard solutions and Sample solution have not yet been completely characterized. The majority Transfer the solution to a 150-mL beaker, add a of the components have a 4-enopyranose uronate struc-polytef-coated stirring bar, and immerse the elec-ture at the nonreducing end of their chain. About 20% of trodes in the solution. Stir with a magnetic stirrer the materials contain a 1,6-anhydro derivative on the re-having an insulated top until equilibrium is obtained ducing end of the chain, the range being between 15%(1–2 min), and record the potential, in mv. [N OTE —and 25%. The weight-average molecular weight of Enox-Rinse and dry the electrodes between measurements,aparin Sodium is 4500 Da, the range being between taking care to avoid damaging the crystal of the spe-3800 and 5000 Da; about 16% have a molecular weight cific-ion electrode.] of less than 2000 Da, the range being between 12.0% Plot the logarithm of the fluoride-ion concentrations,and 20.0%; about 74% have a molecular weight between in μg/mL, of the Standard solutions versus the poten-2000 and 8000 Da, the range being between 68.0% and tial, in mV. From the measured potential of the Sam-82.0%. NMT 18.0% have a molecular weight higher than ple solution and the standard curve, determine the 8000 Da. When prepared as a solution, the solution is concentration, in μg/mL, of fluoride ions in the Sam-analyzed for clarity and degree of color using a validated ple solution . method. The degree of sulfation is NLT 1.8per disaccha-Acceptance criteria: NMT 10μg/mL ride unit. It has a potency of NLT 90 and NMT 125 Anti-?L IMIT OF N ONVOLATILE R ESIDUE Factor Xa International Units (IU)/mg, and NLT 20.0 and Analysis: Allow 10.0mL to evaporate at room tempera-NMT 35.0 Anti-Factor IIa IU/mg, calculated on the dried ture in a tared evaporating dish, dry the residue at 50°basis. The ratio of Anti-Factor Xa activity to Anti-Factor IIa for 2 h, and weigh. activity is between 3.3 and 5.3. Acceptance criteria: NMT 2mg of residue remains.IDENTIFICATION SPECIFIC TESTS ?A . U LTRAVIOLET A BSORPTION ?197U ??S PECIFIC G RAVITY ?841?: 1.516–1.519 Medium: 0.01 N hydrochloric acid ?R EFRACTIVE I NDEX ?831?: 1.3020–1.3038 at 20° Sample solution: 500μg/mL ?W ATER D ETERMINATION , Method I ?921?: NMT 0.14%Acceptance criteria: The spectra exhibit maxima at ?A CIDITY OR A LKALINITY 231±2 nm. Sample: Shake 20mL of Enflurane with 20mL of car-bon dioxide-free water for 3 min, and allow the layers to separate. Draw off the water layer, add bromocresol Change to read: purple TS as the indicator, and titrate with 0.010 N sodium hydroxide or 0.010 N hydrochloric acid. ?B . 13C NMR S PECTRUM Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.10mL of 0.010 N sodium (See ?Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy ?761??(CN hydroxide or NMT 0.60mL of 0.010 N hydrochloric 1-May-2016).) acid is required for neutralization. Standard solution: Dissolve 200mg of USP Enoxaparin Sodium RS in a mixture of 0.2mL of deuterium oxide U S P M o n o g r a p h s


Revision Bulletin 1 Official December 1, 2008 Add the following: the dried basis. The ratio of anti-factor X a activity to anti-factor II a activity is between 3.3 and 5.3. Packaging and storage—Preserve in tight containers, and store be-low 40°, preferably at room temperature. s Enoxaparin Sodium USP Reference standards ?11?—USP Benzyl Alcohol RS . USP En-dotoxin RS . USP Enoxaparin Sodium RS . USP Enoxaparin Sodium Solution for Bioassays RS . USP Enoxaparin Sodium Molecular Weight Calibrant A RS. USP Enoxaparin Sodium Molecular Weight Calibrant B RS.Identification— A: Ultraviolet Absorption ?197U ?—Solution:500μg per mL. Medium:0.01N hydrochloric acid. The spectra exhibit maxima at 231±2 nm. B:13C NMR spectrum (see Nuclear Magnetic Resonance ?761?)— Standard solution—Dissolve 200mg of USP Enoxaparin Sodium RS in a mixture of 0.2mL of deuterium oxide and 0.8mL of water.Add 0.05mL of deuterated methanol to serve as an internal reference. Test solution—Dissolve 200mg of Enoxaparin Sodium in a mix-ture of 0.2mL of deuterium oxide and 0.8mL of water. Add 0.05mL of deuterated methanol. [9041-08-1].Procedure—Transfer the Standard solution and the Test solution to NMR tubes of 5-mm diameter. Using a pulsed (Fourier trans-Change to read: form) NMR spectrometer operating at not less than 75MHz for 13C,record the 13C NMR spectra of the Standard solution and the Test ? Enoxaparin Sodium is the sodium salt of a de-solution at 40°. The spectra are similar. polymerized heparin. It is obtained by alkaline de-C:The ratio of the numerical value of the anti-factor X a activ-polymerization of heparin benzyl ester. The starting ity, in Anti-Factor X a IU per mg, to the numerical value of the anti-factor II a activity, in Anti-Factor II a IU per mg, as determined by material, heparin, is obtained exclusively from porcine the Assay (anti-factor X a activity) and the Anti-factor II a activity,intestinal mucosa. ?Heparin source material used in the respectively, is not less than 3.3 and not more than 5.3. manufacture of Enoxaparin Sodium complies with the D:Molecular weight distribution and weight-average molecu-compendial requirements stated in the Heparin Sodium lar weight— monograph.?(RB 01-Dec-2008) Enoxaparin Sodium consists Mobile phase—Prepare a 0.5M lithium nitrate solution. Pass of a complex set of oligosaccharides that have not yet through a membrane filter having a porosity of 0.45 μm or less, and degas with helium. been completely characterized. The majority of the Standard solution—Dissolve about 10mg of USP Enoxaparin components have a 4-enopyranose uronate structure at Sodium RS, accurately weighed, in 1mL of Mobile phase . the non-reducing end of their chain. About 20 percent Test solution—Dissolve about 10mg of Enoxaparin Sodium, ac-of the materials contain a 1,6-anhydro derivative on the curately weighed, in 1mL of Mobile phase. reducing end of the chain, the range being between 15Chromatographic system (see Chromatography ?621?)—The and 25 percent. The weight-average molecular weight high performance size exclusion chromatograph is equipped with a of Enoxaparin Sodium is 4,500 Da, the range being be-differential refractive index detector, a 6- × 40-mm guard column tween 3,800 and 5,000 Da; about 16 percent have a and two 7.8- × 300-mm analytical columns in series, both analytical and guard columns prepacked with packing L59, and used at room molecular weight of less than 2,000 Da, the range being temperature. The flow rate is about 0.6mL per minute maintained between 12.0 and 20.0 percent; about 74 percent have a constant to ±1.0%. molecular weight between 2,000 and 8,000 Da, the Procedure—Reconstitute one vial each of USP Enoxaparin So-range being between 68.0 and 82.0 percent. Not more dium Molecular Weight Calibrant A RS and USP Enoxaparin So-than 18.0 percent have a molecular weight higher than dium Molecular Weight Calibrant B RS in 1mL of Mobile phase.Separately inject 20 μL of USP Enoxaparin Sodium Molecular 8,000 Da. When prepared as a solution, the solution is Weight Calibrant A RS and USP Enoxaparin Sodium Molecular analyzed for clarity and degree of color using a vali-Weight Calibrant B RS, record the chromatograms, and measure the dated method. The degree of sulfation is not less than retention times. Inject in duplicate 20 μL of each of the Standard 1.8 per disaccharide unit. It has a potency of not less solution and the Test solution, and record the chromatograms for a than 90 and not more than 125 Anti-Factor X a Interna-length of time to ensure complete elution, including salt and solvent peaks. Calculate the total area under each of the Standard solution tional Units (IU) per mg, and not less than 20.0 and not and Test solution chromatograms, excluding salt and solvent peaks more than 35.0 Anti-Factor II a IU per mg, calculated on at the end. Calibration curve—Plot the retention times on the x -axis against the peak molecular weights on the y -axis for the peaks in the chro-matograms of USP Enoxaparin Sodium Molecular Weight Calibrant A RS and USP Enoxaparin Sodium Molecular Weight Copyright 2008 The United States Pharmacopeial Convention All Rights Reserved.

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