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Are granules good tracers of solar surface velocity fields

Are granules good tracers of solar surface velocity fields
Are granules good tracers of solar surface velocity fields

a r X i v :a s t r o -p h /0108284v 1 17 A u g 2001


https://www.doczj.com/doc/ba8513168.html,ing a numerical simulation of compressible convection with radiative transfer mimicking the solar photosphere,we compare the velocity ?eld derived from granule motions to the actual velocity ?eld of the plasma.We thus test the idea that granules may be used to trace large-scale velocity ?elds at the sun’s surface.Our results show that this is indeed the case provided the scale sepa-ration is su?cient.We thus estimate that neither velocity ?elds at scales less than 2500km nor time evolution at scales shorter than 0.5hr can be faithfully described by granules.At larger scales the granular motions correlate linearly with the underlying ?uid motions with a slope of <

~2reaching correlation coe?cients up to ~0.9.Key words:Convection –Sun:granulation –Sun:pho-tosphere

A&A manuscript no.

(will be inserted by hand later)



Send o?print requests to:M.Rieutord tion and radiative transfer

originally developed by two of the authors(for a description see Stein&Nordlund, 1998).For this particular run,which aims at simulating supergranulation,certain trade-o?s have been made be-tween physical realism and computational demands:the radiative transfer was treated in grey approximation(with frequency independent opacity,with a dependence on tem-perature and pressure similar to that of the solar contin-uum opacity)and the horizontal resolution was chosen to be a rather coarse95km.The restrictions made it a?ord-able to study a large volume(30×30Mm2wide and3Mm deep represented by315×315×82grid points)which con-tained several hundred granules at any given instant in time.

In section2of this letter we shall present a global view of the velocity?eld,following Euler’s viewpoint while in section3we try to characterize the granules in their ability at tracing the?ow?eld,thus adopting Lagrange’s viewpoint.Our conclusion is that granules are able to trace statistically the large-scale?ows but lead to a systematic underestimation of the actual velocities.

2.Euler’s view

As granules are extended test particles,the measured ve-locity?elds are much less resolved than the one issued from the simulation.Typically,our granule tracking tech-nique yields a velocity?eld on a45×45grid,i.e.seven times coarser than the original315×315pixels.Hence,for comparison,simulated velocity?elds are rebinned(aver-aged)to this coarser resolution.Granules also decrease the time resolution and velocity?elds issued from granule tracking are usually averaged over a time window longer than5min;here,we shall consider three time-windows with durations of1000s,1h,and2h.

But granules are also three-dimensional structures and therefore they“feel”the large-scale velocity?elds aver-aged over some range of depths.The approximate depth

Rieutord et al.:Are granules good tracers of solar surface velocity ?elds?3

Fig.1.Correlations between the velocity ?eld obtained from granule tracking and the actual velocity ?eld as a function of depth and time-window;both methods (LCT and CST)give very similar results.A layer 78km thick has been used.

Fig.4.For three length scales (20,21,22),we represent the actual velocity (v which is either v x or v y )as a function of the measured velocity u for a two-hours average.The clouds represent the 452grid points.The best ?ts (dashed line)show that granules underestimate actual velocities by a factor which varies from 2.1at small scales (20)to 1.6at large scales (22).

and thickness of the contributing layer need to be deter-mined.

Using the three above mentioned time-windows,we plotted in Fig.1the linear correlation between veloc-ity ?elds issued from granule tracking u (for a descrip-tion of how this ?eld is derived,see Roudier et al.1999or Rieutord et al.2001)and the “original”ones v as a function of depth;this correlation is de?ned by C v = u ·v /

4Rieutord et al.:Are granules good tracers of solar surface velocity


Fig.2.Optimal depth for di?erent thicknesses (line type)of the contributing layer as a function of the time-window.We see that the depth at which correlation is maximum,remains around 250±30km.

relation when small spatial scales

are ?ltered out.This is indeed the case,as shown by https://www.doczj.com/doc/ba8513168.html,ing the decompo-sition of the velocity ?eld onto the di?erent scales yielded by a MultiResolution Analysis with Daubechies’wavelets,using the scaling function φ4(Daubechies,1992),we show that the correlation reaches ~0.9at the largest scale avail-able.

In Fig.4,we plotted the actual velocity as a function of the measured velocity for various length scales.The clouds of points clearly show that granules motions sta-

Fig.3.Dependence of the correlations with the spatial scale for the three time averages;the depth used is the optimal depth and the thickness is 78km.The 20scale corresponds to a resolution of 7×7pixels or 667×667km 2;we understand the saturation of the 23scale as a conse-quence of the very few resolution elements left for this scale (~5×5).Line type have the same meaning as in Fig.1.

tistically underestimate the actual plasma velocity by a factor which (likely)tends to unity as the scale increases.When no ?ltering is made,measured velocities miss “real”velocities by roughly a factor 2.This quantitative dis-agreement is of course even more pronounced in derivative quantities (divergence or vorticity).

This behaviour is of course no surprise because gran-ules are far from being passive lagrangian tracers:on the contrary they are active vortical structures which can move in the background ?uid thanks to their own vor-ticity or the one of their neighbours.Their motion may be compared (but just qualitatively)to the random motion of molecules in a gas:only long time averages or large-scale averages are able to raise the signal of the mean motion above the noise of random motions.

Finally,let us mention that we have done these tests using the two presently known methods of granule track-ing,namely LCT and CST.As illustrated in Fig.1,both methods give remarkably close results (within a few per-cent in correlation),a fact which gives con?dence in the robustness of the results.CST,however,o?ers additional informations on the way individual granules follow the background ?ow;namely,we can appreciate which gran-ules are the most faithful tracers and characterize them by some property (size or lifetime for instance).We discuss this issue in the next section.

Fig.5.Maximum correlation (solid line)between the ac-tual velocity ?eld and the granule displacement at the place of the granule versus the surface area of the https://www.doczj.com/doc/ba8513168.html,rge granules are only slightly more correlated than smaller ones.The dashed line indicates the depth at which correlation is optimum.

https://www.doczj.com/doc/ba8513168.html,grange’s view

To see which granules are good or bad lagrangian tracers we computed the correlation between the mean velocity of

Rieutord et al.:Are granules good tracers of solar surface velocity?elds?

5 Fig.6.Maximum correlation(solid line)between the ac-

tual velocity?eld and the granule displacement at the

place of the granule versus the lifetime of the granule.

The dashed line indicates the depth at which correlation

is optimum.

individual granules(i.e.the velocities issued from granule

tracking which yield the45×45dataset)and the actual ve-

locity at the place of the granule.We did this computation

for di?erent granular sizes(Fig.5)and lifetimes(Fig.6).

Fig.5clearly shows that the size is a poor criterion

for selecting granules whose motions represent the plasma

?ow.This?gure,however,shows that large granules are

sensitive to’deep’undercurrents.The depth for optimal

correlation increases with the size of the granules.

On the other hand,the life-time is a good criterion for

sampling the plasma velocity?eld.The motion of long-

lived granules can reach0.9correlation with the actual

?ow?eld as shown in Fig.6.Besides,the layer sampled by

these granules is not precisely de?ned and oscillate around



We have used a simulation of compressible convection with

radiative transfer in grey approximation to test the ability

of granules at tracing the actual plasma?ow.The box used

for this simulation is30×30Mm2wide and3Mm deep,

resolved by a315×315×82grid.The results of these tests

show that

–Granules tend to be lagrangian tracers when the time

and length scales of the?ow tend to in?nity:it shows

that scale separation is a necessary condition for using

granules at representing plasma?ows.Quantitatively,

we?nd that the length scale needs to be larger than

2.5Mm and the time scale longer than1h for the cor-

relation to be higher than0.9.

–They underestimate the velocity?eld,all the more that

scale separation is weak.

–Statistically,they probe a layer300-400km beneath


–Long-lived granules are good tracers.

Hence,we see that granules can be used as tracers to

reveal?ows at meso-and supergranular scale.At smaller

scales their own velocity?eld has a too strong interaction

with the background velocity?eld.However,it may well

be that velocity?elds associated with exploding granules

or with‘strong positive divergences’(see Rieutord et al.,

2000),which are near the lowest(allowed)scale,are cor-

rectly represented by granules motions,at least qualita-

tively,since they are strong advective motions in nature.

Finally,let us note that the situation in the real sun

may not be better than that of the simulation for the

Reynolds number is much higher:nonlinear interactions

are indeed stronger and thus real granules are less pas-

sive.On the other hand,the drift of the thermal structure

with respect to pure advection,which is another pitfall

of granule tracking,is likely correctly represented by the

simulation since it depends on the P′e clet number which

is modeled accurately by the simulation in the layers of


Acknowledgements.Calculations have been carried out on the

CalMip machine of the CICT which is gratefully acknowl-

edged.R.F.Stein acknowledges?nancial support by NASA

grant NAG5-9563and NSF AST grant98-19799.?A N acknowl-

edges support by the Danish Research Foundation,through its

establishment of the Theoretical Astrophysics Center.


Daubechies,I.1992,Ten lectures on wavelets(SIAM)

November,L.J.1989,in High Spatial Resolution Solar

Observations,ed.O.Von der L¨u he,457




2001,to be submitted to A&A,1,1






Strous,L.1995a,in Proc.of4th SOHO Workshop:Helio-

seismology(ESA SP-376),213

Strous,L.1995b,in Proc.of4th SOHO Workshop:Helio-

seismology(ESA SP-376),219


空姐面试英语口语 会话 CONVERSATIONS (A=Applicant I=Interviewer) Dialogue 1 I: What made you decide on this type of occupation? A: Oh, to tell you the truth, I love the sky. When I was a child, I imagined flying into the blue sky some day. Now, I think the day has come. My dream will come true. And I like travelling very much and I enjoy working with people. I: Can you make y ourself understood in English without too much difficulty? A: Yes, I think I am quite fluent in English. I got the certificate of the Secondary English Training last month. I: Do you know what the responsibilities are for a stewardess? A: The main responsibility of the stewardess is to make the passengers relaxed and happy during the flight. And good service is also important. I: Are you in good health? A: I just had a complete physical examination and I am in top condition. I: Have you had any nursing experience? A: Yes, I have two years of nursing experience, and now I am working as a nurse in a hospital.


幼儿园英语教育行业分析报告 一、幼儿教育市场容量 我国婴幼儿消费市场巨大。据测算,2008年我国有2000万-3000万婴儿出生,8-36个月婴幼儿有6700万,16岁以下少年儿童有3.2亿。在经历了30年改革开放的飞速发展后,人们可支配收入和生活水平快速增长。而伴随计划生育政策的实施和深入,“4+2+1”的家庭结构逐渐成为社会主流,孩子在家庭和社会中的地位不断提高,优生优育的观念逐渐深入人心。诸多方面的原因促使婴幼儿和儿童消费市场持续快速发展,尤其是近几年来,婴幼儿和儿童相关产业发展速度更是令人称奇。据保守估计,我国婴幼儿和儿童消费市场每年可达万亿元以上,而这个市场才刚刚开始蓬勃发展,其增长速度和增长潜力远远超过成人消费品市场。 “婴幼儿产业”被称为21 世纪的朝阳产业,其中婴幼儿的教育更是家长及社会的关注重点,尤其是中国。根据我国2000年第五次人口普查统计结果:中国0-6岁的婴幼儿达到1.4 亿,其中城镇0-6 岁婴幼儿为5200 万左右。按照城镇家庭每月为6岁以下的孩子教育投资50元的保守估计, 0-6岁儿童教育市场消费额就可达到312亿元。事实上,家长对婴幼儿的教育投入远不止于此。专家预计,在未来五六年中,我国婴幼儿教育市场消费额将达到上千亿的规模。 中国的第四波婴儿潮始于2005年,而2007“金猪宝宝”、2008“奥运宝宝”等概念又进一步拉升了婴儿出生率。据《中国人口统计年鉴》,中国每年有3000万婴儿出生。最新统计数字显示,目前城市中0~3岁的婴幼儿人数已达1090万。“再苦不能苦孩子,再穷不能穷教育”。在中国,为子女教育形成的储蓄和消费在城市中产阶级家庭支出和储蓄中占据15%和24%的比例,已成为中国家庭第二大消费。 随着中国融入全球经济一体化步伐的加快,英语作为全世界通用的语言,越来越受到许多国家的重视。在中国,从2000年新课改开始,教育部就规定了从小学三年级学校开始教授英语课程。如今,一方面随着小学英语学习面的全面推广,

The way常见用法

The way 的用法 Ⅰ常见用法: 1)the way+ that 2)the way + in which(最为正式的用法) 3)the way + 省略(最为自然的用法) 举例:I like the way in which he talks. I like the way that he talks. I like the way he talks. Ⅱ习惯用法: 在当代美国英语中,the way用作为副词的对格,“the way+ 从句”实际上相当于一个状语从句来修饰整个句子。 1)The way =as I am talking to you just the way I’d talk to my own child. He did not do it the way his friends did. Most fruits are naturally sweet and we can eat them just the way they are—all we have to do is to clean and peel them. 2)The way= according to the way/ judging from the way The way you answer the question, you are an excellent student. The way most people look at you, you’d think trash man is a monster. 3)The way =how/ how much No one can imagine the way he missed her. 4)The way =because


空乘面试英语口语 IMB standardization office【IMB 5AB- IMBK 08- IMB 2C】

空姐面试英语口语 C O N V E R S A T I O N S会话(A=A p p l i c a n t I=I n t e r v i e w e r) D i a l o g u e 1 I:W h a t m a d e y o u d e c i d e o n t h i s t y p e o f o c c u p a t i o n? A: Oh, to tell you the truth, I love the sky. When I was a child, I imagined flying into the blue sky some day. Now, I think the day has come. My dream will come true. And I like travelling very much and I enjoy w o r k i n g w i t h p e o p l e. I: Can you make yourself understood in English without too much difficulty?A: Yes, I think I am quite fluent in English. I got the certificate of the Secondary English Training last month. I: Do you know what the responsibilities are for a stewardess?A: The main responsibility of the stewardess is to make the passengers relaxed and happy during the flight. And good service is also important. I: Are you in good health?A: I just had a complete physical examination and I am in top condition. I: Have you had any nursing experienceA: Yes, I have two years of nursing experience, and now I am working as a nurse in a hospital.I: How tall are you What about your eyesightA: My height is one meter and sixty-eight centimeters. I抳e never had any vision problems. I: What would you say are your strengths and weaknesses?A: One of my strengths is my friendliness and open-minded attitude and also I think I


幼师英语教学计划范文 幼师英语教学计划范文 教学计划(课程计划)是课程设置的整体规划,它规定不同课程类型相互结构的方式,也规定了不同课程在管理学习方式的要求及其所占比例,同时,对学校的教学、生产劳动、课外活动等作出全面安排,具体规定了学校应设置的学科、课程开设的顺序及课时分配,并对学期、学年、假期进行划分。幼师英语教学计划范文应该怎么设计? 幼师英语教学计划范文篇一: 本班是双语特色班级,幼儿皆已经过一年多的英语学习,实践证明:让孩子在语言发育时期就接触英语,同时运用英语和汉语表达自己的思想,对孩子的语言发展有很大好处。根据本班幼儿特点,我们制定了如下的专题计划.以达到专题实施的最佳效果: 一、选择多种多样的教学方法,提高幼儿英语的兴趣。 俗话说兴趣是最好的老师。幼儿园英语教育是一种启蒙,要把重点放在学习英语的兴趣上,如果幼儿对英语感兴趣,他在学习的过程中就会表现出一种积极的情绪,孩子会主动融入到活动中。反之,如果只是追求单词句子数量的多少,那会倒

了孩子的胃口,孩子会处于一种消极状态。因此,在实际教学活动中,我们选取合适的教学方法,提高幼儿学英语的兴趣。 1、故事教学法。 故事对学龄前幼儿具有极大的吸引力,它情节生动活泼,内容极富发性和趣味性,例如在故事<聪明兔宝宝>中,先为孩子们讲一个兔妈妈要去买菜,要兔宝宝在家等候,却来了一只大灰狼要兔宝宝开门,兔宝宝发现是大灰狼,一齐将大灰狼赶跑的故事,在讲述中,将Come in,please. Go out.穿插 其中,孩子们对此非常感兴趣,在不知不觉中,竟然全部掌握,且印象极深。又如:在教单词turnip时,我在引入时先说Im a rabbit,Im very hungry,I want some thing to eat.在这个情节引入后,幼儿复习各种已学过的食物单词,教师还是很饿,Imstillhungrynow时,巧妙地出示了食物萝卜引出 新的单词turnip的学习,在老师的引导下引出《拔萝卜》,使幼儿与老师共同参与,自然学习新的知识。 2、情景教学法。 幼儿的语言能力是在实际运用过程中发展起来的,应创设各种有意义真实的情景,使他们想说、会说、喜欢说。语言的'习得与周围环境息息相关。英语的学习是一种自然习得式的学习,而不是一种教学式的学习。语言的学习不只是学习几个单词,更重要的是运用语言和别人交往。因此,教师要以幼儿


空姐面试自我简介: 范文一: Good morning/afternoon, I’m very glade to stand here make the speech to introduce myself . It is really a great honor to have this opportunity for an interview, i would like to answer whatever you may raise, and i hope i can make a good performance today. my name is yanghaiyan , i am 21 years old,I’m come from zhenjiang .i grow up in a sweet family,my family has my dad,mom, and me .i am an optimistic and confident boy and I like the feeling flying in the sky. i have full confidence in a bright future,and i will try my best. So i believe i can do well in it . altough i just gradu1ated from school, i have confidence to venture my funture. Fly in sky that is my dream since I’m a child.this is why i'm longing for a job on a plane, and this is why i'm standing here for this interview. So i hope my application will be success.

The way的用法及其含义(二)

The way的用法及其含义(二) 二、the way在句中的语法作用 the way在句中可以作主语、宾语或表语: 1.作主语 The way you are doing it is completely crazy.你这个干法简直发疯。 The way she puts on that accent really irritates me. 她故意操那种口音的样子实在令我恼火。The way she behaved towards him was utterly ruthless. 她对待他真是无情至极。 Words are important, but the way a person stands, folds his or her arms or moves his or her hands can also give us information about his or her feelings. 言语固然重要,但人的站姿,抱臂的方式和手势也回告诉我们他(她)的情感。 2.作宾语 I hate the way she stared at me.我讨厌她盯我看的样子。 We like the way that her hair hangs down.我们喜欢她的头发笔直地垂下来。 You could tell she was foreign by the way she was dressed. 从她的穿著就可以看出她是外国人。 She could not hide her amusement at the way he was dancing. 她见他跳舞的姿势,忍俊不禁。 3.作表语 This is the way the accident happened.这就是事故如何发生的。 Believe it or not, that's the way it is. 信不信由你, 反正事情就是这样。 That's the way I look at it, too. 我也是这么想。 That was the way minority nationalities were treated in old China. 那就是少数民族在旧中


如果遇到不讲理的旅客怎么办? A、乘务员更要态度温柔,热情和蔼 B、对客人不礼貌的言语要耐心的倾听,切忌与客人争论(此题面太广,可选方面实在太多,欢迎补充) 1.请做一下自我介绍 思路: 1、这是面试的必考题目。 2、介绍内容要与个人简历相一致。 3、表述方式上尽量口语化。 4、要切中要害,不谈无关、无用的内容。 5、条理要清晰,层次要分明。6、事先最好以文字的形式写好背熟。 扩展问题A 请用三分钟简单介绍一下你自己。 回答要点:用10秒钟简单说说个人资料即可。用一分半钟左右时间介绍你以前从事的工作,和所获得的经验。再用一分钟左右时间描述你以前的工作经验对应聘的这份职位来说有哪些帮助。 扩展问题B描述一下你自己。 列举3个自己的性格与成就的具体案例。认真,责任,有计划 3:你认为一名空中乘务员最大的挑战是什么? 思路:我觉得此问题的回答是表明了你对工作的关注点,应该从服务理念方面回答会更好,1、服务态度 2、服务技巧(突发事件)个人更倾向的回答:我认为是对良好服务态度的持之以恒的保持,记得在《the best service》一书中看到:“服务很简单,甚至简单到荒谬的程度,但是要持之以恒的提供高水平的服务真的很难。” 15.请说一说本人的职业观? 回答要点:面试前做好准备,面试时根据自己的实际情况如实回答,并且要与该职位相符。让对方觉得你会长久在这个行业和职位发展下去。

16.你决意离职的动机是什么? 思路: 1、最重要的是:你要使航空公司相信,你在过往的单位的“离职原因”在这里不存在。 2、避免把“离职原因”说得太详细、太具体。 3、不能掺杂主观的负面感受,如“太幸苦”、“人际关系复杂”、“管理太混乱”、“公司不重视人才”、“公司排斥我们某某的员工”等。 4、但也不能躲闪、回避,如“想换换环境”、“个人原因”等。 5、不能涉及自己负面的人格特征,如不诚实、懒惰、缺乏责任感、不随和等。 6、尽量使解释的理由为应聘者个人形象添彩。 7、如“我离职是因为这家公司倒闭。我在公司工作了三年多,有较深的感情。从去年始,由于市场形势突变,公司的局面急转直下。到眼下这一步我觉得很遗憾,但还要面对显示,重新寻找能发挥我能力的舞台。”同一个面试问题并非只有一个答案,而同一个答案并不是在任何面试场合都有效,关键在于应聘者掌握了规律后,对面试的具体情况进行把握,有意识地揣摩面试官提出问题的心理背景,然后投其所好。 18.你认为自己的英语实力如何? 34.你的英语水平如何? 如未取得4、6级证书 A.I still have any difficulties in listening because of the limited vocabulary B.I don’t think I have problem in the daily conversation, And if I could have a good environment I could improve fast 21你的优点和缺点是什么? 这里只对缺点作一些提示 思路: 1、不宜说自己没缺点。 2、不宜把那些明显的优点说成缺点。 3、不宜说出严重影响所应聘工作的缺点。 4、不宜说出令人不放心、不舒服的缺点。 5、可以说出一些对于所应聘工作“无关紧要”的缺点,甚至是一些表面上看是缺点,从工作的角度看却是优点的缺点。 23.你喜欢什么俱乐部活动? 32.大学时做过什么活动? 35.你在休息日做什么?


定冠词the的用法: 定冠词the与指示代词this ,that同源,有“那(这)个”的意思,但较弱,可以和一个名词连用,来表示某个或某些特定的人或东西. (1)特指双方都明白的人或物 Take the medicine.把药吃了. (2)上文提到过的人或事 He bought a house.他买了幢房子. I've been to the house.我去过那幢房子. (3)指世界上独一无二的事物 the sun ,the sky ,the moon, the earth (4)单数名词连用表示一类事物 the dollar 美元 the fox 狐狸 或与形容词或分词连用,表示一类人 the rich 富人 the living 生者 (5)用在序数词和形容词最高级,及形容词等前面 Where do you live?你住在哪? I live on the second floor.我住在二楼. That's the very thing I've been looking for.那正是我要找的东西. (6)与复数名词连用,指整个群体 They are the teachers of this school.(指全体教师) They are teachers of this school.(指部分教师) (7)表示所有,相当于物主代词,用在表示身体部位的名词前 She caught me by the arm.她抓住了我的手臂. (8)用在某些有普通名词构成的国家名称,机关团体,阶级等专有名词前 the People's Republic of China 中华人民共和国 the United States 美国 (9)用在表示乐器的名词前 She plays the piano.她会弹钢琴. (10)用在姓氏的复数名词之前,表示一家人 the Greens 格林一家人(或格林夫妇) (11)用在惯用语中 in the day, in the morning... the day before yesterday, the next morning... in the sky... in the dark... in the end... on the whole, by the way...


空姐面试英语水平要求高 空姐岗位是一个高薪的工作,但是并不是所有的人都可以做空姐,空姐不再仅仅就是长的漂亮就可以了,现代空姐整体素质都要求的很高,从身体素质到文化素质上都有很高的标准要求。其中空姐面试英语能力的要求就很高,很多空姐面试者就在英语这关不能很好的展现落选。总结了一下几点空姐的技巧: 空乘英语应聘者在参加英语面试前大都作过充分的语言知识的准备与练习。那么在众多的英语语法规则中为什么要单独强调时态的运用呢?其一是因为由于和汉语的表达习惯不同,这是一个口语中极其常见的错误。但同时来说,时态又是比较基本的语法点,一旦用错,会让面试官对面试者的英语能力产生质疑。其二是因为在面试过程中,往往会涉及到很多关于个人经历,教育背景,工作,职业规划等方面的问题,因此在表述某件事情或是某个想法的时候,一定要注意配合正确的时态,否则就会造成差之毫厘,失之千里的后果。 任何面试都带有一定程度的主观性。也就是说面试官是否欣赏你也可能成为最后的决定性因素。因此在英语面试的过程中,应当尽量避免由于对英语语言的驾驭能力不足,而引发的不敬甚至冒犯。

具体而言,主要有两种做法要特别注意避免。首先是要避免使用过于生僻的单词,或是地方俚语之类接受群体相对比较小的表达方式。因为这种表达方式很有可能造成听者的困惑与曲解。 其次则是要避免过多,过于主观地谈及宗教文化或时事政治方面的问题。不少面试者出于第一项提到的急于展示英语水平的目的,或是想给面试官留下深刻印象的目的,常常会犯这个错误。 与英语考试的口试不同,面试人员通常是由航空公司的人事主管,空乘部门主管或公司高层组成,他们更关心和器重的是你的专业知识和工作能力,而英语此时只是一种交流工具,或者说是你要展示的众多技能中的一种,因此要切忌为说英语而说英语,有些人就怕自己的英语减分,为了希望给面试官留下英语水平高的印象,常常会大量的使用事先准备好的花哨的词汇及句式,而真正针对面试官所提问题的、与工作有关的'个人见解却很少。最后除了得到一句英语不错的夸奖之外,恐怕很难有理想的收获。无论是到中国的国际航空公司还是国外的航空公司应聘,公司都要求空中小姐不仅有高挑的身材和甜美的长相,而且要具备优雅的气质,会讲一口流利的英语。口试内容主要分为中英文面试、中英广播词、航空状况题、时事题、个人问题等。每一家公司会有不同的考试流程,初复试的难易度也不同,要多方面收集资料,知己知彼,再配合临场应


幼儿园英语教学方案 一、教学目标: 本学期我们将多组织富有趣味性的英语游戏,让小朋友在游戏中掌握了一些英语单词、对话、儿歌、歌曲等。以游戏的形式开展英语教学活动旨在培养孩子学习英语的积极主动性。 二、教学重点: 让幼儿对学习英语有初步兴趣,并对日常的用语有一定的了解和掌握,做到结合生活场景学以致用。我们将多采用生动有趣的教具,在班级中帮助学校布置英语角,采用游戏化的教学形式及利用现代化的工具,让孩子在多种感官刺激下增强学习英语的兴趣,使幼儿的英语教学真正落到实处。 1、继续培养幼儿学习英语的兴趣,并能注意英语的发音。 2、让孩子多说、多听,结合一日活动的各个环节,继续学习一些日常用语,礼貌用语,愿意在日常生活中加以运用。大胆地说。 3、继续学习单词(动作、玩具、生活用品、文具、食品、星期等),掌握一些简短的儿歌、歌曲、故事,并乐意和主动参加一些英语的情景和故事表演。 4、尝试欣赏一些有趣的故事,了解其中的内容。 5、愿意运用所学的对话、句型和同伴、老师进行交流。 6、对教师的常规用语可以快速准确的做出反应。 三、教学措施 1、在班中布置英语角,增加墙面也说话的作用,粘贴各种相关的英语单词,让孩子置身于学习英语的良好氛围中。 2、充分挖掘教材的作用,以游戏为基本组织形式,充分调动幼儿学习的积极性。

3、面向全体幼儿,注重个体差异,因人施教,使每位幼儿在原有水平上得到一定程度的提高。 四、课程设置 1、选用《幼儿英语点点通 0-3岁》作为本课程教材,根据幼儿的年龄特点及发展水平,科学有序的合理安排英语活动。 2、准备多种教学具,配合教材的图片、卡片、实物、木偶等灵活运用,以更好的让幼儿掌握教学内容。 3、课次:29次。课程时间:周二、周三,9:00-9:30 总之,在今后的工作中,我们必定努力将英语特色教学活动开展得更好。 Unit 1 Hello Unit 2 Goodbye Unit 3 Girls and boys Review 1 Unit 4 Numbers Unit 5 Fruits Unit 6 Toys Review 2 Word List 课次学习内容 第一课次学习单词nose、 mouth、 eye、 ear 感知单词one to five 与数字1-5的对应

“the way+从句”结构的意义及用法

“theway+从句”结构的意义及用法 首先让我们来看下面这个句子: Read the followingpassageand talkabout it wi th your classmates.Try totell whatyou think of Tom and ofthe way the childrentreated him. 在这个句子中,the way是先行词,后面是省略了关系副词that或in which的定语从句。 下面我们将叙述“the way+从句”结构的用法。 1.the way之后,引导定语从句的关系词是that而不是how,因此,<<现代英语惯用法词典>>中所给出的下面两个句子是错误的:This is thewayhowithappened. This is the way how he always treats me. 2.在正式语体中,that可被in which所代替;在非正式语体中,that则往往省略。由此我们得到theway后接定语从句时的三种模式:1) the way+that-从句2)the way +in which-从句3) the way +从句 例如:The way(in which ,that) thesecomrade slookatproblems is wrong.这些同志看问题的方法

不对。 Theway(that ,in which)you’re doingit is comple tely crazy.你这么个干法,简直发疯。 Weadmired him for theway inwhich he facesdifficulties. Wallace and Darwingreed on the way inwhi ch different forms of life had begun.华莱士和达尔文对不同类型的生物是如何起源的持相同的观点。 This is the way(that) hedid it. I likedthe way(that) sheorganized the meeting. 3.theway(that)有时可以与how(作“如何”解)通用。例如: That’s the way(that) shespoke. = That’s how shespoke.


空姐面试英语口语的例句都有哪些 空姐面试英语口语将会在很大的程度上决定着面试的成与败,为了更好的缓解这一的问题,提升面试成功几率,自然就会需要拥有一个好的空姐面试英语口语的能力,请看下文。 到底空姐面试英语口语的例句都有哪些呢?实际上我们可以到下面的文章中进行更多的认识和分析,相信在不断的了解过后,自己的口语才会在真正的意义上得到提升,为此请看下文的具体描述内容,从而让自己更好的突破了。 Zoe: Why do you want to be a stewardess? Celia: I have always enjoyed flying. And I am good with people. Zoe: Could you handle flying for 24 hours straight? Celia: Yes, I can adjust to anything. Zoe: That's good. Celia: I am also calm under pressure and trained in first aid. Zoe: You should very qualified. Celia: Thank you. It has always been my dream to be a stewaredess. 佐伊:你为什么想成为一名空姐? 西莉娅:因为我一直喜欢飞行。而且我善于和人打交道。 佐伊:你可以承受二十四小时的直飞吗? 西莉娅:是的,我可以适应任何工作。 佐伊:那很好。 西莉娅:我在压力下很冷静,而且也受过急救训练。 佐伊:听起来你很够资格。


空乘专业面试步骤 第1关:个人形象展示和自我介绍。 第2关:英语口语笔试。 第3关:面试官的提问(主要考察学生的家庭情况、语言表达能力、皮肤好坏、有无特长等)。 第一关最重要,因为直接关系到后面的成败。在个人形象展示时候(站姿、走路、蹲起),要面带微笑,眼睛看位于考官席中间的主考官,有人会问看考官的什么地方呢?看考管的眉心,这样她会感觉你非常专业,非常舒服。在个人形象展示完之后每个人会有一个1分钟的个人自我介绍,有同学想问了,自我介绍都应该说些什么好?有人在自我介绍时会说我叫xx,就读于xx学校,身高xx,体重xx,爱好xx,回答完毕。全是废话!考官听了马上会说:好,下一个!注意,1分钟的自我介绍,只用了10秒不到就说完了,连考官观察你的时间都没有,让人感觉是你不重视这次面试,其实你不是,心理还特别紧张特别重视。首先,自我介绍要分为中文30秒,英文30秒,中英文的内容不能重复,不要把中文自我介绍直接翻译成英文说出来。 其实英文的自我介绍就是一个展示口语发音以及表达能力的平台,内容无所谓,只要你的发音够标准!在写完这英文自我介绍后专门找个教口语的英语老师一句话、一个单词慢慢练出来的。 当你说完这段自我介绍,用时差不多1分钟多点,但是如果你说的够熟练够自然,眼神不停的在跟评委们交流,评委绝对不会因为你说的多了而中间打断你,而且会开始仔细听你说的内容开始观察你,说完中文当你说英文的时候,如果你下工夫去练了背了找老师把发音纠正了,那么评委会对你的印象很不错,学乘务员专业的同学英语水平实在不敢恭维(包括我自己),学这专业的都是玩过来的,没办法,但是就是这自我介绍,可以说是非常重要!因为绝大多数人在说自我介绍的时候都是:我叫xx,就读于xx学校,身高xx,体重xx,爱好xx,回答完毕。 下面说下关于第2关英语考试的问题,各个公司考试内容不一样,国航比较注重口语,东航口语笔试都要考,口语比较简单,一般问八九个问题,如果你高中好好上听懂问题应该不大,笔试应该是考的新概念第二册75课以后的,我只记得阅读理解有个关于小提琴的,具体内容忘了。反正新概念第二册能看懂考试就没问题!深圳航空考试的内容比较全面,数学,英语,时事政治等等,我看也就是初中的水平,比较简单,厦门航空考试也比较全面,而且还有心理测试。 最后一关就轻松多了,考官的表情明显轻松了,就跟你以朋友式的交流问一些你自己的情况,包括在学校的表现,家里父母都是做什么的等等。评委可能要求女孩子卸妆,看下你的皮肤、牙齿怎么样,男生也是一样。还有个才艺展示 环节,就是让你唱歌跳舞,会什么就表演什么,最好提前准备好,自己没事在学校女生就多参加学校的演出,跳舞唱歌什么的,都可以锻炼一下。男生就学点武的,抬拳道、田径、篮球足球都可以。现在航空公司普遍喜欢阳刚帅气的,不喜欢有女性美的男生(这种男生以前很吃香,但现在男生飞行都干兼职安全员,要求就是阳刚型的)。 空乘专业考试形式介绍 1.形体测量为5人一组,着泳装进行形体12项测量。 2.形体观察为考生5人一组,着泳装登台,集体上前进行正面、侧面、背面展示,集体向前、向后走一个来回(考生不得穿丝袜和佩戴饰品,发式须前不遮额、后不及肩、侧不掩耳,女生着纯色、分体、不带裙边泳装,男生着纯色泳裤)。 3.台步表现为考生着生活装,女生须穿高跟鞋,逐人登台根据提供的两段音乐进行台步表现。

way 用法

表示“方式”、“方法”,注意以下用法: 1.表示用某种方法或按某种方式,通常用介词in(此介词有时可省略)。如: Do it (in) your own way. 按你自己的方法做吧。 Please do not talk (in) that way. 请不要那样说。 2.表示做某事的方式或方法,其后可接不定式或of doing sth。 如: It’s the best way of studying [to study] English. 这是学习英语的最好方法。 There are different ways to do [of doing] it. 做这事有不同的办法。 3.其后通常可直接跟一个定语从句(不用任何引导词),也可跟由that 或in which 引导的定语从句,但是其后的从句不能由how 来引导。如: 我不喜欢他说话的态度。 正:I don’t like the way he spoke. 正:I don’t like the way that he spoke. 正:I don’t like the way in which he spoke. 误:I don’t like the way how he spoke. 4.注意以下各句the way 的用法: That’s the way (=how) he spoke. 那就是他说话的方式。 Nobody else loves you the way(=as) I do. 没有人像我这样爱你。 The way (=According as) you are studying now, you won’tmake much progress. 根据你现在学习情况来看,你不会有多大的进步。 2007年陕西省高考英语中有这样一道单项填空题: ——I think he is taking an active part insocial work. ——I agree with you_____. A、in a way B、on the way C、by the way D、in the way 此题答案选A。要想弄清为什么选A,而不选其他几项,则要弄清选项中含way的四个短语的不同意义和用法,下面我们就对此作一归纳和小结。 一、in a way的用法 表示:在一定程度上,从某方面说。如: In a way he was right.在某种程度上他是对的。注:in a way也可说成in one way。 二、on the way的用法 1、表示:即将来(去),就要来(去)。如: Spring is on the way.春天快到了。 I'd better be on my way soon.我最好还是快点儿走。 Radio forecasts said a sixth-grade wind was on the way.无线电预报说将有六级大风。 2、表示:在路上,在行进中。如: He stopped for breakfast on the way.他中途停下吃早点。 We had some good laughs on the way.我们在路上好好笑了一阵子。 3、表示:(婴儿)尚未出生。如: She has two children with another one on the way.她有两个孩子,现在还怀着一个。 She's got five children,and another one is on the way.她已经有5个孩子了,另一个又快生了。 三、by the way的用法


空姐面试英语对话 作为一个空姐,的时候大家需要一些对话来补充自己,我们看看下面的空姐面试英语对话吧! 空姐面试英语对话1.problem:Tell me about yourself and your past experience. 说说你自己和你过去的经历。 answer:For the past 3 years, I have been working in China East Airlines Corporation Limited. I very tolerant of people and have been told that this is one of my strengths. I feel I have a lot to offer as a team member. 过去三年我一直在中国东方航空有限公司工作。我待人宽容,别人都说这是我的优点。我想作为团队一员,我能作出很多贡献。 2.problem:What made you decide on this type of occupation? 什么原因使你决定投身这个行业呢? answer:I like travelling very much and I enjoy working

with people. 我非常喜欢旅游,喜欢和人打交道。 3.problem:Do you know what are the responsibilities of the stewardess? 你知道作为空中小姐的职责是什么吗? answer:The main responsibility of the stewardess is to make the passengers relaxed and happy during the flight. 主要的职责就是让乘客在飞行中能放松、快乐。 4.problem:What do you think are the chief characteristics of a stewardess? 你认为空姐的主要品质是什么? answer:Well, a stewardess should be friendly, courteous, patient and treat passengers kindly and politely. 空姐应该待人友好、有礼貌、有耐心,对顾客和蔼、彬彬有礼。 5.problem:Do you get angry easily? 你容易生气吗? A: No, I know how to control my temper. 不,我知道怎样控制自己的脾气。 6.problem:If a passenger had a accident, what would you do? 如果有乘客发生意外,你会怎么办?


幼师英语教案 Unit Unit 1 Welcome to Sprout Kindergarten Time 6 Teachi ng Aims 1.Student can understand preschool education 2.Know sth about the aims of preschool English teaching. 3.Know how to express the struture of the kindergarten. Teachi ng Key Points How to express the structure of a kindergarten Make up a dialogue of ‘the first day in kindergarten.’ Teachi ng Metho ds Method of teaching Extend the English Languages Body language ,Sing a English song Repeating Teachi ng Mater ials 《幼师英语》陈艳丽郑毅主编,外语教学与研究出版社 Home works 1.英语歌曲表演《Do-re-mi》《Head and shoulders,knees and toes》 2.与同伴的熟练对话,下节课抽查 3.根据短句提示编写对话情境(第一天来幼儿园)

Teachi ng Summ ary Through this unit learning,students can understand the preschool education.Students can write down the right answers by repeatly listening.They can speak the dialogue fluently.Can read the text and understand the meaning .


空姐面试英语自我介绍 第一篇:空姐面试英语自我介绍的秘诀 空姐面试英语自我介绍的秘诀 空姐选拔的过程中,有一项是必须要验证的那就是英语的自我介绍,其实空姐的要求并不仅仅就一篇自我介绍而已,空姐面试英语自我介绍的秘诀,它还需要空姐掌握一些必备的的日常英语知识。 秘诀一:注意英语时态的变化运用 应聘者在参加英语面试前大都作过充分的语言知识的准备与练习。那么在众多的英语语法规则中为什么要单独强调时态的运用呢?其一是因为由于和汉语的表达习惯不同,这是一个口语中极其常见的错误。但同时来说,时态又是比较基本的语法点,一旦用错,会让面试官对面试者的英语能力产生质疑。其二是因为在面试过程中,往往会涉及到很多关于个人经历,教育背景,工作经验,职业规划等方面的问题,因此在表述某件事情或是某个想法的时候,一定要注意配合正确的时态,否则就会造成差之毫厘,失之千里的后果。 秘诀二:尊重个人及文化差异 任何面试都带有一定程度的主观性。也就是说面试官是否欣赏你也可能成为最后的决定性因素。因此在英语面试的过程中,应当尽量避免由于对英语语言的驾驭能力不足,而引发的不敬甚至冒犯。具体而言,主要有两种做法要特别注意避免。首先是要

避免使用过于生僻的单词,或是地方俚语之类接受群体相对比较小的表达方式。因为这种表达方式很有可能造成听者的困惑与曲解。其次则是要避免过多,过于主观地谈及宗教文化或时事政治方面的问题。不少面试者出于第一项提到的急于展示英语水平的目的,或是想给面试官留下深刻印象的目的,常常会犯这个错误。 秘诀三:以英语为载体,展示工作才能 与英语考试的口试不同,面试人员通常是由航空公司的人事主管,空乘部门主管或公司高层组成,他们更关心和器重的是你的专业知识和工作能力,而英语此时只是一种交流工具,或者说是你要展示的众多技能中的一种,因此要切忌为说英语而说英语,有些人就怕自己的英语减分,为了希望给面试官留下英语水平高的印象,常常会大量的使用事先准备好的花哨的词汇及句式,而真正针对面试官所提问题的、与工作有关的个人见解却很少。最后除了得到一句英语不错的夸奖之外,恐怕很难有理想的收获。 空乘面试自我介绍(中英文互译) good morning / good afternoon, my name is yang haiyan, you can call me yanzi. i like the say raise, and i hope i can make a good performance today. noyself briefly. i this year 20 years old, born in jiangsu province. i greily of sposed of my dad, mom, my brother and i. i am an optimistic and confident girl. i have

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