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playway1 内容

Playway 1 学习内容

Key Vocabulary & Sentence

Unit 2 School

Book,pencil,scissors,pencil case,schoolbag,glue,

1、Take your pencil case. Put it in your schoolbag. Take your schoolbag. Go to school.

2、Benny: Help me,Max.

Max: Okay.

Benny: The red pencil, please.

Max: Okay. The red pencil.

Benny: The scissors,please.

Max: Okay. The scissors.

Benny: The glue,please.

Max: Okay. The glue.

Linda: Benny!

Benny: Coming!

Max: The red pencil. The scissors. The glue. Oooooh noooo!

Linda: Max?

Max: Here I am.

Linda: Oh, Max!

Unit 3 Fruit

Apple,banana,plum,pear,one,two,three,four,five,two apples/bananas/plums/pears

How many bananas/... are there?

1、Open your schoolbag. Take out an apple. Bite into it. Yummy!

2、Put a pear in your schoolbag. Go to school. Take out the pear。Bite into it.

3、Give me a banana/ an apple/a plum/a pear.

Here you are. / It's over there.


Storyteller:Linda and Benny are going shopping.

Linda:Two apples,please.

Saleswoman:Here you are.

Benny:Three bananas,please.

Saleswoman:Here you are. Have a plum.

Linda and Benny:Yummy!

Storyteller:Linda and Benny are at home. Oh,here is Max.


Storyteller:So,what's in the basket?Two apples?No. Three bananas?No. No.

Four pears?No. No.No. No apples,no bananas,no pears. It's Max.

Unit 4 Pets


1、What's this?What's this?Miaow,miaow. A cat,a cat. A cat. Miaow.

What's this?What's this?Woof,woof,woof,woof. A dog,a dog. A dog,woof.

What's this?What's this?Squeak,squeak,squeak,squeak. A mouse,a mouse. A mouse,squeak,squeak.

What's this?What's this?Quack,quack,quack,quack. A duck,a duck. A duck,Quack,quack.


Mouse:Hello,dog. Squeak,squeak. Let's play.

Dog: No, go away. Woof,woof.

Storyteller: The mouse goes away.

Mouse:Hello,cat. Squeak,squeak. Let's play.

Cat: No, go away. Miaow.

Storyteller: The mouse is sad.

Mouse:Hello,rabbit. Hello,hamster. Squeak,squeak. Let's play.

Rabbit and hamster: No, go away.

Storyteller: The mouse is very sad.

Mouse: Oh, what's this? Wonderful! Abracadabra, one, two, three.

Cat: Oooooh!

Dog:Woof,woof!Let's go to the show.

Hamster and cat:Yes.

Mouse:Abracadabra, one, two, three.


All the animals:Super.

3、Dog:Hello,cat, Woof,woof. Let's play.

Cat: Ok, great. Miaow.

Dog: Hello,rabbit, woof,woof.

Cat: Hello,rabbit, Miaow. Let's play.

Rabbit: Ok, great.

Cat,rabbit,dog:Oh,what's this? Wonderful. Abracadabra, one, two, three.

Ghost: Oooooooooooh!

Cat,rabbit,dog: A ghost, oh, no.

Ghost: Stop. Let's play. Oooooooooooh!

Unit 5 Toys

1、teddy bear,train,plane,car,doll,computer game,ball,puzzle,blue,red,yellow,pink


Listen,listen. Vroom,vroom vroom. A car,a car. Vroom,vroom vroom.

Listen,listen. Shh,shh shh. A train,a train. Shh,shh shh.

A car,a train,and there's a plane, Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...


My blue train. My red plane. My green ball. My pink car. My yellow star.

Unit 6 Winter

1、snow,let's make a snowman;eyes,mouth,nose,Yippee!


Snow!Let's make a snowman. Okay. One,two,three. Eyes,mouth,nose. Yippee!


Storyteller:Listen. A rabbit. What's this? A snowman.

Rabbit:Mmmmmmmh! What a big nose! Got it! Yummy!


Storyteller:Look. A cat. The cat is hungry. What's this?A mouse.


Mouse:Squeak.Squeak. Hee hee hee hee.

Unit 7 Health

1、Get out of the bed;wash your face;clean the teeth;bend your knees;jump;have a glass of milk


Get out of the bed.Wash your face. Clean the teeth. Bend your knees--1,2,3. Jump--1,2,3. Have a glass of milk.


Get out of the bed.Wash your face. Clean the teeth. Sing a song. Have an apple. Run to school.


Max:Oooooooooooh! Benny! Help me!


Linda:Oh,Max. Oh. Oh.

Benny:Open your mouth.


Max:Look,my tooth. Linda,help me,please.

Linda:Okay. Here you are.

Max:Look.Thank you,Linda.


Speaker 1:One. Boy:Look my tooth.

Speaker 2:Two. Mother(to son):Open your mouth.

Speaker 1:Three. Girl:Give the rabbit an apple.

Speaker 2:Four. Speaker 1:Jump.

Speaker 2:One star. Speaker 1:Bend your knees.

Speaker 2:Two stars. Speaker 1:Have a glass of milk.

Speaker 2:Three stars. Boy:Listen!

Speaker 1:Four stars. Children:Pull,pull.

Unit 8 Party Time

1、princess、sheriff、ghost、clown、six、seven、eight、nine、ten、sit down


Linda:Let’s play a game.


Linda:Let’s play. Close your eyes. Vroom. Vroom. What is it?

Benny:A car.

Linda:Right. Close your eyes. Close your eyes. Miaw. Miaw. What is it?

Benny:A cat.


Benny:Okay. Linda. Now you. Close your eyes.


Linda and Benny:A ghost. A ghost. Run. Let’s run.


Dog: Woof. Woof.

Linda and Benny:It’s Max.


Dog: Woof. Woof.

Linda and Benny:Max.

Unit 9 Food and Drink

1、pizza,cornflakes,spaghetti, chips, cheese, cake ,milk, I like pizza…,Yummy


A: Pizza,pizza. Yummy, yummy!

B: I like pizza. Mmmmmmmmmmmh.

A: Cornflakes, cornflakes.

B: I like cornflakes. Mmmmmmmmmmmh.

A: Apples, apples. Yummy, yummy!

B: I like apples. Mmmmmmmmmmmh.


Linda:Mmmh, Yummy!

Benny:Mmmh, I like cake.

Max:I’m not hungry.

Benny:Okay, Max.

Max: I’m sooo hungry. Yummy!

Linda:Close your eyes,Max.


Linda:Turn round.


Linda and Benny:Happy birthday, Max.



Linda:I like spaghetti, cornflakes,pears, apples and milk.

Benny:I like chips, bananas, apples, pizza and spaghetti.


Lots of spaghetti on a big, big plate. With butter and cheese. Spaghetti is great.

Lots of chicken on a big, big plate. With ketchup and chips. Chicken is great.

Unit 10 Weather

1、rain, wind, clouds, A cap on a frog, Caps are always fun.


A cap on a cat. A cap on a dog. A cap on a frog. Rain, snow or sun. Caps are always fun.


The little seed is asleep. Look at the clouds. It’s raining. It’s raining and raining. The little seed grows. It grows and grows. The rain stops. Look. Here comes the sun. It’s warm. The little seed grows and grows. It’s grows and grows. Aaaah! Look at the wonderful flower.


The little caterpillar is asleep. It’s cold. There’s lots of snow. It’s raining. Here comes the sun. Aah! It’s warm. The caterpillar is happy. Oh, look at the wonderful butterfly! It’s blue, red and orange.

Unit 11 Animals

1、lion, elephant, monkey, hippo, snake, Is it the lion? Yes, it is./No, it isn’t.


Storyteller: The lion is ill. The elephant wants to help.

Elephant: Lion, listen to my music.

Lion: Stop it, please.

Storyteller: The hippo wants to help.

Hippo: Lion, listen to my music.

Lion: Stop it, please.

Storyteller: The monkey wants to help.

Monkey: Lion, listen to my music.

Lion: Stop it, please.

Storyteller: The snake wants to help.

Snake: Lion, listen to my music.

Lion: Stop it, please. What’s this?

Storyteller: It’s the elephant, the hippo, the monkey, and the snake.

Lion: Thank you for the wonderful music. Thank you.

Unit 12 Holidays

1、Holiday, beach, jungle, mountains, farm, city, garden


It’s hot. Go to the swimming pool. Look up at the sky. It starts raining. Take off your shoes and socks. Take off your jeans. Take off your T-shirt. Run home in the rain.


Storyteller: It’s summer. Max goes on holiday. Is Max on the beach? No. Is Max in the mountains? No. Is Max on the farm? No. Is Max in the city? No. So, where is Max? He’s not on the beach. He’s not in the jungle. He’s not on the mountains. He’s not on the farm. And he’s not in the city. So, where is he?Look,here he is. Max is in his garden. He’s eating flowers.


Storyteller: Max is happy.

Easter Unit

1、long ears,round face,big belly,legs,orange,black,brown,white,a basket full of eggs,That’s my Easter



Two long ears. A round face. A big belly. Four legs. A basket full of eggs. That’s my Easter bunny. Christmas unit

Father Christmas,Christmas tree,jingle bells,gift,snowman,star


It′s Christmas. Linda , Benny and Max are asleep. Listen, it′s father Christmas. A book for Linda, a ball for Benny, a teddy bear for Max. One, two, three. One,two. What can I do? en.....en...oh, it′s cold.


PLAYWAY TO ENGLISH是由剑桥大学出版社推出,专为非英语母语国家3-8岁儿童而设计的。由著名的儿童认知心理学和儿童英语教育专家格恩罗斯(Günter Gerngross)和赫伯特(Herbert Puchta)等经数十年研究和教学实践编著而成。 教材共分为4级,教材从儿童认知心理学出发,带来了全新的、科学的教育理念和方法。把语言作为整体教学,让孩子建立英语思维。教材的设计处处体现了儿童的操作和参与。受到国内许多英语教育专家和心理学专家的赞赏。 值得一提的是,PLAYWAY的歌曲全部由享有“音乐圣殿”之称的奥地利著名作曲家倾心打造,每一段美妙的旋律都为课程平添了一份惊喜与快乐。迄今为止,使用PLAYWAY进行英语教学的有德国、奥地利、巴西、瑞士、中国香港及非洲等国家和地区。2001年来到中国后在北京、上海、天津、南京等地施教,深受广大师生及家长的喜爱。 PLAYWAY作者介绍: Herbert Puchta Günter Gerngross Herbert Puchta博士与Günter Gerngross博士是著名的儿童认知心理学和儿童英语教育专家。他们来自奥地利格拉茨大学,一直致力于教学

研究,其中就认知心理学对英语教学的实践应用作了大量的研究。他们共同编写了PLAYWAY TO ENGLISH, JOIN IN, ENGLISH P ARTY, JOIN US, COOL ENGLISH等各种英语教材,教材在世界各地被广泛使用,得到了教育专家及广大师生的一致好评! 英国剑桥大学出版社成立于1534年,470年悠久历史和严谨的治学精神,铸就著名品牌。长期以来,剑桥的英语教育图书(ELT)在世界各地倍受推崇。PLAYWAY TO ENGLISH 是剑桥大学近几年推出的优秀教材之一,适宜于非英语国家儿童初学英语使用。 PLAYWAY教材特色: 1. PLAYWAY的歌曲、歌谣和韵律诗全部由享有“音乐圣殿”之称的奥地利著名作曲家倾心打造。真正是原汁原味的最为地道纯正的英语文化的体现,并蕴涵着英语所特有的节奏感、韵律感和幽默感。曲调欢快优美,内容活泼有趣,孩子非常喜爱。PLAYWAY的歌曲、歌谣和韵律诗可以有效地激发孩子的学习积极性。孩子在边看图,边唱,边表演的过程中,通过各种感官来参与轻松地将歌曲长久的储存在记忆中。 2. PLAYWAY的故事和短剧的设计非常适合儿童的年龄特点,他们可以理解较长的情节并慢慢习惯于听描述性和叙述性的语言。故事和短剧中不断重复的部分,可以使儿童理解并掌握许多大段的语言,这在孩子的英语学习中是很重要的。我们强调儿童应把语言作为整体来学习,而不是孤立的教授单词和句子。尤其是英语的语音和语调的训练。孩子喜欢表演他们从录象中看到的故事或短剧,通过表演获得一种成就感,从而增强他们学习的积极性。孩子们在PLAYWAY的故事和短剧中不仅可以获得不同的异国文化,还可以从故事中得到很多的启发。书中拼图的形式不仅巩固了孩子对短剧的记忆,更锻炼了孩子小肌肉的发展。 3. PLAYWAY中的行动故事,主要通过动作、手势来表达句子的含义。这是基于James Asher 的全身反应(TPR)理论来设计的。儿童学习外语最重要的是听说能力的培养,特别是听力的培养。PLAYWAY的行动故事给儿童一个通过多种感官来学习的机会。使他们体会到学习英语是一种有趣的游戏;使他们感到自己能用外语来做点事情;使他们锻炼良好的听力;从而增强儿童学习英语的自信心。学习完行动故事后,孩子需要把这些图画正确排序。这训练了他们的听觉、视觉和动觉记忆力。 4. PLAYWAY非常注重听力的培养。因为对英语听力内容的理解对于孩子早期学习外语是非常重要的。PLAYWAY中设计了各种形式的听力练习,通过所设计的练习形式,培养了孩子听细节和要点的能力。 5. PLAYWAY的设计处处体现了多元智能的发展。PLAYWAY所倡导的SMILE教学法是以认知心理学作为理论基础的。在让孩子充分感受学习英语快乐的同时,SMILE教学法在教育理念和方法上大大超越了“快乐”。在多元智力开发、多感官刺激等认知心理学理论与英语实际教学的结合上,把握了儿童英语教育的真谛。 PLAYWAY的“十大”教育理念:


playway第一册活动用书的做法 活动用书第39页和第40页 1、让孩子沿着虚线剪下图画。 2、让孩子把MERRY CHRISTMAS和两边的图画都涂上颜色。 3、让孩子沿着中间的细线把卡片折起来将有灰色圆形的一面朝上。 4、帮助孩子把灰色圆形剪下来。 5、告诉孩子他们可以把圣诞卡送给家人或朋友。 活动用书第38页 1、在黑板上画一个图形,如;一个圆。然后再画三个图形,在这三个图形中有一个是圆。如:○⊿□○,指着第一个图形,问;Which is the same?让一个孩子到前面来指出相对应的图形。 2、和孩子一起做活动用书中的第一个例子:说Look at the Christmas tree on the left.给孩子看一下这页书左边的图片,问;Which tree is the same? Tell me the number.让孩子售出答案。从中引导正确的答案(4),让孩子把相对应的图片的外框涂上和左边相同的颜色。 3、让孩子两人一组单独完成其他的内容。 4、最后,用上面的方法检查他们的答案。 活动用书第37页 1、给孩子几秒钟的时间看书中的迷宫图,然后说:Close your eyes。Where is the mouse?孩子们试着猜出:On the beach。In the mountains。 2、让孩子打开书进行检查,从中引导出正确的句子;The mouse is on the beach,让孩子们合上书用同样的方法继续进行,并问他们所有动物所在地点。 活动用书第36页和51页(下半部分) Tapescript:

Speaker 2:Tom is on the beach. Speaker 1:Sandra is in the jungle. Speaker 2:Andy is on the farm. Speaker 1: Karen is in the city. Speaker 2:Bob is in his garden. 1、让孩子把图片从附页51页中剪下来,读出下面名字并让他们在桌子上排列好图片:Maria、Tom、Sandra、Andy、Karen、Bob,指着附页中的一张图片说:This is Maria。给孩子指出:图片上的这些孩子的T恤上都有他们的名字的第一个大写字母。 2、播放活动用书录音带9,孩子在听后找出Maria、Tom、Sandra、Andy、Karen、Bob度假的地点,他们要把这些孩子的图片放在活动用书36页中正确的情境中,再听一遍录音进行检查,然后孩子们把图片粘好,教师提问:Where is Maria?等。活动用书第35页 Tapescript: You’re on the beach. You’re hot. Take off your jeans and your shoes. Take off your T-shirt and your socks You fall asleep. Open your eyes. Run home. 必要时播放几遍活动用书录音带18,让孩子在听完后再图画汇总的方格中填写出正确的数字,再听一遍并检查。 活动用书第34页


剑桥国际儿童英语Playway2教程 UNIT1: HELLO AGAIN 内容提要 单词:birds; grapes; nuts; a peach; an orange 卡通故事:Hello again 2. Don‘t play in the street 行动故事:The banana skin 教材内容 儿童用书P2歌曲(儿童用书录音带A2Hello again) One , two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Hello again. Red and pink And brow, princess, sheriff, clown, schoolbag, pencil, glue, orange, white and Blue .(Come on!) Cornflakes, cheese and cake, lion hippo snake, rain and Wind and sun, jump and clap and run,(Come on!) Teddy bear and plane, Puzzle, ball and train, dogs and cats and birds, we know lots of words.(Oh yes!) 听力练习(儿童用书录音带A5 What is it ?) 1: Boy: Close your eyes. 2: Boy: Close your eyes. 3: Girl: Close your eyes. Girl: Ok. Girl: Ok. Boy: Ok. Boy: Open your mouth. Boy: Open your mouth. Girl: Open your mouth. Girl: Mmh. Girl: Mmh. Boy: Mmh. Boy: What is it? Boy: what is it? Girl: What is it? Girl: A peach. Girl: A plum. Boy: A plum. Boy: That‘s right.Boy: That‘s right.Girl: That‘s right. 听力迷宫(儿童用书录音带A4 What‘s on Max‘s plate?) An orange, nuts, grapes, a pear, a peach. What‘s on Max‘s plate? 卡通故事(故事录音带1Don‘t play in the street) Storyteller: It‘s morning. Time Max: Apples, apples,I To go to school. Like…ooooh! My Linda: Have an apple, apple! Max. Linda and Benny: Be careful, Max! Max: thanks.One,two, Oh, Max. Three. Apples, Max: Thanks Linda. Apples, I like Thanks Benny. Apples, I like Linda and Benny: Don‘t play in the Apples… street Max! Linda and Benny: Stop it, Max. Max: Ok. 歌曲(儿童用书录音带A6 Don‘t play in the street!) Don‘t play in the street. Don‘t play in the street. Don‘t jump Around and fight! Eyes wide open and ears wide open, look Left and right, look left and right, look left and right. Oh yes! Don‘t play in the street. Don‘t play in the street. Don‘t jump Around and fight! Clever boys and clever girls, look left play in The street. Don‘t play in the street. Don‘t jump around and fight!


PLAYWAY一级家庭辅导手册 亲爱的家长朋友们,为了方便您了解孩子学习的主要内容,我们特把家庭辅导手册发到我们的博客上.如有拼写上的疏忽,还希望看到的家长及时与我们联系.谢谢! Play way to English (儿童用书录音带1Playway to English) With PLAYWAY learning English is fun, with PLAYWAY, PLAYWAY, hip, hip, hoo-ray! Learning to listen is easy, learning to speak is not hard, come on and smile, communicate, learning English is great! UNIT1: WHAT’ YOUR NAME 内容提要 短句:I’m max 】 歌曲:What’s your name 多元智能发展 语言技能 问候;理解录像中的对话;会询问别人的名字;能够介绍自己的名字;会唱歌曲:What’s your name 认知,运动和社交能力 建立基本的课堂常规;能把画片按正常的顺序排列并粘到书上;学习怎样在班级里进行集体活动;和同伴一起表演对话;按正确的节奏唱歌,拍手。 教材内容 儿童用书P2-P3短剧(故事录音带1,Unit1:I’m max) 》 Max: Hello. Max: M… m…m Linda and Benny: Hello. Benny: max Linda: What’s your name Max: Yes. Yes. I’m Max. Max: Aaaaaaah…M…m…m. What’s your name Benny: Martin Benny: I’m Benny. Max: M…m…m. Max: I’m Linda Linda: Mike Linda: I’m Linda. 歌曲(儿童用书录音带:What’s your name) 1. What’s your name What’s your name I’m Linda. Hello ,hello, hello. hello. hello. hello .to you! Hello. hello. hello. hello. hello. hello. to you!Hi! : 2. What’s your name What’s your name I’m Benny. Hello. hello. hello. hello. hello. hello. to you! 3. What ’your name What’s your name I’m Max. Hello. hello. hello. hello. hello. hello. to you! 未配录音部分 活动用书第2页—找出图片中隐藏的三中隐藏的三个人物Linda, Benny, Max; 为部分图画补充颜色。 UNIT2:SCHOOL 内容提要 生词:Book; pencil case; scissors; pencil; schoolbag; glue


一、教学内容:Unit1三个人物Linda Benny Max 二、教学准备:头饰 三、教学步骤: 1、引出与教授: (1)We have three new friends ①Now let’s look at the first one She’s a girl Deng deng deng ……. 老师疑惑地问“What’s your name” 再变成Linda的声音回答“I’m Linda” ) 把Linda的头饰拿到学生面前,让他们每人读一遍,然后正音 ②The second one He’s a boy Dong dong dong ……(铿锵有力地) 老师疑惑地问“What’s your name” 再变成Benny的声音回答“I’m Benny” 把Benny的头饰拿到学生面前,让他们每人读一遍,然后正音 ③The last one 把Max从包里很费力地拿出来,好像他不想出来一样 老师非常疑惑地问“What’s your name” 再变成Max的声音回答“I’m Max” / (2)Now let’s say “Hello” to our new friends 老师先演示一遍把头饰朝向学生,老师和Linda Benny Max分别打招呼说“Hello Linda”“Hello Benny”“Hello Max”然后让孩子分别学着老师的样子和三个新朋友打招呼 2、练习: Now look at me 分别做出Linda Benny Max出场动作 Now all of you stand up Follow me This time I say you do the actions 3、游戏: Now let’s play a game : 把Linda Benny Max分别放在教室的三个角落 Now I will invite two children come here When I say kiss/pat Linda ,you should run to her and kiss/pat her 一、教学内容:Unit1歌曲What’s your name 二、教学准备:CD 三、教学步骤: 1、引出 Let’s learn a song Now listen to the CD One more time | 2、教授: Follow me 可以用大小声和变声等方法来讲给孩子正音 可以打节拍正音,效果会更好 Now listen to the CD and look at me All of you stand up Listen to the CD and follow me

PLAYWAY1教材(1~10单元) 整理版

UNIT 1: What’s your name 第一单元:你叫什么名字 内容提要 短句:I’m max. 歌曲:What’s your name 语言技能: 问候;理解录像中的对话;会询问别人的名字;能够介绍自己的名字;会唱歌曲:What’s your name 认知、运动和社交能力: 建立基本的课堂常规;能把画片按正常的顺序排列并粘到书上;学习怎样在班级里 进行集体活动;和同伴一起表演对话;按正确的节奏唱歌,拍手。 教材内容 儿童用书P2-P3短剧I’m max Max: Hello. 你好 Linda and Benny: Hello. 你好 Linda: What’s your name 你叫什么名字 Max: Aaaaaaah…M…m…m. Benny: Martin 是叫Martin吗 Max: M…m…m. Linda: Mike 是叫Mike吗 Max: M… m…m Benny: Max 是叫Max吗 Max: Yes. Yes. I’m Max. What’s your name 是的,我叫Max,你叫什么名字呢 Benny: I’m Benny. 我叫Benny。 Max: And what’s your name 那么你叫什么名字呢 Linda: I’m Linda. 我叫Linda。 歌曲 1.What’s your name What’s your name I’m Linda. Hello ,hello, hello. hello. hello. hello to you! Hello. hello. hello. hello. hello. hello to you!Hi! 2.What’s your name What’s your name I’m Benny. Hello. hello. hello. hello. hello. hello to you! Hello. hello. hello. hello. hello. hello to you!Hi! 3.What’s your name What’s your name I’m Max. Hello. hello. h ello. hello. hello. hello to you! Hello. hello. hello. hello. hello. hello to you!Hi! 贴图、涂色作业 1.将学生用书57页上半部分剪下来,贴在2-3页。 2.活动用书第2页:找出图片中隐藏的三个人物Linda, Benny, Max;为部分图画补充颜色。


UNIT 1: What’s your name? 第一单元:你叫什么名字? 内容提要 短句:I’m max. 歌曲:What’s your name? 语言技能: 问候;理解录像中的对话;会询问别人的名字;能够介绍自己的名字;会唱歌曲:What’s your name? 认知、运动和社交能力: 建立基本的课堂常规;能把画片按正常的顺序排列并粘到书上;学习怎样在班级里进行集体活动;和同伴一起表演对话;按正确的节奏唱歌,拍手。 教材内容 儿童用书P2-P3短剧I’m max Max: Hello. 你好 Linda and Benny: Hello. 你好 Linda: What’s your name? 你叫什么名字? Max: Aaaaaaah…M…m…m. Benny: Martin? 是叫Martin吗? Max: M…m…m. Linda: Mike? 是叫Mike吗? Max: M…m…m Benny: Max? 是叫Max吗?

Max: Yes. Yes. I’m Max. What’s your name? 是的,我叫Max,你叫什么名字呢?Benny: I’m Benny. 我叫Benny。 Max: And what’s your name? 那么你叫什么名字呢? Linda: I’m Linda. 我叫Linda。 歌曲 1. What’s your name? What’s your name? I’m Linda. Hello ,hello, hello. hello. hello. hello to you! Hello. hello. hello. hello. hello. hello to you!Hi! 2. What’s your name? What’s your name? I’m Benny. Hello. hello. hello. hello. hello. hello to you! Hello. hello. hello. hello. hello. hello to you!Hi! 3. What’s your name? What’s your name? I’m Max. Hello. hello. hello. hello. hello. hello to you! Hello. hello. hello. hello. hello. hello to you!Hi! 贴图、涂色作业 1.将学生用书57页上半部分剪下来,贴在2-3页。 2.活动用书第2页:找出图片中隐藏的三个人物Linda, Benny, Max;为部分图画补充颜色。


PLAY WAY (一)单词和句型 注释: 1)三会单词,为本学期期末测试单词考试范围。(文化意识单元不作为考试范围) 2)二会单词,短语,句子要求理解,能做出反应。 3)作为期末考试口语自由问答以及听音做指令的范围的句子以蓝色底色句子为主。 4)字母操要求,学生能够见字母准确地读出字母,并且做出相对应的字母操。(包括字母的本身音,以及所包含的音素音,以及中心词) 5)Play way 一册开始,要求字母书写。只要求学生初步的描红书写,书写的字母笔顺和格式准确即可,不作为期末考试内容。 6)看图讲故事,模仿声音要标准,语流适中,语调准确,并且带动作。 Unit1What’s your name? 三会单词:Linda 琳达Benny 本尼Max 麦克斯 三会句子:Good morning. 早上好。Good afternoon.下午好。What’s your name? 你叫什么名字?I’m……我是。。。My name is……我的名字叫。。。 二会句子:Where is Benny? 本尼在哪里?划线部分可替换。 字母: Unit2School 三会单词:book 书pencil 铅笔schoolbag 书包 pencil case 铅笔盒scissors 剪刀glue 胶水 二会单词和短语:take拿,取touch 触摸put… in 把。。放到。。里go to school 去上学fun 乐趣Help me, please. 请帮助我。 Unit3Fruit 三会单词:apple 苹果banana 香蕉plum 李子pear 鸭梨one 一two 二three 三four 四five 五 1 2 3 4 5 二会句子:How many bananas are there? 有多少个香蕉? Open your schoolbag. 打开书包。Bite into it. 咬了一口。 Take out an apple. 拿出一个苹果。Yummy 美味极了。 Give me a banana.给我一个香蕉。Here you are. 给你。 Unit 4 Pets


Playway 1 Unit 1 1What’s your name? What’s your name? What’s your name? I’m Linda. I’m Benny. I’m Max. Hello ,hello, hello, hello, hello to you! Hello ,hello, hello, hello ,hello to you! Hi! 2.Action story Take your pencil case . Put it in your schoolbag. Take your schoolbag. Go to school. 3Story Benny’s flower Help me. Max. Okay. The red pencil, please. The scissors, please. Okay. The scissors. The glue, please. Okay. The glue. Benny! Coming ! The red pencil, the scissors. The glue. Ooooh noooo! Max? Here I am .Oh, Max. Unit 2

1School is fun School is fun, school is fun , yeah, yeah, yeah. School is fun, school is fun, yeah, yeah, yeah! 2Action story open your schoolbag Take out an apple. Bite into it. Yummy. 3chant Give me a banana Give me a banana. Here you are. Give ma an apple. Here you are. Give me a plum. Here you are. Give me a pear. It’s over there. 4 Story Going shopping Linda and Benny are going shopping . Two apples ,please. Here you are. Three bananas, please.


剑桥PLAYWAY儿童英语 Unit 1:WHAT’S YOUR NAME? 教材内容: 1、儿童用书短剧:I am Max. max :Hello. Linda and benny: hello. Max: what’s your name ? Max: Aaaaaaaaaah…..M…..m….m. Benny: martin? Max: M…..m.. Linda: Mike? Max: M…..m…m Benny: Max? Max; yes yes.I’m max max. what’s your name ? Benny: I’m benny. Max: And what’s your name ? Linda: I’m linda. 2、歌曲:what’s your name? What’s your name? What’s your name? I am Linda. hello,hello,hello,hello,hello to you! hello,hello,hello,hello,hello,hello to you! Hi! What’s your name? What’s your name? I am Benny. hello,hello,hello,hello,hello to you! hello,hello,hello,hello,hello,hello to you! Hi! What’s your name? What’s your name? I am Max. hello,hello,hello,hello,hello,hello to you! hello,hello,hello,hello,hello,hello to you! Hi! UNIT2:SCHOOL 教材内容: 1、单词:book;pencil case;scissors;pencil;schoolbag;glue 2、行动故事:Take your pencil case; Take your pencil case;Put it in your schoolbag;take your schoolbag;go to school. 3、短剧:Benny’s flower Benny:Help me.Max. Max: Okay. Benny: The read pencil, please.


PLAYWAY三级1-9单元教学计划重点 第五单元电影院在哪? 1.重点单词:chair椅子;cupboard柜子;desk书桌;window窗户;board板;door门;washbasin洗漱池;pot plant 吊篮;station车站;school学校;post office邮局;museum博物馆;hospital医院;church教堂;supermarket 超市;hotel宾馆;cinema电影院;next旁边;opposite对面。 2.重点句型:Where’s the cinema?电影院在哪?I will have some tea and watch TV我将喝茶看电视; 3.基本理解:I can’t see him;Let’s go down here;What that over there?学生用书P27卡通故事,完成粘贴画。 4. 课外字母发音练习:字母A:apple,ant,plant,pants,axe,astronaut,ambulance,pumpkin找出发音不同的单词。 5. 课外拼写和阅读:A fat cat,A fat cat sat,A fat cat sat on a mat,孩子能读句子找出单词:cat,fat,sat,mat。组成句子:on, the mat,sat,cat。 第六单元空闲时间 1. 重点单词和词组:ski滑雪;skate滑冰;swim游泳;roller-blade滑轮滑;play tennis/football打网球/踢足球;ride a horse骑马; sail a boat划船;feed a squirrel喂松鼠;play saxophone吹萨克斯;play volleyball打排球; 2. 重点句型:Can you ride a horse?你能骑马吗?Yes’ I can /No,I can’t;Are you good at it ? Yes, I think so; 3. 基本理解:Linda,Benny and max have a snowball fight;they go sking/sleding/snowboarding/curling 4. 课外字母发音练习:字母B:box,bed。Bat。ball。balloon,字母C:car,cup,cap ,cat,candle,corn,carrot,练习发音。 5. 每天记单词:hen母鸡;horse马;mouse老鼠;sheep绵羊;rabbit兔子;spider蜘蛛;turtle乌龟;zebra斑马;snake蛇;lion 狮子。One一;two二;three三;four四;five五;six六;seven七;eight八;nine九;ten十;eleven十一;twelve十二。 6. 作业:完成学生用书P29,32,33,35,活动用书PP22,2423 第七单元头和肩膀 1. 重点单词:head头;mouth嘴;nose鼻子;eye眼睛;ear耳朵;hair头发;arm胳膊;hand手;leg腿;knee膝盖;toes脚 趾;shoulder肩膀;kangaroo袋鼠;crocodile鳄鱼;key钥匙;nurse护士;a broken leg受伤的腿;big-small大小;widemouth-small mouth大嘴巴,小嘴;long fair hair- short fair hair长的黄头发短的黄头发; 2.歌曲:《head and shoulder》能完整歌唱歌曲。 3.卡通故事:鳄鱼先生和袋鼠医生,理解故事内容,能够复述和表演故事的部分场 景,能跟随教师一起讲过故事。 4.课外字母发音练习:D:duck;dog;door;dig;E:E-mail;elephant;exit;egg;能找出不同单词的发音。 5.每天记单词:apple苹果;banana香蕉;coconut椰子;grapes葡萄;lemon柠檬;mango芒果;orange橙子; peach桃子;pear梨;pineapple菠萝;watermelon西瓜;beans豆子;carrot胡萝卜;onion洋葱;pea豌豆; potato土豆;tomato西红柿;bread面包;cake蛋糕;ice-cream冰激凌;milk牛奶;pizza披萨rice米饭;sausage 香肠。

剑桥国际儿童英语1playway to english 1学生辅导手册

剑桥儿童英语PLAYWAY 1 UNIT 1: What’s your name? 第一单元:你叫什么名字? 内容提要 短句:I’m max. 歌曲:What’s your name? 语言技能: 问候;理解录像中的对话;会询问别人的名字;能够介绍自己的名字;会唱歌曲: What’s your name? 认知、运动和社交能力: 建立基本的课堂常规;能把画片按正常的顺序排列并粘到书上;学习怎样在班级里 进行集体活动;和同伴一起表演对话;按正确的节奏唱歌,拍手。 教材内容 1、儿童用书P2-P3短剧:I’m max Max: Hello. 你好 Linda and Benny: Hello. 你好 Linda: What’s your name? 你叫什么名字? Max: Aaaaaaah…M…m…m. Benny: Martin? 是叫Martin吗? Max: M…m…m. Linda: Mike? 是叫Mike吗? Max: M… m…m Benny: Max? 是叫Max吗? Max: Yes. Yes. I’m Max. What’s your name? 是的,我叫Max,你叫什么名字呢? Benny: I’m Benny. 我叫Benny。 Max: And what’s your name? 那么你叫什么名字呢? Linda: I’m Linda. 我叫Linda。 2、歌曲:what’s your name? 1. What’s your name? What’s your name? I’m Li nda.

Hello ,hello, hello. hello. hello. hello to you! Hello. hello. hello. hello. hello. hello to you!Hi! 2. What’s your name? What’s your name? I’m Benny. Hello. hello. hello. hello. hello. hello to you! Hello. hello. hello. hello. hello. hello to you!Hi! 3. What’s your name? What’s your name? I’m Max. Hello. hello. hello. hello. hello. hello to you! Hello. hello. hello. hello. hello. hello to you!Hi! 贴图、涂色作业 1.将学生用书57页上半部分剪下来,贴在2-3页。 2.活动用书第2页:找出图片中隐藏的三个人物Linda, Benny, Max;为部分图画补充颜色。 UNIT 2:School 第二单元:学校 内容提要 生词:book; pencil case; scissors; pencil; schoolbag; glue 行动故事:1. Take your pencil case. 2. Put your book in your schoolbag. 短剧:Benny’s flower 听力练习:Max? 歌曲:School is fun 语言技能: 学习单词的意义和发音;理解一系列的指令(行动故事);理解录像中的对话;会唱一首歌曲(School is fun). 认知、运动和社交能力: 听到单词能指出相应的图片卡;把声音和物体联系起来;和伙伴一起做单词游戏;理解随机顺序的指令并完成这些指令;有礼貌和向别人提供帮助;合着节拍齐声说、唱、转圈走并注意曲调;练习精细动作。 教材内容 儿童用书p4 单词 book书pencil case文具盒scissors剪刀pencil铅笔schoolbag书包 glue胶水 1、儿童用书p5行动故事:Take your pencil case


剑桥P l a y w a y U n i t1 教案 -CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN

一、教学内容:Unit1三个人物Linda Benny Max 二、教学准备:头饰 三、教学步骤: 1、引出与教授: (1)We have three new friends ①Now let’s look at the first one She’s a girl Deng deng deng ……. 老师疑惑地问“What’s your name?” 再变成Linda的声音回答“I’m Linda” 把Linda的头饰拿到学生面前,让他们每人读一遍,然后正音 ②The second one He’s a boy Dong dong dong ……(铿锵有力地) 老师疑惑地问“What’s your name?” 再变成Benny的声音回答“I’m Benny” 把Benny的头饰拿到学生面前,让他们每人读一遍,然后正音 ③The last one 把Max从包里很费力地拿出来,好像他不想出来一样 老师非常疑惑地问“What’s your name?” 再变成Max的声音回答“I’m Max” (2)Now let’s say “Hello” to our new friends 老师先演示一遍把头饰朝向学生,老师和Linda Benny Max分别打招呼说“Hello Linda”“Hello Benny”“Hello Max”然后让孩子分别学着老师的样子和三个新朋友打招呼 2、练习: Now look at me 分别做出Linda Benny Max出场动作 Now all of you stand up Follow me This time I say you do the actions 3、游戏: Now let’s play a game 把Linda Benny Max分别放在教室的三个角落 Now I will invite two children come here When I say kiss/pat Linda ,you should run to her and kiss/pat her 一、教学内容:Unit1歌曲What’s your name? 二、教学准备:CD 三、教学步骤: 1、引出 Let’s learn a song Now listen to the CD One more time 2、教授: Follow me 可以用大小声和变声等方法来讲给孩子正音 可以打节拍正音,效果会更好 Now listen to the CD and look at me All of you stand up Listen to the CD and follow me 3、练习: One more time This time let’s sing the song and do the actions


剑桥PLAYWAY三级教学内容(活动用书)UNIT1: Back to school 听力练习1(活动用书录音带A 1UNIT1: Listen and colour) Speaker1: Red-Have a glass of milk. Speaker2: Blue-Wash your face. Speaker1: Green-Check your watch. Speaker2: Orange-Put on your T-shirt. Speaker1: Yellow-Put your books in your schoolbag. Speaker2: Brown-Get your scissors. Speaker1: Pink-Get out of bed. Speaker2: Grey-Put your rubber in your pencil case. 听力练习2(活动用书录音带A2UNIT1: Listen and draw lines) Emma has got a red pencil case, a blue pen, a Grey rubber and blue scissors. Ken has got a red pencil case, a blue pen, an Orange rubber and green scissors, Rosie has got a yellow and blue pencil case, a Green pen, a grey rubber and yellow scissors. Richard has got a yellow and blue pencil case, A blue pen, an orange rubber and red scissors. UNIT2: Pets 单词拼图2(活动用书录音带A3 UNIT2:2Listen and stick in the animals)Speaker1: Put the black cat on red two. Speaker2: Put the brown and white pony on pink three. Speaker1: Put the brown rabbit on green one. Speaker2: Put the blue and green budgie on blue three. Speaker1: Put the grey mouse on pink one. Speaker2: Put the black spider on green two. Speaker1: Put the black dog on blue one. Speaker2: Put the black rabbit on red three. Speaker1: Put the brown guinea pig on yellow three. Speaker2: Put the green budgie on pink two. Speaker1: Put the black and white guinea on yellow one. Speaker2: Put the white cat on blue two. Speaker1: Put the white mouse on red one. Speaker2: Put the grey cat on green three. Speaker1: Put the white rabbit on yellow two. 听力练习6(活动用书录音带A4 UNIT2: 6Listen and check) 1 Interviewer: Hello, what’s your name? 4 Interviewer: Hi, Ken. Have you got Claire: Claire. A pet? Interviewer: Have you got a pet? Ken: Yes, I’ve got a mouse. Claire: Yes, a dog. Interviewer: A white one? Interviewer: What colour is it? Ken: No, it’s dark brown. Claire: Brown. 5 Interviewer: Hello, what’s your

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