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Dawn graduated several years ago. She 1 (be) successful model, and finding a job had not been a problem—until 2 (recent) .

When Dawn did start 3 (try) to find another type of job, she found in interview after interview that computer literacy(能力)was

a must to 4 (employ).

5 (连词)Dawn had always been afraid of learning computer while in college—our school didn't require

6 (learn) computer at that time—she managed to get a degree

7 (介词)ever confronting a computer.

Finally, after months of searching for a 8 , Dawn had to admit that sidestepping (回避) computer literacy hadn't been a good idea. She enrolled in a computer course at 9 (冠词)adult vocational school.

Ironically, although she had been afraid of learning computer, she took to computers so much that 10 (介词)about a year she opened her own computer-based business.



a. Found: This afternoon at the reading-room of our school, I happened to find a black purse, inside of which there is some money, a telephone card and two photos etc. Loser is expected to come to Room 306 to claim it.

b. A mobile-phone found: Found on one of the desks in the school dinning-room on Tuesday. Call 89895623, please.

c. Have you lost your keys? Some keys were found under the tree at the school gate. Go to the headmaster’s office for them.

d. Schoolbag found: Found on the playground on the afternoon of December 12 when I was watching a basketball match ther

e. Inside were a bunch of keys and a wallet in which there were some money and books. Come to Class 7, Senior Grade 3, please.

e. A red pen. Found in the men’s toilet on the second floor of the teaching building. A name on the body of the pen. Come to the teachers’

office on the second floor for it, please.

f. A watch is waiting for its owner. A golden watch was found at the parking lot this weekend. If you’re the owner, telephone 84567565.


1.Jenny. Jenny lost a watch which is golden this weekend at the parking lot.

2.Johnson. Johnson is looking for his black purse. There is money, a telephone card and two photos in it.

3.Timmy. Timmy wants his red pen with his name on its back. He lost it at school. 4.Frinalla. Frinalla lost her schoolbag on the playground on December 12. There are keys to the classroom and a wallet and two books. 5.Shirly. Shirly can’t find her keys. She thinks she lost them at the school gate.


1.Jenny A. a black purse 2.Johnson B. a mobile-phone 3.Timmy C. some keys found at the school gate

4.Frinalla D. schoolbag 5.Shirly. E. a red pen

F. a golden watch





假如下图中的小学生叫(Tao Qi)。请根据图片所提供的情景和下面的中文提示,写一篇英语短文,必须包括如下要点:

1. 陶奇为什么不敢回家,而请求警察叔叔送他回家?

2. 假设这位警察答应了陶奇的请求,把他送回家并见到了家长,这位警察该怎样劝说他们?

3. 家长非常感激警察的忠告。陶奇得到了家长的鼓励,努力学习,进步很快。


1. 短文必须使用5个句子介绍包括以上要点的全部内容,其中三个句子必须为复合句,可以适当增减细节,使内容连贯。

2. 将5个句子组织成连贯的短文。




Dear son,

The day that you see me old and I am already not, have patience and try to understand me …If I get dirty when eating… if I cannot dress… have patience. Remember the hours I spent teaching it to you. If, when I speak to you, I repeat the same things thousand and one times… do not interrupt me… listen to me. When you were small, I had to read to you thousand and one times the same story until you get to sleep…When I do not want to have a shower, neither shame me nor scold me…Remember when I had to chase you with thousand excuses I invented, in order that you wanted to bath…When you see my ignorance on new technologies… give me the necessary time and not look at me with your laughing at me…I taught you how to do so many things… to eat good, to dress well… to solute life…When at some moment I lose the memory or the thread of our conversation… let me have the necessary time to remember… and if I cannot do it, do not become nervous… as the most important thing is not my conversation but surely to be with you and to have you listeni ng to me…


1. 如果我患的是不治之症,就别浪费钱财了;

2. 教育孩子要活到老学到老;

3. 当我年老患病的时候,给自己的孩子提一些合理化要求。



1. had been

2. recently

3. trying


5. Since

6. to learn

7. without

8. job

9. an 10. after



第一节One possible version

Tao Qi is a primary school pupil, who failed in the exam and didn’t dare to return home. Then he remembered the social saying, “If you have any difficulty, pl ease ask the Police for help.” He went to ask the policeman to send him back home and the policeman found out the reason and promised to do so. When they got home, the policeman met Tao Qi’s parents and advised them not to punish Tao Qi for his failure in the exam. The parents thanked the policeman for his good advice and from then on, Tao Qi was encouraged, he worked hard at his lessons and made rapid progress.

第二节One possible version

This is a letter written by a father to his son. The father persuades his son to be patient and try to understand him when he is old. The father asks his son to remember the hours he spent teaching it to the son and do not interrupt him and listen to him. When the father becomes an old man, he hopes his son can take care of him. If the father doesn’t want to have a shower, he hopes his sons neither shame him nor scold him. He also hopes his son can listen to his words patiently. One day, if I became an old person, I would tell my child some useful advice. I hope my advice will help him a lot. Firstly, I will tell him that it’s a waste of time and money to make a life longer when I am seriously ill because death is a natural rule. We must treasure the time we have now. Secondly, I will tell him that he should always enrich himself. As the old saying goes, “Live and learn.” So we should keep learning the new things. The last advice is that he should be patient and kind to me when I am old and sick责任编校蒋小青





Thirty-two people watched Kitty Genovese

36 (kill) right below their windows. She was

37 neighbor. Yet 38 of the 32 helped her. Not one even called the police.

John Barley and Bib Fatane went beyond

the headlines to research into the 39 why people didn’t act. They found that a person has

to go through two steps 40 he can help. First he has to notice that it is 41

emergency(紧急情况). Is the smoke coming into the room 42 a leak in the air conditioning? Is it “steam pipes”? Or is it really smoke from a fire? It’s not always easy to tell if you are faced with a real emergency. Second, and 43 important, the person faced with an emergency must feel personally 44 (responsibility). He

must feel that he must help, 45 the person won’t get the help he needs.


本文是讲John Barley和Bib Fatane对人们见死不救的原因研究后,发现人们出手帮助前会思考两个步骤:一是要紧急情况,二是要是自己的责任且自己是唯一能够给予帮助的人。

36. being killed 因Kitty Genovese与kill是被动关系,又根据watch sb. doing/do/done的句型要求,可知应填killed或being killed;由后文看到她被打而没人帮助可知,应当是指她在被打的过程中没人去帮助,因此用being killed更好。

37. their 因Kitty Genovese是看到她被打的那32个人的邻居。

38.None 由Yet和后面的Not one even called the police.可知,32人中“没有一个人”帮助她。

39. reasons 由why引导的从句可知用reasons。

40. before 两句之间必定是填连词,“经历两个步骤”应发生在“提供帮助”之前,即先思考再行动。

41. an 单数可数名词前一定是填限定词,含“一种”之意,用不定冠词an。

42. from “烟进房间”应当是“来自”“空调漏


43. more 与前条相比,这是“更重要”。

44. responsible 因feel作“感到”解是联系动词,后面应当用形容词作表语。

45. or 因前后两句之间缺连词,应当填连词;根据两分句间的意思应填“否则”。



Experiments have proved that children can [1] (instruct)in swimming at a very early age. At a special swimming pool in Los Angeles, children become expert at [2] their breath under water even before they can walk. [3]

of two months old do not appear to be reluctant to enter the water. It is not long [4] they are so accustomed to swimming [5] they can pick up weights from the floor of the pool. A game that is very popular with these young [6] (swim) is the underwater tricycle race. Tricycles are lined up on the floor of the pool seven feet under water. The children compete against each other to reach the other end of the pool. Many pedal their tricycles, [7] most of them prefer to push or drag them. Some children [8] cover the whole length of the pool [9] coming up for breath even once. Whether they will ever become future Olympic champions, only time will tell. Meanwhile, they should encourage [10] among us who cannot swim five yards before they are gasping for air.


1. be instructed 因instructed与children是动宾关系,要用被动语态,即“be+动词的过去分词”,情态动词后用动词原形。

2. holding 由under water可知是“屏住气”,固定搭配hold one’s breath;又因在介词(at)后要用动词的-ing形式。

3. Babies 由上下文可知是指“二个月大的婴儿”,baby的复数是变y为i再加es。

4. before 因it is not long before…(不久以后就)是固定句型。

5. that 因为so…that…(如此……以致……)是固定句型。

6. swimmers 由with可知,后接的是名词,又由young和句意可知是指人,即“游泳者”,且为复数。

7. but 前后是转折关系。

8. can 由语境可知空格单词意思为“能够”。

9. without由语境可知是“不用冒出水面呼吸”。

10. those 由语境,特别是among us和后面的who引导的定语从句可知,指“那些人”。



Soon after Dave left college, one of his uncles, who was rich and had no 1 of his own died and left Dave a lot of money, so he decided to 2 (短语动词) his own real estate agency.

He found a nice office, 3 (buy) some new furniture and moved in. He had only been there for a few hours when he heard someone coming 4 the door of his office.

“It’s my first customer!” he thought. He quickly picked up 5 telephone and pretended to be very busy 6 an important call from someone in New York 7 wanted to buy a big and expensive house in the country.

The man knocked at the door 8 this was going on, came in and waited 9 (polite) for the agent to finish his conversation. Then he said to him, “I’m from the teleph one company, and I 10 (send) here to connect your telephone.”


1. children 由left Dave a lot of money 可知,David的叔叔没有自己的孩子。

2. set up 指“创办”公司。

3. bought 由前面的found和后面的and moved可知,三个动词是并列的,即A,B and C。

4. towards 由heard someone coming 可知,是“朝着”他的办公司走过来,较表示“到达”的to 要好。

5. the 特指他办公室的那部电话。

6. answering 表示“接”电话,习惯上用answer,因be busy doing可知,用answering。

7. who 定语从句,先行词是人someone,且在定语从句中作主语,用who。

8. while 由后面的waited可知,进来时David 还在打电话,所以用while。

9.politely 修饰动词waited用副词,在形容词后加ly。

10. was sent因send与I是被动关系,且是到此之前领导派我来的。

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