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长白山北坡 英文导游词(简略备考版)

长白山北坡  英文导游词(简略备考版)
长白山北坡  英文导游词(简略备考版)

North Slope View of Changbai Mountain

The Changbai Mountain is renowned for the top 10 mountains in China, and a National Nature Reserve in Jilin Province. The respectable leader Deng Xiaoping highly appraised after his trip, he said, “I t will be a lifelong regret for not mounting the Changbai Mountain.”

Now we are in the world-fame Changbai Mountain National Nature Reserve. It was founded in 1960. In 1980, it was listed among the International Man and Biosphere Protection Net as a W orld Nature Reserve. In 1986, it was in the list of National Forest and Wildlife Reserve and in 2000, it was authorized Grade AAAA Tourist Site.

Changbai Mountain Nature Reserve is a nature and forest ecosystem with the Tianchi Lake as its center. The reserve covers a area of 196465 hectares and situated in the three counties of Antu, Fusong, Changbai, and is close to the DPRK (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) to the Southeast. It is also the best preserved nature reserve with the most abundant species of wild plants, and most intact ecosystem among those at the same latitude all over the world. There are more than 2540 species of wild plants and 1508 kinds of animals, among which 364 kinds are vertebra animals and 780 are insects.

The natural environment of Changbai Mountain is of complicated variety. Climate, soil and living things are changing distinctly with the rising of elevation. From its foot to top, 4 distinctive sceneries are formed because of striking change of temperature: Broadleaf Trees, the Belt of Conifers, Birch and the Belt of Tundra. At the foot of the mountain, trees are lush and flourishing, but in the top of the mountain there are no trees, no grass at all. (If we climb the mountain, it seems as if we traveled from the temperate zone to the polar zone. A poem pictures this:

The mountain experiences 4 seasons in a day,

Its temperature differs dramatically in a 10-li way.

The Changbai Mountain is a dormant volcano which has erupted three times. The 1st eruption took place in August, 1597, April 2nd, 1668 and April 3rd, 1702—over 300 years up to now. and now its geographic changes are still going on.

The magic and charm of the mountain lies in its magnificent nature vies and winter scenery with thick snow. Here you can enjoy the boundless virgin woods, vertical landscape belts, distinctive volcanic landforms and the deepest crater lake of the highest elevation in the world. The Changbai Mountain Waterfall is of 68 meters dropping in elevation with hot springs scattering densely in this are. All this shows the mountain is a charming resort you’re longing for.

Now our bus is going through the green corridor, you can have a look at the beautiful view.

1.The Belt of Conifers and Broadleaf Trees at the elevation 500-1000

meters above sea level. The trees grow lush and in profusion. This place is

called “the sea of trees and the plain of snow.”In some particular areas on

either bank of the 二道White River grow a special plant-Beauty Pine. Most

of the 300 Changbai species of vertebrates grow here. (兽类有东北虎、

梅花鹿、马鹿、野猪、黑熊等;鸟类有鸳鸯、榛鸡、大山雀等;爬行类有蝮蛇、草蜥、松花蛇等;两栖类有中国林蛙(哈什蛙)、花背蟾蜍等。Such as beasts like northeast tigers, spotted deer, red deer, boars, and black bears;

birds like mandarin ducks, hazel grouse, tomtits; reptiles like vipers, grass lizards, snakes; and amphibians like Chinese forest fogs and figured-back toads, etc. )

2.The Belt of Conifers between 1000-1700 meters. It is moist and its

temperature drops sharply. (树木以耐寒的针叶树如红松、云杉、冷杉、落叶松等为主。针叶林带常见的兽类有紫貂松鼠、棕熊等;鸟类有三齿啄木鸟、黑琴鸡等;爬行类有蝮蛇、送花蛇;两栖类有日本雨蛙、林蛙。There grow many species of trees with cold-enduring conifers as their major, including red pines, dragon spruces, firs, larches, etc. There are beasts such as sables, squirrels, brown bears, etc.; birds such as 3-teeth, wood peckers, heathbird; repitiles, such as vipers, snakes; amphibians such as Chinese frogs, Japanese hylas, etc. )

3.The Belt of Birch which locates from 1700 to 2000 maters. The mountain is

steep and it is severely cold in winter, rainy and windy in summer.

(岳桦林带的兽类高山鼠兔,鸟类有山雀、柳莺等;两栖类有林蛙。There are beasts such as mountain mice and hares and birds such as mountain tit, willow warbler. And the amphibian is the Chinese frog.)

4.The Belt of Tundra distributed above 2000 meters. It lies on the middle

and upper part of the volcanic cone. (高山苔原带有多年的草本地衣、苔藓等;每年六七月,,太原上百花争艳,宛如美丽的天然花园。这个地带的

主要兽类有高山鼠兔,鸟类的代表种类是白腰雨燕。Every year in June and

July, the wild flowers are in full bloom, competing for beauty each other.

Seeing the thriving mountain top garden, you cannot believe your eyes.

The main animals here are mountain mice and hares and the common bird

is white-waisted swift.)

Now, here we are on the peak of the mountain with a full vies of the Tianchi Lake. The lake lies on the top of the volcanic cone. It seems as if it is a shining pearl dotted on the peaks. It looks a fallen leaf in the shape of an ellipse: 4400 meters long from north to south; 3370 meters wide from east to west. The deepest is 373 meters and 2189.1 meters above sea level, and its storage capacity is 2001 billion cubic meters. Thus, it is the deepest mountain lake with the highest elevation. In addition, it serves as the border lake between D.P.R.K.

Its water is as clear as crystal. 16 precipitous peaks are standing over the lake and are taking reflections in the lake.

The beauty of the Tianchi Lake comes along with a legend. It goes like this

Once upon a time ,the Lady Queen Mother had two daughters .They were alike and beautiful .Nobody could tell who was more beautiful .One day ,at a peach immortality in Chinese mythology , god Taibai太白presented Lady Queen Mother a magic mirror of jade .announcing that it could tell who was more beautiful ,the elder one or the younger one . As a result, the mirror judges that the younger sister is more beautiful. Naturally that irritated the elder files into a rage and then throws the mirror away. While the mirror drops onto Changbai mountains, it becomes the Heavenly Lake.

1.Baiyun Peak(2,691 meters at altitude)

Lying to the northwest of the lake , It is the highest peak in the Northeast named "Baiyun (white cloud )Peak" which has 2,691 meters in elevation.

白云峰2691-------天文峰2670-------玉柱峰2662------华盖峰2640-----芝盘峰2603-----龙门峰2595 Black Draught Gap

The Black Draught Gap is a cliff opening half way up the major peak of the Changbai Mountain .It is located on the roadside of the way to the peak. It's the best place to overlook the Erdao White River Valley and the Changbai W aterfall running down the narrow north gap of the lake. It's 500m high from the cliff to the valley bottom.

These is a gap between Tianwen Peak and Longmen Peak north of the lake .The water spills out and flows 1,250 meters northwards along Tian River and drops suddenly from the rift. It is of great momentum.Thus, the waterfall which has a drop of 68 meters is formed and is called the waterfall of Changbai Mountains. Rushing down the valley and canyon, the water looks like white skill. Local people call it "

White River"(or 二道White River). It is headstream of the Songhua

Now we are staying by the "Small Heavenly Lake",which is also called the Lake of Sliver Ring.It has a circumference of 260 meters and a total area of more than 5,000 square meters. The lake is deeper than 10 meters .And the water there is perpetual.

There is also a group of hot springs in Changbai Mountains .It is hard to believe that there are tens of springs gathering in this 1,000-square-meter area. The temperature of the water is between 60 and 82 centigrade. So they are characterized by high temperature springs. And by scientific investigation, the hot springs of Changbai Mountains contains scores of beneficial minerals and can cure many diseases.

Generally according to the principles of nature, forest should grow on the ground. But it is strange that a forest grows under the cliffs .This is the so-called "Underground Forest". The valley is 50-60 meters high and its bottom is 2500-3000 meters long from north to south. And the towering old trees help decorate the mountain range to be an attractive green world.

How time flies! Our visit is coming to an end now .And we have to say goodbye to each other .I am looking forward to your next visit to the Changbai Mountain Range . Hope you have a pleasant journey back.


导游词长白山导游词 长白山的导游词 长白山的导游词 长白山的导游词 长白山的导游词(精选3篇) 长口山的导游词2 各位游客: 大家好! 我在上山之前己经向大家介绍过了,我们眼前的世界最高火山口湖长白山,像地球的眼睛,傲视苍穹;像长天的镜子,巡视环宇。它气势磅礴,它气象万千。 那么它的最大特点是什么呢? 它的最大特点,就是神奇。 它的神奇不仅是只有出水没有入水,却滔滔不绝地成为滋润东北大地的三大江流的源头;它的神奇也不仅是云遮雾障,变幻无穷。 它的神奇更在于令世人百思不解的、让世人百年解不开的怪兽之迷。 大家知道,长白山水而海拔2189.1米,水深373米,年平均气温-7.3°C,年积雪日达258天,积雪最深达3米,一年结冰期长达8 个月,是世界上最寒冷的高山湖泊。处于高山之巅,湖岸草木不生,自然环境极其恶劣,除了地下水和雨水之外,再无入水,湖内的微生物和有机质极少,几乎没有大型生物生存的可能。但是,一百多年来不断传出有人目睹大型动物在出水的消息,又难有确凿的,物证足以证明大型动物的确实存在,这个被人们称为“怪兽”的动物,这个被人们沸沸扬扬传了160多年,又于近年频频出现的家伙,它到底是什么?它是否真的存在?便成了难解的世界之迷、历史悬案。 长口山怪兽之迷,与尼斯湖怪兽之迷、百慕大三角神秘沉船坠机

之迷、不明飞行物即UFO之迷一样,成为世界几大难解的迷团之一。 长白山怪兽的被发现和被记录,是早在一百多年以前的事了。 早在清朝的光绪年间,当时的长白山探险家、中国长白山勘界、考察和全而命名的第一人,奉天选用知县、奉吉勘界副委员刘建封,在他对长白山进行了全面踏查之后,于清朝光绪三十四年,即公元19xx年撰写的《长白山江岗志略》中,就清楚地记录了当时人们对怪兽的描述:“自中有一怪物浮出水面,金黄色,头大如盆,方顶有角, 长项多须,猎人以为是龙”。 清朝宣统二年,即公元19xx年,长口山南坡的长口府设治委员张凤台编著的《长口汇征录》,对怪兽的出没,也做了详细记载。他写道:“六十年前……” 请大家注意,他写的是当时的八■十年前,就是19xx年的六十年前,离现在足足一百六十多年了。 “六十年前有猎者四人,至钓台,见芝盘峰下自池中有物出水,金黄色,首大如盎,方顶有角,长项多须,低头摇动如吸水状。众惧, 登坡至半,忽闻轰隆一声,回顾不见”。 同在这篇文章里,他又写道:“据引路人徐永顺云,光绪二十九年五有,其弟复顺随王让、俞福等六人到长白山狩鹿,追至,适来一物,大如水牛,吼声震耳,状欲扑人,众皆惧,相对失色,束手无策。 俞急取枪击放,机停灭火。物目眈眈,势将噬俞,复顺腰携六轮小枪, 暗取放之,中物腹,咆哮长鸣,伏于池中。半钟余,池内重雾如前,毫无所见”。 上个世纪的六十年代到八十年代,对怪兽的发现和记载越来越多。 据《长口山志》记载:1962年8月中旬,吉林省气象器材供应站的周凤瀛用六倍望远镜发现“东北角距岸边二、三百米远的水而上, 浮出两个动物的头,前后相距二、三百米,互相追逐游动,时而沉入水中,时而浮出水面。动物的头有狗头大小,黑褐色,身后留下人字形波纹。一个多小时后,此物潜入水中”。


编号:上海的英文导游词 甲方: 乙方: 签订日期:年月日 X X公司

导游词的宗旨是通过对旅游景观绘声绘色地讲解、指点、评说,帮助旅游者欣赏景观,以达到游览的最佳效果。下面是关于上海的英文导游词,分享给你们。谢谢支持。 上海玉佛寺英文导游词 Ladies and gentlemen, today we are going to visit a famous Buddhist temple---the Jade Buddha Temple. Before visiting the temple, I’d like to say a few words about the religious situation in Shanghai. Our constitution stipulates that every Chinese citizen is ensured the freedom of religious belief. There are four major religions in practice in Shanghai, namely, Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, and Christianity, which is sub-divided into the Catholic Church and the Protestant Church. When it comes to Buddhist temples in China, they are usually classified into three sects, i.e. temples for meditation, for preaching and for practicing Buddhist disciplines. The Jade Buddha Temple is a temple for meditation, and is well-known


长白山天池导游词 以下是为你整理的吉林导游词,希望您喜欢阅读:各位游客,我在上山之前已经向大家介绍过了,我们眼前的世界最高火山口湖长白山天池,像地球的眼睛,傲视苍穹;像长天的镜子,巡视环宇。 它气势磅礴,它气象万千。 那么它的最大特点是什么呢?它的最大特点,就是神奇。 它的神奇不仅是只有出水没有入水,却滔滔不绝地成为滋润东北大地的三大江流的源头;它的神奇也不仅是云遮雾障,变幻无穷。 它的神奇更在于令世人百思不解的、让世人百年解不开的天池怪兽之迷。 大家知道,长白山天池水面海拔2189.1米,水深373米,年平均气温-7.3℃,年积雪日达258天,积雪最深达3米,一年结冰期长达8个月,是世界上最寒冷的高山湖泊。 天池处于高山之巅,湖岸草木不生,自然环境极其恶劣,除了地下水和雨水之外,再无入水,湖内的微生物和有机质极少,几乎没有大型生物生存的可能。 但是,一百多年来不断传出有人目睹大型动物在天池出水的消息,又难有确凿的物证足以证明大型动物的确实存在,这个被人们称为“天池怪兽的动物,这个被人们沸沸扬扬传了160多年,又于近年频频出现的家伙,它到底是什么?它是否真的存在?便成了难解的世界之迷、历史悬案。

长白山天池怪兽之迷,与尼斯湖怪兽之迷、百慕大三角神秘沉船坠机之迷、不明飞行物即UFO之迷一样,成为世界几大难解的迷团之一。 长白山天池怪兽的被发现和被记录,是早在一百多年以前的事了。 早在清朝的光绪年间,当时的长白山探险家、中国长白山勘界、考察和全面命名的第一人,奉天选用知县、奉吉勘界副委员刘建封,在他对长白山进行了全面踏查之后,于清朝光绪三十四年,即公元1908年撰写的《长白山江岗志略》中,就清楚地记录了当时人们对天池怪兽的描述:“自天池中有一怪物浮出水面,金黄色,头大如盆,方顶有角,长项多须,猎人以为是龙。 他写道:“六十年前……请大家注意,他写的是当时的六十年前,就是1910年的六十年前,离现在足足一百六十多年了。 “六十年前有猎者四人,至天池钓鳌台,见芝盘峰下自池中有物出水,金黄色,首大如盎,方顶有角,长项多须,低头摇动如吸水状。 众惧,登坡至半,忽闻轰隆一声,回顾不见。 同在这篇文章里,他又写道:“据引路人徐永顺云,光绪二十九年五有,其弟复顺随王让、俞福等六人到长白山狩鹿,追至天池,适来一物,大如水牛,吼声震耳,状欲扑人,众皆惧,相对失色,束手无策。 俞急取枪击放,机停灭火。 物目眈眈,势将噬俞,复顺腰携六轮小枪,暗取放之,中物腹,


女士们,先生们: 你们好! 欢迎您来到吉林省长白山国家级自然保护区旅游观光,我是这里的导游员,非常高兴能有机会陪同各位一道参观游览长白山,我愿意竭诚为你服务,衷心祝您旅行愉快! 敬爱的邓小平同志游览长白山后说过:“不登长白山终生遗憾!”是的,我想诸位今天游览长白山后会有更加深刻的体会——长白山将是您生态旅游、回归自然的首选旅游胜地。 (到达北坡山门后) 朋友们,您现在已进入了举世闻名的长白山国家级自然保护区,我现在简单地向大家介绍一下长白山保护区的情况。长白山自然保护区建立于1960年,1980年加入国际人与生物圈保护区网,被列为世界自然保留地,1986年被列为国家级森林与野生动物类型的自然保护区;2000年被评为“AAAA”级旅游景区。 长白山自然保护区是保护以长白山天池为中心的长白山核心区的自然环境和森林生态系统。全区在吉林省安图、抚松、长白三县境内,东南部与朝鲜毗邻,总面积为19 6465公顷。它是地球上同纬度地带原始状况保存最好,物种最丰富,生态系统最完整的自然保护区。区内不仅有原始状态的森林,还有苔原、草甸、湖泊、河流、沼泽等,是欧亚大陆北半部山地生态系统的典型代表。 据统计,保护区内有野生植物2540种;动物1508种,其中脊椎动物364种,昆虫780 多种。 长白山山势高耸,地形起伏变化大,自然环境复杂多样。从山下到山上随着海拔高度的增加,气候、土壤、生物等呈现四个界限分明的垂直植被景观带。由下至上依次为针阔混交林带、针叶林带、岳桦林带和高山苔原带。山下枝繁叶茂,林木苍翠,郁郁葱葱,山顶则疾风重雾,几乎寸草不生。从山脚到山顶虽然只有几十公里的行程,但垂直分布的景观带却好像经历了欧亚大陆从温带到极地几千公里的变化,游客可以在几小时之内感觉到从温带到寒带的不同自然景色,如同游历了半个世界,历经了春夏秋冬四季一样,真可谓“一山分四季,十里不同天”。


上海英文版导游词 上海英文版导游词 发布时间:2020-03-15 上海,简称“沪”或“申”,是中华人民共和国直辖市,国家中心城市,超大城市,中国的经济、交通、科技、工业、金融、贸易、会展和航运中心,首批沿海开放城市。接下来是小编为您整理的上海英文版导游词,希望对您有所帮助。 上海英文版导游词1Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Did you sleep last night? Great. Im sorry, the baggage was delayed last night. As the baggage car broke down, we had to ask for another one. By the way, have you opened your luggage? No wonder its sunny outside. Our tour guide often said, /the guests brought the suhine in the bag./. I thank you for that. Good well. I have announced the schedule for breakfast. Today we will go to the old city of the sea, that is, the location of the Yu Garden and the Yu Garden mall. Our car is driving in the Bund. Your left is the famous Huangpu river. Well be here later. In order to save time, I would like to talk about Chinese garde and Yu Garden before I get to Yu Garden. In China, garde are divided into three major categories: Royal Garde, private garde and temple garde. Yu Garden belongs to private garde. Chinese garde have many skills, such as borrowing scenery, blocking scenery and so on. But they are all made up of four basic facto. These four facto are water, plants, buildings and rockery. Most of the private garde are in the south of the Yangtze River, just because there are many water sources and stones suitable for making rockery. Yu Garden is the Ming dynasty built more than 400 yea ago. The owner surnamed pan, is a senior official. He built this garden to please his parents and make them enjoy their old age. Therefore, the word /Yu/ of Yu Garden takes its meaning of /Yue Yue/. Its a pity that his parents could see Yu Garden fall and die. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, the pan family was weak and its descendants sold the garden to the local guild. There is another reason why Yu Garden is famous. In 1853, a sword Club uprising broke out in Shanghai, and a hall was used as the headquarte. Today, Yu Garden is a must go place. So I suggest that there we must not become separated, the best you closely, okay? Here is the parking lot. If someone here, please remember the bus number three last number is 121. I think its best not to happen. I will be holding a small red flag, all of you will accompany Mr. Zhang dianhou. Are


长白山北坡风光 女士们,先生们: 你们好。 欢迎您来到吉林省长白山国家级自然保护区旅游观光,我是这里的导游员,非常高兴能有机会陪同各位一道参观游览长白山,我愿意竭诚为您服务,衷心祝您旅行愉快。 敬爱的邓小平同志游览长白山后说过:“不登长白山终生遗憾。”是的,我想诸位今天游览长白山后会有更加深刻的体会——长白山将是您生态旅游回归自然的首选旅游胜地。 (到达北坡山门后) 朋友们,您现在已进入了举世闻名的长白山国家级自然保护区,我现在简单地向大家介绍一下长白山保护区的情况。长白山自然保护区建立于1960年,1980年加入国际人与生物圈保护区网,被列为世界自然保留地,1986年被列为国家级森林与野生动物类型的自然保护区。2007年5月经国家旅游局正式批准为国家5A级旅游景区,2009年8月经国家地质遗址保护领导小组批准,授予长白山国家地质公园资格。2009年11月,长白山入选“中国十大休闲胜地” 长白山位于吉林省东南部,是欧亚天大陆东部最高山脉,松花江,图们江和鸭绿江三江发源地。山体呈东北——西南走向,长白山地处延边朝鲜族自治州和白山市境内,是中,韩两国界山。东南部与朝鲜毗邻,总面积为196465公顷,它是地球上同纬度地带原始状况保存最好,物种最丰富,生态系统最完整的保护区。区内不仅有原始状态的森林,还有苔原,草甸,湖泊,河流,沼泽等,是欧亚大陆北半部山地生态系统的典型代表。据统计,保护区内有野生植物2596种,野生动物2442种,国家重点保护动物598种。 长白山是一座神奇的山,其中美丽的“天池”令人心驰神往,说到天池,有的游客认为只要能看到天池,就是很圆满的旅程,其实不然,在这里有可朋友们能观察到的还有很多,最主要有两个方面,一是长白山独特的火山地貌,二是典型完整的森林生态系统。 (火山地貌成因) 长白山是一座多次喷发的中心复合式火山,由台地,熔岩高原和火山锥体三部分构成。长白山区的形成,有其悠久的历史。在距今约2500万年时,长白山在著名喜马拉雅山运动影响下,地壳发生一系列断裂,抬升,地下深处的玄武岩溶液沿着地壳的缝隙大量的喷吐于地面,形成了玄武岩台地的主要物质。在距今约300万年时,地球进入新构造阶段,长白山地壳再次发生断裂,抬升,玄武岩溶液沿着地壳喷吐,有部分堆积在玄武岩台地之上,形成倾斜玄武岩高原的主要物质。距今约200万年,长白山才转为以现在的主体为中心的爆发时火山,喷出的溶液和碎屑物,堆积在火山口四周的熔岩高原和台地上,筑起了一座雄伟而高大的火山锥体。历史上最近的一次喷发是1702年4月。 长白山山势高耸,地形起伏变化大,自然环境复杂多样。从山下到山上随着海拔高度的增加,气候,土壤,生物等呈现四个界限分明的垂直植被景观带。从山脚到山顶虽然只有几十公里的行程,但垂直分布的景观带却好像经历了欧亚大陆从文带到极地几千公里的变化,游客可以在几小时之内感觉到从温带到寒带的不同自然景色,如同游历了半个世界,历经了春夏秋冬四级一样,真可谓“一山分四季,十里不同天。”


上海外滩英文导游词_外滩英语导游词外滩是上海的标志,许多游客去上海游玩都会去那里参观,导游带领各国各地的游客时,要用中英文做好解说。下面是学习啦带来的上海外滩英文导游词,仅供大家参考。 上海外滩英文导游词篇一游客朋友你们好! T o u r i s t s f r i e n d y o u a r e g o o d! 现在我们来到上海黄浦江畔的外滩,首先,我对各位的参观游览外滩表示欢迎,并预祝各位旅游愉快。 N o w w e c a m e t o S h a n g h a i b u n d a c r o s s t h e h u a n g p u r i v e r, f i r s t o f a l l, I t o y o u r v i s i t w e l c o m e d t h e b u n d,a n d w i s h e v e r y t r a v e l t i m e. 新外滩共有五条旅游路线,在您的左手边是被誉为万国建筑博览的壮观建筑群和宽敞的中山路,您的右手边是波光粼粼的黄浦江以及前程似锦的浦东陆家点缀金融贸易区,眼前为新颖独特的观光游览区。这建筑群、中山路、观光区、黄浦江、陆家嘴仿佛乐谱中的五线谱,勤劳上海人民则好似串串间符,正组成最新最华美的乐章,欢迎着各位来宾的光临。

N e w b u n d a r t i c l e w e r e f i v e t r a v e l r o u t e, o n y o u r l e f t i s k n o w n a s t h e a l l n a t i o n s b u i l d i n g e x p o g r a n d b u i l d i n g s a n d s p a c i o u s z h o n g s h a n r o a d, y o u r r i g h t h a n d s i d e i s t h e s h i m m e r i n g h u a n g p u r i v e r a n d t h e b e a u t i f u l p u d o n g l u j i a o r n a m e n t f i n a n c i a l a n d t r a d e z o n e, t h e e y e s f o r n o v e l a n d u n i q u e t o u r i s m r e c r e a t i o n a l a r e a.T h i s c o m p l e x,z h o n g s h a n r o a d, s i g h t s e e i n g a r e a,t h e h u a n g p u r i v e r,a s i f t h e m u s i c l u j i a z u i,S h a n g h a i p e o p l e a r e i n d u s t r i o u s s t a f f l i k e c l u s t e r s o f o p e r a t o r s,i s b e t w e e n t h e l a t e s t a n d m o s t c o l o r f u l m o v e m e n t, w e l c o m e t o t h e g u e s t s. 外滩它过去曾是上海老城厢外的一块芦苇丛生的荒滩地。 T h e b u n d i t u s e d t o b e S h a n g h a i r e s i d e n c e s o f t h e a r u i n e d r e e d l a n d. 1840年第一次鸦片战争以后,紧锁的国门被殖民者洋炮轰开了,上海也被迫辟为商埠。从那时起,各式各样的西洋式建筑随着殖民者的抢滩而纷纷耸立,至本世纪30年代初,上海已从海滨小邑一跃成为远东最大的


长白山北坡风光导游词 女士们、先生们: 你们好! 欢迎您来到吉林省长白山国家级自然保护区旅游观光,我是这里的导游员,非常高兴能有机会陪同各位一道参观游览长白山,我愿意竭诚为您服务,衷心祝您旅行愉快! 敬爱的邓小平同志游览长白山后说过:“不登长白山终生遗憾!”是的,我想诸位今天游览长白山后会有更加深刻的体会--长白山将是您生态旅游、回归自然的首选旅游胜地。 (到达北坡山门后) 朋友们,您现在已经进入了举世闻名的长白山国家级自然保护区,我现在简单的向大家介绍一下长白山保护区的情况。长白山自然保护区建立于1960年,1980年加入国际人与生物圈保护区网,被列为世界自然保留地,1986年被列为国家级森林与野生动物类型的自然保护区;2000年被评为“AAAA”级旅游景区。 长白山自然保护区是保护以长白山天池为中心的长白山核心区的自然环境和森林生态系统,全区在吉林省安图、抚松、长白三县境内,东南部与朝鲜毗邻,总面积为196465公顷。它是地球上同纬度地带原始状况保存最好,物种最丰富,生态系统最完整的自然保护区。区内不仅有原始状态的森林,还有苔原、草甸、湖泊、沼泽等,是欧亚大陆北半部山地生态系统的典型代表。 据统计,保护区内有野生植物2540种;动物1508种,其中脊椎动物364种,昆虫780多种。 长白山山势高耸,地形起伏变化大,自然环境复杂多样。从山下到山上随着海拔高度的增加,气候、土壤、生物等呈现四个界限分明的垂直植被景观带。由下至上依次为针阔混交林带、针叶林带、岳桦林带和高山苔原带。山下枝繁叶茂,林木苍翠,郁郁葱葱,山顶则疾风重雾,几乎寸草不生。从山脚到山顶虽然只有几十公里的行程,但垂直分布的景观带却好象经历了欧亚大陆从温带到极地几千公里的变化,游客可以在几小时之内感觉到从温带到寒带的不同自然景色,如同游历了半个世界,历经了春夏秋冬四季一样,真可谓“一山分四季,十里不同天”。长白山从十六世纪到现在曾有过三次喷发,第一次喷发是1597年8月,第二次喷发是在1668年4月,第三次喷发是在1702年4月,距今已有300年了。长白山的地质仍在不断变化之中,是座休眠的活火山。 长白山的真正魅力在于宏伟雄观的自然景观和白雪皑皑的冬季雪景,来到长白山您可以观赏到茫茫的原始森林、垂直分布景观带、独特的火山地貌、世界最大最深、海拔最高的火山口湖以及落差高达68米的长白瀑布,还有星罗棋布的温泉等景观、景点,让您充分感受大自然的无穷魅力。 (游客乘车在上山公路绿色长廊中穿行) 下面,伴随旅游车的上


上海外滩英文导游词_外滩英语导游词 外滩是上海的标志,许多游客去上海游玩都会去那里参观,导游带领各国各地的游客时,要用中英文做好解说。下面是带来的上海外滩英文导游词,仅供大家参考。 上海外滩英文导游词篇一游客朋友你们好! Tourists friend you are good! 现在我们来到上海黄浦江畔的外滩,首先,我对各位的参观游览外滩表示欢迎,并预祝各位旅游愉快。 Now we came to Shanghai bund across the huangpu river, first of all, I to your visit welcomed the bund, and wish every travel time. 新外滩共有五条旅游路线,在您的左手边是被誉为“万国建筑博览”的壮观建筑群和宽敞的中山路,您的右手边是波光粼粼的黄浦江以及前程似锦的浦东陆家点缀金融贸易区,眼前为新颖独特的观光游览区。这建筑群、中山路、观光区、黄浦江、陆家嘴仿佛乐谱中的五线谱,勤劳上海人民则好似串串间符,正组成最新最华美的乐章,欢迎着各位来宾的光临。 New bund article were five travel route, on your left is known as the "all nations building expo" grand buildings and spacious zhongshan road, your right hand side is the shimmering 1 / 23

huangpu river and the beautiful pudong lujia ornament financial and trade zone, the eyes for novel and unique tourism recreational area. This complex, zhongshan road, sightseeing area, the huangpu river, as if the music lujiazui, Shanghai people are industrious staff like clusters of operators, is between the latest and most colorful movement, welcome to the guests. 外滩它过去曾是上海老城厢外的一块芦苇丛生的荒滩地。 The bund it used to be Shanghai residences of the a ruined reed land. 1840年第一次鸦片战争以后,紧锁的国门被殖民者洋炮轰开了,上海也被迫辟为商埠。从那时起,各式各样的西洋式建筑随着殖民者的“抢滩”而纷纷耸立,至本世纪30年代初,上海已从海滨小邑一跃成为远东最大的都市。 1840 years after the first opium war, keep the doors were opened, the colonists shelling Shanghai also forced to bi commercial port. From then on, all kinds of western architecture with the colonists were "" subordinate to the stands, 30 s, from Shanghai has little beach towns have had become the far east. The largest cities 眼前这些具有欧洲文艺复兴时期风格的建筑,虽然不是出自同一2 / 23


长白山天池导游词 【篇一:天池导游词】 亲爱的各位游客,大家好!天地有大美,吉林长白山。欢迎您来到 长白山,拥抱长白山,能与各位一起同游,我表示非常地荣幸。大 家都知道,五月份长春正在如火如荼地进行着打假活动,但是对于我,大家绝对可以放心使用。因为本人,是由长白山xx旅行社出资 打造,采用的是人工智能领先技术,各部分零件运转稳定,属于信 得过产品。请大家记住我的名字:王慧,慧乃智慧之意,希望我的 智慧能给各位这次长白之旅增添几抹欢乐的色彩。另外山顶风比较大,气温较低,大家要携带长袖衣物。乘车从山下开往山顶时海拔 跨度较大,也容易出现耳部不适等症状,心脏等也需注意。各位游客,今天来到长白山参观游览,我要带您去认识一位人见人爱、花 见花开的姑娘。我为什么这么说呢,那是因为我们即将游览的景点,她的神秘与秀丽就像一个蒙着面纱的姑娘,有着沉鱼落雁、闭月羞 花之美,那这姑娘究竟是如何的清新脱俗、美丽动人,还得大家亲 自去揭开那位姑娘的神秘面纱,饱饱眼福,看个痛快!好了,闲言 少叙,现在就让大伙儿和我一起,向着山顶,出发! 好了,各位游客,你眼前所看到的就是各位期待已久的那位姑娘——长白山天池。长白山天池是中朝两国的界湖,也是松花江之源, 因为它所处的位置高,水面海拔达2189.1米,所以被称为“天池”, 它是中国最大的火山口湖,2000年荣获海拔最高的火山湖吉尼斯世 界之最。它的海拔高度比新疆的天山天池高出209米。天池大体上 呈椭圆形,南北长4.4公里,东西宽3.37公里,面积9.82平方公里,是天山天池的整整两倍。周长13.1公里。水很深,平均深度为204米,最深处373米,比天山天池深了270多米,是我国最深的湖泊,总蓄水量约达20.4亿立方米,是天山天池的12.5倍。长白山原是一座火山。据史籍记载,自16世纪以来它又爆发了3次,当火山爆发 喷射出大量熔岩之后,火山口处形成盆状,时间一长,积水成湖, 便成了现在的天池了。而火山喷发出来的熔岩物质则堆积在火山口 周围,成了屹立在四周的16座山峰,形成奇异的景观。 来到这儿的游客们肯定听说过天池怪兽一说,怪兽它已经同百慕大 三角不明飞行物等被列入世界之谜。大家觉得天池里会有生物生存吗?以前有人把天池叫做“死亡之湖”,他们认为天池是没有生物生 存的。但是在1986年,朝鲜就在天池中放了100尾虹鳟鱼,结果他


上海中英文导游词 【篇一:上海景点导游词(英文)shanghai travel and tours guide】 shanghai travel and tours guide located at the center of the mainlands coastline, shanghai has long been a major hub of communications, transportation, and international exchange. the municipality covers an area of 6,341 square kilometers and has a population of more than 13.5 million. shanghai is chinas largest economic comprehensive industrial base, and a famous historical and cultural city. the city consistently attracts investment and is seen as an ideal venue for business gatherings. it is also a must on any agenda during a tour of china. shanghai has fostered a comprehensive transportation network that incorporates land, sea, and air travel, as well as a convenient urban transportation system. more than 300 airlines serve the city, proving direct flights to more than 20 countries and regions. the addition of the shanghai pudong international airport, which went into operation in 1999, is expected to increase the annual passenger volume to some 20 million. special tourist trains running between shanghai and the neighboring provinces of jiangsu and zhejiang, as well as tourist bus routes along newly-constructed expressways, offer great convenience for regional travel. shanghai has more than 400 travel agencies to assist visitors, and the 127 star-rated hotels offer a total of 40, 000 guest rooms. visitors to shanghai are not only dazzled by the modern metropolis and gateway to a developing china, but are also able to immerse themselves in the unique shanghai culture, a combination of chinese and western elements. colorful festivals and celebrations dot the yearly shanghai activities calendar, such as the shanghai nanhui peach blossoms festival, shanghai international tea culture festival and shanghai china international art festival. shanghai has also introduced special tour packages aimed at the different interests of visitors, such as bicycling tours,


长白山导游词[合集] 长白山导游词1各位游客,我在上山之前已向大家介绍过了,我们眼前的世界最高火山口湖长白山天池,像地球的眼睛,傲视天穹;像长天的镜子,巡查环宇。它气势磅礴,它气象万千。 那末它的最大特点是甚么呢? 它的最大特点,就是奇异。 它的奇异不但是只有出水没有入水,却滔滔不绝地成为滋润东北京大学地的3大江流的源头;它的奇异也不但是云遮雾障,变幻无穷。 它的奇异更在于令众人大惑不解的、让众人百年解不开的天池怪兽之迷。 大家知道,长白山天池水面海拔2189.1米,水深373米,年平均气温⑺.3℃,年积雪日达258天,积雪最深达3米,1年结冰期长达8个月,是世界上最寒冷的高山湖泊。天池处于高山之巅,湖岸草木不生,自然环境极为卑劣,除地下水和雨水以外,再无入水,湖内的微生物和有机质极少,几近没有大型生物生存的可能。但是,1百多年来不断传出有人目击大型动物在天池出水的消息,又难有确实的物证足以证明大型动物的确切存在,这个被人们称为“天池怪兽”的动物,这个被人们沸沸扬扬传了160多年,又于最近几年频频出现的家伙,它究竟是甚么?它是不是真的存在?便成了难解的世界之迷、历史悬案。 长白山天池怪兽之迷,与尼斯湖怪兽之迷、百慕大3角神秘沉船坠机之迷、不明飞行物即UFO之迷1样,成为世界几大难解的迷团之1。 长白山天池怪兽的被发现和被记录,是早在1百多年之前的

事了。 早在清代的光绪年间,当时的长白山探险家、中国长白山勘界、考察和全面命名的第1人,奉天选用知县、奉吉勘界副委员刘建封,在他对长白山进行了全面踏查以后,于清代光绪3104年,即公元1908年撰写的《长白山江岗志略》中,就清楚地记录了当时人们对天池怪兽的描写:“自天池中有1怪物浮出水面,金黄色,头大如盆,方顶有角,长项多须,猎人以为是龙”。 清代宣统2年,即公元1910年,长白山南坡的长白府设治委员张凤台编著的《长白汇征录》,对天池怪兽的出没,也做了详细记载。他写道:“610年前……” 请大家注意,他写的是当时的610年前,就是1910年的610年前,离现在足足1百610多年了。 “610年前有猎者4人,至天池钓鳌台,见芝盘峰下自池中有物出水,金黄色,首大如盎,方顶有角,长项多须,低头摇动如吸水状。众惧,登坡至半,忽闻轰隆1声,回顾不见”。 同在这篇文章里,他又写道:“据带路人徐永顺云,光绪2109年5有,其弟复顺随王让、俞福等6人到长白山狩鹿,追至天池,适来1物,大如水牛,吼声震耳,状欲扑人,众皆惧,相对失色,束手无策。俞急取枪击放,机停灭火。物目眈眈,势将噬俞,复顺腰携6轮小枪,暗取放之,中物腹,咆哮长鸣,伏于池中。半钟余,池内重雾如前,毫无所见”。 上个世纪的610年代到810年代,对怪兽的发现和记载愈来愈多。 据《长白山志》记载:1962年8月中旬,吉林省气象器材供应站的周凤瀛用6倍望远镜发现“天池东北角距岸边2、3百米远


长白山西景区导游词3篇 长白山西景区,坐落在长白山西部山麓松江河镇地域内,是四坡中火山地貌最为壮观、最具典型的风景区。西景区开发的相对较晚,景区内秉承现代旅游理念,少建筑,多自然,依然保留着原始秀美的自然风貌。下面是为大家带来的长白山西景区导游词,希望可以帮助大家。 篇一:长白山西景区导游词 欢迎大家来到这里,下面我来为大家介绍一下! 长白山西景区主要位于白山市抚松县松江河镇域内。松江河镇幅员面积189.81平方公里,辖6个街道办事处、51个居民委、5个行政村,人口8.5万人。距长白山天池仅41公里,地理位置上属于长白山的西坡,景色浑厚威严、质朴大气,素有"长白山下第一镇" 的美誉。 长白山地处我国东北地区的东部,是欧亚大陆东端最高的山峰,海拔高程为2.749米,峰顶积雪终年皓白。是中国的十大名山之一,以其雄伟、壮观,原始、神奇而著称。我国境内有北坡,西坡、南坡及东坡一部分的东北坡,各坡上有众多的观赏景致,构成了旅游的基本要素。 长白山西景区,也有称为西坡的,但这个称谓不严谨,景区是游客能到达的旅游地方,而西坡在地域上是个大的地理范畴。长白山的西坡自然资源十分丰富,林地面积1.7万公顷,活立木蓄积量370

万立方米。区域内森林覆盖率为89.2%,生活着众多的野生动物和鸟禽,20xx年初,只开发了部分景观区域供游客游玩。 长白山自然保护区于1960年划定,同年4月28日建立了长白山自然保护管理局,是我国最早建立的区域最大的森林保护机构,当时设有二道站、天池站、维东站、漫江站。管辖以长白山天池为中心,围绕天池北、西、南、东(后划归朝鲜一部)四面的原始森林心脏地区,总面积二十万公顷。1980年长白山保护区加入了联合国教科文组织"人与生物圈"计划,成为世界生物圈保留地之一,1986年,经国务院批准成为国家级自然保护区。 篇二:长白山西景区导游词 欢迎大家来到这里,下面我来为大家介绍一下! 长白山西坡主要着落在白山市抚松县松江河镇地域内,是四坡中火山地貌最为壮观、最具典型的地区。长白山西坡开发的相对较晚,景区内秉承现代旅游理念,少建筑,多自然,依然保留着原始秀美的自然风貌。 这里有针对游客开放的长白山西景区,进入景区,上山时从险恶的老虎背天梯登临天池,沿途明显可见从针阔混交林到针叶林、岳华林、低矮灌木的垂直分布林带;下山时,可游览幽深的地下河,石笋峥嵘的锦江峡谷、明艳的高山花园、幽静的王池,这些景色都会令游客流连忘返,目不暇接。 篇三:长白山西景区游记 去年暑假的时候我和妈妈一起登上中华第一高峰长白山。在那


上海概况英语导游词 篇一:英语导游词之上海概况原创 Shanghai wellmyfriends,welcometoshanghai.mynameis**.i’mgoingtobeyourtourguide.asanoldsayinginchinagoes:fatewillbringyoutog etherifyouaremeanttobe.itsureisfatethatwearesittingsidebysideinthesameb ustospendholidaytogether.Today,iwillbringyoutoappreciatethecharmofSha nghai. Beforewearrivingatourdestination,pleaseletmeintroduceShanghaibrieflyto you. Shanghai,locatedattheoutletoftheYangtzeRiverintotheseaineastchina,has17districtsandonecounty,builtin1291. ThetotalterritoryofShanghaiis6340.5squarekilometers. Shanghai'sterrainishighinEastandlowinwest,withadenserivernetwor k.ThemainriversareHuangpuriveranditstributarySuzhoucreek,chuanyangR iveranddianpuRiver.TheclimateofShanghaiisthenorthsubtropicalmonsoon climate. iguessallofyouhavealreadyheardthatShanghaiisaninternationalmetropolisb eforecomingtoShanghai.ofcourse,Shanghaiisthelargesteconomiccenterinc hina.


长白山北坡导游词 女士们,先生们: 你们好! 欢迎您来到吉林省长白山国家级自然保护区旅游观光,我是@@导游社的导游,我叫赵银芝,请大家叫我赵导、老赵、小赵都可以,怎么顺口就怎么称呼吧,我很高兴和大家相识,今天我会为大家提供优良的导游服务,希望大家游得尽兴,玩的开心! 敬爱的邓小平同志游览长白山后说过:“不登长白山终生遗憾!”是的,我想诸位今天游览长白山后会有更加深刻的体会——长白山将是您生态旅游、回归自然的首选旅游胜地。 到达北坡山门后 朋友们,您现在已进入了举世闻名的长白山国家级自然保护区,我现在简单地向大家介绍一下长白山保护区的情况。长白山自然保护区建立于1960年,1980年加入国际人与生物圈保护区网,被列为世界自然保留地,1986年被列为国家级森林与野生动物类型的自然保护区;2000年被评为“AAAA”级旅游景区。 长白山自然保护区是保护以长白山天池为中心的长白山核心区的自然环境和森林生态系统。全区在吉林省安图、抚松、长白三县境内,东南部与朝鲜毗邻,总面积为19 6465公顷。它是地球上同纬度地带原始状况保存最好,物种最丰富,生态系统最完整的自然保护区。区内不仅有原始状态的森林,还有苔原、草甸、湖泊、河流、沼泽等,是欧亚大陆北半部山地生态系统的典型代表。 据统计,保护区内有野生植物2540种;动物1508种,其中脊椎动物364种,昆虫780多种。 长白山山势高耸,地形起伏变化大,自然环境复杂多样。从山下到山上随着海拔高度的增加,呈现四个界限分明的垂直植被景观带。由下至上依次为针阔混交林带、针叶林带、岳桦林带和高山苔原带。山下枝繁叶茂,林木苍翠,、山顶则疾风重雾,几乎寸草不生。真可谓“一山分四季,十里不同天”。

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