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UNIT 3 The Million Pound Bank Note

I. 单元教学目标


Talk about short stories and dramas Learn how to act out a play

Learn how to request and order food

Learn Noun clauses as the object and predicative Write a play or drama

II. 目标语言(Target Language )


1. Request(请求)

Would you please come in?

Would you mind waiting just a few minutes?

May I ask you how much money you have?

--Well, to be honest, I have none.

Could you offer me some kind of work?

I wonder, Mr. Adams, if you mind us asking a few questions?

--Go right ahead.

2. Ordering food (点餐)

I’d like some ham and eggs and a nice big steak.

I’ll have a nice long glass of beer.


1. 四会词汇

bet, scene, tale, servant, permit, bay, stare, spot, passage, account, appearance, patience, silly, jealous, unbelievable, steak, tiny, wolf, dessert, rude, manner, scream, shoulder, rag, indeed, bow, decade, pilot, humor, novel, character, director, barber

2. 认读词汇

narrator, incredible, Roderick, Oliver, nightfall, unpaid, charity, willingness, simply, Clemens, issues, fake, boyhood, Hannibal, Missouri, Mississippi, fathom, contest, Yale, loneliness, playwright, script 3. 固定词组

make a bet, go ahead, by accident, account for, to be honest, in rags, even if, get into trouble

3. 重点词汇

bet, make a bet, permit, go ahead, by accident, stare, account for, to be honest, jealous, in rags,

indeed, even if, get into trouble


1. Noun clauses as the object (宾语从句)

I can’t say that I have any plans.

…and he does not know what he should do.

I did not know whether I could survive until morning.

2. Noun clauses as the predictive (表语从句)

That’s why we’ve given you the letter.


1.Have you ever made a bet with a friend? If so, what did you bet on? P17

2.He is lost in London. P17

3.Permit me to lead the way, sir. P17

4.As a mater of fact, I landed in Britain by accident. P18

5.His eyes stare at what is left of the brother’s dinner on the table. P18

6.I wondered, Mr. Adams, if you’d mind us asking a few questions. P18

7.I earned my passage by working as an unpaid hand, which accounts for my appearance. P18

8.Well, we will have to take a chance. P21

9. (in a rude manner) What’s there to wait for? P22

10.He’s in rags! P22

III. 教材分析与教材重组

1. 教材分析

本单元的主要内容是根据马克.吐温的名著《百万英镑》改编而成的剧本中的几个片段。1.1 WARMING UP 提出问题,通过对马克.吐温及其作品的讨论引发学生学习兴趣,使学生对马克,吐温及其作品, 有个初步的了解。

1.2 PRE-READING要求学生展开想象,假如自己有了一张百万英镑的钞票会怎么做,并阐述自己对《百万英镑》这部电影的评价。

1.3 READING 是剧本中第一幕的第三场。富商兄弟俩打赌把一张百万英镑钞票给一个一无所有,诚实可靠的穷人,想看看会发生什么事。最后他们物色到一个穷困潦倒,流落伦敦街头的美国小伙子Henry Adams。教师可以引导学生通过戏剧情节的发展,了解,感受戏剧的语言。同时,还可利用剧本的朗诵和表演帮助学生改进语音语调。

1.4 COMPREHENDING 中Fact or Opinion 的练习和几个形容词的填空练习旨在检测学生对事实和观点的判断,加强对这部分词语在语境中的理解和运用。

1.5 LEARNING ABOUT LANGUAGE 通过英语释义,在文章中填空等形式帮助学习理解掌握本单元的重点词汇,并通过先发现再简单运用的模式帮助学生了解,掌握本单元的语法项目:宾语从句和表语从句。

1.6 USING LANGUAGE 中的Reading and acting 介绍了第一幕的第四场。这一场生动地讲述了衣衫褴褛的流浪汉Henry Adams到餐馆用餐时, 先遭到冷遇,而后由于拿出了一张百万英镑的大钞, 又倍受关照的有趣故事。作者用诙谐的笔调讽刺了资本主义社会拜金主义者的丑陋嘴脸。

1.6 .1 READING & ACTING 是剧本中第一幕的第四场。

1.6 .2 LISTENING &WRITING中又介绍了第一幕的第五场,进一步印证了Henry Adams 诚实正直的品格。

1.6 .3 READING 是关于马克吐温的介绍。

1.6.4 WRITING要求学生自己写一个场景---第一幕的第五场。

1.7 SUMMING UP 总结本单元所学到的内容:《百万英镑》,有用的动词,名词,表达和新的语法项目。

1.8 LEARNING TIP 是关于如何写一个剧本的。

2. 教材重组

2.1从本单元话题内容和功能上分析,Warming up, Pre-reading, Reading, Comprehending和Using language中的Reading (about Mark Twain)相一致,可以整和成一节任务型“阅读课(精读)”。

2.2 将Learning about language中的Words and expressions, Using language中的Useful structures与Workbook中的Using structures, Using words and expressions放在同一节课中处理,上一堂“语法课”。

2.3 将Using language中的listening (ACT ONE Scene5),Workbook中的Listening (ACT TWO Scene2 )整和成一节“听力课”

2.4 将Workbook中的Talking (ACT TWO Scene1), Speaking Task (ACT TWO Scene3) 和Speaking Task (ACT TWO Scene4)上成一节“口语课”。

2.5将Using language中的Reading and acting (ACT ONE Scene4)上成一节“阅读和表演课”2.6.将Using language中的Writing (ACT ONE Scene 5) 与Workbook中的Writing Task, 和Checking yourself, Learning Tips 上成一节“写作课”。

3. 课型设计与课时分配(经分析教材, 本单元可以用六课时完成)

1st period Intensive Reading

2nd period Grammar

3rdperiod Listening

4thperiod Speaking

5thperiod Extensive Reading and Acting

6thperiod Writing

IV. 分课时教案

The Period 1&2 Warming up and Reading I

I. Teaching goals 教学目标

1. Target language 目标语言

a. 重点词汇和短语:

bet, make a bet, permit, go ahead, by accident, stare, account for, to be honest, jealous

b. 交际用语:

*Expressions on request:

Would you step inside a moment, please?

Would you please come in?

May we ask what you’re doing in this country and what your plans are?

Well, why don’t you explain what this is all about?

c. 重点句型:

(1) Have you ever made a bet with a friend? If so, what did you bet on? P17

(2) He is lost in London. P17

(3) Permit me to lead the way, sir. P17

(4) As a mater of fact, I landed in Britain by accident. P18

(5) His eyes stare at what is left of the brother’s dinner on the table. P18

(6) I wondered, Mr. Adams, if you’d mind us asking a few questions. P18

(7) I earned my passage by working as an unpaid hand, which accounts for my appearance. P18

2. Ability goals能力目标

a. Enable students to read and hear natural language in a dramatic context and increase their self-confidence in using English, which will increase their overall motivation to learn English.

b. Enable students to sum up the main idea of ACT ONE Scene 3.

c. Enable students to understand the details about the whole scene.

d. Retell the scene using the key words of the whole scen


e. Express their opinions by answering the following questions:

(1) Do you think money is everything? Why?

(2) Do you agree that only money can bring people happiness?

3. Learning ability goals 学能目标

a. Help students to understand natural language in the dramatic context and increase their self-confidence in using English.

b. Help students to sum up the main idea of ACT ONE Scene3.

c. Help students to understand the details of the whole scene.

d. Get students to retell the whole scen


e. Help them to answer the following questions:

(1) Do you think money is everything?

(2) Do you agree that only money can bring people happiness?

II. Teaching important points 教学重点

1. How to interpret language through tone of voice and body language, gaining a greater appreciation of the various verbal and non-verbal ways in which language works.

2. Discuss the questions:

(1) Do you think money is everything?

(2) Do you agree that only money can bring people happiness?

III. Teaching difficult points教学难点

Discuss the questions:

(1) Do you think money is everything?

(2) Do you agree that only money can bring people happiness?

IV. Teaching methods 教学方法

Elicitation, discussion, listening, reading, pair work

V. Teaching aid 教具准备

A computer, a projector, and a tape recorder

Teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式

Step I Warming up

Mark Twain is probably one of the few American writers with whom Students are already familiar. This exercise allows teachers to discover just how much students remember about this 19th century writer. Find out in the discussions how much the students know and decide how much

more they need to know about the author before they read the play.

1. T: Morning, everyone! Look at the screen, please. I will show you some pictures of a famous play. Talk about them in your own words. (The teacher shows them some pictures of THE MILLION POUND BANK-NOTE.)

Picture one: I just need a suit.

Picture two: I know that gentlemen like you carry only large notes.

Picture three: Goodness me! Six zeros.

(Students discuss the three pictures)

T: Ok, class. After watching and discussing the pictures, can you guess what the famous play is? SS: Yes. It is called THE MILLION POUND BANK-NOTE.

T: Then, do you know the writer of the play?

SS: Yes. It is Mark Twain.

T: What do you know about the American writer Mark Twain? Next, read “ABOUT MARK TWAIN” on page 23 so that you can know more about him.

2. Students read this passage about Mark Twain and answer the questions given in the form on page 2


T: What’s the re al name of Mark Twain?

SS: Samuel Langhorne Clemens.

T: When was he born and when did he die?

SS: He was born in 1835 and died in 1910.

T: Do you know all the places where he lived?

SS: He was raised in Hannibal, Missouri, along the Mississippi River, but traveled much of the US, and also lived for a time in Europe.

T: Can you name three of his famous stories?

SS: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, The Notorious Jumping Frog of Cala veras County, etc.

T: Why did you forget this one----THE MILLION POUND BANK-NOTE? As we know, Mark Twain is known as a humorist during his life. And this is reflected in THE MILLION POUND BANK-NOTE. So, today we’ll learn some parts of this famous play. Of course, if you want to read more about the life of this great writer, you can go to the library or surf the Internet to find more about him.

Step II Pre-reading

Get the students to discuss the question with their partners and then ask them to report their work. Encourage them to express their opinions freely.

1.T: If a rich person gives you a large amount of money to use as you like, for example, one million pound, what will you do? Why? (The teacher draws a picture on the blackboard.) (Students have a discussion on this question. Whatever choice students make here, they should be ready to offer their classmates a good reason for it.)

S1: I’ll buy a big house, a new car of my own and get married with a beautiful girl. In my opinion, the most important thing for a person is to enjoy the life. So, if I have a lot of money, I’ll make full use of it to meet my needs for a rich life.

S2: I’ll give some money of the one million pound to the poor people in the west part of our country to help them live a happy life, especially the children. Because they really need help and they can learn more knowledge in order to develop the west part of our country. This way of spending money is meaningful.

S3: …

T: I think all of you have a good idea. Do you want to know what happened to Henry Adams in THE MILLION POUND BANK-NOTE written by Mark Twain? Have you ever read the story? Have you seen the movie? If so, what do you think of it? So, this class we’ll learn the story together.

Step III While-reading

1. First reading: Scanning

Get the students to comprehend the whole scene quickly and accurately and meanwhile help the students to form a good habit of reading. Teachers give the students a couple of minutes to look through the whole scene. Tell the students to read the text silently and then ask some detail questions about the text on the slide show with their partners. Teachers encourage the students to express their ideas.

T: Now we are going to learn ACT ONE Scene 3. Read the whole scene quickly and find out the answers to the four questions here.

Teachers show the questions on the screen:

1. How did Henry Adams come to England?

2. Where did Henry work? How much money did he have?

3. What did the two gentlemen give Henry?

4. When can Henry open the letter?

(Students read the whole scene (ACT ONE Scene 3) for three minutes and try to answer the questions.)

T: Well, class, have you finished reading the whole scene?

SS: Yes.

T: Ok, who can answer the first question? How did Henry Adams come to England?

S1: It was the ship that brought him to England.

T: Very good. You did a good job. Next, where did Henry work? How much money did he have? S2: He worked for a mining company and he had no money at all.

T: Very good. Then what did the two gentlemen give him?

S3: They gave him a letter.

T: When can Henry open the letter?

S4: He can’t open it until two o’clock.

T: Ok, great. Next, let’s do some listening.

2. Second reading: Reading aloud

In this part, students will read the text again and try to understand the sentences and the main ideas of the whole scene.


In this part, students will listen to the tape and try to find the characteristics of the whole scene. After that, teachers discuss the question with the students and then check the answer. And then the teacher as well as the students read the passage together, which will be served as the ground for the retelling afterwards.

T: Please listen to the tape and try to find the characteristics of the whole scene.

(Students listen to the tape.)

T: Well, Can you tell me the characteristics of the passage?

SS: Yes. This is part of a play. So, the narration is written in the present tense.

T: Ok, all of you did a good job. Next, let’s read the scene again and do some exercises.

Step IV Post-reading

1. Do comprehending exercises.

T: Read the scene again and do some comprehending exercises. (P19)

(The students begin to prepare for these two exercises. After a while, the teacher starts to collect the answers. ) (Later the teacher gives the answers, using a slide projector.)

(1) Exercise 1

T: Have you found out the answers?

SS: Yes.

T: Ok! Let’s check the answers. Who’d like to tell us which of the statements are opinions?

S1: I think statement 3, 4 and 5 are opinions.

T: Very good. Now who will tell us which of the statements are facts?

S2: I think statement 1 and 2 are facts.

(2) Exercise 2

Get the students to do this exercise by themselves, and then ask them to check their answers with the whole class.

(Later the teacher gives the answers, using a slide projector.)

2.Explain language points.

T: Well, class. What do you think of the scene? Do you think it is difficult to understand some sentences?

SS: Yes.

T: Now, please look at the screen and let me explain some sentences.

The following are the language points that the teacher will explain:

(1) a large amount of: a large quantity of; a great deal of

e.g. They bought a large amount of furniture before they moved their new house.

(2) make a bet: make an arrangement to risk money, etc. on an event of which the result is doubtful.

e.g. We made a bet on the result of the match.

(3) permit somebody to do something: allow somebody to do something

e.g. My mother doesn’t permit me to ride in the street after it rained.

(4) by accident: as a result of chance or mishap.

e.g. I only found it by accident.

(5) stare at: look at somebody or something with the eyes wide open in a fixed gaze ( in astonishment, wonder, fear, etc)

e.g. Do you like being stared at?

(6) to be honest: to tell you the truth; to be frank

e.g. To be honest, I don’t think we have a chance of winning.

3.Students read the whole scene again and again and try to retell it.

T: Well, class, have you got the main idea?

SS: Yes.

T: What’s the main idea? And can you retell it?

(Then the students begin to prepare for retelling the whole scene.)

Step V Retelling

1. Show the key words and relevant pictures on the screen, using the computer.

2. Ask the students to retell the whole scene, according to the following key words: summer, 1903, Henry Adams, American businessman, rescued, British ship, London, without money, lost, walk down, street, led to, two rich brothers, made a bet, a letter, a million-pound bank-note, open, two o’clock.

T: Now, look at the key words and pictures, who can retell the reading?

S1: It was the summer of 1903, and Henry Adams, an American businessman, had some very luck. He was rescued at sea by a British ship that takes him to London where he finds himself without money, friends or the prospect of a good job. He was lost and alone in London. He had no money and did not know what he should do. Walking down the street, he heard someone calling him. Then he came in and was led to two rich brothers, Roderick and Oliver, who made a secret bet and gave him a letter in which there was a one-million-pound banknote. He was asked to open the letter until two o’clock in the afternoon. Roderick believes that a man can’t survive in the city for a month with only a million pound banknote in his possession but Oliver believes he can. (The play takes us along on Henry’s misadventures wi th humor and surprise to discover who will win the bet.)

T: Good, the next one, who wants to try?

(Then another student retells the whole scene.)

T: You’ve done a good job. Now let’s retell the whole scene together.

Step VI Summary and homework

T: Ok, class, what do you think of this play? Is money so important?

SS: no.

T: Some people say that money is everything. What do you think of this opinion?

S1: I don’t think so. Yes, money is very important in some occasion. But that doesn’t mean it is everything. For example, when your hometown is flooded and you are trapped in the water, can you save yourself even if you have a lot of money with you? No! So, we should not regard money as everything.

T: Great! But some people still think that money can bring them happiness. What do think of this? S2: I don’t agree this. Since money doesn’t mean everything, so it can’t bring happiness to us. For example, you have a lot of money but you haven’t a happy family, can’t you say that you are happy?

T: So, class, we shoul d have a correct attitude towards money. Now, let’s look at today’s homework.

1. Review the key sentences in this part.

2. Preview the words in the second period.

The Period 3 Grammar

I. Teaching goals 教学目标

1. Target language 目标语言

a. 重点词汇和短语:win the bet, make the bet, be worried about, stay out of jail, a poorly- -dressed gentleman, eat like a wolf, be a big puzzle to s


b. 重点句子

May we ask what you are doing in this country?

Well, why don’t you explain what this is all about?

That’s why we’ve given you the letter.

We were very surprised that he finished two orders of food in a very limited time.

We doubted whether the man was able to pay for the food.

2. 能力目标

1. Enable the students to use the words and expressions in this part.

2. Enable students to understand and use noun clauses as the object and predicative.


1. Get the students to guess the meaning of the words or expressions according to the context.

2. Get he students to use the noun clauses as the object and predicative.

II. Teaching important points 教学重点

1. How to make students understand and use noun clauses as object and predicative.

2. Get the students to master the usage of the important words of this unit.

III. Teaching difficult points教学难点

How to make students understand and use noun clauses as object and predicative.

IV. Teaching methods 教学方法

Task-based method

V. Teaching aid 教具准备

A computer, a projector

Teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式

Step I Revision

Check the students’ homewor k.

Step II Discovering useful structures (P20-21)

T: Good morning/afternoon, class. Today we are learning the grammar of this unit---Noun clause as the object and predicative. First, let’s review the passage we studied last class in order to discover the useful structures.

Exercise 1

T: In the scene we’ve learned two noun clauses as object and one sentence as predicative. Who can tell me the three sentences?

(Then Students read the whole scene to find lines in the play that uses a noun clause as the object and predicative. While the students are reading the whole scene, the teacher walks around the classroom and collect the answer. Then the teacher asks some students to tell the others the correct answer.)

Suggested answers:

May we ask what you are doing in this country?

Well, why don’t you explain what this is all about?

That’s why we’ve given you the letter.

Exercise 2

For this part, students make sentences with the noun clauses as the object using one of the words given in the textbook. And then let them discuss the answers in pairs. At last, check the answers with the whole class.

T: Now let’s go on with the next exercise. Turn to page 20, and let’s fill in the blanks. I’d like you to do this exercise by yourselves. After that discuss your answers in pa irs and then let’s check the answers together.

Allow the students enough time for the exercise.

Exercise 3

In this part, students make as many sentences as possible using parts of sentences given in the

textbook. And then let them discuss the answers in pairs. At last, the teacher checks the answers with the whole class and give the suggested answers.

Suggested answers:

(1) Henry’s question is why the two brothers wanted to make the bet.

(2) The problem is that he doesn’t know anybody in London.

(3) Henry’s concern is how he can get food and clothing.

(4) His trouble is that he doesn’t know anybody in London.

(5) That is why the brothers wanted to make a bet.

(6) The brothers’ doubt is whether Henry can stay out of jail.

(7) Henry’s concern is where he can g et a job.

(8) Henry’s question is what gave the two brothers the interesting idea.

Exercise 4

In this exercise, students complete some sentences with a noun clause as the play. And then let them discuss the answers in pairs. At last, the teacher checks the answers with the whole class and give the suggested answers.

Suggested answers:

(9) The trouble was that Henry Adams was lost in London and he had no money.

(10) Henry’s question was whether he could borrow some money.

(11) It seemed as if the brothers wee playing a joke on Henry.

(12) The brothers’ problem was who would be the best person to test this bet.

(13) This is why they lent him the money.

Step III Explanation and summary

T: Well, class. You did a good job. Next I want to explain something about noun clauses as the object and predicative so that you can have a better understanding of the grammar of this unit.

1. 名词性从句是由if, whether, that 和各种疑问词where, when 等充当连接词所引导的从句,其功能同名词一样。

2. What 与that 在引导名词性从句时的区别

what 引导名词性从句时在从句中充当句子成分,如主语.宾语.表语,而that 则不然,它在句子中只起连接作用。例如:1) What you said yesterday is right.

2) That she is still alive is a consolation.


(1) 由that引导的宾语从句(that 通常可以省略),例如:I heard that be joined the army.

(2) 由what, whether (if) 引导的宾语从句,例如:She did not know what had happened.

I wonder whether you can change this note for me.

4.否定的转移: 若主句谓语动词为think, consider, suppose, believe, expect, guess, imagine等,其后的宾语从句若含有否定意义,一般要把否定词转移到主句谓语上,从句谓语用肯定式。例如:I don’t think this dress fits you well.(我认为这件衣服不适合你穿。)

5. it 常可以放在动词think, find, consider, believe, feel, make等后作为形式宾语: it 不仅可以作为形式主语,还可以作为形式宾语而真正的宾语-that 从句则放在句尾,特别是在带复合宾语的句子中。例如:We heard it that she would get married next month.

6.表语从句是在复合句中作表语的名词性从句,放在系动词之后,一般结构是“主语+连系动词+表语从句”。可以接表语从句的系动词有be, look, remain, seem等。引导表语从句的that 常可省略。另外,常用的还有the reason why … is that... 和It is because… 等结构。例如:

1) The question is whether we can make good preparation in such a short time.

2) This is why we can’t get the support of the people

3) But the fact remains that we are behind the other classes.

4) The reason he is late for school is that he missed the early bus.


(1)______we can’t ge t seems better than ____we have.

A. What, what

B.What, that

C. That, what

D. That, that

(2) You can’t imagine ______when they received these nice Christmas presents.

A. how excited they were B how they were excited

C. how were they excited

D. they were how excited

(3)They make ____ a rule whoever breaks the law will be published.

A. it

B. that

C. what

D. this

(4)_____ you have seen both fighters , ______ will win?

A since, do you think who B. As, who do you think

C. When, whoever

D. Since, who do you think

Suggested answers: (1) A (2) A (3) A (4) D

Step IV Using structures (P57-58)

T: After the explanation on the grammar, I still hope that you can have more exercises so as to consolidate what you have learned about noun clauses as the object and predicative.

1. Complete the passage by using the words in the box given in the textbook.

(Students do the exercises by themselves and then the teacher gives the answers.)

2. Complete the following sentences given in the textbook, using noun clauses as the object or the predicative.

(Students do the exercises by themselves and then the teacher gives the answers.)

Suggested answers:

(1) The two brothers can’t agree to whom they should give the bank-note.

(2) Henry wonders why they chose him for the test.

(3) The first thing Henry decides to do is how can eat a meal.

(4) The waiter is surprised to find that Henry has a million-pound note.

(5) The owner of the restaurant never expects that a millionaire will visit his restaurant.

(6)I t seems that Henry is able to buy anything but not pay for it.

(7) What Henry wants to tell Portia is that he loves her.

(8) Everyone may want to know what finally happens to the million-pound note.

3.T: Next, class, let’s play a game “Guess what it is”. Look at the chart below and read the questions and clues. Decide what each of the objects is. Choose the right word from the box. After finishing the four questions, you may go on with the rest of the words

(This game is a simple way of helping students to develop strategies for defining words themselves.).

Suggested answers:

(1) Wolf: The wolf is an enemy to humans and especially farmers. This is because wolves like eating meat. Luckily wolves live in dens in forests far from human beings and are easily caught in nets.

(2) Novel: A novel is a wonderful source of information and imaginative stories. If you are lucky, you can relax with one in your hand but if not it will remain in the shelf.

(3) Dessert: A dessert is good both to eat and to look at. It is a joy for children and a pleasure to make in the kitchen.

(4) Rags: Keeping your house clean is an easier task with many rags in your hand.

(5) Steak: A steak is a piece of good quality beef that is best eaten with salad and chips.

(6) Tale: A tale is an exciting story about interesting imaginary events.

Step V Learning about language (P19-20)

1. Look at the reading passage again to find words that mean the same.

First, students do the exercises independently.

Suggested answers:

Alternative words and expressions Words and expressions from the text

someone paid to do homework servant

unbelievable incredible

early evening nightfall

the cost of a journey on a ship passage

in sb.a way not planned by accident

look at…for a long time stare at

be the reason for account for

allow permit

story tale

a piece of paper used as money a bank-note

willingness to wait patience

foolish silly

the way someone looks appearance

tell you the truth to be honest

2. Complete this passage with some of the new words and expressions in the play.

Suggested answers: tale, bet, nightfall, unbelievable, servant, by accident, appearance

3. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.

Suggested answers: (1) silly (2) permit, go ahead (3) stare, patience (4) made a bet (5) passage, account (6) account for (7) To be honest, jealous (8) willingness, probably

4. Make a list of useful expressions for requesting from the play.

Would you do (something) , please?

May we ask…?

I wonder if you’d mind…?

Could you offer me…?

If you don’t mind, may I ask you…?

T: You are great. So we will do more exercises.

Step VI Using words and expressions in Workbook (56-57)

First, students read and do the exercises by themselves.

1. Fill in the blanks with the words in the brackets.

Suggested answers: (1) humor, humorous (2) simply, simple (3) appear, appearance (4) unbelievable, believe (5) probable, probably (6) patience, patient (7) permitted, permission (8) willingness, willing

2. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box in their right forms.

Suggested answers: (1) was (not) permitted (2) getting (3) to pretend (4) account (5) should (6) bow

3. Translate the following sentences into English, using the words and expressions in the brackets. Suggested answers:

(1) As a matter of fact, he was spotted by accident when he got into the office.

(1) To be honest, the gentleman was in rags in order to pretend that he was poor.

(2) He worked as an unpaid director in the company. But when the owner of the company shouted at him in a rude manner again and again, he began to lose his patience.

(3) She screamed as if she had seen a snake.

(4) Even if your company is large, it can still get into trouble by growing too quickly.

(5) The reason he gave to account for his silly actions were indeed unbelievable.

Step VII Homework

1. Recite the key sentences on the grammar-noun clauses as the object and predicative.

2. Preview the third period.

The Period 4 Extensive Reading and Acting

I. Teaching goals 教学目标

1. Target language 目标语言

a. 重点词汇和短语: wolf, shoulder, in rags, indeed, even if, bow, at the table, next to the front door, take a chance, in a rude manner, just one moment, in the back of the restaurant, leave for the kitchen, go ahead

b. 重点句子:

Take this gentleman’s order.

It’ll cost a tiny bit.

Well, we will have to take a chance.

Would you mind waiting just a few minutes?

The Bank of England has issued two notes in this amount this year. Anyway, it can’t be fake.

He’s in rags!

I’d l ike some ham and eggs and a nice big steak.

I’ll have a nice long glass of beer.

2. 能力目标

Enable the students to act out a scene of a play and learn to order food.


Get the students to act out a scene of a play.

II. Teaching important/difficult points教学重/难点:

Act out a scene of a play.

III. Teaching methods 教学方法

Help the students practice acting out a play by themselves, using a co-operative method.

IV. Teaching aid 教具准备

A multiple-media computer & a blackboard

Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式

Step I Revision

Check students whether they have remember the words and phrases in this part.

Step II Reading

T: Well, class, last class we practiced writing a play. Today, we’ll practice acting out a play. I’m sure that you can do a good job.

1. Read the passage (Act One, Scene 4) aloud.

2. Explain some words and expressions:

(6)CULTURAL NOTE: Henry asks for a steak “ extra thick” for his meal. In China, steak is generally cut thinly but in America it is appreciated if it is cut thickly and grilled or fried. The advantage of having a steak “extra thick” is that it can be well cooked on the outside but still raw or half raw in the center.

3. T: Now, think about one question: Mr. Clemens is also the name of a character in the play. However, you may remember that Mark Twain did not write the play. So why do you think he appears as a character in the play? Give at least two reasons.

(Students discuss the question in pairs. Then, they may get the following agreement.)

SS: The introduction of Mr. Clemens into the story is also humorous to those people who know that

Mark Twain (who wrote the story) and Sam Clemens are one and the same. He is there as an authority on whether the banknote is real or not and also as an observer within his own story.

4.Listen to and follow the tape on this part so that students can read sentences correctly and be ready for acting.

Step III Acting

T: Now you are divided into groups and there are six members in each group. Five students will take the parts in the play. You will read your speeches and try to make your language sound authentic. The sixth person or director will decide how the acting will take place in the scene. He/She will also guide the rest of the group in the use of your voices so that you will sound as much like the characters in the play as you can.

5. Students prepare for acting in groups.

T: Ok, class, you should pay attention to some examples of Mark Twain’s humor in this scene, which will help you to better understand the play and act it out more appropriately. For, example, the change in attitude of the owner, the hostess and the waiter when Henry produces a large banknote they can’t change. So in fact Henry does get a free meal with the note (because they trust him to pay when he can get change) although the restaurant owner would have denied trusting him to pay his meal without it.

6. Students act out the play in groups.

7. The teacher gives some comments on their performance and praises some groups that did a better job. Step IV Homework

1.Watch the movie The Million Pound Bank-note in the free class. Read and perform the whole play with the help of the scripts in the book.

2.Review what you have learnt in the whole unit and next class we’ll have a revision class.

The Period 5 Listening and speaking

I. Teaching goals 教学目标

1. Target language 目标语言

a. 重点词汇和短语:by mistake, go traveling, a sum of money, have a bet on s

b., a born fool, get paid

b. 重点句子:

He begins to worry that he has got the banknote by mistake.

He’ll think we never dealt with a rich man before.

2. 能力目标

a. Enable the students to have independent thought and speculate about human behavior in a given situation.

b. Master the usage of “noun clauses as the object”

3. 学能目标

1. Get the students to have independent thought and speculate about human behavior in a given situation.

2. Make the students master the usage of “noun clause as the object”.

II. Teaching important points教学重点:

1. Practice students’ listening

2. Master the usage of “noun clauses as the object”

III. Teaching difficult points教学难点

Master the usage of “noun clauses as the object”

IV. Teaching methods 教学方法

Practicing independently & explaining

V. Teaching aid 教具准备

A multiple-media computer & a blackboard

Teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式

Step I Revision

T: At the beginning of this class, let’s check the homework. Are you ready?

SS: Yes.

Then students check their homework each other.

Step II Listening (P23)

Read and guess

T: Today we’re going to listen to a part of a play. Before listening, please open your books and turn to page 23.Let’s do Ex1 aft er listening to the tape. You are to complete the questions independently. After several minutes

T: Who can guess what this part is about?

SS: Henry worries that he has got the bank-note by mistake, so he goes back to visit the two brothers again. But they have gone traveling.


人类对宇宙的新探索 【教学重点】 本节内容是以人类对宇宙的认识为线索,由探测宇宙、开发宇宙和保护宇宙环境等内容组成。充分体现了人类活动和宇宙环境的关系。人类探测宇宙的目的是为开发宇宙资源,开发宇宙带来的一个重要问题是宇宙环境的保护,因而在教学中,使学生认识开发宇宙资源和保护宇宙环境的重要意义是本节的重点。本节的知识难度不大,但思想性比较强,教学中要充分利用教材中的图表资料或补充一些课外资料,运用读图、阅读分析资料和讨论等方法,有利于掌握知识,同时也使学生受到正确的思想观念教育。 【教学手段】多媒体资料库,多媒体课件 【教学过程】 【课前活动】要求学生分组收集有关世界和我国航天技术发展的资料,不同小组负责不同的领域。教师也可以把自己搜集的资料分发给学生。 【导入新课】通过了解地球的宇宙环境和日、月、地的关系,已认识到宇宙环境对地球的影响。然而人类对宇宙的探测经历了怎样的发展过程?探测宇宙的意义是什么呢? 【活动】①由学生把课前收集、了解的关于航天发展的资料内容做简要介绍。②阅读教材P11文字和插图,强调学生注意人类对宇宙的新探索“新”在哪里,并加以说明。 【提问】人类借助航天器和航天技术的发展,克服重重困难,穿过地球大气层,进入宇宙太空,开创了探测宇宙环境的新时代。在进入宇宙太空的新探索中,探测器、探测方式、探测内容和意义上,有哪些发展和变化? 【多媒体课件演示】展示相关的航天科学知识。如航天飞机、空间站、宇宙飞船等。 【活动】通过阅读教材内容,归纳填写下列表格内容。

【视频播放】播放“人类对火星的探测过程”视频。 【视频播放】播放“拓荒者号火星探测”视频。 【讲述】通过教材和刚才播放的视频片断,我们了解到,航天飞机的试航成功,使人类对宇宙空间的认识,已经从空间探索进入到空间开发和利用的新阶段。这是因为航天飞机能重复使用,是地球表面和近地轨道之间运送有效载荷的飞行器。在轨道上运行时,可以完成多种任务。航天飞机的出现是航天史上一个重要的里程碑,使人类自由往返宇宙空间、开发利用宇宙资源成为现实。 【多媒体演示】课本“中国向宇宙空间进军大事记”说明我国已步入世界航天技术先进国家的行列。多媒体课件中介绍我国航天领域的重大事件。 【提问】宇宙太空有哪些可供人类开发利用的资源?如何进行开发?开发宇宙资源的重要意义是什么? 【活动】学生分组,根据所了解的知识和教材有关内容,进行议论。(对上述问题的回答,不仅限于书本内容,要让学生充分发表个人见解,可举实例说明,也可大胆想象未来开发宇宙的广阔前景,培养学生的发散思维)。 【讲述】美国的整个阿波罗工程包括(1)确定登月方案;(2)准备了四项登月飞行辅助计划—“徘徊者”号探测器计划,发射9个探测器;“勘测者”号探测器并发射5个自动探测器在月面软着陆;“月球轨道环行器”计划,发射三个绕月飞行的探测器;“双子星座”号飞船计划,先后发射10艘各载2名宇航员的飞船。(3)研制运载火箭;(4)进行实验飞行;(5)研制阿波罗号飞船;(6)实现载人登月飞行。这项工程历时11年,耗资255亿美元。参加该工程的有2万家企业、200多所大学和80多个科研机构,总人数超过30万人。这一切说明探测开发宇宙资源需要以强大的国力做基础,以科学技术做支撑,否则是难以实现宇宙空间探测和开发的。 【视频播放】播放“太空殖民”、“太空生命维持系统”、“人类登陆火星”等视频。【总结】宇宙太空是人类未来发展的后备空间,在人类面临人口增长、资源枯竭、环境污染、生态破坏诸多问题的情况下,探索开发宇宙资源,有着重要和深远的意义。宇宙开发离我们并不遥远,目前人类的技术完全能够利用地球周围的资源,如何利用以及什么程度上的利用取决于经济上的可行性。宇宙开发对现在的社会生活逐渐发挥越来越重要的作用。


第八章 向量代数与空间解析几何 第一节 向量及其线性运算 教学目的:将学生的思维由平面引导到空间,使学生明确学习空间解析几何的意义和目的。使学生对(自由)向量有初步了解,为后继内容的学习打下基础。 教学重点:1.空间直角坐标系的概念 2.空间两点间的距离公式 3.向量的概念 4.向量的运算 教学难点:1.空间思想的建立 2.向量平行与垂直的关系 教学内容: 一、向量的概念 1.向量:既有大小,又有方向的量。在数学上用有向线段来表示向量,其长度表示向量的大小,其方向表示向量的方向。在数学上只研究与起点无关的自由向量(以后简称向量)。 2. 量的表示方法有: a 、i 、F 、OM 等等。 3. 向量相等b a =:如果两个向量大小相等,方向相同,则说(即经过平移后能完全重合的向量)。 4. 量的模:向量的大小,记为a 。 模为1的向量叫单位向量、模为零的向量叫零向量。零向量的方向是任意的。 5. 量平行b a //:两个非零向量如果它们的方向相同或相反。零向量与如何向量都平行。 6. 负向量:大小相等但方向相反的向量,记为a - 二、向量的线性运算 1.加减法c b a =+: 加法运算规律:平行四边形法则(有时也称三角形法则),其满足的运算规律有交换率和结合率见图7-4

2.c b a =- 即c b a =-+)( 3.向量与数的乘法a λ:设λ是一个数,向量a 与λ的乘积a λ规定为 0)1(>λ时,a λ与a 同向,||||a a λλ= 0)2(=λ时,0a =λ 0)3(<λ时,a λ与a 反向,||||||a a λλ= 其满足的运算规律有:结合率、分配率。设0 a 表示与非零向量a 同方向的单位向量,那么 a a a 0= 定理1:设向量a ≠0,那么,向量b 平行于a 的充分必要条件是:存在唯一的实数λ, 使b =a λ 例1:在平行四边形ABCD 中,设a =AB ,b =AD ,试用 a 和 b 表示向量MA 、MB 、MC 和MD ,这里M 是平行 四边形对角线的交点。(见图7-5) 图7-4 解:→→==+AM AC 2b a ,于是)(2 1 b a +- =→ MA 由于→ → -=MA MC , 于是)(21 b a += → MC 又由于→→==+-MD BD 2b a ,于是)(2 1 a b -=→MD 由于→→-=MD MB , 于是)(2 1 a b --=→MB 三、空间直角坐标系 1.将数轴(一维)、平面直角坐标系(二维)进一步推广建立空间直角坐标系(三维)如图7-1,其符合右手规则。即以右手握住z 轴,当右手的四个手指从正向x 轴以2 π 角度转向正向y 轴时,大拇指的指向就是z 轴的正向。


第一章经济生活 1.价值规律的作用? 第一,调节生产资料和劳动力在社会各个生产部门的分配。 第二,刺激商品生产者改进生产技术、改善经营管理,提高劳动生产率。 第三,引起和促进商品生产者的优胜劣汰。 第二章政治生活 1.我国应如何发展中国特色社会主义民主政治? (1)坚持党的领导、人民当家作主和依法治国的有机统一。 (2)党要坚持民主执政,以发展党内民主带动人民民主建设。 (3)坚持和完善人民代表大会制度、民族区域自治制度等政治制度,以保障我国民主的真实性和广泛性。 2.简述中国共产党、全国人大、国务院、人民政协之间的地位、作用及其相互关系。 (1)四者的地位和作用: A.中国共产党是我国的执政党,是我国社会主义事业的领导核心。它不是国家机关,不能直接行使国家职能。 B.全国人大是国家最高权力机关,在国家机构体系中居于最高地位。它行使最高立法权、任免权、决定权和监督权。 C.国务院是最高国家权力机关的执行机关,是最高行政机关。它负责贯彻执行全国人大及其常委会通过的法律和行政工作决定,对全国人大及其常委会负责,向其报告工作。 D.人民政协是中国共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商的重要机构,是我国的爱国统一战线组织。它行使政治协商、民主监督和参政议政的职能,它不是国家机关,不能行使国家职能。 (2)四者关系: 中国共产党冀中人民的意志,形成自己的主张和政策,然后通过全国人民代表大会的法定程序使之成为国家的法律和决定,实现对国家爱的领导。全国人大通过的法律和作出的决定,由国务院和其他国家机关贯彻执行。一般情况下,是国务院根据中国人民代表大会提出的建议和作出的决定,起草国民经济和社会发展计划,提请全国人大审议,并征求全国政协委员会的意见,最后由全国人大批准。 第五章法学基础理论 1.我国刑事诉讼法对于运用证据规定的指导原则有哪些? (1)严禁刑讯逼供和以威胁、引诱、欺骗及其他非法的方法搜集证据。 (2)重证据、重调查研究而不轻信口供。只有被告人供述而无其他证据的,不能认定被告人有罪和处以刑罚;没有被告人供述,但只要其他证据确凿,同样可以判决其有罪并处以刑罚。 2.人民法院对于那些民事案件可以根据当事人的申请裁定先予执行? 先予执行:


幼儿园中班教案:中班户外游戏活动《轮胎转、转、变》教案 设计意图: 轮胎是幼儿常见的物品,也是孩子喜欢玩的玩具,构思这节课意在培养幼儿的合作创新意识,让幼儿在愉悦的情绪下,积极动脑,大胆参与,主动地探索,在不断地尝试、游戏合 作中,提高幼儿参与游戏的兴趣,从而在游戏活动中增强幼儿的应变和灵活掌握技巧。 活动目标: 1、能主动与同伴商量、合作游戏,遇到问题能积极想办法解决。提高幼儿的参与和合作意识。 2、通过活动,培养幼儿勇于克服困难的精神,体验成功的快乐。 活动准备:汽车废旧轮胎自行车废旧轮胎 活动过程: 带领幼儿到户外操场上,踏着音乐做简单的热身动作,活动筋骨,为下面的活动做好基础:1、介绍轮胎的作用 教师拿出准备好的轮胎,让幼儿认识,并让孩子说出轮胎的作用,并说出见过那些不同的轮胎。然后并简单的事发轮胎的玩法,并询问,你们可以有哪些玩法?好好想想!! 2、幼儿分组,探究轮胎的玩法 分组后,幼儿积极的琢磨,商量,交流,一起归纳轮胎的玩法,有的是一个孩子玩,有的是多个孩子玩。 3、师生一起归纳好玩的玩法,并让个别幼儿做出示范表演。幼儿兴致极高,很快的融入到游戏中去。归纳主要的玩法有 个人玩: (1)幼儿自己在地上滚动轮胎,可以变换走的路线, (2)把轮胎举起来套在脖子里,双手做动作。(这个需要轻点轮胎) (3)把轮胎放地下,幼儿坐在轮胎上活动头部。 多人玩: (1)幼儿们滚着轮胎变成一个大圆圈或走出多种阵型。 (2)把轮胎平方到地上,幼儿逐个学小兔跳:从前跳到后,从里跳到外;从左跳到右里。(3)幼儿学小鸟飞:绕着轮胎里原地飞一圈,看那个小组飞的快飞。 4、幼儿一起参与游戏,感受快乐 幼儿们根据的自己的爱好,选择喜欢的方法,自主参与到游戏中,体验游戏的乐趣,尝试游戏合作的技巧,感受集体合作的力量和伟大。 5、游戏结束。 收拾物品,归放到原来的地方。带领幼儿一起走出游戏场地。 活动反思: 通过此游戏充分锻炼了幼儿身体机能,增强了幼儿之间的友谊,体验到集体合作的快乐和满足,并能在活动中增强了幼儿的自信心和竞争意识。



第4章 向量代数与空间解析几何练习题 习题4.1 一、选择题 1.将平行于同一平面的所有单位向量的起点移到同一点, 则这些向量的终点构成的图形是( ) (A )直线; (B ) 线段; (C ) 圆; (D ) 球. 2.下列叙述中不是两个向量a 与b 平行的充要条件的是( ) (A )a 与b 的内积等于零; (B )a 与b 的外积等于零; (C )对任意向量c 有混合积0)(=abc ; (D )a 与b 的坐标对应成比例. 3.设向量a 的坐标为 31 3 , 则下列叙述中错误的是( ) (A )向量a 的终点坐标为),,(z y x ; (B )若O 为原点,且a =, 则点A 的坐标为 ),,(z y x ; (C )向量a 的模长为222z y x ++;(D ) 向量)2/,2/,2/(z y x 与a 平行. 4.行列式2 131323 21的值为( ) (A ) 0 ; (B ) 1 ; (C ) 18 ; (D ) 18-. 5.对任意向量a 与b , 下列表达式中错误的是( ) (A )||||a a -=; (B )||||||b a b a +>+; (C ) ||||||b a b a ?≥?; (D ) ||||||b a b a ?≥?. 二、填空题 1.设在平行四边形ABCD 中,边BC 和CD 的中点分别为M 和N ,且p AM =, q =,则BC =_______________,CD =__________________.

2.已知ABC ?三顶点的坐标分别为A(0,0,2),B(8,0,0),C(0,8,6),则边BC上的中线长为______________________. 3.空间中一动点移动时与点)0,0,2(A和点)0,0,8(B的距离相等, 则该点的轨迹方程是 _______________________________________. 4.设力k + 2+ =, 则F将一个质点从)3,1,0(A移到)1,6,3(, B所做的功为 F5 j i 3 ____________________________. ?_____________________; 5.已知)2,5,3(A, )4,7,1(B, )0,8,2( C, 则= ?____________________;ABC = ?的面积为_________________. 三、计算题与证明题 1.已知1 | |= c, 并且0 |= b, 5 | a, 4 |= | a? b + + ?. b ? +c + c b = c a.计算a 2.已知3 ?b || a?. |= |b a, 求| | |= ?b a, 4 | 3.设力k - =作用在点)1,6,3(A, 求力F对点)2 ,7,1(,- + B的力矩的大小. i j F5 3 2+


普通高中政治课程标准(实验) 第一部分前言 我国已进入全面建设小康社会、加快推进社会主义现代化的新的发展阶段。随着改革开放和社会主义市场经济的发展,社会经济成分、组织形式、就业方式、利益关系和分配方式日益多样化,给人们的思想观念带来深刻影响;世界多极化和经济全球化趋势,日新月异的科技进步,使我国的发展面临着前所未有的挑战与机遇,这对高中学生的思想政治素质提出了新的更高要求。为此,思想政治课教学必须贯彻党的十六大精神,以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,着眼于当代社会发展和高中学生成长的需要,增强思想政治教育的时代感、针对性、实效性和主动性。 依据中央关于学校德育工作的有关文件和《国务院关于基础教育改革与发展的决定》及教育部《普通高中课程方案(实验)》,制订本课程标准。 一、课程性质 高中思想政治课进行马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想的基本观点教育,以社会主义物质文明、政治文明、精神文明建设常识为基本内容,引导学生紧密结合与自己息息相关的经济、政治、文化生活,经历探究学习和社会实践的过程,领悟辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的基本观点和方法,切实提高参与现代社会生活的能力,逐步树立建设中国特色社会主义的共同理想,初步形成正确的世界观、人生观、价值观,为终身发展奠定思想政治素质基础。 高中思想政治课与初中思想品德课和高校政治理论课相互衔接,与时事政策教育相互补充,与高中相关科目的教学和其他德育工作相互配合,共同完成思想政治教育的任务。 二、课程的基本理念 (一)坚持马克思主义基本观点教育与把握时代特征相统一 本课程要讲述马克思主义的基本观点,特别是邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想,紧密联系我国社会主义现代化建设的实际,与时俱进地充实和调整教学内容,体现当今世界和我国发展的时代特征,显示马克思主义科学理论的强大力量。 (二)加强思想政治方向的引导与注重学生成长的特点相结合 本课程要重视高中学生在心理、智力、体能等方面的发展潜力,针对其思想活动的多变性、可塑性等特点,在尊重学生个性差异和各种生活关切的同时,恰当地采取释疑解惑、循循善诱的方式,帮助他们认同正确的价值标准、把握正确的政治方向。 (三)构建以生活为基础、以学科知识为支撑的课程模块 本课程要立足于学生现实的生活经验,着眼于学生的发展需求,把理论观点的阐述寓于社会生活的主题之中,构建学科知识与生活现象、理论逻辑与生活逻辑有机结合的课程模块;在开设必修课程的同时,提供具有拓展性和应用性的选修课程,以满足学生发展的不同需要。 (四)强调课程实施的实践性和开放性 本课程要引领学生在认识社会、适应社会、融入社会的实践活动中,感受经济、政治、文化各个领域应用知识的价值和理性思考的意义;关注学生的情感、态度和行为表现,倡导开放互动的教学方式与合作探究的学习方式;使学生在充满教学民主的过程中,提高主动学习和发展的能力。 (五)建立促进发展的课程评价机制 本课程要改变过分注重知识性和单一的纸笔测验的评价方式,立足思想政治素质的提高,建立能够激励学生不断进步的评价机制。既要考评学生掌握和运用相关知识的水平和能力,更要考查他们的思想发生积极变化的过程,采用多种方式,全面反映学生思想政治素质的发展状况。 三、课程设计思路


人类对宇宙的探索与认识 我们的祖先渴望了解宇宙,但是他们没有真正找到了解的办法。今天,我们已找到了一种有效和精确地了解宇宙的办法,我们把这种方法称为“科学”。科学已经表明,宇宙是如此浩瀚而古老,因此人间世事往往显得无足轻重。 宇宙现在是这样,过去是这样,将来也是这样,只要一想起宇宙,我们就难以平静——我们的心情激动,感叹不已,我们知道我们在探索最深奥的秘密。 我们迫切希望能够了解宇宙,我们现有的大部分知识是从地球上获得的,然而地球只不过是宇宙中的一个小小的地方。宇宙是由无数的行星、恒星、彗星、星云等组成的,宇宙中是否有外星生命的存在成了我们所关注的焦点。总之,宇宙对我们的吸引力太大了,以下让我介绍一下人类探索的发展历程和一些宇宙知识吧。 恒星 人们用肉眼看到的星星,除了太阳系内的流星、彗星和五大行星(水、金、火、木和土星)之外,整个天空中的星星都是恒星。恒星是由炽热的气体所组成并能自己产生能量发光的近似球体的天体。由于它们的位置看上去似乎恒古不变,因此,古人它们为“恒星”。 在中国古代,早在司马迁的《史记·天官书》中就有了关于恒星颜色的记载:“白如狼,赤比心,黄比参左肩,苍比参右肩,黑比奎大星”。 恒星为什么会有这么多诱人的色彩呢?天上的星星发出的光在不同波段的强度是不一样的。从恒星光普型我们可以知道,恒星所呈现的不同颜色,代表了它们表面所处的不同温度。一般来说,发蓝光的恒星是年轻的星,会发热、温度较高,大约在2500~3500开,如猎户座η星。发黄光的恒星是常见的星,它们已经到了中年,温度居中,大约在6000~500开,如御夫座的五车二星。而发红光的恒星是垂亡的老年星,温度较低,大约在2000~3000开,如参宿四和心宿二等。 当你用眼睛直接观察恒星时,你会发现恒星有的亮些,有的暗些,为什么呢?这是因为不同亮度的恒星的光给予你的眼睛视网膜的能量大小不同。 不过恒星的这种亮度不是恒星的真实亮度,由于恒星距离有远有近,在夜空中看起来很亮的星可能是因为这颗星距离我们很近,相反,一颗看起来很暗的星,只是由于距离遥远才显得很暗。因此,恒星的目视星等反映不出恒星的真实亮度。 黑洞 广义相对论表明,引力场可以造成空间弯曲,强大的引力场可以造成强烈的空间弯曲,那么无限强大的引力场会产生什么情况呢? 1916年爱因斯坦发表广义相对论后不久,德国物理学家卡尔?史瓦西就用这个理论描绘了一个假设的完全球状星体附近的空间和时间是如何弯曲的。他


第八章向量代数与空间解析几何 第一节向量及其线性运算 教学目的:将学生的思维由平面引导到空间,使学生明确学习空间解析几何的意义和目的。使学生对(自由)向量有初步了解,为后继内容的学习打下基础。教学重点: 1. 空间直角坐标系的概念 2.空间两点间的距离公式 3.向量的概念 4.向量的运算 教学难点: 1. 空间思想的建立 2.向量平行与垂直的关系 教学内容: 一、向量的概念 1.向量:既有大小,又有方向的量。在数学上用有向线段来表示向量,其长度表示向 量的大小,其方向表示向量的方向。在数学上只研究与起点无关的自由向量(以后简称向量)。 2.量的表示方法有: a 、i、F、 OM 等等。 3.向量相等a b :如果两个向量大小相等,方向相同,则说(即经过平移后能完全 重合的向量)。 4.量的模:向量的大小,记为 a 、OM。 模为 1 的向量叫单位向量、模为零的向量叫零向量。零向量的方向是任意的。 5.量平行a // b:两个非零向量如果它们的方向相同或相反。零向量与如何向量都平行。 6.负向量:大小相等但方向相反的向量,记为 a 二、向量的线性运算 b c 1.加减法a b c:加法运算规律:平行四边形法则(有 时也称三角形法则),其满足的运算规律有交换率和结合率见图7 a -4

2.a b c 即 a ( b) c 3.向量与数的乘法 a :设是一个数,向量 a 与的乘积a规定为 (1) 0 时, a 与a 同向, | a | | a | (2) 0 时, a 0 (3) 0 时, a 与a反向,| a | | || a | 其满足的运算规律有:结合率、分配率。设 a 0表示与非零向量 a 同方向的单位向量,那么 a 0a a 定理 1:设向量,那么,向量 b 平行于 a 的充分必要条件是:存在唯一的实数 λ , a≠ 0 使b=a 例 1:在平行四边形ABCD中,设AB a ,AD b ,试用 a 和b表示向量 MA 、MB 、MC 和 MD ,这里M是平行四边形对角线的交点。(见图7-5)图 7- 4 解: a b AC 2 AM ,于是 MA 1 (a b) 2 由于 MC MA ,于是 MC 1 b) (a 2 1 (b a) 又由于 a b BD 2 MD ,于是 MD 1 (b 2 由于 MB MD ,于是 MB a) 2 三、空间直角坐标系 1.将数轴(一维)、平面直角坐标系(二维)进一步推广建立空间直角坐标系(三维) 如图 7- 1,其符合右手规则。即以右手握住z 轴,当右手的四个手指从正向x 轴以角度 2 转向正向 y 轴时,大拇指的指向就是z 轴的正向。 2.间直角坐标系共有八个卦限,各轴名称分别为:x轴、y轴、z轴,坐标面分别 为 xoy 面、yoz面、zox面。坐标面以及卦限的划分如图7-2 所示。 图 图 7-1 右手规则演示 7- 2 空间直角坐标系图图7-3空间两点 M 1 M 2的距离图3.空间点M ( x, y, z)的坐标表示方法。 通过坐标把空间的点与一个有序数组一一对应起来。注意:特殊点的表示


《科学社会主义常识》教学大纲 一、课程的性质和任务 《科学社会主义常识》社会主义相关政治知识是中等职业学校学生选修的一门政治课。本课程以马列主义、毛泽东思想、中国特色社会主义理论为指导,深入贯彻落实科学发展观,对学生进行马克思主义相关基本观点教育和我国社会主义政治、文化与社会建设常识教育。其任务是使学生认同我国的经济、政治制度,了解所处的文化和社会环境,树立中国特色社会主义共同理想,积极投身我国经济、政治、文化、社会建设。 二、课程教学总体目标 引导学生掌握马克思主义的相关基本观点和我国社会主义经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设的有关知识;提高思想政治素质,坚定走中国特色社会主义道路的信念;提高辨析社会现象、主动参与社会生活的能力。 三、教学内容及具体教学目标和要求 (一)透视政治现象 教学目标 使学生透过常见的社会现象,掌握有关的政治知识,树立正确的世界观、人生观及价值观,增强创新、诚信、效率、公平等意识,树立依法纳税的观念,提高参与经济生活的能力。 教学要求 认知:了解有关空想社会主义知识、科学社会主义的诞生、第一国际及俄国十月革命的相关知识、毛泽东思想及中国特色社会主义理论。 情感观念:正确看待社会主义,历史兴衰、共产主义理想。 运用:正确辨析常见的社会现象,政治现象。 教学内容: 1.社会主义从空想到科学的发展。 (1)透视乌托邦,了解其产生的历史背景。 (2)了解科学社会主义诞生的历史背景。

2.社会主义从理想到现实的转变 (1)列宁为俄国无产阶级革命的奋斗历程。 (2)俄国经历“二月革命”和“十月革命”,社会主义在俄国的诞生。 (3)俄国的社会主义建设过程。 3.社会主义是中国人民的历史性选择。 (1)资本主义在中国走不通。 (2)中国共产党的建立。 (3)新民主主义革命的理论和实践。 (4)中国社会主义的基本确立。 (5)中国社会主义建设道路的探索。 4.成功开创中国特色社会主义 (1)中国正处于社会主义初级阶段 (2)社会主义初级阶段的基本路线 (3)社会主义的本质 5.坚持和发展中国特色社会主义 (1)“三个代表”重要思想和科学发展观。 (2)高举中国特色社会主义旗帜前进。 (3)为实现共产主义远大理想而奋斗。 四、教学方法与手段 在教学中教师经常用到以下几种教学方法: 1、阅读法:朗读和背诵 2、讲授法:讲演法和讲练法 3、对话法:讨论法和辩论法



习题7-1 ★★1.填空: (1) 要使b a b a -=+成立,向量b a , 应满足b a ⊥ (2) 要使 b a b a +=+成立,向量b a , 应满足 //b a ,且同向 ★2.设c b a v c b a u -+-=+-=3 , 2,试用c b a , , 表示向量v u 32- 知识点:向量的线性运算 解:c b a c b a c b a v u 711539342232+-=+-++-=- ★3.设Q , P 两点的向径分别为21 , r r ,点 R 在线段PQ 上,且 n m RQ PR = ,证明点R 的向径为 n m m n += +r r r 12 知识点:向量的线性运算 证明:在OPQ ?中,根据三角形法则PQ OP OQ =-,又)(21r r -+=+= n m m n m m , ∴n m m n n m m PR OP OR ++=-++ =+=22r r r r r 1 11)( ★★4.已知菱形 ABCD 的对角线b a ==B , ,试用向量b a , 表示 , , , 。 知识点:向量的线性运算 解:根据三角形法则, b a ==-==+B D AD , AB AC BC AB ,又ABCD 为菱形, ∴ =(自由向量), ∴222 AB AC BD AB CD DC AB --=-=-?=?=-=-= u u u r u u u r u u u r u u u r u u u r u u u r u u u r a b b a a b ∴2b a +==,2 DA +=-u u u r a b ★★5.把ABC ?的BC 边五等分,设分点依次为4321 , , , D D D D ,再把各分点与点 A 连接,试以 a c ==BC AB , 表示向量 , , 321A D A D A D 和A D 4。


小学科目构成及知识点(苏教) 年级科目学期知识点 小一数学上学期认识个位数、认识位置、认识物体、基本的加减法、进一步深入 学习加法、统计 下学期进一步深入学习减法、加法和减法、认识十位数,统计语文上学期拼音、笔划、偏旁部首、前鼻音、后鼻音 下学期近义词、反义词、简单成语、比喻句、能用音序和部首检字法查 字典 小二数学上学期认识乘法、乘法口诀、认识图形、认识除法、厘米和米的认识、 位置和方向、时分秒 下学期有余数的除法、加法减法和乘法、分米毫米、认识百位数、认识 角、统计和可能性、认识方向 语文上学期词语、短小篇幅的课文、开始写日记、拟人 下学期累计认识常用汉字、学习独立识字、阅读课文、体会思想感情 小三数学上学期除法、加法和减法、乘法、认识千位数、千克和克、加法和减法、 长方形和正方形、统计和可能性、认识分数 下学期除法、乘法、认识年月日、平移和旋转、千米和吨、轴对称图形、 认识分数、长方形和正方形的面积、认识小数 语文上学期比较长的课文、开始写作文、以记叙文为主(写人、叙事、写景、 状物) 下学期比较长的课文、开始写作文、以记叙文为主(写人、叙事、写景、 状物)、反问句复问句以及句型的变换 英语上学期日常用语 下学期动物、时间、食物、活动、节日 小四数学上学期除法、角、混合运算、平行和相交、找规律、运算律、认数、统 计和可能性、用计算器计算 下学期乘法、升和毫升、三角形、平行四边形和梯形、混合运算、运算 律、对称平移旋转、倍数和因数、统计、用字母表示数语文上学期以记叙文为主,开始写书信、日记、表扬稿、通知(关键是格式)下学期以记叙文为主,开始写书信、日记、表扬稿、通知(关键是格式)、 阅读理解 英语上学期数字、一般现在时、现在进行时、一般将来时、情态动词 下学期将来时、比较级、国家、交通工具 小五数学上学期认识负数、多边形面积的计算、认识小数、小数的加减法、找规 律、小数乘法和除法、公顷和平方千米、统计 下学期方程、确定位置、公倍数和公因数、认识分数、找规律、分数的 基本性质、统计、分数加法和减法、圆 语文上学期大量的词汇、熟练组词、作文接触议论文 下学期大量的词汇、熟练组词、作文有少量的议论文 英语上学期一般过去时、代词的用法 下学期一般过去时、方位词 小六数学上学期方程、长方体和正方体、表面积的变化、分数乘法、分数除法、 认识比、分数四则混合运算、认识百分数

1.1 人类对宇宙的认识 同步练习及答案

1.1 人类对宇宙的认识同步练习及答案 一、单选题 1.“模拟实验”是一种常用的科学研究方法,以下不属于该研究方法的是() A. B. C. D. 2.目前航天飞船的飞行轨道都是近地轨道,一般在地面上方300km左右的轨道上绕地飞行,环绕地球飞行一周的时间约为90min左右.若飞船在赤道上空飞行,则飞船里的航天员在24h内可以看到的日落次数最接近() A. 2次 B. 4次 C. 8次 D. 16次 3.关于宇宙的产生的看法,下列说法正确是() A. 宇宙没有起源,天然而成的 B. 多数科学家认为宇宙诞生于150亿年前的一次大爆炸 C. 宇宙肯定是恒星的湮灭造成的 D. 宇宙产生于气候的变化 4.下列关于学说的提出、模型的建立或科学实验完成等先后顺序,不符合科学史实的是() A. 对太阳系的认识:先提出日心说,后提出地心说 B. 对海陆变迁的认识:先提出大陆漂移假说,后建立板块构造学说 C. 对电磁现象的认识:先发现电磁感应现象,后制造出发电机 D. 对原子结构的认识:卢瑟福先完成了α粒子散射实验,后提出原子的有核模型 5.关于宇宙大爆炸,下列说法中错误的是()

A. 宇宙诞生于距今约150万年前的一次原始火球大爆炸 B. 大爆炸宇宙模型认为,“原始火球”的温度和密度高得无法想像 C. “原始火球”的爆炸导致宇宙空间处处膨胀,温度则相应下降 D. 根据宇宙大爆炸理论可推知,所有星系都在背离我们运动 6.下列有关人类探索宇宙过程中的说法不正确的是() A. 伽利略就用自制的望远镜观察天体 B. 牛顿第一个观察到了木星的卫星、太阳黑子 C. 科学家把“哈勃”太空望远镜送入太空 D. 目前,人类观测到的最远的天体距离我们约130亿光年 7.下列对宇宙的有关认识正确的是() A. 月球表面有山、有空气,但无水和生命 B. 宇宙的大小结构层次为:宇宙→银河系→太阳系→地月系 C. 现在有很多证据已经证明宇宙是有边的、膨胀的 D. 太阳是一颗能自行发光发热的气体行星 8.目前能较好地解释火山、地震等地壳变动现象的学说是() A. 海底扩张学说 B. 大陆漂移学说 C. 板块构造学说 D. 大爆炸宇宙论 9.下列各物体的尺度,按由大到小的顺序排列正确的是() A. 地球太阳银河 B. 银河系太阳地球 C. 银河系地球太阳 D. 太阳银河系地球 10.人类对行星运动规律的认识有两种学说,下列说法正确的是() A. 地心说的代表人物是“托勒密” B. 地心说的代表人物是“亚里士多德” C. 日心说的代表人物是“开普勒” D. 地心说有其局限性,日心说没有局限性 11.下列说法正确的是() A. 恒星是指宇宙中不动的星球 B. 宇宙是由几千个星系组成的天体系统 C. 太阳是银河系中的一颗普通的恒星 D. 银河系只是有群星组成的天体 12.大爆炸宇宙论认为宇宙处于不断的膨胀中,所有的星系都在远离我们而去,离我们越远的星系,退行 越快。若在我们所在的星系1观测,下图能类比宇宙膨胀的是(箭头方向和长短分别表示运动方向和快慢)() A. B. C. D.


幼儿园户外活动教案(精选10篇) 幼儿园户外活动教案(精选10篇) 幼儿园户外活动教案(一): 抱树 活动目标: 1.能掌握行进间跳的方法。 2.能听到信号后快速做出反应。 3.能进取参与游戏活动,与同伴合作游戏,体验游戏带来的欢乐。 活动重点: 能掌握行进间跳的方法 活动难点: 能听到信号后快速做出反应

活动准备: 物质准备:小椅子、大树头饰、兔子胸贴、青蛙胸贴 经验准备:儿歌《抱树》 活动过程: 一、开始部分 教师和幼儿随音乐做热身运动 二、基本部分 1.教师请出树朋友,引出活动主题 师:"小朋友们此刻是什么季节"(春天)师:"春天会有哪些我们身边的朋友会发生变化啊"(树、花、小鸟、小蝴蝶等等)师:"今日火教师为小朋友们带来了一个朋友,小朋友们看看是谁啊?"(大树)"小朋友们喜不喜欢树啊!"(喜欢)"我们前几天学过一个关于抱树的儿歌,此刻请小朋友们给客人教师读一下。

2.玩游戏《抱树》 (1)教师示范怎样抱树师:小朋友我们的前面有许多的树朋友,此刻教师先给小朋友们示范一遍抱树的过程游戏玩法:教师将小椅子(树)围成一个圆圈,根据树的棵树确定参与幼儿的数量,每组幼儿要比树多一个。游戏开始,教师让参与活动的幼儿进入圆圈内,幼儿围绕圆圈边念儿歌边走,等儿歌停下后幼儿迅速抱树,没有抱到树的幼儿则站在圆圈中间等待下次机会。 游戏规则: a.幼儿必须要在最终一句儿歌念完后才能够去抱树。 b.幼儿在读儿歌时必须是走或跳的。 (2)分组游戏教师将幼儿分成男女两组分别游戏,让幼儿在自主地游戏中来跟着儿歌抱树。 教师总结 三、结束活动 幼儿和教师随音乐做放松运动,将幼儿带离游戏场地。


课程理论知识 第一章:思想政治课程理论基本知识 第一节:思想政治学科理论概述 一、思想政治课程的性质 是思想政治课教学理论的首要的基本问题,是思想政治课教学的基本依据。是一门以社会主义德育为目标的综合性的人文社会科学常识课。具体体现在: 第一,思想政治课既有德育的性质,又有智育的性质; 第二,思想政治课是理论与实践的统一; 第三,思想政治课是心理品质、思维能力、文化知识和政治觉悟各方面能力与素质综合提高的有机统一。 二、思想政治课程的特点 是集理论教育、社会认识和公民教育于一体的综合性课程; 是学校德育工作系统中的一个重要环节。本课程在学校德育活动中起着奠基和导航作用。 三、思想政治课程的功能: 1.导向功能:对学生人生目标、自我价值和发展动力的导向; 2.规范性功能:对学生思想观念、道德行为和政治方向的导向; 3.个性化功能:对学生个性化发展的定向功能、对学生个性化发展的合理建构功能和对学生个性化发展的个体享用功能。 第二节:课程基本理念和目标 一、高中政治课程的基本理念 1.坚持马克思主义基本观点教育与把握时代特征相统一; 2.加强思想政治方向的引导与注重学生成长的特点相结合; 3.构建以生活为基础、以学科知识为支撑的课程模块; 4.强调课程实施的实践性与开放性; 5.建立促进发展的课程评价机制。 二、高中政治课程的课程目标 1.总目标 知道中国共产党是中国特色社会主义事业的领导核心,马列主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和三个代表重要思想是中共的指导思想。了解中国特色社会主义现代化建设常识。学会运用马克思主义观点分析和解决问题。具备在现代社会中独立自主的能力。具有爱国主义集体主义和社会主义思想情感。初步形成正确的世界观、人生观和价值观。


小班户外活动教案40篇 开展户外活动是幼儿园的重要课程之一,是满足幼儿的每日运动量,丰富幼儿园趣味课程的重要途径之一。小班幼儿由于年龄小,又是初次上幼儿园,这时,幼师该如何开展户外活动呢?一起来看看幼师们曾经写过的幼儿园小班户外活动教案吧!一领她们上课的风采! 幼儿园小班户外活动教案1:吹泡泡 设计思路: 户外活动时,孩子们总是嚷着要吹泡泡,看着一个个五颜六色的泡泡在空中慢慢飘落,孩子们都会追着泡泡跑,用小手去抓住,然后大声叫着:“老师,我抓到泡泡啦!”孩子们玩得很开心,象是一只只回归到大自然的小鸟,此次活动就让幼儿在大自然中感受到玩游戏的快乐吧! 活动目标: ①、通过活动,引导幼儿热爱大自然,体验大自然的美; ②、培养幼儿与同伴团结合作、自我保护和保护他人的能力; ③、引导幼儿学会踮脚、下蹲、后跳。 活动准备:泡泡水,幼儿已有牵圆圈进行游戏的经验。 活动流程: ①、开始部分 ○开始部分带幼儿整队走到户外花园,提醒幼儿户外的常规要求。

○教师吹泡泡,让幼儿自由抓泡泡,比比谁抓的多,提醒幼儿在活动过程中注意安全。 ②、基础部分 ○引导幼儿学习踮脚、下蹲、后跳的动作,注意幼儿动作的准确性。 ○教幼儿游戏的儿歌。 吹泡泡,吹泡泡,一吹吹个大泡泡,一吹吹个小泡泡,泡泡飞高了,泡泡飞低了,泡泡破了。 ○讲解游戏规则。 当儿歌念到吹成大泡泡时,幼儿拉成一个大圆圈;念到吹成小泡泡时,幼儿向中靠拢;念到批泡泡飞高了,幼儿踮脚;念到泡泡飞低了,幼儿蹲下;念到泡泡破了,幼儿向后跳。 ○引导幼儿边念儿歌边玩游戏。 ③、结束部分: 引导幼儿课后放松活动,带幼儿一起观察地上的小草,说说小草的特征;感受一下在草地上走是什么感觉? 幼儿园小班户外活动教案2:小兔采蘑菇 活动目标: 1.教幼儿练习钻过70厘米高的障碍物。 2.发展幼儿动作的协调性及灵敏性。 3.培养幼儿的尝试精神。


《空间解析几何》教学大纲 课程代码:090532001 课程英文名称:Analytic Geometry 课程总学时:32 讲课:32 实验:0 上机:0 适用专业:应用统计学 大纲编写(修订)时间:2017.6 一、大纲使用说明 (一)课程的地位及教学目标 《空间解析几何》是应用统计学专业的一门重要基础课,是初等数学通向高等数学的桥梁,是高等数学的基石,高等代数,数学分析等课程的学习都离不开空间解析几何的基本知识以及研究方法。空间解析几何是用坐标法,把数学的基本对象与数量关系密切联系起来,它对整个数学的发展起了很大作用。通过本课程的教学,使学生受到几何直观化及逻辑推理等方面的训练,扩大知识领域,培养抽象的空间想象能力,运算能力和逻辑思维能力,能运用解析方法研究几何图形的性质,并对解析表达式予以几何解释,为进一步学习基础课程打下坚实基础。同时通过学习,进一步提高学生对中学几何理论与方法的理解,联系中学数学的教学,充分利用矢量工具注意矢量法与坐标的联系,从而获得高观点下处理中学几何问题的能力,以及画图能力。 (二)知识、能力及技能方面的基本要求 基本知识:通过本课程的学习,要求学生掌握矢量的概念;矢量的运算及矢量的坐标法;平面与空间直线方程;空间中的点、直线、平面两两之间的相互关系的代数形式的联系;曲线与曲面的一般方程;参数方程、球面和旋转面、柱面和锥面、二次曲面(十七种)、直纹面、曲面的交线和曲面所围区域;平面仿射坐标变换平面直角坐标变换空间坐标变换;二次曲线(二次曲面)方程的化;二次曲线(二次曲面)的不变量等。 基本能力:培养学生空间想象能力和运用解析方法研究几何问题以及在实际中应用这一方法的能力;严密的科学思维及分析问题解决问题的能力;用空间的观点和结构的观点解决数学中的其它问题以及其它实际问题的能力。 基本技能:使学生获得空间解析几何的基本运算技能;运用数学软件进行具有一定难度和复杂度的空间解析几何运算技能。 (三)实施说明 1.本大纲主要依据应用统计学专业2017版教学计划、应用统计学专业建设和特色发展规划和沈阳理工大学编写本科教学大纲的有关规定及全国通用《空间解析几何教学大纲》并根据我校实际情况进行编写的。 2.课程学时总体分配表中的章节序号在授课过程中可酌情调整顺序,课时分配仅供参考,打“*”号的章节可删去或选学。 3.教学方法:建议本课程采用课堂讲授与讨论相结合的方法,通过习题课和讨论等方式强化重点,通过分散难点,使学生循序渐进的掌握难点。 4.教学手段:建议采用多媒体等现代化手段开展教学。 (四)对先修课的要求 本课程的先修课:初等数学行列式矩阵。 (五)对习题课、实验环节的要求 习题课不单独安排。教学内容要配合主讲课程的教学进度,由老师和同学们在课堂上通过讲、练结合的方式进行。主讲教师通过批改学生的作业,将作业情况反馈给学生,要补充有一定难度和综合度的练习题,以拓宽同学们的思路。


高中政治新课程标准(实验稿) 第一部分前言 我国已进入全面建设小康社会、加快推进社会主义现代化的新的发展阶段。随着改革开放和社会主义市场经济的发展,社会经济成分、组织形式、就业方式、利益关系和分配方式日益多样化,给人们的思想观念带来深刻影响;世界多极化和经济全球化趋势,日新月异的科技进步,使我国的发展面临着前所未有的挑战与机遇,这对高中学生的思想政治素质提出了新的更高要求。为此,思想政治课教学必须贯彻党的十六大精神,以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,着眼于当代社会发展和高中学生成长的需要,增强思想政治教育的时代感、针对性、实效性和主动性。 依据中央关于学校德育工作的有关文件和《国务院关于基础教育改革与发展的决定》及教育部《普通高中课程方案(实验)》,制定本课程标准。 一、课程性质 高中思想政治课进行马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想的基本观点教育,以社会主义物质文明、政治文明、精神文明建设常识为基本内容,引导学生紧密结合与自己息息相关的经济、政治、文化生活,经历探究学习和社会实践的过程,领悟辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的基本观点和方法,切实提高参与现代社会生活的能力,逐步树立建设中国特色社会主义的共同理想,初步形成正确的世界观、人生观、价值观,为终身发展奠定思想政治素质基础。 高中思想政治课与初中思想品德课和高校政治理论课相互衔接,与时事政策教育相互补充,与高中相关科目的教学和其他德育工作相互配合,共同完成思想政治教育的任务。 二、课程的基本理念 (一)坚持马克思主义基本观点教育与把握时代特征相统一 本课程要讲述马克思主义的基本观点,特别是邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想,紧密联系我国社会主义现代化建设的实际,与时俱进地充实和调整教学内容,体现当今世界和我国发展的时代特征,显示马克思主义科学理论的强大力量。 (二)加强思想政治方向的引导与注重学生成长的特点相结合 本课程要重视高中学生在心理、智力、体能等方面的发展潜力,针对其思想活动的多变性、可塑性等特点,在尊重学生个性差异和各种生活关切的同时,恰当地采取释疑解惑、循循善诱的方式,帮助他们认同正确的价值标准、把握正确的政治方向。 (三)构建以生活为基础、以学科知识为支撑的课程模块 本课程要立足于学生现实的生活经验,着眼于学生的发展需求,把理论观点的阐述寓于社会生活的主题之中,构建学科知识与生活现象、理论逻辑与生活逻辑有机结合的课程模块;在开设必修课程的同时,提供具有拓展性和应用性的选修课程,以满足学生发展的不同需要。 (四)强调课程实施的实践性和开放性 本课程要引领学生在认识社会、适应社会、融入社会的实践活动中,感受经济、政治、文化各个领域应用知识的价值和理性思考的意义;关注学生的情感、态度和行为表现,倡导开放互动的教学方式与合作探究的学习方式;使学生在充满教学民主的过程中,提高主动学习和发展的能力。 (五)建立促进发展的课程评价机制 本课程要改变过分注重知识性和单一的纸笔测验的评价方式,立足思想政治素质的提高,建立能够激励学生不断进步的评价机制。既要考评学生掌握和运用相关知识的水平和能力,更要考查他们的思想发生积极变化的过程,采用多种方式,全面反映学生思想政治素质的发展状况。 三、课程设计思路

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