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外研版高一英语必修一第一册 unit5 Into the wild单元测试卷(无听力,含答案)

外研版高一英语必修一第一册 unit5 Into the wild单元测试卷(无听力,含答案)
外研版高一英语必修一第一册 unit5 Into the wild单元测试卷(无听力,含答案)

UNIT 5-Into the wild单元检测卷







On a day in Arkansas, some fishermen saw a bear cub (幼兽) in a tree. As hours went by, its mother didn't return. So they called wildlife biologist (生物学家) Eastridge.

The bear cub was sick and hungry, weighing only 5 pounds and with his eyes not completely open. Eastridge called Lisa Stewart, who works at Appalachian Bear Rescue in Tennessee. Stewart always makes room for a new cub.

She named the bear Miracle because she thought it was a miracle that he had survived! As soon as she could, she stopped having contact with the cub so he would not become too used to humans. When the cub arrived, Stewart cleaned his eyes and put him in a house alone. Since Miracle was already 5 months old, Stewart gave him bowls of food and another bowl of a special formula (配方奶粉), similar to a bear mother's milk. Sometimes, Miracle would reach his head out of his house and take some formula or food. But he wasn't eating too much.

Miracle was too weak to be with other bears. So Stewart gave him a toy bear named Buddy. He took it into his house and covered it with straw (稻草). He fed Buddy, too. Stewart often found the toy covered in formula and berries and its ears full of apple chunks. Now that Miracle had Buddy, he came out of his house more often and wanted to eat.

After two months, Stewart introduced Miracle to other bears so they could learn from one another. She avoided any direct contact with Miracle and the other bears. Stewart wanted to make sure they stayed afraid of humans so they could go back into the wild again. She always hid behind a fence (栅栏) and threw food over the top

secretly. The bears hunted for this food as they would soon do in the wild.

Five months later, Rick Eastridge returned to pick up a healthy 90-pound Miracle and another bear from Arkansas named Rocky. Eastridge loaded the bears into boxes on his truck and transported them back to the wild. As soon as the bear boxes were opened, the two cubs ran for the woods—where they belonged.

21.A toy bear was given to Miracle in order to .

A.remind him not to waste his food

B.kill his lonely time in his house

C.develop his skills of making friends

D.rid Miracle of its fear of humans

22.Why did Stewart always give food to Miracle in secret?

A.Because he could learn how to find food in the wild.

B.Because he was too weak to be frightened by humans.

C.Because a good relationship could be developed.

D.Because she didn't want to disturb his peaceful life.

23.What is the best title for this passage?

A.An Unusual Bear

B.The Growth of Miracle

C.Rescuing Miracle

D.Contacting Miracle


Cold weather can be hard on pets, just like it can be hard on people. Sometimes owners forget that their cats are just as used to the warm shelter (住所) as they are. Some owners will leave their animals outside for a long period of time, thinking that all animals are used to living outdoors. This can put their pets in danger of serious illness. There are things you can do to keep your animal warm and safe.

Keep your pets inside as much as you can when the weather is bad. If you have to take them out, stay outside with them. When you're cold enough to go inside, they probably are too. If you must leave them outside for a long time, make sure they have

a warm, solid shelter against the wind, thick bedding, and plenty of non-frozen water.

If left alone outside, dogs and cats can be very smart in their search for warm shelter. They can dig into snow banks or hide somewhere. Watch them closely when they are left outdoors, and provide them with shelter of good quality. Keep an eye on your pet's water. Sometimes owners don't realize that a water bowl has frozen and their pet can't get anything to drink. Animals that don't have clean and unfrozen water may drink dirty water outside, which may contain something unhealthy for them.

24.What do we learn about pets from Paragraph 1?

A.They are often forgotten by their owners.

B.They are used to living outdoors.

C.They like to stay in warm places.

D.They build their won shelters.

25.Why are pet owners asked to stay with their pets when they are out in cold weather?

A.To keep them company.

B.To keep them from eating bad food.

C.To help them find shelters.

D.To know when to bring them inside.

26.What is the purpose of this text?

A.To solve a problem.

B.To give practical advice.

C.To tell an interesting story.

D.To present a research result.


A mother goat is able to pick out her own baby from its voice alone by the time the kid is just five days old.

Researchers from University of London played kids' bleats to female goats and studied their responses. They were surprised to find that the animals were able to pick out their own kids' voices.

“A mother and the kid rely a lot on smell to recognize one another and, in the wild, during the first week of their lives, the animals hide in grass and don't call much. It's a strategy they use to avoid enemies,” Dr Elodie Briefer, who led the research, explained to BBC News. “The mother call to the kids when she want them

to come and feed, so we expected that kids would recognize the mothers' voices.” In fact, this was the case for deer, which also use this hiding strategy, although they do not belong to the same family of species as goats.

She and her team recorded and played back young kids' calls to the female goats and recorded their responses. She e xplained, “Even when the calls came from kids that are five to six days old, we could see the mothers responding more to the voices of their own babies.” Hearing the voice of their own kids, the females would look towards the speaker that the sound was coming from, moving around and calling in response.

The scientists say that understanding how goats behave and communicate is very important. “This helps us understand just how smart these animals are,” said Dr Briefer. “Farmers might be able to change their way to raise goats considering this natural behaviour.”

27.What does the underlined word “bleats” means?

A.Habits. B.Voices.

C.Responses. D.Videos.

28.During the first few days of the baby deer, the mother and the kid mainly depend on to recognize each other when they are hiding in grass.

A.voice B.touch

C.videos D.smell

29.In the experiment, what does a mother goat do when hearing her kids' voice?

A.Making voice in response.

B.Jumping over and over.

C.Hiding herself somewhere.

D.Behaving just as usual.

30.The passage is mainly written for to read.

A.teachers B.writers

C.farmers D.lawyers



Should We Create More National Parks to

Save Endangered Animals?

Don't you find it worrying that more and more species of animals are in real danger

of becoming extinct (灭绝)? 31 And I think the best way to do this is for governments to create more national parks.

32 If this environment is destroyed—for example, when farmers clear a forest for new fields, or trees are cut down for making money—many animals are unable to survive, and more species are likely to become extinct.

In addition, national parks protect animals from the danger of being hunted. A major reason why many species are endangered is that the animals are killed by hunters. They hunt animals to make money. 33

On the other hand, some people fight against the creation of national parks because they consider it wrong to interfere (干涉) with nature. They believe that wild animals are happier living in their natural environment. 34 They also point out that a few species are more likely to produce young animals in the wild than in national parks.

All in all, though, these disadvantages are far less important than the benefits of national parks. 35 As a matter of fact, they protect animals from their greatest enemies, that is, human beings.

A.To begin with, animals are important to humans.

B.Some hunters even hunt animals simply for sport.

C.I personally believe that we must save these animals.

D.These parks allow animals to live in a safe environment.

E.Firstly, national parks protect the animals' natural environment.

F.They say though the animals may face danger, they enjoy a free life.

G.There is a heated discussion about whether to create more national parks.




Love Is Blind: The Magic of Tabby

In October, 2003, I started my work at my local animal shelter's Adoption Department. Over the years, more than 50,000 animals have 36 the doors of the shelter. Most of them, I do not remember. But occasionally there are 37 animals, who touch me so deeply that I could never possibly 38 them. Tabby was one such animal.

Tabby was an ancient Cocker Spaniel, probably 14 years old. What's more, she was blind and deaf. Tabby's chances at adoption seemed 39 at best. After all, we didn't have many adopters coming in 40 ,“Can you show me all of your really old dogs who are also 41 ?” We had all thought that Tabby would live out the rest of her life at the 42 .

One day a woman named Loretta came to the shelter. Her son, Gary, had 43 Tabby's picture and stories on the shelter's website at home. They were interested in meeting her! It was the only 44 we ever received about Tabby. What could a young child possibly see in a 14-year-old dog who was both blind and de af? Most boys would want a dog who could grow with them and 45 through grassy fields on summer days. Tabby would 46 be able to do that. But after meeting her, Loretta and Gary decided that she was the right dog for their family. They adopted Tabby!

If Tabby's story had simply ended with her 47 adoption, it would still have been something very special indeed. 48 , it was what happened after her adoption that people might regard as “magic”. Gary 49 from seizures (癫痫). Since Gary and Tabby met they became 50 . They did everything together. They became so “in tune” with one another that Tabby began to telegraph Gary's seizures 51 they occurred, giving his family a(n) 52 that one was about to strike. What's more, Gary seemed to be having fewer and fewer seizures since Tabby's 53 .

How could it be? Nobody could explain 54 Tabby did it. But those of us who were fortunate enough to know her and her family had 55 the magic, the kind that has its roots in love.

36.A.passed B.broken

C.opened D.locked

37.A.strange B.active

C.special D.wild

38.A.recall B.forget

C.leave D.abandon

39.A.possible B.great

C.remote D.bright

40.A.whispering B.asking

C.seeking D.explaining

41.A.disabled B.active

C.stubborn D.patient

42.A.hospital B.roadside

C.farm D.shelter

43.A.posted B.taken

C.seen D.drawn

44.A.letter B.enquiry

C.call D.donation

45.A.get B.look

C.run D.break

46.A.never B.possibly

C.frequently D.generally

47.A.temporary B.normal

C.successful D.early

48.A.Moreover B.However

C.Therefore D.Otherwise

49.A.learnt B.heard

C.suffered D.recovered

50.A.unforgettable B.inseparable

C.unfortunate D.uncomfortable

51.A.since B.unless

C.before D.though

52.A.explanation B.warning

C.suggestion D.notice

53.A.return B.birth

C.arrival D.recovery

54.A.where B.how

C.when D.whether

55.A.performed B.created

C.achieved D.witnessed



阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Dujiangyan is the oldest man-made water system in the world, and a wonder in the

development of Chinese science. 56 (build) over 2,200 years ago in what is now Sichuan Province in Southwest China, this amazing engineering 57 (achieve) is still used today.

In ancient times, the region in which Dujiangyan now stands 58 (suffer) from regular floods caused by overflow from the Minjiang River. 59 (help) the victims of the flooding, Li Bing, the region governor, together with his son, decided to find

a solution. Li designed a series of channels built at different levels along Mount Yulei that would take away the floodwater while leaving the river flowing naturally.

60 (good) still, the extra water could be directed to the dry Chengdu Plain, making

61 suitable for farming.

Once the system was finished, no more floods occurred and the people were able to live 62 (peaceful). Today, Dujiangyan is admired by scientists from around the world because of one feature. Unlike modern dams 63 the water is blocked with

a huge wall, Dujiangyan still lets water flow through the Minjiang River naturally,

64 (enable) ecosystem (生态系统) and fish populations to exist 65 harmony.

56.57. 58. 59.

60.61. 62. 63.




假如你叫李华,你校将举办主题为“Wildlife Protection”的英语演讲比赛。请你用英








A new study warns that about thirty percent of the world's people may not have

enough water by 2025.

A private American organisation called Population Action International (PAI) did the new study. It says more than three hundred and thirty-five million people lack enough water now. The people live in twenty-eight countries. Most of the countries are in Africa or the Middle East.

PAI researcher Robert Engelman says by the year 2025, about three thousand million people are short of water. Eighteen more countries are expected to have serious water problems. The demand for water keeps increasing. Yet the amount of water on the earth stays the same.

Mr Engelman says the population in countries that lack water is growing faster than in other parts of the world. He says population growth in these countries will continue to increase.

The report says lack of water in the future may result in several problems. It may increase health problems. Lack of water often means drinking water is not safe. Mr Engelman says there are problems all over the world because of diseases like cholera that are carried in water.

Lack of water may also lead to more international conflicts. Countries may have to fight for water in the future. Some countries now get sixty percent of their fresh water from other countries. This is true of Egypt, the Netherlands, Cambodia, Syria, Sudan and Iraq. And the report says lack of water would affect the ability to improve their economies. This is because new industries often need large amounts of water when they are beginning.

The Population Action International study gives several solutions to the water problem. One way, it says, is to find ways to use water for more than one purpose. Another way is to teach people to be careful not to waste water. A third way is to use less water of agriculture.

The report also says long-term solutions to the water problem must include controls on population growth. It says countries cannot provide clean water unless they slow population growth by limiting the number of children people have.



A:21-23BAC B:24-26CDB C:27-30BDAC




36-40ACBCB 41-45ADCBC 46-50ACBCB 51-55CBCBD


56.Built57.achievement58.suffered59.To help60.Better




Ladies and gentlemen,

Good evening. My name is Li Hua. I am from Class One Grade One. As is known to all, many wild animals are facing the danger of extinction because of human activities. Luckily, our government has taken measures to protect wild animals, for example, many national parks have been set up as wild life reserves. As a student, we should also protect animals in our daily life. When we see a stray cat or a stray dog, we'd better give it some food, as sometimes it is difficult for it to find food and it need something to fill its empty stomach, and what you offer is in great need. Whenever we see someone hurt an animal, we shouldn't hesitate to stop them doing that.

Only if we human beings show our love to them can animals be preserved.

Thanks for listening!


Research shows that about thirty percent of the world's people may suffer from the shortage of water by 2025. Now over 335 million people in 28 countries lack enough water. (要点1) It is expected that 18 more countries will lack water in the years to come,while the amount of water remains the same and the population is growing faster. (要点2) The shortage of water will cause health problems and international conflicts. (要点3) But fortunately, ways are found to settle the problem. (要点4)


一小测验 Ⅰ.课标单词 1. __________ adj. 热心的,热情的→enthusiasm n. 热心;热情 2. __________ adj. 令人惊异的→ _______ v. 使吃惊→ ________ adj. 感到吃惊的→ amazement n. 惊愕,惊异 3. __________ n. 信息→ inform vt. 通知,告知 4. __________ n. 指示,用法说明→ instruct v. 教导,命令,指示 5. _________ adj. 令人厌烦的→ _______ adj. (对某人/事物)厌倦的,烦闷的→ ______ vt. 使厌烦 6. ___________ adj. 尴尬的,难堪的→ __________ v. 使困窘,使局促不安→ _____________ adj. 令人为难的→ embarrassment n. 窘迫;为难 7. __________ n. 行为,举止→behave v. 举动,举止 8. __________ n. 描述;形容;描写→ describe vt. 描写,记述 9. _______ vt. 使(人)印象深刻;使铭记→ __________ n. 印象,感想→ impressive adj. 令人印象深刻的 10. __________ n.纠正,改正→correct adj.正确的→ _______ v.改正,纠正,批改 11. __________ v. 鼓励,激励→ __________ adj. 鼓舞人心的→ ___________ adj. 受到鼓舞的,更有信心的→ encouragement n. 鼓励,奖励 12.enjoyment n. 享受,乐趣→ _______ v. 享受,喜欢→ ________ adj. 令人愉快的,有乐趣的 13.fluency n. 流利,流畅→ _______ adj. 流利的,流畅的 14. _____________ adj. 失望的→ ______________ adj. 使人失望的,令人失望的→ disappoint vt. 使失望→ _____________ n. 失望 15. _________ n. 助手,助理→ assist v.帮助 Ⅱ.常用短语 1.____________________________________与……相似 2.____________________________________某人对(做)某事的态度 3.____________________________________离……远,远非 4.____________________________________一点不像,与……完全不同 5.____________________________________玩得很开心 6.____________________________________起初,一开始 7.____________________________________换句话说 8.____________________________________期待;盼望 9.____________________________________对……印象深刻 10.____________________________________在……开始的时候 11.____________________________________在……结束的时候 12.____________________________________被(划)分成…… 13.____________________________________参加

2019人教版高中英语必修3电子课本 word版

普通高中课程标准实验教科书《英语》电子课本 Book 3 Unit 1 Festivals around the world B3U1P1-3 FESTIV ALS AND CELEBRATIONS Ancient Festivals Festivals and celebrations of all kinds are held everywhere. The most ancient festivals would celebrate the end of the cold weather, planting in spring and harvest in autumn. Other celebrations were held when hunters could catch animals. They would starve if food was difficult to find, so they celebrated when they had food. They lit fires and made music because they thought these festivals would bring a year of plenty. Festivals of the Dead Some festivals are held to honour the dead, or satisfy and please the ancestors, who could return either to help or to do harm. In Japan the festival is called Obon, when people should go to clean the graves and light incense in memory of their ancestors. They light lamps and play music because they think that this will lead the ancestors back to earth. In Mexico they have the Day of the Dead in early November. On this important feast day, people might eat food in shape of skulls, and cakes with “bones” on them. They offer food, flowers and gifts to the dead. The festival of Halloween had its origin as an event in memory of the dead. It is now a children’s festival, when they can go to their neighbours’ homes and ask for sweets. They dress up and try to frighten people. If they are not given anything, the children might play a trick. Festivals to Honour People Festivals can be held as an honour to famous people or to the gods. One of these is the Dragon Boat Festival in China, which honours the famous ancient poet, Qu Yuan. Another is Columbus Day in the USA, in memory of the arrival of Christopher Columbus in America. In India there is a national festival on October 2 to honour Mahatma Gandhi, the leader who helped gain India’s independence from Britain. Harvest Festivals Harvest and Thanksgiving festivals can be very happy events. People are grateful because their food is gathered for the winter ,and because a season of agricultural work is over. In European countries it is the custom to decorate churches and town halls with flowers and fruit, and people get together to have meals. Some people might win awards for their animals, flowers, fruits and vegetables, like the biggest watermelon or the most handsome rooster. In China and Japan there are mid-autumn festivals, when people admire the moon and give gift of mooncakes. Spring Festivals The most energetic and important festivals are the ones that look forward to the end of winter and to the coming of spring. At the Spring Festival in China, people eat dumplings, fish and meat, and may give children lucky money in the red paper. There are dragon dances and carnivals, and families celebrate the lunar New Year together. In some Western countries there are very exciting carnivals, which take place forty days before Easter, usually in February. They might include parades, dancing in the streets day and night, loud music and colourful clothing of all kinds. Easter is an important religious and social festival in Christian countries. It celebrates the return of Jesus for Christians and it also celebrates the coming of spring. In Japan, the Cherry Blossom Festival happens a little later. The country is covered with cherry tree flowers so that it looks as though it might be covered with pink snow. People love to get together to eat, drink and have fun with each others. Festivals let us enjoy life, be proud of our customs and forget our daily life for a little while.


高一英语必修一单词表(人教版)Unit 1 1.survey n.调查;测验 2.add up合计 3.upset adj. 心烦意乱的;不安的,不适的 4.ignore v.不理睬;忽视 5.calm vt.&vi.(使)平静;(使)镇定adj.平静的;镇定的;沉着的 6.calm...down(使)平静下来 7.have got to不得不;必须 8.concern vt.(使)担心;涉及;关系到n. 担心;关注;(利害)关系 9.be concerned about关心;挂念 10.walk the dog 遛狗 11.loose adj 松的;松开的 12.vet n.兽医 13.go through经历;经受 14.Amsterdam 阿姆斯特丹(荷兰首都) https://www.doczj.com/doc/b517665047.html,herlands 荷兰(西欧国家) 16.Jewish 犹太人的;犹太族的 17.German 德国的;德国人的;德语的。 18.Nazi n.纳粹党人adj. 纳粹党的 19.set down记下;放下;登记 20.series n.连续,系列 21.a series of一连串的;一系列;一套 22.outdoors adv.在户外;在野外 23.spellbind vt.( spellbound,spellbound)迷住;疑惑 24.on purpose故意 25.in order to为了 26.dusk n.黄昏傍晚 27.at dusk在黄昏时刻 28.thunder vi 打雷雷鸣n. 雷,雷声 29.entire adj. 整个的;完全的;全部的 30.entirely adv. 完全地;全然地;整个地 31.power n.能力;力量;权力。 32.face to face面对面地 33.curtain n.窗帘;门帘;幕布 34.dusty adj 积满灰尘的 35.no longer /not?any longer不再 36.partner n.伙伴.合作者.合伙人 37.settle n.安家;定居;停留vt. 使定居;安排;解决 38.suffer vt. &遭受;忍受经历 39.suffer from遭受;患病 40.loneliness n.孤单寂寞 41.highway n.公路


Book 1 Module 1 1 be similar to 2 sb’s attitude to/towards… 3 far from 4 a computer with a special screen 5 a enthusiastic woman call ed Ms Shen 6 sb’s method of teaching=sb’s teaching method 7 nothing like 8 reading comprehension 9 have fun 10 feel bored=be bored 11 introduce…to… 12 in groups 13 give…instructions on… 14 by oneself=on one’s own 15 improve sb’s spelling and handwriting 16 in a fun way 17 in other word s 18 write a description of=describe 19 look forward to doing 20 be impressed with 21 make (much) progress 22 Would you mind do ing 23 at the start/beginning of… 24 at the end of… 25 receive the high school diploma 26 go to college 27 divide… into… 28 be divided into… 29 take part in all kinds of


Unit 1 Festivals around the world FESTIVALS AND CELEBRATIONS Festivals and celebrations of all kinds have been held everywhere since ancient times. Most ancient festivals would celebrate the end of cold weather, planting in spring and harvest in autumn. Sometimes celebrations would be held after hunters had caught animals. At that time people would starve if food was difficult to find, especially during the cold winter months. Today’s festivals have many origins, some religious, some seasonal, and some for special people or events. Festivals of the dead Some festivals are held to honour the dead or to satisfy the ancestors, who might return either to help or to do harm. For the Japanese festival Obon, people should go to clean graves and light incense in memory of their ancestors. They also light lamps and play music because they think that will lead the ancestors back to earth. In Mexico, people celebrate the Day of the Dead in early November. On this important feast day, people eat food in the shape of skulls and cakes with “bones” on them. They offer food, flowers and gifts to the dead. The Western holiday Halloween also had its origin in old beliefs about the return of the spirits of dead people. It is now a children’s festival, when they can dress up and go to their neighbours’ homes to ask for sweets. If the neighbours do not give any sweets, the children might play a trick on them. Festivals to Honour People Festivals can also be held to honour famous people. The Dragon Boat Festival in China honours the famous ancient poet, Qu Y uan. In the USA, Columbus Day is in memory of the arrival of Christopher Columbus in the New World. India has a national festival on October 2 to honour Mohandas Gandhi, the leader who helped gain India’s independence from Britain. Harvest Festivals Harvest and Thanksgiving festivals can be very happy events. People are grateful because their food is gathered for the winter and the agricultural work is over. In European countries, people will usually decorate churches and town halls with flowers and fruit, and will get together to have meals. Some people might win awards for their farm produce, like the biggest watermelon or the most handsome rooster. China and Japan have mid-autumn festivals when people admire the moon and in China enjoy moon-cakes. Spring Festivals The most energetic and important festivals are the ones that look forward to the end of winter and to the coming of spring. At the Spring Festival in China, people eat dumplings, fish and meat and may give children lucky money in red paper. There are dragon dances and carnivals, and families celebrate the Lunar New Year together. Some Western countries have very exciting carnivals, which take place forty days before Easter, usually in February. These carnivals might include parades, dancing in the streets day and night, loud music and colourful clothing of al kinds. Easter is an important religious and social festival for Christians around the world. It celebrates the return of Jesus from the dead and the coming of spring and new life. Japan’s Cherry Blossom Festival happens a little later. The country, covered with cherry tree flowers, looks as though it is covered with pink snow. People love to get together to eat, drink and have fun with each other. Festivals let us enjoy life, be proud of our customs and forget our work for a little while.


人教版高中英语单词表必修一 Unit 1 单词表 △survey /'s?:vei/ n. 调查;测验 add up 合计 upset :[?p'set] adj. 心烦意乱的;不安的;不适的vt. (upset,upset) 使不安;使心烦 ignore /iɡ'n?:/ vt. 不理睬;忽视 calm /kɑ:m/ vt. & vi. (使)平静;(使)镇定adj. 平静的;镇静的;沉着的 calm (…) down (使)平静下来;(使)镇定下来have got to 不得不;必须 concern /k?n's?:n/ vt. (使)担忧;涉及;关系到 n. 担心;关注;(利害)关系 be concerned about 关心;挂念 walk the dog 遛狗 loose /lu:s/ adj. 松的;松开的 △vet /vet/ n. 兽医go through 经历;经受 △Amsterdam /?mst?'d?m/n. 阿姆斯特丹(荷兰首都) Netherlands /'nee?l?ndz/ n. 荷兰(西欧国家)△Jewish /'d?u(:)i?/ adj. 犹太人的;犹太族的German /'d??:m?n/ adj.德国的;德国人的;德语的 n.德国人;德语 △Nazi /'nɑ:tsi/ n.纳粹党人adj.纳粹党的 set down 记下;放下;登记 series /'si?ri:z/ n. 连续;系列 a series of 一连串的;一系列;一套 △Kitty /'kiti/ n. 基蒂(女名) outdoors /'aut'd?:z/ adv. 在户外;在野外 △spellbind /'spelbaind/ vt. (spellbound, spellbound) 迷住;迷惑 on purpose 故意 in order to 为了……


外研版高中英语单词表必修一BOOK 1 M1 academic 学术的adj en thusiastic 热心的adj in formatio n 信息n brilliant (口语)极好的adj in struction (常作复数)指示;说明 bored厌倦的;厌烦的adj attitude 态度n previous 以前的;从前的adj amazed吃惊的;惊讶的adj adj tech no logy 技术n correct ion 改正;纟片正n enjoyment 享受;乐趣n misunderstanding 误解n disappointing 令人失望的adj teenager 少年n move搬家vi province 省n amazing令人吃惊的;令人惊讶的adj website 网站;网址n comprehension 理解;领悟n n method 方法n embarrassed尴尬的;难堪的adj behaviour 行为;举止n description 记述;描述n embarrassi ng 令人尴尬的;令人吃惊的 impress 使印象深刻vt encouragement 鼓励;激励n fluency 流利;流畅n disappo in ted 失望的adj assistant 助手;助理n diploma文凭;毕业证书n in other words 换句话说look forward to 期待;盼望

at the start of 在 开始的时候 atthe end of 在 结束的时候 be divided into 被(划)分成 attitude to/towards 对 的态度 energetic 精力充沛的adj nervous 紧张的;焦虑的adj adj patient 耐心的 adj shy 害羞的;羞怯的adj impression 印象 n hate 讨厌;不喜欢vt completely 十分的;完全的adv appreciate 欣赏;感激 vt scientific 科学的 adj loudly 大声的adv joke 玩笑;笑话n respect 尊敬;尊重vt&n headmistress 女校长 n revision 复习 n timetable 时间表 n vacation 假期 n go to college 上大学 take part in 参力卩 M2 amusing 有趣的;可笑的adj intelligent 聪明的 adj orga ni sed 有组织的;有系统的 serious 严肃的 adj strict 严格的;严厉的adj avoid (故意)避开vt in correctly 不正确的 adv immediately 立即;即刻 adv admit 承认 vt literature 文学 n wave 挥(手);招(手)vt summary 总结;摘要;提要 n headmaster 校长 n period 一段时间n translation 翻译 n


人教版高一英语必修一语法归纳 以下是小编整理的高一必修一英语人教版语法归纳希望可以帮助大家,把语法进行归纳。 Unit 1 1. 词组: add up 合计 add up to 总计达 add… to…把。。加到。。。里 add to 增加增添扩建 2. calm… down 平静下来 3. have got to 不得不,必须 4. be concerned about / for 关心 5. walk the dog 遛狗 cheat … of 欺骗。。 6. go through 穿过完成用完通过仔细检查 go ahead 同意某人的请求go by 流逝 7. set down 记下 set up 建立 set off 出发引爆 set out to do=set about doing 着手做某事 8. a series of 一系列 9. on purpose 故意地 by accident= chance 偶然地 10. in order to= so as to 为了目的是in order that = so that 11. at dusk 在黄昏 at dawn 在黎明 at midnight 在午夜 at noon 在中午 12. face to face 面对面 13. no longer= not … any longer 不再 14. settle down 安顿下来 suffer from 遭受,患病 15. recover from 恢复 ,痊愈 16. get/ be tired of 对…感到厌烦 17. make a list of 列清单 18. pack… up 装箱打包 19. get along/ on with与…相处,/ 进展 20. fall in love 爱上

【2020年】 2020年外研版高中英语必修一(全册)精品教案汇总

【推荐】2020年外研版高中英语必修一(全册)精品教案汇总 第一学期高一英语讲义1 Book 1 Module 1 My First Day at Senior High 课时1词汇; 课型A(基础);课长30分钟 一、词汇互译 1.____________________ 换句话说 2. ____________________ 期待, 盼望 3. ____________________ 在……开始的时候 4. ____________________ 在……结束的时候 5. ____________________ 上大学 6. ____________________ 被(划)分成…… 7. take part in ____________________ 8. ____________________ 理科 9. ____________________ A 与 B 之间的区别 10. be similar to … ____________________ 11. ____________________ 对…的态度 12. teaching method ____________________ 13. ____________________ 写下, 记下 14. nothing like ____________________ 15. have fun ____________________ make fun of … ____________________ 16. 倍数表达法:

A is three times____________________ B. A is three times ____________________B. A is three times ____________________B. 17. ____________________ 不同于… 18. ____________________ 和…一样 二、词汇运用 1.the differences between A and B 你知道英语和美语有什么区别吗? _______________________________________________________________________________ 2.one’s attitude to \ towards sth. (doing sth.) 对于学习英语, 你的态度是怎样的? _______________________________________________________________________________ 3.behave oneself/behave badly 老实点! _______________________________________________________________________________ 4.be friendly to 他对待别人总是很友好。 _______________________________________________________________________________ 5.introduce A to B\oneself 首先请允许我介绍一下自己。 _______________________________________________________________________________ 6.in other words 你明天不用来上班了。换句话说, 你被炒了。 ______________________________________________________________________________


人教版高一英语必修1单词表 Unit 1 1.survey 调查;测验 2.add up 合计 3.upset adj. 心烦意乱的;不安的,不适的 4.ignore不理睬;忽视 5.calm vt.&vi.(使)平静;(使)镇定adj.平静的;镇定的;沉着的calm...down(使)平静下来 6.have got to 不得不;必须 7.concern(使)担心;涉及;关系到n. 担心;关注;(利害)关系 8.be concerned about 关心;挂念 9.walk the dog 溜狗 10.loose adj 松的;松开的 11.vet 兽医 12.go through 经历;经受 13.Amsterdam 阿姆斯特丹(荷兰首都) https://www.doczj.com/doc/b517665047.html,herlands 荷兰(西欧国家) 15.Jewish 犹太人的;犹太族的 16.German 德国的;德国人的;德语的。 17.Nazi 纳粹党人adj. 纳粹党的 18.set down 记下;放下;登记 19.series 连续,系列 a series of 一连串的;一系列;一套 20.outdoors在户外;在野外 21.spellbind 迷住;疑惑 22.on purpose 故意 23.in order to 为了 24.dusk 黄昏傍晚at dusk 在黄昏时刻 25.thunder vi 打雷雷鸣n. 雷,雷声 26.entire adj. 整个的;完全的;全部的 27.entirely adv. 完全地;全然地;整个地 28.power能力;力量;权力。 29.face to face 面对面地 30.curtain 窗帘;门帘;幕布 31.dusty adj 积满灰尘的 32.no longer /not …any longer 不再 33.partner 伙伴.合作者.合伙人 34.settle 安家;定居;停留vt 使定居;安排;解决 35.suffer vt &遭受;忍受经历suffer from 遭受;患病 36.loneliness 孤单寂寞 37.highway公路 38.recover痊愈;恢复 39.get/be tired of 对…厌烦 40.pack捆扎;包装打行李n 小包;包裹pack (sth )up 将(东西)装箱打包


高一英语人教版必修三全册课文 Unit 1 Festivals around the world FESTIVALS AND CELEBRATIONS Festivals and celebrations of all kinds have been held everywhere since ancient times. Most ancient festivals would celebrate the end of cold weather, planting in spring and harvest in autumn. Sometimes celebrations would be held after hunters had caught animals. At that time people would starve if food was difficult to find, especially during the cold winter months. Today’s festivals have many origins, some religious, some seasonal, and some for special people or events. Festivals of the dead Some festivals are held to honour the dead or to satisfy the ancestors, who might return either to help or to do harm. For the Japanese festival Obon, people should go to clean graves and light incense in memory of their ancestors. They also light lamps and play music because they think that will lead the ancestors back to earth. In Mexico, people celebrate the Day of the Dead in early November. On this important feast day, people eat food in the shape of skulls and cakes with “bones” on them. They offer food, flowers and gifts to the dead. The Western holiday Halloween also had its origin in old beliefs about the return of the spirits of dead people. It is now a children’s festival, when t hey can dress up and go to their neighbours’ homes to ask for sweets. If the neighbours do not give any sweets, the children might play a trick on them. Festivals to Honour People


人教版高中英语单词表必修一 unit1 survey 调查,测验 add up 合计 upset 心烦意乱的,不安的,不适的(upset,upset)使不安,使心烦ignore 不理睬,忽视 calm (使)平静,(使)镇定,平静的,镇定的,沉着的 calm down (使)平静下来,(使)镇定下来 have got to 不得不,必须 concern (使)担忧,涉及,关系到,担心,关注,(利害)关系be concerned about 关心,挂念, walk the dog 遛狗 loose 松的,松开的 vet 兽医 go through 经历,经受 Amsterdam 阿姆斯特丹 Netherlands 荷兰 jewish 犹太人的 German 德国的

Nazi 纳粹党人 set down 记下,放下,登记 series 连续,系列 a series of 一连串的,一系列,一套 Kitty 基蒂 outdoors 在户外,在野外 spellbind (spellbound,spellbound) 迷住,迷惑on purpose 故意 in order to 为了 dusk 黄昏,傍晚 at dusk 在黄昏时刻 thunder 打雷,雷鸣 entire 整个的,完全的,全部的 entirely 完全地,全然地,整个地 power 能力,力量,权力 face to face 面对面地 curtain 窗帘,门帘,幕布 dusty 积满灰尘的 no longer/not any longer 不再 partner 伙伴,合作者,合伙人 settle 安家,定居,停留,使定居,安排,解决

外研版高一英语必修一 语法

外研版高一英语必修一语法 1、一般现在时 1、一般现在时的构成形式如下:肯定式疑问式否定式疑问否 定式I work Do I work? I do not work、Do I not work?He(She, It)worksDoes he (she,it)work?He(She,It)does not workDoes he(she,it)not work?We workDo we work?We do not work Do we not work?You work Do you work?You do not work Do you not work?They work Do they work?They do not workDo they not work? 2、一般现在时的基本用法(1)一般现在时常表经常发生的 动作或者经常存在的状态,常与always,often,usually,everyday,sometimes等表示时间的状语连用①,有时候时间状语可以不表达出来②。由when,while,before,after,until,as soon as等引导的时间状语从句亦可用一般现在时表示经常发生的动作或存在的状态③。连词if引导的条件从句有时亦可用一般现 在时表示经常发生的动作或存在的状态④。 ①I go to school everyday、②Where do you live ? ③When I come across a new word I consult the English dictionary、④If you speak slowly, I understand、 If you speak quickly, I don’t understand、(2)一般现在时常用 语一下情况 I、表示日常行为①The boys wake up at seven

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