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The double life of Alfred Blogg


Listen to the tape then answer the question below.


Why did Alf want a white-collar job?

These days, people who do manual work often receive far more money than people who w ork in offices. People who work in offices are frequently referred to as "white-collar workers' for the simple reason that they usually wear a collar and tie to go to work. Such is human nature, that a great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the privilege of becoming white-collar workers. This can give rise to curious situations, as it did in the case of Alfred Bloggs who worked as a dustman for the Ellesmere Corporation.

When he got married, Alf was too embarrassed to say anything to his wife about his job. He simply told her that he worked for the Corporation. Every morning, he left home dressed in a smart black suit. He then changed into overalls and spent the next eight hours as a dustman. Before returning home at night. He took a shower and changed back into his suit. Alf did this for over two years and his fellow dustmen kept his secret Alf's wife has never discovered that she married a dustman and she never will, for Alf has just found another job. He will soon be working in an office. He will be earning only half as much as he used to, but he feels that his rise in status is well worth the loss of money. From now on, he will wear a suit all day and others will call him 'Mr. Bloggs', not 'Alf'.


1.manual:adj. =physical manual work: 体力工作mental work: 脑力工作

2.collar:n. 衣领white-collar workers:白领(the people who do mental work) blue-collar workers: 蓝领(the people who do manual work) 表达法:(get) hot under the collar:怒气冲天

例如:He got hot under the collar when he knew that they laughed at him.

3.sacrifice:vt.to give up for good purpose 例如:sacrifice one's life for the country为了祖国而献出自己的生命sacrifice time牺牲时间n.牺牲, 献身, 祭品, 供奉make many sacrifices做出很多的牺牲privilege:n. ⑴好处=advantage 牺牲掉自己的好处:sacrifice one's advantage/privilege

⑵特权(special right):特许某人做某事:give sb.the privilege of doing sth.

Who gave you the privilege of saying so?谁让你这么说的?

privileged:(a.)荣幸的We are privileged tonight to have our headmaster as our speaker.


5.secret:n. 秘密in secret:=secretly,in private,privately私下里I was told about it in secret.我是被悄悄地告知这件事情的。adj. keep secret:保密

英语中表示保密的说法还有:It's between you and me. I'll keep it to myself.我会保守秘密的。


短语:in the secret:知道内情例如:He was in the secret form the beginning.他从一开始就知道内情。

6.status:n. 地位=social position 注意:statue:雕像,塑像

This text will tell us about a man who wanted to change his job.


1.The double life of Alfred Bloggs:double:两个/成双的double life:two different kinds of life

读电话号码:441322 double bed双人床double room双人房间

2.These days, people who do manual work often receive far more money than people who work in offices.

⑴manual:by hand (the basic meaning)

⑶far more money:far是副词,用来加强语气,相当于“much”

3.People who work in offices are frequently referred to as "white-collar workers' for the simple reason that they usually wear a collar and tie to go to work.坐办公室的之所以常常被称作“白领工人”,就是因为他们通常是穿着硬领白衬衫,系着领带去上班。

⑴be refered to:①be mentioned/be described被称为短语:refer to...as = regard...as /call把...看作为②refer

to:look at参考/参看

He spoke without referring to the notes.他讲话时没有看稿子。

⑵for the simple reason that相当于for引导一个原因状语从句,能够深刻体现出“出于这个简简单单的原因”,for the reason that比because正式,因此多用于正式文体

He is referred to as a bookworm for the simple reason that he spares no efforts on reading.他之所以被人称为书呆子,是由于一个简简单单的原因,那就是他总是不遗余力地去阅读/看书。Don't refer to your sister as a silly sow!不要管你妹妹叫蠢猪。

4.Such is human nature, that a great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the privilege of becoming white-collar workers. ⑴Such is human nature , that a great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay…这句话的正常语序应该是:Human nature is such,that…,①such that在这里不能与形容词连用,但包含了形容词的意思,本句中, 可以理解为是that引导同位语从句,进一步补充说明such的基本内涵(但不是所有的这种结构都可以这样理解)

例如:The force of the explosion was such that all the windows were broken.爆炸力如此之强,以致所有的窗户都被震破了。His kindness was such that we will never forget him.(He is such a kind person that we will never forget him.)他心肠如此之好,我们永远也忘不了他。

注意:They had such a fierce dog that no one dared to go near their home.= Their dog was so fierce that no one dared come near it.

The storm was so furious that all the buildings were destroyed.= The fury of the storm was such that all the buildings were destroyed.= It was such a furious storm that all the buildings were destroyed.风暴如此之猛烈,以致所有的建筑物都被毁了。


例如:Such is life.生活就是这样!(表示一种无可奈何)

⑵human nature人性 Such is human nature that we want to get a lot of things free(免费的)

⑷sacrifice:本义是to kill and offer to god/gods,指为了祭神的牺牲,后来引申出“为了什么而放弃/牺牲某种利益”例如:Many women sacrifice their careers for their family.很多女人为了家庭而牺牲掉了自己的事业。5.This can give rise to curious situations, as it did in the case of Alfred Bloggs who worked as a dustman for the Ellesmere Corporation.

⑴give rise to:be the reason why something happens成为什么事情的原因/引起/惹起,是一个比较书面化的说法,本课中指“人们的这种心理引起了奇怪的情形”,也可以说相当于lead to/cause/result in引起,惹起

例如: The recent accident is giving rise to national concern.最近的事故使得全国都关注。

These bad conditions have given rise to a lot of crimes.这些不良环境引起了不少犯罪行为。

Such conduct might give rise to misunderstandings.这样的行为可能会引起种种误会。

⑵curious situations:strange situations curious:①好奇的例如:Babies are curious about everything around them.婴儿对自己身边的所有事情都感兴趣②古怪的/奇怪的She was wearing a curious smile on her face.她脸上带着古怪的笑容。

⑶in the case of: 至于,就...而言=concerning

Stealing is no shame in the case of him/in his case.偷窃对他来说不是可耻的事。

in case of:(连)(if there is)万一,以防 .She took a revolver from the drawer in case of need.她从抽屉里拿了一把左轮手枪,以备需要。

6.When he got married, Alf was too embarrassed to say anything to his wife about his job.⑴embarrassed:在句中可以理解为“非常为难”。表达一些不舒服的状态在英语中还有其他一些形容词:

He was ashamed of having lied to his family.(羞愧)He was too shy to ask her to dance with him.(羞涩/不好意思)He feel awkward with women.(别扭/不自在)

8.Every morning, he left home dressed in a smart black suit. ⑴smart:good-looking and stylish/fashionable既漂

亮又新潮的 a smart restaurant:一家时尚的餐馆 a smart kid:a clever kid

作聪明讲时,smart有时带有贬义,例如: a smart lawyer:a cunning lawyer狡猾的律师

⑵dressed in a smart balck suit---过去分词短语表示一种状态

He got to work dressed in a beautiful coat.(dress要用dressed表示穿着)He left home wearing a smart balck suit.(wear要用wearing表示穿着)

9.He then changed into overalls and spent the next eight hours as a dustman. changed into:换上(he took off his smart balck suit and then put on his overalls)

10.Before returning home at night,he took a shower and changed back into his suit.

Before returning home=Before he returned home

在Before引导的时间状语从句中,return的逻辑主语和主句的主语he是保持一致的,所以这个时间状语是有介词Before和动名词搭配而成,相当于Before引导的时间状语从句。如果运用动名词形式,动名词的逻辑主语必须是主句的主语例如:After gettting home,he had a good rest. Before having dinner,he finished all his homework.

11.Alf's wife has never discovered that she married a dustman and she never will, …

she never will=she will never discover the secret 在省略句式中,never要放在助动词之前

“will you go to see her?" “I will never to to see her"/"no ,I never will."

12.He will be earning only half as much as he used to, but he feels that his rise in status is well worth the loss of money. ⑴half as much as是…的一半儿

I won't marry a man who is twice as old as me.(是我的两倍/比我大一倍)

例如:This road is four times longer than that one. =》This road is five times as long as that one.

⑵his rise in status is well worth the loss of money =What he obtained is well worth the loss of time.

well 副词用来加强语气,表示强调,相当于very much/quite/to a considerable extent,意思是“很/非常”修饰介词worth,well专门用于修饰介词和方位副词(back/up等),但是不能修饰纯形容词(如:happy)

例如:well ahead of time:强调“尽量提前”;His name is well up in the list.他的名字在名单上排得很靠前。He is well on the way.他走了老远了。

13.…and others will call him 'Mr. Bloggs', not 'Alf'. →More people will respect him.He has a higher status than before.


Lesson 7 Mutilated ladies*残钞鉴别组 Has it ever happened to you? Have you ever put your trousers in the washing machine and then remembered there was a large bank note in your back pocket? When you rescued your trousers, did you find the note was whiter than white? People who live in Britain needn't despair when they make mistakes like this (and a lot of people do)! Fortunately for them, the Bank of England has a team called Mutilated Ladies which deals with claims from people who fed their money to a machine or to their dog. Dogs, it seems, love to chew up money! A recent case concerns Jane Butlin whose fiancé, John, runs a successful furniture business. John had a very good day and put his wallet containing £3,000 into the microwave oven for safekeeping. Then he and Jane went horse-riding. When they got home, Jane cooked their dinner in the microwave oven and without realizing it, cooked her fiancé's wallet as well. Imagine their dismay when they found a beautifully-cooked wallet and notes turned to ash! John went to see his bank manager who sent the remains of wallet and the money to the special department of the Bank of England in Newcastle: the Mutilated Ladies! They examined the remains and John got all his money back. ‘So long as there's something to ident ify, we will give people their money back,' said a spokeswoman for the Bank. ‘Last year, we paid £1.5m on 21,000 claims.' * Damaged bank notes. The Queen's head appears on English bank notes, and ‘lady' refers to this. Language points (Attention:The following points are not covered by the video. It is better for you to watch the video or listen to the MP3 first and try to take notes on your own. Then you may check here to get more details. )


Step 1 单词都在文中标出了,大家发挥一下想象和推理能力,猜猜那些生词都是什么意思 吧。阅读中非常需要这种猜测推理能力的哦。 An unknown goddess Some time ago, an interesting discovery was made by archaeologists on the Aegean island of Kea. An American team explored a temple which stands in an ancient city on the promontory of Ayia Irini. The city at one time must have been prosperous, for it enjoyed a high level of civilization. Houses -- often three storeys high -- were built of stone. They had large rooms with beautifully decorated walls. The city was even equipped with a drainage system, for a great many clay pipes were found beneath the narrow streets. The temple which the archaeologists explored was used as a place of worship from the fifteenth century l0 B.C. until Roman times. In the most sacred room of the temple, clay fragments of fifteen statues were found. Each of these represented a goddess and had, at one time, been painted. The body of one statue was found among remains dating from the fifteenth century B'C. Its missing head happened to be among remains of the fifth century B.C. This head must have been found in Classical times and carefully preserved. It was very old and precious even then. When the archaeologists reconstructed the fragments, they were amazed to fin, that the goddess turned out to be a very modern-looking woman. She stood three feet high and her hand rested on her hips. She was wearing a full-length skirt which swept the ground. Despite her great age, she was very graceful indeed, but, so far, the archaeologists have been unable to discover her identity 不久之前,在爱琴海的基亚岛上,考古工作者有一项有趣的发现。一个美国考古队在阿伊亚?依里尼海角的一座古城里考察了一座庙宇。这座古城肯定一度很繁荣,因为它曾享有高度的文明,房子一般有 3 层楼高,用石块修建。里面房间很大,墙壁装饰华丽。城里甚至还敷设了排水系统,因为在狭窄的街道底下 发现了许许多多陶土制作的排水管道。 考古工作者考察的这座庙宇从公元前l5 世纪直至罗马时代一直是祭祀祈祷的场所。在庙中最神圣的一问 殿堂里发现了 l5 尊陶制雕像的碎片。每一尊雕像代表一位女神,而且一度上过色。其中有一尊雕像,她的 躯体是在公元前l5 世纪的历史文物中发现的,而她那身首异处的脑袋却碰巧是在公元前 5 世纪的文物中找 到的。她的脑袋一定是在古希腊罗马时代就为人所发现,并受到了精心的保护。即使在当时,它也属历史 悠久的珍奇之物。考古工作者把这些碎片重新拼装起来后,惊奇地发现那位女神原来是一位相貌十分摩登 的女郎。她身高 3 英尺.双手叉腰,身穿一条拖地长裙,尽管上了年纪,但体态确实优美。不过,考古工 作者至今未能确定这位女神的身份。 Step 2 词汇的意思都在这里了哦。看看你都猜对了么? goddess女神promontory海角drainage排水archaeologist考古学家prosperous繁荣的worship崇拜 Aegean爱琴海的civilization文明sacred宗教的explore考察storey楼层fragment碎片remains遗迹rest倚放graceful优雅的classical古文化的hip屁股identity身份reconstruct修复full-length拖地长的 Step 3特别的单词总是要特别的待遇,下面的单词最好记住,有空多练习。) 1.explore 探索to search for discovery; examine 形近词 explode 爆炸 exploit 开发 ,利用 ,剥削 expedite 加速 ,迅速的 expedition 探险词组例句 explore outer space 太空勘探 explore ancient temple 考察古庙 explore every possibilities系统地研究每一个可能性 The archaeologists are exploring the cave.


裕兴新概念英语第三册笔记第三课课文讲解 老猴子咬菜根学习交流 Lesson 3 An unknown goddess 无名女神 Some time ago, and interesting discovery was made by archaeologists on the Aegean island of Kea. An American team explored a temple which stands in an ancient city on the promontory of Ayia Irini. The city at one time must have been prosperous, for it enjoyed a high level of civilization. Houses -- often three storeys high -- were built of stone. They had large rooms with beautifully decorated walls. The city was equipped with a drainage system, for a great many clay pipes were found beneath the narrow streets. The temple which the archaeologists explored was used as a place of worship from the fifteenth century . until Roman times. In the most sacred room of temple, clay fragments of fifteen statues were found. Each of these represented a goddess and had, at one time, been painted. The body of one statue was found among remains dating from the fifteenth century . It's missing head happened to be among remains of the fifth century . This head must have been found in Classical times and carefully preserved. It was very old and precious even then. When the archaeologists reconstructed the fragments, they were amazed to find that the goddess turned out to be a very modern-looking woman. She stood three feet high and her hands rested on her hips. She was wearing a full-length skirt which swept the ground. Despite her great age, she was very graceful indeed, but, so far, the archaeologists have been unable to discover her identity. 1. Some time ago, and interesting discovery was made by archaeologists on the Aegean island of Kea. 不久之前,在爱琴海的基亚岛上,考古工作者有一项有趣的发现。 make a discovery 做出发现 make a name for oneself 出名 make history 创造历史 make a noise 名噪一时 eg. Ben Laden really made a noise by . 本·拉登通过事件名噪一时。make a dent: to make a first step towards success in something 取得初步的、有效的进展;奏效 eg. Chinese open-up policy has made a dent. 中国的改革开放政策已经初见成效。 Aegean [i:'d?i:?n] n.爱琴海(地中海的一部分,在希腊同土耳其之间)The Aegean sea lies between Greece and Turkey, part of Mediterranean Sea.主题句:为典型的记叙文开头句 记叙文的文体特点:时间、地点、人物、事件。并按事件发生的时间、空间顺序描写,把握住其特征,就能轻松应对文章的理解。 Time: some time ago


Lesson 3 An unknown goddess无名女神 Listen to the tape then answer the question below. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 How did the archaeologists know that the statue was a goddess? Some time ago, an interesting discovery was made by archaeologists on the Aegean island of Kea. An American team explored a temple which stands in an ancient city on the promontory of Ayia Irini. The city at one time must have been prosperous, for it enjoyed a high level of civilization. Houses----often three storeys high----were built of stone. They had large rooms with beautifully decorated walls. The city was even equipped with a drainage system, for a great many clay pipes were found beneath the narrow streets. The temple which the archaeologists explored was used as a place of worship from the fifteenth century B. C. until Roman times. In the most sacred room of the temple, clay fragments of fifteen statues were found. Each of these represented a goddess and had, at one time, been painted. The body of one statue was found among remains dating from the fifteenth century B. C. Its missing head happened to be among remains of the fifth century B. C. This head must have been found in Classical times and carefully preserved. It was very old and precious even then. When the archaeologists reconstructed the fragments, they were amazed to find that the goddess turned out to be a very modern-looking woman. She stood three feet high and her hands rested on her hips. She was wearing a full-length skirt which swept the ground. Despite her great age, she was very graceful indeed, but, so far, the archaeologists have been unable to discover her identity. New words and expressions生词和短语 goddess(title) /'g & dis/ n .女神 sacred(1. 10)/'seikrid/ adj.宗教的,神圣的 archaeologist(1. 1) / ?a:ki'& ld{ ist/ n .考古学家 fragment(1. 10) /'fr $gm+nt/n .碎片 Aegean(1. 2) /i:'d { i:+n/ adj .爱琴海的

新概念英语第三册 41-45 课后作文标准答案

Lesson 41 Illusions of pastoral peace Key to Composition Special Note: Pram this point in the course, while the Students' Book suggests a choice of two compositions, only one is chosen as a model. A possible answer Plan and ideas for composition Title: Give the country Introduction: Never understood city-lovers — city a place to visit, to go shopping, to see special exhibitions, etc. — not live in Development: Advantages — living in country — quiet — more healthy — less traffic — fresh air — fresh food from farms or village shops — people polite and friendly. . . Disadvantages —living in city —noisy —dirty —stressful —people always in rush —rude, unfriendly Conclusion: Always a mystery why some country people say — like to live in city Composition I have never understood city-lovers. For me a city is a place to visit for a few hours, to go shopping, to see special exhibitions, shows, plays and films. But it's not a place to live in, even though thousands do. Usually they are tied to the city by their jobs or perhaps even by family. There are so many advantages to living in the country. It is quiet and more healthy. There is far less traffic on the roads and the air is so much fresher. Instead of buying everything in packets from a supermarket, in the country we can always buy fresh food from farms or village shops every day — milk, fruit, fresh eggs, vegetables and meat. And we don't have to look at "Use by. . . " labels to see when we must use something by: we know that everything is fresh. And the people in the country are always so polite and friendly too — as long as you obey the unwritten rules of the countryside, that is. On the other hand, there are so many disadvantages to living in a town or city. The first thing most country people notice is the noise and dirt. It must be the traffic, but many country people find it difficult to breathe in the city. And it is stressful, too: people always seem to be in a rush, and they are so often rude and unfriendly. There are so many advantages to living in the country that it is a mystery to me why some country people say they would like to live the city. In fact, I just cannot understand how anyone can even consider living in the city. (282wards) Lesson 42 Modern cavemen Key to Composition A possible answer Plan and ideas for composition ( a ) Title: Caught in a cave Introduction: Went out for day on beach — walked round headland — found deserted beach —marvellous day swimming, sunbathing, reading — late afternoon began to pack up Development: Took time — began to walk to headland — suddenly realized — tide coming in fast — walked faster — tide reached head-land rocks


新概念英语第三册逐句精讲语言点第45课(7) The Power of the Press 媒体的力量 In democratic countries any efforts to restrict the freedom of the press are rightly condemned. However, this freedom can easily be abused. Stories about people often attract far more public attention than political events. Though we may enjoy reading about the lives of others, it is extremely doubtful whether we would equally enjoy reading about ourselves. Acting on the contention that facts are sacred, reporters can cause untold suffering to individuals by publishing details about their private lives. Newspapers exert such tremendous influence that they can not only bring about major changes to the lives of ordinary people but can even overthrow a government. The story of a poor family that acquired fame and fortune overnight, dramatically illustrates the power of the press. The family lived in Aberdeen, a small town of 23,000 inhabitants in South Dakota. As the parents had five children, life was a perpetual struggle against poverty. They were expecting their sixth child and faced with even more pressing economic problems. If they had only had one more child, the fact would have passed unnoticed. They would have continued to struggle against economic odds and would have lived in obscurity. But they suddenly became the parents of quintuplets, four girls and a boy, an event which radically changed their lives. The day after the birth of the five children, an aeroplane arrived in Aberdeen bringing sixty reporters and photographers.


Lesson 18: Electric currents in modern art 现代艺术的电流 Listen to the tape then answer the question below. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 How might some of the exhibits have been dangerous? Modern sculpture rarely surprises us any more. The idea that modern art can only be seen in museums is mistaken. Even people who take no interest in art cannot have failed to notice examples of modern sculpture on display in public places. Strange forms stand in gardens, and outside buildings and shops. We have got quite used to them. Some so-called 'modern' pieces have been on display for nearly eighty years. In spite of this, some people -- including myself -- were surprise by a recent exhibition of modern sculpture. The first thing I saw when I entered the art gallery was a notice which said: 'Do not touch the exhibits. Some of them are dangerous!' The objects on display were pieces of moving sculpture. Oddly shaped forms that are suspended form the ceiling and move in response to a gust of wind are quite familiar to everybody. These objects, however, were different. Lined up against the wall, there were long thin wires attached to metal spheres. The spheres had been magnetized and attracted or repelled each other all the time. In the centre of the hall, there were a number of tall structures which contained coloured lights. These lights flickered continuously like traffic lights which have gone mad. Sparks were emitted from small black boxes and red lamps flashed on and off angrily. It was rather like an exhibition of prehistoric electronic equipment. These peculiar forms not only seemed designed to shock people emotionally, but to give them electric shocks as well! New words and expressions 生词和短语 current n. 电流 sculpture n. 雕塑 mistaken adj. 错误的 gallery n. 美术馆 exhibit n. 展品,陈列品

新概念英语青少版第三册第45课:A bank robbery

新概念英语青少版第三册第45课:A bank robbery "A bank robbery" 一起银行抢劫案 When Sandy and Sue were coming home from school yesterday afternoon, 昨天下午,桑迪和苏在放学回家路上, they saw a crowd of people near a bank. 看见银行附近有一群人。 Sandy and Sue joined the crowd. 桑迪和苏也挤进了人群, They were surprised to see two thieves in the street. 他们惊讶地看到街上有两个小偷。 The thieves were running out of the bank. 两个小偷从银行里奔出来。 They were holding bags full of money. 他们手里提着装满钱的袋子。 The bank manager was running after them. 银行经理在后面追他们。 A policeman was standing among the crowd, 一名警察站在人群里, but he didn't do anything!

但他无动于衷。 "Quick!"Sandy shouted to the policeman. “快!”桑迪对那警察叫道。 "Can't you see those thieves?" “你难道没看见那两个小偷吗?” The policeman smiled. 警察笑笑。 He pointed at a big camera. 他指着那架大摄像机。 "We're making a film,"he said. “我们在拍电影,”他说。 "Those men aren't real thieves.They're actors. “那两个人不是真的小偷,他们是演员。 And I'm not a real policeman,either.I'm an actor,too!"我也不是真警察,我也是演员!”


新概念英语第三册逐句精讲语言点第32课(7) A Lost Ship 一艘沉船 The salvage operation had been a complete failure. The small ship, Elkor, which had been searching the Barents Sea for weeks, was on its way home. A radio message from the mainland had been received by the ship's captain conducting him to give up the search. The captain knew that another attempt would be made later, for the sunken ship he was trying to find had been carrying a precious cargo of gold bullion. Despite the message, the captain of the Elkor decided to try once more. The sea bed was scoured with powerful nets and there was tremendous excitement on board when a chest was raised from the bottom. Though the crew were at first under the impression that the lost ship had been found, the contents of the chest proved them wrong. What they had in fact found was a ship which had been sunk many years before. The chest contained the personal belongings of a seaman, Alan Fielding. There were books, clothing and photographs,together with letters which the seaman had once received from his wife. The captain of the Elkor ordered his men to salvage as much as possible from the wreck. Nothing of value was found, but the numerous items which were brought to the surface proved to be of great interest. From a heavy gun that was raised, the captain realized that the ship must have been a cruiser. In another chest, which contained the belongings of a ship's officer, there was an unfinished letter which had been written on March 14th, 1943. The captain learnt from the letter that the name of the lost ship was the Karen. The most


新概念英语第三册逐句精讲语言点第3课(下) An unknown goddess 无名女神 Some time ago, and interesting discovery was made by archaeologists on the Aegean island of Kea. An American team explored a temple which stands in an ancient city on the promontory of Ayia Irini. The city at one time must have been prosperous, for it enjoyed a high level of civilization. Houses-often three storeys high-were built of stone. They had large rooms with beautifully decorated walls. The city was equipped with a drainage system, for a great many clay pipes were found beneath the narrow streets. The temple which the archaeologists explored was used as a place of worship from the fifteenth century B.C. until Roman times. In the most sacred room of temple, clay fragments of fifteen statues were found. Each of these represented a goddess and had, at one time, been painted. The body of one statue was found among remains dating from the fifteenth century B.C. It's missing head happened to be among remains of the fifth century B.C. This head must have been found in Classical times and carefully preserved. It was very old and precious even then. When the archaeologists reconstructed the fragments, they were amazed to find that the goddess turned out to be a very modern-looking woman. She stood three feet high and her hands rested on her hips. She was wearing a full-length skirt which swept the ground. Despite her great age, she was very graceful

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