当前位置:文档之家› 2015年11月14日雅思阅读真题回忆



2015年11月14日雅思阅读真题回忆今天小编给大家带来的主要内容是2015年11月14日雅思阅读真题回忆,本次考试阅读部分分为AB卷,其中B卷回忆内容较少,passage 1为科技类话题,文章是关于味道与食品添加剂的发展和使用。passage 2为动物类话题,关于鸟类的导航系统。Passage3为教育类话题,关于各国对天才儿童的看法。A卷passage 1历史类话题;passage2动物类话题,介绍鸟类如何使用工具; passage3科技类话题,介绍潮汐能。大家可以参考剑桥真题相似文章,以便更好地备考接下来的雅思阅读考试。


Passage 1 :





1. C

2. F

3. A

4. D

5. D

6. H

7. B

8. E

9. I

10. conflict

11. individuals

12. amnesia

13. evidence


Passage 2 :




14. iv

15. viii

16. i

17. ix

18. vii

19. iii

20. vi

21. C

22. B

23. A

24. B

25. B

26. A

Passage 3 :

题目:潮汐能tidal power



27. T

28. F

29. NG

30. F

31. barrage

32. mouth

33. night tide

34. turbines

35. fish

36. sensitive habitats


38. A

39. A

40. D


雅思真题需要做哪几套 雅思阅读真题那些事儿

雅思真题需要做哪几套雅思阅读真题那些事儿 一、雅思阅读真题 雅思考试是听说读写四项英语交流能力的测试。它是为那些打算在以英语作为交流语言的国家或地区留学,移民或就业的人们设置的英语语言水平考试。 雅思真题一般是指官方整理出版的剑桥雅思套题系列,是从已考过的雅思试卷中抽取的真题。虽然这些试题不会再考,但是作为最接近雅思考试真题水平的试卷,受到广大烤鸭的欢迎。目前已经出了剑1-10共10本书。由于剑1-3已经有些老旧,所以推荐同学们雅思阅读只需备考剑4-10即可。 二、雅思阅读真题如何使用 、做题方法 剑桥雅思阅读真题对于烤鸭来说无异于圣经般的存在,那到底该如何让其发挥最大功效呢?具体方法如下: 第一天按照规定的时间内,做完一套阅读题目。并找出自己的错题点。总结好自己为什么错题,并把原因细致地写在题目旁。然后总结优化对题的做题思路。 第二天可以对前一天的思路进行回顾与复习并再次验证前一天做题思路的正误。再次思考是否有更多的角度可以快速高效做题。 ://

第五天可以把这套题的答案部分擦掉,再以模拟的状态做一遍套题,看看自己的正确率是否有提高。做题过程中要有意识地修正老旧的做题思路,采取曾经总结过的新思路。 做题后再次优化总结做题思路。这时,同学会对做题思路有个更加宏观的把握。也就是说,你对某种题型会有模式化的思路,甚至总结出了某种题型内部的逻辑联系。运用以上思路,解读所有阅读套题,这是一个量的积累过程。 过了一段时间后,当把所有的套题都按照以上的思路进行分析以后,考生对雅思阅读题会有一个相当深的了解,并已经熟练掌握了阅读过程中的出题敏感点。基本能够做到对不同解题思路的运用自如。并能够准确预测出题目的考察角度及考点位置。总结好的思路可以做到以一当百。 最后阶段,需对所有雅思阅读做题思路做最后一次回顾。查缺补漏,固化思维模式,并熟练各种解题套路。考前如有时间,可以快速回顾自己的解题思路,做到烂熟于心。 、做题技巧 1、怎么进行错题分析? 第一,对于做错的题要找到错题点。例如词汇不认识,替换词没看出来……可以把总结的问题或思路写在题目旁。 第二要注意的是,对整套题的错题进行细化归纳,并根据分类做好笔记。比如:思路错误20,词汇等等。


Passage1 The Context, Meaning and Scope of Tourism 1. 难度分析:较简单 2.文章标题:The Context, Meaning and Scope of Tourism 旅游业的意义 3.文章话题:社会类

5. 题型分析: 文章题型由三个题型组成:小标题配对题+判断题+句子填空,第一大题属于段落主旨题,后两题是细节题型。 6.题目解析: Questions 1-4 小标题配对题 1. Paragraph B 2. Paragraph C 3. Paragraph D 4. Paragraph E 答案解析: 1. 选ii。定位到第二段第一句话:Tourism in the mass form as we know it today is a distinctly twentieth-century phenomenon. 表明就我们所知,广义的旅游业是一个

二十世纪的现象。选项中的mass tourism与原文中的tourism in the mass form是同义替换。 2. 选i。定位到第三段第一句话:Tourism today has grown significantly in both economic and social importance. 即目前旅游业对经济及社会都非常重要。选项中的significance替换原文的importance。 3. 选v。定位到第四段第一句话:However, the major problems of the travel and tourism industry that have hidden or obscured its economic impact are the diversity and fragmentation of the industry itself. 意思是旅游业的主要问题是这个产业本身的多样性和分散性,这使得其经济影响变得不那么明显。选项中的difficulty,effects分别替换原文的problems和impact。 4. 选vii。定位到第五段第一句话:Once the exclusive province of the wealthy, travel and tourism have become an institutionalised way of life for most of the population. 表明旅游业曾经是富人们的特权,而现在已经变成大多数人们习以为常的一种生活方式了。选项中的world,impact替换原文的most of the population, institutionalised。 Questions 5-10 判断题 5. The largest employment figures in the world are found in the travel and tourism industry. 6. Tourism contributes over six per cent of the Australian gross national product. 7. Tourism has a social impact because it promotes recreation. 8. Two main features of the travel and tourism industry make its economic significance difficult to ascertain. 9. Visitor spending is always greater than the spending of residents in tourist areas. 10. It is easy to show statistically how tourism affects individual economies. 答案解析: 5. 选TRUE。定位到第三段第三句话: According to the World Travel and Tourism Council (1992), ‘Travel and tourism is the largest industry in the world on virtually any economic measure including value-added capital investment, employment and tax


2019年12月雅思真题回忆及解析 信念和斗志宜聚,懈怠和悲观宜散,我们的斗志因信念而燃起,不懈怠、不悲观,落实每一个知识点。无忧考网搜集整理了2019年12月雅思真题回忆及解析,希望对大家有所帮助。2019年12月举行了3场考试,时间分别为12月7日、12月12日、12月14日。以下内容仅供参考。 12月7日雅思口语真题回忆: Part 1考题总结 考题总结 基本题 Hometown Where’s your hometown? Do you like it? What do you like most about it? What don’t you like about it? Are there any tourist attractions? Do you like to live beside the seaside? Study or Work Do you work or study? What’s your major? Do you like it? Do you find it interesting? What work do you do? What do you find most difficult with your jobs/studies? Do you think your job/subject is easy or difficult?

What are you planning to do in the future? Names Do you like your names? Does your name have any special meaning? What kinds of names are popular in China? Are there many Chinese people who have the same names as you? Is there any tradition about naming babies? Accommodation Do you live in a house or flat? Which part of your house do you like most? What’s the difference between an apartment and a house? Which do you prefer? What facilities are there in your neighbourhood? What’s your favourite place in your home? Do you live with your family? 娱乐题 Animals What wild animal do you like most? Have you ever seen any wild animals before? Do you like to go to the zoo? Have you ever kept pets? Movies What’s your favourite movie?


2019年9月雅思口语题库(新题+高频话题)9-12月的口语话题出了哪些新题与旧题呢?整理了9月参加雅思考试的小伙伴的最新口语话题会议,整体上来看,很多题目仍然是旧题的变更版,下面是最新的part1、part2话题,大家结合对应语料复习即可。 (1)Part 1 高频新题有Haircut,Jeans,Makeup, Tiredness, Concentration等话题 (2)Part 2 高频新题A place where you read and write, A place you remember well that if full of colors, An experience when you visited a friend, An experience when you first met someone, A special day that made you happy. 具体题目 1. Study/ Work 2. Accommodation 3. Hometown 4. Haircut What’syour favorite hairstyle?How often do you have your haircut?Do you often change your haircut? 5. Jeans

Do you wear jeans?How often do you wear jeans?Do you like to wear jeans?Why do you think jeans are popular in China? 6. Eating How often do you eat with your family?Do you like eating healthy food?Do you eat out a lot?Do you prefer eating at home or a restaurant? 7. Tiredness What things make you tired?What do you do when you feel tired?Who do you prefer to talk to when you feeltired, your friends or family members?Do you want to talk to strangers when you feel mentally tired? 8. Makeup Do you often wear makeup?What does wearing makeup mean to you?Do you give cosmetics as gifts?What do you think when you see a man wearing makeup? 9. Trust Who do you trust most?Have you ever lost trust in someone?What kind of people do you trust?Do you trust artificial intelligence? 10. Island

雅思口语原创最新试题及答案 Part1

雅思口语原创最新试题及答案Part—1 P art 1 Solution 关于假日 ☆ What do you usually do during holidays? And what you don't do during holidays? Usually I will go out to visit some fun spots with my parents, or hang out with my friends, or play sports. Whatever I do, I try to relax myself. Do you think holidays are important to our lives? (Absolutely!Holidays are like … when we can get away from our daily grind and have some “time out”,you know… when we check out fun spots, hang out with friends and play sports without having to constantly worry about getting our work done. They are just so cool…) ☆What‘re your favorite leisure activities? Well, my leisure activity is reading electronic newspapers via internet. Through reading the news, I can get access to up-to- date information about my hometown. It has become an indispensable part of my daily life. Reading the electronic newspaper is also a good way to relax from work. ☆ What did you do on last weekend? Last weekend, I went to UTS library to prepare for IELTS test with my friends. It was effective to practice spoken English with a partner so that he can pick up my grammar mistakes or pronunciation problem. We also had a big dinner in the evening in China town. Do you like going to a party? Basically, I am not a party animal. I prefer to stay at home rather than go out for socializing. I know somehow partying provides people with a good platform to socialize with those from different social and cultural background. But if the party is an important one, for example, my best friend birthday party or annual parties from work, I am happy to attend. ☆Do you like family parties or parties thrown by friends? Well, I do like friend parties more than family parties. You know, there is a obvious generation gap between parents and children. Although we both care


Climate and Country Wealth Why are some countries stupendously rich and others horrendously poor? Social theorists have been captivated by this question since the late 18th century, when Scottish economist Adam Smith argued in his magisterial work The Wealth of Nations that the best prescription for prosperity is a free-market economy in which the government allows businesses substantial freedom to pursue profits. Smith, however, made a second notable hypothesis: that the physical geography of a region can influence its economic performance. He contended that the economies of coastal regions, with their easy access to sea trade, usually outperform the economies of inland areas. Coastal regions and those near navigable waterways are indeed far richer and more densely settled than interior regions, just as Smith predicted. Moreover, an area's climate can also affect its economic development. Nations in tropical climate zones generally face higher rates of infectious disease and lower agricultural productivity (especially for staple foods) than do nations in temperate zones. Similar burdens apply to the desert zones. The very poorest regions in the world are those saddled with both handicaps: distance from sea trade and a tropical or desert ecology. The basic lessons of geography are worth repeating, because most economists have ignored them. In the past decade the vast majority of papers on economic development have neglected even the most obvious geographical realities. The best single indicator of prosperity is gross national product (GNP) per capita – the total value of a country's economic output, divided by its population. A map showing the world distribution of GNP per capita immediately reveals the vast gap between rich and poor nations. The great majority of the poorest countries lie in the geographical tropics. In contrast, most of the richest countries lie in the temperate zones. Among the 28 economies categorized as high income by the World Bank, only Hong Kong, Singapore and part of T aiwan are in the tropical zone, representing a mere 2 percent of the combined population of the high-income regions. Almost all the temperate-zone countries have either high-income economies (as in the cases of North America, western Europe, Korea and Japan) or middle-income economies (as in the cases of eastern Europe, the former Soviet Union and China). In addition, there is a strong temperate-tropical divide within countries that straddle both types of climates. Most of Brazil, for example, lies within the tropical zone, but the richest part of the nation – the southernmost states –is in the temperate zone. There are two major ways in which a region’s climate affects economic development. First, it affects the prevalence of disease. Many kinds of infectious diseases are endemic to the tropical and subtropical zones. This tends to be true of diseases in which the pathogen spends part of its life cycle outside the human host: for instance, malaria (carried by mosquitoes) and helminthic infections (caused by parasitic worms). Although epidemics of malaria have occurred sporadically as far north as Boston in the past century, the disease has never gained a lasting foothold in the temperate zones, because the cold winters naturally control the mosquito-based


剑桥雅思10TEST2 PASSAGE1阅读解析 1. 总体难度概括:中等 2. 文章介绍:标题: tea and the industrial revolution 话题:历史类 3. 词汇准备: a段 anthropological adj. 人类学的 historian n. 史学工作者 wrestle v. 斗争 enigma n. 奥秘 birth n. 诞生 strike v. 罢工;打击;冲击 b段 puzzle n. 谜团 factor n. 因素 drive v. 推动,驱动 affluent adj. 富足的 criteria n. 标准【criterion的复数】 sufficient adj. 足够的 convinced adj. 确信的 c段 propose n. 提议 cupboard n. 柜橱 fuel v. 助燃,加速 antiseptic adj. 防腐的,杀菌的 property n. 性能 tannin n. 单宁酸 ingredient n. 配料 hops n. 啤酒花 succumb v. 屈从 dysentery n. 痢疾 eccentric adj. 奇怪的 deduction n. 推理 skepticism n. 怀疑论 wary adj. 谨慎的 admiration n. 羡慕 strengthen v. 加强 notable adj. 值得注意的

distinguished adj. 杰出的 favorable adj. 有利的 appraisal n. 评价 d段 alight v. 偶然发现 static adj. 静态的 virus n. 病毒 bacteria n. 细菌 malaria n. 疟疾 sanitation n. 卫生 e段 dig v. 探寻 reveal v. 揭示 antibacterial adj. 抗菌的 agent n. 药剂 preserve v. 保护 malt n. 麦芽 gin n. 杜松子酒 f段 grip n. 掌握,控制 prevalence n. 流行 coincidence n. 巧合 clipper n. 帆船 sip v. 啜饮 g段 forge v. 伪造 futures n. 期货 wheel n. 轮子 4. 题型分析 这篇文章是由二种题型组成,都是阅读考试中常见的题型。 段落选标题+判断题 5. 题目解析


2019年4月雅思真题回忆及解析 学而不思则罔,在掌握知识点之后将其运用在解题中才是学习的好方法。无忧考网搜集整理了2019年4月雅思真题回忆及解析,希望对大家有所帮助。2019年4月举行了3场考试,时间分别为4月13日、4月25日、4月27日。以下内容仅供参考。 4月13日雅思口语真题回忆: Part 1考题总结 考题总结每季度必考3题 Work/Study What do you do? Why did you choose to do that type of work? Do you like your job? What is the most challenging thing in your job? What is your major? Do you like your subject? Why did you choose to study that subject? Is it interesting? Hometown What is your hometown? Is that a big city or a small place? What do you like about your hometown? Is there anything you dislike about it? Do you think you will continue living there for a long time? Accommodation Where do you live? How long have you lived there? Do you think the place you live is a good place for families with kids? Do you plan to live there for a long time? What do you usually do in your home? 人类相关 Teachers Why do you like the teacher? Do you think you could be a teacher? Would you like to be a teacher? What kinds of teachers do you like? Do you think teachers should be angry at students or not? Do you like strict teachers? What’s the difference between young and old teachers?


2020年2月20日雅思口语真题回忆北京 1 北京语言大学,room16 part1问了hometown,history(多),family part 2 forget important thing 碰见白人老太,老是被打断 湖北 1 武汉武昌实验中学考点 part 1:你的专业+城市公园+手工课 part2:描述一个你敬仰的老人 part3:主要问中国老年人生活 广东 1 广州考点。part 1:你是学生还是已工作?工作状态是早上好 还是下午好?工作最enjoy的地方是什么?你喜欢什么音乐?part 2描述你和朋友一起享用晚餐的时刻..为什么约在一起吃饭?在哪里吃?吃的 时候聊了什么?part3就着part2延伸,关于家庭聚餐的问题 2 广州仲恺 part 1 flat or house.park.handcraft; part 2 电 视上的趣事;part 3 中国人喜欢看电视吗?家里人看电视的好处?有什 么不好吗?电视对教育和学校的影响 福建 厦门大学 1工作还是学生专业和朋友出去; 经常坐飞机的朋友; 飞机好不好人们注重什么安不安全住在机场附近好不好 四川 四川大学Room2, Part 1: favorite room, bus or taxi, 在家附近好打车吗 Part 2:短假期去过的一个特别的地方 Part 3:人 们冬夏去的地方的不同,长短假去的地方的不同,喜欢长假还是短假,跟朋友或家人外出游玩的区别 陕西

西安交大 p1会早上学习还是下午学习,为什么,你的专业和想象的有不同吗;p2一个对你来说很特别的假期,和谁,在哪里,有什么特别的地方;p3旅游对环境有负面影响吗,中国人喜欢旅游吗,人们喜欢短途旅行还是长假,如果你是老板会让员工休假吗,中国人是工作狂吗 贵州 贵州大学 part1是音乐自行车。好多问题;part2是协助一个人的经历;part3就一直问各种帮人的问题。还有什么志愿者为什么普遍是女人之类的问题 江苏 西交利物浦 part1 家乡旅游;part2 个人目标;part3 自行车目标梦想 山东 山东大学,room14,part1:work or study; part2:something not to do because of the bad weather;part3:activities people do in different seasons 浙江 杭州 part1学生还是工作喜欢什么类的音乐; part2一个比你年长的你尊敬的人; part3老年人经常做什么事情,你老了会干什么,老年人的生活是否因为性别不同会有所不同,年轻人和老年人交流是否存有困难


雅思口语话题大全带答 案 HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】

Describe a good parent you know Well,I would like to about my mother’s roommate in college,I call her aunt hongchuan,she is perfect I will explain the reason hong is my mother’s best friend,there is a close relationship between our two mother told me that when I was a baby,aunt hong was always the one who babysit is not very beautiful but very intelligent. he knows how to dress elegant and cook delicious..she is a successful mother mainly because she educates her daughter in a smart way which make her daughter very hong treat her daughter in an eaqual way,she never poses up with poker face,in stead,she tries to make friends with her daughter which result in complete trust of her her daughter trust her mother,and talk everything to her mother,aunt hong knows everything about her daughter and then influence he daughter by her behavior in a positive way .finally,her daughter learned to be self-discipline and went to the peking university which is the best university in china. Describe a perfect holiday you want to have in the future

雅思阅读试卷 附完整参考答案

Section I Words A.Match the words with the same meaning.W rite down the letters on you answer sheet. (1(1’’*6) 1.epidermic 2.motivate 3.assume 4.appealing 5.controversy 6expertise A.skill or knowledge in a particular area B.dispute,argument C.attractive D.an outbreak of a contagious disease that spreads rapidly and widely E.to provide with an incentive;impel . F.to take for granted,suppose B.Fill in the blanks with proper forms of words given in the box,one word can be used more than once.(1(1’’*10) evolve prepare propose minimum peer through cheat weep address exploit except 1.Not surprisingly,his was not well received,even though it seemed to agree with the scientific information available at the time.. 2.The little girl with disappointment when she learned that her favourite Barbie Dolls were sold out. 3.The price is her,she refuses to lower it any further. 4.Apes,monkeys and many other primates have fairly elaborate systems of calls for communicating with other members of their species. 5.Some melodies are quite manipulative,working on our emotions very effectively,and composers have often this to the full. 6.I realized I’d been when I saw the painting on sale for half the price I paid for it. 7.To this problem,Counter Intelligence built a kitchen of its own and started making gagets to fill it with. 8.Most birds don’t have a good sense of smell,but fish-eaters such as petrels and shearwaters are significant. 9.Why bother a clear door,when you can put a camera in the oven to broadcast snapshots of the activities in the oven to a screen in another room? 10.Exploration will allow us to make suitable for dealing with any dangers that we might face,and we may be able to find physical resources such as minerals. SectionⅡ.Translation A.Translate the following sentences into English.(3(3’’*5) 1.Despite the hardship he encountered,Mark never (放弃对知识的追求) 2.由于缺乏对这种病的了解,许多人依然认为HIV受害者都是自作自受。(owing to; ignorance)


2019年7月雅思真题回忆及解析 学习是一个长期坚持的过程,对于考试而言,每天进步一点点,基础扎实一点点,日积月累,考试就会更容易一点点。无忧考网搜集整理了2019年7月雅思真题回忆,希望对大家有所帮助。2019年7月举行了4场考试,考试时间为7月6日、7月18日、7月20日、7月27日。以下内容仅供参考。 7月6日雅思口语真题回忆: Part 1考题总结 考题总结基本题 Hometown Where do you come from? What's the most attractive part of your hometown? What’s the weather like in your hometown? Do you know much about the history of your hometown? Has your hometown changed much these years? Would you say your hometown is a big city or a small town? For you, what benefits are there living in a big city? Do you think you will be still living in your hometown in the future? Accommodation What kind of housing do you live in? Do you live in a house or a flat? Do you live alone or with your family? Could you please describe the place you live in? Can you describe the room you live in? Which is your favourite room in your home? Is there anything which needs to be improved in your flat? What can you see when you look out the window of your room? The Area You Live In Do you like the area that you live in? What are some changes in the area recently? Do you know any famous people in your area? Where do you like to go to that area? Work or Study Are you a student or do you work now? What subjects are you studying? Why did you choose that subject? Is there anything that you don’t like about it? What would you like to do in the future?

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