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Unit Seven

ON HUMAN NATURE Frank and Lydia Hammer


论人性弗兰克,莉迪亚·汉默尔1 Human nature is the basis of character, the temperament and disposition; it is that indestructible matrix upon which the character is built, and whose shape it must take and keep throughout life. This we call a person's nature.


2 The basic nature of human beings does not and cannot change. It is only the surface that is capable of alteration, improvement and refinement; we can alter only people's customs, manners, dress and habits. A study of history reveals that the people who walked this

earth in antiquity were moved by the same fundamental forces, were swayed by the same passions, and had the same aspirations as the men and women of today. The pursuit of happiness still engrosses mankind the world over.


3 Moreover no one wishes his nature to change. One may covet the position of President or King, but would not change places with them unless, it meant the continuance of his own identify. Each man sees himself as unique, and so far as he is concerned the hub of the universe, different from any other individual. Apologies are in order when Mr. Smith is mistaken for Mr. Jones.


4 Every man unfolds a distinct character over which circumstances and education have only the most limited control. No two people will ever draw the same conclusions from the same experiences, but each must interpret events and fit them into the mosaic of his own life's pattern. Human nature is ever true itself, not to systems of faith or education. Each holds to the structure of the mold into which the soul was cast at the time of its individualization. The qualities born in one remain as potentials whether they have a chance to develop or not. Under pressure, or change of interest, they can partially or wholly disappear from view, tor considerable periods of time; but nothing can permanently modify them, nothing can obliterate them.


5 The constancy of human nature is proverbial, as no one believes that a man can fundamentally change his nature. This is why it is so difficult for one who has acquired

an unsavory reputation to re-establish himself in public confidence. People know from experience that an individual who in one year displays knavish characteristics- seldom

in the next becomes any different. Nor does a thief become a trustworthy employee, or a miser a philanthropist. Nor does a man change and become a liar, coward or traitor at fifty or sixty; if he is one then, he has been one ever since his character was formed. Big criminals are first little criminals, just as giant oaks are first little acorns.


6 Although man is potentially perfect he is far from being actually so. If he were actually perfect there would be nothing for preachers and humanitarians to do; no use for churches, schools, courts and prisons. Therefore while it is impossible to change human nature, it can be studied, controlled and directed, and this should be the supreme function of our religious, educational and social institutions.


7 Man is perfect as a seed is perfect, germinally. The spirit is perfect, but when it inhabits human structures, it participates in the imperfections of the later; and during its association with matter takes on the mortal weakness, desires and limitations. But the spirit, the inner man, remains untouched and undefiled by evil. Only the outer man- the personality and the physical body- becomes imperfect, due to ignorance, wrong thinking and violation of the law of being. The outer man, too, was originally perfect, but man has so desecrated and abused it that today it is a far cry from the original model.


8 Man's majesty and nobility are taken for granted, although his faults and weaknesses are constantly paraded before our eyes. Only when behavior deviates from the normal does it attract attention. The good neighbor, the conscientious citizen, the kind father and faithful husband pass unnoticed. But the murderer, robber or wife beater is singled out for ublicity, because such conduct is unusual.


9 Man's inherent goodness, moreover, is revealed by his countless acts of heroism, unselfishness and sacrifice. Daily one reads of men saving others at the peril of their

own lives. One plunges into the surf and rescues a swimmer from drowning; another

dashes into a burning house and carries a stranger to safety; others snatch a child from

the wheels of death; many give their blood so that others may live. Countless unnamed and unrecorded men have given their lives for their fellowmen, not only on the battlefront but on the home- front as well.


10Human nature does not and cannot change but unfolds its inherent pattern. Man has a nature and its laws can be known. We can only endeavor to understand man as he is.


Unit Eight

It's almost a common sense that wearing a seat belt can keep passengers from being injured or being killed in a car accident. But recent research done by John Adams shows more complicated statistics. More car accidents are caused by the reckless drivers who wear seat belts.

THE HIDDEN DANGER OF SEAT BELTS David Bjerklie 安全带可以避免乘客在车祸中受伤或死亡,这几乎是常识。但是,约翰.亚当斯最近所做的研究得出了更加复杂的统计数据。当司机系着安全带时,他们开车无所顾忌,更多车祸因此而发生。



1 Seat belts still decrease our risk of dying in an accident, but the statistics are not all black and white. In fact, according to one researcher, seat belts may actually cause people to drive more recklessly.


2 If there's one thing we know about our risky world, it's that seat belts save lives. And they do, of course. But reality, as usual, is messier and more complicated than that. John Adams, risk expert and emeritus professor of geography at University College London, was an early skeptic of the seat belt safety mantra. Adams first began to look at the numbers more than 25 years ago. What he found was that contrary to conventional wisdom, mandating the use of seat belts in 18 countries resulted in either no change or actually a net increase in road accident deaths.


3 How can that be? Adams' interpretation of the data rests on the notion of risk compensation, the idea that individuals tend to adjust their behavior in response to what they perceive; as changes in the level of risk. Imagine, explains Adams, a driver negotiating a curve in the road. Let's make him a young male. He is going to be influenced by his perceptions of both the risks

and rewards of driving a car. The considerations could include getting to work or meeting a mend for dinner on time, impressing a companion with his driving skills, bolstering his image of himself as an accomplished driver. They could also include his concern for his own safety and desire to live to a ripe old age, his feelings of responsibility for a toddler with him in a car seat, the cost of banging up his shiny new car or losing his license.


Nor will these possible concerns exist in a vacuum. He will be taking into account the weather and the condition of the road, the amount of traffic and the capabilities of the car he is driving. But crucially, says Adams, this driver will also be adjusting his behavior in response to what he perceives are changes in risks. If he is wearing a seat belt and his car has front and side air bags and anti-skid brakes to boot, he may in turn drive a bit more daringly.


4 The point, stresses Adams, is that drivers who feel safe may actually increase the risk that they pose to other drivers, bicyclists, pedestrians and their own passengers (while an average of 80% of drivers buckle up, only 68% of their rear-seat passengers do). And risk compensation is hardly confined to the act of driving a car. Think of a trapeze artist, suggests Adams, or a rock climber or motorcyclist. Add some safety equipment to the equation- a net, rope or helmet respectively- and the person may try maneuvers that he or she would otherwise consider foolish. In the case of seat belts, instead of a simple, straightforward reduction in deaths, the end result is actually a more complicated redistribution of risk and fatalities. For the sake of argument, offers Adams, imagine how it might affect the behavior of drivers if a sharp stake were mounted in the middle of the steering wheel? Or if the bumper were packed with explosives. Perverse, yes, but it certainly provides a vivid example of how a perception of risk could modify behavior.


5 In everyday life, risk is a moving target, not a set number as statistics might suggest.

In addition to external factors, each individual has his or her own internal comfort level with risk- taking. Some are daring while others are cautious by nature. And still others are fatalists who may

believe that a higher power devises mortality schedules that fix a predetermined time when our number is up. Consequently, any single measurement assigned to the risk of driving a car is bound to be only the roughest sort of benchmark.


Adams cites, as an example the statistical fact that a young man is 100 times more likely to be involved in a severe crash than is a middle-aged woman. Similarly, someone driving at 3:00 a.m. Sunday is more than 100 times more likely to die than someone driving at 10:00 a.m. Sunday. Someone with a personality disorder is 10 times more likely to die. And let's say he's also drunk. Tally up All these factors and consider them independently says Adams, and you could arrive at. a statistical prediction that a disturbed, drunken young man driving in the middle of the night is 2.7 million times more likely to be involved in a serious accident than would a sober, middle-aged woman driving to church seven hours later.


6 The bottom line is that risk doesn't exist in a vacuum and that there are a host of factors that come into play, including the rewards of risk, whether they are financial, physical or emotional. It is this very human context which risk exists. That is key, says Adams, who titled one of his recent blogs: What Kills You Matters- Not Numbers. Our reaction to risk very much depends on the degree to which it is voluntary (scuba diving), unavoidable (public transit) or imposed (air quality), the degree to which we feel we are in control (driving) or at the mercy of others (plane travel), and the degree to which the source of possible danger is benign ("doctor's orders), indifferent (nature) or malign, (murder and terrorism). We make dozens of risk calculations daily, but you can book odds- that most of them are so automatic or visceral- that we barely notice them.


Unit Nine






1 Seventy years after President Franklin D. Roosevelt declared that the Depression had left one-third of the American people "ill-housed, ill-clothed and ill-nourished,"

2 Americans are well-clothed and increasingly over nourished. But the scarcity of affordable housing is a deepening national crisis, and not just for inner-city families on welfare. The problem has climbed the income ladder and moved to the suburbs, where service workers cram their families into overcrowded apartments, college graduates have to crash with their parents, and firefighters, police officers and teachers can't afford to live in the communities they serve.


2 Home ownership is near an all-time high, but the gap is growing between the Owns and the Own-Nots —as well as the Owns and the Own-80-Miles-From-Work. One-third of Americans now spend at least 30% of their income on housing, the federal definition of an "unaffordable" burden, and half the working poor spend at least 50% of their income on rent, a "critical" burden. The real estate boom of the past decade has produced windfalls for Americans who owned before it began, but affordable housing is now a serious problem for more low- and moderate-income Americans than taxes, Social Security4 or gas prices.


3 America used to care a lot about affordable housing. Roosevelt signed housing legislation in 193

4 and 1937, providing mortgages, government apartments and construction jobs for workers down on their luck. In 1949, Congress .set an official goaljjf "a decent home and a suitable living environment for every American family," and in 1974, President Richard M. Nixon began offering subsidized rent vouchers to millions of low-income tenants in private housing. For half a century, most housing debates in Washington revolved around how much to expand federal assistance.


4 But for the past two decades, the only new federal housing initiative has been HOPE VI5, a Clinton administration program that has demolished 80,000 units of the worst public housing and built mixed-income developments in their place. The program has eliminated most of the high-rise hellholes that gave public housing a bad name and has revived some urban neighborhoods. But it has razed more subsidized apartments than it has replaced.

4但在过去20年中,唯一的联邦住房新提案就是HOPE VI,也就是克林顿政府拆毁80,000单位的最差公共住房,重建混合收入寓所来取而代之。该计划已经拆除了大部分高度危险的房子,它们曾使公共住房声名狼藉,并已重建了一些城市的社区。但是它更多的是把享有补贴的公寓房夷为平地而不是取而代之。

5 Overall, the number of households receiving federal aid has flatlined since the early 1990s, despite an expanding population and a ballooning budget. Congress has rejected most of President Bush's proposed cuts, but there has been virtually no discussion of increases; affordable-housing advocates spend most of their time fighting to preserve the status quo.


6 And it's a tough status quo. Today, for every one of the 4.5 million low-income families that receive federal housing assistance, there are three eligible families without it. Fairfax County has 12,000 families on a waiting list for 4,000 assisted apartments. "It's golden when you get one—nobody wants to give it up," says Conrad Egan, chairman of the Fairfax housing authority. It sounds odd, but the victims of today's housing crisis are not people living in "the projects", but people who aren't even that lucky.


7 Some liberals6 dream of extending subsidies to all eligible low-income families, but that $100 billion-a-year solution was unrealistic even before the budget deficit ballooned again. So even some housing advocates now support time limits on most federal rent aid. The time limits included in welfare reform 10 years ago were controversial, but studies suggest they've helped motivate recipients to get off the dole. And unlike welfare, housing aid is not a federal entitlement, so taking it away from one family after a few years would provide a break for an equally deserving family.


8 "It's a no-brainer," says David Smith, an affordable-housing advocate in Boston. "You can't sustain the internal contradiction of no limits."


9 The root of the problem is the striking mismatch between the demand for and the supply of affordable housing —or, more accurately, affordable housing near jobs. Fifteen million families now spend at least half their income on housing, according to Harvard's Joint_CenterfOTHousing Studies: many skimp on health care, child care and food to do so. Others reduce their rents by overcrowding, which studies link to higher crime rates, poorer academic performance and poorer

health; Los Angeles alone has 620.000 homes with more than one person per room. Other workers are enduring increasingly long commutes from less expensive communities, a phenomenon known

as "driving to qualify".


10 This creates all kinds of lousy outcomes—children who don't get to see their parents, workers who can't make ends meet when gas prices soar, exurban sprawl, roads clogged with long-distance commuters emitting greenhouse gases. "I don't think we're creating strong communities by forcing people into their cars four hours a day," says Cathy Hudgins. chairwoman of the housing committee for the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors. Affordable housing also helps make communities competitive; it's not clear how Fairfax can keep creating jobs if workers can't afford to live there.


11 The best thing local officials can do to promote affordable housing is to get out of the way—stop requiring one-acre lots and two-car garages, and stop blocking low-income and high-density projects.


12 Washington politicians, on the other hand, have the federal budget at their disposal. But Congress hasn't supported new construction since the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit of 1986, which creates nearly 100,000 units of affordable housing a year, enough to replace half the units that are torn down or converted to market rents. Bush proposed a home-ownership tax credit during his 2000 and 2004 campaigns, but it turned out to be the rare tax cut he didn't pursue. A bill pending in Congress would divert a percentage of profits from federally chartered institutions such as Fannie Mae to a national affordable-housing trust fund8, but it seems stalled. The only affordability ideas with any traction at the national level are not really housing ideas; for example, one way to make housing more affordable to workers would be to raise their incomes—through higher minimum wages, lower payroll taxes or an expanded Earned Income Tax Credit.



13 There is one clear solution to the affordable-housing crisis: a real estate crash. It's the one housing issue that attracts media attention—because it would hurt the Owns. But while an easing of prices could be devastating for lower-income Owns with risky mortgages, it probably wouldn't bring home ownership within reach for many Own- Nots. Prices have too far to fall; in 2000, two-thirds of the home sales in Fairfax were for $250,000 or less, but last year, fewer than one-twentieth were. And even a modest price slump could trigger a construction slowdown that would make shortages of affordable housing for moderate-income families even worse.


14 Eventually, politicians may rediscover housing—not as an urban poverty issue, but as a middle-class quality-of-life issue, like gas prices or health care. Home ownership is often described as the American dream, but these days many workers would settle for a decent rental that won't bankrupt their families.


Unit Ten




1 Today the academy holds a highly privileged place in American society because of a about the long-standing national consensus about the value of education. One of my predecessors, President Harold Dodds, said in his inaugural address in 1933 that "No country spends money for education, public or private, so lavishly as does the United States. Americans have an almost childlike faith in what formal education can do for them." That faith is based on a conviction that the vitality of the United States, its creative and diverse cultural life, its is national security and the robustness of its democratic institutions owe much to the quality of institutions of higher education.


2 Our society’s confidence in its institutions of higher education is expressed through the generous investments of the federal and state government in basic and applied research,

investment that wisely couple support for research with support for graduate education. It is also expresses through federal and state investments that subsidize the cost of higher education for those who cannot afford to pay, investments by private foundations and charities who see collegesand universities as the best routes for achieving their strategic goals, and investments by individuals and by the private sector, who see universities as the incubators of future health and prosperity. In return for this broad support, society rightfully expects certain things from us. It expects the generation of new ideas and the discovery of new knowledge, the exploration of complex issues in an open and collegial manner and the preparation of the next generation of citizens and leaders. In times of trouble, it is especially important that we live up to these expectations.


3 The medieval image of the university as an ivory tower, with scholars turned inward in solitary contemplation, immunized from the cares of the day, is an image that has been superseded by the modern university constructed not of ivory, but of a highly porous material, one that allows free diffusion in both directions. The academy is of the world, not apart from it. Its ideals, crafted over many generations, are meant to suffuse the national consciousness. Its scholars and teachers are meant to move in and out of the academy in pursuit of opportunities to use their expertise in public service, in pursuit of creative work that will give us illumination and insight and in pursuit of ways to turn laboratory discoveries into useful things. Our students engage the world with a strong sense of civic responsibility, and when they graduate they become alumni who do the same. This is as it should be.


4 The search for new ideas and knowledge is not and cannot be motivated by utilitarian concerns. Rather it depends on the ability to think in new and creative ways. When the Nobel laureate John Nash developed the mathematical concepts underlying non- cooperative game theory8 as a graduate student at Princeton, he could not foresee that those concepts would be used today to analyze election strategies and the causes of war and to make predictions about how people will act. When Professor of Molecular Biology Eric Wieschaus' set out as a young scientist to identify genes that pattern the body plan of the fruit fly embryo, he could not know that he would identify genes that play a central role in the development of human cancer. We have learned that we cannot predict with any accuracy how discoveries and scholarship will influence future

generations. We also have learned that it is unwise to search only in predictable places, for new knowledge often depends upon preparing fertile ground in^obscure places where serendipity and good luck, as well as deep intelligence, can sprout. Freedom of inquiry, which is one of our most cherished organizing principles, is not just a moral imperative, it is a practical necessity.


5 Just as we have an obligation to search widely for knowledge, so we also have an obligation to ensure that the scholarly work of the academy is widely disseminated, so that others can correct it when necessary, or build on it, or use it to make better decisions, develop better products or construct better plans. In the days ahead, I hope that our country's decision-makers will draw on the knowledge that resides on our campuses, on historians who can inform the present through deep understanding of the past, philosophers who can provide frameworks for working through issues of right and wrong, economists whose insights can help to get the economy back on track, engineers who know how to build safer buildings, scientists who can analyze our vulnerabilities to future attack and develop strategies for reducing those vulnerabilities, and scholars in many fields who can help us understand the motivations of those who would commit acts of terrorism here and throughout the world.


6 Let me now turn to the third obligation that we have to society: the education of the next generation of citizens and leaders. Princeton's view of what constitutes a liberal arts education was expressed well by Woodrow Wilson, our 13th President, whose eloquent words I read at Opening Exercises:"What we should seek to impart in our colleges, is not so much learning itself as the spirit of learning. It consists in the power to distinguish good reasoning from bad, in the power to digest and interpret evidence, in the habit of catholic observation and a preference for the non-partisan point of view, in an addiction to clear and logical processes of thought and yet an instinctive desire to interpret rather than to stick to the letter of reasoning, in a taste for knowledge and a deep respect for the integrity of the human mind."



7 Wilson, and the presidents who followed him, rejected the narrow idea of a liberal arts education as preparation for a profession. While understanding the importance of professional education, they made it clear that at Princeton we should first and foremost cultivate the qualities of thought and discernment in our students in the belief that this will be most conducive to the health of our society. Thus we distinguish between the acquisition of information, something that is essential for professional training, and the development of habits of mind that can be applied in any profession. Consequently we celebrate when the classics scholar goes to medical school, the physicist becomes a member of Congress, or the historian teaches primary school. If we do our job well as educators, each of our students will take from a Princeton education a respect and appreciation for ideas and values, intellectual openness and rigor, practice in civil discourse and a sense of civic responsibility. During these troubled times, our students and our alumni will be called upon to exercise these qualities in their professions, their communities and their daily lives. By so doing, and through their leadership, their vision and their courage, they will help to fulfill Princeton's obligation to society and bring true meaning to our motto, "Princeton in the nation's service and in the service of all nations."


Unit Seven

Task 1


2. C

3. B

4. B

5. C

6. A

7. B

8. C

9. A 10. C

Task 2

Step 1

partially unfold unselfishness/selfishness imperfect employee proverbial refinement indestructible criminal mistake

alteration liar considerable traitor philanthropist Step 2

1. indestructible

2. mistook

3. unselfishness

4. imperfect

5. alteration

6. traitor

7. considerable

8. liar

9. employees 10. unfolds

11. refinement 12. philanthropist 13. criminal 14. partially 15. proverbial


第八课 工人是创造者还是机器 人只要不剥削他人,就得靠劳动来求生存。不论其劳动方式是多么原始,多么简单,仅凭从事生产性劳动这一事实,就足以使人超出动物界。把人定义为“从事生产的动物”是很有道理的。但对于人来说,劳动不仅是必不可少的生存条件。劳动还使他从自然界中解放出来,成为一个不依附于自然界的社会的人。在劳动过程中,即在模铸和改造其自身以外的自然界的过程中,人也模铸和改造了他自己。人由征服自然、驾驭自然才最终达到超出自然的境界,并进而逐步增强了自己的协作能力、思维能力和审美能力。他将自己从自然界,从自己与自然结成的原始统一体中分离出来,同时又以主人翁和建设者的身分重新与自然相结合。人的劳动方式越进步,其个性特征也就发挥得越充分。在塑造和改造自然的过程中,人逐步学会了如何充分利用自己具有的各种能力,增进自己的技艺和创造性。无论是法国南部洞穴中的美丽绘画,原始人所用武器上的纹饰图案,希腊的雕像和神殿,还是中世纪的教堂建筑,能工巧匠制作的桌椅,乃至农民培育出来的花木五谷等等——这些无一不是人利用自己的思维能力与技艺创造性地改造大自然的具体例证。 在西方历史上,手工技艺,尤其是十三、十四世纪中发展起来的手工技艺构成了人类创造性劳动发展史上的一个顶峰。那时的劳动不仅是一项有现实价值的活动,而且是一项给人以巨大的满足的活动。有关手工技艺的主要特征,美国社会学家米尔斯曾作过清楚的说明。他说,“除了劳动者对于被制造的产品和制造产品的生产过程本身的兴趣之外,劳动并无其他的深层动机。日常工作的细枝末节之所以有意义,是因为在劳动者的心目中,它们与劳动的产品密不可分。劳动者不受任何约束地主宰自己的劳动行为。这样,工匠艺人便能通过劳动过程来学习劳动技艺,并且在劳动过程中应用和提高自己的劳动技艺。工作和娱乐、工作和文化活动融为一体。工匠艺人的谋生手段决定并影响着其生活方式。” 随着中世纪社会结构的瓦解和现代生产方式的出现,劳动的社会意义和作用发生了根本性的变化,这一变化在新教国家尤为显著。人们对于自己新近获得的自由感到害怕,而为了克服自己的疑惧,他就必须进行某种狂热的活动。这种活动的结果,或成或败,就决定着他的命运和灵魂的归宿,标志着他死后是将进天堂还是入地狱。于是,劳动便成了一种义务,一种烦恼,而不再是一种能使人满足和愉快的活动。靠劳动发财致富的可能性越大,劳动就越发变成了一种纯粹的升官发财的手段。用马克斯?韦伯的话说,劳动已成为“内心世界禁欲主义”思想体系中的一个主要因素,解决人们内心的寂寞和孤独感的一种办法。 不过,这种意义的劳动也只是对于那些能够积累一些资本并雇用他人劳动的中、上层阶级而言才存在的,而对于那仅有劳动力可供出卖的绝大多数人来说,劳动只不过是一种强迫劳役。十八、十九世纪的工人,若是不想饿死,便得一天劳动十六个小时。他这样做,并不是要以此侍奉上帝,也不是为以工作上的成功来证明他属于“上帝的选民”之列,而是因为他迫于无奈,不得不向那些拥有剥削手段的人出卖自己的劳动力。现代史开初的几个世纪中,劳动的意义划分为两种:对于中产阶级来说是义务,而对于无产者来说则是强迫劳役。 视劳动为一项义务的宗教观念在十九世纪还十分流行,但最近几十年来,这种宗教观念正经历着重大的演变。现代人不知道自己该做些什么,怎样才能有意义地度过自己的一生,只是为了逃避无所事事所造成的寂寞无聊,才被迫去参加劳动。但劳动已不再被人们以十八、十九世纪的中产阶级的那种态度看作是一种道德和宗教上的义务。新的观念产生了。不断地提高生产,追求更大更、好地东西,这些本身已成了劳动的目的,成了新的理想。劳动与劳动者的关系开始异化了。 产业工人的情况又如何呢?他一天要花七八个小时把自己最旺盛的精力用于生产“某种东西”。他需要劳动以求生计,但他在劳动过程中只扮演一个被动的角色。他只在一个复杂的、组织程度很高的生产过程中起一点很小的、孤立的作用,从来没有机会接触到“他的”

大学英语Unit 1 课文翻译

学外语 学习外语是我一生中最艰苦也是最有意义的经历之一。虽然时常遭遇挫折,但却非常有价值。 我学外语的经历始于初中的第一堂英语课。老师很慈祥耐心,时常表扬学生。由于这种积极的教学方法,我踊跃回答各种问题,从不怕答错。两年中,我的成绩一直名列前茅。 到了高中后,我渴望继续学习英语。然而,高中时的经历与以前大不相同。以前,老师对所有的学生都很耐心,而新老师则总是惩罚答错的学生。每当有谁回答错了,她就会用长教鞭指着我们,上下挥舞大喊:“错!错!错!”没有多久,我便不再渴望回答问题了。我不仅失去了回答问题的乐趣,而且根本就不想再用英语说半个字。 好在这种情况没持续多久。到了大学,我了解到所有学生必须上英语课。与高中老师不同,大学英语老师非常耐心和蔼,而且从来不带教鞭!不过情况却远不尽如人意。由于班大,每堂课能轮到我回答的问题寥寥无几。上了几周课后,我还发现许多同学的英语说得比我要好得多。我开始产生一种畏惧感。虽然原因与高中时不同,但我却又一次不敢开口了。看来我的英语水平要永远停步不前了。 直到几年后我有机会参加远程英语课程,情况才有所改善。这种课程的媒介是一台电脑、一条电话线和一个调制解调器。我很快配齐了必要的设备并跟一个朋友学会了电脑操作技术,于是我每周用5到7天在网上的虚拟课堂里学习英语。 网上学习并不比普通的课堂学习容易。它需要花许多的时间,需要学习者专心自律,以跟上课程进度。我尽力达到课程的最低要求,并按时完成作业。 我随时随地都在学习。不管去哪里,我都随身携带一本袖珍字典和笔记本,笔记本上记着我遇到的生词。我学习中出过许多错,有时是令人尴尬的错误。有时我会因挫折而哭泣,有时甚至想放弃。但我从未因别的同学英语说得比我快而感到畏惧,因为在电脑屏幕上作出回答之前,我可以根据自己的需要花时间去琢磨自己的想法。突然有一天我发现自己什么都懂了,更重要的是,我说起英语来灵活自如。尽管我还是常常出错,还有很多东西要学,但我已尝到了刻苦学习的甜头。 学习外语对我来说是非常艰辛的经历,但它又无比珍贵。它不仅使我懂得了艰苦努力的意义,而且让我了解了不同的文化,让我以一种全新的思维去看待事物。学习一门外语最令人兴奋的收获是我能与更多的人交流。与人交谈是我最喜欢的一项活动,新的语言使我能与陌生人交往,参与他们的谈话,并建立新的难以忘怀的友谊。由于我已能说英语,别人讲英语时我不再茫然不解了。我能够参与其中,并结交朋友。我能与人交流,并能够弥合我所说的语言和所处的文化与他们的语言和文化之间的鸿沟。


Unit 1 Text A How Difficult Is English? 英语有多难 Like the national push for Asian literacy (n.有文化,有教养,有读写能力)in Australia,就如澳大利亚在全国推行学亚洲语言一样,there has been foreign languages fervor[f??v?] in China,中国也掀起一股外语热,with English on top of the list. 在这股热潮中,英语高居榜首。English is not only taught at schools,colleges and universities,but also at evening classes,on radio and TV.不仅各级学校教英语,夜校、电台、电视台也都设有英语课程。Parents hire private tutors for their school children;父母为学龄的孩子聘请英语家教,adult English learners would sacrifice the weekend at an English corner in a public park practicing their spoken English with peop1e of the same interest and determination. 成年英语学习者会牺牲周末休息日,到公园参加英语角,与志趣相投的英语学习者练习口语。Is English such a difficult language that it really demands people to invest a large amount of time and energy before it is mastered ? 英语真的有这么难,需要人们投入大量的时间和精力才能掌握吗? The answer,if I am asked to offer,is undoubtedly,yes.如果我被问及这个问题,那么毫无疑问,我的答案是:是的。From my personal experience, 从我个人的经验来看,I think learning English means far more than learning its pronunciation,its grammatical rules,its words,etc.英语学习不仅仅是学习英语发音、语法规则、词汇等,It involves learning everything about the countries where it is used and the people who use it.它包括学习与使用该语言的国家和民族有关的所有内容。Without such a complete understanding of the language, 对英语没有这样全面的理解,the English a foreigner speaks will inevitably sound strange or even unintelligible though there is not anything wrong with his pronunciation,sentence structure and the words he uses.即使发音、句子结构、措辞毫无错误,一个外国人所讲的英语也难免听起来稀奇古怪甚至难以理解。The social customs and habits of the English-speaking people contribute a lot to the difficulty a foreigner has in learning it.讲英语民族者的社会风俗习惯增加了外国人学习英语的难度。Take the Chinese English learners for example.以学英语的中国人为例," Hello "and "Good morning" may sound a little bit simple to Chinese people."你好"和"早上好"是非常简单的。It is totally beyond the understanding of a Chinese English learner that native English speakers would be annoyed when they're addressed "Where are you going?",which is a commonly used addressing among the Chinese."你去哪儿?"是中国人常用的问候语,若英语母语者被问及"你去哪儿?",他们会因此感到不悦,这一点让中国的英语学习者大为不解。Is there anything wrong with the English sentence structure ? 这个英语句子结构不对吗? Of course not.当然不是。It takes quite some time for a Chinese English learner to understand the western concept of privacy being violated in this address. 学英语的中国人得费点儿时间才能理解这一问候语侵犯了西方人的隐私。By the same token,同样,"Have you eaten?"(which is another addressing term the Chinese people usually use)will sound to native English speakers that the Chinese are so hospitable that they invite people to meals off-handedly. 英语母语者听到"你吃了吗?"(中国人常用的另外一个问候语),会觉得中国人非常好客,会在事先毫无准备的情况下请人吃饭。Meanwhile,the Chinese would be shocked to hear,"Oh,it's very nice of you.When?",if the addressee happens to have a craving for Chinese cooking and has not had his dinner yet.如果听话者此刻正希望品尝一下中国美食,又碰巧没有吃饭,他会回答"太好了,什么时候?",中国人为此也会大吃一惊。 "We can say we are going to have chicken for dinner.Why can't we say pig,bull or sheep for dinner instead of pork,beef or mutton?" Chinese English learners may raise such questions.中国的英语学习者可能会这样问:"我们可以说吃鸡,为什么不能说吃猪、吃牛、吃羊,而要说吃猪肉、牛肉、羊肉呢?"Figuring out the reasons for the peculiar English vocabulary is no easy task for Chinese English learners.对学习英语的中国人来说,为这些特殊的英语词汇找出理由并非易事。But the problem is that memorizing English words mechanically would be devastating and inefficient if they did not know what had happened in British history.问题在于如果不懂英国历史,死记硬背英语单词毫无效率。Thus learning English(and other languages as well)involves learning the history of the countries where it is spoken.所以说,学英语(其他语言亦如此)还包括学习使用该语言国家的历史知识。A task of this kind is more difficult for Chinese English learners than for people who speak


Unit1 1.There has been this long lull with nothing particular turning up! Britain has been in too long a period of stillness without taking any particular action against the enemy. 2.We must “… meet with Triumph and Disaster. And treat those two impostors just the same.’’ We are sure to experience both Triumph and Disaster, but must avoid clouding our judgment through exaggerating their importance. 3.Never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never give in unless we are convinced that it is honourable and sensible for us to do so. 4.Britain, other nations thought, had drawn a sponge across her slate. Other nations thought that Britain was completely conquered. 5.We have only to persevere to conquer. We will win as long as we hold on to the end. 1. 我把他们安排在小酒吧见面,但那个小伙子一直都没来。(turn up) I had arranged for them to meet each other at the pub, but the young man never turned up. 2. 你无法仅凭外表判断形势是否会变得对我们不利。(tell from appearances)You cannot tell merely from appearances whether things will turn out unfavourable to us or not. 3. 那个士兵每次打仗都冲锋在前,从而赢得了国家最高荣誉。(stand in the gap) The soldier, who stood in the gap in every battle, gained the highest honors of the country. 4. 主席讲话很有说服力,委员会其他成员都听从他的意见。(yield to) The chairman spoke so forcefully that the rest of the committee yielded to his opinion. 5. 他们现在生活富裕了,但也曾经历坎坷。(ups and downs) They are well-to-do now, but along the way they had their ups and downs. 6. 这次演讲我将说明两个问题。(address oneself to) There are two questions to which I will address myself in this lecture. 7. 我们正筹划为你举办一次盛大的圣诞聚会。(in sb.’s honour) We are planning a big Christmas party in your honour. 8. 听到那个曲子,我回想起了儿童时代。(throw sb.’s mind back) Hearing that tune threw my mind back to my childhood. Unit 2 1. The phrase “personal space” has a quaint, seventies ring to it. The phrase “personal space” has odd touch that was characteristic of the 1970s. 2. T-shirt weather can make proximity more alluring (or much, much less). I n hot summer days people can be drawn to each other, especially to the opposite sex ( or feel disgusted with the closeness of others. )

Mark Twain-第九课课文翻译

Mark Twain --- Mirror of America Noel Grove Most Americans remember Mark Twain as the father of Huck Finn's idyllic cruise through eternal boyhood and Tom Sawyer's endless summer of freedom and adventure. Indeed, this nation's best-loved author was every bit as ad-venturous, patriotic, romantic, and humorous as anyone has ever imagined. I found another Twain as well – one who grew cynical, bitter, saddened by the profound personal tragedies life dealt him, a man who became obsessed with the frailties of the human race, who saw clearly ahead a black wall of night. 在大多数美国人的心目中,马克?吐温是位伟大作家,他描写了哈克?费恩永恒的童年时代中充满诗情画意的旅程和汤姆?索亚在漫长的夏日里自由自在历险探奇的故事。的确,这位美国最受人喜爱的作家的探索精神、爱国热情、浪漫气质及幽默笔调都达到了登峰造极的程度。但我发现还有另一个不同的马克?吐温——一个由于深受人生悲剧的打击而变得愤世嫉俗、尖酸刻薄的马克?吐温,一个为人类品质上的弱点而忧心忡忡、明显地看到前途是一片黑暗的人。 Tramp printer, river pilot , Confederate guerrilla, prospector, starry-eyed optimist, acid-tongued cynic: The man who became Mark Twain was born Samuel Langhorne Clemens and he ranged across the nation for more than a third of his life, digesting the new American experience before sharing it with the world as writer and lecturer. He adopted his pen name from the cry heard in his steamboat days, signaling two fathoms (12 feet) of water -- a navigable depth. His popularity is attested by the fact that more than a score of his books remain in print, and translations are still read around the world. 印刷工、领航员、邦联游击队员、淘金者、耽于幻想的乐天派、语言尖刻的讽刺家:马克?吐温原名塞缪尔?朗赫恩?克莱门斯,他一生之中有超过三分之一的时间浪迹美国各地,体验着美国的新生活,尔后便以作家和演说家的身分将他所感受到的这一切介绍给全世界。他的笔名取自他在蒸汽船上做工时听到的报告水深为两口寻(12英尺)——意即可以通航的信号语。他的作品中有二十几部至今仍在印行,其外文译本仍在世界各地拥有读者,由此可见他的享誉程度。 The geographic core, in Twain's early years, was the great valley of the Mississippi River, main artery of transportation in the young nation's heart. Keelboats , flatboats , and large rafts carried the first major commerce. Lumber, corn, tobacco, wheat, and furs moved downstream to the delta country; sugar, molasses , cotton, and whiskey traveled north. In the 1850's, before the climax of westward expansion, the vast basin drained three-quarters of the settled United States. 在马克?吐温青年时代,美国的地理中心是密西西比河流域,而密西西比河是这个年轻国家中部的交通大动脉。龙骨船、平底船和大木筏载运着最重要的商品。木材、玉米、烟草、小麦和皮货通过这些运载工具顺流而下,运送到河口三角洲地区,而砂糖、糖浆、棉花和威士忌酒等货物则被运送到北方。在19世纪50年代,西部领土开发高潮到来之前,辽阔的密西西比河流域占美国已开发领土的四分之三。 Young Mark Twain entered that world in 1857 as a cub pilot on a steamboat. The cast of characters set before him in his new profession was rich and varied a cosmos . He participated abundantly in this life, listening to pilothouse talk of feuds , piracies, lynchings ,medicine shows, and savage waterside slums. All would resurface in his books, together with the colorful language


新编大学英语(第二版)第一册阅读文参考译文 Unit One 以生命相赠 1 炸弹落在了这个小村庄里。在可怕的越南战争期间,谁也不知道这些炸弹要轰炸什么目标,而他们却落在了一所有传教士们办的小孤儿院内。 2 传教士和一两个孩子已经丧生,还有几个孩子受了伤,其中有一个小女孩,8岁左右,她的双腿被炸伤。 3 几小时后,医疗救援小组到了。救援小组由一名年轻的美国海军医生和一名同样年轻的海军护士组成。他们很快发现有个小女孩伤势严重。如果不立即采取行动,显然她就会因失血过多和休克而死亡。 4 他们明白必须给小女孩输血,但是他们的医药用品很有限,没有血浆,因此需要相配血型的血。快速的血型测定显示两名美国人的血型都不合适,而几个没有受伤的孤儿却有相配的血型。 5 这位医生会讲一点越南语,忽视会讲一点法语,但只有中学的法语水平。孩子们不会说英语,只会说一点法语。医生和护士用少得可怜的一点共同语言,结合大量的手势,努力向这些受惊吓的孩子们解释说,除非他们能输一些血给自己的小伙伴,否则她将必死无疑。接着问他们是否有人愿意献血来救小女孩。 6 对医生和护士的请求,孩子们(只是)瞪大眼睛,一声不吭。此时小病人生命垂危。然而,只有这些受惊吓的孩子中有人自愿献血,他们才能够得到血。过了好一会儿,一只小手慢慢地举了起来,然后垂了下去,一会儿又举了起来。 7 “噢,谢谢,”护士用法语说。“你叫什么名字?” 8 “兴,”小男孩回答道。 9 兴很快被抱到一张床上,手臂用酒精消毒后,针就扎了进去。在整个过程中,兴僵直地躺着,没有出声。 10 过了一会儿,他发出了一声长长的抽泣,但立即用那只可以活动的手捂住了自己的脸。 11 “兴,疼吗?”医生问。 12 兴默默地摇了摇头,但一会儿忍不住又抽泣起来,并又一次试图掩饰自己的哭声。医生又问是不是插在手臂上的针弄疼了他,兴又摇了摇头。


Unit1 1.背离传统需要极大的勇气 1) It takes an enormous amount of courage to make a departure from the tradition. 2.汤姆过去很腼腆,但这次却非常勇敢能在大庭广众面前上台表演了。 2) Tom used to be very shy, but this time he was bold enough to give a performance in front of a large audience. 3.很多教育家认为从小培养孩子的创新精神是很可取的。 3) Many educators think it desirable to foster the creative spirit in the child at an early age. 4.假设那幅画确实是名作,你觉得值得购买吗? 4) Assuming (that) this painting really is a masterpiece, do you think it’s worthwhile to buy/purchase it? 5.如果这些数据统计上市站得住脚的,那它将会帮助我们认识正在调查的问题。 5) If the data is statistically valid, it will throw light on the problem we are investigating. Unit2 1.该公司否认其捐款有商业目的。 1) The company denied that its donations had a commercial purpose.


Unit One 1.通过很多热心人士的努力,庆祝仪式的资金准备就绪了。(in place)Money is in place for the ceremony through many warm-hearted people’s efforts. 2.因为你很可靠,所以我愿意向你诉说心里话。(pour out one’s heart) I am willing to pour out my heart to you because you are reliable. 3.虽然汤姆上个月才大学毕业,但是他工作起来和熟练工人一样好。(as well as) Although Tom graduated from college a month ago, he worked as well as a skilled worker. 4.我们向人们介绍可持续发展如何与我们的日常生活紧密相连,而且希望这个概念能够深入人心。(take root in) We explain to people how “sustainable development” is closely linke d with our everyday life and hope that this concept can take root in our community. 5. 在战争爆发两年之后,这两个兄弟把他们的感受毫无拘束地说了出来。(open up) The two brothers opened up about their feelings two years after war broke out. 1.Nevertheless, friendship is an essential ingredient in the making of a healthy, rewarding life. 然而,友谊是拥有健康而有意义的人生所必需的组成部分。 2. This has been the worst weather that I go through since the beginning of this year. 这是今年年初以来我所经历的最坏的天气。 3. The later investigations did open up to me new points of view. 后来的各种考查确实使我获得了新的观点。 4. We have explored every avenue but could not find a good solution. 我们探索了过各种途径,但是没有找到好的解决办法。 5. Peter likes his new car very much and has it tuned up several times a year. 皮特很喜欢他的新车,一年总要把车送去检修几次。


美丽的森林中生长着的高大的松树,一到秋天就会结出松果。松果中有很多的松子,而松子是松鼠们最喜欢吃的食物。很多的鸟类也喜欢吃松子。 不久就要入冬了,松鼠们手忙脚乱的采集储存松子。因为松鼠们需要吃掉这些松子来越冬。松鼠们每天一边忙着采集松子,一边把它们埋藏在森林的偏僻的地方。鸟类也是一样的。它们不断地采集松子,把并将其隐藏在各种各样的地方。入冬后,松鼠和小鸟们一饿肚子就会去各自藏食物的地方享用美食。为了不让其他的动物看见,必须这么做,因为可以防止自己的食物被夺走或者被偷走。 慢慢的,冬天走了,春天就要来了。虽然大部分的松鼠、小鸟们都顺利的动过了冬天,但是还是大约有1/3的小动物因为食物不足的原因死去了。那么被藏起来的松子变成什么样了呢?肯定不可能全部吃光。松鼠和小鸟们也不断的忘记隐藏松子的地方。这些幸存下来的松子并没有被冻伤,而是被土壤覆盖着、被像棉衣棉被那样厚的落叶保护着安全的度过了冬天。并在雪融化的水和春光的滋润下,在柔软的土壤中复苏并发芽。被小动物们隐藏在森林各处的松子纷纷发芽,慢慢的从地面冒出尖儿来,长成一棵棵幼小的松树。随着松树逐渐的成长,结出更多的松果。 下一个冬天一接近,松鼠和小鸟们又开始忙活起来了。但是他们突然停止了手中的动作,迅捷地爬上树干,不安地回望

着周围。 因为想在森林中采集松子的人们来了。只为想让松子卖个好价钱,这些人们为了尽可能的多采一些松果,使用了工具。他们在几天之内,采集了几十个麻袋那么多的松果。人类在四零的各处采集松果的同时,松鼠和小鸟们也将麻袋周围散落一地的松子不停地送回自己的食品仓库。 刚刚过了一周,平静下来的生活被再次打破了。一队马车来到了森林去运送全部的松子。松鼠小鸟们甚至跑到了水边儿上,眼睁睁地看着自己越冬的食物被拿走。


大学英语课文翻译及习 题答案 标准化管理部编码-[99968T-6889628-J68568-1689N]

Unit 1 1. A very curious boy, Tom, is interested not only in whats but also in whys and hows. 汤姆是个非常好奇的男孩,他不仅对“是什么”感兴趣,而且也对“为什么”和“怎么会”感兴趣。 2. Happiness, according to Prof. Smith, is the ability to make the most of what you have. 据史密斯教授说,幸福就是你能充分利用你所有的一切。 3. You’d better keep the book where your 15-year-old son can’t get his hands on. 你最好把这本书放在你15岁的儿子找不到的地方。 4. The story was very funny and Bill kept laughing while reading it. 这故事非常滑稽,比尔一边读一边不停地笑。 5. High-achieving students do not necessarily put in more time at their studies than their lower-scoring classmates. 成绩优秀的学生未必比他们得分较低的同学在学习上花费更多的时间。 6. How did you manage to persuade these students to take the speed-reading course 你是怎样设法说服这些学生修读快速阅读课的 7. Working hard is important, but knowing how to make the most of one's abilities counts for much more. 用功是重要的,但知道如何充分利用自己的才能更重要得多。 8. She asked her students to think for themselves rather than telling them what to think. 她要求学生独立思考,而不是告诉他们该思考什么。 Unit 2 1. Referring to the differences between American English and British English, he said, “The United States and Britain are, after all, two different countries.” 在谈及美国英语和英国英语的差别时,他说:“美国和英国毕竟是两个不同的国家。” 2. Prof. Smith encourages his students to think for themselves. “I am just as happy,” he often says, “even if you challenge me or completely disagree with me.” 史密斯教授鼓励他的学生独立思考。他常说:“即使你们对我提出质疑或者完全不同意我的看法,我也同样高兴。” 3. We called on him to take part in our conversation about pop music, but as soon as he joined in, he introduced a new topic and referred to the NBA finals of the previous week. 我们请他参加我们关于流行音乐的谈话,但他一参加进来就引入一个新的话题,谈起了上周的NBA决赛。 4. The driver is responsible for this accident. His car knocked down a tree and a man on his bike. 司机应对这次事故负责。他的车撞倒了一棵树和一个骑车的人。


Unit 1 1.她连水都不愿喝一口,更别提留下来吃饭了。(much less) She wouldn't take a drink, much less would she stay for dinner. 2.他认为我在对他说谎,但实际上我讲的是实话。(whereas) He thought I was lying to him, whereas I was telling the truth. 3.这个星期你每天都迟到,对此你怎么解释?(account for) How do you account for the fact that you have been late every day this week? 4.他们利润增长的部分原因是采用了新的市场策略。(due to) The increase in their profits is due partly to their new market strategy. 5.这样的措施很可能会带来工作效率的提高。(result in) Such measures are likely to result in the improvement of work efficiency. 6.我们已经在这个项目上投入了大量时间和精力,所以我们只能继续。(pour into) We have already poured a lot of time and energy into the project, so we have to carry on. Unit 2 1.尽管她是家里的独生女,她父母也从不溺爱她。(despite) Despite the fact that she is the only child in her family, she is never babied by her parents. 2.迈克没来参加昨晚的聚会,也没给我打电话作任何解释。(nor) Mike didn't come to the party last night, nor did he call me to give an explanation. 3.坐在他旁边的那个人确实发表过一些小说,但决不是什么大作家。(next to; by no means) The person sitting next to him did publish some novels, but he is by no means a great writer. 4.他对足球不感兴趣,也从不关心谁输谁赢。(be indifferent to) He has no interest in football and is indifferent to who wins or loses. 5.经理需要一个可以信赖的助手,在他外出时,由助手负责处理问题。(count on) The manager needs an assistant that he can count on to take care of problems in his absence. 6.这是他第一次当着那么多观众演讲。(in the presence of sb.) This is the first time that he has made a speech in the presence of so large an audience. Unit 3 1.你再怎么有经验,也得学习新技术。(never too... to...) You are never too experienced to learn new techniques. 2.还存在一个问题,那就是派谁去带领那里的研究工作。(Use an appositional structure) There remains one problem, namely, who should be sent to head the research there. 3.由于文化的不同,他们的关系在开始确实遇到了一些困难。(meet with) Their relationship did meet with some difficulty at the beginning because of cultural differences. 4.虽然他历经沉浮,但我始终相信他总有一天会成功的。(ups and downs; all along) Though he has had ups and downs, I believed all along that he would succeed someday. 5.我对你的说法的真实性有些保留看法。(have reservations about) I have some reservations about the truth of your claim.

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