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My friend Kate was a pretty girl whose sweet voice

drew others’ attentions. Last year, she left to study at a music 1.______

school. Yesterday she called to say that she wants to see me but


not at my house. So we fixed a time and a place and then hung.


Today I met her at a given time and place. Greatly


to my surprise, I found her so much changing. She


looked very sorrowful and worrying. She said she had made 6.______

such little progress that she was almost hopeless of success.


She wondered that whether she had been wasting her 8.______

time doing nothing. I knew she just needed some encouragement.


So I did what I could persuade her to gain her courage again.



Like many other places, our hometown is either facing


the problem of pollution. Unfortunately, people there have 2._____

realized the importance of protection the natural environment.


Factories have been taken measures to stop pouring polluted 4._____

water into the rivers. The citizens no longer put waste, such 5._____

as rubbish or human waste into the rivers. Every year,


a great number trees are planted. As a result,


the water in the rivers are becoming cleaner and cleaner.


The hills around the city were covered with green trees


and the air there is much more fresher than before.



Dear Grandma,

Thank you for your letter and the check. It was really kind for

you to send me such much money. I was so glad to receive them.


I spend one week at an ecology summer camp in the countryside.


Yes, we did see a snake. Five of the boys drove them away.


I was excited when they did it. Thank you for your good wish


about my that knee. That afternoon, after I returned to school, I fell


over on the stairs. It was not seriously and it is getting better now.


Since I very interested in nature, I’ve decided to spend


the money you sent me on a telescope. I can use it observe


natural things. Will that be all right? I’m waiting for your rep ly.



Li Ping


Dear friends,

How time flies! It has been one year after Miss Green came

to our school. Today we gather here to have a farewell meeting.


Our English teacher Miss Green is going to leave her post and return her 3.______

country ? the United States. During her stay there, she has


helped us a lot with our English and we greatly appreciated


her help. We are deep impressed by her lessons as they are so lively 6.______

and interesting. We feel very sorry that she has to leave for our school.


I’m sure we will miss her very much. I do hope we will keep touch


with each other in the day that are coming. Now let’s


hope Miss Green good luck and a pleasant journey.


That’s all. Thank you.


Dear Joan,

Hello. You’ve no idea that how much I’m missing

you! Why hadn’t you written to me for such a long time?


Are you all right recently? My summer’s holidays have


already started. What about yours? You said last time when


you would pay a visit to my city, did you still remember?


Will you be able to carry your plan this summer? Please 6.______

write to me all about that so that I can be well preparing 7.______

ahead of the time if you do come. As you know, I’m fond of


collecting stamps very much. Could you send me some


American stamps if possibly? With love to you.

Xiao Mei


Dear Tom,

I was glad to accept your letter of May 22th.


I don’t expect that you would an swer my letter so


soon. You suggested in your letter that I must read more.


I agree with you. It is true that one need to read a lot


to improve his reading ability. It is the same like 5.______

swimming. One can’t learn to swim if he goes and


swims in the water. So this summer I am 7.______

going to get down to read some books. Although


I am not the kind person who always does things


according to his plan, but I will try my best.


Xiao Wei


Dear Mr. Black,

I’m very thank to you for inviting me to stay with


you in Beijing in the coming summer vacation. I have been 2.______

dreamed of seeing you again so that I can get


more help from you in my English learning. And I’m


afraid I cannot go to your place in this summer. I’ve


promised my grandmother, she lives in the country, 6.______

to spend this summer with her. She misses me too 7.______

much that I find difficult to refuse her request.


I’m busy with preparing for my examinations at present. 9.______

correctly.That’s why I have been 1earning English.


Yours truly

Li Ying


I often read English aloud and trying to learn something


important in heart. It helps me remember what I have learned


and form good habit of thinking in English. I listen


a lot and communicate with other in English.


In this way, I have improved both my listening ability or my


speaking English. I keep a diary in English every


day and my written English is becoming better and


better. I also try my best master the necessary grammar


knowledge. By this means, I can express me


correctly.That’s why I have been 1earning English.




1. attentions→attention

2. wants→wanted

3. hung 后加up

4. a→the

5. changing→changed

6. worry ing→worried

7. such→so

8. 去掉that

9. √

10. could后加to


1. either→also

2. Unfortunately→Fortunately/Luckily

3. protection→protecting

4. 去掉been

5. √

6. or→and

7. number后加of

8. are→is

9. were→are

10. 去掉more


1. for→of

2. such→so

3. spend→spent

4. them→it

5. wish→wishes

6. 去掉that

7. seriously→serious

8. very前加am

9. observe前加to

10. √


1. after→since

2. √

3. return后加to

4. there→here

5. appreciated→appreciate

6. deep→deeply

7. 去掉for

8. touch前加in

9. day→days

10. hope→wish


1. 去掉that

2. hadn’t→haven’t

3. summer’s→summer

4. 去掉when或when→that

5. did→do

6. carry后加out

7. preparing→prepared

8. 去掉the

9. √

10. possibly→possible


1. accept→receive

2. d on’t→didn’t

3. must→should 或去掉must

4. need→needs

5. like→as

6. if→unless

7. √

8. read→reading

9. kind 后加of

10. 去掉but


1. thank→thankful

2. √

3. dreamed→dreaming

4. And→But

5. 去掉in

6. she→who

7. too→so

8. find 后加it

9. 去掉with

10. planned→plan


1. trying→try或去掉and

2. in→by

3. form后加 the/a

4. other→others

5. or→and

6. speaking→spoken

7. √

8. best后加to

9. me→myself

10. why→how


高考英语短文改错的解题技巧与方法 摘要:短文改错是近年高考英语测试题中的一个必考题。其目的是考查学生综合运用英语的准确性,测试考生发现、判断纠正文章错误的能力。 关键词:短文改错准确性上下文正确理解行文逻辑 短文改错题是目前高考英语的必考项目,也是平时期中、期末考试的必考题型,短文改错是融语法知识与语言技能为一体的综合性英语试题,旨在考查学生对语言的发现,判断,纠正文章中错误的能力以及对词汇、语法和语篇三要素的把握能力。短文改错其实并非难题,但得分率不高。究其原因,主要与学生对短文改错的特点和做题方法有很大的关系。 一.短文改错设置的错误的主要类型 短文改错设置的错误的主要类型有:⑴名词的单复数;⑵动词的词态和语态;⑶非谓语动词;⑷介词的搭配;⑸主谓一致性;⑹不定冠词与定冠词;⑺固定词组的搭配;⑻行文逻辑一致性;⑼词性的混淆;⑽同义词辨异;⑾连词的误用;⑿代词的格与数;⒀句子成份残缺等。归纳为语法错误、词汇错误和上下文关系错误。这些错误大致涉及以下几个方面:(一)一致性问题 所涉及的一致性问题主要包括主谓一致、时态、语态一致、代词指代一致、名词的数与格的一致、句式结构与语意一致、行文关系的一致。例如:主谓不一致 eg: There were a football game on TV last Saturday evening. 讲解:原句中a football game决定了谓语动词必须用单数,所以应该把were改为was。 (二)词性问题 词性问题不单单是识别的问题,能够说出所给单词的词性,并不说明能够在句中找出用错词性的地方。其主要目的是检测考生是否真正了解主要词类的语法作用及其在句中的经常性位置,如名词在句中一般作主语、宾语、表语,动词作谓语,形容词充当表语、定语和宾补,而副词则充当状语,修饰形容词、动词乃至句子。 名词主要考察能力:单复数混用和出题形式: 单复数混用 eg: Helen is seve nteen year old. She is very busy. 讲解:“年龄多大了”应该为复数形式,应此应该把year改为years。注意:代词单复数混用类似。 eg: As for a friendship, we can readily find them in our classmates and other people ar ound us. 讲解:显然因该把them改为it,指代前面提及的friendship。此句话意思是“就友谊来说,我们可以很容易地从我们的同学和周围的人中找到。” 形容词/副词主要考察能力:两者之间是否混用。 出题形式:形容词与副词混用。即该用形容词的地方原文用了副词,该用副词的地方原文用了形容词。 ①副词代替正确形容词出现在文章当中 eg: During the football season, Helen is much busier than usually. 讲解:很明显“与平时相比较更忙”,因此需要把usually改为usual。 ②形容词代替正确副词出现在文章当中 eg: As the time clock showed one minute an d forty-two seconds left in the game, she began cheering excited,“Come on-get going!”


1. Three friends and I was driving on a highway. While we were going at least 50 miles per hour, we passed over a car. It had broken down, stopped on the side of the road. My friend slows down, and pulled behind the other car. He got out of the car immediate and before I knew it he was helping the other person push the car down the road to a spot where wasn’t so close to the passing cars. From the way they were pushing the car, it looked as if my friend was pushing them all by himself. I thought my friend help a complete stranger like this was a great thing, but I won’t forget his good nature or character. 2. Dear Brad, I’m very glad to hear from you. In your last letter you ask about the post-80s in China. Actually I am the boy who belongs to this group. Comparing with our parents, life for us is getting much hard. The job market is tough and the house is expensively to afford. Now many girls prefer to marry with a man who owns a house an d a car. Therefore, I don’t think love built on house and cars is true love, and I doubt how long it will last. As a matter of fact, though situations are tough today, a lot of we post-80s are making great efforts live a good life. I believe we will have a nice future. Li Hua 3. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, Some of us are having problems about our parents, as they often look into our school bags or read our diaries. I fully understand why we are comfortable about it, but it is no need to feel too sadly. Our parents are checking in our bags or diaries to make sure we’re not getting into troubles. They have probably heard of some horrible stories about other kids and thinking we might do the same. Or perhaps they just want to connect with us and are doing it all wrong. My suggestion is: Tell them we want them to trust us as many as we’d like to trust them. If you don’t think you can talk to them, write them a letter and leave it lie around --- they are bound to read it. Thank you! 4. We spend two weeks in London last year. We went there in the autumn .We think it is the best season to visit England. The weather is usually good but there aren’t too many tourists in October. We stayed in a small h otel in the West End .It was convenient as we did most of our traveling by foot. We went to look at the places where all tourists see. We saw Buckingham Palace and the National Gallery. We went to shopping in Oxford Street and spent too many money .What we liked most, though, was going to theatre. We don’t have the chance to see so wonderful plays at home .A lot of people say English food is very badly. We didn’t think so. It’s true that most of the restaurants are French or Italian or Chinese, but we had some very good meal.


第一节短文改错 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下短文。短文中 共有10处错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在此符号下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分 The best gift I have ever received is a hand-made calendar. It was made up by my best friend Jane, with who I have so much in common. On each page of the calendar, there is the picture of us with some word written by Jane. She either tells me what she feels about our friendship or encourages me try my best and live a happy life. Whenever I look at the calendar, I am touched by something warmly, and my heart is filling with love. This gift is a memory of the wonderful time I spend with Jane in junior high school and I will keep them forever. 参考答案及解析 第一节短文改错 The best gift I have ever received is a hand-made calendar. It was made up by my best friend up Jane, with who I have so much in common. On each page of the calendar, there is the picture of us whom a with some word written by Jane. She either tells me what she feels about our friendship or words how encourages me∧try my best and live a happy life. Whenever I look at the calendar, I am touched by to something warmly, and my heart is filling with love. This gift is a memory of the wonderful time I warm filled


高考英语短文改错题技巧汇总|高考英语短文改错模拟训练10篇 【--高考祝福语】 试题预览 高考英语短文改错模拟训练10篇 No.01 I like riding my bike. Though it is not very new, but it is 1.___________ my best friend. I find very convenient to go anywhere with a 2.___________ bike. Ride gives me not only exercise but also pleasure. I 3.___________ use my bike mostly on summer when the weather is warm

4.___________ and dry. It can very unpleasant in winter when it is cold and 5.___________ rain is pouring down. It can also be very danger. Of course 6.___________ I will be very careful on my bike. In facts, accidents are not 7.___________ the only problem. One day I went to school and come back 8.___________ to find his front wheel was missing. It was a long walk to 9.___________ the repairer’s shop. Now I have two strong locks. 10.___________


高考英语短文改错考点解析-形容词与副词 一、考点规律分析 短文改错对形容词与副词的考查主要涉及形容词和副词比较等级的误用(尤其是在本身已是比较级的词前误加more)、形容词与副词的混用(如修饰动词时误用形容词或修饰名 词时误用副词)等,另外,用作表语时该用形容词的却误用了名词、简短副词(如in,down 等)的误加与漏用、涉及形容词搭配的as…as 结构、how 与what 的混用等也是常考的考点。 二、真题单句归纳 (1)After an hour or so we began to feel very frightening. (frightening 改为frightened,因它表示某人感到害怕,而不是令人害怕)(全国卷) (2)Charles said,“As soon as I see a realy tall building,I want to climb it. (realy 改为really 或real,若改为really,则修饰tall;若改为real,则修饰building)(全国卷)(3)Last Sunday,police cars hurry to the taller building in New York. (taller 改为tallest,因从含义上看此处应是最高级)(全国卷) (4)As a result,people in the modern world generally live much more longer than people in the past. (去掉more,因为longer 本身已是比较级,不能再受more 修饰)(全国卷)(5)Therefore,there are still some countries where people have shorter lives. (Therefore 改为However,因此处语意转折)(全国卷) (6)People in industrial countries can expect to live for twice so long as people who lived a few hundred years ago. (so long as 改为as long as,其意为“与……一样长”)(全国卷)(7)In some places you may borrow many books as you want. (many 之前加as,因 as …… as 结构不完整)(全国卷) (8)I told Mother,Father,Sister and all my friends here that a great time I had. (that 改为what)(全国卷) (9)I never knew a ride down a river could be so much exciting. (去掉much,因much 不能用来修饰形容词的原级,尽管它可用来修饰比较级和最高级)(全国卷)(10)I‘m sure we’ll have a wonderfully time together. (wonderfully 改为wonderful,因它是放在名词前作定语)(全国卷)


短文改错专题 一.改错题型特点: 高考短文改错是知识和能力的综合测试题型。主要考查考生在语篇中综合运用英语知识的准确性及词、句、篇和语法的综合水平。高考短文改错设置的考点灵活多变,知识层次多,覆盖面广,包括词法、句法、行文逻辑以及语篇结构等,是一种在较高层次上考查考生对英语知识的掌握和语言综合运用能力的测试题型。 二.短文改错常见考点设置: 考点1:名词 命题特点: 本来用复数,却用单数;本来用单数,却用复数。 记住常考的几个不可数名词:news, work(工作), advice, fun, progress, information, luck, weather, music, health, change(零钱),baggage(行李), luggage(行李),furniture, jewellery, equipment等 改正方法: (1)根据名词前的修饰限定成份(2)根据上下文的逻辑关系. 1. She said that she and my schoolmate all wished me success. 2. After class we become stranger at once. 3. They want me to devote all my time to my studies so that I’ll get marks in all my subject. 4. On the way up I was busy taking picture since the scenery was so beautiful. 5. There are advantage for students to work while studying at school. 6. Now we can get millions of informations from the Internet. 7. He had no ideas that the kitchen was not for guests. 8. She is one of the most intelligent girl in our class. 9. I looked at his other hands. 10. Most of them are peasant and some often go fishing in the sea. 11. We have made great progresses with Mr. Liu teaching us. 12. Head teacher Guy Holloway said the new rules should help students get higher grade. 13. He was tall, with broad shoulder and a beard that turned from black toward gray over the years. 14. He’s getting married next month and decides to buy some furnitures. 考点2:代词 命题特点:1.男女性代词用反;2.单数指代复数;3.代词词性用错;4.缺少人称代词。 改正方法: 根据上下文的逻辑关系以及人称代词的数和格的一致问题。 15. Rose is such a kind girl that we all like him very much. 16. The Smiths did his best to make me feel at home. 17. I have a good friend who’s name is Liu Mei. 18. It was about noon when we arrived at the foot of the mountain. The three of them were very excited. 19. Soon I began to enjoy talking to myself as I was learning to express me in simple English. 20. My story book is much more interesting than her. 21. One day I wrote a little story and showed to my teacher. 22. Some students may also save up for our college or future use. 23. Do you think necessary for you to learn Japanese well? 24. I dressed me quickly and hurried out the house. 25. You’d better keep that he said in mind. 26. He has three children, two of them are teachers. 27. The population of China is much larger than it of the USA.


高考英语短文改错20篇 1 Have you ever heard from the saying: All work and no 76. play make Jack a dull boy?What this means is that if you 77. study all the times you will become a boring person. You 78. must go out and having fun with your friends, otherwise 79. you will lose him. No one wants to be friends with the 80. person who that only works and studies. Perhaps you have 81. a confidence problem. Please try remember that the work 82. you do is for yourself rather than for anyone else. You do 83. not have to compete your classmates. No one can be 84. happier in studying seven days and seven nights a week. 85. 2 Dear Tracy, Although I'm 1 6 years old,but my father still treats 76. _____ me as a careless children. He doesn’t value my opinions.77. _ _____ He is very strict with me and often punishes me about 78. _ _____ leaving things lying around in the house while he did this 79. _ _____ all time. I think he fails to set an example to me to 80. _ _____ follow. But he often says:“Doing as I say,not as I do.”81. _ _____ Even worse,he points out my past mistakes to guests,82. _ _____ making me feel hurting. I love my father, but I can’t83. _ _____ bear what he does. I have been tried many times 84. _ _____ to talk with he but he never listens. Please, help me. 85. _ _____ Puzzled 3 Every morning Steve went to work by train. As he 76. _____________ has a long trip, he always buys newspaper. It helps 77. _____________ make the time passing more quickly. One Tuesday 78. _____________ morning, he turned over the sports page. He wanted 79. _____________ to see the report about an important football match 80. _____________ the night before. The report was so interesting that he forgot to get off at his station. He did not know it unless 81. _____________ he saw the sea. He got off at the next station, and had to wait 82. _____________ a long time for a train to go back. It was no doubt that he arrived 83. _____________ late at the office. His boss was angry when Sieve told to him 84. _____________ why he was late. “Work is very important than football! ”. 85. _____________


高考英语短文改错分类解析 解题步骤: 1. 着手篇章,了解大意 考生做短文改错时,不应急于改错,而应先把文章浏览一遍,弄清文章的脉络层次和中心思想,把握作者所采用的时态、语态、人称和数。可以先把短文中明显的错误(如固定词组、词性、单复数)或认为有可能的错误(如句子结构的错误)用铅笔轻轻地标出来,为下一步正式改错做准备。 2. 逐句分析,依句改错 在短文改错中,题随行出、错随句生。因此,考生应在略读全文、把握文章中心思想的基础上,对文章进行逐行逐句研究,从词汇的用法、句子的结构到文章的篇章逻辑都要进行仔细地推敲,把错误之处一一改正过来,切不可孤立地依行改错。若一时发现不了错误,不要揪住一处不放而耽搁太多时间。可以在全文改完以后,再回过头来进行难点突破。若已改出了八、九处错误,剩余一两处实在找不出错误而时间又来不及时,则大胆地打上钩,不留空白。当然,有些考生在考试过程中由于紧张而脾气急躁,一看找不到错处就打勾,这也是不明智的。因为近几年来,该题的出题方式基本稳定,只有一处是正确的。 3. 复读全文,检查核对 考生在做完短文改错题后,务必要把已改好的短文复读一遍,查看是否出现疏漏或遗漏的地方,特别要注意时态、语态、代词所指及人称和数等篇章逻辑方面的问题,检查无误后方可定稿作答。 错误分类解析: 高考英语短文改错分类解析---名词 一、考点规律分析 短文改错的名词考点主要涉及名词的单复数问题,即在该用复数的地方误用其单数,或在该用单数的地方误用其复数。 二、真题单句归纳 (1) We stopped to rest for a while and to drink some waters from a stream. (2) We climb everywhere, not only in America. We have been to Europe many time. (3) There are branch library in many villages. (4) I hope that you two could come and visit us some times soon. (5) They were eager to know everything about China and asked me lots of question. (6) We study quite a few subject, such as maths, Chinese, English and physics. (7) Happy birthday, Peter, and many happy return of the day! (8) She was doing her homeworks one Sunday morning. (9) She said that she and my schoolmate all wished me success. (10) I used to love science class — all of them— biology, chemistry, geography, physics. (11) They did not want me to do any work at family. (12) I’ll get good marks in all my subject. (13) On the way up I was busy taking picture since the scenery was so beautiful. (14) Without enough knowledges, you can never teach well. (15) Their word were a great encouragement to me. (16) You know, that was a dinner we had waited for several month. (17) Nowadays millions of people of all age take pleasure in a hobby. (18) You can find all kinds of information in just a few minute on the Internet. 三、模拟单句演练 (1) Women live longer than men in most country. (2) The film is very interesting. I have seen it many time. (3) It’s said that all the ticket have been sold out. (4) The children spend a lot of times watching TV. (5) I met a lot of interesting peoples on holiday. (6) The flower in the park were all pleasing. (7) He’s getting married next month and decides to buy some furnitures. (8) Computer are becoming more and more popular in the country. (9) It’s one of the most interesting book that I’ve ever read. (10) Hearing the news, the woman burst into tear. (11) He hasn’t lived here long, but he has a great many friend here.


【解题技巧】 1、通读全文,了解短文大意,把握全篇的时态、人称及行文逻辑,尤其是有的行文逻辑方面的错误在看单句时难以发现错误(比如前文用mike,后文代词用she等)。在通读全文时把一些容易的错误先改好,再进行分句改错。 2、分局阅读,逐行找错。在完成第一步后,要进行逐行主句的改错。这是要对文中的词法、句法和语篇角度着重分析和特别注意。 3、最后把改好的短文再阅读一遍,检查答案是否正确,感觉是否还有不妥之处,最终形成定稿。 【考查要点】 1 词法的测试: 2 定冠词和不定冠词的用法,即a, an, the三者的转化与增减。例:A beauty of the West Lake is more than I can describe.正解:A--The 3 名词的单复数和名词所有格。 例:More than one students can’t take in it.正解:students—student 4 动词的时态、语态、语气,情态动词和非谓语动词。

例:He is good at sing songs.正解:sing—singing 5 人称代词的格、物主代词、指示代词、连接代词、不定代词等用法。 例:The book is her.正解:her—hers 6 词性的变化。 例:John deep believed that the God knows everything.正解:deep—deeply 7 并列连词、从属连词的用法。 例:She insisted that the boy told was a lie.正解:that—what 8 形容词、副词以及比较级与最高级的用法。 例:They all exacting by the exacted news.正解:exacting—exacted ; exacted—exacting 9 固定搭配与习惯用法。 例:It happened all of sudden.正解:of 后加a 11、句法的测试: 12 考察英语的一致性现象,主要包括:主谓不一致、代词不一致、


2018高考英语专题---短文改错 压轴题高分策略之错词 一、考点规律分析 短文改错中,错词所占比重最高,常占整篇短文改错10题中的的6个小题左右。错词的情况也最为复杂,常见的有:动词错误;名词错误;连词错误;冠词错误;形容词和副词错误;代词错误;非谓语动词常见错误;介词错误;习惯用法错误以及逻辑上的错误等。矚慫润厲钐瘗睞枥庑赖。 1. 动词的常见错误 ①一般现在时与一般过去时错用; ② and前后动词时态不一致; ③主谓不一致; ④缺少动词,特别是be动词; ⑤第三人称单数形式错用; ⑥主动语态和被动语态错用。 They did not want me to do any work at home; they want me to devote all my time to my studies.聞創沟燴鐺險爱氇谴净。 【答案】did改为do As we climbed the mountain, we fed monkeys, visiting temples and told stories. 残骛楼諍锩瀨濟溆塹籟。 【答案】visiting改为visited 【思路分析】 通读全句可知,句子的整个时态为一般过去时,有三个并列的谓语动词,分别为fed,visiting和told。很明显,并列连词and前后的动词时态应该保持一致,所以应该把visiting改为visited。酽锕极額閉镇桧猪訣锥。 One evening she told me that something happened when her parents was out.彈贸摄尔霁毙攬砖卤庑。


My aunt lives in a village far from my town. Last year she came to visit us brought me a 11. ____________ little dog for my birthday present. It was a little black 12. ____________ dog with white spots on. It was so lovely that I 13. ____________ liked it at once. Every day after school I played the 14. ____________ dog and it gave me much more pleasure. I was glad 15. ____________ to have it as my company. One day the dog went away 16. ____________ and never came back again. All my families were out searching 17. ____________ for it but it was nowhere to found. How I worried 18. ____________ about it all those days. A week later a letter came about 19. ____________ my aunt saying that the little dog had returned 20. ____________ 答案: 11.brought前加and,用and连接多个动词表示一连串动作。 12.for改为as “作为生日礼物”。 13.on后加it,“它身上有斑点”,on用作介词,如果用with sth. on则表示“穿着,(灯)亮着”等。 14.played后加with,play with表示“与…嬉戏”。 15.more删去,“给我乐趣”。 16.away改为out,go out表示“出门,出去”,go away表示“走开”。 17.families改为family,指“我”的家人。 18.found前加be,用不定式被动态表示“没有被找到”。 19.about改为from,指“我姨给我来了一封信”。 20.√ 1 A few months after returning the US from Germany, I took 1 . part in a college course in French. Since I have learned to 2 . speak German good in Germany, I thought that it might be 3 . interested to begin studying another language. At the first 4 . class, the teacher asked us to do a pronunciation exercise, 5 . in which he would say one word or two in French, and each 6 . student would do their best to copy. When he got to me, he 7 . kept having me to say more words, and I finally asked him 8 . why. “I find it great funs. It's the first time I've heard an 9 . American speak French with a German accent. “he explained it. 10. 2


2020高考英语短文改错模拟训练10篇(有详解) No.01 I like riding my bike. Though it is not very new, but it is 1.___________ my best friend. I find very convenient to go anywhere with a 2.___________ bike. Ride gives me not only exercise but also pleasure. I 3.___________ use my bike mostly on summer when the weather is warm 4.___________ and dry. It can very unpleasant in winter when it is cold and 5.___________ rain is pouring down. It can also be very danger. Of course 6.___________ I will be very careful on my bike. In facts, accidents are not 7.___________ the only problem. One day I went to school and come back 8.___________ to find his front wheel was missing. It was a long walk to 9.___________ the repairer’s shop. Now I have two strong locks. 10.___________ 【答案与解析】 1. 去掉 but。汉语可说“虽然……但是……”,但英语习惯上不能相应地说though…but…。(注:不能去掉 though,因为这样还会涉及大小写的改动,而高考 短文改错每行只允许改动一处。) 2. find 后加 it。此 it 为形式宾语,真正的宾语是其后的不定式。

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