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社會研究方法:因果推論課程綱要(暫定)2013.09.15 課程名稱:社會研究方法─因果推論





研究室:綜合院館南棟8F 270844室

諮詢時間:星期二下午2 pm – 4 pm

聯絡方式:校內分機50844;E-mail: soci1005@https://www.doczj.com/doc/b811902088.html,.tw



科學解釋的核心是從事因果推論。社會是個複雜開放的體系,社會科學家經常是使用觀察性資料(observational data),而非實驗設計的方法來瞭解所欲研究的現象。因此,長期以來,社會科學家對於如何從事因果推論,有不同的觀點。甚至有些觀點主張因果推論是屬於形上的範疇,或根本不應該是社會科學發展的重點。即便如此,從事經驗研究的社會科學家,仍然企圖以各種研究方法來瞭解社會現象的因果關係,特別是當這些研究有重要政策意涵或影響時。







Morgan, Stephen L. and Christopher Winship, 2007, Counterfactuals and Causal Inference: Methods and Principles for Social Research. Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press.(以下簡稱MW)

Guo, Shenyan and Mark W. Fraser, 2010, Propensity Score Analysis: Statistical Methods and Applications. Los Angeles, CA: Sage.(以下簡稱GF)Morgan, Stephen L. (ed.), 2013, Handbook of Causal Analysis for Social Research. New York: Springer.(以下簡稱Handbook)

除了上列教科書外,每週依進度另有補充閱讀教材。部份補充閱讀教材可由本校線上資料庫,以及以下討論counterfactual causal analysis的網站取得:


另可參考American Educational Research Association放在網路上的白皮書:

Schneider, Barbara, Martin Carnoy, Jeremy Kilpatrick, William H. Schmitt, and Richard J. Shavelson, 2007, Estimating Causal Effects Using Experimental and

Observational Designs. Washington, D. C.: American Educational Research



ects/Causal%20Effects.pdf (Date visited: Sept. 15, 2013).

















閱讀教材:*MW, Ch. 1, “Introduction.”

*Handbook, Ch. 3, “Types of Causes.”

Handbook, Ch. 2, “A History of Causal Analysis in the Social Sciences.”

*Holland, Paul W., 1986, “Statistics and Causal Inference.”Journal of the American Statistical Association 81: 945-960.

Sobel, Michael E., 1995. “Causal Inference in the Social and Behavioral Sciences.” Pp. 1-38 in Handbook of Statistical Modeling for the

Social and Behavioral Sciences, edited by G. Arminger, C. C. Clogg,

and M. E. Sobel. New York: Plenum.

*Sobel, Michael, E., 1996, “An Introduction to Causal Inference.”

Sociological Methods and Research 24: 353-379.

Pearl, Judea, 2000, “Epilogue: The Art and Science of Cause and Effect.”

Pp. 331-358 in Causality: Models, Reasoning, and Inference, by J.

Pearl. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (see also


Pearl, Judea, 1999, “Reasoning with Cause and Effect.”

https://www.doczj.com/doc/b811902088.html,/IJCAI99/ijcai-99.pdf (Date visited: August

30, 2008).


閱讀教材:*MW, Ch. 2, “The Counterfactual Model.”

*GF, Ch. 2, “Counterfactual Framework and Assumptions.”

Handbook, Ch. 5, “Causal Models and Counterfactual.”

*Gangl, Markus, 2010, “Causal Inference in Sociological Research.”

Annual Review of Sociology 36: 21-47 (此階段至少讀21-32).

Heckman, James, 2005, “The Scientific Model of Causality.”

Sociological Methodology 35: 1-98.

Cook, Thomas D., 2002, “Randomized experiments in Educational Policy Research: A Critical Examination of the Reasons that the

Educational Evaluation Community Has Offered for not Doing

Them.”Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 24: 175-199.

Rubin, Donald R., 1974, “Estimating Causal Effects of Treatments in Randomized and Nonrandomized Studies.”Journal of Educational

Psychology 66: 688-701.

Winship, Christopher and Stephen L. Morgan, 1999, “The Estimation of Causal Effects from Observational Data.”Annual Review of

Sociology 25: 659-706.


閱讀教材:*MW, Ch. 3, “Estimating Causal Effects by Conditioning.”

*GF, Ch. 3, “Conventional Methods for Data Balancing.”

*Rosenbaum, Paul R., 2005, “Observational Study.” Pp. 1451-1462 in Encyclopedia of Statistics in Behavioral Science, Volume 3, edited by

B. S. Everitt and D.

C. Howell. Chichester: John Wiley and Sons.

Freedman, David A., 2004, “Graphical Models for Causation, and the Identification Problem.”Evaluation Review 28: 267-293.

*Pearl, Judea, 1995, “Causal Diagrams for Empirical Research.”

Biometrika 82: 669-688.

第五~七週:估計因果效應─配對估計(matching estimators)

閱讀教材:*MW, Ch. 4, “Matching Estimators of Causal Effects.”

*GF, Ch. 5, “Propensity Score Matching and Related Models.”

*GF, Ch. 6, “Matching Estimators.”

*GF, Ch. 7, “Propensity Score Analysis with Nonparametric Regression.”

*Caliendo, Marco and Sabine Kopeinig, 2008, “Some Practical Guidance for the Implementation of Propensity Score Matching.”Journal of

Economic Surveys 22: 31-72.

*Morgan, Stephen L., 2001, “Counterfactuals, Causal Effect

Heterogeneity, and the Catholic School Effect on Learning.”

Sociology of Education 74: 341-374.

Dehejia, Rajeev H. and Sadek Wahba, 2002, “Propensity Score Matching for Non-experimental Causal Studies.”The Review of Economics and

Statistics 84: 151-161.

Rosenbaum, Paul R. and Donald B. Rubin, 1986, “The Central Role of the Propensity Score in Observational Studies for Causal Effects.”

Biometrika 70: 41-55.

Smith, Herbert L., 2001, “Matching with Multiple Controls to Estimate Treatment Effect in Observational Studies.”Sociological

Methodology 27: 325-353.

Smith, Jeffrey A. and Petra E. Todd, 2005, “Does Matching Overcome LaLonde?s Critique of Nonexperimental Estimators?”Journal of

Econometrics 125: 305-353.

*Xie, Yu, Jeannie E. Brand, and Ben Jann, 2012, “Estimating

Heterogeneous Treatment Effects with Observational Data.”

Sociological Methodology 42: 314-347.


閱讀教材:*MW, Ch. 5, “Regression Estimators of Causal Effects.”

Duncan, Otis D., 1966, “Path Analysis: Sociological Examples.”

American Journal of Sociology 72: 1-16.

Freedman, David, 1997, “From Association to Causation via Regression.”

Advances in Applied Mathematics 18: 59-110.

*Gelman, Andrew and Jennifer Hill, 2007, “Ch. 9 Causal Inference Using Regression on Treatment Variable.” Pp. 167-198 in Data Analysis

Using Regression and Multilevel/Hierarchical Models. New York:

Cambridge University Press.

https://www.doczj.com/doc/b811902088.html,/~gelman/arm/chap9.pdf (Date

accessed: Sept. 15, 2013).

Freedman, David and Richard A. Berk, 2008. “Weighting Regression by Propensity Scores.”Evaluation Review 32 (4): 392-409.

Krueger, Alan B., 1993, “How Computers Have Changed the Wage

Structure: Evidence from Micro Data.”Quarterly Journal of

Economics 108: 33-60.

DiNardo, John E. and Jorn-Steffen Pischke, 1997, “The Return to

Computer Use Revisited: Have Pencils Changed the Wage

Structure too?”Quarterly Journal of Economics 112: 291-303.

Frank, Kenneth A., 2000, “Impact of a Confounding Variable on the

Inference of a Regression Coefficient.”Sociological Methods and

Research 29: 147-194.

Morgan, Stephen L. and Jennifer J. Todd, 2008, “A Diagnostic

Routine for the Detection of Consequential Heterogeneity of

Causal Effects.”Sociological Methodology 38: 231-281.


第十週:Issues of Identification and Sensitivity Analysis

閱讀教材:*MW, Ch. 6, “Identification in the Absence of a Complete Model of

Causal Exposure.”

*GF, Ch. 8, “Selection Bias and Sensitivity Analysis.”

*Harding, David J., 2004, “Counterfactual Models of Neighborhood

Effects: The Effect of Neighborhood Poverty on Dropping out and

Teenage Pregnancy.”American Journal of Sociology 109: 676-719.

Becker, Sascha O. and Marco Caliendo, 2007, “Sensitivity Analysis for

Average Treatment Effects.”The Stata Journal 7(1): 71-83.

Rosenbaum, Donald R., 2005, “Sensitivity Analysis in Observational

Studies.” Pp. 1809-1814 in Encyclopedia of Statistics in Behavioral

Science, Volume 4, edited by B. S. Everitt and D. C. Howell.

Chichester: John Wiley and Sons.

Manski, Charles, Gary D. Sandefur, Sara McLanahan and Daniel Powers, 1992, “Alternative Estimates of the Effect of Family Structure

During Adolescence on High School Graduation.”Journal of the

American Statistical Association, 87: 25-37.

Rosenbaum, Paul R., 1990, “Dropping out of High School in the United States: An Observational Study.”Journal of Educational Statistics,

11: 207-224.


閱讀教材:*MW, Ch. 7, “Instrumental Variable Estimators of Causal Effects.”

*GF, Ch. 4, “Sample Selection and Related Models.”

*Bollen, Kenneth A., 2012, “Instrumental Variables in Sociology and

Social Science.”Annual Review of Sociology 38: 37-72.

Angrist, Joshua D. and Alan B. Kruger, 2001, “Instrumental Variables

and the Search for Identification: From Supply and Demand to

Natural Experiments.”Journal of Economic Perspectives 15:


Angrist, Joshua D., Guido W. Imbens, and Donald R. Rubin, 1996,

“Identification of Causal Effects Using Instrumental Variables.”

Journal of American Statistical Association 91: 444-455.

Angrist, Joshua D. and Alan B. Kruger, 1991, “Does Compulsory School Attendance Affect Schooling and Earnings?”Quarterly Journal of

Economics 106: 979-1014.

Foster, E. M. and Sara McClanahan, 1996, “An Illustration of the Use of Instrumental Variables: Do Neighborhood Conditions Affect a

Young Person?s Chance of Finishing High School?”Psychological

Methods 1: 249-260.

Rosenzweig, Mark R. and Kenneth I. Wolpin, 2000, “Natural …Natural

Experiments? in Economics.”Journal of Economic Literature 38:


DiPrete, Thomas A., and Markus Gangl, 2004. “Assessing bias in the

estimation of causal effects: Rosenbaum bounds on matching

estimates and instrumental variables with imperfect instruments.”

Sociological Methodology 34: 271-310.


閱讀教材:*MW, Ch. 9, “Repeated Observations and the Estimation of Causal


*Handbook, Ch. 7, “Fixed Effects, Random Effects, and Hybrid Models for Causal Analysis.”

*Allison, Paul D., 2009, Fixed Effects Regression Models. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Ch. 1 ~ Ch. 3.

*Angrist, Joshua D. and J?rn-Steffen Pischke, 2009, “Ch. 6 Getting a Little Jumpy: Regression Discontinuity Designs.” Pp. 251-267 in

Mostly Harmless Econometrics: An Empiricist Companion.

Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

*Bollen, Kenneth A. and Jeannie E. Brand, 2010, “A General Panel Model with Random and Fixed Effects: A Structural Equation

Approach.”Social Forces 89 (1): 1-34.

*Finkel, Steven E., Causal Analysis with Panel Data. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Ch. 1 ~ Ch. 3.

Halaby, Charles N., 2004, “Panel Models in Sociological Research: Theory into Practice.”Annual Review of Sociology 30: 507-544. Johnson, David R., 1995, “Alternative Methods for the Quantitative Analysis of Panel Data in Family Research: Pooled Time-Series

Models”Journal of Marriage and the Family 57: 1065-1077. Johnson, David, 2005, “Two-Wave Panel Analysis: Comparing Statistical Methods for Studying the Effects of Transitions.”Journal of

Marriage and Family 67: 1061-1075.

Benjamin R. Karney and Thomas N. Bradbury, 1995, “Assessing Longitudinal Change in Marriage: An Introduction to the Analysis of Growth Curves.” Journal of Marriage and the Family 57:


Regression Discontinuity

Jacob, Brian A. and Lars Lefgren, 2004, “Remedial Education and Student Achievement: A Regression Discontinuity Analysis.”The

Review of Economics and Statistics 86: 226-244.

Difference in difference

Dynarski, Susan M., 2003, “Does Aid Matter? Measuring the Effect of Student Aid on College Attendance and Completion.”The American Economic Review 93: 279-288.

Fixed effects

Garces, Eliana, Duncan Thomas, and Janet Currie, 2002, “Longer-term

Effects of Head Start.”The American Economic Review 92:


Budig, Michelle J. and Paula England, 2001, “The Wage Penalty for

Motherhood.”American Sociological Review 66: 204-225.

Vanlaningham, Jody, David R. Johnson, & Paul Amato, 2001, “A Marital Happiness, Marital Duration, and the U-shaped Curve: Evidence

from a Five-Wave Panel Study, Social Forces 79:1313-1342.

Panel data

Sun, Yongming, 2001, “Family Environment and Adolescents'

Well-Being before and after Parents' Marital Disruption: A

Longitudinal Analysis.”Journal of Marriage and the Family 63:


Warren, John Robert, Jennifer T. Sheridan and Robert M. Hauser, 2002, “Occupational Stratification across the Life Course: Evidence from

the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study.” American Sociological Review

67: 432-455.


閱讀教材:*MW, Ch. 8, “Mechanisms and Causal Explanation.”

*Handbook, Ch. 12, “New Perspectives on Causal Mediation Analysis.”

Goldthorpe, John H., 2001, “Causation, Statistics, and Sociology.”

European Sociological Review 17: 1-20.

Hedstr?m, Peter, 2005, “Social Mechanism and Explanatory Theory.” Pp.

11-33 in Dissecting the Social: On the Principles of Analytical

Sociology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Machamer, Peter, Lindley Darden, and Carl F. Craver, 2000, “Thinking about Mechanisms.”Philosophy of Science 67: 1-25.

Reskin, Barbara F., 2003, “Including Mechanisms in our Models of

Ascriptive Inequality.”American Sociological Review 68: 1-21.

Sayer, Andrew, 2000, “Key Features of Critical Realism in Practice: A Brief Outline.” Pp. 10-28 in Realism and Social Science. London:



閱讀材料:*MW, Ch. 10, “Counterfactual Causality and Future Empirical Research in

the Social Sciences.”

*Handbook, Ch. 15, “Eight Myths About Causality and Structural

Equation Models.”

*Handbook, Ch. 16, “Heterogeneous Agents, Social Interactions, and

Causal Inference.”

Arpino, Bruno and Fabrizia Mealli, 2011, “The Specification of the

Propensity Score in Multilevel Observational Studies.”

Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 55 (4): 1770-1780.

Leite, Walter L., Robert Sandbach, Rong Jin, Jann W. MacInnes, and M.

Grace-Ann Jackman, 2012, “An Evaluation of Latent Growth

Models for Propensity Score Matched Groups.” Structural Equation

Modeling: An Multidisciplinary Journal 19 (3): 437-456.

Hong, Guanglei and Yu Bin, 2008, “Effects of Kindergarten Retention on Children's Social-Emotional Development: An Application of

Propensity Score Method to Multivariate, Multilevel Data.”

Developmental Psychology 44(2): 407-421.

Hong, Guanglei, 2010, “Marginal Mean Weighting Through Stratification: Adjustment for Selection Bias in Multilevel Data.”Journal of

Educational and Behavioral Statistics 35 (5): 499-531.

McKenzie, David, John Gibson, and Steven Stillman, 2006, “How

Important is Selection? Experimental versus Non-experimental

Measures of the Income Gains from Migration.” World Bank Policy

Research Working Paper 3906.



6.pdf (Date visited: August 30, 2008).

Glazerman, Steven, Dan M. Levy, and David Myers, 2003,

“Nonexperimental vs. Experimental Estimates of Earnings Impacts.”

The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science


Kaplan, David and Jianshen Chen, 2012, “A Two-Step BAYESIAN

Approach for Propensity Score Analysis: Simulations and Case

Study.”Psychometrika 77 (3): 581-609.


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