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1.(1)56(2)上面正面左面(3)61210 2.(1)√(2)×(3)√(4)×(5)√

3.(1)C(2)①A D②D③B C D(3)A B C 4.

5.(1)(2)6.(1)40cm (2)


人教版必修一数学教学质量检测卷【一】 第 一 章 《 集 合 》 时 间:90分钟 满 分:150分 姓名: 成绩: 一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。 1 下列各项中,不可以组成集合的是( ) A 所有的正数 B 等于2的数 C 充分接近0的数 D 不等于0的偶数 2 下列四个集合中,是空集的是( ) A }33|{=+x x B },,|),{(22R y x x y y x ∈-= C }0|{2≤x x D },01|{2R x x x x ∈=+- 3 下列表示图形中的阴影部分的是( ) A ()()A C B C B ()()A B A C C ()()A B B C D ()A B C 4 若集合{},,M a b c =中的元素是△ABC 的三边长,则△ABC 一定不是( ) A 锐角三角形 B 直角三角形 C 钝角三角形 D 等腰三角形 5 若全集{}{}0,1,2,32U U C A ==且,则集合A 的真子集共有( ) A 3个 B 5个 C 7个 D 8个 6. 下列命题正确的有( ) (1)很小的实数可以构成集合; (2)集合{}1|2-=x y y 与集合(){}1|,2-=x y y x 是同一个集合;

(3)3611,,,,0.5242-这些数组成的集合有5个元素; (4)集合(){}R y x xy y x ∈≤,,0|,是指第二和第四象限内的点集 A 0个 B 1个 C 2个 D 3个 7. 若集合}1,1{-=A ,}1|{==mx x B ,且A B A =?,则m 的值为( ) A 1 B 1- C 1或1- D 1或1-或0 8 若集合{}{} 22(,)0,(,)0,,M x y x y N x y x y x R y R =+==+=∈∈,则有( ) A M N M = B M N N = C M N M = D M N =? 9. 方程组? ??=-=+91 22y x y x 的解集是( ) A ()5,4 B ()4,5- C (){}4,5- D (){}4,5- 10. 下列表述中错误的是( ) A 若A B A B A =? 则, B 若B A B B A ?=,则 C )(B A A )(B A D ()()()B C A C B A C U U U = 11.若集合1{|,},{|,},{|,}22 n P x x n n Z Q x x n Z S x x n n Z ==∈==∈==+∈,则下列各项中正确的是( )A . Q P ≠? B .Q S ≠? C . Q P S = D .Q P S = 12.已知集合M={x|x 1},N={x|x>}a ≤-,若M N ≠?,则有( ) A .1a <- B .1a >- C . 1a ≤- D .1a ≥- 二、填空题:本大题共5小题,每小题5分,共20分。 13 设{}{} 34|,|,<>=≤≤==x x x A C b x a x A R U U 或,则______,==b a 14.已知{15},{4}A x x x B x a x a =<->=≤<+或,若A ?≠B,则实数a 的取值范围是 . 15. 某班有学生55人,其中体育爱好者43人,音乐爱好者34人,还有4人既不爱好体育也不爱


必修一第一章《集合》单元测试卷 一、选择题:(共12小题,每小题5分,合计60分) 1.方程组? ??-=-=+13y x y x , 的解集不可表示为( ) A.()?????????????-=-=+13,y x y x y x B.()?? ? ??????????==21,y x y x C.{1,2} D.{(1,2)} 2.若A ={0,2,4,6},B ={0,3,6,9},则A∩B=( ) A .{0} B .{6} C .{0,6} D .{0,3,6} 3.已知集合A ={x |-3≤x <3},B ={ x |2<x ≤5},则A ∪B =( ) A .{ x |2<x <3} B .{ x |-3≤x ≤5} C .{ x |-3<x <5} D .{ x |-3<x ≤5} 4.设集合U ={1,2,3,4,5,6,7},M ={1,2,4,7},则 U M =( ) A .U B .{1,3,5} C .{3,5,6} D .{2,4,6} 5.已知I ={0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8},M ={1,2,4,5},N ={0,3,5,7},则()I M N =( ) A.{6,8} B.{5,7} C.{4,6,7} D.{1,3,5,6,8} 6.已知集合{} 2 0,,33A m m m =-+且1A ∈,则实数m 的值为( ) A.2 B.1 C .1或2 D.0,1,2均可 7若{1,2,3}? A ?{1,2,3,4,5},则集合A 的个数为( ) A .2 B .3 C .4 D .5 8.已知集合A ={x |x 2-3x +2=0,x ∈R},B ={x |0<x <5,x ∈N },则满足条件A ?C ?B 的集合C 的个数为( ) A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 9.已知集合A={2,9},B={m 2,2},若A=B,则实数m 的值为 ( ) A.3 B.-3 C.9 D.±3 10.已知集合P ={1,3},则满足P ∪Q ={1,2,3,4}的集合Q 的个数是( ) A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 11.已知全集R U =,{}{} 1,0)3(-<=<+=x x M x x x N ,则图中阴影部分表示 的集合是( ) A.{}13-<<-x x B.{ } 03<<-x x C.{}01<≤-x x D.{}3-


单元综合测评一 Unit 1Friendship (时间:100分钟满分:120分) 温馨提示:1.第Ⅰ卷答案写在答题卡上,第Ⅱ卷书写在试卷上;交卷前请核对班级、姓名、考号。2.本场考试时间为100分钟,注意把握好答题时间。3.认真审题,仔细作答,永远不要以粗心为借口原谅自己。 第Ⅰ卷选择题部分(共80分) 第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分) 第一节:单项填空(共20 小题;每小题0.5分,满分10分) 从A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。 1.________ all the figures to see how much they ________. A.Add; add up to B.Add up; add up to C.Add up; add up D.Add; add to 解析:考查固定搭配。add up把……加起来;add up to加起来总共是。 答案:B 2.—What's the matter with Rod? —I think he's still ________ that we forgot his birthday. A.unfair B.stubborn C.reliable D.upset 解析:答句句意:我想他还在因为我们忘记了他的生日而不高兴。upset难过的,符合题意。 答案:D 3.—So you didn't say “hello” to him last night? —Well, I stopped and smiled when I saw him, but he ________ me and walked on. A.ignored B.refused C.denied D.missed 解析:考查动词辨析。ignore不理会;refuse拒绝;deny否定;miss错过,想念。 答案:A 4.Don't be nervous! Keep ________ even when you are in the face of danger. A.still B.calm C.silent D.quiet


高中数学学习材料 (灿若寒星 精心整理制作) 集合单元测试题 一、选择题:(每小题5分,共计50分) 1.以下元素的全体不能够构成集合的是( ). A. 中国古代四大发明 B. 地球上的小河流 C. 方程 x 2 -1 = 0 的实数解 D. 周长为10cm 的三角形 2. 下列选项中集合之间的关系表示正确的是( ). A.φ∈{0} B.{0}?φ C.φ={0} D.φ={x ∈R ︱x 2+2=0} 3、如果集合{}8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1=U ,{}8,5,2=A ,{}7,5,3,1=B ,那么(A U )B 等于( ) (A){}5 (B) {}8,7,6,5,4,3,1 (C) {}8,2 (D) {}7,3,1 4. 已知集合{(,)|2},{(,)|4}M x y x y N x y x y =+==-=,那么集合M N 为( ) A 、3,1x y ==- B 、(3,1)- C 、{3,1}- D 、{(3,1)}- 5. 2{4,21,}A a a =--,B={5,1,9},a a --且{9}A B ?=,则a 的值是 ( ) A. 3a = B. 3a =- C. 3a =± D. 53a a ==±或 6. 设U =Z ,A ={1,3,5,7,9},B ={1,2,3,4,5},则图中阴影部分表示的集合是( ) A .{1,3,5} B .{1,2,3,4,5} C .{7,9} D .{2,4} 7.符合{}a ?≠{,,}P a b c ?的集合P 的个数是 ( ) A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 8. 设集合P ={x |x =k 3+16,k ∈Z},Q ={x |x =k 6+13,k ∈Z},则( ) A .P =Q B .P ?Q C .Q ?P D .P ∩Q =φ 9. 集合2{4,,}A y y x x N y N ==-+∈∈的真子集的个数为 ( ) A. 9 B. 8 C. 7 D. 6 10. 2{60},{10}A x x x B x mx =+-==+=,且A B A ?=,则m 的取值范围是( ) A.11{,}32- B. 11{0,,}32-- C. 11{0,,}32- D. 11 {,}32


第一章集合单元测试题 (时间100分钟,分数120分) 一、选择题(共10题,每题4分,共40分) 1、P={x/x ≤3},a=3,则下列选项正确的是 ( ) A. p a ? B.p a ? C.{}p a ? D.{}p a ? 2、判断下列语句是否构成集合 ( ) A 、自然数的全体 B 、与10接近的实数全体 C 、班里个子高的男生 D 、著名的科学家全体 3、下列表达式正确的是 ( ) A 、0∈? B、{0}=? C、?≠?{0} D 、?{}0∈ 4、不等式01>-x 的整数解构成的集合可以表示为 ( ) A 、{}N x x x ∈>,1 B 、{}R x x x ∈>,1 C 、{}Q x x x ∈>,1 D 、{}1>x x 5、已知集合M={}1,x ,N={}2,y ,且M=N ,则y x += ( ) A 、3 B 、2 C 、1 D 、不能确定 6、设集合A {} ,2,32=≤=a x x 则 ( ) A 、≠?a A B 、a A ? B 、C 、{}A a ∈ D 、{}a ≠?A 7、“92=X ”是“3=x ”的 ( ) A 、充分不必要条件 B 、必要不充分条件 C 、充要条件 D 、既不充分也不必要条件 8、设集合{}{}7,6,5=>=N x x M ,则下列关系正确的是 ( ) A 、M N ∈ B 、N M ∈ C 、M N = D 、M N ? 9、已知集合{}{ }5,3,1,3,2,1,0==N M ,N M P ?=,则P 的子集共有 ( ) A 、2个 B 、4个 C 、6个 D 、8个 10、如果p 是q 的充分条件,s 是q 的必要条件,那么 ( ) A 、p 是s 的充分条件 B 、s 是p 的充分条件 C 、q 是p 的充分条件 D 、p 是s 的必要条件 二、填空题(共5题,共20分) 11、在ABC ?中,“∠B=∠C ”是AB=AC 的_______条件(填“充分不必要”“必要不充分”“充要”或“既不充分也不必要”) 12、已知集合{ } a a a -2 ,2,则实数a 的取值范围是_____ 13、已知集合{}{} ,03,4≤+=≥=x x B x x A 则?R(B A )=____ 14、已知集合{}{ }5,3,1,3,2,1,0==N M ,N M P ?=,则P 的子集共有____ 15、设集合{}a M ,5,3,2=,{ }b N ,4,3,1=,若{}3,2,1=N M ,则a-b=____ 三、解答题(共6题,共60分) 16、已知集合A={}5/>x x ,B={}2/


必修一Unit1-2 单元检测 一、单项选择(每小题1分,共计20分) 1. How much does that ? A.add B. add up C. add to D. add up to 2. get a good seat, he set out early after supper. A. In order to B. So that C. So as to D. In order that 3. Internet is becoming more and more popular. You to a library if you want to look up some information. A.don’t need go B. needn’t to go C. don’t nee d to go D. need go 4. This novel was concerned the Second World War, while most teenagers are more concerned _______ the hero’s love story. A.with ; for B. with ; with C. for ; about D. about ;with 5. He came here to discuss it with you. A.on purpose B. by chance C. for purpose D. on design 6. I won’t allow you to make the trip alone, even if you do it. A.dare B. dared C. daring D. dares to 7. The policeman asked with the old women. A. what the matter was B. what was the matter C. what matter was D. what was the wrong 8. During the war, he much pain. A.is suffered B. suffered C. was suffered D. was suffered from 9. She couldn’t her words by the students. A.get…understanding B. get…understood B.get… to understand D. make…understand 10. As the project at the meeting, it drew our attention. https://www.doczj.com/doc/b818621549.html,es up B. was came up C. came up D. had been come up 11. it rains tomorrow, we’ll start out. A.If B. As if C. Even if D. Even 12. The project was so tough that workers didn’t complete it on time even the famous engineer’s direction. A.in B. under C. to D. with 13. The examination was very easy. , our monitor didn’t pass it. A.In other word s B. What’s more C. Believe it or not D. all the same 14. I wanted to send my present to my teacher, so I called on her. A.especial ; especially B. special; especially C. special; specially D. especially; specially 15. Last night Li Ping watched the football match at my home, so he in his office. A.needn’t have worked B. mustn’t haven’t worked C. shouldn’t have worked D. couldn’t have worked 16. Can you make sure _________ the gold ring? A. where Alice had put B. where had Alice put C. where Alice has put D. where has Alice put 17. Will you fetch me a ________ of today’s evening paper in a minute? A. series B. set C. couple D. copy 18. It was ________ late to catch a bus after the party; therefore er called a taxi. A. too very B. much too C. too much D. far 19. I was so excited as to ________ for the whole night. A. hold awake B. stay awake C. hold wake D. stay wake 20. We were going out for a walk ________ it began to rain. A. while B. before C. as D. when 二、完型填空(每小题1分,共计20分) People have always communicated with __21___ . In the past when they couldn’t write ,they used simple symbols ( 记号) to send their message . Some groups of North America Indians were experts __22__ messages . For example , a small stone on top of a large one meant “ This is the way .” If there was another small stone on the right , i t meant “ Turn right .” Some grass with a knot ( 结)meant “ Danger ”__23__ . Maybe you know that in the forests of Africa , it _24___ to travel from village . But drum ( 鼓) __25__ from many kilometers away . So , some groups of Africans made their drums __26____ like people . The Incas ( 印加人)of South America used to send messages by typing knots in a rope. Messages have been found , but __27___ can understand __28___ they mean . And the Egyptians used pictures as a kind of ___29__ but only _30____ people __31___ to understand them . Today , we also use __32___ . When we are in a car and we see a red light , we stop the car . When


集合练习题 1.设集合A={x|2≤x<4},B={x|3x-7≥8-2x},则A∪B等于( ) A.{x|x≥3} B.{x|x≥2}C.{x|2≤x<3} D.{x|x≥4} 2.已知集合A={1,3,5,7,9},B={0,3,6,9,12},则A∩B=( ) A.{3,5} B.{3,6} C.{3,7} D.{3,9} 3.已知集合A={x|x>0},B={x|-1≤x≤2},则A∪B=( ) A.{x|x≥-1} B.{x|x≤2 } C.{x|00},T={x|3x-5<0},则S∩T=( ) A.? B.{x|x<-1/2} C.{x|x>5/3} D.{x|-1/2

11.已知集合A={1,3,5},B={1,2,-1},若A∪B={1,2,3,5},求x及A∩B. 12.已知A={x|2a≤x≤a+3},B={x|x<-1或x>5},若A∩B=?,求a的取值范围. 13.(10分)某班有36名同学参加数学、物理、化学课外探究小组,每名同学至多参加两个小组.已知参加数学、物理、化学小组的人数分别为26,15,13,同时参加数学和物理小组的有6人,同时参加物理和化学小组的有4人,则同时参加数学和化学小组的有多少人?


题 习 集合练 1.设集合A={x|2 ≤x<4} ,B={x|3x -7≥8-2x} ,则A∪B 等于( ) A.{x|x ≥3} B.{x|x ≥2} C .{x|2 ≤x<3} D .{x|x ≥4} 2.已知集合A={1,3,5,7,9} ,B={0,3,6,9,12} ,则A∩B=( ) A.{3,5} B .{3,6} C .{3,7} D .{3,9} 3. 已知集合A={x|x>0} ,B={x| -1≤x≤2} ,则A∪B=( ) A.{x|x ≥-1} B .{x|x ≤2 } C .{x|00} ,T={x|3x -5<0} ,则S∩T=( ) A.? B .{x|x< -1/2} C .{x|x>5/3} D .{x| -1/2

高中人教A版数学必修1单元测试:第一章 集合与函数概念(一)A卷 Word版含解析

高中同步创优单元测评 A 卷数学 班级:________姓名:________得分:________ 第一章集合与函数概念(一) (集合) 名师原创·基础卷] (时间:120分钟满分:150分) 第Ⅰ卷(选择题共60分) 一、选择题(本大题共12个小题,每小题5分,共60分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的) 1.如果A={x|x>-1},那么() A.0?A B.{0}∈A C.?∈A D.{0}?A 2.满足条件{0,1}∪A={0,1}的所有集合A的个数是() A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 3.设A={x|1

C .M ≠N D .N M 6.如图所示,U 是全集,A ,B 是U 的子集,则阴影部分所表示的集合是( ) A .A ∩ B B .A ∪B C .B ∩?U A D .A ∩?U B 7.设集合U ={1,2,3,4,5},M ={1,2,3},N ={2,5},则M ∩(?U N )等于( ) A .{2} B .{2,3} C .{3} D .{1,3} 8.集合A ={0,2,a },B ={1,a 2}.若A ∪B ={0,1,2,4,16},则a 的值为( ) A .0 B .1 C .2 D .4 9.设集合S ={x |x >5或x <-1},T ={x |a -1 10.定义集合运算:A *B ={z |z =xy ,x ∈A ,y ∈B }.设A ={1,2},B ={0,2},则集合A *B 的所有元素之和为( ) A .0 B .2 C .3 D .6 11.已知集合M =??????x ??? x =k 2+14,k ∈Z ,N =???? ??x ??? x =k 4+1 2,k ∈Z , x 0∈M ,则x 0与N 的关系是( ) A .x 0∈N B .x 0?N


高一英语必修一Unit 1单元测试题 (满分100分) 姓名___________ 得分_____________ Ⅰ. 词语翻译:(40分,每小题2分) 1. 爱上____________________ 2. 经历,遭受____________________ 3. 与…相处,进展____________________ 4. 在黄昏时刻_____________________ 5. 故意_______________________ 6. 为了________________________ 7. 痊愈;恢复____________________ 8. 在户外________________________ 9. 对……厌烦_____________________ 10. 定居_________________________ 11. 不理睬______________________ 12. 提示,小费____________________ 13. 十几岁的青少年________________ 14. 感激的____________________ 15. a series of ___________________ 16. add up _______________________ 17. pack ( sth) up___________________ 18. no longer _______________________ 19. hide away ____________________ 20. calm down________________II.单词拼写, 用本单元中出现的词语填空:(15分,每小题1.5分) 1.The r_______ why she was ill was that she had eaten bad meat. 2.He gave me some a_______ on how to learn a foreign language. 3.The boy felt u________ because he didn’t do well in the exam. 4.N_________ is everything in the world and you can’t go against it. 5.You shouldn’t have hurt her f_______. 6.If you work hard, you can get good p________ in the exam. 7.I ________________(碰巧) to be reading upstairs when he came in. 8.To get as much information as possible, we should learn to _________(交流). 9.It’s ________ ( 正好,确切) twelve o’clock.. 10.Her husband has gone abroad on business. She is quite _________ (牵挂) about him.


数学必修1第一章集合与函数测试题 一、选择题:在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的,请把正确答案的代号填在题后的括号 内(每小题5 分,共50分)。 1 ?用描述法表示一元二次方程的全体,应是 () 2 A. { x | ax+bx+c=O , a , b , c € R } B. { x | ax 2+bx+c=0, a , b , c € R ,且 a ^ 0} 2 C. { ax +bx+c=0 | a , b , c € R } D . { ax 2+bx+c=0 | a , b ,c € R ,且 a ^ 0} 2?图中阴影部分所表示的集合是() A. B n : C U (A U C): B.(A U B) U (B U C) C .(A U C) n (C U B ) D . :C U (A n C)]U B 3?设集合P= {立方后等于自身的数},那么集合 A . 3 B . 4 4 ?设P= {质数}, Q= {偶数},贝U P n Q 等于 A . ? B . 2 1 5?设函数y 的定义域为M ,值域为N , 1丄 x A . M= {x | X K 0}, N= {y | y 工 0} B. M= {x | x v 0且X K — 1,或 x > 0},N={y | y v 0,或0v y v 1,或 y > 1 } C. M= {x | X K 0},N= {y | y € R } D . M= {x | x v — 1,或—1 v x v 0,或 x > 0 =, N= {y | y K 0} 6?已知A 、B 两地相距150千米,某人开汽车以 60千米/小时的速度从 A 地到达B 地,在B 地停留1小时后再 以50千米/ 小时的速度返回 A 地,把汽车离开 A 地的距离x 表示为时间t (小时)的函数表达式是 () A . x=60t B . x=60t+50t 60t,(0 t 2.5) C . x= D . 150 50t, (t 3.5) 1 x 2 7?已知 g(x)=1-2x, f[g(x)]= 2 (x x A . 1 B . 3 p 的真子集个数是 () C . 7 D . 8 () C . { 2} D . N 那么 () 60t,(0 t 2.5) x= 150,(2.5 t 3.5) 150 50( t 3.5),(3.5 t 6.5) 1 0)则f(—)等于 () 2 C . 15 D . 30


2009秋学期高一数学独立作业 班级______________ 姓名___________________ 一、填空题: 1. 已知全集U ={0,2,4,6,8,10},集合A ={2,4,6},B ={1},则 U A ∪B =____________ 2. 下列关系中正确的有________________________ ①0∈{0},② Φ {0},③{0,1}?{(0,1)},④{(a ,b )}={(b ,a )} 3.方程组? ??=-=+3242y x y x 的解集为 _________________________ (A ) {2,1} (B ) {1,2} (C ){(2,1)} (D )(2,1) 4.函数y =|x 2-6x |的单调增区间为__________________,单调减区间为__________________ 5.某学生从家里去学校上学,骑自行车一段时间,因自行车爆胎,后来推车步行,下图中横轴表示出发后的时间,纵轴表示该生离学校的距离,则较符合该学生走法的图是 6.已知f (x )=?? ???<=π >+)0x (0)0x ()0x (1x ,则f [f (-2)]=________________. 7.已知M={x| -2≤x ≤5}, N={x| a+1≤x ≤2a -1},若M ?N ,则a ∈________________, 若M ?N ,则a ∈________________ 8.函数y=|x+1|+|x-2|的最小值为__________ 9.若函数y=2x 2 -ax-1在区间(-∞,1]上单调递减,则a 的取值范围是________________ 10. 二、解答题: 11、已知A ={1,2,x 2-5x +9},B ={3,x 2+ax +a },如果A ={1,2,3},2 ∈B ,求实数a 的值.

【单元测试卷】新人教版 高中英语 必修一 Unit 1 单元测试(基础

新人教版 高中英语 必修一 Unit 1 Teenage Life 单元测试 (基础卷) 一、根据汉语提示写出正确的单词 1. She now helps in a local school as a __________(志愿者) three days a week. 2. There has been a lot of ________(辩论)among scholars about this. 3. The new government's first ________ (挑战)is the economy. 4. I ________(较喜欢) to think of peace not war. 5. Do you have some ideas about this ________(标题)? 6. I just spent a holiday there and would ________(推荐)it to anyone. 7. You may be charged 10% ________ (额外的)for this service. 8. I think my dad should ________ (戒掉)smoking. 9. Life should be an __________ (冒险). 10. They arrived in New York two days ahead of __________(日程安排). 二、用所给单词的正确形式填空 1. I could feel __________(move ) in the dark all around me. 2. The course is suitable for beginners and __________ (advance )students. 3. It is our _________(responsible )to take care of the old. 4. We invited readers who completed the puzzle to send in their __________(solve ). 5. I have no excuse for my ___________(behave ). 6. But how do you know when you or someone you love is ________(addict ) to the Internet? 7. They __________(obvious )love you very much. 8. He was nice looking, but I wasn't deeply __________(attract )to him. 9. In my _________(young ),my dream was to be an inventor. 10. Do you consider her __________(suit ) for the job? 三、选择合适的短语, 并用其正确形式, 完成句子 1. Can I ___________ this course in advance ? 2. More people_______________ cycling when the weather is fine.


集合练习题 1 .设集合A = {x| 2 4}, B = {x|3x —7 >8 —2x},贝U A UB 等于() A. {x|x > 3} B. {x|x > 2} C. {x|2 4} 2 .已知集合A = {1,3,5,7,9} , B= {0,3,6,9,12},贝U A AB =( ) A. {3,5} B. {3,6} C. {3,7} D. {3,9} 3. 已知集合A = {x|x>0} , B= {x| —1 w x w 2}则A UB =( ) A. {x|x —1} B. {x|x w 2 } C. {x|00} , T = {x|3x —5<0},贝U S AT=( ) A . ? B . {x|x< —1/2} C . {x|x>5/3} D . {x| —1/2 a}且A UB = R,则实数a的取值范围是_________________ . 10.已知集合A = {—4,2a —1,白}, B= {a —5,1 —a,9},若A AB = {9},求a 的值.


第一章集合与函数概念测试题 一:选择题 1、下列集合中与集合{21,}x x k k N +=+∈不相等的是( ) A .{23,}x x k k N =+∈ B .{41,}x x k k N +=±∈ C .{21,}x x k k N =+∈ D .{23,3,}x x k k k Z =-≥∈ 2、图中阴影部分所表示的集合是( ) ∩[C U (A ∪C)] B.(A ∪B) ∪(B ∪C) C.(A ∪C)∩(C U B) D.[C U (A ∩C)]∪B 3、已知集合2{1}A y y x ==+,集合2{26}B x y x ==-+,则A B =( ) A .{(,)1,2}x y x y == B .{13}x x ≤≤ C .{13}x x -≤≤ D .? 4、已知集合2{40}A x x =-=,集合{1}B x ax ==,若B A ?,则实数a 的值是( ) A .0 B .12± C .0或1 2 ± D .0或12 5、已知集合{1,2,3,}A a =,2 {3,}B a =,则使得Φ=B A C U )(成立的a 的值的个数为( ) A .2 B .3 C .4 D .5 6、设A 、B 为两个非空集合,定义{(,),}A B a b a A b B ⊕=∈∈,若{1,2,3}A =,{2,3,4}B =,则A B ⊕中的元素个数为 A .3 B .7 C .9 D .12 7、已知A 、B 两地相距150千米,某人开汽车以60千米/小时的速度从A 地到达B 地,在B 地停留1小时后再以50千米/小时的速度返回A 地,把汽车离开A 地的距离x 表示为时间t (小时)的函数表达式是 ( ) A .x =60t B .x =60t +5 C .x =???>-≤≤)5.3(,50150)5.20(,60t t t t D .x =? ????≤<--≤<≤≤) 5.65.3(),5.3(50150) 5.35.2(,150) 5.20(,60t t t t t 8、已知g (x )=1-2x, f [g (x )]=)0(12 2≠-x x x ,则f (21)等于 ( ) A .1 B .3 C .15 D .30 9、函数y=x x ++ -19 12 是( ) A .奇函数 B .偶函数 C .既是奇函数又是偶函数 D .非奇非偶数

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