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导语 :议论文,又叫说理文,是一种剖析事物事理、发表意见、提出主张的文体。下面是收集的英语议论文写作方法,欢迎大家参考。



议论文的写作,住往从正反两方面来论述,且都有其约定俗成的议论模式,即从“主题句一正面论述,反面论述一结论”四大块去营造文章的基本结构(四块论)。例如,某题目要求论述“学校规定‘课间学生只能呆在的教室里’对吗?”这一话题。如果作者认为学校的规定不对,他就应该在文章第一块(段)亮出自己的观点:There is currently much discussion about whether students should stay in their own classrooms or not during break times.Personally I believe that—.而第二块应该从正面论述“课间不能只呆在自己的教室里”的理由。比如说:I would argue that break times are our only opportunity to choose what we

want to do.第三块则从反面观点,即“课间只能呆在自己的教室里”出发,批驳对方观点或进一步阐述己方观点。例如可以说:Another reason why people say that students have to stay in their own classes at break times is that it would be difficult to organize dinners。最后一块(段)则用不同的语言再次强调已方观点。乍一看去,议论文“四块论”仿佛有“八股文”的嫌疑,但“四块论”符合人的认知规律,所以值得多多模仿和操练。





1.Firstly,it is very convenient in daily life.There are many shops and supermarkets in a city.I can buy everything I need easily in these places.When I am sick,I can easily see a doctor in any clinic or hospital.Transport services are good in a city.when I want to go somewhere,I can take a bus,a train or something else.There are also many kinds of entertainment in a city.Public buildings(such as libraries)and parks can easity be found in a city,too.

2.First.it is convenient and fortable to live in a city.To begin with,there is good housing in a city,as

all the houses and flats are well-equipped with good

facilities and surrounded by modern amenities such as places of entertainment,public libraries and parks.


1.Students always feel relaxed and happy during breaks.(叙述性句子)

2.Break times are scheduled for about 10 minutes.(说明性句子)


Although some people believe that students should stay in their own classrooms during break times,I would like to argue that we should be allowed to spend break times in another class.

The most important reason for believing that is that many students have friends in other classes.We spend all day in our own classroom,and break times are the only time we have to spend with other friends.It can bee very tedious(令人厌倦的)to have to spend even more time with the same people.

A further reason for allowing student to choose where they spend their break times is that it would stop arguments.If students are forced to spend time with classmates who are not good friends,they can annoy each other.This leads to problems that have to be sorted out by teachers.

Teachers argue that we all should stay in our own classes,because it is then easier to know what is going on.They say that it is difficult to keep track of students when they are walking round the corridors.However,students could be given the chance to choose a different classroom to spend the whole break time in.That would mean that there would not be any students in the corridors.

As I have explained,although it might be a little easier to manage when everyone stays in their own classroom,it would make break times happier for all students if they were allowed to choose where they spent their time.





1.Many people have tried a thousand times before they achieve their goals.(夸张)

2.Only a madman would choose to live in a modern city.(夸张)

3.Our life would be like soup without salt or flowers without sunlight.(比喻)

4.The best way is to reduce,reuse and recycle.(头韵)

5.For children.the Inter is another way to waste more hours.(幽默)

6.If you want to earn a satisfactory grade in the training program,you must arrive punctually,you must behave courteously,and you must study conscientiously.(平行结构)




1.They gave me what I need,but not what I want.

析:want可译为“想要”。从汉语角度看,整个句子是流畅的,但从英语的逻辑上看,want与need的意义极易混淆,因此整个句子意义表达不到位,含糊不清。可以改为:They have given me what I need but not What I often ask for.

2.Maybe there are also some disadvantages of living in a city,but I think they are less important.I feel convenient and fortable.

析:句子后半部分的逻辑关系未交代清楚,令人有“前语不搭后语“的感觉。可以改为:There are surely disadvantages of

living in a city,too,but they are less important and tend to be de-emphasized.For the sake of the advantages mentioned above,I prefer to live in a city.

3.Different people have different choices.Some people like living in a city and some people like living in a village.

析:Choice的含义十分宽泛,因此与后面的like不相称,应改为:Different people have different likes and dislikes.Some like to live in a city,others like to live in a village.

4.The people,the society and so on were quite different from now.

析:The people,the society依然不足以让读者完全理解要论述的话题,可改为:The peopIe,the society and other aspects of life were quite different from now.

5.Thieves should be sentenced for what they have done.

析:使用sentence未免言过其实,应改为:Thieves should be punished for their wrongdoing.



1.The Are No Good Reasons Why Boys and Girls Should Not Be Treated Equally.

析:此为一标题句,此作者滥用双重否定,从而使句子过长。宜改为:Boys and Girls Should Be Given Equal Treatment.

2.For instance,I knew how to municate with other people and how to look after myself.The most important thing was that I learn to be independent.

析:从意义上讲,look after myself与independent关系紧密,可以合在一起。句子可改为:For instance,I knew how to municate with others and how to look after myself as an independent girl.

3.Moreover,as some girls study harder than boys,they may be even superior.

析:moreover后若继续用从句,就会干扰读者的思维。可改为:Moreover,some girls are very diligent.As a result,they may prove superior to ordinary boys.

4.What I mean to say is that well-intentioned law-makers sometimes make fools of themselves.

析:what从句并未提供新信息,故可删去。句子可改为:Well-intentioned law—makers sometimes make fools of themselves.



1.We still have the social problems.

The same social problems still exist today.

2.For me,there is no need for further protection of woodlands.

As far as I’m concerned,further protection of woodlands is not needed.

3.With the development of puter technology,mercial information exchange is being easier.

Computers have greatly influenced business munication.

4.Everything has two sides and this problem is quite the same.

Everything has two sides and this issue is not an exception.



1.The water was polluted.As a result,the fish died.

2.However,others think we should have junk food.

3.On the other hand packaging can have many disadvantages.

4.Firstly many people die of passive smoking(被动吸烟)and secondly it can aggravate(使……恶化)lung diseases.

相关的连接词还有:On the contrary,all in all,in short,generally,worse still,on the other hand,in conclusion,as a consequence,hence,also,personally,furthermore,definitely,surely,undoubtedly,obviously,additionally,in addition,moreover,consequently,

clearly,besides,as well,likewise,in my opinion,for the sake of,last but not the least,to begin with,



The main reason is that…

I can’t agree more.

Another thing we can’t forget is that…

There is every reason to believe that…

As we all know…
















英语议论文的写作方法 1议论文的写作步骤 1审题analyze 2.构思brainstorming 3.列提纲outline 4写作write 5.检查check 2 议论文的三要素: 论点:是作者在文章中提出的对某一个问题或某一类事件的看法、观点、主张,它要求要正确、鲜明、有针对性。一篇议论文只能有一个中心论点.论点一般在开头提出,然后加以论证. 论据:是证明论点正确的证据,要想证明论点的正确,首先,论据必须让人觉得真实、可信,能够充分证明论点。其次,论据要具有典型性,能收到“以一当十”的效果。第三,论据要新颖,尽可能寻找一些新鲜的、能给人以新的感受和启示的论据,一般是以事实为论据,也可以利用成语,格言,名人名言作为论据.(见后论证方式) 论证:是议论文中必不可少的部分。一段完整的议论,只有通过论证证明论据和论点之间的内在逻辑关系,才能将论据和论点融为一体,也才能构成一篇完整的、有说服力的文章。 3应对EFL议论文的结构 ↗四段式:利弊类(“一分为二”的观点.从两方面去分析一个问题,阐述自己的观 点.) 议论文 ↘五段式/三段: 途径方法类(“怎样……(how to)”型.分析怎样解决一个问题如“怎样克服学 习中碰到的困难”) 我的观点类(“我认为……”型.阐述对某一事物的客观看法. 如“你对课 外阅读的看法) 现象论说类(针对某一社会现象及社会热点讨论话题展开评论,阐述自 己的观点) 所有的EFL作文都可以总结成两种写作模式:4段式和5段式 4段式: 用“owning a car”为例 Para.1 Introduction(3-4句话/结尾点题) Eg. With the development of the society/world, it’s a hot issue/topic of owning a car…in my point of view, everything likes a coin has two sides. Para.2 Advantages(中心句: There are a lot of advantages of owning a car.)分三点叙述,分别给出supporting ideas.中间需要用到漂亮的连接词. Para.3 Disadvantages(中心句:But the problem is not so simple. Therefore, owning a


大学英语作文(精选多篇) 第一篇:大学英语作文 directions: twomonthsagoyougotajobasaneditorforthemagazinedesigns&fas hions.butnowyoufindthattheworkisnotwhatyouexpected.youdecidet oquit.writealettertoyourboss,mr.wang,tellinghimyourdecision,s tatingyourreason(s),andmakinganapology. writeyourletterwithnolessthan120words. don'tsignyourownnameattheendoftheletter;use"liming"instea d.youdonotneedtowritetheaddress. 范文一: dearmr.wang, afterseriousconsideration,idecidedtoendmyworkaheadofsched ule.maybeitisreallyasurpriseforyou,however,ineedtotellyouthat theworkisnotwhatiexpected.sorrytobringyoutheinconvenience. duringsevenmonthsworkinyourteam,ihavelearnedalotabouthowt oworkinaworld- famouscompany.alsoafterwitnessingthewholeprogressofourgroup,i havelearnedthecrueltyofcompetitioninindustry.itsobviouslytrue thaticanstilllearnalotificontinueworkinyourteam.butireallynee


初中英语议论文写作技巧 议论文又叫说理文,它是一种剖析事物、论述事理、发表意见、提出主张的文体。作 者通过摆事实、讲道理、辨是非等方法,来确定其观点正确或错误,树立或否定某种主张。议论文应该观点明确、论据充分、语言精炼、论证合理、有严密的逻辑性。 英语议论文的结构一般较为固定,通常包括以下三部分: 1. 在导语部分提出需要议论的议题; 2. 在正文部分对所提出的问题进行议论; 3. 在结论部分对以上的讨论进行总结和归纳。 写议论文要考虑论点,考虑用什么作论据来证明,怎样来论证,然后得出结论。它可 以是先提出一个总论点,然后分别进行论述,分析各个分论点,最后得出结论;或者先引 述一个故事,一段对话,或描写一个场面,再一层一层地从事实中分析出道理,归纳引申 出一个新的结论;也可以在文章开头先提出一个人们关心的问题,然后一一作答,逐层深入;还可以把两个不同事物以对立的方式提出来加以比较、对照,然后得出结论。 在具体写作中要注意下列几点: 1. 议题的提出要开门见山,不要拖泥带水。 2. 议论时可以采用不同的方法。如:可以摆出正反两方面观点,进行对比;也可引经 据典论证作者自己观点的正确性,从而使读者接受自己的观点;亦可提出一种错误的观点 然后论证其错误,最终提出正确的观点。正文部分是写作的重点,论证方法可用归纳法、 推理法、比较法等。 3. 在结论部分必须表明作者的观点,对讨论的问题做出总结。 4. 注意连接词和过渡词等词语的使用,以增强文章的条理性和逻辑性。常用的过渡 词和连接词包括:first,second, third,finally,in addition,furthermore,besides,what was worse,more importantly,in contrast,because,since,now that,therefore,consequently,in that case,as a result/consequence,in conclusion,to sum up等等。 请看下面的范文: Shall we send children to study abroad? With more and more people becoming rich in recent years,it is a new tendency for them to send their children to study abroad. But I don't think it


问题解决型作文模板 /Nowadays,more and more people are concerned about the problem…(问题) /It is important for us to…(问题). For instance_____________________(例一) First,_________________________(原因一). Moreover,_____________________(例二) Second,_______________________(原因二) 第二段:People have figured out many ways to solve the problem. /Confronted with…(问题)we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation. Firstly,________________________(解决方法一) Secondly,______________________(解决方法二) 第三段:1)Personally,I believe that_______________(我的方法) /To me,I am taking two ways to solve the problem of…(问题) One of them is ________________________(我的方法) The other way is_______________________(方法二)

By now ways have been working perfectly and efficient1y…(结果) 2) In conclusion/In a word/To sum up/In summary/Obviously/It’s clear that…/It’s no doubt that…. 现象解释型作文模板

最新 2017英语议论文写作技巧整理-精品

导语:我们很多的时候都会想要知道议论文写作技巧,以下是小编整理的资料,欢迎阅读参考。 英语议论文的结构一般较为固定,通常包括以下三部分: 1. 在导语部分提出需要议论的议题; 2. 在正文部分对所提出的问题进行议论; 3. 在结论部分对以上的讨论进行总结和归纳。 写议论文要考虑论点,考虑用什么作论据来证明,怎样来论证,然后得出结论。它可以是先提出一个总论点,然后分别进行论述,分析各个分论点,最后得出结论;或者先引述一个故事,一段对话,或描写一个场面,再一层一层地从事实中分析出道理,归纳引申出一个新的结论;也可以在文章开头先提出一个人们关心的问题,然后一一作答,逐层深入;还可以把两个不同事物以对立的方式提出来加以比较、对照,然后得出结论。 在具体写作中要注意下列几点: 1. 议题的提出要开门见山,不要拖泥带水。 2. 议论时可以采用不同的方法。如:可以摆出正反两方面观点,进行对比;也可引经据典论证作者自己观点的正确性,从而使读者接受自己的观点;亦可提出一种错误的观点然后论证其错误,最终提出正确的观点。正文部分是写作的重点,论证方法可用归纳法、推理法、比较法等。 3. 在结论部分必须表明作者的观点,对讨论的问题做出总结。 4. 注意连接词和过渡词等词语的使用,以增强文章的条理性和逻辑性。常用的过渡词和连接词包括:first, second, third, finally, in addition, furthermore, besides, what was worse, more importantly, in contrast, because, since, now that, therefore,consequently,in that case, as a result/consequence, in conclusion, to sum up等等。 请看下面的范文: Shall we send children to study abroad? With more and more people becoming rich in recent years, it is a new tendency for them to send their children to study abroad. But I don’t think it is a go od idea. First of all, children are too young to look after themselves. Second, the language barrier is a serious problem. Many children are not proficient in the foreign language before going abroad. As a result, they have difficulty in understanding what the native speakers are talking about. Third, they


高考英语议论文模板 三大要素:论点,论据,论证 基本结构:提出问题(引论);分析问题(本论);解决问题(结论) 常用论证方法:比较法例证法推理法归纳法驳论法 提纲式作文 (1)不同观点列举型(选择型) 写作方法:有一些人认为?另一些人认为?我的看法? There is a widespread concern over the issue that作文题目. But it is well known that the opinion concerning this hot topic varies from person to person. A majority of people think that 观点一. In their views there are two factors contributing to this attitude as follows: in the first place,原因一. Besides, in the second place,原因二. So it goes without saying that观点一. People, however, differ in their opinions on this matter. Some people hold the idea that观点二. In their point of view, on the one hand,原因一. On the other hand,原因二. Therefore, there is no doubt that观点二. As far as I am concerned, I firmly support the view that观点一或二. It is not only because _______________, but also because_______________. 题(一):每年高考之前总会出现“高考移民” ,他们设法到录取分数线较低的省份参加考试。你班同学就此展开讨论,提出以下两种相反意见: 赞同反对 1 想上好大学,应予理解; 4 到其他地方会增加当地升学压力; 2 录取分数不一,对高分地区学生不公平; 5 对当地学生不利,也是一种不公; 3 学生也是公民,应该有此权利和机会。 6 主要有利于权势者,对普通百姓不公。 请就此给“学生英语报Student Times”写一篇报道,说明上述讨论情况。 说明: 1.词数 100 左右 2.标题和开头段已给出. Students on the Move for Their Exams ─Fair or Unfair? Every year some students from high ─score areas move to other provinces to take the Entrance Examination of the Colleges. Recently we had a discussion about this. 题(二):目前 ,温州的街头出现了越来越多的猫与狗 ,对此“中学生英语报”组织了一场讨论: 城市内是否可以饲养宠物。请你根据下表所提供的信息,介绍讨论情况,并说明自己 的观点和建议。 支持饲养宠物反对饲养宠物 1安慰孤寡老人1造成环境污染 2与动物和谐相处,增添生活情趣2吵闹声,甚至伤人注意 1.词数 100 左右 2.可以适当增减细节,以使行文连贯;你的观点 ,, 3.开头语已为你写好。 Recently we have had a heated discussion on whether people should keep pets at home in cities.( 2)利弊型的议论文 这种题型往往要求先说明一下现状,再对比事物本身的利弊,有时也会单从一个角度(利或弊)出发,最后往往要求考生表明自己的态度(或对事物前景提出预测) 写作方法: 1.说明事物现状2.事物本身的优缺点(或一方面) 3.你对现状(或前景)的看法 Nowadays, there is a widespread concern over (the issue that)作文题目. In fact, there are both advantages and disadvantages in题目议题. Generally speaking, it is



大学英语作文及翻译 【篇一:大学生活_英语作文】 我的大学生活英语作文 the bright and dark sides of my university life every coin has two sides. on the one hand, i am quite satisfied with my university life. on the other hand, life in my university is not as satisfactory as what we had expected. here is the bright side of my university life: firstly, equipment of my university is advanced and teacher team is powerful. there is an advanced library that owns all kinds of books. so we can acquire a lot of knowledge from my university. secondly, all sorts of lectures are given on campus. we can learn much knowledge that is interesting. thirdly, my campus activities are rich and colorful. such as sports meets, speech contests, different social gatherings and dancing par ties provide opportunities to make friends. what’s more, my dormitory life is very harmonious. dormitory life is an important part of my university life. on the one hand, we can have a good rest and put our heart into study. on the other hand, we will have a good mood and enjoy being together. this is the dark side of my university life: firstly, there is only one dining room in my university. so we often need to wait in a long line, which waste much time. everyday is always fixed cuisine types, which make our appetites depressed. secondly, self-study room is not enough. now we will soon take final exam. so it is difficult to find a self-study room. what’s more, network of my university is very unstable. it is difficult to search


大学英语议论文写作模板 一、不同观点列举型(选择型) There is a widespread concern over the issue that 作文题目. But it is well known that the opinion concerning this hot topic varies from person to person. A majority of people think that观点一. In their views there are 2 factors contributing to this attitude as follows:in the first place,原因一.Furthermore,in the second place,原因二. So it goes without saying that观点一. People,however,differ in their opinions on this matter.Some people hold the idea that观点二. In their point of view, on the one hand,原因一. On the other hand,原因二. Therefore, there is no doubt that 观点二. As far as I am concerned, I firmly support the view that观点一或二.It is not only because ________, but also because _________. The more _______, the more ________. 二、利弊型的议论文 Nowadays,there is a widespread concern over (the issue that )___作文题目 ______. In fact,there are both advantages and disadvantages in __题目议题_____. Generally speaking,it is widely believed there are several positive aspects as follows. Firstly,___优点一______. And secondly ___优点二_____. Just As a popular saying goes,every coin has two sides,__讨论议题______ is no exception,and in another word,it still has negative aspects. To begin with,___缺点一 ______. In addition, ____缺点二______. To sum up,we should try to bring the advantages of __讨论议题____ into full play,and reduce the disadvantages to the minimum at the same time. In that case,we will definitely make a better use of the ____讨论议题___. 三、答题性议论文


高考英语作文必掌握的写作技巧汇总范文 高考英语作文怎么写?英语作文写作注意事项和写作技巧汇总: (一)掌握技巧: (1)注意篇章结构,合理布局 开始部分(openingparagraph)――说出文中的要点、核心问题。 正文部分(Bodyparagraphs)――围绕主题开展叙述、讨论。 结尾部分(concludingparagraphs)――对全文的总结和概括。 要做到全文中心突出、段落之间必须是有机地联系,内容完整、连贯。前后呼应,祛除与主题无关的内容。 (2)确定主题句 主题句是对全文的概括,是文章的主旨。它能在文章中起到“画龙点睛”的作用。通常主题句出现 在一篇文章的开头,而后,全文对主题句所提出的内容进行解释,扩展。 写主题句应注意以下几点: ①归纳出你要写的文章的几个要点 ②提炼出一句具有概括性的话 ③主题句应具有可读性,抓住、吸引读者。 (二)巧用连接词 要想使文章有整体性、连贯性,就要学会正确使用连接词 表示罗列增加: First,second,third, First,then/next,afterthat/next,finally Foronething…foranother…, On(the)onehand…ontheotherhand, Besides/what’smore/inaddition/furthermore/moreover/another/also, Especially/Inparticular, 表示时间顺序: now,atpresent,recently,

after,afterwards,afterthat,afterawhile,inafewdays, atfirst,inthebeginning,tobeginwith, later,next,finally, immediately,soon,suddenly,allofasudden,atthatmoment,assoonas,themomen t formnowon,fromthenon, atthesametime,meanwhile, till,not…until,before,after,when,while,asduring, 表示解释说明: now,inaddition,forexample,forinstance,inthiscase,moreover furthermore,infact,actually 表示转折关系: but,however,while,though,or,otherwise,onthecontrary,ontheother hand,incontrast,despite,inspiteof,eventhough,except(for),instead,of course,afterall, 表示并列关系: or,and,also,too,notonly…butalso,aswellas,both…and,either…or,neithe r …nor 表示因果关系: because,becauseof,since,n owthat,as,thanksto…,dueto…,therefore,asa result(of),otherwise,so…that,such…that 表示条件关系: as(so)longas,onconditionthat,if,unless 表示让步关系:


初中英语作文写作方法和范文,模板 初中英语学习2010-03-12 14:22:59 阅读4067 评论3字号:大中小订阅 英语作文经典开头方式 Type1引述他人观点(为提出自己观点铺垫) [1] It is widely(commonly) accepted(hold)+THA T [2] A widely accepted(commonly) hold idea(point of view,viewpoint, opinion,assumption)is +THA T/NP [3] A/The dominant(prevalent, prevailing)idea(see [2])is NP/to DO [4] It is taken for granted+THA T(or:We often/frequently take it for granted THA T) [5] People(The majority) seem to get accustomed to the idea(see [2]),without questioning,THA T ) [6] People are willing to regard NP1 as NP2/ADJ [7] People are willing to DO,while reluctant to DO Type2提出异议 [1] However (But),… [2] Such idea(see[1-2]),if not entirely ADJ1,is somewhat ADJ2 and needs careful consideration. ADJI=unreasonable,unacceptable, inappropriate,improper,undesirable, etc; ADJ2=misleading,doubtrul, etc [3] In fact(As a matter of fact),…(follow[2]) [4] However, it is not (quite, necessarily)the case. ( [5] This (It) is not (quite, necessarily) the case and needs to bo fruther


The Advantages and Disadvantages of Living in the 21st century(生活在21世纪的优缺点) Living in the 21st century offers certain advantages,such as a higher standard of living, but it also has some disadvantages, such as a polluted environment. To begin with, most people now have more money for less hard work. They earn higher salaries than before and enjoy better social security, such as social welfare for laid-off workers and disability insurance. Secondly, because of the advance in medical technology which leads to better medical care and treatment, people’s life expectancy is longer. Moreover, most people now can afford to buy foods of high nutrition and enjoy their leisure time. Thirdly, modern conveniences such as radio, TV, internet, various vehicles and labour-saving machines in the home, all greatly facilitate human communication, transportation and housework as well. Nevertheless, living in the 21st century also has its disadvantages. The most serious one is the increasingly polluted environment; air is filled with smog and water is contaminated by iehemicals from factories.Another main disadvantage is the personalization of human relattonships which mostly result from people’s ever-increasing contact with machines and numbers. Still one more disadvantage


英语议论文写作技巧 英语议论文的结构一般较为固定,通常包括以下三部分: 1. 在导语部分提出需要议论的议题; 2. 在正文部分对所提出的问题实行议论; 3. 在结论部分对以上的讨论实行总结和归纳。 写议论文要考虑论点,考虑用什么作论据来证明,怎样来论证, 然后得出结论。它能够是先提出一个总论点,然后分别实行论述,分 析各个分论点,最后得出结论;或者先引述一个故事,一段对话,或描 写一个场面,再一层一层地从事实中分析出道理,归纳引申出一个新 的结论;也能够在文章开头先提出一个人们关心的问题,然后一一作答,逐层深入;还能够把两个不同事物以对立的方式提出来加以比较、对照,然后得出结论。 在具体写作中要注意下列几点: 1. 议题的提出要开门见山,不要拖泥带水。 2. 议论时能够采用不同的方法。如:能够摆出正反两方面观点, 实行对比;也可引经据典论证作者自己观点的准确性,从而使读者接受 自己的观点;亦可提出一种错误的观点然后论证其错误,最终提出准确 的观点。正文部分是写作的重点,论证方法可用归纳法、推理法、比 较法等。 3. 在结论部分必须表明作者的观点,对讨论的问题做出总结。 4. 注意连接词和过渡词等词语的使用,以增强文章的条理性和逻 辑性。常用的过渡词和连接词包括:first, second, third, finally, in addition, furthermore, besides, what was worse, more importantly, in contrast, because, since, now that, therefore,

consequently,in that case, as a result/consequence, in conclusion, to sum up等等。 请看下面的范文: Shall we send children to study abroad? With more and more people becoming rich in recent years, it is a new tendency for them to send their children to study abroad. But I don’t think it is a good idea. First of all, children are too young to look after themselves. Second, the language barrier is a serious problem. Many children are not proficient in the foreign language before going abroad. As a result, they have difficulty in understanding what the native speakers are talking about. Third, they may get into trouble when dealing with various situations for lack of knowledge of the customs in the strange land. Furthermore, the cost of living is much higher than that in our country, which might cause a heavy burden to the family. In conclusion, there are more disadvantages in sending children to study abroad. So, we’d better not do it.


考研英语作文的写作小技巧 考生参加考研英语时候,在作文部分是很有必要掌握一些实用的小技巧来给写作提分的。 以下是为大家整理了考研英语作文高分写作的小技巧, 一起来看看吧!考研英语作文技巧: 学会引用经典论据 1. Many much-told stories reiterate this time-honored virtue of loving and respecting the elders, like the story of Ti Ying in the West Han Dynasty who risked her life in order to save her wronged father from corporal punishment. 涉及尊老爱老的话题可以采用缇萦这一历史人物, 生活在西汉的缇萦不惜冒着生命危险向皇上 说辞,使其父免遭酷刑的折磨。 从历史的角度来说明,更加强调了尊老爱老这一优秀传承下来的美德。 2. Mayun, CEO of Alibaba, online marketplace for global trade, revolutionized China’s internet ecology. Without innovative mind, he can neither be one of the most widely recognized representatives of China's Internet entrepreneurs nor the richest man in China earlier this year.马云也是一个热门人物。 作为阿里巴巴的 CEO,以及互联网行业的领军人物,正是他的创新意识,成为中国互联网 行业的杰出代表人物之一,也使他成为中国首富。 3. Tu Youyou, a 84-year-old Chinese scientist, was awarded the Nobel Prize for discovering a drug that has significantly reduced the mortality rates for patients suffering from malaria. Owing to her down-to-earth spirit, China has its first Nobel Prize in Medicine.在这个时代,屠呦呦脚踏实地的精神显得非常珍贵。 她由于发明了治疗疟疾的药物而大大降低了死亡率。 正是她的脚踏实地的精神,使得中国首次获诺贝尔医学奖的本土中国人出现。 除了第一个例子只可用于尊老爱老, 剩下两个例子中, 马云例子除了创新还可以用于诚信, 因为是商业企业,任何一个企业的成功都离不开诚信;而屠呦呦例子除了用于脚踏实地,还可 以用于团队合作,还可用于其他成功人士应该具有的品质,我们只需在考试时替换关键词就可 以。 建议大家一定还要对每一类作文大体框架做到心里有数,包括品质类和社会现象类,段落 的逻辑是很重要的,大体框架有数之后,可以往里填充例子作为论据进行说明。 只有尽可能缩短作文的时间才能给阅读和新题型足够的思考时间。 考 研 英 语 写 作 常 用 经 典 过 渡 句 1 、 To prevent this phenomenon/trend from worsening/running wide/To guide thematter/situation to the best advantage, it is necessary/important to……(可用于分析建议类、原因分析类等议论文 )2 、 In the face of......some people take the position that……/some people come tobelieve that……, to which I can't attach/add my consent.( 可 用 于 批 驳 分 析 类 议 论 文 )In the face of......people retain/take/show/assume different attitudes/positions/standpoints.( 可 用 于 各 抒 己 见 类 议 论 文 )In the face of……many


高考英语作文(1)议论文模板 1.正反观点式议论文模板 导入: 第 1 段:Recently we ’ve had a discussion about whether we sho(u ld导...入话题) Our opinions are divided on this topic.(观点有分歧) 正文: 第 2 段:Most of the students are in favour of it(.正方观点) Here are the reasons. First... Second... Finally..列.(出2~3 个赞成的理由) 第 3 段:However, the others are strongly against it.(反方观点) Their reasons are as follows. In the first place... What ’s列m出ore... In addition...( 2~3 个反对的理由) 结论: 第 4 段:Personally speaking, the advantages overweigh the disadvantages, for it will do us more harm than good, so I support i t(.个人观点)オ 2.“A或者B”类议论文模板: 导入: 第 1 段:Some people hold the opinion that A is superior to B in many ways. Others, however, argue that B is much better. Personally, I would prefer A because I think A has more advantages. 正文: 第 2 段:There are many reasons why I prefer A. The main reason is that ... Another reason is that...赞(同A 的原因) 第 3 段: Of course, B also has advantages to some extent..列. (出1~2 个B 的优势) 结论: 第 4 段: But if all these factors are considered, A is much better than B. From what has been discussed above, we may finally draw the conclusion that .得..(出结论) オ 3.观点论述类议论文模板: 导入: 第 1 段:提出一种现象或某个决定作为议论的话题 As a student, I am strongly in favour of the decision.(亮明自己的观点是赞成还 是反对) The reasons for this may be listed as follows.(过渡句,承上启下) 正文: 第 2 段:First of all... Secondly... Besides...列(出2~3 个赞成或反对的理由) 结论: 第 3 段:In conclusion, I believe that... (照应第 1 段,构成"总—分—总"结构) 4."How to" 类议论文模板: 导入: 第 1 段:提出一种现象或某种困难作为议论的话题 正文: 第2段:Many ways can help to solve this serious problem, but the following may be most effective. First of all... Another way to solve the problem is ... Finally...(列出 2~3 个解决此类问题的办法)

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