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【摘要】Objective To probe into the problems existing in the outpatient prescriptions through comment and analysis of the outpatient prescriptions so as to improve rational drug use level in the outpatient department of Yibin First People’s Hospital. Methods A total of 22 491 outpatient prescriptions on the 10th and 20th of each month from January 2011 to December 2011 in our hospital were analyzed statisticaly.Results Of the 22 491 prescriptions reviewed,2 028(9.02%) were unreasonable in which 1 683 were nonstandard in drug use,282 inappropriate in drug use and 63 had off-label use. An average of 3.12 drugs was used per patient. 28.46% of the prescriptions prescribed antibiotics, 17.52% injections, and 99.85% prescribed drugs in generic names. National essential drugs accounted for 69.57% of al the prescribed drugs. The average drug cost was 126.35 Yuan per patient. Conclusion The outpatient drug use was rational basicaly yet it remains to be improved further.% 目的通过对我院门诊处方的点评、分析,了解我院门诊处方存在的问题,以期提高门诊合理用药水平.方法抽查我院2011年1月-2011年12月每月10日,20日两天的门诊处方共22491张,进行统计分析.结果不合理处方2028张,占9.02%;不合理处方中不规范处方1683

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