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Sports英语作文 [A,Sports,Meet,英语作文]

Sports英语作文 [A,Sports,Meet,英语作文]
Sports英语作文 [A,Sports,Meet,英语作文]


Today is the first day of our school sports meet.Every year this time we are very excited and will be very active in joining the sports meet. This time almost half of the students in our class will compete in the sports meet, even if some of them are not very good at it. We are all enthusiastic about sports. Many of the students join more than one item of game, such as high jumo,long jump,running and relay race.All of them try tu du their best in the game.Liu Ying, my classmate ,hasinjured her leg in the 200-meter race,but she doesn't give up and sticks to the last moment. In the relay race, the runners unite together. They know that team spirit is very important.

The sports meet will be over tomorrow.We don't know whether our class can win the first prize this time,but we don't take the result very seriously. We think that partaking of the game is more important than result.





介绍英国文化的英语作文2篇 英国文化英语作文一:介绍英国The Englishman love to behave gentlemanly and the Englishwoman love to behave ladily. They also show their respect to ladies. They always say Lady first. In their daily life. the English pay attention to their appearance. They dress neatly. They shake hands when they meet other. When they are with others, they usually say pleasethank yousorry and so on. The breakfast in Britain is very rich. Usually there are all kinds of egg products, oatmeal, bacon, ham, sausages, butter, jam, bread, milk, juice, coffee and so on. They are popular with the western countries. Whats more, the English like drinking tea. They have the habit of drink afternoon tea at about 3 in the afternoon. They enjoy drinking tea and treat it as a kind of seeing friends. 【参考译文】 英国人崇尚绅士风度和淑女风范,讲究女士优先。在日常生活中,英国人注意仪表,讲究穿著,英国人的见面礼是握手礼。与人交往时,注重用敬语请、谢谢对不起等。英式菜的早餐很丰盛,一般有各种蛋品、麦片粥、咸肉、火腿、香肠、黄油、果酱、面包、牛奶、果汁、咖啡等,受到


初中英语作文sports 初中英语作文sports My favorite Sports is basketball. It looks so cool in TV that I was crazy about those basketball stars ever since I was little. Basketball requires speed, height and skills. I run, jump 作文 , switch, and try to hit! All parts of my body are exercised in this sport. I feel that I’m like wind flying in the playground for my goal, which makes me feel so great! Basketball needs quick reaction and decision. When chance comes, it may disappear in the next second. I should keep an eye watching as an eagle, decide and judge quickly as a leopard, and run for it as a wolf. Further more, basketball is a sports more than just exercising, It needs team work. No one can play himself. A team should work together. So I learn to cooperate with others in this game. I should understand what my teammate doing and what he needs me to do for him. On the other side, I should learn to show my teammate what I need. At the same


[标签:标题] 篇一:英国essay范文 要写出一篇漂亮的命题小essay可不是那么容易,内容技巧以及格式都不可小视,尽量做到全面和细节。如果哪一点出了错误,录取官很容易认为该学生大意不注重细节,学生的形象也许就会打折扣了。一些学生的小文章没有通过,有共同的地方,也有个别原因。 优越论文网老师在这里总结出了essay写作中几大典型错误。 1、对申请学校认知不多。有的学生在选择学校和专业的时候没有仔细考虑自身的情况,甚至有的抱着非名校不读的想法,但是也没有仔细去咨询了解对方学校的情况。因此对于大多学校都会提出的问题——why choose this school,学生不能说出学校的大致情况、特点和优势,回答时敷衍了事,只说出最表层的一些东西。回答不到位就暴露出自己的态度,很难看出申请人对学校的兴趣和向往程度。 2、回答问题时没有正确审题。一些在思想上很懒惰的学生总以为各个学校问的题目差不多就可以互相借用,没有认真审题就把申请学校A的套用在学校B上;还有的学生审题不到位,在内容上出现了很多与主题或者申请不相干的部分。 3、找不到思路,不会转换。有的学生想考察学生的思维灵活度,想知道学生的专业水平或是人际交往的态度等,提出的问题都是很简单的。例如芝加哥大学:请比较苹果和橘子,这个题目就不应该只写两种水果的区别什么的,可以将两种水果拟人化,各种水果代表哪两种人等等。总之,思维不要太死板,学会转换。 4、词句使用不恰当。大多英语水平有待提高的学生要么用词太过简单,要么总是喜欢用晦涩、深奥的来让录取官认为自己的具有多大的词汇量。前者会使文章显得没有一点深度,后者容易使文章看着不顺畅,读着拗口。所以,在写作时首先要有条理表明自己的看法,其次使文章读起来语句通顺,再使用一些有真正意义和内涵的语句。 5、文章呈现的语气让人难以接受。有的文章语气平平毫无生气;有的过于激烈,为了显示自己是对的,极力鼓吹自己的看法或价值观;有的一味夸对方学校是多么地有名气,甚至用哀怜的语气博得录取官的同情。这都是不可取的,适当地赞扬即可,尽量使文章读起来有生机活力,做到态度理性冷静客观。 6、语法拼写等小错误。有的学生单词拼错,语法用错,用翻译机器硬生生地翻译,出现频率过高。学生不仅需要提高英文水平,最好是学会英语思维。 以上几点就是优越论文网总结的essay写作中容易犯的典型错误,在此陈列希望广大申请留学的学生借鉴,交上出彩的入学第一份作业。 篇二:英国essay范文 优越论文网自成立来经过十年的成功经营,口碑越来越好,品牌越做越大,然而有些学生依然抱有疑问,优越论文网真的想口碑那样好吗?为解决学生的困扰,优越论文网老师在此将做一些疑问解答。 (1)你们公司资历怎么样?可靠吗? 答:您好,我们是英国的一家公司,已经成功经营十年了,靠的都是实力和信誉,我们已经帮助超过28754位留学生解决了课程作业assignment或毕业论文写作的难题,我们致力于为留学生朋友提供最专业的论文写作解决方案。 (2)你们公司课业辅导的范围有哪些呢?你们能为我服务什么呢?答:您好,我们公司的业务范围是, 1、多国英文论文写作的辅导(包括平常论文作业和毕业论文); 2、留学文书的辅导(包括个人陈述、推荐信、个人简历等);


英国文化与文化对比英 文 Document serial number【NL89WT-NY98YT-NC8CB-NNUUT-NUT108】

Western students enjoy a seemingly relaxed educational experience. This, however, is not the case for students in Asia, who face crushing workloads and are often very disciplined. In the first part of her Globalist. The decision is partly based on an inability — or unwillingness — to spend thousands of dollars in tuition fees, especially given the suspicion that local schools are better anyway. After all, what more could one want from a basic education than a strong grounding in language, math and science, all subjects in which Asian schools famously excel. Our main concern is the ability of our son — and indeed the whole family — to adapt to the strict diligence that is expected of the Chinese. Apprehension increases when talking to local friends. China has a long history of standardized tests, beginning with the ancient imperial exams initiated during the Sui Chen is at the top of the class at


关于 Sports 的英语作文 运动对我们非常重要, 不仅可以令我们保持健康, 而且可以塑造一个人的性 格。下面是语文迷网为大家带来的关于运动的英语作文 ,欢迎阅读参考。 Sports 的英语作文一 As a middle school student of junior three, i do sports one or two hours a day, such as doing morning exercises, playing basketball, long-distance running and so on. i think it is very helpful to me. taking exercise makes me healthier so that i won’t be ill very often. what’s more, i also get myself relaxed in different kinds of sports, and then i do the better job in my study in high spirit. by doing physical exercise, i’m becoming stronger and more confident than before. i think it is necessary for everyone to spend some time on sports every day because people’s health is essential in modern life. Sports 的英语作文 二 Nowadays,high school students hold different opinions about after-class activities.there are two quite different phenomenonena. Some students are crazy about sports and some other activities.they spend much time in joining the outdoor activities and varies of groups , and also,making new friends.However,they pay a little attention to their studies. On the contrary, some students spend almost of their time in studies and don't enjoy attending other activities. In my opinion,I think neither of them is correct.I think we should study hard,but we also need time to relax ourselves,because if a one in a good state,he can do better. Sports 的英语作文三 As a grade 3 student, we have sports every day, such as doing some exercise, playing basketball and so on. we do sports because it can not only make us strong and but also keep us healthy. it can also make us have


关于体育运动和放松方式 A:中考英语作文范文:体育运动的好处和坏处 体育运动的好处和坏处(Positive and Negative Aspects of Sports) a. 体育运动的好处 b. 体育运动可能带来的副作用 c. 我参加体育活动的体会 Sports do us good in many respects (TS). It goes without saying that taking exercises can build up our physical strength. In collective sports like basketball, volleyball, or football, we will learn the importance of cooperation. While taking part in sports game, we will try our best to win and arouse ourselves the competitive spirit. Sports can also help us relax after a period of exhausting work. However, as the saying goes, "there are two sides to everything", and sports is without exception. We may hurt other players or ourselves if we are not careful enough when participating in sports activities. What's more, excessive or severe training can do harm to our health. My participation in sports tells me that sports can make us healthy both physically and psychologically. It is also a good way for people to know each other and can promote friendship between people. So long as we are carefully enough, sports can do us nothing but good. B:假如你叫李华,你校初三年级同学正在开展一场讨论,主题是“初三学生要不要参加体 育锻炼”。请根据下面所提供的信息,用英语总结出讨论情况。 提示: 70%的学生 30%的学生 应该每天进行体育锻炼,但不要时间过长 锻炼浪费时间、使人疲劳 锻炼能增强体质,保持健康 锻炼以后很兴奋,较长时间不能投入学习 锻炼能使大脑休息,使学习效果更好 锻炼中可能会受伤

sports meeting英语作文

sports meeting英语作文 My every year the school held a sports meeting。This year it was the turn of this session we have is the twelfth session。 I am very excited and nervous。 I very happy can compete with the classmates happy running。 But I am still very worry about no place。So I try to prepare。 The game was soon to。 I was very nervous at the beginning, until the start of the relay race。 The relay has been the most spectacular game,embodies the classes representing classes。 I was the last one stick。In the face of all the encouragement, I must not give up。 In front of us is not divided with other class under。 That is to say I this stick is to determine the outcome of a stick。 I'm trying sprinted for the line。This two hundred meter for me, is very important for the class as a whole。 I have to run。 The final end of this sports meeting。 I succeed。 I laugh, and everyone together took a certificate。 双语对照: 我的学校每年都会举办一届运动会。今年轮到我们这一


1:The River Thames is the second longest river in the United Kingdom and the longest river entirely in England, rising at Thames Head in Gloucestershire[ 格洛斯特郡(英格兰)], and flowing into the North Sea at the Thames Estuary(河口). It has a special significance in flowing through London, the capital of the United Kingdom, although London only touches a short part of its course. The river is tidal in London with a rise and fall of 7 metres (23 ft) and becomes non-tidal at Teddington [特丁顿(英国国立物理研究所所在地)]Lock. The catchment area covers a large part of South Eastern and Western England and the river is fed by over 20 tributaries. The river contains over 80 islands, and having both seawater and freshwater stretches supports a variety of wildlife. the river has supported human activity from its source to its mouth for thousands of years providing habitation, water power, food and drink. It has also acted as a major highway both for international trade through the Port of London, and internally along its length and connecting to the British canal system. The river’s strategic position has seen it at the centre of many events and fashions in British history, earning it a description by John Burns as ―Liquid History‖. It has been a physical and political boundary over the centuries and generated a range of river crossings. In more recent time the river has become a major leisure area supporting tourism and pleasure outings as well as the sports of rowing, sailing, skiffing, kayaking, and punting. The river has had a special appeal to


美国文化主题英语作文 美国文化主题英语作文 每个国家都有自己的文化,同学们,以下是小编分享给大家的美国文化主题英语作文,一起来阅读学习吧! 篇【1】:美国文化主题英语作文American culture The main content of American culture is the emphasize on individuals' value,the pursue of democracy and freedom,the promotion of deploitation(开拓,经营) and competition and the need of realistic and practicality.Its core is individualism:self first,personal need first,pursue of individual benefit and enjoyment,emphasize on achieving individual value by self-strive and self-design.This type of intentionally build up of personality and pursue customized individualism has its pros and cons,it gives incentives to people and make them exert on their potential and wisdom and as a result accelerate the development of the entire race and nation; on the other hand it is difficult to keep good relationship among people if everyone is egocentric thus make the entire society lack of unity. 篇【2】:美国文化主题英语作文The understanding of


关于英国文化的英语作文 对于英国,我们的了解有多少,那么对于英国文化呢?你了解吗?以下是关于英国文化的英语作文,欢迎大家参考! 关于英国文化的英语作文1England is a nation in northwest Europe and the largest and most populous constituent country of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Its inhabitants account for more than 83% of the total population of the United Kingdom, whilst the mainland territory of England occupies most of the southern two-thirds of the island of Great Britain and shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west. Elsewhere, it is bordered by the North Sea, Irish Sea, Atlantic Ocean, and English Channel. England was formed as a country during the 10th century and takes its name from the Angles one of a number of Germanic tribes who settled in the territory during the 5th and 6th centuries. The capital city of England is London, which is the largest city in the British Isles, capital of the United Kingdom and one of the worlds Global Cities. England ranks as one of the most influential and far-reaching centres of cultural development in the world;it is


介绍英国的高考英语作文 England is a nation in northwest Europe and the largest and most populous constituent country of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Its inhabitants account for more than 83% of the total population of the United Kingdom, whilst the mainland territory of England occupies most of the southern two-thirds of the island of Great Britain and shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west. Elsewhere, it is bordered by the North Sea, Irish Sea, Atlantic Ocean, and English Channel. England was formed as a country during the 10th century and takes its name from the Angles one of a number of Germanic tribes who settled in the territory during the 5th and 6th centuries. The capital city of England is London, which is the largest city in the British Isles, capital of the United Kingdom and one of the worlds Global Cities. England ranks as one of the most influential and far-reaching centres of cultural development in the world;it is the place of origin of both the English language and the Church of England, was the historic

大学英语作文之关于运动的英语作文 Sports

大学英语作文之关于运动的英语作文 Sports All over the world people enjoy sports. Sports help to keep people healthy and happy, and to live longer. 全世界的人都喜欢运动。运动使人健康,快乐而且长寿。 Sports change with the seasons. People play different games in winter and summer. Swimming is fun in warm weather, but skating is good in winter. 运动项目随季节而有所变化。人们在冬季和夏季做不同的运动。夏天游泳其乐无穷,冬天滑雪快乐无比。 Some sports are so interesting that people everywhere go in for them. Football, for example, has spread around the world. Swimming is popular in all countries near the sea or in those with many rivers. Some sports or games go back thousands of years, like running or jumping. Chinese wushu, for example, has a very long history. But basketball and volleyball are rather new. People are inventing new sports or games all the time. Water skiing is one of the newest in the family of sports. 有些运动非常有意思,任何地方的人都喜欢。比如说,足球就风靡全球。游泳流行于居住在世界各国海边河边的人中间。有些运动可追溯到古代,像跑步跳高等。再比如中国武术就历史悠久。但是篮球排球却是新项目。人们一直在发明新的运动项目或比赛。滑水是运动家庭中最新的成员之一。 People from different countries may not be able to understand each other, but after a game together they often become good friends. Sports help to

英国英文介绍 全面

The official title of the UK:the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland The national anthem:God Save the Queen The UK is made up of: Great Britain (the formerly separate England and Scotland, and Wales. )Northern Ireland,Numerous smaller islands Location of the UK: The mainland areas lie between latitudes 49°N and 61°N and longitudes 8°W to 2°E Total territory: 242,910 square kilometers Interesting Fact: No one in the UK lives more than 120 km (75 miles) from the sea. England: it consists of lowland terrain, with some mountainous terrain in the north-west, north and south-west. Scotland: Its geography is varied, with lowlands in the south and east and highlands in the north and west. Wales: It’s mostly mountainous. South Wales is less mountainous than North and Mid Wales. Northern Ireland: It’s mostly hilly The longest river: Severn River (354 kilometers long) 第二:Thames (332 kilometers long) The largest Lake: Lough Neagh(内伊湖,北爱尔兰中东部湖泊) Main characteristics: Temperate, with warm summers, cold winters and plenty rainfall Three major features: Winter fog Rainy days Instability/changeability London:the capital of England and of Great Britain,the political center of the Commonwealth, a major port,one of the world's leading banking and financial centers. 标志建筑:The River Thames The palace of Westminster Big Ben,London Eye,Westminster Abbey,St. Paul's Cathedral ,Tower of London,Hyde Park,Buckingham Palace,Buckingham Palace Edinburgh:Capital of Scotland,administrative, financial, legal, medical and insurance center of Scotland,beautiful scenery ,renowned architecture标志性建筑:Edinburgh Castle,Palace of Holyrood圣十字宫Cardiff :Europe's youngest capital city,has been the capital city of Wales for around 50 years,home to an enormous amount of urban regeneration and restoration ,has recently become one of the most fashionable cities in the United Kingdom. 标志性建筑:Cardiff City Hall,Millennium Stadium,Cardiff Castle Belfast :the second largest city ,capital of Northern Ireland,an important historic city 标志性建筑:Belfast Castle,City Hall 人口:Overall population: over 60 millions分布:England: about 50 million,Scotland:over 5 million,Wales: around 3 million,Northern Ireland: about 1.7million Ethnicity:The majority of this population are descendents of the Anglo-Saxons .Most people in Wales and Scotland are descendents of the Celtic people .The Irish people were also Celtic in origin immigrants . Education:two systems of education –the state school and public school Generally, there are three steps for British Education System: Compulsory Education(5-16), Further Education and Higher Education The Complete System of the British Education System Most Famous public schools in Britain are Eton College, Harrow School, Winchester College and Rugby School. Further education helps provide the academic router or vocational route. Higher Education –Oxford (1167) and Cambridge (1209), the oldest universities in the world. 其他:Sports –England was the first home of many modern world’s most popular sports. Cricket (most English), Soccer, Rugby, Horse Racing, Golf, Fishing, Hunting Science –Sir Francis Bacon, Isaac Newton’s theory, Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution Art, Music and Film; Literature Characters –Exclusiveness, conservativeness, politeness, love of privacy, sense of humor Holidays –Boxing Day, 12.26


Western students enjoy a seemingly relaxed educational experience、This, however, is not the case for students in Asia, who face crushing workloads and are often very disciplined、In the first part of her Globalist、 The decision is partly based on an inability —or unwillingness —to spend thousands of dollars in tuition fees, especially given the suspicion that local schools are better anyway、After all, what more could one want from a basic education than a strong grounding in language, math and science, all subjects in which Asian schools famously excel、Our main concern is the ability of our son —and indeed the whole family —to adapt to the strict diligence that is expected of the Chinese、Apprehension increases when talking to local friends、 China has a long history of standardized tests, beginning with the ancient imperial exams initiated during the Sui Dynasty、Shelly Chen is at the top of the class at the Shanghai foreign language school, one of the city’s best middle schools、Already near fluent in English, she is studying German and ranks among the highest in her grade

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