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abdominal flatulence 中满

abdominal fullness and distention 腕痛胀满

abdominal retention 鼓胀accompanied symptoms 兼证activating blood and dissolving stasis 活血化瘀

acuesthesia 得气

acupuncture points 腧穴acupuncture therapies 针刺疗法adjuvant drugs 佐药

afternoon fever 日哺发热

alternate chills and fever 寒热往来anorexia 食欲不振

aphtha 口疮

apoplexy 中风

ashi point 阿是穴

associate drugs 臣药

association of combination of traditional chinese medicine and western medicine


association of traditional chinese medicine 中医学会

asthenic cardioyang 心阳虚asthenic cardioyin 心阴虚

asthma 哮证

otopuncture therapy 耳针疗法auscultation-olfaction 闻诊aversion to wind and cold 畏恶风寒basis of theory of traditional chinese medicine 中医理论基础

belching 嗳气

blood deficiency 血虚

blood heat 血热

body fluid 津液

calming liver wind 平肝熄风canthus 目眦

carbuncle 痈

cathartic method 攻里法

cardiac and renal coordination 心肾相交

cardiac-splenic asthenia 心脾两虚chest pain 胸痛

chest stuffiness 胸闷

chi pulse 尺脉

chinese materia medica and preions 中药与方剂

chinese medical history中国医学史chinese medicine anesthesia 中药麻醉

chinese patent drugs 中成药

clear abundant urine 小便清长clearing damp 利水渗湿

clearing heat and expectoration 清热化痰

clearing wind-damp 祛风胜湿clearing ying heat and cooling blood 清营凉血

coating color 苔色

cold hands and feet 手足厥冷

-heat mixing 寒热交错

cold limbs 手足厥冷

cold stroke 中寒

coma 神昏

compendium of materia medica 本草纲目

complications 并病

constipation 大便不通consumptive disease 虚劳contrary treatment 反治

defensive qi instability 卫气不固deficiency-excess mixing 虚实夹杂delirium 谵语

diagnostic methods of traditional chinese medicine 中医诊法diaphoresis 汗法

diaphoresis, pungent cold 辛凉解表diaphoresis, pungent warm 辛温解表

diarrhea 泄泻

different treatments for the same disease 同病异治differentiation, eight principles 八纲辨证

differentiation of diseases 辨病differentiation of symptoms and signs 辨证

differentiation, six meridians 六经辨证

differentiation, triple energizer 三焦辨证

differentiation, wei-qi-ying-xue 卫气营血辨证differentiation, zang-fu 脏腑辨证diphtheria 白喉

diseases of qi-blood-fluid 气血津液病症

dispersing cold and freeing bi 散寒通痹

doctrines of various historical schools 中医各家学说

dry heat 燥热

dry stool 大便干结

dysentery 痢疾

dyspepsia 食滞

dysphagia 噎膈

dyspnea 喘证

dysuria 癃闭

edema 水肿

eight principles 八纲

electuary 冲服剂

elimination 消法

emesis 吐法

endogenous hygrosyndrome 内湿endogenous cold 内寒endogenous dryness 内燥epilepsy 痫证

epitaxis 鼻衄

inspection 望诊

inquiry 问诊

auscultation 听诊

percussion 扣诊

palpation 触诊

biopsy 活组织检查

pathological section 病理切片

endoscopy 内窥镜检查

ECG(electrocardiogram) examination 心电图检查

EEG(electrocardiogram) examination 脑电图检查

Intravenous pyelography静脉肾盂造影术

Skin-test 皮肤试验

examination by centesis 穿刺检查

routine analysis of blood 血常规分析

urine analysis of blood 尿常规分析

red blood cell count(RBC) 红细胞计数

white blood cell count(WBC) 白细胞计数

general check-up 全身检查

routine examination 常规检查

follow-up examination 随访检查

consultation 会诊

emergency 急诊

diagnosis 诊断

prognosis 预后

convalescence, recovery 康复

relapse 复发

treatment 治疗

prescribe 开药方

fill a prescription 配药

injecting 打针hypodermic injection 皮下注射intramuscular injection 肌肉注射intravenous injection 静脉注射inoculating 预防注射

fluid infusion 点滴注射

blood transfusion 输血

dose 剂量

tablet 药片

capsule 胶囊

liquid medicine 药水

powder 药粉

ointment 药膏(软膏)

plaster 硬膏,石膏

lotion 洗剂

suppository 栓剂

analgesics 止痛药

antipyetics 退烧药

antitussive 止咳药expectorant 祛痰药

diuretics 利尿药

hemostatic 止血药antidiarrheal 止泄药antipruritic 止痒药

antidote 解毒药


v1.0可编辑可修改Lesson One History of Traditional Chinese Medicine 中医术语 acupunture and moxibusion 针灸 health maintenance 养生 drugs cold and cool 寒凉药 the school of cold and cool 寒凉派 diaphoesis emesis purgation 汗吐下 the school of purgation 攻下派 exagenous pathogenic factors 外邪 reinforcing the earth 补土 internal impairment of spleen and stomach would bring about vorious diseases 内伤脾胃百病由生 yang is usually redundant ,while yin is frequently deficient. 阳常有余阴常不足 nourishing yin滋阴 medicinal herbs草药 blood stagnation淤血 warm and inorgorate the spleen and stomach温养脾胃 中国医药学 : traditional Chinese medicine 中医基础理论 : basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine 临床经验 : clinical experience 辨证论治 : treatment based on syndrome differentiation;pattern identification and treatment 本草 : materia medica 中药 : Chinese materia medica; Chinese medicinals 中草药 : Chinese medicinal herbs 四气五味 : four properties and five tastes


a(an) art. (非特指的)一(个);任何一个;每一(个) A.D. n.公元 A.M. ad.上午,午前 abandon v.放弃;抛弃,离弃 abdomen n.腹;腹部 abide v.(by)坚持;遵守;容忍 ability n.能力,智能;才能,才干;技能 able a.能够,有能力的 abolish v.废除,取消 about prep.关于;在…周围;在…各处ad.大约 above prep.在…上方;(数量,价格等)大于… abroad ad.出国,在国外 abrupt a.突然的,意外的;陡峭的,险峻的;(举止,言谈等) 不流畅的absence n.缺席,不在场;缺乏 absent a.(from) 缺席的,不在场的;漫不经心的 absolute a.绝对的;完全的;专制的 absorb 吸收;吸引,使专心 abstract a.抽象的;深奥的n.摘要;抽象v.摘要;转移 absurd a.愚蠢的;荒唐的 abundant a.丰富的;充足的 abuse v.& n.滥用;谩骂 academic a.学院的;学术的,教学的

accelerate v.加速;促进 accent n.腔调,口音;重音(符号) accept v.认可,接受 access n.接近,进入;入口,通路;接近(或进入) 的方法accident n.事故 accidental a.偶然的,意外的 accommodate v.留宿,收容;供应,供给;容纳accommodations (-s) accompany v.陪伴,陪同 accomplish v.完成,实现 according (to) account n.帐户 accumulate v.积累,积蓄;堆积 accurate a.精确的,准确的 accuse v.(of) 控告,谴责 accustom v.(to) 使习惯 ache v.痛;哀怜n.疼痛,酸痛 achieve v.完成,达到;获得 acid n.酸a.酸的;酸性的 acquaint v.(sb.with) 使认识,使了解 acquaintance n.熟人;相识;熟悉 acquire v.取得,获得;学到


中医英语常用词汇英文翻译02 气化不利dysfunction of qi in transformation 畏寒喜热aversion to cold and preference for heat 气分热盛excessive heat at qi phase 气郁化热stagnation of qi transforming into heat

温养脏腑warming and nourishing the viscera 瘀血阻络blood stasis obstructing the collaterals 清肺润燥clearing the lung and moistening dryness 破瘀通经breaking blood stasis to promote menstruation 内伤头疼headache due to internal injury 祛瘀eliminating stasis, expelling stasis 逆传心包reverse transmission into the pericardium 气不摄血failure of qi to check the blood 宁心安神calming the heart and tranquilizing the mind 血液循行circulation of the blood 惊悸不安palpitation due to fright 气的运动形式the moving styles of qi 血液生成不足insufficient production of the blood 平肝止血soothing the liver to stop bleeding 血液亏虚deficiency of the blood 离经之血abnormal flow of the blood 津液的形状、功能与分布form, function, and distribution of the body fluid 气血生化之源source for the production and transformation of qi and blood 脉细无力thin and weak pulse 肌肤干燥dry skin 肌肤甲错squamous and dry skin 血脉调和流畅smooth and normal flow of the blood


第一课 1.中国中医药traditional Chinese medicine; TCM 中医基础理论basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine 临床经验clinical experience辨证论治treatment based on syndrome differentiation 杂病miscellaneous diseases中药学Chinese pharmacy 四气五味four properties and five tastes 针灸acupuncture and moxibustion; acumox古代中国哲学classical Chinese philosophy汗法sweating therapy; diaphoresis 下法purgation吐法vomiting therapy; emetic therapy补土派the School of Reinforcing the Earth方剂prescription; formula 医疗实践medical practice治疗原则therapeutic principles寒凉药herbs cold and cool in nature滋阴降火nourishing yin and reducing fire瘀血致病diseases caused by blood stagnation 第二课 1 ve zang-organs; five zang-viscera五脏six fu-organs六腑system of meridians and collaterals经络系统holism整体观念organic wholenss有机整体social attribute社会属性(of the five zang-organs) open into开窍sprout, grow, transform, ripen and store生长化收藏diagnostics诊断学relationship between pathogenic factors and healthy qi邪正关系therapeutics治疗学common cold due to wind and cold风寒感冒different therapeutic methods used to treat the same disease同病异治the same therapeutic method used to treat different diseases异病同治balance of water metabolism水液代谢平衡clearing away heart fire清心火nature of disease疾病本质treating the left side for curing diseases located on the right side以左治右drawing yang from yin从阴引阳treating the lower part for curing diseases located on the upper part病在上者下取之 第三课 1 philosophical concept哲学概念mutual transformation相互转化balance of yin and yang阴平阳秘transformation between yin and yang阴阳转化extreme cold turning into heat寒极生热 pathological changes病理变化absolute predominance 绝对偏盛 general rule of pathogenesis病机总纲supplementing what it lacks of补其不足eliminating wind and dispersing cold祛风散寒mutually inhibiting and promoting相互消长mutually inhibiting and restraining相互制约interdependence相互依存excess of yin leading to decline of yang阴胜则阳病contrary and supplementary to each other相反相成organic whole有机整体impairment of yang involving yin阳损及阴deficiency of both yin and yang阴阳两虚deficiency cold syndrome虚寒证suppressing yang and eliminating wind熄风潜阳 第四课 1.the doctrine of five elements; the theory of five phases五行学说free development 条达舒畅to be generated and to generate生我我生restraint in generation生中有制Wood is characterized by growing freely and peripherally.木曰曲直Earth is characterized by cultivation and reaping.土元稼穑 Water is characterized by moistening and downward flowing.水曰润下over restriction and counter-restriction相乘相侮Wood over restricts earth because it is deficient.土虚木乘promotion, restriction, inhibition and transformation生克制化disorder of a mother-organ involving its child-organ母病及子insufficiency of essence and blood in the liver and kidney肝肾精血不足blood deficiency in the heart and liver心肝血虚exuberant fire in the heart心火亢盛insufficiency of liver yin肝肾不足declination of kidney yang肾阳衰微weakness of the spleen and stomach脾胃虚弱soothing the liver and harmonizing the stomach平肝和胃insufficiency of kidney yin肾阴不足balance between water and fire水火不济 第五课 doctrine of visceral manifestations脏象学说five zang-organs and six fu-organs五脏六腑extraordinary fu-organs齐桓之府nutrients of water and food水谷精微ransmitting and transforming water and food传化水谷storing essence贮藏精气internal and external relationship表里关系therapeutic effects治疗效应 clinical practice临床实践storage without discharge藏而不写discharge without storage泻而不藏physical build and various orifices形体诸窍(of five zang-organs) open into开窍spirit and emotions精神情志the heart storing spirit心藏神the lung storing corporeal soul肺藏魄the liver storing ethereal soul肝藏魂the spleen storing consciousness 脾藏意the kidney storing will肾藏志the luster manifesting upon the face其华在面 第六课 the heart governing blood and vessels心主血脉sufficiency of heart qi心气充沛rosy complexion面色红润sufficiency of blood血液充盈unsmooth vessels脉道不利lusterless complexion面色无华thin and weak pulse脉象细弱the heart storing


计算机常用英语词汇表 高频700单词 一、硬件类(Hardware) ('hɑ:dwε?) CPU(Center Processor Unit)中央处理单元('sent?'pr?uses?'ju:nit)Main board主板(mein b?:d) RAM(random access memory)随机存储器(内存)('r?nd?m '?kses 'mem?ri) ROM(Read Only Memory)只读存储器(ri:d '?unli 'mem?ri) Floppy Disk 软盘('fl?pi disk) Hard Disk 硬盘(hɑ:d disk) CD-ROM 光盘驱动器(光驱) monitor 监视器('m?nit?) keyboard 键盘('ki:b?:d) mouse 鼠标(maus) chip 芯片(t?ip) CD-R 光盘刻录机 HUB 集线器 Modem= MOdulator-DEModulator, 调制解调器('m?udem'm?djuleit?di:'m?djuleit?) P-P(Plug and Play) 即插即用(pl?ɡplei) UPS(Uninterruptable Power Supply) 不间断电源(?nint?'r?pt?b?l

pau?s?'plai) BIOS(Basic-input-Output System) 基本输入输出系统('beisik 'input 'autput 'sist?m) CMOS(Complementary- Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor) (k?mpli'ment?ri 'met?l '?ksaid semik?n'd?kt?)互补金属氧化物半导体 setup安装(set?p) uninstall卸载(?nin'st?:l) wizzard向导('wiz?d) OS(Operation System)操作系统(?p?'rei??n 'sist?m) OA(Office AutoMation)办公自动化('?fis ?:t?'mei??n) edit编辑('edit) copy复制('k?pi) cut剪切(k?t) paste粘贴(peist) delete删除 (di'li:t) select选择 (si'lekt) find查找 (faind) select all全选 (si'lekt ?:l) replace替换 (ri'pleis) undo撤消 (?n'du:) redo重做 ([ ri:'du:) program程序('pr?uɡr?m)


[学科] 中医①traditional Chinese medicine②traditional Chinese physician ①中医学的简称。 ②本学科专业职业队伍。 中药Chinese materia medica 在中医理论指导下应用的药物。包括中药材、中药饮片和中成药等。 中医学traditional Chinese medicine 以中医药理论与实践经验为主体,研究人类生命活动中健康与疾病转化规律及其预防、诊断、治疗、康复和保健的综合性科学。 中药学Chinese materia medica 中药学科的统称。研究中药基本理论和各种药材饮片、中成药的来源、采制、性能、功效、临床应用等知识的学科。 中医药traditional Chinese medicine and pharmacology 本草:Materia medica 中药:Chinese materia medica,Chinese medicinals(包括植物药、动物药、矿物药等) 中草药:Chinese Herbal Medicine,Chinese medicinal herbs 中药学:Chinese pharmaceutics 药材:Medicinal substance(material) 中西医结合integration of traditional and western medicine 中医基础理论basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine 中医诊断学diagnostics of traditional Chinese medicine 方剂学 prescriptions of Chinese materia medica, Traditional Chinese Medical Formulae/ prescriptions 中医内科学internal medicine of traditional Chinese medicine [阴阳]The Theory of Yin and Yang 阴阳对立:Opposition of yin and yang 阴阳制约:Restriction of /between yin and yang 阴阳互根:Interdependence of yin and yang 阴阳消长:Waxing and waning of yin and yang 阴阳转化:Inter-transformation of yin and yang [五行学说]The Theory of Five Elements 五行:water,fire,wood,metal,soil 生:promote, generate, engender 克:act, restrict, restrain 乘:overact, over-restrict, over-restrain, subjugate, overwhelm 侮:counteract, counter-restrict, counter-restrain, rebel [整体观念] concept of organic wholeness 辩证法dialectics 生长化收藏sprouting, growth,transformation,ripening,storage 内外环境统一性the unity between the internal and external environments 机体自身整体性the integrity of the body itself 古代唯物论和辩证法classic Chinese materialism and dialectics 矛盾统一the contradictory unity 互相联系、相互影响related to each other and influence each other


英语分类词汇表(1)1性别及家庭成员 boy 男孩 girl 女孩 mother 母亲 father 父亲 grandpa 爷爷grandma 奶奶grandmother祖母grandfather祖父 dad 爸爸(口语)mum 妈妈(口语)uncle 叔叔 aunt 阿姨 sister 姐妹 brother 兄、弟 Ms 女士 Mr 先生 Miss 小姐 2动物 panda 熊猫 monkey 猴子 dog 狗 cat 猫 bird 鸟 bee 蜜蜂 bear 熊 horse 马 pig 猪 duck 鸭子 rabbit 兔子 tiger 老虎 lion 狮子 chick 小鸡 fox 狐狸 hen 母鸡 cow 奶牛cock 公鸡 3数字 one 一 two 二 three 三 four 四 five 五 six 六 seven 七 eight 八 nine 九 ten 十 eleven 十一 twelve 十二 thirteen 十三 fourteen 十四 fifteen 十五 sixteen 十六 seventeen 十七 eighteen 十八 nineteen 十九 twenty 二十 twenty-one 二十一 thirty 三十 forty 四十 fifty 五十 sixty 六十 seventy 七十 eighty 八十 ninety 九十 one hundred一百 thousand 千 4食物饮料三餐味道水 果 rice 米饭 meat 肉 noodles 面条 fish 鱼 chocolate 巧克力 egg 蛋 vegetable 蔬菜 carrot 胡萝卜 bread 面包 orange 桔子 apple 苹果 milk 牛奶 tea 茶 coffee 咖啡 cake 蛋糕 candy 糖果 cookie 饼干 hot dog 热狗 breakfast 早餐 lunch 午饭 supper 晚饭 dinner 晚饭,正餐 lemon 柠檬 pear 梨 peach 桃子 banana 香蕉 5衣服 T-shirt T—恤衫 shirt 衬衫 skirt 短裙 cap 帽子(前边有帽沿的) hat 帽子(周围有帽沿的) shoes 鞋子 shorts 短裤 vest 背心 pants 短裤 dress 连衣裙 6冠词 a 一(个,件……) an


中医英语常用词汇英文翻译02 来源:医学全在线更新:2008-10-6 医学英语论坛 气化不利dysfunction of qi in transformation 畏寒喜热aversion to cold and preference for heat 气分热盛excessive heat at qi phase 气郁化热stagnation of qi transforming into heat 温养脏腑warming and nourishing the viscera 瘀血阻络blood stasis obstructing the collaterals 清肺润燥clearing the lung and moistening dryness 破瘀通经breaking blood stasis to promote menstruation 内伤头疼headache due to internal injury 祛瘀eliminating stasis, expelling stasis 逆传心包reverse transmission into the pericardium 气不摄血failure of qi to check the blood

宁心安神calming the heart and tranquilizing the mind 血液循行circulation of the blood 惊悸不安palpitation due to fright 气的运动形式the moving styles of qi 血液生成不足insufficient production of the blood 平肝止血soothing the liver to stop bleeding 血液亏虚deficiency of the blood 离经之血abnormal flow of the blood 津液的形状、功能与分布form, function, and distribution of the body fluid 气血生化之源source for the production and transformation of qi and blood 脉细无力thin and weak pulse 肌肤干燥dry skin 肌肤甲错squamous and dry skin 血脉调和流畅smooth and normal flow of the blood


中医术语翻译的国际标准与文化传承 近期,千华翻译公司翻译了一批中医文献,现将我们搜集的部分有用的资料共享如下: 2007年1O月,世界卫生组织(WH0)西太区颁布了《传统医学名词术语国际标准》(WHO International StandardTerminologies 011 Traditional Medicine in the Western PacificRegion)。这一标准的颁布,使得中医术语翻译的规范化进程向前迈出了坚实的一步。同时,这一标准也将有助于包括中医学在内的传统医学在世界范围内的推广和应用,因此被业内人士称为“传统医学发展的里程碑”。然而,从学科自身发展角度而言,这一新的国际术语标准并非一成不变,WHO有关官员表示在今后实践中将对此标准不断修改与完善,使术语的翻译能更准确地将中医文化体现出来。现从经络部分就中医术语的翻译和文化传承进行粗浅探索。 1 WH0西太区颁布的《传统医学名词术语国际标准》经络部分的翻译和文化传承 1.1 十二经脉的翻译与文化传承:十二经脉是结合脏腑、手足、阴阳三方面内容而命名的。WH0西太区颁布的《传统医学名词术语国际标准》中,将十二经脉的翻译如下:手太阴肺经:lung meridian(LU);手阳明大肠经:large intestinemeridian(LI);足阳明胃经:stomachmeridian(ST);足太阴脾经:spleenmeridian(SP);手少阴心经:heartmeridian(HT);手太阳小肠经:small intestine meridian(SI);足太阳膀胱经:bladdermeridian(BL);足少阴。肾经:kidlleymeridian(KI);手厥阴心包经:pericardium meridian(PC);手少阳三焦经:triple energizer meridian(TE);足少阳胆经:gallbladder meridian(GB);足厥阴肝经:liver meridian(LR)。从上述翻译中可以看到,WH0西太区在翻译这些术语时,主要是由“脏腑名称”+“经脉名”构成。这种方法简便、方便交流,但这样翻译明显有遗漏。如“lung meridian(LU)”的翻译中,看不到“手太阴”的翻译。《灵枢·经脉》中对十二经脉的命名采用“脏/腑+手/足+阴/阳+脉”的形式命名。该命名形式,主要是在继承和保留“手/足+阴/阳+脉”格式的基础上,将脏腑名置于手足阴阳之前,增加了脏腑的元素,体现了经脉理论和脏腑理论的融合。所以,我们看到每一经脉的名称均依据分布于手足内外、所属脏器的名称和阴阳属性命名。为了准确、毫无遗漏的传递这些术语信息,笔者建议应以“脏或腑+经脉名称+of+手或者足+阴阳”的格式翻译,具体如下:手太阴肺经:lung meridian ofhand.taiyin(LU);手阳明大肠经:large intestine meridian ofhand.yangming(LI):足阳明胃经:stomach meridian offoot.yangming(ST);足太阴脾经:spleen meridian of foot.taiyin(SP);手少阴心经:heartmeridian ofhand.shaoyin(HT):手太阳小肠经:small intestinemeridian ofhand.taiyang(SI);足太阳膀胱经:bladder meridianof foot.taiyang(BL):足少阴肾经:kidney meridian offoot.shaoyin(KI);手厥阴心包经:pericardium meridian ofhand-jueyin(PC);手少阳三焦经:sanjiao meridian ofhand.shaoyang(SJ);足少阳胆经:gallbladder meridian offood—shaoyang(GB):足厥阴肝经:livermeridian offood-jueyin(LR)。采用这样的格式英译十二经脉名,能够完整体现中医对十二经脉命名的全部信息。 另外,三焦的英译也与中医理论和传统文化不合。WHO西太区在《传统医学名词术语国际标准》将“手少阳三焦经”译为“triple energizer meridian(TE)’这里涉及一个很具有中医文化特色的术语“三焦”的翻译。三焦是一个特殊的“腑”,既是对人体胸腹部位及其所藏脏腑器官目的划分,又是对人体某些功能系统的概括。三焦分上、中、下三焦,主要


中医英语词汇 下面是整理的中医英语词汇,以供大家学习参考。 中医①traditional Chinese medicine②traditional Chinese physician ①中医学的简称。②本学科专业职业队伍。 中医学traditional Chinese medicine 以中医药理论与实践经验为主体,研究人类生命活动中健康与疾病转化规律及其预防、诊断、治疗、康复和保健的综合性科学。 中医药traditional Chinese medicine and pharmacology 中医与中药的合称。 中医药学traditional Chinese medicine and pharmacology 中医学与中药学的合称,侧重反映中医与中药两者共同发展,密不可分。 中药Chinese materia medica 在中医理论指导下应用的药物。包括中药材、中药饮片和中成药等。 中药学Chinese materia medica 中药学科的统称。研究中药基本理论和各种药材饮片、中成药的来源、采制、性能、功效、临床应用等知识的学科。 中西医结合integration of traditional and western medicine 现代医学等现代科学知识及手段来继承和发展中医药,中西医学相互补充,取长补短,诊治疾病的医学形式。 中医基础理论basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine 研究和阐明中医学的基本概念、基本理论、基本规律、基本原则的学科。 中医诊断学diagnostics of traditional Chinese medicine 根据中医学的理论体系,研究诊察病情、判断病种、辨别证候的基础理论、基本知识和基本技能的学科。 方剂学prescriptions of Chinese materia medica 研究治法与


初中英语词汇表 注:n 名词 v 动词 adj形容词adv 副词 prep介词 conj连词phr.短语 num数词 pron 代名词第一册1----833 1 what [hw?t] pron 什么 2 is [iz] v 是 3 what's [hw?ts] what is 的缩写形式 4 your [ju?] pron 你的,你们的 5 name [neim] n 名字 6 my [mai] pron 我的 7 I [ai] pron 我 8 am [?m] v 是 9 I'm [aim] I am 的缩写形式 10 in [in] prep 在...里(内,上) 11 row [r?u] n (一)排,(一)行 12 one [w?n] num 一 13 number ['n?mb?] n 数字,号码 14 two [tu:] num 二 15 too [tu:] adv 也 16 three[θri:] num 三 17 are [ɑ:] v 是 18 you [ju:] pron 你,你们 19 yes [jes] adv 是 20 four [f?:] num 四 21 five [faiv] num 五 22 no [n?u] adv & adj 不,不是 23 not [n?t] adv 不 24 hi [hai] int 喂(问候或唤起注意) 25 class [klɑ:s] n (学校里的)班级,年级 26 grade [greid] n 年级 27 six [siks] num 六 28 seven ['sevn] num 七 29 eight [eit] num 八 30 nine [nain] num 九 31 ten [ten] num 十 32 zero ['zi?r?u] num & n 零 33 plus [pl?s]prep 加,加上 34 it [it] pron 它 35 It's [its] it is 的缩写形式 36 how [hau] adv (指程度)多少,怎样 37 old [?uld] adj ...岁的,老的 38 eleven [i'levn] num 十一 39 twelve [twelv] num 十二 40 minus ['main?s] prep减,减去 41 thirteen ['θ?:ti:n] num 十三42 fourteen ['f?:'ti:n] num 十四 43 fifteen ['fif'ti:n] num 十五 44 hello [h?'l?u] int喂(问候或唤起注意) 45 please [pli:z] int 请 46 can [k?n] v.aux 能,可以,会 47 spell [spel] v 拼写 48 that [e?t] pron 那,那个 49 secret ['si:krit] n 秘密 50 this [eis] pron 这,这个 51 in [in] prep 用...(表达) 52 English['i?gli?] n & adj 英语,英国人 53 in English[in'i?gli?]phr. 用英语(表达) 54 a [ei] art 一(个,件...) 55 clock [kl?k] n 钟 56 and [?nd] conj 和,又,而 57 pencil-box['penslb?ks]n 铅笔盒 58 an [?n] art 一(个;件.) 59 pencil ['pensl] n 铅笔 60 ruler ['ru:l?] n 尺子 61 pen [pen] n 钢笔 62 sharpener ['?ɑ:p?n?] n 卷笔刀 63 eraser [i'reis?] n 橡皮擦 64 room [ru:m] n 房间 65 book [buk] n 书 66 map [m?p] n 地图 67 desk [desk] n 书桌 68 cup [k?p] n 杯子 69 bag [b?g] n 书包 70 compute r[k?m'pju:t?]n电脑,电子计算机 71 mouse [maus]n 鼠,耗子,鼠标 72 bed [bed] n 床 73 keyboard ['ki:b?:d] n 键盘 74 isn't ['iznt]is not 的缩写形式 75 pear [p??] n 梨 76 cake [keik] n 蛋糕,饼,糕 77 banana [b?'nɑ:n?] n 香蕉 78 apple ['?pl] n 苹果 79 orange ['?:rind?] n 橙子,橘子 80 egg [eg] n 蛋 81 bike [baik] n 自行车 82 bus [b?s] n 公共汽车 83 car [kɑ:] n 汽车,小汽车 84 jeep [d?i:p] n 吉普车 85 Chinese['t?ai'ni:z]adj中国的,中国人的;n 中国人,汉语 n 中国人,汉语


中医术语英文翻译对照表 治则在对临床的具体立法、处方、用药等具有普遍的指导意义,因而在治疗疾病时必须遵循的基本原则。 治病求本针对产生疾病的根本原因进行治疗的原则。 急则治标与缓则治本相对而言,在大出血、暴泻、剧痛等标症甚急的情况,及时救治标病 缓则治本与急则治标相对而言,针对病势缓和、病情缓慢的情况,从本病的病机出发,采取调理、补益为主的治疗原则。标本兼治针对病证出现的标本并重的情况,采用治标与治本相结合的治疗原则。 治未病采取一定的措施防止疾病产生和发展的治疗原则,包括未病先防和既病防变两个方面。 同病异治表现相同的病证,可因人、因时、因地的不同,或由于病情的发展、病机的变化、病型的各异、正邪消长等差异,采取不同治法的治疗原则。 异病同治表现不同的病证,由于发病机理相同,采取相同治法的治疗原则。 因时制宜考虑到时令气候寒热燥湿的不同而选择适宜的治法、方药的治疗原则。 因地制宜考虑到地域环境的不同而选择适宜的治法、方药的治疗原则。 因人制宜 's 考虑到病人的体质、性别、年龄、生活习惯

以及过去病史等个体差异性的不同而选择适宜的治法、方药的治疗原则。 扶正祛邪对于正虚为主、因虚致实的病证,应采取扶助正气为主,使正气加强,从而达到驱除病邪目的的治疗原则。 祛邪扶正对于邪气实而正气偏虚的病证,应采用以消除病邪为主,扶助正气为辅,使邪去正安或正复的治疗原则。 扶正固本对于正气亏虚的病证,采用培补正气以愈病的治疗原则。 攻补兼施对于虚实夹杂,或虚实病情相当,可采用既祛邪又培补,即攻邪与扶正并重的治疗原则。 正治法又称“逆治法”。 针对疾病的本质,从正面进行治疗,即逆病性而治的常规方法。寒者热之针对寒性的病证应使用温热方药进行治疗的 原则。 热者寒之针对热性的病证应使用寒凉方药进行治疗的 原则。 虚者补之又称“虚则补之”。 针对虚弱性的病证应采用补益方药进行治疗的原则。 实者泻之又称“实则泻之”。 针对性质属实的病证应采用攻泻方药进行治疗的原则。 反治法又称“从治法”。 针对疾病出现假象,或大寒证、大热证用正治法发生格拒的情况,


说明: 1.根据单招考试要求制作了词汇表。词汇表共收单词2200个左右。其中未注标记的单词1700个左右(含初中学过的词汇),标“*”的词汇500个。 考生应掌握本表中的未标记的词汇和标“*”的词汇。 2.词汇表以单词为收词单位,同形异义词并入同一词条。词条下列出了应掌握的习惯用词和固定搭配。常用后缀派生词若无语义变化及拼写变化,原则上不列单词。 词汇表 A a(an)art. ability n. able a. *aboard prep. & ad. about ad. & prep. above prep. & a. abroad ad. *absent a. accept v. *access n. & v. accident n. account n. accountant n. ache v. & n. across prep. & ad. act n. & v. action n. active a. activity n. actor n. actress n. actually ad. ad(=advertisement)n. add v. addition n. address n. *adjust v. *administration n. *admire v. adult n. *advanced a. advice n. advise v. *afford v. afraid a. Africa n.African n. & a. after prep. & conj. afternoon n. again ad. against prep. age n. agency n. agent n. ago ad. Agreement n. ahead ad. aid n. & v. aim n. & v. air n. airline n. airport n. *aisle n. album n. *alcohol n. *alert a. alike a. & ad. alive a. all a.,ad.& pron. allow v. almost ad. alone a. along ad. & prep. aloud ad. already ad. alsoa d. although conj. always ad. am/a. m.,AM/A. M. n. *amazing a. America n. American n. & a.

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