当前位置:文档之家› 外研版一起小学英语二年级上册全册教学设计




Module 1







1. 使学生学唱ABC的歌。

2. 学会用英语表达喜好。




课程名称:Unit1 I like the ABC song.



2.听懂句子I like the ABC song. It’s my favourite song.





I like the ABC song.

It’s my favourite song.






Step 1.Warming-up

1.教师热情地和学生打招呼,师生或学生之间相互问好。教师和学生就爱好用I like…I don’t like…





Step 4.Summary


Step 5.Homework






课程名称:Unit2 I like football.


Step1 Warming up

1) Greeting: Hello! How are you ?

I am fine. Thank you. And you?

I am fine, too. Thank you.

2) Let’s chant, ok? Chant and do the actions :

One finger one finger, turn turn turn, turn to a knife, cut cut cut

Two fingers two fingers, turn turn turn, turn to a rabbit, jump jump jump Three fingers three fingers, turn turn turn, turn to a fork, dig dig dig

Four fingers four fingers, turn turn turn, turn to a cat, miao miao miao

Five fingers five fingers, turn turn turn, turn to a tiger, growl growl growl Step 2: Lead in

1) Do you remember the ABC song? Let's sing the song! “ABCDEFG… …”

2) And the teapot song, let's sing and do the actions together! “ I am a little teapot short and stout, here's my handle here's my spout, when the water's boiling hear me shout, tip me over and pour me out!”

3) The ABC song is my favourite song. My favourite song is the ABC song. What's your favourite song? 运用此句型询问学生,要求学生用所学过的My favourite song is …来回答

4)My favourite song is the ABC song, that means I like the ABC song. Do you know “like”?呈现此新单词并教学生其正确发音。询问学生What song do you like? 引导学生用I like …来回答。操练该句型。

5)出示两张图片,一张是可爱的女孩,另一张是淘气的男孩,告诉学生:女孩是可爱的,我喜欢。男孩是淘气的,我不喜欢。I like the girl, I don’t like the boy. 授予学生I don’t like …这个句型,然后请学生根据自己的喜好来谈谈这两张图片,by using “I like…” and “I don’t like…”

6)出示两个球,一个是笑脸球,另一个是哭脸球,告诉学生笑脸球表示的是I like…, 而哭脸球代表的是I don’t like…,请学生跟着老师边念I like…和I don’t like…,边做相应的笑脸或是哭脸。


Eg: I like monkey, I don’t like tiger.

8)出示已学过的颜色单词卡片,在复习颜色单词的过程中,也要求学生用I like…和I don’t like…,来表达对某种颜色的喜好

Eg: I like blue, I don’t like black.

Step 3: Teaching

1)2008,the Olympic Games will hold in Beijing. There are so many sports will make conpatitions. Do you know “sports”? I will shou you something

about it. 画个圆圈在黑板上让学生猜猜是什么,然后再补画出完整的足球,教学生football这个新词,再依法画出basketball, table tennis, morning exercise,呈现了今天所要接触到的有关运动的新单词,并出示足球,篮球,乒乓球的实物进行实物教学,带读:足球足球football, football football football. 篮球篮球basketball, basketball basketball , 乒乓乒乓table tennis, table tennis table tennis,早操早操morning exercise, morning

exercise morning exercise

2) 请学生运用“I like…” and “I don’t like…”来谈谈对这些运动项目的喜好

3)现在呢我们要听一段录音,里面的Panpan是我们每个人的缩影,有时候做事常常会半途而废,所以在听完录音之后,我们要找出自己喜欢的运动项目,现在就请大家扮演好Panpan 这个角色,找出你自己喜欢的和不喜欢的运动项目。

4)谈论自己喜欢的和不喜欢的运动项目,by using “I like…” and “I don’t like…”

5)Game: 请两名学生上来抽球,抽中笑脸球的要用“I like…”造句,而抽中哭脸球的则要用“I don’t like…”造句,比比谁的反应快,造句准确及声音响亮,则奖励漂亮的小贴纸。

Step 4 Conclusion and homework


Module 2



?能听懂,会读,会说I like…,I don’t like……句型。







课程名称:Un it1 I don’t like meat.



B:能听懂,会读,会说I like…,I don’t like……句型。



重点句型:“I don’t like……”

单词:rice,noodles ,meat ,sweet


Ⅰ.Warm up

T: Boys and girls, do you like English song?

S: Yes.

T: OK! Let’s sing!

Ⅱ.Lead in

T: What’s your favorite animal /sport?

S: ...

T: What’s your favorite food? Now let's learn something about food.

板书Module 9 Unit 1 I don't like meat .

Look,(课件出示food的图片)结合图片教授新单词rice, noodles, meat, sweets

每学一个单词都分组读一次,然后请再叫一列或两列同学接火车读。there are so much food:noodles, rice, meat,sweets . How nice! I like food very much. Do you like food?

T: Who likes meat, stand up please and say: I like meat.

Who likes rice, stand up please and say: I like rice.

Who likes noodles, stand up please and say: I like noodles.

Who likes sweets, stand up please and say: I like sweets

Ⅲ. Little game

“What’s missing?”

Ⅳ. New lesson

1、老师通过先说自己喜欢的食物,再说不喜欢的食物,说不喜欢的食物时要结合动作,引出“I don’t like……”句型。



3、让学生替换单“I like ……”.“I don’t like……” 同桌之间互相介绍自己喜欢与不喜欢的食物,老师先和几个学生做好示范。

4、同桌之间练习“……for you .”—“No! I don’t like……”然后请四组同学起来读。

5、Let’s play a game: Among these food, 你们喜欢哪些食物,不喜欢哪些食物。I’ll ask some students to come here. For example: I say, noodles, if you like it, show me the happy face. If you don’t like it, show me the sad face.(请四个同学上来) .The whole class introduce: He\She likes… T:

He\She doesn’t like…

6、Read the test after teacher.

Ⅴ.Blackboard design

Module 9 Unit 1

I don't like meat .

meat noodles

rice sweets

I like…

I don’t like…




课程名称:I don’t like ginger.


1.使学生能够用“I don’t like…”来表达自己的喜好。



?I don’t like…这一句型



Step1. Warm-up.


Step2. lead-in

将所有的有关食物的小卡片放在一个盒子中,请一个学生到前面来取出一张卡片后用“I like…”或“I don’t like…”来表达自己的喜好.Review the words例如:学生取出单词卡“apple”或“I don’t like apples.”

卡片中有“onion”与“ginger”当学生取出“onion”时,教授新单词“onion”,并对学生说:“I don’t like onions.What about you?”同样的方法学习“ginger、ice-cream”.(每个新单词卡片3张,以确保学生能拿到新单词。) Step3、New-text.

出示SBUnit 2活动1的挂图,让学生听录音,试着理解课文。听之前教师将对话中出现的食物卡片贴在黑板上,让学生听录音,在Sam 喜欢的图片下打“P”,不喜欢的则打“×”。检查学生的听力情况。







请学生依次看清每一幅图后根据自己的喜好在图的右下角画“P”或“×”,要求学生在做的同时,自己在心中说:“I like…/I don’t like…”待所有学生都做完后,请几个学生到讲台向全班汇报自己的答案。

Step5. Homework.


Module 3


①能听说认读peach、pear、orange、watermelon等水果单词。能够用I like …来表达自己对某种水果的喜爱,还能用“It tastes good”来赞扬自己喜欢的水果。

②对名词的单复数有初步的认识;对句型“Mike likes …”有进一步的认识。

③能够用Do you like …? What about …? 来询问别人的喜好,能用Yes, I do./ No, I d on’t.来回答。




3.单词banana 、orange 、fruit的认读。

4.能在交际练习中进一步巩固句型“Do you like …? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.”。




课程名称:Do you like bananas?

教学目标:By the end of the lesson , students should be able to :

1. Say the new words of food in English .

2. Practice the dialogue on the textbook and use it properly in real situation .

3. Express their likes and dislike correctly and confidently.

4. Inspired to use English to solve real problems.

教学重难点:1.Vacabulary of food : tomatoes bananas ...

2.General questions :Do you/they like...?

Yes I do/No I don’t---


Step 1 Review

A. Dictation Unit 5 words

B. Students write the name of food they already know on paper.

C. Students draw pictures of food and share them in groups.

D. Students volunteer to present their pictures and words.

E. Teacher summarize, and writes the words on board.

Step 2 Learn the new words

A. Use pictures and guestures to introduce the words.

B. Students learn to say the words with the help of pictures.

C. Play a guessing game. Work in groups for four. Let student

writes the name of food on a paper, and the others guess by asking questions. Teacher demonstrate first.

Step3 Learn to talk about likes and dislikes

A. Group work: four students make a group and talk with each other about their likes and disliks (Use the sentence structure: Do you like...? Does she/he like...?)

B. Volunteers to present their dialogue.

Step4 More practice

Work in pairs and find out your partners preference and disgust food.

Teach a song "It's time for lunch".


a. Copy the new words and try to learn them by heart.

b. Make up a dialogue about like and dislikes food, then write it down in exercise book.




课程名称:Do they like apples?


①能听说认读peach、pear、orange、watermelon等水果单词。能够用I like …来表达自己对某种水果的喜爱,还能用“It tastes good”来赞扬自己喜欢的水果。

②对名词的单复数有初步的认识;对句型“Mike likes …”有进一步的认识。

③能够用Do you like …? What about…? 来询问别人的喜好,能用Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.来回答。




3.单词banana 、orange 、fruit的认读。

4.能在交际练习中进一步巩固句型“Do you like …? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.”。



1、Let’s sing:《An Apple a Day》

2、Let’s chant:

Do you like pears? Yes! Yes! I do.(动作:点头,双手轻拍胸膛)Do you like peaches? No! No! I don’t.(动作:摇头,摆手)

Do you like apples? Yes! Yes! I do. (动作:点头,双手轻拍胸膛)Do you like oranges? No! No! I don’t. (动作:摇头,摆手)



Today, Mother Monkey, let Little Monkey go down the hill. Little Monkey is very happy. He comes to the farm. Wow, so many fruits! What can you see ?(生说,不会的可以用中文)

Little Monkey will pick many fruits and invite us to his fruit party. But we must learn these words and pass his test. Do you have a lot of confidences? Let’s go !

2、Let’s learn(注意多给学困生机会,并多形式表扬)



T: What’s this ?

Ss: It’s an apple .

②Practise with games.


T: Make some sentences with “apple”.(引导学生说:I have…/ I like…the apple is red/Where is the…/Do you like…/How many…can you see(do you have)?等句子。)

T: Look, I have … (出示实物)

Ss: an apple.

T: Yes, I have an apple. The apple is red. I like apples. Hmm(作吃状),it tastes good.(学会tastes.)



⑷ Play games




3、Activities & practice(注意多给学困生机会,并多形式表扬)

T: Look, Little Monkey comes and examines you!

①Riddles : 猜水果名称(抢答)

a.看着是green ,吃着是red ,吐出是black 。



d. 红红脸,圆又圆,亲一口,脆又甜。

e. 黄包袱,包黑豆,尝一口,甜水流。

②Let’s play


T: Draw a watermelon. Color it green.

学生画一西瓜并涂色,然后说:This is a green watermelon.

③Make a survey


T: Hello,Tan Jian , do you like pears? S1: Yes, I do.

T: Do you like apples? S1: No, I don’t.

T: What about watermelons? S1: Yes, I do.

T: What about oranges? S1: No, I don’t.

T: What about peaches? S1: No, I don’t.

T: Thank you, bye. S1: See you.


Module 4


1.Sam likes T-shirts.

2.He likes this T-shirt.

3.Amy likes dresses.

4. She likes this dress.






课程名称:Sam likes T-shirts.


1.Sam likes T-shirts.

2.He likes this T-shirt.

3.Amy likes dresses.

4. She likes this dress.

教学重难点:Likes 及第三人称单数,动词+S



1、师生表演chant---What do you like ?

2、通过看图片一部分猜的游戏复习物品方面的词(特别是衣物类单词)。如:bike apple coat dress等。在猜的过程中练习学过的I like…Do you like? What do you like?等句式,为后面的学习作好铺垫。




你们喜欢漂亮的服装吗?我们的好朋友Amy 和Sam也喜欢。让我们一起去看看他们喜欢哪些衣服。


1)师读课文,学生自由说出听到单词或句子。教师引导学习T-shirt 、dress等词。

2)学生听后回答Amy 和Sam都喜欢什么服装。通过学生的回答引出本节课的核心句子----Sam likes T-shirts.Amy likes dresses.并通过领读、点读、大小声读、换词说等多种形式进行练习。




开展调查活动(运用学过的Do you like? What do you like?采访同学的喜好,最后用本课的核心句型介绍被采访的同学在服装方面的爱好。) (五)家庭作业





课程名称:He doesn’t like these trousers.

教学目标:He/She doesn`t like …Aa, Bb, Cc的正确书写字母

教学重难点:doesn’t 的读法及运用




2、看明星脸上的表情猜测喜欢的物品。如:Yaoming likes this bike.等。


通过上节课的学习,我们知道我们好朋友Sam选到了自己喜欢的服装。现在Sam 在开party,但是他却不高兴,为什么?让我们一起来听一听吧。


1)老师读课文,学生说出不高兴的原因。教师引出核心句子He/She doesn`t like …,并采用各种方式进行练习。

2)再次听音,圈出不会的单词。如clothes、trousers 、shoes等。教师帮助学生认读这些词,并采用多种方式进行练习。








d.通过教师示范写、学生书空写和本上描摹写等多种方式进行字母Aa, Bb, Cc的练习。



2、开展最佳店员的评选活动。点菜活动或购物活动(屏幕上呈现各式各样的菜,一人是店员,一人是厨师。客人先照菜谱,选择其中的四种食物说I like ……及I don’t like….,而店员不能要求客人停顿或重复,只能凭借记忆,之后去厨师那里说出客人对食物的喜好。这时他要使用句子He/She likes…. 及He/She doesn’t like…. 厨师则必须按照店员的叙述,边重复对方的话。客人听说得正确时要说,Yes,I like….听到错误时则说Sorry, I don’t like….要求学生们都努力成为最佳店员。)


Module 5


1、知识目标:掌握单词:get up,go to school,have lunch,go home,watchTV,go to bed与相关句型:I get up at seven o’clock.




1、词汇:go to school, have lunch, get up, go to bed, watch TV, go home





课程名称:At 7, I get up.


掌握单词:get up,go to school,have lunch,go home,watchTV,go to bed与相关句型:I get up at seven o’clock.



Step1 Warming up


Sing an English song: Ten little fingers.

Step2 Lead-in

T and Ss have a free talk.

T: Good morning. How old are you? / How many? / What’s this?

S1: Good morning. I’m ten. S2: Six. / It’s a door.

T: What’s this? (出示钟表。) 自答:It’s a clock. 教读,分组读(形式:整组齐读,同桌齐读,四人小组齐读等)

2. PPT出示:what’s the time ?自答:It’s three o’clock. 让学生跟读three o’clock.教学o’clock.

3.出示课件图片练习时间的表达方法: 4 o’clock, 6 o’clock, 9 o’clock,12 o’clock.


5.课件出示Daming图,问:Who is he?Daming also learnt the clock at school.

创设情境引入Today we’ll talk about Daming’s a day. M5u1 I get up at seven o’clock.

Step3 Presentation

?Listen to the text carefully and then say the time you hear.认真听课文然后说说你听到的时间。


at seven o’clock at eight o’clo ck

at twelve o’clock at four o’clock

at six o’clock at nine o’clock

课件出示,着重强调at 用法,并让学生尝试总结时间表达方式:at + 时间+ o’clock

2. Listen again and find out what Daming does at 7 o’clock.


A出示图片,教学get up (板书)

B教读get up(形式:全班读,用手偶点名读,纠正读音……)

C教读I get up at seven o’clock.(分组,由慢-快读)

3 Listen and find out what Daming does at 8 o’clock.


A 出示图,让能干的学生自己说go to school 然后老师纠正,带读

B 出示句子,I go to school at eight o’clock. 老师带读(动作由快到慢)

4 Listen and find out what Daming does at 12o’clock.


A教读have lunch(全班读,小组读,个人指名读,)

B四人小组练说I have lunch at twelve o’clock.师巡堂帮助

C 请四人小组起身读,老师纠正

D 老师再次示范带读(全班读,分组大小声读)

5 Listen and find out what Daming does at 4 o’clock.


A 出示go home分别教读,请能干的孩子拼读,然后老师带读go home(个别读,全班读)

B 同桌练说I go home at four o’clock.

C 请几对同桌起来读,后老师示范,全班读

6 Listen and find out what Daming does at 6 o’clock.


A 出示看电视图,请能干的孩子尝试说watch TV

B 让学生上台做小老师教读watch TV(全班跟读)

C同桌互相帮助,练习说:I watch TV at six o’clock.

D 请能干的同桌上台做小老师教全班说(跟读)

7 Listen and find out what Daming does at 9 o’clock.


A 出示睡觉图,go to bed ,四人小组尝试读一读,然后四人小组起身齐读,老师纠正

B同桌练说一说I go to bed at nine o’clock.

C 请会说的孩子起立读

8、Game : 火眼金睛。依次出现新学的短语让学生读出来。

9. Listen and repeat.

Step 4 Task



Step5 Summary and Homework




课程名称:I go home at 5.


掌握单词get up, poster, go to school, have, lunch, go home, 学生能运用句子At …,I…来介绍一天的主要作息时间与活动。



一年级上 Module 1 hello 你好 am (I'm = I am) 是(我是)goodbye (bye) 再见 How are you? 你好么? no 不,不是 yes 是,是的 sorry 对不起 fine (身体)很好 thank 谢谢 you 你 Module 2 what 什么 is (what's = what is) 是(是什么) your 你的 name 名字 please 请 good 好的 morning 早晨,上午 Ms 女士 my 我的 bird 鸟 boy 男孩 girl 女孩afternoon 下午 panda 熊猫 Module 3 sit 坐 down 向下 stand 站 up 向上 open 打开 the 这(那)个;这(那)些 window 窗户 door 门 See you! 再见 point 指 to 向…… desk 书桌 chair 椅子 Module 4 it 它 it's = it is 它是 red 红色;红色的 blue 蓝色;蓝色的 yellow 黄色;黄色的 colour 颜色 green 绿色;绿色的 now 现在 black 黑色;黑色的 white 白色;白色的 dog 狗 cat 猫 and 和 look 看 orange 橙色;橙色的 Module 5 this 这个 our 我们的 teacher 教师 school 学校 classroom 教室 Nice to meet you见到你真高 兴 child 小孩,儿童 that 那个 bag 包 Module 6 schoolbag 书包 book 书 pen 钢笔 pencil 铅笔 ruler 直尺 eraser 橡皮 pencil case 铅笔盒 crayon 蜡笔


一年级上Module1 hello你好 am(I'm=Iam)是(我是)goodbye(bye)再见 no yes sorry fine thank you你 what 么) your name please good morning早晨,上午 Ms女士 my我的 bird鸟boy男孩 girl女孩 afternoon下午 panda熊猫 Module3 it它 it's=itis它是 red红色;红色的 blue蓝色;蓝色的 yellow黄色;黄色的 colour颜色 green绿色;绿色的 now现在 black黑色;黑色的 white白色;白色的 that那个 bag包 Module6 schoolbag书包 book书

pen钢笔 pencil铅笔 ruler直尺eraser橡皮pencilcase铅笔盒crayon new kite or或者 monkey help house box one一 two二 three三 four四 count数 say说five五 six六 seven七 eight八 nine九 You'rewelcome!不客气! Module10 father父亲 daddy爸爸 mother母亲 grandpa祖父;外祖父 grandma祖母;外祖母 friend朋友 his他的 car汽车,轿车 Where/where's=whereis哪 里/在哪里 in在……里 on在……上 under在……下

toy玩具bed床lookat看bear熊Module3 eleven twelve know other fish鱼tree树 head头touch nose face脸ear耳朵mouth嘴eye眼睛body身体these这些leg腿hand手 footfeet(复数)脚足 baby婴儿 Module5 they他(她/它)们 snake蛇 short矮的短的 small小的 elephant大象 go去 zoo动物园 long长的 giraffe长颈鹿 tall高的 tiger老虎 ) some一些 Module8 apairof一双…一对… shorts(常复)短裤 shirt衬衫


外研社小学英语一起六年级上各模块短语 M1 单词&短语 near 在……附近…year(s) old ……年/岁 along 沿着 kilometre 千米,公里 metre 米 museum 博物馆 strong 坚强,强壮 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- how long 多长 how old 多少岁,多久的历史 tell sb. about sth. 给某人介绍某事或某物 all of 所有的,全部的 more than 多于,超过 walk along 沿着……走 office building 办公大楼 tell sb more about sth 告诉某人更多关于……的信息 Empire State Building 帝国大厦 climb the stairs to the top 爬楼梯到顶楼。 old things 古老的东西 语法:1、特殊疑问词的用法 2、基数词几十、几百、几千的用法 1至12逐个记, 13至19 teen结尾 20至90整十数, ty结尾是后缀 要是表示几十几,连字符十位连个位 若要表示几百几,hundred之后and立 基数词在表示确切的数字时,不能使用百、千、百万、十亿的复数形式;但是,当基数词表示不确切数字,如成百、成千上万,数以百万计,三三两两时,基数词则以复数形式出现。如:hundreds of , thousands of , millions of ,in(by)twos and threes…… 句型: How long 意思:①多长,用来提问事物的长短②多久,用来提问一段时间。How long is the Great Wall ? It’s more than forty thousand li long. How old 意思:多大年纪, 用来提问人的年龄或是物的年岁。 How old is the Great Wall? It’s more than two thousand years old. How tall 意思:多高,用来提问人或事物的高度。 How tall is the tree?


外研社一起三年级下册重点短语及句子 M1 a bit 一点 make an e-card / make e-cards 制作电子贺卡(注意单数时要有冠词an) do one’s Maths/ English/ Chinese/ Science做数学/语文/英语/科学作业 1. This is Maomao. She’s very nice. 这是猫猫,她很善良。(nice可以用别的形容词替换) 2. She always helps people. 她总是帮助人们。(注意时态,动词要有变化) 3. He can make e-cards. 他会做电子贺卡。(情态动词can后面+动词原形) 4. But he’s a bit shy. 但是他有一点害羞 5. I’ve got another friend. 我有另一个朋友 6. I’m helpful. 我很有帮助 7. This girl can’t do her Maths. 这个女孩不会做数学 8. I’m going to help her. / He’s going to help you. 我将要帮助她。(不同的主语对应不同的be 动词) 9. What’s ten plus/and eleven? It’s twenty-one.10+11等于多少?等于21 10. And one more? 再加1?(one可以换成其他数字) 11. This boy will cry. 这个小男孩要哭了 M2 Big Ben Tower Bridge Green Park / Red Park ****注意,有的景点前面由the,有的没有the River Thames the London Eye high up in the sky 高挂在天空 1. It’s about London. 它是关于伦敦的 2. I’m from London.我来自伦敦。(London 可以被任何城市名、国家名替换) 3. This river is very wide. And it’s very long.这条河很宽,也很长。 4. This is Big Ben. It’s very tall. 这是大笨钟,它很高 5. In this park, you will see a wide river. 在这个公园,你会看见一条很宽的河 6. I want to visit London. 我想去游览伦敦 7. Come to my house. 来我家吧 8. **The London Eye goes round and round, high up in the sky.伦敦眼高挂在天空转啊转M3 go to the zoo去动物园 go to school 去学校 visit my grandpa 拜访我爷爷in the countryside在乡下lots of = a lot of 很多have breakfast/lunch/dinner吃早/午/晚饭have a tea party吃下午茶 play with toys玩玩具 read books 读很多书 fly one’s kite放风筝 1. What will you do? I will go to school.你将做什么,我将去学校(school前没有the) 2. What will you see? 你将看到什么? 3. Will Sam go, too? Yes, he will. Sam也去吗?是的,他也去。(too前有标点“,”) 4. I will see lots of pigs. 我将看见很多猪lots of +复数


Module1: Unit 1 He’s a doctor. Teaching Aims: Review the sentence pattern “This is my…” Review the words: grandpa, grandma, friend, father, mother, brother, sister. Learn to say “He’s / she’s… He’s / she’s a ….” Importance and Difficulties: Distinguish “He’s …” from “She’s …” Students Analysis: “He’s / She’s …” are not difficult in their pronunciation, do more exercises to differ them from each will enough. Teaching Aids: Tape recorder tape a doll Cards head ornaments Teaching Procedures: Step 1: Warming up Sing to greeting. Review colors: Show color cards and ask the Ss “What color?” Review some words: Show some cards and ask the Ss “What’s this?”Let’s count. (From one to twelve.) Step 2: Revision Teacher shows card s and Ss look and say “Father….” Sticker these cards on the blackboard and read after T. Read the words group by group. Ss say: “This is my father….” Ss review to say: “This is my school bag….” Learn the word “friend.” Read after teacher. Learn to say “This is my friend.” Step 3: Presentation Teacher points to several Ss and says “She’s … / He’s …” Explain with gestures. Write “She’s …” and “He’s…” on the blackboard. Read the sentence pattern.


创 作编号: GB8878185555334563BT9125XW 创作者: 凤呜大王* 一年级上 Module 1 hello 你好 am (I'm = I am) 是(我是) goodbye (bye) 再见 How are you? 你好么? no 不,不是 yes 是,是的 sorry 对不起 fine (身体)很好 thank 谢谢 you 你 Module 2 what 什么 is (what's = what is) 是(是什么) your 你的 name 名字 please 请 good 好的 morning 早晨,上午 Ms 女士 my 我的 bird 鸟 boy 男孩 girl 女孩 afternoon 下午 panda 熊猫 Module 3 sit 坐 down 向下 stand 站 up 向上 open 打开 the 这(那)个;这(那)些 window 窗户 door 门 See you! 再见 point 指 to 向…… desk 书桌 chair 椅子 Module 4 it 它 it's = it is 它是 red 红色;红色的 blue 蓝色;蓝色的 yellow 黄色;黄色的 colour 颜色 green 绿色;绿色的 now 现在 black 黑色;黑色的 white 白色;白色的 dog 狗 cat 猫 and 和 look 看 创 作编号: GB8878185555334563BT91

25XW 创 作者: 凤呜大王* orange 橙色;橙色的 Module 5 this 这个 our 我们的 teacher 教师 school 学校 classroom 教室 Nice to meet you 见到你真高兴 child 小孩,儿童 that 那个 bag 包 Module 6 schoolbag 书包 book 书 pen 钢笔 pencil 铅笔 ruler 直尺 eraser 橡皮 pencil case 铅笔盒 crayon 蜡笔 Module 7 new 新的 kite 风筝 or 或者 not (isn't = is not) 不(不是) monkey 猴子 monster 怪物 help 救命(呼救用语) house 房屋,住宅 box 箱,盒 Module 8 how many 多少 one 一 two 二 three 三 four 四 count 数 say 说 five 五 six 六 seven 七 eight 八 nine 九 ten 十 pink 粉色;粉色的 ball 球 so 这么,那么 many 许多 brown 棕色;棕色的 Module 9 how old 多大 are 是 too 也 happy 快乐的 birthday 生日 but 但是,可是 for 为,给,对 You're welcome! 不客气! Module 10 father 父亲 daddy 爸爸 mother 母亲 grandpa 祖父;外祖父


一年级上Module 1 hello 你好 am (I'm = I am) 是(我是)goodbye (bye) 再见 How are you? 你好么? no 不,不是 yes 是,是的 sorry 对不起 fine (身体)很好 thank 谢谢 you 你 Module 2 what 什么 is (what's = what is) 是(是什么) your 你的 name 名字 please 请 good 好的 morning 早晨,上午 Ms 女士 my 我的 bird 鸟 boy 男孩 girl 女孩afternoon 下午 panda 熊猫 Module 3 sit 坐 down 向下 stand 站 up 向上 open 打开 the 这(那)个;这(那)些 window 窗户 door 门 See you! 再见 point 指 to 向…… desk 书桌 chair 椅子 Module 4 it 它 it's = it is 它是 red 红色;红色的 blue 蓝色;蓝色的 yellow 黄色;黄色的 colour 颜色 green 绿色;绿色的 now 现在 black 黑色;黑色的 white 白色;白色的 dog 狗 cat 猫 and 和 look 看 orange 橙色;橙色的 Module 5 this 这个 our 我们的 teacher 教师 school 学校 classroom 教室 Nice to meet you见到你真高 兴 child 小孩,儿童 that 那个 bag 包 Module 6 schoolbag 书包 book 书 pen 钢笔 pencil 铅笔 ruler 直尺 eraser 橡皮 pencil case 铅笔盒 crayon 蜡笔


小学英语新外研版(一起)一年级上册 一年级上学期英语习题 一、找出正确的译文,把它圈出来。 1.Hello! A.你好! B.你好吗?2。Goodbye! A.你好! B.你好吗? 3.Hi,I’m Sam. A.你好,我是萨姆。 B.再见,萨姆。 4.Bye,Baobao. A.你好,宝宝。 B.再见,宝宝。 5.I’m Daming. A.我是大明。 B.我是玲玲。 Hello,Baobao. I’m fine. How are you? Hi,Feifei. I’m Sam. Bye,Taotao. Goodbye,Tingting. I’m Daming. What’s your name? A.Bye! Goodbye! B.Hi,Amy! 2.Good morning! C.I’m Lingling. 3.Hi,Sam! D.Good morning! 1.Stand up! 坐下 2.Sit down! 站立 3.Open the window! 门 4.Open the door! 打开窗户 二、根据情景提示,选择正确的答案。 ()1.在上学的路上你碰到了大明,这时你应该怎么说? A.Goodbye,Daming. B.Hello,Daming. ()2.你的好朋友用“How are you?”向你问好,你应该怎么回答? A.I’m fine. B.I’m Lingling. ()3.放学了,你要和老师道别,应该怎么说?A.Hello! B.Goodbye! ( )4.当别人对你说“Good morning”时,你应回答:_________A.Hi. B.Bye. C.Good morning. ( )5.当别人问萨姆叫什么名字时,萨姆应说:_______ A.Goodbye. B.My name is Sam. C.Hello. ( )6.当别人向你说“Hi”时,你应回答:________A.Hello. B.Goodbye to you. C.Hello. ( )7. 三、将序号写在横线上,把对话补充完整。 ①Hi! ②Bye! ③I’m fine. ④I’m Amy. A:Goodbye! B:How are you? C:Hello! D.___________ ___________ ______________ ________ I’m Lingling. 四、读一读,选一选。 ( )1.I’m Lingling. A.我的名字是玲玲。 B.你的名字是玲玲。 ()2.What’s your name? A.I’m Tom. B.I’m a boy. ( )3.What’s your name? A.你叫什么名字? B.你是谁? ()4.Good morning,Tom. A.Good afternoon. B.Good moring. ( )5.Hi,I’m Panpan. A.嗨,我的名字是盼盼。 B.嗨,我是只熊猫。


学期教学工作计 本学期我的教学任务是二年级和三年级英语。为了能更好的完成本学期的教学任务,特作计划如下: 一、指导思想 本学期二,三年级使用新标准教材,本教材根遵循英语学习的规律和儿童心理生理发展的需求,以小学生的生活经验和任职发展水平为基本出发点,循序渐进地设计课程,寓教于乐,寓教于学,强调学生在学习过程中的感悟、体验、实践、参与以及思维能力的发展,在良好的语言环境中融学习情感、学习能力和跨文化交际的意识的形成于语言学习的全过程,力求体现素质教育思想。 二、目标任务 (一)基本情况概述 1、学生情况分析 本学期二,三年级的学生没有接触过英语,但学习兴趣很浓,接受能力、模仿能力很强,由于年龄的特点,注意力容易分散,学习习惯还没有养成,因此,本学期英语教学重点将放在提高学生的听读、认读等基础技能的训练与提高上,以及培养学生养成良好的倾听和阅读习惯。因此,本学期的英语教学将面向全体学生,以激发学生学习英语的兴趣,充分调动他们的自主能动性、积极性,营造互帮互助,共同学习英语的语境。 2、教材情况分析 本学期使用的新标准英语二年级上册和三年级上册是供小学二,三年级上学期使用的,全书共分10个模块,内含一个期末复习模块,每个模块分

为两个单元。一般情况下,第一单元呈现本模块所要学习的语言内容,第二单元提供若干任务型练习,包括一首儿歌和童谣。 (二)教学目标及要求 a) 初步形成学习英语的兴趣和爱好,在动态真实的环境中使用英语进行简单的活动的积极性。 b)能运用英语在日常生活和课堂情景中与老师同学进行日常简单交际,如:问候他人,询问有关个人、家庭和朋友的简单信息。 c) 能运用英语参与课堂教学,游戏和其他课内外活动。 d) 能够听懂简单的指令并做出正确反应,读懂简单小故事,会唱课本上出现的英文歌和歌谣,能分角色扮演课本中的英语小故事。 (三)教学重难点 本学期继续以“任务为基础”(task-based)安排教学内容,采用全身反应法(TPR),组织学生在“身体运动”和“口腔运动”中学习。学生能在活动中整体提高认知水平;在唱歌、游戏、角色扮演、表演、访谈、对话等实践中,充分发挥他们的各项智能特征;在完成任务的过程中,不断感受成功的乐趣和喜悦。在教学过程中,教师运用录音磁带、教学卡片、玩具手套等道具进行教学,掌握约60个词汇,能够初步认读、听读、跟读简单的单词,能够与他人进行问候、自我介绍、告别、涂色、数数等的对话,从而培养学生初步的语言综合运用能力。 1)教学重点: 1. 能听懂教师的指令并做出正确反应,能读懂简单的小故事,会唱课本上出现的歌曲和歌谣。


外研社英语一起四年级上语法总结及练习题 祈使句 表达说话人对对方的叮嘱、劝告、请求或命令等,往往有表示请求、命令、希望、禁止、劝告等意思. 句末用感叹号或句号,用降调朗读.肯定结构都以动词原形开头. 祈使句一般没有主语,实际上是省略了主语“You”. 祈使句的肯定句式有三种形式,即 1)Do型(以行为动词原形开头),例如:Sit down 坐下! Stand up 起立! 2)Be型(以be开头),例如:Be quiet!安静! 3)Let型(以let开头),例如:Let me help you. 祈使句的否定结构是以“Don’t +动词原形”开头.例如: Don’t go there,please.请别去那儿. Don’t be late.不要迟到 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. __________ (not, be) late. 2. ____________ (dust) the dressing table. 3. ____________ (not, speak) with your mouth full of food. 4. ____________ (not, talk) and ____________ (read) a book. 5. ____________ (not, drop) the nice vase, Sam. 6. ____________ (look) out! A car is coming. 7. ____________ (give) us ten years and just see what our country will be like. 8. ____________ (not, let) the baby cry. 9. ____________ (open) the window and ____________ (shut) the door. 10. Let’s ____________ (sweep) the floor. 根据要求改写句子 1. Will you please read it again more slowly? (改为祈使句) __________ __________ again more slowly, please. 2. Please sit next to Nancy. (改为否定句) __________ __________ next to Nancy. 3. Come to my house tomorrow. (改为否定句) __________ come to my house tomorrow. 4. Wear the glasses! (改为否定句) ___________ wear the glasses! 5. Don’t wash your hands! (改成肯定句) ___________ your hands!


四年级英语下单词Module 1 machine welcome crisp sir potato dangerous put wait each Module 2 cheap expensive send email cost hundred Module 3 shout wolf sheep ran once upon a time look after bored village everyone laugh lie learnt lesson wouldn’t=would not into month cheese scared run away Module 4 concert violin guitar nervous

end proud Module 5 surprise hear special Father’s Day message Module 6 great repeat stick fantastic fun meet east west o’clock Module 7 time 时间cartoon 动画片 much 非常,很 am 上午 pm 下午 Module 8 best 最好的 north 北,北方,北部south 南,南方,南部rest 休息 have a rest 休息一下country 国家 speak 说 capital 首都 maybe 也许,大概map 地图 Module 9 because 因为language 语言Australian 澳大利亚的kangaroo 袋鼠 back 后面的

Module 10 postcard 明信片plan 计划museum 博物馆restaurant 餐馆,饭店


三年级英语下单词 Module 1 nice 友好的,亲切的always 总是,一直a bit 稍微,有点儿shy 羞怯的,腼腆的e-card 电子贺卡quiet 文静的another 另一个,再一个him (宾格)他parrot 鹦鹉twenty 二十helpful 肯帮忙的,有用的maths 数学,数学课plus 加,加上more 更 多的,另外的 about 关于 river 河wide 宽的,宽阔的 old年代久的,古老的clock 钟,时钟 wheel 轮子 round 圆形的,圆形的 will将,将会 you 'll=you will 你将tower 塔bridge 桥 Module 3 won't=will not 将不countryside 农村,乡下farmer 农民,农场主there 在那里 lots of 许多的,大量的 Module 2

breakfast早餐Module 5 have breakfast 吃早餐tomorrow 明天 tea 茶,茶叶 Monday 星期一 tea party 茶会why 为什么 Why not 为什么不呢Module 4 Tuesday 星期二pick 采,摘Wednesday 星期三fourteen十四Thursday 星期四 sixteen 十六 next 下一个的,其次的 eighteen十八week 周,星期thirteen 十三 fifteen 十五 Module 6 seventeen 十七 stamp 跺脚,用力踩 nineteen 十九computer 计算机,电脑afraid 担心的shall 该要 feel 感觉,觉得arm 胳膊 all right 好,行 Module 7


小学英语新外研版(一起)六年级上册 (一) Thanksgiving Day is always celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. It is a traditional American holiday. It is a day of a family reunion and people invite friends to share the meal. People eat turkey on Thanksgiving Day. In some big cities, there are carnival parades (狂欢节游行) for children. In other cities there are important football games that are played on Thanksgiving Day. (二) Mid-Autumn Day is a very important festival in China. It is on August 15th in Chinese calendar. On that day, families usually get together and have a big meal. In the evening, you know, the moon is big, bright and round. We usually go outdoors to enjoy the moonlight and eat moon cakes in the open air. We have a good time. Look! Tom got a lot of presents from his parents. His mother bought two lanterns(灯笼) for him. One was big, the other was small. His father helped him to hang them up. When Tom saw the delicious food on the table, he was very pleased. After dinner, Tom went out with his parents. They looked at the moon in the open air. They didn't go home until mid-night. What a happy day!


一年级上Module 1 hello 您好 am (I'm = I am) 就是(我就是) goodbye (bye) 再见 How are you? 您好么? no 不,不就是 yes 就是,就是的 sorry 对不起 fine (身体)很好 thank 谢谢 you 您 Module 2 what 什么 is (what's = what is) 就是(就是什么) your 您的 name 名字 please 请 good 好的 morning 早晨,上午 Ms 女士 my 我的 bird 鸟 boy 男孩 girl 女孩afternoon 下午 panda 熊猫 Module 3 sit 坐 down 向下 stand 站 up 向上 open 打开 the 这(那)个;这(那)些 window 窗户 door 门 See you! 再见 point 指 to 向…… desk 书桌 chair 椅子 Module 4 it 它 it's = it is 它就是 red 红色;红色的 blue 蓝色;蓝色的 yellow 黄色;黄色的 colour 颜色 green 绿色;绿色的 now 现在 black 黑色;黑色的 white 白色;白色的 dog 狗 cat 猫 and 与 look 瞧 orange 橙色;橙色的 Module 5 this 这个 our 我们的 teacher 教师 school 学校 classroom 教室 Nice to meet you见到您真高 兴 child 小孩,儿童 that 那个 bag 包 Module 6 schoolbag 书包 book 书 pen 钢笔 pencil 铅笔 ruler 直尺 eraser 橡皮 pencil case 铅笔盒 crayon 蜡笔


小学一年级下册英语期末试卷 姓名:___________ 班级:__________ 分数:__________ 听力部分(50分) 一、选出你听到的单词划√。(10分) 1、doctor driver 2、teacher nurse 3、pupil teacher 4、head face 5、mouth eye 6、bag book 7、baby body 8、eleven twelve 9、on in 10、duck chicken 二、听录音,排顺序。(10分) ()()()()() 三、选出你听到的句子。(10分) ()1. A. This is my head. B. This is my hand. ()2. A. He is a driver. B. She is a nurse. ()3. A. What are they? B. What are these? ()4. A. Where` s the orange cat? B. How many cats? ()5.A. Is it under the bed? B. Is it under the tree? 四、选择你听到的图片,将序号填入题前括号内。(8分)

( ) 1. A. B. C. ( ) 2. A. B. C. ( ) 3. A. B. C. ( ) 4. A. B. C. 五、听录音,填序号。(12分) 笔试部分(50分) 一、选择正确的选项,填在括号里。(10分) 1、_________pencils? 有多少铅笔?( ) A 、How many B 、Where are the


《英语》(新标准)一起第七册M2 模块分析:本课的教学内容是教学在家做事情的动词词组并学会表达昨天你在家做了什么。是本书中承上启下的一个重要模块,该模块在学生对已有动词过去式(am/is-was, are-were)的基础上,主要讲授了规则动词(help, clean, wash, finish)的过去式(v.+ed),既是对前面所学动词过去式的总结和提升,又为后面不规则动词的学习作了铺垫。 学情分析:这个年级的学生刚接触过去式不长时间,教师能够根据学生的已有知识水平,对学生进行过去式的规则变化的讲解与训练,动词过去式的掌握是一个难点。 教学后记:

Module 2 Unit 1 I helped my mum. 一、教学目标与要求 1.语言知识目标 (1)让学生初步感知过去时,了解过去时的基本特征,规则动词后面加“ed”的形式。 (2)能初步运用句型Yesterday I verb+ed….作描述,并区分规则动词加“ed”之后的 不同发音. 2.能力目标 能够描述自己昨天发生的事情或者他人发生的事情. 3.情感目标 培养学生良好的学习、生活习惯,乐于帮助父母做一些力所能及的家务活。 二、教学重点及难点 1.短语: cleaned my room washed my trousers finished my homework helped my mum 2.句型Yesterday I verb+ed … . 教学难点: 1.在表示过去时,规则动词后面加“ed”. 2. 动词过去时的不同发音. 三、课前准备 课件、CD-ROM、单词卡片。 四、教学过程 Step 1 Warm up 1.Say and do the actions. 课件逐句出示以下短语,边做动作,边说短语 do my homework listen to music wash my socks play football play the violin wash my face clean my room play computer games watch TV b) Free talk (1) I watch TV every day. What do you do everyday? 与学生之间进行真实的表达。 (2) 通过今天与昨天的日期的对比,引出新单词“yesterday” T: What day is today? S: Today is Tuesday. 课件对比昨天与今天的日期 T: Yesterday was Monday. 引出新单词:yesterday Step 2 Presentation and practice 1. Yesterday I did many things. Do you want to know? 借助于课件展示3幅老师的照片,并且标注昨天的日期。先由教师描述这3幅图片,给学生对于过去时有一个初步的感知。Yesterday I play ed the computer games. /d/ Yesterday I clean ed my room, /d/ Yesterday I wash ed my socks.

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