当前位置:文档之家› 新职业英语基础篇unit



3) Discuss: what factors do you need to consider before you buy a product? Which one is the most important for you? why?

Suggested answers:

Before you make purchase of any product, there are some factors you should consider.

Necessity: Do you really need this?

Property: Do I really like this? Am I really satisfied

with the quality, color, shape, packaging, etc.

Price: Do I have any spare money right now? is it a

bargain or is it too much money?

Brand: What brand is the best choice for my purchase?

After-sales service: Does it come with a warranty?

Shipment: How can it be sent to house?

Step 3 Reading A

1) New words and phrases

A) Read aloud the new words and the text.

B) Ask students to read the words and phrases after the teacher.

2) Skimming

A) Ask students to read the text as quickly as they can

and tried to get the main idea of this passage.

B) Ask students to read the text again , then finish Task1 on P52

3) Language points

① I’d design an alarm clock with a moving snooze button that would be an easy target the first time I hit it. Then it becomes harder to locate after each attempt, so that it would keep ringing until I’m fully awake.

alarm n. 警报,警告器;惊慌

. 1. I felt a growing sense of alarm when he didn't


新职业英语2课文习题答案 Unit4 1.昨天我留下加了一会儿班。(extra) I stayed and did some extra work yesterday 2.为了赶上她的同学,她学习非常努力。(in an effort to). She has been studying very hard in an effort to catch up with her classmates 3.电视提供大众化的娱乐。(universal) Television provides universal entertainment 4.我们怎样才能提高顾客的忠诚度?(loyalty) Howcan we improve customerloyalty? 5.请你方便时给我们寄一份你们最新的产品目录。(convenience) Please send us a copy of your latest catalog at your convenience 6.他手头工作太多了,不能跟我们去野餐。(on hand) He has too much work on hand to go picnicking with us. 7.这则广告会引起各地读者的注意。(capture) The advertisement will capture the attention of readers everywhere. 8.新闻节目是通过卫星传送到我们这里来的。(via)The news program came to us via satellite. nit 8 1. 如果错过这次机会,你会后悔的。(slip away) You will regret it if you let this opportunityslip away. 2. 他一点点地暴露了他的野心。(ambition) Little by little he revealed his ambitions. 3. 当你靠近床时,走路轻一点。(approach) Walk softly as you approach the


新职业英语·职业综合英语课文翻译 第一课谷歌 上过互联网的人都见过谷歌,许多人要在互联网上查找某方面的信息时,他们都会去“谷歌”一下。作为全世界最有名的互联网搜索引擎,谷歌是网络业界功成名就的最好范例之一。 谷歌始于1996年1月斯坦福大学博士生拉里?佩奇的一个研究项目。为了找到一种能帮助网络用户搜索到相关网页的更好方法,佩奇设想可以通过检索网页之间的关系来实现。他认为其他网页链接最多的那些网页一定是最受欢迎的,这项技术结果看起来是成功的。 佩奇和他的合作伙伴谢尔盖?布林于1998年9月7日创建了自己的公司,并在之后的一周注册了https://www.doczj.com/doc/bd5013931.html,这一网址。这个搜索引擎很快声名鹊起,2000年谷歌开始在自己的网站出售广告。在投资者的热情资助下,经过几年的发展,谷歌上市了,谷歌的很多雇员一夜之间成了百万富翁。 谷歌最近收购了互联网最大的视频共享网站https://www.doczj.com/doc/bd5013931.html,,而且每天都在不断增加一些新功能,如工具栏、邮件和广告。当然,成长与成功也带来了竞争。微软最近就试图收购雅虎以便能在互联网搜索引擎领域与谷歌抗衡。 随着公司的壮大与知名度的提高,谷歌在美国公司就业吸引力的排名也上升到第一。他们尝试打破传统的办公室设计,努力把办公室变成员工感觉舒适、并能充分发挥自己才华的地方。 现在,谷歌已拥有YouTube、Blogger和其他一些热门网站,并且成为网络广告收入方面的领头羊。当初两个学生的一个小点子已发展成为一家拥有十亿美元资产的大公司,谷歌也成为全球最著名的商标之一。谷歌的发展史为当今的网络企业家树立了一个完美的典范,也提供了灵感。 第二课秘书 秘书可能会有很多其他不同的头衔,例如行政助理、文员或私人助理。尽管所有这些头衔都以行政工作为主旨,但它们却反映了不同种类的秘书工作。秘书岗位十分古老,例如,古希腊和罗马的商人和政客们就曾雇用私人秘书和文员来管理他们的事务。 秘书的工作就是使办公室顺利运转。秘书的职责范围很广,依据他们所在办公室的不同而各异。就最低要求来说,秘书要处理信函,跟踪日程安排,管理文件系统,操作电话、传真机、复印机等办公设备。许多秘书还要接听电话,并将其转给适当的人员。有些秘书还要负责办公室用品的采购,他们也可能会处理预算、簿记和人事文档。秘书应当具备使用电脑和其他电子设备的经验,因为他们将处理大量的电子资料,包括往来信函。

新职业英语 职业综合英语1 Unit 1 Organization 电子教案

Unit 1 Organization Teaching Objectives 1.To require students think what organization is. 2.To help students master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text. 3.To enrich students’ English for careers. 4.To improve students’ listenin g, speaking, reading and writing skills. Teaching focus https://www.doczj.com/doc/bd5013931.html,prehension of reading A. 2.Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text. 3.Listening and writing skills. Teaching procedures Step1. Warming-up Students read warming-up Task1. Get students to look at the logos. Go through the pronunciation of any problematic word. Ask students to give the names of the countries. Give the answers. Step2. Background Information What is a logo? Company introduction Step3. Language points Step4 Reading A explanation a.Students read the passage and find out important events in the different periods of Google’s history on page 5. b.Ask students to divide this text into several parts and sum up the main ideas. c.Teachers explain the text in details one paragraph by one paragraph and give the translation Step5 Reading B Step6 Listening & Speaking Step 7 Writing How to write an envelope?


济宁职业技术学院教案(Ι) After studying this unit, the students are able to master the key words and structures, and more importantly, to communicate for the following purposes: understanding workplace fashion trends understanding a code of conduct (of a workplace) having internal communication understanding and writing a notice preparing for a party mastering time management

济宁职业技术学院教案(Ⅱ) Unit 1 Workplace Workplace:the place where you work I am a teacher. I work at a college. My workplace is college. Tom is a doctor. He works in a hospital. His workplace is hospital. Some workplaces: bank, factory, office, shop, supermarket, street, bus,train Layout of a workplace : Different workplaces have different rules and your dressing should fit in with your job. But what are the workplace fashion trends How to follow the trends


高职高专英语立体化系列教材课文翻译及答案 新职业英语职业综合英语2(通用版) 总主编:徐小贞 外语教学与研究出版社 Unit 1 Text A 职场时装潮流 许多人每天都在捕捉职场时装的潮流,以便能与那些衣着时尚得体的人们步调一致。他们认为按最新潮流穿衣打扮能为自己赢得时尚和时髦的好名声。尽管这样做合情合理,你还是要小心谨慎。 许多人并没有意识到,追随职场时装潮流有利也有弊。好处之一,正如上面所提到的,穿一套时髦的衣服去上班,很可能会得到一堆夸奖。这种感觉很不错,也让人引以为豪。 然而事实上这种追随弊大于利。例如,职场时装潮流往往不区分工作和职业。在一家新潮的咖啡馆或零售店工作,着装要求很可能是休闲服。而在一家法律或保险公司上班,着装则需要更职业化。不幸的是,很多职场新潮时装是为工作中的一般大众而设计,而非为特定职业设计。因此一不小心就可能出问题。 在追随这种时装潮流之前,要好好地仔细审视一下所谓的潮流。比如,潮流是不是时兴半身裙或连衣裙,而不论其长短呢?如果确实如此,那么最重要的是要考虑自己的工作性质。如果是办公室的职业白领,连衣裙就非常适合。但如果是在零售店当经理,连衣裙或半身裙则可能会妨碍工作,影响工作效率。 很多人会因为穿了时髦的职场时装而备受称赞,但事情并非总是如此。最不希望的是不但没有受到夸奖,还落下坏名声。正是因为这个原因,你必须考虑别人对你的看法,你必须确保给别人留下的是个好印象。 到底要不要将职场最时髦的潮流带入衣柜,这个决定得自己做,但在做出决定前请考虑考虑上面提到的问题。 Text B波音公司行为准则 波音公司行为准则为全体波音公司员工制定了必须遵守的行为规范。 波音公司的企业经营建立在公平、公正的基础上,符合道德规范和法律、法规。在企业经营中,诚信是公司处理一切关系的基础,包括公司与客户的关系、供应商和公众的关系以及员工之间的关系。在履行公司职责时,波音公司要求员工以最高商业道德标准要求自己。员工不得参与损害公司诚信、公平、声誉或者为公司带来麻烦的任何活动。 员工应确保: ●不参与可能导致公司及个人利益冲突的任何活动。


新职业英语教案 第一册 《职业综合英语》第一册2011-2012第1学期导言 本学期是学生入学后英语学习的第一学期,是紧张学习最关键的一个学期,在本学期要求大多数同学能够掌握《职业综合英语》中要求的基本词汇、语法,能听懂并学会一些较简单的职场口语。为了使学生对本学期的学习目的、授课内容及测试等有所了解,现说明如下:本学期必讲课程有八个单元每个单元分为听、说、读、写几个板块。听说读写译五种技能同时发展。尤其是听说比重会适度加大。ReadingA为精读文章,考核时较为全面,ReadingB 为一篇实用文体的文章,考核的重点是阅读。同时在授课中会一些更高层次的要求,诸如篇章的理解,句子深层次含义的理解,词汇的搭配学习等。本学期要适当调动学生自主学习的积极性,集中体现在听说方面就是让他们更多的练习语言的实际应用,可适当进行一些与授课内容有关的课外活动,如:讨论、演讲、故事接龙、电影赏析等。为了使学生提高学习效

率,增强课堂互动性,要求讲解每一单元前都进行复习,有些单元教师布置具体复习任务让学生完成。成绩的评定以期末考试和平时成绩相结合,平时的作业完成情况、出勤、课堂表现都将作为采分依据。 本学期的学时为48或52学时,第一次课为导论课不进行新课讲授,作为学生了解本学期教学内容、教学要求之用, 同时教师可适当征求学生对本学期课程的要求和建议。

教案 第 2 次课

Unit 1 Organization Teaching steps Pre-reading tasks: Warming -up Task 1 Look at the following logos and give the names of the countries in which the companies are headquartered. Steps: 1)Ss read Warming –up task 1 2)get Ss to look at the logos 3)go through the pronunciation of any problematic word 4) ask Ss to give the names of the countries and give answers. Germany Japan USA Germany USA France Republic of Korea Finland P. R. China Background information introduction 1.What is a logo? A logo is a graphical element that, together with its logo type, forms a trademark or commercial brand. Typically, a logo’s design is for immediate recog nition. The logo is one aspect of a company’s 2. Metro AG, established in 1964, is a diversified retail and wholesale group based in Germany. It is the largest in its home market, and one of the most globalized retail and wholesale corporations. 3. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., founded in 1962, is an American public corporation that runs a chain of large, discount department stores. It is the world’s largest public corporation by revenue, according to the “2008 Fortune Global 500”. Carrefour SA is a French international hypermarket chain, with a global network of outlets. It is the second largest retail group in the world in terms of revenue after Wal-Mart. Samsung Group is the largest company of the Republic of Korea. It is composed of Samsung Electronics, Samsung Heavy Industries and Samsung Engineering & Construction. Lenovo Group Limited is China’s largest and the world’s fourth largest personal computer manufacturer. Lenovo mainly produces desktops, laptops, servers, handheld computers, imaging equipment and mobile phone handsets (听筒). Nokia Corporation is a Finnish multinational communications corporation. Nokia is focused on


Unit 4 Product Teaching objectives: 1) Grasp the main idea and structure of the text; 2) Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text; 3) Reading strategy and methods 4) How to make a catalog ? Teaching contents: Reading A & B Teaching focuses: 1) the main idea of the reading A & B; 2) the key language points and grammatical structures in the text; 3) How to make a catalog ? Teaching methods: Task-based Approach; Communicative Language Teaching; Activity Teaching Approach; Question-answer Teaching Approach. Teaching aids: blackboard, multimedia, tape Teaching procedures: Step 1 Greetings and revision 1) Check the homework 2) Dictation (Unit 3) Step 2 Warming-up 1) work in pairs. Choose one product from each pair and explain why. 2) Ask Ss to role-play their dialogs. 3) Discuss: what factors do you need to consider before you buy a product ? which one is the most important for you ? why ? Suggested answers: Before you make purchase of any product, there are some factors you should consider. Necessity : Do you really need this? Property: Do I really like this? Am I really satisfied with the quality ,color, shape, packaging, etc.


翻译 Unit1 1.公司所有规章制度都应严格遵守。(observe) All the company rules and regulations must be strictly observed. 2. 和这些同学在一起我们应随便一些。(casual) We should be casual when we stay with these students 3. 上述所说的是一些在职场环境中非常有用的交际技能。(setting) The above-mentioned are some communication skills that are very useful in an office setting. 4. 我们有一个专业的团队来营销我们的产品。(professional) We have a professional team to market our products. 5. 你知道今秋流行黑衣服吗?(trendy) Do you know black clothes will be trendy this fall? 6. 与其求人,不如求己。(rely on) We would rather rely on ourselves instead of seeking help from others. 7. 新车必须符合国家标准。(comply with) New vehicles must comply with national standards 8. 我们公司的一些年轻人可能会来寻求你的建议。(seek) Some young people in our company may come to seek your advice. Unit2 1. 我把咖啡洒了一桌。(spill) I spilt coffee all over my desk. 2. 会上要求我们每个人都提出建议。(contribute) We were all asked to contribute ideas at the meeting. 3. 水果在运送时容易腐烂。(perishable) Fruits are perishable during transportation. 4. 负责的军官在战斗中受了重伤。(in charge) The officer in charge was wounded badly in the battle. 5. 显然那间公寓一直没有人住。(apparently)

外研社 新职业英语 第二版 职业综合英语1 教案unit3(1)

外研社新职业英语第二版职业综合英语1 Unit3教案1 授课时间 班 周星期第节 班 周星期第节 班 周星期第节 课次12 学时数 2 授课形式 (请打√) 纯理论□纯实践□理实一体化□习题课□其他□授课题目Unit3 Business Meals: Lead–in &Reading A: Deals over Meals 教学目的Ss learn how to arrange the table seats for an English banquet Ss Understand the main idea and structure of the text 教学重点 1. The usages of new words and expressions in reading A 2. Understanding of Reading A 教学难点 1. How to use the key words and expressions in Reading A 2. Analysis on the text structure 使用的教 具/多媒体 /仪器/仪 表/设备等 Textbook; PPT;CD 教学方法Case teaching; Pair-work; Analyzing 参考资料English for Careers (Book1)

教学基本内容及设计Unit 1. Reading A: Deals over Meals I.Warm-up (10’) Task Complete the following table seating arrangement. Principles of Seating Arrangement Guest Information II. Reading A: Secretaries (80’) 1.Lead-in 2.Global reading (1) Listen to the passage while reading and think about the main idea of each paragraph. (2) Information collection a. Skimming Task1 Read the passage. Then match the business meals with their characteristics. b. Scanning Task 2 Decide which of the fo llowing behaviors are Do’s or Don’ts for business meals according to the passage. 3.Intensive reading a. Text structure analysis Para 1: Westerners do business over all kinds of meals. Para 2: Different meals have different characteristics. Para 3: Watch your behavior during business meals. Para 4: Mastery of good table manners is of great help. Para 5: Polite dinning at the table pays. b. Language Points entertain: e.g. 1. I’ll entertain my friends over the weekend. 2. The child was entertaining himself with his toys. build up: to build; to increase, or become bigger or stronger gradually


Unit 1 Each day, many people are looking for trends in workplace clothing, so that they can “fit in”with the fashionable or well-dressed crowd. They believe that dressing in the latest fashion trends may give them the reputation of being fashionable and trendy. While it is more than possible to do this, you need to display caution. 许多人每天都在捕捉职场时装的潮流,以便能与那些衣着时尚得体的人们步调一致。他们认为按最新潮流穿衣打扮能为自己赢得时尚和时髦的好名声。尽管这样做合情合理,你还是要小心谨慎。 What many people do not realize is that there are a number of pros and cons of relying on workplace fashion trends. One of those pros was mentioned above. When you wear a fashionable outfit to work, there is a good chance that you will receive a lot of compliments on your outfit. This is a nice feeling and it is one that makes many feel proud. 许多人并没有意识到,追随职场时装潮流有利也有弊。好处之一,正如上面所提到的,穿一套时髦的衣服去上班,很可能会得到一堆夸奖。这种感觉很不错,也让人引以为豪。 But the truth is that there are many more cons of relying on workplace fashion trends than there are pros. For instance, workplace fashion trends do not always distinguish between jobs and careers. If you work at a trendy coffee shop or retail store, chances are that the dress code would be casual clothing. However, if you work at a law office or an insurance company, you may be required to dress more professionally. Unfortunately, many workplace fashion trends are designed for the working population in general, not specific careers. This is where you can run into trouble if you are not careful. 然而事实上这种追随弊大于利。例如,职场时装潮流往往不区分工作和职业。在一家新潮的咖啡馆或零售店工作,着装要求很可能是休闲服。而在一家法律或保险公司上班,着装则需要更职业化。不幸的是,很多职场新潮时装是为工作中的一般大众而设计,而非为特定职业设计。因此一不小心就可能出问题。 Before relying on workplace fashion trends, you will want to take a good, close look at the trend in question. For instance, does the trend require the wearing of a skirt or a dress, no matter what the length? If so, it is important that you look at what you do for a living. If you are in a professional office setting, a dress may be perfect for you. On the other hand though, if you work in a retail store as a manager, a dress or skirt may actually get in the way and hamper your efforts to work and be productive. 在追随这种时装潮流之前,要好好地仔细审视一下所谓的潮流。比如,潮流是不是时兴半身裙或连衣裙,而不论其长短呢?如果确实如此,那么最重要的是要考虑自己的工作性质。如果是办公室的职业白领,连衣裙就非常适合。但如果是在零售店当经理,连衣裙或半身裙则可能会妨碍工作,影响工作效率。 By wearing trendy workplace fashion pieces, many people are given compliments, but not always. The last thing that you want to do is get a bad name for yourself instead of compliments. That is why it is also advised that you take what others may think of you into consideration. You need to make sure that the impression that you would be making is a good one. 很多人会因为穿了时髦的职场时装而备受称赞,但事情并非总是如此。最不希望


Unit 1 Text A 职场时装潮流 许多人每天都在捕捉职场时装的潮流,以便能与那些衣着时尚得体的人们步调一致。他们认为按最新潮流穿衣打扮能为自己赢得时尚和时髦的好名声。尽管这样做合情合理,你还是要小心谨慎。 许多人并没有意识到,追随职场时装潮流有利也有弊。好处之一,正如上面所提到的,穿一套时髦的衣服去上班,很可能会得到一堆夸奖。这种感觉很不错,也让人引以为豪。 然而事实上这种追随弊大于利。例如,职场时装潮流往往不区分工作和职业。在一家新潮的咖啡馆或零售店工作,着装要求很可能是休闲服。而在一家法律或保险公司上班,着装则需要更职业化。不幸的是,很多职场新潮时装是为工作中的一般大众而设计,而非为特定职业设计。因此一不小心就可能出问题。 在追随这种时装潮流之前,要好好地仔细审视一下所谓的潮流。比如,潮流是不是时兴半身裙或连衣裙,而不论其长短呢如果确实如此,那么最重要的是要考虑自己的工作性质。如果是办公室的职业白领,连衣裙就非常适合。但如果是在零售店当经理,连衣裙或半身裙则可能会妨碍工作,影响工作效率。 很多人会因为穿了时髦的职场时装而备受称赞,但事情并非总是如此。最不希望的是不但没有受到夸奖,还落下坏名声。正是因为这个原因,你必须考虑别人对你的看法,你必须确保给别人留下的是个好印象。 到底要不要将职场最时髦的潮流带入衣柜,这个决定得自己做,但在做出决定前请考虑考虑上面提到的问题。 Text B波音公司行为准则 波音公司行为准则为全体波音公司员工制定了必须遵守的行为规范。 波音公司的企业经营建立在公平、公正的基础上,符合道德规范和法律、法规。在企业经营中,诚信是公司处理一切关系的基础,包括公司与客户的关系、供应商和公众的关系以及员工之间的关系。在履行公司职责时,波音公司要求员工以最高商业道德标准要求自己。员工不得参与损害公司诚信、公平、声誉或者为公司带来麻烦的任何活动。 员工应确保: ●不参与可能导致公司及个人利益冲突的任何活动。 ●不利用在波音公司的职位,通过不正当使用波音公司或非公共信息以及滥用职权谋取个人利益,包括不参与内幕交易。 ●遵守有关信息使用和发布的所有规定,包括按规定保护波音公司信息,保证经信息方授权或法律许可,方可使用或发布非波音公司专有信息。 ●恪守公平交易这一波音公司最重要的业务及交往原则。 ●保护公司、客户和供应商的资产,只在公司许可的相关活动中使用这些资产。

新职业英语 第二版 职业综合英语1 教案unit7

新职业英语第二版职业综合英语1 Unit7教案1 授课时间 班 周星期第节 班 周星期第节 班 周星期第节班 周星期第节 班 周星期第节 课次17 学时数 2 授课形式 (请打√) 纯理论□纯实践□理实一体化□习题课□其他□ 授课题目Unit7 Customer Service Reading A: I Really Want to Know 教学目的Ss understand successfully measuring customer satisfaction Ss make and handle a complaint 教学重点 1. The main idea and the structure of the reading A. 2. Master the key words and language points. 教学难点 1.How to use the key words and expressions in reading A. 2.Analysis on the text structure. 使用的教 具/多媒体 /仪器/仪 表/设备等 Textbook; PPT; CD 教学方法Pair-work; Discussing, lecturing 参考资料English for Careers (Book1)

教学基本内容及设计Part I Warming-up 20 minutes Task 1 10 minutes Objective: Ss learn how to collect customer opinions through a survey. ? Explain briefly what a survey is. E.g. “A survey is a method of gathering information from a sample of individuals. The goal is to find out people’s stand or opinion on certain matters.” Task 2 10 minutes Objective: Ss can analyze data, find problems and give solutions. ? Divide the class into groups of 4-6 students and ask each group to collect and analyze the data. ? Ask some groups to present their conclusions and solutions to the class. Part II New words in Reading A 15 minutes Objective: Ss can get familiar with the new words and expressions, etc.. Steps: ? Ss listen to the new words and expressions, etc. ? Ss read the new words a nd expressions, etc. Part III Discussions before Reading A 10 minutes Objective: Ss can get familiar with the new words and expressions, etc.. Steps: ? Ss know something about Reading A. ? Ss discuss the following two questions: 1.Why did the writer and his wife go to their favorite restaurant for dinner? 2.In order to successfully measure customer satisfaction, what should you pay attention to? Part IV Reading A Language points 35 minutes Paragraph 1 deserve: v. to have earned something by good or bad actions or behavior e.g. You’ve been working all the morning—I think you deserve a rest. gain: v. to increase in weight, speed, height or value e.g. Last week I gained another five pounds. Paragraph 3 admirable: a. having many good qualities that people respect and admire e.g. This essay is admirable in all respects. implement: v. to take action or put into practice e.g. We have decided to implement the president’s suggestion in full. establish: v. to start; to set up e.g. My grandfather established the family business in 1938. The relationships between the two companies were established two years ago. obtain: v. to get something especially by means of effort e.g. We wish to obtain first-hand information. particular: a. unusual, single and different from others

新职业英语 第二版 职业综合英语1 教案unit8(4)

新职业英语第二版职业综合英语1 Unit8教案4 授课时间班 周星期第节 班 周星期第节 班 周星期第节 课次23 学时数 2 授课形式 (请打√) 纯理论□纯实践□理实一体化□习题课□其他□ 授课题目Unit8 Career Mini Project &Language Lab 教学目的Ss learn how to perform a job interview. Revision for Unit 8. 教学重点 1. How to perform a job interview. 2. Checking exercises in language lab. 教学难点 1.How to perform a job interview. 2.Task 3 and 5 of Language Lab. 使用的教 具/多媒体 /仪器/仪 表/设备等 Textbook; PPT; CD 教学方法Pair-work; Discussing, lecturing 参考资料English for Careers (Book1)

教学基本内容及设计Mini-Project ? Defining the project. Go through the project with the class and clarify requirements. You are advised to do it after Ss study Listening & Speaking. ? Timing & cooperation. Give Ss the deadline for completion and guidelines on working together. Ss who take the role of interviewers need to prepare questions beforehand, while those who are interviewees should prepare résumés. ? Presentation. Ss present their evidence for completion. In this project, they need to perform an interview simulation in class. Each group should select one interviewer to report which interviewee is qualified. Ask Ss to do it after they study the whole unit. Language lab Task 1 ? Allow Ss 5 minutes to do the task. ? Check the answers. Task 2 ? Ask Ss to work individually. ? Check the answers. Task 3 Objective:Ss can use the given words and expressions. Task 4 Objective: Ss can express ideas in writing using the two models S ? Read the models to Ss with an explanation if needed. ? Ss work in pairs. Task 5 Objective:Ss can use the vocabulary in Reading A for translation. Steps: ? Ss work individually or in pairs and translate the sentences. ? Ask two Ss to write their translations on the board. ? Comment briefly on their work with emphasis on the structures of their sentences. 课后作业/ 思考题 教学后记 说明:1.课程教案应按授课次数编写;重复班授课不再另行编写教案。 2.合班课的“授课时间”可以集中填写。

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