当前位置:文档之家› 英美国家概况填空题



Chapter 1

1. The two main island of the Britain Isles are Great Britain and Ireland.

2.Edinburgh is the capital city of Scotland.

3. Among the four parts of the United Kingdom , Northern Ireland is the smallest.

4.English belong to the Germanic group of the Indo-European family of languages.

5.The introduction of Christianity to Britain added the first element of Latin and Greek.

6.The evolution of Middle English was reinforced by the Norman influence.

7.Samuel Johnson ’ s dictionary was influential in establishing a stan d arform of spelling.

8. At present ,nearly one-third of the world’ s population communicate in English. Chapter 2

1.The Germanic attack on Rome ended the Roman occupation in Britain in 410.

2.By the late 7 th century , Roman Christianity became the dominant religion in England.

3.The Norman Conquest marked the establish of feudalism in England.

4.The end of the Wars of the Roses led to the rule of the House of Tudor.

5.The direct cause for the Reformation was King Henry VIII divorce ’hiss wifeefort. to

6.The English Civil War broke out in 1642 between the Royalists and the Parliamentarians .

7.The Bill of Rights was passed after the Glorious Revolution.


8. The Industrial Revolution was accomplish in Britain by the middle of the 19 century. Chapter 3

1.The British government is characterized by a division of powers between three of the following

branches EXCEPT the monarchy.

2. The importance of the British monarchy can be seen in its effect on public attitude.

3.As a revising chamber ,the House of Lords is expected to complement the House of Commons.

4.The Cabinet is at the center of the British political system.

5. The main duty of the British Privy Council is to give advice.

6.Generally speaking ,the British Parliament operates on a two-party system.

7.The policies of the Conservative Party are characterized by pragmatism and a belief in


8.In Britain ,the parliamentary general election is held every five years.

1.The oil crisis in the early 1970s worsened an already stagnant economy in Britain.

2.Of the following practices , reducing unemployment did not belong to Thatcher ’social welfare


3.The Blair government was successful in all the following aspects EXCEPT reducing inequality .

4. Britain has devoted about 70% of its land area to agriculture.

5.Britain's important fishing areas include all the following EXCEPTthe sea area between

6. Coal mining industry in Britain provides one-third of the energy consumed in the country.

7.The car industry in Britain is mostly foreign-owned .

8.Of the following sectors in Britain, the service sector has experienced spectacular growth since

the end of World War II.

Chapter 5

1.In Britain, the division between grammar schools and vocational schools was ended by the introduction of comprehensive schools in the1960s.

2. Over7%of British children receive primary and secondary education through the

independent system.

3.Partially funded by central government grants, most of the British universities receive their remaining funds from all the following sources EXCEPT loans

4.To be admitted to the Open University, one needs no educational qualifications.

5.Among Britain's quality press, the following newspapers are regarded as the 'Big Three" EXCEPT The Observer.

6.Life on Earth is a kind of documentary program produced by the BBC and is popular worldwide.

7.BSkyB is Britain's top pay-television provider.

8.The following Christmas traditions are particularly British EXCEPT Trooping the Color. Chapter 6

l. The most significant achievement of the English Renaissance is drama.

2.The Preface to Lyrical Ballads is viewed as Romantic Poetry's "Declaration of Independence".

3. Of Dickens' novels,David Copperfield is considered most autobiographical.

4. Thomas Hardy is a representative of English Critical Realism at the turn of the 19th century.

5.Of the following books,Adam Bede is NOT written by Thomas Hardy.

6. Oscar Wilde is NOT included in the modernist group.

7.Of the following writers,James Joyceis NOT a Nobel Prize winner.

8.Waiting for Godot is written by Samuel Beckett .

1.The U.S. lies in central North America, with Canada to the north, Mexico to the south, the Atlantic to its east and the Pacific to its west.

2.The continental United States has 48 states.

3.The states of Alaska is the largest in area of all the U.S. states.

4.The longest river in the U.S. is the Mississippi River.

5. Some of the world-famous universities like Harvard, Yale and MIT are located in New England .

6.San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego all belong toCalifornia

7.The Immigration Act of 1924 restricted further immigration into the United States, particularly from Europe.

8. The characteristics of the dominant American culture are English-speaking, Western European, Protestant and middle-class .

Chapter 9

1.The first successful English colony in North America was founded at Jamestown in Virginia .

2.The Seven Years' War occurred between the French and the British .

3."No taxation without representation" was the rallying slogan of the people of the 13 colonies .

4.In May 1775, the Second Continental Congress was held in Philadelphia and began to assume the functions of a provisional government.

5.Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation to grant freedom to all slaves.

6.The policy of the United States was neutrality at the beginning of the two World Wars.

7.President Roosevelt introduced the New Deal to deal with the problems of the Great Depression.

8.The Vietnam War was a long-time suffering for Americans, and it continued throughout the

terms of Presidents Eisenhower, KennedY and Johnson.

Chapter 10

1.The U.S. Constitution came into effect in 1789 .

2.The Constitution of the United States tries to give each branch enough power to balance the others .

3.The Bill of Rights guarantees citizens of the United States specific individual rights and freedom .

4. The terms for a Senator and Representative are six and two years respectively.

5.All the following can make legislative proposals EXCEPT the Secretary of State .

6.The following are all powers of the President EXCEPT making laws .

7.The Supreme Court is composed of nine justices.

8. The President is directly voted into office by electors elected by the voters .

1.America produces a major portion of the world's products in the following fields EXCEPT ore .

2.The modern American economy progressed from a colonial economy to a farming economy and than to an industrial economy .

3.Chartered companies were NOT granted the diplomatic authority by the British King or Queen.

4. Alexander Hamilton urged the federal government to establish a national bank.

5.The following inventions took place during the "second industrial revolution"EXCEPT

refrigerator .

6.President Johnson tried to build a "Great Society" by introducing various programs like the following EXCEPTUnemployment Pension .

7.The following statements are all true EXCEPT Agribusinesses maintain a balanced trade pattern between agricultural imports and exports.

8. Employment in the service sector has been increasing in the U.S. since the 1970s.

Chapter 12

1.Formal education in the United States consists of elementary , secondary and higher education.

2.Of the following subjects, politics and business education are NOT offered to elementary school students.

3. Higher education in the United States began with the founding of Harvard College.

4.Of the following, research institutions are NOT among the categories of American higher education.

5.To get a bachelor's degree, all undergraduate students are required to do the following EXCEPT working for communities .

6.The New York Times is sold especially to the upper or upper-middle class and has a reputation

for its serious attitude and great bulk.

7.Of the following, the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) is NOT among the three major radio and TV networks in America.

8.The National Day of the United States falls on July 4th each year.

Chapter 13

1. Of the following writers, Benjamin Franklin and Jonathan Edwards are from the Colonial and Revolutionary Periods.

2.Washington Irving is regarded as the "father of American literature".

3.Of the following, Moby Dick is considered Herman Melville's masterpiece.

4.Of the following, an idealistic view is NOT characteristic of Mark Twain's works.

5. Of the following writers, Herman Melville is NOT included in the group of naturalists.

6.F. Scott Fitzgerald's finest novel is The Great Gatsby, and its theme is about the American Dream.

7. Of the following writers, Alice Walker is NOT a Nobel Prize winner.

8. Toni Morrison is the first African-American winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature.


Chapter 1 land and people are the differences between Britain and the British Isles, Great Britain,England,the United Kingdom and the British Commonwealth The British Isles,Greant Britina and England are geographical names, no the official names of the country,while the official name is the United Kingdom,but the full name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern British Commonwealth is a free association of independent countries that were once colonies of Britian. the geographical position of Britian Britain is an island country. It lies in the north Atlantic Ocean off the north coast of is separated from the rest of Europe by the English channel in the south and the North Sea in the east. in Great Britain are mostly highland and lowland The north and west of Britain are mainly highland, while the south and south-east are mostly lowlands. Britain have a favourable climate why Yes,it has a favourable climate, because it has a maritime type of climate---winters are mild,not too cold and summers are cool, not too has a steady reliable rainfall throughout the whole has a small range of temperature,too. are the factors which influence the climate in Britain Which part of Britain has the most rainfall and which part is the driest


2013-2014学年度第一学期 英国国家概况期末试题 (考试时间120分钟,总分100分) 班级姓名成绩 得分评卷人复查人 I. Multiple Choice Questions. (50 points, 2 point for each) Directions: In this part of the test, there are 50 unfinished statements or questions. For each of the unfinished statements or questions, four suggested answers, marked A. B, C and D are given. Choose the one that you think best completes the statement or answers the question. Write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space on your Answer Sheet. I. Different Names for Britain and its Parts: 1.The British Isles are made up of________ A.two large islands and hundreds of small ones B. two large islands and Northern Ireland C. three large islands and hundreds of small ones D. three large islands and Northern Ireland 2. There are three political divisions on the island of Great Britain. They are_______ A.Britain,Scotland and Wales B. England,Scotland and Wales C. Britain,Scotland and Ireland D. England,Scotland and Ireland 3.The Commonwealth of Nations is an association of independent countries______ A. that have a large number of British immigrants B. that fought on the side of Britain in the two world wars C. that speak English as their native language D. that were once colonies of Britain 4. About a hundred years ago,as a result of imperialist expansion,Britain ruled an empire that had one fourth of the world's people and ______of the world's land area. A.one third B. one fifth C. one fourth D. two fifths 5.The earliest invasion of England is that by _____. A. the Iberian B. the Danes C. the Celts D. the Anglo-Saxons 6.the Celts religion was _____. A.Christianity B. Druidism C. Norman belief D. Roman Catholic 7.the Anglo-Saxons brought _____ religion to Britain.


《英语国家概况》课程习题集西南科技大学成人、网络教育学院版权所有 习题 【说明】:本课程《英语国家概况》(编号为12010)共有单选题,名词解释题,简答题,填空题2等多种试题类型,其中,本习题集中有[简答题]等试题类型未进入。 一、单选题 1. Celts were different groups of ancient people who came originally from________ A. France B. Denmark C. Ireland D. Germany 2. Who invaded and conquered Britain for the first time in 55 BC? A. Emperor Claudius B. Julius Caesar C. King Alfred D. King Ethelred 3. Who is the author of Murder in the Cathedral? A. Christopher Marlowe B. T. S. Eliot C. Ben Johnson D. Thomas Becket 4.When Oliver Cromwell died in 1658, and was succeeded by his son, ______, the regime began immediately to collapse. A. Henry B. Hamilton C. Richard D. Charles 5. The 18th century saw selective breeding of cattle, sheep and houses by _________. A. Jethro Tull B. Thomas Coke C. George III D. Robert Bakewell 6. Which of the following is not one of the members of the Lords Temporal? A. all hereditary peers and peeresses of the England, Scotland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom (but not peers of Ireland) B. lire peers created to assist the House in its judicial duties C. senior bishops of the Church of England D. all other life peers 7. Two years after the ending of the Hundred Years’ War with France, England was thrown into another series of civil wars, ________. A. the War of the Celts

2014年春《英语国家概况》平时作业 - 判断题

1.第1题 Scotland was never conquered by the Romans. 您的答案:正确 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 2.第2题 Segregating blacks into separate schools was unconstitutional after the decision of the Supreme Court in 1954. 您的答案:正确 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 3.第3题 Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492. 您的答案:正确 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 4.第4题 In Britain, the process of state-building has been one of evolution rather than revoltuion, in contrast to France and the US. 您的答案:正确 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 5.第5题 According to the textbook, there are two major political parties in the UK. 您的答案:错误 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 6.第6题 The first English permanent settlement was founded in California. 您的答案:错误 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0

7.第7题 The British state actively interferes with the decision of when, where, how and what children are taught. 您的答案:错误 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 8.第8题 You must have the A-level qualification to enter British university. 您的答案:错误 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 9.第9题 The stereotype of the English gentleman never applied to the majority of the British people. 您的答案:正确 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 10.第10题 A great moment for the civil rights movement was the March on Washington on August, 1963 when President Kennedy gave the famous " I Have a Dream" speech. 您的答案:错误 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 11.第11题 In the early 20th century, those dominating American life were mostly WASPs. 您的答案:正确 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 12.第12题 In 1863, President Lincoln signed The


英语国家概况(1)(2)问题库答案 1. "British history has been a history of invasion". Please illustrate this point with the examples from the text. How did each of the invasions influence English culture ? 1. British history has been a history of invasions. Before the first century AD Britain was made up of many tribal kingdoms of Celtic people: a powerful culture originating in central Europe. Then in 43AD Britain was invaded by the Roman empire, and England and Wales (though not Scotland or Ireland) became a part of the Roman empire for nearly 400 years.Two more groups of invaders were to come after the English: from the late 8th century on, raiders from Scandinavia, the ferocious Vikings, threatened Britain's shores…. 2. What are some general characteristics of Scotland ? 2. Scotland is the second largest of the four nations, both in population and in geographical area. It is also the most confident of its own identity because alone amongst the non-English components of the UK it has previously spent a substantial period of history as a unified state independent of the UK. Thus it is not a big leap for the Scottish to imagine themselves independent again. Physically, Scotland is the most rugged part of the UK, with areas of sparsely populated mountains and lakes in the north (The Highlands), and in the south (The Southern Uplands). Three-quarters of the population lives in the lowland zone which spans the country between these two highland areas. The largest city is Glasgow, in the west of this zone. Scotland's capital city is Edinburgh, on the east coast forty miles away from Glasgow. It is renowned for its beauty, and dominated by its great castle on a high rock in the centre of the city. Both cities have ancient and internationally respected universities dating from the 15th century. 3. Describe Wales' unification with Great Britain. 3. Wales was always under pressure from its English neighbours, particularly after the Norman conquest, when Norman barons set up castles and estates in Wales under the authority of the English Crown. Some brief campaigns are the only times in history when Wales has existed as a unified independent nation. 4. Are there any differences between England and Wales in terms of cultural tradition ? 4.Yes, there are. The close long-standing relationship means that modern Wales lacks some of the outward signs of difference which Scotland possesses—its legal system and its education system are exactly the same as in England. Often official statistics are given for "England and Wales". However, Wales is different, and one of the key markers of that difference is the Welsh language—the old British Celtic tongue which is still in daily use. 5. Why is Northern Ireland, according to the author, so significant in the United Kingdom? What is the political problem there? 5. Until 1921 the full name of the UK was "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland", not only "Northern Ireland", because the whole island of Ireland was politically integrated with Great Britain, and had been since 1801, while Britain's domination of the Irish dated back centuries even before that date. But Irish desires for an independent Irish state were never lost, and one of the key issues in late nineteenth century British politics was a campaign in parliament for what was called "home-rule"—Irish political control of Irish affairs. The Home Rule Bill was finally passed in 1914, but the process was overtaken by the First World War and was suspended for the duration of the war.


英语国家概况(课后问答题) 第一部分英国概况 1 What are the differences between Britain and the British Isles, Great Britain, England, the United Kingdom and the British Commonwealth? Britain is the shortened form of the United kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland while the British Isles is a geograpical name. 2 What are the three political divisions on the island of Great Britain? They are England, Scotland and Wales 3. What is the official name of Great Britain? The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 4. Where did the King Harold defeat Tostig and Harold Hardrada? ( At Stanford Bridge) 5.What did William do after he suppressed the Saxon risings in the north? (He built a string of defense castles to ensure his military control of the whole country.) 6. How long was Britain under the Roman occupation? ( For nearly 400 years) 7 What was the peculiar features of the feudal system of England? (All landowners, whether the tenants-in-chief or subtenants, took the oath of allegiance for the land they held, not only to their immediate lord, but also to the king.) 8 What did Willliam I leave to his sons after he died? ( He left Normandy to his eldest son, Robert, and England to his second son William, and a large sum of money to his third son, Henry.)9 What was William I’s policy towards the church? (He wanted to keep it completely under his control, but at the same time to upload its power.) 10 When was the Domesday Book completed? ( In 1086) 11 What was the consequence of the Hundred Years’ War? (The French drove the English out of their land. By 1453, Calais was the only part of France that was still in the hands of English) 12 What did the Lollards preach? (The Lollards preached the equality of men before God) 13 What were the two countries Elizabeth I successfully played off against each other for nearly 30 years? ( France and Spain were the two countries that Elizabeth I successfully played off against each other for nearly 30 years) 14 What was the outcome of the English Civil War? (It not only overthrew feudal system in England but also shook the foundation of the feudal rule in Europe. It is generally regarded as the beginning of modern world history.) 15 What were the three main causes of Henry VIII’s religious reform of the Church? ( The three main causes were: a desire for change and reform in the Church had been growing for many years and now, encouraged by the success of Marin Luther, many people believed its time had come; the privilege and wealth of the clergy were also resented; and Henry needed money) 16 Which party did Margaret Thatcher represent in the 1970s? (She represented the Conservative Party) 17 What did the Whigs stand for in the early 19th century? Whigs stood for a reduction in Crown patronage, sympathy towards Nonconformists, and care for the interests of merchants and bankers. 18 Why did changes in farming methods affect lives of millions in the 18th century? (Because village and agriculture were the backbone of England at that time.) 19 When did Britain finally become a full member of the European Economic Community? (Britain finally became a full member of the European Economic Community in January, 1973) 20 Why was Mrs. Thatcher removed from office in 1990? (It was because of her opposition to European Union and her imposition of an extremely unpopular flatrate ‘poll tax’ in place of property taxes to pay for local government service. 21 What were the two groups of the Chartiests? What was their difference? (The Chartists could be divided into two groups: the Moral Force Chartists and the Physical Force Chartists. The former wanted to realize their aims by peaceful means while the latter wanted to achieve their purpose by violence) 22 What was the goal of the London Working Men’s Association in its struggle? (It aimed to ‘ to seek by every legal means to place all classes of society in possession of equal political and social rights) 23 Why was Britain known as the factory of the world in the mid-19th

Test for US 英美国家概况 美国部分测试题

1. The official full name of the United States is usually referred to as . It is often called , , , , or simply , or the “” in American spoken English. 2. National Holiday of US is . 3. Nicknames for the flag include ,,, and which is also the name of the country's official national anthem. 4. served as the political theory behind the American Revolution. 5. On July 4, 1776, the Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence drafted by a committee including and , with most of the work done by . 6. By the Declaration of Independence the United States held its separate and equal position among the powers of the earth, and also by it the United States had been founded, based on the right “.” 7. The American Civil War was in fact a conflict during 1861-1865 in the USA between the Southern or of America and the Northern or . 8. Four great empires—, , , and —had disappeared by the end of WWⅠ. 9. American Attitudes towards WWⅡ were excitedly divided into who opposed any involvement in the European war, and who urged immediate aid to the Allies. 10. The Cold War was an ideological, political, and economic state of tensions, conflicts and hostility from 1945 to 1990 between the USSR and on the one hand, and the US and on the other. 11. The Berlin blockade promoted the signing of and the founding of . 12. is the only “hot war” between the USA and the Soviet Union during the Cold War period.


Chapter 1 1.The two main islands of the British Isles are . A. Great Britain and Ireland B. Great Britain and Scotland C. Great Britain and Wales D. Great Britain and England 2.is the capital city of Scotland. 3. A. Belfast B. Edinburgh C. Aberdeen D. Cardiff 4.Among the four parts of the United Kingdom, is the smallest. A. England B. Scotland C. Wales D. Northern Ireland 5.English belongs to the group of Indo-European family of languages. A. Celtic B. Indo-Iranian C. Germanic D. Roman 6.The introduction of Christianity to Britain added the first element of words to English. A. Danish and Finnish B. Dutch and German C. French and Italian D. Latin and Greek 7.The evolution of Middle English was reinforced by the influence. A. Norman B. Dutch C. German D. Danish 8.Samuel Johnson’s dictionary was influential in establishing a standard form of . A. grammar B. handwriting C. spelling D. pronunciation 9.At present, nearly o f the world’s population communicate in English. A. half B. a quarter C. one third D. one fifth Chapter 2 p29 1. The attack on Rome ended the Roman occupation in Britain in 410. A. Norman B. Danish C. Celtic D. Germanic 2.By the late 7th century, became the dominant religion in England. A. Celtic Christianity B. Anglo-Saxon Christianity C. Germanic Christianity D. Roman Christianity 3.The marked the establishment of feudalism in England. A. Viking invasion B. signing of the Magna Carta C. Norman Conquest D. Adoption of common law 4.The end of the Wars of the Roses led to the rule of . A. the House of Valois B. the House of York C. the House of Tudor D. the House of Lancaster 5.The direct cause for the Religious Reformation was King Henry VIII’s effort to . A. divorce his wife B. break with Rome C. support the Protestants D. declare his supreme power over the church 6.The English Civil War broke out in 1642 between . A. Protestants and Puritans B. Royalists and Parliamentarians C. nobles and peasants D. aristocrats and Christians 7.was passed after the Glorious Revolution. A. Bill of Rights B. Act of Supremacy C. Provisions of Oxford D. Magna Carta 8.The Industrial Revolution was accomplished in Britain by the middle of the century. A. 17th B. 18th C. 19th D. 20th


作业 1.第1题 The US was founded on the principle of human equality, and in reality the nation has lived up to that ideal. 您的答案:错误 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 2.第2题 In the early 20th century, those dominating American life were mostly WASPs. 您的答案:正确 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 3.第3题 There are more Catholics thatn Protestants in the US. 您的答案:错误 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 4.第4题 When people outside the UK talk about England, they mistake it as Britain sometimes. 您的答案:正确 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 5.第5题 Cardiff, the capital of Wales, is a large city. 您的答案:错误 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 6.第6题 Free press has the function of keeping an eye on the government, and therefore it is called the watchdog of parliamentary democracy. 您的答案:正确

此题得分:2.0 7.第7题 In Britain, class and educational differences are reflected in the newspaper people read. 您的答案:正确 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 8.第8题 The game of golf was invented by the Scottish. 您的答案:正确 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 9.第9题 Easter is the biggest and best loved British holiday. 您的答案:错误 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 10.第10题 When the War of Independence was over, the US was on unified nation as it is today. 您的答案:错误 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 11.第11题 The 10 very short paragraphs which guarantee freedom and individual rights and forbid interference with lives of individuals by the government are called the Bill of Rights. 您的答案:正确 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 12.第12题 The state of Hawaii is a big island in the central Pacific Ocean. 您的答案:错误 题目分数:2.0

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