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雅思考试写作writing 2 写作模板

雅思考试写作writing 2 写作模板

Writing 2

The graph shows the fluctuation in the number of people at an underground station over a one-day period. According to this data, there is a sharp increase in use between 6am and 8am, with 400 people using the station at 8 o’clock. After this, the numbers fall dramatically to less than 200 at 10 o’clock. However, between 11am and 3pm, the number of people rises and falls evenly, and this pattern includes a plateau around lunchtime of just under 300 people using the station.

Numbers then decline and the smallest number of users, just 100, is recorded at four in the afternoon. Between 4pm and 6pm, during the evening rush hour, numbers rise rapidly again, reaching a peak of 380 people at 6pm but from 7pm numbers fall significantly. There is only a slight increase again just after 8pm, which tails off after 9pm.

The graph shows that the station is most crowded in the early morning and evening rush-hour periods and least crowded mid-afternoon.

Writing practicing 2

Between 1960 and 2000, the increase in the percentage of women going to university in Japan was fairly steady, although from 1990 to 2000 figures rose more sharply. By 2000, it was estimated that 25 per cent of Japanese girls leaving school were entering university education, but this was still a smaller percentage than the figure for boys.

Generally, the male pattern showed more variation. Figures rose to a high of 40 per cent between 1960 and 1980, which represented the longest period of increase. It was followed, however, by a slight fall in numbers between 1980 and 1990, but then in 2000 the figures returned to just above the 1980 level.

Overall, the table shows an increase in the percentage of students of both sexes going university. However, the rate of increase for girls is far greater than for boys, with over eight times the percentage of girls going to university in 2000 than in 1960.


雅思作文模板句必备50句型 A 1.the table shows the changes in the number of...over the period from...to... 该表格描述了在... 年之... 年间... 数量的变化。 2.the bar chart illustrates that... 该柱状图展示了... 3.the graph provides some interesting data regarding... 该图为我们提供了有关... 有趣数据。 4.the diagram shows (that... 该图向我们展示了... 5.the pie graph depicts (that.... 该圆形图揭示了... 6.this is a cure graph which describes the trend of... 这个曲线图描述了... 的趋势。 7.the figures/statistics show (that... 数据(字表明... 8.the tree diagram reveals how... 该树型图向我们揭示了如何... 9.the data/statistics show (that... 该数据(字可以这样理解... 10.the data/statistics/figures lead us to the conclusion that... 这些数据资料令我们得出结论... 11.as is shown/demonstrated/exhibited in the diagram/graph/chart/table... 如图所示... 12.according to the chart/figures... 根据这些表(数字... 13.as is shown in the table... 如表格所示...


托福综合写作模板:写作经典句式 Both the lecture and the reading discussed …. However, their viewpoints are strongly contradictory for several reasons. First, the reading points out that …, but the lecturer supposes that …. And he also argues that …, thus… Moreover, the author holds that ... The lecturer, however, believes that…. Since it is …, …. Besides, the professor also refutes the idea that ... from the passage. He provides us with the instance/reason that.... In sum, according to the discussion above, the speaker totally disagrees with the conclusions revealed in the reading passage. Frequently Used Sentences 1 We are so development-oriented that we almost can sacrifice moral values for the purpose of obtaining a little material gain. 2 It is often reported in our daily newspapers that university undergraduates commit crimes, XXX from XXX University, is a case in point. 3 According to the latest paper published by the Chinese Academy of Social Science, the number of smoking people is increasing at an accelerating speed (alarming rate), especially in China.


同意与否文体 There is no denying that the specific issue of sth./ 或接whether 从句has become controversial. However, in spite of those who are against/ for …, I approve wholeheartedly of/ 或I strongly object to the idea that … Those who hold negative/ positive attitude towards … believe that … may exert adverse/ significant effect on us. … is always top of the list of their argument. For example,…(请用举例子的方法解释). Besides, those critics/ advocates also claim that …(此处写第二个原因)for the reason that …. It is often the case that …(此处总结上段反方提出的几个观点)。But when it comes to …, …, and …,(此处先总结写你所支持的几个理由),an increasing number of people including me are convinced that .. .For one thing, …。The evidence recently presented in research journals available to the public confirms that …此处写调查结果,通过数字来证明自己所列举的理由1。Similarly,… should also deserve our special attention. In other words, …(换种说法解释)。If…not, ..(反过来在说一遍)。Last but not least, … Obviously, it is hard for both sides to come to an agreement on this complicated issue, but I still commit to the notion that …(再重申你的立场)。


精心整理1.利弊分析模板 Itisundeniablethatthespecificissueofsth./或接whether从句hasbecomecontroversial.However,inspiteofthosewhobelievethat sth.havemoren egative/positiveeffects,I holdoppositeattitude. Thedrawbacksofsthareobvious.Somepeoplearereallyconcernedabout…Theyholdt hat…(请解释)。个弊 端),whichwilldamage…/endager…. Itisoftenthecasethat…(此处总结)。Butwhenitcomesto…,…,and…,(此处处), … 。 msthat…写调查结果, 1.Besides,。。。(另外一个好处种说法解释)。Thisisanotheraspectofhowsthbenefitsus. …Ithasbothupsidesanddownsides.Buti tismyfirmbeliefthatitsdisadvantages/advantagesof…outweightheadvantages/di sadvantages. 2.同意与否模板 Thereisnodenyingthatthespecificissueofsth./或接whether从句hasbecomecontroversial.However,inspiteofthosewhoareagainst/for…,Iapprov ewholeheartedlyof/或Istronglyobjecttotheideathat…


雅思小作文7分万能模板整合 在这一雅思备考阶段,不知道雅思小作文如何观察图表,如何对比构思,尤其是一些涉及数据表达句式,可以借用雅思小作文万能模板进行练习仿写。。下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 雅思小作文7分万能模板 1go up and down/ wave/ fluctuate/ beunstable/ be in flexible 起伏不定 2 The first point tonote is the huge increase in the number of 需要注意的第一点就是…的急剧增长 3 The statistics show that这些数据表明 4Form/comprise/make up/constitute/ account for….percent占百分之几 5 This cure graph describes the trendof该曲线图描述了…的 趋势 6 The statistics lead us to theconclusion that由这些数据,我们可以做出如下结论 7 As can be seen from the line graph, 由线状图我们可以看出

8增加:Increase / raise / rise / go up/ soar/ascend/ mount/ climb 9减少:Decrease / grow down / drop / fall/ reduce/descend/ shrink to/decline 10稳定:Remain stable / stabilize / level off/ remainunchanged 雅思小作文7分万能模板 1 It can be seen from the table that 由表格我们可以看出 2 The table shows the changes in thenumber of… over theperiod from…to… 该表格展示了从…到…数据的变化 3 The table provides some data of 该表格提供了有关…的数据 4 As can be seen clearly from thetable, 从表格中我们可以清楚地看出, 5 As can be seen from the table,great changes have taken place in...


雅思大作文模板 【篇一:雅思范文:考官9分雅思大作文模板】 雅思范文:考官9分雅思大作文模板 编者按:这是一篇新鲜出炉的考官simon9分雅思大作文。以小编 几十篇simon作文的阅读量,大致总结了他最为习惯的行文结构,通过对这个考官所喜欢的9分“模板”的解读,希望大家能在自己的 雅思写作备考中,对写作模板的使用能有一个新的认识。 ielts writing task 2: positive or negative essay heres my full essay for the positive or negative development question that weve been looking at over the last few weeks. in some countries, many more people are choosing to live alone nowadays than in the past. do you think this is a positive or negative development? 9分范文: in recent years it has become far more normal for people to live alone, particularly in large cities in the developed world. in my opinion, this trend is having both positive and negative consequences in equal measure. the rise in one-person households can be seen as positive for both personal and broader economic reasons. on an individual level, people who choose to live alone may become more independent and self-reliant than those who live with family members. a young adult who lives alone, for example, will need to learn to cook, clean, pay bills and manage his or her budget, all of which are valuable life skills. from an economic perspective, the trend towards living alone will result in greater demand for housing. this is likely to benefit the construction industry, estate agents and a whole host of other companies that rely on homeowners to buy their products or services. however, the personal and economic arguments given above can be considered from the opposite angle. firstly, rather than the positive feeling of increased independence, people who live alone may experience feelings of loneliness, isolation and worry. they miss out on the emotional support and daily conversation that family or flatmates can provide, and they must bear the weight of all household bills and responsibilities. secondly, from the financial point of view, a rise in demand for


雅思写作万能模板 说明一物的利弊 1、AAA has improved the quality of our lives and are playing an important role in our daily life. The benefits AAA brings to us are far more than its disadvantages. However, we cannot ignore its problem. 2、On the positive side, AAA has enabled us to (1) 此处填入AAA 的优势之一。For instance, (2 )举例说明优势之一。Besides, (3)AAA 的优势之二。Nowadays, (4) 举例说明优势之二。In addition, (5 )AAA 的优势之三。 3、On the negative side, (6) 此处填入AAA 的劣势之一。For example,(7) 举例说明劣势之一。Besides,(8)AAA 的劣势之二。Furthermore,(9)AAA 的劣势之三。 4、All in all, we can not live without AAA for the conveniences it brings to us, but we should also be aware of the negative effects it creates on the modern life. 分析型 1、Recently the...has been brought into focus...Nowhere in history has the issue been more visible. In this essay, I aim to explore this complicated phenomenon from diverse perspectives, identify the relevant contributing factors and bring up some effective measures. 2、As far as I am concerned, an array of integrated factors contributes to


托福综合作文写作万能模板 一,对立类(就一个事物判断是与否agree or disagree) 1,开头(给出A B C三个方案) A方案.(GM) With the development/introduction…, xxx, the xxx, are more and more +adj/ become adj increasingly. Xxx often face the dilemma of whether to vt …… with all aspects carefully considered, I believe that……/ I think to vt what would be a better choice. B方案. 在日常生活中,有很多值得我们去推敲判断的问题。就像我们看到上文作者提出的问题时,你会如何认为?(有的人认为……;也有的人认为……;)就我的来说,如下的考虑方向使得我认为……。 In daily life /during our life, so many problems are worth considering carefully. As what has been come up with, when you face/when it comes to /there is a public debate today that/recently the problem has been brought into focus that… ……what is your choice and what is your opinion? Some hold the view that/some think………..while the others believe that………. However, with all aspects carefully considered, I believe that…………… 零碎的句子:A is a common way of ….., but is it a wise one?Some people hold the different view…… C方案. (excellent) 如果发现能够用到反问排比就这样套句,前提是你的例子充足多,头脑风暴用的又好又快。


剑盟雅思预备学院官网:https://www.doczj.com/doc/ba18779650.html,/ 雅思大作文模板的漂亮结尾 雅思大作文模板的漂亮结尾!一个好的结尾自然也会为作文带来很高的分数,因此同学们在复习的过程中,不要仅仅侧重于一个漂亮的开头,也要适当的来关注我们作文的结尾,这样才能够让我们的大作文拿到高分! 1. “烂招”解救烤鸭于危难 在巨大的时间压力下,很可能你没有来得及写末段,请记住这个“烂招”:写下In conclusion, I personally believe that ……, 在省略号部分抄上原题的观点。比如最近有一道考题:Some people think that economic progress is the most important way to measure a country's success. Other people think other factors are also important. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 在剩下最后一分钟时写下:In conclusion, personally, I believe that economic progress is not the most important way to measure a country’s success, and other facts must be taken into consideration. 这个末段给人一种强烈的“扣题”感,理由很明显,紧紧地扣住题目啦! 2. 高招体现缜密思维 “烂招”其实在某种程度上不赖。但是对于追求真正写作能力的同学,想要写出“圆满示“回响”。这个词是我们接下来讨论的关键。首先,我们必须区分“repeat”和“echo””的末段,那就要明白一个基本道理:有始才有终,善始才能善终!映射到雅思作文上,这句话的意思是:写好了首段和主体段,才能够写出“圆满”的末段。下面给各位烤鸭仔细分析一下末段与首段之间的关系,末段与主体段之间的关系。 首先需要给大家介绍一个词汇——回响,英文对应为echo,名词表示“回声”,动词表。Echo表示意义一致,但是使用不同的说法让读者能够想起前面陈述过的内容,而低级repeat指的是copy,高级repeat指的是paraphrase。 圆满的末段做到“首尾呼应” 末段回响首段立场 (The concluding paragraph echoes the thesis statement in the opening paragraph)


同意与否文体There is no denying that the specific issue of sth./ 或接whether 从句has become controversial.However, in spite of those who are against/ for …, I approve whole heartedly of/ 或I strongly object to the idea that … Those who hold negative/ positive attitude towards … believe that … may exert adverse/ significant effect on us.… is always top of the list of their argument.For example,… (请用举例子的方法解释).Besides, those critics/ advocates also claim that … (此处写第二个原因)for the reason that …. It is often the ca se that …(此处总结上段反方提出的几个观点)。But when it comes to …, …, and …,(此处先总结写你所支持的几个理由),an increasing number of people including me are convinced that ...For one thing, …。The evidence recently presented in research journals available to the public confirms that …此处写调查结果,通过数字来证明自己所列举的理由1。Similarly,… should also deserve our special attention.In other words, …(换种说法解释)。If…not,..(反过来在说一遍)。Last but not least, … Obviously, it is hard for both sides to come to an agreement on this complicated issue, but I still commit to the notion that …(再重申你的立场)。2 Agree or disagree (两边分)Introduction Recent years have witnessed …………………(背景)which has aroused a heated ,debate of whether …………….(把要讨论的话题引入进来)Views on this issue vary from person to person. From my point of view, before airing my own opinion, I do think it’s necessary to analyze / explore this thorny issue from different angles /


托福综合写作万能模板:IBT综合写作模板 In this listening material, the professor made several points about ____________. First of all / Moreover / Furthermore, the professor states / claims / argues / discusses / mentions / talks / indicates / says / contends / raises the issue / demonstrates / makes the point / holds / believes / shows that __________________, while the reading passage (反对)contradicts / departs from / refutes / disagrees with / opposes to the writer’s expectation / casts doubt on / presents a (totally) different idea / jeopardizes / differs from / on the contrary / makes the explanation seem less likely / in contrast /(支持)supports / illustrates / strengthens / agrees with / bolsters / (perfectly) reinforces / presents the same view that ____________.


雅思大作文必备高分模板--report型写作 本文为大家整理了一篇关于Report类型的雅思写作高分必备模板。Report类型的写作是雅思写作中最常见的一种,所以准备一个这个类型的写作模板还是非常有必要的。下面的模板供大家参考。 首段: (引子) 第一句:描述背景(引子) it is indisputable fact that … 替换句型:it is an undeniable fact that … it is an irrefutable fact that 第二句:(可有可无) the serious consequences of are often felt in our life . 第三句:承上启下:In this essay , I intend to explore the sources of this problemalong with some possible solution to it . 替换句型: In the following essay , I aim to identify the sources of thisproblem as well as some viable solution to it . 第二段:分析原因 第一句:Chief among the causes of this problem is …. 替换句型: 第二句:In the past , … 第三句:Consequently , … 第四句:Another major contributing factor is that …

第三段:提供解决方案 第一句: In order to address its root causes. Perhaps the most effective methodof doing this would be for people to do sth. 第二句:Since …, 第三句:one further measure would be to … 替换句型:one further method of …would be for people to do 第四段:总结 第一句: In conclusion , I believe that this is clearly a problem of suchcomplexity that no solution is likely in the short term . 替换句型: In reality , this problem is unlikely to be resolved in the shortterm. 第二句: However , I believe that the measures outlined above would constitutea good first step . However , it is by no means insurmountable , and I am convinced that … 替换句型: however , I believe that the hard way is sometimes that the best way. 以上就是Report类型的雅思写作高分必备模板的全部内容,十分的细节化,几乎每一句怎样写,都有所提及。但是大家在参考的时候一定要注意,要在其中加入属于自己的特色的东西,这样才能在考试中正常应用。最后,新东方网雅思频道预祝大家在雅思考试中取得好成绩!


雅思大作文开篇如何让人眼前一亮 雅思写作除了词汇量要达到以外,还有很多提分点的哦。出guo 为雅思栏目大家带来雅思大作文开篇如何让人眼前一亮,希望对大家备考雅思有所帮助! 正所谓好的开始是成功的一半,雅思大作文的写作也一次次验证了这个道理。很多同学往往不重视雅思大作文开头段的写作,只是简单套用一些现成的模板,殊不知这样已经给考官留下“背诵模板”的印象,这样一来,不仅给后面的主体段带来了巨大压力,而且人的第一印象往往是很难改变的。大作文开头段往往要包含如下几个关键内容,即,介绍背景,引出有争议的话题,阐述对立观点和陈述作者自己的观点。无论使用还是不使用模板,这几个关键信息是一定要包含在开头段落当中的,不然云里雾里,只能是适得其反。 根据这些信息,备战过的考生们一定都熟悉下面这一套开头写作流程,首先It is quite mon these days...介绍背景,或者用The issue of ... is a plex and sensitive one.这样的句型来引出有争议话题,然后千篇一律地分别介绍对立双方观点,如Some individuals believe that..., while others hold the view that...最终用Personally, I agree with...至此,内容上完美无

瑕,但恐怕考官心中已经大大打下“模板”两个字的烙印,这无疑对于想取得6分及以上的同学最不利的事情。 例如,一道雅思写作高频题目,讨论到底大学应该教授实用性课程(如计算机和商科课程)还是传统课程(如历史和地理)。我们依然按照开头段应该包含的关键信息开始写作,但是却可以这样轻松突破:These day there is a growing tendency for college students to have difficulties in finding jobs when they graduate.(介绍背景)A large number of people hold the opinion that lack of practical knowledge, among other things, contributes to this situation. In light of this, they contend that college teachers should lay more stress on practical courses than on traditional ones. (引出有争议的话题,并阐述大多数人的观点)For my part, I am in favour of their viewpoint.(作者观点)这一段写得非常灵巧,第一句结合题目背景,介绍现如今有一种趋势,即大学毕业生很难找到工作,紧接着作者陈述有许多人认为这是由于学生缺少实用性的知识,并因此提出大学应该更多关注于教授实用性的知识,这一句将有争议话题的其中一方观点用因果链条清晰阐述。最后一句表达作者自己的立场,就是支持前面大多数人的想法。总的来看,这一段只提及了对立双方的其中一方观点,然后表达自己支持这一方观点。这就是一种对于开头段模板的超越,简单可行,只对其中一方观点清晰论


10个雅思作文万能模板 雅思小作文对很多人来讲都是一个很复杂的任务,所以掌握一些可以应用在各种图表中的万能模板是十分必要的。现在天道小编就为大家总结了10个雅思小作文的万能模板,希望会对大家有所帮助。 1、通过第一个曲线图,我们可以知道____,也说明了结果是___ According to the first graph, it can be seen that ______________, it can also be concluded from it that ______________. 2、一张有趣、有教育意义的、(内容)的图片(这句模板在雅思小作文中的应用非常的广泛。) There is an interesting and instructive picture which goes like this: __________. 3、当前有一张涉及______的增长曲线图,许多人______,然而其他人倾向于___ Nowadays there is a growing concern over ______________. Many people like ______________, while others are inclined to ______________. 4、目前,共同之处是_________,许多人喜欢______因为_______除此之外还由于_____ Nowadays, it is common to ______________. Many people like______________ because ______________. Besides, ______________. 5、(图表所示)_____,就像许多其他事物,被____更加喜爱,然而这一观点正被________所抨击,一些人认为_________,他们指出___________ ______________, just like many other things, are preferred by ____________. While being attacked by the idea that ______________, some people consider ______________. They point that ______________. 6、每种事物都有两面性和________,是没有异议的,包括利和弊 Everything has two sides and ______________ is not an exception, it has both advantages and disadvantages. 7、_____作为_____被观察了许多年,但是人们现在像发现新大陆一样注视着它 For years ______________ had been viewed as ______________. But people are taking a fresh look at it now. 8、政府保证________,对于这份保证,大多数人做出了强烈地回应,因为_____


托福综合写作模板 红色字体的单词或词组标识该部分有可替换的词汇总结在同义词替换文档里, 大家可以比照着修改做出属于自己的个性化模板 开头段 The reading passage explores the issue of 。 . The professor ' s lecture deals with the same issue. However, he/she (请注意你必须根据说 话人的声音在这两个代词中间选择一个,而且也正是因为上一句里出现了所指的人, 这里才可以使用人称代词,否则语法就不正确了) thinks that (这里填入教授关 于讨论话题的总论点) , which contradicts what the reading states. And in the lecture, he/she (这里当然也只能选择一个代词) uses three specific points to support his/her (仍然只能选一个) idea. 主体段 1 First, even though the reading passage suggests that (此处转述阅读段 落中的第一个分论点,后面如果还跟有支持的句子也不妨从阅读段落里再转述一两 句支持句过来,拿分啊) , the professor argues in the lecture that (教授的 第一个反驳分论点) ., This is because (转述教授第一个分论点后面的支持句) which means (最好能在深入写半句教授对其第一个分论点的支持句,但如果实在 写不出来了,就把前半句再转述一下) obviously, the professor 's argument disproves (V. 证明。。。。不正确,学术写作中的常见词,不过生活里不太常 用) its counterpart (对应物,这里就是指阅读中的第一个分论点) in the reading. 主体段 2 Moreover, despite the statement in the reading that (转述阅读段子里 的第二个分论点,如果后面还能从段子里转述过来一两句引申最好) , the professor contends that (转述教授的第二个反驳分论点) Then he/she The professor proves that this claim is indefensible by pointing out that (教授第三个分论点的支持句)一i.e., …(如果这里能再引申1~2句就非 常棒了,但实在填不出那就结束,应该字数也够了) 结尾段(也可以选择不写) In conclusion, the professor clearly identifies ( V. 确定) the weaknesses (n. 弱点) in the reading passage and convincingly shows that supports this point with the fact that In other words, (继续转述) 主体段 3 Finally, the professor asserts that the author of the 教授对其第二个分论点的支持句) (转述第三个反驳分论点) whereas 转述阅读文章作者的第三个分论点)


雅思小作文模板句必备50句型 A 1.the table shows the changes in the number of...over the period from...to... 该表格描述了在...年之...年间...数量的变化。 2.the bar chart illustrates that... 该柱状图展示了... 3.the graph provides some interesting data regarding... 该图为我们提供了有关...有趣数据。 4.the diagram shows (that... 该图向我们展示了... 5.the pie graph depicts (that.... 该圆形图揭示了... 6.this is a cure graph which describes the trend of... 这个曲线图描述了...的趋势。 7.the figures/statistics show (that... 数据(字表明... 8.the tree diagram reveals how... 该树型图向我们揭示了如何... 9.the data/statistics show (that... 该数据(字可以这样理解... 10.the data/statistics/figures lead us to the conclusion that... 这些数据资料令我们得出结论... 11.as is shown/demonstrated/exhibited in the diagram/graph/chart/table... 如图所示... 12.according to the chart/figures... 根据这些表(数字... 13.as is shown in the table... 如表格所示... 14.as can be seen from the diagram, great changes have taken place in... 从图中可以看出,...发生了巨大变化。 15.from the table/chart/diagram/figure, we can see clearly that...or it is clear/apparent from the chart that... 从图表我们可以很清楚(明显看到... 16.this is a graph which illustrates... 这个图表向我们展示了... 17.this table shows the changing proportion of a & b from...to... 该表格描述了...年到...年间a与b的比例关系。

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