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Ability-to-pay principle能力纳税原则

The idea that taxes should be levied on a person according to how well that person can shoulder the burden

Absolute advantage绝对优势

The comparison among producers of a good according to their productivity

Aggregate-demand curve总需求曲线

A curve that shows the quantity of goods and services that households,firms,and the government want to buy at any price level

Aggregate-supply curve总供给曲线

A curve that shows the quantity of goods and services that firms choose to produce and sell at any level


An increase in the value of a currency as measured by the amount of foreign currency it can buy

Automatic stabilizers自动稳定器

Changes in fiscal policy that stimulate aggregate demand when the economy goes into a recession without policymakers having to take any deliberate action

Average fixed cost平均固定成本

Fixed costs divided by the quantity of output

Average revenue平均收益

Total revenue divided by the quantity sold

Average tax rate平均税率

Total taxes paid divided by total income

Average total cost平均总成本

Total cost divided by the quantity of output

Average variable cost平均可变成本

Variables costs divided by the quantity of output


the effect on GDP of the increase in investment that results from an increase in output.For instance,the greater output leads a firm to believe that the demand for its products will rise in the future;the resulting increase in investment leads to growth in output and still further increases in investment,accelerating the expansion of the economy

Acquired endowments后天禀赋

resources a country builds for itself,like a network of roads or an educated population

Adaptive expectations适应性预期

expectations based on the extrapolation of events in the recent past into the future

aggregate expenditures schedule总支出曲线

a curve that traces out the relationship between expenditures--the sum of consumption, investment,government expenditures,and net exports--and the national income,at a fixed price level

antitrust laws反托拉斯法

laws that discourage monopoly and restrictive practices and encourage greater competition


the process by which assets with comparable risk,liquidity,and tax treatment are priced to yield comparable expected returns

adverse selection逆向选择

principle that says that those who most want to buy insurance tend to be those most at risk,but charging a high price for insurance(to cover the high risk)will discourage those at less risk from buying insurance at all


any item that is long-lived,purchased for the service it renders over its life and for what one will receive when one sells it

assistance in kind实物援助

public assistance that provides particular goods and services,like food or medical care, rather than cash

asymmetric information信息不对称

a situation in which the parties to a transaction have different information,as when the seller or a used car has more information about its quality then the buyer

autonomous consumption自主消费

that part of consumption that does not depend on income


average costs平均成本

the total costs divided by the total output

average productivity平均产量

total quantity divided by the total quantity of input


Benefits principle受益原则

The idea that people should pay taxes based on the benefits they receive from government services


A certificate of indebtedness

Budget constraint预算约束

The limit on the consumption bundles that a consumer can afford

Budget deficit预算赤字

An excess of government spending over government receipts

Budget surplus预算盈余

An excess of government receipts over government spendin

barriers to entry进入障碍

factors that prevent firms from entering a market,such as government rules or patents

basic competitive model基本竞争模型

the model of the economy that pulls together the assumptions of self-interested consumers,profit maximizing firms,and perfectly competitive markets

bequest savings motive储蓄的遗产动机

people save so that they can leave an inheritance to their children

Bertrand competition伯特兰竞争

an oligopoly in which each firm believes that its rivals are committed to keeping their prices fixed and that customers can be lured away by offering lower prices

bilateral trade双边贸易

trade between two parties



a period of time when resources are being fully used and GDP is growing steadily



The equipment and structures used to produce goods and services

Capital flight资本外流

A large and sudden reduction in the demand for assets located in a country


A group of firms acting in unison

Catch-up effect追赶效应

The property that countries that start off poor tend to grow more rapidly than countries that start off rich

Central bank中央银行

An institution designed to oversee the banking system and regulate the quantity of money in the economy

Ceteris paribus其它条件相同

A Latin phrase,translated as'other things being equal,'used as a reminder that all variables other than the ones being studied are assumed to be constant

Circular-flow diagram循环流向图

A visual model of the economy that shows how dollars flow through markets among households and firms

Classical dichotomy古典二分法

The theoretical separation of nominal and real variables

Closed economy封闭经济

An economy that does not interact with other economies in the world

Coase theorem科斯定理

The proposition that if private parties can bargain without cost over the allocation of resources,they can solve the problem of externalities on their own

Collective bargaining集体谈判

The process by which unions and firms agree on the terms of employment


An agreement among firms in a market about quantities to produce or prices to charge


Commodity money商品货币

Money that takes the form of a commodity with intrinsic value

Common resources共有资源

Goods that are rival but not excludable

Comparable worth同工同酬

A doctrine according to which jobs deemed comparable should be paid the same wage

Comparative advantage比较优势

The comparison among producers of a good according to their opportunity cost

Compensating wage differential补偿性工资差别

A difference in wages that arises to offset the nonmonetary characteristics of different jobs

Competitive market竞争市场

A market with many buyers and sellers trading identical products so that each buyer and seller is a price taker


Two goods for which an increase in the price of one good leads to a decrease in the demand for the other good

Constant returns to scale规模收益不变

The property that long-run average total cost stays the same as the quantity of output changes

Consumer price index消费物价指数

A measure of the overall cost of the goods and services bought by a typical consumer

Consumer surplus消费者剩余

A buyer's willingness to pay minus the amount the buyer actually pays


Spending by households on goods and services,with the exception of purchases of new housing


The value of everything a seller must give up to produce a good

Cost-benefit analysis成本—收益分析

A study that compares the costs and benefits to society of providing a public good


Crowding-out effect挤出效应The offset in aggregate demand that results when expansionary fiscal policy raises the interest rate and thereby reduces investment spending


The paper bills and coins in the hands of the public

Cyclical unemployment周期性失业

The deviation of unemployment from its natural rate

capital gain资本增值

the increase in the value of an asset between the time it is purchased and the time it is sold

capital market资本市场

the market in which savings are made available to investors

categorical assistance分类帮助

public assistance aimed at a particular category of people,like the elderly or the disabled


relationship that results when an change in one variable is not only correlated with but actually causes the change in another one

central planning中央计划

the system in which central government bureaucrats(as opposed to private entrepreneurs or even local government bureaucrats)determine what will be produced an how it will be produced


organizational structure in which decision making is concentrated at the top

centrally planned economy中央计划经济

an economy in which most decisions about resource allocation are made by the central government

certificate of deposit(CD)存单

account in which money is deposited for a preset length of time,that must yield a slightly higher return to compensate for the reduced liquidity

circular flow循环流程

how funds move through the capital,labor,and product markets between households, firms,the government,and the foreign sector


classical economists古典经济学家

economists prevalent before the Great Depression who believed that the basic competitive model provided a good description of the economy and that if short periods of unemployment did occur,market forces would quickly restore the economy to full employment

classical unemployment古典失业

unemployment that results from too-high real wages;it occurs in the supply constrained equilibrium,so that rightwards shifts in aggregate supply reduce the level of unemployment

competitive equilibrium price竞争性均衡价格

the price at which the quantity supplied and the quantity demanded are equal to each other

consumer protection legislation消费者保护法

laws aimed at protecting consumers,for instance by assuring that consumers have more complete information about items they are considering buying

consumer sovereignty消费者权益

the principle that holds that each individual is the best judge of what makes him better off

consumption function消费函数

the relationship between disposable income and consumption

contingency clauses应变条款

statements within a contract that make the level of payment or the work to be performed conditional upon various factors

corporate income tax公司所得税

a tax based on the income,or profit,received by a corporation


relationship that results when a change in one variable is consistently associated with a change in another one

cost-push inflation成本推动型通货膨胀

inflation whose initial cause is a rise in production costs

Cournot competition古诺竞争

an oligopoly in which each firm believes that its rivals are committed to a certain level of production and that rivals will reduce their prices as needed to sell that amount

credentials competition文凭竞争


the trend in which prospective workers acquire higher educational credentials,not so much because of anything they actually learn in the process but to convince potential employers to hire them by signaling that they will be more productive employees than those with weaker credentials

credit constraint effect信贷约束效应

when prices fall,firms'revenues also fall,but the money they owe creditors remains unchanged;as a result,firms have fewer funds of their own to invest.Because of credit rationing,firms cannot make up the difference;accordingly,investment decreases

credit rationing信贷配给

credit is rationed when no lender is willing to make a loan to a borrower or the amount lenders are willing to lend to borrowers is limited,even if the borrower is willing to pay more than other borrowers of comparable risk who are getting loans

cross subsidization交叉补贴

the practice of charging higher prices to one group of consumers in order to subsidize lower prices for another group


Deadweight loss无谓损失

The reduction in total surplus that results from a tax

Demand curve需求曲线

A graph of the relationship between the price of a good and the quantity demanded

Demand deposits活期存款

Balances in bank accounts that depositors can access on demand by writing a check

Demand schedule需求表

A table that shows the relationship between the price of a good and the quantity demanded


A decrease in the value of a currency as measured by the amount of foreign currency it can buy


A severe recession

Diminishing marginal product边际产量递减

The property whereby the marginal product of an input declines as the quantity of the input increases


The property that the marginal product of an input declines as the quantity of the input increases

Diminishing returns收益递减

The property that the benefit from an extra unit of an input declines as the quantity of the input increases

Discount rate贴现率

The interest rate on the loans that the Fed makes to banks

Discouraged workers丧失信心的工人

Individuals who would like to work but have given up looking for a job


The offering of different opportunities to similar individuals who differ only by race,ethnic group,sex,age,or other personal characteristics

Diseconomies of scale规模不经济

The property that long-run average total cost rises as the quantity of output increases

Dominant strategy优势战略

A strategy that is best for a player in a game regardless of the strategies chosen by the other players


capital,such as bonds and bank loans,supplied to a firm by lenders;the firm promises to repay the amount borrowed with interest


organizational structure in which many individuals or subunits can make decisions

decision tree决策树

a device for structured decision making that spells out the choices and possible consequences of alternative actions

deficit spending赤字支出

the situation that exists when government expenditures are greater than revenues


a persistent decrease in the general level of prices

demand-constrained equilibrium受需求约束的平衡

the equilibrium that occurs when prices are stuck at a level above that at which aggregate demand equals aggregate supply at the current price level


demand-pull inflation需求拉动型通货膨胀

inflation whose initial cause is aggregate demand exceeding aggregate supply at the current price level

demographic effects人口效应

effects that arise from changes in characteristics of the population such as age,birthrates, and location


the lifting of government regulations to allow the market to function more freely


a reduction in the rate of exchange between one currency and other currencies under a fixed exchange rate system

developed countries发达国家或工业化国家

the wealthiest nations in the world,including Western Europe,the United States,Canada, Japan,Australia,and New Zealand

diminishing marginal utility边际效用递减

the principle that says that as an individual consumes more and more of a good,each successive unit increases her utility,or enjoyment,less and less


that portion of corporate profits paid out to shareholders

downward rigidity of wages工资下降刚性

the situation that exists when wages do not fall quickly in response to a shift in the demand or supply curve for labor,resulting in an excess supply of labor

dual economy二元经济

the separation in many LDCs between an impoverished rural sector and an urban sector that has higher wages and more advanced technology


an industry with only two firms

durable goods耐用品

goods that provide a service over a number of years,such as cars,major appliances,and furniture

dynamic consistency动态一致性

a policy is said to have dynamic consistency when government announces a course of


action and then has the incentives to actually carry out that policy



The study of how society manages its scarce resources

Economies of scale规模经济

The property that long-run average total cost falls as the quantity of output increases


The property of a resource allocation of maximizing the total surplus received by all members of society;The property of society getting the most it can from its scarce resources

Efficiency wages效率工资

Above-equilibrium wages paid by firms in order to increase worker productivity

Efficient scale有效规模

The quantity of output that minimizes average total cost


A measure of the responsiveness of quantity demanded or quantity supplied to one of its determinants


A situation in which supply and demand have been brought into balance

Equilibrium price均衡价格

The price that balances supply and demand

Equilibrium quantity均衡数量

The quantity supplied and the quantity demanded when the price has adjusted to balance supply and demand


The fairness of the distribution of well-being among the various buyers and sellers;The property of distributing economic prosperity fairly among the members of society

Excess demand超额需求

A situation in which quantity demanded is greater than quantity supplied

Excess supply超额供给

A situation in which quantity supplied is greater than quantity demanded



The property of a good that a person can be prevented from using it


Goods and services that are produced domestically and sold abroad;Goods produced domestically and sold abroad


The impact of one person's actions on the well-being of a bystander

economic rents经济租金

payments made to a factor that are in excess of what is required to elicit the supply of that factor

efficiency wage theory效率工资理论

the theory that paying higher wages(up to a point)lowers total production costs,for instance by leading to a more productive labor force

economies of scope范围经济

what exists when it is less expensive to produce two products together than it would be to produce each one separately

efficient markets theory有效市场理论

the theory that all available information is reflected in the current price of an asset

elasticity of labor supply劳动供给弹性

the percentage change in labor supplied resulting from a1%change in wages


terms that indicate part ownership of a firm,which the firm sells in order to raise money,or capital

equity capital股份资本

capital,such as shares(or stock),supplied to a firm by its owners(shareholders);the returns received by the owners are not guaranteed but depend on how well the firm does

exchange efficiency交换的效率

the condition in which whatever the economy produces is distributed among individuals in an efficient way

exchange rate汇率

the rate at which one currency(such as dollars)can be exchanged for another(such as marks,yen,or pounds)


excise tax货物税

a tax on a particular good or service

expected return预期收益

the average return--a single number that combines the various possible returns per dollar invested with the chances that each of these returns will actually be paid

export-led growth出口导向型增长

the strategy that government should encourage exports in which the country has a comparative advantage to stimulate growth


Factors of production生产要素

The inputs used to produce goods and services

Federal Reserve(Fed)联邦储备

The central bank of the United States

Fiat money法定货币

Money without intrinsic value that is used as money because of government decree

Financial intermediaries金融中介机构

Financial institutions through which savers can indirectly provide funds to borrowers

Financial markets金融市场

Financial institutions through which savers can directly provide funds to borrowers

Financial system金融体系

The group of institutions in the economy that help to match one person's saving with another person's investment

Fisher effect费雪效应

The one-for-one adjustment of the nominal interest rate to the inflation rate

Fixed cost固定成本

Costs that do not vary with the quantity of output produced

Fractional-reserve banking部分准备金银行体系

A banking system in which banks hold only a fraction of deposits as reserves

Free rider搭便车者

A person who receives the benefit of a good but avoids paying for it


factor demand要素需求

the amount of an input demanded by a firm,given the price of the input and the quantity of output being produced;an input will be demanded up to the point where the value of the input's marginal product equals the price of theinput

federal government structure联邦政府结构

a system in which government activity takes place at several levels--national,state, county,city,and others

firm wealth effect厂商的财富效应

lower prices or lower demand cause firms'profits and net worth to fall,and this makes them less willing to undertake the risks involved with investment

fiscal policies财政政策

policies that affect the level of government expenditures and taxes

fixed exchange rate system固定汇率体系

an exchange rate system in which the value of each currency is fixed in relationship to other currencies

flexible exchange rate system浮动汇率体系

a system in which exchange rates are determined by market forces,the law of supply and demand,without government interference

fixed or overhead inputs不变投入或分摊投入

inputs that do not change depending on the quantity of output,at least over the short term

flow statistics流量统计

measurements of a certain rate of quantity per period of time,such as GDP,which measures output per year

full-employment deficit充分就业赤字

the budget deficit that would have prevailed if the economy were at full employment,thus with higher tax revenues and lower public assistance expenditures

full-employment output/potential output充分就业产出或潜在产出

the level of output that would prevail if labor were fully employed(output may exceed that level if workers work more than the normal level of overtime)


GDP deflator平减指数


A measure of the price level calculated as the ratio of nominal GDP to real GDP times100

Game theory博弈理论

The study of how people behave in strategic situations

Giffen good吉芬物品

A good for which an increase in the price raises the quantity demanded

Gross domestic product(GDP)国内生产总值

The market value of all final goods and services produced within a country in a given period of time

Gross national product(GNP)国名生产总值

The market value of all final goods and services produced by permanent residents of a nation within a given period of time

gains from trade交易所得

the benefits that each side enjoys from a trade

GDP per capita人均国内生产总值

the value of all goods and services produced in the economy divided by population

general equilibrium analysis一般均衡分析

a simultaneous analysis of all capital,product,and labor markets throughout the economy

Gini coefficient基尼系数

a measure of inequality(equal to twice the area between the45degree line and the Lorenz curve)

green revolution绿色革命

the invention and dissemination of new seeds and agricultural practices that led to vast increases in agricultural output in LDCs during the1960's and1970's


Horizontal equity横向公平

The idea that taxpayers with similar abilities to pay taxes should pay the same amount

Human capital人力资本

The knowledge and skills that workers acquire through education,training,and experience;The accumulation of investments in people,such as education and on-the-job training


horizontal integration横向一体化

the integration of a firm with other firms producing the same product(at the same level of production)

horizontal merger横向兼并

a merger between two firms that produce the same goods

horizontal restrictions横向约束

restrictions(such as an agreement not to compete in price or to enter each others' markets)by competing firms(at the same level of production,for instance,among producers,or among wholesalers,or among retailers)

hostile takeover恶意收购

when one management team(one firm)takes over the control of another,against the will of the second firm


Import quota进口限额

A limit on the quantity of a good that can be produced abroad and sold domestically


Goods and services that are produced abroad and sold domestically

In-kind transfers实物转移支付

Transfers to the poor given in the form of goods and services rather than cash

Income effect收入效应

The change in consumption that results when a price change moves the consumer to a higher or lower indifference curve

Income elasticity of demand需求收入弹性

A measure of how much the quantity demanded of a good responds to a change in consumers'income,computed as the percentage change in quantity demanded divided by the percentage change in income


The automatic correction of a dollar figure for the effects of inflation by law or contract

Indifference curves无差异曲线

Curves that show consumption bundles that give the consumer the same level of satisfaction A good for which an increase in income reduces the quantity demanded

Inferior good低档商品


A good for which,other things being equal,an increase in income leads to a decrease in quantity demanded


An increase in the overall level of prices in the economy

Inflation rate通货膨胀率

The percentage change in the price index from the preceding period

Internalizing an externality外部性的内在化

Altering incentives so that people take account of the external effects of their actions


Spending on capital equipment,inventories,and structures,including household purchases of new housing

imperfect competition不完全竞争

any market structure in which there is some competition but firms face downward-sloping demand curves

implicit contract隐含合同

an unwritten understanding between two groups involved in an exchange,such as an understanding between employer and employees that employees will receive a stable wage throughout fluctuating economic conditions

import function进口函数

the relationship between imports and national income

incomplete markets不完全市场

situations in which no market may exist for some good or for some risk,or in which some individuals cannot borrow for some purposes

increasing,constant or diminishing returns to scale规模收益递增/不变/递减

when all inputs are increased by a certain proportion,output increases by a greater proportion(also known as economies of scale)


the formal linking of any payment to a price index

individual income tax个人所得税

a tax based on the income received by any individual or household

infant industry argument for protection幼稚工业保护论

the argument that industries must be protected from foreign competition while they are 华慧网https://www.doczj.com/doc/bf7874527.html,17

young,until they have a chance to acquire the skills to enable them to compete on equal terms

infinite elasticity of demand无限需求弹性

the situation that exists when any amount will be demanded at a particular price,but nothing will be demanded if the price rises even a small amount

infinite elasticity of supply无限供给弹性

situation that exists when any amount will be supplied at a particular price,but nothing will be supplied if the price falls even a small amount

inflation tax通货膨胀税

the decrease in buying power(wealth)that inflation imposes on those who hold currency (and other assets,like bonds,the payments for which are fixed in terms of dollars)

inflationary spiral通货膨胀螺旋

a self-perpetuating system in which price increases lead to higher wages,which lead to further price increases


the roads,ports,bridges,and legal system that provide the necessary basis for a working economy

insider-outsider theory局内人—局外人理论

the theory that firms are reluctant to pay new workers(outsiders)a lower wage than current workers(insiders),because current workers will fear beingreplaced by the new log-wage workers and will not participate in cooperating with and training them


the return a saver receives in addition to the original amount she deposited,and the amount that a borrower must pay in addition to the original amount she deposited

interest rate effect利率效应

the situation that exists when lower interest rates(resulting from an increase in the money supply,or a fall in the price level)induce firms to invest more

investment schedule投资曲线

the relationship between the level of investment and the(real)rate of interest

investment tax credit(ITC)投资税减免

a provision of the tax code in which the government reduces a company's tax bill by an amount equal to a percentage of its spending on investment

involuntary unemployment非自愿失业


the situation that occurs when the supply of those willing to work at the going market wage exceeds the demand for labor


Job search寻找工作

The process by which workers find appropriate jobs given their tastes and skills


Keynesian monetary theory凯恩斯货币理论

Keynesian unemployment凯恩斯失业

unemployment that occurs as a result of insufficient aggregate demand;it arises in the demand-constrained equilibrium(where aggregate demand is less than aggregate supply), so that rightward shifts in aggregate demand reduce the level of unemployment

kinked demand curve有折点的需求曲线

the demand curve perceived by an oligopolist who believes that rivals will match any price cuts but will not match price increases


Labor force劳动力

The total number of workers,including both the employed and unemployed

Labor-force participation rate劳动力参工率

The percentage of the population that is in the labor force

Law of demand需求规律

The claim that,other things being equal,the quantity demanded of a good falls when the price of the good rises

Law of supply供给规律

The claim that,others things being equal,the quantity supplied of a good rises when the price of the good rises

Law of supply and demand供求规律

The claim that the price of any good adjusts to bring the supply and demand for that good into balance

Life Cycle生命周期

The regular pattern of income variation over a person's life



The ease with which an asset can be converted into the economy's medium of exchange

Lump-sum tax定额税

A tax that is the same amount for every person

learning by doing干中学

the increase in productivity that occurs as a firm gains experience from producing,and that results in a decrease in the firm's production costs

learning curve学习曲线;经验曲线

the curve describing how costs of production decline as cumulative output increases over time

less developed countries(LDCs)发展中国家

the poorest nations of the world,including much of Africa,Latin America,and Asia

life-cycle hypothesis生命周期假说

the theory that individuals typically save when they are young and working and spend their savings as they age and retire

life-cycle savings motive生命周期储蓄动机

people save during their working lives so that they can consume more during retirement

limit pricing限制性定价

the practice of charging a lower price than the level at which marginal revenue equals marginal cost,as a way of deterring entry by persuading potential competitors that their profits from entering are likely to be limited

Lorenz curve洛伦兹曲线

a curve that shows the cumulative proportion of income that goes to each cumulative proportion of the population,starting with the lowest income group


early nineteenth-century workmen who destroyed labor-saving machinery rather than see it taking over their jobs



The study of economy-wide phenomena,including inflation,unemployment,and economic growth



15、房地产证: 是房屋土地权属凭证二合为一,是房地产权的法律凭证。 16、房地产公证: 公证机关对房地产买卖、转让、抵押、赠与、继承等行为的合法性作法律公证。 17、高品房预售许可证: 按规定房屋未建好之前出售均要办理此证,发展商将有关资料送到国土局申请,批准后方可预售楼花(现楼不需此证)。 18、房地产买卖合同: 是由国土局统一编制,用以明确买卖双方权利和义务的协议。所有的商品房销售都须签订此合同,内销的房地产合同可免做公证,外销的房地产合同必须做公证。 19、房屋所有权: 房屋的所有权为房屋的占有权、管理权、享用权、排他权、处置权(包括出售、出租、抵押、赠与、继承)的总和。拥有了房屋的所有权就等于拥有了在法律允许范围内的一切权利。 20、房屋使用权: 是指对房屋拥有的享用权。房屋租赁活动成交的是房屋的使用权。房屋的使用权不能出售、抵押、赠与、继承等,它包含在房屋的所有权之中。 21、银行接揭: 是指购房者购买楼房时与银行达成抵押贷款的一种经济行为,业主会付一部分楼款,余款由银行代购房者支付,购房者的楼房所有权将抵押在银行,购房者将分期偿还银行的贷款及利息,偿还完毕后,楼房所有权归己。 22、契税: 是指当房地产所有权发生转移时,就当事人所订立的契约按房地产交易价格的一定比例向产权承受人征收的一次性税收。凡是国有土地使用权出让,土地使用权转让包括出售、赠与、交换都需要交纳契税。契税除了具有一般税收的性质和作用外,还具有证明房地产产权转移合法性的作用。 23、印花税: 是对经济活动和经济交往中书立、领受凭证征收的一种税。它是一种兼有行为性质的凭证税,具有征收面广、税负轻、由纳税人自行购买并粘贴印花税票完成纳税义务等特点。 25、公共维修基金: 公共维修基金是指住宅楼房的公共部位和共用设施、设备的维修养护基金。单位售卖公房的公共维修基金,由售房单位和购房职工共同筹集,所有权归购房人,用于售出住宅楼房公共部位和共用设施、设备的维修、养护。 26、房屋买卖所需费用 (1)交易过程中需交费用: 契税:面积小于(含)120平米缴纳房价款的2%∶购房面积超过120平米,120平米以内部分缴纳房价款的2‰,超出部分缴纳4%。在办理产权证时需交纳(一般由财政局委托房地局代收)。 印花税:房价款的万分之五。(由税务局收取),在双方正式签约后即发生。 交易手续费:小于120平米缴纳500元,大于120平米缴纳1500元。 (2)申办产权证过程中需交费用(由房地局和税务局收取) 登记费:每建筑平方米0.3元: 房屋所有权证工本费:4元/本: 印花税:5元/件。 (3)入住过程中需交费用 住宅公用部分共有设备维修基金:购房款的3%; 物业管理蒉及供暖费:供暖费16-18元/平米/供暖季。 (4)办理按揭须缴纳的费用 律师费:贷款额的0.3%。 保险费:财险保险费=总房款十年费率礻年限系数。保费一次性交。 建行采用太平洋保险公司,年费率一般为0.56%:


!!MBA联考真题词汇大全 virtue n.美德;优点;长处; day care (托儿所)日托; level gaze 目光逼人的凝视; ski trip 滑雪之旅; figure out 理解;解决; be supposed to 应该;被期望; bombard vt.炮轰;大量提问; bombard someone with questions 连珠炮似地向某人提出问题 custom n.风俗;习惯;routine n. 惯例;常规;例行公事; upset a.不安的;v.推翻;打破; alternate v.交替;轮换;alternative n.选择;替换;alternative =choice=option 选择; alter=change=vary=revise 改变 looke into=investigate 调查 overlook=neglect=ignore 忽视 negligible n.不重要的;微不足道的; be bound to 一定 obvious=evident 明显的 assign v.分配;resign v.辞职; deliver good service 提供好的服务 concern v.涉及n.关心;担忧; deteriorate v.使恶化 central government(中央政府)=Beijing=Hu and Wen resemble=similar=comparable 相似的 consent n.同意;赞成;consensus n.共识;content n.满意; conceal =hide v.隐藏;隐瞒; hamper=hinder v.阻碍 inquiry n.调查;询问 insight n.洞察力 assure v.保证(assure sb of sth);ensure v.确保; insurance n.保险;insurance money 保护费 include v.包括; exclude v.排除;conclude v.下结论;exclusive a.独家的;conclusive evidence 结论性的证据 allowance n.津贴;补助;零用钱;grant n.拨款(financial support);aid n.救援物资;捐助款项;amount n.金额;总数; adaptable a.可适应的;可改编的;be liable to 很可能 offence n.冒犯;小错误;offend vt.冒犯;侮辱;vi.犯规; revolution n.变革(彻底推翻)reform n.改革(表面文章) transformation n.转化;转变(深层次地;根本地) identification n.确认;correction n.改错;修正;alteration n.改动 proficiency n.进步;熟练;proficient a.精通的;efficient a.高效的 sufficient a.足够的;deficient a. 不足的;


房地产销售的专业术语 1.商品房 是指在市场经济条件下,通过出让方式取得土地使用权后开发建设的房屋,均按市场价出售。商品房根据其销售对象的不同,可以分为外销商品房和内销商品房两种。 2、外销房 外销商品房是由房地产开发企业建设的,取得了外销商品房预(销)售许可证的房屋,外销商品房可以出售给国内外(含港、澳、台)的企业,其他组织和个人。 3、内销房 内销商品房是由房地产开发企业建设的,取得了商品房销售许可证的房屋,内销商品房可以出售给当地企事业单位和居民。 5、复式住宅 复式住宅是受跃层式住宅启发而创造设计的一种经济型住宅。这类住宅在建造上仍每户占有上下两层,实际是在层高较高的一层楼中增建一个1.2M的夹层,两层合计的层高要大大低于跃层式住宅(复式为3.3M,而一般跃层为5.6M),复式住宅的下层供起居用,炊事、进餐、洗浴等,上层供休息睡眠和贮藏用,户内设多处入墙式壁柜和楼梯,中间楼板也即上层的地板。因此复式住宅具备了省地、省工、省料又实用的特点,特别适合子三代、四代同堂的大家庭居住,既满足了隔代人的相对独立,又达到了相互照应的目的。 6、跃层式住宅 跃层式住宅是近年来推广的一种新颖住宅建筑形式。这类住宅的特点是,内部空间借鉴了欧美小二楼独院住宅的设计手法,住宅占有上下两层楼面,卧室、起居室、客厅、卫生间、厨房及其它辅助用房可以分层布置,上下层之间的交通不通

过公共楼梯而采用户内独用小楼梯联接。跃层式住宅的优点是每户都有二层或二层合一的采光面,即使朝向不好,也可通过增大采光面积弥补,通风较好,户内居住面积和辅助面积较大,布局紧凑,功能明确,相互干扰较小。 7、居住面积 住宅的居住面积是指住宅建筑各层平面中直接供住户生活的居室净面积之和。所谓净面积就是要除去墙、柱等建筑构件所占的水平面积。 8、二手房、 二手房即旧房。新建的商品房进行第一次交易时为"一手",第二次交易则为"二手"。 北京的已购公房和经济适用房上市的政策,成就了二手房市场。一些无房的人,可以买一套别人多余的房;而另一些手里有些积蓄又有小房子居住的,可以卖掉旧房买新房;而那些住房富余户,也能卖掉自己的多余住房换取收益。 9、产权置换 是指居民之间以自身原有产权房进行置换的一种业务。一般是在中介的撮合下进行,并可由中介代办置换手续。 10、房地产产权 房地产产权指房屋所有权和该房屋占用国有土地的使用权,房地产所有者对其所有的房地产享有占用、使用、收益和处分的权利。 11、按揭 按揭是英文"mortgage"(抵押)的音译,是指按揭人将房产的产权转让给提供贷款的银行作为还款保证,按揭人在还清贷款后,按揭受益人立即将所涉及的房产产权转让给按揭人的行为。 12、住房公积金 是一种义务性的住房长期储金。住房公积金制度是结合我国城镇住房制度改革的实际情况而实行的一种房改政策,指有关住房公积金的归集、经管、使用、偿还等诸环节有机构成的整个运行机制和经管的制度。具体内容主要有三个方面:(1)"个人存储,单位资助"住房公积金,专项用于住房支出,其公积金本息免征个人所得税。(2)按"统一经管"的原则经管住房公积金。(3)按"专项使用"的原则运用住房公积金。 13、印花税 印花税的客税对象是房地产交易中的各种凭证,包括房屋因买卖、继承、赠与、交换、分割等发生产权转移时所书立的产权转移书据,税率为万分之五。 14、契税 契税是指房屋所有权发生变更时,就当事人所订契约按房价的一定比例向新业主(产权承受人)征收的一次性税收。它是对房地产产权变动征收的一种专门税种,主要对个人和私营单位购买、承受赠与或交换的房屋征收契税,税率为3%—5%。


房地产专业术语汇总大全 1、开间:住宅设计中,作宅的宽度是指一间房屋内一面墙皮到另一面墙皮之间的实际距离。 2、进深:指一间独立的房屋或一幢居住建筑从前墙皮到后墙壁之间的实际长度。 3、套内面积:俗称“地砖面积”,是在实用面积的基础上扣除了柱体、墙体等占用空间的建筑物后的一个内容空间的概念。 4、竣工面积:指竣工的各幢房屋建筑面积之和。 6、辅助面积:指住宅建筑各层中不直接供住户生活的室内净面积。 7、共有建筑面积:系指各产权主共同占有或共同使用的建筑面积。 8、共有建筑面积分摊系数:整幢建筑物的共有建筑面积与整幢建筑物的各套套内建筑面积之和的比值。 9、销售面积:指商品房按“套”或“单元”出售,其销售面积为购房者所购买的套内或单元内建筑面积与应分摊的共有建筑面积之和。 10、建筑密度:指在居民区用地内各类建筑的基底总面积与居住区用地的比率。 11、绿化率:指项目规划建设用地范围内的绿化面积与规划建设用地面积之比。 12、绿地率:描述的是居住区用地范围内各类绿地的总和与居住区用地的比率。 13、层高:指住宅高度以“层”为单位计量,每一层的高度国家在设计上有要求,这个高度就叫层高。 14、净高:指层高减去楼板厚度的净剩值。 15、公用建筑面积分摊系数:公用建筑面积与套内建筑面积之和的比。 16、实用率:套内建筑面积和住宅面积之比。 17、标准层:指平面布置相同的住宅楼层。 18、阳台:供居住者进行室外活动、晾晒衣物等的空间。 19、平台:供居住者进行室外活动的上屋面或由住宅底层地面伸出室外的部分。 20、走廊:指住宅套外使用的水平交通空间。 21、地下室:房屋地面低于室外地平面的高度超过该房间净高的1/2 者。 22、半地下室:指房间地面低于室外地平面的高度超过该房间净高的1/3,且不超过1/2 者。 23、居住区用地:指住宅用地、公建用地、道路用地和公共绿地等四项用地的总称。 24、住宅用地:指住宅建筑基底占地及其四周合理间距内的用地的总称。 25、其他用地:指规划范围内除居住区用地以外的各种用地。 26、公共服务设施用地:一般称公共用地,与居住人口规模相当应配建的、为居民服务和使用的各类设施的用地。 27、道路用地:指居住区道路、小区路、组团路及非公建配建的居民小汽车、单位通勤车等停放场地。 28、公共绿地:指满足规定的日照要求,适合于安排游憩活动设施的、供居民共享的游憩绿地。 29、道路红线:指城市道路用地的规划控制线。 30、建筑线:一般称建筑控制线,是建筑物基底位置的控制线。


MBA专业术语汇总 A Ability-to-pay principle 能力纳税原则 The idea that taxes should be levied on a person according to how well that person can shoulder the burden Absolute advantage 绝对优势 The comparison among producers of a good according to their productivity Aggregate-demand curve 总需求曲线 A curve that shows the quantity of goods and services that households, firms, and the government want to buy at any price level Aggregate-supply curve 总供给曲线 A curve that shows the quantity of goods and services that

firms choose to produce and sell at any level Appreciation 升值 An increase in the value of a currency as measured by the amount of foreign currency it can buy Automatic stabilizers 自动稳定器 Changes in fiscal policy that stimulate aggregate demand when the economy goes into a recession without policymakers having to take any deliberate action Average fixed cost 平均固定成本 Fixed costs divided by the quantity of output Average revenue 平均收益 Total revenue divided by the quantity sold Average tax rate 平均税率 Total taxes paid divided by total income


MBA英语词汇:A部分 *a/an art.1.一个2.(同类事物中的)任何一个3.每一个 abandon vt.1.抛弃,放弃2.丢弃;遗弃 ability n.能力,能耐 *able a.有能力的,有才干的 aboard ad./prep.在船(飞机、车)上,上船(飞机、车) abolish vt.废除(法律、习惯等);取消 *about prep.1.关于,对于 2.在…周围,围绕 ad.1.大约 2.周围,附近,到处 *above prep.在…之上 ad.在上面,以上 a.上面的,上述的 abroad ad.到国外;在国外 absent a.1.缺席,不在 2.不存在 absent a.绝对的,完全的 absorb vt.1.吸收 2.吸引注意力 abstract a.抽象的 n.摘要,梗概 vt.1.提取 2.摘录…的要点 absurd a.荒谬的 abundant a.大量的,丰盛的 abuse vt./n.1.滥用,妄用 2.虐待,凌辱 academic a.1.(高等)专科院校的;研究院的;学会的 2.学术的 accent n.1.重音 2.口音 *accept vt.1.接受 2.认可 access n.1.通道,入口 2.接近(或进入)的机会,享用机会 accessible a.1.易接近的,能进去的 2.易受影响的(to) 3.可理解的(to) accident n.1.事件,意外的事 2.事故 accompany vt.1.陪伴,陪同 2.伴随,和…一起发生 3.为…伴奏 accomplish vt.完成(任务等) accomplishment n.1.完成 2.成就 3.[复]造诣,技能 accordance n.1.一致,和谐 2.符合 according ad.(与to构成介词)按照,根据 accordingly ad.相应地 account n.1.叙述,说明 2.帐,帐户 vi.说明(原因等)(for) accumulate vt.积累,积聚 accuracy n.准确(性),精确(性) accurate a.准确的,精确的 *ache vi./n.疼痛 achieve vt.1.完成,实现 2.达到,得到 achievement n.1.完成,达到 2.成就,成绩 acid n.酸,酸性物质 a.酸的 acknowledge vt.1.承认 2.表示感谢 acquaintance n.1.认识,了解 2.相识的人,熟人 acquire vt.获得,得到 *across prep.1.横过,穿过 2.在…对面 ad.1.横过,穿过 2.…宽 *act vi.1.行动,做 2.起作用;作用于(on) 3.表演 n.1.行为,动作 2.法令,条例 3.(一)幕action n.1.行动 2.作用(on) activate vt.使活动,使起作用 *active a.1.活跃的,积极的 2.活动中的 actor n.男演员 activity n.1.活动,活跃 2.行动 *actual a.实际的,事实上的 AD (或A.D.)(=Anno Domini)[拉](意为“我主之年”)公元后 ad. (见advertisement) adapt vt.1.使适应,使适合(to) 2.改编,改写 vi.适应(to) *add vt.1.加,添加 2.进一步说(或写) vt.增添(to) addition n.1.加,加法 2.附加物 additional a.附加的,追加的;另外的 *address n.1.地址,住址 2.演说,讲话 vt.1.写上姓名地址 2.向…讲话 adequate a.1.充足的,充分的 2.胜任的


房地产专业术语词典 1、一性买断价:是指买方与卖方商定的一次性定价,一次性买断价属房产销售合同中的专 用价格术语,确定之后,买方与卖方必须按此履行付款或交房的义务,不得随意变更。 2、预售价:是商品房预(销)售合同中的专用术语,预售价不是正式价格,在商品房交付 使用时,应按有批准权限部门核定的价格为准。 3、起价:起叫起步价,是指某物业各楼层销售价格中的最低价格,即是起价,多层住宅, 不带花园的,一般以一楼或顶楼的销售价为起价,带花园的住宅,一般以二楼或五楼做为销售的起价,高层物业,以最低层的销售价为起步价。房产广告中常以***元/平方米起售,以较低的起价来引起消费者的注意。 4、基价;也叫基础价,是指经过核算而确定的每平方米商品房基本价格,商品房的销售价 一般以基价为基数增减楼层,朝向差价后而得出。 5、均价:是指将各单元的销售价格相加之后的和数除以单位建筑面积的和数,即得出每平 方米的均价,均价一般不是销售价,但也有例外,如某高层物业推出的:“不计楼层、朝向,以2800元/平方米统一价销售”即以均价作销售价,也不失为引人瞩目的营销策略。 6、经济适用房:是指经各级人民政府批准立项建设、享受国家优惠政策、向城镇中低收入 家庭出售的住房。 7、安居房:是指实施国家“安居(或康居)工程”而建设的住房(属于经济适用房的一类)。 是党和国家安排贷款和地方自支自筹资金建设的面向广大中低收入家庭,特别是对4平方以下特困户提供的销售价格低于成本,由政府补贴的非盈利性住房。 8、二手房:是相对开发商开发销售的商品房而言,它是房地产产权交易二级市场的俗称。 凡产权明晰、经过一手买卖之后再行上市的房屋均可称之为二手房。二手房的种类:二手房主要包括私房和已购的政策性住房两种房屋类型。已购的政策性住房主要包括职工个人按照房改房政策购买的全产权优惠政策的安居工程住房、解困住房和经济适用住房,职工个人集资、政府和单位补贴的集资建设住房和合作建设住房。 9、业主委员会:是指由物业管理区域内业主代表组成,代表业主的利益,向社会各方反映 业主意愿和要求,并监督物业管理公司管理动作的一个民间性组织。业委会的权力基础是其对物业的所有权,对该物业有关的一些重大事项拥有决定权。 10、出房率:是指住宅净面积占销售面积的百分比。由于住宅销售面积的计算是以楼为 单位的,所以相同的房型在不同的楼号内,虽然使用面积相同,但销售面积会有不同。 11、以租代售:所谓的以租带方式就是将空置的商品房进行出租,并与租房者签订一个 合同,在合同期内买所租的房,开发商即以租房时的价格卖给租房者,而租房者在租房期内所交的房租,可以抵冲部分购房款,待租房者付清所有房款后,便获得该房的全部房产权,如果租房者在合同期限内不购房,则作退租处理,先期交纳的租金可以作为房产开发商收的房取。这种方式有三个优点:一是打破了租与售相脱节的陈旧模式,对买卖双方都有好处,现在许多人害怕一旦交了款,房子出现了问题,怕开发商翻脸不认账,出现的房屋质量无法解决。而现在的先租后买就有了先观察房屋质量的时间,消费者心里有数,房屋质量好,就买,反之就不买。只是租一下,不会有太大的经济损失。二是:如果租房者想买下所租的房子时,先期所付的租金可以转为购房款,相当于分期付款,但又比分期付款或银行按揭方式少了不少的利息,因此比较实惠。三是:即使租房人不买房,开发商的房子也没有闲置。昔日的包袱变成了财富。因此说,以租带售这种新的营销方式给购房者以较大的选择余地,又为开发商自己开拓了一种崭新的销售市场。12、住宅的净高:住宅的高度计量除了用“米”,还可以用“层”来计算,每一层的高


2010年MBA词汇练习200题(附答案) (一) 1.Being both spoilt and lazy he_____ everyone else for his lack of success. A)accused B)charged C)criticized D)blamed 2.They are considering_____ before the prices go up. A)of buying the house B)with buying the house C)buying the house D)to buy the house 3.Money_____as it goes from person to person. A)spreads B)scatters C)circulates D)distributes 4.The old woman’s next-door neighbor is very____ to her: when she is sick in bed, he always takes care of her. A)cautious B)considerate C)concerned D)careful 5.These areas rely on agriculture almost____, having few mineral resources and a minimum of industrial development. A)respectively B)extraordinarily C)incredibly D)exclusively 6.She is so_____ about cats that she brings home every stray(走失者)she finds. A)greedy B)crazy C)keen D)fond 7.Uniess the workers’ demands are______ s oon there will be a strike. A)given B)met C)permitted D)replied 8.The room was so quiet that she could hear the____ of her heart. A)bumping B)beating C)tapping D)knocking 9.The winning team loudly____ its victory. A)grasped B)gripped C)claimed D)exclaimed 10.We could’t cut the string because the____ of the knife was not sharp enough. A)edge B)side C)margin D)front 11.With all its advantages, the computer is by no means without its____. A)boundaries B)restrains C)confinements D)limitations


地产专业术语解释 综合类: 1、房地产市场: ?一级市场,是指国家以土地所有者和管理者的身份,将土地使用权出让给房地产经营者与使用者的交易市场; ?二级市场,是指土地使用权出让结束,由房地产经营者投资开发后,从事房屋出售、出租、土地转让、抵押等房地产交易的市场; ?三级市场,是指在二级市场的基础上再转让或出租的房地产交易市场。 2、容积率: 是指一个小区的总建筑面积与用地面积的比率。对于发展商来说,容积率决定地价成本在房屋中占的比例,而对于住户来说,容积率直接涉及到居住的舒适度。一个良好的居住小区,高层住宅容积率应不超过5,多层住宅应不超过2,绿地率应不低于30%。 3、按层高划分住宅: 低层住宅,指一层至三层的住宅; 多层住宅,指四层至六层的住宅; 小高层住宅,指七层至十二层的住宅; 高层住宅,指十层及十二层以上的住宅; 超高层建筑就是40层以上,高度100米以上的楼层; 塔式高层住宅,以共用楼梯、电梯为核心布置多套住房的高层住宅; 单元式高层住宅,由多个住宅单元组合而成,每单元均设有楼梯、电梯

的高层住宅。 4、五证: 房地产商在预售商品房时应具备《建设用地规划许可证》、《建设工程规划许可证》、《建设工程开工证》、《国有土地使用证》和《商品房预售许可证》,简称“五证”。其中前两个证由规划部门核发,《开工证》由建设部门核发,《国有土地使用证》和《商品房预售许可证》由国土资源部门和房屋管理局核发。 5、绿地率: 居住区用地范围内各类绿地的总和占居住区用地的比率(%)。绿地应包 括:公共绿地、宅旁绿地、公共服务设施所属绿地和道路绿地(即道路红线内的绿地),不应包括屋顶、晒台的人工绿地。 6、配建设施: 与住宅规模或与人口规模相对应配套建设的公共服务设施、道路和公共绿地的总称。 7、房屋的结构形式: 主要是以其承重结构所用的材料来划分,一般可以分为砖混结构、砖混结构、钢筋混凝土结构。 ?砖混结构:是指建筑物中竖向承重结构的墙、柱等采用砖或砌块砌筑,柱、梁、楼板、屋面板、桁架等采用钢筋混凝土结构。通俗地 讲,砖混结构是以小部分钢筋混凝土及大部分砖墙承重的结构。由 于抗震的要求,砖混房屋一般在6层以下; ?砖木结构:是指建筑物中承重结构的墙、柱采用砖砌筑或砌块砌筑,


十一、房地产专业术语 1、问:什么是商品房? 答:是指在市场经济条件下,通过出让方式取得土地使用权后开发建设的房屋,均按市场价出售。商品房根据其销售对象的不同,可以分为外 销商品房和内销商品房两种。 2、问:什么是外销房? 答:外销商品房是由房地产开发企业建设的,取得了外销商品房预(销)售许可证的房屋,外销商品房可以出售给国内外(含港、澳、台)的 企业,其他组织和个人。 3、问:什么是内销房? 答:内销商品房是由房地产开发企业建设的,取得了商品房销售许可证的房屋,内销商品房可以出售给当地企事业单位和居民。 4、问:什么是复式住宅? 答:复式住宅是受跃层式住宅启发而创造设计的一种经济型住宅。这类住宅在建造上仍每户占有上下两层,实际是在层高较高的一层楼中增建 一个1.2米的夹层,两层合计的层高要大大低于跃层式住宅(复式为 3.3米,而一般跃层为5.6米),复式住宅的下层供起居用,炊事、进 餐、洗浴等,上层供休息睡眠和贮藏用,户内设多处入墙式壁柜和楼 梯,中间楼板也即上层的地板。因此复式住宅具备了省地、省工、省 料又实用的特点,特别适合子三代、四代同堂的大家庭居住,既满足 了隔代人的相对独立,又达到了相互照应的目的。 5、问:什么是跃层式住宅? 答:跃层式住宅是近年来推广的一种新颖住宅建筑形式。这类住宅的特点是,内部空间借鉴了欧美小二楼独院住宅的设计手法,住宅占有上下 两层楼面,卧室、起居室、客厅、卫生间、厨房及其它辅助用房可以 分层布置,上下层之间的交通不通过公共楼梯而采用户内独用小楼梯 联接。跃层式住宅的优点是每户都有二层或二层合一的采光面,即使 朝向不好,也可通过增大采光面积弥补,通风较好,户内居住面积和 辅助面积较大,布局紧凑,功能明确,相互干扰较小。


1问:什么是商品房? 答:是指在市场经济条件下,通过出让方式取得土地使用权后开发建设的房屋,均按市场价出售。商品房根据其销售对象的不同,可以分为外销商品房和内销商品房两种。 2问:什么是外销房? 答:外销商品房是由房地产开发企业建设的,取得了外销商品房预(销)售许可证的房屋,外销商品房可以出售给国内外(含港、澳、台)的企业,其他组织和个人。 3问:什么是内销房? 答:内销商品房是由房地产开发企业建设的,取得了商品房销售许可证的房屋,内销商品房可以出售给当地企事业单位和居民。 5问:什么是复式住宅? 答:复式住宅是受跃层式住宅启发而创造设计的一种经济型住宅。这类住宅在建造上仍每户占有上下两层,实际是在层高较高的一层楼中增建一个1.2米的夹层,两层合计的层高要大大低于跃层式住宅(复式为3.3米,而一般跃层为5.6米),复式住宅的下层供起居用,炊事、进餐、洗浴等,上层供休息睡眠和贮藏用,户内设多处入墙式壁柜和楼梯,中间楼板也即上层的地板。因此复式住宅具备了省地、省工、省料又实用的特点,特别适合子三代、四代同堂的大家庭居住,既满足了隔代人的相对独立,又达到了相互照应的目的。 6问:什么是跃层式住宅? 答:跃层式住宅是近年来推广的一种新颖住宅建筑形式。这类住宅的特点是,内部空间借鉴了欧美小二楼独院住宅的设计手法,住宅占有上下两层楼面,卧室、起居室、客厅、卫生间、厨房及其它辅助用房可以分层布置,上下层之间的交通不通过公共楼梯而采用户内独用小楼梯联接。跃层式住宅的优点是每户都有二层或二层合一的采光面,即使朝向不好,也可通过增大采光面积弥补,通风较好,户内居住面积和辅助面积较大,布局紧凑,功能明确,相互干扰较小。 7问:什么是居住面积? 答:住宅的居住面积是指住宅建筑各层平面中直接供住户生活的居室净面积之和。所谓净面积就是要除去墙、柱等建筑构件所占的水平面积。 8问:什么是二手房? 答:二手房即旧房。新建的商品房进行第一次交易时为"一手",第二次交易则为"二手"。北京的已购公房和经济适用房上市的政策,成就了二手房市场。一些无房的人,可以买一套别人多余的房;而另一些手里有些积蓄又有小房子居住的,可以卖掉旧房买新房;而那些住房富余户,也能卖掉自己的多余住房换取收益。 9问:什么是产权置换? 答:是指居民之间以自身原有产权房进行置换的一种业务。一般是在中介的撮合下进行,并可由中介代办置换手续。 10问:什么是房地产产权? 答:房地产产权指房屋所有权和该房屋占用国有土地的使用权,房地产所有者对其所有的房地产享有占用、使用、收益和处分的权利。 11问:什么是按揭? 答:按揭是英文"mortgage"(抵押)的音译,是指按揭人将房产的产权转让给提供贷款的银行作为还款保证,按揭人在还清贷款后,按揭受益人立即将所涉及的房产产权转让给按揭人的行为。 12问:什么是住房公积金? 答:是一种义务性的住房长期储金。住房公积金制度是结合我国城镇住房制度改革的实际情况而实行的一种房改政策,指有关住房公积金的归集、管理、使用、偿还等诸环节有机构成的整个运行机制和管理的制度。具体内容主要有三个方面:(1)"个人存储,单位资助"住房公积金,


MBA专业术语 A Ability-to-pay principle 能力纳税原则 The idea that taxes should be levied on a person according to how well that person can shoulder the burden Absolute advantage 绝对优势 The comparison among producers of a good according to their productivity Aggregate-demand curve 总需求曲线 A curve that shows the quantity of goods and services that households, firms, and the government want to buy at any price level Aggregate-supply curve 总供给曲线 A curve that shows the quantity of goods and services that firms choose to produce and sell at any level Appreciation 升值 An increase in the value of a currency as measured by the amount of foreign currency it can buy Automatic stabilizers 自动稳定器 into goes economy the when demand aggregate stimulate that policy fiscal in Changes a recession without policymakers having to take any deliberate action Average fixed cost 平均固定成本 Fixed costs divided by the quantity of output Average revenue 平均收益 Total revenue divided by the quantity sold Average tax rate 平均税率 Total taxes paid divided by total income Average total cost 平均总成本 Total cost divided by the quantity of output Average variable cost 平均可变成本 Variables costs divided by the quantity of output Accelerator 加速数 the effect on GDP of the increase in investment that results from an increase in output. For instance, the greater output leads a firm to believe that the demand for its products will rise in the future; the resulting increase in investment leads to growth in output and still further increases in investment,



房地产专业名词及术语(1) 1、住宅 (1)住宅的类型 ①按照住宅层数分类可分为:低层住宅(庭院式住宅)、多层住宅、高层住宅(超高层住宅); ②按照住宅的平面布局分类可分为:点式(墩式、塔式)住宅、条式(板式)住宅; ③按照住宅的设计特点分类可分为:内廊式住宅、外廊式住宅(筒子楼)、退台式住宅(台阶式住宅)、跃层式住宅(复式住宅)、错层式住宅(梯间式住宅); ④按照住宅使用功能分类可分为:公寓,纯办楼,商场,综合楼和别墅等。 (2)共有住宅(公房):是指由国家及国有企业、事业单住投资兴建、销售的住宅。在住宅未出售之前,住宅的产权归国家所有。 (3)私有住宅:是由个人或家庭购买、建造的住宅。公有住宅通过住宅市场出售给个人和家庭,也就是转为私有住宅。 (4)期房:指消费者在购买时不具备即买即可入住的商品房,即房地产开发商从取得商品房预售许可证开始至取得房地产权证大产证为止,所出售的商品房称为期房。消费者在购买期房时应签商品房预售合同。 (5)现房:指消费者在购买时具备即买即可入住的商品房,即开发商已办妥所售的商品房的大产证的商品房,与消费者签定商品房买卖合同后,立即可以办理入住并取得产权证。 (6)准现房:是指房屋主体已基本封顶完工,小区内的楼宇及设施的大致轮廓已初现,房型、楼间距等重要因素已经一目了然,工程正处在内外墙装修和进行配套施工阶段的房屋。 (7)房屋的所有权:为房屋的占有权、管理权、享用权、排他权、处置权(包括出售、出租、抵押、赠与、继承)的总和。拥有了房屋的所有权就等于拥有了对该房屋在法律允许范围内的一切权利 (8)房屋使用权:是指对房屋拥有享用权,拥有对房屋租进行租赁或交易的权利。


1.abandon 抛弃,放弃 2.abnormal不正常的 3.absurd荒谬的 4.abundance 丰富,充裕 5.abundant丰富的 6.access (to) 入口,通路,接触 7.accessory 附件,附属品 8.accommodate 供给住宿,答应; 适应 9.accommodation 膳宿;和解,调解,适应 10.accurate 精确的,准确的 11.acknowledge 承认,供认;致谢,打招呼 12.acknowledgement 承认,感谢,致谢 13.acquaint 熟悉,认识,通晓 14.acquire 获得,得到 15.activate 使活波,激活 16.acute敏锐的,锋利的,急性的 17.addict (to) 沉溺于,嗜好 18.adequate 足够的,恰当的,合适的 19.adhere to 坚持,忠于 20.adjacent(to)毗连的,接近的 21.adjoin 邻近,接近,毗连 22.administer 管理,处理,治理,实行,实施 23.admiration 欣赏 24.admission 许可,入门费,门票;承认,供认 25.advocate提倡者,拥护者 26.adolescence 青年期 27.adolescent 青年,少年 28.adore 崇拜,敬爱,爱慕 29.adverse不利的,相反的 30.aerial空中的,航空的 31.aesthetic审美的,有审美能力的 32.affection 亲爱,爱意 33.affiliate 加盟,入会 34.affirm 肯定,断言 35.afflict 受折磨,使苦恼 36.afford 付得起,冒危险;供给,给予 37.aggravate 使恶化,使严重 38.aggregate 合计,总数 39.aggressive侵略的好斗的,进取的 40.agreeable宜人的,同意的 41.aisle 走廊,通道 42.alienate 离间,使不和,使疏远,转移,让渡allege 断言,宣称,提出 43.alien外国的,不同性质的 44.alleviate 减轻,缓和


房地产专业名词及术语(1) 1、住宅 (1)住宅的类型 ①按照住宅层数分类可分为:低层住宅(庭院式住宅)、多层住宅、高层住宅(超高层住宅); ②按照住宅的平面布局分类可分为:点式(墩式、塔式)住宅、条式(板式)住宅; ③按照住宅的设计特点分类可分为:内廊式住宅、外廊式住宅(筒子楼)、退台式住宅(台阶式住宅)、跃层式住宅(复式住宅)、错层式住宅(梯间式住宅); ④按照住宅使用功能分类可分为:公寓,纯办楼,商场,综合楼和别墅等。 (2)共有住宅(公房):是指由国家及国有企业、事业单住投资兴建、销售的住宅。在住宅未出售之前,住宅的产权归国家所有。 (3)私有住宅:是由个人或家庭购买、建造的住宅。公有住宅通过住宅市场出售给个人和家庭,也就是转为私有住宅。 (4)期房:指消费者在购买时不具备即买即可入住的商品房,即房地产开发商从取得商品房预售许可证开始至取得房地产权证大产证为止,所出售的商品房称为期房。消费者在购买期房时应签商品房预售合同。 (5)现房:指消费者在购买时具备即买即可入住的商品房,即开发商已办妥所售的商品房的大产证的商品房,与消费者签定商品房买卖合同后,立即可以办理入住并取得产权证。 (6)准现房:是指房屋主体已基本封顶完工,小区内的楼宇及设施的大致轮廓已初现,房型、楼间距等重要因素已经一目了然,工程正处在内外墙装修和进行配套施工阶段的房屋。 (7)房屋的所有权:为房屋的占有权、管理权、享用权、排他权、处置权(包括出售、出租、抵押、赠与、继承)的总和。拥有了房屋的所有权就等于拥有了对该房屋在法律允许范围内的一切权利 (8)房屋使用权:是指对房屋拥有享用权,拥有对房屋租进行租赁或交易的权利。


MBA重点词汇词根词缀串联记忆 1.current: 1.现在的,= present , ** current affairs时事, 自我介绍:I’m Kevin. Currently,I am working as a Mark eting director at IBM 2. Current 还表示:流动的,流行的 current bills and coins 流通的纸币和硬币 current fashions 流行的时尚 词根: cur(r),curs, cours = run , happen表示“跑,发生” current adj.流动的,n.潮流(curr+cnt-->跑的-->流动的) currency n. 流传;流通的货币(跑来跑去的钱-->流通货币) curriculum n. 全部的课程(表)(curr+iculum 表名词-->学员跑来 跑去的[依据]-->课表) * the MBA curriculum. MBA的课程,包括了经济,管理,财务,市场等 * Course 只是一门课 the English course

excursion n. 远足;游览(ex 出+cur +sion-->跑出去-->远足) * let us go on an excursion in spring time 去春游 [选记] Cursive:adj.(字)草写的(curs+ive-->象跑-->样写-->草写) 草书/行书:cursivewriting; 草体字:a cursive style of type. precursor n 先驱;先兆(pre+curs+or-->先跑者-->先驱) 04-2阅读题 precursor n. *Icebox is the precursor of modern refrigerator cur , curs = happen occur v. 发生,出现(oc 反复+cur-->反复跑-->[反复]发生) occurrence n. 出现,产生(occur+r+ence) concur adj. 1.同时发生(con 共同+cur-->共同跑-->同时发生) *His graduation concurred with his birthday. 2. 同时赞同 = agree I concur with yo

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