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图形用户界面(GUI)详细发展历史发布者:[飞翔]浏览:[ ]评论:[0]

Computer(which included former members of the Xerox PARC group) continued to develop such ideas. The Macintosh, released in 1984, was the first commercially successful product to use a GUI. A desktop metaphor was used, in which files looked like pieces of paper; directories looked like file folders; there were a set of desk accessories like a calculator, notepad, and alarm clock that the user could place around the screen as desired; and the user could delete files and folders by dragging them to a trash can on the screen.

There is still some controversy over the amount of influence that Xerox’s PARC work, as opposed to previous academic research, had on the GUIs of Apple’s Lisa and Macintosh, but it is clear that the influence was extensive.

The Macintosh’s GUI has been revised with time since 1984, with a major update with System 7, and underwent its largest revision with the introduction of the "Aqua" interface in 2001’s Mac OS X.


Graphical user interface primarily designed for spreadsheets by the company that wrote the legendary VisiCalc spreadsheet. First introduced the "windows" concept and a mouse to the PC environment, in 1983. Preceded the first Microsoft Windows implementations. VisiOn never took off because it could not be used to run other MS-DOS applications and was buggy and expensive. Inspired the multitasking system DESQview.

Amiga Intuition

Amiga computers developed a GUI in 1985 called Intuition. In this GUI directories were shown as filing cabinet drawers.

The Amiga GUI was unique for its time because it featured a pop-up command line interface (CLI) for those times when a GUI does not offer enough control.


At the same time Microsoft was developing Windows in the 1980s, Digital Research developed the GEM Desktop GUI system. GEM was created as an alternative window system to run on IBM PC systems, either on top of MS-DOS

(like Microsoft Windows) or on top of CPM-86, DR’s own operating system that MS-DOS was patterened after. GEM achieved minimal success in the PC world, but was later used as the native GUI on the Atari ST machines.


GEOS was another very early graphical desktop system. Originally written for the 8 bit home computer Commodore 64 it was later ported to IBM PC systems. It came with several application programs like a calendar and word processor, and a cut-down version served as the basis for America Online’s DOS client. Compared to the competing Windows 3.0 GUI, it could run reasonably well on simpler hardware.

Revivals were seen in the HP OmniGo handhelds, Brother GeoBook line of laptop-appliances, and the New Deal Office package for PCs. Related code found its way to earlier ’Zoomer’ PDAs, creating an unclear lineage to Palm, Inc’s later work.

Microsoft Windows

Microsoft modeled the first version of Windows, released in 1985, on the GUI of the Mac OS. Windows 1.0was a GUI (graphic user interface) for the MS-DOS operating system that had been the standard OS for with IBM PC and compatible computers since 1981. Windows 2.0 followed, then in 1990 the Windows 3.0launch was when the popularity of Windows really exploded. The GUIs of subsequent versions of Windows have been similar to the GUI of Windows 3.0.

In 1988, Apple sued Microsoft for copyright infringement of the Lisa and Apple Macintosh GUI. The court case lasted 4 years before almost all of Apple’s claims were den ied. Subsequent appeals by Apple were also denied, and Microsoft and Apple apparently entered a final, private settlement of the matter in 1997 as a side note in a broader announcement of investment and cooperation.


Early versions of what became called RISC OS were known as Arthur, which was released in 1987. RISC OS was a colour GUI operating system which used three-buttoned mice, a taskbar (called the iconbar), and a file navigator similar to that of Mac OS. Acorn created RISC OS in the 1980s for their

ARM-CPU based computers.


The NeXTSTEP user interface was used in the NeXT line of computers. NeXTSTEP’s first major version was released in 1989. It used Display PostScript for its graphical underpinning. The NeXTSTEP interface’s most significant feature was the Dock, carried into Mac OS X, and had other minor interface details that some found made it easier and more intuitive to use than previous GUIs. NeXTSTEP’s GUI was the first to feature opaque dragging of windows in its user interface, on a comparatively weak machine by today’s standards.

/H3> Originally collaboratively developed by Microsoft and IBM to replace DOS, version 1.0 (released in 1987) had no GUI at all. Version 1.1 (released 1988) included Presentation Manager (PM), which looked a lot like the later Windows 3.0 UI. After the split with Microsoft, IBM developed the Workplace Shell (WPS) for version 2.0 (released in 1992), a quite radical, object-oriented approach to GUIs. Microsoft later imitated much of this in Windows 95.

BeOSX Window System

The PostScript-based NeWS(Network extensible Window System) was developed by Sun Microsystems. For several years SunOS included a window system combining NeWS and the X Window System. Although NeWS was considered technically elegant by some commentators, Sun eventually dropped the product. Unlike X, NeWS was always

proprietary software.

The X Window System

The standard windowing system in the Unix world, developed in the early 1980s, is the X Window System, or X. X was developed at MIT as Project Athena. Its original purpose was to allow users of the newly emerging graphic terminals to access remote graphics workstations, without regard to the workstation’s operating system or the hardware. Due largely to the availability of the source code used to write X, it has become the standard layer for management of graphical and input/output devices and for the building of both local and remote graphical interfaces on virtually all systems, including UNIX, the BSD operating systems and the GNU/Linux distributions.

X allows a graphical terminal user to make use of remote resources on the network as if they were all located locally to the user by running a single module of software called the X server. The software running on the remote workstation is called the client application. X’s network transparency protocols allow the display and input portions of any application to be separated from the remainder of the application a nd ’served up’ to any of a


GUI指导教程系列(1):GUI入门基本操作 为什么在MATLAB中要使用GUI呢?其实GUI就是Matlab中的Visual Basic,是面向对象的编程,可以使Matlab程序的终端用户,即使不懂的Matlab也可以轻易操作该程序! 如果没有图形用户界面(GUI)我们只能从命令行(Command Window)中调用相关程序,这相对比较繁琐,并且不是所有用户都是这个能力。就好比计算机的DOS 系统,在有windows的情况下,您会选择DOS吗?当然我们也不排除骨灰级的人物! 在本节教程我们主要针对没有GUI创建和使用经历的网友,但是必要的MATLAB 基础知识是需要的。在教程中我们将创建一个简单的GUI程序,它执行两个数的加法运行,然后显示其运算结果。 好下面开始我们的教程! 一、打开和创建GUI界面 1、首先打开Matlab,在Command Window中输入guide回车 2、此时打开GUI编辑器GUIDE(GUI Developer的缩写) 2.1 界面上有两个标签也“Creat New GUI”和“Open Existing GUI” 如果创建新的GUI此时我们选择第一个标签页,但如果打开其它已经存在的GUI 就点击第二个标签吧

2.2 这里我们选择第一个标签下的“Blank GUI”(空白GUI),下面还有几个系统GUI模版,你可以根据需要选择其它的。 2.3 点击“OK”我们正式进入GUIDE界面,呵呵,是不是感觉似曾相识 3、添加你需要的控件到figure中 在添加控件之前,您最好对您的GUI界面布局已经有一定的构思了,否则盲目性太大了不利于您的编程。下面是我们构思的布局。

实验三 图形用户界面设计

实验三图形用户界面设计 实验目的 1.掌握Java语言中GUI编程的基本方法 2.掌握Java语言中AWT组件的基本用法 3.掌握Java语言中Swing组件的基本用法 实验导读 1.通过图形用户界面(GUI:Graphics User Interface),用户和程序之间可以方便地 进行交互。 AWT(Abstract Windowing Toolkit),中文译为抽象窗口工具包,是Java提供的用来建立和设置Java的图形用户界面的基本工具。AWT由Java中的包提供,里面包含了许多可用来建立与平台无关的图形用户界面(GUI)的类,这些类又被称为组件(components)。 Swing是一个用于开发Java应用程序用户界面的开发工具包。它以抽象窗口工具包(AWT)为基础使跨平台应用程序可以使用任何可插拔的外观风格。Swing开发人员只用很少的代码就可以利用Swing丰富、灵活的功能和模块化组件来创建优雅的用户界面。 JDK写程序所有功能都是靠虚拟机去操作本地操作系统。比如window下,就是JDK用windows API实现功能。而awt包中很多组件是组件自身去调用本地操作系统代码swing包中的组件采用的是调用本地虚拟机方法,由虚拟机再调用本地操作系统代码。意思就是中间多了一层,这样就加强了swing包的移植性,与本地关系不那强了。 图 AWT常用组件继承关系图 Container为容器,是一个特殊的组件,该组件中可以通过add方法添加其他组件进来。 2.布局,容器中的组件的排放方式。常见的布局管理器: FlowLayout(流式布局管理器):从左到右的顺序排列。Panel默认的布局管理器。 BorderLayout(边界布局管理器):东,南,西,北,中。Frame默认的布局管理器。 GridLayout(网格布局管理器):规则的矩阵


图形用户界面(GUI)设计举例 Tags: MATLAB图形用户界面GUI设计举例 Time : 2005-2-21 18:25:39 | Views : 756 | Font Size : Large Medium Small | Category : 毕业设计,留底回忆 前面我们已经大概的了解了MATLAB环境下的图形用户界面(GUI)设计,下面便通过具体的例子来演示在MATLAB环境下图形用户界面设计的方法与思想。 MATLAB的图形用户界面设计实际上是一种面向对象的设计方法。假设想建立一个图形界面来显示和处理二维图形的颜色、线型及数据点的图标。要求其基本功能是: (1)建立一个主坐标系,用来显示要绘制的二维图形; (2)建立一个列表框,允许用户选择不同的着色方法; (3)建立一组按扭,用于处理二维图形线型和数据点的图标; (4)为图形界面加入菜单项,用于决定坐标轴是否显示及坐标轴上是否需要网格; (A)最初图形界面的设想如下图所示: (B)根据上面的设想,下面我们就来制作它的图形用户界面: 首先,我们先来看其图形窗口的设置。在MATLAB命令窗口中选择菜单可获得一个标准MATLAB 的图形窗口,但我们可采用如下命令使得打开窗口的形式更富于变化: 窗口句柄=figure(属性1,属性值1,属性2,属性值2,……); 通过这样的方式可以很容易地打开一个新的图形窗口,并返回该窗口的句柄,以后我们可以方便地对它进行进一步修正,窗口的属性诸如颜色(Color),标题名(Name)、位置(Position)等,都可根据需要设定。若要改变窗口的某些属性,则可通过调set()函数来完成。这样我们就得到其窗口生成的程序如下: yWin=figure('Position',[100,100,410,310],'Name','对MATLAB绘图功能选项的演示 (2003/3/21)','Menubar','none', 'Resize','off','pointer','custom', 'numbertitle','off'); 接下来我们看起菜单项的加入。我们已建立了一个图形窗口,下面给它加入菜单项。 菜单设置是由uimenu()函数来完成的,该函数调用格式为: 菜单项句柄=uimenu(窗口句柄,属性1,属性值1,属性2,属性值2,……); 还可在某一个菜单条下定义一个新的子菜单条: 子菜单句柄=uimenu(菜单项句柄,属性1,属性值1,属性2,属性值2,……); uimenu()函数的属性最基本的有:


GUI(图形用户界面)外观 设计

1、外观设计定义: 外观设计,是指对产品的形状、图案或者其结合以及色彩与形状、图案的结合所做出的富 有美感并适于工业应用的新设计。 A、产品: 外观设计的载体应当是产品,即,用工业方法生产出来的物品,而对于不能重复生产的手工艺品、农产品、畜产品、自然物则不能作为外观设计的载体。 B、形状、图案、色彩 构成产品的外观设计的要素和要素组合包括:形状,图案,形状与图案,形状与色彩,图案与色彩,形状与图案与色彩,换言之,单独的色彩不能独立构成外观设计; C、外观设计产品必须适于工业应用,即,必须能够用工业方法生产并批量生产; D、外观设计必须具有美感,是否具有美感因不同的国家、民族和时代而异,带有一定的主观成分,通常认为只要不是极其丑陋、不违反社会公德且能为大众所接受的,就可以认为具有美感; E、必须是新设计,由于现阶段中国外观设计不经过实质审查(将在下文详细讨论),因此,在初步审查中,审查员通常仅需根据申请文件的内容及一般消费者的常识来判断外观设计是否满足“新设计”的一般性要求。

2、通常需要准备的视图: 在外观设计产品为立体产品的情况下,如果产品设计要点涉及六个面,则应当准备六个面的正投影视图; 如果产品设计要点仅涉及一个或几个面的,则应当至少准备所涉及面的正投影视图及能够展现出该面的立体图。 在外观设计产品为平面产品的情况下,如果产品设计要点涉及一个面的,则可以仅提交该面的正投影视图;如果产品设计要点涉及两个面的,则应当提交两个面的正投影视图。 必要时,申请人还可以进一步提供剖视图、放大图、变化状态图及使用状态参考图等以更为清楚地表达请求保护的对象。 在确定需要准备的视图时,申请人需要特别注意的是,在外观设计专利申请提交之后,关于那些没有呈现在申请时所提交的视图中的面的视图将不能再被补入该外观设计专利申请。 因此,申请人在视图选择上应当慎重,充分考虑是否所选择视图已清楚地表达了请求保护的对象。

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