当前位置:文档之家› 中考冲刺英语常见语法汇总




1) 单数人称代词并列作主语时,其顺序为:

第二人称-> 第三人称-> 第一人称

you -> he/she; it -> I

You, he and I should return on time.

2) 复数人称代词作主语时,其顺序为:

第一人称-> 第二人称-> 第三人称

we -> you -> They


a. 在承认错误,承担责任时,

It was I and John that made her angry.


b. 在长辈对晚辈,长官对下属说话时,如长官为第一人称,如:I and you try to finish it.

c. 并列主语只有第一人称和第三人称时,

d. 当其他人称代词或名词被定语从句修饰时。




John had cut his finger; apparently there was a broken glass on his



物主代词有形容词性(my, your等)和名词性(mine, yours等)两种,形容词性的物主代词属于限定词。


Jack's cap 意为The cap is Jack's.

His cap 意为The cap is his.

2) 名词性物主代词的句法功能

a. 作主语,例如:

May I use your pen? Yours works better.

我可以用一用你的钢笔吗? 你的比我的好用。

b. 作宾语,例如:

I love my motherland as much as you love yours.


c. 作介词宾语,例如:

Your should interpret what I said in my sense of the word, not in yours.


d. 作主语补语,例如:

The life I have is yours. It's yours. It's yours. 我的生命属于你,属



物主代词不可与a, an, this, that, these, those, some, any, several, no, each, every, such, another, which等词一起前置,修饰一个名词,而必须用双重所有格。


a, an, this, that +名词+of +名词性物主代词。如:

a friend of mine.

each brother of his.


1) 列表









a. 有些动词需有反身代词

absent, bathe, amuse, blame, dry, cut, enjoy, hurt, introduce, behave

We enjoyed ourselves very much last night.


Please help yourself to some fish.


b. 用于及物动词+宾语+介词

take pride in, be annoyed with, help oneself to sth.

I could not dress (myself) up at that time.


注:有些动词后不跟反身代词,get up, sit-down, stand up, wake up等。

Please sit down.


3) 作表语; 同位语

be oneself: I am not myself today.


The thing itself is not important.


4) 在不强调的情况下,but, except, for 等介词后宾语用反身代词或人称代词宾格均可


No one but myself (me) is hurt.


a. 反身代词本身不能单独作主语。

(错) Myself drove the car.

(对) I myself drove the car. 我自己开车。

b. 但在and, or, nor连接的并列主语中,第二个主语可用反身代词,特别是myself 作主语。

Charles and myself saw it.


You should be proud of yourself.



1)相互代词只有each other和one another两个词组



It is easy to see that the people of different cultures have always copied each other.


2) 相互代词的句法功能:

a. 作动词宾语;

People should love one another. 人们应当彼此相爱。

b. 可作介词宾语;

Does bark, cocks crow, frogs croak to each other. 吠、鸡鸣、蛙儿对唱。

说明:传统语法认为,相互关系存在于两个人或物之间用each other,存在于两个以上人和物之间用one another。现代英语中,两组词交替使用的实例也很多,例如:

He put all the books beside each other.


He put all the books beside one another.


Usually these small groups were independent of each other.


c. 相互代词可加-'s构成所有格,例如:

The students borrowed each other's notes.



1) 指示代词分单数(this / that)和复数(these / those)两种形式,既可作限定词又可做代词



限定词:This girl is Mary.Those men are my


代词:This is Mary. Those are my


2) 指示代词的句法功能

a. 作主语

This is the way to do it.


b. 作宾语

I like this better than that.


c. 作主语补语

My point is this.


d. 作介词宾语

I don't say no to that.


There is no fear of that.





(对)That is my teacher. 那是我的老师。( that作主语,指人)

(对)He is going to marry this girl. 他要和这个姑娘结婚。(this作限定词)

(错)He is going to marry this. (this作宾语时不能指人)

(对)I bought this. 我买这个。(this指物,可作宾语)



(对) He admired that which looked beautiful. 他赏外表漂亮的东西。

(对) He admired those who looked beautiful. 他赏那些外表漂亮的人。(those指人)

(错) He admired that who danced well. (that作宾语时不能指人) (对) He admired those who danced well. 他赏跳舞好的人。(those 指人)

(对) He admired those which looked beautiful. 他赏那些外表漂亮的东西。(those指物)


1) 关系代词用来引导定语从句。它代表先行词,同时在从句中作一定的句子成分

例如:The girl to whom I spoke is my cousin. 跟我讲话的姑娘是我表妹。

(该句中whom既代表先行词the girl,又在从句中作介词to的宾语。)

2) 关系代词有主格,宾格和属格之分,并有指人与指物之分。在限定性定语从句中,that 可指人也可指物




主格who which that

宾格whomthat that

属格whose of which/whose of which/whose


This is the pencil whose point is broken.


(whose 指物,在限定性定语从句中作定语)

He came back for the book which he had forgotten. 他回来取他丢下的书。


3) 关系代词which的先行词可以是一个句子,例如:

He said he saw me there, which was a lie.



I've forgotten much of the Latin I once knew.


He's changed. He's not the man he was.




all , both, every, each, either, neither, more, little, few, much, many, another, other, some, any , one, no 以及some, something, anything, everything, somebody, someone, anybody, anyone, nothing , nobody, no one, none, everybody, everyone.等。


a. 除every 和no外不定代词既可用作名词,也可用作形容词。every和no在句中只能作定语。

I have no idea about it.

b. all 都,指三者以上。

all 的主谓一致:all的单复数由它所修饰或指代的名词的单复数决定。

All goes well. 一切进展得很好。

all 通常不与可数名词单数连用,如:不说all the book,而说the whole book。

但all可与表时间的可数名词单数连用,如all day,all night,all the

year; 但习惯上不说all hour,all century。

all还可以与一些特殊的单数名词连用,如all China,all the city,all my life,all the way


a. both 与复数动词连用,但both… and…可与单数名词连用。

b. both, all 都可作同位语,其位置在行为动词前,be 动词之后。如果助动词或情态动词后面的实义动词省去,则位于助动词或情态动词之前。

Who can speak Japanese?We both (all) can.


a. neither作主语时,谓语动词用单数。

b. 作定语与单数名词连用,但neither… nor 用作并列连词,可与复数名词连用。其谓语采用就近原则。

c. 可用于下列句型,避免重复。

She can't sing,neither (can) he.

neither 与nor

d. 如前句是否定式从句,则主句用neither,而不用nor。

If you don't do it,neither should I. 如果你不干,我也不干。

e. 如后连续有几个否定句式,则用nor,不用neither。

He can't sing,nor dance,nor skate.


一、none 无

1) none作主语,多与of 构成短语none of。在答语中,none可单独使用。

Are there any pictures on the wall? None.

2) none作主语,谓语动词单复数均可。但如做表语,则其单复数与表语一致。

It is none of your business.

二、few 一些,少数

few 作主语时,谓语动词用复数,多用于肯定句。

三、some 一些

1) 可与复数名词及不可数名词连用。

2) 当做"某一"解时,也可与单数名词连用。(= a certain)

You will be sorry for this some day.


A certain (some) person has seen you break the rule.





a. 肯定疑问句中:说话人认为对方的答案会是肯定的,或期望得到肯定回答时。

Would you like句式中,表委婉请求或建议,如:

Would you like some coffee?

b. 在条件状语从句中表示确定的意义时,如:

If you need some help,let me know.

c. some位于主语部分,

Some students haven't been there before.

d. 当否定的是整体中的部分时,some可用于否定句。如:

I haven't heard from some of my old friends these years.


四、any 一些

any 多用于否定句和疑问句和条件状语从句中。


Here are three novels. You may read any.


五、one, ones 为复数形式

ones必须和形容词连用。如果替代的名词时无形容词在前,则用some, any,而不用ones。

Have you bought any rulers?

Yes,I 've bought some.


one表示泛指,that和it 表示特指。that与所指名词为同类,但不是同一个,而it 与所指名词为同一个。

I can't find my hat. I think I must buy one. (不定)


The hat you bought is bigger than that I bought. (同类但不同个)你买的那顶帽子比我买的大。

I can't find my hat. I don' t know where I put it. ( 同一物)


11、one/another/the other

one… the other 只有两个

some… the others 有三个以上

on e… another,another…

some… others,others…

others = other people/things

the others = the rest 剩余的全部

1) 泛指另一个用another。

2) 一定范围内两人(物),一个用one,另一个用the other。

3) 一定范围内三者,一个用one,另一个用one (another),第三个可用the other,a third。

4) 一定范围内,除去一部分人/物,剩余的全部用the others。

5) 泛指别的人或物时,用others当在一定范围内,除去一部分后,剩余部分但不是全部时,也用others。

12、anyone/any one;no one/none;every/each

1.anyone 和any one

anyone仅指人,any one既可指人,也可指物

2.no one 和none

a) none 后跟of短语,既可指人又可指物,而no one只单独使用,只指人。

b) none 作主语,谓语动词用单,复数均可,而no one作主语谓语动词只能是单数。

None of you could lift it. 你们中没有人可举起它。

---- Did any one call me up just now? --刚才有人打电话给我吗?

---- No one. --没有。

3.every 和each

1) every 强调全体的概念,each强调个体概念。

Every student in our school works hard. 我们学校的学生都很用功。

Each student may have one book.. 每个学生都可有一本书。

2) every 指三个以上的人或物(含三个),each指两个以上的人或物(含两个)。

3) every 只作形容词,不可单独使用。each可作代词或形容词。

Every student has to take one.

Each boy has to take one.

Each of the boys has to take one.

4) every不可以作状语,each可作状语。

5) every 有反复重复的意思,如every two weeks等; each没有。

6) every 与not 连用,表示部分否定; each 和not连用表示全部否定。

Every man is not honest. 并非每个人都诚实。

Each man is not honest. 这儿每个人都不诚实。


这些词都可用作代词或形容词。其位置都在be 动词之后,行为动词之前或第一助动词之后。

1) both (两者都),either(两者中任何一个),neither (两者都不)


Neither of the two boys is clever. 两个男孩都不聪明。

2) both,either


Both the boys are clever. 两个男孩都很聪明。

Either of the two boys is clever. 两个男孩都很聪明。

There are flowers on both sides of the street.


There are flowers on either side of the street.



3) all (所有的,全部的人或物),any (任何一个),none (都不)


All the flowers are gone. 所有的花都谢了。

I don't like any of the flowers. 这些花我都不喜欢。

I like none of the flowers. 这些花我都不喜欢。


All of the students are there.


All (of) the milk is there.


14、few,little,a few,a little

(a) few + 可数名词,

(a) little + 不可数名词

a few / a little 为肯定含义,还有一点

few / little 为否定含义,没有多少了。

He has a few friends. 他有几个朋友。

He has few friends. 他几乎没有朋友。

We still have a little time. 我们还有点时间。

There is little time left.几乎没剩下什么时间了。


Although he 's wealthy,he spends___ on clothes.

A. little

B. few

C. a little

D. a few

答案:A. spend所指的是钱,不可数,只能用little或a little. 本句为although引导的让步状语从句,由句意知后句为否定含义,因此应用little表示几乎不。


only a few (=few)

not a few (=many)

quite a few (=many)

many a (=many)

Many books were sold.

Many a book was sold.






例如:hot 热的



例如:afraid 害怕的。

(错) He is an ill man.

(对) The man is ill.

(错) She is an afraid girl.

(对) The girl is afraid.

这类词还有:well,unwell,ill,faint,afraid,alike,alive,alone,asleep,awake 等。



something nice



如:the dead,the living,the rich,the poor,the blind,the hungry The poor are losing hope.


the British,the English,the French,the Chinese.

The English have wonderful sense of humor.


限定词--数词--描绘词--(大小,长短,形状,新旧,颜色) --出处--材料性质,类别--名词

中考英语语法专项习题 代词

2011年中考英语代词练习题 一。单项填空 1. Tom, Please pass ________ the glasses. I want to read the newspapers. A. you B. me C. him D. her 2. The English novel is quite easy for you. There are ______ new words in it. A. a little B. little C. a few D. few 3. ---You want ________ sandwich? ---Yes, I usually eat a lot when I’m hungry. A. other B. another C. others D. the other 4. The doctors and nurses are doing their best to fight SARS. They think more of others than _______. A. they B. them C. themselves D. theirs 5. ---Which do you prefer, a bottle of orange or a bottle of milk? ---______________, thanks. I’d like a cup of tea. A. Either B. Neither C. Both D. None 6. ---Oh! I came in a hurry and forgot to bring food. ---Never mind. You can have ________.


2016年中考英语语法难点汇总 介词 I. 要点 1、介词和种类 (1) 简单介词,常用的有at, in, on, about, across, before, beside, for , to, without 等。 (2) 复合介词,如by means of, along with, because of, in front of, instead of 等。 2、介词和其他词类的习惯搭配关系 (1) 和动词的搭配,如agree with, ask for, belong to, break away from, care about 等。 (2) 和形容词的搭配,如afraid of, angry with, different from, good at 等。 (3) 和名词的搭配,如answer to , key to, reason for, cause of, visit to 等。 3、介词短语可以有自己的修饰语,这种修饰语通常有right, just, badly, all, well, directly, completely 等少数几个副词。如:He came right after dinner. He lives directly opposite the school. 4、某些介词的意义与用法举例 (1) at, on, in (表时间) 表示时间点用at,如at four o'clock, at midnight 等;表示不确定的时间或短期假日也用at,如at that time, at Christmas 等。 指某天用on, 如on Monday, on the end of November, 指某天的朝夕用on,如on Friday morning, on the afternoon of September lst 等。 指长于或短于一天的时段用in,如in the afternoon, in February, in Summer, in 1999 等。 (2) between, among (表位置) between 仅用于二者之间,但说三者或三者以上中的每两个之间的相互关系时,也用between, 如 I'm sitting between Tom and Alice. The village lies between three hills.


初中英语知识总结 一、出现以下词,用do填空: can , could, may, must, need, had better, why not, make, have to, let’s, see, hear, watch, notice, Will ( Would ) you please…? 二、出现以下词,用to do 填空: would like, want, begin, start, hope, decide, ask, wish, have something to do, tell, take time, it’s time, remember, forget, learn, teach, try, stop, plan, adj./疑问词后,take ,allow, encourage, warn, It’s +形容词+to do something, discuss, know, refuse, invite , get order, like, offer, lend, make up one’s mind to do, set one’s mind to do, enough, need 三、出现以下词,用doing 填空: finish, like, enjoy, mind, keep, be busy, there be, do some…, go doing, prevent, be worth, spend, practice, feel like, thank somebody for doing something ,stop, excuse somebody for doing something, can’t help, prefer…to…,look forward to…hate, mention, hav e fun doing,介词:at, in , on, of , from, for, about, with, without, ,make a contribution to, be used to, hear, see, watch, notice, listen, 四、基数词的特殊变化 one---first ; two---second; three---third; five---fifth; eight---eighth; nine---ninth; twelve---twelfth; twenty---twentieth; twenty-one---twenty-first 五、代词的变化: 主格―――宾格――所有格(adj.)――所有格(n.)―反身代词 I --------me--------my----------mine-------------myself you------you--------your-------yours------------yourself he-------him---------his-------his-------------himself she------her----------her-------hers-----------herself it-------it----------its--------its--------- itself we-------us---------our---------ours------------ourselves you------you--------your--------yours---------yourselves they-----them------their--------theirs---------themselves 六、表示天气的词 1. sun—sunny 2. cloud—cloudy 3. rain—rainy 4. wind—windy 5. fog—foggy 6. mist—misty 7. snow—snowy 8. shower—showery 七、表示方向的词 1. east—eastern—easterner(s) 2south—southern—southerner(s) 3.west—western—westerner(s) 4.north—northern—northerner(s) 八、国家---国家的(人) 1.China—Chinese 2.Japan—Japanese 3.Germany--German 4.Canada—Canadian 5.Sweden—Swedish 6. Australia--stralian


初三语法易错题汇总(适合优质学员二模提高冲刺使用) 1.When he retired at65,he____painting in over20cities in Europe and Asia. A.teaches B.has taught C.had taught D.would teach 解析:C.时态的考查,teach是发生在retired之前,故是过去的过去,用过去完成时态。 2.--______did the winner of the bicycle race ride? —At the speed of40km/h. A.How long B.How fast C.How much D.How far 解析:B.根据答句可以得出是对速度的提问,故用how fast. 3.Alice,________her friends,always takes a long walk after supper. A.both B.as well as C.but also D.And 解析:B.主谓一致问题。根据takes可以得出句子的主语是第三人称单数,故是就远原则,考生应清晰的掌握就近原则和就远原则. 4.Hey,boy!would you like to show me your_______hand? A.the others B.the other C.other D.Another 解析:C.考查不定代词。常考搭配:one...the other;some...others;考生要清楚one...the other(中the可以换成相应的形容词性物主代词) 5.The manager is much better than other employees________dealing with the customers’complaints. A.in B.at C.on D.Of 解析:B.词组be good at的固定搭配,此题为比较级。 6.I hear that you have been to Wenzhen.Did you like it?How long_______you________there? A.do.....stay B.have.....stayed C.did.....stay D.had.....stayed 解析:C.动词时态的考查,此题没有侧重对现在造成的影响,故直接用一般过去时态。 7.The sea wave reached10meters in the storm.(对划线部分提问) ____________________was the sea wave in the storm?(对划线部分提问) 解析:How high.特殊疑问句的考查,学生需掌握how相关的特殊疑问句含义。 8.Martine doesn’t play for the school football team any longer.(保持句子意思不变) Martine is__________________a member of the school football team. 解析:not any longer=no longer. 9.During the test,our teacher stopped us from talking with each other.(保持句子意思不变) Our teacher didn’t________us__________talk with each other during the test. 解析:stop sb from doing sth=don’t allow sb to do sth. 10.The factory decided to increase production to meet the needs of more customers.(保持句子意思不变) The factory decided to increase production to_________the________of more customers. 解析:meet one’s needs=satisfy one’s demand. 11.The thief finally said that he stole the valuable necklace from the lady.(保持句子意思不变) The thief finally____________________the valuable necklace from the lady.(保持句子意思不变)解析:承认做过某事。Admit doing sth 12.Did Maggie fly to New York on her own?He wondered.(合并成一句话) He wondered if Maggie__________________to New York on her own? 解析:宾语从句的考查。Had flown 13.The baby pandas weigh about150grams on average.(对划线部分提问) ___________________do the baby pandas weigh on average? 1 11


最新中考英语知识点汇总中考英语知识点:名词所有格 【速记口诀】 名词所有格,表物是"谁的"。 若为生命词,加"‘s"即可行。 词尾有s,仅把逗号择。 并列名词后,各自和共有。 前者分别加,后者最后加。 若为无生命词,of所有格。 前后须倒置,此是硬规则。 【妙语诠释】

①有生命的名词所有格一般加s,但如果名词以s结尾,则只加"‘"; ②并列名词所有格表示各自所有时,分别加"‘s",如果是共有,则只在最后名词加"’s"; ③如果是无生命的名词则用of表示所有格,这里需要注意它们的顺序与汉语不同,A of B要翻译为B的A. 中考英语知识点:宾语从句用法巧记口诀 【速记口诀】 宾语从句须注意,几点事项应牢记。 一是关键引导词,不同句子词相异。 陈述句子用that;一般疑问是否(if,whether)替; 特殊问句更好办,引导还用疑问词。 二是时态常变化,主句不同从句异。

主句若为现在时,从句时态应看意; 主句若为过去时,从句时态向前移。 三是语序要记清,从句永保陈述序。 【妙语诠释】 宾语从句应注意三点: ①引导词,陈述句一般由that引导,这时的that可以省略;一般疑问句则由if或whe-ther引导;而特殊疑问句则由特殊疑问词引导。 ②时态,主句是现在时态,从句可用所需要的任何时态;但如果主句是过去时态,从句时态所表示时间一般往前移一个时间段。 ③语序,宾语从句永远要用陈述句顺序。 中考英语知识点:语法学习口诀 1、最初的简单动词的学习。

来是come,去是go.点头yes,摇头no.再见要用goodbye,谢谢要说thankyou. 2、关于Be的用法:BTH 我用am,你用are,is用在他、她、它,凡是复数都用are.不能错来,不能差。 3、关于冠词的使用:BTH 不见原因(元音),别施恩(n)。 4、不用冠词的部分情况:BTH 季节、月份、节假日,三餐、球类和星期。 5、以-fe结尾变复数只加s的单词: gulf roof chief serf belief proof handkerchief 海湾边,屋顶上,首领奴仆两相望,谁说他们无信仰,证据写在


中考英语语法专题详解三 介词、连词 一. 介词 1. 介词概述:介词表示它与后面的名词或代词与其他句子成分的关系。介词是虚词,不能单独做句子成分。介词在英语中用法很活,也无一定规律可循。在初中范围内还应学一个记住一个,特别是那些和动词的特殊搭配。 2. 常用介词的意义和用法。 ⑴时间或地点介词in、on、at的用法区别: 表示时间时, in表示在一段时间里(在将来时句子中则表示在一段时间之后), on表示在具体的某一天或者某天的上下午等, at表示在某个时刻或者瞬间; 表示地点时, in表示在某个范围之内, on表示在某个平面上或与一个面相接触,at则表示在某个具体的场所或地点。如: He was born on the night of May 10th. I usually get up at 7:00 in the morning. His glasses are on the desk. My brother is at the bus stop. ⑵after与in表示时间的用法区别:“after+(具体时刻/从句)”表示“在…时刻之后”常用于一般过去时态;“in+(一段时间)”表示“在(多久)之后”,常用于将来时态。如:He said that he would come back after 6:00. My father is coming back from Astralia in about a month. ⑶since与for表示时间的用法区别:“since+(具体时刻/that-从句)”表示“自从…起一直到现在”,“for +(一段时间)”表示“持续一段时间”,都常用于完成时态;如:


---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 2011届中考英语语法专项练习题及答案- 2011 届中考英语语法专项练习题及答案2010—2011 学年中考英语专项练习之主谓一致及直接引语和间接引语主谓一致英语中句子的主语要与其后的谓语保持一致,即“主谓一致” 。 一般遵循三个原则:语法一致原则、意义一致原则和就近一致原则。 【练习导航】Ⅰ. 用适当的 be 动词或助动词填空。 1. Every student _______ got a book. 2. The number of students in the school _______ now rising. 3. A number of boys _______ playing basketball at the moment. 4. There _______ something else in the desk. 5. Tom, together with his mother, _______ gone to New York. 6. The teacher with two students _______ playing sports. 7. This pair of trousers _______ made by my aunt last year. 8. Five months _______ a long time to wait. 9. Here _______ some books. 10. To clean the room _______ your duty. Ⅱ. 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。 11. When I got there, they each _______ (read) a book. 12. Neither of us _______ (like) the storybook. 13. Everyone except me _______ (go) to the cinema yesterday. 14. A football team often _______ (have) eleven players. 15. No one but my parents _______ (know) the truth. 16. Jim’s family _______ (enjoy) 1/ 98


2021初三英语语法选择冲刺篇(5篇) (一) Who is the greatest teacher in Chinese history? Many people would think of Confucius, 1._______ birthday was September 28. Although he lived over 2,000 years ago, people still remember and respect him for his contribution to the education today. Confucius lived in the Kingdom of Lu, which 2._______ Shandong Province. He lived during the Spring and Autumn Period. He had 3._______childhood. His father died when he was only 3. His mother brought him 4._________. As a child, he had to work to help his mother, but young Confucius didn’t 5.________ studying. He visited many famous teachers and learned music, history, poetry and sports. 6._______, he became a teacher and started the first public school in Chinese history. At that time only children from noble families could go to school, 7.______ Confucius believed everyone should go to school if they wanted to learn. He had about 3,000 students in his lifetime. Today, people still follow Confucius’ lessons. He told us that we all have something worthy 8._______. “When I am with three people, one of them must be better than me in some areas. I choose their good qualities and follow them.” He also taught us that thinking is very important in 9._______. “All study but no thinking makes people puzzled (困惑的). All thinking but no study makes people lazy.” Confucius is not only a great teacher, but also a famous thinker with wise thoughts about the world and society. His most important teachings are about kindness and good manners. “A person should be strict with 10._______, but be kind to others.” he said. ( )1.A. who B.which C.that D.whose ( )2.A. lies in B.lies on C.lies to D.lies at ( )3.A. hard B.a hard C.a harder D.the hardest ( )4.A. about B.up C.out D.in ( )5.A. give up B.give in C.give away D.give out ( )6.A. Late https://www.doczj.com/doc/b711397852.html,ter https://www.doczj.com/doc/b711397852.html,test https://www.doczj.com/doc/b711397852.html,tely ( )7.A. therefore B.so C.but D.however B.learning C.to be learned D.to learn ( )8.A. being learned ( )9.A. study B.studied C.studying D.to studying ( )10.A. him B.her C.himself D.herself


马上就要中考了,祝大家中考都考上一个理想的高中!欢迎同学们下载,希望能帮助到你们! 2020最新中考英语语法知识点汇总

一、词类、句子成分和构词法: 1、词类:英语词类分十种: 名词、形容词、代词、数词、冠词、动词、副词、介词、连词、感叹词。 1、名词(n.):表示人、事物、地点或抽象概念的名称。如:boy, morning, bag, ball, class, orange. 2、代词(pron.):主要用来代替名词。如:who, she, you, it . 3、形容词(adj..):表示人或事物的性质或特征。如:good, right, white, orange . 4、数词(num.):表示数目或事物的顺序。如:one, two, three, first, second, third, fourth. 5、动词(v.):表示动作或状态。如:am, is,are,have,see .

6、副词(adv.):修饰动词、形容词或其他副词,说明时间、地点、 程度等。如:now, very, here, often, quietly, slowly. 7、冠词(art..):用在名词前,帮助说明名词。如:a, an, the. 8、介词(prep.):表示它后面的名词或代词与其他句子成分的关系。如in, on, from, above, behind. 9、连词(conj.):用来连接词、短语或句子。如and, but, before . 10、感叹词(interj..)表示喜、怒、哀、乐等感情。如:oh, well, hi, hello. 2、句子成分:英语句子成分分为七种:主语、谓语、宾语、定语、 状语、表语、宾语补足语。 1、主语是句子所要说的人或事物,回答是“谁”或者“什么”。通 常用名词或代词担任。如:I’m Miss Green.(我是格林小 姐) 2、谓语动词说明主语的动作或状态,回答“做(什么)”。主要由动词 担任。如:Jack cleans the room every day. (杰克每天打 扫房间) 3、表语在系动词之后,说明主语的身份或特征,回答是“什么”或者 “怎么样”。通常由名词、代词或形容词担任。如:My name is Ping ping .(我的名字叫萍萍) 4、宾语表示及物动词的对象或结果,回答做的是“什么”。通常由


初中英语语法专项习题9-时态 1 ( ) 1 -He came early this morning, didn't he? -Yes, he did. He often___ to school early. A. come B. comes C. came D. has come ( ) 2 Ann ____ her hair every week. A. is going to wash B. wash C. washes D. is washing ( ) 3 They usually_____TV in the evening. A. watch B. will watch C. are watching D. watches ( ) 4 The sun ___ in the east and___ in the west. A. raises; set B. rise; sets C. rises; sets D. rises; set ( ) 5 Miss Gao___ English on the radio every morning. A. had studied B. studies C. study D. studied ( ) 6 Our teacher will return by the time school A. will begin B. began C. is beginning D. begins 2 ( ) 1 -I usually have milk and bread for breakfast. What about you, Jim? -So do I, but my sister ___. A. hasn't B. doesn't C. didn't D. won't ( ) 2 -That ten pound note belongs to me. A. Yes, it belongs B. No, it doesn't C. Yes, it is D. No, it isn't ( ) 3 She will go if it ___ tomorrow. A. isn't rain B. don't rain C. doesn't rain D. didn't rain 3 ( ) 1 -_____ they often ___ these old men? -Yes, they___. A. Do; help; are B.Are; helping; are C. Do; help; do D. Are; helped; are ( ) 2 -___ he ___ to work on foot? -Yes, he___. A. Do; go; do B. Does; go; does C. Is; going; does D. Does; go; is ( ) 3 _____ you ___ some speaking in English every day? A. Is; speaking B. Do; do C. Do; does D. Does; do 4 ( ) 1 How ____ it in English? A. you say B. do you say C. to speak D. about talk ( ) 2 ___ you ___ to school every day? A. When; go B. When do; go . C. When did; go D. Does; go ( ) 3 ___ the girl ___ to school? A. Where does; go B. How do; go C. How does; goes D. How does; go 5 ( ) 1 _____ you ___ how to get the bus stop?


专题七:宾语从句考点集汇,讲解和训练 一. 宾语从句的种类 宾语从句是一种名词性从句,在句中作及物动词的宾语,或介词的宾语,或形容词的宾语。根据引导宾语从句的不同连词,宾语从句可分为三类。 1. 由that引导的宾语从句。That只有语法作用,没有实在的意义,在口语 和非正式文体中可以省略。例如: He said (that) he wanted to stay at home. She doesn’t know (that) she is seriously ill. I am sure (that) he will succeed. 2. 由连接代词who, whom, whose, what, which和连接副词when, where, why, how引导的宾语从句。这些连接代词和连接副词在宾语从句中充当 某个成分。例如: Do you know who (whom) they are waiting foe? He asked whose handwriting was the best. Can you tell me where the No.3 bus stop is? I don’t k now why the train is late. 3. 由if或whether引导的宾语从句。If和whether在句中的意思是“是否”。 例如: I want to know if (whether) he lives there. He asked me whether (if) I could help him. 二. 宾语从句的语序

宾语从句的语序应为陈述句的语序。例如: I hear (that) physics isn’t easy. I think (that) you will like this school soon. Can you tell me how I can get to zoo? Please tell me when we’ll have the meeting. 三. 宾语从句的时态 1. 如果主句的时态是一般现在时,宾语从句该用什麽时态就用什麽时态。例 如: I don’t think (that) you are right. Please tell us where he is. Can you tell me how I can get to the railway station? 2. 如果主句的时态是一般过去时,宾语从句只能用相应的过去时态(一般 过去时,过去进行时,过去将来时,过去完成时)。例如: He asked what time it was. He told me that he was preparing for the sports meet. He asked if you had written to Peter. He said that he would go back to the U.S. soon. 3. 如果宾语从句所陈述的是客观真理,其时态常用一般现在时。例如: Our teacher said that January is the first month of the year. Scientists have proved that the earth turns around the sun. 【演练】


中考英语核心知识点汇总 中考英语核心知识点汇总英语语法重点与难点 1、as…as…结构:你和汤姆是一样好的孩子。 You’re a boy as good as Tom.=You’re as good a boy as Tom. 2、(1)too…to与so…that sb. can’t…的句型转换:前者为简单句,主语只有一个,而后者为复合句,主语有两个,试比较:The man was too angry to be able to speak. The man was so angry that he wasn’t able to speak. (2) too…to…与 not enough to句型的转换: He is too young to get married.=He is not old enough to get married. The book is too difficult for me to read.= The book is not easy enough for me to read. 3、形容词原级表示比较级含义: 约翰不象迈克那么苯。 John is not so stupid as Mike. John is less stupid than Mike. John is cleverer than Mike. 4、用比较级表示最高级:约翰是班里最高的男生。 John is taller than any other boy in the class. John is the tallest boy in the class. 5、the more….. the more….表示“越……越……”: The more books you read, the wider your knowledge is. The more food you eat, the fatter you are. 6、more and more….表示“越来……越……”:


【英语】中考英语语法填空知识点总结 一、初三中考语法填空(含答案详细解析) 1.阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。Today almost everyone knows computers and the Internet. If I ask you" What is the most important in your life? ", maybe you will say" Computers and the Internet". The________(one)computer was made in 1946. It was very big but it worked________(slow). Today computers are getting smaller and smaller. But________work faster and faster. What can computers do? A writer has said, "People can't live________computers today." The Internet came a little later than computers. It is about twenty-three years later than computers. But now it can________(find) almost everywhere. We can use it to read books, write letters, do________(shop), play games or make friends. Many students like the Internet very much. They often surf the Internet as soon as they are free. They make friends on the Internet and maybe they have never seen these friends. They don't know their real________(name), ages, and even sex(性别). They are so________(interest) in making the "unreal friends" that they can't put their hearts into study. Many of them can't catch up with others on many subjects________of that. We can use computers and the Internet to learn more about the world. But at________same time, we should remember that not all the things can be done by computers and the Internet.【答案】first;slowly;they;without;be found;shopping;names;interested;because;the 【解析】【分析】文章大意:文章介绍了电脑的发明时间,以及电脑的用途。还有电脑对我们生活的影响。 (1)句意:第一台电脑是在1946年制造的。根据定冠词the,可知应使用序数词first,故答案是first。 (2)句意:它很大,但是工作得很慢。slow修饰动词worked,应使用副词slowly,故答案是slowly。 (3)句意:但是他们工作的越来越快了。空缺处指代前文的computers,因此使用they,故答案是they。 (4)句意:现在没有了电脑人们不能生活。因为电脑在我们日常生活中越来越重要。所以没有电脑就不能生活,没有without,故答案是without。 (5)句意:但是现在到处都可以发它。主语it 和find是被动关系,应使用被动语态,含有情态动词的被动语态是:情态动词+be+过去分词,故答案是be found。 (6)句意:我们可以用电脑读书、写信和购物,购物do shopping,固定搭配,故答案是shopping。 (7)句意:他们不知道他们真正的名字。name名字,可数名词,根据their可知应使用复数形式,故答案是names。 (8)句意:他们对于结交不真实的朋友那么感兴趣,以致于不能把心思用在学习上。be interested in,对……感兴趣,故答案是interested。 (9)句意:因为这个原因,他们中的许多人在许多课程山上跟不上其他学生。because of


2017中考英语语法专题详解 一:名词 专题一名词 1. 名词的数 概述: 名词按其表示的事物的性质分为可数名词和不可数名词。 可数名词及其单复数:可数名词有单复数变化,其前通常用不定冠词和数词来修饰,还可用many, few, a few, some, any, plenty of, lots of, a number of 等修饰。构成名词复数形式的方法分为规则法和不规则法两种。 复数的规则构成法:绝大多数英语中的名词复数都是在单数名词后加上词尾-s或-es构成的。具体规则如下图: 规则 例词 一般情况下加-s apple-apples, ruler-rulers 以s, x, ch,sh,结尾的加-es bus-buses, box-boxes, watch-watches, brush-brushes 以辅音字母加y结尾的,把y变成i再加-es city-cities, county-countries 以f或fe结尾的,把f或fe变成v,再加-es knife-knives, leaf-leaves 以o结尾的,有的词尾加-es,有的加-s

在初中英语范围内加-es的主要有以下4个:tomato-tomatoes, potato-potatoes Hero-heroes,Negro-Negroes 2) 复数的不规则构成法: a.单复同形的:Chinese-Chinese, Japanese-Japanese, deer-deer, sheep-sheep, fish-fish(表示鱼的数量) b. 熟记下列词的复数变化:man-men, woman-women, policeman-policemen, foot-feet, tooth-teeth, mouse-mice, child-children c. 以man, woman做定语构成的复合名词,变复数时要全变:a man teacher-two men teachers; 其他情况一般只变主体名词而作定语的名词不变:a girl student-two girl students 3. 不可数名词:不可数名词没有单复数。如:water, meat, air等。在表示数量时,通常用以下方法。 1)用some, much, a little, little, a lot of, lots of, plenty of 等表示多少。 There is little milk at home. The old man has lots of money. 2) 若要表示不可数名词的数量,应用“数词+量词+of+名词”这种形式,若数字超过一,量词应用复数形式。如:a glass of water-two glasses of water, a piece of bread-two pieces of bread

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