当前位置:文档之家› 变形监测毕业论文设计







With the continuous development of economy and city development, building more and more presents to multi-layer, high-rise and super high-rise development trend. And the multi-storey and high-rise buildings in the process of construction will have certain vertical or horizontal displacement, and even endanger the safety of buildings, caused significant economic losses to the country and the people. Therefore, deformation monitoring and prediction of building is one of the most important aspects of building construction, and is also one of the hot issues in the field of Surveying and mapping engineering. Deformation monitoring is an important means of monitoring the deformation body safety, it gets the deformation body through real-time dynamic displacement information security warning of deformable body. In the practice of and scientific research on measurement of work activities, deformation monitoring plays an important role. In this paper, multi-storey and high-rise building, research building engineering deformation monitoring technology methods and how to ensure the construction itself at the same time, the deformation of the effective control of construction to ensure that the technology and method of construction safety and surrounding environment. In short, the building deformation monitoring has become a building design, construction, monitoring is an important content in. This paper focuses on the analysis and comparison of several different deformation observation method, especially in the construction of foundation pit deformation, building settlement displacement, horizontal displacement, tilt displacement, displacement, deflection deformation monitoring.

Keywords: building, building deformation monitoring, deformation of foundation pit, horizontal displacement, tilt displacement, displacement, deflection


1绪论 (1)

1.1引言 (1)

1.2 本文研究的主要容 (2)

2建筑变形监测概述 (3)

2.1 建筑变形监测 (3)

2.2 建筑变形监测的必要性 (3)

2.3 建筑变形监测的目的 (3)

2.4建筑变形监测方案的设计 (4)

2.4.1 设计的原则 (4)

2.4.2 方案容的制定 (4)

3建筑基坑变形监测容及方法原理 (4)

3.1 工程概况 (5)

3.2 变形监测的主要容 (5)

3.3 监测方法原理 (6)

3.3.1 监测点水平位移测量 (6)

3.3.2 围护结构侧向位移监测 (6)

3.4 监测频率与资料整理提交 (8)

3.4.1 监测初始值测定 (8)

3.4.2 施工监测频率 (8)

4 建筑沉降监测 (9)

4.1 监测方法的分析与确定 (9)

4.2 点位布设 (9)

4.3 建立高程控制网施测 (10)

4.4 观测技术要求 (10)

4.5 沉降观测的数据处理 (11)

5 建筑水平位移的变形监测 (12)

5.1 测点布置和埋设 (12)

5.2 平面控制网的建立和初始值的观测 (12)

5.3 水平位移监测方法的分析和比较 (12)

5.3.1 视准线法 (13)

5.3.2 测小角法 (14)

5.3.3 极坐标法 (14)

5.4 本章结论 (16)

6建筑变形监测新方法的研究 (17)

6.1 变形监测新方法的提出 (17)

6.2 三维坐标法基本原理 (17)

6.3 工程实例 (19)

6.4 本章结论 (19)

结论 (21)

参考文献 (22)

致 (23)




1.2 本文研究的主要容


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