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[1] 亨利·阿塞尔.消费者行为和营销策略.机械出版社.1999.



[4] 菲利普·科特勒著.营销管理.中国人民大学出版社.2000.

[5] 安妮·T·科兰等.营销渠道.北京:电子工业出版社.2004.

Brand building strategy

ABSTRACT:Brand in tangible products and intangible service basis. Tangible product is the innovative packaging, unique design, as well as symbolic attractive names. And the service is the sales process or after-sales service to customers satisfied with the feeling that allow customers to experience the real "God" feeling of happiness. Let them feel that the choice to buy the product of the decision. Based on the elaborate brand strategy to guide enterprises to establish their own unique brands.

Keyword: brand,brand building

Brand building

Brand equity is defined as the main concern in brand management and IMC campaign. Every marketer should pursue the long term equity and pay attention to every strategy in detail. Because a small message dissonance would cause great failure of brand extension. On the other hand, consumer has his psychology process in mind. The moderating variable is a useful indication to evaluate consumer evaluation of brand extension.

Throughout the categorisation theory and associative network theory, consumer does have the ability to process information into useful knowledge for them. They would measure and compares the difference between core brand and extension product through quality of core brand, fit in category, former experience and knowledge, and difficulty of making. Consequently, in this article may conclude some points about consumer evaluation of brand extension:

1. Quality of core brand creates a strong position for brand and low the impact of fit in consumer evaluation.

2. Similarity between core brand and extension is the main concern of consumer perception of fit. The higher the similarity is the higher perception of fit.

3. Consumer’s knowledge and experience affect the evaluation before extension product trail.

4. The more innovation of extension product is, the greater positive fit can perceive.

A successful brand message strategy relies on a congruent communication and a clear brand image. The negative impact of brand extension would cause a great damage to parent brand and brand family. From a manager and marketer’s perspective, an operation of branding should maintain brand messages and associations within a consistency and continuum in the long way. Because the effects of negative impact from brand extension are tremendous and permanently. Every messages or brand extension can dilute the brand in nature.

Brand extension or brand stretching is a marketing strategy in which a firm marketing a product with a well-developed image uses the same brand name in a different product category. The new product is called a spin-off. Organizations use this strategy to increase and leverage brand equity (definition: the net worth and long-term sustainability just from the renowned name). An example of a brand extension is Jello-gelatin creating Jello pudding pops. It increases awareness of the brand name and increases profitability from offerings in more than one product category. A brand's "extendibility" depends on how strong consumer's associations are to the brand's values and goals.

In the 1990s, 81% of new products used brand extension to introduce new brands and to create sales Launching a new product, is not only time consuming but also needs a big budget to create awareness and to

promote a product's benefits.Brand extension is one of the new product development strategies which can reduce financial risk by using the parent brand name to enhance consumers' perception due to the core brand equity.

While there can be significant benefits in brand extension strategies, there can also be significant risks, resulting in a diluted or severely damaged brand image. Poor choices for brand extension may dilute and deteriorate the core brand and damage the brand equity. Most of the literature focuses on the consumer evaluation and positive impact on parent brand. In practical cases, the failures of brand extension are at higher rate than the successes. Some studies show that negative impact may dilute brand image and equity. In spite of the positive impact of brand extension, negative association and wrong communication strategy do harm to the parent brand even brand family.

Product extensions are versions of the same parent product that serve a segment of the target market and increase the variety of an offering. An example of a product extension is Coke vs. Diet Coke in same product category of soft drinks. This tactic is undertaken due to the brand loyalty and brand awareness they enjoy consumers are more likely to buy a new product that has a tried and trusted brand name on it. This means the market is catered for as they are receiving a product from a brand they trust and Coca Cola is catered for as they can increase their product portfolio and they have a larger hold over the market in which they are performing in.

Types of brand extension

Brand extension research mainly focuses on the consumer evaluation of extension and attitude of the parent brand.

First of all, the “Complement” is that consumer takes two product (extension and parent brand product) classes as complement to satisfy t heir specific needs. Secondly, the “Substitute” indicates two products have same user situation and satisfy their same needs which means the products class is very similar so that can replace each other. At last, the “Transfer” is the relationship between extension product and manufacturer which “reflects the perceived ability of any firm operating in the first product class to make a product in the second class”. The first two measures focus on the consumer’s demand and the last one focuses on firm’s ability.

Branding does not always follow a rational line. One mistake can damage all brand equity. A classic extension failure example would be Coca Cola launching “New Coke” in 1985. Although initially accepted a backlash against “New Coke” soon emerged am ong consumers. Not only did Coca Cola not succeed in developing a new brand but sales of the original flavour also decreased. Coca Cola had to make considerable efforts to regain customers who had turned to Pepsi cola.

Although there are few works about the failure of extensions, literature still provides sufficient in depth research around this issue. Studies also suggest that brand extension is a risky strategy to increase sales or brand equity. It should consider the damage of parent brand no matter what types of extension are used. Example. BIC Pens tried to produce BIC pantyhose. You can read some more here

First of all, the “Complement” is that consumer takes two product (extension and parent brand product) classes as complement to satisfy their sp ecific needs. Secondly, the “Substitute” indicates two products have same user situation and satisfy their same needs which means the products class is very similar so that can replace each other. At last, the “Transfer” is the relationship between extensi on product and manufacturer

which “reflects the perceived ability of any firm operating in the first product class to make a product in the second class”. The first two measures focus on the consumer’s demand and the last one focuses on firm’s ability.

From the line extension to brand extension, however, there are many different way of extension such as "brand alliance", co-branding or “brand franchise extension”. Tauber (1988) suggests seven strategies to identify extension cases such as product with paren t brand’s benefit, same product with different price or quality, etc. In his suggestion, it can be classified into two category of extension; extension of product-related association and non-product related association.Another form of brand extension, is a licensed brand extension. Where the brand-owner partners (sometimes with a competitor) who takes on the responsibility of manufacturer and sales of the new products, paying a royalty every time a product is sold.

Categorisation theory

Researchers tend to use “categorisation theory” as their fundamental theory to explore the links about the brand extension. When consumers face thousands of products, they not only are initially confused and disorderly in mind, but also try to categorise the brand association or image with their existing memory. When two or more products exit in front of consumers, they might reposition memories to frame a brand image and concept toward new introduction. A consumer can judge or evaluate the extension by their category memory. They categorise new information into specific brand or product class label and store it. This process is not only related to consumer’s experience and knowledge, but also involvement and choice of brand. If the brand association is highly related to extension, consumer can perceive the fit among brand extension. Some studies suggest that consumer may ignore or overcome the dissonance from extension especially flagship product which means the low perceived of fit does not dilute the flagship’s equity.

Brand extension failure

Literature related to negative effect of brand extension is limited and the findings are revealed as incongruent. The early works of Aaker and Keller (1990) find no significant evidence that brand name can be diluted by unsuccessful brand extensions. Conversely, Loken and Roedder-John (1993) indicate that dilution effect do occur when the extension across inconsistency of product category and brand beliefs. The failure of extension may come from difficulty of connecting with parent brand, a lack of similarity and familiarity and inconsistent IMC messages.

“Equity of an integrated oriented brand can be diluted significantly from both functional and non-functional attributes-base variables”, which means dilution does occur across the brand e xtension to the parent brand. These failures of extension make consumers create a negative or new association relate to parent brand even brand family or to disturb and confuse the original brand identity and meaning.

In addition, Martinez and de Chernatony (2004) classify the brand image in two types: the general brand image and the product brand image. They suggest that if the brand name is strong enough as Nike or Sony, the negative impact has no specific damage on general brand image and “the dilution effect is greater on product brand image than on general brand image”. Consequently, consumers may maintain their belief about the attributes and feelings about parent brand, however their study does show that “brand extension dilutes the brand image, chan ging the beliefs and association in consumers’ mind”.

The flagship product is a money-spinner to a firm. Marketer spends budget and time to create maximum

exposure and awareness for the product. Theoretically speaking, flagship product is usually had the top sales and highest awareness in its product category. In spite of Aaker and Keller’s (1990) research which reports that prestigious brands are not harmed from failure of extensions, some evidence shows that the dilution effect has great and instant damage to the flagship product and brand family. Still, some studies suggest that even though overall parent belief is diluted; the flagship product would not be harmed. In addition, brand extension also “diminish[es] consumer’s feelings and beliefs about brand name.” To establish a strong brand, it is necessary to build up a “brand ladder”.


[1]Henry. A Seer consumer behavior and marketing strategy machinery Press, 1999

[2]Philip. Kotler Marketing [M] Beijing: China Press, 2003

[3]Philip. Kotler new competition [M] Beijing: China's Commercial Press, 1998

[4]Philip Kotler of the Chinese People's Marketing Management University Press, 2000

[5] Anne. T. Kelan marketing channels such as Beijing Electronics Industry Press, 2004



旅游服务贸易的国际竞争力:罗马尼亚的案例 引言 旅游业是唯一的可以为任何发展水平的国家提供贸易机会的服务活动。然而,它也是一个很大程度因为国家的能力和在全球经济中的表现而又有明确的利益分配不均行业,而这又需要提高自己的竞争力。 自20世纪90年代初,罗马尼亚旅游业经历了出口量,生长速率和结构的重大变化。这些不同的波动都影响了罗马尼亚在国际旅游市场上相对的竞争地位并引起了其旅游贸易平衡的变化。同时,新的和更多的错杂的欧式建筑,引起了罗马尼亚的区域旅游竞争力的显著变化。 在此背景下,本文试图提出一个框架,以竞争力和旅游贸易表现之间的关系为重点,来评估罗马尼亚的旅游服务贸易的国际竞争力。 一、国际竞争力视角:国际竞争力之与国际旅游业的相关性 国际竞争力的概念,尽管有争议,难以捉摸,但现在已经得到认可,并继续吸引世界各地的学者和决策者的关注。 到目前为止,为提高国际竞争力已采取措施,都被认为是在经济层面进行的(加瑞利,2003)通常是指一个国家生产的商品和服务,以满足国际市场的考验,并同时保持和增加公民的收入的能力(欧洲委员会,2007)。 由于竞争力最终取决于一国企业在国内和国际的市场成功,所以对竞争力的注意力都集中在企业层面的竞争力上(波特,1990),对于此的普遍理解是指“……该公司保持,并更好的是,扩大其全球市场份额,增加和扩大利润的能力” (克拉克和盖,1998, 经济合作与发展组织,1993)。 因此,虽然广泛流传但是国际竞争力作为与国家经济和其国际贸易相关

的理论基础已经不太在学术文献进行分析。因此,一个国家国际竞争力的性质,效益和局限性仍然含糊不清(科尔德威尔,2000,克鲁格曼,1994, 1996)。 国际竞争力,是指一个国家在货物和服务贸易方面巩固和保持贸易优势相对于世界其他地区的贸易优势。 每当一个国家的经济福利通过贸易流量的增加,或通过从初始平衡状态的贸易条件的改变而增加,他的国际竞争力都会得到提高(科尔德威尔,2000)。 贸易理论表示,经济福利依赖于一个国家有比较优势的货物和服务的生产。这实际上意味着当生产符合一国的比较优势的情况时国际竞争力能得到保障。如果一国能在国际上表现良好并在出口市场竞争成功,这可能就是他们健全的国际竞争力的标志。 因此,在国际上,竞争力定义为一个经济体能够吸引其出口需求和投资供给需求的能力和在所有社会规范内提升公民生活水平的能力。这反过来又取决于宏观和微观经济政策,影响生产的经济生产率要素和经营成本的法规和制度。 一个可用的文献回顾和实证证据支持国际竞争力可以解释为在一定程度上,一个国家的出口能力这一观点(道乐和沃尔夫,1993, 格博格等. 2004)。还有就是,事实上,是出口表现和国际竞争力之间的循环关系。出口是国际竞争力的第一衡量指标。出口情况的改善会导致了一个国家的竞争力提升。这种效果是一个企业的技能,知识,创新和运用新技术并能够在一个成功的商业方式中利用技术机会等的结果。 另一方面,为了在竞争激烈的全球市场努力成功实现出口,一个国家被迫提高竞争力。更具竞争力的国家,它的经济更强大。因此,它更有能力在全球市场竞争,以吸引具有较高的知识,技能,水平人们去购买新技术等,


数据库管理系统的介绍 Raghu Ramakrishnan1 数据库(database,有时拼作data base)又称为电子数据库,是专门组织起来的一组数据或信息,其目的是为了便于计算机快速查询及检索。数据库的结构是专门设计的,在各种数据处理操作命令的支持下,可以简化数据的存储,检索,修改和删除。数据库可以存储在磁盘,磁带,光盘或其他辅助存储设备上。 数据库由一个或一套文件组成,其中的信息可以分解为记录,每一记录又包含一个或多个字段(或称为域)。字段是数据存取的基本单位。数据库用于描述实体,其中的一个字段通常表示与实体的某一属性相关的信息。通过关键字以及各种分类(排序)命令,用户可以对多条记录的字段进行查询,重新整理,分组或选择,以实体对某一类数据的检索,也可以生成报表。 所有数据库(最简单的除外)中都有复杂的数据关系及其链接。处理与创建,访问以及维护数据库记录有关的复杂任务的系统软件包叫做数据库管理系统(DBMS)。DBMS软件包中的程序在数据库与其用户间建立接口。(这些用户可以是应用程序员,管理员及其他需要信息的人员和各种操作系统程序)。 DBMS可组织,处理和表示从数据库中选出的数据元。该功能使决策者能搜索,探查和查询数据库的内容,从而对在正规报告中没有的,不再出现的且无法预料的问题做出回答。这些问题最初可能是模糊的并且(或者)是定义不恰当的,但是人们可以浏览数据库直到获得所需的信息。简言之,DBMS将“管理”存储的数据项,并从公共数据库中汇集所需的数据项以回答非程序员的询问。 DBMS由3个主要部分组成:(1)存储子系统,用来存储和检索文件中的数据;(2)建模和操作子系统,提供组织数据以及添加,删除,维护,更新数据的方法;(3)用户和DBMS之间的接口。在提高数据库管理系统的价值和有效性方面正在展现以下一些重要发展趋势; 1.管理人员需要最新的信息以做出有效的决策。 2.客户需要越来越复杂的信息服务以及更多的有关其订单,发票和账号的当前信息。 3.用户发现他们可以使用传统的程序设计语言,在很短的一段时间内用数据1Database Management Systems( 3th Edition ),Wiley ,2004, 5-12


英文原文出自《Advanced Technology Libraries》2008年第5期 Robot Robot is a type of mechantronics equipment which synthesizes the last research achievement of engine and precision engine, micro-electronics and computer, automation control and drive, sensor and message dispose and artificial intelligence and so on. With the development of economic and the demand for automation control, robot technology is developed quickly and all types of the robots products are come into being. The practicality use of robot products not only solves the problems which are difficult to operate for human being, but also advances the industrial automation program. At present, the research and development of robot involves several kinds of technology and the robot system configuration is so complex that the cost at large is high which to a certain extent limit the robot abroad use. To development economic practicality and high reliability robot system will be value to robot social application and economy development. With the rapid progress with the control economy and expanding of the modern cities, the let of sewage is increasing quickly: With the development of modern technology and the enhancement of consciousness about environment reserve, more and more people realized the importance and urgent of sewage disposal. Active bacteria method is an effective technique for sewage disposal,The lacunaris plastic is an effective basement for active bacteria adhesion for sewage disposal. The abundance requirement for lacunaris plastic makes it is a consequent for the plastic producing with automation and high productivity. Therefore, it is very necessary to design a manipulator that can automatically fulfill the plastic holding. With the analysis of the problems in the design of the plastic holding manipulator and synthesizing the robot research and development condition in recent years, a economic scheme is concluded on the basis of the analysis of mechanical configuration, transform system, drive device and control system and guided by the idea of the characteristic and complex of mechanical configuration,


1.苹果公司(Apple Inc)不仅在中国有生产线,其产品在中国市场的销量也一片大好。对中 国消费者来说,苹果是最受推崇的品牌之一。2012年调查人员发现,苹果生产的电子产品在北京的一所精英中学的渗透度比在美国城市的一所精英中学还要广。目前,中国有 2.7亿人已经能买得起苹果手机,随着收入的提高,每年还会增加5700万人。简而言之, 苹果的产品目前在中国的销售速度非常快而且甚至可能更快。一些业内专家预测,几年之内中国将超过美国成为苹果最大的市场。(199) Apple Inc. not only has production lines in China, its sales there are also booming. For Chinese consumers, Apple is one of their most admired brands. A survey in 2012 by researchers found that the penetration of electronic products from the company at an elite high school in Beijing was greater than that at one in an American city. At present, 270 million people in China can already afford Apple’s products, and as income increases, each year there will be another 57 million able to. In short, Apple’s products are selling fast and likely to sell even faster in China. Some industry experts predict that China will overtake America to become Apple’s larg est market within a few years. 生产线a production line 最受推崇的品牌the most admired brand 渗透度penetration 电子产品an electronic product 精英中学an elite high school 可能be likely to 预测predict 超过overtake 2.自上世纪70年代末以来,中国许多最优秀人才赴海外留学,但学成归国的只有少数。中 国人才流失(brain drain)现象严重。面对全球化的世界,中国有越来越多的工作需要具备国际教育背景的人才。因此国家开展了一系列的引进海外人才的项目,成功的吸引了越来越多的留学生回国进入国企、教育机构和商业园区工作。如今,每年都有超过15万的海外留学生回国。他们将中国经济与世界相连,从商业、政治以及流行文化上着手,帮助中国走向世界。(191) Many of China's best and brightest talents have left to study abroad since the late 1970s, however, only a minority have returned. The country experienced a serious brain drain. Faced with a globalized world, more and more jobs in China need skilled people with international education background. China, therefore, launches a series of projects aimed at the introduction of overseas talents, which has successfully attracted more and more students abroad back home to work in state companies, educational institutions and business districts. Now, more than 150 thousand overseas students come back every year. They link China’s economy to the world, helping to connect China to commerce, politics and popular culture abroad. 海外人才overseas talents 全球化世界globalized world 开展launch 一系列 a series of 国企state companies 教育机构educational institutions 商业园区business districts 相连link …to


重庆大学网络教育学院 学生毕业设计(论文)开题报告 一、课题的目的及意义(含国内外的研究状况分析): 近年来,随着国民经济的发展,市场竞争日益加大,再加上中国加入世贸组织,国 门逐渐打开,越来越多的国外企业在中国的市场上发展壮大,抢夺市场占有份额,对国内企业 造成了很大的冲击,特别是中小企业更难立足和发展,因此提高我们企业的竞争力迫在眉睫。 我们都是知道人才对于企业的生存和发展都有着重要的意义,并起着越来越重要的作用, 尤其对于我国的中小企业而言,由于其财力、物力有限,不可能与大企业比资金、比实力,因 而人才,尤其是优秀的人才对我国的中小企业的生存与发展就有着决定性的作用。但是,由于 社会、历史和自身等诸多因素的影响,人才在我国的中小企业中往往难以发挥自己的才能,人 才流失现象相当严重,往往自己培养的核心员工成为别人的得意助手,给企业带来了不可估量 的损失。中小企业如果想要获得长足发展必须在人才方面下功夫,应该将人才战略作为整个 企业发展战略的核心,但是中小企业在人才引进、聘用、培育、留守方面存在着种种的不利和 弊端,这些直接导致了企业请进了人才而又留不住人才的尴尬局面的出现。因此如何留住人才, 如何解决人才流失这一问题就显得尤为必要。 二、课题任务、重点研究内容、实现途径、条件: 本文主要利用文献研究方法,通过多种途径收集有关中小企业人才流失现状及对策的文献 资料。主要包括相关著作、期刊杂志以及相关网站查找资料,收集数据等多个关于人才流失的 的相关著作及论文,收集我国关于中小企业相关的文献资料及法律法规等。通过搜集和整理大 量的与中小企业人才流失相关的资料,在指导老师的指导和帮助下,分析中小企业在人力资源 管理中的人才流失问题,找出原因,并结合自己所学的知识、收集的资料并整理消化写成论文。 通过新颖的论点和想法来提出自己论文的创新点,并运用所学习的知识来补充和加工。本文 先阐述课题背景和目的,从而引出人才流失的研究现状,结合现状并运用课题的研究方法来分


文献出处:Barattieri A. The mechanism of service trade liberalization[J]. Journal of International Economics, 2014, 92(1): 1-13. (声明:本译文归百度文库所有,完整译文请到百度文库。) 原文 The mechanism of service trade liberalization Barattieri A Abstract In this paper, Service trade liberalization is the key areas of the United States to promote the TPP negotiations, the United States in the negotiations are pushing mechanism of a high standard of service trade liberalization. In this paper the progress of the TPP negotiations and services trade issues important position, on the basis of the acceptance, architecture design, focus on services, regulatory consistency four aspects in the TPP uncovers the "high standards" service trade liberalization mechanism establishment. American "high standards" service trade liberalization mechanism is tailored to the interests of the United States, actually services in the service of the United States. These mechanisms are through to strengthen and promote the TPP platform, forming reversed transmission to other countries. Key words: the TPP; The United States; Service trade liberalization; High standards; Mechanism design America is the first largest exporter global trade in services, and for many years, continues to service trade surplus. Competitive advantage based on service industry and service industry The importance of promoting American exports, jobs and economic growth, the United States in the multilateral, bilateral and regional multiple layers jointly promoting service trade liberalization. In the Uruguay round negotiations, the United States has overcome many obstacles, for the first time to include the Service Trade in multilateral negotiations, contributed to the general Agreement on Trade in services (the Genre - al Agreement on Trade and Service,



英文文献翻译 二〇年月日

科技文章摘译 Definition of a Management Information System There is no consensus of the definition of the term "management information system". Some writers prefer alternative terminology such as "information processing system", "information and decision system", "organizational information system", or simply "information system" to refer to the computer-based information processing system which supports the operations, management, and decision-making functions of an organization. This text uses “MIS” because it is descriptive and generally understood; it also frequently uses “information system” instead of “MIS” to refer to an organizational information system. A definition of a management information system, as the term is generally understood, is an integrated, user-machine system for providing information to support operations, management, and decision-making functions in an organization. The system utilizes computer hardware and software; manual procedures; models for analysis planning, control and decision making; and a database. The fact that it is an integrated system does not mean that it is a single, monolithic structure; rather, it means that the parts fit into an overall design. The elements of the definition are highlighted below. 1 Computer-based user-machine system Conceptually, management information can exist without computer, but it is the power of the computer which makes MIS feasible. The question is not whether computers should be used in management information system, but the extent to which information use should be computerized. The concept of a user-machine system implies that some tasks are best performed by humans, while others are best done by machine. The user of an MIS is any person responsible for entering input data, instructing the system, or utilizing the information output of the system. For many problems, the user and the computer form a combined system with results obtained through a set of interactions between the computer and the user. User-machine interaction is facilitated by operation in which the user’s input-output device (usually a visual display terminal) is connected to the computer. The computer can be a personal computer serving only one user or a large computer that


中英文资料对照外文翻译 FEM Optimization for Robot Structure Abstract In optimal design for robot structures, design models need to he modified and computed repeatedly. Because modifying usually can not automatically be run, it consumes a lot of time. This paper gives a method that uses APDL language of ANSYS 5.5 software to generate an optimal control program, which mike optimal procedure run automatically and optimal efficiency be improved. 1)Introduction Industrial robot is a kind of machine, which is controlled by computers. Because efficiency and maneuverability are higher than traditional machines, industrial robot is used extensively in industry. For the sake of efficiency and maneuverability, reducing mass and increasing stiffness is more important than traditional machines, in structure design of industrial robot. A lot of methods are used in optimization design of structure. Finite element method is a much effective method. In general, modeling and modifying are manual, which is feasible when model is simple. When model is complicated, optimization time is longer. In the longer optimization time, calculation time is usually very little, a majority of time is used for modeling and modifying. It is key of improving efficiency of structure optimization how to reduce modeling and modifying time. APDL language is an interactive development tool, which is based on ANSYS and is offered to program users. APDL language has typical function of some large computer languages. For example, parameter definition similar to constant and variable definition, branch and loop control, and macro call similar to function and subroutine call, etc. Besides these, it possesses powerful capability of mathematical calculation. The capability of mathematical calculation includes arithmetic calculation, comparison, rounding, and trigonometric function, exponential function and hyperbola function of standard FORTRAN language, etc. By means of APDL language, the data can be read and then calculated, which is in database of ANSYS program, and running process of ANSYS program can be controlled.

文献翻译 (2)

对行销售人员激励机制分析 1激励机制的描述 1.1激励理论主要是研究激发人们行为动机的各种因素。由于人类行为 的原动力是需要,因此这种理论实际上就是围绕着人们的各种需要来进行研究。主要包括马斯洛的赫茨伯格的双因素理论、奥尔德弗的“ERG”理论、需要层次理论和麦克利兰的成就需要激励理论。 1.2 过程型激励理论重点研究人从动机产生到采取行动的心理过程。 包括亚当斯的公平理论、佛隆的期望理论和斯金纳的强化理论。 二对行销售人员激励机制分析 美国心理学家佛隆在1964年首先提出期望理论,人之所以能够完成某项工作并达成组织目标,因为这些组织目标和工作会帮助他们达成自己的目标。根据期望理论,某一活动对某人的激发力量取决于他所能得到的结果的全部预期价值乘以他认为达成该结果的期望概率。这就要求要处理好三个方面的关系:绩效与奖励的关系、努力与绩效的关系、奖励与个人需要的关系,任何一个环节都不能出现问题,否则都会导致无效激励。 从以期望理论为代表的过程型激励理论与内容型激励理论的观点来看,激励过程的科学性和合理性、激励手段对销售人员个性化需求的满足程度构成了激励的两要素。由此看出,销售人员的激励机制确实有改进的必要。 三销售人员激励体制中不足原因 3.1激励方式单一,过分依靠货币等物质激励手段而忽视精神激励的重要作用,销售人员没有归属感,缺少团队凝聚力。即使在物质激励方面,也是“佣金制”和“提成制”的天下,收入的多少完全依据销售额或利润额的多少,无视死去差异和个人实际努力程度,激励不公现象十分普遍。 3.2晋升制度僵硬,论资排辈,讲资历而忽视能力,讲关系而忽视业务水平,人浮于事,优秀人才流失严重,已不再适应市场竞争的需要。 3.3多数企业没有完整的培训激励机制,企业只注重“挖人”而非培养,因而满足不了销售人员自我发展的需要。


毕业论文文献综述 国际经济与贸易 中英金融服务贸易国际竞争力比较研究 金融服务贸易国际竞争力相关理论综述 服务贸易是以服务作为交易标的的一种贸易行为。《服务贸易总协定》(GATS)所界定的国际服务贸易是指以过境交付、境外消费、商业存在和自然人流动这四种形式进行的各国间的服务交易。该定义已成为有一定权威性和指导性的定义为各国接受。 根据《服务贸易总协定》中的服务部门清单,可以将服务贸易分为12类:商业性服务,销售服务,金融服务,娱乐服务,通讯服务,教育服务,卫生服务,运输服务,建筑服务,环境服务,旅游服务和其他服务。而对于金融服务贸易,国内外并没有确切的定义。本文将对金融服务贸易国外及国内有代表性的研究进行综述。 一、GATS与OECD对金融服务贸易的定义 根据GATS的定义,金融服务贸易是指由一成员国的金融服务提供者所提供的任何金融性质的服务。它包括两个部分:所有保险和保险相关的服务、银行和其他金融服务(保险除外),其中其他金融服务指证券和金融信息服务。 经济合作和发展组织(OECD)对金融服务贸易的定义为由金融机构提供服务的收入,或者接受付出的支持,包括得到的和付出的直接投资收益(未分配收益和利息);从其他金融投资得到的和付出的收益(得到的和付出的利息和红利);得到的、付出的手续费和佣金。 可见,经济合作和发展组织对金融服务贸易的界定强调了金融服务贸易交易的提供方,而忽略了金融服务贸易的消费方。金融服务贸易的发展主要是以此换取其他贸易领域的发展,而且金融服务贸易可以促进本国金融业与国际金融业的接轨,从而在国际竞争中促进本国金融业的发展。 二、国外对金融服务贸易相关研究 对于金融服务贸易研究,国外学者从不同角度出发,有不同的看法。 列为恩(1996)认为,各种金融服务可以实现五种基本功能:方便商品和劳务的交易;易于风险管理;加速资源流动;获取信息,评估企业和配置资本;提供公司法人治理。同时,更多的相关文献表示,金融中介可以降低由于信息不对称产生的管理成本(戴蒙德1984;威廉森1987)也可以对规模经济产生积极的效应。 莫施里安(Moshirian 1994)认为,金融服务贸易和制造业类似,一些基本要素赋予了


外文文献及其翻译电子政务信息 1.政府信息化的含义? 政府信息化是指:政府有效利用现代信息和通信技术,通过不同的信息服务设施,对政府的业务流程、组织结构、人员素质等诸方面进行优化、改造的过程。 2.广义和狭义的电子政务的定义? 广义的电子政务是指:运用信息技术和通信技术实现党委、人大、政协、政府、司法机关、军队系统和企事业单位的行政管理活动。(电子党务、电子人大、电子政协) 狭义的电子政务是指:政府在其管理和服务职能中运用现代信息和通信技术,实现政府组织结构和工作流程的重组优化,超越时间、空间和部门分隔的制约,全方位的向社会提供优质规范、透明的服务,是政府管理手段的变革。 3.电子政务的组成部分? ①:政府部门内部办公职能的电子化和网络化; ②:政府职能部门之间通过计算机网络实现有权限的实时互通的信息共享; ③:政府部门通过网络与公众和企业间开展双向的信息交流与策; 4.理解电子政务的发展动力? ①:信息技术的快速发展; ②:政府自身改革与发展的需要; ③:信息化、民主化的社会需求的推动; 5.电子政务的应用模式?

模式有:1.政府对公务员的电子政务(G2E); 2.政府间的电子政务(G2G); 3.政府对企业的电子政务(G2B); 4.政府对公众的电子政务(G2C); 6.电子政务的功能? ①:提高工作效率,降低办公成本; ②:加快部门整合,堵塞监管漏洞; ③:提高服务水平,便于公众的监督; ④:带动社会信息化发展; 7.我国电子政务发展存在的主要问题? ①:政府公务员与社会公众对电子政务的认识不足; ②:电子政务发展缺乏整体规划和统一性标准; ③:电子政务管理体制改革远未到位; ④:电子政务整体应用水平还较低; ⑤:政府公务员的素质有待提高; ⑥:电子政务立法滞后; ⑦:对电子政务安全问题缺乏正确认识; 8.政府创新的含义和内容? 含义:是指各级政府为适应公共管理与行政环境的需要,与时俱进的转变观念与职能,探索新的行政方法与途径,形成新的组织结


外文翻译 专业机械电子工程 学生姓名张华 班级 B机电092 学号 05 指导教师袁健

外文资料名称:Research,design and experiment of end effector for wafer transfer robot 外文资料出处:Industrail Robot:An International Journal 附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文 2.外文原文

晶片传送机器人末端效应器研究、设计和实验 刘延杰、徐梦、曹玉梅 张华译 摘要:目的——晶片传送机器人扮演一个重要角色IC制造行业并且末端执行器是一个重要的组成部分的机器人。本文的目的是使晶片传送机器人通过研究其末端执行器提高传输效率,同时减少晶片变形。 设计/方法/方法——有限元方法分析了晶片变形。对于在真空晶片传送机器人工作,首先,作者运用来自壁虎的超细纤维阵列的设计灵感研究机器人的末端执行器,和现在之间方程机器人的交通加速度和参数的超细纤维数组。基于这些研究,一种微阵列凹凸设计和应用到一个结构优化的末端执行器。对于晶片传送机器人工作在大气环境中,作者分析了不同因素的影响晶片变形。在吸收面积的压力分布的计算公式,提出了最大传输加速度。最后, 根据这些研究得到了一个新的种末端执行器设计大气机器人。 结果——实验结果表明, 通过本文研究应用晶片传送机器人的转换效率已经得到显着提高。并且晶片变形吸收力得到控制。 实际意义——通过实验可以看出,通过本文的研究,可以用来提高机器人传输能力, 在生产环境中减少晶片变形。还为进一步改进和研究末端执行器打下坚实的基础,。 创意/价值——这是第一次应用研究由壁虎启发了的超细纤维阵列真空晶片传送机器人。本文还通过有限元方法仔细分析不同因素在晶片变形的影响。关键词:晶片传送机器人末端执行器、超细纤维数组、晶片 1.介绍


日本动漫产业发展趋势外文翻译 本科毕业论文外文翻译 外文题目: Japan Animation Industry Trends 出处:JETRO Japan Economic Monthly, June 2005 作者:Japanese Economy Division译文: 日本动漫产业发展趋势 日本动画不仅在日本,同时在海外也备受关注。在扩大电影,电视和录像的国内市场后,日本动画电影制作人的视线也已经转向海外市场。与此同时,在电影制作多元化筹资方式的方面已出现新的发展。在此背景下,日本动漫产业正在努力处理某些人力资源的技能短缺,国内电影生产基地缩减和扩大海外业务的挑战。 1、市场概述 2004年日本动画市场。2004年在日本会谈的亚洲动画市场是吉卜力工作室红极一时的《哈尔的移动城堡》工作室在三年内的第一个新版本,将在11月开幕。导演宫崎骏的著作在短短44天超过了10万观众,比在日本的任何电影都快。此后其受欢迎程度不断,观众上升到1423.0万,截至到3月8日,打破标志的是宫崎骏的《魔法公主》,并将它放在日本电影史上的第两位。现在的问题是如何关闭由《千与千寻》在日本创下的所有的2350万的时间纪录。2005年6月开始《哈尔的移动城堡》也将在韩国和其他国家,包括美国60多个城市放映。 市场环境。日本动画(“动漫”)已被赞誉为始祖,日本的文化和内容,对所谓的程度,这是世界范围内的“Japanimation。”导演押井守的动画电影《无辜

的人》2004年在第57届戛纳电影节上被提名。《纯真》是到《攻壳机动队》(1995)的续集,在美国的Billboard影片排行榜上名列第一。宫崎骏的《千与千寻》2003年在第75届奥斯卡奖项上荣获奥斯卡动画长片奖,同时在2002年柏林电影节金熊奖上再次获奖和证明日本是生产世界一流动画的国家。据说许多美国和亚洲动画师想要制作日本的动漫作品,这表明日本动画被领先的专业人士认可。《千与千寻》的商业成功,同时表明在全球公众的日本动漫的优点和国际竞争力。世界已经明确看好日本动漫具有巨大的商业潜力。 尽管如此,业界还没有转移的态势,足以应付海外的一致好评。展望未来,日本动漫产业不仅要扩大海外,它也必须制定必要的生产/配送系统和人员,利用对动画片和其他内容的全球商业机会。事实上生产系统已经成立,但业内人士仍然具有在国内/海外发行和权利上有许多突出的弱点,如在一般的国际许可和业务专长。在发展领域的人员,动画师没有一个适当的高社会地位,所以对其他行业和国家,例如人员外流,已成为一个大问题。 2、多变的市场规模 日本国内的动漫市场大致可分为三类: 正片长度的电影 电视节目 上述视频和DVD两个版本外,还有原作品 据媒体发展研究所透露,在2003年日本的动漫市场销售额下降了10.4%至一千九百十二亿日元,包括动画电影的票房收入,电视动画制作费,销售、出租录像带和DVD产品的利润。这是在两年内(图1)的首次下降。在2001年和2002年实现实质性成果主要是由于2001年《千与千寻》成功的票房(30.4亿日元)然

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