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2007 Text 1

If you were to examine the birth certificates of every soccer player in 2006’s World Cup tournament, you would most likely find a noteworthy quirk: elite soccer players are more likely to have been born in the earlier

months of the year than in the late months. If you then examined the European national youth teams that feed the World Cup and professional ranks, you would find this strange phenomenon to be ever more pronounced.

③uesses: a) certain astrological signs

What might account for this strange phenomenon? Here are a few g

confer superior soccer skills; b) winter born babies tend to have higher oxygen capacity, which increases soccer stamina; c) soccer-mad parents are more likely to conceive children in springtime, at the annual peak of soccer mania; d) none of the above.

Anders Ericsson, a 58-year-old psychology professor at Florida State University, says he believes strongly in “none of the above.” Ericsson grew up in Sweden, and studied nuclear engineering until he realized he would have more opportunity to conduct his own research if he switched to psychology. His first experiment, nearly 30 years ago, involved memory: training a person to hear and then repeat a random series of numbers. “With the first subject, after about 20 hours of training, his digit span had risen from 7 to 20,” Ericsson recalls. “He kept improving, and after about 200 hours of training he had risen to over 80 numbers.”

④ined, led

This success, coupled with later research showing that memory itself is not genetically determ Ericsson to conclude that the act of memorizing is more of a cognitive exercise than an intuitive one. In other words, whatever inborn differences two people may exhibit in their abilities to memorize, those differences are swamped by how well each person “encodes” the information. And the best way to learn how to encode information meaningfully, Ericsson determined, was a process known as deliberate practice. Deliberate practice entails more than simply repeating a task. Rather, it involves setting specific goals, obtaining immediate feedback and concentrating as much on technique as on outcome.

Ericsson and his colleagues have thus taken to studying expert performers in a wide range of pursuits, including soccer. They gather all the data they can, not just performance statistics and biographical details but also the results of

their own laboratory experiments with high achievers. Their work makes a rather startling assertion: the trait we commonly call talent is highly overrated. Or, put another way, expert performers – whether in memory or surgery, ballet or computer programming–are nearly always made, not born.

21. The birthday phenomenon found among soccer players is mentioned to

[A] stress the importance of professional training.

[B] spotlight the soccer superstars at the World Cup.

[C] introduce the topic of what makes expert performance.

[D] explain why some soccer teams play better than others.

22. The word “mania” (Line 4, Paragraph 2) most probably means

[A] fun.

[B] craze.

[C] hysteria.

[D] excitement.

23. According to Ericsson, good memory

[A] depends on meaningful processing of information.

[B] results from intuitive rather than cognitive exercises.

[C] is determined by genetic rather than psychological factors.

[D] requires immediate feedback and a high degree of concentration.

24. Ericsson and his colleagues believe that

[A] talent is a dominating factor for professional success.

[B] biographical data provide the key to excellent performance.

[C] the role of talent tends to be overlooked.

[D] high achievers owe their success mostly to nurture.

25. Which of the following proverbs is closest to the message the text tries to convey?

[A] “Faith will move mountains.”

[B] “One reaps what one sows.”

[C] “Practice makes perfect.”

[D] “Like father, like son.”


certificate n.证书

【巧】certif (y证明) +ic(形容词后缀)+ate(作名词后缀表“物”)=具证明性质的东西→证书。

【例】a leaving certificate 毕业(肄业, 离职)证书; academic certificate

学历证书;I must discard riches, the certificate of slavery.我必须抛弃财富这张奴隶证书。

elite n.精英(中频词)


astrological adj.占星的, 占星术的

stamina n.毅力, 持久力, 精力

【例】exhibit enough stamina to master English. 表现出掌握英语的充足的毅力;That young man lacks stamina.那个年青人缺乏毅力。

conceive v.怀孕, 考虑, 设想

【例】conceive prejudices抱偏见;conceive a child 怀孕;Scientists first conceived the idea of atomic bomb in the 1930s. 20


annual adj.每年的(中频词)

【例】annual report / income / production年度报告 / 收入 / 产量

peak n.顶点, (记录的)最高峰

mania n.癖好, 狂热

【例】She has a mania for ponies. 她特别喜欢小马。

coupled with加上,外加

intuitive adj.直觉的

cognitive adj.认知的, 认识的, 有感知的

【例】a child's cognitive development小孩认识能力的发展

swamp v. 使陷入困境

【例】be swamped by heavy debts 债台高筑;The horse was swamped in the mud. 马陷入泥潭。

A big wave swamped the boat. 一个大浪淹没了小船。

I am swamped with work.


deliberate adj.深思熟虑的, 故意的, 预有准备的【例】a deliberate decision 慎重的决定

pursuit n.


【习】hell-for-leather pursuit 全力追击, 拼命追赶;in pursuit of 追踪, 追求;in hot


【例】daily pursuits 日常事务;in one's pursuit of happiness 追求幸福

statistics n.统计学, 统计表(中频词)

assertion n.主张, 断言, 声明

【例】stand to one's assertion 坚持已见


1、If you were to examine the birth certificates of every soccer player in 2006's World Cup tournament you would most likely find a noteworthy quirk: elite soccer players are more likely to have been born in the earlier months of the year than in the later months.



【讲词】birth certificate意为"出生证"。certificate的意思是"证书;证明书;凭证"。对于学生来说,certificate 是指"结业证",即完成了某门课程或一段时间学习的证明。相近的单词有diploma(文凭;毕业证书;证明权力、特权、荣誉等的证书或奖状)。大学毕业取得的学位,英语是用degree来表示,degree主要有三个:学士(bachelor)学位、硕士(master)学位和博士(doctor 或PhD)学位。


quirk 意为"怪癖;怪事,巧合",在句中表示"奇怪的现象"。

elite 意为"精英,菁华;杰出人士"。

2、If you then examine the European national youth teams that feed the World Cup and professional ranks, you would find this strange phenomenon to be even more pronounced.


【析句】主句you would find...,this strange phenomenon 是宾语,to be even more pronounced是宾语补足语。



rank 可以表示"等级;行列;阶级",professional ranks 表示"职业队伍",即各级职业联赛的队伍。

3、What might account for this strange phenomenon? Here are a few guesses:a) certain astrological signs confer superior soccer skills; b) winter-born babies tend to have higher oxygen capacity which increases soccer stamina; c) soccer-mad parents are more likely to conceive children in springtime, at the annual peak of soccer mania; d) none of the above.

【译文】怎样解释这一奇怪的现象?有几个猜想:1. 某些星相赋予超强的足球技能。2. 冬天的婴儿大多摄氧量更高,可以增加足球体能。3. 狂爱足球的父母更有可能在春天怀孕,这一段时间是足球狂热的高峰。

4. 以上选项都不正确。


【讲词】account for主要表示"解释,说明",即是explain的意思。例如:Bad weather accounted for the long delay of the flight.(航班长期的延缓是因为坏天气。)The suspect couldn’t account for his time that night.(嫌犯不能说明那天晚上他的时间安排。)astrological sign 指星座或星相(zodiac,黄道),共有12个:水瓶座(Aquarius),双鱼座(Pisces),白羊座(Aries),金牛座(Taurus),双子座(Gemini),巨蟹座(Cancer),狮子座(Leo),处女座(Virgo),天秤座(Libra),天蝎座(Scorpio),人马座(Sagittarius),摩羯座(Capricorn)。

confer 意为"赠予;授予;给予",其同义词包括:give,bestow,invest等。也可表示"协商,交换意见",其同义词包括advise,consult,parley等。

stamina意为"毅力,持久力,精力",即physical or moral strength。conceive 基本上有两个意思,即"构思"或"怀孕"。

4、This success,coupled with later research showing that memory itself as not genetically determined, led Ericsson to conclude that the act of memorizing is more of a cognitive exercise than an intuitive one.




【析句】句子虽长,却是一个简单句,主语是This success,谓语是led,后面接两个宾语,一是Ericsson,一是不定式to conclude。不定式本身接that引导的宾


【讲词】couple 作名词表示"(一)对,(一)双;夫妇",作动词表示"连接;结合;结婚"。to be coupled with

意为to be together with。例如:She coupled her refusal with an explanation.(她解释了拒绝的原因。)genetically determined意为"(是)由基因决定的"。genetically的名词是gene(基因),形容词是genetic,

它们与generate,general,generation等来自同一词根。cognitive 意为"认知的",其名词是cognition(认知,


5、Their work makes a rather startling assertion: the trait we commonly call talent is highly overrated. Or, put another way, expert performers-whether in memory or surgery, ballet or computer programming-are nearly always made, not born.






修饰the trait。在第二句中,or和put another way是插

入语,句子的主干是expert... are... made, not born。whether in... programming作定语。

【讲词】startling 意为"惊人的,令人吃惊的",其同

义词有surprising、astonishing、stunning、astounding 等。

assertion 表示"主张;断言;声明"。

talent 意为"天才;才干;才能",注意中文的"人才市场",英语应用job market来表示。

overrate "高估",其反义词是underrate(低估)。expert 句中的意思是"专家的,专业的",expert performers 表示"专业人士"。

made 句中意为"通过后天努力而成就的(人)"。

born 指"天生的",如:She is a born star.


21.[C]例证题。请问提及著名运动员的生日的目的是什么?第一段是一个引子,作用就是为了引出主题,不是为了说明这个例子的。因此首先就能排除选项[B]和选项[D],因为都出现了soccer,而选项[A]中的“professional training”是文中未提及的信息。很明显和主题相关的就是[C]“引出文章的主题”。该类题型也是近两年每年必考的题型,考生只要注意答案只和主题相关。

22.[B]词义题。请问‘mania’在文中的意思是什么?首先返回原文,在上文中找到soccer-mad和soccer mania 正好对应,因此应该找一个mad的同义词。选项[A] fun 没有疯狂的意思;选项[C]hysteria解释为歇斯底里,明显带有贬义,不符合原文意境;选项[D] excitement只是兴奋,没有达到疯狂的程度。因此选[B] craze。

23.[A]细节事实题。根据Ericsson的观点,好的记忆如何?根据题干中的memory,返回原文第四段。选项[B]“源于直觉而不是感觉”与原文四段首句“是感觉而不是直觉”相反;选项[C]“基因而不是心理因素决定”与第四段首句“不是由基因决定”相反;选项[D]中的“high degree”是文中未提及的信息。选项[A]“取决于有目的性的信息过程”对应文中第四段第三句‘Ericsson determined, was a process known as deliberate practice 有目的性的练习过程”。

24.[D]细节事实题。请问Ericsson和其同事的观点是什么?选项[A]“天赋是获得职业成功的主要因素”与原文末段第三句“我们通常对天赋估计过高”矛盾;选项[B]属于以偏概全,选项中的biographical data只是其中的一个部分,而不能理解为选项中的“key决定性因素”;选项[C]属于单词的替换,文章中出现的是‘Overrate过高估计’,而选项换成“overlook忽视”,与原文意思不符。选项[D]“成功归功于训练”对应原文的末句“好的表现是自己努力的而不是天生的”,[D]为正确答案。





58岁的安德斯?埃里克森是佛罗里达州立大学的一名心理学教授,他说,他坚信“以上各项都不是”这一猜测。在瑞典长大的埃里克森,一直研究核工程,直到他认识到,如果他转向心理学领域,他将会有更多机会从事自己的研究。他的首次试验是在大约30年以前进行的,与记忆相关:训练一个人先听一组任意挑选的数字,然后复述这些数字。“在经过大约20小时的训练之后,第一个试验对象(复述)的数字跨度从7个上升到20个,” 埃里克森回忆说。“该试验对象不断进步,在接受大约200个小时的训练后,他复述的数字已经达到80多个。”



2007 Text 2

For the past several years, the Sunday newspaper supplement Parade has featured a column called “Ask Marilyn.” People are invited to query Marilyn vos Savant, who at age 10 had tested at a mental level of someone about 23 years old; that gave her an IQ of 228 – the highest score ever recorded. IQ tests ask you to complete verbal and visual analogies, to envision paper after it has been folded and cut, and to deduce numerical sequences, among other similar tasks. So it is a bit confusing when vos Savant fields such queries from the average Joe (whose IQ is 100) as, What’s the difference between love and fondness? Or what is the nature of luck and coincidence?It’s not obvious how the

capacity to visualize objects and to figure out numerical patterns suits one to answer questions that have eluded some of the best poets and philosophers.

Clearly, intelligence encompasses more than a score on a test. Just what does it mean to be smart? How much of intelligence can be specified, and how much can we learn about it from neurology, genetics, computer science and other fields?

The defining term of intelligence in humans still seems to be the IQ score, even though IQ tests are not given as often as they used to be. The test comes primarily in two forms: the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale and the Wechsler Intelligence Scales (both come in adult and children’s version). Generally costing several hundred dollars, they are usually given only by psychologists, although variations of them populate bookstores and the World Wide Web.

② no longer possible, because scoring is now based on a statistical Superhigh scores like vos Savant’s are

population distribution among age peers, rather than simply dividing the mental age by the chronological age and multiplying by 100. Other standardized tests, such as the Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) and the Graduate Record Exam (GRE), capture the main aspects of IQ tests.

Such standardized tests may not assess all the important elements necessary to succeed in school and in life, argues

Robert J. Sternberg. In his article “How Intelligent Is Intelligence Testing?”,Sternberg notes that traditional test best assess analytical and verbal skills but fail to measure creativity and practical knowledge, components also critical to problem solving and life success. Moreover, IQ test do not necessarily predict so well once populations or situations change. Research has found that IQ predicted leadership skills when the tests were given under low-stress conditions, but under high-stress conditions, IQ was negatively correlated with leadership – that is, it predicted the opposite. Anyone who has toiled through SAT will testify that test-taking skill also matters, whether it’s knowing when to guess or what questions to skip.

26. Which of the following may be required in an intelligent test?

[A] Answering philosophical questions.

[B] Folding or cutting paper into different shapes.

[C] Telling the difference between certain concepts.

[D] Choosing words or graphs similar to the given ones.

27. What can be inferred about intelligence testing from Paragraph 3?

[A] People no longer use IQ scores as an indicator of intelligence.

[B] More versions of IQ tests are now available on the Internet.

[C] The test contents and formats for adults and children may be different.

[D] Scientists have defined the important elements of human intelligence.

28. People nowadays can no longer achieve IQ scores as high as vos Savant’s because

[A] the scores are obtained through different computational procedures.

[B] creativity rather than analytical skills is emphasized now.

[C] vos Savant’s case is an extreme one that will not repeat.

[D] the defining characteristic of IQ tests has changed.

29. We can conclude from the last paragraph that

[A] test scores may not be reliable indicators of one’s ability.

[B] IQ scores and SAT results are highly correlated.

[C] testing involves a lot of guesswork.

[D] traditional test are out of date.

30. What is the author’s attitude towards IQ test?

[A] Supportive.

[B] Skeptical.

[C] Impartial.

[D] Biased.


mental adj.精神的, 智力的

verbal adj.口头的


analogy n.类似, 类推

【习】have an analogy to/with具有与...相似之处;by analogy用类推法

【例】No analogy exists between them.


envision vt.想象, 预想

numerical adj.数字的, 用数表示的

fondness n.爱好, 溺爱

coincidence n.一致, 相合, 同时发生或同时存在(尤指偶然)的事

【巧】co(together)+ incidence(incident)=coincidence:两个小的事情同时发生,“巧合”

【例】What a coincidence.多巧啊。

elude v.躲避

encompass v.包围, 环绕, 包含或包括某事物

statistica adj.统计的, 统计学的n.统计量

peer n.同等的人

elements n.原理, 基础

predict v.预知, 预言, 预报


【例】predict rain for tomorrow预告明天有雨


1、It's not obvious how the capacity to visualize objects and to figure out numerical patterns suits one to answer questions that have eluded some of the best poets and philosophers.


【析句】这是一个简单句,It只是形式主语,真正的主语是how引导的主语从句。而在主语从句中,主语是the capacity to visualize objects and to figure out numerical patterns,谓语是suits,宾语是one,to answer questions是宾语补足语,而questions后又跟了一个定语从句。

【讲词】 visualize意为"想象",是imagine的同义词。例如:He had a hard time to visualize the scene as it was described.(他难以设想所描绘的场景。)

elude表示"躲避",也可表示"理解不了,想不起来"。根据句中的意思,可以译为"回答不了"。例如:The answer to this question eluded me for a long time, perhaps because it was so simple.(这个问题的答案我想了许久,也许是因为问题太简单了。)

2、Superhigh scores like vos Savant's are no longer possible, because scoring is now based on a statistical population distribution among age peers, rather than simply dividing the mental age by the chronological age and multiplying by 100.

【译文】再也不可能出现vos Savant测得的智力高分了,因为评分标准是根据同年龄中人口分布统计数据而制定,而不是简单根据时间年龄除以智力年龄,再乘以100。

【讲词】这句话中包含一些术语,如:scoring(得分,即智力测验的得分),statistical population distribution (人口分布统计),age peers(同龄人),mental age(智力年龄),chronological age(时间年龄或日历年龄)。

3、Sternberg notes that traditional tests best assess analytical and verbal skills but fail to measure creativity and practical knowledge, components also critical to problem solving and life success.

【译文】 Sternberg认为传统的测试最能评定分析技能和语言技能,但却无法测定创造力和实际知识,而这些部分对解决问题和人生的成功也起着至关重要的作用。

【析句】 Sternberg是全句的主语,谓语是notes,宾语是that引导的从句。而在从句中,主语是traditional tests,第一个谓语assess接宾语analytical and verbal skills,第二个谓语fail接不定式to measure creativity and practical knowledge,句末的成分作creativity and practical knowledge的同位语。同位语的完整结构是components (that are) also critical to problem solving and life success。

【讲词】note作动词,可以译为"注意到"或"认为"。类似的动词有observe, maintain, argue, point out等。asses意为"评估,估定",其名词是assessment。assess 的同义词有evaluate, determine, gauge, measure等。


26.[D]判断题。请问在智商测试中要求我们做到什么?根据IQ测试,返回原文第一段第三句‘IQ tests ask you to complete verbal and visual analogies, to envision paper a$er it has been folded and cut, and to deduce numerical sequences, among other similar tasks.”选项[A]“回答一些哲学问题”是一个文中未提及的信息;选项[B]提词义的曲解,原文是想象纸张在折叠或者裁剪后形状,而此选项去除了“envision想象”的概念;选项[C]“区分特定概念的区别”是一个文中未提及的信息。选项[D]“选择与已给出单同或者图表相类似的那一个”中的words对应原文的verbal ,graphs对应原文中的visual, similar to对应原文中的analogy,因此[D]为正确答案。

27.[C]推理题。根据第三段,我们推出智商侧试如何?选项[A]“人们不再把IQ测试结果作为智商的衡量标准”与原文第三段首句“The defining term of intelligence in humans still seems to be the IQ score(我们还是用智商测试结果来判定一个人的智力)”意思相反;原文第二段第二句阐述现在智力测试只有两个版本“the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale and the Wechsler Intelligence Scales",而选项[B]“现在互联网上有更多的智商测试版本”中的more为无中生有;选项[D]“科学家已经为人类智商的重要因素下了定义”,文中既没有讲过科学家们定义,也没有讲过重要因素。选项[C]“成人和孩子的智商测试内容是不同的”对应原文第兰段第二句中括号里的内容“both come in adult and children's version"。

28.[A]细节事实题为什么人们不可能再获得像vos Savant那样的智商测试高分?对应原文第二段第四句,"because scoring is now based on a statistical population distribution among age peers, rather than simply dividing the mental age by the chronological age and multiplying by 100"。选项[A]“智力测试的成绩会用不同的计算方法”是该句的同义替换。选项[B]“今天测试强调创造力而不是分析能力”,该选项与问题毫不相干,而且与原文第四段第二句“Sternberg notes that traditional tests best assess analytical and verbal skills but fail to measure creativity and practical knowledge”矛盾;选项[C] "vos Savant是一个不会再现极端的例子”是属于以事论事,而且也是文中没有提到的信息;选项[D]“智力测试特点的定义已经发生改变”仍属于文中未提及的信息。因此,[A]为正确选项。

29.[A]细节事实题。根据最后一段,我们得知什么?返回原文末段,选项[B]"智力测试成绩和SAT测试结果是高度相关的”属于曲解文章,原文末句“Anyone who has toiled through SAT will testify that test-taking skill also matters”讲述的是两种考试,考试技巧都有作用,而并非考试结果相关;选项[C]“考试中涉及大量的猜测工作”,这类选项明显与常识相反,马上可以排除;选项[D]“传统的测试已经过时了”中的“traditional tests”是文中未提及的信息。选项[A]"智力测试结果可能并不能表征一个人的能力”对应末段首句“Such standardized tests may not assess all the important elements necessary to succeed in school and in life"。30.[B]作者态度题。请问作者对于智力侧试的态度?根据第二段首句“Clearly, intelligence encompasses more than a score on a test.很明显,智力所包含的远远不止测试成绩”其中的clearly是明显表征作者观点态度的副词,由此我们判定作者对于智力测试持反对的态度,因此选择[B] "skeptical怀疑的”。选项[A]“支持的”,选项[C]“中立的”均与原文不符。







2007 Text 3

During the past generation, the American middle

①-class family that once could count on hard work and fair play to keep itself financially secure had been transformed by economic risk and new realties.Now a pink slip, a bad diagnosis, or a disappearing spouse can reduce a family from solidly middle class to newly poor in a few months.

In just one generation, millions of mothers have gone to work, transforming basic family economics. Scholars,

②policymakers, and critics of all stripes have debated the social implications of these changes, but few have looked at the side effect: family risk has risen as well. Today’s families have budgeted to the limits of theirs new two-paycheck status. As a result, they have lost the parachuted they once had in times of financial setback

③– a back-up earner (usually Mom) who could go into the workforce if the primary earner got laid off or fell sick. This “added

④-worker effect” could support the safety net offered by unemployment insurance or disability insurance to help families weather bad times. But today, a disruption to family fortunes can no longer be made up with extra income from an otherwise-stay-at-home partner.

During the same period, families have been asked to absorb much more risk in their retirement income. Steelworkers, airline employees, and now those in the auto industry are joining millions of families who must ⑤

worry about interest rates, stock market fluctuation, and the harsh reality that they may outlive their retirement money. For much of the past y

⑥ear, President Bush campaigned to move Social Security to a saving-account model, with retirees trading much or all of their guaranteed payments for payments depending on investment returns. For younger families the picture is not any better. Both the abs

⑦olute cost of healthcare and the share of it borne by families have risen – and newly fashionable health-saving plans are spreading from legislative halls to Wal-Mart workers, with much higher deductibles and a large new dose of investment risk for families’ future healthcare. Even demographics are working against the middle class family, as the odds of having a weak ⑧

elderly parent – and all the attendant need for physical and financial assistance – have jumped eightfold in just one generation.

From the middle

⑨-class family perspective, much of this, understandably, looks far less like an opportunity to exercise more financial responsibility, and a good deal more like a frightening acceleration of the wholesale shift of financial risk onto their already overburdened shoulders. The financial fallout has begun, and the political fallout may not be far behind.

31. Today’s double-income families are at greater financial risk in that

[A] the safety net they used to enjoy has disappeared.

[B] their chances of being laid off have greatly increased.

[C] they are more vulnerable to changes in family economics.

[D] they are deprived of unemployment or disability insurance.

32. As a result of President Bush’s reform, retired people may have

[A] a higher sense of security.

[B] less secured payments.

[C] less chance to invest.

[D] a guaranteed future.

33. According to the author, health-savings plans will

[A] help reduce the cost of healthcare.

[B] popularize among the middle class.

[C] compensate for the reduced pensions.

[D] increase the families’ investment risk.

34. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that

[A] financial risks tend to outweigh political risks.

[B] the middle class may face greater political challenges.

[C] financial problems may bring about political problems.

[D] financial responsibility is an indicator of political status.

35. Which of the following is the best title for this text?

[A] The Middle Class on the Alert

[B] The Middle Class on the Cliff

[C] The Middle Class in Conflict

[D] The Middle Class in Ruins


middle-class adj.中层社会的, 中产阶级的

count on v.依靠, 指望

spouse n.配偶(指夫或妻)

debate v. n.争论, 辩论

【巧】debate=de(强调)+ bat(打)+e→辩论【联】combat(v.n.战斗,格斗)←com一起+bat。【例】Debate is the best catalyst of thought.争论是思想最好的催化

implication n.牵连, 含意, 暗示

【巧】im + plic(fold)+ation→implication(话没有明着说出来)

【例】What’s the implication of the statement.这份声明的含义是什么?

parachute n.降落伞

setback n.挫折, 退步, 逆流

unemployment insurance失业保险

disability insurance残废保险

disruption n.中断, 瓦解, 破坏

【记】disrupt v. 使中断,使瓦解, 使陷于混乱, 破坏【例】market disruption市场混乱;environmental disruption 公害, 环境失调;The state was in disruption.国家处于分崩离析之中。

absorb vt.吸收, 吸引

【记】be absorbed in= concentrate on=集中

【例】This job absorbs all of my time. 这件工作占用了我的全部时间。

retirement income退休收入

stock market n.股票市场fluctuation n.波动, 起伏

【记】fluctuate vi.波动, 动摇 vt.使动摇, 使波动, 使起伏

【例】fluctuation in the exchange rates兑换率的波动;fluctuation of temperature 温度的变动

Harsh adj.粗糙的;刺耳的;严厉的

【例】harsh terms苛刻的条件;a harsh climate 令人难受的气候;harsh to the taste 味涩

outlive v.比...长命, 比...耐久,渡过…而存在,经受住【例】The ship outlived the storm.这只船从暴风雨中脱险了。

legislative adj.立法的, 立法机关的n.立法机关

deductible adj.可扣除的

【记】deduct vt. 扣除, 演绎

demographic adj.人口统计学的

odds n.可能的机会, 成败的可能性, 优势, 不均, 不平等, 几率, 差别

perspective n.透视画法, 透视图, 远景, 前途, 观点, 看法, 观点, 观察

【例】see thing in perspective正确地观察事物;a perspective of lakes and hills湖山远景

acceleration n.加速度


【反】deceleration减速:de向下+celer+ation。【例】abrupt acceleration 突然加速

wholesale n.批发, 趸售adj.批发的, [喻] 大规模的【例】wholesale prices 批发价格;a wholesale slaughter 大屠杀wholesale westernization“全盘西化”

overburden vt.装载过多, 负担过多, 使过劳n.过重的负担

【例】The trees are overburdened with fruit. 树上果实

累累, 压得树枝都弯了。

fallout n.辐射微尘, 原子尘, 附带结果


1、During the past generation, the American middle-class family that once could count on hard work and fair play to keep itself financially secure has been transformed by economic risk and new realities. 【译文】在过去的一代,美国的中产阶级家庭曾经依靠努力工作和平等公正以保持财政安全,但是却被经济风险和新的现实所改变。

【析句】句子的主干结构是the American middle-class family...has been transformed by economic risk and new realities,family后接一个定语从句。

【讲词】 generation指一代人,一般为20年。

count on表示"指望,依靠",例如:You can count on my help.(你可以指望得到我的帮助。)

fair play原是体育用语,意为"公平比赛",转义指"公正的待遇"或"公平竞赛的条件"。


2、Scholars, policymakers, and critics of all stripes have debated the social implications of these changes, but few have looked at the side effect: family risk has risen as well.


【析句】全句是一个转折句,冒号之后的成分是一个完整的句子,作the side effect的同位语。

【讲词】stripe意为"斑纹,条纹",all stripes意为all walks(各行各业)。

implication表示"牵连,涉及;含意;暗示",如:his implication in the crime(他涉及这起罪行)。It is important to consider the wider implications of making such a decision.(很有必要考虑作出这一决定的深远意义。)implication的动词是implicate。

side effect通常表示药物等的副作用,在句中表示"次要的影响"。

3、As a result,they have lost the parachute they once had in times of financial setback-a back-up earner (usually Mom) who could go into the workforce if the primary earner got laid off or fell sick.


【析句】as a result作状语,表示某种结果。a back-up earner (usually Mom)在句中作the parachute的同位语,后面接一个定语从句。


setback意为"挫折",financial setback表示财政或经济上的困难。

primary意为"主要的;首要的",跟major,main等意思相近。如要表示"次要的",英文是secondary。earner 在句中指wage earner,即挣钱人。

workforce指"就业大军;劳动力(工人的总数)"。lay off意为"失业"。

4、This"added-worker effect" could support the safety net offered by unemployment insurance or disability insurance to help families weather bad times.


【析句】句子的主干是This"added-worker effect" could support the safety net,过去分词offered引导的结构作定语修饰the safety net。

【讲词】add意为"增加",added可以表示"附加的",如:added value(附加值,净增值)。

safety net指社会保障制度。

unemployment insurance指"失业保险",disability insurance指"残疾保险"。

weather在句中作动词,表示"抵御;承受;平安渡过",如:weather a crisis(渡过危机)。

bad times意为"坏时光;艰苦的日子",其反义词是good times。

5、Steelworkers, airline employees, and now those in the auto industry are joining millions of families who must worry about interest rates, stock market fluctuation, and the harsh reality that they may outlive their retirement money.


【析句】句子的主干结构是Steelworkers...are joining millions of families,families后面跟一个定语从句。而在定语从句中,主语是who,谓语是worry about,宾语是interest rates, stock market fluctuation, and the hash reality。that they may outlive their retirement money是

一个定语从句,修饰the harsh reality。

【讲词】worry about表示"操心;担心"。

interest rates指"利率",stock market指"股票市场",fluctuation指股票市场的波动,retirement money指"


outlive意为"比......长命;比......耐久;经受住",如:This regulation has outlived its usefulness.(这一规则没


6、For much of the past year, President Bush campaigned to move Social Security to a savings-account model, with retirees trading much or all of their guaranteed payments for payments depending on investment returns.





【析句】句子的主干结构是President Bush campaigned to move Social Security to a savings-account model,介词with所接的成分作状语,说明储蓄帐户模式。


商业的活动",作动词表示"打仗;竞选;开展某种活动",如:campaigned for human rights(开展人权运动)。social security指"社会保障(制度)"。

guarantee意为"保证",如:The government guaranteed to free the captives.(政府保证释放俘虏。)guarantee freedom of speech(保证言论自由)。

7、Both the absolute cost of healthcare and the share of it borne by families have risen-and newly fashionable health savings plans are spreading from legislative halls to Wal-Mart workers, with much higher deductibles and a large new dose of investment risk for families future healthcare.






的成分说明newly fashionable health-savings plan的内容,一是更高的扣除条款(就像保险公司的做法一样,广告上说大病保险,但实际上所谓的大病并不是所有的"大病",保险合同中的扣除条款太多),一是增加了


【讲词】absolute意为"绝对的",反义词是relative。healthcare(医疗保险),health-savings(医疗储蓄,类似中国的医保卡),legislative halls(立法机构,在美国指国会)。




a dose of表示"一定量的"。

8、Even demographics are working against the middle class family, as the odds of having a weak elderly parent-and all the attendant need for physical and financial assistance-have jumped eightfold in just one generation.


【析句】全句是一个复合句,主句是Even demographics are working against the middle class family,as所引导的从句表示原因。两个破折号之间的成分和a weak elderly parent一样作having的宾语。【讲词】 demographics"人口统计状况,人口分布数据"。

work against表示"与......作对"。

odds意为"成败的机率或可能;几率;差别",句中的意思是possibility。又如:The odds are that she will get the nomination on the first ballot.(她在第一轮选票中获得提名的可能性大。)at odds意为"争执;意见冲突",by all odds表示"毫无疑问地"。

9、From the middle-class family perspective, much of this, understandably, looks far less like an opportunity to exercise more financial responsibility, and a good deal more like a frightening acceleration of the wholesale shift of financial risk onto their already overburdened shoulders.


【析句】此句的主语是much of this,谓语是looks...like,介词like有两个宾语:an opportunity和a frightening acceleration。不定式结构to exercise... 修饰opportunity,of介词结构(of the wholesale shift of financial risk)修饰acceleration,onto介词结构(onto their already overburdened shoulders)作shift的逻辑状语。

【讲词】 perspective意思较多,如"透视画法;远景;前途;观点;视角"。





31.[C]细节事实题为什么今天的双职工家庭会面临更大的经济风险?根据原文第二段第四、五、六句可知选项[C]“他们更易于受到家庭经济变化的影响”是原文的同义替换,故为正确答案。选项[A]讲“过去的安全网已经消失了”。 disappear是一个文中未提及的信息;选项[B]“被解雇的机会增加”属于答非所问;选项[D]“他们不能享受失业保险”与原文第五句中的“support”,明显相反。

32.[B]细节事实题。由于布什总统的改革,退休职工可能会如何?根据题干中的布什总统定位到原文第三段。根据第二段第四句“For younger.families, the picture is not any better.年轻家庭日子也不会好过”,既然年轻人日子也不好过,马上得知退休职工日子不好过。选项[B]“安全性变差”与原文意思相符。选项[A]“更有安全感”和选项[D]“将来有保证”都说明退休职工过得好,与原文意思相反;选项[C]“更少的投资机会”文中未提及退休职工是否投资。

33.[D]细节事实题。根据作者观点,健康储蓄账户计划如何?选项[A]“有利于减少健康护理的成本”属于对词义的曲解,文中saving指的是“储蓄账户”,而非“减少成本”的概念;选项[B]“在中产阶级中非常普及”这一信息在文中未提及;原文第砚段第三句中“their guaranteed payments for payments depending on investment returns”既然取决于投资,那么肯定是具有不确定性的,因此与选项[C]“补偿减少的养老金”意义相反;而选项[D]“增加了家庭投资的不确定性”是原文的同义替换。

34.[C]推理题。从最后一段,我们推断出什么?根据选项,很明确应该对应原文末句“The financial fallout has begun, and the political fallout may not be far behind.经济上的副作用已经显现,那政治上的副作用可能也不远了。”选项[A]“经济风险加剧了政治风险”与原文意思相反;选项[B]“中产阶级会面临更大的政治挑战”是一个无中生有的比较;选项[D]“经济责任心是政治身份的象征”,其中的“responsibility和status”是文中没有出现过的概念。选项[C]“经济问题可能引发政治问题”为原文的同义替换。35.[B]主旨题。文章最好的标题是什么?选项[A] "on the Alert警告”,既然是警告,说明问题还没出现,与原文意义相反;选项[C] "in Conflict冲突”,文章中没有讲过冲突的概念;选项[D]"in Ruins毁灭”说明中产阶级已经崩溃,与原文不符。选项[B] "on the Cliff岌岌可危”符合原文,选项[B]为正确答案。






2007 Text 4

It never rains but it pours.Just as bosses and boards have finally sorted out their worst accounting and

compliance troubles, and improved their feeble corporation governance, a new problem threatens to earn them – especially in America – the sort of nasty headlines that inevitably lead to heads rolling in the executive suite:

data insecurity. Left, until now, to odd, low

②-level IT staff to put right, and seen as a concern only of data-rich industries such as banking, telecoms and air travel, information protection is now high on the boss’s agenda in businesses of every variety.

③– from organizations as diverse as

Several massive leakages of customer and employee data this year

Time Warner, the American defense contractor Science Applications International Corp and even the University of California, Berkeley – have left managers hurriedly peering into their intricate IT systems and business processes in search of potential vulnerabilities.

“Data is becoming an asset which needs to be guarded as much as any other assets, says Haim Mendelson of Stanford University’s business school. “The ability to guard customer data is the key to market value, which the board is responsible for on behalf of shareholders.” Indeed, just as there is the concept of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), perhaps it is time for GASP, Generally Accepted Security Practices, suggested Eli Noam of New York’s Columbia Business School. “Setting the proper investment level for security, redundancy, and recovery is a management issue, not a technical one,” he says.

The mystery is that this should come as a surprise to any boss. Surely it should be obvious to the dimmest executive that trust, that most valuable of economic assets, is easily destroyed and hugely expensive to restore – and that few things are more likely to destroy trust than a company letting sensitive personal data get into the wrong hands.

The current state of affaires may have been encouraged – though not justified – by the lack of legal penalty (in America, but not Europe) for data leakage. Until California recently passed a law, American firms did not have to tell anyone, even the victim, when data went astray. That may change fast: lots of proposed data-security legislation is now doing the rounds in Washington, D.C. Meanwhile, the theft of information about some 40 million credit

④-card accounts in America, disclosed on June 17th, overshadowed a hugely important decision a day earlier by America’s Federal Trade Commission (FTC) that puts corporate America on notice that regulators will act if firms fail to provide adequate data security.

36. The statement “It never rains but it pours” is used to introduce

[A] the fierce business competition.

[B] the feeble boss-board relations.

[C] the threat from news reports.

[D] the severity of data leakage.

37. According to Paragraph 2, some organizations check their systems to find out

[A] whether there is any weak point.

[B] what sort of data has been stolen.

[C] who is responsible for the leakage.

[D] how the potential spies can be located.

38. In bringing up the concept of GASP the author is making the point that

[A] shareholders’ interests should be properly attended to.

[B] information protection should be given due attention.

[C] businesses should enhance their level of accounting security.

[D] the market value of customer data should be emphasized.

39. According to Paragraph 4, what puzzles the author is that some bosses fail to

[A] see the link between trust and data protection.

[B] perceive the sensitive of personal data.

[C] realize the high cost of data restoration.

[D] appreciate the economic value of trust.

40. It can be inferred from Paragraph 5 that

[A] data leakage is more severe in Europe.

[B] FTC’s decision is essential to data security.

[C] California takes the lead in security legislation.

[D] legal penalty is a major solution to data leakage.


sort out v.挑选出

nasty adj.肮脏的, 令人厌恶的,下流的(同02P2)【习】be nasty to sb.跟某人闹别扭

【例】a nasty person 一个卑鄙的人;a nasty rock to climb 一块难爬的岩石;Diplomacy is to do and say the nastiest thing in the nicest way.外交就是以最优雅


roll in v.蜂拥而来

massive adj.厚重的, 大块的, 魁伟的, 结实的(中频词)

【例】We must make massive efforts to improve things. 我们必须作出极大的努力去改善一切。

【记】mass(块, 大多数,聚集)+ive→大块的;massively(adv.);massiveness(n.)

peer vi.凝视, 窥视

potential adj.潜在的, 可能的(同03Text4;高频词) 【巧】可看作pot+ent+ial,pot即“罐子”,-ent与-ial 是后缀,“暂时藏在罐子里面的东东”→潜在的、潜力。【例】Most of us haven't begun to tap our own potential for happiness.我们大多数人尚未着手开发自身获得幸福的潜力。

shareholder n.股东

redundancy n.冗余(同01Passage5)

【巧】red+und+ancy,red-(=re-),und词根“多”,-ancy 名词后缀,“越来越(re)多”→冗余。

【记】同根词:abundant(丰富的)←ab加强前缀+und 多+ant形容词后缀。

【例】redundancy — an air-bag in a politician's car 多余物——政治家汽车里的保险气袋。

mystery n.神秘, 神秘的事物;冗余

astray adv.迷途地, 入歧途地

【习】go astray 走错路; 误入歧途;lead (sb.) astray 使人堕落, 把人引入歧途

【例】The boy was led astray by bad companions.这小孩被坏伙伴诱入歧途。

proposed 被提议的

【记】 propose vt. 计划, 建议, 求(婚) vi.打算, 求婚legislation n.立法, 法律的制定(或通过)



1、Just as bosses and boards have finally sorted out their worst accounting and compliance troubles, and improved their feeble corporation governance, a new problem threatens to earn them-especially in America-the sort of nasty headlines that inevitably lead to heads rolling in the executive suite: data insecurity.


【讲词】board除了"木板"之外,可表示"董事会",即board of directors。

sort out意为"挑选;清理;解决"。



governance意为"统治;管理;统辖",corporation governance意为"公司治理或公司管理"。

heads rolling句中意为"走人;辞退"。Heads are rolling at the company.(公司有人卷铺盖滚蛋了。)

suite"套房,套间",the executive suite指"管理层"。

2、Left, until now, to odd, low-level IT staff to put right, and seen as a concern only of data-rich industries such as banking, telecoms and air travel, information protection is now high on the boss's agenda in businesses of every variety.


【析句】句子的主干结构是information protection is...on...agenda,句首的不定式结构(Left... air travel)作information protection的定语。


put right意为"使恢复正常;纠正错误"。I have encountered a problem that seems difficult to put right.(我碰到了一个似乎难以解决的问题。)

concern意为"关心;关注",如:My concern was with the end user experience.(我当时关注的事情是终端用户的体验。)

agenda"议程",to be (high) on the agenda"置于议程之上"。

3、Several massive leakages of customer and employee data this year-from organizations as diverse as Time Warner, the American defense contractor Science Applications International Corp and even the University of California, Berkeley-have left managers hurriedly peering into their intricate IT systems and business processes in search of potential vulnerabilities.








干结构是...leakages...have left managers。修饰主语的成

分有前置定语several massive,以及后置定语customer and employee data。this year作时间状语,破折号中间

的成分作地点状语,现在分词结构(peering into...)




potential表示"潜在的;潜力",如:a potential danger (潜在的危险)。She complained that she was unable to use her expertise to its full potential.(她抱怨说她无法



容词是vulnerable。We are vulnerable both by water and land, without either fleet or army.(由于没有舰队和军队,我们在水路和陆路上都易受攻击。)

4、Meanwhile, the theft of information about some 40 million credit-card accounts in America, disclosed on June 17th, overshadowed a hugely important decision

a day earlier by America's Federal Trade Commission (FTC) that puts corporate America on notice that regulators will act if firms fail to provide adequate data security.





【析句】句子的主干结构是the theft...overshadowed...a...decision。介词短语of information America和过去分词结构disclosed on June 17th修饰主语the theft。by America's Federal Trade Commission修饰decision,后接一定语从句。notice 后面跟一个条件复合句。


Corporate America指美国企业。



35.[B]主旨题。文章最好的标题是什么?选项[A] "on the Alert警告”,既然是警告,说明问题还没出现,与原文意义相反;选项[C] "in Conflict冲突”,文章中没有讲过冲突的概念;选项[D]"in Ruins毁灭”说明中产阶级已经崩溃,与原文不符。选项[B] "on the Cliff岌岌可危”符合原文,选项[B]为正确答案。

36.[D]例证题。请问“It never rains but it pours.”的作用是什么?’这道题目的解题方法等同于第21题。题干问的是引子说明什么问题?正确答案还是整篇文章的主题—数据泄露,即选项[D]“数据泄露的严重性”。考点总结:这类题目通常就是一种问法,即请问文章当中的例子、引子、冒号后面的或者喻体说明什么?答案肯定是例子前面或后面的观点陈述、文章或段落的主题、冒号前面的以及本体,而与其本身无关。

37.[A]细节事实题。根据第二段,某些组织检查他们自身的系统是为了什么?根据题干中的“find out”定位到原文第二段的末句中“in search of potential vulnerabilities”即为了寻找潜在的薄弱环节。选项[A]“是否有薄弱环节”为原文的同义替换,因此选项[A]为正确答案。选项[B]“什么类型的数据被泄露了”、选项[C]“谁该为数据泄露负责”以及选项[D]“潜在的间谍是如何被定位的”都是文中未提及的信息。

38.[B]细节事实题。提到GASP这个概念,作者的目的是什么?根据题干中的“GASP"定位到原文第三段。选项[A]“应该关注股东的利益”属于张冠李戴,文中只在第三段第二句讲述董事会代表了股东的利益,但并不是GASP的目的,而且第三段末句讲述应该是management(管理者)关注的事件,也并非是股东;选项[C]“商业企业应该提升账目的安全性能”是以偏概全,原文第二段末句“Setting the proper investment level for security, redundancy, and recovery is a management issue, not a technical one,”中有三个概念:security(安全性),redundancy(备份),and recovery(恢复)。选项[C]只讲述了其中的一个,是典型的以偏概全;选项[D]“应该强调顾客数据的市场价值’,属于偷换概念,第三段第二句“The ability to guard customer data is the key to market value,”中体现的是保护顾客数据,而非顾客数据本身,因此该选项错误。选项[B]“应该首要关注数据保护”与原文第三段末句属于同义替换。


企业家没有意识到什么?返回原文第四段首句,"The mystery is that this should come as a,surprise to any boss”其中的should用于从句中,可以表示惊异或者不以为然的情绪,在这里解释为“居然”。在首句中使得boss惊奇的是this,这里是变相地考查了指代,向上找到指代第下段末句,即数据保护;再看第二句“Surely it should be obvious to the dimmest executive that trust,…”中的it指代的是trust,因此很明显正确答案应该和数据保护以及信用这两个核心概念相关。选项[B]和选项[C]只提到了数据,而选项[D]只提及了信用,因此这三个选项都属于以偏概全。选项[A]“信用和数据保护时联系”出现了两个核心概念,因此为正确答案。

40. [D]推理题。从第五段我们能推断出什么?返回原文第五段。本段首句“by the lack of legal penalty (in America, but not Europe) for data leakage”说明欧洲有法律处罚措施,而美国没有,由此推出欧洲的情况应该比美国好,因此选项[A]“欧洲的数据泄露情况更加严重”与原文意义明显相反;既然欧洲情况好于美国,由此推出处于立法领导者地位的肯定也是欧洲而非美国,因此选项[C]“加利福尼亚处于领导者地位”与原文意义明显相反;选项[B]“FTC的裁决对于数据安全是必不可少的”中的“essential"是文中未提及的信息。根据前面的分析,因为欧洲有处罚措施,所以数据泄露情况比美国明显好。由此推断出,立法处罚是解决数据泄露的主要方法。因此选项[D]“立法是解决数据泄露的主要方法”为正确答案。考点总结:对于没有明显定位信息的题目,最好的方法还是总结文章或者段落的主题。正确答案一般就是主题的同义替换。







17 17


2007年考研英语阅读理解部分翻译真题译文+题目翻译 但为君故 但为君故 整理组

Text 1 如果你打算在2006年世界杯锦标赛上调查所有足球运动员的出生证明,那么你很有可能发现一个引人注目的巧合:优秀足球运动员更可能出生于每年的前几个月而不是后几个月。如果你接着调查世界杯和职业比赛的欧洲国家青年队的话,那么你会发现这一奇怪的现象甚至更明显。 什么可以解释这一奇怪的现象呢?下面是一些猜测:a)某种占星术征兆使人具备更高的足球技能;b)冬季出生的婴儿往往具有更高的供氧能力,这增加了踢足球的持久力;c)热爱足球的父母更可能在春季(每年足球狂热的鼎盛时期)怀孕;d)以上各项都不是。 58岁的安德斯?埃里克森是佛罗里达州立大学的一名心理学教授,他说,他坚信“以上各项都不是”这一猜测。在瑞典长大的埃里克森,一直研究核工程,直到他认识到,如果他转向心理学领域,他将会有更多机会从事自己的研究。他的首次试验是在大约30年以前进行的,与记忆相关:训练一个人先听一组任意挑选的数字,然后复述这些数字。“在经过大约20小时的训练之后,第一个试验对象(复述)的数字跨度从7个上升到20个,”埃里克森回忆说。“该试验对象不断进步,在接受大约200个小时的训练后,他复述的数字已经达到80多个。” 这一成功,连同后来证明的记忆本身不是遗传决定的研究,使得埃里克森得出结论,即记忆过程是一种认知练习,而不是一种本能练习。换句话说,无论两个人在记忆力能力上可能存在怎样的天生差异,这些差异都会被每个人如何恰当地“解读”所记的信息所掩盖。埃里克森确信,了解如何有目的地解读信息的最佳方法就是一个为人所知的有意练习过程。有意练习需要的不仅仅是简单地重复一个任务。相反,它包括确定明确的目标、获得即时的反馈以及技术与结果的浓缩。 因此,埃里克森和他的同事开始研究包括足球领域在内的广泛领域中专业执行者。他们收集了能够收集的所有资料,不只是表现方面的统计数据和传记详细资料,还包括他们自己对取得很高成就的人员进行的实验室实验结果。他们的研究得出了一个非常令人惊奇的结论——我们通常称为天分的特征被高估了。或者,换句话说,专业执行者――无论是在记忆还是手术方面,在芭蕾还是计算机编程领域――几乎总是培养的,而不是天生的。 21. 文中提到足球运动员中的出生现象是用来__________. A 强调职业训练的重要性 B 聚焦世界杯上的足球巨星 C 引出什么决定了杰出表现这个话题 D 解释为什么一些足球队比其他足球队表现好


1990 年英译汉试题 People have wondered for a long time how their personalities,and behaviors are formed. It is not easy to explain why one person is intelligent and another is not,or why one is cooperative and another is competitive. Social scientists are,of course,extremely interested in these types of questions. (61)They want to explain why we possess certain characteristics and exhibit certain behaviors. There are no clear answers yet,but two distinct schools of thought on the matter have developed. As one might expect,the two approaches are very different from each other. The controversy is often conveniently referred to as‖nature vs. nurture‖. (62)Those who support the ―nature‖side of the conflict believe that our personalities and behavior patterns are largely determined by biological factors. (63)That our environment has little, if anything,to do with our abilities,characteristics and behavior is central to this theory. Taken to an extreme,this theory maintains that our behavior is predetermined to such a great degree that we are almost completely governed by our instincts. Those who support the ―nurture‖ theory,that is,they advocate education,are often called behaviorists. They claim that our environment is more important than our biologically based instincts in determining how we will act. A behaviorist,B.F. Skinner,sees humans as beings whose behavior is almost completely shaped by their surroundings. The behaviorists maintain that,like machines,humans respond to environmental stimuli as the basis of their behavior. Let us examine the different explanations about one human characteristic,intelligence, offered by the two theories. Supporters of the ―nature‖theory insist that we are born with a certain capacity for learning that is biologically determined. Needless to say,they don‘t believe that factors in the environment have much influence on what is basically a predetermined characteristic. On the other hand,behaviorists argue that our intelligence levels are the product of our experiences. (64)Behaviorists suggest that the child who is raised in an environment where there are many stimuli which develop his or her capacity for appropriate responses will experience greater intellectual development. The social and political implications of these two theories are profound. In the United States, blacks often score below whites on standardized intelligence tests. This leads some ―nature‖ proponents to conclude that blacks are biologically inferior to whites. (65)Behaviorists,in contrast, say that differences in scores are due to the fact that blacks are often deprived of many of the educational and other environmental advantages that whites enjoy. Most people think neither of these theories can yet fully explain human behavior. 1991 年英译汉试题 The fact is that the energy crisis,which has suddenly been officially announced,has been with us for a long time now,and will be with us for an even longer time. Whether Arab oil flows freely or not,it is clear to everyone that world industry cannot be allowed to depend on so fragile a base. (71)The supply of oil can be shut off unexpectedly at any time,and in any case,the oil wells will all run dry in thirty years or so at the present rate of use. (72)New sources of energy must be found,and this will take time,but it is not likely to result in any situation that will ever restore that sense of cheap and plentiful energy we have had in the times past. For an indefinite period from here on,mankind is going to advance cautiously,and consider itself lucky that it can advance at all. To make the situation worse,there is as yet no sign that any slowing of the world‘s population is in sight. Although the birthrate has dropped in some nations,including the United States,the population of the world seems sure to pass six billion and perhaps even seven billion as the twenty-first century opens. (73)The food supply will not increase nearly enough to match this,which means that we are heading into a crisis in the matter of producing and marketing food. Taking all this into account,what might we reasonably estimate supermarkets to be like in the year2001? To begin with,the world food supply is going to become steadily tighter over the next thirty years—even here in the United States.By2001,the population of the United States will be at least two hundred fifty million and possibly two hundred seventy million,and the nation will find it difficult to expand food production to fill the additional mouths. (74)This will be particularly true since energy pinch will make it difficult to continue agriculture in the high energy American fashion that makes it possible to combine few farmers with high yields. It seems almost certain that by2001the United States will no longer be a great food exporting nation and that,if necessity forces exports,it will be at the price of belt tightening at home. In fact,as food items will end to decline in quality and decrease in variety,there is very likely to be increasing use of flavouring additives. (75)Until such time as mankind has the sense to lower its population


2020年考研英语一阅读解析 2020年考研英语一阅读解析 1)理解主旨要义; 2)理解文中的具体信息; 3)理解文中的概念性含义; 4)实行相关的判断、推理和引申; 5)根据上下文推测生词的词义; 6)理解文章的总体结构以及上下文之间的关系; 7)理解作者的意图、观点或态度; 8)区分论点和论据。 万变不离其宗,在此再次提醒考生如何有重点地实行下一步复习:真题再现,反复精练,摸清思路,再次提升 真题是最应该重视的,近十年的考研英语阅读真题对于备考来说 是非常有价值的,出题形式稳定,掌握出题规律,也是最真的模拟。 各位考生在私下备考时,应侧重从宏观上掌握此题命题走向,微观了 解此题细分题型及应对技巧。其中,考研英语的阅读在整张试卷中所 占的比重,除40分值的传统阅读理解题型,还有10分的新题型,即 七选五、补全段落之类题目,使得考生又对其不得不更加重视。同时,翻译和完形填空题型的解答与阅读水平的高低也有着直接的联系,读 懂是首要,才能更好地实行下一步,翻译或完成句子。所以,提升阅 读水平,在考研英语中绝对不容忽视。 同时,在专项练习中,根据自己实际情况,强项稳住,弱项增强 练习,对于真题中涉及到的每一篇文章,每一道题目,每一个选项, 都要从精读的角度,真正理解和掌握文章的词、句,将答案中的关键

点与文章中、题干中的关键词结合起来,仔细分析,找出其中的联系,学会定位原文,这就是熟悉作者的出题思路和掌握自己的做题思路。 错不怕,重分析,做总结,心态调整好 做题的过程中,难免有些同学偶尔发现自己的错题过多,不要焦 躁与灰心,错题分析的过程中就是总结提升的过程。只要发现问题实 行总结,相信到最后好的结果一定等着我们。考题的难度就是历年真 题的难度,但是只要反复练习,整理思路,持续提升,在自己的水平 范围内拿到更高的分数,就是成功。


2007年全国硕士研究生入学考试英语试题解析 文章中心:完型填空的命题理论规定,文章的中心思想一般体现在文章首段的首句;有时首段首句其他段落的首句共同表达文章中心思想。因此,在选择具体题目答案前,把握文章中心对于理解文章语句,把握逻辑关系,确定语意衔接提供了足够的信息依据。 文章首段主题句叙述到By 1830 the former Spanish and Portuguese colonies had become independent nations. 到1830,前西班牙和葡萄牙殖民地解放,宣告成为独立国家。 本文的中心思想为前西班牙和葡萄牙殖民地解放以及面对的问题。 本文的中心思想为前西班牙和葡萄牙殖民地解放以及面对的问题。 本文的中心思想为前西班牙和葡萄牙殖民地解放以及面对的问题。 题目解析: By 1830 the former Spanish and Portuguese colonies had become independent nations. The roughly 20 million 1 of these nations looked 2 to the future. 1.[A]natives [B]inhabitants [C]peoples [D]individuals 2.[A]confusedly[B]cheerfully [C]worriedly [D]hopefully 1. 语意辨析题本题目选择名词,在句子中充当主语。句子叙述到The roughly 20 million of these nations looked to the future. “这些国家大概有2000万…对未来…。”


历年考研英语翻译真题及答案解析38 英译汉:考查考生理解所给英语语言材料并将其译成汉语的能力。要求译文准确、完整、通顺。 2014年考研英语二翻译真题及答案解析 Directions: Translate the following text from English into Chinese. Write your translation on ANSWER SHEET 2. (15 points) Most people would define optimism as endlessly happ y, with a glass that’s perpetually half fall. But that’s exactly the kind of false deerfulness that positive psychologists wouldn’t recommend. “Healthy optimists means being in touch with reality.” says Tal Ben-Shahar, a Harvard professor, According to Ben- Shalar,realistic optimists are these who make the best of things that happen, but not those who believe everything happens for the best. Ben-Shalar uses three optimistic exercisers. When he feels down-sag, after giving a bad lecture-he grants himself permission to be human. He reminds himself that mot every lecture can be a Nobel winner; some will be less effective than others. Next is reconstruction, He analyzes the weak lecture, leaning lessons, for the future about what works and wh at doesn’t. Final ly, there is perspective, which involves acknowledging that in the ground scheme of life, one lecture really doesn’t matter. 翻译 大多数人愿意把乐观定义为无尽的欢乐,就像一只总是装着半杯水的杯子。但那是一种绝不会为积极心理学家所推荐的虚假快乐。哈佛大学的Tal Ben-Shahar教授说,“健康的乐观主义,意味着要处于现实之中。”在Ben-Shahar看来,现实的乐观主义者,会尽最大努力做好一件事,而不是相信每件事都会有最好的结果。 Ben-Shahar 会进行三种乐观方面的练习。比如说,当他进行了一次糟糕的演讲,感到心情郁闷的时候,他会告诉自己这是人之常情。他会提醒自己:并不是每一


2018考研英语阅读解题思路:细节题 理解文章的具体信息和概念含义是大纲对阅读的明确要求。细节题目的考查在每年的考研英语真题当中都会占到一半以上,考生必须给予足够重视,牢牢掌握细节题的解题方法和思路。我们以2009年的真题为例: The relationship between formal education and economic growth in poor countries is widely misunderstood by economists and politicians alike. Progress in both area is undoubtedly necessary for the social, political and intellectual development of these and all other societies; however, the conventional view that education should be one of the very highest priorities for promoting rapid economic development in poor countries is wrong. We are fortunate that it is, because building new educational systems there and putting enough people through them to improve economic performance would require two or three generations. 31. The author holds that the importance of education in poor countries______. [A] is subject to groundless doubts [B] has fallen victim of bias [C] is conventional downgraded [D] has been overestimated 解析:首先依据题干关键词the importance of education in poor countries定位到第一句The relationship between formal education and economic growth in poor countries is widely misunderstood,但是仔细研读后发现贫穷国家中正规教育与经济发展之间的关系为经济学家及政治家们普遍误解。,该句只是在说正式教育和经济发展之间的关系,并不是题干所要找的教育的重要性。继续定位到第三句however, the conventional view that education should be one of the very highest priorities for promoting rapid economic development in poor countries is wrong.那种认为教育应该是促进贫穷国家经济快速发展的重要因素之一的传统观点是错误的。句中涉及了和教育的重要性相关的信息,锁定为答案出处。作者说这种传统的观点时错误的,可以理解为作者认为贫困国家不应该把教育看的如此重要,即,现在的贫困国家太过于注重教育了,所以答案选[D] has been overestimated教育被高估了。[C] is conventional downgraded被降级轻视,和原文事实相反。A和B选项所说的怀疑和偏见态度在原文中找不到依据,可排除。


常用翻译技巧总结 翻译题里考察三方面内容: 1、专有名词(如operational research expert)、习惯用法(如depend on)及多义词的翻译(如school、set的多义) 2、一般性翻译技巧:包括词义选择,词序调整,词性转换和增词法等等 3、具体句型(定从、状从、主从、宾从、表从、同位从、强调结构、并列、比较、倒装、插入、被动、否定等) 其中2、3是大考点,具体内容可在论坛下XDF的翻译笔记来看,在此不赘述。 可看出,应对翻译题的主要武器是翻译技巧,下面正式进入正题(常用方法、被动语态译法、形容词译法、举例详解) 一、常用方法 二、 英汉两种语言在句法、词汇、修辞等方面均存在着很大的差异,因此在进行英汉互译时必然会遇到很多困难,需要有一定的翻译技巧作指导。常用的翻译技巧有增译法、省译法、转换法、拆句法、合并法、正译法、反译法、倒置法、包孕法、插入法、重组法和综合法等。这些技巧不但可以运用于笔译之中,也可以运用于口译过程中,而且应该用得更加熟练。 1增译法:指根据英汉两种语言不同的思维方式、语言习惯和表达方式,在翻译时增添一些词、短句或句子,以便更准确地表达出原文所包含的意义。这种方式多半用在汉译英里。汉语无主句较多,而英语句子一般都要有主语,所以在翻译汉语无主句的时候,除了少数可用英语无主句、被动语态或“There be…”结构来翻译以外,一般都要根据语境补出主语,使句子完整。英汉两种语言在名词、代词、连词、介词和冠词的使用方法上也存在很大差别。英语中代词使用频率较高,凡说到人的器官和归某人所有的或与某人有关的事物时,必须在前面加上物主代词。因此,在汉译英时需要增补物主代词,而在英译汉时又需要根据情况适当地删减。英语词与词、词组与词组以及句子与句子的逻辑关系一般用连词来表示,而汉语则往往通过上下文和语序来表示这种关系。因此,在汉译英时常常需要增补连词。英语句子离不开介词和冠词。另外,在翻译时还要注意增补一些原文中暗含而没有明言的词语和一些概括性、注释性的词语,以确保译文意思的完整。总之,通过增译,一是保证译文语法结构的完整,二是保证译文意思的明确。如: (1) What about calling him right away? 马上给他打个电话,你觉得如何?(增译主语和谓语) (2) If only I could see the realization of the four modernizations. 要是我能看到四个现代化实现该有多好啊!(增译主句) (3) Indeed, the reverse is true 实际情况恰好相反。(增译名词) (4)就是法西斯国家本国的人民也被剥夺了人权。 Even the people in the fascist countries were stripped of their human rights.(增译物主代词) (5)只许州官放火,不许百姓点灯。 While the magistrates were free to burn down house, the common people were forbidden to light


2007 Text 2 For the past several years, the Sunday newspaper supplement Parade has featured a column called “Ask Marilyn.” People are invited to query Marilyn vos Savant, who at age 10 had tested at a mental level of someone about 23 years old; that gave her an IQ of 228 – the highest score ever recorded. IQ tests ask you to complete verbal and visual analogies, to envision paper after it has been folded and cut, and to deduce numerical sequences, among other similar tasks. So it is a bit confusing when vos Savant fields such queries from the average Joe (whose IQ is 100) as, What’s the difference between love and fondness? Or what is the nature of luck and coincidence?①It’s not obvious how the capacity to visualize objects and to figure out numerical patterns suits one to answer questions that have eluded some of the best poets and philosophers. 在过去的几年,《星期日报》的增刊《漫步》开设了一个名为“询问玛丽琳”的专栏。人们被邀请去询问 玛丽琳?沃斯?萨文特,玛丽琳?沃斯?萨文特在10岁时测试的智力水平达到别人23岁时的水平,这使得她的智商高达228――是有记录的最高水平。智商测试要求你完成口头和视觉分析,要求你在纸张被折叠、剪切后想象它的形状,要求你推论数字的顺序,还有其他类似的项目。所以,当沃斯?萨文特面对普通人(智商为100)提出的像“热爱与喜爱之间的区别是什么?”或者“运气与巧合的特征是什么?”这样的问题时,她感到有点困惑。设想物体、判断数字模式的能力如何使一个人能够回答难倒了一些最杰出的诗人和哲学 家的问题,这可并不那么显而易见。 mental adj.精神的, 智力的 verbal adj.口头的 【记】verb(言语),+al(形容词后缀)=口头的;nonverbal:不用语言的 analogy n.类似, 类推 【习】have an analogy to/with具有与...相似之处;by analogy用类推法 【例】No analogy exists between them. 两者毫无相似之处。 envision vt.想象, 预想 numerical adj.数字的, 用数表示的 fondness n.爱好, 溺爱 coincidence n.一致, 相合, 同时发生或同时存在(尤指偶然)的事 【巧】co(together)+ incidence(incident)=coincidence:两个小的事情同时发生,“巧合”【例】What a coincidence.多巧啊。 elude v.躲避 1、It's not obvious how the capacity to visualize objects and to figure out numerical patterns suits one to answer questions that have eluded some of the best poets and philosophers. 【译文】有些问题连一些最杰出的诗人和哲学家都难以回答,但是想象物体和计算数字模式的能力却能使 人找出答案,其中原因并不为人所知。 【析句】这是一个简单句,It只是形式主语,真正的主语是how引导的主语从句。而在主语从句中,主 语是the capacity to visualize objects and to figure out numerical patterns,谓语是suits,宾语是one,to answer questions是宾语补足语,而questions后又跟了一个定语从句。 【讲词】visualize意为"想象",是imagine的同义词。例如:He had a hard time to visualize the scene as it was described.(他难以设想所描绘的场景。) elude表示"躲避",也可表示"理解不了,想不起来"。根据句中的意思,可以译为"回答不了"。例如:The answer to this question eluded me for a long time, perhaps because it was so simple.(这个


2007年考研英语阅读理解1重要单词总 结 这是一篇议论文,文章主要论述了人的成就取决于后天培养而非先天遗传。首先,利用优秀足球运动员的例子引出观点,再Ericsson教授驳斥“人的成就取决于先天遗传”的观点,最后他证明记忆是一种认知行为,可通过刻意练习来培养,最后产生结论——人的成就取决于后天培养而非先天遗传。同样,文章中出现了许多词缀+熟词的单词,难度适中。以下是本文中出现的20个,就让我们一起来学习吧! 1.1tournament ['t??n?m(?)nt] n.锦标赛,联赛 【词根记忆】:tour(turn转,环绕)+ment(名词后缀)→环绕着的→联赛 【短语搭配】:tournament systems赛制 Tournament committee竞赛委员会 【真题例句】:If you were to examine the birth certificates of every soccer player in 2006’s World Cup tournament.如果你对参加2006年世界杯足球锦标赛的每位运动员的出生证明进行检查的话。 2.1quirk [kw??k] n. 趣事,奇事,怪癖 【词根记忆】:quick(快的)→奇事总是被当做笑谈,很快就会过去→趣事,奇事 【短语搭配】:network quirk值得注意的怪癖 【真题例句】:you would most likely find a noteworthy quirk.就很容易发现一个值得注意的怪现象。 3. 9phenomenon [f?'nɑm?n?n] n.现象 【词根记忆】:phen(表现现状)+ome(one一个)+non(名词后缀)→一个表现现状→现象【短语搭配】:rebound phenomenon反弹现象 【真题例句】:If you then examined the European national youth teams that feed the World Cup and professional ranks, you would find this strange phenomenon to be even more pronounced.如果你再查一下欧洲国家青年队(为世界杯和职业球队输送球员)的出生证明,你会发现这一现象更加明显。 4. 1confer[k?n'f??] v.授予,给予 【词根记忆】:con(共同,一起)+fer(bring,carry带来,拿来)→给一起的人带来→给予【短语搭配】:confer authority授予权限 【真题例句】:Here are a few guesses: a) certain astrological signs confer superior soccer skills这里有几种猜测:a)某些星座的人更具有足球天赋。 5. 4conceive[k?n'si?v]


2012年考研英语翻译真题及答案 Part C Directions: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (10 points) Since the days of Aristotle, a search for universal principles has characterized the scientific enterprise. In some ways, this quest for commonalities defines science. Newton’s laws of motion and Darwinian evolution each bind a host of different phenomena into a single explicatory frame work. (1)In physics, one approach takes this impulse for unification to its extreme, and seeks a theory of everything—a single generative equation for all we see. It is beco mi ng less clear, however, that such a theory would be a simplification, given the dimensions and universes that it might entail, nonetheless, unification of sorts remains a major goal. This tendency in the natural sciences has long been evident in the social sciences too. (2)Here, Darwinism seems to offer justification for it all humans share common origins it seems reasonable to suppose that cultural diversity could also be traced to more constrained beginnings. Just as the bewildering


2019考研英语阅读理解常见题型总结 来源:智阅网 考研英语阅读理解虽然难度不小,但是还是有规律可循。掌握好了规律,可以有效提高我们的复习效率和复习成绩。所以,就来说说阅读理解的常见题型有哪些。 1.主旨大意题。 这类题实质考察考生对中心思想的理解,难度不高,具体应对技巧如下: A.关注各段落首句,尤其是第一段首句,这与西方人思维相关,他们习惯开门见山表达出自己的观点,然后广泛引用材料去论述。因此,一般而言首段的首句构成文章的中心句,而各段的首句构成各段的中心。 B.关注首段末句。有些作者习惯先列出一些传统的观点或先对一些具体现象进行说明,然后提出与之不同的观点或在结尾对现象进行总结,在接下来的段落中继续论述。对于这类文章,如果作者没有提出不同的观点,则最后总结性语句为文章中心,一旦提出不同或完全对立的观点,又在后文中加以论述,则作者提出的新观点为文章中心;如果新老观点均是对同一个结果的论述,那么该论述的结论为文章中心。 C.当不能直接找出主题句时,通常文章中作者给予叙述较多或强调较多的某一事物或某一观点即文章的中心。在题目作答时,可采用中心词定位法,排除不含中心词的选项,对比有中心词的选项,选择最接近中心的选项。 D.如果对选项仍有异议,可把有异议的选项逐个带入文章中,看哪个能更好的囊括文章中心。这是一个检验的过程。 2.事实细节题。 此类题占阅读总分40分中的50%左右,因此十分重要。注意,这类问题与推理性问题截然相反,都可以从原文中找到答案,只不过

为了迷惑考生,常常将原文进行改写,换一种说法。所以,照抄原文,一字不改的不一定就是答案,而与原文意思相同的,才是正确的。其基本应对技巧如下: A.基本原则是以中心为导向,忠实原文为基础,千万不可主观臆断,最好的方法是回到原文的出题点进行揣摩。 B.必须看清题目,尤其是当题目就某一个具体细节并且脱离文章中心的提问。一般来说,细节问题绝大部分是围绕文章中心进行出题,但不排除文中就一些具体的,因果互动现象的内容提问。 3.词汇短语题。 其分值不高,考察范围可分为两类。第一,纲内词汇词义的引申。考察考生对所熟悉的词汇在特定语境下正确含义的理解。一般来说,该词的本意不是解,但是其引申义上仍可以找到本意的影子。第二,纲外词汇词义的推断。 4.推断性问题。 此类题大概占20%左右的分值,总体难度不大,是考生的必得分点。中心导向依然是解题的宏观主线,其关键是忠实原文的推断。其应对策略和事实细节题类似,考生在该题型上的主要失误在于脱离文章主观臆断造成的。 5.语气态度题。 对作者态度的判断是构成阅读理解的两条宏观主线之一。因此,正确辨明作者对所叙述事物的态度,不仅关系到本类题型的解答,也潜在影响到其他问题的正确解答。这类题目主要从作者文中描述事物所用到的形容词,副词,动词等表达感情色彩的词汇入手。当选项不能确定时,再回到原文中找关键词。对这类题型,分清褒贬一般不难,是考生的必得分点。 我们还可以做做何老师的2019《考研英语阅读思路解析》,有助于我们更好地理解阅读理解这个题型,并且还能培养好应试心理。


考研英语翻译模拟试题及答案解析 (1)Any discussion of the American educational system would be less than complete if it did not mention the emphasis that many colleges and universities place upon the nonacademic, social,“extracurricular”aspect of education, often defined as personal growth. Perhaps a useful way of viewing the notion of personal growth would be to picture the very large and general term“education” as being all-embracing, including as subsets within it academic and nonacademic components. This may be one of the most difficult concepts to convey to someone who is not intimately familiar with American higher education. Few educational systems in other countries place the same emphasis on this blend of academic and personal education. The majority of colleges and universities in the United States make some attempt to integrate personal and intellectual growth in the undergraduate years. (2) If the ultimate goal of undergraduate education in America were simply to convey a set body of knowledge, the term of studies could undoubtedly be reduced. Yet the terms of studies are extended in order to give students a chance to grow and develop in other ways. Numerous opportunities are made available to students to become involved in sports, student government, musical and dramatic organizations, and countless other organized and individual activities designed to enhance one’s personal growth and provide some recreation

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