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Lexical Cohesion of Meaning in Written English 一个段落,乃至一篇文章的内容除了在语义上应该保持连贯以外,还需要做到语义上的衔接(cohesion)。连贯好比是钢筋混凝土浇铸成的楼房主体,人们看不出其组成成分。衔接好比是砖与砖之间的砂浆,我们能看出它把砖连接在一起的情形。连贯是目的,衔接是手段。连贯避免逻辑混乱,衔接是消除前言不搭后语(incohesion)、繁复啰嗦(superfluous)、词语贫乏(flat or monotonous)和赘言(redundant)的有效方法。请看下面三篇文章:

(A) Diligence is one of the essentials for success. If a worker wants to make some achievements by trade, he must devote himself to his job and work hard. Practicing English, for example, needs much time and your energy. So if you want to speak well in English, you must be diligent…

这个段落的主题句写得很好,紧接着的第一层支撑句也没问题,但是第二层支撑句的意思由于突如其来了一个第二人称代词“you”就和第一层意思有些脱节,衔接不上,前言不搭后语。如果要把“学生”和“工人”进行类比,第三句里需要出现与上文语义相衔接的词语。比如,我们把第三句和后面的句子改写成“Like a worker, a student also needs to make efforts in his studies. For example, practicing oral English needs his much time and energy. If he keeps practice every day, he will be sure to speak English well.”这样第三句“like a worker”里的“a worker”和第二句的“a worker”,“make efforts”和“work hard”形成了照应;第四句的“practice”和第三句中的“practicing”,“much…energy”和“make efforts”构成了衔接关系,整个语段的意思就连贯了。

(B)Great changes have taken place in my old school. Pupils study in spacious and bright classrooms. The villages, who once prevented their children from going to school, now like to send their children to the new school. The pupils are very happy to listen to their teachers every day.

本段第三句中的“children”和“the new school”,第四句中的“pupils”均表现出作者词汇的贫乏单调和语义的繁冗。如果把第三句中的“children”改成“sons and daughters”,把“the new school”改为“it”,把第四句的“pupils”改为“boys and girls”语言就较为顺畅了。

解决上述问题,要靠用于衔接的照应(anaphora)手段。照应可以分为前照应(anaphoric reference)和后照应(cataphoric reference),或称回指和下指。例如:The teacher I like best is John, an American teacher.

我们用得最多的是词汇衔接(lexical cohesion)和指称衔接(referential cohesion),本节先讨论词汇衔接。词汇衔接主要通过替代(substitution)来实现。


(C) Yesterday Mary bought three dresses. She bought a yellow dress, a green dress, and a white dress.


(C1) Yesterday Mary bought three garments: a yellow dress, a green skirt, and a white shirt.


1. 下义关系


Model 1

An Enjoyment

On the New Year’s Eve our family members got together to enjoy the evening party coming from CCTV.

All my family burst into laughter while watching a short comic play. The play was chiefly performed by Zhao Lirong, a comic actress enjoying a nation-wide reputation. When she posed herself as a Chinese boxer, we all laughed. My younger sister giggled. My brother grinned. My

sister-in-law leered with a sneer. I myself guffawed, “What a fun!” My little nephew chortled very much. My mother smiled from ear to ear. Even my father gave a chuckle though he usually looks grave in his appearance as a judge.

We all enjoyed ourselves very much throughout the party.

Note: grin(露齿而笑),leer with a sneer(斜眼冷笑),guffaw(大笑着说),chortle(哈哈大笑),chuckle(窃笑)。

2. 同义关系

两个意义相同(same/identical)或相近(similar)的词是同义词(synonym), 它们之间的关系成为同义关系(synonym)。但是,这种关系是有条件的,即只有在某些语境或上下文中,两者才同义。例如:I must buy/get some more stamps at the post office. I got/gained more stamps from my father as my birthday present.

Model 2

How to Overcome the Fear of Death

Some old people are oppressed by the fear of death. They are terribly wrong.

The best way to overcome it—so that at least it seems to me—is to make your interest gradually wider and more impersonal. Thus, the walls of self will recede bit by bit, and your life will become increasingly merged in the universal life. An individual human existence should b like a river—small at first, narrowly contained within its banks, and rushing passionately past boulders and over waterfalls. Gradually the river grows wider, the banks move back, the waters floe more quietly, and in the end without any visible break, they become merged in the sea, and painlessly lose their individual being. The man, in old age, can see his life in this way, will not suffer from the fear of death, since the things he cares for will continue. And if, with the decay of vitality, weariness increases, the thought of rest will be not unwelcome. I should wish to die while still at work, knowing that others will carry on what I can no longer do…

Death, like birth, is a natural thing which nobody can escape from. If man all takes an active attitude toward it, he will bravely go to meet it when his life ends up with fulfillment.

(根据New Concept English第四册短文改写) 这篇文章里有四组同义词:death,die,rest(长眠)和end up;recede和move back;existence 和being;interest和cares for。它们互相照应,使全文语义衔接,集中构成一种类比(analogy)推理方式。

3. 重复关系


The closeness of Stanford to San Francisco, a city thirty-two miles to the north, gives the university a decidedly cosmopolitan flavor. Equally cosmopolitan is the student body. Students enroll principally from the western United States. But most of the fifty states send students to Stanford, and many foreign students study here, as well.

(Bander: American English Rhetoric) 但是,重复具有双重性(dualism)。它除了有表现力以外,还有非表现力的一面。如果使用不当,就会造成累赘。

Perhaps the most interesting person I have ever met is an interesting Italian professor of philosophy who teaches courses at the University of Pisa in Italy. Although I last met this man eight years ago, I have not forgotten over the long years his special qualities.

(Bander: American English Rhetoric) 4. 借代关系

借代(metonymy)是一种修辞格(figure of speech),它是用一种事物的名称代替另一种相关事物的修辞手段。我们可以用容器代替内容(The kettle is boiling),以人或事物的明显标志代替该人或事物本身(The blue eyes walked into the office),以工具代表使用工具的人(The pen is mightier than sword),以作者名代替作品(Have you ever read Shakespeare?),用具体事物代替抽象概念等。例如:

Pablo looked down.

“Every one has to do what he can do according to how it can be truly done,” he said, “I live here and operate beyond Segovia. If you make a disturbance here, we will be hunted out of these

mountains. It is only by doing nothing here that we are able to live in these mountains. It is the principle of the fox.”

“Yes,” said Anselmo bitterly, “It is the principle of the fox when we need the wolf.”

“I am more wolf than thee,” Pablo said.

(Ernest Hemingway: For Whom the Bell Tolls) 这里,作者用狐狸代替狡猾的人或物,用狼代替凶狠的人或物。与借代连带的还有一种修辞格是提喻,或称举隅法(synecdoche)。它是以事物的局部表示整体,或以整体表示局部。例如:

I arrived at the school just three feet tall and fatly wrapped in my scarves. The playground roared like a rodeo, …Old boots, ragged stockings, torn trousers and skirts, went skating and skidding around. The rabble closed in; I was enriched.

(Laurie Lee, 转引自冯翠华《英语修辞大全》) 在该段中,作者用孩子们的各种服饰来代替这些学生。


That flight between Ali and Liston was the most sensational heavy weight contest since the Dempsey-Tunney match of 1926.


Referential Cohesion of Discourse in Written English 指称就是把写作时要表达的实体(entity)(即某一人物、事物、事件、活动、时间、地点等)准确无误地告诉读者采用的手段,否则就会造成误解、混乱或臃肿。例如,我们在谈及两个人的活动时写道:

(A)Li Hua had something to talk with Wang Qiang. The former entered the latter’s room. At that moment Wang Qiang was carrying a box and was going to put it somewhere. He said to Li Hua, “Please sit down and wait a minute, let me put it there. Then we will have our chat.”After Wang put the box on a corner, they began their talk.

(B) The New Englanders were better prepared to meet hardship. Not only were the New Englander’s migrations longer and better organized than those of the individual travelers, the individual travelers made the individual traveler’s way to the Chesopeake area, but the New Englander’s theology helped make explicable the trials the New Englanders faced.

(摘自胡壮麟《语篇的衔接与连贯》) 这段文字对比了美国殖民初期新英格兰移民的不同情况。从语法上看这个语段没有错误,但是读起来令人费解,这是为什么呢?就是因为没有利用指称手段的缘故。其实,这个段落原本是Neil Harris 等人写的American History: 1600 to the Present里的一段话,我们将其复原就好理解了:

(B1)The New Englanders were better prepared to meet hardship. Not only were their migrations longer and better organized than those of the individual travelers who made their way to the Chesopeake area, but their theology helped make explicable the trials they faced.

(摘自胡壮麟《语篇的衔接与连贯》) 1. 人称指称

人称指称(personal reference)是人们使用做多的指称手段。我们在写作中首先要定位的是代言人/言念(voice)或视点(point of view),即谁是文章中的发言人(speaker)或叙述者(narrator)。

1.1 第一人称单数

我们在讲述与自己经历或经验有关的事情的时候第一人称单数(the first person singular)是最自然的视点。它可用于写自传(autobiography)、报纸和杂志专栏(magazine and newspaper columns)文章和记叙文等等。

Model 1

A Walk in the Rain

After I get up in the morning, I like to take a walk outdoors. Whether it is fine or rainy or

windy I keep doing so every day. Especially I love walking in the rain.

One day it was raining heavily. Drop by drop it fell on my head, on my shoulders, on my back, and on my knees, but I was in high spirits. Along the path, I saw many little red and yellow and white flowers putting up their heads to absorb their drinks. They had been completely washed. They appeared fresh and lively. How lovely they looked! I myself was wet to the skin as well, but I felt happy as if the rain were gladdening my heart and refreshing my mind. By then I forgot all my troubles and unhappy incidents. I was as lively as those flowers.

Indeed, walking in the rain is an enjoyment to me. I do not know why, but I just like it. Perhaps, it is a good remedy for me, and for any body to cure the withering heart.

1.2 第一人称复数

当作者代表一部分观点相同的人对另一部分持同样观点人讲话时就可以用复数第一人称(the first person plural)“we”来写作。这一人称读起来亲切,能使读者感到自己似乎也和作者一样享有同等的学识、观点、声望等。所以,他多用于演讲稿和以团体口吻写得文章。Model 2

An Incident

Last summer we went camping. In the next morning after we arrived at our destination, everyone did his own job assigned. Peter and John went to fetch water from a well nearby. Unfortunately, Peter fell into the well because of the mosses. Immediately John ran back to call us for help.

We had a hard time getting Peter out of the well he had fallen into. First, we fashioned a rope by linking our belts together. Then we lowered it to Peter telling him to grasp the end. After he had hold of belt-rope, we began to pull him slowly, inch by inch, out of the well. During his ascent, no one dared speak a word. Finally, we could grasp his arms, and with a shout of relief, we pulled him out onto the grassy bank.

After a while, we asked him hoe he felt. “I felt very well,” he said, “because God said to me it is not time you came to see me.”

1.3 第三人称

第三人称(the third person)往往被人们称为“无所不知的叙述者”或“全知观点”。其实文章的代言人或故事的叙述者就是作者自己。他对自己所写的东西无所不知。

My Mother

Model 3

My mother is a kind and gentle woman. She is always very gentle. She takes good care of her children and keeps them all at school. I have two brothers and two sisters. So she gets five children in all. She gives us every comfort. We all love her and she loves us also.

My mother has too much to do in bring us up. As our family is too poor to keep a nurse, my mother has always to do much work. She gets up very early and sleeps very late every day. She works hard, yet without complaining.

She is also a thrifty and industrious woman. She saves every penny that she can and keeps everything in order. As she has been busy ever since she was young, she looks older than she really is. Her face is wrinkled, her hair becomes silver white, and some of her teeth become movable. But she works as hard as ever.

Often she says to us, “Work while you work, play while you play. If you do not work, you will become lazy and of no use to society.” What a piece of good advice this is! We must be worth it well and always keep it in our mind.

(选自朱宝雄《实用英语写作》)1.4 第二人称

第二人称(the second person)多用在书信体文章和指导性或教导性文章里。

Model 4

An Introduction to the Use of a PC

“Using a computer is easy.”You have heard that statement before. It is the kind of glib remark that might make you wish for an adding machine and ballpoint pen instead of a computer.

Personal computers are logical. They function according to very strict, straightforward rules and guidelines. All you have to do is learn the rules, and you can take charge of the computer on

your desk. Luckily, the application programs written for computers re continually becoming easier to use; the combination of PC DOS and Windows (two pieces of software that explained in the following section) make learning the rules easier than ever.

With PC DOS and Windows, you can access all the power of your computer. Before you put your computer to work, however, you need to understand its components, and you need to know how they work together. This chapter describes the relationship between personal computer hardware and the operating system.

2. 指示指称

作者以自身为参照物来定位所指的人或物在时间和空间上的远近关系就是指示指称(the demonstrate reference)。在英语中,指示指称词语主要有this/that, these/those, here/there, now/then。

Model 5

My Brother’s Ideal

My brother is a farmer. He has a great ambition. His ideal is to become a king of fruits.

My brother planted a variety of fruit trees in the last decade or so. During the last summer vacation he led me to his orchard in which those trees gave me an eye-opening scene. All the trees grew so well that ample fruits were hanging heavily on them. I asked my brother how he ran his orchard. He said that in the deep autumn he pruned them, in winter he applied fertilizer to them, and in spring and summer he watered them----all this, he added, gave him much pleasure. He told me that he had made a further plan to develop his orchard, but our father had his own plan. After I knew both of their plans I said to my brother that I preferred his to our father’s in that my brother could achieve much more fruit. My brother’s plan is this: He wants to turn all the hills around his orchard into fruit-tree ones.

My villagers all said that my brother is a young man who sets his mind on doing something useful. I think he will be certain to realize his ideal.

3. 本体指称

我们在前面范文中见到过的the former, the latter, 以及其他形容词前加定冠词作名词用的形式,不定代词one(s) , something, anything 等,都可以看成是集体指称。

Model 6

My group

Our class is divided into eight groups. I am the leader of my group which consists of four classmates: Liu Tao, Li Min, Wang Mei, and I.

We four, united as one, learn from each other and help each other in whatever we do. Liu Tao, male, is the oldest of us four. He treats us three as his younger brothers and sisters. Whenever I fall ill, he shows his great concern for me. Lin Ming and Wang Mei are girls, but unlike other girls, they never get jealous of each other. Although Li Ming comes from a bit city, she does not look down upon Wang Mei who is a country class. Wang Mei, being good at sewing is always ready to offer us her skills. Liu Tao has difficulty in learning English ; we other three help him with it. I, as a group leader, is responsible for our progress in every respect. Of course I always take lead in e verything we do.

Now you may imagine what a good group ours is.

Assignment:Write an essay of 120 words in three paragraphs. You are expected to base your ideas on the following introduction and topic sentence of the developmental paragraph. Also the conclusion is given to you.

My Family

There are five people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my brother, my sister, and I.

Ours is a harmonious family. /My family is a harmonious one. / My family is in its harmony. / Our family (members) live in harmony. (Choose one from those four as your topic sentence.)…..




People say my family is a happy one. I love it best.


英语语篇中的词汇衔接手法 来源:英语专业论文 https://www.doczj.com/doc/b011350687.html,/ 英语语篇;时体分析模式;语篇功能 引言1976年韩礼德和哈桑出版的《英语的衔接》标志着语篇衔接理论的创立。此后,Halliday和Hasan沿着自己的研究方向继续探索,并不断扩大衔接概念的涵盖范围。 从他们的理论发展出两条支脉,一是Martin在《英语语篇》中所确立的衔接体系,二是Michael Hoey在《语篇中的词汇模式》中提出的词汇衔接理论。在语篇衔接理论的应用方面,Michael McCarthy探讨了如何在语言教学中应用衔接理论。但他们都没有把英语时体单列出来而提出一种基于英语时体的语篇分析模式。 英语时体的语篇功能在《英语的衔接》一书中,Halliday 和Hasan认为:“衔接的概念是语义的,它存在于语篇中,指的是使语篇成为语篇的一种语义关系。”而作为英语语言系统的重要组成部分,英语时体不单具有时间指向性,而且是表达语义的手段。因此,与其它形式的衔接手段一样,英语时体也是一种衔接手段,在语篇中具有衔接作用。 区分了英语时体四组八个语篇功能: 表实功能和想象功能、时间挂靠功能和时间切换功能、分组功能和标界功能以及泛化功能和具体化功能。 英语时体可以描述事实,这就是英语时体的表实功能。英语时体还可以用来描述想象或假想的事实,这就是英语时体的想象功能,例如,运用现在时态表达将来时间,运用英语过

去时态表达假想的事实,等等,这些用法都属于英语时体的 想象功能。英语时体的时间挂靠功能是指把语篇中各句限定动词与语篇中其它时间标记(如:时间状语)的时间指称挂靠,从而得到各个限定动词的时间指称。英语语篇中的时间的切换可以通过具体的时间状语的更替来实现,但还可以通过时体的切换来实现,这就是英语时体的时间切换功能。 把一个语篇划分为不同的部分,传统的做法是根据篇章的自然分段进行的,本文试图改变这种做法,尝试性地运用 英语时体的衔接作用把语篇划分为不同的部分,而不是根据自然段落的结构来划分不同部分,这就是英语时体的分组功能。随着分组的完成,篇章中的各个部分的界限也就一目了然,这种界限有时可能与自然段间的界限一致,也有可能与 自然段间的界限不一致,这就是英语时体的标界功能。泛化功能与表实功能有一定的相似性,但又有区别,后者是英语 所有时体都具有的功能,但前者一般是现在时态居多,因为 英语现在时态通常用来描述客观性、一般性的事件或状态。 与泛化功能相对的一个功能是具体化功能,它是指由英语时体表达的内容都是发生或存在于某个具体的时间、涉及某个或某些特定的个体,这种功能通常都是与英语的过去时态以及进行体相联系的。英语时体在语篇中的这四组衔接功能相辅相成,相互联系而不孤立,它们可以合力对语篇结构 分析发生作用,对语篇的理解产生影响。 英语语篇的时体分析模式英语语篇的时体分析模式是指综合运用笔者提出的英语时体四组八个语篇功能分析英语 语篇的语篇分析方法。以下是笔者综合运用这四组八个语篇功能分析一个英语语篇案例。


英语会话中语篇连贯的衔接手段(一) 摘要语言教学的最终目的是培养学生以书面和口头的形式进行交际。成功的交际依赖于对语言的掌握和对语境的理解。实际交际中要善于运用词汇衔接、音韵衔接,副语言特征和话语标记语,以达到成功的语言交流。 关键词词汇衔接音韵衔接副语言特征话语标记语1引言 韩礼德和哈桑认为,任何一段能成为语篇的语话必须具有语篇性。他们所说的话篇性包括两方面的特征:一是结构性特征,另一个是非结构性特征。 结构性特征指的是主位结构和信息结构。非结构性特征指的是话语内部的上下衔接——所谓衔接,说到底就是语篇内部两个不受句法结构制约的成分在意义上相互关联,衔接手段可分为语法衔接和词汇衔接两种。 英语会话中缺乏语篇的连贯和衔接会导致语义含混甚至交际失败,因而外语学习者有必须研究衔接连贯手段,使交际能够流利顺畅地进行。本文将从词汇衔接、音韵衔接、副语言特征、话语标记语等方面进行分析。 2词汇衔接 词汇衔接是指跨越句际的两个或多个词项相互之间词汇意义上的联系,即通过词汇的选择运用在语篇中建立一个贯穿篇章的链条来达到连贯的目的。这些词汇或重复或由其它词语替代或共同出现,从而构成语篇会话的连贯性和完整性,以保证会话或语义取得统一,衔接语篇。语篇会话中的词汇选择关系有多种方式。我们把词汇衔接方式分为重复、泛指词、相似性、可分类性和搭配五大类。英语会话中经常使用这些方法,现举例如下: (1)Heboughtsomebread,milkandoranges.Theorangesaretomakeadessert.(关键词的重复。他买了一些面包、牛奶和桔子。桔子用来作甜点。) (2)Heknewthatthiswasagoodwayofbringingtheviolent,refractorySunfutoheel.(泛指词的运用。他知道用这法门可以折服那刚愎狠辣的吴荪福。) (3)Itookleave,andturnedtotheas?鄄centofthepeak.Theclimbisperfectlyeasy.(词的相似性。我离开了,返身去攀登山峰,攀登轻松极了。) 搭配(Collocation)即词汇有规律地使用的方式,也是语义连贯的手段。辨别一段语言是否连贯可看它是否处于同一语域(register)。处于同一语域所使用的词之间是有联系的,这是一种相关的语义联系。例如night这个词在语言的实际运用中常与dark连用(或说并置,搭配),但是很少有可能和book,chair等词连用。邮局里职员和顾客的对话中常会有“stamp”、“parcel”、“regisered”等词出现。 3音韵衔接 就口语语篇而言,语言实际上是有意义的声流即音韵的有序汇集体。音韵在语篇中的衔接机制是最普遍且非常重要的。英语的音韵包括话语语流中的语调和韵律特征。如调型、重音、调幅、音高、音长、音速等。语调重音的选择、调型的组合模式以及各种韵律特征的变化,能给听者传达言者的诸如倾向、情感等仅仅靠词语所不足以表达的信息。这是英语会话所特有的特征。一般说来口语中用升调表示疑问抑或否定,用降调表示肯定,用重音强调某一特定的语意,用音的高低长短变化使会话语篇的主次分明等等。下例中A用的语调不同,导致B作出不同的回答。试分析: (1)A:Ican’tmakebread.?坨(用降调,陈述事实。) B:Letmemakeit.?坨(作出回答,让自己试试。) (2)A:Ican’tmakebread.?坭(用升调,表疑问或愤怒。) B:Ok,Letmesee.?坭(用升调,表挑衅,那我就拭目以待。) (3)A:Ican’tmakebread.ˇ?坨(用降升调,暗示他尽管不会做面包,但会做蛋糕。) B:Cakesarealsomyfavorite.?坨(用降调,表示吃蛋糕也行啊。)


师大学学院课程考试 答卷纸 考试科目科研方法研究 院系外语系 级别2010级 学年2012-2013学年 学期第一学期 姓名章驰 学号 3 2012年12 月05日


目录 一.前言 (1) 二.基本概念 (2) 1.旅游语篇 (3) 2.衔接手段 (3) 三.汉英衔接手段的异同 (3) 四.旅游语篇汉英衔接手段的转换 (4) 1.指称 (4) 2.省略与替代 (5) 3.连接 (5) 4.词汇衔接 (6) 五.结语 (6) 六.参考文献 (6)

从衔接角度看中文旅游语篇的英文翻译 摘要: 据世界旅游组织预测,到2020年,中国将成为世界第一大旅游目的地国和第四大客源输出国。由于有着不同的文化背景、价值观念和思维方式,汉语与英语在文体特色和风格上有所不同。本文将以中文旅游语篇为研究对象,探讨其在汉英翻译过程中语篇衔接手段的运用,以期能对中文旅游语篇翻译水平的提高有所帮助。 关键字:旅游语篇、语言学理论、指称 一、引言 语篇是指任何不完全受句子语法约束的,在一定语境下表示完整语义的自然语言。它是协调词汇学、句法学、音系学和语义学(包括语用学)的语言学分支,目的是通过语言这个媒介实现具体的交际任务或完成一定行为(胡壮麟,1994)。自20世纪60年代中期以来,语篇研究发展迅速,语篇研究领域中,语篇的衔接和连贯较为突出。语篇的衔接与连贯是语篇研究的核心,也是语篇分析的重要议题。英国第一个语言学教授Firth的一贯思想是,一个句子的语义,其主要部分只有被放在一定语境下发生的语篇才能说得清,因而我们必须从语段开始分析。但他没能提出更具体、更全面的理论。这个任务由Firth的学生Halliday完成,他在衔接理论上取得了极大的突破。Halliday 认为从词义上所有的结构都应该是衔接的,但并不是在语法层面上才有衔接力。他和Hason对语篇中的衔接进行了专门的研究,他们的Cohesion in English(《英语中的衔接》)一书被认为是衔接理论创立的标志。(兼职网 www.gzsdjz.) 当然,不同于其他语言学理论,语篇分析不局限于语言学本身,而是扩大到语境以及语言的交际功能上来。美芳(1999)曾经指出:“在实际翻译中,译者既是原文的接受者,又是译文的生产者。他在接受原文的过程中要进行语篇分析,在生产译文时同样要进行语篇分析,而且要将两次分析的结果进行比较,才能较好地完成翻译任务。”衔接是语篇特征的重要容,是一个语义概念体现在语篇的表层结构上。近年来,衔接和连贯理论得到了翻译界众多专家学者的重视。Hatim 和Mason认为,Halliday和Hason提出的英语衔接手段对于其它很多语言都是适用的:它可能更多地使用其中某些衔接手段或者它们的组合。世开对英汉人称代词进行了比较分析;胡壮麟、朱永生等人则对英汉两种语言的衔接手段进行了详细的对比。以包括散文、诗歌、新闻报道以及科技文等不同文体的大量语料为例,


第6卷 第3期大连海事大学学报(社会科学版)V ol.6,N o.3 2007年6月Journal of Dalian Maritime U niversity(Social Sciences Edition)Jun.2007 词汇复现的跨句衔接功能和翻译Ξ 罗林泉 (上海海事大学外国语学院,上海 200135) 摘要:以澳大利亚女作家科林?麦卡洛的著名畅销小说《荆棘鸟》的片段及其译文为例,阐述词汇复现的跨句衔接功能,并对译文在此方面出现的错误进行分析和修正。 关键词:《荆棘鸟》;语篇;词汇复现;跨句衔接;翻译 中图分类号:H315.9 文献标识码:A 文章编号:167127031(2007)0320106205 Cross2sentence cohesive function of reiteration and translation LUO Lin2quan (School of F oreign Languages,Shanghai Maritime Univ.,Shanghai200135,China) Abstract:T aking an extract from the best seller“The Thorn Bird”by the Australian author C olleen McCullough, this paper gives an account of the cohesive function that reiteration plays in organizing text,and attem pts to make an analysis and correction of the mistakes due to either negligence or ignorance of this facet of language in the translated version. K ey w ords:The Thorn Bird;text;reiteration;cross2sentence link;translation 一、引 言 20世纪70年代初期语篇分析刚刚兴起时,国外一些著名语言学家就发表了关于衔接的重要著作。论及衔接最著名的著作是Halliday和Hasan的《英语的衔接》[1]。他们认为语篇织体(texture)是由语篇中表示语义和语法关系的词项构成的,衔接是生成语篇的必要条件之一。其他学者如Michael H oey尽管在衔接的分类和词汇衔接的语篇功能方面与前者持不同见解,但也认为词汇衔接在语章组织(text organization)方面起着最重要的作用[2]。本文结合国内外学者关于词汇衔接的语篇功能理论,说明词汇衔接,尤其是词汇复现所体现的衔接不仅可以跨越句子甚至可以跨越段落,因此其跨句衔接功能在语篇的衔接和连贯方面起着非常重要的作用。而在翻译中对这一语篇功能的认识和理解则关系到译语语篇是否与源语语篇一样是一个语义连贯的整体。 二、词汇衔接 语篇中跨越小句或句子的两个或多个词项之间有意义联系时就产生了词汇衔接,换言之,词汇衔接是指通过词汇在语篇中建立一个贯穿语篇的衔接链,从而达到语篇的语义连贯。H oey认为,衔接在很大程度上是词汇关系而非语法产物,词汇关系是唯一有系统地构成多重关系的衔接方式,词汇衔接是创造语篇织体的主要手段。[2]Hal2 liday和Hasan对7篇不同类型语篇中的各种衔接手段的分析结果表明,如果衔接不算在内,由词汇构成的衔接纽带占近50%。[1]他们将词汇衔接分为两种:复现和同现。复现包括重复、同义词或近义词、上下义词、泛义词等的重复。 例1 (1)At his feet,now,were ants trickling back with pink fragments in their m ouths,and there was a fresh acid smell in his nose.(2)He sternly con2 trolled the uselessly convulsing muscles of his em pty Ξ收稿日期:2006211221 作者简介:罗林泉(1961-),女,甘肃兰州人,副教授;E2m ail:llinquan@https://www.doczj.com/doc/b011350687.html,

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