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最新-初中英语 语法专项习题 苏教版 精品

最新-初中英语 语法专项习题 苏教版 精品
最新-初中英语 语法专项习题 苏教版 精品


Love is ever the beginning of knowledge as fire is of light.


Activity is the only road to knowledge.


No pain , no palm; no thorns , no throne ; no gall, no glory; no cross, no crown. 没有播种,何来收获;没有辛劳,何来成功;没有磨难,何来荣耀;没有挫折,何来辉煌。



( ) 1 She was very happy. She____ in the maths test.

A. makes a few mistake

B. made a few mistakes

C. made few mistakes

D. makes few mistake

( ) 2 We need some more____. Can you go and get some, please?

A. potato

B. potatos

C. potatoes

D. potatoe

( ) 3 _____are____for cutting things.

A. Knife/used

B. Knives/used

C. Knife/using

D. Knives/using

( ) 4 What big____ the tiger has!

A. tooth

B. teeth

C. tooths

D. toothes

( ) 5 Please remember to give the horse some tree___.

A. leafs

B. leaves

C. leaf

D. leave

( ) 6 -Can we have some ___?

-Yes, please.

A. banana

B. oranges


D. pear

( ) 7 On the table there are five____.

A. tomatos

B. piece of tomatoes

C. tomatoes

D. tomato


( ) 1 They got much ___ from those new books.

A. ideas

B. photos

C. information

D. stories

( ) 2 He gave us____ on how to keep fit.

A. some advices

B. some advice

C. an advice

D. a advice

( ) 3 When we saw his face, we knew___ was bad.

A. some news

B. a news

C. the news P. news

( ) 4 What___ lovely weather it is!

A. /

B. the

C. an

D. a


( ) 1 -Would you like___tea?

-No, thanks. I have drunk two____.

A. any, bottles of orange

B. some, bottles of orange

C. many, bottles of oranges

D. few, bottle of oranges

( ) 2 He is hungry. Give him ___ to eat.

A. two breads

B. two piece of bread

C. two pieces of bread

D. two pieces of breads

( ) 3 It really took him:___ to draw the nice horse.

A. sometimes

B. hour

C. long time

D. some time

( ) 4 I would like to have___.

A. two glasses of milk

B. two glass of milk I

C. two glasses of milks

D. two glass of milks

( ) 5 Can you give me ____?

A. a tea

B. some cup of tea

C. a cup tea

D. a cup of tea

( ) 6 Please give me ___ paper. A. one B. a piece C. a D. a piece of

( ) 7 John bought___for himself yesterday.

A. two pairs of shoes

B. two pair of shoe

C. two pair of shoes

D. two pairs shoes 4

( ) 1 -How many ____ have you got on your farm?

-I've got five.

A. sheeps

B. sheep

C. pig

D. chicken

( ) 2 Some ___ came to our school for a visit that day.

A. Germans

B. Germen

C. Germany

D. Germanies

( ) 3 In the picture there are many____ and two.

A. sheep; foxes C. sheeps; foxes

B. sheeps; fox D. sheep;foxs

( ) 4 A group of______ will visit the museum tomorrow.

A. Hungarian

B. Australian

C. Japanese

D. American


( ) 1 This table is made of___.

A. many glass

B. glasses

C. some glasses

D. glass

( ) 2 -What would you like to have for lunch, sir?

-I'd like____. !

A. chicken

B. a chicken

C. chickens

D. the chicken

( ) 3 Children should make____ for old people in a bus.

A. room

B. a room

C. rooms

D. the room


( ) 1 Tables are made of___.

A. wood

B. some woods

C. wooden

D. woods

( ) 2 I wonder why ______ are so interested in action (武打片) films.

A. people

B. peoples

C. the people

D. the peoples

( ) 3I have read____ of the young writer.

A. works

B. work

C. this works

D. the works


( ) 1 Let's meet at 7: 30 outside the gate of___?

A. the People's Park

B. the Peoples' Park

C. the People Park

D. People's Park

( ) 2 ___ Chinese people are ___ hard working people.

A. /; a

B. We; the

C. The; the

D. The; a

( ) 3 How many were there in the street when the accident happened?

A. policeman

B. polices

C. police

D. peoples


( ) 1 If these trousers are too big, buy a smaller____.

A. set

B. one

C. piece

D. pair

( ) 2 Last week I bought a TV____.

A. pair .

B. set

C. piece

D. block

( ) 3 There is a of wood left on the ground.

A. cup

B. piece ,

C. box

D. pair


( ) 1 There are sixty-seven___ in our school.

A. women's teacher

B. women teachers

C. woman teachers

D. women teacher

( ) 2 There are five___in our factory.

A. woman driver B, women driver C. woman drivers D. women drivers

( ) 3 These ____ were sent to the villages to help the farmers.

A. women doctor

B. women doctors

C. woman doctors

D. woman doctor


( ) 1 They write most of their___ in English.

A. business letter

B. business letters

C. businesses

D. businesses letters ( ) 2 We came to a ___ at last .and went in.

A. watch shop

B. watches shop ,'

C. watching shop

D. watchs shop

( ) 3 This shop sells apples, bananas and things like these. It's a___.

A. food shop

B. book shop

C. fruit shop

D. vegetable shop

( ) 4 She broke a___while she was washing up.

A. glass of wine

B. glass for wine

C. glass wine

D. wine glass

( ) 5 I've forgotten both of the____.

A. room numbers .

B. rooms number

C. rooms numbers

D. room number


1. September 10th is____in China.

A. Teacher's Day

B. Teachers'Day

C. Teacher Day

D. Teachers Day

( ) 2 -Is the broom under ____ desk? -No, it's under____.

A. the teacher's; my

B. teacher's; mine

C. teacher's; me

D. the teacher's; mine ( ) 3 Excuse me, where is the___?

A. men's room

B. mens' room

C. men's rooms

D. men rooms


( ) 1 The football under the bed is____.

A. Lily and Lucy

B. Lily's and Lucy's

C. Lily's and Lucy

D. Lily and Lucy's ( ) 2 This is my____dictionary.

A. sister Mary

B. sister's

C. sister, Mary's

D. sister's Mary's

( ) 3 He went to ___ shop to buy a shirt.

A. a tailor

B. the tailor

C. a tailors

D. the tailors'

( ) 4 Joan is____.

A. Mary's and Jack sister

B. Mary and Jack's sister

C. Mary and Jack sister

D. Mary's and Jack's sister


( ) 1 In a few____ time, those mountains will be covered with trees.

A. year

B. years'

C. year's

D. years

( ) 2 It's about ___ walk from my house.

A. ten minute

B. ten minutes'

C. ten minute's

D. ten minutes

( ) 3 The post office is a bit far from here. It's about_____.

A. thirty minutes's walk

B. thirty minute's walk

C. thirty minutes' walk

D. thirty minutes walk

( ) 4 Half___ telephone calls are made in English.

A. the world

B. world

C. the world's

D. world's


( ) 1 ____ face to the south.

A. Windows of the room

B. The windows of the room

C. The room's windows

D. The windows in room

( ) 2 Please take two___.

A. picture of the park

B. pictures of the park

C. the pictures of a park

D. picture of a park

( ) 3 The workers are repairing____.

A. the roof of the house

B. a roof of the house

C. roof of the house

D. this roof of house


( ) 1 Miss Smith is a friend of____.

A. Mary's mother's

B. Mary's mother

C. mother's of Mary

D. Mary mothers ( ) 2 This is a book of ___.

A. Tom

B. Tom's

C. her

D. him

( ) 3 The post card is sent by ____.

A. a friend of my father

B. a friend of my father's

C. my father friend

D. my father friend's


( ) 1 Sydney is a city of___.

A. America

B. Germany

C. Australia

D. Japan

( ) 2 My father likes buying us ___.

A. cars

B. flowers

C. peasants

D. presents

( ) 3 In England, the last name is the ___.

A. full name

B. family name

C. middle name

D. given name

( ) 4 Mr Gao is a teacher. He works in a new____.

A. shop

B. school

C. factory

D. hospital


( ) 1 My father is a____. He works in a hospital.

A. teacher

B. doctor

C. farmer

D. soldier

( ) 2 -Which animal lives only in China?


A. tiger

B. monkey

C. panda

D. elephant

( ) 3 April come before___and after___.

A. March; May

B. May; March

C. June; May

D. March; February

( ) 4 Which of the following is right?

A. China has a large population.

B. China has much population.

C. China has many populations.

D. China has a great deal of population. ( ) 5 Please do like this. Fold the paper____ and cut along the fold.

A. into pieces

B. in half

C. on halves

D. to half

( ) 6 You played the violin wonderfully. Will you please play another____?

A. one

B. game

C. programme

D. piece


1. 1-7 C C B B B B C

2. 1-4 C B C A

3. 1-7 B C D A D D A

4. 1-4 B A A C

5. 1-3 D A A

6. 1-3 A A D

7. 1-3 A D C

8. 1-3 D B B

9. 1-3 B D B

10. 1-5 B A C D A

11. 1-3 B D A

12. 1-4 D C C B

13. 1-4 B B C C

14. 1-3 B B A

15. 1-3 A B B

16. 1-4 C D B B

17. 1-6 B C B A B D



( ) 1 Han Meimei is ___ Chinese girl. Lucy is ____ English girl.

A. a; a

B. an; an

C. a; an

D. an; a

( ) 2 A little boy wrote____ "U" and___ "n" on the wall.

A. a; an

B. an; a

C. an; an

D. a; a

( ) 3 _____ old lady in brown is____ university professor.

A. An; a

B. An; /

C. The; an

D. The; a

( ) 4 There are sixty minutes in____hour.

A. an

B. the

C. a

D. /

( ) 5 This is ____ interesting book and it is also ____ useful one.

A. an; an

B. an; the

C. ah; a

D. a; a

( ) 6 A computer is useful tool in 'o world today.

A. an; the

B. a; the

C. the; the

D. a; a


( ) 1 We have never seen ____ interesting film.

A. such

B. such an

C. so

D. such a

( ) 2 Mrs Smith is ____ friend of __

A. the; mine

B. a; me

C. the; my

D. a; mine

( ) 3 He is___boy.

A. a seven-years-old

B. an eight-year-old

C. the seven-year-old

D. an eight-year-older

( ) 4 Fsaw____ accident in the street yesterday.

A. the

B. a

C. an

D. /

( ) 5 Now he is ___ artist. 1 have known him since he was ___ one-year-old boy.

A. a; an

B. a; a

C. an; an

D. an; a

( ) 1. Which bigger ___ elephant or ___ horse?

A. a; the

B. an; a

C. the; an

D. an; the

( ) 2 ____monkey can climb____trees.

A. /; the

B. A; /

C. The; a

D. /; /

( ) 3 ____ rains are faster than ____ buses.

A. /; /

B. The; /

C. /; the

D. The; a

( ) 4 -Have you learned German?

-Yes. It's ___ language I've ever learned.

A. a quite difficult B: quite a difficult

C. difficult quite

D. difficult a quite

( ) 5 Some animals, like ____ cat, ____ dog or ____ wolf, do not need to hibernate (冬眠).

A. /; /; the

B. the; the; the

C. a; /; the ,

D. the; /; /


( ) 1 Yesterday we held____ talk with them in the hall.

A. the

B. this

C. a

D. an

( ) 2 My mother had___ fever, so I had to look after her.

A a B. the C, / D. this

( ) 3 Looking at, he took___deep breath.

A. /

B. a

C. that

D. its

( ) 4 I usually go out for ___ walk after____ tea;

A: a; / B. /; the C. a; a D. the; a

( ) 5 After that they had ____ sleep.

A. a night good

B. a night's good

C. a good night

D. a good night's


( ) 1 It is____since we____last time.

A. long time; met

B. a long time; meet

C. a long time; met

D. the long time; meet

( ) 2 There came ____ great noise. It frightened us.

A. the

B. a

C. /

D. that

( ) 3 It is____ pleasure to work with these workers.

A. an

B. /

C. a

D. this

( ) 4 After ____ quick breakfast I hurried to ____ school.

A. /; / -r

B. a; /

C. the; the -

D. the; /


( ) 1 This is____egg. ____egg is big.

A. a; A

B. an; An

C. a; The

D. an; The

( ) 2 There is___ 'W in___word "map".

A. a; an

B. an; a

C. an; the

D. a; the

( ) 3 Here is basket. ___ basket is mine.

A. a; The

B. the; An.

C. a; A

D. the; A

( ) 4 There is____ bridge over there. ____ bridge is made of wood.

A. the; The

B. a; A

C. the; A

D. a; The

( ) 5 He ordered ____ book some time ago and now ____ book has arrived.

A. a; a

B. the; a

C. the; the

D. a; the

( ) 1 She saw____ English film last Sunday. But she can not remember name of ___ film.

A. an; a; a

B. a; the; a

C. an; the; a

D. an; the; the

( ) 2 There is___ old man under___ tree.

A. an; the

B. the; a

C. a; the

D. an; /

( ) 3 -What was ___ yesterday?

-November 24.


B. the date

C. day

D. the day

( ) 4 We shall visit your country in____ coming year.

A. a

B. the

C. one

D. that

( ) 5 Mother does most of ___ at home.

A. cleaning

B. a clean

C. the cleaning

D. clean


( ) 1 -Whose room is that?


A. the twins'

B. of Lucy and Lily

C. of the twins

D. the twins

( ) 2 I'm busy____.

A. at the moment

B. at that moment

C. in a moment

D. just a moment

( ) 3 ____ book is very useful. I bought it from____unknown little town.

A. A; a

B. The; a

C. A; an

D. The; an

( ) 4 English is____ interesting subject for most of students.

A. the; an

B. the; the

C. an; /

D. an; the

( ) 5 ___ girl in ___ Grade Three is ___ tallest in our school.

A. The; the; the

B. A; a; a

C. The; /; the

D. A; /; a


( ) 1 Mr White lives on ___floor.

A. the fifteen

B. fifteen

C. the fifteenth

D. fifteenth

( ) 2 A boy named Ding Wei kicked a goal early ____ of the match.

A. in the one half

B. in the first half

C. for the first half

D. for half one

( ) 3 He has tried twice, and the captain asks him to have ____ third try.

A. the

B. a

C. another

D. other

( ) 4 China is one of ___ oldest countries in ___ world.

A. the; the

B. the; /

C. a; a

D. an; the

( ) 5 Mary is ____ only girl who has been to American.

A. a

B. the fc. an D. /


( ) I We can see___sun and___moon in___ picture.

A.a; the; the

B. the; a; the

C. a; the; a

D. the; the; the

( ) 2 o moon moves around ____ earth, and they both are smaller than sun.

A. The; an; a

B. A; the; the

C. /; /; /

D. The; the; the

( ) 3 Paris is ___ capital of France.

A. a

B. /

C. one

D. the


( ) 1 ____ Browns arrived there yesterday evening.

A. /

B. A

C. The

D. An

( ) 2 Why not ask your father to draw____ map for you if you want to get to

___Alice's house easily?

A. a; an

B. /; an

C. the; a

D. a; /

( ) 3 ____ Browns are sitting at____ breakfast table.

A. /; a

B. The; /

C. The; the

D. /} the

( ) 4 ___ Turners could not pay for ___ colour TV set.

A. The; a

B. /; the

C. /; a

D. The; /

( ) 5 They went to . Smiths' and stayed there for half____ hour.

A. /; an

B. the; a

C. a; the

D. the; an


( ) 1 Cotton is grown in ____ China.

A. north

B. the north of

C. the north

D. a north

( ) 2 It's ____ pleasure to see ____ sun rising in ____ east.

A. /; the; /

B. a; /; /

C. a; the; the

D. /; the; the

( ) 3 Most of us are from____.

A. the south

B. south

C. the southern

D. southern

( ) 4 ___ United States lies in North America.

A. An

B. A

C. The

D. /


( ) I He likes playing___ piano, he doesn't like playing____ football.

A. the; the

B. the; /

C. /; the

D. /; /

( ) 2 Tom enjoys playing ____ football while I enjoy playing ____ piano very much.

A. the; the

B. a; a

C. /; the

D. the; /

( ) 3 Yesterday his mother bought____ piano and___basketball in that big shop.

A. the; a

B. a; a

C. /; /

D. some; two


( ) 1 ____ night, a stranger knocked at the door.

A. One

B. The

C. An

D. A

( ) 2 We often play football in___ of the school building.

A. a front

B. fronts

C. front

D. the front

( ) 3 There's going to be___English test next week.

A. an; a .

B. an; /

C. the; a

D. an; the

( ) 4 There is a map on ____ left of the picture.

A. the

B. /

C. a

D. an

( ) 5 He takes a bath in____evening.

A. the

B. /

C. a



( ) 1 We should look after___ old.

A. these

B. those

C. the

D. an

( ) 2 The young nurse is kind to ____ ill in the hospital.

A. a

B. an 0. / D. the

( ) 3 ____ poor in those days had a hard time.

A. A

B. This

C. The

D. Those

( ) 4 Not all ___ beautiful is good.

A. the

B. a

C. /

D. this


( ) 1 They sailed along ____ Yellow River for two weeks before they arrived ___ home.

A. /; /

B. the; /

C. the; the

D. /; the

( ) 2 The students of our school climbed____ West Mountains.

A. the

B. this

C. that

D. /

3 The ship is sailing on____ Pacific Ocean


B. the

C. /



( ) 1 -Excuse me, may I have____water, please? -Sorry, there isn't____water in____bottle.

A. any; any; the

B. some; some; a

C. some; any; the

D. some; any; a

( ) 2 It is known to all that ___ light travels faster than ___ sound.

A. /; /

B. a; a

C. the; the

D. the; /

( ) 3 ____water (Water) is necessary in____people's everyday life.

A. /; /

B. The; /

C. The; the

D. /; the

( ) 4 I came here in____ autumn of 1982.

A. one

B. a

C. an

D. the


( ) 1 ___ is the most difficult in this book.

A. Lesson second

B. The second lesson

C. Second lesson

D. Second lessons

( ) 2 Tuesday is___ third day of the week.

A. the

B. /

C. a

D. an

( ) 3 He is a student of____.

A. class First

B. the class one

C. Class One

D. First Class

( ) 4 We were so late getting to the theatre that we missed most of ____ .

A. the act first

B. Act One

C. act first

D. first act

( ) 5 Flight Nineteen from New York to Washington is now arriving at .

A. Gate Two

B. the gate two

C. the two gate

D. second gate

( ) 6 He lived in____.

A. the room 118

B. the 118 room

C. the 118 of the room

D. Room 118


( ) 1 Reading____books can add to knowledge.

A. a

B. this

C. /

D. that

( ) 2 All of____books here are Chinese.

A. the

B. /

C. those

D. that

( ) 3 He like sports, such as football, basketball and so on.

A. /

B. a

C. the

D. an


( ) 1 -Where does Mike sit?

-He sits ____.

A. on any the right

B. at the front of me

C. on my left

D. at the back of me

( ) 2 Me has ___ few English books. He lent me, ___ few of them last week.

A. the; .a

B. the; a

C. a; the

D. this; that

( ) 3 ____ Mr Smith is a teacher.

A. The

B. A

C. This

D. /

( ) 4 Monday is my ____ day.

A. the busiest

B. busy

C. busier

D. busiest


( ) I Before___supper, I always play___football.

A. a; the

B. the; /

C. /; /

D. /; the

( ) 2 Let's go and take a walk after ___ lunch.

A. a

B. the

C. /

D. this

( ) 3 We had a party after ___ meal that day.

A. a

B. the

C. one


( ) 4 When we called, the family were at____ dinner.

A. /

B. the

C. a

D. an


( ) 1 Mary became___monitor of our class.

A. a

B. an

C. /

D. the

( ) 2 My father is____ chairman of the club.

A. the

B. /

C. an

D. this

( ) 3 He was made___team leader.

A. our

B. that

C. a

D. the

( ) 4 Mr Wang is coming to our school tomorrow.

A. /

B. The

C. An

D. This

( ) 5 ____ mother (Mother) is loved by us.

A. The


C. One

D. That


( ) 1 ___ learning (Learning) English is very interesting to me.

A. /

B. The

C. A

D. An

( ) 2 We all know that____ walking on the moon is very difficult, f

A. one

B. the.

C. /

D. a

( ) 3 ___ running (Running) every morning is good for us.

A. A

B. /

C. This

D. That


( ) 1 Shall we go to see our teacher? She is ill .

A. in a hospital

B. in the hospital

C. in hospital

D. in hospitals

( ) 2 Have you ever traveled on ____ train?

A. the

B. a '

C. an

D. /

( ) 3 He is going to London by ___ sea.

A. the

B. a

C. one

D. /

( ) 4 Marco Polo and his father traveled by___.

A. a ship

B. ships

C. ship

D. the ship


( ) 1 There is a book shop____.

A. on my way school

B. on my way to school

C. on my way to the school

D. in my way to school

( ) 2 I go to___ school on foot because my home is near___ school.

A. a; a

B. the; the

C. /; /

D. /; the

( ) 3 Mary has ___ high fever and she has to be in ___ hospital.

A. a; /

B. a; a

C. /; /

D. the; the

( ) 4 Don't___. It's bad___your eyes.

A. read in bed; to

B. reading in bed; for

C. read in the bed; for

D. read in bed; for

( ) 5 He stole the money and they put him____.

A. in prison

B. to prison

C. at the prison

D. in the prison


( ) 1. People often go to swim in___summer.

A. /

B. a

C. an

D. the

( ) 2 The teacher is standing____ the class and giving his lessons.

A. in the front of

B. at the front of

C. in front of

D. at the front

( ) 3 Mary is fond of watching ____ TV while Henry is interested in listening to___radio.

A. the; /

B. /; the,

C. the; the

D. /; /

( ) 4 The children all had a good time on____ Children's Day.

A. the ,

B. their

C. a

D. /

( ) 5 She went to ____ town on ____ foot.

A. the; a

B. /; /

C. /; the

D. the; the

( ) 6 ___ home, I met a friend of mine.

A. On my way

B. On my way to the

C. On one's way

D. On my way to


( ) 1 His brother worked out____ until it was twelve.

A. problem after problem

B. problem by problems

C. a problem after a problem

D. a problem by a problem

( ) 2 The farmers went on working, ____.

A. hours after hours

B. a hour after a hour

C. an hour after an hour

D. hour after hour

( ) 3 The students went out of the room___.

A. one by two

B. one by one

C. two by another

D. one by the other


1. 1-6 C A D A C B

2. 1-5 B D B C D

3. 1-5 B B A B B

4. 1-5 C A B A D

5. 1-4 C B C B

6. 1-5 D C A D D

7. 1-5 D A B B C

8. 1-5 A A D D C

9. 1-5 C B B A B

10. 1-3 D D D

11. 1-5 C D B A D

12. 1-4 B C A C

13. 1-3 B C B

14. 1-5 A C B A A

15. 1-4 C D C A

16. 1-3 B A B

17. 1-4 C A A D

18. 1-6 B A C B A D

19. 1-3 C A A

20. 1-3 C C D D

21. 1-4 C C B A

22. 1-5 C B A A B

23. 1-3 A C B

24. 1-4 C A D C

25. 1-4 B D A D

26. 1-6 A A B D B A

27. 1-3 A D B



( )1. This box is___ that one.

A. heavy than

B. so heavy than

C. heavier as

D. as heavy as

( )2 When we speak to people, we should be .

A. as polite as possible

B. as polite as possibly

C. as politely as possible

D. as politely as possibly

( )3 This book is____ that one, but____ than that one.

A. as difficult as; expensive

B. as more difficult as; more expensive

C. as difficult as; more expensive

D. more difficult as; as expensive

( )4 I think the story is not so ___ as that one.

A. interesting

B. interested

C. more interesting

D. most interesting ( )5 His father began to work____ he was seven years old.

A. as old as

B. as early as

C. since

D. while


( )1. I think science is _ than Japanese.

A. much important

B. important

C. much more important

D. more much important

( ) 2 This pencil is___ than that one.

A. longest

B. long

C. longer

D. as long

( ) 3 My mother is no ___ young.

A. shorter

B. longer

C. little

D. few

( ) 4 These children are ____ this year than they were last year.

A. more tall

B. more taller

C. very taller

D. much taller

( ) 5 It was very hot yesterday, but it is___ today.

A. even hotter

B. more hotter

C. much more hot

D. much hot

( )6. Mrs Black has got____ instead of getting any better.

A. more bad

B. a little worse

C. much badly

D. a lot of worse


( ) 1 When we arrived, we found the meeting room crowded with___ students.

A. quite a few

B. only a few

C. few

D. a few quite

( )2 The house is small for a family of six.

A. much too

B. too much

C. very much


( )3 Through the window we can see nothing but ____ buildings.

A. tall very many

B. very many tall

C. very tall many

D. many very tall

( )4 -What's your brother like?

-He is___.

A. a driver

B. very tall

C. my friend

D. at school

( )5 The jacket was so___ that he decided to buy it.

A. much

B. little

C. expensive

D. cheapl

( )6 Our classroom is____ larger than theirs.

A. more

B. quite

C. very

D. much


( ) 1 The earth is about____ as the moon.

A. as fifty time big

B. fifty times as big

C. as big fifty times

D. fifty as times big

( ) 2 Your room is mine.

A. twice as large than

B. twice the size of

C. bigger twice than

D. as twice large as

( ) 3 Your room is ___ than mine.

A. three time big

B. three times big

C. three times bigger

D. bigger three times ( ) 4 His father is____than his mother.

A. older four years

B. as four years older

C. four years older

D. bigger four years


( ) 1 Maths is more popular than____.

A. any other subject

B. all the subjects

C. any subject

D. other subject

( ) 2 China is larger than ____ in Africa.

A. any other country

B. other countries

C. the other country

D. any country

( ) 3 Tom is stronger than ___ in his class.

A. any other boy

B. any boys

C. any boy

D. other boy


( ) 1 When spring comes, it gets____.

A. warm and warm

B. colder and colder

C. warmer and warmer

D. shorter and shorter

( )2 By and by, ____ students in our class came to like English.

A. more and more

B. much and much

C. many and many

D. less and least ( )3 At last he began to cry ___.

A. hard and hard

B. more hard and more hard

C. harder and harder

D. less hard and less harder

( )4 When spring comes the days get ____ and nights ____.

A. short; long

B. long; short

C. longer; shorter

D. shorter; longer


1___ I look at the picture, ____ I like it.

A. The best; the more

B. The more; the less

C. The more; less

D. More; the more

2 ___ he read the book, ____ he got in it.

A. The more; the more interesting

B. The less; the more interesting

C. The more; the more interested

D. More; more interested

3 ___ you come back, _____ it will be.

A, The quicker; the best B. The sooner; the better

C. Faster; the better

D. The sooner; better


( )1 I like___ one of the two books.

A. the older

B. oldest

C. the oldest

D. older

( )2 Which is___country, China or Japan?

A. the large

B. the larger

C. larger

D. largest

( ) 3 Of the two cups, he bought .

A. the smaller

B. the smallest

C. small D: smaller


( ) 1 Which do you like ___, tea or coffee?

A. well

B. better

C. best

D. most

( ) 2 This work is ____ for me than for you.

A. difficult

B. most difficult

C. much difficult

D. more difficult

( ) 3 Which do you think tastes ____, the chicken or the fish?

A. good

B. better

C. best

D. well

( ) 4 The Great Pyramid is about 137 metres high today, but it was once A. higher B. highest C. high too D. more high

( ) 5 Don't you think it ______ not to write the letter?

A. well

B. better

C. best

D. good


( ) 1 Who jumped____of all?

A. far

B. farther

C. farthest

D. the most far

( ) 2 Li Lei is___ student in our class.

A. tall

B. taller

C. tallest

D. the tallest

( ) 3 The fifth orange is____ of all. Give it to that small child.

A. big

B. bigger

C. the bigger

D. the biggest

( )4 Who is---of you three?

A. the oldest

B. much older

C. oldest

D. older


( ) 1 Tom is one of ____ boys in our class.

A. tallest

B. taller

C. the tallest B. the tall

( ) 2 English is one of____ spoken in the world.

A. the important languages

B. the most important languages

C. most important language

D. the most important language

( ) 3 Beijing is one of____ in China.

A. the largest city

B. the large cities

C. the larger cities

D. the largest cities


( )1. Most of the woods ____ been taken good care of.

A. are

B. is

C. has

D. have

( )2 ___ like playing football and watching TV.

A. Most boys

B. Most of they

C. Most boy

D. More of they

( )3 ___ are here watering the flowers here.

A. Some

B. Some of the boys

C. Some boy

D. Some of boys

( )4 ___ haven't been to American.

A. Most them

B. Most they

C. More of them

D. Most of them


( )1 ___ is more beautiful than roses.

A. No other flower

B. No another flower

C. Not other flower

D. Not all flowers

( )2 The tree is ___ in the garden.

A. the taller

B. the tallest

C. taller than of-all

D. tall.

( )3 Mary studies harder in her class.

A. as any one

B. than any other girl

C. than the other

D. than anyone


( )1 Which is___, Li Lei or Wu Tong?

A. strong

B. strongest

C. stronger

D. the strongest

( )2 Which language is____, English, French or Japanese?

A. easy

B. the most easy

C. the easiest o

D. much more easy

( )3 Which is____interesting, science, maths or English?

A. more

B. the most

C. very

D. too

( )4 Which city is____, Beijing, Shanghai or Fuzhou?

A. beautiful

B. more beautiful

C. much more beautiful

D. the most beautiful

( )5 Which month is____, June, July or August?

A. hot

B. hotter

C. hottest

D. the hottest


( )1 Do you have ____ to tell us?

A. something new

B. new something

C. anything new

D. new anything ( )2 Mike, I have____to tell you.

A. important something

B. important anything

C. something important ,

D. anything important

( )3 There is ___ in today's newspaper.

A. interesting something

B. nothing interesting

C. interesting anything

D. anything interesting

( )4 -Is Mrs Brown badly ill?

-No, ____. Only a little cold.

A. quite well

B. nothing serious

C. not worry

D. anything serious ( )5 Come here, I have____ to tell you.

A. interesting something

B. anything interesting

C. nothing interesting

D. something interesting


( ) 1. I'm not ___ to lift the heavy box.

A. short enough

B. enough tall

C. health enough

D. strong enough ( ) 2 The girl works hard ___ to pass the exam.

A. enough

B. too

C. still

D. yet

( ) 3 He has____ to think it over.

A. many time

B. times

C. time enough D, enough time


( ) 1 "Do you want____?" the shop assistant asked.

A. else anything

B. anything else

C. other anything

D. else something ( ) 2 Have you seen ___ in the room?

A. anyone else

B. else anyone

C. anyone other

D. everyone else

( ) 3 ___ would like to go to the park with me?

A. Whom else

B. What else

C. Who else

D. Else who


( ) 1 Wei Fang is only six, but she speaks English____ her mother.

A. as good as

B. as better as

C. as well as

D. as best as

( ) 2 She was sick yesterday, but she is____ to go to school today.

A. enough good

B. good enough

C. enough well

D. well enough

( ) 3 This kind of book is______ for the children to read.

A. enough well '

B. enough good

C. well enough

D. good enough

( ) 4 -Are you feeling ____?

-Yes, I'm fine now.

A. quite good

B. quite better

C. any well

D. any better

( ) 5 This shirt is no good. That one is even

A. better

B. worse

C. well

D. worst


( ) 1 We have never seen___ interesting films.

A. such

B. such an

C. so

D. such a

( ) 2 Don't read books ___ you can't understand.

A. as; such

B. such; as

C. same; as

D. as; as

( ) 3 This is____ book___ I'd like to read once more.

A. such an interesting; that

B. so interesting; that

C. such an interesting; as

D. a so interesting; as

( ) 4 We haven't seen ____ play.

A. so wonderful

B. a so wonderful

C. such wonderful

D. such a wonderful


( ) 1 I am twelve; Mike is fourteen; Mary is thirteen.

So Mike is the ___ of the three.

A. old

B. older

C. oldest

D. the oldest

( ) 2 My ____ brother is three years ____ than I.

A. elder; elder

B. older; oldest

C. elder; older

D. older; elder

( ) 3 His ____ son often go to see him on Sunday.

A. eldest

B. older

C. the eldest

D. the older

( ) 4 He is two years ___ than I.

A. elder

B. smaller

C. younger

D. less


( ) 1 I think the book is very____.

A. interesting

B. interested

C. interest

D. interests

( ) 2 They were very ____ to see each other again.

A. pleased

B. surprising

C. happily

D. angrily

( ) 3 She is very____ the news.

A. surprise in

B. surprise with

C. surprised at

D. surprised for

( ) 4 The boys are ___ computers.

A. interesting in

B. interested

C. interesting about

D. interested about ( ) 5 -How does Kate like her new work? -She____ with the hours.

A. can't satisfy

B. isn't satisfied

C. doesn't satisfy D- hasn't satisfied ( ) 6 The man was not ___ when he heard the ___ words.

A. frightening; frightening

B. frightened; frightened

C. frightening; frightened

D. frightened; frightening


( ) 1 Helen isn't a____ friend of mine. I feel___ sorry for her.

A. true; true

B. truly; true

C. true; truly

D. truly" truly

( ) 2 I'm sorry. I'm late. My watch is a few minutes____.

A. slower

B. slowly

C. more slowly

D. slow

( ) 3 The song sounds___.

A. sweet

B. nicely

C. well

D. moved

( ) 4 The ship sank____ under the sea.

A. deeply

B. depth

C. deep

D. more deep


( ) 1 ___ helped a lot in our country.

A. The blind is

B. The blind are

C. The blinds is

D. Blind are

( ) 2 ___ should study hard for their work.

A. Young

B. The young man

C. The young

D. The young girl

( ) 3 ___ a happy life in China.

A. The old man live

B. The old live

C. The old is living

D. Old live


( ) 1 I don't feel very .

A. terribly

B. well

C. good

D. badly

( ) 2 Looking___ at his mother, the little boy looked____.

A. happy; good

B. happy; well

C. sadly; sad

D. sad; sadly

( ) 3 Mother doesn't feel ___ today.

A. good

B. well

C. nice

D. health

( ) 4 In summer eggs will go___ easily.

A. terribly

B. terrible

C. badly

D. bad

( ) 5 Jim does morning exercises every day, so he looks very ___.

A. tired

B. good

C. well

D. happy


( ) 1 The___ boy was taken to the nearest hospital.

A. ill

B. sick

C. good

D. clever

( ) 2 We are___ of the work.

A. ill

B. sick

C. full

D. filled

3 He has not been at school, because he is___.

A. ill

B. well

C. fine

D. nice


( ) 1 At last it made them___.

A. happily

B. quickly

C. friendly

D. slowly

( ) 2 We had a____ meal yesterday evening.

A. lively

B. likely

C. lovely

D. love

( ) 3 It is raining hard. He is____ to be late.

A. lovely

B. likely'

C. lively

D. friendly


( ) 1. I This book is very good. It___ buying.

A. worths

B. is worth

C. worth

D. is worthing

( ) 2 The film is very interesting. It is worth ____ a second time.

A. seeing

B. see

C. to see

D. seen

( ) 3 Hike___, but 1 dislike ___.

A. skating; swim

B. skate; swimming

C. to skate; skate

D. skating; swimming


( ) 1 I have worked on the problem, so I am feeling tired and___.

A. asleep

B. sleepy

C. sleeping

D. sleep

( ) 2 He lay on the floor and fell ___.

A. sleepy

B. sleeping

C. awake

D. asleep

( ) 3 Who is ____ in the next room?

A. asleep

B. sleep

C. sleeping

D. sleepy


( ) 1 We have___time to do it better.

A. not

B. no

C. no a

D. not a

( ) 2 We have ____ water to wash clothes.

A. not any

B. no a

C. not a

D. no any

( ) 3 I only want to say that I am____ fool.

A. not any

B. no a

C. not a

D. no any


( ) 1 Mary's mother bought a____ coat for her yesterday.

A. new big blue silk

B. new blue silk big

C. new silk blue big

D. blue silk new big ( ) 2 My hometown has____bridge.

A. a stone old fine

B. an old stone fine

C. a fine old stone

D. an old fine stone


( ) 1 That's really silly .

A. of you to say so

B. for you to say so

C. of you saying so

D. for you saying so ( ) 2 It's important ___ exercise every morning.

A. of you to take

B. for you to take

C. of you taking

D. for you taking


1. 1-5 D A C A B

2. 1-6 C C B D A B

3. 1-6 A A D B D D

4. 1-4 B B C C

5. 1-3 A D A

6. 1-4 D A C C

7. 1-3 B C B

8. 1-3 A B A

9. 1-5 B D B A B

10. 1-6 C D C D D A

11. 1-3 C B D

12. 1-4 C A B D

13. 1-3 A B B

14. 1-5 C C B D D

15. 1-5 C C B B D

16. 1-3 D A D1

18. 1-5 C D D D B

17. 1-3 B A C

19. 1-4 A B A D

20. 1-4 C C A C

21. 1-6 A A C B B D

22. 1-4 C D A C

23. 1-3 B C B

24. 1-5 B C B B C

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