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1.audit 审计

2.attestation 鉴证

3.credibility 可信赖程度

4.audit of financial statements 财务报表审计

5.agreed-upon procedures 执行商定程序

6.high levels of assurance 高水平保证

https://www.doczj.com/doc/b310391281.html,pilation 编制

8.reliability 可靠性

9.relevance 相关性

10.professional skepticism 职业谨慎

11.objectivity 客观性

12. professional competence 专业胜任能力

13.Senior/CPA-in-charge 项目经理

14.audit engagement letter 业务约定书

15.recurring audit 连续审计

16.the client 委托人

17.change CPA更换注册会计师

18.the existing CPA现任注册会计师

19.the successor CPA后任注册会计师

20.the preceding CPA前任注册会计师

21.issue the audit report 出具审计报告

22.expert 专家

23.the board of directors 董事会

24.knowledge of the entity‘s business 了解被审计单位情况

25.assess material misstatement risks评估重大错报风险

26.detemine the nature,timing and extent of the audit procedures 确定审计程序的性质、时间和范围

27.a general knowledge of ——初步了解―――的情况

28.a more knowledge of——进一步了解的情况

29.the prior year‘s working papers 以前年度工作底稿

30.minutes of meeting 会议纪要

31.business risks 经营风险


33.accounting estimate 会计估计

34.management representations 管理层声明

35.going concern assumption 持续经营假设

36.audit plan 审计计划

37.significant audit areas 重点审计领域

38.error 错误


40.modified or additional procedures 修改或追加审计程序

41.misappropriation of assets 侵占资产

42.transactions without substance 虚假交易

43.unusual pressures 异常压力

44.the suspected noncompliance 涉嫌存在违法行为

45.materialiy 重要性

46.exceed the materiality level 超过重要性水平

47.approach the materiality level 接近重要性水平

48.an acceptably low level 可接受水平

49.the overall financial statement level and in related account balances and transaction levels 财务报表层和相关账户、交易层

50.misstatements or omissions 错报或漏报

51.aggregate 总计

52.subsequent events 期后事项

53.adjust the financial statements 调整财务报表

54.perform additional audit procedures 实施追加的审计程序

55.audit risk 审计风险

56.detection risk 检查风险

57.inappropriate audit opinion 不适当的审计意见

58.material misstatement 重大的错报

59.tolerable misstatement 可容忍错报

60.the acceptable level of detection risk 可接受的检查风险

61.assessed level of material misstatement risk 重大错报风险的评估水平

62.simall business 小规模企业

63.accounting system 会计系统

64.test of control 控制测试

65.walk-through test 穿行测试

https://www.doczj.com/doc/b310391281.html,munication 沟通

67.flow chart 流程图

68.reperformance of internal control 重新执行

69.audit evidence 审计证据

70.substantive procedures 实质性程序

71.assertions 认定

72.esistence 存在

73.occurrence 发生

https://www.doczj.com/doc/b310391281.html,pleteness 完整性

75.rights and obligations 权利和义务

76.valuation and allocation 计价和分摊

77.cutoff 截止

78.accuracy 准确性

79.classification 分类

80.inspection 检查

81.supervision of counting 监盘

82.observation 观察

83.confirmation 函证

https://www.doczj.com/doc/b310391281.html,putation 计算

85.analytical procedures 分析程序

86.vouch 核对

87.trace 追查

88.audit sampling 审计抽样

89.error 误差

90.expected error 预期误差

91.population 总体

92.sampling risk 抽样风险

93.non- sampling risk 非抽样风险

94.sampling unit 抽样单位

95.statistical sampling 统计抽样

96.tolerable error 可容忍误差

97.the risk of under reliance 信赖不足风险

98.the risk of over reliance 信赖过度风险

99.the risk of incorrect rejection 误拒风险

100. the risk of incorrect acceptance 误受风险

101.working trial balance 试算平衡表

102.index and cross-referencing 索引和交叉索引

103.cash receipt 现金收入

104.cash disbursement现金支出

105.bank statement 银行对账单

106.bank reconciliation 银行存款余额调节表

107.balance sheet date 资产负债表日

https://www.doczj.com/doc/b310391281.html, realizable value 可变现净值

109.storeroom 仓库

110.sale invoice 销售发票

111.price list 价目表

112.positive confirmation request 积极式询证函

113.negative confirmation request消极式询证函

114.purchase requisition 请购单

115.receiving report 验收报告

116.gross margin 毛利

117.manufacturing overhead 制造费用

118.material requisition 领料单

119.inventory-taking 存货盘点

120.bond certificate 债券

121.stock certificate 股票

122.audit report 审计报告

123.entity 被审计单位

124.addressee of the audit report 审计报告的收件人

125.unqualified opinion 无保留意见

126.qualified opinion 保留意见

127.disclaimer of opinion 无法表示意见

128.adverse opinion否定意见注册会计师考试《审计》英语词汇辅导资料

A (1)ABC 作业基础成本计算

A (2)absorbed overhead 已吸收制造费用

A (3)absorption costing 吸收成本计算

A (4)account 账户,报表

A (5)accounting postulate 会计假设

A (6)accounting series release 会计公告文件

A (7)accounting valuation 会计计价

A (8)account sale 承销清单

A (9)accountability concept 经营责任概念

A (10)accountancy 会计职业

A (11)accountant 会计师

A (12)accounting 会计

A (13)agency cost 代理成本

A (14)accounting bases 会计基础

A (15)accounting manual 会计手册

A (16)accounting period 会计期间

A (17)accounting policies 会计方针

A (18)accounting rate of return 会计报酬率

A (19)accounting reference date 会计参照日

A (20)accounting reference period 会计参照期间

A (21)accrual concept 应计概念

A (22)accrual expenses 应计费用

A (23)acid test ration 速动比率(酸性测试比率)

A (24)acquisition 购置

A (25)acquisition accounting 收购会计

A (26)activity based accounting 作业基础成本计算

A (27)adjusting events 调整事项

A (28)administrative expenses 行政管理费

A (29)advice note 发货通知

A (30)amortization 摊销

A (31)analytical review 分析性检查

A (32)annual equivalent cost 年度等量成本法

A (33)annual report and accounts 年度报告和报表

A (34)appraisal cost 检验成本

A (35)appropriation account 盈余分配账户

A (36)articles of association 公司章程细则

A (37)assets 资产

A (38)assets cover 资产保障

A (39)asset value per share 每股资产价值

A (40)associated company 联营公司

A (41)attainable standard 可达标准

A (42)attributable profit 可归属利润

A (43)audit 审计

A (44)audit report 审计报告

A (45)auditing standards 审计准则

A (46)authorized share capital 额定股本

A (47)available hours 可用小时

A (48)avoidable costs 可避免成本

B (49)back-to-back loan 易币贷款

B (50)backflush accounting 倒退成本计算

B (51)bad debts 坏帐

B (52)bad debts ratio 坏帐比率

B (53)bank charges 银行手续费

B (54)bank overdraft 银行透支

B (55)bank reconciliation 银行存款调节表

B (56)bank statement 银行对账单

B (57)bankruptcy 破产

B (58)basis of apportionment 分摊基础

B (59)batch 批量

B (60)batch costing 分批成本计算

B (61)beta factor B(市场)风险因素

B (62)bill 账单

B (63)bill of exchange 汇票

B (64)bill of landing 提单

B (65)bill of materials 用料预计单

B (66)bill payable 应付票据

B (67)bill receivable 应收票据

B (68)bin card 存货记录卡

B (69)bonus 红利

B (70)book-keeping 薄记

B (71)Boston classification 波士顿分类

B (72)breakeven chart 保本图

B (73)breakeven point 保本点

B (74)breaking-down time 复位时间

B (75)budget 预算

B (76)budget center 预算中心

B (77)budget cost allowance 预算成本折让

B (78)budget manual 预算手册

B (79)budget period 预算期间

B (80)budgetary control 预算控制

B (81)budgeted capacity 预算生产能力

B (82)burden 制造费用

B (83)business center 经营中心

B (84)business entity 营业个体

B (85)business unit 经营单位

B (86)buy-out management 管理性购买产权

B (87)by-product 副产品

C (88)called-up share capital 催缴股本

C (89)capacity 生产能力

C (90)capacity ratios 生产能力比率

C (91)capital 资本

C (92)capital assets pricing model 资本资产计价模式C (93)capital commitment 承诺资本

C (94)capital employed 已运用的资本

C (95)capital expenditure 资本支出

C (96)capital expenditure authorization 资本支出核准C (97)capital expenditure control 资本支出控制

C (98)capital expenditure proposal 资本支出申请

C (99)capital funding planning 资本基金筹集计划

C (100)capital gain 资本收益

C (101)capital investment appraisal 资本投资评估

C (102)capital maintenance 资本保全

C (103)capital resource planning 资本资源计划

C (104)capital surplus 资本盈余

C (105)capital turnover 资本周转率

C (106)card 记录卡

C (107)cash 现金

C (108)cash account 现金账户

C (109)cash book 现金账薄

C (110)cash cow 金牛产品

C (111)cash flow 现金流量

C (112)cash discounted 现金贴现

C (113)cash flow budget 现金流量预算

C (114)cash flow statement 现金流量表

C (115)cash ledger 现金分类账

C (116)cash limit 现金限额

C (117)CCA现时成本会计

C (118)center 中心

C (119)changeover time 变更时间

C (120)chartered entity 特许经济个体

C (121)cheque 支票

C (122)cheque register 支票登记薄

C (123)coin analysis 零钱分类

C (124)classification 分类

C (125)clock card 工时卡

C (126)code 代码

C (127)commitment accounting 承诺确认会计

C (128)common cost 共同成本

C (129)company limited by guarantee 有限担保责任公司

C (130)company limited shares 股份有限公司

C (131)competitive position 竞争能力状况

C (132)concept 概念

C (133)conglomerate 跨行业企业

C (134)consistency concept 一致性概念

C (135)consolidated accounts 合并报表

C (136)consolidation accounting 合并会计

C (137)consortium 财团

C (138)contingency plan 应急计划

C (139)contingent liabilities 或有负债

C (140)continuous operation 连续生产

C (141)contra 抵消

C (142)contract cost 合同成本

C (143)contract costing 合同成本计算

C (144)contribution 贡献毛益

C (145)contribution centre 贡献中心

C (146)contribution chart 贡献图

C (147)contribution per unit of limiting factor ration 单位限定因素的贡献毛益比率

C (148)contribution to sales ration 贡献毛益对销售比率

C (149)control 控制

C (150)control account 控制帐户

C (151)control limits 控制限度

C (152)controllability concept 可控制概念

C (153)controllable cost 可控制成本

C (154)conversion cost 加工成本

C (155)convertible loan stock 来源:https://www.doczj.com/doc/b310391281.html, 可转换为股票的贷款

C (156)corporate appraisal 公司评估

C (157)corporate planning 公司计划

C (158)corporate social reporting 公司社会报告

C (159)corporation 股份公司

C (160)cost 成本

C (161)cost account 成本帐户

C (162)cost accounting 成本会计

C (163)cost accounting manual 成本手册

C (164)cost accounts calendar 成本报表的日历时间

C (165)cost adjustment 成本调整

C (166)cost allocation 成本分配

C (167)cost apportionment 成本分摊

C (168)cost attribution 成本归属

C (169)cost audit 成本审计

C (170)cost behaviour 成本性态

C (171)cost benefit analysis 成本效益分析

C (172)cost center 成本中心

C (173)cost driver 成本动因学会注册会计师考试《会计》~会计科目~中英文对照


现金Cash in hand

银行存款Cash in bank

其他货币资金-外埠存款Other monetary assets - cash in

other cities

其他货币资金-银行本票Other monetary assets - cashier‘s check

其他货币资金-银行汇票Other monetary assets - bank draft

其他货币资金-信用卡Other monetary assets - credit cards 其他货币资金-信用证保证金Other monetary assets - L/C deposit

其他货币资金-存出投资款Other monetary assets - cash for investment

短期投资-股票投资Investments - Short term - stocks

短期投资-债券投资Investments - Short term - bonds

短期投资-基金投资Investments - Short term - funds

短期投资-其他投资Investments - Short term - others

短期投资跌价准备Provision for short-term investment

长期股权投资-股票投资Long term equity investment - stocks

长期股权投资-其他股权投资Long term equity

investment - others

长期债券投资-债券投资Long term securities investemnt - bonds

长期债券投资-其他债权投资Long term securities investment - others

长期投资减值准备Provision for long-term investment

应收票据Notes receivable

应收股利Dividends receivable

应收利息Interest receivable 应收帐款Trade debtors

坏帐准备- 应收帐款Provision for doubtful debts - trade debtors


应收补贴款Allowance receivable

其他应收款Other debtors

坏帐准备- 其他应收款Provision for doubtful debts - other debtors

其他流动资产Other current assets


原材料Raw materials

包装物Packing materials

低值易耗品Low value consumbles

材料成本差异Material cost difference

自制半成品Self-manufactured goods

库存商品Finished goods

商品进销差价Difference between purchase & sales of commodities

委托加工物资Consigned processiong material



分期收款发出商品Goods on instalment sales

存货跌价准备Provision for obsolete stocks

待摊费用Prepaid expenses

待处理流动资产损益Unsettled G/L on current assets

待处理固定资产损益Unsettled G/L on fixed assets

委托贷款-本金Consignment loan - principle

委托贷款-利息Consignment loan - interest

委托贷款-减值准备Consignment loan - provision

固定资产-房屋建筑物Fixed assets - Buildings

固定资产-机器设备Fixed assets - Plant and machinery

固定资产-电子设备、器具及家具Fixed assets - Electronic Equipment, furniture and fixtures

固定资产-运输设备Fixed assets - Automobiles

累计折旧Accumulated depreciation

固定资产减值准备Impairment of fixed assets

工程物资-专用材料Project material - specific materials

工程物资-专用设备Project material - specific equipment 工程物资-预付大型设备款Project material - prepaid for equipment

工程物资-为生产准备的工具及器具Project material - tools and facilities for production

在建工程Construction in progress

在建工程减值准备Impairment of construction in progress 固定资产清理Disposal of fixed assets

无形资产-专利权Intangible assets - patent

无形资产-非专利技术Intangible assets - industrial property and know-how

无形资产-商标权Intangible assets - trademark rights

无形资产-土地使用权Intangible assets - land use rights

无形资产-商誉Intangible assets - goodwill

无形资产减值准备Impairment of intangible assets

长期待摊费用Deferred assets

未确认融资费用Unrecognized finance fees

其他长期资产Other long term assets

递延税款借项Deferred assets debits

应付票据Notes payable

应付帐款Trade creditors

预收帐款Adanvances from customers

代销商品款Consignment-in payables

其他应交款Other payable to government

其他应付款Other creditors

应付股利Proposed dividends

待转资产价值Donated assets

预计负债Accrued liabilities

应付短期债券Short-term debentures payable

其他流动负债Other current liabilities

预提费用Accrued expenses

应付工资Payroll payable

应付福利费Welfare payable

短期借款-抵押借款Bank loans - Short term - pledged

短期借款-信用借款Bank loans - Short term - credit

短期借款-担保借款Bank loans - Short term - guaranteed 一年内到期长期借款Long term loans due within one year 一年内到期长期应付款Long term payable due within one year

长期借款Bank loans - Long term

应付债券-债券面值Bond payable - Par value

应付债券-债券溢价Bond payable - Excess

应付债券-债券折价Bond payable - Discount

应付债券-应计利息Bond payable - Accrued interest

长期应付款Long term payable

专项应付款Specific payable

其他长期负债Other long term liabilities

应交税金-所得税Tax payable - income tax

应交税金-增值税Tax payable - V A T

应交税金-营业税Tax payable - business tax

应交税金-消费税Tax payable - consumable tax

应交税金-其他Tax payable - others

递延税款贷项Deferred taxation credit

股本Share capital

已归还投资Investment returned

利润分配-其他转入Profit appropriation - other transfer in

利润分配-提取法定盈余公积Profit appropriation - statutory surplus reserve

利润分配-提取法定公益金Profit appropriation - statutory welfare reserve 利润分配-提取储备基金Profit appropriation - reserve fund 利润分配-提取企业发展基金Profit appropriation - enterprise development fund

利润分配-提取职工奖励及福利基金Profit appropriation -

staff bonus and welfare fund

利润分配-利润归还投资Profit appropriation - return

investment by profit

利润分配-应付优先股股利Profit appropriation - preference shares dividends

利润分配-提取任意盈余公积Profit appropriation - other surplus reserve

利润分配-应付普通股股利Profit appropriation - ordinary shares dividends

利润分配-转作股本的普通股股利Profit appropriation - ordinary shares dividends converted to shares

期初未分配利润Retained earnings, beginning of the year 资本公积-股本溢价Capital surplus - share premium

资本公积-接受捐赠非现金资产准备Capital surplus - donation reserve

资本公积-接受现金捐赠Capital surplus - cash donation

资本公积-股权投资准备Capital surplus - investment


资本公积-拨款转入Capital surplus - subsidiary

资本公积-外币资本折算差额Capital surplus - foreign currency translation

资本公积-其他Capital surplus - others

盈余公积-法定盈余公积金Surplus reserve - statutory

surplus reserve

盈余公积-任意盈余公积金Surplus reserve - other surplus reserve

盈余公积-法定公益金Surplus reserve - statutory welfare


盈余公积-储备基金Surplus reserve - reserve fund

盈余公积-企业发展基金Surplus reserve - enterprise development fund

盈余公积-利润归还投资Surplus reserve - reture investment by investment


主营业务成本Cost of sales

主营业务税金及附加Sales tax

营业费用Operating expenses

管理费用General and administrative expenses

财务费用Financial expenses

投资收益Investment income

其他业务收入Other operating income

营业外收入Non-operating income

补贴收入Subsidy income

其他业务支出Other operating expenses

营业外支出Non-operating expenses

所得税Income tax一、资产类assets

现金cash on hand

银行存款cash in bank

其他货币资金other cash and cash equivalent

短期投资short-term investment

短期投资跌价准备short-term investments falling price


应收票据notes receivable

应收股利dividend receivable

应收利息interest receivable

应收帐款accounts receivable

坏帐准备bad debt reserve

预付帐款advance money

应收补贴款cover deficit receivable from state subsidize 其他应收款other notes receivable

在途物资materials in transit

原材料raw materials


低值易耗品low-value consumption goods

库存商品finished goods

委托加工物资work in process-outsourced

委托代销商品trust to and sell the goods on a commission basis

受托代销商品commissioned and sell the goods on a commission basis

存货跌价准备inventory falling price reserve

分期收款发出商品collect money and send out the goods by stages

待摊费用deferred and prepaid expenses

长期股权投资long-term investment on stocks

长期债权投资long-term investment on bonds

长期投资减值准备long-term investment depreciation reserve

固定资产fixed assets

累计折旧accumulated depreciation

工程物资project goods and material

在建工程project under construction

固定资产清理fixed assets disposal

无形资产intangible assets

开办费organization/preliminary expenses

长期待摊费用long-term deferred and prepaid expenses 待处理财产损溢wait deal assets loss or income


短期借款short-term loan

应付票据notes payable

应付帐款accounts payable

预收帐款advance payment

代销商品款consignor payable

应付工资accrued payroll

应付福利费accrued welfarism 应付股利dividends payable

应交税金tax payable

其他应交款accrued other payments

其他应付款other payable

预提费用drawing expenses in advance

长期借款long-term loan

应付债券debenture payable

长期应付款long-term payable

递延税款deferred tax

住房周转金revolving fund of house

三、所有者权益owners equity

股本paid-up stock

资本公积capital reserve

盈余公积surplus reserve

本年利润current year profit

利润分配profit distribution


生产成本cost of manufacture

制造费用manufacturing overhead

五、损益类profit and loss (p/l)

主营业务收入prime operating revenue

其他业务收入other operating revenue

折扣与折让discount and allowance

投资收益investment income

补贴收入subsidize revenue

营业外收入non-operating income

主营业务成本operating cost

主营业务税金及附加tax and associate charge

其他业务支出other operating expenses

存货跌价损失inventory falling price loss

营业费用operating expenses

管理费用general and administrative expenses

财务费用financial expenses

营业外支出non-operating expenditure

所得税income tax

以前年度损益调整adjusted p/l for prior year学会计论注册会计师考试~英语加试~会计英语词汇



3abacus 算盘


5abandonment value 废弃价值


7ability to service debt 偿债能力

8abnormal cost 异常成本

9abnormal spoilage 异常损耗

10above par 超过票面价值

11above the line线上项目

12absolute amount 绝对数,绝对金额

13absolute endorsement 绝对背书

14absolute insolvency 绝对无力偿付

15absolute priority 绝对优先求偿权

16absolute value 绝对值

17absorb 摊配,转并

18absorption account 摊配账户,转并账户

19absorption costing 摊配成本计算法

20abstract 摘要表

21abuse 滥用职权

22abuse of tax shelter 滥用避税项目


24accelerated cost recovery system 加速成本收回制度

25accelerated depreciation method 加速折旧法,快速折旧法

26acceleration clause 加速偿付条款,提前偿付条款


28acceptance bill 承兑票据

29acceptance register 承兑票据登记簿

30acceptance sampling验收抽样

31access time 存取时间

32accommodation 融通

33accommodation bill 融通票据

34accommodation endorsement 融通背书


36accountability 经营责任,会计责任

37accountability unit 责任单位

38Accountancy 《会计》杂志

39accountancy 会计

40accountant 会计员,会计师

41accountant general 会计主任,总会计

42accounting in charge 主管会计师

43accountant,s legal liability 会计师的法律责任

44accountant,s report 会计师报告

45accountant,s responsibility 会计师职责

46account form 账户式,账式


48accounting assumption 会计假定,会计假设

49accounting basis 会计基准,会计基本方法

50accounting changes 会计变更

51accounting concept 会计概念

52accounting control 会计控制

53accounting convention 会计常规,会计惯例

54accounting corporation 会计公司

55accounting cycle 会计循环

56accounting data 会计数据

57accounting doctrine 会计信条

58accounting document 会计凭证

59accounting elements 会计要素

60accounting entity 会计主体,会计个体

61accounting entry 会计分录62accounting equation 会计等式

63accounting event 会计事项

64accounting exposure 会计暴露,会计暴露风险65accounting firm 会计事务所

66Accounting Hall of Fame 会计名人堂

67accounting harmonization 会计协调化

68accounting identity 会计恒等式

69accounting income 会计收益

70accounting information 会计信息

358avoidable cost 可避免成本

359back charge 欠费费用

360back date 倒填日期,填早日期

361backed bill 背书票据

362back-end load后期负担


364backlog depreciation 欠提折旧

365back order 欠交订货

366back pay 欠付工资

367back tax 欠交税款

368back-to-back credit 对开信用证

369back-to-back loan对销贷款

370back wardation 倒价

371backward integration 逆向合并

372bad check 空头支票

373bad debt 呆账,呆账账户

374bad debt account 呆账账户

375bad debt expense 呆账费用

376bad debt ratio 呆账比率

377bad debt recovery 呆账收回

378bailment 寄销,寄托

379bailout 抽资

380bailout period 投资返还期


382balance budget 平衡预算

383balance due 结欠余额

384balance fund 平衡基金

385balance of account 账户余额

386balance of payment 国际收支差额

387balance of retained earnings 留存收益余额388balance sheet 资产负债表

389balance sheet account 资产负债表账户

390balance sheet analysis 资产负债表分析

391balance sheet audit 资产负债表审计

392balance sheet date 结账日期

393balance sheet ratio 资产负债表比率

394balance sheet total 资产负债表总额

395balloon payment 漂浮式付款


596cable transfer 电汇

597calculation 计算

598calculator 计算器

599calendar year 日历年度

600call ①期前偿还,期前兑回②催交股款③买方期权601callable bond 可提前兑回债券

602callable preferred stock 可提前兑回优先股

603call loan 活期拆放贷款

604call option 股票购买期权

605call premium 提前兑回溢价

606call price 提前兑回价格

607call provision 提前兑回条款

608cancelable lease 可取消租约

609cancelled check 注销支票

610C & F 货价加运费

611C & I 货价加保险费


613capacity cost 生产能力成本,经营能力成本

614capacity to borrow 借款能力

615capacity to contract 订约能力,订约资格

616capital 资本金,资本

617capital account 资本账户

618capital addition 资本增置

619capital allowance 资本减免

620capital and liabilities ratio 资本负债比率

621capital appreciation 资本升值622capital asset 资本性资产

623capital asset pricing model 资本性资产计价模型

624capital authorized 额定资本,法定资本

625capital budget 资本预算

626capital cost 资本成本

627capital deficit 资本亏绌

628capital expenditure 资本支出

629capital gain 资本利得,资本收益

630capital impairment 资本减损

631capital intensive 资本密集

632capital investment 资本投资

1109daily cash report 现金收支日报

1110daily statement 日报表


1112data 资料,数据

1113data base 数据库

1114data base management system数据库管理系统

1115data processing 数据处理

1116data retrieval 数据检索

1117date 日期

1118date backward 填早日期

1119date due 到期日

1120date forward 填迟日期

1121date of balance sheet 资产负债表日期,结账日期1122date of payment 发放股利日期,发薪日期

1123day book 日记簿

1124days purchases in accounts payable 应付账款占用天数1125days sales in accounts receivable应收账款收款天数1126days sales in inventory 存货销售天数

1127dBase 数据库管理程序

1128DCF 折现现金流量

1129dead account 呆账

1130dead capital 呆滞资本

1131dead stock 呆滞存货,冷背存货

1132deal 交易,买卖

1133dealer 证券经销商

1134debenture(bond) 信用债券,无担保债券

1135debenture capital债券资本


1137debit and credit convention 借贷常规

1138debit 借方余额

1139debit card 记账卡,取款卡

1140debit entry 借方分录

1141debit memorandum 借方通知单

1142debt 债务

1143debt and equity securities债务和产权证券

1363E & OE 如有错漏,有权更正

1364earmark 指定用途,专款专用

1365earmarked loan 用贷款

1366earned income 劳动所得,劳动收入

1367earned income credit 劳动收入税收减免

1368earned surplus 营业盈余,已获盈余

1369earnest 定金,保证金

1370earning power 盈利能力,收益能力

1371earnings ①收益,盈余②劳动所得,劳动收入

1372earnings before interest and tax支付利息和税款前收益

1373earnings coverage ratio 收益偿债能力比率

1374earnings dilution 收益稀释

1375earnings-dividend ratio 收益股利比率

1376earnings per share 每股收益

1377earnings quality收益质量

1378earnings rate收益比率

1379economic appraisal 经济评价

1380economic benefits 经济效益

1381economic cost 经济成本

1382economic entity 经济主体,经济实体

1383economic income 经济收益

1384economic interest 经济权益

1385economic life经济年限

1386economic obligation 经济债务

1387economic order quantity 经济订货量

1388economic resource 经济资源

1389economic value 经济价值

1390ED (会计准则)公布草案

1391effective interest method 实际利息法

1392effective interest rate实际利率

1393effectiveness 效果

1394effective rate of return 实际收益率

1395effective tax rate 实际税率

1396efficiency 效率

1397efficiency audit 效率审计

1398efficiency variance效率差异

1399efficient portfolio 有效证券组合投资

1400electronic cash register 电子现金出纳机

1551face value 票面价值,面值

1552factor 应收账款代理商1553factoring 应收账款代理经营,应收账款转售

1554factory cost工厂成本

1555factory ledger 工厂分类账

1556factory overhead工厂间接费用

1557failure 经营失败

1558fair market price(value) 公平市价,公司市场价值1559fairness公正性,公允性

1560fair rate of return公平收益率,公允收益率

1561fair transfer price公平划拨价格,公允划拨价格

1562false entry 虚假分录

1563false returns 谎报税单

1564FASB Statements 《财务会计准则公报》

1565favorable financial leverage 有利财务杠杆作用

1566favorable variance 有利差异,顺差

1567feasibility analysis 可行性分析

1568feasible solution 可行解


1570Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 联邦存款保险公司

1571federal income tax 联邦所得税

1572Federal Insurance Contribution Act Tax联邦社会保险税

1573Federal Reserve Banks 联邦储备银行

1574federal unemployment tax 联邦失业保险税

1575federal withholding tax 代扣联邦税

1576fee 劳务费,公费

1577feedback 反馈

1578FEI 高级财务管理人员协会

1579fellow members 正式会员

1580fictitious asset 虚列资产

1581fictitious liability 虚列负债

1582fidelity bond 忠诚保证,忠诚保险

1583fiduciary 财产受托人

1791gain 利得,收益

1792gain and loss account损益账户

1793garnishee 第三债务人

1794garnishment 扣押,扣发

1795gearing 财务传动作用

1796gearing ratio 财务传动比率

1797general accountant 总会计师,总会计

1798General Accounting Office 审计总署

1799General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 关税与贸易总协定

1800general and administrative expense 一般管理费用1801general auditor 总审计师,总审计

1802general cash 普通现金

1803general cashier出纳主任,总出纳

1804general creditor 普通债权人

1805general crossed check 普通划线支票

1806general fund 普通基金

1807general journal 普通日记账

1808general ledger 总分类账

1809generally accepted accounting principles公认会计原则1810generally accepted auditing standards公认审计准则1811general meeting of stockholders 股东大会

1812general mortgage 普通抵押

1813general mortgage bond 普通抵押债券

1814general partner 普通合伙人

1815general price index 一般物价指数

1816general price level accounting 一般物价水平会计1817general purpose financial statement 通用财务报表,通用会计报表

1818general standard( of audit)审计一般准则

1940 idle capacity 闲置生产能力

1941 idle-capacity cost 闲置生产能力成本1942 idle money 闲置资金

1943 idle time 停工时间

1944 idle time cost 停工时间成本

1945 illegal acts 违法行为,不法行为1946 illegal dividend 非法股利

1947 illiquid assets 非流动性资产

1948 illiquidity 非流动性

1949 impairment of capital 资本减损

1950 impairment of value 价值减损

1951 imperfect information 不完整信息1952 imperfect market 不完善竞争的市场1953 impersonal account 非人名账户

1954 implicit cost 内含成本,隐含成本1955 import credit 进口信贷

1956 import declaration 进口报关

1957 import duty 进口关税,进口税

1958 impound 扣押

1959 imprest fund 定额备用金

1960 imprest system 定额备用金制度

1961 improvement and extensions 改造和扩充投资

1962 imputed cost 应计成本,推算成本

1963 imputed interest 应计利息,推算利息

1964 inactive money 呆滞资金

1965 inactive securities 呆滞证券

1966 inadequacy 不适用

1967 inadmitted asset 不承保资产

1968 in arrears 拖欠

1969 inavoidable cost 不可避免成本

1970 in bond 保税

1971 incentive stock option 奖励性股票购买权

1972 incentive wage system 奖励工资制度1973 in-charge accountant 主管会计师1974 income ①收益②收入,所得

1975 income account 收益账户,损益账户

1976 income before interest and tax 支付利息和税款前收益

1977 income bond 收益债券

1978 income concept 收益概念

1979 income deduction 收益扣减项目

2192 jobber 股票经销商

2193 job-order costing 订单成本计算法

2194 job-order cost sheet 订单成本计算单2195 joint account 合账户,联名账户

2196 joint adventure 联营,合资经营

2197 joint audit 联合审计

2198 joint cost 联合成本,联产品成本

2199 joint liability 连带责任

2200 joint product 联产品

2201 joint return 共同税单

2202 joint-stock company 合股公司

2203 joint tenant 财产共同所有人

2204 joint venture 联营,合资经营

2205 journal 日记账

2206 journal entry 日记账分录

2207 Journal of Accountancy 《会计杂志》2208 Journal of Finance 《财务杂志》

2209 journal voucher 记账凭单,分录凭单

2210 judgment ①判断②判决

2211 judgment payable (or receivable) 判定应付(应收)款项

2212 judgment sampling 判断抽样法

2213 junior accountant 初级会计师,助理会计师

2214 junior bond 非优先债券

2215 junior mortgage 非优先抵押

2216 junior stock 非优先股票

2217 kerb market 场外证券交易市场

2218 key business ratios 关键行业比率2219 key executive option 重要高级管理人员购股权

2220 kickback 回扣

2221 kind 实物

2222 kiting 挪用补空

2223 know-how 先进技术,技术诀窍

2224 labor 人工

2225 labor cost 人工成本

2226 labor cost audit 人工成本审计

2227 labor efficiency variance 人工效率差异

2228 labor hour method 人工小时法

2229 labor intensive 人工密集

2230 labor quantity variance 人工数量差异2231 labor rate variance 人工工资率差异2232 labor turnover 工人流动率

2233 labor variance 人工差异

2234 lagging indicator 滞后指标

2235 land 土地,地产

2236 land improvement 土地改造投资2237 land occupancy charge 土地使用费

2238 landowner,s royalty 土地开采使用费2239 lapping 截留挪用

2240 lapse 失效

2241 lapsed option 失效期权

2242 lapsing schedule 逐期折旧明细表2243 last-in, first-out method 后进先出法2244 last invoice price 最近进价法

2245 last trading day 最后交易日

2246 late payment fee 延期支付罚金,滞纳金

2247 late presentation 迟延交单

2248 laundered money 非法转移的资金,隐蔽来历的资金

2249 law ③法律,法规④规律,法则

2250 lay off pay 临时解雇费

2251 leading indicator 超前经济指标

2252 leads and lags 提前或拖延支付货款

2253 lead-time ①订货间隔期,订货提前期②生产准备时间

2254 learning curve 学习曲线

2255 lease 租赁,租约

2256 lease accounting 租赁会计

2377 machine-hour method 机器小时法2378 machine-hour rate 机器小时率

2379 macro-accounting 宏观会计

2380 macro-benefit 宏观效益

2381 macro-cost 宏观成本

2382 main account 主要账户

2383 main books 主要账簿

2384 maintenance and repair 维修和修理费

2385 maintenance of operating capacity 营业能力维护

2386 maintenance of physical capital 实物资本维护

2387 majority interest 多数权益,多数股权

2388 majority stockholders 多数股东2389 make-or-buy decision 自制或外购决策

2390 make-ready time 生产准备时间2391 make-up depreciation 增补折旧费,补差折旧费

2392 make-up pay 增补工资,补差工资2393 malpractice insurance 职业过失保险2394 managed cost 管理成本

2395 management ①管理,企业管理②管理人员,企业管理人员

2396 management accountant 管理会计2397 Management Accounting 《管理会计》2398 management account 管理会计

2399 management advisory services 管理咨询服务

2400 management audit 管理审计

2401 management buy-out 企业管理人员收购股权

2402 management by objectives 目标管理2403 management control 行政管理控制2404 management fraud 管理人员舞弊

2405 management game 管理对策

2406 management information system 管理信息系统

2407 management letter 致企业管理人员信函2408 management override 管理人员越权,管理人员滥用职权

2409 management,s discussion and analysis of earnings 企业管理人员对收益的阐述和分析

2410 management,s illegal act 企业管理人员违法行为

2558 naive investor 幼稚的投资人

2559 narrative form 叙述式,文字叙述式2560 National Association of Accountants 全国会计师协会

2561 National Association of Securities Dealers 全国证券商协会

2562 National Audit Office 国家审计署2563 National Automated Accounting Research System 全国自动化会计研究系统

2564 national bank 国民银行,联邦注册银行

2565 national income accounting 国民收入会计

2566 natural business year 自然营业年度2567 natural classification 按性质分类2568 natural resources 自然资源

2569 near cash asset 类现金资产,准现金资产

2570 negative assurance 反面保证

2571 negative confirmation 反面询证,反面查证

2572 negative goodwill 负商誉

2573 negative interest 负利息

2574 negative investment 负投资,投资缩减

2575 negative leverage 负杠杆作用

2576 negligence 疏忽,过失

2577 negotiability 流通性,可转让性

2578 negotiable instrument 流通票据,可转让票据

2579 negotiation ①转让,议付②协商,协议2580 net 净额

2581 net book value 账面净值

2582 net cash flow 净现金流量

2583 net income 净收益

2584 net income to sales ratio 净收益对销售收入比率

2585 net income to total assets ratio 净收益对资产总额比率

2586 net loss 净损,净损失

2587 net present value 净现值

2588 net present value index 净现值指数2589 net price method 净价法

2659 objective ①经营目标②客观的2660 objectives of accounting 会计目标2661 objectives of financial statement 会计报表目标

2662 objective value 客观价值

2663 objectivity principle 客观性原则2664 obligation 义务,债务

2665 obligatory audit 强制审计

2666 observation test 观察性抽查,观测性抽查

2667 obsolescence 陈旧

2668 obsolete asset 陈旧资产

2669 occupancy expense 占用费

2670 occupational licensing 职业注册,专业注册

2671 occupational prestige 职业声望2672 odd lot 零批

2673 off-balance-sheet activities 账外业务活动

2674 off-balance-sheet asset 账外资产项目2675 off-balance-sheet financing 账外融资2676 off-balance-sheet liability 账外负债项目

2677 off-board 场外交易

2678 off-budget 预算外

2679 office audit 内勤审计

2680 official audit 法定审计2681 official exchange rate 法定汇率2682 official receiver 法定破产企业接管人2683 offset account 抵销账户

2684 offset balance 轧差

2685 offsetting error 相抵差错

2686 offshore funds 境外资金

2687 on account 赊账

2688 oncost 间接费用

2689 on demand 即期,见票即付

2690 on hand 持存,库存

2691 on-line data base 联机数据库

2692 on-line processing 联机处理

2693 open account ①未清账②赊账

2694 open-end credit 开口信贷,无固定期限信贷

2695 open-end mortgage 开口抵押,无固定限额抵押

2771 PA公共会计师

2772 Pacioli, Luca(1445~1517) L?巴其阿勒2773 package mortgage 总括抵押

2774 package price 总括价格

2775 packing expense 包装费用

2776 padding 虚报开支账目

2777 paid-in capital 缴入股本

2778 paid-in surplus 资本盈余

2779 paid-up capital 缴清股本

2780 panic 金融恐慌

2781 paper ①流通票据②单据,凭证

2782 paper audit 书面审计,书面审核

2783 paper gain 账面收益

2784 paper money 纸币,票据

2785 paper reorganization 账面改组

2786 par ①票面额②平价

2787 parent company 母公司

2788 parent company financial statement 母公司会计报表

2789 parity price 平价

2790 partial audit 部分审计

2791 participating capital 参与资本

2792 participating loan 参与贷款,共同借款2793 participative management 参与管理2794 partner 合伙人

2795 partnership 合伙关系,合伙企业2796 partnership accounting 合伙会计2797 partnership statement 合伙企业会计报表

2798 par value 票面价值

2799 par value stock 有面值股票

2800 passed dividend 逾期股利

2801 past cost 过去成本

2802 patent 专利,专利权

2803 patent pool 专利共享

2804 pay ①支付②工资,薪金

2805 payables 应付项目

2806 pas as you earn 预扣所得税

2807 pay as you go 离职支付法

2808 payback method 回收期法,投资回收期法2809 payback period 回收期

2810 payee 受款人,受款企业

2811 payer 付款人,付款企业

2812 paying agent 代付人,代付银行b注册会计师考试常见英语词汇汇总(必备资料)

企业会计准则目录Index for Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises

Announced February 2006Effective 2007 for Listed Companies

1. 企业会计准则---------基本准则

(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises - Basic Standard)

2. 企业会计准则第1 号---------存货

(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 1 - Inventories)

3. 企业会计准则第2 号---------长期股权投资

(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 2 - Long-term equity investments)

4. 企业会计准则第3 号---------投资性房地产

(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 3 - Investment properties)

5. 企业会计准则第4 号---------固定资产

(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 4 - Fixed assets)

6. 企业会计准则第5 号---------生物资产

(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 5 - Biological assets)

7. 企业会计准则第6 号---------无形资产

(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 6 - Intangible assets)

8. 企业会计准则第7 号---------非货币性资产

(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 7 - Exchange of non-monetary assets)

9. 企业会计准则第8 号---------资产减值

(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 8 - Impairment of assets)

10. 企业会计准则第9 号---------职工薪酬

(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 9 –Employee compensation )

11. 企业会计准则第10 号--------企业年金基金

(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 10 - Enterprise annuity fund)

12. 企业会计准则第11 号--------股份支付

(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 11 - Share-based payment)

13. 企业会计准则第12 号--------债务重组

(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 12 - Debt restructurings)

14. 企业会计准则第13 号--------或有事项

(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 13 - Contingencies)

15. 企业会计准则第14 号--------收入

(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 14 - Revenue)

16. 企业会计准则第15 号--------建造合同

(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 15 - Construction contracts)

17. 企业会计准则第16 号--------政府补助

(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 16 - Government grants)

18. 企业会计准则第17 号--------借款费用

(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 17 - Borrowing costs)

19. 企业会计准则第18 号--------所得税

(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 18 - Income taxes)

20. 企业会计准则第19 号--------外币折算

(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 19 - Foreign currency translation)

21. 企业会计准则第20 号--------企业合并

(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 20 - Business Combinations)

22. 企业会计准则第21 号--------租赁

(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 21 - Leases)

23. 企业会计准则第22 号--------金融工具确认和计量

(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 22 - Recognition and measurement of financial instruments)

24. 企业会计准则第23 号--------金融资产转移

(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 23 - Transfer of financial assets)

25. 企业会计准则第24 号--------套期保值

(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 24 - Hedging)

26. 企业会计准则第25 号--------原保险合同

(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 25 - Direct insurance contracts)

27. 企业会计准则第26 号--------再保险合同

(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 26 - Re-insurance contracts)

28. 企业会计准则第27 号--------石油天然气开采

(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 27 - Extraction of petroleum and natural gas)

29. 企业会计准则第28 号--------会计政策、会计估计变更和差错更正

(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 28 - Changes in accounting policies

and estimates, and correction of errors)

30. 企业会计准则第29 号--------资产负债表日后事项

(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 29 - Events occurring after the balance sheet date)

31. 企业会计准则第30 号--------财务报表列报

(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 30 - Presentation of financial statements)

32. 企业会计准则第31 号--------现金流量表

(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 31 - Cash flow statements)

33. 企业会计准则第32 号--------中期财务报告

(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 32 - Interim financial reporting)

34. 企业会计准则第33 号--------合并财务报表

(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 33 - Consolidated financial statements)

35. 企业会计准则第34 号--------每股收益

(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 34 - Earnings per share)

36. 企业会计准则第35 号--------分部报告

(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 35 -

Segment reporting)

37. 企业会计准则第36 号--------关联方披露

(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 36 - Related party disclosure)

38. 企业会计准则第37 号--------金融工具列报

(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 37 - Presentation of financial instruments)

39. 企业会计准则第38 号--------首次执行企业会计准则

(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 38 - First time adoption of

Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises)学会计论坛https://www.doczj.com/doc/b310391281.html,



精粉flavor powder

物流physical distribution

中国驰名商标China Branding Business

国家免检产品National Products Exemption From

Quality Surveillance Inspection

中华留学人员创业协会All Overseas Chinese Chamber of Commerce (AOCCC)

全国工商联National association of industry and commerce

当代经理人Contemporary Magazine

中国驰名商标China Branding Bus iness

平行沟通horizontal communication

上行沟通upward communication

下行沟通downward communication

龙头企业leading enterprise

东北Northeast China

华西west China

物业管理部realty management

复命report on completion of mission

权力归属power scope

招聘信息Recruitment information

零售业retailing、retail business

招商信息Projects Investment Information


招商invite businessmen to open companies

企业文化corporate culture

职能部门functional department

监察部supervision committee

生产现场field of production


销售量sales volume

主导产品leading product



猜谜语Guessing games


诗歌朗诵Poem reading

集体舞Group dancing

独舞Single dancing

歌咏比赛singing contest

业务人员business personnel

通报批评circulate a notice of criticism

通报表扬circulate a notice of commendation

域名domain name

生产管理production control

库存管理stock control

报价询价quoted price and inquiry


技术比武technological competition

Enterprise Resource Planning ERP

产品结构分析product structure analysis

财务管理financial administration

物流管理physical distribution managementbbs.xue经济贸易英语词汇搜集~会计英语学习~

(M0)money in circulation 流通中的现金

(M1) narrow money 狭义货币

(M2) broad money 广义货币

a minimum living standard system 最低生活保障系统

Account 帐户

Accounting equation 会计等式

Accounting system 会计系统

All Risks 一切险

American Accounting Association 美国会计协会

American Institute of CPAs 美国注册会计师协会

Articulation 勾稽关系

Assets 资产

Audit 审计

bad account 坏帐

Balance sheet 资产负债表

bear market 熊市

blank endorsed 空白背书

Bookkeepking 簿记

bull market 牛市

Business entity 企业个体

Capital stock 股本

cargo receipt 承运货物收据

Cash flow prospects 现金流量预测

catalogue 商品目录

Certificate in Internal Auditing内部审计证书

Certificate in Management Accounting 管理会计证书

Certificate Public Accountant 注册会计师

China Securities Regulatory Commission 中国证监会

China’s "Big Four" commercial banks中国四大商业银行

close-ended fund 封闭式基金

commission 佣金

consignee 收货人

Corporation 公司

Cost accounting 成本会计

cost and freightCFR 成本加运费价格

cost insurance and freightCIF 成本加运保费

Cost principle 成本原则

Creditor 债权人

cut a melon 分红

dead account 呆帐

Deflation 通货紧缩

delivery 交货

Disclosure 批露

dividend,bonus stock 股息,红利

downturn 低迷时期

endorsed 背书

enforce stockholding system 实行股份制

Expenses 费用

export department 出口部

External users 外部使用者

F.P.A.(Free from Particular A verage) 平安险

F.W.R.D.(Fresh Water Rain Damage) 淡水雨淋险

face value 面值

fees-for-tax reFORM 费改税

Financial accounting 财务会计

Financial Accounting Standards Board 财务会计准则委员会

Financial activities 筹资活动

Financial forecast 财务预测

Financial statement 财务报表

foreign exchange reservers 外汇储备

futures market 期货市场

Generally accepted accounting principles 公认会计原则

General-purpose inFORMation 通用目的信息

genetically-modified products 基因改良产品

Going-concern assumption 持续经营假设

Government Accounting Office govern会计办公室

Hook Damage 钩损险

import department 进口部

Income statement 损益表

income tax 所得税

indicative price 参考价格

Inflation 通货膨涨

Inquiry 询盘

Institute of Internal Auditors 内部审计师协会Institute of Management Accountants管理会计师协会Integrity 整合性

Internal auditing 内部审计

Internal control structure 内部控制结构

Internal Revenue Service 国内收入署

Internal users 内部使用者

Investing activities 投资活动

knowledge-based economy 知识经济

labour-intensive economy 劳动密集型经济

Liabilities 负债

Management accounting 管理会计

marine bills of lading 海运提单

national bonds 国债

nationalize;nationalization 国有化

Negative cash flow 负现金流量

non-perFORMing loan 不良贷款

non-work income 非劳动收入

notify 被通知人

open-ended fund 开放式基金

Operating activities 经营活动

order 订货

outstanding of deposits 存款余额

Owner’s equity 所有者权益

partial shipment 分批装运

Partnership 合伙企业

Positive cash flow 正现金流量

press conference 记者招待会

price list 价目表

privatize;privatization 私有化

proactive fiscal measures 积极的财政政策

promote independent decision-making by state-owned enterprises提高企业自主权

public relations department公关部

publicly owned economy 公有经济

recession 衰退时期

rectify the market order 整顿市场秩序

reduce state’s stake in listed companies 国有股减持

restraint of trade 贸易管制

Retained earning 留存利润

Return of investment 投资回报

Return on investment 投资报酬

Revenue 收入

Risk of Intermixture and Contamination 混杂、玷污险Risk of Leakage 渗漏险

Risk of odor 串味险

Risk of Rust 锈蚀险

sales terms and conditions销售条件

Securities and Exchange Commission 证券交易委员会

shareholding system; joint-stock system 股份制

shipping order 托运单

Shortage https://www.doczj.com/doc/b310391281.html,经济类专业英语词汇搜集~会计英语学习~


The insurance industry


Ensure funding for priority areas


Clear up pension payments in arrears


Non—performing loan


Multi-level contracting and illegal subcontracting


Credit Cooperative in both urban and rural areas


A minimum standard of living for city residents


The system of medical insurance for urban workers


Export credit


Loan quality


The five-category assets classification for bank loans


Take precautions against and reduce financial risks


Flood-prevention project


Illegal foreign exchange transaction


Foreign exchange earnings through non trade channels


Non-bank financial institutions


Transform administrative fees into taxes


Follow-up auditing


The monitoring system for projects


The safety of state-owned assets


Excess reclamation


The contract system for governing projects


Electromechanical products


Pro-active fiscal policy


Basic allowances


The system of exchange settlement and sales


Sever labor relations


The responsibility system for financial supervision


Economic security


To increase the deficit to spend more on development


The expansion of domestic demand


Fuel economic growth


Grain depot


Grain Collection and storage enterprise


Closed operation of grain purchase funds


Grain sales market


Shoddy engineering


Arbitrary charges,fund-raising,quotas and fines


Obtain foreign currency under false pretenses, not turn over foreign currency owed to the government and illegal arbitrage


Financing channels


The principles for commercial credit


Social security institution


Unemployment insurance benefits


Tax evasion, tax fraud and refusal pay taxes


Foreign exchange revenue and spending学会计xueku 商务英语词汇搜集~会计英语学习~

Price discretion 价格自主权

Sunk cost 旁置成本,滞留成本,沉没成本

Marginal cost 边际成本

Offset 抵消,补偿

Functional migration 职能转移

Procurement 物资采购

A local firm that is vertically integrated 纵向一体化公司

Equity capital 股本资本

Ordinary shares 普通股

Oligopolistic behavior 寡占行为

V oluntary export restraints 自愿出口限制

Overarching strategy 支配性战略

Intra-company trade 公司内部贸易

Psychic distance 心理距离

Lines of business 业务领域

Overprice 将……标价过高

Differentiation strategy 差别化战略

Zaibatsu 财阀

LME-COMEX: International Metal Exchanges 国际金属交易所

V A T reimbursement schema 增值税先征后返

Market distortion 市场扭曲

World Bureau of Metal Statistics 国际金属统计局

Eurometaux : European Association of Metals 欧洲金属工业协会

ASCM :<Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures>《补贴与反补贴措施协定》

Specific subsidy 专项性补贴

Consumer Goods 消费品

Industrial Goods 工业产品

Transaction Marketing 交易营销

Relationship Marketing 关系营销

Market Segmentation 市场细分

Standardized Marketing 无差异性营销

Differentiated Marketing 差异性营销

Concentrated Marketing 集中性营销

Market Positioning 市场定位

Royalty Fee 许可费

Markup Pricing 加成定价

Perceived V alue Pricing 价值定价法

Transfer Pricing 转移定价

EDI(Electronic Data Interexchange)电子数据交换

Import Surtax 进口附加税

V ariable Levy 差额税

Sliding Duty 滑动关税

Threshold Price 门槛价格

Preferential Duties 特惠税

Escape Clause 免责条款

Prior Limitation 预定限额

Specific Duty 从量税

Ad V alorem Duty 从价税

Compound Duty 混合税

GDP Deflator GDP 紧缩指数

GDP Gap GDP 缺口

Recession 衰退

Depression 萧条

Inertial Growth Rate 惯性增长率

Aggregate Supply/Demand 总供给/ 需求

Equilibrium of AD and AS 总供给和总需求的均衡

Stagflation 滞胀

Fixed Money-Supply Effect 固定货币供给效应

Open-Market Operations 公开市场业务

Unemployment Benefits 失业救济

Concessionary Finance 优惠性融资

Production Gain 生产收益

MES (Minimum Efficient Scale) 达到最有效的基本生产规模

Intra-Industry Specialization 行业内的专业化分工

Ad V alorem Tariff 从价税

Specific Duty 从量税

V oluntary Export Restraints (VERs) 自动出口限制

Balance of Payment Disequilibrium 国际收支不平衡

Global Economic Welfare 全球经济福利

Signatory 签约方

Contracting Party 缔约方Trade Sanction 贸易制裁

Trade Reciprocity 贸易互惠

Multilateral Environmental Agreement 多边环境协议

Harmonization of Standards 标准统一

Investment Regime 投资管理体制

Action Plan 行动计划

Financial and Budgetary Provisions 财政及预算拨款

Efficient Allocation of Resources 资源有效配置

Financial Instrument 金融工具

Spin-off 脱离母公司的公司

Start-up 新成立的企业

Industry Consolidation 产业联合

Management Buyout 买断产权或管理权

Return on Investment 投资回报

Labor-intensive 劳动力密集型

Emerging Markets 新兴市场

Chain of Command 控制链

Quality Initiative 质量改进努力

Publicly Traded Companies 公开上市交易的公司

Tax Refund 出口退税

Business Cycle 商业周期

Initial Public Offering (IPO) 首次公开发行

Capital Spending Binge 资本投资狂潮

V enture Capital 风险资本

Single Market 单一市场

Clearing and Settlement Systems 清算及结算系统

Pooled Accounts 总合帐户

Top Priority 当务之急

Blue Chip Index 蓝筹股指数

Consumer Confidence 消费者信心

Social Security 社会保障

Liquid Investment 短期投资

Economic Stimulus 经济刺激

Production Capacity 生产能力

Real Wages 实际收入

Boom-and-Bust Cycle 经济繁荣与萧条交替循环

Tax Exemption 免税

Trade Liberalization 贸易自由化

Flow of Goods and Capital 贸易及资本流动

Import Substitution 进口替代

TPRM (Trade Policy Review Mechanism) 贸易审议机制

TRIPS (Trade-Related Intellecbbs.xuekuaiji商务广告常用英语词汇搜集~会计英语学习~

畅销全球selling well all over the world

典雅大方elegant and graceful

定型耐久durable modeling

方便顾客making things convenient for customers

方便商品convenience goods

各式俱全wide selection; large assortment

顾客第一Customers first

顾客是我们的皇帝We take customers as our Gods.

规格齐全 a complete range of specifications; complete in specifications

花样繁多 a wide selection of colours and designs

货色齐全goods of every description are available.

客商第一,信誉第一clients first, reputation first

款式多样 a great variety of models

款式活泼端庄vivid and great in style

款式齐全various styles

款式新颖众多diversified latest designs

美观大方elegant appearance

美观耐用attractive and durable

品种多样numerous in variety

品种繁多great varieties

品种齐全complete range of articles; a great variety of goods

让我们的商品走向世界Let our commodities go to the world.

色彩鲜艳bright in colour

色泽光润bright luster

色泽艳丽beautiful in colour

式样美观aesthetic appearance; attractive fashion

式样新颖大方modern and elegant in fashion

式样雅致elegant in style

式样众多in many styles

适合男女老幼四季穿着suitable for men and women

of all ages in all seasons

外型大方elegant shape

享有声誉to win a high admiration

新品迭出new varieties are introduced one after another

行销世界to be distributed all over the world学会计论



statement of account


account current


current account


account sales


joint account


outstanding account


credit account


debtor account


account payable


account receivable


new account


old account


cash account


running account


suspense account


overdue account||pastdue account


sundry account


detail account


bad account


title of account




account of business||business report

借贷细账||交验账account rendered


account stated

与... 银行开立一户头

to open an account with


to keep account with


to keep account


to have an account with


to make out an account with


to make up an account


to close one's account with


to close an account


to ask an account||to demand an account


to balance the account with


to settle an account||to liquidate an account||to square an account


to audit an account


to examine an account


to charge the amount to A's account


to pay on account


on one's account||on account of one


on one's own account


on one's account and risk||for one's account and risk


for one's account||for account of one


by order and for account of one


for May account


render an account学会计https://www.doczj.com/doc/b310391281.html,期货相关英语词汇~会计英语学习~

1. The function of futures markets is price discovery, price risk hedging, and market efficiency improving. 期货市场的功能在于价格发现、价格风险规避及市场效率提高。

2. Futures markets provide a current consensus of knowledgeable opinions about the future price of commodities or financial instruments.


3. Futures contracts are a promise between two parties to exchange a commodity at a specified time and place in the future for a stated price.


4. Most market participants prefer to offset futures positions, rather than to make actual delivery.


5. Parties who have sold a futures contract are said to have taken a short position.


6. Futures trading takes place only on government-regulated exchanges.


7. If you go short and the futures price goes up, you lose money.


8. Futures is one of the types of financial futures.


9. The futures price is not constant until the contract expires.


10. A long position involves inflows greater than outflows in a currency and a short position involved outflows greater than inflows.


11. Hedging in futures markets is synonymous with shifting risk.


12. Margin requirements ensure the performance of both parties to a futures contract.


13. Margin requirements also provide traders with substantial leverage.


14. At the close of every trading day, the clearinghouse matches buy and sell contracts for the day.




注册会计师考试必备——常见英语单词辅导(一) 企业会计准则目录Index for Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises Announced February 2006 Effective 2007 for Listed Companies 1. 企业会计准则---------基本准则 (Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises - Basic Standard) 2. 企业会计准则第1 号---------存货 (Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 1 - Inventories) 3. 企业会计准则第2 号---------长期股权投资 (Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 2 - Long-term equity investments) 4. 企业会计准则第3 号---------投资性房地产 (Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 3 - Investment properties) 5. 企业会计准则第4 号---------固定资产 (Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 4 - Fixed assets) 6. 企业会计准则第5 号---------生物资产 (Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 5 - Biological assets) 7. 企业会计准则第6 号---------无形资产 (Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 6 - Intangible assets) 8. 企业会计准则第7 号---------非货币性资产 (Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 7 - Exchange of non-monetary assets)


会计基本英语词汇(是好东西就贴出来了) 会计基本的英语词汇 帐户 会计系统 美国会计协会 美国注册会计师协会 审计 资产负债表 簿记 现金流量预测 内部审计证书 管理会计证书 注册会计师 成本会计 外部使用者 财务会计 财务会计准则委员会 财务预测 公认会计原则 通用目的信息 政府会计办公室 损益表 内部审计师协会 管理会计师协会 整合性 内部审计 内部控制结构 国内收入署 内部使用者 管理会计 投资回报 投资报酬 证券交易委员会 现金流量表 财务状况表 税务会计 会计等式 勾稽关系 资产 企业个体 股本 公司

债权人 通货紧缩 批露 费用 财务报表 筹资活动 持续经营假设 通货膨涨 投资活动 负债 负现金流量 经营活动 所有者权益 合伙企业 正现金流量 留存利润 收入 独资企业 清偿能力 稳定货币假设 股东 股东权益 门面粉饰 财会名词汉英对照表(1)会计与会计理论会计 决策人 投资人 股东 债权人 财务会计 管理会计 成本会计 私业会计 公众会计 注册会计师 国际会计准则委员会美国注册会计师协会财务会计准则委员会管理会计协会 美国会计学会 税务稽核署 独资企业

公司 会计目标 会计假设 会计要素 会计原则 会计实务过程 财务报表 财务分析 会计主体假设 货币计量假设 持续经营假设() 会计分期假设 资产 负债 业主权益 收入 费用 收益 亏损 历史成本原则 收入实现原则 配比原则 全面披露原则() 客观性原则 一致性原则 可比性原则 重大性原则 稳健性原则 权责发生制 现金收付制 财务报告 流动资产 流动负债 长期负债 投入资本 留存收益 ------------------------------------------------------------ (2)会计循环 会计循环 会计信息系统 帐户 会计科目


Cpa英语词汇记忆诀窍 1.1 词性分类 1.2 构词法 1.3 记忆方法 【No.1.1 词性分类】 实词: 1)名词n:人和事物的名称 2)代词pron:代替名词的词 3)形容词a:修饰名词 4)数词num:“数量”和“序数”的词 5)动词v:动作和状态 6)副词ad:修饰动词、形容词和副词的词 虚词: 7)冠词art:说明名词所指的人或物的词 8)介词prep:表示名词与句子里其他词的关系 9)连词conj:连接词、短语、从句和句子的词 10)感叹词interj:表示感情 ?一词多类 Record v记录、录音,n记录、档案 Account v负责、解释account for,n账户 ?一词拼写稍作改变,词类随着改变“变形金刚” 意思动词形容词副词名词 依靠rely reliable reliably Reliability 比较Compare Comparable Comparably Comparability 理解Understand Understandable Understandably Understandability 相关Relevant Relevantly Relevance 重要Important Importantly Importance 重要Significant Significantly Significance 重要Material Materially Materiality 很可能probable probably probability ?名词 √可数VS不可数名词 √单数VS复数 类型构成举例 一般情况加-s records,statements 以s,x,ch,sh结尾的词加-es classes,watches 以辅音+y结尾的词变y为i再加-es strategies,policies 以元音+y结尾的词加-s boys,toys 单复同形chinese,fish,shep,cattle 不规则变化man-men,child-children,foot-feet √名词所有格:一般加-’s;以-s/-es结尾名词复数加-’。举例children’s, officers’, actress’s/actress’


CPA会计常用英语词汇 account bill 帐单 account books 帐 account classification 帐户分类 account current 往来帐 account form of balance sheet 帐户式资产负债表 account form of profit and loss statement 帐户式损益表 account payable 应付帐款 account receivable 应收帐款 account of payments 支出表 account of receipts 收入表 account title 帐户名称,会计科目 accounting year 或financial year 会计年度 accounts payable ledger 应付款分类帐 Accounting period(会计期间) are related to specific time periods ,typically one year(通常是一年) 资产负债表:balance sheet 可以不大写b 利润表:income statements (or statements of income) 利润分配表:retained earnings 现金流量表:cash flows 1、部门的称谓 市场部Marketing 销售部Sales Department (也有其它讲法,如宝洁公司销售部叫客户生意发展部CBD)客户服务Customer Service ,例如客服员叫CSR,R for representative 人事部Human Resource 行政部Admin. 财务部Finance & Accounting 产品供应Product Supply,例如产品调度员叫P S Planner 2、人员的称谓 助理Assistant 秘书secretary 前台接待小姐Receptionist 文员clerk ,如会计文员为Accounting Clerk 主任supervisor 经理Manager 总经理GM,General Manager


第一课财务会计导读 Glossary 权责发生制 accrual basis Asset资产 资产负债表 balance sheet资本充足率 capital adequacy ratio 收付实现制 cash basis cash flow statement现金流量表 double entry method 复式记账法 Expenses费用 公允价值 Fair value财务报告 financial reports 持续经营 going concern 担保 guarantee 历史成本 Historical cost减值 Impairment 减值准备 impairment provision利润表 income statement负债 Liabilities到期 Maturity 可变现净值 Net realizable value所有者权益 Owners' Equity 摊余成本 post-amortization costs现值 Present value Profit利润 重置成本 Replacement cost受托责任 stewardship 转出方 transferor转入方 transferee资产类科目Assets 1. 现金:Cash and cash equivalents 银行存款:Bank deposit 应收账款:Account receivable 应收票据:Notes receivable 应收股利:Dividend receivable 应收利息:Interest receivable 其他应收款:Other receivables 原材料:Raw materials 在途物资:Materials in transport 库存商品:inventory 存货跌价准备:provision for the decline in value of inventories 坏账准备:Allowance for doubtful acounts 待摊费用:Prepaid expense 交易性金融资产:Trading financial assets 持有至到期投资:held-to-maturity investment 可供出售金融资产:Available-for-sale financial assets 短期投资:Short-term investment 长期股权投资:Long-term equity investment 固定资产:Fixed assets 累计折旧:Accumulated depreciation 在建工程:Construction-in-process


中国注册会计师考试英文测试词汇整理 现金Cash in hand 银行存款Cash in bank 其他货币资金-外埠(bu)存款Other monetary assets - cash in other cities 其他货币资金-银行本票Other monetary assets - cashier‘s check 其他货币资金-银行汇票Other monetary assets - bank draft 其他货币资金-信用卡Other monetary assets - credit cards 其他货币资金-信用证保证金Other monetary assets - L/C deposit 其他货币资金-存出投资款Other monetary assets - cash for investment 短期投资-股票投资Investments - Short term - stocks 短期投资-债券投资Investments - Short term - bonds 短期投资-基金投资Investments - Short term - funds 短期投资-其他投资Investments - Short term - others 短期投资跌价准备Provision for short-term investment 长期股权投资-股票投资Long term equity investment - stocks 长期股权投资-其他股权投资Long term equity investment - others 长期债券投资-债券投资Long term securities[si'kju?riti] investemnt - bonds 长期债券投资-其他债权投资Long term securities investment - others 长期投资减值准备Provision for long-term investment 应收票据Notes receivable


Unit 4 Accounting PART I Fundamentals to Accounting 第一部分会计基本原理 1.accounting[?'ka?nt??]n. 会计 2.double-entry system复式记账法 2-1 Dr.(Debit) 借记 2-2 Cr.(Credit) 贷记 3.accounting basic assumption会计基本假设 4.accounting entity会计主体 5.going concern持续经营 6.accounting periods会计分期 7.monetary measurement 货币计量 8.accounting basis会计基础 9.accrual[?'kr??l]basis 权责发生制 【讲解】 accrual n. 自然增长,权责发生制原则,应计项目accrual concept 应计概念 accrue [?'kru?] v. 积累, 自然增长或利益增加,产生10.accounting policies 会计政策 11.substance over form 实质重于形式 12.accounting elements 会计要素 13.recognition[rek?g'n??(?)n] n. 确认 13-1 initial recognition [rek?g'n??(?)n]初始确认【讲解】 recognize ['r?k?g'na?z] v. 确认 14.measurement['me?? m(?)nt] n. 计量 14-1 subsequent ['s?bs? kw(?)nt]measurement 后续 计量 15.asset['?set] n. 资产 16.liability[la??'b?l?t?]n. 负债 17.owners’ equity所有 者权益 18.shareholder’s equity 股东权益 19.expense[?k'spens; ek-] n. 费用 20.profit['pr?f?t]n. 利润 21.residual[r?'z?dj??l] equity剩余权益 22.residual claim剩余索 取权 23.capital['k?p?t(?)l] n. 资本 24.gains[ɡeinz] n. 利得 25.loss[l?s] n. 损失 26.Retained earnings留 存收益 27.Share premium股本溢 价 28.historical cost历史 成本 【讲解】 historical [h?'st?r?k(?)l] adj. 历史的,历史上的 historic [h?'st?r?k] adj. 有历史意义的,历史上著名 的 28-1 replacement [r?'ple? sm(?)nt] cost 重置成本 29.Balance Sheet/Statement of Financial Position 资产 负债表 29-1 Income Statement 利 润表 29-2 Cash Flow Statement 现金流量表 29-3 Statement of changes in owners’equity (or shareholders’equity) 所有者权益(股东权益)变 动表 29-4 notes [n??ts] n. 附 注 PART II Financial Assets* 第二部分金融资产* 30.financial assets金融 资产 e.g. A financial instrument is any contract that gives rise to a financial asset of one enterprise and a financial liability or equity instrument of another enterprise. 【讲解】 give rise to 引起,导致


专业英文词汇 一、资产assets 1、流动资产current assets 111 现金及约当现金cash and cash equivalents 1111 库存现金cash on hand 1112 零用金/周转金petty cash/revolving funds 1113 银行存款cash in banks 1116 在途现金cash in transit 1117 约当现金cash equivalents 1118 其它现金及约当现金other cash and cash equivalents 112 短期投资short-term investments 1121 短期投资-股票short-term investments - stock 1122 短期投资-短期票券short-term investments - short-term notes and bills 1123 短期投资-政府债券short-term investments - government bonds 1124 短期投资-受益凭证short-term investments - beneficiary certificates 1125 短期投资-公司债short-term investments - corporate bonds 1128 短期投资-其它short-term investments - other 1129 备抵短期投资跌价损失allowance for reduction of short-term investment to market 113 应收票据notes receivable 1131 应收票据notes receivable 1132 应收票据贴现discounted notes receivable 1137 应收票据-关系人notes receivable - related parties 1138 其它应收票据other notes receivable 1139 备抵呆帐-应收票据allowance for uncollec- tible accounts- notes receivable 114 应收帐款accounts receivable 1141 应收帐款accounts receivable 1142 应收分期帐款installment accounts receivable 1147 应收帐款-关系人accounts receivable - related parties 1149 备抵呆帐-应收帐款allowance for uncollec- tible accounts - accounts receivable 118 其它应收款other receivables 1181 应收出售远汇款forward exchange contract receivable 1182 应收远汇款-外币forward exchange contract receivable - foreign currencies 1183 买卖远汇折价discount on forward ex-change contract 1184 应收收益earned revenue receivable 1185 应收退税款income tax refund receivable 1187 其它应收款- 关系人other receivables - related parties 1188 其它应收款- 其它other receivables - other 1189 备抵呆帐- 其它应收款allowance for uncollec- tible accounts - other receivables 121~122 存货inventories 1211 商品存货merchandise inventory 1212 寄销商品consigned goods 1213 在途商品goods in transit 1219 备抵存货跌价损失allowance for reduction of inventory to market 1221 制成品finished goods


词汇篇 1.1 公司战略与风险管理 高频词汇 Strategy Customer Communication Manage Structure Objective Cost Analysis leadership Operation Market Performance Risk Growth Develop Invest Business Diversify Control Product Compete Budget Corporate Organization International Industry Integrate ● Strategy n 战略、策略 √词性:strategic adj 战略上的、战略的 √词组: Abandon Strategy 放弃战略 Analytical Strategy 分析型战略 Blue Ocean strategy蓝海战略 Business (Competitive)strategy业务单位战略(竞争战略) Focus strategy 集中化战略 Focused strategy紧缩与集中战略 contraction strategy 收缩战略 Change management in strategy 战略变革 Corporate strategy总体战略 Cost leadership strategy成本领先战略 Defensive strategy防御型战略 Differentiation strategy 差异化战略 Development of risk management strategy制定风险管理策略 Development strategy发展战略 Diversified strategy多种经营战略 Strategic alliances 企业战略联盟 Strategic analysis 战略分析 Strategic control system 战略控制系统/体系 √例句: Trade discounts may be used as a competitive strategy to secure customer loyalty. 商业折扣可以用作维护顾客忠诚度的一种竞争策略。 Sth be used to do sth 某物用于做某事 ● Manage v 管理、经营 √词性: management n管理、经营;管理人员 manager管理者、经理; managing adj 管理的 √词组: Strategy management 战略管理 Strategy management process 战略管理流程 Financial management 财务管理 Risk management 风险管理


财会英语词汇(审计)(1) 1.appointment, removal and resignation of auditor 注册会计师的任命、解聘和辞职 2.fundamental principles 基本原则 3.professional ethics 职业道德 4.integrity [?n'tegr?t?] n. 诚信 5. objectivity/subjectivity 客观性/主观性 6.professional competence and due care专业胜任 能力和应有的关注 7. confidentiality [?k?nfi?den?i'?liti] n.保密 8.independence [?nd?'pend(?)ns] n. 独立,独立性 9. bias ['ba??s] n. 偏见 10.safeguard['se?fgɑ:d] n. 防范措施 11.engagement [?n'ge?d?m(?)nt;en-] n. 约会,诺言,婚约;在审计中意为“与客户签订的业务约定”。 12. self-interest n. 自身利益 13.employment with assurance client 与审计客户 发生雇佣关系 14.gifts and hospitality 礼品和款待 15.advocacy['?dv?k?s?] n. 过度推介 16.familiarity [f?m?l?'?r?t?] n. 亲密关系 17.intimidation [in'timi'dei??n] n. 外在压力 18.conflicts of interests 利益冲突 19.custody of client assets 保管客户资产 20.terminate['t?:m?ne?t] v. (使)终结;(使)结束;解雇 21 eliminate [?'l?m?ne?t] v. 消除;排除 22.solicit [s?'l?s?t] v. 招揽;征求 https://www.doczj.com/doc/b310391281.html,work ['netw??k] n. 网络 24.public interest entities 公众利益实体 25.financial interest经济利益 26.immediate family主要近亲属 27.valuation services 评估服务 28. taxation services 税务服务 29. internal audit services内部审计服务 30. IT systems services 信息技术系统服务 31. litigation support services 诉讼支持服务 32. legal services 法律服务 33. recruiting services 招聘服务 34. corporate finance services公司理财服务 35.overdue fee 逾期收费 36. contingent fee 或有收费 37. referral fee 介绍费38.actual or threatened litigation* 诉讼或诉讼威胁 39.successor auditor 后任注册会计师 40.present auditor 现任注册会计师 41.predecessor n. 前任;前辈predecessor auditor 前任注册会计师 42.audit ['??d?t] v. & n. 审计 43.auditor ['??d?t?] n. 审计师;审计人员 44.audit objective审计目标 45. audit evidence['ev?d(?)ns] 审计证据 46 .audit resources[ri'z?:siz] 审计资源 47.audit risk 审计风险 48. inherent risk固有风险 49.control risk 控制风险 50. detection risk 检查风险 财会英语词汇(审计)(2)


中国注册会计师考试英文测试词汇整理 现金 Cash in hand 银行存款 Cash in bank 其他货币资金-外埠存款Other monetary assets - cash in other cities 其他货币资金-银行本票 Other monetary assets - cashier‘s check 其他货币资金-银行汇票 Other monetary assets - bank draft 其他货币资金-信用卡 Other monetary assets - credit cards 其他货币资金-信用证保证金 Other monetary assets - L/C deposit 其他货币资金-存出投资款 Other monetary assets - cash for investment 短期投资-股票投资 Investments - Short term - stocks 短期投资-债券投资 Investments - Short term - bonds 短期投资-基金投资 Investments - Short term - funds 短期投资-其他投资 Investments - Short term - others 短期投资跌价准备 Provision for short-term investment 长期股权投资-股票投资 Long term equity investment - stocks 长期股权投资-其他股权投资 Long term equity investment - others 长期债券投资-债券投资 Long term securities investemnt - bonds 长期债券投资-其他债权投资 Long term securities investment - others 长期投资减值准备 Provision for long-term investment 应收票据 Notes receivable 应收股利 Dividends receivable 应收利息 Interest receivable 应收帐款 Trade debtors 坏帐准备- 应收帐款 Provision for doubtful debts - trade debtors 预付帐款 Prepayment 应收补贴款 Allowance receivable 其他应收款 Other debtors 坏帐准备- 其他应收款 Provision for doubtful debts - other debtors 其他流动资产 Other current assets 物资采购 Purchase 原材料 Raw materials 包装物 Packing materials 低值易耗品 Low value consumbles 材料成本差异 Material cost difference 自制半成品 Self-manufactured goods 库存商品 Finished goods 商品进销差价 Difference between purchase & sales of commodities 委托加工物资 Consigned processiong material 委托代销商品 Consignment-out 受托代销商品 Consignment-in 分期收款发出商品 Goods on instalment sales 存货跌价准备 Provision for obsolete stocks 待摊费用 Prepaid expenses 待处理流动资产损益 Unsettled G/L on current assets 待处理固定资产损益 Unsettled G/L on fixed assets 委托贷款-本金 Consignment loan - principle 委托贷款-利息 Consignment loan - interest 委托贷款-减值准备 Consignment loan - provision 固定资产-房屋建筑物 Fixed assets - Buildings 固定资产-机器设备 Fixed assets - Plant and machinery 固定资产-电子设备、器具及家具 Fixed assets - Electronic Equipment, furniture and fixtures 固定资产-运输设备 Fixed assets - Automobiles 累计折旧 Accumulated depreciation


财务管理常用英语词汇 1.business企业商业业务 2.financial management财务管理 3.the goal of financial management财务管理的目标 4.profit maximization (maximize profit) 利润最大化 5.earnings per share maximization每股盈余最大化 6.stockholder (share holder) wealth maximization股东财富最大化7.stakeholder利益相关者 8.stock holder/shareholder股东 9.creditor/bondholder债权人 10.the factors that affect the stockholder value股东价值的影响因素11.cost of capital资本成本 12.capital investment资本投资 13.working capital 营运资本 14.capital structure 资本结构 15.bankruptcy risk 破产风险 16.tax rate 税率 17.dividend policy股利政策 18.operating activity 经营活动 19.investing activity投资活动 20.financing activity 筹资活动 21.agency cost 代理成本 22.agency problem代理问题 23.moral risk道德风险 24.adverse selection逆向选择 25.corporate social responsibility企业社会责任 26.financial markets金融市场 27.money markets短期资金市场 28.capital markets长期资金市场 29.spot markets现货市场 30.future markets期货市场 31.public offer markets向公众发行的市场 32.initial public offering 首次公开发行股票(即IPO) 33.private placement markets私募市场 34.corporate bond market企业债券市场 35.stock market股票市场 36.financial future market金融期货市场 37.financial ratio analysis 财务比率分析 38.four major categories of financial ratios 四类财务比率39.liquidity ratios 短期偿债能力比率 40.long-term liquidity ratios 长期偿债能力比率 41.profitability ratios盈利能力比率 42.operating income经营收益 43.earnings per share每股收益 44.working capital营运资本 45.current ratio流动比率 46.quick ratio速动比率 47.cash flow ratio现金流量比率 48.operating cash flows经营现金流


注会《审计》英语常用词汇 1.audit 审计 2.attestation 鉴证 3.credibility 可信赖程度 4.audit of financial statements 财务报表审计 5.agreed-upon procedures 执行商定程序 6.high levels of assurance 高水平保证 https://www.doczj.com/doc/b310391281.html,pilation 编制 8.reliability 可靠性 9.relevance 相关性 10.professional skepticism 职业谨慎 11.objectivity 客观性 12. professional competence 专业胜任能力 13.Senior/CPA-in-charge 项目经理 14.audit engagement letter 业务约定书 15.recurring audit 连续审计 16.the client 委托人 17.change CPA 更换注册会计师 18.the existing CPA 现任注册会计师 19.the successor CPA 后任注册会计师 20.the preceding CPA前任注册会计师 21.issue the audit report 出具审计报告 22.expert 专家 23.the board of directors 董事会 24.knowledge of the entity‘ s business 了解被审计单位情况 25.assess material misstatement risks评估重大错报风险 26.detemine the nature, timing and extent of the audit procedures 确定审计程序的性质、时间和范围 27.a general knowledge of ——初步了解―――的情况 28.a more knowledge of——进一步了解的情况 29.the prior year‘s working papers 以前年度工作底稿 30.minutes of meeting 会议纪要 31.business risks 经营风险 32.appropriateness 适当性


第01章会计:用于决策的信息 accounting system 会计系统 一个组织用以发展会计信息并把这些信息传递给决策者的人员、程序、方法和记录。 American Accounting Association 美国会计协会 主要由致力于提高会计教育、研究和实践水平的会计教育工作者组成的一个专业会计组织。 American Institute of CPAs 美国注册会计师协会 一个注册会计师的专业组织,参与一系列专业活动,包括制定审计准则、进行研究以及在财务报告准则制定工作中与FA S B密切联系。 audit 审计 对财务报表的调查,旨在确定报表相对于公认会计原则的公允程度。 balance sheet 资产负债表 用财务语言反映公司在一个特定日期所处状况的报表。 bookkeeping 簿记 会计的文书性质的工作,包括记录日常的交易和保持企业的日常记录。 cash flow prospects 现金流量预测 一个企业能够向投资者提供该投资者投资的回报率以及投资回报额的可能性。 Certificate in Internal Auditing 内部审计证书 由内部审计师协会颁发的表明在内部审计领域专业技能的职业委任书。 Certificate in Management Accounting 管理会计证书 由管理会计协会颁发的表明在管理会计领域专业技能的职业委任书。 Certified Public Accountant 注册会计师 在达到严格的教育、经验和考核要求后由一个州发给执照的会计师。 cost accounting 成本会计 确定特定经营活动的成本并对成本信息进行解释。 external users 外部使用者 对报告企业拥有财务利益但不参与该企业日常经营的个人和其他企业(比如,所有者、债权人、工会、供应商、客户)。 financial accounting 财务会计 提供主要由外部决策者—投资者和债权人使用的关于一个经济实体的财务资源、义务和活动的信息。


税法常用英语词汇 1.value added tax 增值税 2.business tax 营业税 3.consumption tax 消费税 4.enterprise income tax 企业所得税 5.customs tax 关税 6.individual income tax 个人所得税 7.resource tax 资源税 8.urban and township land use tax 城镇土地使用税 9.city maintenance and construction tax 城市维护扩建税 10.farmland occupation tax 耕地占用税 https://www.doczj.com/doc/b310391281.html,nd appreciation tax 土地增值税 12.stamp tax 印花税 13.vehicle acquisition tax 车辆购置税 14.deed tax 契税 15.fuel tax 燃油税 16.security transaction tax 证券交易税 17.social security tax 社会保障税 18.house property tax 房产税 19.slaughter tax 屠宰税 20.urban real estate tax 城市房地产税 21.inheritance tax 遗产税 22.banquet tax 筵席税 23.vehicle and vessel usage tax 车船使用税 24.vehicle and vessel license plate tax 车船使用牌照税 25.vessel tonnage tax 船舶吨税 26.agriculture tax 农业税 27.animal husbandry tax 牧业税 28.income tax on foreign enterprises and enterprises with foreign investment 外商投资及外国企业所得税 29.fixed assets investment orientation regulation tax 固定资产投资方向调节税 30.State Administration for Taxation 国家税务总局 31.Local Taxation bureau 地方税务局 32.tax filing 纳税申报/汇算清缴 33.taxes payable 应交税金 34.the assessable period for tax payment 纳税期限 35.the timing of tax liability arising 纳税义务发生时间 36.consolidate reporting 合并申报 37.the local competent tax authority 当地主管税务机关 38.the outbound business activity 外出经营活动 39.Tax Inspection Report 纳税检查报告 40.tax avoidance 避税 41.tax evasion 逃税 42.tax base税基

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