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Parallelism and Its Translation in Business English














Recently with the globalization of economy,international business has become more and more frequent and business English is playing an increasingly vital role in the international community.Hence the business translation is becoming more and more important.Parallelism,as a common and effective rhetoric method,expressing teo or more juxtaposed elements in the same or similar grammatical structure, is widely used in business English. A study of parallel structure and its corresponding translation methods is for sure conductive to the learning and mastery of business English. But a good translation of parallelism in business English is no easy thing. The paper analyses the forms of parallelism,puts forward the translation principles of parallelism and elaborates the translation methods of parallelism with some examples.

Key words: parallelism; translation; business English


From ancient to now, many researchers in China and abroad have contributed a lot to English translation, such as Yan FU, Lu Xun, XUYuanchong, Nida and so on . However, most of there traditional Chinese translation theories focus on literary translation and ignore business translation. Nowadays there is a rapid development in business English translation in China,but few books systematically concentrate on business English translation. It is urgent for Chinese researchers to do more in this field.

Parallelism is an important an widely uses expression in business English. It has some forms in business English, such as lexical parallelism, phrasal parallelism, syntactical parallelism. Business English is a variety of English concerned with such economic affairs within or outside a country as international trade, international marketing, economics, finance, accounting, law, administration, and so on. As an applied style, business English has its own stylistic characteristics,.when translating parallelism in business English three important translation principles “faithfulness”, “exactness” and “consistency” should be followed.

This thesis, from a comparatively practical point, attempts to combine the features of business English with the study of parallelism translation with an aim to provide some pracitical methods for translation in translating parallelism in business English.


Overview of Business English and Parallelism

1.1Fundanmentals of Business English

1.1.1Definition of Business English

Business English is rather difficult to define and is traditionally limited in linguistic terms. In general, business English is a variety of English concerned with such economic affairs within or outside a country as

international trade, international marketing economics, finance, accounting, law, administration, and so on. And business English can be defined as:

(1)English that has direct relation with business, which is the narrowest definition.

(2)English that has relation with fields such as economic managements and law, etc.

(3)English that is beyond personal relationship, which is the broadest definition.

(4)English that is used in analyzing the features of English in business register, making business training

plans, choosing and compiling textbooks, but it does not mean that everything can be included.

According to Nick Briger, an English expert on business English, the following aspects all fall into the

category of business English, that is, “language knowledge, communication skills, professional content,

management skills and cultural awareness”(Xiang Yanhong, 2000:21). In Nick?s viewpoint, a researcher

on business English should at least have a good command of the above-mentioned knowledge and skills.

Business English combines business knowledge and the English language, and this combination makes

business English as functional as other professional English, say, legal and medical English. So, in the

definition of business English, there are two points that determine what business English is: one is the

English without either of them.

1.1.2 Functions of Business English

The most important function of business English is its vital role in communication. In order to be effective in business activities, we must know the variables of communication in international business.

International communication , can be defined as follows:

It is a process by which a message is exchanged between different individuals of different cultures through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior, with a view to producing actual effects in


Communication is very important in modern business English. Communication is a two-way process: sending a message and receiving a message. It is essential that ideas be sent and received in a

timely and clear manner. A message received too late or one that does not readily disclose its sender?s

intent is at best, useless or, at worst, harmful. Communication serves three broad purposes in business

organizations: definition, control and maintenance. At the highest level of importance, an organization

has to define itself and articulate its goal. It has to say what it is all about and what it tries to do. This is

definition. The organization then has to do what it defined as its goal or mission. The activities aimed at

achieving goals have to be monitored. This is control. While goal-oriented activities occur, the

organization has to maintain itself and keep going as an organization. This is maintenance. Of course,

effective business communication is very important.

As an important functional product of English, business English shows its overwhelming strength. It is said that there are altogether 1.6 billion people in the world who use English as their first language or

second language and almost 90% of them use business English every day. Business English, as a

language form, serves as the means of communication and the carrier of rules and regulations governing

the business activities in the world of business. Almost all of the major world economic organizations

specify English as their official language. International laws regulating the business affairs across the

border are written in the English language by various international authorities. When problems arise

from the international business activities, proficiency of business English is a key factor to win the trial

in an international court. Business English has been an indispensable communication tool for business

people since English nowadays is an international language.

1.2Definition of Parallelism

1.2.1Parallelism in Narrow Sense

Figures of speech used to be called the flowers of rhetoric which have been multiplied into a garden of enormous variety over time. The number, names, and groupings of figures have been the most variable aspects of rhetoric over its history. It is believed that Aristotle is the first to make the classification and study of figures of speech. Traditionally, figures of speech are greatly and widely discussed to such extent that the study of them are almost thought to be the study of rhetoric is believed to be “not merely concerned with the figures of speech”(Brooks & Warren, 1979:4). So figures of speech can by no means be equated with rhetoric. Parallelism, in narrow sense, is a kind of important figures of speech. As a rhetorical device, parallelism is widely employed in different discourses. “Without employing parallelism, it?s impossible to talk sensibly about anything”(A.M.Tibbetts,1979:170). Many kinds of works define it with slight differences. “When two or more ideas in a sentence are related in function and purpose, they can and should be phrased in the same grammatical form (words, phrases, clauses, etc). This method of expressing ideas of equal importance in the same grammatical form is called parallelism”(Wang Shuilian, 2000:100-103).

Webster?s New Collegiate Dictionary(1997) points out, parallelism in English is “the recurrent syntactical similarities introduced for rhetoric effect”. Therefore, parallelism is a rhetoric device that is used to achieve some rhetorical effects.

1.2.2Parallelism in Broad Sense

Parallelism changes with the change of rhetoric. With the development of modern rhetoric, rhetoric

no longer focuses on persuasion, but focuses more on integration. Scholars believe rhetoric is a

means to understand and improve human relationship(Hu Shuzhong,1999:507). It blends with the

study of grammar and sociology. It blends with grammar because “the grammar of a language is a

systematic account of how the language functions to provide intelligible discourses. Correspondingly,

rhetoric is also concerned with intelligible discourses and the choice and the arrangement of words

in such discourse”(Brooks&Warrenn,1979:225).

Consequently, parallelism nowadays is no longer simply regarded as one kind of figures of speech.

In grammar, parallelism is always equated to the grammatical concept of balance and coordination since the chief principle of parallelism is that ideas of the same importance should be

expressed in the same grammatical form by giving them equal weight.

According to Randoph Quirk, parallelism is the “balance of the comstruction”, that is to “balance two parts of the system”(1985). For him, the following sentence is also a typical example

of parallelism:

They track how unemployment has changed over time in the sample as a whole, and then they look at how its evolution differs across countries, according to how rigid their labor markets are.

Chapter 2

Forms of parallelism in Business English

“The general principle of parallel structure is to express similar ideas in similar grammatical forms”(Wang Yimin, 2002:26).Parallel sentence elements regularly appear in lists or in a series, with coordinators such as and, or, but, as well as and with correlative such as either or ,neither nor, both and, not only but also, whether or, and rather than.

It is necessary to balance linguistic elements with each other. Almost any kind of sentence elements may be placed in parallel construction. Words, phrases, clauses, and whole series of sentence within paragraphs can be parallel. All these will be discussed respectively in lexical parallelism, phrasal parallelism and syntactical parallelism.

2.1 Lexical Parallelism

Lexical parallelism is commonly seen in business English. It exists in lexical words such as nouns, verbs, adjective, adverbs, etc.

a)noun parallel to noun:

American plan includes bed, breakfast, lunch and dinner.

b)verb parallel to verb:

Export communications are the same the world over because people in every land react to the same general stimuli and respond to the same economic motives.

c)adjective parallel to adjective:

Often, improving an established product can be more profitable and less risky than developing a new one.

Another example:

It is important to sound interested, helpful and alert when you answer the phone.

d)adverb parallel to adverb :

Generally speaking, there are two ways for exporters market their products; they can sell either directly(exporter-consumer) or indirectly(exporter-client-wholesaler-retailer-customer).

2.2 Phrasal Parallelism

Similar to lexical parallelism, phrasal parallelism can have noun phrasal parallelism, verb phrase, adjective phrase parallelism, prepositional phrase parallelism, etc.

a)noun phrase parallelism:

This short-term behavior and near-sighted viewpoint should be absolutely cleared away.

b)adjective phrase parallelism:

Our products enjoy a wide popularity in the world market because they are superior quality, reasonable in price and durable in use.

c)prepositional phrase parallelism:

The shift from fat and long lines to thin and short lines is designed to eliminate low-profit products and to get more profit from fewer products.

d)infinitive phrase parallelism:

A specialized packing corporation, The China National Packing Import and Export Corporation, and relative

institutes were set up to aid, to study, to supervise, to improve and to renovated packing and packaging nationwide.

e) gerund phrase parallelism:

Saving space is equal to saving freight.

e)participle phrase parallelism:

As an office administrator, her duties are sending sales invoices, paying purchase invoices and processing staff expenses.

2.3 Syntactical Parallelism

2.3.1 Parallelism with a Row of Clauses

Parallelism can be made up of various sentences, such as noun clause, adjective clause, adverb clause and coordinate clause. For example:

The styling color, design and shape will affect how a product looks rather than how it works.

In this example, four noun clauses parallel to each other.

There are many other example:

(1)Firms which consider price as a strategic marketing weapon to realize long-term price objective are more

farsighted than those which view price as a tactical instrument to gain short-term advantage in the market place.

(2)Usually price rises when demand exceeds supply and falls when supply exceeds demand;

2.3.2 parallelism with Coordinate Sentence

In the following examples, coordinate sentence parallel each other.

(1)The heavier the packing, the higher the duties.

(2) A new product at home may be out of date in a foreign market, and conversely, a familiar product at home

may seem strange in an export market.

(3)In fact, there is a court of WTO which takes decisions and therefore the decisions become binding and

because they will become binding people will be more anxious to use the secretariat with a view to facilitating negotiations and settlement rather than take chances of black and white decisions going against them.

Chapter 3

Translation of Parallelism in Business English

3.1 Translation Principles for parallelism in Business English

Mr. Yan Fu put forth more than 80 years age three-character criterion of translation: faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance. However, with the features analysis in Chapter 1, it is known that business translation is different from other kinds translation and it is endowed with some special principles and requirements. Consequently, for the translation of parallelism, we should find adaptive styles so as to convey both accurate information as well as equal style. Three principles will be suggested in the following part.

3.1.1 Faithfulness

Faithfulness is a vital factor in business English translation. To achieve faithfulness, the translation should be faithful to both the structure and the meaning of the original text. Faithfulness does not mean a literal or a word-for-word translation. In the course of translation, a translator has somewhat the freedom of adding or reducing, but the content of the argument must be related to the original idea and strengthen the original idea in fact. Meanwhile the content of the omission must be obviously redundant part which harms the original idea, and be the minor element of the sentence. Look at such examples:

Stainless steel possesses good hardness and high strength.

Chinese version:


In a translator?s mind three should always be the purpose that the translation expresses the true idea of original text with the precondintion that it obeys Chinese expression rules. Sometimes we should reduce the unnecessary part and tries to make the translation more faithful with the target language. So it is better to be changed as this: 不锈钢硬度大,强度高。

3.1.2 Exactness

The principle of exactness is at first reflected by choosing right and precise words. Word is the basic element of all the texts. Only when words are suitable and right could the translation be exact. For example: The company will sell its factory and give its asset as securities.

Chinese version:


In this sentence “securities” refers to “抵押“and it is incorrect if translated into “安全”.

3.1.3 Consistency

The principle of “consistency” refers to the requirement that the names, the translated terms and the concepts should be consistent in the process of translation, any arbitrary change of these items is not allowed. To achieve consistency when translating, the translators must have a good knowledge of business English, and also be familiar with business practice. To translate general terms in business field, translators should refer to international business English literature, matching the translated names of the same concept in both languages and keeping the stability and consistency of the translated names. For example:

A penny?s worth of quality, a penny?s worth of price.

This is a English proverb, when translating we can?t literally translate it into “一便士的钱,一分钱的货”. Its correct translation is “一分钱分货”.

3.2 Translation Methods of Parallelism in Business English

To put it generally, the translation of parallelism in business English can follow the methods of business translation. But because of those obvious features of parallelism that is mentioned in Chapter 1, there are still some methods which are employed move frequently in parallelism translation and this is what will be probed in this part.

3.2.1 Literal Translation

Literal translation is often used in translating parallelism in business English sentences. Literal translation refers to an adequate representation of the original. “When the original coincides or almost tallies with the Chinese language in the sequence of vocabulary,in grammatical structure and rhetorical device, literal translation is employed”(Zou Li,2005:19). Literal translation strives to reproduce both the ideological content and the style of the original works and remains as much as possible the figure of speech. It can be illustrated from the following :

(1)Haier is a very reliable and respected company in China. In this sentence two adjectives:

reliable,respected parallel each other.

Chinese version:


“Reliable and respected” is translated into “值得信赖并受人尊敬的”,which reserves the style original text.

(2)Stress creates problems for the individual and the organization,and it is a danger to the employees?s life,

health and family.


(3)I?m keen to extend my range and am looking for a more rewarding and challenging post.

Chinese version:



(4) These products feature high speed, high performance ,and high

Efficiency, underscoring the usefulness solutions in actual manufacturing scenes.


In the above sentences expression of parallelism in English is as the same as the expression in Chinese. So we use literal translation.

3.2.2Four Words Structure

Four words structure is one of the characteristics of Chinese vocabulary. It consists of two parts. In grammatical level, the two parts may be subject-predicate relation, verb-object relation, coordinate relation, etc. It features simple content, orderly form ,and vivid expression. When translating parallelism in business English, we can use the four words structure. For example:

(1)Our products are in complete range of articles and with various patterns.

Chinese version:


(2)All the types of products manufactured in the factory comform to the ISO9000 standards. With novel design and fine workmanship, they are made of quality steel in advanced technology. All the products have passed strict quality test and reached in all respects the advanced level of the internationally-made bits of the kind .

Chinese version:


(3)The carpets made in our factory are beautiful and magnificent for their novel designs and elegant colors. Chinese version:


In example 1, the coordinate clause is translated into two four-word structures, In example 2, three sentences with two parallelisms is translated into one Chinese sentence. In example 3, the sentence with two parallelism also is translated into four four-word structures. It is noted that in these examples, the use of four-word structure in those sentences, makes the translated text easy and smooth.

Also in advertising English, we can use four-word structure. For example:

(1)To the ends of the earth and to the top of the world.

only two lf us have made it.

It?s the only thing that?s been on all the trips with me and it?s never once let me down.




(2)Some people wear trendyclothes to attract attention. Others drive flashy cars .



Addition is widely used in translating parallelism. In business English translation, conversion is an important method of parallelism translation which, when properly carried out, will achieve terseness and fluency of the version and conform to the usage of the target language.

For example :

(1)You were ,you are, and you remainto be the consumers of the products.

Chinese version:


The translation text should add the tense words to express the emotive of the target language.

(2)Speed and reliability are the chief advantages of the electronic computers.

Chinese version1:


Chinese version 2:


Version 2 add two adjectives in the translation,which accord with the Chinese syntactical features.

(3) The inflation distorts our economic decisions, penalizes shrift and crush the struggling young and the fixed-income elderly alike.

Chinese version 1:


Chinese version 2:


In this example ,“the struggling young and the fixed-inc ome elderly”can?t be translated literally. Version 2 add two attributes to modify the two nouns, and this translation is more accurate.


To achieve faithfulness to the original and standardization of language used in the version, no translator should ,in actual practice, follow the parts of speech of the original mechanically. As a matter of fact, conversion should be carried out in actual translation practice, i.e .Words

nd phrases belonging to certain parts of speech in the source language parallelism will have to be converted into different parts of speech in the version. Conversion is an important method of parallelism translation, when properly carried out, will achieve simplicity and fluency of the version and conform to the usage of the target language or else the version will be rigid and clumsy. The following are common ways in which conversion of parts of speech is carried out. For instance:

(1)The sample of the machine submitted by the seller is featured by novel shape, easy operation, high calorific

efficiency and low fuel consumption.

卖方提交的样机特点是造型新颖,操作简便,热效率高,油耗低。The three English noun parallelisms …novel shape?, …easy operation?, …high calorific efficiency? and …low fuel consumption? are converted into Chinese expressions‘造型新颖’,‘操作简便’,‘热效率高’,‘油耗低’。

(2)The plane flew straight ahead, across the harbor and over the sea.


In this example, the English preposition …across?, …over? converted into Chinese verbs‘穿过’,‘飞越’.

To sum up, this chapter points out some principles for parallelism translation, and some frequently employed business parallelism translation methods are presented, such as literal translation, four-word structure, to translate business English effectively.

This thesis is mainly written from, the angle of practice instead of theory because the author holds the vies that business English is a …practical study?. The discussion of the parallelism translation in business English is not exhaustive and needs further elaboration.


With the deepening of economic globalization, business English shows its overwhelming strength. As an important functional product of English, business English has become an indispensable linguistic communication means in the field of world economy. Therefore a mastery of business English is very useful. Parallelism is a commonly seen language phenomenon is business English. “The stylistic features of business English and the forms of parallelism are fundamental for the exploration of parallelism translation principles. And there features determine the norms of translating principles of parallelism that should be followed in business communication. And this thesis is in a position to propose the specific principles of “Faithfulness”, “Exactness” and “Consistency”, which particularly satisfy the need of business English translation and standardize its translation. Also this thesis puts forward some methods for parallelism translation so as to achieve the final goal of effective business communication.

Since China?s entry into the WTO has resulted in the increasing popularity of business English with the enormous and unprecedented expansion in economic activities, business English translation has become necessary. Therefore, such an investigation would shed some light on how to translate business English effectively.

This thesis is mainly written from the angle of practice instead of theory because the author holds the view that business English is a …practical study?. The discussion of the parallelism translation in business English is not exhaustive and needs further elaboration.


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Randolph Quirk et al. A Comprehensive Grammar of the English

Language [M].Longman ,1985.

Webster?s New Collegiate Dictionary [M]. Springfield, Massachusettes

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王益民,论英语平行结构的翻译[J]. 湖州师范学院学报,2002(5):26-28.

向嫣红. 商务英语课程设置之浅见[J]. 现代外语,2000(增刊)19-22.

邹力. 商务英语翻译教程[M]. 北京:中国水利水电出版社,2005.


商务英语期末考试参考答案 说明:商务英语期末考试有五种题型: 一、中英短语互译已经全部总结,见下文 二、问答题已经提供了参考答案,仅供参考,见下文 三、案例分析题请根据题目要求自行准备 四、英语段落翻译中文已经注明,请自己翻看商务英语教程 五、写作请根据题目要求自行准备 1、中英短语互译(详见商务英语课件——每个PPT中的短语部分) PPT1: 1. individual proprietorship个体经营,独资企业 2. convertible bonds 可转换债券 3. memorandum of association 公司章程 4. monopolistic competition 垄断竞争 5. business credit 商业信用 1. 财政资源 financial resources 2. 有限责任公司 limited company 3. 销售收入 sales revenue 4. 有形商品 tangible goods 5. 流动资金 working capital PPT2: 1. flexible manufacturing system 弹性生产系统 2. fractional reserve system 部分准备金制度

3. credit instruments 信用工具,信用票据 4. bull market/bear market 牛/熊或多头/空头市场 5. manufacturing process 制造工艺 1. 厂址选择 facility location 2. 库存控制 inventory control 3. 总支出 aggregate expenditures 4. 股权证/权益证 equity instruments 5. 财务管理 financial management PPT3: 1. performance appraisal 绩效/业绩评估 2. promotion-from-within 内部提拔 3. skills inventory 技术库存 4. macroeconomic ramification 宏观经济衍生物/结果 5. closed-end fund 封闭式基金 1. 项目生命周期 project life cycle 2. 软技能和硬技能 soft skills and hard skills 3. 补偿制度 compensation system 4. 开放式基金 open-ended fund 5. 优先股 preferred stock PP4: 1. profit-oriented objective 利润导向的目标 2. marketing intermediary 营销代理商


商务英语翻译技能等级考试英汉词汇表 (以英语字母顺序排序) 翻译员(五级)所要掌握的词汇为5 高级翻译员(四级)所要掌握的词汇为5+4 助理翻译师(三级)所要掌握的词汇为5+4+3 翻译师(二级)所要掌握的词汇为5+4+3+2 A 4 权力委托 5 旷工,旷职 2 绝对配额 3 绝对值 5 吸收,减轻(冲击、困难等)作用或影响 3 吸收游资 5 ; 摘要 2 承兑费 2 不记名承兑 3 承兑信用证 3 抽样认可 4 ; 承兑银行 4 进入市场(的机会) 5 意外事故 3 无法控制的意外事故 3 意外事故保险 4 意外损坏 4 设施;住宿;欠单 3 顺民意;合民情 5 会计帐目 4 账户结金 5 账本(账册、账簿) 3 客户经理(常指广告公司) 5 解释;说明 4 账目编号;账户号码 2 结欠清单 5 账户名称 5 会计工作;会计行业 5 会计 5 会计长 5 会计学 3 会计档案 5 往来帐目 2 账目不清

3 应付账 4 应收账 2 ; ; 应付费用 4 累计资本 3 资本积累 2 累计佣金 5 收购 5 行动计划 2 盘活基础设施存量资产 5 畅销 3 出口加工贸易 5 成交活跃的股票 3 ; 贸易顺差 5 业务类型 3 实际成本 4 实际交货 4 时价;实际价格;实价 4 实际全损 2 ( ) 从价税 3 ; 附加费用 4 额外投资 2 附加保险费 2 追加税 2 ; 防范和化解金融风险2 充分需求 4 核算 3 海损理算书 5 ; 实施,经营,行政 4 行政预算;管理预算 2 行政开支;办公费 4 行政保护 5 预付费用 2 a 预付定金 4 预计货样 5 预付工资 4 预收货款 4 规模经营优势 3 贸易逆差 5 公布;做广告 5 广告业 3 通知行 3 信用证转让通知 3 吁请团,游说团体


商务英语名词翻译 Unit 1 CICSC United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, 是《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》的简称。 trade terms 交易条款 sales contract 销售合同 price list 价格单 reference price 参考价 name of commodity 品名;商品名称 quantity 数量 withdrawal of offer 撤回发盘 revocation of offer 撤销发盘 termination of offer 终止发盘 inquiry 询盘 offer 发盘;报盘;实盘 offeror 发盘人 offeree 受盘人 firm offer 实盘 non-offer 虚盘 indefinite offer 虚盘 counter-offer 还盘 accept 承诺 contract 合同(契约) termination of a contract 合同的终止 suspension of a contract 合同的中止 Unit 2 claim damages 损害索赔 claim clause 索赔条款 compensation 补偿 the party in the breach 违约方 difference 差额 interest 利息 bona fide party 当事人 Unit 3 WTO World Trade Organization, 世界贸易组织 the Final Act 指乌拉圭回合多边谈判的最终议案 Uruguay Round 乌拉圭回合 accountable 负责的,需要解释的 ground-rule 基本准则 decision-making body 决策机构 the General Council 总理事会 the Dispute Settlement Body 争端协调机构


考试简介 全国商务英语翻译(ETTBL)是我国一项系统的“外语+专业”的商务翻译培训、考试,以全国《商务英语翻译教程》(口译/笔译)的培训大纲为基础,内容涵盖广告、产品描述、产品与保险、人力资源与职业、经济、国际贸易、金融证券、市场营销、法律、合同与协议、旅游业等。由商务英语专业教授及富有商务背景的外籍教师进行授课,侧重于常用商务材料英汉互译对照、常用商务专业词汇及典型句型解析、翻译技巧等。打造商务英语翻译培训的优秀品牌,弥补高素质商务英语翻译人才的市场缺口,培养出专业化、知识化的口译/笔译人才,缩短新学员进入企业的磨合期,尽快适应工作;提高在职人员商务英语翻译专业水平及职业能力,更好地胜任工作。 学员完成培训计划规定的全部内容和课时后,参加全国商务英语翻译的考核及综合评定,根据考评结果,颁发相应等级相应层次的《全国商务英语翻译证书》。是商务英语人员上岗就业的依据,是工商、合资企业、外事单位用人的资格凭证.该证书全国通用,并网上注册()。并为学员建立个人资料库,借助中国商务人才网()的网络平台协助考生就业和提供继续教育服务等。

职业定义 初级:能在商务往来中进行一般性商务英语交谈。涉外企业的员工及同层次的企业外销人员、宾馆接待人员、商场收银员等。 中级:能在一般性商务会谈和商务活动中进行口译和笔译。涉外企业的职员及同层次的秘书,办公室主管等。 高级:能在一般性商务会议和外事商务活动中进行口译和笔译。涉外企业主管及同层次的企业经理助理、企业经理等。 翻译师:能在大型商务会议中进行复杂的口译和笔译,并胜任专职商务翻译工作。 高级翻译师:能在各种国际会议中进行口译和笔译。在口译中能交替传译和同声传译;在笔译中对商务活动会议的文件及商务专业性的资料作笔译。能承担国际商务会议中各种复杂的笔译、口译,解决商务英语中的一切疑难问题。 考试对象 凡遵守中华人民共和国宪法和法律、恪守职业道德、具备一定外语水平、有志于从事商务领域翻译工作的在职和求职人员及在校生,不论学历高低,均可参加。


what time would be convenient for you? 你看什么时间比较方便? I'd like to suggest a toast to our cooperation. 我想建议为我们的合作干一杯。Here is to our next project! 为我们下一个项目干杯! Would you please tell me when you are free? 请问你什么时候有空? glad to have the opportunity of visiting your company and I hope to conclude some business with you。很高兴能有机会拜访贵公司,希望能与你们做成交易。 What I care about is the quality of the goods. 我关心的是货物的质量。Please have a look at those samples. 请给我看一下那些样品。 I'd like to know any business connections abroad. 我想多了解一些你们公司。 I would be happy to supply samples and a price list for you. 我很乐意提供样品和价格单给你。 Can I have your price list? 你能给我价格单吗? Will you give us an indication of prices? 你可以给我报一个指示性的价格吗? I am in charge of export business. 我负责出口生意。 I'm thinking of ordering some of your goods. 我正考虑向你们订货。 Let's call it a deal. 好,成交!Our product is the best seller. 我们的产品最畅销。 Our product is really competitive in the word market. 我们的产品在国际市场上很有竞争力。 Our products have been sold in a number of areas abroad. 我们的产品行销海外许多地区。 It's our principle in business to honor the contract and keep our promise. "重合同,守信用"是我们经营的原则。 I wish you success in your business transaction. 祝你生意兴隆。 I want to out your product. 我想了解一下你们的产品。 this is our latest development. 这是我们的新产品。 We have a wide selection of colors and designs. 我们有很多式样和颜色可供选择。 The quality must be in strict conformity with that of sample. 质量必须与样品一样。 二、价格 I think we can strike a bargain with you if your pries are competitive. 我认为如果价格有竞争力,我们就可以达成交易。 Is that your quoted prices? 这是你方的价格吗? It would be very difficult to come down with the price. 我们很难再降价了。Our prices are the most reasonable. 我们的价格是最合理的。


广东外语外贸大学公开学院辅导资料 商务英语翻译课程试卷 (课程代码:5355) 考生注意:1. 答案必须写在答卷上,写在问卷上无效。 2. 考试时间150分钟。 I. Multiple Choices (20 points, 2 points for each) 第一套试卷 1.It is not surprising, then, that the world saw a return to a floating exchange rate system. Central banks were no longer required to support their own currencies. A.在这种情况下,世界各国又恢复浮动汇率就不足为奇了。各国中央银行也就无须维持本币的汇价了。 B.不足为奇,全世界看到了汇率的回归,因此各国中央银行无需维持本币的汇价了。 C.此时此刻,世界各国又恢复了移动的交换比率,因此各国中央银行无需维持本币汇价。 D.在这种情况下,全世界又恢复了浮动交换率,这已不足为奇了,因此各国中央银行也就无需维持本币价格了。 2.Assuming the laboratory tests go well, and you can quote us a competitive price, we would certainly be able to place more substantial orders on a regular basis. A.假定实验室检验顺利,并且你的报价有竞争力,我们会大量向贵公司订货的。 B.若实验室检验合格,且你们给我们的报价具有竞争力,我们一定会定期大量订货的。 C.若实验室检验良好,且你们给出的报价具有竞争性,我们一定会定期定量订货的。 D.假定实验室发展良好,且你们的报价具有竞争力,我们一定会大量定期订货的。 3.Chinese researchers have made a breakthrough in developing new materials for nickel-hydrogen batteries used in low temperatures, Inhaul reported. A.中国研究者已经在开发新材料用于低温下使用的镍氢电池方面有了突破,据新华社报道。 B.新华社报道,中国科学家在从事新材料制造低温镍氢电池方面有了突破。 C.新华社报道,中国研究人员在开发利用新材料制造在低温下使用的镍氢电池方面已有了突破。 D.中国研究者在开发新材料制造低温镍氢电池有了重大突破,这是新华社报道的。 4. Since the initiation of economic reforms in the late 1970s, China has achieved impressive


Деловой перевод. Forms of ownership: –Sole Proprietorship—a business owned and operated by a single individual. –Partnership---- партнёрство— a business owned by two or more people. –Limited Company—a company where ownership is represented by company's shares. 1. Board of directors---.Cовет директоров —the officials elected by shareholders who rule the company 2. Current liabilities—the money that a company during which certain goods are produced. 3. Dividends—company profits paid to shareholders. 4. Entrepreneur-- Предприниматель—person who sets up a new commercial enterprise to make a profit. 5. Indebtedness -- задолженность– amount of debts 6. Initial funds --funds used in starting a business. 7. Liabilities -- Обязательства– the amount of debt that must be paid. 8. Shareholders-- акционер–those who own shares of a company's stock. 9. Accounting –бухгалтерия---- the action or process of keeping financial accounts. Is a system of gathering , summarizing and communicating financial information for a business firm, government or other organizations. 10. Balance sheet –Балансовый отчёт - is a statement which describes the companies resources and indicates where these resources have come from.


商务英语口语900句中英文对照中文翻译 Unit 1希望与要求 Part 1 . 1. We'd like to express our desire to establish business relationship with you on the basis of quality, mutually benefit and exchange of needed goods . 我们希望在保证质量、互惠互利以及交易彼此需要的货物的基础上和你们建立业务关系。 2 .In order to extend our export business to your country we wish to enter direct business relations with you. 为了扩大我们在贵国的出口业务,我们希望和你们建立直接贸易关系。 3. Our hope is to establish mutually beneficial trading relations between us . 希望在我们之间能够建立互惠互利的贸易关系。 4. We looking forward to further extensions of pleasant business relations. 我们期待进一步保持愉快的业务关系。 5. It’s our hope to continue with considerable business dealing with you. 我们的希望是和你们保持可观的生意往来。 6. We looking forward to receiving your quotation very soon. 我们期待尽快收到你们的报价单。 7.I hope you see from the reduction that we are really doing our utmost. 我希望你能够看到我们事实上已经作出了最大程度的让价。 8.We hope to discuss business with you at your earliest convenience. 我们希望在你方便的时候和你洽谈业务。

《商务英语翻译》 期末试卷答案

2012-2013学年第一学期2011级《商务英语翻译》毕业清考A 卷答题卡 一,单项选择题(10X2’) 1.__ __D__ 2. ___A_____ 3.__ _C_______ 4. ____C__5. C___ B,(5X3’)6._ _D_____ 7. ______A___ 8._____C_______ 9. ___C____10. _____A___ 二.(10X2’) 11___e___12___g___13____g__14____b___15__j_____ 16___k___17___d____18____m___19___c___20__a___ 三.把下列句子译成汉语,注意翻译技巧(10X4’)黑体为主要评分点 21.他觉得把会议上讨论的事情告诉他妻子是不恰当的。 22. 你必须注意你方出口产品的质量 23. 我的升职多亏你的帮忙;我过去是,现在也是十分感激你的。 24.教师应在教学上有耐心。 25. 他无权签订这样的合同 26.他未遵守安全操作规则导致引擎事故的发生。 27. 显而易见,建一所中学的计划将会被取消 28. 他旅途中的所见所闻给他留下了深刻的印象。 29.他讲得太快了,我们不能听懂他说什么。 30.对亚洲事务感兴趣的大使不禁受宠若惊. 四.请将下面这封信函翻译成汉语,注意翻译技巧(15’) 尊敬的李先生: 4月15日有关付款条件的来函已经收悉。 本公司同意贵公司如下建议: 1. 以见票即付的保兑不可撤销信用证付款,而非见票直接付款。 2. 贵公司的报盘不会有折扣。以上建议获本公司总经理批准,今后将如述执行。现正拟订有关订单,十日内将送达贵公司。 诚望今后两公司间的会谈能促进双方的业务发展。 敬复


商务英语翻译实训总结 商务英语翻译实训总结 更广泛的关注,高职商务英语翻译实训课程便位列其中。 一、翻译实训课的重要性实训课作为实践性课程的重要组成部分,对高职教育来说自然非常重要。与普通高等教育相比,高职教育更加重视培养实用型、应用型的人才。实训课程即为实现这一培养目标的重要途径之一。杨国祥,丁钢总结了高职课程建设的基本原则,其中即有突出实践教学的原则。[1](P223)同时,高职教育较普通高等教育而言更强调培养学生的动手实践能力,有人也称高职教育为就业教育。因此,尽快缩短学生进入工作角色的周期就成为高职教育的一个重要目标。设置一些实践性的课程,比如实训课,就有助于实现这一目标。[2](P49)翻译课本身即是实践性非常强的课程,如果没有大量的实际操练和训练,就容易偏于理论而失去其应有的实践性意义。相反,只有通过大量的笔译和口译实操,在训练的过程中发现并帮助解决学生存在的问题,同时补充一些做好翻译所必需的方法、技巧,如笔译中长句的断句技巧、主动语态与被动语态的互变、增词译法、减词译法,口译中的顺译技巧、焊接技巧、拆句技巧、合句技巧、耽搁翻译、预判技巧等,才能让高职商务英语专业的学生更快地掌握翻译技巧和方法,提高翻译能力,从而增强其就业竞争力。 二、高职商务英语翻译实训课现状尽管翻译实训课非常重要,但是高职商务英语翻译实训课目前却表现出发展极其不均衡的状况。1.就重视程度而言,一些院校非常重视,不仅开设翻译实训课,有些还专门建立了翻译实训室。然而,很多高职院校的商务英语专业不重视

或不够重视翻译实训课的建设,只是在翻译课中加一些练习。究其原因,一方面可能是财力、物力等方面有所局限;另一方面,则可能是主观上不够重视,有些院校则根本不设置翻译课和翻译实训课。2.在开设了翻译实训课的院校中,也存在着各种各样的问题。 (1)师资问题教授翻译实训课的教师必须要有翻译知识背景,要了解基本的翻译理论、技巧、方法等,同时最好有商务实践背景。现实情况却是,有些院校的商务翻译实训课是由纯语言学背景但无翻译背景的教师来教授的,有些则由有实践经验但缺乏必需的翻译理论、方法、技巧的教师任教。结果自然都无法令人满意。 (2)翻译实训课的课时不足有些院校也开设翻译实训课,但课时却严重不足,导致的结果是教师的讲授和学生的练习均无法达到令人满意的效果。 (3)缺乏好的翻译实训课教材教材对教学活动的重要性不言而喻。实训教材包括实训教学大纲、实训指导书、实训教学文字材料、实训教学软件、实训教学音像材料等。[3](P48)市面上缺乏此类翻译实训课教材,因此在教授翻译实训课时只能选择一些翻译教程为教材。如此一来,教学效果肯定会受到很大影响。 (4)实训室和实训基地缺乏或数量不足实训室和实训基地对于实训教学的重要性不言而喻,商务英语翻译实训亦是如此。但现实情况却是很多院校根本没有商务英语翻译实训室和实训基地。 (5)校企联合、产学研开展不够在实训教学中,校企联合、产学研等都起着举足轻重的作用。据笔者较为详尽的调查,这一块的现状总体也无法令人满意。


1、The market leader is frequently able to lead other firms in the introduction of new products, in price changes, in the level or intensity of promotions, and so on. 市场领导者在引进新产品、调整价格、促销活动等方面能够领导其它企业。 2、Contrary to a common belief, wholly dominating a market, or having a monopoly, is seldom an advantage: competitors expand markets and find new uses and users for products, which enriches everyone in the field, but the market leader more than its competitors. 和普遍看法相反,完全控制市场,或者垄断,很难有优势:竞争者扩大市场,寻找产品的新用途和客户,从而使这个领域的人富有,但是市场领导者比竞争者得到更多。 3、In the car hire business, the challenger actually advertises this fact: for many years Avis used the slogan ‘We’re number two. We try harder.’ 在汽车市场,竞争者登广告的真相是:阿维斯多年来一直用这个标语“我们是第二,我们一直很努力。” 4、Although small companies are generally flexible, and can quickly respond to market conditions, their narrow range of customers causes problematic fluctuations in turnover and profit. 尽管一些小公司很灵活,能够迅速对市场情况做出反应,他们有限的范围内的客户们导致翻覆波动和利润的不确定。5、Although the market could understand data concerning companies’earnings, it was highly inefficient in valuing assets, including land, buildings and pension funds. 尽管市场能够获悉企业收入的资料,对价值资产的利用效率非常低,包括土地,建筑和养老基金。 6、The ideal targets for such buyouts were companies with huge cash reserves that enabled the buyer to pay the interest on the debt, or companies with successful subsidiaries that could be sold to repay the principal, or companies in fields that are not sensitive to a recession such as food and tobacco.


商务英语翻译试题(三) Ⅰ词汇测试题:(2题,每题10分,共20分) 1.该组有10个商务英语英文词或词组,下面均有英文词或词组来进行解释。请将正确的选项标出,要求英英转换意义准确,符合商务英语规范。(10分) (1) credit A. a kind of money B. a method of paying at a later time C. currency D. charge or service (2) assign A. to take or move out B. to put sth in a particular order C. to choose or give a particular job to sb. D. to decide how sth will be made (3) to perform A. to project a program B. to contribute a fund C. to do an action or piece of work D. to cater for (4) to withhold A. to offer something for a decision B. to have a particular right to do C. to put something in a particular order D. to refuse to give or to keep back (5) to schedule A. to take on responsibility B. to trust in someone C. to bring in a consultant D. to list or state details (6) reimbursement A. to charge B. to pay back esp. money C. to claim for damages D. to ask for (7) qualify A. to make sth. Better B. to cause sb. to have the legal right to have or do sth. C. to choose sb. officially for a job D. to pay for the damage (8) put forward A. to arrange for something B. to come on something C. to put on an event D. to suggest an idea for consideration (9) to boost A. to take back or to remove B. to refuse to give C. to become less in number or smaller D. to improve or increase (10) to comply with


湖北省高等教育自学考试课程考试大纲 课程名称:商务英语翻译课程代码:05355 第一部分课程性质与目标 一、课程性质与特点 商务英语翻译是湖北省高等教育自学考试商务英语专业(专科)的一门专业基础课。该课程实践性强,注重专业知识,以课文的英译汉为主要内容,配以翻译理论和互译技巧的讲解,将英语学习与商务专业知识、英汉翻译理论与商务方面的实际应用等有机结合。本课程具备科学性,典型性,实用性,并紧扣全国国际商务专业技术资格考试中的规定的相关内容,理论联系实际,针对性强。 二、课程目标及基本要求 本课程较全面的涉及到了商务英语活动的各方面,讲解相关内容的翻译方法与技巧,增强翻译技能,通过大量全真的英汉互译的实例训练以达到提高本专业学生在专业英语及商务知识方面的翻译能力的目的。 通过本课程的学习,使学生能够全面、灵活地运用各种翻译方法和技巧,准确、完整地对各种商务英语体裁的文章进行翻译,达到商务英语专业大学专科的要求。 三、与本专业其他课程的关系 商务英语翻译课程的前期课程有综合英语(上)、商务英语听说、商务英语阅读、商务英语写作等课程,其后续课程是综合英语(下)、商务函电等课程,这些课程紧密联系,相辅相成。 第二部分考核内容与考核目标 第一单元 一、学习目的与要求 通过本单元的学习,使学生了解翻译的过程,翻译的形式及其目的;掌握《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》的有关内容;对国际商务合同的术语翻译和解读。 二、考核知识点与考核目标 (一)翻译中的词类转换;翻译的形式(重点) 理解:词类转换: 1.英语名词转化为汉语动词 1)动物名词的转化 2)人体名词的转换 3)自然现象名词的转化 4)地点名词的转化 2.英语名词转为为汉语形容词、副词 应用:翻译的形式 (1)直译literal translation (2)意译free translation (3)活译dynamic equivalence translation


1、我们愿与贵公司建立业务往来。 We are willing to establish trade relations with your company. 2、我们愿为发展双方贸易提供机会。 We wish to offer you an opportunity to develop bilateral trade. 3、我公司经营电子产品的进出口业务,希望与贵方建立商业关系。 This corporation specializes in importing and exporting electronic products and wishes to enter into business relations with you. 4、根据你公司1月20日来函要求,现附寄目录一份。 As requested in your letter of Jan.20, we enclose a copy of our catalogue. 5、对你努力为我公司开拓市场,深表感谢 We very much appreciate your efforts to explore the market for our products. 6、我们相信,我们双方的业务将随着时间的推移而得到发展。 We are sure that the business between us will be promoted in years to come. 7、我们保证对于贵方的询价给予充分的重视。 We assure you of our best attention to any inquiries from you. 8、殷切地盼望早日来函。We anticipate a prompt reply from you. 9、如果你方报价具有竞争性,交货期可接受的话,我们愿向你方订货。 We shall be very glad to place our order with you if your quotation is competitive and delivery date acceptable. 10、一旦收到你方具体询价,我们将电告报价。 As soon as we receive your specific inquiry, we will cable our quotation. 11、如果你方有兴趣,请电告我方,说明所需数量。 If you are interested, please cable us, indicating the quantity you require. 12、此发价为实盘,以你方在本月底前复到有效。 This offer is firm, subject to your reply which should reach us not later than the end of this month. 13、我们对贵方发盘颇感兴趣,几日内将给予明确答复。 We find your offer very interesting and shall give you a definite reply in a few days. 14、鉴于我们长期的贸易关系,特报此盘。 It is in view of our longstanding business relationship that we make you such an offer. 15、这是我方最新价格单,您会发现我们价格是具有竞争性的。 This is our latest price list. You will find our price is very competitive. 16、如果你方订货数量大,价格还可以进一步考虑。 We can reconsider our price if your order is big enough. 17、若你方愿降低价格,比方说百分之五,我们愿向你方试订此货。 Should you be prepared to reduce the price by, say 5%, we should place trial order with you. 18、鉴于我们已按此价与买主大量成交,我们不可能再降价了。 In view of the fact that we have done a lot of business with buyers at this price, we cannot reduce our price any further. 19、我们建议你方再次考虑发价,使之与国际市场价格一致起来。 We suggest that you reconsider your price, and bring it into line with the international market price. 20、我方决定再作百分之二的让步,希望这能有助于你方推销产品。 We have decided to make a further concession of 2% in the hope that this will help you push the sales of our


试卷号: ********学院20**学年度第1学期 期末考试试卷 考试年级 13.14.15 专业商务英语科目商务英语翻译出卷老师 ***** 试题号一二三四总分 得分 一请将下列合成词译成汉语:(1* 15=15) 1. free-spender 2. good--to—excellent care 3. office-bearer 4 . character-building 5 Bad news travels quickly. 6 knock-out system 7 marriage lines 8 nest egg 9 off-hour hobby 10 off-the-job training 11 on-the-job training 12 on-the-spot broadcasting 13 pension insurance

14 red-hot news 15 red-letter day 二下面的句子可采用增减词法来翻译,请写出具体的增词法或具体的减词法:(2*5=10)1.Rumors had already spread along the streets and lanes. 2. I could knit when I was seven. 3. The day when he was born remains unknown. 4.We live and learn. 5.Once you are in , you wouldn't be allowed to get out. 三写出下列每组分别属于何种合译:(2*5=10) 1.to and from here and there off and onup and down 2.often and often by and by men and men hours and hours 3.thick and thin within and without off and on fair or foul 4.forgive and forget now or never high and dry mend or end 5.bread and butter pick and steal odds and ends house and home 四. 按要求用所学过的翻译技巧翻译下例句子:(3*5=15) 1.我没注意到这一点.(用正译法) 2.你的工作令人满意.(用反译法) 3.我们不应该听闲话.(用正译法)


Between..and…在..之间 Country of origin and manufacture生产国别和制造厂商 Time of shipment装运期限 Port of shipment)装运口岸 Port of destination 到货口岸 Be liable for 对…负责 On account of由于 Attribute to 造成 Take measures采取措施 Shipping mark唛头 Gross weight毛重 Net weight净重 Do not stack up side down此端向上 Handle with care小心轻放 Keep away from moisture切勿受潮 Terms of payment付款条件 Payment by L/C信用证付款 Payment by collection信托付款 Payment by M/T信汇付款 In case of在情况下,以某种方式 Freight to collect运费到付 Insurance policy/certificate保险单/证明 War risk兵险 Breakage and leakage破碎渗漏 In the event of在发生情况下if Upon arrival of在到达之时 Invoice of quintuplicate发票5份 Packing list in duplicate装箱单2份 Certificate of quality质量证明 Technical document技术资料 Foundation drawings基础图 Wiring instructions布线说明 Terms of shipment装运条款 Shipping agent装运代理人 In the matter of如有。。if Be free from defects不存在缺陷 For a period of 2 years from the date of purchase自购买之日起两年内Warranty 保修期 Batch number批号 Forwarder 代运人 Shipment date装运日期 Design specification设计规格 Risk assessment风险评估

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