当前位置:文档之家› 易混淆音标及字母、字母组合发音





[?] 、[e]

b a d, b e d h a nd ,h ea d m a n ,m e n l a nd ,l e nd p a n, p e n s a d ,s ai d [i:] 、[ei]

r ea l ,r ai l gr ee t, gr ea t m ea n, m ai n r ea d, r ai d

[e] 、[ai]

b e t ,b i te r e d, wr i te s ai d ,s i de h ea d, h i de

[au] 、[?:]

h ou se ,h or se l ou d, l or d s ou th ,s au ce

cl ou d, cl au se n ow, n or c ou nt, c or n

[au]、[?] 、[?]

f ou nd, f o nd d ow n ,d o ne

g ow n, g o ne t ow n, t o n


[v] 、[w]

v est ,w est v et ,w et v ine, w ine v ery, w ell

[s] 、[θ]

s ink ,th ink ma ss ,ma th mi ss, my th s ort ,th ought [z]、[e]

clo s e ,clo th e bree z e, brea th e

[n] 、[?]

thi n ,thi ng si n, si ng ra n ,ra ng ba n ,ba ng wi n ,wi ng


(1) a [ei]、[?]、[?]、[a:]、[?]

l a te priv a te gr a de b a ke gr a pe n a tion st a tion p a ge

a ctive h a nd

b a nk f a n f a mily gl a d fl a g

a ccept a bout a bove form a tive m a chine cinem a

f a st l a st gl a ss cl a ss p a st f a ther

w a sh wh a t w a tch w a nt

(2)e [i:] 、[e] 、[i]、[?]、不发音

Appr e ciate extr e mely s e cret sh e m e h e

l e tter l e ft m e ssage g e nerate p e bble

d e cide pr e tty pr e vious r e sult r e store

probl e m prosp e rous stud e nt confid e nt

activ e tabl e lat e wif e stor e lectur e

(3)i [ai]、[i]

h i gh pr i ce l i brary i ce w i fe s i ze l i ne

f i st p i ck ch i cken p i ano f i ance c i ty un i t

(4)o [?u] 、[u:] 、[?] 、[?] 、[?]

l o de h o st c o ld n o te o kay o ld h o me

l o se d o wh o wh o se pr o ve

l o ve s o me o ther m o ther h o ney c o mpany

t o day t o morrow t o gether c o ntrol c o llect

l o st h o t m o ck o ffice s o ft h o nest (5)u [ju:] 、[u] 、[?]、[?]

u niversity ref u se u nique u niverse h u ge

p u t p u sh p u ll f u ll b u ll

b u t br u sh b u cket d u ck b u bble

s u pport s u ggest

(6)c [k] 、[s]

c ountry c amp c amera c ourage c able

c ity c eiling c elebrate c ell c ease

(7)g [g] 、[d?] 、[?]

g irl g rade g lass g lade ba g fla g villa g e ve g etable brid g e g entleman g ym

lo ng so ng si ng morni ng eveni ng

(8)l [l] 读音不同

l isten l earn l anguage co ll ect Eng l ish gori ll a

wor l d co l d soi l ta ll se ll coo l anima l (9)n [n] 、[?]

moo n n ight n oodle n umber

u n cle hu n gry you ng

(10)r [r]、[r](美语发音)

r ight r ead w r ite g r ade p r og r ess

ca r d boa r d doo r floo r fo r m no r th (11)y [j]、[i]、[ai]

y ellow y ear y ell y oung y olk universit y countr y prett y happ y

d y k

e d y ing fl y bu y b y m y

(12)ar [a:]、[?] 、[?:]

f ar m c ar d

g ar den m ar k

doll ar

w ar m qu ar rel qu ar ter

(13)ea [i:] 、[e]、[ei]、[i?]

c ea se s ea son br ea the f ea ture m ea t pl ea se br ea

d br ea st br ea th m ea dow w ea ther

gr ea t br ea k

id ea r ea lize

(14)ear [?:]、[i?]

l ear n ear th ear n h ear d

h ear n ear cl ear ear f ear

(15)er [?:] 、[?] 、[i?]

des er ve s er ve h er p er son

teach er driv er ang er sing er

s er ious exp er ience myst er ious fi er ce

(16)ere [i?]、[ε?]

h ere m ere f ere s ere

th ere wh ere

(17)ir [?:] 、[ai]

sh ir t g ir l sk ir t

adm ir e des ir e

(18)oo [u:]、[u] 、[?] 、[?:]

r oo m t oo l c oo l m oo n n oo n g oo f f oo d

g oo d f oo t st oo d w oo d w oo l c oo k w oo d b oo k bl oo d fl oo d

d oo r fl oo r

(19) or [?:] 、[?:]、[?]

sh or t f or m c or n b or n f or

w or k w or ld w or m w or d w or st

tract or doct or act or sect or seni or senat or

(20)oor [?:]、[u?]

d oor fl oor

m oor p oor b oor

(21)our [J[] 、[R:]

hour tour flour bourn lour

pour court four mourn

(22)ou [au] 、[Q] 、[[]

house mouth mouse sound found

enough trouble touch

delicious gracious prosperous

23) ow [[J] [au]

window meadow know show low

now town how down cow

24) se [z] [s]

nose suppose gose lose pose rose mouse house

25) th [W] [T]

thank think thought cloth

clothes that this then than

26) sion [F[n] [V[n]

propulsion tension progression passion protrusion provision conclusion television 27) tion [F[n] [ tF[n](不常见)

station nation translation attention question


英语音素分类表 写出下列单词的音标。 1)[ i:] 发音字母组合:e ee ea he we three sheep east tea 2)[ i ] 发音字母组合:i y sit pig big happy sunny 3)[ ?: ]发音字母组合:ir ur girl shirt bird turn nurse hurt 4) [ ? ] 发音字母组合:er or teacher farmer actor doctor visitor 5)[ a: ] 发音字母组合:ar a car far farm arm art park 6)[ ? ] 发音字母组合:u o up fun bus must 7)[ e ]发音字母组合:e a ea egg desk bed west head bread

8)[ ? ]发音字母组合:a ant hand hat sad bad bag 9)[ ?: ]发音字母组合:or oor al short horse pork door floor small 10)[ ? ]发音字母组合:o a hot fox box hobby not 11) [ u: ]发音字母组合:oo o u ou food room boots shoe soup blue 12) [ u ]发音字母组合:oo o u ou look good foot book wood put 13)[ ei ]发音字母组合:a ai ay ea ey name cake lake plane play day 14)[ ai ] 发音字母组合:i y igh bike fine rice my fly light night 15)[ ?i ]发音字母组合:oy oi boy toy soil point 16)[ ?u ]发音字母组合:o oa ow home go no boat goat snow 17) [ au ]发音字母组合:ou ow house mouse south now cow


爆破音组:[p]---[ “形象代言词”自己记录 [ɑ:???] [ ]; [?:] [ ]; [?:???] [ ] [i:] [ ]; [u:][ ] [ ? ] [ ]; [ ? ] [ ]; [ ? ] [ ] [ I ] [ ]; [ ? ] [ ]; [ e ] [ ] [ ? ] [ ] [a?] [ ]; [e?] [ ]; [??] [ ] [a?] [ ]; [??] [ ]; [?????] [ ] [e????] [ ]; [?????] [ ] [ p ] [ ]; [ b ] [ ]; [ t ] [ ] [ d ] [ ]; [ k ] [ ]; [ ɡ ] [ ] [ θ ] [ ]; [ e ] [ ];[ f ] [ ] [ v ] [ ] [ tr ] [ ]; [ dr ] [ ] [ m ] [ ]; [ n ] [ ]; [ ? ] [ ] [ w ] [ ]; [ h ] [ ]; [ j ] [ ] [ l ] [ ]; [ r ] [ ];

[ s ] [ ]; [ z ] [ ];[ ts ][ ] [dz] [ ]; [ ? ] [ ];[ ? ] [ ]; [ ? ] [ ] [?] [ ] 发音拼读训练——(单音节) 准确拼读单词三大规律 第一种:元音+辅音(发音时:用所有力气和声音把前面的元音发得响亮、清晰,剩下一点点气流和力气把后面的辅音一带而过。 eight ask aim east each [e?t] [ɑ:sk] [e?m] [i:st] [i:t?] 第二种:辅音+元音(发音时:元音和辅音相拼,拼读成一个整体) shy how try show tee [?a?] [hau] [tra?] [???] [ti:] 第三种:辅音+元音+辅音(发音时:元音和辅音相拼,拼读成一个整体,声音有力、清晰,剩下一点点 气流和力气把后面的辅音一带而过。 good time talk last must [ɡ?d] [ta?m] [t?:k] [la:st] [m?st] 元音组 长元音:发音时要拉长;练习时要超过两秒钟。 [ ɑ: ] cɑ:m pɑ:s fɑ:stɑ:sk lɑ:st -[ ɑ:(r) ] kɑ:(r)d hɑ:(r)d dɑ:(r)k pɑ:(r)k fɑ:(r) mɑ:(r)t? [ ?: ] f?:t dr?: θ?:t br?:d -[ ?:(r) ]p?:(r)k ??:(r)t l?:(r)d m?:(r) [ ?:(r) ]b?:(r)d h?:(r)d f?:(r)st t??:(r)d? [ i: ] i:st fri: mi:t tri:t mi:n wi:k [ u: ] hu: tu: fu:l mu:d lu:z


英语国际音标表(48个) 元音(20个) 长元音/ɑ://?:// ?://i://U://?/ 短元音/ ?//?//?//?//?//e/ 双元音/e?//a?//??/ /??//e?/ /??/ /??//a?/ 辅音(28个) 轻辅音/p// t// k//f//θ//s/ 浊辅音/b//d/ /g//v//e/ /z/ 轻辅音/?// h//ts//t?//tr/ 浊辅音/?// r/ /dz/ /d?//dr/ 鼻音/m//n/ /?/ 半元音/ j// w/ 边音/ ?/ 二:英语国际音标表中六个长元音。 1) [i:] 字母组合: ea e ee ie eat tea he she tree see piece 2) [ ? ] 发音字母a bag ant 3) [?:] 字母组合ir ur ear er or girl bird turn turtle learn her work 4) [a:] 字母组合ar a car arm fast class

5) [?: ]字母组合al or au our ar walk for caught four warm 6) [u:] 字母组合oo o u food do blue 练一练 meet/mi:t/ v.____________ first/f?:st/ adj._______________ class/kla:s/ n.______________ student/`stju:dnt/ n._________________ match/m?t?/ v._____________ too/t u: / adv.__________________ practice/pr? ktis/ v____________ fourteen/﹑f ?: ` t i: n/ num.____________ . 三:国际音标短元音。 1)[ i ]发音字母i y e it myth decide 2)[e] 字母组合ea e a head sell many 3)[ε] 字母组合er or ou ar o a e u teacher doctor delicious dollar today ago elephant Saturday 4)[ ? ] 发音字母u o ou oo up come trouble flood 5)[u] 字母组合oo ou u o good should put wolf 6)[ ? ] ([?])发音字母o a hot wash


英语国际音标表(48个)元音(20个) 辅音(28个)

拼读规则参考资料 音节(元音vowel 辅音consonant 重读stress) 指由一个元音或一个元音和几个辅音联合构成的语音单位。英语单词是由字母组成的。字母构成音节。有的词只包含一个音节,有的词包含两个、三个或更多的音节,分别称为单音节词、双音节词和多音节词。单音节词单独存在的时候,一般都是重读的。双音节词和多音节词一般只有一个音节是重读的。多音节词除重读音节外,有时还有一个次重读音节。 音节的核心是元音,能够单独或组合发出声音的字母叫元音字母,a e i o u ,其余为辅音字母。少数辅音字母,如l, n也可构成非重读音节。一个音节里可以只有一个元音字母而没有其它的字母,如,i, a。元音字母的前面或后面可以有一个或两个辅音字母,或前后都有辅音字母。如,we, she, at, ask, box, them, desk。 开音节 1、以一个元音字母为结尾的重读音节,称为开音节(或称绝对开音节)。这个元音字母读它在字母表中的音,即所谓“长音”。如:be, no, ta-ble, stu-dent。 2、包含一个元音字母的重读音节中,在元音字母后面有一个辅音字母(r除外),还有一个不发音的字母e,这种重读音节也叫开音节(或称相对开音节)。这个元音字母也读“长音”。如,name, these, bike, tube。 闭音节

包含一个元音字母,而以辅音字母(r, w除外)为结尾的重读音节,称为闭音节,这种音节中的元音字母读它的“短音”,即a读/ ? /,e读/e/,i或/y/读/i/,o读/ ? /,u读/ ? /。如:cap, desk, big, myth, clock, bus, cit-y, doc-tor。 非重读音节 在双音节或多音节词中,重读之外的音节称为非重读音节。字母a, o, u在非重读音节中一般读/ ? / 或/ i /。如:a-bout, Eng-land, to-day, sup-port, vil-lage。字母e, i, y在非重读音节中一般读/ i /或/ ? /,或不读音。如:e-leven, be-gin, basket, music, office, ti-dy。 字母组合 两个元音字母或两个辅音字母在一起称为字母组合。两个元音字母在一起只读一个元音;两个辅音字母在一起只读一个辅音。如:ea读作/ i:/,oo读作/ u /或/ u: /,ee读作/ i:/,。还有三个字母在一起(两个元音字母和字母r)只读一个元音,如:air读/ e? /,eer读/ i? /等。 双写辅音字母 两个相同的辅音字母在一起,只读一个辅音。这种双写字母只出现在词的中部或尾部,如:middle, rubber, lesson, happy, egg, class等。 下面按元音字母a, e, i, o, u的顺序,把一些基本的、最常见的拼读规则列表如下: 元音字母a或a+其它字母


英语国际音标表 英语音标一共有_48_个,其中元音有__20__个,辅音有_28__个 26个英文字母及发音音标如下: A a [ei] B b [bi:] C c [si:] D d [di:] E e [i:] F f [ef] G g [d?i:] H h [eit∫] I i [ai] J j [d?ei] K k [kei] L l [el] M m [em] N n [en] O o [?u] P p [pi:] Q q [kju:] R r [ɑ:] S s [es] T t [ti:] U u [ju:] V v [vi:] W w [′d∧blju:] X x [eks] Y y [wai] Z z [zi:]

单元音 [i:] [i] ea t [i:t] 吃i t [it] 它 p ea[pi:] 豌豆s i t [sit] 坐 b ee[bi:] 蜜蜂b i t [bit] 一点儿 t ea[ti:] 茶叶b i g [big] 大的 [e] [?] e gg [eg] 鸡蛋b a t [b?t] 球拍 b e d [bed] 床 c a p [k ?p] 帽子 p e t [pet] 宠物gl a d [gl?d] 高兴的h ea d [hed] 头m a p [m?p] 地图[?:] [?] b ir d [b?:d] 鸟rubb er [`r?b?] 橡皮 g ir l [g?:l] 女孩rul er[`ru:l?] 直尺n ur se [n?:s] 护士doct or [`d?kt?] 医生sk ir t [sk?:t] 裙子banan a[b?`na:n?] 香蕉[a:] [?] c ar[ka:] 小汽车 d uc k [d?k] 鸭子st ar[sta:] 星星d o v e [d?v] 鸽子c ar t [ka:t] 马车c u p [k?p] 杯子p ar k [pa:k] 公园b u s [b?s] 公共汽车[u:] [?]


英语国际音标常见字母组合发音规律 单元音:(12个) 1、/ i:/ 1、字母e 在开音节中:be, he, we, these, metre, relay, recycle, eve 2、字母i的特殊发音:police, machine 3、字母组合ee : sweep, between, agree, sleep, seen, feel, feed, cheese, keeper, bee, _see, tree, three 4、字母组合ea: please, (New) Zealand, weak, leaf, wheat, bleat, dream, disease, beach, least, tea, seat, read 5、字母组ie : field, believe, thief, piece 6、字母组ei : receive 7、字母组ey:key 8、字母组合e-e:Pete, mete, these, Chinese 2、/ ? / 1、字母a 在弱读中:village, passage, palace, necklace, encourage 2、字母e 在弱读中:ticket, basket, behind, enjoy, bus in ess, subject, refuse, repair, replay, forest, toilet, wallet, racket, pocket, result, 3、字母i 在闭音节中:bring, did, ill, pick, fifty, English, ticket, village, picnic, pumpkin, _ tourist, riddle, it, is, six, this_ 4、字母i 的特殊发音:practice, opposite, practice, cousin, rabbit 但possible 发音为/ ? / 5、字母i 在"ve” 前:live, give 6、字母u的特殊发音:busy, business 7、字母组合ai 弱读:mountain, captain 8、字母组合ie:cookie 9、字母组合ay弱读:Sunday, Monday 10、字母组合ey : mon key, money. 11、字母y 弱读:sorry, baby, lucky, an* very, study” fifty - 3、/ e / 1、字母a的特殊发音:many, any 2、字母e 在闭音节中“ e” 发短音:bell, left, leg, when, went, check, in vent, uni ess, collect 3、字母组合ea : bread, heavy, head, ready, death, already, insiead, feather, leather, weather


1元音: [i: ] [i] [A] [e] [[ : ] [[] [a : ] [Q] [R : ] [R] [U : ] [U] [ei] [ai] [aU] [EU] [Ri ] [i[] [Z[] [UE] 1) [i:] 字母组合:ee ea e ie three tree gree n SheeP meet beef See Seek eat tea meat leave lead teacher team mean SPeak clea n PIeaSe he She me PieCe receive ceili ng 2) [i]发音字母i y e Sit PiCtUre it is IiSt SiX mix fix fit Pig big build miss myth many twenty happy dicti Onary defect decide deliciouS 3) []发音字母a bag hand and ant happy hat map mad bad black back glad flag Shall man 4) [e]字母组合 ea e a head bread PIeaSUre elephant electric remember Sell Shell IeSSon better bed desk hotel yes many any 5) [ ε 字母组合 ir Ur ear Ur or girl Shirt Skirt thirty thirtee n third bird turn burn murder nurse turtle ThUrSday burger


常见的字母与字母组合发音规则 (I)元音字母及元音字母组合拼读规则 元音字母的发音 (一)元音字母a 1.重读开音节[ei] paper ; late ; make ; lake ; face 2.重读闭音节[?] bag ; fat ; cat ; ladder ; mass (*例外:any一些[e] ;many许多[e]) 3.非重读音节[?]或[i] 即:[?]—— ago ; along ; among ; above ; aloud [i]—— comrade ; village ; manager ;palace ; private ;necklace *连续相同的辅音(字母),一般只发一个音,而且归属后一个音节段。如上的ladder,village . 4.在字母w或wh后面,发[?] was ; wash ; what ; want ; (*例外:water水[?:]) 5.a在诸如-ance;-ask;-ass;-ast;-ath组合里,重读时均发[a:] 即:dance ;France ; chance ask ;mask ;task ;basket class ;grass ;glass;pass ;——(*例外:mass[?]) fast ;cast ;past ;last ;master ; father ;path ;bath ;——(*例外:maths[?]) (二)元音字母e 1.重读开音节[i:] me ;he ;she ;these ;evening 2.重读闭音节[e] hen ;get ; set ;tell ; echo

3.非重读音节[i] useless ;ticket ;basket ;pocket ;before ;below ; (三)元音字母i或y 1.重读开音节[ai] China ; try ; my ; hi ; time ; guide; 2.重读闭音节[i] sit ; hit ; ill ; little ; system ; 3.非重读音节[i] unit ;study (四)元音字母o 1.重读开音节[?u] no ; so ; go ; home ; photo ; 2.重读闭音节[?] not ; hot ; box ; fox ; cock ; cost ; 3.非重读音节[?] purpose ; concern 4.o在字母m,n,v或th之前,均发[?] son ; month ; come ; ton ; (*例外:Tom[?]) love ; dove ; glove ; above ; another mother ; brother ; become ; some 5.两个单词:woman[‘wu-m?n]女人(单数); women[‘wi-min]女人(复数) (五)元音字母u 1.重读开音节[ju:] pupil ; student ; use ; cube 2.重读闭音节[?]或[u] 即:[?]——cut ; luck ; umbrella ; us [u]——put ; full ; pull 4.非重读音节[?] autumn ;August ; support ●元音字母组合的拼读规则 (一)元音字母a的字母组合


推荐音标拼读练习 HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】

“形象代言词”自己记录 [ɑ:] [ ]; [ :] [ ]; [:] [ ] [i:] [ ]; [u:] [ ] [ ] [ ]; [ ] [ ]; [ ] [ ] [ I ] [ ]; [ ] [ ]; [ e ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [a] [ ]; [e] [ ]; [ ] [ ] [a] [ ]; [ ] [ ]; [

] [ ] [e] [ ]; [ ] [ ] [ p ] [ ]; [ b ] [ ]; [ t ] [ ] [ d ] [ ]; [ k ] [ ]; [ ɡ ] [ ] [ θ ] [ ]; [ e ] [ ]; [ f ] [ ] [ v ] [ ] [ tr ] [ ]; [ dr ] [ ] [ m ] [ ]; [ n ] [ ]; [ ] [ ] [ w ] [ ]; [ h ] [ ]; [ j ] [ ] [ l ] [ ]; [ r ] [ ]; [ s ] [ ]; [ z ] [ ]; [ ts ] [ ] [dz] [ ]; [ ] [ ]; [ ] [ ]; [ ] [ ] [] [ ] 发音拼读训练——(单音节) 准确拼读单词三大规律 第一种:元音+辅音(发音时:用所有力气和声音把前面的元音发得响亮、清晰,剩 下一点点气流和力气把后面的辅音一带而过。 eight ask aim east each [e?t] [ɑ:sk] [e?m] [i:st] [i:t?] 第二种:辅音+元音(发音时:元音和辅音相拼,拼读成一个整体)


26个字母发音规律 a /ei/ name cake table /?/ apple cat map am /α: /want dance /o/ what watch b /b/ book big bag box c /k/ cat cake cup clock car /s/ face nice pencil books d /d/ desk doll dog dad e /i:/ he she meet me /e/ elephant egg bed pen f /f/ fine friend fly foot fan g /ɡ/ gun glass glad glove /dз /age orange h /h/ hat he house hand

i /ai / fine bike five ice /i/ is sit miss pig picture j / dз / jeep jam jacket jar k /k/ kite cake black thank l /l/ leg left ruler flag lamp /l/ apple bowl tell old m/m/ am map my mouth milk n /n/ no know new hand o /?u / old home nose coke /o/ dog not clock box /Λ / son month mother love p /p/ map jeep pig pen apple q /kw / quite quilt quick r /r/ red radio brother racket s /s/ sit miss this smile book s


前元音(4个)[i:] [i] [e] [?] [i:] 字母组合 e ea ee ie ey 例词b e t ea s ee th ie f k ey 例句It’s a deal.一言为定 [i] 字母组合 e i u y ey 例词pr e tty s i t b u sy marr y mon ey 例句Are you kidding? 你是在开玩笑吗? [e] 字母组合 a e ea ai 例词a ny d e sk br ea d s ai d 例句Stop! The light is red! 停!交通灯是红的! [?] 字母组合 a 例词f a t 例句What happened?出什么事了?

中元音(3个)[?:][?][?] [?:] 字母组合er ir or ur ear 例词h er b ir thday w or d h ur t ear th 例句First things first. 重要的事情先做。 [?] 字母组合 a e o or er our ure 例词a go op e n c o mputer act or lett er col our pict ure 例句My father and mother love each other very much.我的父母十分相爱。 [?] 字母组合o u oo ou 例词l o ve l u nch bl oo d c ou sin 例句Time is money. 时间就是金钱。

后元音(5个)[ɑ:][?:][?][u:][u] [ɑ:] 字母组合 a ar al au 例词f a ther c ar d h al f au nt 例句The park is far from the farm. 公园离农场很远。 [?:] 字母组合al or au aw ar oor our augh ough d augh ter b ough t 例词w al k f or ty au tumn l aw w ar fl oor f our th 例句Open the door,please. 请把门打开。 [?] 字母组合 a o 例词w a sh s o ng 例句He got a job at a coffee shop. 他在一家咖啡店找到了一份工作。[u:] 字母组合o u oo ui ou ew 例词d o r u ler sch oo l fr ui t gr ou p dr ew 例句What can I do for you? 有什么需要帮忙吗? [u] 字母组合u oo ou 例词s u gar f oo t sh ou ld 例句That’s a good question. 问得好。


英语音标发音规律的归纳 1 .元音 1) [i:] 发音字母: ee ea e ie ei ①字母组合ee发/i:/音,如:feed see fourteen thirteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen knee sheep meet three tree green ②字母组合ea发/i:/音,如:easy sea peach speak clean eat cheap east leave leaf leaves team season tea teacher please ③字母e发/i:/音,如:people me she he fever email Chinese ④字母组合ie发/i:/音,如:piece field ⑤字母组合ei发/i:/音,如:receive 2) [i] 发音字母i y e ①字母i发/i/音,如:chip instead winner ill biskuit fix animal visit bit river fifteen still American America finish dirty invent important printing print practise win finger difficult expensive village in into stick fantastic ring capital Australia lift invitation his thirty-six inside miss nothing office sandwich delicious amazing click scissors history ticket building sit picture it is big build ②字母y发/i/音,如:easy lovely naughty worry twenty fifty thirty forty sixty seventy eighty ninety dirty bicycle angry only thirsty any anything every everywhere everyone country heavy stuty carry


元音 [i:] (长音衣)发这个音的字母及组合e ea ee ie ei i ey e: me she he we evening ee: sweet bee sheep see three ea: meat leaf sea teach eat ie: piece ei: receive ceiling i: police ey: key [i] (短音衣)发这个音的字母及组合a i e y ey ay u ui a: village comrade orange i: pig fish in fifteen six ship thin e: begin behind jacket basketball y: happy heavy busy carry sunny ey: monkey money ay: Sunday Saturday Friday u: busy business ui: build [?:] (长音饿)发这个音的字母及组合er ir ur ear or our er: her serve term ir: bird girl skirt first dirty skirt shirt ur: nurse Thursday turtle purple curtain ear: early learn or: word work world our: journey [?] (短音饿)发这个音的字母及组合ure er ar or ou re a e i o u ure: picture er: teacher brother dinner father sister


一、音标分类 国际音标分为元音和辅音,元音相当于汉语中的韵母a o e, 辅音相当于汉语中的b p m.

一、元音音素对应的字母或字母组合发音 1. [?:] 发这个音的字母和字母组合ir er ur ear or ir: bird girl skirt first third shirt er: her serve term ur: nurse Thursday turtle purple ear: early learn earth or: word work world 根据发音规则,圈出每组中元音字母组合发音相同的单词。(1)thirty bear thirsty where (2)bank king her nurse (3)turtle bird rabbit knee (4)room run shirt term 2.[?] 发这个音的字母和字母组合er ar or a ure er:teacher brother dinner father sister or:doctor actor ar: sugar a:panda about sofa China ure: picture 根据发音规则,每组分别圈出2个含有音素[?]的单词。(1)mother sofa road smile (2)sit father sister food (3)hair deer tiger China (4)sugar soon ear farmer 3.[?] 发这个音的字母和字母组合o a o: fox coffee shop dog doctor a: watch 根据发音规则,每组分别圈出2个含有音素[?]的单词。 (1)doctor teacher box clothes (2)cold zoo clock dog (3)love boss lot violin (4)watch beach fox girl 4.[?:] 发这个音的字母和字母组合a aw al or oor a: water aw: draw strawberry


一.认读音标 /f/ /l/ /m/ /n/ /s/ /b/ /d/ /d?/ /k/ /p/ /t/ /v/ /z/ 二.拼读音标 / p e n/ / k ?p/ / b i: t/ / m ? p/ / t i:/ / i: t/ / d ?g/ / b e d/ / kr a?/ / e g/ / f u: d/ / k ?f/ /′f?? t?? / / f a??/ /′v e r? / / l ? v/ / l i: v/ /′s ? m ?/ / m i: t/ / s ? m/ /′m ?: n ??//′n ? m b ?/ /′f ? n ? / / s i:/ /′i: z ? / / t? i: z/ /b r?d?/ /d??b/ 三.认读单词 fly ball monkey nest silly snake story blue betty bread July orange told pad vest lie 家长签字:

一.认读音标 /g/ /h/ /j / /w/ /r/ /?/ /e/ /?/ /? / /?/ 二.拼读音标 /g ?: l/ /g l a:s/ /ge?m/ /he?t/ /h?v/ /h u:/ /j u:z/ /j?:/ /j e s/ /w?t?/ /w ?:k/ /r a? s/ /r a?t/ / f l ? g/ /b?t/ / f r e n d/ /l e g/ /h e d/ /s?t/ /′b?z?/ /b?ks/ /s t?p/ /h? t/ /b l?d/ /′?n d?/ 三.认读单词 glue green hair hat gas run wet ruler rap fox mop but under umbrella duck yes yellow yummy butter rug jump hen egg sand 家长签字:


[i:] 发这个音的字母及组合e ea ee ie ei i ey e: me she he we evening ee: sweet bee sheep see three ea: meat leaf sea teach eat ie: piece ei: receive ceiling i: police ey: key [i] 发这个音的字母及组合a i e y ey ay u ui a: village comrad e orange i: pig fish in fifteen six ship thin e: begin behind jacket basketball y: happy heavy busy carry sunny ey: monkey money ay: Sunday Saturday Friday u: busy business ui: buil d [?:] 发这个音的字母及组合er ir ur ear or our er: her serve term ir: bird girl skirt first dirty skirt shirt ur: nurse Thursday turtl e purpl e curtain ear: early learn or: word work worl d our: journey [?] 发这个音的字母及组合ure er ar or ou re a e i o u ure: picture er: teacher brother dinner father sister ar: sugar d ollar or: d octor actor


1.元音: 1)[i:] ee / ea / e / ie, ei three tree green sheep meet beef seek tea leave lead team mean speak clean he she me Chinese piece believe︱receive ceiling receipt leisure 2) [i]i / y / e / a sit picture list mix fix fit pig build miss myth many twenty happy dictionary defect decide delicious orange comrade village 3) [? ] a hand ant happy map mad glad flag shall 4) [e]ea / e / a *ai/ei head bread pleasure *said/leisure elephant electric remember sell hotel many any 5) [?:] ir / ur / ear / ur / or girl shirt skirt thirty thirteen third bird turn burn murder nurse turtle Thursday burger learn earn earth heard term her nerd serve *work worm word world 6)[?] (弱音) er / or / ou / ure / ar / o / a / e / u 元音字母及发元音的所有组合在非重读音节中基本上都读[?] 或(少数)[i] leader speaker farmer powder power doctor actor mayor author delicious generous various jealous pleasure measure leisure culture familiar collar dollar liar together lesson control polite account ago banana Canada Japan China spidermen listen glisten elephant calculus suspect maximum 7)[a:] ar / a / al *heart/clerk/sergeant car farm card arm garden last plant︱calm half 8) [?] u / o / ou / oo up supper lunch fun gun hunt cup bus come mother does brother love above trouble rough flourish blood flood 9) [?:] al / or / oor / au / our / ou / ar small wall talk tall hall ball call walk short lord horse forty sport more store sore ︱door floor sauce author caught autumn haunt four mourn court︱bought fought *warmth wardrobe quarter 10)[?] / [?]o / a hot lost lot fox box mop hop loss collar want wash what squander 11)[u:] oo / o / u groom broom doom goose tooth balloon shoe do two true truth blue full


英语字母和常见字母组合的发音规律1、总领:元音字母音多变,熟记规律也不难。 辅音字母显易单,见面就把音来念。 字母组合固定音,千锤百炼习语感。 遇见生词找规律,划分音节顺口连。 元音字母在中间,辅音字母两边站。 字母组合算一个,熟能生巧难亦简。 2、元音字母及字母组合的发音口诀。 元音字母a、o、e、i(y)、u 的发音口诀: 元音字母音多变,熟记规律也不难。 元音字母发音单词举例 e [i:] he she we me [e] red desk pencil [i] pretty [?] children 元音字母发音单词举例 i [ai] right night bike [i:] police [i] this which his [?] holiday 元音字母发音单词举例 a [ei] name table [a:] father class [?] basket [?] map cat [?:] water [e] America [i] orange

常见的元音字母组合的发音: 字母组合固定音,常受影响发音变,千锤百炼习语感。元音字母发音单词举例o [?u] no cold those [?:] hot sorry [?] orange [u:] whose do [?] today 元音字母发音单词举例u [ju:] music use [?] umbrella mum [u] put full push [u:] ruler blue [i] busy minute 元音字母 发音单词举例y [ai] why try [j] yes you [i] very boy 元音字母组合 发音单词举例ay [ei] day say play ar [ a:] cay star farm are [ ?] dollar grammar al [?:] ball all walk [a:] half [?l] shall

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